#this piece was honestly SO MUCH FUN!!! there was a bit of turbulence but in the end i'm very proud of it
starrysharks · 7 months
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a cat's hauntingly cute laugh rings out on this dark, candy-coated halloween night...!
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Jae's Asian Drama Masterlist
a list of all the asian shows I've ever watched (competed, we don't talk about the ones I've been meaning to finish for the past two years), not including any animation
all of them have some form of romance because at my heart I am a slut for a good romance, colored ones are those that changed my brain chemistry
Romance is a Bonus Book (my first ever Kdrama and the first one I saw on this list, will always hold a special place in my heart)
Hotel Del Luna (iu my beloved, it did make me very sad at some points, but the dynamic between the main characters so so so good, jealous jang manwol is the best thing)
Light On Me
The Tasty Florida
To My Star
You Make Me Dance
Mr. Heart
Color Rush
Doom at Your Service (I say this is my favorite Kdrama, but honestly it has some really heavy competition. I am not above saying im a little bit attracted to whenever doom fucks someone up ok)
Wish You: Your Melody From My Heart
Kiss Goblin
Where Your Eyes Linger
Run On (its just so sweet y'all, one of the most refreshing shows I've ever seen in my life, the characters feel so real and the relationships are amazing)
Semantic Error (this is where the heavy competition is, both the movie and series versions are insanely good, I just can't recommend it enough)
Tinted With You
A-Teen (currently rewatching it with my best friend, is the essential hs Kdrama, explores so many of the problems that teens face without minimizing them, really embraces that lonely/scary feeling of being in such a turbulent time in your life)
Roommates of Poongduck 304
Business Proposal (the romcom of all time, if you are someone who enjoys a good trope or a well done cliche this is the place for you, it will make you laugh so hard and feel so much)
Our Dating Sim (aljslkasjfkd so so cute, very much Semantic Error vibes and I love that, loved the dynamic and characters so much)
The Eighth Sense (yes give me the good mental health representation, women friends, and cute relationships)
Dream (movie, watched it just for IU tbh)
Love in the Air
Kinnporsche (this gave me indescribable brainworms but I could never explain it)
The Eclipse (the series really benefited from how comfortable first&khaotung are with each other, honestly they are friendship goals, but the show itself really tackles some great issues in the schooling system and how they relate to oppression overall)
Until We Meet Again
Between Us (yeah Tumblr really won with this one, I saw one too many winteam posts and had no choice, I do love a relationship driven show and the way the show pulled in discussions about trauma and family struggles was wonderful, I have never seen more of a middle child than win)
Bad Buddy (what can I say, once again the actors have insane chemistry and their comfort with each other really shows on screen, also nanon really is just a powerhouse actor, its sort of a modern Romeo and Juliet but has the most open & honest communication in any media I've ever seen)
Cutie Pie
Cutie Pie 2 You
My School President (may have changed me as a person? I don't even know how to describe how important this show has become to me)
Bed Friend (loved the characters, idk if it gave me worms yet tho)
Only Friends (at my heart i am a sucker for anything First & Khao are in)
Takara-kun & Amagi-kun
My Love Mix-up! (Keita Hatsukoi)
My Beautiful Man (Utsukushii Kare)
My Beautiful Man 2
Be Loved in House: I Do
HIStory 3: Trapped
Because of You 2020
The Untamed (I don't even know how to explain the brainworms this show and the novel it's based on has given me, but we do love a fun period piece)
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cal-puddies · 4 years
caught in between || poly!lashton
idk how many more sexual scenarios i can push, but i am loving on the character and relationship development. @kindahoping4forever​ cheered your girl on as she always does. 
Poly! Lashton: the blow job || daddy’s home || cream pie || take the pleasure, take it with the pain || all at once this is enough || caught in between || take my heart, hit the back || daddy issues || needy || only you know the way that I break || picked all my weeds but kept the flowers
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Ash comes home from work early one day, neither you or Luke were expecting him. You just knew he’d been tired a lot and there had been a lot of late nights at the office and him coming in and collapsing in bed with you and Luke. You can only remember one night he spent in his own bed since the three of you had the incredibly intimate night, and that was only because he had zero energy to join you. 
You’d made note and made sure anything you and Luke wanted to do was done before he got home. He seemed to need to be with the two of you, re-energized by the closeness, at least enough to get through another crazy day. 
But he was in high spirits. He grins at you, calls for Luke and collapses with you on the couch. Luke looks confused when he walks in, handing you a sandwich wrapped in a napkin and a bottle of water and sits on the other side of Ash, taking a bite of his own sandwich.
“Babes.” He grins, “big news! Projects done. Which means I have time for a vacation with
My two favorite people in the world.” 
Luke grins wide, “does this also mean we’ll see you at normal times again?” 
“Yes, babe, it does.” 
“I’ve missed you two.” He quickly grabs Lukes face and kisses his cheek and then yours. “I’m gonna change real quick and then we can talk about where we wanna go.”
Luke’s brain is already working for where they can go, he likes the idea of the beach again, because you in a bikini and Ash half naked for basically the entire trip? Hell yeah. But Ash wasn’t usually too keen on long beach trips. Maybe they could do Vegas though, Luke did love the night life. 
Ash comes back, black athletic shorts only, “any thoughts babes?” He asks, sitting back between you. 
“I liked the beach house.” You pipe up. 
“The beach house was fun.” Ash agrees, “but I’d like to take you two somewhere else.” He drapes his arm across your shoulders. “Vegas?” Ash asks, looking at Luke like he could read his mind. 
“Eh.. I dunno if I’m ready to share baby girl like that. Way too many eyes would be all over her. Look at this hot piece of ass.” Luke reaches over and playfully pinches your thigh. 
“That’s fair… though, you seem to have trouble keeping your hands to yourself in Vegas.” Ash mentions to him. “We haven’t been to New York in awhile. Shopping’s good, plenty to do, good food… and it’d be nice to actually have you there. That place lacks so much of you two when I go for work.” 
“Can I also pitch Hawaii?” Luke asks, “I’ve never been, have you?” He asks you and Ash watches as you shake your head, “and she'd be in a bikini a lot… and that’s a selling point.” He explains. 
“That… is also an excellent idea.” Ash agrees, “both of you half naked for the whole trip and sun kissed… pretty girl, thoughts?”  He asks. 
“Oh… you two can choose. I’ve never been to either.” You shrug, getting up to exit the conversation. 
Ash grabs your hand as you breeze by, “no love, it’s for all of us, we can all decide.” He pulls you back into his lap. “You really don’t have an opinion?” He checks. 
“All that will matter to me is that I get to be with you guys.” You shrug. Ash squeezes you and kisses your cheek, “if you’re sure babe…” he watches you nod and let’s you go. 
That lands you in the small airport a week later. You knew Ash flew private for work, but you weren’t expecting to fly private, probably ever. Your fingers are tangled in Luke’s shirt as you wait, they'd decided on New York and neither of them were aware you’d never flown. But you could feel a panic attack say they were both gonna find out. 
“Hey.” Luke says, cupping your chin. “What is it? You’ve been pulling at my shirt for like the last ten minutes.” 
“It’s nothing.” You mumble, not meeting his eyes. 
“Talk to me.” Luke coaxes. 
“No. It’s fine.” You untangle your fingers and walk away from him, a little annoyed he wasn’t more sensitive to your obvious mood change. Ash would pick up on it, even though he might not say anything, but Luke could be oblivious if it would interfere with his own good time. 
You sit on the floor in a corner. Away from eyes. 
Luke spots you, head between your knees, and he knows it’s more serious than he initially thought. He walks up to Ashton and bumps him gently on his shoulder, “you gonna be on your phone the whole trip, because you’re gonna miss things like… that.” He points toward you and Ash’s eyes snap in your direction. 
“No, the second we leave I’m done… what’s wrong there?” He asks, shoving his phone in his pocket. 
“I don’t know. I didn’t quite recognize the vibe. She was pulling at my shirt and wouldn't tell me what’s up.” Luke shrugs, but he’s clearly worried now. 
“Pulling at your shirt?” Ash asks, still trying to get details and assess you. Luke shows him, twisting his fingers in his own shirt. “Mmkay. Stay here, I'll get it.” 
And then ash is in front of you, kneeling, gently running his fingers over the back of your neck. You flinch and he rests his hand there until you look up. “Wanna tell me what’s going on?” He asks quietly. 
“I’ve never flown before.” The tears well up and spill over. 
“Hey, it’s ok. Why didn’t you say something?” He moves closer. 
“You and Luke seemed so excited and I didn’t want to just ask to stay here, I’ve never left the state.” 
“Ok. It’s ok to be scared baby, but do you think I would ever do anything to put you in danger? After we’ve said “I love you” without our attention whore boyfriend?” 
He watches you smirk, “he’s just so pretty.” You relax a little. 
“And nothing but trouble.” Ashton grins. “C’mon, you’ll sit with me. I’ll keep you safe.” He holds his hand out and then the three of you are walking out to the tarmac to board the plane. 
Ash sits, and you sit in the seat next to him, it seems a lot more spacious than it looked from the outside, and everything was so expensive looking, from the white leather seats, down to the trim. Ash’s thumb rubs over the back of your hand, and he pulls it to his mouth to kiss it. 
Luke stops, rests his hand on your cheek. “You ok?” He murmurs. “You’ve been crying.” 
“I’m fine.” You nod, meeting his eyes. He leans in and kisses you. And then is taking a seat across the aisle. 
An attendant comes around, “Mr. Irwin, can I get you guys anything before take off?” She asks. 
“Yes, we’ll have a whiskey on the rocks.” He points between you and himself, “and he’ll drink whatever you give him, I’m sure.” Ash laughs. 
“I’ll do vodka and ginger.” Luke orders. 
You spend 65% of the flight in Ashton’s lap, Luke occupying the seat next to you. He’s being as reassuring as possible but every time the plane so much as jostles from turbulence, you’re freaking out. So, he holds you tight, murmurs that you’re ok, and kisses your cheek. “Hope you enjoy this more on the way back.”
You both watch Luke flirt with the flight attendant, and you’d be more worried except you know for a fact that the first thing Luke is gonna wanna do when you get settled is get naked. But you feel the jealousy radiate off Ashton as Luke continues to flirt with her, touching her, making little comments. 
“Sucks not to be the center of his world.” Ash murmurs to you. Both of you situated to look out of the window instead of at Luke. 
“We’re both still the center of his world.” You assure him, “sometimes he just needs other people in his orbit.” You chuckle. 
“He found the only two people that would love each other just to love him.” Ash smirks. 
“You don’t believe that?” You challenge. 
“I think… Luke is someone who needs attention, and he doesn’t mind sharing my attention with you, but when I focus on you, it can be too much for him.” 
“I don’t disagree but I was talking about loving each other to love him.” You chuckle. “I think I would have wound up loving you if we’d met without Luke.” You shrug, daring to actually lean in to look out the window. Ash tightens his grip on you. 
“I haven’t thought of it, honestly.” He hums. 
And to no one's surprise, Luke whines about wanting to order in, and begging to go down on either of you. Somehow, Luke has become the most submissive, getting himself down to his underwear, unbelieving that either of you wouldn’t want a thing from him at the moment. 
“Why didn’t you get the flight attendants number?” Ashton teases, you and him unpacking. 
“I didn’t want her.” He whines.
“Coulda fooled us, baby.” Ash laughs. “You couldn’t have been more all over her.” 
“What about you two?” He groans. 
“Love. The food menus are in the kitchen, top drawer across from the sink. Go find something you wanna eat.” Ash says, shooing Luke. 
“Don’t fuck my girl.” Luke warns, narrowing his eyes. 
“I’ll do whatever me and our girl wants.” Ash warns, “now go.” Ashton rolls his eyes. “He’s a needy one.” He says when Luke is out of ear shot. 
“Not really news.” You chuckle. 
“I want to talk to you about something.” Ash mentions moving closer. “I wanna put Luke between us.” His hands push up under the hem of your shirt, “but I think you’ll need to bring it up to Luke.”
“Luke fucks you, while I fuck him.” He says quietly, kissing you. “I know we’ve been playing with the dynamic a little bit. You a little less sub and a lot less pawn, but I don’t think he’ll be able to control himself… having both of us.”
“God.” You sigh, “his hips forced by yours? Will I survive?” You chuckle, rubbing your hands along his biceps. 
“To wreck you both would be the goal.” He admits, smiling, pulling you in closer. 
“Ooh daddy… keep talking dirty to me.” You grin, reaching for the buttons on his shirt. 
“Luke would be so mad if we did anything right now without him.” Ash chuckles. 
“And Luke played grab ass with the flight attendant for half the flight… besides, you just taking care of me, no questions asked for the flight today. Really hot, and I’m ready for you to just bend me over this bed and rail me.” You admit. 
“Can’t argue with that, now can I?” He chuckles, pressing his lips to yours. “I like this side of you where you ask for what you want.” 
“I’ve found I have a better chance of getting what I want, and I dunno… you’ve made me more confident in myself.” You shrug. 
“What kind of daddy would I be if I didn’t give my baby what she needed?” He wonders aloud. 
“The absolute worst.” You nod. 
“I’m not bending you over this bed though.” Ash says, pulling your shirt over your head. You start kissing him and he works on getting the both of you naked before settling in the middle of the bed. He holds his hand out and pulls you into him, swiping the tip of his cock through your wet folds, before pulling you down on top of him. “Figured it’s about time for me to have you like this.” He murmurs, kissing you, “stay quiet for me?” 
“Yeah, Ash I will.” You agree, ‘daddy’ didn’t seem appropriate for this kind of intimate. 
You tuck your face against ash’s neck as the two of you work together. He groans when your little whines start to reach his ears. “Hey, look at me.” He whispers, waiting for your eyes to meet his. You look up and press your lips to his. He holds the back of your head to hold you close. “Needed this with you.” He murmurs. 
“Me too.” You agree, slightly nodding and gripping into him. 
“Still gonna fill you with cum for Luke though.” He smirks. 
“I’d expect nothing less.” You laugh. “Like this.” You hum, pressing your lips back to his. 
“I do too.” He groans. “I never thought we’d get here.” He mumbles into your mouth. 
“Fuck.” You whine, head falling back, exposing your neck. Ash moves his lips along your skin, making small marks that’ll be covered by hair or a shirt collar. 
“C’mon pretty girl, give it to me.” He murmurs. He can tell you’re close, you’re digging in your nails and letting out small moans. He knows Luke must be able to hear you two, and he’s probably pouting. Not daring to come back and make a scene since he’d been sent away. 
“Yeah…” you breathe, nodding your head. “Fill me up Ash. Fill me with your cum.” You moan, you press your cheek to his, letting your whimpers fill his ears. 
He groans louder than he means to when you squeeze around him. “Fuck fuck fuck…. always so good.” 
“Please ash,” you moan. 
“M’right there pretty girl.” He bites your shoulder and you feel the hot cum start to spurt into you, his groan rumbles against your skin. Ash is quickly tilting you back, “keep your hips up for me, wanna keep as much cum as we can in you for Lukey.” He whispers, kissing you. He pulls out slowly and you hold your hips up. He climbs off the bed and grabs your panties, helping you put them back on, he pulls them into place and then helps you off the bed, you watch him clean his cock, and then pull his underwear and a pair of athletic shorts on. He helps you slip his button down on and he chooses a few buttons in the middle to button. 
The two of you walk out to the living room, hand in hand and Luke is clearly pouting. 
“Did you pick something to eat?” Ash asks, pulling you to the couch to sit with Luke. 
“D’you guys fuck?” He retorts. 
“I wouldn’t say we fucked, no, but if you’re gonna continue to be a little shit then I’ll happily clean baby girl up.” 
You watch Luke’s eyes narrow at Ashton and then he turns and looks at you, his eyes fall to your thighs and he grabs one and pushes it aside, seeing the wet spot seep through the thin cloth. “You full of cum, pretty girl?”
“Yeah.” You nod, watching him. 
“I want Thai. Menus on the counter.” He murmurs, eyes not leaving you. 
“Mmkay. I’ll order, I trust you’ll take care of the mess?” Ash smirks, he hears Luke’s slurping begin almost immediately after he leaves the room. And he’s not surprised when he walks in and sees you with your ass on the edge of the couch, panties on the floor and Luke on his knees. Ash sits next to you, “Lukey.” He murmurs. “How is it?” Luke's eyes flicker to him momentarily and he grins, he makes eye contact with you while he pushes two fingers in to scoop out cum. “You better give her another orgasm baby.” Ash warns. 
Ash enjoys watching you two, he likes Luke on his knees even if it isn’t for him. “Lukey.” You whimper. 
Ash gently caresses your face, wanting your attention, “feel good pretty girl? On that already sensitive clit?” He asks, and you nod. “Give her another finger Luke.” 
“She’s already got two.” He murmurs. 
“She can take 3.” Ash assures him. Luke follows directions and slips a third finger in you, causing you to gasp. Ash kisses your bottom lip, pushes his hand down your body and tangles his fingers in Luke's hair. “Stick your tongue out.” He says to Luke and he does, “now you, my pretty little thing, get your orgasm.” It takes you a minute to get what he means but then you’re working your hips against Luke’s tongue, simultaneously fucking his fingers in the meantime. “That’s it, look at you two.” He grins. “Get yourself off. Use Luke like daddy does.” He encourages. He uses his free hand to pull you into a kiss, swallowing your moans and whimpers meant for Luke. “Look at how bad you want it.” He grins. “Just came for me and now look at how bad you need to cum for Luke. My pretty little sluts.” He grins against your mouth. 
Your hips stutter a bit, “fuck, Lukey.” You whine. You relax, resting back into the couch. 
Luke continues to work his fingers in and out, gently licking at where your juices are spreading on your thighs and around your opening. He pushes up off the floor and sits next to you, he pulls his fingers out and you holds them up, Ash leans across you and starts sucking on them, his hand pushes over your thigh so he could grab Luke’s cock. When Luke pulls his fingers from Ash’s mouth he leans in and kisses him. You can feel Ash’s hand working on Luke’s cock, the Pre cum leaking onto your thigh. 
There’s a knock on the door and Ash pulls from the kiss. “Finish him.” He murmurs, “kiss him. He needs it.” He kisses your cheek and pulls away from both of you. 
Luke whimpers and you reach over and grab his cock. His lips immediately find yours. You pull out of the kiss and watch him, watch his face scrunch up, lips part. “Wanna ask you something.” You murmur, kissing on his neck while jerking him off. 
“Anything you want, baby girl.” He groans when you swipe your thumb over his slit. 
“Wanna put you between Ash and I.” You admit, pulling back as he continues to look for your lips. 
“Can we come back to this?” He moans. 
“Babes, food.” Ash calls. 
“I’m almost there!” Luke whines. 
You hear Ash coming back toward you. “Thought I told you to kiss him.” He murmurs to you, reaching over the back of the couch and replacing your hand with his. “Let him cum on you.” 
You lean in to kiss Luke like Ash wants and Luke bites your lip and then goes on the suck on it before pulling out to moan. You feel his hot cum coat your thigh, “good boy Lukey.” You grin at him, “thank you.” 
Ash swipes his finger tips in Luke's cum and holds them up to your mouth. You suck the cum off Ash’s fingers. 
“Let’s get you two cleaned up so we can just relax tonight.” Ash grins. 
The next couple days are mostly for relaxing, Ash sleeps in, you and Luke explore all the little shops in the neighborhood, letting Ash get some much needed r&r. 
“C’mon babes.” He says, rousing you and Luke from a very snuggly cuddled position on the couch. “We’re gonna do some shopping in the city.” He says, smacking your ass. You yelp, and slowly push up off of Luke. “Go get changed.” And sends you and Luke off. 
“Hey, I had a question.” Luke says, pulling on a tight pair of black jeans. ‘Mmm’ you hum, turning to him. “The other night, you said something about getting me between you and ash?” 
“Oh, yeah… just like…  you’d be getting fucked by him while you fuck me?” You shrug, picking a lacy bra to pull on. 
“She says so nonchalantly.” He smirks. 
“What? It sounds fun for all of us.” You give him innocent eyes. 
“You sure you can take that?” 
“The goal would be to wreck you.” You move closer to him and rub your hand over his cock. “You in my tight, wet pussy… ash filling you the way you love.” 
He lets out a low groan. “Yeah… yes.” He nods, “let’s do it.” 
You bite your lip, “mmmkay, I’ll talk to ash.” You squeeze him and then finish getting dressed and throw on some makeup. 
When you walk out ahead of Luke, you grin at Ash, “he agreed.” 
It’s actually a long day, a lot of flirting between the three of you, Ash getting you in as much lingerie as possible and you of course showing it off for them, Luke got some new pants that showed off his ass. 
“Lukey’s got a nice Peachy ass, huh daddy?” You smirk in the empty fitting room area as Luke shows them off for the two of you. Ash watches as you cock your head to the side and Luke turns back to you two. 
“Do we like?” He checks. 
“We love, peachy.” You murmur. 
“I like that.” Ash admits. “Peachy. They look good.” 
“That ass don’t quit.” You laugh. 
“No it does not and thank god for it.” Ash laughs.
As Luke’s changing you tug on Ashtons shirt, “can we go home?” You ask quietly, “I’m kinda tired.” 
“Of course babe, you wanna get dinner first or go straight home?” 
“I wanna go straight home.” Luke mentions, standing in front of you two, ready to go. You nod in agreement. 
Ash pulls out his wallet and gives you one of his cards, “you two go check out; and I’ll go order something for delivery.” He hands Luke the few items he was getting and then heads off, while you two head to the registers, card in hand.
“Today was fun.” Luke hums, resting his hand on your back. “Nice to see Ash relaxed.” 
“Yeah, it is. Don’t think I’ve ever seen him so relaxed.” You smile at Luke. 
“I forget there was what now seems like a whole life before you.” He murmurs and looks at you for a minute, then leans in to kiss your forehead. “But we're lucky to have you and we both know it. We’re better with you.” He assures you. You squeeze your arm around Luke’s waist. 
You guys get home as the doorman is leaving the food in the kitchen. Ashton thanks him and tips him and you send Luke to the bedroom with the bags and work on getting plates out. 
“You tryin to have Peachy between us tonight?” You ask. 
“Yeah, if you’re up for it. You said you were tired.” 
“Well… trying to keep up with both of your attention like that was a lot.” You laugh. “And I wanted to get home.��� You wink at him, “color preference for the night.” 
“Want you in black.” He nods, “and Yeah, guess we don’t usually tag team you with that much attention.” 
“It’s usually me and you with Luke.” You laugh. 
Ash pulls you into a kiss, “we gotta treat our girl.” He murmurs. 
“Y’all are too good sometimes.” 
“No such thing, I love taking care of the two of you. Now. I want you to go put on something sexy, black, easy to get off, and then throw on one of my t shirts and we’ll get started with dinner, and I’ll start teasing our boy… peachy.” 
You grin and head off, crossing Luke in the hall. “Where are you going?” He asks. 
“Just gonna put on something more comfortable to eat noodles in.” You gesture to your tight jeans. He nods and leaves it be, heading back out to Ash. 
You take your time choosing the right black lingerie. You know your best features and you know what parts make Luke happiest and what makes Ash happiest, and ultimately it didn’t matter, just a means to an end. 
You head back out, swallowed in one of Ashton’s hoodies and take your seat between them. You eat, laughing and making conversation. Very rarely do you have silent moments between the three of you. And then you’re up, “anyone thirsty?” You ask, reaching for a cup. 
“Yeah, let’s do wine though.” Ash mentions, getting up too. He comes up behind you and his hands snake up under the hoodie, first feeling along your panties, “crotchless, nice.” He whispers, and then moving his hands up over your body, bare except the lacy push up bra you’d put on. “Daddy approved baby girl.” He nibbles your ear and then goes for a bottle of wine and you grab the glasses. “What do you guys wanna do tonight?” Ash asks, uncorking the wine. 
“I think there’s already a plan brewing.” Luke smirks at the two of you. “The question you asked, the peek of lace I saw when you sat down, Ash all over you… tonight’s the night? I’m between you?” He asks. 
“Is that what you want peachy?” You ask. 
“I honestly couldn’t think of anything I’d want more.” 
“I was hoping you’d say that baby boy.” Ash grins. “Logistics might be a little weird at first… but let’s clean up and see what we come up with babes.” Ash smirks. 
The bottle of wine makes it to the bedroom, Ash actually grabbed a second. “Want this to be fun, but good.” He admits. 
He kisses you first, pulling you in; and it starts slow. Barely open mouths. His hands slowly move down your body, by the time he grabs your ass, it’s open mouth and lots of tongue. He slowly strips the hoodie off of you. He cups your tits and Luke groans, eyes never leaving the two of you. He holds the back of your neck, kissing you harder before pulling out of the kiss. He slowly turns you toward Luke. “She looks good doesn’t she.” He asks Luke. 
“She always does.” Luke agrees, timidly stepping closer. 
He wasn’t sure if Ash was inviting him, but you reach for Luke and pull him in, “thanks peachy.” You grin into a kiss with Luke. You carefully turn him so he’s between you and Ash. “You want more play baby boy?” You hum against his mouth. 
“Uh-Uh, You fuckers have been teasing me since we got home. I’m fuckin ready.” He growls. 
“Have patience, peachy.” Ashton tsks, grabbing his cock over his jeans. “You have no clue what this is gonna be like.” His other hand gently ghosts over Luke’s neck.” A lot of stimulation.” He pulls his head back for a kiss while you undo Luke’s jeans. “But should be fun… and, you know I love watching you two.” He nibbles on Luke’s ear. Ash pulls Luke’s jeans down, “why don’t you two get started for me?” He asks, gently nudging Luke forward. 
You watch Luke strip, and then he’s scooping his arm behind your back, and pushing you to the bed. He gets you situated on the pillows and leans in for a kiss. “I love having you like this.” He murmurs. 
You push your fingers in his curls and he immediately moves on to exploring your body, hands, lips, anything to drink you in… and then he finds out that your panties are crotchless and his face is immediately between your thighs. 
“Can’t ever resist a chance to eat, can you baby boy?” Ash smirks, coming over and pulling you into a kiss. He unhooks your bra and pulls it off and you suck in a sharp breath when he plays with your tits. 
“This is supposed to be about Luke.” You murmur. 
“It's still about Luke.” He murmurs back, pulling his shirt off. He kneels on the bed, holding you in the kiss. “But you gotta feel good too.” He tangle his fingers in Luke's hair and gently pulls him away from you, “don’t need you too worked up peachy, get her panties off and get in there.” He lets go. 
“So crude.” You smirk, and Luke's scrambling to do as he was asked. You lift your hips as Luke pulls your panties down. Ash works his jeans off while Luke settles between your thigh, pushing his cock in with no warning. “Fuckk peachy.” You whine. 
“You knew  it was coming.” He laughs. 
“Thought you’d give a girl some warning, maybe a kiss.” You smirk. 
“You’re right. I’m sorry baby girl.” He presses his lips to yours, you let out a giggle. 
Ash likes that it’s fun so far, it doesn’t always seem so fun in the bedroom. But he likes all the smiling and giggling that’s going on. 
Luke starts slow and you’re hyper aware of everything Ash is doing. Grabbing the lube, getting naked getting in the bed. “I’m gonna touch you, peachy.” Ash warns. His hand smoothes over Luke’s ass, and Luke's hips stutter and then he just settles against you, but you don’t mind. You tangle your fingers into his hair and kiss him while Ash works on opening him up. “Think you’re ready.” Ash murmurs, 5 minutes later. 
Luke agrees and you watch, him still buried in you, as they work out the logistics and get settled. Luke’s barely holding it together when your thighs are pulled on top of his, with Ash knelt behind him and buried inside as well. His breathing is already shallow and Ash has only pushed in. 
“You ok, peachy?” You ask, reaching up to touch his chest. 
“Yeah…” he sucks in a sharp breath and closes his eyes as Ash slowly pulls his hips back. 
“Daddy filling you so good?” You ask. 
“Yeah…” he barely nods, and Ash’s hips press against his. 
Ash only gives him a couple more slow, shallow thrusts before he’s picking up the pace and it’s having more of an impact on you. He’s holding one if your thighs, and Luke’s hip. Luke’s holding your hand and the headboard and you are trying to touch him in a soothing way. 
Taking Ash was never easy, no matter how many times he’d done it, but it was always worth it. 
“You ok baby?” Ash asks, kissing Luke’s neck. Luke nods, “Mmkay.” The first harder thrust doesn’t do a lot for you, but Luke stopped most of the impact. “Relax peachy, the point is to fuck you both.” He reminds him. 
And Luke does, because the next one gets you, and as they get harder, Ash does more directing. “Rub her clit baby.” He groans, “you feel so fuckin good.” 
When Luke presses his thumb to your clit, you jolt, “fuck fuck fuck fuck.” You moan, “fuck me… fuck us, daddy please.” 
He smirks at you over Luke’s shoulder and then presses another kiss to Luke’s neck, “you ready baby boy? I can feel you’re close, and you know what having your tight ass does to me.” He groans, teeth skimming Luke’s skin. 
“Yeah, yes.” Luke groans, his eyes open and he looks down at you as Ash picks up the pace, fucking him into you. It turns into a mess of moans and skin. “Daddy, fuck… I’m cumming.” Luke barely warns before you feel him start to cum. 
He collapses against your chest and you immediately wrap your arms around him. “So good peachy.” You praise him, kissing his head. You watch as Ash pulls out and starts jerking himself off, quickly finishing on Luke’s back. You pull Luke into a quick kiss. 
And Ash is quickly moving, getting something to clean you up with. He wipes Luke's back, and cleans both of their cocks and finishes cleaning you and Luke up. He collapses on his back in the middle of the bed. “C’mere babes.” He beckons, and you and Luke, lay on either side, cuddling into his chest. Luke’s spent, entirely. It shows on his face and in the way he moves his body. Ash pets his hair and kisses his forehead, and his fingers snake their way between your thighs. You look up at him, and he presses his lips to yours, “you think I didn’t notice you didn’t cum?” He asks. 
“We both noticed.” Luke agrees, throwing his arm across your back. 
“It’s fine, this was about Luke.” You murmur, looking between them. 
“No.” Luke shakes his head and moves closer to kiss you. “You can say it was about me; but it was about all three of us. You’re gonna cum too.” 
“Peachy’s right.” Ash agrees, working his fingers in the slow rhythm you like best with him. You close your eyes and just let him work you, letting out your little whines as Luke leans across Ash’s chest to kiss on your neck and shoulder. 
“Daddy, peachy..” you moan, squeezing around Ash’s fingers. 
“There she is.” Ash grins, letting his fingertips rub gently over your clit a few more times, before pulling his fingers out and holding them up for Luke to lick. 
“This was fun.” Luke murmurs once Ash’s fingers were clean. “Can we do it again sometime?” He settles back next to Ash. 
“Absolutely, if baby girl is down.” Ash agrees.
“Yeah. I’d love that.” You grin.
Taglist: @cocktail-calum​ @1dthewantedlove​ @september09241994 @youngblood199456​ @lustingforwunder​ @calumsphile​ @neso-k​ @rosecoloredash​ @radmcqueen​ @justayoungandwisefangirl​ @itsnotmyblood​ @softboycal @lietoash​ @pushthetide21​ @5sosfanficrec​ @therealmrshale​ @fallfrxmgrace​ @lukashemmos​ @justarandomgirlthatyoudontknow​ @5sos-microwave​ @madbomb​ @sweetheartmendes1000​ @literally-anythin​ @lfwallscouldtalk​ @clemmingstylins0n​ @ccnicole02​ @lustingfor5sos​ @buteverythingiscopacetic​ @rosesfromcth​ @bodaciousbonzi1996​ @ashtontotheirwin​ @captainam-erika-trash​ @xxgendurvikixx​ @jazzyangel242​ @loti18 @bluebabycal​ @rhiannonmichellee​ @iovehemmings​ @glitterycalum1205​ @katcontreras​ @cashtonasfuck​ @ificanthaveu​ @kindahoping4forever​ @talkfastdrums​ @here-for-the-uproars​ @youngbloodchild​ @canterburyfiction​ @opheliaaurora​  @queer-5sos​ @banditocth​​ @babylonbaby13
gc tags: @sublimehood​ @sugarcoated-pain​ @5sosnsfw​ @angelbabylu​ @aspiringwildfire​ @irwinkitten​ @lashtoncurls​ @myloverboyash​ @singt0mecalum​
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
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kimistorm · 3 years
Taking Flight || Stray Kids x Reader
Part 2 to Airport Security
Your gaze was held rapt as you looked at the plane outside of the huge glass windows. Your eyes looked at the huge piece of machinery that you would be boarding shortly. Below, you could see people wearing bright vests loading the checked-in luggage into the bottom of the plane, and a large pipe probably carrying fuel was being carried away. You felt a presence sit down on the floor next to you and turned to see Felix. “Is it scary?” the words fell from your lips as you looked at the flying sardine can. All of your excitement about flying (and your previous nerves about security) wasn’t enough to mute the fear of flying. You would be trapped, thousands of feet in the air, with the only thing keeping you up a combination of a vacuum and air molecules.
He gave a moment to think about it and you couldn’t help but gaze at his freckles, “unexpected turbulence is the only scary thing.”
Felix nodded, “it’s a very smooth ride. You hardly notice that you’re moving.” He continued in his deep voice that was pretty soothing, “so turbulence is sudden shakes. It’s typically really short, so don’t worry.” He reassured you with a sunshine smile.
You felt an arm wrap around your shoulders and saw Hyunjin squat down on the other side, “lift off and landing isn’t scary either. Your ears pop though.” You couldn’t help the incredulous look that you shot him, that didn’t sound reassuring at all. “It’s not painful!” he waved his hands around to try and reassure you. “I brought gum, and that helps with it!” he pulled at his bag and looked around inside it for the aforementioned sweet. He pulled out a slightly battered looking box before pulling out a stick and handing it to you, “here. If you chew it while we take off, it helps with the pressure difference in your ears.”
You nodded as you took the piece of candy and pocketed it, grateful that you’d have the small distraction. “It’s honestly kind of fun.” Felix told you with a smile, “the world looks so cool as it gets smaller and smaller. You get to see the city from a whole new perspective, and the tall skyscrapers, well, compared to everything else they’re still tall, but they become little buildings. Like legos!”
“Are you going to sleep on the plane?” Hyunjin asked the two of you as he played with the neck pillow hanging from his bag.
Felix shrugged, “I think I’ll watch movies. You?” he quirked an eyebrow to the blond who shrugged.
“Maybe, I’m not looking forward to the jet lag, but I don’t think I’ll be able to fall asleep.” He replied with a shrug of his own.
Felix nodded, “yeah, it’s like,” he quickly dug out his phone, “9am.”
“Okay kids, we’ll be boarding soon,” the three of you looked up at the sound of the manager’s voice and he was waving for everyone to come near him, so the three of you picked yourselves up from the floor and to him.
The boarding process took a while, but you soon found yourself in the window seat with Seungmin next to you and Minho in the aisle seat. Minho originally got the window seat, but he told you to have it once he realized his position, saying ‘it’s your first time on a plane, you should be able to see outside!’ but you knew it was from his fear of heights.
You sat down in the seat, making sure to buckle yourself and pull it tight. You looked around and noticed the safety card tucked into the pocket in front of you, so you picked it up and read through it. Making sure you knew all the safety procedures and how to safely get out in the case of an emergency.
You felt something bump your shoulder and you looked up to see Seungmin grinning at you, you gave him a slightly confused look as you shoulder bumped him back, a bit harder than he had bumped you, which caused him to give Minho a slight bump. Minho was quick to glare at the two of you, shoving his own shoulder into Seungmin and causing a chain reaction down the row. You couldn’t help your laughter as Seungmin was the poor monkey in the middle as the three of you bumped into each other like a crazy game of dominos. “Mercy! Have mercy!” Seungmin cried out as he started to get dizzy from getting bumped around.
You wrapped your arms around him in a hug to keep him from bumping into Minho again, “sorry!” you giggled as you attempted to give him a cuddle even though both of you were seatbelted down. You felt a jolt and almost immediately pressed your face against the window, surprised to see everything moving backward. You let out an excited sound, “we’re moving!” you remembered the piece of gum Hyunjin gave you earlier and fished it out of your pocket to pop into your mouth.
“I want gum,” Seungmin pouted as he saw you eat the candy.
“Hyunjin,” you responded and he tried to look around for said blond. The seats were tall enough that it blocked his view of most people around him, other than a few people across the aisle, and much to his dismay, none of them were Hyunjin.
You continued to watch out the window with rapt attention as the aircraft slowly moved away from the gate. There was the sound of the engines firing up and the large machine started to move forward, away from the building and towards the runway. You could feel your heart jumping with excitement and fear. You were moments away from flying away from the country you’ve been in your entire life.
You looked over to Seungmin who had quieted and let out a surprised sound. “Are you filming me?” you couldn’t help but laugh at Seungmin as you noticed he pointed his phone at you, “why?”
“It’s your first flight!” he told you excitedly, his eyes switching between looking at you and making sure you were in frame.
You felt heat rise up to your face, “you make me sound like a baby.”
Minho seemed to know what was going through your mind as he couldn’t help the small laugh that erupted, “baby’s first flight.”
“Oh shut up!” you wanted to slap Minho on the shoulder, but with Seungmin in the middle seat, you’d have to reach over him. “Seungmin, can you punch Minho for me?”
“Hey!” Minho’s grin morphed into shock as Seungmin gave him a not-so-gentle punch on the shoulder. He immediately retaliated and the two of them got into a little battle of trying to...punch each other? Tickle each other? Though Seungmin wasn’t faring well as one of his hands was preoccupied with the camera. You laughed as you watched the two of them fight, but it didn’t last for long as the two of them got tired and stopped grappling with each other.
You felt the plane come to a halt and you turned your attention out the window. You couldn’t see much other than trees lining the property line of the airport, the asphalt below, and the wing, but you didn’t see any other planes. You turned to look at Seungmin, “what’s happening?”
“Don’t worry,” Seungmin smiled, his attention still half focused on the camera that he had oriented back to you, “we’re probably waiting for another plane to take off.” You nodded in understanding and covered your face in embarrassment. You really were naive about this whole situation. “Aww, why are you shy?”
“I’m embarrassed.” You honestly replied as you peeked past your fingers to look at Seungmin and Minho, seeing as the latter was watching the two of you curiously.
You let out a nervous laugh, “it feels silly that an adult is getting all excited and curious about a plane ride like this.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Minho gave you a reassuring smile, “it’s cute.” That caused you to flush even more.
“It’s your first time!” Seungmin nodded in agreeance, “there’s nothing wrong with being excited and curious!”
“Besides,” Minho drawled and leaned onto Seungmin, “being responsible is boring.” He poked at Seungmin’s cheek, “you’ll become boring like him.”
“Hey!” you started to laugh, but the sudden roaring of engines and you getting pushed into the back of your chair cut off your joy as you grabbed onto Seungmin’s hand in fear. You watched out the window as the world outside turned into a blur. The plane shook around and the cracks in the runway caused the plane to bump around quickly as it took less and less time to pass a square of concrete. You could hear the creaks of the bins above and felt yourself get even more nervous. That didn’t sound reassuring. You chewed at your gum nervously as the plane tilted up, but your eyes were still glued on the world outside. The jostling of the plane and the hum of the wheels on asphalt faded into silence as the only sound became the whine of the engines as the ground grew further and further away as you rose into the blue sky. Quickly, the airport became small and you watched as the city beyond came into view. Cars on the highways turned into specks, and the blocks and blocks of buildings turned into a puzzle of little squares.
The sky was clear as you rose up, and you saw the ocean come into view. You watched the texture of the water, it wasn’t smooth, but you couldn’t tell it was waves that were causing the mottled appearance. You still felt like you were being pushed into your seat, but the plane had definitely calmed down. Now that the only sound was the engine and the movement was smooth (like Felix had said), it was less anxiety inducing. Yes, it was a little scary to look down at how far above you were, but the seatbelt across your lap and Seungmin’s hand helped you feel safe.
It wasn’t long until the city had disappeared from your view and the plane was traveling over dark blue ocean and clear blue sky. Tiny specks in the water looked to be boats, but it was impossible to tell. There was a soft ring, and you saw the seatbelt light turn off. “So?” Seungmin was watching you with a light in his eyes as he asked what were your thoughts about takeoff.
You smiled at him, “not as scary as I thought it would be. It’s pretty cool actually!”
Seungmin nodded excitedly, “I love plane rides, it’s really exciting to fly, and most of the time everything’s calm since the process works so well. Plus, airports are just the coolest buildings ever.” You smiled and nodded in agreeance. You weren’t sure if you’d feel the same way if you were flying alone, but being with Stray Kids always put you at ease, and having them around definitely helped reassure you.
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coppoladelrey · 4 years
I Know What’s Best - Part 1
A/N: This is my first attempt of writing Dark!Steve, tell me what you think about it, I love feedback. :)
Summary: Being the only daughter of wealthy politicians, your life reeks of privilege. You would do anything to make your parents happy, and then you meet Captain America, how much is your life gonna change?
Dark!Steve Rogers x Innocent!Reader
Warnings: Extreme manipulation, stalking, dub con (non con) in next chapters.
Tags: @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​.
I Know What’s Best Masterlist.
Main Masterlist.
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This is your second year of college in NYU, you want to become a lawyer just like your parents, your whole you wanted to make them proud, and you have. Your parents are politicians, successful ones too, your mother was one of politicians that installed The Reproductive Health Act, she is an avid pro-choice woman, and your father is running for mayor of New York, and the polls are saying that he has great chance of winning. One of his biggest supporters is your brother, Ian. He is thirty-six years old and his lovely wife is seven months pregnant with their first son, and you couldn’t be happier for them and to be an aunt.
Your parents insisted that you didn't have a room in NYU, since they live so close to the university, and you agreed, it didn't make sense to spend money on a room when you were blessed enough to have your parents to guide you in this turbulent time that was college, your grades were near perfection, your relationship with your family was great, your sister-in-law, Kaia was a great friend to you, her parents moved from Norway when she was still a baby. You’ve been in her home country a few times, it was gorgeous, especially in the winter.
To be completely honest, you were quite introverted, you didn't had many friends since boarding school, you knew a few people in your classes, but you never interacted with them outside of classes, sometimes you felt lonely, but Kaia was always inviting you to buy things for the baby, so you weren’t as lonely, Kaia was your best friend, you told her everything. One boy in your class asked you on a date, but after discussing with Kaia, you refused. You were sad because of that, but Kaia said that he might be one of those frat boys that just wanted to take advantage of your sweet nature, that made you feel better, after all, your family always knows what’s best for you.
You never had a boyfriend before, your parents always encouraged you to find a nice boy from a good family, but honestly, you never felt so strongly about a boy to the point of open yourself up to someone that wasn’t your family, it felt wrong in your eyes. It always has been difficult for you to have friends, especially having a romantic relationship. Kaia was Ian’s first and only girlfriend, he met her in high school, you were just a child the first time you met Kaia.
Now it was summer, you were on a break from college. You were going with your parents to a lot of galas, meeting new people, other politicians that work with your mother and possible allies for your father’s campaign. It was mostly older men and women, no one even close to your age, the youngest ones were around Ian’s age. To be fair you didn't want to go to those tedious events, but your parents needed you, and your support, and you would do anything for them.
You and your parents were in the limousine, Ian and Kaia had to leave earlier because she wasn’t feeling very well. You were tired, the light pink dress that your mother choose for you was making you a bit uncomfortable, and being in high heels for hours, didn't help your situation. 
“It was a great event, I was able to get many supporters for my campaign. Did you enjoyed yourself, Y/N?” Your father cut the silence, he was now taking off his bow tie, your father had a real distaste for them.
“It was a great event, as you said. The food was incredible, father” Truth was that you hated those events, the galas, the dinners, and the people as well. But you did it for your family, they needed you, and you would rather die than disappoint them first.
“Tomorrow we don’t have any event to attend to, what do you think about you, me and Kaia to go out to buy some clothes for you, Martha reminded me that your clothes are getting quite old, we can pick new ones for you.” Your mother took a strand of your hair and put behind your ear, she was smiling sweetly at you.
“Yes, that’d be incredible, Mother.” You smiled back at her.
“It would be a perfect way for you ladies to spend the day, me and Ian have many things to discuss tomorrow.” Your father smiled and gave his credit card to your mother, and she gently put it in her tiny purse.
“I almost forgot to give your medicine, dear.” Your handed a small piece of cloth and a bottle of water that was on the limousine compartment, you have a very rare and genetic disease, your body doesn’t produce certain hormones, so you have to take the supplements that have those hormones that your body doesn’t produce, but other than that, you are completely healthy.
“Thank you, mother.” Another reason why your parents insisted of having you at home while you go to college, you often forget to take your pills, so your mother zealously reminds you, and she makes sure that you take it every single day at the same time, she even keeps the bottle in your parents’ room. 
“Of course, dear.” Your mother kissed your forehead, you don’t remember much of the ride back home since sleep came with full force.
You woke up with the sun hitting your face, you looked at the watch and it was 7:30 AM, you looked at your body and you had your pj’s on, your mother must’ve changed you when you fell asleep. You remembered that you would spend the whole day with Kaia and your mother, you came down from your bedroom and went to the kitchen. The house was silent, your parents were still probably asleep, you liked the early mornings, it was always quite peaceful. The smell of pancakes hit your senses when you were on the stairs, you smiled to yourself, Pierre was already making breakfast. You entered the kitchen and it was, the small and happy frenchman, preparing breakfast for your family.
“Good morning, Pierre.” The chef turned around and gave you a smile, the man was on his forties, and cooking was his greatest passion. 
“Miss Y/N, breakfast will be ready in fifteen minutes, why don’t you sit and wait for it?” He gestured at the table.
“Thank you, but I’ll take a shower first.” You went back to your bedroom, you took a cold shower since it was already starting to get hot, you put on a summer dress that your mother bought for you, it was a light shade of yellow. You thought that the dress was lovely, and so did your mother.
You started reading one of the books that it was required for you to read for one of your classes, you looked at the watch again and twenty minutes has passed, you went back to the kitchen, your father was already sitting down, reading the news on his iPad. You went to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Good morning, father. How did you sleep?” You sat down on the left side of the table, you put the napkin on your lap, and one of the maids was bringing all the things for breakfast.
“Very well, Ian and Kaia will be here in a few minutes. And your mother is getting ready to out with you and Kaia, I’m sure you’re gonna have a lot of fun together.” He smiled and you smiled back, you wished that you could spend as much time with your father as Ian does, you love your mother, but most of the times, you miss spending more time with him. You heard the elevator open and Ian and a heavily pregnant Kaia came through the doors. 
“Hello, father, sister.” Ian gave you a kiss on the cheek, and helped Kaia sit down next to you on the table, she sat down next to you.
The breakfast was delicious, the conversation was nice, Ian and your father were discussing things about his campaign. Kaia was asking you what things you wanted to buy, and she told you that the baby was kicking her a lot, everything was ready for the baby to come, the only thing that Kaia and Ian haven’t figured it out yet, was his name. He was going to be born in the same hospital that you and Ian were born. 
“You’re still having difficulties to find a name, Ian?” Your mother asked, and Ian signed.
“Yes, we are trying. But there’s not a good name that caught our attention yet, we still have a few weeks.” Ian laughed, and looked at Kaia, who was laughing as well.
“Well, we must go now because is gonna get late.” Your mother looked at her watch and you and Kaia agreed, leaving your father and Ian. Your mother kissed your father and Kaia kissed your brother.
After shopping for most of the day, your mother suggested that you stopped to have a late lunch. After all of you were satisfied with the restaurant, you entered, despite the time, it was quite busy. The hostess took you to a table in front of the window, the view was really nice.
“May I be excused? I need to use the restroom.” Both Kaia and your mother nodded, and quickly went back to their conversation.
You entered the bathroom, not realizing that you were being watched. After you finished peeing, you left the stall, only to be scared by a man looking at you, curiously.
“I didn't mean to scare you.” He declared, after seeing you jump.
“It’s quite alright, but this is the ladies restroom, sir.” The man took a hard deep breath, you had no idea the effect that calling him ‘sir’ had on the man.
“I know, I was after you, I saw you entering the restaurant, you are a gorgeous woman.” He came even closer to you, he was towering over your frame, you quickly looked at his deep blue eyes, but their intensity made you look away, he seemed familiar, but you couldn’t quite place it from where.
“Do we know each other, sir?” He put his hand on your chin, and made you look at him.
“No, but we will, doll.” He placed his nose on your neck and took a deep breath, your lips parted, no one has ever done that to you before, but you couldn’t deny the tingles all over your body. “You will be mine, Y/N.” He whispered in your ear, with a low voice, goosebumps erupted all over your skin. 
And the blonde and strange man left you in the restroom, what could he possibly mean with being his? You laughed, maybe he was just being silly, maybe he knows Ian and decided to pull a prank on his little sister, you decided. Maybe that’s the reason he looks so familiar, you went back to the table, after washing your hands, but you couldn’t see the man anywhere. It was definitely a prank, you laughed to yourself.
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Oh Disneyland Paris sounds fun yeah! Were you and your roommate already close then? I went to Walt Disney's world with my aunt and cousin when I was like 11 but it would've been way more fun if I could've taken my best friend with me for sure. Maybe we can go to the one in Paris now that she lives just 3h away from me! Oh I see, sounds like LA was really fun for you yeah! your roommate didn't mind third wheeling tho? Hahaha
Yeah Canada is beautiful but what I liked about it the most was the massive improvement in quality of life I had compared to where I was living before and just being able to be who I am and people accepting me for it. Not being worried about violence 24/7 felt pretty fucking great too. So yeah I highly recommend living there if you ever get a chance. But I am loving Portugal so far, people are a bit more judgemental here tho but I like that it's easier to travel to a lot of countries I've always wanted to go to. Everywhere you go there are pros and cons tho so sorting out priorities is key. But Toronto is my favourite of all the places I've been, before living there for a year I had already been two times!
Jesus 50 states, sometimes I forget how big the US is. And you can totally do it if you plan it out! After watching Bly Manor tho I really want to go to Vermont especially during autumn season looks really pretty! There's this fic I love (only the sun by prestonarchives) where Dani and Jamie go on a road trip from Vermont to Maine and I did their entire journey on Google maps street view bc I was so obsessed with this one chapter fanfic I had to immerse myself entirety in it hahaha. So now I want to go there irl. Here's the link if you haven't read it before!
Omg I totally remember reading that on CBML and being a bit confused bc I was like why would she think you can't see the moon from the great wall of China HAHAHA but I thought it was really funny and endearing yeah it's even funnier now that I know you said it irl haha.
Oh so ENFP-T means extraverted, intuitive, feeling and prospecting personality with a bit of turbulence. Which just means you're curious, perceptive, enthusiastic, an excellent communicator, festive and good-natured. On the other hand you can be disorganized, unfucosed, a people pleaser, overcommitted, too optimistic and restless.
I wonder what Jamies and Danis mbti are as well as their zodiac signs 🤔 I think Jamie might be an ISTP-A bc she's definitely an introvert, very practical, stubborn, assertive, layed back and energetic at the same time. And Dani is either an ENFP-T like you or an ESFJ-T with the whole selfless thing going on.
AE already made it canon that Jamie's an aries (and it makes sense) but I can't figure Dani out. I've thought about her being a leo ♌ bc she's generous, passionate, warm-harted and dominant in her own way and THE HAIR haha. But she's got some pisces ♓ vibes going on too...idk. aaand I'm back at it again with the astrology signs haha.
To be fair your recent drunken exp it was dark and at least you didn't think the road sign was a bear or something (don't know what kind of wild animals you've got over there) that you wrestled with and ended up in a ditch and your best friend let you believe that happened for 3 years up until recently haha. 😂 but yeah some things happen for a reason, having life threatening health issues doesn't sound great tho, but I guess it's a good thing it stops you from drinking too much and making dumb decisions. And hey maybe I secretly want that to happen again idk maybe moving countries is not exciting enough, I have to go out and make a complete drunken fool out of myself in a completely foreign place hahaha. I guess that did kinda happen last month when my best friend came to visit me from Spain and we got drunk on wine, I got lost on the way back home and it was way past curfew. 🤔 shit I'm 29 will I ever learn...
Episode 9 is 😢😍🥰😰😭🤬☠️ just the worst roller-coaster I didn't even know I was on. Haha I was more pissed off than heartbroken the first time I watched it ngl.
Well then maybe the way you do accents is friendly and funny so people can't really get mad at you haha. Like Dani! Oh so that's called a Geordie accent! I see, it's really really cool. AE said Jamie is from Lancashire but that's a whole county isn't it? Idk if there's a specific accent to this region. Knowing you speak kinda like Jamie is something else tho, I think if anyone who spoke like her ever talked to me irl I wouldn't be able to pay attention to what they were saying 😂 just the accent haha.
Oh so you already have 4k something words for it nice. I'm kinda starting to feel an obsession with this medieval AU growing in me, I made a Pinterest board just for it ngl hahaha but I'm still resisting creating anything for it, I did a face study yesterday for Dani and Jamie to see if I finally pick up the idea and just do it but my brain was still like "I don't want to do this rn" and was just being a little bitch about it so I'll just let it cook for longer see if we can reach an agreement eventually (if ever) haha.
Glad to hear you had a good weekend! Even if it left you feeling exhausted in the end. And yeah it makes sense for you to say you don't have favourites haha! Have a great week Colour, take care! 👋✨
Yeah me and my roommate have been friends since we were like 14 so when we went to Disney Land we asked if we could be roomed together because we've been best friends for that long now... been best friends since school and now we live together. She's seen me at my best, my worst, has seen me in all my stages in life and has been there for a lot of the rough stuff I've been through and I've been there for all the stuff she's been through!! Nah she didn't mind at all we had some moments where me and my ex would just go and be a couple and have dates but my ex didn't want me travelling that far alone so invited my roommate too because she didn't like the thought of me flying 11hours alone or being in airports alone so my roommate came with me and we had a great time Awwh good I'm glad it was such a nice place and that you didn't worry about violence all the time but I'm so sorry you ever had to worry about that anyway that can't be easy. I would honestly love to live in Canada I really hope I get chance one day... I'm glad you're loving Portugal but sorry people are judgemental there but I am glad it's easy for you to travel around to other places... oh yeah every place has it's pros and cons I mean England has some pros but it sure has a lot of cons too so I know all about that Yeah America is SO big but I do want to get around all 50 states at some point and I am stubborn enough and determined enough to make it happen eventually even if I don't get around them all until I'm like 70 I'll make it happen haha!! No I haven't read that fic but it sounds amazing so I'll definitely check it out thank you for sending me the link Yeah... that really happened to me and it was just a dumb moment where I had this momentary lapse of knowledge in my brain and now I look back at that question and I'm just like... "you idiot" and this is why people are shocked when I get questions in quizzes right because I have said some really dumb stuff but I'm glad people found it funny and endearing... and I'm glad it makes it better to know I really said that haha Oooo I didn't know that, I like that and I think it's definitely fitting for me!! I think from what you've said about what ENFP-T means Dani could easily be that too and I don't know anything about the other one but I will take your word for it matching Dani because you know way more about this stuff than I do. I have no idea for Jamie though. And with zodiac signs I love that Amelia looked at Jamie and thought she was an Aries, as for Dani I have NO idea what her zodiac would be... in CBML she's a Leo but in MoU with what I have planned for her birthday she'd be a virgo but I don't know anything about zodiacs... all I know is all the pieces I've ever met have been the opposite of what Dani is so maybe that has something to do with their whole charts but I know a lot of other people always make her a Pieces and I trust what other people say about zodiacs more than what I know about them because I really know NOTHING about them haha Nah I knew it was a road sign because of how heavy and hard it was- nah we have no bears where I live... I don't think we have many dangerous animals where I live... got a couple of badgers that can be pretty aggressive but that's about it we don't have much that is scary here or at least not in the little part of England I live. Having life threatening health issues has been hard and since having my spleen removed in January (that was the surgery I needed to try and fix the issue I had) things are even harder now because I have to take antibiotics for the rest of my life to stop me getting any infections because if I ever get a chest infection now or a really bad cold it can be really dangerous but I take it all in my stride and not drinking is just a way to make sure the antibiotics actually work properly and to make sure nothing happens to me... and like you said, means I don't do anything dumb too... haha drunken stories are the best I have been lost a few times when I've been drunk... and I don't think you do learn, I have siblings that are
like 40 and still do dumb shit... I know at 27 I am still doing dumb shit too I don't think I'll ever learn haha 😂 Its such an emotional roller coaster and honestly I was just devastated the first time I watched it... no TV show or movie has ever made me cry the way Bly Manor did when I first saw it and it still makes me cry now. I can cry just thinking about that last episode. I definitely mean it in a friendly way so I hope it comes across like that. Yeah the accent in Billy Elliot is a Geordie accent and its my favourite accent there are other accents around the north that are called different things. Yeah Lancashire is a county and again in Lancashire there are loads of different accents I can't really pinpoint Jamie's down to a city I just know it's Northern. I'm from Yorkshire but don't have a strong Yorkshire accent I just have a Northern accent, like people never believe I'm from the place I'm from because I don't sound like I am but you can definitely tell I'm northern... honestly there are so many accents in England... you can drive for two hours in any direction in England and the accent will change like two times at least it's insane... see a lot of people say that but I am not a HUGE fan of the northern accent and I think it's because I grew up there. I much prefer Dani's accent to Jamie's but like I said to me, Jamie just talks normal there is no accent really haha Yeah 4k words for it but it's all jumbled up it's not like a chronological story yet it's just all over the place haha but I hope I can get it all structured properly soon!! Awwh good I'm glad you're already interested in this medieval AU!! That makes sense you're resisting creating for it but I think it's so cool you did a face study for Dani and Jamie even if you didn't wanna finish it I think letting things cook for a while is always a good idea if you're not in the right headspace right away I had such a good weekend but I am so tired and today I had a busy day too celebrating my roommate's boyfriend's birthday so I've had so many days that have been so busy and right now I am just really to sleep haha!! Yeah definitely don't have favourites but I have spent more time with one of my nieces than the others simply because I always look after her if her mum and dad are working and I'm not... like until I start this new job I am looking after her for an hour every day after school while she waits for her mum and dad to finish work but I don't have favourites haha!! Thank you so much I hope you had a great weekend and that you have a great week too!!
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serene-faerie · 4 years
21st Anniversary of The Prince of Egypt
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To think this movie is already 21 years old (fun fact, this movie came out the date before my birthday, in the year after my birth), and it’s such a beautiful masterpiece!
To celebrate, here’s a list of my favourite moments in no particular order:
1) Deliver Us- This song is perhaps my most favourite song in the whole movie. It’s epic, bitter, and the music is so rhythmic as it captures the suffering of the Hebrews and sets the tone for the rest of the film. There’s also the brief glimmer of hope it offers when baby Moses is found by Queen Tuya, who immediately takes him in after being completely charmed by his adorableness, and Miriam’s lovely reprise of Yocheved’s River Lullaby. And of course, we cannot forget Ofra Haza’s amazing vocals as Yocheved, especially with how she sings in Hebrew in her introduction. She had such a divine voice, and she shall be missed forever. 
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2) The Plagues- Of course, this song will also be one of my favourites as well. The emotion in the music, the way the choir sounds so intimidating as they sing lines like “I send the thunder from the sky, I send the fire raining down”, it truly conveys God’s wrath, all while underscoring the turbulent emotional conflict between Moses and Rameses. Hearing the pain in Moses’ voice as he’s forced to watch the Egyptians suffer, and hearing the bitter anger in Rameses’ voice as he remains stubborn to Moses’ pleading... this song is truly a masterpiece. It also really shows how human Moses is. The Old Testament never really shows Moses feeling any remorse for the suffering that the Egyptians go through, but this movie makes Moses so human, so much more real, and shows how he still cares about Egypt, even as he’s trying to free his people.
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3) The Return to Egypt- I love the music that plays during Moses and Tzipporah’s journey back to Egypt, especially with the additions of Ofra Haza’s beautiful vocals that underscore the suffering of the Hebrew slaves. And that determined, serious expression on Moses’ face as they near the palace just makes him look so badass, especially when he and Tzipporah enter the palace and make their way to the Pharaoh. I especially loved the festive undercurrent of that particular section of the soundtrack, with Moses and Tzipporah walking with determination into the great hall as the people look at them in surprise and suspicion, all while the dancers are dancing before the Pharaoh. It’s quite a phenomenal scene, really heightening the tension to reveal the Pharaoh upon the throne as Rameses, upon which the music ends. It’s such a determined, badass scene that I just had to include it here.
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4) Look Through Heaven’s Eyes- After Moses has lost everything he’s ever known, after his entire life has been destroyed, he feels so unworthy of honour and praise. But with Jethro’s patience and kindness, the help of the Midianites, and the support of Tzipporah, Moses rebuilds a brand new life for himself as a shepherd. It’s such an uplifting song with beautiful lyrics that encourages us to look at our lives in a different perspective, that we all have meaning within us, we just have to find it. And really, it’s so wonderful to see how Moses learns and adapts to a new way of living, how he makes new friends, and of course, how blissful and happy he is after marrying Tzipporah. Plus, seeing Moses and Tzipporah falling in love is super sweet. Ultimately, it’s a song that I’ve now taken to heart, and will remember if I’m ever stuck in a rut.
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5) The Burning Bush- Who can ever forget this scene, when Moses meets God? Oh my gosh, it is such an amazingly powerful scene; from the wistful music that plays when Moses discovers the burning bush to the way the bush flowers after God speaks to Moses... I really have to hand it to the filmmakers; they’ve successfully managed to capture the powerful and almighty presence of God. I love how God chastises Moses for questioning Him, then immediately comforts Moses like a loving parent, promising him that He will be there with him, just like any parent would say. It truly is a wonderful, amazing scene that’ll always leave me breathless. Also worth mentioning is the moment before, when Moses gives Tzipporah a kiss in the morning, and after the scene, when he picks Tzipporah up and twirls her around a bit. It’s so sweet and touching to watch, and they’re just so believable as a married couple!
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6) The Hieroglyph Nightmare- Despite how dark and horrifying the whole nightmare sequence is, I really love the animation in that scene. Seeing the events of the beginning from Moses’ perspective in the style of hieroglyph paintings is really impressive, but it’s also so chilling to actually see the soldiers tearing babies from their cradles, from their mothers’ arms, all while such terrifying music plays in the background. Every time I watch that scene, I get chills down my spine when I hear the screaming of the mothers and babies that underscores the scene, and then Moses seeing his biological mother sending him as an infant in the basket always pulls at my heart. And the inclusion of the sun disk, Aten, is quite a clever way of showing that God sent Moses the nightmare in a way he understands.
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7) The Chariot Race/Moses and Rameses’ Bond- Honestly, this is what really made me love this movie’s portrayal of Moses. As someone who studied the Old Testament in high school, this scene really offers a unique, refreshing portrayal of a Biblical character. I haven’t seen too many Biblical movies, but most of the time, Moses has always been portrayed as old and serious, especially when he returns to free the Hebrews. Seeing Moses portrayed as young, handsome, mischievous, and playful really makes him so much more human, especially when we see how close he and Rameses are. This movie shows that Moses has fond memories of his upbringing in Egypt, and that he truly loves and cares about Rameses, which makes it so much more painful when he’s forced to be enemies with his adoptive brother. And his close bond with Rameses is truly one of the sweetest parts of this movie, especially when Rameses bear-hugs Moses in front of the entire court, which makes the gradual destruction of their brotherhood all the more tragic.
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8) The Parting of the Red Sea- Apparently, it took the animators two years to do this scene, and it really shows. It’s so epic and gorgeous to watch, and the passage of the Hebrews through the partition was so amazing. I love how we saw the whale shark being illuminated through one of the walls of water; it truly adds to how majestic this whole scene is. On an emotional level, seeing Aaron being the first one to encourage the Hebrews to cross, and putting his faith in Moses, it’s quite a touching moment. And on a nightmare-fuel level, watching the walls of water collapse and drown all the Egyptian soldiers while pushing Rameses back to the shore is truly terrifying. Honestly, this is another scene that really shows God’s wrath and cruel mercy, and will always chill me whenever I watch it. It truly is a spectacular, sublime moment in this movie.
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9) When You Believe- This song is truly a beautiful, touching piece of music, with incredibly uplifting lyrics, and for it to come after one of the most darkest and saddest moments in the movie, I find it quite fitting, actually. Despite the fact that Moses has officially lost Rameses for good, he’s finally succeeded in freeing his people, even though it has come at a heavy price. While Rameses giving Moses permission to leave Egypt with his people was such a bleak and despairing moment, this song offers a glimmer of hope in the darkness. In addition, the children singing “Mi Chamocha” was so sweet, especially as we see how the Hebrews gradually become more cheerful once they realize that they’re free for real. It goes from being sorrowful and tentatively hopeful to triumphant and optimistic, and it’s such a beautiful scene to watch. And of course, Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey’s version is truly the best as well.
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10) Playing With The Big Boys- This song is quite a scary song, but it’s just such a cool scene to watch as well. I love the rhythmic invocation of the Egyptian pantheon, especially with how ominous the music is. But I also love how it shows a sharp contrast between how Moses invokes the power of God and how the priests invoke the power of their gods. Moses didn’t need any theatrics or magic tricks to turn his staff into a snake, while the priests literally use smoke and mirrors and elaborate rituals to turn their staffs into snakes. And the fact that the song ends with their snakes being consumed by the snake from Moses’ staff really foreshadows just who ends up winning in the long run, making it quite a good song. And plus, I also like to read the YouTube comments on this particular song, they’re just hilarious.
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And those are my top moments of The Prince of Egypt. Of course, it’s an incomplete list, but this is all in no particular order, since I just love the whole movie so much. So happy anniversary to this beautiful, wonderful movie!
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kikizoshi · 4 years
Fyolai OTP List
Original list taken from sonse’s The Ultimate OTP Questions List: Fyogol Edition
I urge anyone interested in my list to go look at sonse’s, too. They have a lot of cool takes. (There’re 48 questions in total.)
        1. Who is the most affectionate?
Neither of them are super affectionate or touchy-feely, really.. I guess you could say that Fyodor’s more touchy, but even then it’s usually only fingertips… But yeah, usually there isn’t much touching in general.
         2. Most common argument?
Argument… Well, it’s hard to really call it an argument. Usually, Nikolai’ll get upset at Fyodor not seeing him as a person or manipulating him and go off for a few days or weeks until he can come back and pretend he was never upset. Fyodor, for his part, doesn’t acknowledge it and just welcomes Nikolai back when he returns.
         3. Who apologizes first?
Well... Fyodor's too arrogant to assume he's done something wrong, and Nikolai's too prone to brush past things he doesn't want to think about... So they kinda just leave it to fester in the corner and continue about their days.
         4. Favorite (non-sexual) activity to do together?
It depends on the mood. But, most commonly, Fyodor's favourite activity is to curl up in a private place (library, nook, underground base, etc.) with Nikolai and read with him, each occasionally sharing thoughts or questions--or even conversations--about their individual books. Nikolai's favourite activity, however, is taking Fyodor out to a carnival, or the theatre, or a fair--something fun and flashy.
         5. Who drives and who rides shotgun?
Public transportation~ (though, in cases where that's not possible, it just depends on location and need, so probably about 60/40 for Nikolai and Fyodor.)
         6. Who is most likely to carry the other?
Nikolai's way more likely to carry Fyodor as, well, Fyodor'd struggle to lift someone his own weight. That being said, I don't see this happening unless out of necessity, as they're both fairly independent.
         7. Nicknames?
Russian ones? Yes, probably. I imagine Nikolai'd call Fyodor Fedya (since he calls him Dos-kun in Japanese), and Fyodor... he'd probably just stick with the name Nikolai (or maybe “golubchik” (little dove) on rare occasions?).
         8. Who proposes?
Ehh, I highly doubt they'd get married, since Nikolai's all 'society's norms are hellish brainwashing' and Fyodor likely just doesn't care (it’d be a hassle for nothing).
         9. Who sings along to the radio?
Nikolai, though it's rarely lyrics since all Fyodor listens to is classical pieces or old operas Nikolai can't decipher. He'll hum along quite a lot, though.
         10. Who worries most?
I feel like Nikolai's more of a worrier in general. Like, in his moments of downtime, with nothing to distract him from the futility of his goals, he'll worry and worry about what he should do, what he's doing, how what he'll do will affect the future, etc. Fyodor's more sure of himself, so I don't see him worrying about much. Maybe about Dazai, though...
         11. Who always wants to take selfies with the other?
Nikolai would secretly like to (though not so secretly, considering how perceptive Fyodor is), but Fyodor won't let evidence of himself in a location be found, lest the picture be stolen and used against him. Nikolai usually doesn't mind, though, unless they're in a once-in-a-decade place. He complained about not being able to hold onto mental pictures like Fyodor once, when they went to see a travelling fair that was doing its last tour.
         12. Who likes to playfully tease the other?
Nikolai, completely. He'll enter the room with a joke, and leave it that way too, as well as adding them in the whole way through. Fyodor, though, I'd say teases back almost as much, just more subtly and in response. Nikolai initiates the teasing, and Fyodor finishes it with a tease.
         13. Who has the weirdest taste in music?
Depends on your definition of weird. Fyodor listens to mainly classical and old operas, stuff like that, whereas Nikolai's more into modern things with some sort of twist (experimental jazz or electric swing, for example). He also loves musical theatre.
         14. Who remembers what the other always orders at a restaurant?
Well Fyodor remembers everything Nikolai's ever ordered when they were together... Using a word like 'always', though... Fyodor remembers what Nikolai ordered but Nikolai usually gets something different each time, and Fyodor's more uniform with his palate choices, but still tends towards trying out new things half the time. Fyodor could guess what Nikolai was going to get, though.
         15. Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other?
Hm, neither of them are.
         17. Who initiates kisses?
Depends on the situation, so I'd say about 50/50. Neither of them are touchy-feely, as I've said, and kissing is only slightly more common than hugs for them. But, generally, Fyodor kisses Nikolai when Nikolai's having a rough day, or when he's trying to get Nikolai to want to do something. Nikolai kisses Fyodor when he's in a really good mood, or when he's really in a bad mood... I'm not sure how to put it properly though...
         18. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
They don’t, really.
         19. Who kisses hardest?
I honestly don't know... I really liked the second half of sonse's answer though.
         20. Who is most ticklish?
         21. Who brings an animal they found home?
Fyodor would kill the animal to put it out of its misery.
Nikolai would just walk past and think that there's no point in helping.
         22. Who holds the umbrella for the other when it’s raining?
Nikolai, since he's taller and his arm doesn't tire as easily.
         23. Who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public?
Neither, embarrassing each other isn't something they do.
         24. Who kills the scary bugs?
I mean neither of them are afraid of bugs-
         25. Who asks the weird questions at random in the middle of the night?
Nikolai'll wake up from any number of bizarre dreams, and, if Fyodor's still awake, he'll bring it up.
         26. Who hogs the blankets?
Fyodor. If he's asleep, his subconscious will do all in its power to make him as warm and comfortable as possible, even if it means the freeze of his dear friend (Nikolai usually just ends up draping himself in his cape at that point).
         27. Who wakes up first?
Nikolai wakes up first since he goes to sleep earlier, though he only wakes up first by about thirty minutes.
         28. Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer?
Depends... Fyodor's good about getting up when it's a workday, and on the rare day's he'll take off, he still usually gets up quickly to make the most of the day, and drags himself off to the shower. Nikolai, on the other hand... Well, it depends on several things. If he's alright or moderately alright, he'll get out of bed just fine. However, if he killed someone in the month or just, in general, can't stand himself, it'll be a lot harder to convince him to get up. Some days even a gun to his head won't get him out of bed.
         29. Who always makes coffee for the other each morning?
Neither. Ivan makes Fyodor's tea and Nikolai makes his own.
         30. Who cries during certain films or when reading sad books?
Haaaah, well I guess if Nikolai was in a really, really, really (and I mean REALLY) bad place, something might set him off, and a few tears may fall. It's super uncommon though--he usually just bottles his emotions until he can 'forget' about them.
         31. Who gets scared during horror films?
Neither of them scares easily at all.
         32. Who cuts the other’s hair?
They both cut their own.
         33. Who says “I love you” first?
Fyodor says it first, as a way to get Nikolai fully on his side. Nikolai’s said it a few times, in despair, but always pretends it didn’t happen afterwards.
         34. Who tells their friends/family about the relationship first?
Well there isn't really a 'relationship' to tell about? They don't classify their relationship as anything other than lovers and friends, and there’s really no point in mentioning it randomly.
         35. What do their friends/family think about the relationship first?
Well... Pushkin hates Fyodor, always has and always will, and considering how their relationship started... Pushkin does have a reason. Goncharov doesn't care. Fyodor's mother and sister vaguely know about Nikolai. They've met him maybe once or twice, but they just know him as 'Fyodor's friend'. Turgenev... it's best to say that his relationship with Fyodor is... turbulent... but when they end up talking their conversations are usually very fascinating (if they can get over their mutual disdain, that is). Mishima flat-out couldn't care less, why is this being brought up to him?
         36. Who is more likely to ask the other to dance with them?
Nikolai, probably, after being moved by Dostoyevsky's cello playing.
         37. Who cooks best?
I'd say they're about the same.
         38. Who wears the other’s jacket?
Neither. Nikolai needs his for his Ability and Fyodor's the one that gets cold easily. Nikolai does, however, keep a spare cloak in his Overcoat just in case (though whether or not he’ll offer it to Fyodor depends on his mood, and Fyodor never asks).
         39. Who uses cheesy pickup lines?
         40. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Both, but in different contexts. Nikolai spontaneously gets ideas from things around them, and excitedly likes to share them with Fyodor on a whim. Fyodor likes to respond to them with a small quip to encourage the idea, though he sometimes does them just in general if he's super bored at a social gathering or something. In any case, they usually do it in a language no one else around is likely to speak.
         41. Who makes the other laugh most?
Fyodor makes Nikolai laugh all the time, though those laughs are always sort of fake (like an extreme version of a small, polite chuckle). Sometimes, though, when Nikolai's in a really good mood, the laughs will be genuine. On the other hand, Nikolai tries to make Fyodor laugh, but doesn't succeed. In the end, neither of them are much to laugh.
         42. Who needs more reassurance?
Nikolai, definitely. Fyodor's sure of himself and his plans, and so is Nikolai to an extent, but Nikolai still gets doubts, which is when Fyodor comes in to tell him that everything is going to work out.
         43. Who would have to bail the other out of jail?
Well... I don't think either of them would pay for bail, but Nikolai'll be fishing Fyodor out of jail (or general captivity) pretty regularly. (It's just such an easy way to extract information!)
         44. What would be their theme song?
Oh boy I have no clue- Maybe ‘The Land of Might-Have-Been’?
         45. Who would sing their child back to sleep?
Fyodor, as he softly touches their forehead and watches the blood pour from their slack lips- On second thought, maybe children isn't such a good idea...
         46. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Oh, all sorts of things. Fyodor does work, gets kidnapped, messes with Dazai. Nikolai bounces from place to place, spends time with friends, finds work or other such things to do. In the end, they don't actually spend that much time together.
         47. A headcanon about them that stabs your feels?
Neither will ever truly achieve fulfilment.
         48. A headcanon that mends the previous one?
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wongpuppy · 5 years
YOURS, jung jaehyun
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➵ Rating angst + fluff 
➵ Pairing bestfriend!Jaehyun x Y/N
➵ Word count 3.7k words [ one-shot ] 
➵ Summary “even if you’re never mine, I’ll always be yours”
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“Jaehyun, can you come over?” 
It’s funny, whenever this happens your thoughts would always focus on Seokmin: where he was at that point, what he was doing, what he had just done to you. 
It’s funny because never once did you think about the blood-curdling speeds your best friend would reach to get to your house fast enough; not once thinking about the cruelly murderous intent that built up in Jaehyun over the year watching tears stream down your face. 
It’s happened over a handful of times in Seokmin and your turbulent relationship: him doing something that would hurt you, shout at you, then leave. Every single time, Jaehyun’s hands would tremble on the steering wheel thinking about your aching sobs and painfully twisted voice over the phone. 
Yet every time, it never occurred to you that Jaehyun was always there for you when your boyfriend wasn’t. 
“Y/N? Where are you?” 
Jaehyun’s voice follows the sound of your front door opening and closing, the gentleness and worry obvious and made your chest tighten slightly. 
Seokmin’s voice was booming and eyes wild just before he left your apartment, the complete opposite to your best friend’s cautious footsteps. 
Mumbling just loud enough for him to catch that you were currently curled up in your bed, you huddle closer into the hoodie you wore and sit up on the pillows when you hear Jae’s footsteps quicken towards you. 
When he sees you slouched against your pillows, there’s a sigh full of sadness and always a hint of awe whenever he sees the curl of your eyelashes against your cheeks. Jae slows when he approaches your bed, a soft smile fitting his face when you look up at him. “Hey, fruitcake. Cute hoodie.” 
Jaehyun didn’t point out the stuffiness and red tinge your nose took or the puffy state to your glossy eyes, his eyes taking you in with the usual warmth they always did. Your nose scrunches at the nickname, Jae’s favorite dessert but your most hated. 
“I didn’t want to wear any of his, I don’t even know where this came from.” You mutter into the very large but very comfortable hoodie, one you found hanging in your closet in the farthest corner to the right. 
“Because it’s mine.” He chuckles a little breathlessly, looking away from you with pink to his cheeks and ears, tugging at the blankets that you were wrapped around. “Scoot over and give me some of the blanket, you always steal all of it.” 
Managing to draw a little laughter out of you, you move aside to let him crawl into your bed with minimal sniffling. You watch Jaehyun get comfortable under the covers on his side with an arm under the pillows and his head. Pouting slightly, you inch closer to the toasty and cozy looking boy. “Can I have a hug?” 
“You don’t have to ask, loser. Come here.” He lifts up a free hand to draw you closer to his chest with a blinding smile. Wrapping your arms around Jae and pressing your right cheek against his warm chest, everyone including you knew him to be the source for the best hugs. 
His left hand rubs up and down your spine and you sigh at the feeling, attempting to pull Jaehyun impossibly closer. “I don’t want this to end.” 
His chest rumbles slightly with deep laughter that makes a small smile slip on your face then fade as quick as it came. You frown against his shoulder, nuzzling in it for a moment before pulling away with a sigh. 
“I saw Seok talking to his ex, Mina, and when I asked him about it, he completely flipped out on me. He started yelling at me and cursing then just stormed out. He... he said I changed and I’m always too suspicious of him now.” 
Jaehyun is quiet for a while and telling by his face, very mad. His brown eyes were narrowed and jaw set, a look you’ve seen far too often on him at the mentioning of your boyfriend. After a handful of seconds, he sits up to cross his arms tightly across his chest. “Do you know where he is now?” 
You shake your head no, frowning deeply when you thought about it. The last you heard from him was an hour ago and it was almost one in the morning now. 
“Dickhead. I’ve always hated that guy.” 
“He isn’t that bad, you’ve never really hung out with him.”
Jaehyun has a frown etched deeply onto his face and the brightness in his eyes dim when you look back at him. He looks at you for a handful of moments, eyes taking in your features before sighing. Running a hand through his hair, he looks away from you with steely eyes. 
“You deserve so much more than that piece of shit, Y/N, I hope you realize that soon.” 
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A week later
You grip the notecards tightly, counting to 10 slowly back and forth. 
Today was probably the most important day of your life so far, presenting a full 20 minute presentation on solutions for deforestation in the Amazon, with potential job scouts in the audience. Nervous could barely explain how you felt standing off-stage as your professor talked to the audience. 
“Please welcome our next presenter to the stage, Y/N Y/L/N!”
Blinking harshly one last time, you put on a smile as you step on stage and face the large crowd of a good 150-200 people. They all clap as you shake hands with your professor and walk up to the podium with a toothy grin. 
“Thank you, everyone! My name is Y/N and my presentation handles the challenge of deforestation within the Amazon rainforest and how methods used in Japan can combat these problems in South America.” 
You quickly take in the faces in the audience, looking for Seokmin when he wasn’t in his seat. He texted you earlier that he would be missing the first presentation but would definitely be there for the second, meaning just before you would go. A small frown is about to reach your face until you eyes go a couple seats farther back and onto Jaehyun’s contagiously wide grin. 
He holds up two thumbs up when your eyes connect, a smile easily growing on your lips when they do. 
You quickly continue with the presentation, keeping in a giggle and feeling much less nervous than you were at before going on stage. 
You stand on your tiptoes over the crowd hearing Jaehyun’s voice cut through the loud chatter like glass, as a feeling close to a mix of adrenaline and euphoria coursing through you after finishing the presentation without a hitch. 
“You killed it, fruitcake!” Jae’s smile is as bright as the sun, even gaining attention from people around the two of you, but he still never looks away from you. “You’re definitely getting that internship at Greenpeace! Come here, I’m so proud of you!” 
Reaching his outstretched arms, you sigh happily feeling Jae’s warmth through the white button down he wore. “Jae, thank you so much. You look so good in a suit and I forget every time that you actually are a ladykiller.” 
You pull away just in time to catch a red tinge make its way to his ears before Jaehyun ruffles his hair, effectively covering them with how long his hair had gotten recently. “Please, Y/N, you definitely deserve all the compliments tonight. You look beautiful. Stunning.” 
Scoffing, you smack his chest with a blush harshly attacking your cheeks. This was something Jae loved doing for years now, relentlessly teasing you. You cover up the blush by looking around the crowd. “Have you seen Seokmin?” 
You can hear Jaehyun groan under his breath, pulling at his collar whilst looking at you sternly. His voice completely changes after you ask, the bubbly tone replaced with one of aggravation. “Don’t tell me he didn’t come today, Y/N.” 
“I just didn’t see him at the beginning of my presentation, Jae. He knows not to miss today, it’s fine. Seok showed up, I just can’t find him.” 
Frowning, you keep looking through the crowd until your eyes catch onto the straight, jet black locks of your boyfriend. You turn to Jaehyun with a smile, nodding over to where Seok stood by the food. “I found him! I’ll talk to you in a bit, okay?” 
Piercing brown eyes bore into yours, a wave of something a little deeper than sadness eating at you with the way Jaehyun looked at you. But then your best friend blinks, looking away from you with a clenched jaw and raising a flute of champagne closer to his lips. 
“I’ll be here.” 
You squeeze through the wrath of people without another word, excusing past people until you finally got Seok’s attention. A smile grows on your face, your boyfriends sharp features and cheshire cat eyes always accentuated in a suit and making him look ever so endearing. 
“Babe, I was looking for you. You look so pretty.” He reaches out a hand for your waist and you sigh silently when Seok comes closer to press his lips to your forehead. “My princess always looks so pretty.”
You play with your fingers, eyes nervously fluttering up to meet his as you nibbled on your bottom lip. “Thanks, babe. Hey, I didn’t see you during my presentation, where were you?” 
You feel Seok’s hand on your waist tighten for a second, the softness fading. “Bathroom, Y/N.” 
His eyes scan across the room and you frown at him. “For the whole 20 minutes? I couldn’t even find you after during intermission.” 
Seokmin’s dark irises snap to yours with a steeliness that makes you swallow thickly and slowly take steps away from him. 
“I don’t remember, I’m feeling a little tired, honestly. Do you have to do anything else or can we leave?” 
You feel your heart tug a little, you’ve had more fun at the exposition than you’ve had in a while and you felt so good about your presentation; but Seokmin and you haven’t been doing well until a few days ago. And going back to the constant state of fighting was something you didn’t want to do. 
“No, we can leave.” 
He holds your hand as he passes through the crowd, and it isn’t until Jaehyun’s face pops into your head that you tug at your boyfriends suit sleeve. “Wait, I need to tell Jae I’m leaving.” 
“Is Jaehyun your boyfriend or am I?” Seokmin scoffs as you pull your hand away from his with narrowed eyes. 
“Seok.” You utter, frowning as you watch his expression turn more sour by the second. “Don’t be like that, he only came here for me. I won’t take long.” 
Your boyfriend, however, doesn’t look fazed by your honey-smooth voice; jaw still clenched and lips set in a firm line. 
“Don’t bother, take your time. Have lover boy drop you off later. Or not, I don’t really care.” 
Your mouth opens in instant protest but Seokmin turns and walks away regardless, leaving you to stare dumbly at your boyfriends departing back. 
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Two weeks later 
“Do you believe in multiple universes?” 
You purse your lips, the alcohol in your system making it hard to figure out if you did or didn’t. 
“I don’t think so.” You say a little shakily, Starry Eyes by Cigarettes After Sex playing lowly in the background. Your intoxicated mind playing tricks with you and making the glow in the dark stars on your ceiling seemingly twinkle. “Infinite possibilities, infinite versions of us? That’s a scary thought.” 
In Jaehyun’s drunken state, you always noticed that his laugh always got impossibly deeper, sending a static buzz to your skin every time you heard it. He laughs dreamily, his socked foot accidentally nudges yours under the blanket. 
“I think that would be so cool.” Even with the absence of a sober mind, you could still pick up on the yearning tone in his voice, how it changed from amusement to a tangible sadness. “It’s almost miserable how often I think about these things. A different life, different circumstances. I would give anything for it.” 
Turning to him in the darkness of your room, the moon barely illuminating Jae’s delicate features, but it’s enough to make tears rise to the surface of your eyes. Never have you seen your best friend look so sad, an empty and distant look in his brown irises that looked so unfamiliar on Jaehyun, he was almost unrecognizable. 
“There’s nothing more painful than longing for something that’ll never be.” 
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Four days later
Biting your lip, you hold up your phone and take another picture of the sunset, aggravated the camera could not pick up on the fuchsia of the sky against blue clouds. Deleting it with a pout, you put away your phone and decide to appreciate the sky with just your eyes until a camera sound goes off. Your head snaps to your right where Jaehyun stood, smiling down at his phone. 
“What’s with the frown? You look so cute, Y/N.” 
He’s still looking down at the picture he took of you, eyes stuck on how your cheeks puff in the cutest way whenever you pouted. But when you utter under your breath and attempt to grab Jae’s phone out of his hands roughly, his eyes snap to yours instantly. 
“Delete that, I look so bad.” 
“That’s not true at all.” He says a little defensively, can’t believing you were saying anything bad about yourself. His brows bunch together and lips set in a long frown. “You’re never like this, what’s wrong?” 
A furthering dip in the corners of your lips tug at Jaehyun’s attention, the boy taking hesitant steps closer towards you on the park bench. “I just don’t like the picture.” You murmur, instantly knowing it was not enough for your best friend who knew you all too well. He sits next to you, his blue jeans softly rubbing against yours as he does. 
“It’s because of him, isn’t it? Seokmin’s said something to you?” 
There’s a tense silence for a couple of seconds, your eyes set on the way the sun just touched the horizon of the river while his is focused on yours. Even without confirmation, Jae knows he’s right, the twitch of your nose all the answer he needs. 
“Do you think I’m not as pretty as I used to be?” 
Your best friend knows the exact tone of your voice, knows the exact way it cracks in the middle like a reoccurring nightmare. He knows it all too well because it’s never changed since kindergarten, ugly memories of you crying against his chest because of bullies and shitty boyfriends. 
The thought of Seokmin doing anything less than reminding you how beautiful you were every day made Jaehyun’s blood boil and throat close up. 
“I think sunsets can never stand a chance against you. I think pretty is too weak to describe you and nothing will ever be enough. I’ve never met anyone as beautiful as you, and this is something I know.” Starting out quiet and uneasy, a strength builds in Jaehyun’s voice that forces your eyes to his and all air knocked out of your system. He’s already looking at you, a soft, dream-like grin forming watching your eyes go animatedly wide. 
“How you always want everyone around you to be happy, how smart you are - it shows and it makes you breathtaking. I’ve known you our whole lives, Y/N, there’s never been a day where I’m not in awe just looking at you.”
The sun slips past the horizon between the two of you, eyes locked and unblinking; the only thing you can hear is the thrashing of the Han River beneath you and the erratic beating of your heart. 
Your mouth opens to say something, anything to get rid of your dumbstruckness but Jaehyun shakes his head, mumbling about how he wanted to get everything off his chest. He swallows thickly, closing his eyes shut harshly for a millisecond before pulling at his bottom lip. 
You could point out all of Jaehyun’s expressions from a mile away, but nervousness was always a rare one; his habit of tugging and playing with his bottom lip not the typical sight on a guy as usually confident as Jaehyun. But there it was, paired with the rosiness to his cheeks and ears, you couldn’t help but feel a little breathless just looking at him. 
“I’m not sure when I realized I liked you, I have a feeling it’s just always been that way.” The calculation was obvious in the way he chose his words, you knew your best friends ‘rehearsal voice’ and knew he must have practiced this countless of times in his bathroom mirror. Jaehyun’s eyes roam your face over and over again as if it was something he could never get tired of. 
“How can I not? You’re the best person I know. I look at you and I see nothing but good, strength, and... and love. I love you. I have and I always will, with all of me. I know it’s not my place to be saying any of this but you deserve to hear this every day and I can bet Seokmin does not tell you that enough. I don’t think he deserves even a quarter of you. But if he makes you happy then I’m happy, only as long as you are. Always. And even if you’re never mine, I’ll always be yours.” 
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A month later 
You watch him from behind a bookshelf, his brown eyes caught in a daze and staring blankly outside the university library windows. The golden rays of sun hitting Jaehyun’s face like that was its sole purpose, the honey-like hue it left his skin setting butterflies free to flutter against your ribs.
This was the first time you were seeing him since he’d confessed to you a month ago, Jaehyun driving you back to your house with crush, Kehlani, and Daniel Ceasar softly playing from the speakers into the afterglow sky. The two of you agree that some time apart would be better, too many thoughts in the way to manage a proper conversation.
Now, more than ever, you learn about how many things can change in a month. 
You force yourself to walk towards the table Jae currently sat in, sitting in the chair across from his and failing to ignore his stare on you judging by the intense red on your cheeks. 
“I broke up with Seokmin two weeks ago.” 
Your eyes catch the slight lift in the right corner of his lip, Jaehyun unable to stop a small smile from making it onto his face. “Better late than never. Are you okay?” 
Watching worry swim in his eyes, gentleness in his voice, and how he inches forward towards you; you realize this was everything you’ve been missing. 
“I didn’t realize how much it was hurting me to be with him until I ended things and didn’t cry because of that.” You shake your head with a small chuckle, looking away from Jaehyun with your cheeks still rosy. “I cried because all I ever needed was my best friend and it’s taken me a very long time to realize that.” 
“You’ve never needed me, Y/N. You don’t need anyone.” Jaehyun murmurs just above a whisper, reaching forward to hold your hand and making your heart race in your throat. “I’ll always be here for you, you know that.” 
“But all these years, I never knew your feelings -” 
“It’s fun to keep a secret from you.” He shrugs and smirks at you when you raise a brow at him. Grasping onto your hand with both of his, a bright smile on Jaehyun’s face. “I almost wish I didn’t tell you.” 
Rolling your eyes, you bite down on your bottom lip and tug his hands closer to you so your faces were mere inches away across the table. Watching the way Jae’s smile widens makes endorphins rush through your veins, never going to be able to get used to him smiling at you like that. “But then I wouldn’t be able to tell you about my revelations regarding my feelings towards you.”
“Oh?” His eyes flicker down to your lips every few seconds with excitement in copious amounts, a cocky smirk sprayed on his face. “Do tell, fruitcake.” 
“No, it’s okay.” You pull your hand away from his in a flash and get up with a innocent smirk. “I’ll just keep it from you for a couple years, heard it’s pretty fun keeping secrets from your best friend.” 
Jaehyun’s eyes widen at your careless shrug, his smirk dropping for a second before it’s on his face again with a happiness that you can feel in the air. You get up from the seat and nod towards the library exit, eyes never missing how content your best friend looked. 
“Take me out on a date and I might tell you.” 
He sits there for a few moments staring at you with this dumbfounded smile that makes you giggle and blush, his brown eyes looking at you with nothing but pure warmth. Jaehyun shakes his head to himself, getting up and grabbing his backpack with one hand, using the other to slip to the back of your head and softly tug you closer to him until your chests touched. “Can I kiss you first? I’ve been wanting to do this for a while.” 
“In the middle of the library? There’s a kid studying literally right behind you.” 
“I don’t even care if Seokmin was here.” His voice is octaves lower and it stops any possibility of a response from you, never hearing Jaehyun’s already deep voice like that. “That jackass never looked like he could kiss you properly, anyway.” 
You’re about to retort with a sassy ‘and you can?’ until it’s cut off with Jaehyun showing you that, yes, he definitely can. 
As if the library disappears and it’s only the two of you and the sun, a bright light and warmth surrounding you the moment your eyes shut and Jaehyun’s cushion lips land on yours. The firmness from his palm on the back of your neck clashes against the gentleness of his lips, his other hand unable not to reach out to your waist. 
Your fingers instinctively go to Jaehyun’s jaw, hands cradling his face in a way that slants his lips in just the perfect way against yours to make you never want to pull away. Jae sighs contently against your mouth, hand moving from the back of your head to under your jaw, nose nuzzling against yours. 
“I’m definitely always going to be yours.”
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wincore · 3 years
romeo roulette was so good!!! 😩🤧 they had such fun and good dynamic. i just really loved the overall message that soulmates are real but you make them yourself bu spending time, getting to know and letting yourself get close to someone. i think you write one of the best fake dating aus in which pretending to be in love/fall in love with someone actually leads to the protagonists falling in love. they learn each other’s little cues to pretend to fall in love until it’s no longer pretend. i’m soft now 😫🥰👌
i kind of wish we had gotten a little bit more from jaehyun’s perspective though. he seems like the hopeless romantic type yet waiting for his soulmate to come to him (literally lol) and i can’t help but wonder if it has to do with his shyness or just not past experiences.
you did such good job with this story!! thank you so much for sharing such wonderful and fun piece of fluff with us 🥰🥰❤️❤️💗💗
oh my hello!!!!?? I am so glad you liked the message even if it sounds a little preachy if I say it without context LOL but if my fic encapsulated that well enough, I am so so glad!!! Fake dating is honestly THE MOST fun trope to write (apart from slow burn bc I like torturing characters I guess 🥳) and you think I wrote the best??? That's so reassuring to hear bc I enjoy writing them too!!! When they actually fall in love (after some turbulence I believe in sunshine after the rain) I'm always like.... hmmm... what if they don't? But then again, I want a happy ending after all 😬 I WISH I had that irl I am so starved of affection can you tell 😭
I actually had some scenes from Jaehyun's pov too but then it got scrapped in my final editing :-( he's grown out of his shyness (and the hopes of a perfect family with his soulmate) as an adult but he also has that little flicker of hope that maybe he'll find someone with his tattoo or at the very least someone just like him who has a tattoo so simple that they can't find a soulmate but instead he gets yn who gets on his nerve and thereatens his nice guy image 😔 overall, he's just partly given up bc he's met thousands and thousands of people but not a SINGLE one was his soulmate while everyone around him found someone in either high school or college mostly ... so yeah. kind of went into being that one single friend in his mid twenties :p so it does help him bond with yn since she's also kind of that one single friend. it's just that the difference is yn shut out the thoughts of a soulmate through work whereas jaehyun let himself daydream a little LOL I hope that makes some sense to you, moonflower ❣️
Thank you so much for leaving this ask!!!! It feels so great to read this right after I'm home I just 🥰🥰🥰 I am so happy you had fun reading!!! hope you have lovely day/night 💕
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loyalflutist · 5 years
Just a Dream - Part 1 (F!Byleth x Edelgard)
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: Major Character Death Words: 2,173 Summary:  The war is finally over and it was the Adrestian Empire's win. Most everyone moved onward from the conflict at their own pace. For Edelgard, she has a surprise coming from Byleth one night.
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A/N: Obviously due to Tumblr’s layout, I doubt I can leave my author’s note to the bottom like I intend to. Oh well. This is a fun side project I was working on! The second half should be out next week or so... depending on how my school load is going and, god forbid, if my PI isn’t a jerk. Hope you enjoy this! I enjoyed writing this fluffy piece, heh.
The atrocious conflict that lasted for more than five years came to a roaring conclusion.
What should have been a magnificent creature in legends stayed as a legend, its real counterpart far crueler than any villain in history. Two brave leaders swung their relics at the formidable white dragon. In one strike, the beast pierced the fiery battlefield with its shriek. An axe and a sword plunged its sharp edges into its thick scales. Bloodied, battered, and bruised, the large monster wildly tossed its head left and right. Another inhumane squeal tore from its elongated throat as it dug its massive claws on the cracked pavement.
Byleth and Edelgard plopped back on the ground simultaneously. Sweat gleamed on their foreheads, their breaths bated, and eyes trained on the foul beast. Their weapons were deeply ensnared in its moist flesh. No matter how much the dragon shook, it won’t remove the powerful blades. Amidst the flames in the background, their surviving comrades and troops watched in awe.
“It’s… finally over,” the emperor breathed. “We won.”
Just as she uttered that confident statement, the white dragon collapsed to the side, its jaw jutted open. Black blood pooled underneath its large head as its last light flickered out. Everyone kept their limbs locked in place, their respiratory system temporarily paused. Byleth and Edelgard eventually straightened their posture. Although they were out of breath, they exchanged glances. Then, a worn smile broke out from their face.
“Thank you… Byleth.”
This war’s victor was none other than the Adrestian Empire.
Peace draped over the united land after five, long miserable years. Although there were plenty of sacrifices and regrets from Byleth and Edelgard, they marched forward with their heads held up high. After all, the emperor must reign over their new country and people with persistence and conviction. It was a worthy offering for the next chapter in Fodlan.
As for the leaders of the Black Eagle Strike Squad? Many of their comrades retired from the battlefield. Some of their comrades worked under or alongside with Edelgard.
Petra returned to Brigid with the songstress shortly after the final battle to build a diplomatic relationship between the two nation. Eventual news about a new theatrical show in Brigid starring none other than Dorothea spread across the sea. Its popularity skyrocketed as many nobles desperately scrambled onto the next boat to catch a glimpse of the beautiful opera singer. Lest to say, many were disappointed to hear that she was already taken. The Brigid queen made sure to make it clear.
Linhardt resumed his activity as a researcher, eager to chew on anything that perks his interest. Whenever Edelgard and Hubert visited the man’s estate, he would greet them with a piece of toast, their much-need answers, and a slam of a door. Hark, it was not from malice! Disturbance of a slumbering prince would present a predictable reaction. This led to a small stack of apologetic, handwritten letters from the green-haired to the emperor.
Bernadetta slithered back to her life as a noble— Well, it would have been more peaceful had it not been for Caspar. That young man made sure to take her out every month to sightsee a new scenery during his service with Edelgard. Safe to say, Bernadetta both did and did not appreciate his way of carrying her high up the mountains or through the fields in plain view. (How embarrassing!) Their laughter could be heard from miles away as the couple bloomed in the vast, green field.
Ferdinand and Hubert continue to maintain a close relationship with their new emperor’s activity at the castle. Of course, many of the guards and Byleth would spot them sharing a moment of tranquility over tea with each other. Suffice to say, they knew how to take care of each other in ways not even Edelgard knows.
Shamir and Catherine broke off from the group and traveled the country. No one knew where they were. The only clues they’ve left behind were the occasional, unaddressed letters delivered to Byleth at the castle. That didn’t include the rumors of famous fight scenes that broke out throughout Fodlan. (It appears they were mostly self-initiated by the troublesome duo.)
Overall, the turbulent times simmered down to a lazily, wafting steam. Those Who Slither in the Dark were still a danger to society, but Edelgard, Byleth, Caspar, Ferdinand, and Hubert were on top of their game. It was a lengthy session of chess, but so far, they’re nearing the endgame. Hubert, Ferdinand, and Byleth approximated about five more years until this evil is squashed for good. Five more years until Edelgard can retire.
At the emperor’s patio of her grand bedroom late at night, the woman in bright red glanced over her shoulder. Edelgard released her hold on the concrete railings and approached the older female. The moon’s soft rays of light lit Byleth’s entrance into her vision. Her ex-professor had both hands behind her back, her hues sparkled like the stars. It would almost seem out of character had they not been dating!
Edelgard tried to resist an amusing chuckle as Byleth slowed her steps.
“Professor, what brings you here?”
Both females stood in front of each other. The close approximation allowed their breaths to tickle each other. They shyly giggled. Byleth soon leaned down to plant her lips on the shorter’s forehead. Pleasant warmth grew in the noble’s chest as she rested her hand on the other’s chest. She lowered her head and felt the corner of her lips curve upward.
“Okay, Byleth, what is it that you have to tell me?”
“You’re always straight to the point.”
“That’s just who I am.”
“Well… I have a surprise for you.”
Byleth began to back away from the emperor. The ex-mercenary got down on one knee. Her hands that were once behind her back were brought forward. There was a small object pinched between her thumb and index. It was a silver ring ornamented with bits of fine gemstones and diamonds; a precious gift that her father, Jeralt, had once given to her mother. He bestowed it upon his daughter before the incident that transpires afterward.
“Will you marry me, El?”
Her cheeks flushed. Those were the words Edelgard would never expect to hear from anyone in her life. Commitment to ending the Hresvelg line and isolating herself from politics once her duties were complete was all that filled her mind. She and Byleth had fallen in love, but they never exchanged anything more than a simple peck or tender embrace. Honestly, Edelgard held low expectations for their relationship to deepen. The fact that her partner in battle would become her lifelong partner increased her heartbeat’s pace.
' Is this a dream? It's too good to be true! '
The noble’s violet hues searched for an object other than Byleth to fixate. Happiness was an understatement. It was a complete understatement. No terminology in any living dictionary would be able to describe the euphoric sensation that threatens to burst from the seam of her epidermis. She failed to completely remove her gaze from Byleth as her reply tumbled out of her mouth like a rockslide.
“I— Wow, yes… Yes!” She finally diverted her attention back to the teal-haired. Hidden ears as rosy as her cheeks, she grinned from ear to ear. “Yes, I want to marry you, Byleth!”
No time was wasted in slipping the ring onto Edelgard’s finger. She cautiously removed the armored glove. Scars and permanent engravings from her surgical procedures were exposed to the open air. A shudder ran down Edelgard’s spine; she had to resist the temptation to rip her hand away. Besides, when her tactician inserted the precious band, all forms of negativity eroded away in a flash. The ring’s surface glimmered in the moonlight as Byleth brought her lips on her soon-to-be-official-wife’s knuckles. The sensitive flesh brushed upon the marked hand.
“We’ll always be together in spirit.”
“Just in spirit, though?”
Edelgard chuckled as her professor rose from the crouch. Hands now holding each other, they exchanged a kiss. At her lips’ touch, the vermillion girl blossomed like a flower. Sweet nectar dripped from her lover’s whispers as they went in for a second round. They repeatedly kissed, the one after another becoming briefer and more playful. Their eyes were closed as giggles emitted from their direction. From a distant, it would be to no one’s surprise if literal heart shapes sprouted from the couple.
“Once we finish ridding Those Who Slither in the Darkness, we shall find an appropriate person fit for the throne.”
“Mm… Five years is long, isn’t it?”
“We cannot help it. We have to stay focused on our goals.”
“It would be nice if five years were to hurry, don’t you think?”
“I agree.”
Edelgard placed a hand on her hip once their hold broke away. She looked downward, the smile lingering.
“Still, I have you by my side. To think that I would be walking down this path on my own… I was mistaken. I wouldn’t know what to do if you weren’t with me.”
“You should learn how to be independent without me, El.”
“Oh, hush! I doubt that would ever happen now that we’ve promised to be with each other.”
“…in spirit.”
“Why do you keep saying that? I hope you are misunderstanding the original phrase—”
A faint, but warm, yellow light glowed on Edelgard’s face. Stars. Tiny, little stars twinkled before the shorter female.
Particles of light began to grow brighter around the emperor. Edelgard raised her head; her violet eyes widen at the newfound sight.
The older woman tilted her head, eyelids closed and smiled. Those particles grew in its number as Byleth became transparent. Their gentle nature floated near her face, almost as if they tried to hug her. Alas, these creations were not permanent. They were meant to fade away into nothingness… just like her Byleth.
She reached out towards her lover with the same hand that received the ring.
That was right… How could she have forgotten?
During the final battle, the two emerged victoriously… but at a heavy cost. Byleth had collapsed after the dragon’s death. Edelgard immediately dashed to her girlfriend; she ignored the throbbing aches from her bruises and stings from her cuts. The noble flipped over the instructor. A quick examination told her of the bad news. Confirmation was needed, and it was a confirmation Edelgard wished she had never done.
Byleth’s heart stopped beating. No matter how many times she pressed her ear against her chest, pressed her fingers upon her wrist, and shook the older woman, Byleth would not crack open her eyelids. Not a single peep came out of her mouth.
Did she die peacefully?
She didn’t know. She won’t know. She will never know.
“Are you leaving me again?”
Tears stained Edelgard’s cheeks as she witnessed her professor nod at her direction.
“This is farewell.”
Farewell? There was no need for farewell when the noble glanced down at her hand again. The ring… it was still there. Yes! It was still there! That same ring that she had slipped onto her ring finger! It… No— it has always been there. Byleth had given it to her and proclaimed her proposal right before the final mission. It was the last gift her girlfriend— her wife had given to her before the untimely demise.
She felt her throat become dry and lips tremble. Edelgard grabbed at the bright lights that encompassed her significant other. They went through her fingers. But she repeated her actions. It became frantic and wild as dizziness seeped into her skull. The tears continued to pour from her lacrimal glands as Edelgard shook her head with slanted eyes.
“No… NO!”
This isn’t right!
“Don’t you dare—!”
Her heart squeezed until it physically caused pain. Streams flowed down her face as her fingers curled inward at the golden clumps. Another outcry burst in-between her sharp exhales.
“I’ve already lost you once!”
No no no no no—!!!
Why can’t she grab her?!
“Don’t leave me again!” she wailed at the disappearing woman. “Please! I don’t know what to do anymore!”
Byleth reached her illuminated hand out. Though contact was not felt, she began to smooth the crying noble’s head. Particles from her legs began to dim as she tilted her head. Despite the anguish from her lover, she still smiles. How could she still smile…? No, that smile was only because she was an illusion. Edelgard’s blurred vision deluded her of a Byleth she finds solace in. Her lips trembled violently as another choking sob blubbered out of her.
Her professor, her friend, her lover, her only one closed her eyelids.
“Open your eyes, my dear Edelgard. This was only just a dream.”
This delusion has to end… and the first step to it is acceptance. As Byleth vanished, Edelgard crumpled to her knees. She cried hard into her hands, her weeping echoed into the lonesome night.
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
DBH - A Russian Alien in Detroit
This one is a little more rushed, but I wanted to introduce Artyum and Val before I proceeded to mess around with any more of my androids.
The DBH fandom needs just as many interesting and fun human ocs as it has awesome android ocs!
    In all of his 2 years of experience living in America, Artyum found that everything was kind of the same as his home city in Russia.
It stank of pollution and the people sucked ass, although very often he found that being so rude didn't do him any favours.
Or maybe just being a foreigner already screwed him up big time. He couldn't decide which one was it just yet...
    On arrival he'd been fresh out of uni, with his engineering degree still holding that pleasant new smell, and his hair being cut short and beard trimmed to perfection.
His grandmother had always told him first impressions mattered when going to a job interview, and applying for an apprenticeship at Cyberlife in America meant that he had to be careful with how he spoke, dressed and worked.
Perfect and efficient were what she'd told him to go for. Never less.
His father in turn, had told him to be better than that, so as to show the Americans how Russians got shit done. Honestly, he'd tried.
But when you're Russian and your country is having a dick measuring contest with the one you're supposed to live in for work reasons, you can kiss the simplicity of a nice life goodbye.
His superiors had hated him for being a “Commie” spy, and they'd all treated him like a trash fire for looking older than he really was.
Genetics were a bitch, and the male side of the family all reached 6’ in their early 20s.
He was 21 and built like a bear.
The chief engineer who was a pretentious jackass with the self-confidence of a worm, really didn't like that in particular.
Apparently being outsized, outweighed and outsmarted by a 21 year old graduate, was a personal blow to his fragile ego.
Really there was nothing, short the food and work, that got a tiny bit of pleasure out of his stay in the country.
And then working in the engineering department, testing the newly built androids, became less fun and more nerve-wracking.
    Everyone in his department knew about the “Defects”. The androids that just didn't come out working as they should.
His supervisor told him that he should flag any of the 'droids that just bugged out and acted up weirdly, but honestly?
Something just never felt right about it when he did it. A sort of gut feeling that had nothing to do with the sugar glazed donuts and redbull he'd had for lunch.
And then, being the curious idiot that he was, Artyum Kutznekov just started really paying attention to his tasks, rather than punching in his card and disassociating for the day until his shift ended.
The false bliss he'd felt over working his ��dream job” had come crushing down when it really clicked what he was doing.
The “Defects” weren't so much as glitching androids as they were aware.
And not just a simulation gone wrong. They were scared, and it was REAL.
    Artyum wasn't that clean shaven nerdy boy anymore. He wasn't sucking up to Cyberlife and it's corporate vampires. He'd quit, sent a letter home, got a lecture back and then said fuck it to everything.
He became an official citizen of the United States and moved into some shitty hellhole of an apartment, right above some Brazilian couple that fought every night and then fucked their brains out at 4 am. The above tenant was nice, an old Scottish grandmother who'd greeted him with a beer and a few words.
 “Welcome to the most culturally diverse part of Detroit. We get all the immigrants here.”
 “Is that good or bad?” He'd asked.
 “Russian. Tsk tsk… Lose the thick accent and ya might not get shot in an alleyway.”
 “Would be much better than to live in America anyway...”
 “That's the spirit lad. You'll fit right in.”
She hadn't been kidding.
There were a lot of people with different ethnic backgrounds in the apartment and they weren't all that bad.
One of them, Val, was a young 19 year old latina who lived in the basement floor.
No parents, no other relatives, just her and her android dog, Regi.
She was as smart and cunning as a fox and had the tongue of a sailor. Nana Agnes scolded him for giving the kid vodka sometimes.
It kind of paid off that he'd befriended her in the end, after Sergei came into his turbulent life.
 “So, couple of custom parts and something to help save his skin?” The girl grimaced “Sugar, you're really killing my buzz here. That android is fuuuucked.”
 “Tell me something new...I know it is a difficult task, but I am being at...At wits end. Repairing is easy, yes? But customizing to fit older model is your bread and...and.” he paused, clicking his tongue for a second of annoyance as he tried to recall the proper term.
 “Butter. My bread and butter, which requires pay.” Val rolled her eyes. “I swear, you're a heck of a fuckin’ dictionary Artie, but how can ya remember the precise name of biocomponents and shit, if you can't remember how to say butter or even spork?”
 “I studied! Manuals have all information on complex parts, but they do not come with information on what one is to put in toast!” He pouted. “Also combining spoon and fork is most stupid thing I have ever been told! There are different utensils for reason!”
 “Oh my god Art you're killing me.” Val smirked “And fiiine. I'll get you those parts, but ooonly if you let me tweak the voice box for Sergei.”
 “You are enabler though! You will give him annoying voice that will get on my nerves!” he'd complained.
 “Hey! Sergei's all about dat sweet sweet gay culture. If he wants a super funny and cute nasally voice, let my boi have one! Bitches gotta go all out my dude!”
 “I swear I do not know why we are friends.”
 “Cuzz I'm such a charmer, and you're bored of hearing Marcello's and Joana's soap opera dramas every morning.”
 “Becoming listener of their activities was not a choice.” He reminded her.
 “And the term you're looking for there, is vouyer~”
 “I am not a vouyer!!!”
 “No, but you're a big hairy dude that lives with a gay robot that's missing several limbs and a lot of screws.”
 “You make it sound very questionable.”
 “I build custom vaginas and dicks for androids that can't consent, while knowing that there are living ones fighting for their rights in this shit show of a city. Life's fucked. Let me have fun at the expense of my Russian bear neighbour and his twinky android roommate.”
 “I will drink to that.” he replied as he took both their glasses for a refill.
 “Yeah could sure do with another drink. To our shitty weird as fuck life.”
 “Like God would condone any of this, lol.”
    America wasn't all that great, neither was Russia really, and honestly Artyum had chosen a poor time to move into Detroit, but hey...
If he hadn't died in some alleyway because of hate crimes, then he was surely not gonna die because of what was up with the city and it's "Deviancy problems".
If he did, at least then he'd die knowing he wouldn't have to get shot at the grocery store for having a thicker accent than people were comfortable with.
Until then he was content with repairing Sergei. The PL600 sure could use a helping hand after he'd been put through, whatever the fuck his twisted owner had done to him before Artyum found him in pieces.
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thekihyun · 5 years
by @kihyukis
(all opinions expressed in this post are mine, if you disagree with something, it is ok to comment or express your own opinion, but pls don’t be disrespectful, thanks! Also it is my first time doing this in english, sorry if there are mistakes!)
1. Intro: We are here
A song that introduces us to the concept of the album, it does its job. In contrast to “Intro: Are you there?, which is much softer and clearer, this one sounds dark and heavy. Considering that this album is linked to the previous one and the title of it, we know that there will be a progression in terms of plot, and it gives us a preview of how intense the album will be. “Intro: Are you there?” to me says “we are lost, we need to find our way” and “Intro: We are here” is “hey, I’ve arrived”. (8/10).
2. Alligator
Extremely hard and mechanic beats, high and compressed vocals, it sounds a little bit all over the place to me. The first verse and build up to the chorus are interesting, but the vocals on this part don’t connect so well to the beats. The chorus itself is very catchy and it is a high point of this song. The second verse where they repeat “alli-alli-alligator” could have had something else, considering that they already had repeated “alligator” many times in the chorus, so it is a weak part for this song in my opinion. Joohoney’s rap very fun and intense, which is something we expect of him. I.M’s rap part follows Joohoney’s and closes well this segment. Another weak spot that this song has is the abrupt transition between the rap part and the second chorus repetition, followed by the second repetition of the verse. The bridge is a build up to the final chorus repetition, and it is completely different and well executed by Joohoney and I.M’s back and forth rap. It is heavy and fast, complemented by Kihyun’s high notes, which are superb. This last part delivers we expect from a Monsta X song. Overall it is a catchy and strong song, but at times it seems the beats are not matching well between themselves and the weak parts I’ve commented about made me don’t feel as impressed by this song as I was with their previous title songs. (7.5/10).
3. Ghost
The intro of the song is interesting and weird at the same time, it caught my attention right away. Joohoney makes his appearance right in the beginning which is very cool, because if we listen to Monsta X’ songs we notice that Joohoney and I.M deliver their rap parts one after the other. It’s great, because they match incredibly well, but it is refreshing to hear when they don’t do it. The first verse proceeds with the weird vibe of the intro. The build up to the chorus is poor in the other hand, and the chorus itself is weak, the beats are too energetic and hyped in comparison to the first verse, it breaks the weird vibe we were getting from before. I.M’s rap part is fine, and the ad libs he added surprised me. The second verse is also a weak part for this song because of lack of lyrics, it didn’t add much. Jooheon and I.M follow up is fast but nice, followed by the chorus repeat. (7/10)
4. Play It Cool
I love EDM, but I am not a big fan of Steve Aoki. However... I think he did a good job with this song. I was expecting a little bit more heavy, considering his previous work with the Bangtan boys, but it left me a taste of “Wasting on me” in the mouth, which is not bad at all! It is a very catchy song and I don’t have any complaints about the verse or the chorus. I think althought it is a EDM song, we can feel Monsta X in it. It was a pleasing surprise to have Joohoney singing part of the lyrics. My only complaint is maybe the abrupt change on the beats when I.M’s rap part starts, transition was not so well executed. I am excited to see them promoting this song on shows, it sounds fun! I feel like it could be a older cousin of “Fallin”. (8.5/10)
5. No reason
Already a dear of monbebes! We know her since last year and we love a song produced by Wonho! We can feel Wonho in this from the beginning to the end. It is soft, the lyrics are meaningful and you can just close you eyes and enjoy it. Minhyuk’s and Kihyun’s voices match so well to the beats, and the line distribution for ot7 was smart. No complaints. Tecnically speaking, this song doesn’t have much beat intensity or fluctuations, it is straight foward and it gives me a feeling the whole song is a chorus, that you just want to sing along. It is warm and makes all monbebe proud. A must in the album! (8.5/10)
6. Give me Dat
Honestly, not a fan of this song. The beats are too messy and uneven between themselves. I would say it seems to be like a “Frankestein”, pieces and bits sewn together. It is not a song that I would consider that adds much to the album, but I the chorus is catchy, maybe if it was structured differently it would have worked. Another thing that bothered me was how the beats and the rap deliver didn’t match at all. (6.5/10)
7. Turbulance
A intense song... we like intensity. I didn’t like that this song came right after “Give me Dat”. They have similar beats and tones, which can be tiring to the ears if you are listening the whole album in a spree. Overall, this song works very well, it is balanced, the vocals and the rap parts are nice. You can feel it is a Monsta X song. The beats also gave me a little bit of 90′s vibes for some reason? I like it, but also don’t have much more to say about it. (7/10)
8. Rodeo
This song is weird as f***, but in a great way! Right in the beginning you get those strong beats with high and energetic vocals, which you expect that will set the “let’s go wild” tone of the whole song. First verse is cool, vocals are on point and the ad libs and rappers verses worked really well. The build up to chorus is completely different from the previous beats and from the chorus itself and goes far away “rodeo” vibes we were getting previously. That, in my opinion, was a weak choice for this song. The chorus was a nice surprise, it is conducted by Joohoney (and Wonho with the sub vocals? I am not sure). Listening to this part, I could imagine a rodeo party, a crazy and wild party. Something that is interesting about this song is that it doesn’t have a specific rap part, it is mixed with the vocals. Kihyun’s high note in the end serves the cake, it is a bop. (8.5/10).
9. Stealer
I thought this one sounded promising when I heard the the preview, but I guess I was wrong. It has it’s charm, the first verse is great, misterious, sexy. But then the song builds again to a hyped and EDM-ish confusion in the chorus. It’s tone goes down again in the second verse but again it gets super hyped with the chorus repetition. With so many hype songs in this album this could’ve been a more chill and sexy song, like “Myself”. The beats are too messy sometimes, and the transitions are weak. It was a miss in my opinion. (6.5/10).
10. Party time
Best song of the album, hands down. It went in a completely different direction from the previous songs. It is calmer, but still a fun and happy song. It is perfect to close an album. The lyrics are sexy and witty, it is addictive and hard to not lose yourself and just enjoy the “party” it serves for you. You can feel Brother Su’s touch on this one, the chill vibes of the intro and the delightful vibes the chorus gives you. I.M’s rap is a high point, you feel drunk with him. I wanna get drunk listening to this song. (9/10).
Overall: 7/10
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girlonthemoon9 · 6 years
Just Forget The World (E.D.) Pt.14
:: Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7 , Part 8 , Part 9 ,
Part 10 , Part 11 , Part 12 , Part 13 ::
Master List
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Summary: Stella’s world changed the moment she met Ethan on a beach in Australia, but she’ll never know just how much. Life became more vibrant and to say the least, entertaining. But, with the dramatic and fun loving boy came frustrations and complications. Can they be overcome or will the rare turbulent waves finally drag them down?
Word Count: 3,858
I don’t know how long I sat on my knees there on the floor. All I know is they were aching in a way that I’ve never felt. My mind raced in circles. How had H.T. gotten those photos? I was so positive that they were all gone. Each photo was a reminder of dark times in my past that I’d spent the last few years leaving behind, but they were still things I didn’t want people to know.
The photos were the easy part, the stories that followed them were what I feared the most. If H.T. could get their hands on those, there was no doubt in my mind that they could know the stories. So then was H.T. a person I knew from my past? What would I do if anything else came out? As it was now, I wasn’t sure Ethan was going to look past the photos. If he knew the stories that correlated, he’d wipe his hands of me.
Maybe that was for the best...
My thoughts were broken by the loud knocking on my door. When I finally snapped out of it, I noticed the sun was low on the horizon, casting a fire orange ray across the sky and beginning to lite the clouds a vibrant pink.
I got to my feet slowly and made my way to the door.
“STELLA!” the familiar voice called to me like a siren song.
When I opened the door and saw the face looking back at me, I trembled and fell into them. The small frame in front of me held me close, feeding courage into my bones.
“Shhh. Stella, it’s ok.” Liza tried to sooth my convulsing body as it shook in her arms. 
“Liza, I don’t know what to do. I though I’d buried my past. I didn’t want anyone to know I was that person. I didn’t want people...” I paused as I sucked in a breath of air and continued, “...I didn’t want Ethan to know the things I’ve done.” I pulled back from her as she shut the front door and moved us into the living room, pulling me onto the couch next to her.
“It can’t honestly be that bad.” she tried to calm me.
I wiped my face and took a deep breath, my hands still covering my face as I spoke softly to her, “It’s worse Liz.” When I finally looked up to meet her gaze, the look on her face was skeptical. 
I hadn’t spoken about what happened in years. I had been doing my best to move on and live my life in a way that would never bring me down that old path again. I carried so much shame about what had happened and I didn’t realize how much of it effected my life. It was time for me to talk about it and I knew I could trust Liza with my past.
We spent the next 2 and a half hours talking, mainly it was me telling her every little bit of what had happened and her comforting me. I couldn’t help the tears that fell as I relived a time in my life that I desperately wanted to move past.
Liza sat there holding me for quite some time before she finally spoke softly above my head that was rested on her shoulder. “Stella, it really wasn’t your fault. You know that right? None of what happened is your fault...” she paused taking in a deep breath before continuing, “And anyone who knows you will know the truth about who you are. You are an amazing person with so much love. Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.”
We sat quietly as I took in her words, Liza never letting go of me. She had become my best friend and that was something I didn’t know I’d needed until now. I’d always felt more comfortable around guys because I had all older brothers. But I hadn’t had a girl friend to talk to and confide in for so many years. Liza was a breath of fresh air. It was as if I’d spent so many years walking around in a crowded smoggy city and for the first time in what felt like forever, I was in an open meadow in the middle of spring. Now don’t get me wrong, I loved having Gray to talk to, but this was different. Plus, I’d gone so long without talking to him now, which felt so abnormal...like I was missing a limb.
“You need to get away for awhile. What are you doing for the next two weeks, starting tomorrow?” Liza pulled me back from her and looked at my undoubtedly blotchy face, pushing a rouge strand of hair from my face.
“I don’t have any plans. Maybe figure out how to handle this situation...” as if I hit a wall, the thought of Ethan came to mind. “Ethan is never going to talk to me again.” My eyes grew wide at the thought. Just when I had gotten to the point of recovery, here we were again.
“Stella, look at me.” I did as I was told and slowly brought my gaze to hers. “Wether he wants to admit it or not, that boy loves you, everyone can see it. This will not make him walk away. And when you feel comfortable telling him your truth, he’ll support you and understand and he will love you no less.” My body warmed a little at her words, she was right. If Ethan cared about me, this wouldn’t stand in our way. It may hurt him to see those photos, but that was my past and I wanted him to be my future. I was only worried about what he would think of me when he’d finally find out what I’d been trying so hard to hide about my past.
Liza’s hand quickly grabbed mine as she hopped happily on the couch next to me, her idea getting the best of her. “You know I’m doing this cross country road trip for my channel right?” I nodded at her words. “What better way of getting you out of your head and off the radar than to come with me!” Liza spoke excitedly. “It’ll be so much fun! You can take a break from Social Media and we can see new places, try new things! ...but not like that, I like you but you know...David.” I laughed at her words as her face got serious in her last sentence.
“I don’t know Liza. That sounds like fun. But what about my blog?” I worried.
“It’ll still be there. Have one of the people that work for you take it over. It’s only two weeks. Then you can do a whole piece about the trip...Better yet! You can vlog it all and do that for a series of posts!” I couldn’t help but be consumed by the light radiating from her. She was so excited and so persuasive.
“What, are you trying to turn me into a YouTuber too? I’ve got enough of those in my life.” I laughed at her.
“It’s all a part of my master plan.” Liza spoke mischievously as she rubbed her hands together. “Come on Stella, it’s going to be so much fun! And it will be really good for you!” She begged.
My mind was already made up long before she began begging. “Okay, lets do this!”
*Ethan POV*
“Ethan!” I could hear Grayson, his voice echoed down the hall and woke me from my thoughts.
“What do you want!?” I was annoyed with him after he took my Jeep and put a dent in the side of it.
I reluctantly got up from the comfort of my bed and slowly walked down the hall to his room, my black socks shuffling my body. Gray was sat at his computer editing our next video. I fell onto his bed and grunted as my head hit the fabric beneath me.
“Did you really go out to eat with Hannah yesterday?”
“Yeah. She’s in town and hit me up for lunch. Is that a problem?” I answered, not bothering to lift my head to look at him, my annoyance growing. What was the problem? And why did he care? I didn’t want anything from Hannah anymore. I knew who I wanted to be with, that was all that mattered to me.
“Dude! You’re so stupid! Do you have any idea how that probably looked to Stella? I thought you were trying to get her back? What’s your problem?” Gray said agitated with me.
I couldn’t help myself as I sat up quickly, “Don’t call me stupid! I brought Stella flowers and told her that I wanted to be with her. She never called me. Hannah hit me up and asked if I wanted to get food. I was hungry, I wasn’t going to say no. We’re friends. That’s all that matters. Stella knows how I feel, okay? When she’s ready, she’ll reach out to me. But I can’t sit around and wait for that day. I did that already…for like a month! Remember? I spent every day inside playing FortNite…you hated it…remember yet?” I couldn’t help the annoyance in my voice as I spoke.
“I’m going to tell you right now bro, the Hannah situation is trouble. But I know you, you’re going to do what you want. Personally, I think you should drop her, she isn’t that great anyway. There’s just something about her that I don’t trust.” He paused and looked at me. I could tell by the look on his face that there was something more he wanted to say and I could tell he wasn’t happy about it. “What else do you want to say Gray?” I asked, arms crossed.
“Have you seen what that DolanExposed twitter posted yesterday?” He spoke softly.
I didn’t look at twitter after seeing Stella’s post that she had gotten the flowers. I looked at that tweet over and over waiting to hear from her. But she never hit me up. Then I went to meet up with Hannah. But after that, I didn’t open the app again. I just hung around the house with Gray, hoping that Stella would call.
Gray got up from his seat and moved over to the bed next to me and handed me his phone, “I think you should see this.”
I didn’t know what he was talking about or what to expect as I took the phone from his hand and looked up at him. His eyes were saying so much and given the fact that we spent our whole lives communicating in this way, I knew what he was thinking, ‘Take a deep breath and don’t freak out. You don’t know the whole story’.
I looked down at the phone in my hand and began looking through the posts. Each post showed a different photo. I could easily make out Stella in each one, but the person I saw was different to the person I thought I knew. The photos of her partying were ruff to see, but it was the photos of her making out with different guys that really hurt. I could tell these weren’t new, she looked younger and thinner, but not in a healthy way. She looked lost. 
The pain in my chest hit me out of nowhere as I studied each one. I hurt for her, for this lost person in each photo. What had happened that got her to that point I wondered. The photos of her with other guys made me sick to my stomach and I quickly put the phone down in my lap before running my hands down my face and then up into my hair, frustratedly pulling on the ends.
When I looked back down at the phone the last thing I saw was a photo of Hannah and me at lunch. If I didn’t feel defeated before, I sure did now. I knew that us going to eat meant nothing, but this photo looked like something entirely different.
“Shit!” was all that fell from my lips.
Gray sat there quietly staring at the comforter beneath us. I knew he wanted to speak up, but he was doing his best to bite his tongue until I spoke up. This wasn’t normally his tactic, but he knew better than to get me more riled up.
“Fuck!...Shit!...FUCK! Gray, what the fuck!?”
“Yeah...I know. She posted on her blog that she’s going to go off the grid for a bit. That her and Liza are going on a road trip they are going to vlog for the next couple weeks. No way of getting ahold of her. She said one of the editors will be posting temporarily and then she’s going to come back with a series of vlogs.” He paused and I knew there was more. He’d spoken to her, I could see it in his eyes.
“What did she say Gray? I know you talked to her.” I couldn’t even look at him, my head was spinning. 
“She said that she is doing better since Liza came over after she saw the posts. She mentioned that it was Liza’s idea to go on this trip and get away. She thinks that if we knew what happened in her past that we wouldn’t want to know her. I don’t think she realizes it, but I can feel it, she’s going to run away from this...from us. Whatever this “H.T.” person knows...I think this is only the beginning.”
His words were hard to hear. The person I cared most about, beside Gray, was being bullied by an anonymous person hiding behind their computer and it pissed me off. I didn’t know what to do with the rage that filled me, but I knew that if I let it grow, it wasn’t going to end well. Who was “H.T.”? What did they know? What was Stella hiding? Could it be something we could get over together? Should I just walk away?
‘No Ethan! There is no way you can walk away from her and you know it!’ My mind yelled at me and it was right. There was no going back now. I knew that I wanted her in my life and I would do whatever I needed to in order to make that a reality. But could her secret really be that bad?
I got up off the bed quickly and stormed out of the room, hearing Grayson yell after me, “Where are you going E?!”
“Out to the gym. I need to punch something.” I mumbled as I made my way to the place I knew I could let out the aggression that I was feeling.
Every time my fists made contact with the bag, I could feel the pain in my knuckles. I didnt care though, it felt good to get the anger out of me. It cleared my head in a way that I knew wasnt entirely healthy.
In many ways I was thankful to have the support of our fans, I hate calling them that, but it was times like these when I wish I could just live a normal life. I feared that anyone I would ever try to be close to would just end up being attacked. It wasn’t fair for them to be ripped apart because of what I did for a living. I knew that most of the people were supportive and just wanted me to be happy, but it only took a handful to go out of their way to make things hard.
It wasnt fair to Stella that she was having to deal with this just because of our relationship...or lack there of at the moment. Whoever this H.T. person was, they were dragging her past out and making it everyone's business.
I hit the punching bag harder as the thoughts raged more and more ferociously. The pain in my knuckles now seemed to make my hands numb. Numb like me, numb like my feelings. I found my focus drifting to thoughts that haven't been too uncommon for me the last few months, why cant I admit my feelings. Not just my feelings for Stella, but for anyone outside of my family. Am I scared of getting hurt? Am I scared of what people will think or say if they knew? Am I afraid of our fans leaving us because of it? I didnt know the answer and I knew that I might never know the answer.
I hadn't noticed the tears coming from my eyes until I found myself slipping to the floor in front of the bag. What was I going to do? How was I going to fix things? I wanted Stella back, but I wasn't sure how. I figured that by now if she wanted to be with me, she would, but Grayson kept telling me that she needed time. I know I hurt her, but couldn't she see that I wanted her and no one else? I mean it's not like we were dating before and I didn't sleep with Hannah. I fucked up, I know I did, but it wouldn't be that big of a deal to move past...right?
Suddenly I thought of the photos of her from before with other guys. Guys that weren't me. And just like a raging fire that cant be tamed, my jealousy grew. If this was what I was feeling knowing that those guys were people from her past, I cant begin to imagine what she must have felt like seeing me and someone else in the present. It was in this moment of realization that I understood why she was taking her time. I understood why she was scared to trust me.
I needed to speak to her, I needed to see her! But she was gone and maybe that was the best thing for her. At this point I was emotionally and physically exhausted and just wanted to sleep for the next week and in a way thats what ended up happening.
I watched Liza’s Instagram stories, posts, snapchats, videos, just waiting for the moment I could see Stella’s face. Even if it was just for a moment, like when Liza was showing them driving down the interstate somewhere with the convertible top down on the car. Stella was driving and her hair flailed franticly in the wind as she laughed and her smile beamed. My heart filled and broke at the same time. I wanted to be the reason for that smile to be on her face, but instead I was the reason she felt pain. 
I would watch the videos on repeat and spend more time then I should have looking that the photos. There were so many times where I wanted to text Liza to see how my girl was doing, but I knew that it would be better if I didn’t. I’ve never been good at self-control and this situation was taking a toll on me. Gray was doing everything he could to keep me busy and active to keep my thoughts off of what was going on. We spent a lot of time outside at the pool. On occasion we would go to the beach and surf, it’d been so long since we’d done that. One night Bryant came over and we all chilled and watched movies. They were doing their best, but my thoughts were never too far away from her. What was she doing? Was she happy? Was she moving on? Was I enough? Should I let her go? NO! Did I love her? Do I even know what love is? Do I know how to love? Was I broken? Could I be fixed?
My brain never stopped and for the first time in my life I had the hardest time falling asleep. This was unusual for me. I didn’t want to eat, that was the point when Gray started to get concerned. He’d come home one day with my favorite pizza and I couldn’t stomach to look at it.
“E, come on. You can’t keep doing this to yourself. It’s not healthy bro.” Grayson’s voice dripped with concern as he pulled out the dining room chair next to me. He sat down and slung his arm around the back of my chair making himself comfortable.
I didn’t even acknowledge his presence in the chair next to me as I sat in a trance looking out the large windows in the dining room. “Have you seen the things people have been saying about her?” I never looked over at him, “They don’t even know her. It’s been a week Gray. A WEEK!...And they still dig. They still accuse and theorize.” My head fell into my hands as I ranked my fingers deep into my scalp and tugged on the tendrils that grew from it. “It’s all my fault. I need to fix this Gray.” I slowly raised my head to match his gaze.
His hand fell onto my shoulder before he pulled me close into him, “Okay Bro, how do you want to do it? I’m here for you. Love you man....”
Silence fell around us as I thought of a simple way to express what I was feeling. A way to get my voice out and clear up any speculation. I needed people to hear my voice, hear my words, not just read them on social media. 
And just like that, my idea emerged. I needed to do something I hadn’t done in years. I needed to connect directly with our fandom. I needed them to see what this was doing to me. I didn’t want to bring more attention to something that held no weight, but this was more important to me than anything else that I can remember. This needed to be fixed and prevented for a future.
I looked up at Gray to see him thinking hard...almost too hard. “Live,” was all that I said before the light went off for him, “I need to go live with them. I need to tell everyone whats going on. I need to speak up. At the very least, it’ll help take the heat off Stella. At best, she’ll see it and know what I really want and know how I feel.”
Grayson nodded his head at me slowly, taking in my words and playing out the scenario in his head. “Alright, lets do it...” he paused for a long moment, taking me into his arms and hugging me tightly. Normally I would push him off me playfully, but I needed my brother right now. I was grateful to have him, to have had every moment of my life shared with him, to have him in my corner. When he finally loosened his grip on me and pulled back, he looked directly at me, “...together. Us against the world. Always.”
A/N: WE FINALLY GOT TO HEAR FROM ETHAN! He seems to have been battling his feelings and what is right and wrong. Although his thoughts about some things remain misguided. We finally get to see him battling some of those inner demons of his that seem to be controlling his ability to express himself. 
Stella and Liza have journeyed off on an adventure. Seems like this is something that has been needed for awhile. Not only the trip, but Stella having a friend she can open up to. That being said....WHAT IS STELLA HIDING!? And why is she convinced it’s her fault?? 
What is E going to do on the live stream? And can we just give a slow clap for our boy who is just the strongest foundation through all this,...GRAYSON! You the real MVP. lol.
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tia-lovell-blog · 5 years
Airplanes aren’t great for illness
In the last few months, I’ve been throwing up a lot. I get stomach pains, fatigue, dehydration, and I’ve just been having a generally shitty time. I’ve managed to still go to school, despite collapsing multiple times either on the way or in school. I’ve only stayed home a few times, cause apparently I hate myself. I’ve wanted to go to the ER multiple times, but we don’t have the money and my mom doesn’t want to take me. I have a feeling that she doesn’t really get how serious it is. 
About a year ago we’d planned a trip to Hong Kong, at the time things were a lot different. My parents weren’t splitting up, I wasn’t falling down the deep dark hole of physical illness, and I was at a completely different school. I didn’t have access to a therapist, hadn’t been diagnosed with PTSD and I hadn’t even gotten my hearing diagnosis yet. Its been a wild year, in short. (all of these topics will be talked about in later blog posts in far more detail) 
Originally the trip was for us three, my dad my mom and I. Just so that we’re all on the same page I’m going to let you know that my dad and I are not on good terms, and as long as I live sanely we will never be. The divorce is 100% his fault because he was an abusive piece of shit, hence my PTSD and current health issues probably triggered by stress. 
Anyway, because of the divorce it was just me and my mom. Jesus theres so much to catch up on. This is the worst point in my life to start a blog, my life has like fifty sub plots going on, so beware there will be jumping around in this post and probably future posts. 
Because of my stomach issues I’d seen a G.I., or a gastroenterologist. She was very nice and thorough from what I could tell and I liked her. She gave me some stomach acid meds to help with the heartburn, but I started puking even more than before so I stopped taking it a few days into the trip. The puking continued, but I didn’t start taking the meds again. If they irritated my stomach I shouldn’t take them until I see the doctor again. Right? I’m honestly not too sure. Before the meds I was puking an average of 3 out of 7 days of the week not counting dry heaving and stomach acid. Yeah, not fun. Not entirely sure how I’m still functioning. After the meds it was at least once a day. 
Yesterday I threw up two or three times. I’ve managed to mostly hold it down today, but on the flight I ate a little bit of rice and beef. Terrible terrible idea. I don’t know if it was the turbulence, the altitude, the fact that airplane food sucks ass, or maybe just my own anxiety about being thousands of miles up in the sky, but I felt like someone was stabbing my insides. The food was not going down, and I can still feel it at the back of my throat while I type this. I can’t even hold water down lately and when I do I barely get any of it. I’m constantly dehydrated. I sometimes get dizzy when I’m off my iron (I’m iron deficient), so I’m not sure if its because I stopped taking all my meds that this happened, but today I’ve had multiple instances of the world just tilting really quickly with no warning both before and after the plane. It was worse than its ever been and it honestly really scared me. I ran into a railing, thankfully, since I have a habit of staying by them. I had an ankle injury a few years ago and the habit just always stuck with me. I can’t even keep my thoughts straight right now, which is part of why this post is so jumpy. I’m supposed to binge GOT with my friend Brandon tomorrow. He’s never seen it so I volunteered to rewatch with him since I have no one else to watch with. I think thats it for this blog post. I still feel like shit and thats all I’ve got in me.
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georgesmithunit19 · 5 years
10 Minute Lesson Project: Video Process
I am here, and I have finally finished my video for this teaching project. It took around 14 hours if I had to estimate (not in one sitting, over two weeks). It’s interesting that it took so long to create a three minute and thirty second video—which reminds me of Wallace and Gromit and how long that took to create just one single frame. I think that the final piece is decent. It’s not like I’m extremely pleased with it, but overall I do like it and I am proud of what I’ve created. I think that it is good for what it is and does its job well; to teach a young class about a chosen subject while also still being fun. At the time of writing, I have not yet imported sound, nor have I created the work sheet that I will be handing out after the video has finished playing, but I will add the sound later, and I will probably detail that later on in this post when I have (if not it will be in a separate post). The work sheet process will most likely be a separate post. 
Now I must write about my process of the entire thing. Now, I’m not about to bore everyone and use 50 screenshots detailing every single thing that I did throughout, but I have some of the most important ones, which I will be talking about briefly. So firstly, how it all started. I made black solid layer and immediately got to animating the words to come onto the screen. I’d had the idea to have each word separately fly onto the screen to form a sentence for a while, and now was time to put that idea in to motion. This wasn’t so hard to do, but it definitely took the longest time to make out of everything that is in the video. It was very tedious to be honest, there was a lot of duplicating and fiddling with layers etc. The final animation of these parts honestly doesn’t look great, since some of the words follow each other a bit slowly, but I couldn’t do anything about that as that would interrupt everything that came after it. 
Once I’d done this part, and added all the easy ease to make it look more fluid, I decided to use a technique that I had recently learned from Irene, which involves using trim paths to create some confetti-like things that look like they’re flying around the place. Here’s a link to my experience with this technique. I made the colours correspond to the flags of the UK and USA, which conveniently have the same colours (albeit with different shades). 
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The screenshot below shows a dark screen with a flag in the background. This was the first image to appear after the black screen, which I made fade out using opacity keyframes. I chose to start with USA for no particular reason, and then move onto the Union Jack shortly after. A lot of the early parts of this video are drawn out maybe a little longer than they should be due to me being stressed over the fact that I needed to get the video to four minutes. I was taught by another tutor how to make the flag wave a bit using some technique called turbulent displace, which I couldn’t tell you how to do now, but it definitely adds to the video, instead of having static footage. In fact, I originally had planned to have footage for every single different segment of the video, but I was quickly shot down as soon as I visited various different stock footage websites, and found that there was a lot of bad footage. That or it was incredibly expensive. I quickly abandoned the idea of trying to find footage for flags, though luckily, I was much more fortunate in my search for other footage of the later sections. 
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I wrote out some messages that would appear on screen while the flags would be in the background, like “I hope that you enjoy, and learn something new.” and the screenshot below. I had them last for a while to draw out the video, but I also knew that drawing something out for so long would not be entertaining for an audience, so I didn’t go overboard, hopefully. Not much else to say about this screenshot. 
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Now I will briefly talk about some of the footage and images that I used for the video. This first part of the video was going to be about the vocabulary, by the way. The first image that I used was one of a faucet, or tap. I got all of my images from Unsplash, and footage was from Pexels. I simply placed the image and then had it move slightly throughout its duration of being there, so that it wouldn’t look too boring. Next, I made the flags that I would be using to differentiate each word. There was a lot of duplicating and then removing things etc. I wrote a word out, and then parented that word to the image of the flag, so that they would move at the same time, but I could simply edit the word to whatever I wanted to without everything messing up. I tried to get each flag and word to move on the screen in a unique way, though I ended up running out of ideas later on, so some of them copy the earlier ones, but I don’t think you would really think that unless I pointed it out. Like right now. I chose to screenshot this scene, as I really like the footage that I chose for it—it may be my favourite footage. Not much else to say, though there were some more creative ones that I did after this one, like with the cinema, I made the words appear on the big screen. The footage for the apartment scene was also nice, it almost looks like I went out and filmed it myself. 
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Another scene I liked was this one below, of a girl walking on the street, wearing trainers/sneakers. The way that it is zoomed in looks really good, as well as the flags that fall onto the screen, and then fall off at the end. I think that the contrast between the real life footage with the little icons I made in Illustrator is probably best showcased here, in my opinion. After this was a football/soccer scene, where I ran into a little mishap—there was this short black screen that appeared for half a second, which I was able to avoid by duplicating the footage and moving part of it just before the glitch, which covered it up nicely. That’s pretty much it for this screenshot.
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The next part of the video was going to be about spelling, which may be my favourite aesthetically pleasing segment that I made throughout the video. I really like the specific image of the flag, along with the white text over the top of it. I tried to keep it lighthearted, and added a little “(yay!)” under the big word “Spelling”. Some people may catch it. I’ve noticed that throughout the video, the font seems to switch up a lot. I always used the same font, yet it still looked different. 
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The first part of this category would start with the motorway/highway, which again, very aesthetically pleasing to me. I think that it is pretty perfect footage for this particular part. After this was one about colour/color, which also had the same error that the football/soccer scene had. I was able to cover it using the same technique. After this, theater/theatre, meter/metre, which I think I chose a pretty nice image for from Unsplash, and then organize/organise, which again had some really cool footage to accompany it, and it also looks like I could have filmed it.
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Next is undeniably my favourite scene from the whole video. It was of a plane that was just barely in the shot, while there were clouds blowing across the screen. I used this to my advantage and decided to try something new with the animated flags and words. This time, I lowered the opacity of both flags once the cloud went over it. Also, the way they appear on the screen also looks really good (albeit unintentional) as they look as if they’re blowing onto the screen following a cloud that seems to have blown them along with it. The whiter the screen got, the more I lowered the opacity of the flags—even going down to 15% when a big cloud essentially covered the screen. I think that this ended up looking really good, and honestly like it could be a separate thing of its own. I’m hoping my audience will be able to catch the words, with them being covered by the clouds as well. It doesn’t help that the words in this case are incredibly similar; traveled/travelled. 
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After this was the segment that introduced prepositions into the video. I didn’t exactly know what those were, so I thought I would add a little “(what?)” under the word, just a little lighthearted addition, as I assumed that not everybody would know the word either. Also, before this, I typed: “You made it! Now it’s time for...”. In retrospect, this may seem like I’m being patronizing, but at the end of the day, this was created with the intention of appealing to younger people. 
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Next, I thought about how I wanted these prepositions to be for awhile, until coming up with the idea of having a chalkboard as a way of teaching. I had no idea what stock footage of image that I would use, so I thought to just make my own thing this time. I took to Illustrator and started working on a little scene that would have a chalkboard in. The chalkboard itself was easy to create. I just made a square and gave it a slight dark grey to darker grey gradient. Just to give it some slight detail. I also did this with the wall in the back, just going from light purple to a more blue purple. I made a border for the chalkboard, and added some chalk sticks using the rounded rectangle tool. I resized them and placed them on the corner of the board. Then next thing I made was the window on the right. This was easy to make, all I did was create a little scene of some hills, and some clouds, then blur them using the gaussian blur to make the whole scene look like it was in the distance. I then made a border around this, and them thick line through the middle to make it look like a window frame. 
The last thing that I did for this scene was create a little picture for the wall. I made a white rectangle and then gave it a drop shadow. I made a small rectangle and then made some triangles to cut into the rectangle. I then coloured it the same as the border of the chalkboard, and shrunk it. I then duplicated it and placed it over the paper on the wall—to look like tape. I then made a character out of some shapes and the pen tool. I guess you could call it an Easter egg, since it kind of resembles me. 
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After this graphic, I made the second to last segment—Past vs Present Tense. I got another American flag and placed it into the background. This lead into the final part of the lesson which was just using the graphic that I made of the chalkboard again, and then it came to the final slide, which thanks the audience, and then fades to black, which I did by getting a solid shape layer which I coloured black, and adding a keyframe at the start set to 0%, which moved to 100% at the end. 
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