English saint who was murdered by King Henry II’s soldiers
            Thomas Becket was born in London and worked as a clerk due to his father who was financially struggling. He went on to work for Thebald of Bec, the Archbishop of Canterbury who was so impressed by the young Becket that he recommended him to the king.
            Becket quickly rose to high office. King Henry II of England appointed him Chancellor in 1155 and Archbishop of Canterbury in 1162. Becket was a close friend and advisor to the king.
            Becket ruffled the king’s feathers by renouncing courtly life and opposing the king on most matters. In 1164 Becket was summoned to answer charges of being in contempt of royal authority. Convicted, Becket fled to France and was protected by King Louis VII. Henry II demanded Becket return home. Pope Alexander III wanted a resolution to this crisis and with his intervention, Becket returned to England in 1170.
            Becket continued to oppose the king’s policies. Henry II was angry with Becket for the putting the rights of the church above the crown. Henry II frustrated with Becket’s stubbornness cried out, “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest!?” four of his loyal knights heard this and went to Canterbury Cathedral where Becket was inside praying. The knights called out, “Where is Thomas Becket, traitor to king and the kingdom?” Becket knew his death was to take place and said, “I am no traitor and I am ready to die”. The knights then killed him with their swords and after removing the top of his head his blood turned white (from the brain).
            Becket was viewed as a martyr to the Catholic Church and Pope Alexander III made him a saint.
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#thomasbecket #HenryIIofEngland #richardburton
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whencyclopedfr · 11 months
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Henri II roi d'Angleterre
Henri II d'Angleterre régna de 1154 à 1189. Il accéda au trône par négociation avec son prédécesseur, le roi Étienne d'Angleterre (alias Étienne de Blois, roi d'Angleterre r. de 1135 à 1154), à la suite de la guerre civile qui avait fait rage entre ce monarque et l'impératrice Mathilde, mère d'Henri (1102-1167). Henri fonda une nouvelle dynastie, les Angevins-Plantagenêts, et régna jusqu'en 1189, formant le plus grand "empire" d'Europe occidentale et s'imposant comme l'un des plus grands rois de l'histoire de l'Angleterre. Deux points noirs sont cependant impossibles à effacer des mémoires: l'assassinat de son chancelier, puis archevêque, Thomas Becket en 1170 et les rébellions menées par ses propres fils à la fin de son règne. Son fils Richard Ier d'Angleterre, dit Richard Cœur de Lion (r. de 1189 à 1199), puis son autre fils Jean d'Angleterre (alias Jean Sans Terre r. de 1199 à 1216) lui succédèrent.
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whencyclopedes · 1 year
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El monasterio medieval
Un monasterio medieval era una comunidad de monjes cerrada y a veces remota, liderada por un abad, que rechazaba los bienes terrenales para llevar una vida simple de oración y devoción. Los monasterios cristianos se desarrollaron primero en el siglo IV en Egipto y Siria, y para el siglo V esta idea se había extendido a Europa Occidental.
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historiamedieval · 1 year
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Em junho de 1170, Roger de Pont L'Évêque, o arcebispo de York, juntamente com Gilbert Foliot, o bispo de Londres, e Josceline de Bohon, o bispo de Salisbury, coroaram o aparente herdeiro, Henrique, o jovem rei, em York. Isso foi uma violação do privilégio de coroação de Canterbury e, em novembro de 1170, Becket excomungou os três. Enquanto os três clérigos fugiram para o rei na Normandia, Becket continuou a excomungar seus oponentes na igreja, cujas notícias também chegaram a Henrique II, pai de Henrique, o jovem rei. Ao ouvir relatos das ações de Becket, Henry diz ter pronunciado palavras que foram interpretadas por seus homens como desejando que Becket fosse morto. Tudo o que Henry disse, foi interpretado como um comando real, e quatro cavaleiros, partiram para confrontar o arcebispo de Canterbury. Em 29 de dezembro de 1170, eles chegaram a Canterbury. Colocaram suas espadas debaixo de uma árvore do lado de fora da catedral e esconderam suas armaduras de malha sob mantos antes de entrar para desafiar Becket. Os cavaleiros informaram Becket que ele deveria ir a Winchester para dar conta de suas ações, mas Becket recusou. Não foi até Becket recusar suas exigências de submeter-se à vontade do rei que eles recuperaram suas armas e voltaram correndo para dentro para o assassinato. Becket, enquanto isso, procedeu ao salão principal para vésperas. Os quatro cavaleiros, empunhando espadas desembainhadas, entraram na sala dizendo: - "Onde está Thomas Becket, traidor do rei e do reino?!". Os cavaleiros encontraram Becket em um local perto de uma porta para o claustro monástico, as escadas para a cripta e as escadas que levavam ao quire da catedral, onde os monges estavam cantando vésperas. Ao vê-los, Becket disse: - "Não sou traidor e estou pronto para morrer". Um cavaleiro o agarrou e tentou puxá-lo para fora, mas Becket agarrou um pilar levando vários golpes de espada. Continua nos comentários _______ 📸 O martírio de Tomás Becket retratado no Livro das Horas, Sarum Rite, séc. XIV. _______ Fonte - Barlow, Frank (2004). "Becket, Thomas (1120?–1170) #historiamedieval #idademedia #medieval #MiddleAges #history #historia #thomasbecket #Canterbury https://www.instagram.com/p/CmwVnpIuGnG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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baggageclam · 5 years
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What you've been missing this weekend is some history. . . #HenryII #ThomasBecket #England #history #sheep #puns #pun #humor #weird #funny #drawing #sketch #sketches #watercolor #digitalart #art #animals #nature #farm #pastoral #kings https://www.instagram.com/p/B2KOPhTAzV5/?igshid=ccvqs9eec8hq
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I think this second chorus in the first act is one of my favorite pieces by T.S. Eliot. I find it so honest and true to the heartache and continuation of life. I found this in a thrift store for $2. “Living and partly living.” . . . . . . . . #tseliot #murderinthecathedral #thomasbecket #poetry #drama #theatre #rarebooks #bookporn #bibliophile #americanliterature https://www.instagram.com/p/BnKqD_egvts/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r97aownfr999
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medievalproject · 3 years
Thanks, Canterbury Cathedral! 
Received your email reminder about the exhibit at the British museum: Thomas Becket: murder and the making of a saint (22 April – 22 August 2021). I do hope I’ll be able to visit the UK during that time!
But in the meantime, I’ve signed up for the three day virtual conference April 28-30 (Tickets for students for all three days are £25 ) and I’ll be checking out the blog post as well.
I have a special fascination with the Cult of Saints (in general) but particularly as it relates to architecture and rebuilding of the English Medieval Cathedral after the Norman Conquest. Our man Thomas Becket had no small part in this!! 
But that’s for a future post. 
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Martyrdom of Thomas Becket - Psalter (c.1220), f.32 - BL Harley MS 5102 Wikimedia Commons
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ksiendzu · 3 years
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Dziś wprawdzie dowolne, ale wspomnienie św. Tomasza Becketa. Warto się o nim czegoś dowiedzieć. #oktawabożegonarodzenia #thomasbecket #święty #cytaty #kościół (w: Kościół św. Jadwigi w Zabrzu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJYG_H4BTOD/?igshid=1dioyce9f8asr
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minstrel75itg · 4 years
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The British World - The Medieval Age 1066 - 1485. #geoffreychaucer The Medieval Father of English Literature. 1) Traveler’s tales, Pilgrims en route to the shrine of #thomasbecket at Canterbury. The pilgrimage—one of the most popular in the medieval world—was the same one followed by the disparate characters of Chaucer’s #canterburytales 2) Poet of the past, Chaucer is remembered as the author of The Canterbury Tales (ca 1387-1400), one of the first and finest works written in the vernacular English of the day. 3) First Edition, This rebound copy, now in the British Library, was prob. the first book produced on Britain’s earliest printing press, established by #williamcaxton in #Westminster in 1476. #englandhistory #uk https://www.instagram.com/p/CAyWXsFFagX/?igshid=krol1lvhacjh
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terrytiles2014 · 6 years
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Today is the Feast of St Thomas Becket. A wonderful collectible ceramic plaque is available in my Etsy Store: >>> https://www.etsy.com/listing/529767536 <<< All tiles are 100% handmade in Italy by @terrytiles2014 #thomasbecket #stthomasbecket #saints #catholic #anglican #church #stoftheday #saintoftheday #etsyfinds
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loops911 · 6 years
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Looking out onto the nave from the previous shrine of Thomas Becket #canterburycathedral #thomasbecket #gothic (at Canterbury Cathedral)
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whencyclopedfr · 2 years
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Monastères du Moyen Âge
Dans un monastère au Moyen Âge vivait, au sein de la clôture et parfois à l’écart du monde, une communauté de moines dirigés par un abbé, qui fuyaient les biens terrestres pour vivre une vie simple de prière et de dévotion. Les monastères chrétiens apparurent d’abord au IVe siècle en Égypte et en Syrie, puis se répandirent en Europe occidentale dès le Vème siècle.
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whencyclopedes · 2 years
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Tomás Becket
Tomás Becket (también conocido como Thomas á Becket) fue canciller de Enrique II de Inglaterra (quien reinó de 1154 a 1189) y luego arzobispo de Canterbury (de 1162 a 1170). Tomás se enfrentó a su soberano en repetidas ocasiones por la relación entre la Corona y la Iglesia, especialmente por el derecho de los tribunales eclesiásticos a juzgar a los clérigos. Tomás fue asesinado por cuatro caballeros en la catedral de Canterbury el 29 de diciembre de 1170.
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canonjohntwis · 6 years
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Archbishop #ThomasBecket was murdered this day 1170 in #CanterburyCathedral. As we keep his feast may the love for justice that was his prevail in the world to the advantage of the beleaguered! [Pictures taken at 2014 Chichester diocesan clergy conference I attended there] (at Canterbury Cathedral)
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pazuzutits-up · 7 years
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St Thomas à Becket supposedly gave some sermon on this spot, but it was surely much less interesting than the splendid yew tree under which he stood whilst blathering on about sin and that. #yew #tree #gnarly #arthurrackham #spookytree #churchyard #thomasàbecket #history #englishhistory #cofe #churchesconservationtrust #thomasbecket #anglican #nationaltrust #norman #iliketrees #kent #england #godbotherers #poisonoustohorses #capel (at Church of St Thomas à Becket, Capel)
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artwordbw · 7 years
herman_nick -- Great Netherlandish Book of Hours made for John Browne and his wife Agnes, c. 1460 #freelibraryofphiladelphia Widener 3 #ARTH343 #bookofhours #useofsarum #thomasbecket #iconoclasm #reformation #henryviii #damnatiomemoriae
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