#tmnt x child reader
Ok so the sibling headcanons give me soon much comfort, so I hope you don't mind I pop a request in
Turtle sibling reader (like the one form the teddy bear request) showing her beautiful drawing of her family to them. 😭 I just want fluffy sibling bonding Headcanons
Anon, this is adorable-
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You smiled to yourself as you set down your crayons.
You ran into the kitchen, drawing and Mr. Brownie in hand as you hauled yourself up onto the nearest chair next to Raph.
The red clad turtle looked over at you, "Watch ya got there, shorty?"
You giggled and handed him your drawing, Leo glanced at the two of you, your giggles catching his attention.
"Wow, good job, (Name). It's us right? Yeah that's me, and that's Mikey."
You shook your head and giggled like he was the silliest person in the world, "Nuh uh! That's you, there's Mikey, that one's Leo, that one's Donnie, and then this is father, April and there's Casey!"
Leo peeked over Raph shoulder, making a point to gasp loudly, "Oh wow, did (Name) draw that? That's the best drawing I've ever seen!"
You smiled over at him, "Really? You think so?"
"I know so." Leo said taking the drawing from Raph.
You smiled proudly, "Well, guess what?"
"What?" Raph replied,
You motioned for him to lean closer, like you were telling him a secret, "Mr. Brownie helped!"
"Did he now?"
You nodded happily, taking the paper back from Leo, "I'm gonna go show Donnie!"
Leo chuckled as you ran off, Raph smiling softly at the adorable display.
"We're puttin' that on the fridge right?"
Leo scoffed, "Duh."
You rushed into the Lab, "Donnie! Look, look look!"
He spun around in his chair, looking down at you as he pulled up his welding mask, "What is it?"
You excitedly held up your art, promting him to take it and look closer, "Wow, (Name), this is amazing! Have you shown Leo yet? I'm sure he'll want to hang it up somewhere."
You nodded, "I want to shown Mikey first though."
Donnie smiled at you as you took the picture back, "So, how's Mr. Browine's leg?"
"Oh, he's doing much better, right Mr. Brownie? ... he says yes. I'm gonna go show Mikey my picture now. bye bye Donnie!"
"Bye bye." Donnie said, chuckling.
You rushed out of the lab, and into Mikey's room. Mikey smiled at you from where he sat playing video games,
"Hey there, dudette! Whatcha got there?"
You plopped next to him, and handed him the drawing, "I drew a picture!"
He paused his game, and took the picture from you, "Woah, sick art skills little sis! Look at how awesome I look!"
You smiled proudly, giggling as Mikey lifted you up off the ground, "We gotta go hang this up." he said.
He ran into the kitchen, setting you down on the table, Mikey grabbed a magnet from the fridge and used it to hold up your family portrait.
"Perfect!" he said, standing back to admire your master peice.
You giggled again, excited to show Casey and April the next time they visited.
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nnnyxie · 1 year
BOO! 👻 heheh I've got somethin' for ya <3
a la the dumpster child and their Rise (see what i did there ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ) into the Hamato Clan , but it's mama april for appetizers :D !! 🤲🏼 i have to share them or i think i'll actually implode.

april 🌼
April, who has no idea just why she had the strongest urge to deviate from her usual path on her way back home that fateful day.
April, who will never forget the way her heart dropped (and peculiarly, remarkably, soared) when she came into direct eye contact with a small, shaking child - nestled between a compost bin and a haphazard pile of deconstructed wood.
April, who feels something shift inside her that sends a shiver down her spine. A shiver that is not from the autumn-winter chill of the day- no. The only time she feels this shift is when her ninpo is flowing to the surface. Something deep, nonmaterial, mystic. Whatever triggered it, it has her moving out of her own accord- forward and towards you. You?
April, who still has a small scar on the cleft of her right shoulder because wow could you swing. She’s a professionally trained formidable warrior, and yet, couldn’t react fast enough to block the 4x4 slab of wood that came flying right at her face. With an iron strength and swiftness that no elementary-age kid would normally have, nonetheless! —Well . . . without the proper training, at least.
It briefly reminded her of a small Cassandra Jones she never met. 
April, who will never forget that coaxing you out of your makeshift rotting-wood-and-soggy-cardboard prison haven with gentle words and careful yet encouraging gestures was a lot like reassuring a small, frightened animal.
April, who showed you a warm smile and provided you with an even warmer embrace in the form of her own jacket. She was beside herself as she took you in– it dwarfed your tiny, trembling figure. April wasn't big by any means. It wasn't snowing yet, but winter was always brutal in New York. She felt her heart shatter as she pondered just how long were you out here?
April, who went at your own pace— never rushing nor tempting beyond what was already true, but she didn’t stop convincing you further: she had a place. a place with warmth, safety, food, very kind and good people [mutant turtles jsjsjsjs], and comfort. She tries to word it as non-sketchy as she possibly can; whether you were as innocent as a kid like you should be or if you were the exact opposite but decided that going with this stranger couldn't be worse than the crappy conditions you were already in, well.
—if April teared up at it, that's between her and the sky she had to gaze up at to keep them from falling.
April, who helped patch you up in the Med Bay and, with finality, placed Jupiter Jim themed plaster on your soft chubby cheek, gingerly stroking just beneath your eyelid as she did (with all the gentleness unmistakably that of a mother), but pulling away just in time so as to not make you uncomfortable.
April, who has no hesitation when the idea of adopting you was brought to the table, and treks through hell and back (what's new?) to make it happen.
April, sweet April, who becomes the irreplaceable maternal figure you could ever hope and dream to have in your life. You meet people, of course. You live your life, go through experiences and the motions and venture out and explore and break and blossom. But, you'll always have April. The woman who not only saved your life, but nurtured it and helped you grow. Never will you ever forget it.
April. Indestructible, irreplaceable, incomparable, unstoppable April. How we love her. And by Pizza Supreme, so do you.
pats your head, gives you a cookie and a flower. 🍪🪻
Vuelvo enseguida, kid! That's all for now. But I've got more comin' wink wink nudge nudge. Like I said! They're in harvest~ (。•̀ᴗ-)��� 🌱
Cheers! Departs with a nose smooch and two finger salute. ✨
i just had to reply to this fast bc oh my god.
i am crying!!! /pos
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you were honestly very wary when she approached you. the fear and standoff nature dissipated when she handed you her jacket. no one had ever done that for you before. it made you feel like an actual kid, being engulfed in such a large jacket by a woman who seems so motherly.
‘why is she being so kind?’ you’d ask yourself and start to become guarded once more.
“i have a good place for you. i can get you all patched up and fed.” she tells you with glazed eyes, obviously trying not to cry in front of you. it makes you a bit sad to see such a kind person almost cry over you.
“…okay” you say and take her hand to go to her home.
when she brings you into the lair she calls for leo and donnie to come help patch you up. she’s by their side, handing them ointments, gauze, sports tape, etc. and while they tend to the deeper injuries, she’s taking care of bruises and light cuts, placing themed bandaids on every little cut.
she offers you shelter, she can’t see you out there alone again. you’re just a kid. when you agree to stay, she takes you under her wing and treats you as if you’re her child.
she comforts you during rough times. like when you remembers your struggles before meeting her.
she raises you to be strong in all ways. she teaches you the clan’s ways off fighting and how to use nimpo.
she becomes your inspiration and role model. she is the person you look up to and adore the most.
and when you accidentally called her mom? she cried because yes, you’re her kid. she’s your mom. she tells you not to apologize for it and let’s you know that it’s okay and that she sees you as her own kid.
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bellathechildbitch · 1 year
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My Hero Academia:
💪Yagi Toshinori💪:
Spending Quarantine with him
Asking him out on a date
Toshinori x daughter reader
Toshinori as your father
Husband Material
Spending Quarantine with him
Him having a child with autism
Him having a child that has his lazy personality
Aizawa being your father would include
Spending Quarantine with him
Him as your father would include
Her as your mother would include
Midnight with a short s/o
Other Characters:
Mt Lady with a short s/o
Black Butler
Quarantine with Sebastian
Modern Sebastian
Having a crush on him would include
Having an s/o that loves musicals
Having an s/o die during birth
Having an s/o who likes rock/heavy metal
Cuddling with Sebastian would include
Crushing on Grell
Having an s/o who likes musicals
Grell doing her s/o's nails
Movie Date with Grell
Grell dating a trainee reaper
Having an s/o how likes musicals
Ouran High School Host Club
Tamaki having a sister who is dating Kyoya would include
Being Tamaki's sister would include
Being in a poly relationship with him and Kyoya
Him dating a commoner
First Kiss
Being in a poly relationship with him and Tamaki
Cuddling with him
Other Stories:
Being best friends with the twins
Yumeko Hcs
Mary Hcs
Kiriari Hcs
Midari Hcs
Madrigals x Reader
Dolores x Reader
Married life with Peppa
Peppa with an s/o that comes back from the army
Peppa x Wife reader
Jealous! Peppa x reader
Peppa x Reader having fun with their kids
Peppa x Wife! Reader, reader gets injured during casita falling apart
Jealous! Peppa x Reader
More Peppa Hcs
Peppa Hcs
Isabella x Reader
The Outsiders
Dating Ponyboy Curtis
Cuddling with Johnny
Ponyboy having a crush Hcs
Being the Curtis's little sister would include
Arguing with Darry hcs
Cuddling with Soda
The boys reacting to when their s/o gets bullied
Slashers Nightly Routine
Slashers with a Taxidermist s/o
▪️Michael Myers▪️
Michael with a small s/o
🖤Billy and Stu🖤
Billy x Stu
Billy x Reader x Stu
Billy and Stu in Quarantine
Billy x Reader x Stu, the reader collects Halloween masks
Billy x Reader x Stu, Color soulmate AU
🤠Sawyer Brothers🤠
The brothers if they had a sister
If you ignored them
Cuddling with them
What do the brothers think of what they do
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba with a s/o who speaks french
🪩Choptop Sawyer🪩
Choptop and Nubbins fighting over you
Chop top with a s/o who speaks french
Chop Top with a plus size reader
Chop top as a father
📸Nubbins Sawyer📸
Nubbins with a plus size reader
Nubbins as a father
🧹Drayton Sawyer🧹
Child's Play
Dating him in his human form
💌Tiffany Valentine 💌
Short Story Tiffany x Reader
☠️The Walking Dead ☠️
Negan Imagine (Being Negans Daughter)
🗡️Adventure Time🗡️
Dating Marceline Hcs
PB x Friend Imagine
Mikey With An Autistic Child
Spending Quarantine With Namjoon
Spending Quarantine With the Hyung Line
Spending Quarantine with the First Years would Include
That is all I got for now! If I am missing anything let me know!! But for now I will be working on a few things I have been behind in. But I will be opening up requests again!
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pinkystarwberry · 10 months
ROTTMNT Leo w/ platonic! future reader
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Heyyyy! I'm sorry that I've been gone for awhile! I hope ya'll enjoy my HC's. My request and mashups are now open :D! If you would like to request some fic's about the ninja turtles or many other fandoms listed in my introduction feel free to request!
Summery; Just some quick hc's of Leonardo with a child (gn! reader) from the future. all of this is post Krang invasion. I'm down for writing this for the other brothers (+April) as well! ENJOYYYY!! :DD
There are many up's and down's with being Leonardo child from the future
Lets start off with the downs! (YAY)
You're were (still kinda of) VERY over protective of both Leonardo and Casey Jr (This was in fear of losing them)
Which on paper don't sound bad
Until you're trying to throw hands with Leo’s brothers
They could just be play fighting and or full on arguing and you'll find a way to block them from Leo
Not to add, even after the "fight" (depending on how serious it was) you'll full on ignore his brothers
Raph needs help? Too bad, he knows what he did
One time Raph got the cold shoulder for a whole month
All he did was argue against putting pineapple on pizza
Not only do you "protect" Leo from his brothers, you also protect him from unfamiliar things outside of the lair
After the Krang invasion, Mikey thought it would be an amazing idea to cook outside and watch the stars
Mikey thought this would be an amazing idea because 1, you and Casey never really seen the stars before (due to being apocalypse children) 2, because Leo is now safe and sound :'3
Everything was fine and dandy until Donnie brought out some fireworks
Donnie thought that everybody would love the fireworks
He thought
Spoiler alert; you didn't, and you didn't let Casey or Leo watch the fireworks
Mikey believe that you (much like everyone else) gain PTSD from living in the apocalypse
You refuse to attend any therapy with Dr.Feelings
Overtime with the help of your new family, (you not only start seeing them as family; even though they are different from your apocalypse family) you started to go to therapy
Now on to the brighter(?) side!
Leo fucking adore both you and Casey
Ya'll might not be his bio kids in any shape or form
But damn he would go to the moon and back for you two
One time, during family Movie night, you fell asleep on him
Bro broke down into TEARS
He was just so happy that you trusted him enough to go to sleep :(
Both Mikey and April has a photo of this moment (for blackmail ofc)
Speaking about family movie night
You, Casey, and Leo have to paint ya'll nails matching colors
Its a must
With the help of therapy, you are more open to your family. Not scare to be yourself around them
God damn you're just Leo’s twin
Misplace confidence and everything
This can lead to you getting injured during a mission
Don't worry! Your family will make sure you're safe, and they will nurse you back to health <3 (hope you like soup, Mikey will make a lot of it)
Leo has many photos of you and Casey just being kids
Whenever he is sad, he just looks at the photos :')
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sweaterrat · 1 year
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Aw Lawrd its a child 🕊️
Meet Marie! She has lots of lore that I don’t even know the half of ( @sleepdeprivedbagels knows all the lore 💀 LOOK KAT ITS MARIE IM SHOWING HER TO THE PEOPLE) If you couldn’t guess by the yellow and purple, It’s a Lemlav ship child 😭
I’m so happy i adopted this lil baby she’s my life i love her <3333
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popcat69 · 10 months
i can't sleep
i need requests for sibling!reader. i don't know why but i just do!!! i love reading them so much i wanna write them. they make me wanna cry. fluff, angst anything i don't care pleaseee
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leoandraphssoulmate · 6 months
Don’t Forget Me
Trigger Warning: Grief, Death of a Child, Amnesia
Blinding flashes. A cold breeze. A white wedding dress fluttering out around your legs. It’s what you see and feel when Donnie requests that you try again. To close your eyes and dig deep. To try and recall anything you can. You don’t want to disappoint him, but you just can’t seem to pull any images of him up in your mind. Let alone what happened. You frown, your brow furrowing as you stare up into his reddish-brown eyes. 
“It’s ok.” He sighs. “We can try again tomorrow.” He turns, grabbing a large black coffee mug from the table. 
“I don’t understand why I can’t remember him.” You wrap your arms around your middle, your eyes squinting. “Why can’t I just go to him? Maybe it will jog my memory?”
“I don’t want to risk either of you possibly going further into shock than you already are.” He says softly, his eyes flicking from you to the closed brown door off to his left.
“Does he remember anything? Is he at least ok?” You ask, your gaze also traveling to the door.
 “No, he doesn’t and yes, he’s fine. I work with him every day too. I’ve done extensive research on amnesia over the last week and I’ve yet to come across anything like this.” He shook his head. “You’ve both been through something very traumatic. I can only guess that your minds disassociated from each other, along with the event.”
Your stomach tensed, sending a wave of nausea through you. “And you're absolutely sure that telling me about it, or even about him, might damage me further?” You swallowed. 
“I’m one hundred percent positive it will. Your mind has held on to who you are, and kept your memory of me, Mikey and Raph intact, but shut him behind a steel reinforced door. “ Donnie shrugged. “While I understand it, I don’t really understand it.”
“How long will it take for me to remember him? I don’t think I can stand not knowing much longer!” You slowly stand, your eyes still locked on the brown door. “I may not remember him, but I can feel our connection.”
“It’s not a linear thing. Every case is different. It could be weeks, or it could be months. Even years.” 
You snap your attention to him, your eyes wide. “Years?” You whisper harshly. “I can’t do this for years!” You squeeze your hands into fists. “Donnie? You need to let me see him.” Donnie slowly shook his head. “Donnie?” Your eyes begin to water. 
Donnie sighs. “Look, if either of you haven’t made any progress in two weeks, I will. Deal?”
The next two weeks were torture. You hated not knowing what happened to you. To him. How could your mind simply erase your other half? How could you remember Donnie and the others, but not him? How could your mind keep certain things the way they were, but then dump the rest? You still trained and fought like a boss, leaving Raph and Mikey with more than a few bruises. Your passion for art and music remained, but the moment you tried to recall his face, there wasn’t anything there except for a blank space. 
After a rather hard training session, you began cleaning your katana, weary of your next session with Donnie. Every time you delved deeper into your mind, you found that it was becoming increasingly harder to recall any sort of memories from before. Even the flashes of your wedding dress were starting to fade. Lost in thought, you carelessly slid your fingers over the blade's edge, slicing into your flesh. “Ah shit!” You quickly pulled your hand away, sucking air through your teeth. 
“Y/N! Are ya ok?!” Raph shouted as he ran towards you. 
You held your right hand up, blood running down your wrist. “I cut myself.”  You pressed your lips together, utterly pissed at yourself. 
“Uh, ya ya did!” Raph’s green eyes widened as he reached for your hand, gently applying pressure at the base of your sliced fingers. “Let’s get ya to Donnie.”
Your eyes followed the trail of blood as it ran down your wrist, then dripped to the floor, your heart rate increasing. Suddenly, you weren’t standing next to Raph anymore. The dojo disappeared altogether. There he was. He was standing next to you. “Leo?” You whispered. Leo. God, how you wanted to sing his name! 
“She’s gone.” He said softly, flames reflected in his eyes. 
You turned your head to see flames. Bright orange and yellow flames. Devouring a two story home. Your heart squeezed. Intense emotions flooding your system. Emily. Her name was… “Emily!”
“Emily!” You shouted, the dojo coming back into focus. “Leo!” You pulled away from Raph, your feet carrying you to the one place you had wanted to be from the start. The brown door. You raised your fists, beating on the outside. “Leo!” After a few seconds, the handle slowly turned and the door opened. 
“Y/N?” Leo reached for you, the fingers on his right hand also bleeding. 
You both stared at each other for what seemed like eternity, your body's shivering. Not from cold, but from grief. Grief of a lost child. You took a deep breath, launching yourself into his arms. His strong arms.
Dedicated to all of those who have lost a child🫂💔
@leosgirl82 @thelaundrybitch @miss-andromeda @scholastic-dragon
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gal-with-pastels · 1 year
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Turtle tot reader from @normal-internet-user ‘s, “2012 BOYS WITH A MUTATED CHILD SIBLING READER” i couldn’t help but draw the little cutie.
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The oldest of the Voilet Hamato clan, Karai! Karai is Tamsin (OC) And Donatello's oldest child, named after her GramGram.
If it weren't obvious, she's got the looks of her old man- even having a knack for inventing and fixing anything and everything she can get her hands on! but her personality is nothing of Donnie. It's all her mama, down to the adventurous spirit and wanting to explore every inch of the Kraangified world.
Because if this, however, Donnie has become extremely overprotective of the young girl, seeing as she wants to spend every day in the dangers of the evil universe- so it's not hard for them to but heads here and there- let alone when she tries to sneak out... Definetly a few "Dissapointed in you Young Lady"s have been shared.
FUN FACTS! Karai has a battle shell! Built by Donatello of course- but she hates the thing and refuses to wear it anytime he doesn't force her to whilst on missions. She feels if she herself is trapped half the time in the lair, she isn't going to let it happen physically.
She's got cute marks all over her body, but underneath the leggings she's got two heart shaped marks on her knees! She always wondered why they turned out that way and Her mother always told Karai it was because she was a sign of how much Tam and Don loved each other.
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Since we got the Bayverse turtles with a sibling reader , Could we possibly get the 2012 bros x Platonic! fem child Sibling reader? Perhaps the reader is a recently mutated Turtle that the turtles come across and adopt as their sibling?
(P.s. (R/N) means random name!)
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First is backstory! Headcanons are at the bottom!
The boys were on an intel mission. A new kraang base had made its way onto their raydar, and they needed to find out what they were up to.
The last thing they expected to find was a little mutated turtle. You were so small, it hurt them to think about how you got here.
"She's just like us guys!"
"Mikey, quiet down, you're scaring her." Leo scolded him.
The blue clad leader crouched down to your level, reaching out a comforting hand and speaking in the gentlest tone he could, "Hey there, we're gonna get you out of here ok?"
You sniffled, reaching out to take his hand with your tiny one. He picked you up as carefully as possible, doing his best to sooth away your tears.
"I can check her over for injuries when we get back." Donnie said, checking to make sure the coast was clear. He nodded to the others, and the four made their way home, with you falling asleep halfway.
They entered their home, and Donnie gently took you from Leo. The action woke you up, and you started to cry, not wanting to be taken away from Leo.
Donnie quickly passed you back to his brother, and the two went to the lab so Donnie could check you for any injuries.
Raph and Mikey went to get Splinter and alert him of the new arrival. They rejoined their brothers in the Lab, their father in tow.
Master Splinter spotted you and felt a wave of nostalgia hit him. You looked just like the boys when they were tots, he approached you, and you shyed away into Leo.
"Hello there, what is your name?"
You spoke quietly, your voice was soft and timid, "Subject 05."
Splinter glanced at his sons, and they all shrugged, Raph spoke up, "We found 'er at that kraang base. Guess that's what they called 'er."
Splinter looked back at you, a gentle smiling playing in his lips, "Well if you're going be staying here, you'll need a proper name."
You looked up at him with wide eyes, "I can... stay?"
He nodded, "You can. Now how about we find you a name, hm?"
You nodded eagerly, and the boys began to toss around ideas,
"How about (R/N)?" Donnie suggested,
Raph shook his head, "Nah, let's call 'er (R/N)."
You stuck out your tounge and shook your head, and Leo looked down at you, "You don't like that one?" you shook your head again, and he hummed, "Well how about, (R/N)?"
You shook your head once again, muttering, "Uh uh."
Mikey raised his arm up high, "I got it! Let's call her (Name)!"
You thought for a second, then nodded, "I like (Name)!"
Splinter chuckled, "Well then, (Name), let's get you settled in. Welcome home."
These boys' adore you.
Thats to be expected though,
You are the baby of the family, and they definitly treat you like it.
You were a bit clumsy the first few weeks of you being there,
So Leo made you walk around wearing knee pads, elbow pads, and a helmet untill you grew out of your two left feet.
When April and Casey met you,
April was instantly slain by how adorable you were, (Casey too, but c'mon, he ain't gonna admit that.)
Casey has experience with taking care of young kids, since he has a little sister, so he babysits you often.
You even have playdates with his sister,
Ya'll are besties!
Everyone tries not to say the k-word around you, (Kraang), since it's kinda a trigger for you.
They learned that quickly and adapted to avoiding the topic around you.
One of your favorite activities is having a tea party with your dad.
When the boys are out doing their ninja things, you always have tea time with Splinter.
He starts training you as soon as you're willing,
He makes sure to pace it so as not to overwhelm you, but you are really enthusiastic about your training.
You just wanna be an awsome ninja like your brothers.
If you ever can't sleep, you'll spend some time in Donnie's lab,
He's usually up really late, so you'll keep him company while he works,
You even have your beanbag chair next to his desk.
Raph takes you with him when he and Casey go tag buildings,
You get your own little corner to paint and everything.
It always makes you happy.
Mikey likes to read to you,
It's a nightly ritual that he tells you a bedtime story, and you can't sleep without one.
Sometimes they're actual stort books,
Other times he tells you all about some of their past adventures.
Some of them water downed of course, you are stull pretty young.
Leo loves to watch cartoons with you,
All kinds.
You guys have daily Space Heros marathons.
Even when you grow up.
You'll never say no to Leo when he asks if you want to watch Soace Heros.
April helps Donnie homeschool you.
You don't really like lessons, you think it's boring, but you sit through them without complaining because of how excited Donnie is to teach you stuff.
April is really just there to help you understand certain things while also making sure Donnie doesn't go overboard and try to teach you something like honors chemistry.
Obviously they have a lot of enemies,
So they do their best to keep you a secret from them.
Obviously the kraang will want their test subject back,
And there is no way in hell this family is letting that happen.
If anything ever happened the entire Hamato clan would burn down heaven and hell to get you back.
And that is not a threat.
It's a promise.
All done! @gal-with-pastels I hope you enjoyed my friend!
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(I didn’t find any info if your askbox is closed or not, if you are not taking up requests you can ignore this!)
But hi :) how are you? how you are doing well
this is a bit personal, but would you mind doing either a Headcanon or scenario with reader x turtles (romantic/crush stage) with a…Hopeless reader? Kinda someone who had to tell themselves that love isn’t on their life journey and that seriously bother them? Lol
this weekend I’m gonna attend a friends wedding, while meeting with some shared friends before the wedding, one of them quoted corpse bride’s scene “to Emily, always the bridesmaid, never the bride” for me (most of my friends are married or dating long term), usually I handle the lack of a love life fairly well (by not thinking about it or just making jokes about it lol) but tonight it kinda really bothered me, a lot.) a lot of my friends treat me being single as something I don’t out efforts in it? But holy shit I do, and it really hurts to see them saying or acting like I’m not doing enough? Anyways. I guess the request would be how the turtles would react to a reader who kinda just lost hope, who agrees with the quote even if it makes her very sad? Kinda trying to wing the night lowkey but turtles can sense it hurt her (maybe Vern said the quote lol, or something similar… that’s something stupid enough for the falcon to do 😅)
I hope makes sense, if not I apologize for the messy ask. Have a good day / night
I'm sorry that happened. Your friends definitely need to stfu about that lol dating and relationships are fun, but nobody NEEDS them. If they need a RELATIONSHIP to feel fulfilled, they have shit to figure out.
Definitely been there tho. And being single can be horrible. I see you
Scene: Your turtle has been secretly pining for you for a while now. Hasn't got the guts to say anything yet.
TMNT x Lonely Reader
- He could sense your reaction instantly, despite how well you hid it.
- Your micro expressions, the slight but sudden shift of your bodyweight away from Vern- Leo almost didn't catch that you had smiled and laughed at the comment.
- His own reaction was visceral and overwhelming, at least it was to him.
-He remained still by your side, but the urge to...he didn't even know. Hide you. Push hard at Verns shoulder- something.
-Geez. He hadn't felt like this since he was a child. Like he could protect his little brothers or you from judgment or cruelty.
-He couldn't.
-He sucked in a breath through his nose, scrambling for self-control; watching you handle the interaction like an adult. Forcing himself to as well.
-But it did satisfy him to see that Vern physically felt his animosity. The guy took once glance at Leo before he instantly stuttered an excuse to walk to another conversation.
-"Vern is an idiot." Leo scratched out, desperate to keep what he really wanted to say to you at a minimum. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with you."
-You seemed surprised at that, glancing up at him. But your quite, sincere smile made it it worth it.
- "Always the brides maid, never the bride, huh?"
- "What?" It was a reactive response. Before you could even register what he had said, or the sudden amount of hurt- or embarrassment you felt.
- Raph had turned wide, expectant eyes on Vern as well, something Vern noticed instantly.
- "Well, yunno." Vern stutteres, trying to stay focused on you. "I've seen ya at these events a lot but you never bring a guy around...or-"
-"See that girl over there?" Raph suddenly said, leaning down a little to point your gaze in the right direction.
- "Yeah." You said quietly.
-"Who's that girl, Vern?"
-Vern looked back at you guys, shrugging and putting his hands back in his pockets with an air of pride. "She's my girlfriend."
-Raph smirked, his voice somehow both condescending and unusually soft. "Vern met her a week ago. That makes her..." Raph trailed off, looming back into his full height, towering over Vern. "The sixth one this year, right. Makin' you real good at givin' advice to pretty girls, Falcon boy. Careful with that."
-"Jesus. I'm just- I'll be over there." Vern sighed, awkwardly stepping aside then walking out of sight.
- Raph said nothing, instead turning to you. "You alright?"
-You were desperate not to say everything you wanted to. "Much better." You said instead, looking up at him. Hoping the softness you saw there was a reflection of what you felt for him too.
- Donnie couldn't even react or register the words before you were handling it. Shrugging and waving Vern off.
-He was horrified. His eyes were glued to Vern, completely confused that the guy had missed how rude of a statement that was.
-The conversation came and went, and while he had a wonderful time, he was entirety focused on you.
-While you didn't seem MISERABLE, you were different. Something had obviously changed. And it was Verns fault.
-You had no reason to feel pressure of that kind. You were perfect the way you were! No one should ever, ever, ever make you feel anything less.
-The thought that you did made him physically sick to his stomach.
-He might not have caught it in time to say anything in the moment.
-But Verns apartment locks, car, computer, and bathroom pipes all giving him a hard time all in the next 24 hours?
-A complete and utter mystery...
-"Yeah you should listen to him." Mikey said.
-Shock coursed through you. "What?" You looked at him, wide eyed, heart in your throat- "W- I should-"
-"You should listen to him." Mikey repeated, noding solumley, starting to confidently strole around Vern. "This guy has fantastic dating advise. You don't even know, girl. Look at him!" Mikey's smile was as bright as the sun, gesturing to Vern as if he was a plater he was showing off to you.
-"He's been on this earth so long, his life experience exceeds our very comprehension, girl."
-Vern made a sudden puzzled expression while yours melted quickly into a smile.
-"He's got recipes too. Qualifications, evidence, the whole nine yards. Guy has like- twelve grand kids-"
-"I- C'mon, Mike-" Vern was catching on.
-"Ohhh.. yeah, that's right. No grandkids. But he does have a wife. They just had their fiftieth anniversary-!"
-"I'm not that o- He's joking with you." Vern tried to explain. "I'm not married."
-Mikey snapped his fingers as he had remembered something, suddenly getting much, MUCH closer in Verns personal space.
-"Oh yeah, that's right. You're not married. I forget that your on, like, your sixth girlfriend this month. Maybe actual advise sounds like..."
-Mikey stepped away from Vern, standing infront of you. "Keep those standards up, girl. Pretty face like yours? You could have anyone you want."
-You couldn't stop smiling.
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Here's the Ao3 version of my recent Yan Chucky Mikey fic-
My greatest achievement so far ngl- (in writing)
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 3 months
hey so how do you think the 2003 tmnt boys would deal with having dated their s/o for two years now, is anniversary, and the brothers, or April or Casey asks, “so 2 years, do you two think you’ll last longer?” And s/o is just like “I’d marry this one if I could”?
This ask 🥺🥺 I feel my mind already racing with headcanons that I need to get out GAH!!
The topic of marriage?!
🐢💙❤️2003 TMNT x Reader💜🧡🐢
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Word Count: 1054
CW: Gender-neutral reader, they/them is used but you can replace them with your pronouns! Topics of marriage are brought up! Mushy turtles, pure fluff ahead!
You and your partner have been together in probably the best relationship you’ve ever been in. It’s always had its ups and downs, but you two have always pushed through! And now your second anniversary is arriving soon and neither of you can’t wait to proceed with your future together!
Well, during a conversation between you, the guys, April and Casey, the question of, “So, two years… Do you guys think you’ll last longer?” Causing April to shoot Casey a small glare when he asked this, (let’s be honest he didn’t mean it in an insensitive way he’s just asking because it’s a genuine question).
Without missing a beat, you were quick to answer, “I’d marry him if I could.” A smile playing on your lips, not really noticing the subtle squeeze on your hand from your partner.
💙 Leo is over THE MOON! You would want to marry him?! Really?! Any insecurity of you possibly thinking about ever wanting somebody else is gone in an instance. You want him, and only him, and this man couldn’t be any happier.
💙 He’s thinking about it the whole time and is noticeably more spaced out because of it. He is on cloud nine and is absolutely fantasizing about the wedding you guys could have…
💙 Later that night you and him lay in his bed snuggled up together, the candles flickering softly as you read and he rested on you, his head in your lap. Finally, you ask him, “Hey, Leo? You okay? You’ve been out of it a lot tonight.”
💙 Leo could only smile up at you, “Oh, it’s nothing, just thinking about what you said earlier.” And once it hit you, you couldn’t help but blush a bit and smile with him.
💙 He was extra cuddly and affectionate towards you for the following months (along with being more protective too), he just could not get that memory out of his head. I wouldn’t be surprised if he popped the question leading up those months. <3
❤️ Raph’s ego grew more along with the swelling in his chest. This giant turtle had some insecurities, I mean, as a mutant turtle growing up with the possibility of never being able to live a normal life like any average Joe?
❤️ He’s thrilled at the thought that you’d want to marry him because he’s definitely thought about it too. Getting some slice of normalcy. You know how I mentioned how he’s daydreamed about your first date? Well after the first year, he daydreamed about your future together too.
❤️ Get married, settle down, maybe even start a family, whether it be through somehow making a kid, adopting an actual child or just having fur-babies to be your kids.
❤️ Either way, he’s stoked, and he’s CONFIDENT TOO, oh man you just gave him ammo to tease you with, (don’t worry he’ll stop if you ask him to). He will definitely say things like, “I don’t blame you for wanting to marry me, I mean, look at me!” While flexing, making you laugh as he softly smirked.
❤️ Actually grows more overprotective over you too! Like… It’s surprising. He was already overprotective of you, but now he’s just more overprotective. He wants his future spouse to be safe after all! And ain’t nothin’ gonna touch you when Raph’s around and ready to brawl with any criminal who tries to hurt you.
💜 Donnie froze a moment as he heard this, and his whole brain paused before quietly glancing over at you in a shy manner. Marriage? Oh man, he didn’t predict this as a result of tonight’s get-together!
💜 Don’t worry, he’s actually really mushy inside. He feels like a schoolgirl getting all squirmy and bashful because her crush confessed to her! He ends up getting more fidgety with your hands and stutters a bit.
💜 It’ll be on his mind for a good while, but as of now, he’s too shy to bring it up to you. Not until it slips up during your actual anniversary anyways. He was ranting as always about something, and well, that ended up slipping out. It honestly surprised you that he was thinking about that, it was really endearing.
💜 And trust me, it’ll always be running through his mind for a long time, he just hopes your opinion will stay the same throughout the years. But until then, Donnie decided to make the both of you promise rings! He presented it to you one day, feeling warm when you seemed so excited about it. “I want to marry you, but I’m also not 100% ready for marriage either. But when the day comes, I’ll propose with the prettiest of rings.”
💜 You made his century when he saw you wear that ring everyday. To him it meant that you were willing to wait until he was ready too, and he was thankful for that patience you gifted him with, and he was looking forward to what came in your future together.
🧡 Mikey would just as casually say with a laugh, “Oh yeah! Me too! … WAIT REALLY?!” And he jumped up and grabbed your hands excitedly. You had only see this kind of excitement when Donnie had built the Shell Raiser all those years ago.
🧡 Bro is so excited, “Why not now?!” And now you were in a bit of shock, and Raph was quick to but-in, “You need to propose with a ring, knucklehead!” Now Mikey is pouting. You end up hugging him and comforting him.
🧡 But in no-means is he deterred by Raph’s comment, he is now determined, and he’s been talking with April about what he should do, and that’s when suggested, “Why not make your own ring?” He stared a moment before he was quick to go, “April, you’re a genius!”
🧡 With Mikey though, he’s easy to get side-tracked and distracted often, and when it came to things that took a lot of time, he got frustrated easily. But he wasn’t gonna give up!
🧡 When he finally finished, (with Donnie’s help after he begged the poor man), he was basically vibrating with excitement! He was stoked and wanted to propose right away, but with April and his brother’s advice, he figured he’d find a more romantic way of doing it… He might put that ring in your slice of pizza, let’s be honest.
GAAH, gonna be honest, I was a little stumped with Mikey last night and had to sleep on it, change some things, all that fun jazz. Once again spoiling Mikey’s moment, but maybe at some point I’ll make proposal headcanons! Also, if you want, I’m thinking of making a taglist, if you want to be tagged, let me know!
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Please write some hsc for tmnt bayverse (all of them) when during an argument a child tells them that he hates/doesn't love them
Thanks you
They Have An Argument With Your Child
Bayverse!Turtles x reader
A/N: Time to bring Romeo, Joan, Gali and Sunny back! And with that, say hello to some of their siblings; Marcello, Dorothy and Luis💙❤️💜🧡
Warnings: Family fights.
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Leonardo would be shaken to say the least. One thing was arguing with his own brothers, finding it hard to understand how or why they wouldn’t follow his orders, but fighting with his own children was different, and absolutely horrible.
Marcello, you and Leo’s second oldest, a teenager with a fiery spirit that mirrored his father's, had clashed with Leo over what seemed like an age-old disagreement – the issue of independence and the perceived favoritism toward his older brother, Romeo. Romeo, who was just shy of reaching his adulthood, had finally been allowed to go to the surface, without any kind of supervision. Marcello had not taken too kindly to that, believing that his father had started to favor his older brother.
An argument followed soon after, where Marcello's frustration boiled over. Harsh words were exchanged, and in a moment of anger. But all of that came to a climax, when Marcello shouted at his father, as loud as he possibly could.
"I hate you!", he yelled before storming off, leaving Leo alone in the middle of the lair.
Leo stood there, the weight of Marcello's words sinking deep into his heart. Parenting had never been easy, and juggling the safety of his family with the desire for independence his children inevitably felt was a delicate balance. The sharp sting of his son's declaration left him feeling vulnerable, questioning his decisions and even his capabilities as a father.
Unable to shake the hurt from Marcello's outburst, Leonardo retreated, seeking solace in the comforting presence of the person he felt the safest with - you.
Without a word, you sensed the turmoil in Leo's eyes and opened your arms, welcoming him into an embrace. The silence spoke volumes, and Leo, allowing himself a rare vulnerability, leaned into the warmth of your embrace, his worries momentarily eased by the love and understanding that emanated from you.
As Leonardo rested his head against your shoulder, he began to recount the events leading up to the argument with Marcello. You listened with unwavering patience, offering a sympathetic ear to his concerns. The complexities of parenting in a world filled with danger and uncertainties were not lost on you, and you knew that misunderstandings were an inevitable part of the process. Your gentle words of reassurance became a lifeline for Leo, reminding him that parenting was an ongoing journey filled with challenges. Together, you explored ways to bridge the gap between father and son, recognizing that communication and compromise were the foundations of any healthy relationship.
The next day, as Romeo headed out once more, Leo took intentional steps to mend the strained relationship with Marcello. It was time for Leo to communicate and spend time with his son, in ways that went beyond training in the dojo.
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Raphael would get mad. He would feel anger towards his child, but in reality, it was all about him. He would get angry at himself, blaming the whole argument on how he handled it, and how he failed to calm his child down.
Your daughter Joan, now 18, had recently taken a significant step into adulthood by entering into a relationship with a human guy. But the news didn’t settle well with Raph. He found it hard to reconcile with the fact that his little girl was growing up and venturing into the complexities of human relationships. So the evening when Joan told you and your husband about her new boyfriend, the two of them quickly found themselves locked in a heated argument.
Raph, with a furrowed brow and a heart weighed down by the realization that he was losing his grip on his little girl, confronted Joan about her newfound connection with a human. His protective instincts flared, clouding his ability to see Joan as an independent and capable adult. Joan, however, had grown tired of being treated like a child, and in the heat of the argument, she raised her voice, declaring that Raph was stifling her growth and that her boyfriend, who saw her as an equal, understood her better than her own father. The words hung heavily in the air, leaving a bitter taste of regret and sorrow.
Raph's anger was palpable, his eyes narrowing as he struggled to comprehend the fact that his own daughter felt unloved by him. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut, and the weight of his own shortcomings as a father bore down on his broad shoulders.
Fuming and hurt, Raph stormed away from the confrontation, retreating to a secluded part of the lair. It was there that you found him, grappling with the storm of emotions that threatened to consume him. Your presence served as a balm to his wounded heart, and in the quiet sanctuary you shared, he laid bare his fears and frustrations. Your gentle words, woven with understanding and love, reminded Raph that parenthood was a constant journey of letting go. You encouraged him to see Joan not as a child who needed protection, but as a young woman capable of making her own choices and learning from her own mistakes.
In the days that followed, you played the role of mediator, facilitating a conversation between Raph and Joan. As emotions cooled, they began to see each other's perspectives more clearly. Raph, in a rare display of vulnerability, admitted his fears of losing his little girl, while Joan, in turn, acknowledged her father's love and concern.
The healing process was gradual, marked by moments of shared laughter and understanding. Raph began to see the strength and resilience that defined his daughter, while Joan appreciated the depth of her father's love, even if it was expressed in a way that clashed with her newfound independence.
Not long after that, Joan brought her boyfriend down to the lair, in order for him and Raph to meet each other. And much to both you and Joan’s relief, the two men got along great. Talking and a few times joking with each other, as they slowly got used to each other’s presence. But as Joan and her boyfriend left for his home, Raph started tearing up. His little girl was an adult now.
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The lair was unusually tense as the echoes of a recent argument lingered in the air. Donatello found himself feeling stressed and frustrated, caught in a storm of emotions after an altercation with his pre-teen son, Gali.
The source of the tension was a disciplinary moment involving Gali and his younger sister, Dorothy. Gali, in a fit of teasing, had pushed Dorothy to the point of tears. Donnie, in his role as both father and protector, had grounded Gali as a consequence for his actions, while you took care of Dorothy, comforting her in the other room. But little did Donnie anticipate the storm that would follow.
As the lair's tunnels settled into an uneasy quiet, Gali, his face contorted with a mixture of anger and frustration, confronted his father. The exchange escalated quickly, with harsh words exchanged and Gali, in a moment of youthful defiance, started shouting.
"I hate you, Dad!", he yelled, before storming off to the room Donnie had told him to go to - his room.
Donatello stood there, the weight of his son's words sinking deep into his heart. The shock of hearing such words from his own child resonated, leaving him momentarily paralyzed. However, his love and commitment to being a good father quickly kicked in, prompting him to follow his son into his room.
Upon entering Gali's space, Donnie saw his son, red-eyed and visibly upset, sitting on the bed and staring at the floor. Taking a deep breath, Donnie approached Gali with a mix of determination and concern.
"Gali", he began, his voice steady. "We need to talk".
Gali, still seething with frustration, avoided eye contact but nodded begrudgingly, letting Donnie take a seat next to him. As they sat in the dimly lit room, Donnie began talking once more.
"I know you're upset, and so am I. I care about you and Dorothy deeply, and it hurts me to see you two at odds".
Gali, feeling a mix of guilt and stubbornness, finally spoke. "I just don't get it, Dad. Why do I get grounded when she's the one crying all the time? It's not fair!"
Donnie sighed, acknowledging the complexity of parenting. "Life isn't always fair, Gali. But my job is to teach you right from wrong and help you grow into a good person. Teasing your sister to the point of tears isn't okay. It's about learning to treat each other with respect".
Gali's frustration softened, replaced by a glimmer of understanding as he reached for his knees, hugging them against his chest. "But it feels like you don't trust me", he mumbled.
Donnie, realizing the importance of addressing Gali's feelings, and how this was about much more than just the episode with Dortothy, wrapped an arm around his son, holding him close before he spoke. "It's not about trust, Gali. It's about helping you make better choices. I believe in you, and I know you can learn from this. We're a team, and I want us to work together."
A thoughtful silence filled the room as Gali absorbed his father's words, his eyes still not looking at his father..
Donnie continued. "I'm here for you, even when it seems like I'm being strict. Let's find a way to bridge the gap between us, okay?"
Gali finally looked up at his father with a small smile. “Okay”, he said before he wrapped his arms around Donnie in a hug. “Thank you, dad”.
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Given the nature of Michelangelo, he would get sad. But with his strong empathy, he would quickly realize what was going on, working to fix the problem in the best way possible.
The lair was filled with an unusual stillness, interrupted only by the soft coos of the newest addition to the family, Luis. The arrival of the baby boy had brought joy and excitement to the lair, but it also introduced a wave of change that affected every member, especially the energetic and ever-cheerful Michelangelo.
You and Mikey's sunny disposition had dimmed slightly as he navigated the challenges of balancing your time between caring for the newborn and ensuring that your oldest, 5 year old Sunny, felt just as cherished. Sunny, despite her name, found herself grappling with the stormy emotions of feeling overshadowed by her baby brother. She missed the days where she was all you and Mikey looked for, craving the attention she once held so easily.
One afternoon, while you were out on a rare girls night out, Mikey sat on the floor, playing peek-a-boo with baby Luis, he sensed a pair of angry little bright blue eyes fixed on him. Sunny stood at the entrance of the nursery, her small hands clenched into tiny fists. Her cherubic face contorted with a mix of frustration and sadness, she declared out loud; "You always play with Luis, and you don't play with me anymore, daddy!"
Mikey's expressive eyes widened, a pang of guilt hitting him square in the heart. He gently set Luis down in his crib, making his way over to Sunny, his voice laced with concern.
"Aw, Sunny, baby, I didn't mean to make you feel left out”, he said. “You're my sunshine, you know that, right?"
But Sunny, in her 5 year old wisdom, shook her head defiantly. "No, daddy, you don't love me anymore!", she exclaimed, the weight of her words hanging heavy in the air.
Mikey, feeling a mix of hurt and determination, crouched down to her level. "Hey, little star, that's not true. I love you and Luis with all my heart”, he said, reaching out for her small hands. “How about we play together? You, me, and Luis - the ultimate superhero team!"
Sunny, her anger slowly giving way to curiosity, looked at her father with wide eyes. "Really?"
Mikey beamed, his signature grin returning. "Absolutely! You're my first little hero, and Luis is the newest member of our awesome team. What do you say we play together and show Luis the ropes?"
Sunny's face lit up with a bright smile, her grievances momentarily forgotten. "Okay, daddy!", she exclaimed, rushing forward to join the trio on the floor, while Mikey went to get little Luis from the crib.
And so, the nursery became a battleground for imaginary adventures and laughter. Mikey juggled the role of a playful father and referee between his two little ones, ensuring that both Sunny and Luis received equal attention and affection. Sunny, in turn, discovered the joy of being a big sister and basked in the warmth of her father's love.
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tohisprettyc00l · 8 months
May I request a Hunter x middle child! Blight! Reader headcannons?
Summary: The reader is a Blight, and also the middle child who is often forgot about and ignored by both the Blights and everybody else. They’re not as famous as the Blight Twins or Amity, and they spend most of their time inventing abominations to TRY and impress their parents
Reader also has a similar personality to ROTTMNT Don, but I’m not sure if you’ve ever watched it so you can just ignore this bit if you haven’t :)
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A/n: The way this is formatted seems like it was for a one-shot request, but you said headcannons. I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted and I'll redo it if so. Also, I've never seen any tmnt things so sorry about that.
-Bro he GETS you.
-The feeling of your "guardian" (If you can even call them that) not paying attention to you. So thanks to Belos's, Odaila's (and Alador's to a lesser extent) "A+ parenting." Y'all both have parental issues.
-Hunter was never the best at comforting but if you are upset with your family problems he'll do what he would want people to do when he's upset. Which doesn't always work but he tries.
-Amity is a pretty good sibling she's not the best mainly when she was mean (Her green hair era.) But bro Hunter hates her even if she's trying her best.
-When Ecilpse Lake happens he is like 50 times meaner. Like dude even though she's not trying to upset you or anything, Hunter is pissed off because of any time she made you even slightly sad.
-When he learns you invent stuff he BEGS you to show him.
-Like even if you agree the first time he asks he counties to ask and you are like "Hunter I'm going to show you-"
-Also he complements them so much! He loves inventions of any kind, magic-based or not, he likes to learn how they work.
-If you tell him he is so invested. Like you can be talking for hours and he is fully listening the entire time.
The dude is so in love with you-
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silkythewriter · 8 months
(Request rules)
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Hello to old followers and new ones who just stumbled upon my account!. I haven’t been active much recently if I’m being honest with you, but I think you can all tell if you check when I last posted! (╥﹏╥). I haven’t written in a while.. to say the least.. but I’d really like to give it another go!, my writings really rusty but I’m sure with time I’ll get the swing of it again!.
So this will be my new pin post, my introduction as well as stating all the new fandoms I’m in aswell ones I left! So updated rules basically!.
Let’s try this one last time shall we?
Hi! My names silky, or silkythewriter as my username states!.I just right for fun, mostly just silly head-canons or scenarios!.
Reminder to always request in my inbox! <3
Headcanons, oneshots, Short fanfics, and scenarios!, please be sure to specify which you want in your request!.
Any romantic Headcanons, oneshots, Short fanfics, or scenarios!.
Any platonic Headcanons, oneshots, Short fanfics, or scenarios!.
Any angst Headcanons, oneshots, Short fanfics, or scenarios!.
I do all genders and pronouns!, but mostly stick to gender neutral so everyone feel included.
I do allow extra details such as x chubby reader, x male reader, x female reader, and stuff like that!.
I do yandere’s!
(Parent figure) character! x (child) reader (PLATONICALLY ONLY.)
I do Poly relationships! Any amount at least if it doesn’t succeed the character limit!
Any heavy topics such as RA,SA,suicide,self harm, Ect.
Weird fetishes
Any uncomfortable topics and anything in the field of touchy subjects.
Match ups.
LMK = Lego monkie kid
Helluva boss
Hazbin hotel
Invader Zim
HXH = Hunter x Hunter
TMNT ( Rotmnt, and 2012!)
Gravity falls
Bojack horse man
Popee the Performer
Dc and marvel( maybe depending on the character because I don't watch their movies much)
Undertale ( any game or AU)
Super jail
Sally face
Metal family
Black butler
Death note!
My character limit is 4-5
I do all genders she/her.he/him,they/them,he/ they/she, etc!
I will do the same prompt with different characters!
You can mix characters from different fandoms in the same request like example: alastor, sally face,and etc ( separately) juts keep in mind the character limit!
I do headcanons and scenarios + oneshots!
Please be specific if you want a headcanon, oneshot, scenario,
Some fandom characters maybe out of character so please keep that in mind! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
Cant wait to see what fun request I get! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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