#tommyinit imagine
yettobedetermined7 · 2 years
Imagine joining Quackity and Tommy in their hot tub stream
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This stream is chaotic
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toshi-ki · 1 year
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modelbus · 2 years
Someone requested a romantic Tommyinnit x reader at a haunted house, but I accidentally deleted it, so here!
Pairing: CC!Tommyinnit x Gn!Reader (romantic)
Haunted Hause
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"I'm scared."
Tommy mumbles it into your ear, pretty much wrapped around you. It's like he's hiding behind you with the way his arms loop around your waist and his head is laid down on your shoulder.
"I'm going in with you." You remind him. "It'll be fine."
You're staring at the scariest haunted house in all of Britain. Wilbur and George had to pre-buy tickets for it, that's how in demand they are.
The problem was that Tommy, to be short, didn't do well with horror. Neither did you, but you knew you had to be here so he didn't chicken out.
"Come on lovebirds! Let's go!" Wilbur yells.
"Tommy." You say, smile evident in your voice.
He takes a deep breath before standing up with his persona on.
"Right. I am scared of nothing, ever."
"Of course not." You respond easily.
You head inside, Wilbur poking fun at Tommy the entire way. Somehow the two adults didn't seem scared at all.
"You two go first." Wilbur says, grabbing you and shoving you in front with Tommy.
Immediately he grips your hand tightly. The anticipation was definitely affecting the both of you.
"YouTubers, huh?" The ticket lady asks when you show the digital tickets. "Well, good luck."
"Wilbur, hold my hand." George says.
"Of course, George. Anything for you George."
While following the line, not even in the true haunted house yet, it gets darker. There's a clear transition between the ticket area and the haunted house, light purple wallpaper transitioning to concrete.
Concrete that was smudged a suspicious red.
"Who do we have here?!" Someone crows on the other side of the barrier.
They're dressed like a scientist but with smudges of blood all over them. Honestly, they look like an experiment went wrong. Of course the haunted house would have good costumes.
"Two couples?" He asks, eyeing them. "The others will be so pleased by this..." He continues down the line, making taunts to others.
Behind you and Tommy, George and Wilbur laugh.
"Did he just mistake George and Wil for a couple?" Tommy asks you.
"I think so." You laugh, throwing a glance at the duo behind you. "You're such a cute couple guys!"
"Thanks!" Wilbur exclaims.
"Cheating on Dream already, George?" Tommy teases.
You relaxe a little at Tommy's nerves rescinding, happy to bounce off his teasing.
"Who's gonna tell him?"
"Wilbur's Gogy's boyfriend now, he should do it."
"All of you shut up." George grumps, making you all laugh again.
The bantering passed enough time to reach the front of line, where everyone quiets down a little. Even Wilbur, who you knew loved going to haunted houses, seemed a little nervous. Guess that's what happens when you go to the scariest haunted house in all of Britain.
"Two couples... yes... I can work with this..." The lady scientist says, and Tommy's back to gripping your hand tightly. "One couple in that elevator, the other in the second!" She suddenly yells. "Go! Go!"
You and Tommy don't hesitate to speed walk into the first elevator.
"What the fuck?" He asks. "I didn't realize we'd be separated."
"Good thing you and Wilbur are recording." You say, nodding to the camera he had to strap to his chest.
"I don't like it."
"I'm sure-"
You get cut off by the lady standing right outside the elevator that you had entered.
"The other scientists are going to love you two! Try not to die like the last ones, alright? Bon voyage!"
The door slides shut, leaving you both in complete darkness. After a second the elevator starts to shake, getting more and more violent while an alarm sounds.
"Run!" A voice screams. "They got out!"
"Containment breach. Container A, B, and C have been unlocked." A robotic voice reads out, monotone.
"Oh God, it's coming for us! Doctor Banner, take the research and run!" The first voice screams.
"What about the new subjects? Subjects 1 and 2 are headed into the containment sector while 3 and 4 are going to the lab!" A woman asks.
"Leave them! If we want to get out of here alive, we need to go now!"
The voices stop along with the shaking, that horrible alarm still sounding.
"I am not scared." Tommy announces.
The death grip he has on your hand says otherwise, but you don't call him out on it.
"Holy shit." You breathe.
The door slides open, making you both jump.
"You first." Tommy pushes you slightly.
"Fuck no, I came here willingly for you. You're going first."
"Please. Please!"
Slowly, you take the first step out.
From there it's a shitshow. Constant jump scares, but a really good story. All of the costumes and scenery are really engaging, especially when there's little audio clips. It's really well put together in a completely terrifying way.
At one point an actor jumps out unexpectedly, causing you to flinch and cling onto Tommy's arm. He just clings back, scared beyond belief.
After what feels like forever, you meet George and Wilbur in some type of lobby. While you and Tommy came from one set of doors, they came from the other. George looks downright terrified while Wilbur looks nonchalant.
"I guess we just leave, right? Then we've escaped?" Tommy asks, motioning to the door with his free hand.
"Not so fast." Someone says from behind.
You all turn around to face what looks to be a zombie, blood dripping from his mouth. He stumbles closer, a crazy grin on his face.
"You're not one of us, are you? Not yet. Those scientists never got their hands on you... but I will."
He leaps forward, sending the group back a few steps in fear. The zombie doesn't stop advancing, grabbing your arm quite gently.
Right, you signed some contract saying they could grab you.
You allow yourself to be taken away from Tommy, his eyes going wide as your hands disconnect. If you really wanted to, you could get away. The zombie's grip on you was barely there, just enough to suggest the idea of taking a few steps backwards. Either way, you're scared and take the steps.
A flash of light fills the room, and the guy holding you lets go and vanishes.
"Are you alright?" A woman asks. She's dressed as a scientist, even more battered, bruised, and bloodied than the ones you had seen previously. Well, the living ones. "Damn zombies... get out of here while you still can. I can't leave until I get the research I need."
Then, she runs through the door you and Tommy had come out of.
Tommy wastes no time before grabbing you and forcing everyone out of the haunted house.
The sunlight hits your faces, a stark contrast from the dimly lit haunted house. You breathe in the fresh air for a moment, letting your eyes fall shut. Never again.
"I am going to kill you, Wilbur." Tommy chokes out, and your eyes open again.
"And that's my cue to get the car." He says, wisely sprinting to the parking lot.
"Tommy, that's the last time I let you drag me into something without telling me what it is first." George says passionately. "I saw things I don't ever want to see again. I'm going to the bathroom." Then, after a second, "It'll be a good vlog."
The second that they're gone, Tommy pulls you into a tight hug.
"Toms, you're shaking." You point out, hugging him back.
"The zombie took you."
Oh, fuck. To him it must've seemed like the actor had ripped you away from him.
"He was barely holding me, I'm okay." You reassure him. "I let go of you and stepped back out of my own free will."
"I didn't like it." He says bluntly, but at least he's stopped shaking. "I didn't like any of that fucking haunted house."
"Neither did I." You admit.
Suddenly, he pulls away with a smirk. "I deserve a kiss."
"What?" Startled, you laugh.
"You scared me, and now I deserve a kiss."
With a stupid smile, you lean up and kiss him.
"WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO SEE YOU TWO BEING STUPIDLY IN LOVE?!" Wilbur yells, pulling the car up. "I HATE IT."
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ador3him · 2 years
Could I possibly request a Tommy X reader where Tommy, will, basically all Da boys are vlogging and go to a cafe and reader is working there and Tommy has a lil crush and it ends with Wilbur secretly filming Tommy go up to you and ask for your number (successfully) :)
pairing: TommyInnit x gn!reader
warnings: none?? horrible flirting maybe LMFAO
requested? yes by anon
word count: 1.05k
a/n: IDKIDKIDK if i like this hejwgfgweif ANYWAYS HOW ARE YALLS DAYS??? IT STOPPED RAINING HERE ISH (and my work is making come in at like 430 tmr i think im getting waitress trained??? wooo!!!)
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“Hello men, today we are here with Wilbur, Ash, and Jack in Brighton.” Tommy gestures to the beach behind him. Then someone walks in front of Ash who was manning the camera, “Well excuse you,” Tommy mumbles walking toward the camera. “What should we do, boys,” he asks everyone, Ash moves the camera as if he is shrugging, Wilbur points towards the beach and starts to walk over. “Beach!” Jack runs over dragging Wilbur as he dashes past him. “This could get a bit wild,” Tommy winks at the camera.
“Pebble fight!” Tommy throws a handful of pebbles at Wilbur, one hitting him on the head “Tommy just pebble brained Wilbur,” Jack laughs. “Tommy don’t throw anymore,” Wilbur took the remaining pebbles from him. “He is such a party pooper,” Tommy frowns at the camera which is ‘nodding’ in agreement. “Are you Jack Manifold?” a girl asks Jack. “Yes!” he smiles “Can I maybe get a picture?” he nods and gets Wilbur to take one. “Do you want a picture with me? TommyInnit, more popular and handsome than Jack” Tommy smiles at the girl. “I don’t know who you are sorry,” the girl walks away just like that. “What the fuck?” Tommy looks at Jack confused. He is doubled over laughing, “S-she, y-you, omg this is gold,” Jack is hysterical and can’t get his words out.
“Tommy we should go get some food or something I think Ash is hungry,” Wilbur takes the camera from Ash to film him, he just nods and gives two thumbs up, smiling. Ash then points to a cute little café just off the beach. It is a darker themed café with black rose bushes out the front with a deep purple exterior and the same on the interior. “C’mon Ash lets get you some food, Wilbur’s treat,” Tommy smiles walking off the beach with the three other men and into the café. The interior was littered with different plants and framed bugs. They all walk straight to the counter looking at the menu on the wall. “Hello,” Tommy’s smile is beaming at the worker who turns around slightly startled. “Oh hi! Sorry I was just making a coffee; can you give me two seconds?” they ask flashing them all their toothy grin. “Yes of course, take your time we aren’t in a rush,” Wilbur replies as Tommy is almost drooling. “What are you doing?” Wilbur whispers to Tommy shaking him out of the trance that overcame him.
Before he could answer the barista turns back around. “Sorry about that, guys! Do you know what you want?” they ask. “Uh- I will take a black coffee and a breakfast bagel. He will have a hot chocolate and a breakfast wrap and whatever they want.” Wilbur orders for himself and Ash knowing he wouldn’t speak, just point. “Hi! Can I please have an iced latte with one sugar and uh that’s it thanks!” Jack smiles. “Uhm- uh. What do you like?” Tommy stutters out. “Well, if you want a drink than I get the vanilla iced coffee. But if you want food, I like the feta and avocado bagel,” they answer pointing at the bagel in the display window beside them. “Can I please get both of them? Like the drink and the food?” he asks. “Of course, anything else for you men today and can I get a name for the order?” “No we are set, Wilbur,” Wilbur goes to hand them his debit card. “No, I got it.” Tommy slaps his hand away handing them his instead. “That won’t be too long,”
“Guys Thomas Simons has a fat crush on the barista!” Jack teases him as they sit at a table, Tommy just rolls his eyes in annoyance. Sure, they were cute and admirable, but Jack is crazy. “What was that?” Wilbur asks genuinely concerned as he has never seen him like that before. “I don’t know, they are just so cute and shit like I got nervous.” He groans. Ash types something on his phone and hands it to Tommy. “You should ask for their number,” he reads out, Ash nods. “Should I?” he asks the other two. “I mean I would! Who knows maybe they think you’re ‘cute and shit’ as well,” Jack says.
“Order for Wilbur,” they call out, the cups on the bench in a cup tray and the food in brown paper bags. “You going to do it?” Wilbur asks, Tommy just shrugs and gets up to grab the food and drinks Jack following him. “Thank you,” Tommy smiles at the barista- he didn’t even know their name, but he thinks it would be beautiful as beautiful as them. “Have a nice day!” they beam.
As Jack and Tommy sit down with their order Tommy decides to go for it. “I’m going to do it.” Tommy gets up and looks at the boys. “Can I film it? Good content,” Wilbur asks. “Yeah, use your phone though in case they say yes,” Tommy walks over to the bench. “Oh hi! Is something wrong with your order?” they look at him concerned. “No, it’s perf-right it good.” Tommy stumbles through his words. “I-uh I was just wondering if I could maybe get your number. You’re really cute and nice and- all good if not,” He rushes out. “Of course, do you have your phone I can put it in,” their face is bright red and their hands shaky as they take Tommy’s phone. They put their name under ‘y/n <3’. “Your name is beautiful,” he says in full confidence now. “Thank you, can I ask yours or am I going to have to call you lover boy?” they lean over the counter a bit. “I mean I guess I can’t tell you now.” He rests his hand over y/ns a bit. “Its Tommy,” he admits. “Cute, lover boy,” they smile at him. “Well, you better call me,” “I will,” “Good,”
Tommy rushes over to the table and shows them. “They gave it to me! Their name is y/n isn’t that gorgeous?” He gushes over them. They all congratulate him, patting him on the back. “I am so sending this to everyone we know this is gold,” Wilbur laughs at the stuttering mess Tommy is in the first half of the video. “I will kill you.” Tommy threatens.
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Wilbur Soot:
Cuddling Wilbur Soot
Wilbur x GN! Reader
Types of Kisses
Extremely Punctual
Pictures of Your Relationship
Sing a Little Song for Me
Brown Eyes
Cuddling Tommy
Pictures of Your Relationship
Types of Kisses
Cuddling Dream
Dreamwastaken x Reader
Cuddling Quackity
Pet Names
Cuddling Georgenotfound
photos of your relationship
My Beloved Anons:
Requests are open! Send ideas my way and I shall get to you! Thank you for reading these!
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pingguins · 2 years
What Can You Lose? | Prologue
Tommyinnit x Reader
Words: 3,671
Warnings: Swearing
Synopsis: Sometimes, a quiet night at the beach is all someone needs to calm the mind. But no one mentioned anything about the vulgar loud-mouth who likes to hang out by the ocean.
A/N: So, this story is actually a rewrite of 'In The Pale Moonlight' by sutosomi on Wattpad. It ended up drifting from the story more than I expected it to, but the plot is still inspired by that fic. So thank you to the original author for giving me the inspiration to write this! And yes, I did ask permission from them if I could rewrite their story. It's never good to steal someone's plot, folks!
P.S the title is a song that I also took inspiration from. I recommend you give it a listen. It was written by the great Stephen Sondheim, so you can expect it to be good XP
'It's All Futile! It's All Pointless!' by Lovejoy was playing. I was only wearing one earbud as the other was loosely tossed over my shoulder, my hands were tucked inside my coat pockets while I mindlessly walked up to the front of our house.
As I opened the door, the fact that my mother was cooking my favourite food became apparent to me. The smell and the sounds coming from the kitchen lighting up my mood as I closed the door and called her.
"You're home! How was school?" she asked, turning off the stove. She walked over to me with her arms open wide. I hugged her, humming as I shrugged. She pulled away at arms-length, with her hands still gently placed on my shoulders. “Not good?” she cringed; her eyes sympathetic.
"Not particularly, but it's better now!" I gestured to the kitchen. I can feel my stomach growling just by the thought of being able to eat my favourite meal.
She chuckled, removing her apron as she pulled out a chair for me. "If you think school wasn't good today, don’t expect it to be good moving forward. The food is just to prepare you for that," she teased, making me roll my eyes with a pained groan.
She’s right; I don’t doubt it. It might have been boring today, but as the school year progresses, the workload would pile up and probably I wouldn’t even have time to get bored.
The table was already set, all she needed to do was prepare the meal. She handed me my plate and I practically inhaled all the food before my mum could sit down and eat with me.
I hadn't realized I’d finished eating already, giving her a nervous smile once she's settled in her seat. Normally, I’d wait for her to sit down so we could eat together. "It's okay. Eat, then rest up. You don't have to wait for me, you must be exhausted!"
I sighed in relief. "Thank you, you're the best!" I hugged her quickly, standing up and giving her a kiss on her head before I ran up to my room, crashing onto my bed. Only then did I realize that I never took my one earphone off, and that Spotify was playing a completely different song that I wasn’t familiar with.
Luckily, the first day of school meant no homework. So, I opened, Discord, messaging my cousin as I craved some valuable use of my time before school inevitably takes it away from me.
Hey, wanna play Minecraft? I'm bored af .-.
I dropped the phone beside me, staring at the ceiling before closing my eyes. I wasn't sure he'd reply immediately, so maybe I could sneak in a nap.
Or maybe not.
I'm streaming. So, if you want to be in the stream, sure. I pity your boredom.
Instead of replying, I opened my laptop and pulled up his stream, donating a five and typing up a message.
I don't want your pity, I need entertainment! I thought that's what this stream is supposed to be, hmm?
“Y/N! Join the stream!" he yelled through his laughing fits. He adjusted his glasses, phone in hand as he typed something out of the audiences’ view.
Per usual, chat went crazy at the mention of a girl’s name. Most of the messages consisted of “who’s Y/N?!” and “Is she your girlfriend?!”
Noticing this, he stopped typing, scrunching his face in disgust. “Ew, chat! Y/N’s my cousin, relax!” He exaggerated a shiver before sending his text.
Join the stream! Chat's gonna love you!
I smile to myself, shaking my head ‘no’ even though I knew he couldn't see. This was probably the hundredth time he asked me to join one of his streams. I always say no and still he kept asking.
"Join the stream, Y/N!" I heard him yell again, slightly louder this time. "Y/N, my dear, amazing, lovable— and dare I say, best—cousin. Join the stream! Come on, you never join!"
I laughed audibly at his words, donating another five. Just take my money and shut up. Flattery doesn't look good on you "dear cousin". Ew.
There was another set of laughter after he read my message, continuing to try and convince me to join, which obviously didn't work. I truly had no interest in being in his stream.
I played Minecraft, yes, but I'd never taken interest in streaming. Nothing against it, I wouldn't mind doing it, actually. It was mostly because I just simply had no cause or motivation to. On my own, I wouldn’t mind. But this stream? With thousands of people watching? No.
He wasn't asking me to join the game, just the stream. But I still wouldn't know what to do if I did, so I thought it best to opt out every time.
"Y/N if you don't join the stream I will march into your house right now," he threatened, knowing well he wouldn’t go through with it.
He was particularly pushy today for some reason, the smirk on his face telling me he had something planned, which only made me want to avoid joining even more. This was live, if he thought it was a good idea to make fun of me in front of thousands of people, I wouldn't be able to edit anything out.
If you march into my house right now I will not hesitate to leave you to edit your future videos on your own, I typed in the chat.
"Not fair! I just wanted to introduce you to someone!" he said.
Introduce me when I wouldn't be vulnerable to be made fun of in front of an audience XP
"You're no fun, Y/N," he pouted, telling someone in the stream that the plan was off. I furrowed my eyes at this. So, he was planning something! I guess I just dodged a bullet there.
"Awe, I guess we're not seeing the child embarrass himself in front of a girl today," another voice said.
"Well…it would be better to see it in real life," he answered, a smirk still evident on his face as he looked directly into the camera.
This piqued my interest, and also made me slightly paranoid. He’s acting suspicious; he knows what he’s doing. For all I know this was another practical joke. And if he got his friends into it, he’s probably planning something serious.
I trusted him, sure. But as the younger cousin, I usually ended up being the butt of the joke. Not in a bad way; he usually knows where the line is and not to cross is. I’m probably being too anxious, but with enough thought, I clicked the Discord link he’s sent me a while ago and entered their VC. “Wilbur! I swear to God if you're planning one of your pranks again I will march into your house and throw my shoe at you."
There were collective cheers in the call, none of the people were familiar to me except for Will. At least, not personally. Will’s told me a bit about them. Ranboo, Tubbo, Tommy, oh and Niki! She wasn’t in the call though, unfortunately. Turns out most of them were waiting for when I’d finally join the Discord group.
Out of all of them, though, Niki’s the only one on Will’s YouTuber friends that I’ve met personally and whom I love very much.
"You joined too late, Y/N. The child already left," he pouted. "Guess I'll have to set you up another time," Wilbur smirked.
I scoffed. "The last time you "set me up" it was with a guy who you knew would talk my ear off about how we'd be an unfit couple because of our Zodiac signs." I shivered at the memory, feeling bad for myself that I had to sit through 2 hours at a coffee shop only to hear all about clashing personalities and relationship dynamics according to Astrology.
"Wait, what?!" the guy from before yelled. I realized this was Ranboo, as I saw a green ring light up around his profile in the Discord VC. Without answering, I left the call, wanting to leave an air of mystery as to how that date went.
I considered looking through their old chats; I'd save it for next time though. What could be so interesting about the group chat of a bunch of streamers? Millions of people would pay their entire bank account to even get a glimpse, which I get, in a way. But I've known these guys for ages now. Not personally, just through Will.
Be it directly or indirectly, being close to someone who's got millions of supporters and followers dampens the feeling of fanaticism. It makes you realise that they're also just humans doing what they love to do.
Maybe I'd consider streaming—maybe. Wilbur said he'd help if I wanted to; introduce me to his friends and whatnot. Regardless of streaming, he's always wanted to introduce me; I would just always find a way to postpone it. It just felt like it was more of his thing, you know? That's his group of friends from his streaming community and their SMP.
Part of me didn't want to impose. I didn't mind whether or not I met them, though. With Wilbur's persistence at getting me to join one of his streams, I probably would soon. I was already in their Discord group, pretty soon I’ll probably give in to Wilbur’s pestering about properly introducing myself to his group of friends.
Please tell me you'd join the next stream. Chat wants to meet you!
I rolled my eyes.
And if I don't want to meet "chat"?
Then I'd call in that solid you owe me.
Fuck. I forgot about that.
...then I guess I don't really have a choice. Just tell me when your next stream is and I'll go there.
HA! YES! (you don’t really have to go if you’re uncomfy tho)
hmph. I know. but you know I can't say no to you. Your music's too good.
Flattery doesn't look good on you, either, cousin dear.
I don’t need to flatter you. If I owe you, then I owe you. It only means I’m telling you the truth, Wilbur dear.
With a satisfied sigh, I exited our messages. It was already pretty late, considering the stream lasted a while. It was pitch black outside, nothing but the Brighton lights to guide you.
It was less polluted here than London, and since it was close to a beach, the air was good, too. Great for the asthma—maybe that's why Wilbur likes it here so much.
After the stream, with nothing much to do, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to go down to the shore. It would be pretty dark, but if there aren’t too many clouds today, the street lights may just be enough to help me get there safely
I put on my oversized hoodie to combat the cold and hoped that my leggings would be thick enough since they were really comfortable. Mum would be deep in sleep right now, so I didn't bother waking her up.
I was allowed to go to the beach; she knew how much I loved it there. As long as I left her a text message that I would go—which I did—I could go. I went out quietly, slowly shutting doors and walking on pointed toes.
                                                            * * *
Thankfully the beach wasn't so far from here, and the streets were mostly silent. Only a few people here and there. Some appeared to be going home from work and some were like me; just taking a stroll to calm the mind. The moon shone bright and barely covered by clouds, which usually wasn't the case.
It added light to the view, making it a little more beautiful than it already was; especially the beach. With the moon sitting just on top of the horizon, I wish I brought a good camera with me. My phone won't do this any justice.
Other than the sand, the moon, and the ever-so present ocean breeze, there was a figure of someone close to the water. They were sitting, doing nothing. No phone light, even, which to be honest, surprised me.
Most people would hangout by the shore only to take pictures or use their phones. I rarely saw people on the beach without using some type of gadget.
Just from the silhouette of this person though, they seem to be doing fine enjoying the view.
I guess it's not just me.
I pulled my hood up, hoping to be more discreet as I sat just a few feet away from them. I hoped the hoodie would send a message that I didn't want to be bothered.
"Until now I'm the only one who's usually out here this late."
And now the silence is broken. I nod my head, looking at them. From their silhouette, they seemed to be a guy. Shadows covered their face, though, and I assumed mine was, too. "Well, if you're here often then you should get used to seeing me. I like it here."
For a moment he just looked at me— well, their head was turned to my direction, so I can only assume. "You-you're a...fe..male. You're a female," they stuttered. Yep, definitely a guy. There was a slight gulp there that I heard, most of it being drowned out by the waves.
"Yes...?" I answered, not quite sure why he would be so perplexed.
"Woman, the way you dress makes you look like a man," he snarked. Woah, what a complete 180 from his previous, shy-sounding attitude.
I scoffed. "Yeah, and your mouth makes you sound like a misogynist." I rolled my eyes, though I knew he couldn't see me. "To counter that, maybe you should smile more," I smirked as he dramatically gasps.
"What's your name?"
"Can't tell strangers my name," I shrugged, only trying to annoy him.
"You insulted me and you won't even give me your name?"
"I don't owe you anything, dipshit."
"Bitch," he mumbled, making my eyes widen at him. Though he couldn't see, I was pretty sure he could somehow sense the tension increase. "Wait—sorry— I didn't mean—"
"Asshole," I laughed, interrupting him since he kept stumbling. I suppose I should just shut him up for his own good before he embarrassed himself completely...again.
It was easy like this. Talking to a stranger felt safe, ironically. They don't expect anything from you, and they don't know anything about you, so they can't judge either.
He sat still; I could almost imagine his face scrunched up slightly in thought despite not knowing what he looked like. "uhhh...do you play Minecraft?"
A loud laugh made its way out of my mouth before I could stop it—this guy had no socialization skills.
"Sorry, sorry!" he held his hands up, chuckling. "I dunno how to start conversations, okay?"
I took deep breaths in, trying to calm myself down. "Judging by how awkward you got earlier, I think you saying 'I don't know how to start conversations with a female' is more accurate....and yes I do play Minecraft."
"POG— do you stream??"
Though I wanted to point out how he blatantly ignored the first part of my sentence, I decided to give him some mercy. Minecraft, streaming, the enthusiasm for both—this guy was basically Will. Of course, he wouldn't know how to talk to a girl.
"No... but I'm guessing you do?"
He huffed; I could see his shoulders sag. He didn't answer right away, which I thought was weird based on how excited he got earlier. "Kind of?" he answered reluctantly. "Not too often, though. I'm not a big streamer or anything, just a small one. I only play with a few friends—no one big like Dream or Wilbur Soot. That would be crazy. Absolutely crazy—"
"You're overcompensating, dude," I interrupted, mostly to save himself from looking more like a liar. I respected his reluctance—if he was actually a big streamer, obviously he wouldn't tell someone he doesn't even know the face of.
He was frozen, like he was in fight or flight mode.
"Don't worry, I won't ask," I reassured. "I understand if you don't want to tell me who you are. My cousin's a pretty well-known streamer so I've seen the struggle first-hand," I shrugged.
It wasn't just him who was anxious. The moment Will's name left his mouth I tensed up, thankful he wouldn't be able to see me through the darkness. I was fine telling him about Wilbur, just not how we’re related. My voice was heard in his stream earlier. If this guy watched Wilbur, then he might find my voice familiar.
"No shit I knew you sounded familiar!"
Shit. I cringed, waiting for the ball to drop.
"But UGHH I can't put my finger on it!!"
I let out a sigh. At least he couldn't figure it out.
"Are you like, Dream's cousin or something? That would be insane!" His hands moved around a lot as he talked—he definitely had more energy now than before. So much for a relaxing night by the shore.
I didn't mind, though.
"I don't even know who Dream is. Well, not really. I only know him because my YouTube recommendations won't shut up about some guy wearing a mask and a green hoodie who plays Minecraft."
He gasped, "OH what if you're like— Wilbur Soot's secret sister or something??"
Well, he kind of got it right. Will's basically my brother.
I was laughing at his antics again. "I listen to his music." I changed the subject, not wanting to risk myself giving away any more details. He’s getting close, but I did say cousin. Not sister.
He excitedly shifted so he was facing me, buzzing with energy. "YOU LISTEN TO LOVEJOY?!"
Of course, I helped make it, I thought. Damn, this dude seemed like a hardcore Will fan.
I nodded. "Of course, I do."
"What's your favourite song??"
I hummed in thought. Since I helped Wilbur and the rest of the band with most of the songs, I couldn't really choose one. It was all a nice experience. Wilbur said they were making new music, but I couldn't be much help because the closer school got the busier I was, too—especially since I just moved to Brighton.
"Perfume. That's gotta be my favourite." It wasn't a lie. It was the song I got most involved in, so it has a pretty special place in my heart.
It wasn't even supposed to make it to the album, but Wilbur said someone specially requested for it to be. At that point the songs that were going to make it to the album were already decided, so when Wilbur asked for my help on polishing ‘Perfume’—though, yes, I was honoured he went to me for help—it was sort of a rush. My mom and I were in the middle of moving from the US to the UK, then suddenly, Will is asking me to help improve the song.
Busy with packing my things at the time, I refused. But Wilbur was persistent, telling me that the song meant a lot to someone really important to him. Embarrassingly, it only took him a day to convince me to help him, although I did complain a lot about having to unpack my instruments.
By that point, most of my things were already packed. But we didn’t leave for a few days, so I went ahead and took my guitars and amplifiers out of the boxes and repacked them the day before we left.
I didn't have to help, but how could I say no to helping Wilbur?
If it wasn't so dark, I'd probably see the mystery man's eyes light up. I could sense it.
I flinched, not expecting his voice to be so loud. I shushed him, gesturing around us. It was late in the night; his voice would probably wake up the everyone in Brighton.
"Sorry," he mumbled.
Then silence. It wasn't awkward or tense. Weirdly enough, I’d say it was comfortable.
The sound of the waves, the wind—that's what I came for. Not loud voices and energetic teenage boys—
"How old are you anyway?" I crossed my fingers, hoping he wasn't some creepy old guy. Would a creepy old guy stream?
Judging by how his voice cracked from time to time, I'm guessing around my age. But I can never be too sure.
"Pshh, I'm not telling a stranger anything about myself." He pulled his legs up to his chest, still facing me. I chuckled, copying him. It was pretty cold; I could use the extra warmth.
"I'm 16." Hopefully I could encourage him to tell me his age too. I mean, he streams. I'm 90% sure he's gonna slip at some point. If he's anything like Wilbur, he'd be used to telling people stuff about himself.
"Were you born before or after April 9, 2004?" He asked.
And there it is.
Laughing, I covered my mouth with my hand to stifle it.
"What?" he asked, oblivious.
"What's it to you, Mr. "I'm not telling a stranger anything about myself"?"
He face-palmed, mumbling a soft "shit" under his breath. Then a louder one. "Shit!"
I kept laughing. I found his personality ridiculous, but nothing short of charming. "So, you're 18?" I asked as a matter-of-fact, my laughter dying down to uneven giggles.
"Oh of course not—I'm obviously 32." The sarcasm dripped from his words effortlessly.
"Yeah, and I'm Wilbur Soot's cousin." I rolled my eyes, letting a smile spread across my face. It was rare to converse with a stranger as freely as I am now, I don't mind sprinkling in some truth to our conversation. In all honesty, he's probably the first person I would consider a friend since I moved. It was a shame I didn't even know his face, but maybe it was better that way.
"Thank you," I told him. "It was a pretty shit day today—first day of school and all. I feel much better now, though."
"Ah, so you're saying little ol' me made your entire day better?"
I could probably feel his smug attitude from a hundred miles away. He wasn't wrong, though. "Of course," I stood up, dusting my clothes of any sand and dust that might have clung to the fabric. I extended my hand, offering to help him stand up, which he took graciously. "You're my Manic Pixie Dream Boy," I chuckled.
He was dusting himself off as well, and when he stood up straight—who am I kidding, he has a hunchback comparable to the protagonist of a certain Disney movie—I could finally see him in his full height.
"Holy shit, you're tall as fuck," came out of my mouth before I could stop myself.
He laughed, shaking off the last of the sand that made its way into the creases of his hoodie's sleeves. "So I've been told— wait, what's Manic Pixie Dream Boy? Bitch, do I look like a pixie to you? I'm a man!"
"Be honest, you're bitchier than I am," I joked, laughing until an idea popped into my head. "OH!"
He jumped, not expecting the sudden volume of my voice.
"MANIC PIXIE BITCH BOY!" I practically doubled over, clutching my stomach and occasionally wiping my eyes.
"I still don't know what that means!"
He tried to sound mad, but the smile I could hear in his voice proved otherwise.
Once I've composed myself, inhaling slowly to regain control of my breathing, I smiled at him. I found myself wishing he could see it for the first time that night. "I'll tell you next time?" I suggested, biting my lip, once again finding myself feeling different since I first talked to him.
There was a pause. Only the waves and the wind could be heard. The silhouette of his hair moved with the breeze as he ran his hand through it; the same one that went to rub the back of his neck a few moments later.
He extended his hand for me to shake, which I did, suddenly cautious if I seemed too eager with how I didn't hesitate to take shake it. "Next time," he replied, letting his hand linger in mine for a few more seconds than necessary. He gave it a squeeze before letting go.
I slowly walked backwards, "Bye, Manic Pixie Bitch Boy!"
"Bye, dipshit." He gave me a two-finger salute, which I reciprocated, before turning around to go back home.
Wilbur will have a field day if he hears about this.
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can-i-be-your-blue · 2 years
Songs I thing c! Tommy would sing if he was a famous singer in front of the dsmp (he doesn't know their there)
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➷C!Tommy Song Playlist➹
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𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
↷✦; w e l c o m e ❞
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Enjoy your stay! ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
☙ Lovely by Billie eilish ❧
☙ Happier then ever by Billie eilish ❧
☙ Softcore by the neighborhood ❧
☙ Intro III by NF ❧
☙ Panic room au/ra ❧
☙ Blame it on the kids by aviva ❧
☙ Sick boy by Chainsmokers ❧
☙ Jealousy, jealousy x pacify her ❧
╔═══════ ೋღ 🌺 ღೋ ═══════╗
☆彡彡 Continue? ミミ☆
╚═══════ ೋღ 🌺 ღೋ ═══════╝
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awooga-llama · 2 years
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Thinking about doing a stranger things x DSMP crossover...
⬇ Preview below ⬇
Tommy and Dustin would be so chaotic together, constantly getting on Steve and Techno's nerves. One second they're worried the younger one are gonna get hurt the next they're so fed up they wished the two were never brought into existence.
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Let me know if I should continue this for other characters :3
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the-whatcherof-89 · 2 years
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Tommyinit “The Big man” Thomas Careful Danger Kraken Innit AKA Theseus the Destroyer of Statues and Other Nice Things People Built. (dang that’s a lot of nicknames y’all)
Human Fighter(Mobile fighter)16 XP76800
Chaotic Neutral Medium Humanoid
BaB+16 CMB+23 CMD+36
Racial traits: Extra feat(Cosmopolitan), +1 Skill point/level
Traits: Reckless, Scarred.
Class abilities: Bonus feats(Weapon focus, Greater weapon focus, Improved shield bash, Shield slam, Shield master, Power attack, Penetrating strike, Greater penetrating strike, Spring attack), Agility+4, Leaping attack+3, Armor training+2, Rapid attack, Fleet footed.
Feats: Mobility, Dodge, Master craftsman, Point blank shot, Precise shot, Weapon specialization, Greater weapon specialization, Quick draw.
Skills: Acrobatics+10, Climb+11, Craft(Alchemy)+4, Handle animal+9, Intimidate+9, Knowledge (Dungeoneering)+4, (Engineering)+4, Perform(Oratory)+10, Perception+15, Ride+12, Swim+15, Survival+10, Use magic device+25.
Languages: Common, Draconic.
Equipment: Amulet of natural armor+3, Ring of protection+3, Balanced mithral breastplate+3, Spiked volcanic shield+2, Adamantine battleaxe, Adamantine longsword of speed+3, Composite longbow(Str+6), 50+1 Arrows, Boots of speed, Cloak of resistance+5, Belt of physical might+4(Str, Dex), Handy haversack, Rod of absorption, Efficient quiver, Manual of war(Signed by Technoblade), Cap of the free thinker, Ring of persuasion, Headband of mental prowess+2(Int, Wis, Use magic device), Bracers of the glib entertainer, 2 Snapleaf, Wand of cure light wounds, Fighter kit, Dungeoneering kit, Combat trained horse with MWK Hide barding, Military saddle, Bit and bridle, War saddle, Military bags, Horse rations for 4 days, 1080gp.
Background: Tommynit is one of the founding members of the land and he is the living definition of a rebellious child (with a lots of PTSD). He and Tubbo have been like brothers ever since the beginning and had a rollercoaster of a life with both of them participating in the war, rebuilding the government, breaking up after his exile, their tearful reunion, the hopeless fight against Dream followed by his  imprisonment in Pandora’s vault and then being shoulder-to-shoulder when the Green man escaped the prison to support his mental health. Tommy had lot of help also from Philza whom he considers like a father/mentor figure and had build many relationships with the other members of the land; literally almost EVERYONE knows him(especially for his shenanigans and acts of theft) and he is a literal “face” of the events that transpired across the many places. Name a place, a time and event and Tommy was likely there, for some reason. Recently, he decided to fortify his last safe house (Tubbo’s old house) and allied with Sapnap to devise a plan to end Dream once and for all. One day, Tommy was having a nightmare remembering his long exile in Logstedshire and the tortures that Dream inflicted upon him. He woke up, distraught. When he stood up, he wobbled toward the tiny windows to look outside to check if the green man was around. As he saw that the coast was clear, he decided to go and meet Tubbo to see if he needed any help with Micheal after the death of Ranboo. He was about to open the door when he heard a voice. “Poor kid, so much trampled over by others.” Tommy immediately grabbed his sword. “You are not Dream. Who are you? What do you want?” A giggle was heard behind the door. “Who i am matters only if you hear first what I want. I want to propose a challenge; to you and your friends.” Tommy asked puzzled. “A challenge? And what is the prize?” The mysterious individual tapped on the door a few times. “Find me. Simple as that. And i will grant your wish. ANY wish. A wish limited ONLY by your imagination.” Tommy was stunned by this proposal but he had his share of lies and tricks so he backed a little. “Why should i trust you?” The voice answered: “They have already accepted.” Tommy was staring at the door in disbelief. “The man in green, the pig king, his crow friend… the lover of bees…and the rest.” Disbelief became terror: If Dream was involved… Tubbo was not safe. And Dream could have asked to torture them for all eternity. “The game has already started.” Concluded the voice. Tommy shouted the loudest, most fierce war cry that he had ever done in his life as he opened the door, charging through. The light enveloped him and he found himself in a new place, with new items and… Tubbo! He was in front of him, and there was a giant bee. “Tubbo, there is a bee of the size of a horse behind you.” Tubbo went to cuddle the large creature. “I know, he is my animal companion.” Tommy was stunned. “Your what?”
Tubbo “Mr Cookie gadget” Big Law/Crime the Beloved Bee Boy. 
Human Hunter(Verminous hunter)16 XP76800
Lawful Good (With various split personalities/personas) Medium Humanoid
BaB+16 CMB+13 CMD+31
Racial traits: Extra feat(Weapon finesse), +1 Skill point/level
Traits: Destined diplomat, Scarred.
Class abilities: Verminous companion Giant bee(Use Giant wasp for statistics), Vermin empathy, Vermin focus(Bee +8 Perception), Swarm stride, Nature training, Precise companion (Outflank), Track, Hunter tactics, Teamwork feats, Improved empathic link, Bonus trick(sic’ed, Surprise shift), Second animal focus (Moth), Darkvision 20ft, Blindsense 10ft, Swift tracker, Raise animal companion, Speak with master, Greater emphatic link.
Spellcasting CL16 DC13 Spells per day 5/5/5/4/3/1 Spells known:
6-Dispel magic greater, Ironwood.
5-Cure critical wounds, Tree stride, Sturdy tree fort, Companion transposition.
4-Cure serious wounds, Dispel magic, Repel vermin, Warp metal, Freedom of movement.
3-Water breathing, Protection from energy, Meld into stone, Cure moderate wounds, Magic fang grater.
2-All food, Versatile weapon, Eagle eye, Bearskin, Flame blade, Insect scouts.
1-Air bubble, Burning disarm, Endure elements, Cure light wounds, Hide from animals, Gravity bow.
0-Detect magic, Read magic, Create water, Light, Mending, Resistance.
Feats: Mounted combat, Extended animal focus, Craft wondrous items, Brew potions, Vital strike, Improved vital strike, Divine interference, Spirit’s gift.
Teamwork feats: Coordinated charge, Pack flanking, Distracting charge, Shake it off, Paired opportunist(s).
Skills: Acrobatics+20, Climb+8, Craft(alchemy)+13, Diplomacy+11, Handle animal+16, Heal+10, Intimidate+11, Knowledge (Dungeon)+4, (Geography)+4, (Nature)+8, Perception+16, Profession(Beekeeper)+7, Ride+20, Spellcraft+13, Stealth+20, Survival+12, Swim+10.
Languages: Common, Bee empathy.
Equipment: Amulet of natural armor+2, Ring of protection+2, Scarab breastplate, Tempest shield, Called rapier+3, Short bow+1, 50+1 Arrows, Belt of incredible dexterity+6, Cloak of resistance+3, Circlet of persuasion, Boots of striding and springing, Handy haversack, Eyes of the eagle, Ioun stones: Lavender and green ellipsoid, Pearly white spindle, Pink rhomboid, Bracers of archery, Horn of fog, Page of spell knowledge I, Feather token tree, Ranger kit, Alchemist kit, Grappling hook, Holly&Mistletoe, Signal whistle, Cold weather outfit with Snowchester symbol, Veterinarian kit, 300gp, 5sp.
SPINS - Animal Companion - Large Bee (stats like giant wasp) Initiative+4
Speed 20ft Fly 60ft (Good)
HP13d8+52(110) AC36(+12Natural+4Dex+11Armor-1Size) Sting+19 1d8+10+Poison DC22 1/round for 6rounds 1d4 damage 1 cure DC Con based.
Racial: Darkvision 60ft Immune to mind effects Poison
Class: Improved evasion, Ability score increase (+1Str +1 Dex +1 Wis), Multiattack, Devotion, Share spell, +8 vs trip CMD.
Str 24 Dex 18 Con 18 Int- Wis14 Cha4 BaB9 Saves 11/11/6
Feats: Armor proficiency x3 (light, medium, heavy), Power attack, Improved overrun, Improved bull rush, Improved poison.
Skills: Acrobatics+8, Fly+8, Perception+9, Stealth+11, Survival+6, Swim+12
Tricks: Stay, Guard, Attack, Defend, Seek, Track, Work, Heel, Fetch, Down, Come, Perform, Charge.
Equipment: Amulet of mighty fists+3, Darkwood Spiked Full plate barding+3, Headband of thunderous charging, Pauldron of the bull, Bit and bridle, Military exotic saddle with bags and 5 rations.
Background: Hyperactive, earnest, naive, easygoing, optimistic, loyal. This is what defines Tommy’s best friend, Tubbo. Together they had been through a lot and if he  could or would write a book about it, it would be a really LONG saga. Tubbo was a figure of administration that lasted longer than any other did or could. Especially after Schaltt government and the Doomsday. He also founded the Dream Hunters and joined the Butcher army in an attempt to stop Technoblade. After Dream imprisonment he built Snowchester as a colony of survivors and NOT a government to avoid the anger of the Blood God. There he commissioned Foolish to build a mansion for his new lover Ranboo and his adoptive son Micheal. After Dream escaped from prison, both his beloved and his son disappeared and went to search for them along with Techno and Eret. They discovered that it was Awsamdude fault for kidnapping both of them and also for the “accidental” murder of his husband. After punishing the warden, he returned Micheal to the mansion in Snowchester where he met Boo the ghost of Ranboo. One day, Tubbo woke up at the sound of a door opening. He went to check for Micheal, but he was not in his room. Panicking, Tubbo went to search for him only to find him in the main hall with the chandelier, above a cloud. “What? What is that? What are you doing Micheal? How are you…?” He could not believe is eyes, there was a large, fluffy cloud in the main hall and his adoptive son was above it, as if nothing was occurring. “Your child is quite unique. But he doesn’t seem so safe. It has already been proven.” A voice echoed in the room, the owner nowhere to be found. “Release my son! Whoever you are!” Silence was cut short by the mysterious voice “I am not holding him hostage. On the contrary, i am protecting him. For your will i do understand. And i come here with a challenge: I shall grant you a wish. ANY wish. But only if you can find me.” Tubbo was adamant in his next answer “I am going through the five stages of grief, do you mind? Give him back, NOW.” But the voice continued: “They have accepted the challenge. All of them. If they find me first… he will never be safe. But i can grant you, your child and your friends the safety you oh-so look for.” Stairs of smoke formed and Tubbo climbed and reached Micheal for a hug. “I accept. But only if you will grant me that Micheal will stay here in this mansion, safe and sound.” The mysterious individual snapped his fingers. “It is done.” The could shifted and turned into a giant bee with brit, bridle, saddle and other items equipped. “A loyal companion. One that will follow you to the end of the world.” Tubbo looked in disbelief as he somehow recognized the bee: “SPINS? Is that you? HOW…?!” The large creature made a strange buzzing sound. Tubbo re-asserted himself as he gently put Micheal down “Go back to your room, boy. I am going away for a short time.” The Piglin made a snorting sound and walked to his room. “Let’s make this quick, ok?” The figure snapped his fingers again. “Oh that depends entirely by you.” And the world shifted and so did his equipment. He found himself in a new place, he dismounted and saw… Tommy! He was in front of him. “Tubbo, there is a bee of the size of a horse behind you.” He said. Tubbo embraced Spins. “I know, he is my animal companion.” Tommy was stunned. “Your what?”
Link for image: https://at.tumblr.com/periwinklemoonlight/stay-clingy/yku27vq2ff43
Art belongs to the amazing https://www.tumblr.com/periwinklemoonlight
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polyhexian · 2 years
Controversial opinion but I really don't care about the dsmp. I don't hate them. Dream is like 23 and I'm pretty sure he's the oldest and the rest of them are like, 18, and they've been doing this a few years. They're all like, practically kids and they blew up from mild internet fame to massive global phenomenons in like less than a year. Like the worst they've really done is drop some slurs or have some problem opinions but again like. They're basically kids. I don't really give a shit a 17 year old said the r slur on stream. They're probably going to grow out of it. None of them, as far as I know, have committed any genuinely heinous crimes. They're just some occasionally stupid young people and they play a very passionate Minecraft roleplay. Also like one of them literally died recently after a long struggle with cancer that all of his close friends knew about and like I'm sure thats been like extraordinarily difficult to deal with especially when your grief for your friend is on such a visibly global scale. Ntm the rpf and shipping and the very very intense fandom for, again, a bunch of teenagers. I literally cannot imagine being 18 and having tommyinits fanbase I think I would straight kill myself. Dsmp fans can be intense (they are mostly children) and annoying but idk is it really bad enough to justify the like. Early 2000s anti Justin Bieber style vitriol people carry. I don't even like them but I really just think the kind of "the dsmp is the worst thing ever I hate all of them dsmp fans dni" venom is kind of melodramatic. They're literally just standing there
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yxursstrulyyy · 7 months
Headcanons !! (After the incident. . .)
Note: This is a day late, I know! I was originally going to post this on the exact day of Halloween but I got busy-not much of an excuse but bare with me. . This mini list will be a bit bland, I'm pretty sorry for that. To make up for it, there's a bonus HALLOWEEN prompt for all of you as an apology!! Now please, enjoy.
• I feel like for Halloween, SUNNY most likely wouldn't have even trick-or-treated if it wasn't for KEL's persistence.
• SUNNY would probably just trick-or-treat as himself, while KEL would have been dressed as something that some may find "childish," but whatever he wore is up to your imagination.
• Okay, please just hear me out on this. The HOOLIGANS would have had a Dream SMP hyperfixation (This was originally supposed to be in AUBREY's headcanons, but surprisingly nobody had requested her yet as of writing,) so you can already guess what they would dress as.
• I know he's annoying, but I honestly feel like AUBREY would be Tommyinit (i cringed while writing that-) or at least someone similar. As of the rest of the HOOLIGANS, I honestly don't know what they would dress as.
• for obvious reasons, HERO isn't included in this headcanon list because he would most likely be stuck at college. Neither BASIL or MARI will also be unincluded mainly because BASIL would probably be at home, sleeping and well, MARI's kind of. . dead.
Halloween was okay, in SUNNY's opinion at least. Usually, he would stay in his bedroom and sleep (what he does basically every day) - and frustratingly wake up suddenly just to pass out candy to younger trick-or-treaters. This Halloween was originally supposed to be treated as another day. So it was pretty unexpected to see KEL in a costume in his doorway. "Hey, SUNNY!" KEL said, rather loudly which made SUNNY's ears ring. He was already developing a small migraine because of the lights. "So. . I was wondering if you wanted to go trick-or-treating with me?" KEL asked innocently. Being honest, SUNNY was barely conscious, trying to to the best of his ability to even make eye contact. After a few moments of KEL persuading him by saying he'll get a lot of candy since they live in a small neighborhood, SUNNY gave out and nodded, leaving but quickly returning to get his jacket. As soon as SUNNY left his house, he already began to cough and sneeze due to how he wasn't really used to being around this much pollen. They trick-or-treated for about an hour before SUNNY got tired. Suddenly, SUNNY felt like someone was watching him. He looked around, a bit scared since he already had paranoia. He looked a tree and saw something. KEL notices how uneasy he looked, mainly because he was literally looking at a tree with a tire swing attached, and decided to point out a few more houses to get candy from. Snapped out of his procrastination, SUNNY followed KEL to more houses. Their bags were already full of candy, and he just wants to leave before the HOOLIGANS, specifically KIM and VANCE, try to rob them of cavities. KEL notices his exhaustion and leads him back to his house. SUNNY, being SUNNY, quickly ran into the house with his bucket of candy and slammed the door. KEL, being the understanding little silly he is, just left home. He felt a bit tired himself, but his candy would probably keep him awake.
(ignore the edit, I forgot to continue smth in the prompt-)
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modelbus · 1 year
Tommyinnit x masc nb reader where they don't try to hide their relationship from the internet, but at the same time refuse to confirm nor deny it.
Like...they have pictures online of them on dates, wearing each others clothes, in each other's background during stream, etc, etc. The evidence is right there??? But they don't confirm it. Matter of fact, they don't even "know who that ugly mug in the picture is".
Wilbur is the first one to leak their relationship tho, woops.
”whoops” killed me. Also, look at my funny little guy in the photo! It felt fitting.
Pairing: CC!Tommyinnit x Nb!Reader (romantic)
Evading Evidence
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Tommy’s streaming when you get tired of scrolling through Twitter. Normally you’re able to sit on his bed, just out of sight of his camera, and catch up on all the drama. It’s been a quiet few days though, so you’re already bored.
“I’m going to run to the store real quick.” You say, getting up.
Tommy turns, neither of you acknowledging the stream. Chat’s going crazy about the fact you were there the entire thirty minutes Tommy’s been live for, and possibly longer.
Despite the fact you and Tommy were dating, neither of you had let the internet know yet. Sure, there were pictures and Tweets and remarks basically confirming it, but both of you were careful never to say it outright. At this point it was almost a game.
“Oh, can you get me twin gummy snakes?” Tommy asks, practically begging you with his eyes.
“Why would I do that?”
“Because I need fuel and you love me?”
You consider it for a second before giving in. “Fine. I’ll be back in, like, ten minutes.”
“Thanks! Don’t get run over!”
“Why would I- never mind.”
Tommy doesn’t turn back towards the stream until after he hears you leave, shutting the door behind you. It’s only then that he takes notice of the chat freaking out over his words.
“Chat, what the fuck are you talking about? They don’t love me. Actually, I don’t have a clue who the fuck that was!” He exclaims. “Back to Minecraft.”
“Hey, is this okay to post?” Jack Manifold asks, practically shoving his phone into your face.
You take it, examining the Twitter draft. It’s a selfie he took before the filming of the latest Tom Simons vlog. Behind him you can barely see you and Tommy curled up on the couch together, looking at something. The photo is captioned “Tom Simons vlog done.”
“Sure. Tommy?” You ask, handing the phone over to him.
He barely takes a look at it. “Yeah.”
“Thanks!” Jack says cheerfully, immediately posting.
“Time to fight the stans like our lives depend on it.” You joke, already opening Twitter and navigating to Jack’s profile.
“It’s fucking funny.” Tommy laughs.
“Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. What’re you tweeting?”
“I’ll reply to yours.” He leans over to watch you type out your reply, reading it aloud. “'Not Jack photoshopping the background'.”
“Are you two ever going to tell the internet?” Jack asks, laughing a little.
“Oh, the internet definitely knows. They just chose to believe us when we lie to their faces.” You answer.
“I’m replying ‘incredibly disrespectful.’” Tommy announces. You get the notification of his reply right after he says it.
“Don’t get me canceled.” Jack sighs.
“No promises.”
"Why are you talking about Tommy so much?" A donation asks.
You were doing a just chatting stream, spilling some fun stories. A few of them had been dates with Tommy, but you didn't call them dates. Chat still had their suspicions though.
"Because I hate him." You deadpan, staring into your camera. "Worst person ever, kill all Tommyinnits."
It barely takes a second for the chat to react to your words, thousands of people calling you a liar. As your eyes flick through messages, one catches your eye.
"Why are you wearing his hoodie then, hm?" Gets read aloud. "Well, you see, it simply isn't his. This very clearly branded Tommyinnit hoodie? Mine."
It's merch of his that hadn't shipped yet, his name displayed across your chest. The only possible way for you to have some would be him giving you some or you stealing his. One guess as to what you did.
Yeah, you took his.
"I have the fastest shipping in the world guys, you have to believe me."
Nobody believes you. It's not even the first time you've worn his clothes, just the first you've worn them on stream. Maybe you should've been a little more careful, but oh well. Who really cares anyways? The game was fun, but not too serious.
"Besides, as if I'd ever wear something Tom fucking Simons tainted with his gremlin hands." It's a fun little jab, one you know he'll hear about later. Probably from Twitter.
"Hey!" Tommy yells from somewhere in the flat.
Or maybe he'll hear about it right that second. He must be watching your stream, making you smile.
"Sorry." You say it in a way that clearly shows you don't mean the apology, laughing to yourself a little. After running a hand through your hair, you speak again. "Did I tell you guys about how I almost killed a person by riding a bike the other day?"
Of course, all jokes eventually end. This one just happens to meet its death in Wilbur's hands, live on stream.
“We’re out, we’ll see you tomorrow for the vlog.” Tommy says, pulling you to your feet.
It’s been over an hour of being on Wilbur’s stream, stuck in his little cramped office. One person was fine, two could fit, but three was just too much. Besides, you knew Tommy’s limit was an hour.
“Have a good stream!” You tell Wilbur cheerfully, shutting the door before he gets the chance to say goodbye. To make up for it, he waves.
“And there go the lovers.” Wilbur jokes to his stream, putting himself back into the middle of the frame now you and Tommy are gone. “Off to do whatever they do.”
It barely takes a minute for chat to explode, making Wilbur realize exactly what he just did. His face drains of color as he sits up.
“Shit- fuck. It was a joke, guys. A joke.”
Like a dog with a bone, chat’s already taken his words and ran with them. Wilbur’s fuck up is beyond repair. Instead of digging himself a deeper grave, he just messages you and Tommy.
You’re both back in his office in a matter of seconds, having sprinted back down the corridor. It wasn’t that you were upset, more just panicked. This definitely wasn’t how you meant to confirm it.
“Well… shit.” Tommy finally speaks, just off camera. “You’ve leaked it Wil.”
“I didn’t fucking mean to!”
“We should leak something about you in return.” You joke.
“Hey, I didn’t mean to!” Wilbur quickly defends himself.
Tommy pokes his head into the camera frame to address chat, grinning to show he isn’t pissed at Wilbur at all. You laugh, waiting to see what he’ll say.
“Oi, chat, you’re all fucking dumb. Took you lot long enough.”
Wilbur sags with visible relief, glad neither of you are going to kill him for his slip-up. Now that it’s established he didn’t ruin everything, it’s a lot funnier.
“We’re going to miss the movie showing.” You announce, checking your phone for the time.
“Fuck. Bye again.” Tommy laughs as you drag him out the door.
When the door shuts, Wilbur laughs and shakes his head. “Whoops?”
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ador3him · 2 years
congrats on 150!! thats so sick. would you be able to do “no, don’t stop. i like the sound of your voice.” with tommy?
pairing: TommyInnit x gn!reader
warnings: friendly bullying (basically banter) swear words maybe? not proofread
requested? yes by @louscartridge
word count: 606
a/n: I LOVE TOMMY EEEE, no one has ever requested for him so i have never written for him ahhh. THIS PROMOT IS SO FREAKING CUTETEUGYEGFYUWEGFIW anyways request at 11:30 AEST (10 hrs ago) SECOND FICCCCCC
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“Chat! Chat! Listen to me chat, I have news!” Tommy’s boisterous laugh booms through the microphone- surely defeating multiple chat members. “I have a special someone here today,” his eyes widen as he looks around the room, briefly making eye contact with y/n the special someone. He laughs some more as y/n tries to stifle theirs with their hand. Chat goes crazy because Tommy is clearly eye-talking to someone off camera. “Okay Chat are you ready to see who it is? But first! Subscribe, give me subs, donate! Most people find me annoying at first, but you might not later so please consider subscribing because it helps me out a bunch!” he cringes at the mess of his ever so iconic intro. “Come in, say hi,” he beams at y/n who runs into frame tackling Tommy off his gaming chair.
“I am here! In England! Brighton! London! Essex! Your backyard if you live in England!” y/n laughs at their little bit and helps Tommy off his carpet. But y/n steals his chair before Tommy had the chance to sit in it. “Hey, you idiot get up, this is my home, and this is a chair only for the big man. Me!” Tommy struggles to pull y/n off his chair, they just laugh at his efforts. “Fine I will sit beside you,” Tommy shoves y/n over a bit making room for the both of them on the chair, Tommy is kind of sitting on top of y/n with his leg laying over theirs to make it comfier.
“Should I introduce myself? Some people may not know me,” y/n asks Tommy whispering slightly, he just nods and smiles into the camera. “Hey Chat! I am y/n or better known as y/s/n, and this is the official Tommy and y/n meetup! I am so excited to be here,” y/n beams a smile spreading widely across their face. There are some messages in chat to talk about how Tommy and y/n met and how they got close so they both took the opportunity to talk about it.
“Well, y/n just couldn’t resist me and my sexiness and my big man-ness, I am irresistible toward the people,” Tommy jokily smirks wrapping an arm around y/ns shoulders pulling them slightly closer. “That is not at all what happened, okay so Dream messaged me and asked me to join the DreamSMP at the start of 2022 and I basically met Tommy and we hit it off.” y/n summarizes. “More than that happened come on tell the details, our first conversation, our first call, or do you just not remember because you hate me!” Tommy gasps fakely.
“Shut up you gronk. We first talked because Tommy needed to borrow something out of Punz’s house, and it happened that Punz was showing me around that area of the SMP and he introduced us. We first called when you asked me to join an Among Us stream and it was horrible y-“ y/n’s smile drops as they read ‘Shut up’ ‘God could they be more annoying’ ‘This is Tommy’s stream not theirs geez’. Tommy presses mute and turns the camera off.
” No, don’t stop. I like the sound of your voice. Don’t listen to them, we can turn off the stream and just hang out!” He moves a fallen piece of hair out of y/ns face and tucks it behind their ear. They just nod resting their head on his shoulder, and he places a kiss on their forehead to comfort them.
The next week was going to nice because y/n loves talking and Tommy loves hearing y/n talk. The perfect duo, the speech duo.
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maricels-fanfics · 2 years
my tears ricochet
A c!Tommyinit and c!Wilbur short story very loosely based of the Taylor Swift song "my tears ricochet".
Takes place right after the events of the c!Wilbur Finale stream.
**Tommy POV**
Wilbur left.. The little boy doesn't know how to feel.
How did we end up here?
Sitting on the grass weeping as his brother left, he recalled the beginning of the hell he's going through with his big brother.
Tommy and Wilbur gather in a forest on a sunny day not knowing what the future held for them. Cracking jokes until their eyes hurt from tears of laughter. As Tommy recalls the memories field with laughter, simple scams, simple stories, chaotic at times and a bit illegal but… simple. He recalls a time where he joked telling Wilbur to pledge his loyalty to him and give his all to him. Looking back now in the end it was him who gave his all for the other. He was the one who swore his loyalty till his dying day.
He loved his brother, yet he couldn’t help but wonder did he truly deserve the pain and that he caused him?
**Wilbur POV**
How did we end up here?
He didn't want to leave like this. Sailing away and not wanting to look back at Tommy's tear ridden face. He knew the pain he was going through, emotions spilling enough to cry a river. The emotional pain that the world bestowed on the poor child at such a young age. Still if he stayed it would have gotten worse his selfish reasons to keep Tommy to himself getting in the way of encouraging him to do what is best for him. He wanted Tommy to succeed but he could not do that with him on his side. It pained him to leave Tommy like this but it was for the better. Him realizing that only fed for his longing to go home to Utah.
He would never admit this to Tommy, but while his little brother may see him as a hero he wasn't a hero in fact to Wilbur Tommy was his hero. He knows he may never be able to say this to Tommy because a person can only leave so many times and expect the person that they leave to wait for them like an obedient, eager puppy. Wilbur knew that while Tommy loved him deeply he could only get so many chances and he was finally dead to him. Wilbur imagined Tommy cursing Will's name as he wakes up from his fantasies with pain.The pain that will shape him into finally becoming a man and making his own choices. It hurts WIlbur in a melancholy way to think about Tommy becoming a man without him there. He wishes he could be there but he can't.
As he sailed further and further away from the land he called home for so many years, his eyes filled with the tears of all the emotions that had been piling up inside of him. All the emotions and realizations of his actions spilled out of him like an overflowing glass of wine. He said sorry but was sorry enough? He stopped rowing his boat and let out a sob that followed tears… so many tears. He let out what he had been holding in for years. He swore the whole SMP heard even though they were miles away.
Wilburs head is filled with memories before all the betrayals and petty actions that he committed as he cries. Wishing he had not doubted Tommy that fateful day by the river collecting materials to build a wall to hide a broken foundation built on lies and pettines that he created. He did not mean for all of this to happen. The persona of a strong leader with a plan that was built was just a sad invention that was never gonna last. He put on that persona to hide the reality of the mess that he is. He did not see the inevitable end because of happiness and excitement to be a part of something important. The ghost of his past will forever haunt the ruins of L’Manburg because he needed to prove a point when the world did not accommodate him.
He was truly alone.
**Tommy POV**
Tommy should have left but he wasn't strong enough to. He fought his way through life, he opened up and each time he did WIlbur would tell him he was brave whether it was verbally or through actions. A part of him wondered if Wilburleaving to Utah was an excuse to hide the fact that he was not good enough for Will. Even though he said otherwise, another part of him thought that his brother's love for him died with L’Manburg.
If his love died he wouldn't have said, “im sorry” and wouldn't have stayed. Still a part of him could not help and resent him. Tommy cursed Wilburs name through his tears. If he loved him he would not have left.
He cried even though he had Tubbo, Ranboo and the rest of his friends he wanted to come up with a stupid idea that will get into trouble with his brother… He wanted Wilbur.
**Both POV**
They could go anywhere. Anywhere each wanted but the place they both longed for was home. They could not go there because the older brother's home was with his little brother and the little brother's home was with the older brother. They missed each other already.
**Tommy POV**
Wilbur ripped the bandaid off and left without a care in the world. Maybe he meant to take the knives out by leaving but little did he know it pushed them deeper he felt like someone was killing him. While his love for his brother will never leave he can't keep waiting for him. He is better off without a man who turned into his enemies and worst fears to push through life. While he wished Wilbur had stayed but time has told him he is better off making decisions on his own rather than with someone especially Wills.
Tommy will not blame people for his mistakes like his brother. He will not act like a boy drunk and drugged by power and revenge. This is his time to end everything, this is his time to become a man. He is no longer a child.
As his tears dried and his sniffles stopped he was left with silence…
He knew what he had to do.
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pingguins · 2 years
|| What Can You Lose?||
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(pic taken by me)
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Tommyinnit x F!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, slowburn, pining.
Sometimes, a quiet night at the beach is all someone needs to calm the mind. But no one mentioned anything about the vulgar loud-mouth who likes to hang out by the ocean.
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•─────⋅☾ Chapters ☽⋅─────•
► Prologue
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yettobedetermined7 · 2 years
Imagine helping to exorcise Uncle Nasty with Charlie and Tommy
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This stream is a fever dream
Edit: I hope Charlie is feeling better and Uncle Nasty should be burned
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