#too many ideas not enough time or confidence to follow them through
todayisafridaynight · 11 months
me when i ship zhaohan 😔 there's next to no content unless i'm just not looking in the right spots
be the change you want to see in the world my man.... if i can trick people into thinking masadai is real then i know you can rally the troupes with them lovable goobers......
#snap chats#zhao and yeonsu ARE cute to me tho thats the thing. theyre so sillay#i dont have many ideas with them but i love drawing them together when i get the motivation#i love drawing zhao and joon-gi honestly since Like Ichi i draw them kinda differently from everyone else#/kinda differently/ zhao's a foot tall motherfucker#BUT NO with joon-gi i want him to be a bishounen protag... so it's fun giving him all those sparklies and anime energy...#tho it'd be more appropriate to go for a manhwa art style huh#something to practice me thinks...#REGARDLESS i believe in you anon..... get that propaganda flowing you'll gather a small group in no time...#if you're sick enough in the head <- me#oh but if you arnet confident or know what to do yet !!!! pixiv and twitter generally has a good amount of art for them#i know i happen upon zhao and joon-gi art when i scroll through twitter sometimes#of course you have to follow eastern artists but they ALWAYS have The Best And Most Delicious Shit#they never miss they're the only artists i follow on twitter im p sure LMAO#if you don't know what artists to follow on twitter though pixiv's your best friend#some people are scared of her but not me...... i'm too numb to everything... plus she does have a LOT of good stuff there#'趙ハン' is the zhaohan tag on there. there's 101 works but i know not every thing is tagged sometimes#like a lot of arakawa fam stuff isn't tagged 'arakawa family' or even 'arakawa'- just generally 'yakuza' or 'rgg' and stuff like that#just gotta do a lil digging my friend ! best of luck to you ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
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em-dash-press · 8 months
Ways to Skip Time In Your Stories
Finding ways to skip time in stories can feel challenging. Writers often worry it’ll make their work feel too amateur or negatively affect their pacing. 
The truth is that every author includes ways they skip time to maintain their pacing and plot. Check out a few ways to do it with confidence. 
1. Start a New Chapter
Yes, it’s really that simple. Go back to your favorite books and note how each chapter ends. You’ll likely find a few of these tricks that transition the story in ways that match the story’s flow.
Ideas to End a Chapter
The protagonist goes to sleep (likely overused, but practical)
The characters end a conversation
One character informs another of a plot twist
Unexpected action occurs, like a car crash
2. Emphasize the Season
You don’t need to tell the reader exact dates or hours to pass the time. You could mention the season instead.
If a scene or chapter ends in the summer and you need your plot to start in winter, make your protagonist mention something about the leaves changing color and giving way to snow before your action picks up again. It will only take a sentence or two, so it’s also an effective method for short stories.
3. Visualize a Movie Montage
Imagine watching a movie about a character who goes on a summer adventure. They backpack through Europe, but they have to take a flight to get there. 
You likely wouldn’t see them standing in airport security lines, napping in a terminal or watching a full movie on their flight to their destination. Instead, you’d get a montage of them driving to the airport with a shot of their plane cruising over the open ocean.
Writers can do the same thing, minus the soundtrack in the background. Describe how your character got to their destination when a new chapter or scene starts. Your readers will get the general idea and appreciate getting straight to the plot that made them pick up your story in the first place.
Here are a few ideas to do this in just a few sentences:
One delayed flight and a bad airplane dinner later, I was walking out of the Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport with an aching back and excited heart.
My trip began with the perfect flight. I got an entire row of seats to myself, which made napping through the trip much easier. A flight attendant roused me awake when it was time to land. I couldn’t believe how fast I’d arrived in Athens that quickly.
My flight was just long enough to catch up on the movies I’d been missing over the last year. The landing gear bounced along the runway in Rome just as the Barbie credits started flashing across my iPad.
4. Showcase Some Confusion
Sometimes we aren’t aware of what time it is. We only know time has passed. That might be the best way to make time pass in your story if your protagonist gets confused, caught by surprise, or otherwise discombobulated.
These are some examples:
I woke up with a bad taste in my mouth. The sun was already peaking in the clear blue sky. How long had it been since my explosive video call with my ex the night before?
The time machine landed with a thud that knocked me to the ground. The control panel exploded in shimmering sparks. What year was it?
Working a double shift always left my brain spinning. I left work, walking across the parking lot with only the stars watching my back. I could feel the hours aching in my feet, but didn’t care what time it really was. I just needed to sleep.
5. Employ a Phrase
There are many quick phrases you can use to make your time jumps immediately clear. Consider using a few of these when you feel creatively stuck:
Later that morning
A few weeks later
After months of trying
Six hours later
The following week
As the store closed for the night
There are many other ways to make time pass in a story. Starting with these could help you figure out the best way to move your story forward without disrupting its pacing. 
Remember, you’re in control of your story at all times. There’s always a way through creative challenges if you take a deep breath and try something new.
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leighsartworks216 · 7 months
Just A Trim
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
I had this idea like this morning or last night, I don't remember. And then I was not physically/mentally able to write until the sudden Need To Write hit me and I cranked this out
When writing this, I noticed I kept making references to Tav being shorter, but bc I want this to be enjoyed by everyone, I took them out. Pls let me know if I missed any instances of it tho
Ending loosely inspired by this scene from Big Fish
Warnings: scissors, brief references to low self-worth, anxiety, pure fluff
Word Count: 1,287
Main Masterlist
First Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist - Second Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
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Astarion didn’t trust his hair with just anybody. Pulling on it during sex? Okay. Playing with it while cuddling? It takes him a bit to actually trust someone enough to enjoy it. Washing it? Absolutely off the table. Cutting it? Out of question, and he’d probably insult you for asking.
So when he came to you, frowning and grumbling, and struggled through grit teeth to ask if you would please help him cut his hair? That meant something.
You tried not to let your glee show as you dropped whatever you were working on and followed him into your shared bathroom. He plopped onto the edge of the tub like a pouting child who’d just got a good telling-to after misbehaving. He held the scissors up for you to take.
“If you cut my ears, darling, I’m going to make you regret the day you were ever born.” He glares over his shoulder as you step into the tub behind him, rolling up your sleeves and taking the scissors. “And don’t you dare do anything funny. All I need is a simple trim. I assume you’re capable enough to manage that?”
You smiled as he growled at you like an annoying customer. You lean down and gently kiss his cheek. “I promise I’ll only take a little bit off.”
There’s an unspoken conflict on his face. He’s not sure he actually wants you to go through with this… But he’s sort of out of options. Any salons nearby closed before the sun went down, and he definitely did not trust any of your past traveling companions to do the job. No. He’d just have to trust you. He sighs and faces forward. “Just… be careful.”
“I will, my love.”
It had been difficult to notice during the course of your adventure together, but his hair did grow. Not as fast as yours, but curls that delicately curled around the edges of his ears now almost completely covered them, like strangling vines. You’d heard him cuss too many times when a strand got caught in his earrings and tugged when he went to brush the hair from his face. The curl that lay persistently over his forehead now brushed his upper eyelid. Very frequently, he would huff and fight to push it back, with nothing to show for it.
With gentle, smooth motions, you combed your fingers through his hair. Your nails lightly scratched at his scalp, running from his hairline to the nape of his neck, and carefully untangling any knots all the while. You heard his quiet sigh, and saw his shoulders begin to relax. You pressed a kiss to his head.
Assessing his full head of hair, you figured out where to begin. You separated out a section, trying to determine how long it used to be, so you knew how short to cut it now. He tensed again.
“I’m going to start cutting it now, okay?” He hummed, short and anxious. You pressed a hand to his shoulder. “Relax, dear. I’ve got you.”
“It’s difficult to when you have the means to turn me into a glorified clown.”
“But I won’t.”
He sighed. “I know.”
You wait for him to relax again, and he nods slightly. You take the scissors to the first section of hair. With a shink, a small clump of hair falls into the tub. The sound certainly doesn’t fill him with confidence, but he trusts you won’t mess it up too bad…
You begin talking about your friends, about the letters they’ve sent lately keeping you updated with their lives. Apparently, Gale sent some interesting information regarding potential cures for his vampirism - though most of it was only on temporary remedies. “In good time,” you’d assured him when he groaned. Stepping into the sun again would be nice, but an end to his sanguine hunger would be better.
It takes a while to cut all his hair, especially with how meticulous you’re being. You give special attention to the hair around his ears, making sure not to nick him. You step out of the tub and in front of him while you cut the stubborn curl there, where you catch it before it can fall into his lap, and deposit it in the basin. He can’t help watching you then. You have such determination and focus on the task at hand. Only once the curl is trimmed do you actually see him staring, and you smile and peck his lips. He rather enjoyed that.
As you go through each section, you consistently run your fingers through his hair. It’s the most relaxing bit, and he’s certainly glad he asked you for this. He would die before Gale ever got his grubby mitts anywhere near his hair.
By the time you finish, his eyes are closed. He listens to your chatter, to the random tunes you hum, to the way you hold your breath as you make a cut. It’s rather peaceful, despite the underlying nervousness to it all. He can’t see himself. All he can hope is you make him look nice.
You brush your fingers through his hair to knock loose any stray strands. It falls like snow by your feet. Satisfied with your work, you begin running water for a bath, kicking the hair down the drain before you plug it to fill the tub.
“Done, love?”
“Mhm!” You lean around to kiss his cheek again. “You can take a bath, wash all the hair off, and I can get you some fresh clothes.”
He grins. He stands and turns to face you, taking your hands in his and running his thumbs along your knuckles. He’s worried, anxious, but he tries not to let it show. “How do I look?” he asks with a careful bravado, tilting his head to the side, chin upturned, like a haughty nobleman.
You let go of his hand to cup his cheek. He automatically leans into it, mask slipping ever so slightly to reveal his worry. “You look beautiful. I think I did a rather fine job.”
“‘Rather fine?’ Oh, darling,” he lilts, “for your sake, I’d better look the spitting image of perfection.”
“You always do.” It’s earnest. A solid fact to oppose the teasing of his words.
He cannot prevent the true smile that tugs the corners of his mouth as he leans in to claim yours, tasting and nipping and teasing with soft sighs of content. You are much too good to him, but he doesn’t say that out loud, lest you lecture him and treat him to endless spoils until he believes it himself.
He reluctantly pulls away, but his lips continue to brush yours. “Bathe with me.”
You open your eyes to study his face. “Are you sure?”
A mischievous spark glints in the corner of your eye as you grin wickedly. “Do I get to wash your hair?”
He chuckles. “Don’t push it.”
You hum. “Would you wash mine?”
“Whatever you want, my love.”
“I want… to turn off the tap before our bathroom floods.” You pull away and he has to laugh as you wade through the water to stop the steady stream. The warm water reaches just below your knees. You sigh, but the annoyance is dampened by your grin. “Look what you’ve done - distracting me like that. Now my pants are all wet.”
“All wet?” He makes a show of looking you up and down. “I don’t know, love. I see quite a few dry spots.”
Without warning, he steps into the large tub, still in his own clothes, and grabs you, pulling you down with him into the water. Your laughter fills the house. Astarion has never been more in love.
Tag List:
@hypopxia @flsalazar @beverlybeav @angelofthorr @emiemiemiii @marina-and-the-memes @aurasyn @furblrwurblr @cappsikle @mjmygd @thegirlsadventuresinwonderland @kindadolly @bloopthebat @pandimoostuff @chesb0red @black-star1472 @sessils @olitheghostboy-blog @puppyg1rl666 @maruichio @cyber-dump-171 @katharynmarie @twinkliker3000 @cherifrog @catching-fire-in-the-wind @phantoms-fandom-blog @thespectacularspaceace @lynnlovesthestars @sylverqueen_cosplay @yarn_yogi @tototini @teardropcup @ashrio20 @bambamwolf87 @astarion-imagine-archive
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leah-lover · 2 months
Close for maintenance. Arsenal orgy.
Smut 18+
This is part 4. The content is pretty obvious. enjoy.
It has been a few days since my kiss with katie. The girls wanted me to think hard on this and I didn't mind it really.
The day after the kiss was an off day so I took the initiative and decided on a self care day. I went shopping, got a mani pedi, and changed my hairstyle a little. The next few days at training were nothing short of professional. Of course as soon as I walked in with my new look gasps and jokes were made by the whole team but nothing disrupting ever happened. I finally felt like myself again. I was ,dare I say, happy and excited about my life.
On the 5th day after the kiss, and as soon as we finished training, I was approached by Steph.
“ hey so if you are ready we can talk about us in Katie and Caitlain’s house.” she said with a worried tone, her hand on my shoulder.
I held on to her hand and said with a smile on my face . “Yeah of course but you are going to have to drive me there. I didn't bring my car with me.”
We held eye contact for a moment before she nodded in agreement.S
The car ride was silent but not tense, we were both swaying to music and in our heads. Suddenly, I noticed Steph’s arm fidgeting with the console, not knowing where it belonged. I then took the initiative to take her hand and place it on my thigh. shocked , she looked at me which earned her a smile and a reassuring look. We stayed like that for the entire ride, me looking at her and her hand on my thigh running up and down occasionally.
As soon as we arrived at the door we heard laughs which were distinguished as Alessia and Leah’s. When we went in Steph’s hand was in mine, and when Katie saw that she commented “ someone is getting comfortable quickly.” she said joinkinly.
“ why? Jealous?” I responded before I sat next to her and hugged her.
“ She is taking this better than I did.” said Alessia after shooting me a wink.
“ to tell you the truth Lessi here was super nervous for our first meeting her stomach hurt and we had to reschedule. But you look like you got this.” said Caitlain.
“ yeah well i am excited. When did this thought start anyway?;” I asked. “ It has been going on for 3 seasons now. One day at pre season we got drunk and fucked around with idea. We then liked it and were too comfortable with each other. We did it again and again and again until this arrangement was born.” explained leah. “And what is this arrangement?” I added.
“ So basically Caitlin and I are together, Lia, Steph, Leah and Lessi are single. We hang out with each other, go on dates, have sex together or separately. We just communicate openly about our desires and we do them. No hard feelings and no shame” she explained. “ I think I understand it now.” I added.
“ I am gonna go get drinks. Help me Leah.” said lia before disappearing to the kitchen with Leah.
Throughout the night we didn't address the topic at all, we just talked like a regular group of people. After a few drinks and laughs they got more and more confident with me around.
Lia started kissing Leah, Katie and steam soon followed. At that time all I thought about was lessi. She was the one I talked to most this evening and the one I wanted the most at the moment. “ Can I kiss you lessi.” I whispered. My face was red by the time she kissed me. Her lips were soft and her kiss was sweet. Her hands cupped my face and mine went to the back of her neck. We kept on kissing until we gasped for air.
I forgot that the room was filled with other people? And as soon as i realized my face went red and started to freak out. That was until Lia sat next to me. “ hey sweetheart it's okay your first time is going to be the hardest but it will get easier. Just be comfortable with us, we will take care of you.” she cooed, running her arm through my back.
I relaxed into her touch and as soon as i looked comfortable enough leah sat in front of me and said `` look, it's fine if this is too overwhelming to you we can do this another time if at all.” she asked, cupping my cheek. “ no it's okay i want this i really really do.” I insisted. Leah took that as an incentive to kiss me. Her kiss was dominant and powerful. “ You don't know how long I have been waiting to do this.” she said before kissing me some more. “ you are all we have been thinking about.” she said, breaking up the kiss.
I didn't realize when Katie, Caitlain, and Lessi left. I was left in the room with Steph and Leah.
“ take it easy Leah.” said Steph before guiding my face to her lips. Her kiss wasn't as powerful as Leah’s but it was full of emotion. While Steph and I were kissing, Leah started kissing my neck. I relaxed on the couch dazed in their touch. “Can I take thai off?” asked Leah, her voice full of lust and desire. I hummed in agreement. “ Honey, you have to use your words.” said Steph firmly. “ yes, yes please do.'' I managed to get out.
After a while I found myself laying on the couch naked with both Staph and Leah beside me each one giving attention to different parts of. Leah was taking care of my breasts nibbling and sucking on them harshly while Steph was leaving her mark on my neck. “ Please, I need more please.” I pleaded. “ so eager so soon. We will only allow it this time, right Lee.” she said looking over at a busy leah.
We then changed positions. I lead on S teph’s bear chest in between her legs while leah positioned herself between mine.
“ Holy hell, all of this is just for us. I feel flattered. We haven't even touched you properly.” said leah as soon as she saw how wet i was. “ Leah dont leave our guests waiting, she will get a bad first impression.” ordered steph while her hand comes through my hair. The whole scene was serene. Leah was sucking and nibbling at my clit while Steph massaged my breasts slowly.
“ Do you want my fingers baby?” said Leah, waiting for my approval. “ please.” was all I managed to get out. “ No darling , we talked about this. Use your words.” ordered Steph, her hand still on my chest. “ Please, I want your fingers inside me.” I screamed. “ good girl.” responded steph.
With that Leah put one finger in, then another. I was a moaning mess by the time I felt my orgasm approach. “ Please let me come, I am gonna come please.” I pleaded. “ Okay darling, come for us. Come for me and Leah. Right after I heard those words I came undone with Leah at my center. I was in a world of bliss while Leah was cleaning me up and Steph was saying how much of a good girl I was. Leah then proceeded to kiss Steph on top of me with my juices all over her mouth. A moment after that i managed to say “ can we please go again. "
PS let me know if you want me to add anything to the story.
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ukrfeminism · 5 months
One morning in 2007, Frances Harper was taking a bath and listening to the local news on BBC Radio Suffolk when one story caught her attention. A young woman, Louise, was being interviewed about her life as a sex worker in Ipswich. “I couldn’t see how this interview was helping her situation at all,” says Harper, who was 60 at the time. “I got out of the bath and made some notes. I realised she needed a documentary to tell her story properly and I thought perhaps I could try to make it.”
Harper had never owned a video camera and had no idea how to shoot a film. She had spent the past four decades working in secretarial jobs, as well as raising her son and supporting her husband in his construction business. “I was busy but something was always missing,” she says. “Something I could do for myself.”
Armed with a sudden sense of purpose and without a current job to keep her occupied, Harper rushed out to buy a basic camera, read the manual and began looking up ways to contact Louise. The police wouldn’t share her details, but after finding the name of her solicitor in the local paper, she left a letter with the firm to be passed on. “Soon after, Louise phoned me and we decided to meet in a cafe in Ipswich,” Harper says. “I told her I’d like to make a documentary to share her story and help her. She agreed, and that was my entry into an entirely new world.”
Following Louise most days for weeks, Harper documented her life on the streets, her drug addiction and sex work, all while learning how to shoot and interview. “She told me that no one had motivated her or really cared about her life,” she says. “She was interested in art and history, so we went to galleries together and I even took her to an afternoon tea – all things she’d never done before. We spent a lot of time together because I had the time to spare.”
The more Harper got to know Louise, the more concerned she became about her life and especially her living situation. “She was basically sleeping in an electrical cupboard on the streets of Ipswich,” she says. “I started booking her into bed and breakfasts to keep her off the streets. It really showed me how lucky I had been. It’s changed my thinking ever since.”
Once she had enough footage, Harper put together a taster of the film and contacted the local BBC News office in Norwich. The idea of an older Ipswich resident befriending a young sex worker and producing a film was so unusual that Harper was invited to a meeting and commissioned to shoot a half-hour special for BBC East, which aired in February 2008. “I couldn’t believe that Louise’s story would be out there,” she says. “I hadn’t told too many people about it so my friends were shocked when it came out. Once it did, I also managed to battle with the council to finally get Louise a proper flat.”
Sixteen years later, Harper, 76, is fully immersed in film-making. After her experience with Louise, she became interested in the world of drug addiction and produced a film for Sky, which was narrated by Davina McCall and followed two mothers coping with the impact of their sons’ drug abuse. She has also completed a commercial film for the seaside town of Southwold and a charity short for an emergency response service. She is now working on a series about women in horticulture as well as a film about the life of female fighter pilots.
“I just can’t stop,” she says. “It really feels like I’ve found my calling. I get ideas all the time, although I can’t make all of them because I fund my own projects and it’s hard to come by funding for older people.”
But age does have some advantages. “I think people are more inclined to be polite around me because I’m older,” she says. “I’ve also gained newfound confidence through this work. I didn’t know whether I’d achieve anything but I just kept going. I weaved around the obstacles in my way.”
As well as changing her life, Harper has recently learned how her films have had a profound impact on other people too. “Louise contacted me last year and we just carried on talking as if no time had passed,” she says. “She told me: ‘You were the only person who believed in me.’ It made that decision to pick up the camera completely worth it.”
You can watch Harper’s films via the link below:
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transmascaraa · 2 months
!300 followers special!
giving the fontainians bouquets!
characters: bf!/gf!every fontaine character x gn!reader
author's note: THANK YOU GUYS FOR 300 FOLLOWERS AND I DECIDED TO DO THIS, WELL, THE IDEA WAS SUGGESTED BY MY LOVELY @mariaace AND I THINK IT'S ADORABLE! this is what the poll was about btw lmfao ANYWAYS enjoy<33
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✧ Furina
-adorable blushing.
-"o-oh! t-thank you, [name]! i didn't expect such a... beautiful bouquet... but i'm not complaining, don't get me wrong!"
-she would keep that bouquet in your guys' house for the rest of eternity.
-and would combine it with every other bouquet/flower you gave her.
-she loves you 5 times more now.
✿⁠ Neuvillette
-"w-well... this is certainly.. unexpected. but.. thank you. you truly are thoughtful."
-he would be flustered but definitely wouldn't try to hide it as many others would.
-it's a really pleasant feeling for him and he sees no point in trying to hide it, especially from the person causing it.
-aka the one he loves.
-keeps the bouquet on his nightstand, making sure none of the flowers die or lose color.
-and if at least one flower does, he'll write you a 10 page paragraph apology with a big bouquet next to it.
☆ Wriothesley
-"oh, well... thank you, i suppose. *wink*"
-he'd be so much more flirty and teasing after that.
-i mean, he'll keep the flowers and take care of them, but he'll tease you a lot more.
-more frequent winks and smug looks to you.
-he just knows you love it when he makes you blush like that.
-not like you're complaining in the first place.
-and he's expecting more flowers after that.
✯ Navia
-will definitely blush and elegantly take it in her hands while she smells the flowers.
-"wow... they're so beautiful... thank you, really..!"
-she values your relationship a lot but now she values it even more.
-it really makes her feel loved and appreciated.
-probably would invite you to a dinner date afterwards, where you eat macaroons together.
-and keep the bouquet eternally.
-idk i have a thing for fictional blondes
✷ Clorinde
-she's not playable yet but ughhhh
-she's perfect she would literally blush but still try to keep her intimidating and serious behavior.
-"this is... for me? thank you, i suppose."
-if you tease her about her blushing you'll just make her blush even more.
-but don't do it, let her get comfortable with you aka get to somewhere more private.
-this woman will literally send you a letter signed by "champion duelist" not wanting you to know that it was her.
-the letter consisted of a "thank you." and a purple flower tied to it.
⑅ Lyney
-unexpectedly, he would blush really hard.
-like ofc he would do his best to mask it but you can see through him almost like lynette, you've known him long enough.
-"a-ah! mon amour..! this is simply beautiful and so kind of you! but- i'm the one who gives you flowers, not the other way around, right?"
-wether you agree or disagree with him, he will continue blushing.
-will keep the flowers on your guys' living room table, to remind him of this moment anytime.
-do it more and see how much longer he can keep masking all of that.
๑ Freminet
-"w-why thank you, [name]... y-you're really sweet..."
-a blushing mess.
-the flowers will be taken care of, no worries!
-but the way his heart started beating fast when you gave him the flowers made him smile.
-he tried to hide the blushing but he failed, too captivated by your confidence.
-he's probably gonna talk to lyney and lynette all worried with how his dear beloved makes him feel.
✪ Lynette
-"this is.. certainly an unexpected gift. thank you sincerely, [name]."
-she'd blush but she's too good at hiding it.
-wether you notice or not, she'll act the same.
-it's not exactly "serious mode" after that.
-but she will keep the bouquet and take care of it.
-she would let you know that she liked it and that she kept it, sure, but not as emotionally as the others would.
-she's adorable when you notice her blushing face tho.
× Arlecchino
-i had to include her since she's a fontainian too.
-"this is for me? well, i can't say i don't like it, so, thank you, if that's what you wish to hear."
-she's not one of those who would blush, instead, she'd either make you blush, or just let you know that she likes it with a genuine smile.
-honestly, in both situations, she'd make you blush.
-she just has that captivating aura, not like she would blush like a child right then and there unlike lyney
-but yeah i see her keeping the flowers too
-the only difference after that would be her reminding you of that whenever you disagreed with her for whatever reason.
⊹ Chiori
-not exactly a fontainian but she does live in fontaine so ig i have to include her
-i love her and i love her personality and i love how she would react.
-"this is all... for me? why, thank you, my dear. i don't remember a time when i felt this appreciated."
-there would be some faint blush on her cheeks but her eyes showed more.
-they showed her thankfulness/gratefulness for you aka for having you in her life.
-now those flowers stand on her shop window, making the boutique look even more stylish.
⊰ Chevreuse
-she's so underrated imo
-she's not used to love/gifts at all but this definitely made her happy.
-"thank you, i guess. i've never received something like this, but i'm glad i finally did. and it's from you."
-i see her having a huge soft spot for you, especially after that.
-will definitely talk to chiori about you and this moment.
-she'll even give you a bouquet a few days after as a sign of gratefulness and returning the favor.
-she cares for you a lot deep down.
i didn't include sigewinne cuz i wanted to make this romantic (i think that's all of them for now btw)
but yeah i hope you guys like it^^
| @mariaace <3
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ohtobeleah · 2 months
Secret Sacrifices // Jake Seresin
Chapter Two: [Like A Brick]
Summary: With the weight of the world sitting on your shoulders, you confide in the gentle soul that is Bob Floyd. Also known as, your first kiss.
Warnings: Jake Seresin x F!reader. Witness Protection F!reader. Platonic Bob Floyd x F!reader. Mentions of death. Mentions of drowning.
Word Count: 2.8k
Author Note: I'm Back! To get back into the swing of things I thought this little chapter would do us good. although this chapter is mainly focused on Bob and Brewer, we, being @a-reader-and-a-writer and myself, thought it deserved its own moment to really capture the significance of the shared secrets.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Being caught deep in swirling memories wasn’t something out of the ordinary for you. Being swept along with the tide, the waves of which push and pull your mind between present times and your past. The very idea of being caught between realities, a paradoxical space between now and then always seemed to be better than the alternative. Live through hell.  
“My mum says I’m too young to kiss girls.” 
Thoughts of who you could have been and thoughts of who you became push together to create a constant state of flight. Nostalgia is like a whirlpool that you drown in deep inside your mind. You’re unable to tread water as you feel the waves breaking against your skin, forcing you under as you gasp for air. What good were those swimming lessons you were forced to partake in as a child? 
“Do you tell your mum everything, Bobby?” 
Your mind becomes an unblended mix of memories you’d like to replay on repeat, and those you’d like to hide. Nothing ever seemed simple anymore. Not even the memory of your first kiss. The memory that you’d once considered colourful was now shrouded in forced denial. It couldn’t have happened, for you weren’t Y/n Y/l/n anymore. 
“What’re you still doing here?” It has been a long night, so long the sun had just started to kiss the horizon as you made your final lap around the front and back decks of the Hard Deck. Bob sat patiently waiting on one of the picnic tables, typing away something on his phone. 
Your voice must have startled him, but you’d never make fun of the way the Back Seater jumped enough to knock the chair his boot-clad feet were resting on into the small outdoor pot plant that sat beside the table. You watched it rock back and forth before steadying itself once again, like a boi floating in the current. That same current that had on many occasions, tried to drag you under. 
“I thought for sure you would have been the first one out the door?” You followed up on your initial question as you collected an empty glass you’d missed. Bob pocketed his phone with a tired smile as he looked your way. 
“Fanboy’s still in the bathroom with Payback–” Bob explained softly as he looked your way. “Big night, someone had to be the deso though.” You could see it in Bob’s eyes, the colour of a clear blue sky through a broken prison wall. He wanted to ask, wanted to bring it up. He knew you were lying, but why was the biggest question. 
“I was gonna call them and the other stragglers a taxi—“ Only a handful of patrons remained inside the Hard Deck as you went about your closing duties. Usually, you would have kicked them out by now. You weren’t necessarily one to want to hang about with people possibly lurking in the shadows. But two-thirds of the stragglers left behind were none other than two-sevenths of the Hard Decks top contributors. “If I had known you were coming back for them I would have told you not to worry,” The chuckle that left Bob’s voice at your statement was undeniably genuine. “I would have sent them home with vomit bags tucked into their back pockets too.” 
“That’s why they pay you top dollar I guess?” Ever since Bob first saw you behind the bar that very first night, he knew he knew you. It wasn’t some distant memory of a forgotten past for Robert Floyd. The memory of his first kiss was an easy one to recall from the rolodex inside his mind. It just so happened to be a core memory that unlocked a whole other category of life’s simplest pleasures. But the more you denied its existence, or more specifically denied you were the one who ultimately shared in that childhood memory, Bob wasn’t sure if he’d dreamt the whole thing or not.
Perhaps his first kiss came a hell of a lot later in life than he always thought. 
“Top dollar?” You had to stifle your laugh as you joined Bob on the picnic table. As you sat with a small huff, you knocked your knee against his playfully. “Please, but the tips are good.” 
There was a heavy silence so deafening that washed over the two of you not too long after you finished speaking. Its gravity felt like an intense pressure forcing itself down against your chest. The longer you and Bob sat there in pure silence, the more time slipped unwillingly through your fingertips, the more your heart beat faster inside your chest. 
The silence magnified the pressure mounting, and the scale of your anxiety all felt like it was about to come to a boiling point. As you sat there next to Bob in shared silence, it felt as if the world had turned once again on its axis, and you were just a few short seconds away from falling off the face of the earth. 
“I have a small confession to make,” It wasn’t ever supposed to be aired in the open, but the guilt that sat heavily on your conscience was making it harder and harder to keep lying. For three years you had told not a single soul, but Bob Floyd had created a paradox of inner turmoil you weren’t prepared to harbour. “To be perfectly honest it isn’t all that small of a confession.” 
“Brewer,” Bob sighed almost reluctantly. The last thing he ever wanted to do was force someone into sharing intimate details of their life. “If there’s a reason why you keep denying it, I’m sure it’s a good one,” Bob had thought about this long and hard, there surely had to be a reason why. He was adamant that you were the girl who kissed him all those years ago. That yellow pigment in your eye was the dead giveaway. He couldn’t ever forget looking into the eyes of the girl who had pressed her cotton candy-flavoured lips against his for three point-five seconds. “And you don’t have to tell me that reason, but, at least tell me, I’m not crazy.” 
Again, the silence was deafening as you sat with your secrets for the last few moments. Only a handful of people knew, all of whom were involved in keeping you safe and working your witness protection case. If news got out that you had told someone intimate, key details of your current situation, you’d be forced to restart a whole new life once again. But Bob was different. He was worth the risk for an ounce of normality. 
“You aren’t crazy,” It was all the confirmation Bob needed, but that didn’t stop you from wanting to share your personal hell. “I uh, I remember.” You hadn’t told a single soul in three years. You’d been through a thousand things in your life that people didn’t know about. You had experienced things that would shock them if you mentioned the horrors. Those things changed you. Hell—they broke you. 
“Bob, I haven’t been Y/n Y/l/n in a little over three years now,” You hung your head low as you spoke, almost like you were afraid that if you looked anywhere but between your feet, you’d see the bloodied and bruised ghost of your dead husband. “I, uh,—saw some things that I shouldn’t have,” The shake in your voice was hard to mask, the sting in your eyes burned like ice against your skin. “I thought that maybe I should tell someone about what I saw, and when I did that I—“ 
“Brewer,” Bob's voice was soft enough to be barely audible, but you heard him. “You’re in witness protection, aren’t you?” Bob took your immediate silence and broken sob as a definitive yes. He couldn’t even say the idea hadn’t crossed his mind after all the shutdowns and denial. 
“I lost my family,” You had a taste of what true love felt like. To experience such an emotion was the greatest gift of all. You loved your son, Charlie, to the moon and back. So much so that you wished every night you let your head fall against your pillow, that you’d be reunited. “I was set to testify against the company I worked for in some whistleblower trial, but the day before I was set to take the stand, we were run off the road.” 
Bob sat silently beside you just taking everything you were saying in. He couldn’t imagine what it was like to be in your shoes. To some degree, he almost felt guilty for all the times he couldn’t let the kiss memory go. Every time he brought it up in hopes you’d finally cave and give him the validation he was looking for, it probably felt like an old wound being ripped open. 
“You have to understand that I don’t get a choice very often over who I let in,” You finally had to look up, and when you did? Bob was already looking at you. You could see the sympathy plastered across his face in your peripheral. “You can’t tell anyone, and I know it’s a burden to bear, believe me,” The tears had begun to fall long ago and seemed to never stop, but when you finally worked up enough courage to look toward the backseater who sat beside you, your tears were mirrored. “And I know it’s unfair to burden you with such a thing,” The very idea that Bob was now one of the very few people who knew about your situation didn’t taste all that great, but you couldn’t take it back now. You couldn’t shove your secrets back into the can you’d just released them from in a moment of vulnerability. “But please, you can’t tell anyone.” 
Bob Floyd was, if anything, a wallflower. He didn’t like being the centre of attention. If he could, Bob would happily spend any time he had off work in the comfort of his own home. He’d spend his free time working on the world map puzzle that had been sitting half-finished on his coffee table for months. But Bob never got to spend those free moments working on his hobbies, no. His found family more often than not would drag him to the Hard Deck. Most of the time Bob would settle into the background and try his best not to draw attention to himself, he couldn’t begin to imagine what it was like to stand in the middle of a crowded room and not be seen for who you really were. 
“Nothin’ to tell Brewer,” Bob shrugged his shoulders. “And even if there was? I’m not the gossip type.” 
That very fact gentled your soul. All you could do as the overwhelming sense of loneliness overtook you was sob. Bob let you lean your head on his shoulder. His arm soon found itself wrapped around you as your sobs grew stronger and more pained. Tears stained your cheeks as the trails they made collected the makeup you wore, leaving clear indications of distress behind. 
“You know there was this girl,” Bob wondered if now was an appropriate time to share his own darkest secret. The idea of maybe holding onto something so important to one another may have softened the blow of knowing Bob held your greatest secrets in the palm of his hand. Perhaps if he shared his own with you, that feeling, that heaviness he knew you felt, would be a little easier to live with. “Her name was Bieanna, everyone back home called her Brick though.” 
You had to collect yourself enough to get your breath back before you could speak. Bob understood that. He sat in the silence broken with gentle sobs that softened as more time passed. He wanted until you were ready to speak. 
“What did everyone call her Brick?” The question came out easily enough, but the way Bob stiffened at the question as you raised your head from his shoulder made you question if it was harder to hear than to ask. 
“She never learnt how to swim–” Bob mumbled as he looked out into the empty car park of the Hard Deck. “If she tried she’d sink–” He waited for you to finish the sentence, and you did. 
“Like a Brick.” The realisation wasn’t hard to notice in your saddened eyes. If anything, Bob wondered if he had to continue his story of tragedy or not. You were a smart girl, he knew you could put two and two together. But he wanted to share, he wanted to let you know you could trust him wholeheartedly with your secrets. And you with his. 
“Bingo,” Bob smiled softly as you whipped your tears from your heated cheeks. “She ended up drowning a few months after we started dating.” 
“Oh, Bob.” Your heart ached for the Back Seater who sat beside you. “I’m so sorry.” 
“The worst part is I could have done more to save her,” Bob pressed his lips into a fine line of guilt. “She’d been going great guns for a few weeks while I was teaching her how to swing on her family’s property just outside of town,” Bob could very clearly still remember the taste of the dirt-laced water he’d ingested trying to save her. He could still see the panic in her eyes. “She got her foot stuck in some weeds at the bottom of the damn, panicked, and despite everything I did, I couldn’t save her,” 
“It wasn’t your fault, Bob–” 
“It was my idea to teach her own to swim though,” Bob admitted as he let his elbows rest on top of his knees. “I don’t ask people to swim anymore, and I’ve never told anyone about the fact she sometimes visits me in my dreams,” Bob explained as he let out a sigh that he wasn’t aware he’d been holding in. “But now you know, and now the secrets we keep don’t seem so heavy.” 
The very idea of knowing one of Bob’s longest-kept secrets made you feel a little better about him knowing yours. You trusted Bob, there was no doubt about it. But that gesture of solidarity made you feel safe, trusted. 
“No one can know, Bob,” You finished the conversation at that, faking a small smile as Fanboy and Payback came barreling out through the front doors of the Hard Deck. You were instantly on your feet, back in work mode as you wiped away the remaining tears that stained your cheeks. 
Bob watched on from his perch on top of the picnic table as you attempted to wrangle the two drunk and disorderly men who could barely tell which way was up and what way was down. He let a few moments pass as he watched on, allowing your life-altering, world-shattering secrets to plague his mind with what-ifs and worst-case scenarios. The very idea that there were people in this world after you didn’t sit well with him. The fact you’d been living a stranger’s life for three years made him want to hug his mother a little tighter the next time he got the chance to see her. He couldn’t begin to imagine to heartache of losing a child, but he knew enough of grief to know what losing a significant other could do to a person. 
And for someone who had experienced the worst of what life had to offer, you still saw the very best in people. 
“Alright you two drunks, let’s get you two home in one piece,” You chuckled as you walked the aviators over towards where Bob sat. “Taxi’s waiting and the meters running.” 
“You’ve given us alcohol poisoning, Brewer,” Payback mumbled as he stumbled with you over to where Bob was. Bob stood with a groan to collect Fanboy from beside you.
“Oh piss off, will ya Reuben–your liver will thank me for cutting you off when you did,” you teased as you handed the men over to Bob with ease. “Get these two home safe Floyd.”
“Will do Brewer.” Bob's soft smile and kind-natured nod was all you needed in response to know he meant his words. “Have a good night, or morning I guess.” 
You watched on from the veranda as the three men walked across the sandy car park and over to Bob’s Suzuki, knowing that the next time you saw Bob amongst his Squadron—there would be no mention of that first kiss. 
Tags: 🏷️ @a-reader-and-a-writer @xoxabs88xox @hiireadstuff @buckysteveloki-me @athenabarnes @els-marvelvsp @blindedbythelightt @tayl0rhuynh @na-ta-sh-aa @kmc1989 @sunlightmurdock @mamachasesmayhem @jaxfart @lauenderhaze @sugarcoated-lame @maisie-rebloging-blog @captainmoonknight @seitmai @shanimallina87 @kajjaka @imnotcreativeenoughforthisblog @imladrisofabookdragon @buckysteveloki-me @mrsevans90 @allepaula @els-marvelvsp @djs8891 @paperbag33
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madebycloud · 11 months
jenna ortega x reader — 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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summary: rainy morning breakfast with your girlfriend (requested by anon) warnings/themes: fluff, rainy morning, breakfast err words: 0.7k
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The rain's been lashing the windows all night. You roll over in the cozy little cove you've created with the blankets and pillows around you. The early morning chill is too strong for the warmth of your bed.
Suddenly, you receive a notification on your phone. You slide from the warmth of your bed and move over to the bedside table, picking up your phone and checking the notifications.
Nothing but spam and promotional messages. You sigh, returning the phone to the nightstand.
You sat up, stretching your arms and scratching your hair. You took your time to wake up, feeling the laziness seep into your bones. The idea of getting up made you want to just crawl back under the blankets.
The woman next to you was still sleeping, snoring softly. You reach out and wrap your arm around her waist, pulling her close to you and placing a string of kisses across her shoulder.
She mumbles something unintelligible, but her body shifts underneath your touch, and she rolls over to face you. Her eyes are half-closed, but her smile is bright as she touches your cheek and pulls you in for a long, lingering kiss. 
“Morning,” you mumble once the lips finally part. She giggles before laying her head against your neck.
“What time is it?” she asks, her voice still raspy.
“I dunno, 7 something...?” you reply, unsure of the actual hour but confident enough that it's early morning.
You give her a quick kiss on the cheek before getting up to start your daily routine. You washed your face, brushed your teeth, and dressed in comfortable, warm clothing.
When you were done, you found her still in bed, her body curled up like a cat behind the cozy sheets.
You head to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, determined to make something special today. You start the coffee maker and read through the many recipes on your phone, hoping to find one that's quick, easy, and delicious enough to satisfy both your cravings and your taste buds.
Then you see it: those fluffy, mouth watering pancakes with sliced strawberries and maple syrup. It's like they were made for you and your taste buds.
“Ahh, that's the one”, you tell yourself, grabbing the ingredients in a flash to start cooking. Your fingers move fast and effectively as you beat up the batter, and before you know it, you've had a flawlessly golden, fluffy batch of pancakes created precisely the way you want them.
While your cakes are cooking, tiny little hands wrap around you from behind, and you turn to see your girlfriend.
“That smells delicious,” she says to you, her eyes focused on the cooking pancakes. You kiss her lips gently before turning back to the pancakes.
“Trust me, babe, you're about to partake in a culinary masterpiece crafted by none other than the 5-star chef.”
“Sorry to disturb the master chef,” she says, before she sits down at the counter, resting her legs in a cross and tilting her head to watch you cook. “What are you cooking?”
You can't help but roll your eyes, but you're not upset at all. With a playful grin, you reply, “Obviously, a five-star meal.”
Finally, the pancakes are done, and they are served on a dish with some additional maple syrup on top, as if you were an actual 5-star chef. Breakfast in hand, you set it down on the small table. Jenna follows you and sits down on the couch next to you, resting her head on your shoulder.
You sip from your coffee, tuning into the local news broadcast on TV. They're reporting the weather, which is rainy outside. You take a mouthful of the crisp, syrup-coated pancake—the sweetness of the strawberries and the richness of the syrup complement each other perfectly, and it's the perfect way to start your day. 
With a smile on your face and the pleasure of a job well done, you lean in to kiss her.
It's going to be another one of those days where you have too much stuff to do and not enough time to do it all. Oh well, at least you can count on your amazing morning kisses to make it worth it.
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
My hero | Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Following his attack by the demo-bats, Eddie is left with a new insecurity
Word count: 1.6k
Warning: mention of body negativity(?), trauma, insecure!eddie
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Since Eddie had woken up from his coma at the hospital, he'd been very adamant about not wanting you to see his bites - his scars. Every time a nurse would come in to change his bandages and check on them, he would demand you to leave the room. At first, you thought he didn't want you to be grossed out - let’s be real, they were really gnarly -, but you realized it was deeper than that when he refused your help to shower, only accepting the old nurse to undress him.
He didn't want you to see them - at all. You'd be lying if you said it didn't hurt a little. 
Even after they had healed, he would lock the bathroom when he would shower, and change in the bathroom, too scared of you walking in on him changing in his bedroom. He was ashamed of all the bite marks and scratches the bats left behind. 
You respected his privacy, but it broke your heart to see him like that. 
The 'old' Eddie didn’t give a shit what he looked like under his clothes. He walked around his trailer in nothing but boxers and a cigarette between his lips. Now, he almost has an aneurysm when he takes off his hoodie and his shirt rides up.
He didn’t want to have sex either. It took you a lot of convincing and advances before he agreed to do anything sexual. You began with a dark room - pitch dark -, but even in the dark, with absolutely no lights, blinds and door closed, you could feel Eddie being hesitant and not letting go fully. 
So you came up with an idea: using his bandana as a blindfold. With your eyes covered, he felt more confident. 
‘’You won’t take it off, right?’’ he asked, folding the piece of cloth over and over until it was slim enough to cover your eyes. ‘’Promise me you won’t.’’
You took his face in your hands, tilting it so his eyes connected with yours. ‘’I promise.’’ 
As much as it hurt your heart that he saw his scars as something to be ashamed of, you would never betray his trust like that. 
That night, for the first time in months, he made you his without holding back, without constantly thinking if you could see the scars or not. He took his time kissing everywhere on your body, worshiping it from head to toe after depriving himself of it for so long. His thrusts were deep and the moans that came out of his mouth were guttural. 
It didn’t last long, both of you touch starved from the other. The blindfold over your eyes heightened your senses, making the orgasm more powerful. 
After catching his breath, Eddie put his clothes back on - pants and long sleeves - and allowed you to take off your blindfold. 
Eddie fell asleep first, completely worn out from his orgasm. You carded through his hair as he slept, the moonlight peaked gently into his room through the small gap between the curtains, hitting the bite scar right above his eyebrow. 
You brushed your thumb over it, something he would never let you do awake. While he was making love to you, you could feel every scar under your fingertips and the palms of your hands, but you didn’t say a thing. 
A few weeks later, you saw them for the first time. 
It was a total accident. 
Eddie had a Hellfire club meeting in a few hours so he had gone showering, leaving you alone in his room. It was pretty much your room too now by how much time you were spending there and how many of your clothes and personal stuff littered every surfaces. 
Eddie finished washing himself, turned off the water and grabbed his towel when he realized he had forgotten his clothes on his bed. He checked the dryer, in case there was clothes left in there that hadn't been taken away, but it was empty.
If he had been alone at the trailer, he would've gone to his room to get them, but you were there so it was out of the question. 
He ran a hand through his wet hair, seeing no other solution than to call for you. Towel around his waist, Eddie opened the door slightly, just enough that his voice would get to you. 
‘’Sweetheart? I forgot my clothes on the bed, could you bring them to me?’’
No response. 
‘’Y/N?’’ he called again. 
Back in Eddie's room, you were comfortably situated in bed, pantsless and listening to music on Eddie’s walkman, the volume too loud to hear him calling for you. Your head bobbed as you mouthed the words, imagining yourself at one of the band’s concerts. 
Assuming you had fallen asleep, Eddie didn't want to get stuck in the bathroom for an hour. Tucking properly the towel around his waist, he slid the bathroom door open and headed to his room, leaving wet footprints and water drops - from his towel-dried hair - in the hallway. 
Only, you weren’t asleep so when you saw a shadow in the doorway, you got a little spooked. You quickly realized it was Eddie, calming down and chuckling to yourself.
‘’Jesus fucking Christ, never scare me like that aga-’’ Your words got caught in your throat, seeing the man before you in only a towel. No clothes. 
Eddie froze, his expression mimicking a deer in the headlights when he saw that you were awake and that you could see everything. You went after him as he ran back to the bathroom, tearing the headphones off your head. 
‘’I didn’t mean it like that. Eddie, come back!’’ 
The bathroom door got shut in your face and you heard the lock click. 
A minute passed before you heard Eddie’s voice through the door. ‘’Y/N? Are you still there?’’
‘’I forgot my clothes again… Could you get them for me? Please.’’
‘’Sure.’’ You went to the bedroom and grabbed the pile of clothes on the bed, taking them to Eddie. The door slid open and he poked his head out along with one hand to grab the clothes. ‘’Eddie-’’ 
‘’Can we not talk about it? I just- I just want to get dressed and go to Hellfire meeting.’’ 
You nodded. ‘’Okay.’’ You forced a small smile. ‘’I love you.’’
A month passed, and another. 
Eddie was sitting on the end of his bed, waiting for you to switch your work clothes for your normal clothes when he said the words he never thought he’d be ready for. 
‘’I think I’m ready.’’ 
‘’Ready for what? Getting pizza? You better be ready because I’m starving,’’ you said with your shirt half-way over your head, dreaming about the cheesy delight you wear going to taste in twenty minutes.
When you pulled it down fully, you saw that Eddie was looking up at you, teeth gnawing at his bottom lip while he pulled at the sleeves of his shirt nervously. That’s when it dawned on you that he might not be talking about the pizza. 
‘’My scars.’’ 
Your face switched, giving the man before you all of your attention. ‘’Are you sure?’’
He nodded. ‘’I think it’s time. I mean, I can’t keep hiding from you, can I? It’s getting ridiculous.’’ A short laugh left Eddie’s mouth, shaking his head. 
‘’Maybe, but I’ll always respect your boundaries.’’
‘’I know.’’ He turned his head to you and the corner of his lips twitched. ‘’I know.’’ He got up to close the blinds, but kept the light on, standing right before you.
Slowly, Eddie peeled the bottom of his shirt, revealing pale skin and reddish-pink marks of bites and tiny claws. 
You held your breath, trying not to cry. 
He peeled more of the fabric until he had to raise his arms and slip it off his arms and over his head, giving you a full look at his naked chest for the first time. His stomach, chests, arms and neck were covered in scars, making you realize how bad it actually was. Eddie’s tattoos were still there. Some of them were hatched by the scars, others completely intact. 
Eddie released a shuddered breath, feeling your eyes on him, scrutting him. He felt like a circus animal. A freak].  
‘’There’s some on my legs too. Do you want to see?’’
‘’Only if you feel comfortable.’’
He didn’t say anything. He just reached for his belt, revealing more bites and claw marks, more scars.
Standing on your toes, you grabbed his face and kissed him hard. Eddie melted under your lips, under your touch, releasing the heaviness on his shoulders.
‘’I didn’t want you to see me because I thought you would love me less, but I should've known that it's not who you are.’’
‘’Eddie… The you who you are now is the same you I was in love with six months ago, the same you I'll be in love with tomorrow. I love you for you, not what your body looks like.’’ A chuckle left your lips. ‘’It’s a nice bonus, but I’ll never see it as ugly. You’ll always be beautiful to my eyes.’’ 
He closed his eyes and you saw a tear fall. 
You wiped it with your thumb. ‘’It’s okay to break sometimes, and to be insecure.’’ 
‘’The first time I accidentally caught a glimpse of myself in the hospital bathroom mirror, I felt sick to my stomach at the sight. The bite marks triggered an intense panic attack. That’s why my shower took so long,’’ he confessed, months later.
You pulled your eyebrows, your memories not matching his. ’’You told me a stitches had ripped and they had to stitch is back.’’
‘’I lied. I…I didn't want to tell you how much they affected me. I didn’t want you to see me as weak-’’
‘’You’re not weak. You’re a lot of things, but weak is not one of them. You’re the bravest person I know. You're a survivor, a warrior, Eddie Munson. You’re a hero, my hero.’’
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @grace-loux  @iamharrystyleslover  @matildavol6  @Original_babababoo  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun @marauders3rawh0re  @your-mom21 @parkersmyth @voguesir @milkiane @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @lilygreennn @alexxavicry @charlie-chick  @wandamaximoffs-deadchild  @horrorstreet  @rmeddar123  @Pastel-abyss-x  
Eddie Munson taglist: @nighttwingg @yourfavoriteakutagawakinnie @heizenka @eddiemvunsongf @Eddie_munsons_girlfriend @magicalchocolatecheesecake @eddiemunsonistheloveofmylife @avril-reblog-cave @Fandomfaeryreads @harrys-tittie @straycatarang @fourlokiss  @eddiemattress  @ghoulishlygrey   @paola-carter @bubsonnobx @pauldanoswifereal @ofherscarlettwitchways @kiszkathecook  @truewdw1 @bubsonnobx @ohhrexella @Dreamtiara @pastelbabygirl19  @steves-robin @eddiemunsonbby @jenlouvre @bonked-beyond-belief2  @evanstanwhore  
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lets-try-some-writing · 6 months
Now creator-chan I saw your blogged on how optimus accidentally purposed to Megatron I got really invested I would like to know if it's possible for you to do other parts cause I really wanna know what happened and why megs accepted the blade😁😍
I was already planning on adding to this concept! The original idea belongs to @brandwhorestarscream and the post that I added to is here.
If you would like additional parts after this one, please send another ask to my inbox! Otherwise I WILL forget because I have too many thoughts.
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Megatron did not consider his relationship with Optimus to be anything more than old rivals turned political allies. The war was over at last, and now their bitter grudges were little more than dust in the wind. Megatron honored that reality and treated Optimus as a diplomat when he came to peace talks. There was no reason to incite war once more when the Prime and his followers were being just as reasonable as he was. Everything was polite and courteous, as was only proper. Starscream had his objections, but most of the Decepticons were tired of war. The time had come for peace, and Megatron would get it for them.
Then of course Optimus Prime, ever the unpredictable mech that he was, came flying out of absolutely nowhere with a gift. When the box was offered to him, Megatron was highly suspicious. However once he opened it and saw the blade offered, every single thought he had was completely derailed.
"Lord Megatron, what in the Unmaker's name were you thinking?!?" Starscream all but screeched from across the table. Thinking back on the situation, he really hadn't been thinking all that hard about his decision. It had been so very... Optimus in an odd way.
Optimus Prime had followed courting protocol perfectly. Now that he had accepted Optimus's proposal, it was obvious that Optimus had been attempting to court him for far longer than he thought. Warframe courting always began with a show of strength, both physical and intellectual. Optimus beat him in battle time and time again, and yet never once did the Prime cut him down. Over and over Optimus matched his intellect with genius plans and strategies, but he never pressed his advantage enough to cripple Megatron and his forces. He had long proven his strength and intelligence. Megatron must have been blind to be unable to see the way Optimus offered mercy and constantly pleaded for peace. It was now quite clearly an attempt to smooth over courting gone wrong.
What a fool he was. Millions of years Optimus tried to get his attention, and Megatron in his anger failed to see it. Their ridiculous war would have had no need to drag on so long if he had simply seen Optimus's intentions for what they were. After all, why would a fellow warframe go so far out of his way to spare Megatron if not because of a desire to court?
"Starscream: Correct. Megatron: Has a plan?" Soundwave chimed in, his visor glinting in that ever knowing way. Megatron felt his processors kick into overdrive as he considered. He couldn't exactly tell his two genius officers that he had taken one look at the blade and promptly found himself all but certain in his decision to accept. That would be weakness embodied. They could never know that he had not meticulously thought out his choice. If he played it right, he could possibly convince them that he hadn't spent most of the peace meeting that cycle staring at Optimus and admiring the frame that he had long sought weaknesses in. Optimus's paint was a very flattering color now that he actually looked-
Frag, he was getting off topic.
"I do, Soundwave." Megatron replied with full confidence as he fiddled with the blade he now held in his lap. It was a work of art. The design was simply perfect. It was no wonder that after four million years, Optimus had gotten fed up and moved courting along through the offering of a weapon.
"Conjunxing the Prime is an excellent way to solidify out peace arrangements. Not to mention, it will give us a greater voice in Autobot social circles." Starscream made a begrudging noise of agreement with his on the spot reasoning. Soundwave was more skeptical, but he nodded and Megatron internally sighed in relief. Optimus had been courting him for millennia and Megatron failed to notice. He may have been a warframe, but he was a mech of class. There was much to be done now that things were right and proper.
Sure, he was not exactly expecting romantic feelings for his former foe to smack him in the face. But who was he to stop it considering Optimus himself proposed? The Prime obviously held a love deeper than Megatron could even comprehend in order to meet him on the battlefield for so long. Megatron would need to make up for lost time, and he would need to do so as soon as possible. Already his Conjunx to be had gone out of his way with his gift and millennia of graciousness.
"Optimus has followed the proper protocols for courting. I shall need to do the same in order to represent the Decepticons properly." Standing up, Megatron rested his servo on the blade. The dagger he had given Optimus was not at all suitable for one who was to become the Conjunx to the Lord of the Decepticons. Telling the press about the proposal was basic courtesy. No, he would need to do much MUCH more to make up for all the effort and devotion Optimus Prime had evidently been offering over the course of the war. How he failed to notice the signs was beyond him, but he would not leave his Conjunx to be alone in his passion any longer. Of course it would take time for him to develop real feelings for his former foe, but he would devote himself to the effort.
Optimus deserved that much at least.
"Soundwave, prepare a residence for my Conjunx to be. I will not allow my betrothed to have anything but the finest. Our reputation depends on it." He added his last statement as an afterthought, his musings already elsewhere as he left the room, Starscream gaping behind him. The dagger he had given Optimus was a promise, but it was not at all worthy of being held by his future Conjunx. The Prime needed something better, something worthy of his station and their future bond.
"Perfect." Megatron grinned and plans began forming. He was going to make things right and prove that Optimus had not given so much of his time and devotion for nothing. Megatron was many things, but a mech without love for tradition? No, he would cling to the old ways just as mightily as his courting partner had. Optimus had set the bar high and Megatron was going to meet it or die trying.
"Welcome Optimus." Megatron bowed as the Prime stepped out from his transport. It had taken a bit of effort on his end to arrange for more peace conferences, but with his and Optimus's betrothal as a viable reason to meet, it had not been impossible.
"Allow me to lead you to your residence." Megatron extended and arm, which the wary and startled Prime hesitantly took as he wrangled with his meager luggage. Megatron internally tisked seeing the measly collection of items Optimus had brought with him. No Conjunx of his would live off war supplies. He was going to get Optimus an actual wardrobe as soon as it was socially acceptable. But first, Megatron had to push the courting process along.
"I hope you will find this acceptable throughout your stay." Gesturing up at the massive structure Soundwave had dutifully selected with Megatron's stamp of approval, he observed Optimus's reaction. The Prime dropped his luggage with a thump and stared up in compete awe at the building. His mask, forever in place, did little to hide the surprise glinting in his optics. Megatron all but puffed up with pride as he noted the reaction. Optimus had proven his strength and wit, now Megatron could return the favor by showing that he could provide. A mighty Conjunx deserved only the best, and Megatron was more than willing to give one building to make his point. It was not nearly enough, the residence was not nearly tall or grand enough, but it would do for now. Once they were Conjunxed, he would have Optimus personally assist in designing their future residence. That way everything would be perfect.
"This is... too much-" Optimus began, his grip on Megatron's arm soft and considerate. Oh how that hurt Megatron's spark. The disbelief in his betrothed's optics would not do at all. He had spent so long fighting for Megatron's attention that he must have been struggling to believe it was being returned. Yet another thing to rectify. Time and devotion would wipe that disbelief away.
"Not at all. You are to be my Conjunx. It is only right I grant you privileges and luxuries worthy of such a title." Again, the Prime stared at him as if he had scraplets crawling out of his audials. Megatron wished he could beat his younger self against a wall. It was so obvious now. How foolish he had been for failing to see the signs. Optimus Prime somehow knew warframe courting better than any Iaconian Megatron ever met.
"If you would join me for energon this evening, I would be honored." Lifting Optimus's servo, he pressed a soft kiss to the knuckle. He could feel the way the Prime froze up, but he smiled as he stood straight again, pressing a gift into his betrothed's servo. It was such a small thing, but Megatron had thrown all his attention into making it as ornamental as possible during the past few cycles.
"A dagger? You already gave me one..." Optimus trailed off as he noted the inscription on the blade.
'Do not unsheathe me without reason. Do not wield me without honor'
Cross regional warframe courting could be hard, but Megatron felt fairly confident in his choice of Iaconian script. Optimus appeared to agree with him considering how light his touch on the weapon was. Megatron internally cheered as he stepped back. Their courting would need to progress more before he could be much more forward. Tradition had to be upheld. Not to mention there were likely cameras watching.
"I will see you soon Prime." He smiled again before turning to walk away, leaving Optimus to enter the towering residence nervously. Plans formulated in his processors as he sauntered toward his personal transport. He would do things right. And Primus help him, he was going to force feelings to form after all the devotion given to him by the one and only Optimus Prime.
"Soundwave, begin planning social functions here in Kaon. My Conjunx to be deserves to see the best of our culture." A ping of acknowledgement returned to him shortly and Megatron grinned with more glee. Optimus was to be in Kaon for at least a few stellar cycles, as per Iaconian courting standards. That gave Megatron plenty of time to make his claim known and begin making up for the courting Optimus had already gone through.
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mi-i-zori · 4 months
Among the Ice of Her Thoughts
CoD Viking!AU (Not Mine) - Viking!Soap x Healer!Reader
DISCLAIMER : Just a little something I wrote a while ago for @ghouljams ‘ Viking!AU. I just recently tweaked it a little. Healer!Reader is Ghoul’s character, not mine. I will write something for my own Viking!AU, but it will of course be very different from theirs. Please go check their work, it’s absolutely amazing !
I do not give anyone permission to re-publish and/or translate my work, be it here or on any other platform.
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When she finally comes back from the realm of dreams, Dag’s chariot is already high in the sky, and the sun is peaking through the fabrics of her tent.
She finds tearing her limbs from their lethargic state to be no easy task. Her muscles are begging for a few more minutes of rest ; hours, even. They pull and wail along with her every move, the creaking of her joints echoing within their walls. She could indulge them - the Gods know how many times she decided to follow her needs, going back to sleep when she was supposed to start her day. But she is not tired enough to succumb to sleep anymore ; especially not when a choir of unfamiliar voices echo from the outside of the so-called « sanctuary » she was given a few hours earlier. To her, this assortment of fabrics and furs is no safe haven, especially not when she jumps so violently every time they start dancing with the wind. Still, she is in no position to complain : not only was she given permission to use this tent as hers even though it originally belongs to the one who brought her here, but the warriors roaming the campsite also respect the boundaries this shelter was made to provide, allowing her to hide from their curious eyes.
A part of her wishes she could stay under the covers and ignore her surroundings, act as if this is was nothing more than a dream. Yet she forces herself out of their warmth, the morning breeze leaving a trail of shivering kisses along her skin.
She barely has the time to put her heavy coat on that the sun suddenly sculpts a broad silhouette on the outside of the furs. It moves silently, with the confidence of a warrior, and her whole body tenses as the man stops before the entrance of her tent. He hovers for a second as she stands frozen in place, her breathing so low even she can barely feel it in her chest.
- Vænn ? You awake ?
It’s MacTavish, she realises, his deep timbre sending a wave of warmth down her spine ; a stark contrast to the violent shivers the sound of the nickname he gave her send crawling down her spine. Despite knowing that he is unable to see her, she can’t bring herself to move. Swallowing the knot tightening in her throat, she graces him with a hum, although it comes out much weaker than she originally intended.
- ‘Am about to go gather some wood. Wanna come with me ?
His tone is low, careful ; not unlike the kind one would use to coax a terrified little creature out of its shell. She can’t really decide if she likes the idea or not. In her eyes, this behaviour of his is way too human for a man like him, cursing the flame that sways in her chest at the prospect of accepting his offer. Her satchel lies against the wooden post standing in the middle of the tent, it’s empty stomach catching her gaze. It could be a good opportunity to gather some herbs for her decoctions, she thinks, and the rational part of her soul lights up at the idea of potentially being useful to her captors. MacTavish’s words from the day before echo in her mind.
Say yes next time someone asks if you’re a healer. You’ll live longer.
- Give me a minute, she finally says, the words grating against her tongue. Please.
- Gotcha. I’ll be waiting for you near the campfire.
It’s only when his shadow disappears that the tension finally lets go of her chest. One of her hands glides along her face, a sigh escaping through her fingers. The bed is neatly made before she covers herself in warm furs and sturdy leathers. She then takes a deep breath as she opens the entrance of the tent, rolling her shoulders to ease the stiffness in her muscles. The tremors seizing her body are not from the midgardian frost waiting for her outside ; but she decides to play pretend, holding her head high as she steps in the fresh morning snow. Sól greets her with a wintery kiss on her cheek, highlighting MacTavish’s figure in the distance. She marches towards him, forcing herself to ignore the curious stares of his companions.
Vænn. A catch. A prey. That is what she is in the eyes of those who see themselves as a pack of wolves, their fur covered in blood as they take whatever they want, destroying those who refuse to yield : nothing but a frail creature meant to follow their every word in order to stay alive. Soap has made his intentions of courting her clear, promising that no harm shall befall her while she lives among his peers ; but as he greets her with a smile, guiding her towards the forest with a hand on her back, she knows she cannot allow herself to be afraid. One wrong move, and she shall become nothing more than a meal to be shared in their den.
A frozen blade pierces her core as these thoughts dance in the back of her mind. The forest is peaceful, and they slowly carve their own path through its shimmering white coat. Her gaze roams her surroundings as MacTavish starts gathering a thick bundle of branches under his arm, looking for a patch of herbs to collect. Their eyes meet, causing him to send a smile in her direction before resuming his own search. The snow crunches heavily under his boots. Her attention flickers to the blade hanging from his hips, the iron of its handle glinting in the sun. She frowns as her mother’s voice echoes through her memories.
You are not safe, she says, and she can almost see her spectre glare at the warrior’s silhouette walking ahead of her.
You are not safe.
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marvelfanfics1 · 1 year
Ok, I think Groot would try to be such a good caregiver. Not that he really understands so he isn't full time but he would babysit. Always carrying you around, snatching snacks and trinkets for you (sometimes stealing but he doesn't know that), and covering your eyes when something scary happens.
Could you maybe write a babysitter cg Groot x little reader? Whenever you get the chance. Thank you for reading!
Little Guardian
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Pairing: cg!Guardians x little!reader
Warnings: Age Regression, fluff
A/n: This idea is soooo cute! I enjoyed writing it so much, if you have more ideas with the Guardians just send them in ;) I made it like all the Guardians take care of the reader but it's a bit more focused on Groot's and reader's friendship, I hope that's okay and that you enjoy it <3
One day Quill went to the Collector again just to exchange something and when he saw you sitting in one of those cages he knew instantly you were from earth.
Peter didn't care how many Units he had to pay or what the crew would say.
He only had to take one look at you and had the need to take you somewhere safe and help you.
You didn't say a single word when he picked you up and carried you away, you were far too scared and shaking like a leaf, not knowing what that stranger would do to you.
He wasn't scary looking and you somehow felt more at ease when he smiled at you.
"I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe now, I promise"
You sighed in relief and rested your head on his shoulder, finally feeling safe enough to close your eyes.
"Quill, you had one job." Rocket remarked and watched Peter gently placing you on one of their seats, buckling you in without waking you up.
"Could you shut up for a second!" Peter whisper-yelled and motioned his team members to follow him somewhere else where they can talk freely.
"Peter, who is that and why did you bring her here?" Gamora asked and Peter sighed.
"Listen, I know this might sound stupid but I just couldn't leave her there. She looked miserable and I know she's from earth, I don't want to know how the Collector got her in the first place," he said and the others stayed quiet.
Gamora turned her head to look at your sleeping form. She saw Groot placing a blanket over your body and smiled a little when he pat your head gently. Quill was right, you definitely didn't look healthy and she felt bad for you. What you had to go through must have been hard to take in.
"Okay, she can sleep in my bed until we find another solution," Gamora said and kissed Peter on his cheek.
"Thank you."
"So, we're going to keep it?" Drax asked and Quill gave him a 'what the hell' look when he referred to you as 'it'.
"Dude, she's not a pet," Peter told him. "But yes, she's going to stay with us. A new member of the Guardians" he smiled.
One month later
"Y/n, sweetheart, put that down for daddy, yeah?" Peter tried to stay calm while you were giggling and running around with one of his weapons.
"You have ta catch me first!" you shout and suddenly bumped into Groot, who took the weapon out of your hand making you pout.
"I am Groot" he scolded and you huffed, turning to Peter.
"Sowwy I took your blaster, daddy," you said and Groot pat your head two times, you smiled again and took his hand.
Peter was still shocked at how fast Groot handled this situation and Gamora chuckled while walking over to him.
"How is he doing that?" he asked.
"Are we getting a little jealous?" Gamora smirked and Peter scoffed.
"Jealous? Me? Never." he said confidently and they both saw you sitting on Groot's lap, playing with his old Gameboy and squealing in joy. "Maybe a little."
"Just remember who she is going to cuddle with later when it's time for bed" she reminds him, making her way over to you and booped your nose.
Groot and you had a special bond and would spend a lot of time with him. He's so protective of you that when there's a fight he would rather stay with you on the Milano to make sure you're safe.
Sometimes when you visited other planets you were always allowed to leave the ship but only with one of the others and you have to hold one of their hands at all times.
"Gwoot look!" you pointed at something that looked like a stuffed animal. "It looks funny" you smiled and Groot did so as well.
"Y/n, come on, we have to go!" Peter called for you and you rushed over to him.
Back in the ship you were sitting in your little play area, playing with your toys when Groot stood in front of you with his arms behind his back.
You gasped when he showed you the stuffed animal you saw earlier. You jumped up and took the stuffie, feeling how soft it is.
"Fank you!" you smiled and hugged Groot tightly.
"I am Groot" he smiled back and handed you a juice box too.
You took that stuffie everywhere, to bed, to eat, to the bathroom, and would get upset when you lost him somewhere in the ship and everyone would end up helping to find it.
@marvelsguantletkeeper @my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @st3rgirl @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc
Crossed out are the ones I somehow can't tag!
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akutasoda · 9 months
Hi! It's nice to meet you, I read though your works for a while now and saw how good they are.
I was wondering if I could request something with the hunting dogs(platonic teruko)
We the reader was there significant other/friend and died right after committing a very violent crime.
So the hunting dogs go on for years thinking that there friend/significant other was a criminal until many years later they find out that the reader died so that they wouldn't get framed with a crime.
So basically the reader died to protect them. And took being framed with a very serious crime so the hunting dogs wouldn't.
Thank you for your time and if this is to big of a request that's okay.
Have a good day!
time's long lost mistake
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synopsis - for ages they never understood what drove you to do something that permanently stained your reputation, but they find out that's not the real story
includes - tachihara, jouno, tecchou, teruko
warnings - gn!reader, angst, reader dies, slight hints to blackmail, wc - 1.7k
a/n: hello! its nice to meet you to! no request is to big it just means ill take a bit longer haha - hope your having a nice day aswell!
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michizō tachihara ★↷
tachihara had been through quite a bit. despite him being apart of a undercover mission in the port mafia he had never really committed a crime that would make him reap the consequences. but one thing he constantly worried about was that you may be caught up in any crossfire - port mafia or hunting dog.
being associated with both of these meant even more of a risk for you. but you knew what you were getting in to - he had told you many, many times. you had no doubt that you two could make it work and so did he. but now he wishes that maybe you both were a but more cautious.
wether the threat was from his undercover affiliation with the port mafia or because of his title as a hunting dog, you had no idea but one thing was for certain. if you did not take the fall, your lover surely would reap more consequences than you ever could imagine. you were made quite aware to the fact that there was no way out of this and that was fine. your mind was sealed on your decision.
tachihara had never thought something like this would be capable - let alone you but here he was, faced with the news of your untimely demise following the crime that seemed near impossible for someone to commit. he was near outraged, not to you, but to himself for not seeing any signs or letting you do this but now in your final resting you were branded a criminal. and yet he felt deep down as if something was off.
and it seemed his gut feeling was correct. for years he had gone on bearing the news of your demise and some part of him always felt mad when he had heard others talking bad about you and your end. but all of a sudden, like a sudden clarity, he was informed by a conspicuous individual who had presented him with clear as day evidence. evidence that could clear your name.
but now he felt even more outraged, he had let his job affect your life and caused you to die protecting him. he wished dearly that you had talked to him about it and not go along with it immediately to protect him. but it was too late for that now. now all he could do was try and bring peace to your final resting and clear your name.
saigiku jouno ★↷
jouno was always very hesitant to begin a relationship. not that he didn't want to, he loved you dearly and wanted nothing else but to be with you, but because he wanted to be with you that he feared that you would be used against him. being a hunting dog came with risks and the last thing he would want is to put you in danger.
however he eventually became confident enough to begin that relationship. trusting taht you both would be strong enough to protect not only each other but the relationship itself. the risks were well understood and much discussed before and during the relationship, he didn't want it to seem overbearing but he had to get his worries across.
however no amount of warnings could've prepared you for the decision that you were about to make. the decision if either sacrificing yourself or letting not only your liver be framed but the entirety of the hunting dogs. you wished you could've discussed it with him but time was short and you had decided the consequences of letting your liver be framed would be much worse than what you would face.
upon hearing the news, the only way jouno could describe the way he felt was betrayal. betrayal of the fact that he did not believe you could do something like that and betrayal that you had never been honest with him. he became rather quiet after. he was lost in honesty. not only had he lost you but it had left him to question things he normally wouldn't.
for years he had gone on feeling a multitude of emotions and becoming rather reclusive. that was until he was presented with quite the comically suspicious envelope. contents, that upon reading, made him realise that all this time he had doubted you. now he could feel the shame creeping up on him. why did he ever doubt you? of course you wouldn't do something like that.
and in fact he felt sympathy even more, for you. for the fact that he understood the situation you were placed in and no matter how much he wished things went differently he could do nothing to change the past. all he could do was bring peace to your reputation and get revenge in his own personal way.
tecchou suehiro ★↷
tecchou was a firm believer in justice, that was laid in no doubt. however there was one person that could rival his faith in justice. and that person was you, the person who stood by his side thick and thin. the person that understood the risks associated with dating a hunting dog and still chose to be with him. oh he wished he could of made you take back that choice.
the risks that hung over your head were a constant reminder for the reality of who you were dating. but you never minded in the slightest. you loved him and nothing could deter you from being with him. but fate did not see it that way. fate saw it fit to adminish a cruel change.
you had knew all too well the consequences of the action you were about to take. but to you, you hadn't seen it as the matter of the hunting dogs reputation or yours - but more as your beloved boyfriends reputation or yours. and you were more than willing to sacrifice yourself for him. the news had hit him like nothing he had ever felt before. he was in disbelief, how could you do something of that level and let alone die without explaining yourself to him - scratch that, how did he not see this happening.
he went on for years with the restraints your death placed upon him. he was disappointed in himself for not being there to protect you from your fate. constantly questioning the one thing he never even batted an eye at - justice. surely justice ment more than you losing your life for one crime (a rather violent one but that didn't add up for him). and even so he never felt as of he could be mad at you. he could never even dream of being mad at you.
clarity came in the form of a brown, conspicuous envelope that was laid in the middle of his residence with no recollection of how it could've gotten there. engraved upon it read 'justice for your loved one'. did he find it suspicious? yes. did he still open it? yes.
upon reading the contents, he felt as if he had lost control of his body, the envelope and its contents falling with a dull thud as he tried to process the information contained. but, however, it made everything click into place for him. inside contained documents of information passed between you and a classified individual. information that lead to you taking the fall to spare the hunting dogs of being framed for the crime you ultimately were framed with. a crime that no doubt would of lead to the disbanding of the hunting dogs.
justice was cruel. and what was even crueler was the fate of the fact that he bore for these past years. all this time he had been led to believe you truly had committed these crimes of your own volition, that he had doubted your innocence. but now he had learnt the truth and he had two options. to continue on knowing that everyone else hated you for what you did or to spread the truth and avenge your name and bribg peace to your final resting. a final will to justice.
ōkura teruko ★↷
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teruko had two people that she truly admired in her life. the commander and you. she truly looked up to you in a way siblings would and you reciprocated the feeling just the same. she never really gave a thought into what being associated with her meant for you, she had occasionally but she had come to the conclusion that the both of you were perfectly strong enough to protect each other.
you however had thought more about the risks, but they quickly were oberlooked. you understood them yes, but the last thing you wanted to do was to just leave teruko. you two had made a silly child like promise to always look out for each other. and sometimes, now, she thought she could've honoured that a bit more.
she spent alot of time blocking out the noise of people telling her what happened or even just talking about it, mind spiralling into thought after thought about what could've driven you to commit such a crime. she lived in denial, no there's no way you could or would do anything like that, is what she told herself over and over again to block out the noises or glaring at those that sttill spoke ill of your name. fellow hunting dogs could only look upon her in pity.
that was until she received a few files. files detailing conversations - more like threats - sent to her that were intercepted by you. she stared at the words in disbelief. you had taken the fall for her, you had prevented her from being framed. but at a cost she didn't seem fit. while it brought her some clarity, knowing that your name could be cleared and hopefully grant you honour in death, she was unhappy that it was because of her that lead you to that fate.
many people tried telling her that it wasn't her fault entirely but she couldn't help but harbour the guilt of knowing that if she had distanced herself from you, you would be alive and well. but the more that she thought about it, the more she started realising that you took her silly idea of being found siblings and forever protecting each other a bit to serious and she admired you for that.
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dilfs-bitch · 1 year
Tsawksyul | Tsu'tey (NSFW)
Pairing: Tsu'tey x fem human reader 
Word count : 5k
Summary : Getting infected by an alien plant the first time you explore Pandora's forest wasn't exactly ideal, but luckily a na'vi helps you out.
Warnings: masturbation, sexual tension, p in v sex, public sex, creampie, dirty talk, heat cycle/sex pollen, stomach bulge nsfw, human/na'vi, oral sex (fem receiving), size difference, face sitting.
Reader can breathe Pandora's air
Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. English is not my first language.
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You wouldn't be in this most awkward situation if it wasn't for Jake.
You swear
Perhaps under other circumstances you would believe he was busy with Olo'eyktan's duties, but it was Jake, if he was busy he wouldn't have volunteered himself to show you more of Pandora's fauna and flora now that things are finally slowly getting back to normal.
He did it on purpose
All because of your little crush on Tsu'tey, it was almost imperceptible to everyone except him, your best friend who knew you enough to believe that all your excessive concern for that na'vi was just medical concern.
Thinking that way it even seems a kind of lame joke like a book cliché where you save a man's life and fall in love with him.
And that's exactly what happened, after the great war against the sky people, many na'vi were killed, maybe even him if it wasn't for Jake who enters the outpost too desperate asking you to save his brother, took hours, but the surgery was successful the projectiles of bullets were removed and his chest reconstructed. He spends days there until he decides for himself that it's time to return to the clan, though it's often the way him comes back to the outpost to mend his broken sutures and that's how that little crush grows.
There's no reason, apparently, Tsu'tey never treated you differently. There were a few times he spoke to you, but sometimes you liked to think that what made you fall in love was how handsome he was, with that stoic countenance, his scowl that adorns his face mingle with his intimidating personality that made him so attractive, not to mention the size difference. But there was something so different about Tsu'tey maybe it was his pride or his confidence. It could even be his voice, but no matter how hard you try you can't tell what it is, or the truth is there's no reason, you just like him.
And you're pretty subtle about it, but again not for Jake.
It was obvious his intention behind the kindness to show you more flora of Pandora, however you were too excited to finally see with your own eyes all the beauty of the omatycaia forest to realize it.
You weren't in security operations or was xenobotany, much less participated in the avatar program, you were just a medical surgeon who stayed inside the of the hell gates all the time treating anyone who was seriously injured but now that most humans were sent back away to the earth you have some free time to explore further which is why Jake volunteers but when Tsu'tey steps on your own makeshift space from the rest of the living area with one of those little masks around his neck taking the odd puff of air every five minutes impatiently waiting for you.
You're too intimidated to say no.
And too committed to bringing some specimen Norm begged you to bring back to him, to act like a child and run away from him back to the outpost.
Because there's something embarrassingly weird about being around Tsu'tey.
Oh Eywa, he doesn't even pretend to like the idea of ​​following you through the forest as he leads the way in quick, agile strides, not even caring that you're not behind him and when he realizes this, he stops and huffs impatiently waiting for you to catch up, and it goes all the way to that deeper part of the forest where the plants Norm needs, grow.
Most of them are unknown to you, but thanks to his quick explanation and with the help of the datapads you brought, you know how to collect each sample.
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The first one you find is Panopyra, an unusual life form with jellyfish-like characteristics, an epiphyte.
A cup-shaped body is developed that collects water from dew and mist and condenses it into a kind of thick liquid and nourishing and healing syrup, also harmless to humans, its stems are similar to vines that feel and grow towards the ground. That's why it's so humiliating to have to stand up on tiptoe to collect the liquid inside the plant's body, and you do it so hastily that you end up tripping over your own feet with the impatient snort of the man behind you that's a bit of liquid drips onto your pants.
But your hands are quick to close the medium container with the transparent liquid, putting it inside your backpack to go after another plant because now all you want is to collect all the samples to go back to the outpost.
You're walking slowly, and Tsu'tey is impatient beside you, and although your eyes are fixed on the photo being displayed on the datapads in your hand, you're nervously tripping over your own feet every five steps you take, maybe because you're realizing how small you are compared to him, your head barely reaching above his navel, it also doesn't help the way his intense gaze watches every single thing you do.
But after walking a few meters it is finally there, in front of you is Paywll the plant whose height is 8'3 where only the top has the substance that Norm needs.
And there's no way you can collect the substance yourself, you need someone's help, someone as tall as the plant. And that Tsu'tey agrees to help you or Norm will be without the sample, which is bad for everyone, because that this particular plant has rapid healing properties for burns in humans. But you almost gave up when you turn around only to find him already looking at you with that scowl that makes him so handsome.
“ Can you please take a leaf from the top? I can't reach” You point to the plant in front of you, your other hand extending the empty container towards him. 
An awkward silence settles between the two of you as he seems as unperturbed as if not heard what you just said and your eyes roll back at his behavior, what did he want ? That you begged?
 “ If you do, it will be quick “
Quick is exactly the word Jake Sully says to talk him into doing this favor, and yet it's taking up a lot more of his time.
Tsu'tey walks over to you without bothering to take the container from your hand, he just extends his arm lowering his hand pulling the top leaf which is immediately replaced by another, holding it in front of your face, who takes it quickly placing it into the container and walking away, the corner of his lips forming an almost imperceptible smile as he mirrors your actions.
You are such an impatient little thing but at the same time so patient.
At least on the days he stayed at the outpost to tend to his wounds, Tsu'tey knew very well that he was never an easy person to deal with and most of the time his bad temper infected everyone around him except you, who seemed so patient, caring about him and his recovery, is an almost excessive concern that he secretly liked.
Tsu'tey didn't remember anyone caring so much about him, maybe it was his own fault.
But that wasn't enough for him to like you, you were still tawtute treacherous, greedy, destructive by their natures or so he says to himself because he doesn't think you're like that. The truth is he likes you, not romantically, he thinks, but he likes you, he likes being close to you, he likes your voice, and although it pains him to admit it, especially your human features, you are so much more. Beautiful than some young woman of his clan, and there's your scent, that scent that awakens something primal in him to the point where every part of him yearns to claim you as he would do to his mate, yet the rational part of him feels bad about it, for feeling this way about a woman…a human one.
But he can't help himself, that’s why he almost immediately accepts to do this favor to Jake Sully's for accompanying you into the forest.
His excuses to see you were running out, his sutures were completely healed, and soon he wouldn't have to go to the outpost for those regular checkups, but now he sort of regrets it, there's nothing very interesting about watching you collect all those samples, maybe he would like it better if instead he was showing off his skills as the best warrior in the clan, but he admits to himself that if that happened he would have a smirk on his lips as he flaunted under your gaze that would linger on his chest, biceps or around his waist like the many times you did when examining him.
Surely that way it would be easier to ignore that scent of yours, intoxicating, strong and seductive much more than the other times. It makes his ears tremble, but that's caused by the slight noise behind him that brings him back to reality. It's a shock of perception hits him when he doesn't see your little body near the plants in front of him and his tail slams hard against the soft moss on the ground, curling around his left leg as his nostrils flare, and he runs towards the scent, his body tensing into thinking you had been attacked by some creature because he was too lost in his own thoughts to pay attention to you.
Tsu'tey feels his heart pounding so fast against his rib cage, his four-fingered hand tightens around his bow, ready to protect you from any threat when he finally spots you crouched next to a flower, and it makes him feel foolish for the moment concern, anger giving way to relief, admiration at how beautiful you look like this with the sunlight reflecting off your face, as he watches you him notices your nose twitch and a glance of confusion on your face, and he follows your gaze staring at the mossy rocks, and so he finally notices the vigorous flower of five petals cut with vibrant shades of magenta and cyan an anther in a very faint pink that was it, the sweet and intoxicating smell came from the pollen.
He briskly walks over to where you are crouching in front of you and your attention snaps back to him, “Did you touched it ?”
You just nod your head and Tsu'tey curses immediately upon seeing your dilated pupils, and you're breathing breathless, his eyes dart to your smaller hands, and he holds them against his and looking closely for any color that is different from your skin and none of your muscles move, and yet he knew you were aware that something was wrong.
“ Come on, let's go back to the outpost” He gets up, still holding one of your hands for you to get up.
“ Why? Is it poisonous?” You point to the flower, your hand rubbing on your rough pants to wipe off the sticky liquid from the flower now burning.
A tingle ran down your arms, an itch in your nostrils. You sneezed, some translucent dust coming out of you that shuddered, your head throbbing wildly, a wave of dizziness blurring your vision the feverish sensation sinking into your body that staggers when you quickly pull away from Tsu'tey's grip that seems to make these sensations things worse however his hand quickly goes directly behind your back.
An almost frightened expression on his face and his mouth went dry, those symptoms seemed all too common to him.
“ This flower, makes the children sick. I fear it has the same effect on tawtute “
You throbbed at his husky voice and stronge accent, deep in between your thighs, what was that? Your vision clears and all the symptoms disappear, and you suddenly feel good for a minute because the scent of him now is as thick in your nostrils as a forest later of a heavy rain that makes your head spin, and your throat burn something very similar to your days on earth after drinking alcohol. The feeling flowing through your entire body as if you've been infected makes you completely dizzy, your hands become clammy with sweat suddenly and although Pandora's hot climate doesn't help with that however there is a relative coolness in the morning, but that's not enough to control the almost excessive sweat on your forehead that runs down your temple and neck disappearing in the valley of your breasts that rub against the fabric of the shirt causing a zing of electricity to go down straight to your core.
You're wet, horny, silently begging for anything to stop that intense need for sex that takes over your body. There is an undeniable desire to be closer to Tsu'tey, feel the touch of his hands, his scent, his voice anything because it becomes impossible to control yourself much unlike the others you've been around him, you want him there and now that's when your thoughts seem to clear, and you panic, your mind screaming Sex Pollen the knowledge from the articles you read in your days on earth about an alien flower whose essence has different effects to humans, comes too late.
“ Aren't you listening?” Tsu'tey had to duck down, leaning to you, and he felt like he was suffocating. Your scent is overwhelming it's hard to ignore, and he fights the urge to breathe in exactly where that scent is coming from, also doesn't go unnoticed by him the way your thighs clench together. “ Are you in heat?”
“ I don't know what you're talking about,” You sniffled, wiping the sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand, breathing in your own sweat as you took a deep breath.
“ I can smell you “
Your face pales into stillness, your eyes wide as he crouches in front of you face to face with you, his amber eyes glinting against the sunlight. His pupils are so blown that there's only a thin line of yellow. Shaking your head, you moved to take a quick step back, the movement matching the fear that Tsu'tey would scold you for your stupidity, perhaps even mock you for your wretched state.
You're hating how every part of you now wanted to be plastered to him, wanted to feel all of him, those thoughts would only make your scent worse, but it's so hard to fight it, maybe there was a cure, maybe Norm could help you with this.
Your cheeks burning and your eyes, meeting the ground in shame. “ I'm going back to the outpost, Norm can help me”
Tsu'tey tail whipping, on edge. He's not even caring about his bow now lying on the moss, his hand reaches for your waist pulling you closer a little cautiously. He didn't want to frighten you anymore, but something uncontrollably primal awakens in him at the thought of another man other than him claiming you, helping you through your heat.
 He couldn't say it, it wasn't right, and yet he does.
“ I can fuck you “
 A moan.
He can hear your breathing intensify and his tail whipping behind him sharply, he's tense, standing still, waiting, part of him hoping you'd refuse, another part knowing you wouldn't be able to when you lean more into him without even protesting, your small hand resting against his pectoral, he lets out a soft grunt the heat now pooling in his stomach from the unexpected touch. Tsu'tey leans his head nuzzles his face into your neck, kissing along your pulse point, and he suckles until you moan, that has his tail curling around your legs.
“ I never wanted to be fucked so bad as now, Tsu'tey,” You say, voice vulnerable.
It was the power of pollen that had you in heat, but he's entranced by the lust in your voice in the undeniable desire you feel for him too, and you could have him long before then at the outpost if you asked in front of all those tawtute, If your smaller hands had done more than just subtle touches against the skin of his body he would have gone ahead even with his sutures torn at the time.
You are impatiently.
His heart stopped when he heard what you just said and your gaze met his. Tsu'tey watched with open mouth when you reached out grabbing his hand, holding right between your thigs, he took a sharp breath oh, you’re so wet, all sticky and slippery that he can feel through the fabric of your pants, his eyes quickly focusing on your beautiful, flushed face, lips parted and swollen, the strands of hair that fell from your braid stuck to the forehead. Your full breasts that make it so hard for him to resist, the hand that was on your back now goes up to one of your breasts, and he delights in the feeling of them in his palms through the soft material of your top, a needy moan comes out of your mouth, your hips jerking and his fingers lightly touch your clit. 
Your furrowed brows, it wasn't enough, you needed more.
Jesus, you needed him.
“ Use me Tsu'tey please, you can give me anything more than that, and I'll take it” Your voice almost fading, throat parched.
A snarl came from him as if he had personally offended he, his hands dropping from your body, and a small part of you panicked, have you gone too far? But the sound of your voice hits him like a punch to the gut and goes straight to his cock, he gazes at you blinded by lust, he feels a little feral to hear you beg, beg for him like he always imagined, and you look beautiful like that.
He would give you anything you wanted, even if he still didn't know how, you were small and Tsu'tey never mated with a human either, maybe he should let you say how you wanted him, and he would be more than pleased to help.
His finger points to your sweat-damp shirt plastered against your torso, and you understand what he means, barely holding back, your fingers against the sides of your white tank top, lifting your arms pulling it under your head, and before you can even throw at the ground, he ducks his head down and bites at your throat, his flattened nose is sliding under your neck to your breasts inhaling deeply, and you gasp bringing your hand to his braids as he laves his tongue over one of your breasts.
He ducks his head and runs his tongue circles over of your right nipple a few times, sucking it, enjoying the way your breath stutters, and you whimper as his other thumb brushes over your left firmed up nipples. You feel butterflies in your stomach with the sensation of pleasure and yet it wasn't enough to quench the throbbing of your swollen clit, and he notices his hand pulling down the waistbands of your pants and his ears swivel to the clink of your belt, followed by a rush of soft breaths that causes him breaks away from your chest just enough for your nimble fingers to unbutton your cargo pants, and he feels his cock twitch under his loincloth when he saw you've been this whole time with nothing under your clothes, he almost groaned at how exposed you are to him now with that scent so intoxicating that he fights the urge to inhale deeply where the scent was coming from.
Right between your thighs.
It was where he needed to be, between your thighs, where maybe you would squeeze the sides of his head as he eat you out.
If you'd just let him, he would.
“ Tsu’tey, please ” You said, breathless, and he did, pulling away immediately and lying down against the soft moss of the forest.
His eyes filled with lust, and you couldn't help but giggle, realizing he wanted you to ride him.
Your legs resting on either side of his hips, and Tsu'tey's eyes dart to your face. An irritated snort comes out of his nose, your short breaths catch in your throat as you feel his big hands land on your ass, and he uses the grip to pull you so strong that you slide down to his chest, inching forward until you're hovering over his face and his warm breath sends a little shiver running down your spine.
“ Sit on my face” He growls, his hands squeezing the soft flesh of your ass.
Tsu'tey's impatient eagerness doesn't wait for you to respond or do what he tells you, he just pulls your hips down to bring you down on his face deeply inhales the scent of your wet and exposed sex, a sigh of satisfaction, and he's almost purring, but it's still not enough.
He presses a sloppy kiss to your inner thigh, his rough tongue licking your thigh so close to where you need him most. “ Let me taste that pussy.”
That if, you weren't so needy you would have asked where he learned all those human terms, it certainly wasn't at Dr Grace's school, but whoever taught him knew exactly what was doing because just the combination of his husky voice and his strong accent saying those things almost makes you come.
And it takes a lot of self-control to not come when he starts to lick your clit, and you're totally stunned by the wave of heat that flows through your belly, your upper body sagging as your hips rock against the hot, wet heat of his mouth. 
It gets almost overwhelming immediately as he sucks, licks your clit and instinctively your thighs tighten around his head little sighs of satisfaction as you rub against his face chasing his tongue, so wet and rough that rubs against your swollen and sensitive cunt.
Oh, it feels so good, you feel overwhelmed and your thighs quiver around his face in just minutes.  
One of your hands drops to hold his braids as he wraps his arms around your back and encourages you to ride his face more tightly with a strong suction on your clit. Pulling the handful of hair into your hand, you're not expecting the way he gasps, or that his hips jut out in the air behind you.
“ Oh shit “ You sigh." Is so good Tsu'tey “
Tsu'tey makes an impatient sort of sound before tilting his head back from its position between your legs. His chest is heaving and his forehead is glistening with sweat, your eyes are fixed on his mouth, it's swollen and red and shiny, and you can't stop staring at him as he runs his tongue across his bottom lip, grinning.
“ Your pussy tastes good tawtute ” He doesn't wait for you to say anything before he lowers his head back to start eagerly licking at you again.
You rock against his face, your clit settles on his tongue. It's enough for your stomach to tense, causing the hot tension in your belly to coil tighter and tighter until you're wrecked, ready for your orgasm. Your eyes close and your grip on, his braids tighten on your fingers when his tongue dips into your clit with absolute precision, your back arches as you come with a little cry, but he doesn't slow down sucking you through your orgasm.
Your legs are shaky, and you're bordering on over stimulation, yet you don't want to and can't pull away, your body is still tingling and burning, sweat is pouring down your forehead and your cunt clenching around nothing, and yet doesn't seem enough you want more, you're desperately wanting something deep inside you to fill you up, something like Tsu'tey's cock buried so deep inside your cunt that you'd never be able to forget if that were even possible.
You just needed to be fucked and Tsu'tey knows exactly that because he finally allows you to pull away, your hips pushing back sliding under his sweaty chest, your legs now on either side of his hips, your cunt pressed against the loincloth that barely covers his hard-on, and he lets out a groan as his lip curls over his teeth.
“ Still needs to be fucked isn't it impatient little thing? “ He groans, his hips contracting as he feels your sex clenching with his words, “ Do you think you can take me? You'll feel me here” His finger pointing just above your navel.
You blink in surprise, your thoughts clouding with delight that a part of you almost forgets that you're about to get fucked by a sexy alien and how big he must be? But there's no time to think about it because it becomes painful, that damn pollen hits much worse than before every part of your body demands you be fucked, waves of heat spreading against your skin, and he finally notices the change in pleasure for pain and Tsu'tey doesn't even ask what you need, he already knows.
And all too fast, Tsu'tey's whole big body just rolled over you, trapping you under his warm skin and big arms, he's still careful to keep most of his weight off of you that roll over in the space there is between the two of you, and he pulls away completely now on his knees mirroring your actions, and he groans in wonder at the tilt of your sweaty hips against the sunlight the palms of your hands against the soft moss your feet slightly apart baring every part of you for him
His hands are now on your hips, and your head tilts back to look over the shoulder in time to see him undo the knot of his loincloth, toss it carefully to his side, your mouth watering at the sight of his hard-on cock, the tip leaking with the pre-cum the bulbous tip of a bluer darker than his skin, almost purple, the sunlight makes his bioluminescence points so visible, small white dots that follow a pattern in almost his entire length.
A quick pull of your hips back, and you gasp, feeling his heavy erection pressed against your ass and two of his fingers slide into your cunt, almost easily with how slippery you are, your eyelids close and your back arches with how good is his thick fingers inside you pumping them slowly in and out, the wet sound loud mingle with the sounds of forest creatures as he concentrated on pressing just the right angle and depth to make you scream and clenching around his finger so perfectly.
Your knees almost give out, and you grab the moss at your side holding as if it could offer you some kind for solace ” Please, I'm ready Tsu'tey”
He wasn't so sure about it but doesn't say anything back because he needs that release, he needs to be inside you or else he thinks he comes right then and there.
He takes his fingers out of you, slowly lifting them to his mouth, his tongue swirling around his fingers, savoring your taste for a brief moment, only for the remnants of your sweet taste to linger on his tongue.
His four-fingered hand rests against your back, pressing you so gentle against the ground that your nipples graze in the soft moss, and you cry out, your cunt clenching around nothing again. He holds your hips against him, Tsu'tey breathes, his cock hard and unyielding as it rubs the tip against your clit just to hear you moan.
 When he does finally begin to push in, he does it painfully slowly. Your brow pucker, your lower lip sucked in between your teeth as you inhale sharply and whine, he wonders if he will fit, but you are so impatient that you hump your hips back and another inch of him pushes in inside of you and you both moan. 
Tsu'tey's fingers flex around your hips, and he lets out a low groan as he eases his pelvis back, and then pushes forward all at once until he’s halfway inside. You shriek, the pain of the stretch makes you try to lean forward, but his grip on your hips is firm, keeping you in place.
" Easy yawnetu, is it too much ? "
You don't respond right away, still trying to get adjust to his length as you try to catch your breath, your chest is heaving as your own body is trying to suck it in even more.
And the pain slowly fades away.
" Go on, I'm fine" You moan, face still pressed to the moss.
He purrs, chest rumbling soothingly as he slides deeper, your eyes are squeezed shut as you gasp, and Tsu’tey’s purring takes on an edge every time he eases his pelvis back leaving only the tip and then pushes forward all fully inside you again.
With a grunt, he begins to rut into you properly, you fit around him like a vice, so tight that it feels as though you’re trying to actually squeeze his cock right off, the wet heat of you steals his breath away, and he moans senselessly. He feels lightheaded with pleasure, and clutches mindlessly at the soft flesh of your ass, you moan, your pussy clenching frantically around his cock and Tsu'tey grunts a moan, bending over, his chest sweaty on your back as he presses kisses down your shoulders. The slow, almost excruciating thrust of his hips rocks your entire body forward and their balls slam against your clit. 
He's barely started fucking you, and it seems almost too much, there's something so enticing about seeing your small body taking him so well, the size difference drives him crazy, he's just as insatiable as the days when he's got in a rut, maybe it's the sight of taking you from behind, stretched taut around his cock that makes him feel that way, or it's your scent, or maybe it's just you.
Your eyes roll back with each thrust, he's making you feel so deliciously good that the tingling and ache in your body seems to almost disappear and just pleasure, overwhelming and raw that nearly sends you into another orgasm at the sound of his husky voice and panting between grunts when he speaks close to your ear.
" So tight around me, oh fuck, that's it." He mutters drunkenly, "Do you feel how deep I am, yawnetu? Right here" The palm of his warm hand palming the bulge above your navel.
You can only manage an embarrassingly breathy little moan in response, too lost in pleasure as you feel him hitting a spot inside you that makes your legs go weak, your jaw slacks making meaningless little sounds as he picks up the pace, hips rolling against yours, and Tsu'tey just snorts a wild sort of laugh his hand slides underneath you to start playing with your clit, it's enough for your toes curl and your pussy quivers uncontrollably the pleasure building in your belly.
“ Oh Tsu'tey” Your back arches when you come again
Your eyes roll back and your mouth drops open as your orgasm rocks through you. And you barely notice the heat has almost disappeared, and the excess sweat has subsided to almost nothing, except for the effort Tsu'tey is putting you through fucking you during your orgasm as your little body trembles.
His hips moved to pull out of you, he is aware of the limits of your human body, but your hands just grip the side of his thigh, pushing your hips back, making his cock open you again. A purr ripping through his chest when your cunt engulfing his cock again, warm, wet, tight inside, his strokes steadily became long and powerful, his hips slam against yours he thrusts hard and fast chasing his orgasm that is already hovering with force. Even though he is aware of your fragile body, he is careful enough not to hurt you, but it's hard to slow down with the wet sounds of your pussy and the sounds of the skin of his hips slamming against your ass frantically.
His head is clouded with the sole purpose of coming.
And his breathing is desperate panting, and his thrusts start to get clumsy but to his surprise, what pushes him to the edge is your almost silent voice. ” Cum inside of me “
A loud desperate moan, his eyes are closed, and his forehead falls against your back, his mind is blank and only the echo of your voice so seductive and the scent your that makes his hips stutter, his hands grip your hips as he feels his come finally flooding your cunt spilling over clit dripping onto the moss beneath you.
“Oh.” He groans, shivering as his knees give out, and he collapses on top of you, his weight pressing you flat against the floor.
Tsu'tey is still aware of keeping most of his weight resting on his arms that are beside your head, and he buries his face in your neck and kisses your ear, enjoying the heat of their sweaty bodies weighed down by a moment before he turns and rolls away from you, laying on his back beside you, and he reaches out and wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you towards him so that you are lying on top of his body, your face pressed against his chest.
A beat passes, both of you breathing heavily, before Tsu'tey lifts his head to watch you carefully. “ Are you ok, yawnetu? Does it still hurt? “
It sure hurts, your cunt is sore from being so stretched out, and you'll definitely have trouble walking tomorrow, your hips ache, and your muscles burn, but it's so much better than the horrible feeling the pollen made you feel.
And now you never felt so good in your whole life.
“ I'm okay” You mumble, lifting your head to gaze at him” Yawnetu, huh? Just need to fuck me to be nice” You tease him grinning.
Tsu'tey's tail curls, his ears twitch in excitement, at the teasing in your voice, he sure liked that, he also liked how right you were, although he would never admit it out loud. He just needed to fuck you to be nice, to take away his uncertainty because now he realizes he likes you, romantically, it felt so right to mate with you, as if you were chosen by Ewya for him.
Tsu’tey chuckles, his hands petting absently the back of your neck, he nuzzles his nose in your hair. ” Be quiet vrrtep”
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softspeirs · 3 months
hello! could i please request "remembering things they told them" for mota - dealer's choice on characters and/or ocs?💕 — @shoshiwrites
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A/N: @shoshiwrites My gut said more John Egan so here we are. This follows this loosely but you don't need to have read it first.
two. dark skies (i remember)
Three cups of coffee the next morning is barely enough to get her out of bed and moving, but she's back in the pub bright and early. They don't do breakfast, but they open at noon, and she promised herself she'd try to put the day before out of her mind.
She's wiping down the bar when she hears the door open. "We're closed--" She stops when she sees Major Egan. He's twisting the brim of his hat in his hands and looking anywhere but at her. "Morning, Major." She says. "Unfortunately we're still closed... no matter how many of those shiny pins you have on your lapel."
His smile is small. "I just wanted to--" He sighs, looking skyward like he's trying to find the right words. "Look, I'm sorry I was an asshole last night."
He doesn't apologize for his language or look at her like she's going to be offended, which she appreciates.
She still doesn't like the look in his eyes. It's... blank. A bit of remorse there, but something else, too. Something dark and closed off, and she hates that she can tell. That she's spent enough time trying to guess what he's thinking that she can tell his moods apart.
"It's alright, Major."
"No it isn't." He's firm, but not unkind. From behind his back, he pulls out a small, small bouquet of flowers.
She doesn't think she's ever seen Major Egan look anything than confident, cocky, and sure of himself. But this look? She wishes she had a camera.
"I remember you said you like daisies," he says quietly, holding it out towards her, his free hand rubbing the back of his neck.
She's taken aback - the idea that he remembers anything she's said when they've been surrounded by everyone else is crazy to her. "That's-- no offense Major, but I thought you were three sheets to the wind when this conversation was going on."
A group of rowdy aviators, each one of them bragging about the nicest thing they ever did for a girl, and then the competition to see who could outdo the other... it ended with her chiming in from the bar that all she needed was a picnic and some daisies and she'd be happy, just like most other girls her age. No grand gestures necessary.
This feels like a grand gesture, sort of. Her heart rate kicks up when she takes the flowers from him, their fingertips brushing.
"Did you pick these from some unsuspecting housewife's garden?" She asks, narrowing her eyes.
His eyes light up with amused indignation. "Did I--" His voice is half laugh. "I'll have you know I gave some of my hard earned coin to Mrs. Henderson down the road for these."
"You didn't have to do that."
He shrugs. "I know-- I know you were just looking out for me when I came by here last night. You didn't deserve my... bad attitude."
She doesn't know what to say. She has no idea what he's going through. She has her own heartbreak every time she opens the door for business and sees fewer and fewer airmen walking through the door. But these men, his friends? How is he possibly handling that?
"You, uh... you let us in here night after night and have never kicked us out even when we deserved it. And I... I don't know." He shrugs. "Buck went down yesterday. And I'm angry as hell and all I wanted was to drown it."
She looks down. "I'm sorry I turned you away."
His eyes are clear when he meets her gaze. "Don't be. You were right." He rolls his eyes at himself. "But don't go tellin' anyone I said that."
"You're flying today." It's not a question.
"I have to--" He shakes his head. "It's my job." He straightens, drawing himself back to his full height. "Anyway. I just wanted to..." he trails off, gesturing to the flowers still in her hand. "I should go."
He turns, and she remembers him like that the night before, telling her she shouldn't get attached to any of them. She remembers, but suddenly she doesn't care.
It's too late anyway.
"Bucky." She says his nickname for the first time, and he turns faster than she expected, his eyes widening with-- hope? Surprise? "Take this. For luck."
She hands him a single daisy. Takes a deep breath, raises herself up on her toes and presses a kiss to his cheek.
It all happens in a second. A heartbeat.
And it's that second, that heartbeat that she plays over and over again in her mind later that night when Captain Rosenthal's plane comes back alone.
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vibratingskull · 9 months
Fake dating part 2
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Part 1
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I took @al-astakbar​‘s idea and run with it.
Resume : Alone on an strange planet with a little chiss girl you walk desesperatly trying to reach coordinates given by a beacon. Here you are saved by Grand Admiral Thrawn’s crew and he proposes you an incongruous solution to your problem...
You silently follow the Grand Admiral through the numerous corridors of his ship, it’s enough for you to lose your way you worry. There are so many paths and doors, it hurts your brain. You do your best to follow his long strides on the cold metal floor without shoes. You cross paths with some officers, they all stop on their track to salute their superior and then you feel their curious gaze on you, wondering who you might be and why you’re here, you quickly avert their gaze and lower your head in their presence, careful not to anger anyone. Apparently they are not used to seeing their Grand Admiral followed by someone with a slave collar, that thought is somewhat reassuring. You look at the back of the head of the man holding your life in his hands, detailing his height and imposing measurements. The tight fabric of his uniform does not hide his muscles and Makers know you want nothing to do with them. Those are his assets to kill… You shudder at this thought.
“Here we are.” He softly announces.
He engages himself in a corridor with a large bay window giving on to an operation room, and on the table is…
“Moarorou!” You shout, pressing yourself against the window.
“She is in good hands.” He simply says “I trust them to save her.”
Asleep and perfused, the little girl seems at peace while the droids operate her. You wish you could hold her hand.
“I want to be with her.” You ask, turning towards him.
“Out of the question, it is a sterilized room.” He flat out refuses, “You will see her once they are done.”
You lower your gaze and turn back to the little girl. Poor sweetheart… You feel a burning gaze on you and you don’t dare meet it.
“We should head towards the second room, you need treatment too.” 
You do? You’re so used to being beaten and bruised by now… But it is true, you have scars all over your arms and legs and a burnt wound on your flank.
You obediently follow him to a room where a droid greets you and guides you to an infirmary bed. As the Grand Admiral leaves to give you some intimacy, it proceeds to do a complete check up, from weighing you to blood test and mandatory vaccines after dressing your wounds. You mechanically obey the machine, too used to receiving orders, it would have asked you to shake hands like a dog you would have without asking any questions, this is how deep it is ingrained in you…
“Here.” says Grand Admiral Thrawn right behind you.
You jump out of your skin. When did he come back?
He hands you a pair of boots exactly your size. You take them, unsure. You didn’t have the right to own shoes as a slave, you forgot how it feels. You pass them on after thanking him. It feels like a second skin. Strangely you feel more confident with them. You thank him again.
“Do not mention it, I cannot have anyone walking bare feet in my ISD. Now, do not move.” He slides behind you and you feel him manipulating your shock collar.
He must check your number to verify their registers. You refrain from sighing, an imperial remains an imperial, whatever happens.
You hear a click.
And your collar falls on your lap. You look at it, dumbfounded.
You thought he would have waited for your response and sold you back on the black market if you refused his offer…
“You thought I would not get rid of it?” he asks, seeing your confused expression.
“Well… no, not before I gave you my answer at least…” you explain.
“You brought me back a valuable person. Consider it the payment of my debt to you.” 
You massage your throat, touching it for the first time in years.
“You… you have the right to free someone?” you ask with a small voice.
“I am a Grand Admiral, little is forbidden to me.”
You accept his answer as a fact and don’t press the matter. You mask it but hope is flourishing in your stomach, after so many years… finally!
Karyn Faro enters the infirmary, saluting the Grand Admiral.
“Sir! You asked for me.” She asks in a strong and clear voice.
“Yes, I want you to guide our guest to her new quarters, I will go back to the bridge.” He orders
She nods and signifies to follow her and quicker than that. You hop on your feet and follow her in another maze of corridors, but you start to recognize the patterns, you’re less lost this time.
“There it is.” She opens a large door with a card that she hands you “Do not loose it.”
You enter the room, or rather the suite and stop, turning back to her.
“Are you sure this is the good room?” You wonder.
“Yes. Is there a problem?” 
Well it's… Big. You’re standing in a small living room with sofa and kitchenette, giving on a large bedroom and a privatized bathroom. You’re more used to the cell shared with several other slaves.
“No, it’s… it’s perfect. Thank you.” You bow to her.
She simply nods and goes back to her duty.
You walk into the living room, timidly, afraid to take too much space, to make too much noise, even though you’re alone. You find a remote on a table and press the buttons, curious. A part of the wall opens for a TV screen to appear, you press another one and music starts. Another one pushes a bar off the wall. Okay that’s too much. You tidy, close back the walls and cut the music, put the remote where you found it, like you never touch it and go see the bedroom. It is a large room with a double bed, a wardrobe, a big mirror and a bay window giving on space. The wardrobe is full you notice, with a safe hidden as a drawer. The bathroom is white and clean, with a bath and clean towels, you touch them, they are soft and fluffy. everything for maintaining basic hygiene is here. You can’t resist the urge to brush your teeth when you see the new toothbrush waiting for you. It feels so good and fresh! What a delicious sensation! 
Returning to the bedroom you notice a datapad on the bedside table. You take it and turn it on. You’re curious of that Grand Admiral Thrawn. You search the holonet about him, finding different biographies and videos of him at different ceremonies. An article of the Universal Encyclopedy informs you of his greatest victories and gives you a resume of his life, or at least his life since he appeared in the Empire. What you suspected was right, him and Moarorou aren’t from the Empire, but are from the Unknown Region. He accepted to answer interviews of journalists of the regime but consistently refused to answer anything about his life previous to the Empire. So you got an incomplete portrayal of the man. 
You don’t know much about military things, but his record seems impressive, victory after victory, promotion after promotion, from one medal to the other he seems to supplant any adversaries. Except on the political field. It appears each and everyone of his victories came with a political scandal. 
But he manages to get out of it everytime.
You reopen your eyes when you hear knocks on the door. You must have drifted to sleep without realizing it. You open the door to Faro, awaiting for you.
“The Grand Admiral awaits you for dinner.” She indicates with her strong voice.
You must have slept more than first anticipated, dinner already?
You nods hurriedly and close the door behind you. She looks at you up and down, clearly judging you but says nothing.
“This way, please.”
You walk in silence behind her but curiosity devours you.
“Is it in your prerogatives to take care of priso… of guests?” you dare ask.
“No.” That is all she answers.
“Oh… Then why you-”
“He orders and I obey, simple as that.” And like that, the conversation ends.
You don’t dare raise your voice anymore, and she’s not one to do small talk.
You reach a door with stormtroopers guarding it, she gives one of her cylinders-thing and they step to the side.
“Here.” She says, and left you here, alone with the guards.
The door open and you enter a large suite, rich with decors. The Grand Admiral is standing, hand clasped behind his back, observing something.
You don’t say a word, to not disturb him, fidgeting your fingers.
“Come closer.” He simply says, without even turning towards you.
You approach. He seems enthralled by some vase on a stand.
“What do you see?” he inquires
What? Is he asking you your opinion on how he decorates his chambers?
“A vase.” you answer neutrality.
Never give your opinion.
You approach again, observing it more intently. It’s a terracotta of three complimentary colors, surely a wine carafe. It has fine details and some speck of gold sprinkled in the clay.
“Huh… Looks like a hutt jug.” You notice.
He slowly nod.
“Indeed. Can you see anything else?”
“That’s the kind of jug we find in their northern worlds, the south would have used metal. But outside of that…” You shrug, unknowingly.
“That is well.” He murmures. “Dinner is ready.” and he heads to the dressed table. 
He pulls a chair and gallantly invites you to take it, as you approach he looks you up and down. 
"You did not change clothes ?" He asks, puzzled. 
You could ? You do not touch what your masters don't need. 
"I thought the order was to come immediately." You explain 
"You could have taken the time to put on more comfortable clothes than this hospital pajamas. I would not have held it against you, you are my guest." 
Yes, you heard that. 
You sit down and he pushes your chair forward, like he would have done to a high Lady. The table smells deliciously good, making your mouth water with different types of salads and vegetables, a main course with fuming meat, rice and lentils and a bottle of wine. He opens it and serves you first, then himself. 
"Because I brought you someone important ?" You ask as he sits down. 
"And if I did not ?" 
"What do you mean ?" He inquires, cutting his meat.
"If you only found me, a slave alone in the forest, would I still be your guest ?" 
He looks into your eyes with a stern expression 
"Does it matter ?" 
"Yes." You try to control the shivers in your voice "It matters to me."
He doesn't respond, letting silence take place. 
"No. Probably not."
You sigh internally. You knew it. Under his gallant behavior and nice dispositions, he remains an Imperial. A slave trader. 
"Those hypotheses do not matter." He says camly, taking a bite of his dish "The fact is you came together, and you took care of her. I cannot let this good deed go unreward-"
Your stomach growls suddenly, a deep hollow sound. Deeply embarrassing. You flush immediately. 
"Why do you not eat ? Is it not to your taste ?" 
"No !" You hurriedly says "I just… Waited for your permission to eat" You confess
He raises an eyebrow. 
"This is an order you had to obey ?" 
You nod. 
"Those times are behind you." He designates the table filled to the brim, encouraging you.
You slowly serve yourself, a little of each, not too much and start eating delicately using table manners you've seen your masters use. 
He looks at you intently, like he would observe an animal behind bars. 
Your stomach growls again but you don't press yourself. 
"There is nobody to impress here, eat as you please." He says casually.
You look at him to see if he's serious. 
Then you dive on the meat, with your hands you bite into it hungrily, tearing it apart, getting back from years of malnutrition. 
Maker this is so good ! It has been years since you had meat. You gulp it down feverishly, licking the sauce off your fingers, growling with satisfaction. 
He looks at you, caressing his chin. 
You stop. 
"Too much ?" You ask embarrassed, sauce dripping from your chin
 "Everything is well." He shakes his head. "Like I said, those times are behind you. Let's focus on the future."
You listen, munching down your meat with lentils. 
"About this offer I made, you might want to know what it entails." 
You nod, mouth full. 
"You would hold the role of the wife of a Grand Admiral, it comes with some… Obligations. You will need to escort me to galas, ceremonies, spending time with high ranked rich people and pretend you are from the same world. Adopt their codes and customs, abide by their rules. Everywhere you will go you will represent me and all I stand for, your failures will be mine. We will make you a proper high standing lady and need to get your education right as Moarorou's, we will train her and care for her like true parents. There will be a lot of stress and pressure."
"Until we sent her back ?" 
"Indeed." He nods
"And after ?" 
"After you will be free, you could live your life as you want." 
"And if I refuse ?" 
"Then we will disembark you from the ship on a nearby planet with some money and your new life will start that day." 
You slowly nod, wiping your mouth with a napkin. 
"And Moarorou ?" 
"She will need to remain hidden on the Chimaera, alone in a cabin with only droids or complete strangers she can't communicate with to care for her. It would be an oppressive and uncaring environment for a child her age. If you accept, she will get to have two parental figures and a proper education you would take part into, you could use my apartment on Coruscant and offer her, and yourself a better lifestyle."
"For a time…"
"For a time" He concedes
"Why not simply send her to Coruscant ?" 
"I cannot send her alone in this black vipers nest."
"Why? You speak of her so highly, is she some kind of Royalty in your world ?" 
He smiles enigmatically 
"She is so much more valuable than Royalty."
It doesn't advance you. He rises from his seat. 
"Sleep, and tell me your answer tomorrow. The choice is yours."
You follow him to the door, hiding a burp behind your hand. You eat too much. 
"You said I could see her!" if he thought you would forget that…
"Once she wakes up from the operation, you will be free to see her."
He politely escorts you back to your room. You don’t say a thing but you you’re tremendously disappointed, you hoped to Moarorou right after dinner.
“Is there something wrong?” He suddenly asks, stopping in his track.
“No… No.” you lie. 
You castigate yourself. ‘Hide what you think, hide what you feel. Do not let them see.’
He shrugs and continues.
"I wish you good night." He greets you and disappears. 
You spend the night tossing and turning in those fresh clean sheets. Questions assault your mind, and memory of the crash alike. 
What to do ? What to do ? 
Remaining with him could give you protection against your masters, but remaining with an Imperial ? 
Could you do it? Close your eyes on all the atrocities he will commit ? 
But you can't leave Moarorou alone with him. She trusts you. You can't abandon her… 
You sigh. 
In the morning you pass on decent attire. You wince, there are only dresses. You take the most concealing one and walk directly to the Grand Admiral's office. It seems like he's at work for several hours already. 
You inhale deeply, gathering your courage.
"I accept" 
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