#totally not procrastinating on my classes rn
snnydcysarch · 4 months
❤️ — what are some of your best qualities?
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munday asks!
well this is a thinker gsbrsekgn hmm, my best qualities... i would say that i'm a ride or die for people i care about. i try to be nice to people as much as possible because you never know who needs it. i'm always willing to have a conversation with people if there's any issues, even if it means i need to take a breather first before approaching so i don't say something wrong. uuummm.... i want to write with as many people as i can, even when our muses are not in the same fandom cause why not? you never know what you can come up with. i guess that's a few?? xrgbkjebg
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polaraffect · 7 months
love those moments in academia where you're like "oh. i'm so fucked."
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boydepartment · 5 months
so cute - anton lee x reader
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a/n: DONT LOOK AT ME RN…. okay i’m having a moment shut up i can’t sleep. this is completely self indulgent and writing for fun so whooooooops
warnings- none just fluff and goofy. idol! anton. photography major! reader. (i am not a photography major so pls um bare w me) THIS IS ALSO REALLY CLICHE SO I AM SORRY i also have no idea what tags to use :( so if you are on riize tumblr PLS HELP ME IN MY INBOX WITH TAGS
wc- 250-300
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when you sat down after you ordered you got all your stuff organized. you had a plan to meet your friend to study together at a small but sweet boba shop. a lot of college students would come and go and half the fun of studying was procrastinating and choosing to people watch instead.
your friend was late and so you were left to fend for yourself. which was okay, it didn’t bother you. you got a little lost in thought and didn’t even notice the gaggle of boys walk in.
you didn’t even notice when the second cashier called up your order and you skipped over to pick it up. it tasted sweet and made you smile.
the way you set up your table looked really nice so you took a couple steps away from your chair to take a photo, not for class. just for fun.
your notes and laptop looked like those aesthetic posts on pinterest and the view outside the window was not the worst for a parking lot. you looked down at your phone and frowned, maybe the flash would help?
you went to get in position again when a guy totally bumped into you. sending both of you crashing onto the floor!
when you sat up you saw all his friends almost sprint out of the shop laughing, you looked down, eyes widening.
“i’m so sorry! here let me help you up!” you stood up and put your hands out. he was quiet and took your hands. you bent over and picked up his thankful pre-poked boba, nothing spilled thank goodness!
“are you okay?” you asked, handing his drink to him. it was a little hard to tell or read him as he was wearing a mask, there was only so much you could read with his eyes.
your head turned to the side trying to get an answer out of him. eventually he snapped out of whatever daze he was in. did this boy hit his head too hard?
“it was my fault! i was walking backwards while talking and i didn’t see you i’m sorry…” the boy was very soft spoken and it took you by surprise. a lot of people you met in college were a little outspoken.
you smiled at him, hoping to lighten the mood, “it’s okay it was an accident!”
“you fell pretty hard on your knees, are you okay?” he asked, noticing that they looked pretty scuffed.
“oh! i’m okay. don’t worry about it.” you went to grab your bag which softened the blow of your fall.
“is your phone okay? if it’s broken i can help pay for the damages…”
that was sweet of him…
you looked at your phone and saw the crack in the screen protector, “it’s a little cracked but it’s just the screen protector! it’s fine! if anyone asks i can tell them about this.” you laughed a little and looked at him again, “my friend’s gonna wish she wasn’t late…!”
you heard the boy laugh a little, “i still feel bad for tripping over you and ruining your photo, can i do anything to make up for it?”
“there’s no need to feel bad!” you said quickly- waving you hands back and forth, “again it’s totally okay. you should probably get back to your friends though… they kinda ran off.”
you saw him look outside the window, scoffing a little, “i’m going to choose to ignore them.”
this made you laugh, it was a total 180 from his voice, it was cute.
“i’m y/n. i figure since we’re having a conversation it’s appropriate to introduce myself, since you’re not just falling over me and dipping.” you stuck your hand out again.
he looked at your hand and shook it, “anton.” his eyes curved which told you he was smiling. cute.
“um… your friend still isn’t here… can i sit with you?”
you nodded, might as well, it wasn’t like you were studying. he happily took a seat next to you.
“you’re in college right?”
you nodded, “mhm! photography major!” you opened a file and scooted your laptop to him. anton looked through your photos almost amazed.
“i’m trying to put together my portfolio right now actually. i’m hoping i’ll get a job soon.” you explained, leaning your head on your palm.
he practically perked up at this, “my friends and i need a photographer for our next show!”
“ummmmmmmmmm.” anton scratched his neck, “yes. show. music. yaknow….”
you smiled, “honestly, if it pays well, i’d love to.”
he looked at you and nodded, really enthusiastically. you felt pride bubble in you for someone being so impressed by your work to offer you a job.
“can i get your number to get the details?” you asked, unlocking your phone, he was cute and even if the job didn’t work out, maybe a date would. you could hear his phone buzzing rapidly.
anton nodded again and put his information in, “text me your name n stuff and i’ll answer i promise.” he stood up, “i really need to get back to my friends they’re blowing up my phone… even though they ditched me…”
you laughed again, “no problem. i’ll text you!”
“yeah!” he was walking away from you smiling when he ran into the door awkwardly. almost like the scene of a movie. it was so cute.
he was so cute.
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moodywyrm · 1 year
i need comphet!abby to see me for the first time and then immediately start questioning her sexuality🤞🏼
no ur so real for this.
bc abby has kinda always sorta thought girls were pretty, but didn't everyone do that? n anyways, she dated Owen for like forever so didn't that mean something? (hint hint, it meant comphet)
but then she n Owen broke up n she tried not to think about girls n boys for a while. and then she saw u. it happened when she went to the library to try n study (bc Manny had a girl back at their place n they cannot be quiet for the life of them. get it Manny <3).
she's heading to the basement area bc it's group study n the ambient noise helps her zone in, so she sits at one of the long middle tables n then she hears. the prettiest voice ever. n she looks up n ur scolding ur friends for procrastinating for so long, but ur already pulling up resources n helping them however u can. u n ur friend are sitting at one of the booths, n ur wearing a cute lil dress so abby can see ur soft thighs n ur curves n oh my god okay it's fine this is fine abby just focus. but she can't! she gets like noooo work done bc she can't stop looking over at u. n she's not subtle about it either, so ur friend notices n is like hey girlie, that incredibly hot buff girl keeps staring at u, go over there rn. n u flush Bright Red bc u look over n abby is looking at u with big ol doe eyes bc she thinks ur so pretty and oh my god does she like girls? maybe she likes girls? (she definitely likes girls)
n u decide to Take Initiative, so u go over to her n sit down across from her like hi :) n u tell her your name n she goes :o hi I'm abby!!!
n u two talk a lil bit n exchange numbers before u n ur friend have to go to class, so u say bye bye n give her the sweetest lil wave n then ur internally like why the fuck did I say bye bye but abby thought it was really cute so it's totally fine
when u leave n abby sits with what just happened she just goes. oh shit. I like girls :o she most definitely rushes back home (after confirming with Manny that the girl is gone) to talk to him about it n he's yeah catch up girl I knew when we watched Bound (1996) together and u couldn't stop staring at Jennifer Tilly.
idk what this was but I kinda like it
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winryrockbellwannabe · 8 months
hey, first off all just wanna say your blog is so cool i love seeing you on my dash!
i was just wondering if you had any tips for first year students and how to manage time? i think that’s the aspect i have been struggling with the most is time management and getting enough sleep rn.
omg tysm!!! 💜💜💜 so glad you like my posts!! and hope your enjoying your 1st year so far <3
So, how to manage your time:
tbh I haven't understood it that well myself. Personally im a little time blind, so i coordinate my schedule based on tasks i have to do, instead of time.
So instead of: study physics for an hour, it could be something like: understand The Schrödinger equation or study 40 pages.
My only time blocks are: morning, afternoon (before snack time, before dinner) and before going to bed. Which i particularly like since it's more flexible, and if i didn't manage to accomplish everything, i can just move it a bit, instead of ruining the whole thing.
My planner usually looks like this: (it's a bit light, since i had classes all day both monday and today, but you get the idea)
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But if you like to study in time blocks, my tip is to give them space to be flexible. So if you delay smth it doesn't ruin your entire schedule, and you won't be so stressed about the time as well.
For example, you think you'll take 1h to do this assignment? Save 1h30 for it, if you end up actually needing this extra time, then you're still in time. If you only needed 1h, you can take a break and move to your next task earlier than planned.
Alarms are a student's best friend for time tracking. And a bonus advantage is that it also forces me not to be on my phone, since i set the alarm in there, and it's a visual reminder that i should be working.
Another important thing to do is to ✨ prioritize✨ your tasks!! Your final exam is way more important than a report that's only 10% your grade. Sure, if you can do both it's perfect, but don't waste too much time perfecting smth that's not that important.
Oh, and if you feel like the way your professor explains isn't doing it for you, just forget about that class! It's a waste of time to be 2 hours in a classroom, not even understanding what the professor is saying and stressing about it. Just find some good notes, and study them in the library during that time instead.
Also, for the not enough sleep problem. I feel you. That was me in the second semester of 1st year. I would lose track of time, sometimes just procrastinating, and forget to sleep. My solution for that is ✨alarms✨. I usually wake up at 7:30, so everyday i have an alarm set for 23:00 to remind myself to go to sleep, and another for 24:00, just in case i ignored the first one lol. Really improved my sleep schedules.
(And a little extra (tho i intend to do a bigger post about this soon)
1st year tips in general: Find ways to be interested in your classes, so it's easier to study. Watch documentaries about it, discuss stuff with ppl that love that subject. Even if you are learning how to solve integrals so you can help your crush - totally not talking from experience. If it get's you motivated, then that's all that matters. DONT BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS!!! I promise your professors aren't judging you, and if your classmates are, well, they won't be judging anymore when you ace that test. And force yourself to take breaks. I would put on my t.do list to watch an episode of a series daily, bc i would be so stressed i would forget to do that. And taking breaks it's super important.)
(sorry for the huge post, I really hope at least one tip in here will be useful for you. Thank you for the ask, and best of luck for this uni year!!! Feel free to ask anymore questions💜)
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weirwitch · 2 months
thank u for the tags @thenn & @huramuna!
1. How many works do you have on ao3 (or masterlist)? - none currently, but i’ve been focusing on two wips as of late!! i’ll be cross-posting them on archive of our own, wattpad, fanfiction.net, and here sometime soon.
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? - ^
3. What fandoms do you write for? - mainly a song of ice and fire/game of thrones/house of the dragon. i have some ideas floating around my noggin for star wars and harry potter, but i’m doubtful they’ll ever be posted
4. Top five fics by kudos - none until i get off my procrastinating tushie and excavate my fics from the drafts
5. Do you respond to comments? - every single one bc i fear my body yearns for validation like water...
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? - definitely my wip set during the dance of the dragons, very tentatively named moth to a flame 🤭
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? - i’d refer to it as bittersweet > happy, but i’d say my agot wip, witching hour
8. Do you get hate on fics? - i have not and i pray i never do
9. Do you write smut? - i have not... yet 😈
10. Craziest crossover? - feeling so vanilla rn saying no to all of these questions, but i have not partaken
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? - unfortunately 😵‍💫
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? - i haven’t, but i’m definitely open to that once i’ve posted!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? - not for one singular fic, but i am working on an asoiaf series of connected fics with my bffie @thenn! it's called the dream for dawn 🌄
14. All time favorite ship? - definitely maerwynn/pate/jon, aka the main ship of witching hour 🤭 they’re poly (bc jon snow is a bi king) and my fun way of subverting the love triangle trope!
5. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? - probably my jedi: fallen order wip, sol invictus ☀️ the main oc is a force-sensitive bounty hunter whose name is jeska sol, and she’s paired with inquisitor au!cal kestis bc that has always been very sexy to me
16. What are your writing strengths? - felt too Cocky to answer this myself, so i relied on @thenn (as per usual)... according to miss dani, my ocs and lore changes/additions feel unique but still merge well with canon, and i tone-match grrm’s writing style very well (“u could ghostwrite twow and ados and no one would notice”). she also says house weir is easily her favourite original house. yes i have tears in my eyes, next question please
17. What are your writing weaknesses? - dani says my downfall is continuously writing the same 10 chapters over and over again bc i think they’re no good. and she would be right
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? - all good, as long as a translation is included!!
19. First fandom you wrote in? - this just unlocked the deepest, darkest memory... my friends and i used to write pokémon fics together in the first grade. we'd even print them off using the school printer and disperse them to the class. i wish i could read them 🥲i can still see the stapled pages and the comic sans font in my mind's eye, and i KNOW there was a dramatic arc of ash cheating on misty with may
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? - definitely witching hour, coming soon to a tumblr near you 😝
tagging: @starkladies @vecnacreels @cardeegans @jennyofoldflowers @sainteda
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bonesandthebees · 9 months
uhhh school anon who's totally not procrastinating rn. do you have a favorite like popular fandom trope? like, AU class I suppose. Like superhero, cyberpunk, royalty, etc. do you have one that just kinda captures your heart? - (i'm gonna sign with an emoji because that concepts neat and i hope you don't mind lmao.) ✨(who knows if i'll return lol)
OOOO good question!!
It’s hard to say bc I’m very picky with the types of fics I read. I suppose I like modern aus that are like… realistic fiction types?? Meri meridies is a good example of that kind of stuff and some of what eli birdfeet writes too
Im very picky with cyberpunk aus so I don’t actually read them that much. I’m sick of superhero aus ngl so I don’t tend to touch them, and I don’t like reading royalty aus that much even if I do really like writing them. I like vampire aus but again, I’m picky so it’s hard to find ones that fit my specific tastes
(Welcome to the club!! I’ll call you sparkle anon)
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morvantmortuary · 4 months
I have a migraine again today, and I have my diss chapter due later this afternoon/evening - I’m going to just try to grit my teeth and get it done so I can buy myself some breathing room while my committee reads it, but bleh, I wish I had just called out of work like I wanted to so I could sleep for a while. rn I’m procrastinating on my pages with a talk I volunteered to give in my dept bestie’s class tomorrow, so it’s not like I’m being totally unproductive???
on the bright side, yesterday I booked my plane ticket for my symposium at the end of next month, so ya ghoul and the tiny!Morvants are officially going to Salem!!
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in which I will do my damnedest to recreate this photo irl, albeit likely without the dashing tiny hats
apologies for being radio silent the last week or so, my schedule is getting more and more hectic as we get closer to midsemester.
fingers crossed that once I submit this chapter I can actually find time to write for fun again!! 🖤
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Perfect!! Can I please request a male ship from The Pacific? <3 Thank you so much my love!! I couldn’t find your ship guidelines since you recently changed your blog url so I followed an outline from a previous blog who you sent a ship for! If I am missing any more info for the guidelines let me know and I will re-submit!
– your gender/pronouns: female she/her – your sexuality/gender preference: i’m bi but i have never openly dated a woman before! for gender preference: male, since we know so much about the male characters in the pacific anyway! – your main flaws and most defining traits: my whole life i’ve dealt with emotional dysregulation, depression/social anxiety, identity disturbance, school and keeping up with my loved ones. I also procrastinate too much, I don't have my drivers license LOL. I have ADHD and there’s a possibility that I could also have borderline personality disorder cos of childhood trauma and the things listed above. People know me for being kind, funny, sarcastic, creative in the visual arts and hardworking cos of my part-time job and i’m nearly graduating college in april [crosses fingers] and i want to be a commercial model with a bit of runway as well as getting into figure skating and ballet.– your hobbies and pastimes: grunge aesthetics, photography, I love fashion from the 40s’-now, but wearing fashion that is trending rn i prefer the 90s and a bit of y2k but that’s lowkey fading from my closet. I love to draw/paint, watch tv/film and youtube, play minecraft, daydream, write stories and read books and fanfic, listen to many genres of music mostly metalcore/punk or indie rock, 90s/00’s and today’s r&b, lofi etc. i can also speak a bit of french, tagalog/cebuano and brazilian portuguese. I would love to learn ASL one day.
– your appearance: between 5’6’’-5’7’’! I am Filipina so I have tanned fair skin. I have natural jet black-hair but my hair was bleached red at the end of the summer - it’s fading so it looks more copper. I have what they call an 'inverted triangle shape' so my body is kind of weird: skinny chicken legs with a bulky man-like torso?? I wear glasses but i wear contacts because i often wear a lot of 90s glam makeup or Euphoria-inspired makeup (graphic liner, glitter, rhinestones/Maddy perez or Jules Vaughn makeup sometimes)
– your personality type one quiz i took told me i was ENTP due to my creativity and another told me i’m INFP-T cos of my concern for my personal growth and cos i am stressed af (lol love quizzes calling me out)
– any pet peeves: pretentious people, mouth noises/chewing or kisses noises (misophonia triggers), people who say the word “pree-sent” and not “present” (like ‘present a class project’), too many tabs on a desktop, when people talk to me too much and i can’t keep up with them, ppl interrupting me
– your love language: gifts, words of affirmation and physical touch!
– your zodiac sign (or big three): Leo Sun, Taurus Moon and Cancer Rising!
– your Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw!
– your insecurities: socially, mentally and emotionally being behind on everything. Physically, I have body image issues cos of my body shape. I also hate my face shape and my nose?? A lot of people hate their noises. Also I hate being insecure about my height. I wish to be the ideal height for runway.
hey mk!! wow congrats on almost being done with college :)) that's super exciting!
I ship you with:
Bob Leckie from The Pacific!
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ship theme song: I Could Make You Care - Frank Sinatra and the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra
this man is completely smitten
like, i'm talking Love At First Sight
he sees you a couple days after he arrives back home from overseas
and since this is Leckie
you bet your ass that he's gonna go straight up to you and ask for your number
he's very excited for you to graduate college!!
he'll look over any english paper that you want him to
he'll even let you borrow his typewriter
the first time you speak French or Portuguese in front of him
his mind is totally blown
he thinks it's the most beautiful thing he's ever heard
Leckie is a very wordy, encyclopedia bitch kinda person
so he can definitely provide you with words of affirmation
Leckie comes with his own brand of emotional baggage
between his cold, distant relationship with his own parents
and seeing nearly all of his friends get injured in the war
he needs some time to find himself again
and he wants to do that with you by his side <3
as long as you provide him with consistency and a safe listening ear
he's yours for life
in return, he tries to get you to put into writing the things that you might find difficult to tell your loved ones and friends
he has plenty of books to choose from if you're in need of some bibliotherapy
he thinks you're incredibly beautiful
and different from the other girls he grew up with
and he loves that
he takes time every day to remind of how pretty you are
he'll just watch you in the mornings
he loves to observe you picking out just the right outfit to wear
and he's so intrigued by how effortlessly you apply your makeup
I think Leckie is either an ENFP or INFP
but either way, a pairing with an INFP or ENTP is very complimentary
Leckie definitely understands your need for focus and concentration
he's the same way when it comes to assignments and getting work done
he's not a big fan of people interrupting him
so he'll always call or text to make sure that you're not busy before coming over
I would bet that this lad is a pretty good gift giver too
he's naturally observant
so Leck probably gets you a new pair of ice skates
or a new record by one of your favorite bands for your birthday
if you get him anything having to do with writing
this boy will melt like chocolate
he offers to teach you how to drive
Leckie definitely gives me Ravenclaw vibes
but honestly: this man thinks the Sun rises and sets at your feet
and he makes it his missions to help you recognize just how beautiful and perfect you are
he will never let you forget that <3
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100 days of productivity (12/100) 12/30/22
2023 is so close and oddly foreboding. I worked more yesterday doing comms but today still had its productivity spurts
Content warning: prescription medication n me being generally unhinged but that’s normal
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Bad news- I blew up at a professor (not in her face just sent a strongly worded complaint to the head of her subject) over just generally feeling antagonized all semester and it reaching a boiling point over not being given the ability to redo a quiz I got 0 when it counted a lot and was not my fault. I think studyblr would empathize with my anger
But equally i was immature and a bad moment and full disclosure I have spent the last 3 days since looking into anger management to avoid it again. Totally a trauma response but no excuse to be mean to someone who’s going through a lot. But it’s brought out this entitled mean version of me to compensate for feeling defensive and it makes me miss my therapist because he’s so good at dealing with that version of me
Been reading a lot, some educational nsfw titles (otherwise I’d post a screen cap of what I’m reading) bc i want to kind connect with my body in an academic understanding but also learning about untaught insight into the human condition. Idk I’ve always desired an academic relationship with erotica as much as i admit to my own consumption.
Maybe I’ll write an essay lol
I actually larped as him giving me advice all this which was what pushed me to take it easy and self medicate on klonopin just to breeze past it. It helped. I hope my new therapist comes fast to fill the void
It may seem cowardly to many of you but my strategy to cope for now was to block all email conversations n threads with her since the class is over, avoid her classes like the plague and keep taking anxiety meds (I’ve been having to take a klonopin to take the edge off every day since it happened, hoping to take a break from it tomorrow to save it for pmdd). Might look at it eventually but rn I’m just not emotionally there and don’t have the support system in case scrapping with faculty hurts me even further
Yesterday i played ukulele and i made 2 songs and a game plan for getting my stuff out there for next year. Might look into something to study to help me figure it all out
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Big reorganization n list update for all art projects for next year
Got closer in starting a volunteer gig I’m getting into
I usually hate going in and fixing stuff when I’ve called it done but I actually snuck on sbpro and did some last minute edits to boards
Put a new story seq in folio
Cleaned house, vented, hoovered, laundry n dishes and even the air con. Dusted yesterday
Went out to get new years food
Did my eyebrows and a lil face mask
Cleared some cupboards and made spade
To do
Drive drive drive God I’m so tired of procrastinating on it
Keep looking for gigs on LinkedIn
Prep for new part time gig
Await reply from new client
Message storyboard prof to beg for school copy of sbpro
Cut hair out at least tidy it
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chateautae · 2 years
Hi Sammy, I hope you’re recovering well!!
I have a question: how many courses are you taking this semester? Like how do you find time to plan/outline/ write and edits fics. School has just begun and I feel like I’ll be drowning in course work and won’t be able to write, let alone post any fics😢
Hi loves!! Oof this question, even people at school tell me I look so put together when really I’m not 😭 but I’m taking five courses rn and honestly, it’s so hard. Even on days where you do have free time, you’re just so exhausted from school and work and being out that you don’t even have the capacity to write. Honestly, the only way I do it is that I write absolutely whenever I can; on the train, on the car ride home/somewhere, on my breaks at work or even sitting in class waiting for the prof to begin. I’m a huge planner and always time manage by using an agenda and creating lists of things to do, along with specifically ensuring that I complete certain tasks each day and refusing to procrastinate.
This requires a lot of mental fortitude though because you’re already so mentally taxed from school and life that writing may just seem like a chore, so always curate and compartmentalize your time to write however you’d like it! You totally don’t have to write as much as I do, but that’s how I get it done! I hope you write at your own pace babes <33
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daegall · 3 months
i heard about ur group projects and i really hope they're going better now cuz that sounds like it sucks :(( also, hope you're better by now 🙏
i have no idea who they voted for 😅😅 not very familiar with the candidates so i forgot the names almost immediately after hearing them LOL
that's crazy!! i have deja vu replying to this tbh cuz i rmb typing out a reply to this?? but that was probably js in my head. anyways hope graduation goes well 💗 i have two more years before i graduate 🥲 (pls do not try to figure my education system out i am. not comfy w people online knowing my exact age 😅)
- 🥬
HI BAE!!! im actually doing so well rn i like cant cimprehend this ?! ive been taking lots of care of myself!!!! 2 tests this week and both got full scores 🙏🙏 tomorrow i have a bio test that i am!!!! prepared for 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 AND ive been working out ⁉️ like after months of procrastinating idk what spell im under but i hope it never wares off 😮
all u need to know abt indo politics is thaf 😊🙏 i dont know either 😘 LOL idk bc i have about 5 years until the next time i can voteee i dont really,,, care?? that sounds bad but I SWEAR im just like . unready for this shit ☠️☠️ and dw abt the age thing!!! i totally understand bby you dont need to tell if u dont feel comfortable abt it ^^
SO I ASKED MY DAD AGAIN ABT THE DREAM SHOW AND 😍😍😍😍😍 yall hes leaning to YES im abt ti win in life
OH YEAH MY MAIN MOTIVATION FOR MY FULL SCORES AND NIT MISSING A SINGLE CLASS AND EXTRA LESSON IS THE DREAM SHOW. bc my dad says i need to prove myseld and hey!!!! i am 💪💪💪 anw how have you been honey!!!!! i wanna hear abt your days lately toooo
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leon-swedfinqs · 6 months
Hold up one second, I don't know if you're still taking requests rn, but are there any actual rules or conditions that we should be aware of? Do they have to involve certain fandoms and such? And are crossovers also allowed?
Oh shoot pfjsid totally a valid question, often me asking is just “lol I’m bored it’s cool whatever” but I did have a post with some rules/fandoms! So I’ll just take that post and copy what I said here!
What fandoms I will draw for:
Doctor Who
Good Omens
Our Flag Means Death
Takin’ Over The Asylum
Pokémon (Anime or Game — I tend to lean more towards Ash’s time in the anime though haha)
Sonic The Hedgehog
How To Train Your Dragon (movie and book)
What We Do In The Shadows
Mario Series
Splatoon (game and manga)
My own Ocs :)
HOWEVER I am not open to drawing:
Anything kink related (I will know)
Explicit Sexual Content
Anything super mechanical
I am very much a creature of habit and tend to draw the same thing/characters depending on my current fixation, as a heads up :3 but I love trying something new if inclined!
Cross overs are most definitely allowed, I doodle stuff like that in my notebooks all the time (my little brain worms seeing each other is my favorite thing when I’m bored in class).
If I’ve never heard of the fandom before, I have in the past looked into it and drew it anyway! I love being introduced to new things, and drawing different types of characters is always fun.
I am always open to requests, I’ll draw it if I feel like it so I may not always end up getting to it. I’m not super strict with anything, it’s all super lax! I super easily get stuck in drawing ruts of doing the same thing over and over again, so having something I can check for suggestions helps bring back that creativity. I do the same for writing with my partner all the time (though writing requests/prompts I tend to be a bit more picky about the fandom choice/topic, but I am open to those as well all the time if it means I get to procrastinate but still look productive cause I’m writing something LOL).
So, TLDR: I draw for a lot of things! If you wanna shoot a request I may or may not get to it, but having option both for the creativity and opportunity to give someone some cool art if given the time is always fun!
Thanks so much for asking!!
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seiwas · 8 months
SLOWBURN IS ALWAYS SUCH A GOOD TROPE so nice to get lost in and build relationship (and develop feelings 👀) and aslfasdlkfjsdf slowburn i love slowburn
AND OMG COLLEGE AU'S now that i'm actually in uni now i have such a deep love for college au's like that is what keeps me going i'm ngl AND CAN YOU IMAGINE HIM JUST WAITING OUTSIDE THE BUILDING FOR YOUR CLASS TO END SO THAT YOU CAN EAT LUNCH TOGETHER??? or studying together (reminds me of another vid i saw but don't have saved this time where the bf tells his gf like babe i love you but there's no way you're passing this test AND I FEEL LIKE THAT IS SO IWA HAHAHAHAH) living together in college au's coming home to each other agh i love it
OH MY GOD THE BODYGUARD AND MAFIA AU'S this totally calls for iwa in like all formal wear and tattoo sleeves. yes. HE WOULD LOOK SO HOT and his piercing eyes as he glares down at anyone who even breathes near you
and speaking of bodyguard/mafia au's...... THE ROYALTY AU'S????? WITH HIM AS THE CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD OR READER'S PERSONAL GUARD OR KNIGHT OR SLDFKWOERJSLFJ god i'm such a sucker for royalty au's
and omg omg omg underground boxer iwa has my jaw on the FLOOR please this reminds kinda of that detective conan movie where ran's best friend (the korean name is bora but i can't remember the jp name lasjfalsjdf) has a bf and he KEPT THE BANDAID 'bora' GAVE HIM HE DIDN'T EVEN NEED ANYMORE AFTER THE CUT (or whatever wound it was) HEALED HE JUST KEPT IT BECAUSE IT WAS FROM HIS GF (bora)
when he's mid-match and he thinks of returning home to you in his mind and now any soreness or fatigue he felt moments earlier disappears and he's reinvigorated asdlfkasjdalskf and wins :,)
FWB IWA OMG okay i'm ngl i am so intrigued too CAN WE MAKE IT CLICHE AND HE WANTS TO SETTLE DOWN WITH YOU PLEASE CAN WE PLEASE (OR WHAT IF WE COMBINE LMFAO THE SLOWBURN FRIENDS TO FWB TO LOVERS when reader and iwa grew up together and reader's been crushing since middle school but iwa goes down a... different path and moves away but they're reunited at uni and he's so different from what reader remembers but he's still the same and when he makes a move reader doesn't hesitate to accept even with his... differences and yeah)
OIKAWA'S LITTLE SISTER SLDKFJSDFLSKFSF oikawa getting butthurt like 'do you come to see me or her' with that pout and crossed arms asldfasdflkjsf
koi... u r literally feeding our iwa brainrot rn PLS
same!!! i love slowburn a lot bc of how gradual and natural it feels 🥺 either that or just give me the established relationship alr 😭 i think i fall into either extremes shdfsjfa
YEA COLLEGE AUs!! oh koi he really would wait outside your building for you 😭 would drive you around if he had a car too 😭 and that vid u saw omFG HE RLLY WOULD SAY THAT while studying in the library and u're always distracted bc of him 🥹 but also... u r a Chronic Procrastinator, and every single time he watches the same cycle happen 😭 and he tries to get you through it each time 😭 being roommates would also be so so cute 🥹
YES EXACTLY U GET THE VISION 😭 iwa in a SUIT. my god. and the TATTOOS... i feel like i've read one before where it was seijoh4 and lET ME TELL U . I LITERALLYASBASDFB. iwa gives very guard dog energy and i think putting him into a bodyguard/mafia role would play into that a lot....
am familiar with detective conan but haven't watched so i am nodding along as i am reading what u said 😭😭😭 but that's so cute the concept of leaving the bandaid on even if it's healed 😭 i think he rlly would be the type to downplay injuries tho sjhdasj i think it comes with the fact that he's knowledgeable of how far he can push his limits 😭
koi. ofc we are making this fwb cliche. i can never be satisfied with an fwb if one of them doesn't fall helplessly in love with the other 😭 the slowburn friends to lovers and fwb is TORTURE oh my god 😭 the fact that there's so much /history/ there KOI PLS omg no YOU ARE SPARKING IDEAS FOR ME. PLSPSLPSLPS NOOOO. the fact that there's so much trust already established, and how reader is alr in love so will practically do anything with and for him 😭 oh gosh when he makes a move he better be SINCERE or else i will cry...
i think it could very much go in the direction of they accidentally kiss maybe and iwaizumi feels a little oh it's different, but he can't put his finger on it, only that he likes it. they talk about it obviously, but bc reader doesn't want to ruin anything, they say that it's no biggie! (even tho they're dying inside bc they're in love w him 😭), and tries to play it off by saying it was silly and fun! and iwaizumi, being the blunt man he is, literally says that he liked it and enjoyed, but reader takes it as him trying to hint at a kinda-fwb arrangement and not as a 'i could have feelings for you' type of thing 😭 (all just very miscomm) so. reader tells him that if he wants to keep doing it they can sahjdbjasd and so they do 😭😭😭 & of course somewhere down the line, iwa develops feelings but doesn't fully realise it...
UNTIL reader can't take it anymore, starts to drift from him, and he NOTICES and is confused, so confronts them and is straight up like: what's wrong, did i do something? and reader tries to deny it but iwa hates it so he's like: if you don't like spending time with me anymore, just tell me. it's okay. and reader is looks at him like r u srs rn... and says: i like spending time with you too much. that's the problem. and he's confused bc hOW CAN THAT BE A PROBLEM?? HE LIKES IT TOO...??? until reader sighs and drops it onto him: hajime i've been in love with you since we were kids. i thought doing this with you would be good because at least i'd get to have you, even if it's just like this, y'know? and iwaizumi stares back, expression unreadable and he doesn't say anything so reader shifts around, nervous, rambling: sorry i just disappeared on you, but it would have been unfair if i stuck around hiding that i always wanted more.
(sorry i keep switching between you/reader omg but i basically mean the same thing)
and he's just. like. really frustrated? bc it was real to him? and how could he have missed the fact that he didn't make it clear to you? that he was developing feelings too? how could he have possibly not communicated that? not made it obvious? so he goes: what if it was always more to me? and reader is like. what. WDYM. WHAT. and this guy... THIS GUYYYYY has the audacity to LAUGH bc of how confused ure looking rn AND IT'S ANNOYING bc even when your feelings are in a twist! and you're hurting! and aching! you're still so in love with him, especially when he looks like this. boyish smile, eyes crinkling, straight teeth peeking through the lips you still can't believe you've come to be familiar with. then he takes your hands, thumbs rubbing circles on your knuckles, before interlacing your fingers together. he looks up, dark peach blooming on his cheeks and olive green staring back at you: i love you too. sorry i didn't make it clearer, i thought you already knew. AND HE chuckles at it too and THAT LITTLE SMILE ON HIS FACE oh that little smile on his face mAKES YOU SO ANGRY and so!! SO!! so!!! relieved. and in love. shocked. enamoured by this boy in front of you you've loved your entire life.
tears well up in your eyes and you're trying so hard not to laugh and smile because you know that's what he wants, so you pout, and frown and tell him he's unfair, that it would have saved a lot of trouble if he told you earlier on. but he tells you the same, that you could have told him too and you just!! hate how smartass he is!! how he's right!! almost all the time!! so you playfully push him away only for him to pull you close. and you're against his chest as he hugs you tight and you can hear his heartbeat!!! how it beats loudly, a bit faster than his resting heart rate. then he whispers by your ear, vulnerable, raw: come back please, i miss you. and you hug him tighter, nodding, words insufficient for everything you feel right now.
AND I sorry it got so LONG OH MY GOD SDFBASDJFBASFBASJF koi u took me away w that one literally WROTE An idea duMP hJBDSJAFK but oikawa's little sister yEA ! he rlly would pout 😭 would try to give iwa shit for it maybe like the first 30 minutes after finding out 😭 tries to be all BIG BRO but iwa stares at him deadpan and is like: do you really think i'd hurt her and oikawa thinks about it, tries to rebut, but his mind blanks bc if there's anyone he CAN trust w his sister he knows it's iwa 🥺 then he resumes being the clingy bestfriend and big bro he is shdbfhgsadbjfask "u don't love me anymore u love iwa-chan more 🥺" PLSSHABDFJSFk
-- also koi i will respond to the reply u sent to my ask here just so everything is collated sjdbgajd --
i totally get what u mean by how u read x reader!! i don't really insert myself in x reader fics also sdfnjs i envision a blank person i think jhsdb (same with when i write x reader! i think of a blank person embellished with details i put abt them shdfbja like col reader!) but aaah i'm so glad you enjoyed reading it bb thank u so much u r soso sweet 🥹
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delcakoo · 2 years
ems.. so I did something embarrassing today and I can't stop thinking abt it. earlier our adviser was speaking and he cracked his voice and I accidentally like, laughed it was a laugh more like a snort and it was so quiet everyone heard it including him, IDK WHY I KEEP EMBARRASSING MYSELF ISTG. I KEEP DOING THINGS THAT'LL STICK WITH ME UNTIL I DIE. but besides that I'm okay, I JUST CANT BELIEVE I COULDN'T HOLD THAT IN, AND BESIDE ME WAS A MALE. HES SOOO ANNOYING. IDK HE PROLLY MADE FUN OF ME IN HIS HEAD CAUSE I LAUGHED. I FUCKINsbfausbfo. sometimes I wish I just disappear. ISTG I HATE ATTENTION THIS IS WHY I HATE ATTENTION. ALSO WHY I DON'T LIKE SPOTLIGHT CAUSE IM AFRAID, OF JUDGEMENT. I'm scared of letting A LOT of people know me cause then they'll know everything and if I embarrass myself or do something wrong they will know they'll see. I WAS RETHINKING THIS WHETHER I SHOULD TELL U OR NOT BUT ISTG I CANT STOP THINKING ABT IT. Idk maybe the ppl in my class prolly forgot abt it but the problem is I can't cause I'm the one who embarrassed myself, I hate embarrassing myself cause it'll stick with me. I'll prolly think about it randomly when going to bed and mentally slap myself. I FEEL BAD FOR DOING THAT TO MY ADVISER. ITS NOT HIS PROBLEM. REALLY, ITS ME IDFK ANYMORE.
I don't know how I'll calm myself, I mean I am calm rn I just can't process anything right now. I'll read your content, watch movies/k-drama, prolly take a nap to distract myself from today😔updating you is actually making me feel better. everyday when I have time to update you and I do, I feel stress relieved. oh and the k-drama I'm currently watching is cheer up, its quite interesting. I saw it on tiktok and wanted to watch it because of the drama😭
anyway, besides that congratulations on 1k!! (forgot to congratulate you earlier) f2f is over for me (for now) how's school? I hope you're okay! 💙
AAHH THANK YOU DEAR I APPRECIATE IT!! mmm, schools okay ig 😭 i’m just very bad at studying 😭 i keep procrastinating i’m like “i’ll do my hw later” THEN IT JUST KEEPS GETTING LATER UNTIL I GO TO SLEEP AND THEN I END UP NOT DOING IT 💀💀💀 but uhhh IM SURVIVING (besides gym and math 💀) !!! ✊✊ ON A BRIGHTER NOTE I FINISHED SOME BRAINSTORMING AND BEGAN WRITING MY NEXT LONGFIC WHICH IS GONNA BE FOR JUNGWON !! i’m vv excited, i dunno if it’s gonna surpass behind the net’s word count tho 😔😔😔
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studyjournalblr · 2 years
Hey there..
So I'm an ICSE student currently in Xth std (batch 2k23, i.e. just started 10th class)
I have never taken any tuitions/coaching classes (I have my reasons and I don't plan on taking them and hence decided to study for boards myself). But I'm a huge procrastinator and I just can't bring myself to study due to lack of motivation and some mental health issues. Have some advice/tips as to how I could study?
(You totally don't have to if you don't want to!)
PS your blog is lob <3
First of all, thanks for asking🥺
I can relate, because ✨guess who's scrolling through social media when they have an unfinished Sample paper open in front of them✨
I don't take coaching for my boards too, and yes.. my Executive Dysfunction is really killing me rn.
After years of trying and failing to force myself to study, I kinda came to the conclusion that... if you want to get a huge bull to move off a road, pushing it doesn't really help. You gotta lure it away with fodder.
The most important thing is to get into a routine, and find a way to switch back into the routine every time you go on a tangent. Going in different directions is bound to happen, and it's not your fault, but there are ways to manage it.
What usually helps me switch into work is playing a certain song (any enjoyable song that you don't associate with something else, it's fine if it has lyrics), and the first few times I listen to it, I clear my desk and start reading/doing sums. After the song gets over, stop it there or play some kind of ambience (Lofi/waterfall sounds/binaural beats) to keep you in that state of focus. This way, the dopamine released while listening to the song will be mentally tied to the feeling of doing work. If this method is suitable for you, you'll be able to trick your brain into thinking that doing this particular work releases more dopamine than it usually does. This would probably also work with stuff like food, but songs are healthier than eating chocolate every time you need to focus. 〰
Since practice is very important for subjects like maths, it's good to make a habit of doing a few sums every day to keep it running. But getting into the habit is pretty hard. One way to effectively do it is to take the solved examples of a concept and just copy them into the book you practice in, while doing another passive, dopamine-inducing activity. It's not actually solving the sum, but every time you fall off track... this simulation rearranges things and slowly boosts the motivation for you to start solving the problems yourself. This is something that I have seen through experience. After some time of copywriting, you start wanting to do it yourself, and you actually end up doing at least a few sums yourself that day. 〰
Aesthetics and beautification can help release dopamine when you sit down to study. But remember to also place the beauty as a result of doing work, so that shit gets done in the process. 〰
No matter WHAT. Don't punish yourself because you didn't finish the quota for the day, if you did something. Your brain is a rubber band: stretching it over a short period to make it a certain shape will only cause it to snap back suddenly to its original state, but stretching it a little every day will eventually make it truly achieve that shape. 〰
And remember that it's natural for the habit to break and get interrupted at almost every turn. And it's okay to get frustrated about it. But it's easier to manage such things when you have a system through which you can summon the will to sit down again.
Don't hesitate to ask questions! I'll always try my best to answer <3
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