goodboytown · 15 days
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gary finds KT-7461 on savali after she flees nefarious city and tries to help her in his own way. this is why bro’s eyes are so red and swollen in the game
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adiyogaashram · 7 months
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Trataka is a yogic practice involving concentrated gazing, often at a fixed point or a candle flame. It enhances focus, purifies the mind, and promotes mental clarity and tranquility.
Apply for upcoming yoga programs in Rishikesh,india : www.adiyogaashram.com
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starseedsrise · 2 years
"What's the unsuspecting name of God? Breath. We don't need to connect up to the heavens, we just need to return to our breath." - Matt Kahn
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luvottica · 6 months
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suvojittalks · 10 months
What is Trataka Meditation?
🌟 Discover Inner Clarity and Focus with Trataka Meditation! 🧘‍♀️🔍 Dive into my latest blog post: "What is Trataka Meditation? A Comprehensive Guide to Inner Clarity and Focus." 📚✨ Are you seeking a way to quiet the mind and enhance your concentration? Look no further! 🤔✨ Trataka meditation, a powerful technique involving focused gazing, has the potential to transform your mental landscape. 🌄🔮 In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn: 🔸 The fascinating origins of Trataka meditation 🕯️ 🔸 Step-by-step instructions for a successful practice 📝👁️ 🔸 How Trataka cultivates mindfulness and improves focus 🧠🎯 Embrace the benefits of reduced stress, heightened awareness, and a calmer mind. 🌈🧘‍♂️ Whether you're a seasoned meditator or a curious beginner, this post holds valuable insights to enrich your practice and daily life. 🌟🙏 Don't miss out on the chance to amplify your inner clarity and focus! Click the link in my bio to read the full blog post. 📖✨ Let the journey to a more centered self begin! 🚀🌟 #tratakameditation #innerclarity #focus #mindfulnessmatters #meditation
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indianencyclopedia · 2 years
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Trataka is used in yoga for enhancing concentration. In this practice, the practitioner gazes at the smallest object comfortably with steady eyes until tears roll down.  For more, visit the link below:
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nicksalius · 2 years
Il contraltare della concentrazione
Il contraltare della concentrazione
Piovono rane, piovono zerbini, nevica luce, ma senza pause, soffice-mente. Giustappongo frammenti di pensieri. A che pro? Nella speranza di trasformare il mio puzzle in un discreto mosaico, certo che qualche spirito eclettico ne coglierà l’afflato, mentre non si tratta, tutt’al più, che di un semplice gioco. Per ingannar qualcuno? No, è solo l’ennesimo tentativo per illudermi di riuscire a…
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theyogshala46 · 5 days
4 Eye Yoga Exercises to Improve your Eyesight
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The eyes frequently suffer the most from strain and weariness in our age of displays, where digital gadgets and extended periods of screen staring are the norm. Yoga for eye in Delhi health includes methods that offer a safe, all-natural means of easing this tension, encouraging calmness, and improving general eye health. Trataka is an old Yogic kriya that has many advantages in sight-improving yoga. Yogis have always used it in various forms for its amazing ability to enhance concentration as well as its positive effects on the eyes.
Variation 1: Eye Movement Position in the beginning:
1. Assume Sukhasana, Vajrasana, or any other pose suitable for meditation. If you are unable to sit on the floor, take a seat on a sturdy chair with a straight backrest.
2. Maintain an upright posture with the head straight and the palms resting on the thighs or knees.
Order of steps:
Step 1: Overhead Gaze
1. At one point, look straight ahead while maintaining an open gaze.
2. Make one gradual, continuous movement with the eyes to the right shoulder while keeping the head motionless.
3. For a little period of time, fix your attention on your right shoulder without blinked (Dakshina Jatru).
4. Starting from the left shoulder, slowly move the gaze to the center and finally to the left (Vama Jatru).
5. Bring your eyes back to the focal point.
Step 2: Looking Upward and Downward
1. Lift your sight up from the center and maintain it there for a short while without blinking.
2. While maintaining a still head, bring the gaze back to the center and lower it.
3. Bring your eyes back to the center.
Step 3: Nasal Gaze
1. At one point, look straight ahead while maintaining an open gaze.
2. Focus both eyes on Nasikagraha, the tip of the nose.
3. After a short while, keep staring, and then close your eyes.
Step 4: Brow Gaze
1. At one point, look straight ahead while maintaining an open gaze.
2. Direct both eyes on Bhrumadhya, the area between the eyebrows.
3. After a short while, keep staring, and then close your eyes.
Step 5: Rotation of the eyes:
1. At one point, look straight ahead while maintaining an open gaze.
2. Make both clockwise and counterclockwise rotations with your eyes.
Step 6: Visual Periphery
1. At one point, look straight ahead while maintaining an open gaze.
2. While gazing forward, make an effort to “see” the left and right sides.
3. Close your eyes and cast your gaze off into the distance.
Release of posture:
1. Blink a few times after opening your eyes.
2. Squeeze the eyes closed, but leave them open.
3. Make a palmitom eye contact.
Suggested procedure:
1. Practice all stages together for one or two rounds.
2. Palm your eyes to pause for a few seconds in between rounds.
Variation 2: Gazing from Near and Far Starting Position:
Ensure that you are comfortably upright and facing a window, without resting on any walls or fixtures.
Order of steps:
1. Lift your hands and keep them at “reading distance,” or about a foot away.
2. Take five seconds to look at the tips of your fingers.
3. Now focus your attention for five seconds on something far away, such as a tree, some leaves, etc.
4. Bring your fingertips back into focus.
Release of posture:
1. Blink a few times after opening your eyes.
2. Squeeze the eyes closed, but leave them open.
3. Make a palmitom eye contact.
Suggested procedure:
1. For at least a minute or two, repeat the previous steps.
Variation 3: Surya/Chandra/Tara/Graha Dhyana is the 3 variation. Position in the beginning:
1. Find a comfortable spot to sit or stand where you can watch the sun rising or setting without the need for assistance. As an alternative, pick the planet, the moon, or any star. Avoid putting too much tension on your neck.
Order of steps:
1. There will be a little window of time if the sun is the selected object.
2. Until you are comfortable, stare at a single point in the red, moderately bright rising or setting sun. Stare for no more than two minutes either before or after sunrise. When eyes start to become tired, teary, or have a stronger inclination to blink, stop.
3. If the selected objects are in the night sky, take as much time as you like to look at them.
4. Gently close your eyes and place them palm up.
Release of posture:
1. Blink a few times after opening your eyes.
2. Squeeze the eyes closed, but leave them open.
3. Make a palmitom eye contact.
Suggested procedure:
1. Depending on personal comfort, practice for two to five minutes each day.
Variation 4 :- Starting Position for Candle or Object Gazing
1. Assume a comfortable sitting position (or use a chair) and maintain an upright head and torso while you meditate.
Order of steps:
1. Light a candle and maintain a distance of 16 to 20 inches, with the flame tip just below eye level. If you’re using a flower, a symbol, or anything else, position it similarly apart. Even with a massive object, the point of attention ought to be as tiny as feasible.
2. Verify that the flame is stable and there is no air draft.
3. Keep your eyes fixed on the wick or the flame’s tip until the tears start to come out or your eyes get tired. If you’re utilizing another object, pick one spot inside it to focus your attention. Take care not to strain your eyes too much. The body uses blinking as a defense mechanism. Therefore, avoid staring too long.
4. Shut your eyes and try to see the image of the object inside of you. Imagine the Bhrumadhya (the center of the forehead).
5. Gently open your eyes and palm them as this image starts to disappear.
It is advised that the room not be very bright or overly dark.
Suggested procedure:
1. Depending on personal comfort, practice for two to five minutes each day.
1. Not advised for excessive myopia, glaucoma, or significant eye conditions.
2. Those who suffer from psychic disorders like schizophrenia or hallucinations should not perform this activity.
1. Works the eye muscles to focus on a point, so strengthening and purifying the eyes.
2. Makes shortsightedness right.
3. Enhances memory, focus, and eyesight. Thus, it is also advised for school-age children.
4. Treats conditions linked to sleep, including headaches, insomnia, and nightmares.
5. The restless mind also stops by fixing the sight. As a result, it promotes inner serenity, quiet, and mental calmness.
6. Aids in the recovery of emotional, behavioral, and mental disorders.
7. Strengthens resolve, patience, and self-confidence.
Here are some more suggestions to take holistic care of your eyes in addition to yoga for eye health:
● To rehydrate your eye muscles, take a handful of clean water in your palms, dip your eyes in it, and blink a few times.
● When using digital devices, adhere to the 20/20/20 rule: to lessen eye strain, look at anything 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds every 20 minutes.
Steer clear of extended screen time. To lessen eye strain, make sure you have adequate illumination and take frequent rests.
● Add foods high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, C, and E to your diet. Carrots, leafy greens, citrus fruits, walnuts, and chia seeds are some examples of these foods.
● Use your fingertips to softly massage your closed eyes in a circular manner to help you relax from time to time.
Adding these yoga poses for eye health and eyesight improvement to your daily practice can have many advantages, whether your goal is to reduce eye strain, prevent eye diseases, or just unwind and revitalize your vision.
Want to improve your overall health, both mentally and physically? Come practice yoga with us at the Best Yoga Classes in Delhi! Discover the many benefits of yoga, such as increased strength, flexibility, and general awareness. Allow our knowledgeable instructors to assist you on your path to improved wellbeing and health. Don’t pass up the chance to use our Yoga Centre in Delhi to change your life.
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shunyameditation · 1 month
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summerocomptoni8 · 1 month
Trataka Exercises To Improve Eyesi
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jayleefbuckf6 · 2 months
Trataka Exercises To Improve Eyesi
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kayleighsclaytoni7 · 2 months
Trataka Exercises To Improve Eyesi
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luvottica · 23 hours
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kittyfraise · 3 months
Pranayama et Trataka
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themagisterprotocol · 3 months
And I've never heard of... Trataka?
What does it entail?
It's where you focus on a single point in front of you to put you into a meditative state, I like to use the flame of a candle, apparently with enough practice I should be able to do it with my mind shut and not have to worry about lighting a candle, but I like watching the flame flicker.
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today3467h · 4 months
Why is depression considered a mental illness?
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Why doesn’t anyone talk about this?
Why is one clearly stated as mad if they wants to go for medical attention?
Depression is one of the major issues in every youngster today but still, we ignore it.
The emptiness feeling, the misery
Are you the next? Why don’t we freely talk about it?
I am sure I don’t need to explain the word as we are all aware of this.
This mood swing disorder can lead to continuous sadness, and loss of interest in everything and can lead to suicide even.
Don’t know how many strong people have gone through the same and have threatened their lives themselves.
Remembering our loving and all-time favorite Sushant Singh Rajput, here is the one article you must read whenever you feel the same. The content not only provides a solution but will
also make you aware of your subconscious mind. Although mental pain is less dramatic than that of physical pain, it is more common and hard to bear. The World Health Organisation estimates show that every 1 out of 5 suffers from depression.
There is nothing to be ashamed of Depression can hit you at any stage of your life. Even the brightest people like Jim Carry, Diana Princess, Deepika Padukone, JK Rowling, and many others have gone through this phase and have talked about it openly. They overcome it with their will and strength and so can you.
General symptoms of depression
• Emptiness and hopelessness feeling
• Anger, anxiety and frustration
• Loss of interest and pleasure in everything
• Disturbance in sleep pattern
• Sudden weight loss or weight gain
• Worry
• Loss of appetite
• Inactive
• Difficulty in thinking, concentrating, and making decisions
• Suicidal thoughts
When to see a doctor
Depression is not a thing to be delayed, medical attention is quickly required. Seek a doctor’s consultation with the help of the closest one in your life.
What exactly can you do to get out of this?
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The prolonged sadness state of depression stays inside you for about 2-3 weeks says modern science.
One needs to understand that no one has depression, you suffer from it. It feels as if you have fallen into a bottomless pit. But not everything is what it seems.
No matter how bad your depression is, it can be cured completely. You need to bring about certain discipline in your life.
Step 1 – decide
This is the very first step where you need to decide whether you want to get over it or not. This will lead your life to a path of stability, peace, and happiness. Connect with the five nature elements – fire, earth, water, air, and Akash. In today's life, we have lost complete
connection with them and as a result diseases are on the rise.
If you connect back to them, you will be in a state of rest you have never been before. The water element Remember how you feel fresh and relaxed after bathing? ( connection of your body with the water ) Therefore take advantage of bathing any day.
Mind and body are connected at the same level. How you nourish your body defines your state of mind.
The earth element
Eating the right food will generate enough neurotransmitters. Remember anti–depression pills are never the right solution. It has a lot of side effects. Avoid pills like Prozac until you are in severe depression.
Things you can do to stay in touch with the earth can be
Avoiding junk food would help too.
Walk barefoot in the grasses.
You can go for gardening.
Spend time with nature and it will make you happy from
Ever remember how happy you were as a child when you played in the mud and messed up your whole body with it?
The fire element
Have you noticed why you feel low and lazy during the winter?
The research and studies prove that the body feels more active and happy when you stay in sunlight than at night.
Stay under the morning sunlight for few time to experience this again.
Greet the sun with sun salutations.
During winter, you can light a bonfire.
Trataka can help. They can even be life-changing. The air elements Move out. Instead of staying behind closed doors all the time, let the air touch your body.
Spend 10 minutes every day doing breathing exercises like anulom vilom , kapal bhati, and bhramari . They send calming signals to your brain.
They will just simply change the direction of your day. They will give you good vibes and happiness.
Go for meditation. You all know the benefits of it and it does not need further explanation.
The Akash element Ether is the subtlest of all elements but has a major impact.
Do you notice how music can make you sad or happy instantly.
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