#trauma baby
makotafi · 17 days
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So anyway i started rendering [Pls laugh]
Welp this is a messy sketch as well but eh
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selineram3421 · 2 years
What if after the Vox kidnaps reader one, the reader is having nightmares and hides them from Alastor until he touches them wrong or smth and they get really bad flashbacks and so Al goes CRAZY on Vox
(We stan overprotective deer man)
Mwuah~👌 Love this. This is after the story: In Your Control
Alastor & Reader Oneshot
You've been having trouble sleeping.
Which hasn't happened since the last few months when you were alive. Instead of the little shadows its from the recent nightmares.
Most of them are about being in that damn basement with that flat headed demon, getting electrocuted or beaten.
Sometimes its both. Sometimes its worse.
You hate when its worse. On those days you can't think of anything else but the nightmare. Rubbing your arms at the thought, where the burns used to be.
No one knows about it and you don't want them to. You don't want to be a bother. You just want to ignore the nightmares until you can forget about them.
Today you had one of the worst ones. You just wanted to get a warm drink and hide away back into your room.
You'd think being a dream demon would mean being able to control your own dreams.
Mumbling a few curses, you hold the warm mug in your hands and take a sip of your drink, a sigh leaving your mouth after.
A hand is placed near the back of your neck.
"Good mornin-", Alastor goes to greet you, but pulls his hand back after feeling you flinch. "Darling? Are you alright?"
You dropped the cup and it shattered on the tiled floor, your hands went to cover the back of your neck. Flashes of last nights dream go through your head, making you start to fidget.
"--?", he says your name, making you look back at him. "Did I give you a scare?"
"Sorry, I just didn't get enough sleep last night.", you say with a light laugh.
Alastor looks at you confused.
They've never had trouble sleeping in Hell.
He watches as they mutter to themselves while cleaning up the mess. He holds back a frown, noticing their hands shaking.
Something's wrong.
"Leave it be.", he tells you, pulling your hands away from the broken shards. "Niffty will take care of it."
"It's fine, I can-", you start.
He says your name sternly, making you stop and sigh.
Both of you are now in your shared favorite nook in the hotel, sitting on a soft couch and you're holding a freshly brewed cup of coffee.
"Now, tell me what's been keeping you from getting a proper nights rest.", he says, preparing his own cup of coffee.
"It's not a big deal. I just couldn't sleep.", you tell him, taking a sip of your drink, burning your tongue a bit.
"I've know you well enough to know that you're hiding something.", he reminds you, using a spoon to mix his coffee and taps it on the rim of the cup before setting it down on a napkin that's on the coffee table.
"I'm fine, I promise. I just woke up and stayed awake. That's all.", you mumble, looking at the coffee in your cup.
"Very well.", Alastor says and downs his coffee. "Let's go see what the others are doing!"
"The heck!? That was a steaming hot cup of coffee!", you say in shock.
You wake up from another nightmare late into the night.
What you didn't know was that you screamed before waking and now someone was knocking on your door.
Fuck. Your brain immediately thought.
Upon opening the door, you find Alastor ready to start knocking again.
"Now will you tell me?", he asks with a tilt of his head.
You nod with a sigh, taking hold of his hand that he offers, making your way to the nook corner.
After a while of just sitting in silence, you finally tell your friend what's been causing the restless nights. Only speaking about a few of the things that's happened in them, not wanting to say what else your mind conjured up.
"Why wait so long to tell me?", he asks.
"I didn't want to bother you with dumb-", you say.
"That wasn't our deal darling, we're friends. Part of the deal was talking about nonsense. This is not nonsense.", Alastor reminds you. "I'll listen, no matter what it's about."
"Ok..", you mumble.
After making sure you fell asleep, Alastor got ready to go out.
"Hmhmm..hm~", he hums as he makes his way out of the hotel and through the streets of Hell. Static getting louder and louder as he gets closer to his destination.
The T.V. Studio before him looked a little too peaceful today....
He should change that.
Vox was in the middle of ignoring calls when the windows broke. "The fuck!?" Looking out where the window would be, the t.v. demon finds his rival standing just outside of the building.
"K̴͈̞̠̍̉̕ǹ̵͠ỏ̶̧̂̇̾̚c̷k̷̛̫͖̝͊̓̿͛̓̒̈́̎ ̴̛̖̲͉͙̦̫̗͒̉̋̊̆͐͌̅̚ͅk̴n̶̹̲̺̻̥̰͖͐̾́̌͜o̷ć̴̢̮̲̤̥͈̭͂̎͑͐̎k̴̳̭̦͖̥͊!", Alastor smiles eerily, pretending to knock on a door and uses his powers to start bringing down the television studio.
I suck at writing fighting scenes, so...pause? For now~
~Seline, the person.
Next! A oneshot ➡ Radio Silence
ML for Alastor🎙 | DD List🌟
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darrowfire15 · 7 months
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(This is the only pic of him mostly alone, and even then, it's cropping Darius out. He looks so angry, it's kinda cute)
With Robyn released, I thought I would add in the little lore I have for Vitimir. Hopefully this aligns enough. It should, I did the math. Math is math-ing for this (RIP College math). We'll have to see.
Also, is it me, but does anyone wanna see him without that cloak thingy? What is his leg anatomy? Is it like that all the way to his hips or halfway up his thighs? The world will never know.
Sit down for a while with this one.
Vitimir was born to his mother, in the Potions coven, and his father, in the Construction coven. Both of his parents were very absent in his life, too busy with their work and would sometimes completely forget they had a son. This left Vitimir very lonely and touch starved. Adding in his, then mild, acid breath, he wasn't good at meeting others.
Since he was affected by his parent's absence, he would try to do the most outstanding work in school to get their attention. He even won a First Prize award in a Potions competition, but nothing broke their concentration from their work. However, he was very good in the Potions track and was the top student.
It wouldn't be until he accidentally burned a student with his acid breath that they would turn their attention to him. The student had pulled off his mask and got their hand breathed on. To avoid a lawsuit (do they have lawsuits in the Boiling Isles???), they transferred their son so they don't have this small problem interrupt their work flow. Unfortunately, because of a rumor, Vitimir was outcasted by all of the students.
Except one: Robyn, a Bard student. (What's up with Covenheads x Wild Witches being a Bard and something else at one point?) They would hit it off immediately, especially since Robyn wasn't scared of his breath. He felt bad for Robyn sharing his food each day, but he didn't have a choice. His mother doesn't care enough to send him with food.
Vitimir was the one to find the cave for their studying. Being outside allowed him to take his mask off and they could sit at a safe distance. He would revisit the place in the future for the memories and to brew potions in silence. That would also be the place where Robyn suggested him wearing a hat. Vitimir would take it to heart.
Once joining the Potions Coven at 18, he slowly rose through the ranks. Even with big achievements, his parents still turned a blind eye to him. And with Robyn being a Wild Witch, other witches in his coven were weary of him. His free time slowly grew shorter to the point of being unable hanging out with Robyn. But he made a somewhat friend in the form of a terrifying Healing witch, Hettie.
They wouldn't see one another until years later, and it wasn't a happy reunion.
By the time he was a Coven Head, he hadn't seen or spoken to Robyn in years. Belos didn't name the Wild Witches he wanted captured (and later petrified), so it was to his surprise when he used his acid breath and Robyn's pained voice struck his ears. He was stuck in shock, even as Robyn was taken down by the other Heads and he called out for him. The conflicting mindsets of helping him and capturing Wild Witches hurt him.
Especially the last words he had said. "I thought we were friends! I guess I was wrong". Those words hurt the worst among his yelling and pleading.
Despite Robyn flying off to Titan knows where, Vitimir hoped to see him again. He had a few glimpses of Witches that looked like him, but it was just his mind playing tricks (or the after-effects of a potion he tried on himself). Nevertheless, he continued his work as a Coven Head, believing the paradise that Belos promised to them.
That turned out to be a lie on the Day of Unity. In pain and loosing consciousness, he could see Robyn in the distance, watching them. He preferred that to be his karma for betraying his only friend. The next moments happened so fast. The draining spell stopped, a child was floating in the sky, and he was suddenly turned into a puppet with the other Heads (minus Terra).
After the Collector changed the citizens back, Vitimir reunited with his parents, who had just realized their son is a Coven Head. He rejected their attempt at an apology and sought after Robyn. They avoided him, making him truly feel alone while everyone is feeling safe and happy.
He would eventually get a palisman from the replanted and replenished palistrom trees, and get help from Mason to build a home in the woods secluded from everyone. Well, until he finds Robyn again. That's for later tho. Later.
This boy has baggage and slight trauma, but that's OK. Post-Belos is where he heals mentally. Better make a therapy coven because most of the Boiling Isles is gonna have to talk through all this trauma.
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clairedelune-13 · 8 months
I’m actually super curious at how different Fourteen will be from Ten.
I mean, he’s endured a lot of trauma since then.
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safehousebooze · 2 years
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Inspired by a conversation I had with @fridgrave about Benji.
(VERY late to day 3, but I‘m still within the 2-day-buffer, right? 💦)
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myth-the-lesbian · 11 months
Absolutely hate being aware of how my childhood effects my adult life like ooooh oooooh you are weird about any form of intimacy because you weren’t hugged as a child?? Boo fucking who. You walk around with an enormous amount of guilt and can’t fathom being anything but perfect because you were put on an unrealistically high pedestal and deemed “the smart one who will succeed and take care of the rest of us” shut up you crybaby bitch. Oh you hide your gender identity because god forbid the people you’re supposed to take care of don’t like you anymore. so cringe like just get over it or something idk.
(Your issues are valid I love you I’m just frustrated with myself have a nice day)
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Oh nooo. Bai Lang dreaming and his personified anxiety and his fear put into words, his trauma pushing him because he cannot escape his past unless he faces it, puts it into words, learns to heal from the guilt he clings to, for calling his parents home when he was in pain, for needing support... and for always believing that they died because of him. Because of his pain, because he needed them and now he can't need anyone, he can't be in pain, he can't let anyone worry because he doesn't deserve it.
The shadow of himself turning into himself as a child, recalling the part of the story that they hadn't talked about yet, the way he literally falls out of the bed with the stuffed animals, all his comfort methods, all around him.
He knows that he wants to take this chance. He knows he wants this love to be something he can try and something he can believe in. But the guilt he carries, the pain he still clings to, the pain and guilt of a child that blames himself for his parent's death, doesn't let him go so easily. His trauma haunts him in every moment and he clings to it because it is more familiar than the idea of comfort.
This is what his sister has never realized. This is what he hides from the world behind a smile and constant chatter and laughter that never breaks past the surface. That Bai Lang blames himself, blames his toothache, blames his need, for his parents death... and decided to stop needing after that.
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rebbystuff · 1 year
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Her Daughter...
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
It’s been months since he’s settled into life at Wayne Manor. It’s hilarious that they don’t think he knows about their obvious nightlife (and that’s coming from someone whose hero name was just their last name spelled differently) but they don’t know anything about his own past as a vigilante. To be fair, a dimensionally displaced Ghost King wasn’t really on the board for reasonable guesses. Danny Fenton blinked innocently at Duke, blue eyes watery and oh-so-trusting of his adopted older brother when Duke claimed that his bruising came from getting caught in Ivy’s attack on the busses today.
(“Oh my god he’s so trusting and pure what the hell?” He heard Steph whisper to Dick, who nodded emphatically.)
“Oh man, you should get some rest. You guys are seriously unlucky, you know? Do you need to go to the hospital?” Danny asked Duke, his core trilling as he allowed himself to fuss over a member of his ‘fraid.
“Nah, man. I’m good. I think I’ll take a nap and sleep it off.”
“Okay. Oh, here!” Danny fumbled for his bag, grabbing his prescribed pain meds- for his chronic pain, but they don’t actually do anything for him since his ectoplasm burns away most of it- and handed it to Duke. “Take one, and only one. Those bruises look nasty.”
And then Danny gave him the puppy dog eyes and Duke folded, because Danny knew that he wasn’t supposed to hand his meds out but these situations were kind of the reason he claimed chronic pain to being with (even if it was true and his hands shook with aftershocks).
“Thanks, Danny. I feel like death warmed over.”
Danny laughed, the opportunity to mess with the family sparking in his head. “Yeah, I’ve died before. Wouldn’t recommend it.”
With that, Danny threw Duke an easy going smile and walked towards his room, bag on his back.
From his peripherals, Danny watched Jason drop his bowl of snacks, Dick’s pale face, and the concerned and shocked look of everyone else. Except Damian, who just kind of scowled thoughtfully. Tim looked like he was going to rip Danny apart like an interesting puzzle, Cass sat up straight (and he made sure every micro expression he caught on others stayed unconcerned on his own body), and Duke froze.
He snickered- well out of regular earshot- as whispers and whispered shouts rung out after he left the room.
He can’t wait to drop the “I know you’re vigilantes” bomb on them. It’ll be hilarious.
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ennas-aesthetic · 10 months
If we DO ever get a Good Omens season 3 (and fingers crossed we will) then using the Second Coming as the narrative device to facilitate the final culmination of Good Omens' ideology and message is brilliant, actually.
Because the Second Coming IS NOT another Adam situation. And, contrary to the misconceptions I've seen, It IS NOT about Jesus being born again as a baby, etc, etc.
As in. The SAME Last Judgment Michelangelo painted on the walls of the Sistine Chapel. As in - THE JUDGMENT of the Living and the Dead. THE LAST, FINAL, ETERNAL JUDGMENT.
It's the WHOLE thing Armageddon was leading towards. Book of Revelation speedrun: the world ends, everyone dies, and then they get resurrected again to be judged by JESUS himself. He will flick through the Book of Life (WINK WINK WINK DO YOU SEE HOW LOUDLY I'M WINKING AT YOU???), and if your name is there he will go "oh nice you deserve eternal paradise! :D" and if your name is ERASED from the Book of Life he will go "oh no, sorry, you go to the lake of fire for eternity now D:" (except apparently in Good Omens lore it'd just DOOM YOU TO NON-EXISTENCE FOREVER???)
And if you THINK about it, The Last Judgment is the ultimate manifestation of moral absolutism. No shades of gray, no chances. Just BLACK, and WHITE. Never mind that you're like Wee Morag and Elspeth, who are forced to do "bad" things because of circumstances. It's either you pass Judgment Day, or you burn (or disappear forever.) And the way THINGS are going in the Good Omens universe? I don't think there's ANYONE "good" enough to be "saved." Not Crowley, not Aziraphale. Hell, not even the Archangels themselves.
So it provides a PERFECT opportunity for Aziraphale and Crowley to UPEND that SYSTEM entirely.
I think that's what Crowley and Aziraphale would do in s3: establish a new kind of system in which angels and demons have free will to determine the right (or wrong) choice.
Giving them the APPLE, so to speak.
And then they'll go off to retire in a cottage, together at last.
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pageofheartdj · 1 year
No but like! Collector was so eager to apply the lesson he learned from Luz!!😭
He WANTS to be good, he wants to be liked, he wants to have friends!
He was so happy ‘Luz, look! Look! I did good!’
Yes you did, sweety, yes you did😭
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resetme · 1 month
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BABY REINDEER (2024) Episode 6.
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bpdohwhatajoy · 1 month
“You see, that’s what abuse does to you. You know? Made me this sticking plaster for all of life’s weirdos. This open wound for them to sniff at.”
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Baby reindeer was brutal, triggering, uncomfortable, honest and beautiful. One of the best portrayals of someone with sexual trauma I've ever seen on TV.
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beanie-twink · 1 month
Richard Gadd is ten times the man I am because if I shared my trauma and I saw people calling me the villain and debating on what I should have done and calling my actions bad (even though I already acknowledged my role in what happened and also that guilt over being an imperfect victim is part of what kept me from saying anything at the time) I would go fucking insane and start killing
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Batman: Crime is abnormaly quiet today, one more round and we should go home, chum.
Robin (Jason): A-Okay. I may even have time to read a bit before going to bed.
Batman: I'll think about it.
Robin: We could go to Bat Burguer! Di-Nightwing said they have an amazing chocolate milkshake.
Batman: I don't know, Robin...
Robin: I'm sure they have banana milkshake as well or something fruity.
Batman: Hm
Robin: I knew it!
Batman: Hm??
Robin: You are a fruit bat.
Batman: what?
Robin: I was reading a book about animals and they say that of the 1200 known species of bats only three are vampire bats. You are too normal to be a vampire bat. Also vampire bats are smaller and you are very big and vampire bats move solo and while you like to prented to be moody and lonley you have me, Agent A, Batgirl and Nightwing and that just in Gotham. So you are a fruit bat. And you love fruity things.
Batman: *smilling* I suppose.
Robin: And that means we are going to drink the milkshakes because you can't refuse fruit things!
Batman: Because I'm a fruit bat.
Robin: Yeah!!
----- [somewhere in the future] ----
Robin (Damain): I'm the son of Batman, I'll drink your blood, Hood.
Red Hood: Nah, B's totally a fruit bat and as the "blood son" that just means you like banana milkshake, sorry demon brat.
Batman: *in the background, accidentaly listens* *happy hm*
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