#trooper thursday
clone-trooper-cheese · 7 months
Drawing this as Wrecker right now...
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nerfpuncher · 1 month
Echo: I'm not a chef, but boyardees days getting harder and harder to get through.
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Finished Echo and Jolteon!
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Nothing much, it's Echo Thursday, and I finished him and Jolteon together.
Now, Wrecker and Flareon!
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squidsponge · 9 months
Sims 4 CC: Echo and Fives Armor
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A galaxy where the Domino twins aren't attached at the hip?
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Not in this slightly kinder universe, where they're safely tucked away from the man in the big hat on the backwater planet of Definitely-Not-England.
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Are they handling their single remaining sets of high performance bodygloves with the utmost care now that they can no longer return to Republic space without Tarkin who Fox really should have made sure to take care of as well, poking his nose around?
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'That's a bit of a loaded question you're stuck on a primitive planet without a sprinkler system or service droids.'
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Have they been bracing for the inevitability of a future full of knitted body stockings by harvesting as much wool from llamas and tiny sheep as they can, while practicing knitting smart little sweaters and caps for any animal willing to wear them?
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'Well, it doesn't exactly hurt that they're all small and wooly.'
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Have the Coruscant Guard manifested as miniature sheep in this universe and still expect to be addressed as Sir? Maybe.
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But unless you're Fox, it's a small price to pay for keeping Torrent Company and Rex's heart in one piece.
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Fill your boots with the serotonin canon will never provide and grab your ARC trooper armor today!
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Echo and Fives Armor - DOWNLOAD
Basegame compatible, Batuu enabled
New meshes
Normal map for armor
Hand-painted texture
Easy to find custom thumbnails
All LODs
Final public version will have ARC Trooper backpacks and holsters with DC-17s blasters
Public on October 8.23 at 4:00PM EST
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You can follow the tag squid's cc for updates and get my other armor and Star Wars custom content here :)
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notavalidusername · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
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Wait, so is WIP Wednesday a thing? Because I just started this, and I haven't posted original content in a hot second, so here y'all go!
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eclec-tech · 2 years
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This is the story of what happened after Hunter sold Echo on Pantora. Echo is no pushover. Some brotherly revenge is in order.
(exceptional art courtesy of @lililibrik, used with permission)
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area51-escapee · 2 months
Was looking up info on the UT protests that continued yesterday and one article is like “there’s the same amount of protestors but not nearly as much chaos” GEE I WONDER WHY. I WONDER WHAT WAS DIFFERENT ABOUT WEDNESDAY VERSUS THURSDAY. WHO WAS THERE WEDNESDAY THAT WASNT THERE THURSDAY? REMIND ME AGAIN?
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tieflingkisser · 2 months
Charges dropped against all 57 arrested in connection to UT-Austin pro-Palestinian protest
All charges have been declined against the 57 people arrested in connection with Wednesday's pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Texas. The Travis County attorney's office said the 57 arrests, which were all criminal trespassing charges, lacked probable cause. County Attorney Delia Garza, whose office handles misdemeanor cases, told the American-Statesman on Thursday that her office agreed with defense lawyers that there were "deficiencies" with the probable cause arrest affidavits, which are the documents filled out by law enforcement to justify an arrest. While state troopers with the Texas Department of Public Safety and officers with the Austin Police Department were seen handcuffing people at Wednesday's protest, all 57 arrests were technically by the University of Texas Police Department. This means university police filled out each of the 57 probable cause affidavits. Nouha Ezouhri, an attorney with the Travis County public defender's office, helped file jail release forms for those arrested at the protest. She told the Statesman on Thursday that it looked like university police "copied and pasted" each probable cause affidavit for every person arrested. "That's not how it's supposed to be," Ezouhri said. The Statesman obtained copies of 11 probable cause affidavits. Most of them showed similar comments, that the person "was given notice of dispersal and refused to leave the property." Four of the affidavits do not have a time of the arrest, and most state that the arrest took place in the 2100 or 2200 block of Speedway. Six of the affidavits were filled out by the same officer. Everyone arrested in connection with the demonstration had been released from the Travis County Jail by midafternoon Thursday, Travis County sheriff's office spokesperson Kristen Dark said. None of the protesters faced felony charges, the Travis County district attorney's office confirmed.
[keep reading]
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azdmathings · 10 months
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Thursday Troopers - Lunch is Served
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nerfpuncher · 29 days
Family Feud but it's Clone Trooper batches against one another.
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I need to be better on updating for Echo Thursday!
Now coloring the scene where MCRN nurse, Inez Yao, attempts to make Echo some lunch. It being Martian food, it's...questionable. Even Tech is like girl, WTF.
Read the scene here.
Thought of y'all: @eyecandyeoz @amalthiaph @perfectlywingedcrusade @isthereanechoinhere96 @that-salmonberry-punk @merkitty49 @skellymom @yeehawgeek @wrenkenstein @warsamongthestars @deezlees @cdblake1565 @sued134 @thecoffeelorian @autistic-artistech
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lilac-hecox · 7 months
It would be totally awesome if I could have some Ianthony with jealous! Anthony. Where Anthony notices that Ian has said "I love you" (platonically) to everyone but him.
Ian/Anthony (platonic) - Say it
It’s a stupid game and Anthony is actually really glad he’s not in this video because Ian is awful at successfully flipping the red Solo cup and every time, he fails Chanse succeeds and the shot glass in the middle inches ever closer to Shayne. Eventually, Shayne and Ian lose and as Shayne preps to take the shot, Ian stands behind him, looking a tad embarrassed and regretful. He reaches out and squeezes Shayne’s shoulder comfortingly.
“Love you, buddy.”
Then Shayne downs the shot of half apple cider vinegar and half pickle juice and everyone around Anthony is laughing, but Anthony feels a tiny bit shellshocked. Did he hear that right? Did Ian just say he loved Shayne? Anthony knows it is platonic, but he still feels a little sting of jealousy, a sting that he’s quick to try and reason out of himself.
He’s feeling possessive because he’s still new here. Ian got close to Shayne while Anthony was gone. Ian is still his best friend. It mostly works and when the video is over and the cast goes off set, Ian comes to Anthony with a grin on his face.
“What did you think?” he asks, his eyes big and bright.
“You all did a great job,” Anthony says, and he means it, “glad I wasn’t on your team.”
Ian gives a little laugh, “Yeah, poor Shayne. Gotta love the guy though, he’s a trooper.”
Anthony forces himself to smile and nod. “Yeah, he definitely is.”
A few days later Ian and Anthony are sitting on the newly renovated Flashback with Smosh set. They’re set to film some bits and pieces for the trailer. Anthony is still thinking of the shoot from the other day and a little ball of what feels like dread drops into his stomach. Anthony decides to test the waters with Ian during this shoot.
In the script he’s supposed to give Ian a fist bump and call him his best friend, simple enough, but Anthony knows in his heart he’s going to go off script. Their director yells action and they run through their scripted lines. Anthony looks at Ian and curls his hand into a fist, Ian mimicking the action. They fist bump and Ian smiles, Anthony does too, a real and genuine smile.
“I love you, buddy,” he says affectionately.
Anthony sees Ian’s eyes look confused for just a split second before he smiles and returns it with an “aww.” Of his own.
They call cut.
“Decided to improvise a little?” Ian asks, though he doesn’t sound like it bothered him.
“Yeah,” Anthony says, masking his disappointment, “was that, okay?”
“Yeah, man,” Ian says with a quick and easy smile, “of course it was.”
They move on to the next shoot but the ball of dread only feels heavier in Anthony’s gut.
Another day and they are all eating lunch together spread across several white circular tables. Ian and Anthony are seated next to each other at two separate tables and Courtney is next to Ian. They are all three reminiscing about the past, about the beginnings of Smosh, things Courtney remembers from when she used to just be a fan. Courtney says something self-deprecating which makes both Ian and Anthony laugh, but then Ian is leaning forward and wrapping Courtney in a hug, squeezing her as she laughs.
“Stop, Courtney! I love you!” Ian says, as if he’s trying to squeeze the deprecation out of her.
“Okay! I’ll stop!” she says laughing and pushing him away.
Again, Anthony can’t help the jealousy that shoots up inside of him.
They film a board game with Arasha and during a break Ian makes some jokes at her expense and she deadpans about being an orphan. Ian laughs and wraps an arm around her shoulder, “Oh stop, you know I love you. You’re my son.”
There is the time when they are leaving for the end of the day and Spencer is staying late to help produce that Thursday’s livestream. Ian affectionately ruffling Spencer’s hair and saying, “Love you, dude, don’t stay too late, okay?” before he leaves the games pod area.
Finally, Anthony can’t cope away his jealousy and he knows this is one of those things he’s going to have to bring up to Ian. He waits until the two of them are alone in Ian’s office, which has become their office. Ian is checking emails on his phone when Anthony clears his throat.
“Can I talk to you, Ian?”
Ian raises an eyebrow, but he nods, “Of course, man. What’s up?”
Anthony takes a breath and thinks of a hundred different ways to casually and calmly bring up what is bothering him. They are all infinitely better than what he ends up word vomiting out.
“How come you’ll tell everyone else here that you love them but you won’t say it to me?”
There’s a brief silence and Anthony can feel his cheeks warming up.
“What?” Ian asks, like he barely understands the question.
“You’re always telling Shayne, and Courtney, and like, Spencer that you love them but when I try to get you to say it…you don’t.”
Anthony knows it sounds stupid, but it’s how he feels.
“Is this…a bit? Did Erin put you up to this?”
No, I’m serious. Look, Ian, I know it is so dumb that I am jealous, but you’re my best friend and I don’t know…I feel like we should say that to each other more.”
“Oh,” Ian says. He sets his phone down, “Anthony, I’m sorry. I didn’t even realize it was bothering you.”
Anthony shrugs, “You know, just enough to talk to my therapist about it a couple of times.”
“Really? What did your therapist say?” Ian asks, like he’s actually interested.
“That I don’t own you and you’re allowed to love whoever you want and express that how you want and I’m okay with that! I am! I don’t know why I’m jealous…I just, I guess I want to make sure that when you’re saying you love people, that I’m counted in that too.”
Ian’s face softens. Anthony knows Ian hates this shit, that feelings still leave him feeling too tender and exposed, but he also knows Ian is trying.
“Anthony, I do love you, man. Of course, I do. You’ve been my best friend all my life.”
“Then why-“
“Because I never thought you needed to hear that from me. I just thought you knew,” Ian says, “I’ve been telling the others because of you.”
“Because of me?” Anthony asks.
“Because I don’t want them to think that just because you came back that I only want to spend time with you and that they don’t matter. I’ve been trying to be more open with my feelings around here because I want to be able to communicate better with you.”
“Oh,” Anthony says. He feels dumb, very dumb, and very childish.
Ian stands up and then he moves to where Anthony is seated. Anthony stands up because he feels like he should.
“Alright, you’re really pushing me out of my comfort zone here,” Ian mumbles, his face getting red. He opens his arms, pulls Anthony in for a hug, wrapping his arms around Anthony and squeezing just a little.
Anthony hugs back, he can’t help but smile into Ian’s shoulder.
“So, for the record. I do love you; you know that right?” Ian says into Anthony’s shoulder.
“Yeah,” Anthony says, giving Ian a squeeze in return, “I love you too, buddy.”
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apocalyp-tech-a · 1 year
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Since Easter is approaching, what better way to celebrate than with this eggtraordinary fan art that goes with my other The Bad Batchertizers, Pickle Tech and Crudites Crosshair. 🤣🙃
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itzybitzyritzzy · 10 months
Throwback thursday
The year was 2020 late July, I was stuck inside so I tried a new thing! making custom figures! my first ever full custom was me trying to make the Risk of Rain 2 Commando, with figs I already have, Im still really proud if it, and I figured Id share on here too!
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His base body is a repainted Star Wars Black series Scout Trooper, and his head is from MCU Marvel Legends Mysterio! the belt was hand made by me, the torso was done with miliputt and so were the boots, all painting was done with gundam markers, using a MR HOBBY KREOS gundam marker kit, overall im still proud of this and hope to more customs in the future :>
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strugglingyetvibing · 3 months
just woke up to the news of carlos being in the hospital for appendicitis
most importantly i hope the surgery goes well and i’m glad they caught it before it got really bad (i know nothing about appendicitis but the appendix can burst if they don’t catch it soon enough, right?? and that causes huge problems, i would assume)
but also holy shit carlos is a trooper - fighting through appendicitis-induced fever and sickness while driving an f1 car, (supposedly) not eating anything since thursday, and still trying to be a part of the weekend even though he was very clearly quite ill. but i’m also glad that carlos knew his boundaries enough to say ‘listen, i can’t keep going, there’s something wrong with me’ when the sport is full of people pushing past such boundaries for points in the championship
wishing carlos a problem-free surgery and a good recovery!! we’ll be back and swinging in a few races’ time (probably) 🌶️
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macksting · 5 months
The last week has been a lot. So. Youse folks may be aware we're homeless. The lease ran out and we had no income and no jobs lined up, so we were just picking the best place to be homeless and trans, and the answer was where we had the most friends and family, back home in a state I really thought I'd never see again. (Not for lack of affection. It's a weird place.) We took a flight at the worst time, over the New Year, risking being part of the COVID spike. I even thought I had it. I think I caught the flu on that flight. We stayed at a motel for a few nights, then that ran out, and we stayed with some friends. However, the terms of their lease meant we couldn't stay long. They decided, as the weather got worse and worse, to let us stay longer than they originally intended; family shouldn't let each other freeze, and they're found family. However, that was set to run out on Thursday, that is two days from now. On Saturday, the transformer exploded outside. Two inches of ice all over town, much of it very dangerously smooth. Finally, after 70 hours without heat or electric light, with propane and lamp fuel running out, they said fuck this and started setting up to leave, and we were not presented with the option to stay. But at that point the slightly above-freezing weather and rain had begun to freeze over again, making a shiny new layer of ice over everything that had at best only maybe smoothed out or slightly thawed. We prepared to book it to the next place, which ostensibly would let us stay one night because of overcrowding, but that was before the ice storm. We haven't asked how long we can stay here. Getting here was its own ordeal, though, and I was starting to wonder if my meager B&E skills would come into play somewhere downtown.
Anyway, we helped free the neighbor's van. It wasn't at all certain how that was going to pan out; we tried calling friends, but everyone was trapped or unwilling to endanger themselves to get us. We did call a Lyft. The brave, foolhardy soul got to the foot of the driveway, which is at times a 25 to 30 degree grade of slope and iced over despite great efforts to keep it clear. He got to the bottom, we failed to coordinate efforts, and he decided fuck this shit (I do not know what words he used) and left, and I respect that. Discretion is the better part of valor, so Cicero said.
The neighbor ventured out, got gas and air for their tires, and returned, and with our friends' help we lowered ourselves and our baggage into the van, which got halfway up the drive before it was able to progress no further. Our kiddo slid down holding the line in one hand and sliding on a flattened cardboard box. Lovie was at the bottom, loading luggage in the back. It's a damn wonder, frankly. Interestingly, it was in the door I freed up, breaking most of my fingernails and causing both a small wound and a blood blister in the process. Anyway, we are now iced in at a place that has power, and kbities, and my child is playing with friends they haven't seen in nearly three years, and it's a lot. We haven't asked how long we can stay. We suspect everyone's playing it by ear. Lovie's handling it all better than I am. She's a trooper, a soldier. I'm a mess, always have been.
So yeah. That's where things are at now.
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[ID: A game of klondike solitaire on real cards by lamplight; very dim, no other light sources. Red tablecloth. Cozy and moody. /ID]
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