gael-garcia · 7 months
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Cassandro (2023, Roger Ross Williams)
Costume design by: María Estela Fernández
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residentmara · 5 months
comes in. pls gibe more biblically accurate angel heart plslspsoosososososospspsoososodosidusyeiegeiiehe
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love u lots
- 🌗
EEEEK low quality doodle srry.....
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herb with no cat
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determinate-negation · 3 months
“I had known Sigmund Freud, that great and austere spirit who, more than any other in our time, deepened and broadened our knowledge of the soul of man. When in Vienna, he was still appraised and opposed as an obstinate and difficult intellectual hermit. A fanatic for truth while yet fully cognizant of the limits of all truths, (once he said to me, "Absolute truth is as impossible as to obtain as absolute zero temperature,") he had estranged himself from the University and its academic scruples by his imperturbable venturing into heretofore unexplored and timidly avoided zones of the upper-nether realm of instincts, the very sphere on which the epoch had set a solemn taboo.
Unconsciously the optimistic-liberal world sensed that the well-spring psychology of this uncompromising mind utterly undermined its thesis of gradual suppression of the instincts by "reason" and "progress," that he menaced its method of ignoring whatever was uncomfortable by his relentless technique of disclosure. However, it was not merely the University nor the clique of old-school neurologists who resisted this inconvenient "outsider." It was the whole old world, the mind of another day, the "proprieties," it was the entire epoch that feared the unveiler in him. A medical boycott against him slowly took form and his practice dwindled; but as his theses and even the boldest of his theories were scientifically irrefutable they tried, Viennese fashion, to dispose of his theory of dreams by means of irony or by lightly distorting it to a humorous parlor game. Once a week a faithful group visited the solitary man and at those evening discussions the new science of psychoanalysis was molded into form. Long before I grasped the implications of the intellectual revolution which slowly shaped itself from Freud's first fundamental labors, I had yielded to the moral strength and steadfastness of this extaordinary man. Here, at last, was a man of science, the exemplar of a young man's dreams, prudent of statement until he had positive proof, but unshakable against the opposition of the world once he was satisfied that his hypothesis had become a valid certainty.
Here was a man of the most modest personal demands but ready to battle for every tenet of his teaching and faithful unto death to the immanent truth of the theories which he vindicated. A more intellectually intrepid person could not be imagined; Freud always dared to express what he thought even if he knew that his straight, positive declaration might disturb and distress; he never sought an easy way out by making even perfunctory concessions.”
Stefan Zweig, The World of Yesterday
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keereejou · 7 months
Fucking LOVE this image so much
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actual-haise · 9 months
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gallusgalluss · 2 months
Transgendah 🫵
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sams-asks · 1 month
You are so babygirl
who’s babygirl here?
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didn’t realize you were talking about me.
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td-rarepairs · 4 months
How are they not more popular THEY ARE LITERALLY EVIL LESBIANS
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altocat · 3 months
Re: Sephiroth's outfit being Like That.
I have a big consideration that might play into it;
IIRC you are the one with the autistic Seph headcanon? This applies here; Sensory Reasons. The weight, texture, and/or pressure of the harness/coat/gloves/etc might play a big factor in why he wears what he does. I know a large amount of people who wear BDSM stuff for sensory reasons almost exclusively, and I know I wore a trenchcoat for years basically everywhere any time it wasnt summer because the weight was comforting and made me less anxious in public. Its possible the sensoryfeel is appealing to him or makes him feel safe, and its possible he got rid of the shirt for similar reasons. Maybe he doesnt like the uniform fabric and ditched it at first opportunity.
We see he wears a cross harness and all leather even as a kid, but presumably it is actually a knife or materia harness(because it looks thick enough to hold something and serve a purpose) and leather in this case is more of a protectivewear thing as the coat and everything is very practical-looking for combat and leather is pretty good light armor.
Its possible he just stopped giving a shit and as he got autonomy leaned into choices that were more sensory-appealing in this case. If I were wearing clothes that were the most sensory-comfortable and money wasnt an item and I couldnt be fired about it I would also be wearing some very eyebrow-raising apparel tbh.
I think its also possible that Sephiroth may have felt that if he was going to be sexualized then he should at least get to choose the way it was done, and because it was received well Shinra backed it.
He may think of his outfit as a point of pride in that case, resistance and autonomy within the system even as it exploits him. He did get some level of freedom in his later years, and we dont know when exactly he picked up his current outfit, so its possible some aspects of it were his choice when he accrued more freedoms and Shinra just approved of it because it could be read as Horny and therefore good for marketing.
That's a good point too! I know lots of people here hc Seph as being neurodivergent, so this definitely fits in with that. And probably makes the most sense if we're being honest.
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moonhuit · 4 months
Happy Threshold Day!
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reviwhe · 1 year
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Local detective found on the floor of junes
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ortali · 2 years
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what is most sexy part of you except for when you dance?
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campbyler · 8 months
illicit affairs.
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kindofblue28 · 1 year
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veezesgirlfriend · 11 months
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