#tw disordered eating mention
frownyalfred · 5 months
Are you going to write a follow up to Sever the Blight with the fall out?
I would like to, but to be quite frank I’m concerned at the amount of pro-ED asks I’ve gotten in response to the initial fic. My intention is not to trigger people or to give that kind of messaging a platform.
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pfhwrittes · 4 months
TW: disordered eating and body image issues mention below the cut.
slightly angsty headcannons for the members of TF141.
-- you guys ever think about if any of the TF141 have an unhealthy relationship with food?
i think it would be easy to guess that simon probably does. it would be damn near impossible of him not to have some kind of disordered eating habits after spending so much of his formative years hungry. i feel like he walks a fine line of being anxious about where his next meal is coming from and being overwhelmed by too much choice and choosing not to eat to avoid that particular brand of anxiety.
but what about kyle or johnny? is it conceivable that they may also struggle with some kind of disordered eating that could be borderline orthorexia? i headcannon them both younger than simon (simon i peg around the 33-35 mark, gaz and soap around 27-30) and just a little bit too into 'clean eating' and working out 'for the gains' to 'avoid that over 30 belly'. especially, if i factor in another headcannon i have which is that they're both queer men of some kind. (LGBTQ+ adults experience a greater incidence of eating disorders / disordered eating than their cisgender and heterosexual peers - here's a 2020 study on it).
do you think price struggles with his body image because he's older than the rest of TF141? (again i'd put him at 37-40) do you think he worries about how he carries his weight now, and he's got it in his head that he needs to be able to keep up with the youngest of his team?
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bwabys-scenarios · 4 months
Gonna have to add more stuff to my DNI because I have a few pro disordered eating accounts following me. I’m just not comfortable with that :( it was pretty upsetting to check an account that was following me and see a bunch of triggering content
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gvmdisease · 2 months
anyone ik irl dni
i’m gonna relapse ik it it’s the same feeling in the air im so fucking angry about the disordered eating thoughts being back the way i’m seeing myself again and i can just tell maybe i won’t relapse but something’s going down maybe a mental breakdown maybe a relapse idk but it’s not a good feeling especially knowing im almost four weeks clean im literally about to sob my fucking eyes out i fucking hate this
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boneywh0re · 9 months
this is so real
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detentiontrack · 1 year
hey did you guys know that uhhh you can have TWO snacks sometimes? and literally nothing bad will happen? you'll just be happy? everything will be okay?
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I love you psychotic trans people whose identity gets questioned because of their delusions/hallucinations I love you autistic trans people whose identity gets questioned because they're "gullible"/"vulnerable"/etc i love you plural trans people who have a hard time figuring out what gender is theirs and what gender feelings come from their headmates I love you trans people with intellectual disabilities who get ignored and infantilized because people think they cant understand gender I love you traumatized trans people who get accused of being trans because of their trauma I love you traumatized trans people who ARE trans because of their trauma I love you trans people with eating disorders whose dysphoria triggers their ed I love you trans people with personality disorders whose pds and/or transness get weaponized against them I love you neurodivergent trans people with funky relationships with gender I love you trans people
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103bbg · 8 months
I just keep trying to remind myself of how good it feels in the morning after successfully restr1cting
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ikkan · 7 months
still thinkin about the one time (years ago) my aunt said she liked lizzo because she's a fat woman who's confident 'n stuff
which...reminder....my aunt has always commented about my eating habits and shoved her eating problems onto me...and is not really body positive...so when i heard her say that...it was like a slap to the face
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solarmorrigan · 11 months
don't know if you'll see or answer this, it's fine if you don't. for the askbox game, #25. if you can <3
I do see it, and thank you for sending it!
(the askbox game in question)
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
Hm. Actually had to think about this one. I use writing as a method of processing (like most writers do, I'm sure), but I don't... actually realize I'm doing it, when I write it into fics. It isn't until later when I go back and look at it that I realize, "Oh, yeah, I had some issues about that." Brain says mods are asleep, post emotions
I think the closest I've come to being upset with something while I was writing it was with We Have Surplus If We Need It (Pacific Rim)
I really love baking. I love cooking for other people. It makes me happy. But food is also terrifying. I've struggled with disordered eating on and off for years (due to OCD; I have a lot of Rules about food), and some stuff happened and I ended up going through a really bad patch right around when I was writing that fic
So, suddenly, I'm in the middle of a story all about a character showing love and processing the difficult change he's going through by cooking food, while I feel like I'm slowly starving to death because I'm afraid to eat more than maybe six things, and five of them are carbs. It was upsetting to be reminded of every time I worked on it, but it also felt like I had to finish the fic - like if I could finish the character's arc, then maybe I could come to terms with some stuff myself?
Whether that was quite true or not, I did end up getting help shortly after posting it, so I'm doing better now than I was (and I like to think the character is, too)
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the-grays-of-ink · 2 years
Y’all need to be watching your kids better, I know sooooo many people that started their sh or fell into an ed at like 9-12 and it blows my mind that these literal children got so deep into their mental illnesses without any adults noticing or taking action, on the chance that they even noticed. Like holy crap! I had really bad depression starting at 7-8, but other more obvious behaviors missed?? You didn’t notice that your ten year old child has been heavily restricting food for 2 years??? How can you not notice that. Im watching my little cousins so hard now, I can’t imagine the things I did at their age happening to them. Having perspective of just how young we all were blows my mind in retrospect.
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pfhwrittes · 4 months
Ghost does Not have a healthy relationship with food. Growing up food insecure with an abuse dad? He’s not going to have a regular and healthy diet. Terrible sweet tooth and has stashes of food in his gear/room.
Gaz and Johnny are about it for the aesthetic, cut look- and price focuses too much on getting fuel in and not about actually properly eating
However, if you set out a real good meal in front of these men, they’d clear the whole damn thing in minutes
i love all your points, anon, i truly do. i just want to build on them a little more under the cut.
TW: disordered eating mention, body image mention.
i can easily see simon hoarding non-perishables or shelf stable snacks in his room. all the same brands he grew up with as well because that’s what is familiar to him.
with johnny and gaz i can see them wanting to maintain a certain aesthetic but i can also see that slipping into something less than healthy. i can see them both enabling each other to lean into calorie counting / macro tracking just a little bit too hard. not enough that it would interfere with their careers, but enough that there’s a definite sense of binging when it comes to ‘cheat days’.
i’m going to disagree with you regarding price. i think he probably cares a lot more than he lets on about what he eats. in this particular headcannon i have, he’s at least 10 years older than the youngest member of TF141 and i imagine he’s probably trying to maintain his fitness so he can perform at gaz/soap’s level. i definitely think he’s probably not as kind to himself as he should be regarding the way his body has changed in the last 10 years too.
now in regards to putting out a meal in front of them, i think you’re probably correct in saying that they would clear it. but if they had to plate up their own meals? that’s where things would get trickier.
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ladybirdplace · 2 years
Tw mentioned disordered eating.
So, probably as a result of autism, I get tired really easily. Not only that, but I get tired when I do nothing.
The generally understood cycle of energy and rest is as follows: Have energy. Expend amount of energy doing something that requires that typical amount of energy. Rest until energy is restored to its amount before energy was expended. Have renewed energy. Repeat.
And, I don’t really follow the same cycle. And I’m not taking about physical energy. I mean emotional, psychological energy and the ability to healthily handle and cope with things that expend your energy.
For me, when I’m emotionally tired, I get physically tired. My body shuts down like my mind does. I can try all I want to do something, but my body doesn’t let me.
For instance, in the morning, I don’t have the mental energy to choose what I want to eat or get up and go get it. Suddenly, it’s not just getting it. I can’t even physically get up.
So I lay in bed, sometimes for hours on end, wracked with hunger pains, begging myself to get up and eat, and not being able to do it. It has to do with my type of autism (Pathological Demand Avoidance).
This happens almost everyday.
I’m a very creative person. Writing is my life, I love to read and draw and just make things.
When I am motivated to do something, I feel very pressured to do it because having the motivation to do something is pretty rare with me. And in putting pressure on myself, I shut down and cannot do what I want to do.
I get tired, even when all I’ve done is rest. I get by. I vegetate. I do nothing. And I will still be exhausted.
I have an energy tank that has a hole in it. What is considered rest in this physical sense, of not getting up, not moving, not doing work, not engaging your mind too much, is not energy-restoring rest to me.
Being me is hard work because my mind is always going. I’m always thinking, rethinking, planning, backtracking, replanning, obsessing, ruminating, remembering, all the time, constantly.
My body gets tired with my mind, hence why I need a lot of sleep. However, the reason why I’m tired isn’t my body, it’s my mind, which can’t ever slow down. So resting my body doesn’t work.
My therapist likened it to being on a plane. Even though when you’re on a plane, you’re just sitting there for hours not doing anything, it’s exhausting.
People say ‘take a break when you need it’, but what about when you hardly ever NOT need it? What if breaks don’t help? What do you do then?
I don’t know how to take a break. I know how other people take a break, but it’s not a break to me because it doesn’t restore my energy.
So, I was thinking this post would have a ‘but’, to it, but it doesn’t. I’m just tired all the time, and it sucks, and I hate it.
I guess the point of this post was that no matter how your energy and rest cycle differs from or conforms to conventional standards, be kind to yourself about it.
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gvmdisease · 24 days
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dude why did she have to add that last part i don’t wanna fucking hear that shit ik she doesn’t know im recoving from a pretty severe eating disorder but like i’ve hinted at it and i’ve given signs and asked her not to talk about it but i’ve already had such a shitty day with the disordered thoughts ahhhhh
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boneywh0re · 9 months
"52kg is healthy for your height!"
Die ♡︎
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detentiontrack · 11 months
Not having disordered eating is so fun. There's so much going on in my brain and I have the energy for responsibilities AND hobbies
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