#tw: rough
Happy Birthday, Kakuzu.
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Hidan, Kakuzu
Rating: E
Ship: KakuHida
Author's Note: Oldie but a goldie. Pure smut. Mentions of some OCs, a bit of lore building for Naruto in general.
TW: "Daddy" used as a term of endearment, not the kink itself. Cheek slapping. Bit of manhandling. Enjoy!
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Silence. The room was quiet with the absence of Hidan, who’d left to explore the village and eventually find them some dinner. A sigh slipped free from Kakuzu as he worked the buttons of the cloak, unclasping it slowly as his mind wandered. They were working well together, he and the brat. Had been for a few years now, realistically; Hidan had lasted longer than any of his other partners. He couldn’t lie- it was nice, in a strange way, even if he got on his last nerve far too often.
It was a perk that Hidan wouldn’t die, regardless of what Kakuzu did to him in the heat of the moment.
The heavy fabric of the cloak settled across the back of a chair as nimble fingers continued to work, reaching up to remove the covering he used on his head, tugging it free. Now that was better. Kakuzu rolled his shoulders, grimacing at the tension that settled deep in the muscles. Maybe he’d cave and find a Tea House later, if they had the time. Oirans always knew how to use their hands. Hell, he wouldn’t even have to fuck them- just as long as they got the knots out of his back, he’d pay them for their time.
He settled back on the bed, eyes falling closed for a moment. This was one of those rare times that Hidan wasn’t glued to his side. It wouldn’t take long- well… That’s a lie, but he could work quick, just for now. It wasn’t as if he wasn’t getting any- shit, that department was solidly booked, thanks to Hidan, and a few others. A smirk curled his lips as his hand wandered, slowly drifting up then down his chest, sternum, stomach. He could already feel himself stirring in his trousers. How annoying.
Then again, he’d always had a high libido. She’d never complained back then. Snowy tresses, a bright smile, skin holding a golden glow…
Shaking his head, he forced the thoughts away. Going down the path of memories would kill his boner more than anything. Instead, he raised a hand to his throat, pads of his fingertips drifting against the exposed column. He didn’t like to be choked, not often- not unless he trusted whoever was doing the choking. Hidan had tried it recently- but for Kami’s fuckin’ sake, he needed to teach Hidan how to choke someone without trying to kill them.
He didn’t bother taking his pants off- no point in it if this is gonna be quick. He had oil tucked away in an inner pocket of his cloak, but he didn’t feel like reaching over to grab it. Instead, he lifted his palm to his mouth, tongue lolling out to drag along the skin, wetting it enough to not cause an unpleasant amount of friction. Hips shifting, he reached down to take hold of himself. Half hard already- damn. Fingers drifted along the ridges of healed skin stretched across metal. Four of them, all along the underside of his shaft. He couldn’t remember when he’d gotten them done- well over a decade ago. But the sensitivity was still there, drawing a soft hum of pleasure from his chest. “Just like that,” he murmured, head growing hazy as lust began to filter through his blood.
His thumb drifted across the head, pressing against the sensitive slit and glands, drawing a hiss of pleasure out. If he knew he’d had time, he’d draw this out- really work himself up until he couldn’t handle it. But that time wasn’t now. His fingers settled around the girth of his shaft- something Hidan had been surprised with the first time he’d seen him hard. He knew he was impressive- always had been. His hand began to move slowly, teasing a touch more as he felt himself grow harder.
“God,” he whispered, brows furrowing as his hand sped up. Hot and heavy, it brought forth memories of the past. Of sharp teeth scraping along his collarbone, of the feeling of being filled. A groan spilled into the silence of the hotel room. Kisame had always been a good lay, there was no denying that. And, more recently, Itachi had joined them once- just once, but it was enough to see exactly how much he had Kisame wrapped around his finger. It had been impressive- he’d simply watched at first before joining.
His mind wandered- to another set of blue locks, though these were longer and were paired with amber eyes. Many times, he’d coupled with Konan, the pair having worked too late and needing a reprieve from the paperwork. Taking her across his desk, her arms around his shoulders, face buried in his neck as he buried himself in her over and over. She could take it as well as she could give it. “Good girl,” he murmured to the phantom image in his mind. His hips began to thrust up into his palm, the head leaking, giving aid to the spit that had slicked his cock at first. “Good- fuck,” he hissed as his thumb drifted across the head once more- every other stroke, now.
There’d been another one- one of their agents. She had ties to a clan of power in Kirigakure, a distant relative, with hair of raven and eyes of sapphire. She’d been wild- Hidan had been there for one of those romps. She’d ridden him like her life depended on it- no, like his life had depended on it, nails raking down his chest and their names spilling from her lips like a holy prayer. She’d taken them both at one point, Hidan behind, pressing her down against Kakuzu. She didn’t know who to call out for, and ended up a sobbing mess by the end of it.
“Fuck,” he panted, the familiar coils of his release beginning to settle at the base of his spine. So close, so very close. His other hand reached up, settling around his throat, pressing down on the sides rather than against his windpipe- blocking off blood flow rather than constricting airflow. She used to do this, would hold him down and ride him until they were both near sobbing, overstimulated beyond the point of coherency.
“Kakuzu,” she’d cry, her head thrown back as she’d grind down, her thighs shaking against his hips. “Harder, please- please, kære-”
“Ja, fanden-” he gasped, his release slamming into him, blindsiding him enough to have him shudder, lips parted, chest heaving. His hand stilled against his cock as he came, bosy tensing before relaxing. His blood thrummed in his ears, akin to a war drum.
So lost he was in his bliss, he never heard the door open. Or perhaps that had been the plan, for the door to open near silently and shut just as quietly, the chakra signature hidden from the sensor. It was only when a chuckle spilled into the room that Kakuzu’s eyes snapped open, emerald gaze meeting lilac.
“Just couldn’t wait for me, huh?” Hidan asked, head tilted, a smirk curling his lips. Kakuzu blinked, still slightly lost in the haze, as Hidan wandered over, cloak already discarded as he climbed atop the bed. “Or were you thinkin’ ‘bout that one bitch again?”
“Get off.” It wasn’t an order- too weak to be one.
“Nah,” Hidan settled on his knees, gaze drifting to the table. “I was gonna suggest we go out to eat to celebrate, but I think I’d rather give you yer present first.”
“Present.” Kakuzu shifted, grimacing at the mess that had covered his shirt. Disgusting. “Why?”
“It’s yer birthday, you fuckin’ old ass man,” Hidan replied, leaning in to brush a kiss against his lips. “An’ you get a present on yer birthday.”
It took a moment for Kakuzu to put the pieces together before a smirk curled his lips. He reached up, cupping Hidan’s cheek in a surprisingly tender movement, thumb brushing against the alabaster skin. “On your knees,” he whispered into their shared space, watching the way Hidan’s eyes light up, his grin widening.
“Sir, yessir. Or- wait, you liked it when I called you Daddy-” Hidan’s voice is cut off with a sharp smack to the cheek. “Oh, fuck yes, Daddy.”
“Get on your fucking hands and knees before I leave you here.”
“I got hands.”
“I’d tie you up.”
“Bastard!” Hidan laughed as he rolled away to work on his pants. “Hey, question.”
“Answer,” Kakuzu replied as he tugged his shirt over his head, careful to avoid smearing anything. His gaze drifted to his partner as Hidan successfully stripped off his pants. But that wasn’t what caught his attention.
No, it was the lace that adorned his thighs, and the garter around his waist, both a deep emerald in shade. Huh. “Fucker. Do you wanna get dinner after this?”
“Depends on if you can walk after I’m done with you,” Kakuzu replied as he reached over, fingers slipping beneath the band of the thigh highs, pulling it up before releasing it, letting it snap against Hidan’s thigh.
A gasp pulled free from the feeling of the snap against his skin. “... Touche,” he murmured, settling back against the bed with a lazy grin, like the cat who got the cream. “C’mere, daddy.”
“Fuck off,” Kakuzu snickered, shaking his head as he joined Hidan on the bed. He hovered for a moment, hands resting on either side of Hidan’s head.
“Hey,” Hidan whispered, reaching up to cup Kakuzu’s cheek, careful to mind the stitches. It’s rare for them to have these moments. “Happy birthday.”
Kakuzu leaned down, nosing at the underside of Hidan’s jaw so that he wouldn’t have to meet his gaze. “Thanks, brat,” he muttered, beginning to press kisses along the length of his neck.
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urbruiseddolly · 1 month
making out and whimpering “please” between each kiss while i grind my wet cvnt against your bulge
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xx-princess-kitty · 4 months
let’s set a fake safeword so you can ignore me and keep fucking me while i scream it over and over :)
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sluttyiris · 4 months
i want to suck cock so badly. i want to drool all over a big dick and try to get it as far down my throat as possible. im not good at deepthroating so i would gag a lot but hopefully im shown no mercy and forced to choke on it until i pass out.
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justxangelxthings · 7 months
Being overpowered is so hot. Feeling small and fragile is so hot. Fear and vulnerability and helplessness are so hot. Humiliation is so hot. Shame is so hot. Corruption is so hot. Being degraded is so hot. Being soft and feminine is so hot. Being degraded for being soft and feminine is so hot. Praise is so hot. Filthy talk is so
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eccedentesiast-skies · 6 months
You’ve grown into someone who would have protected you as a child. And that is the most powerful move you made.
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morgue-nymph · 28 days
mockery + cnc is so top tier x-x
“listen to the sounds that sloppy cunt’s making, you can’t tell me no.”
“do you hear yourself? you sound so desperate for this.”
“please? please, what? .. what, you can’t take it? oh, is that why it’s sliding in and out of your hole so easily?”
“you’re saying you don’t like it, and yet you’re so wet. i think you just like hearing yourself scream.”
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urbruiseddolly · 2 months
them promising to only put the tip in, but then putting their whole dick in at once "I'm sorry darling, but you feel so good and tight around me, I couldn't help it"
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xx-princess-kitty · 4 months
don’t ask me if we can fuck, hold me down and tell me toys don’t get a choice.
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depraved-gf · 6 months
Hear me out: An agreed upon fake safeword you try to use over and over but he ignores it, to feel extra violated while he's raping the hell out of you.
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sluttyiris · 3 months
i want to be corrupted. send me any p0rn, the more debased the better, and i will rub my cunt to it. ill rub to anything and everything that gets sent to me no matter how ashamed and disgusting it makes me feel.
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justxangelxthings · 7 months
Thinking about a boyfriend that just casually let's his bros have access to me without ever asking me if I'm ok with it or not. It would start with a "Hey babe Will and Jake are coming over to play games, could you wear the jean shorts for me? Last time you wore them they said they liked it" and progress from a "Sean made some comments about how lucky I was to see you naked so I sent him the nudes you sent me last night" to a "Aw hey did you hear that? Since Trey is having a bad day why don't you let him touch your tits, yeah?" To a "Hey you know my friend Alex is a virgin, right? Yeah he's been pretty down about it so I told him you would fix that for him, you don't mind, right?" To a "Kyle and Aiden's girlfriends found out they were cheating on them and broke up with them today, they're pretty heartbroken. They really need to let some aggression out, I figured you could make them feel a lot better. They're on their way now." ❤️
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moxyphinx · 8 months
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Carla Gugino as Verna in THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER (2023)
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neneisadumbpuppy · 27 days
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(Hope this works🩷)
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urbruiseddolly · 1 month
size kink !! I love feeling tiny, I love when their hands are so big compared to mine or even compared to my body, I love when they're so much taller than me and make me feel like struggling against them would be useless, I love when they can easily pick me up and manhandle me <3
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xx-princess-kitty · 1 month
I want him to tie my legs apart, hold a vibrator on my pussy and then slap my sensitive clit <3
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