#ubbe lothbrok one shot
imaginesmai · 10 months
Once upon a fairy tale - Ubbe Ragnarson (7)
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Barely alive, it’s been a couple of rought weeks BUT I’M BACK. Other parts: Once Upon A Fairy Tale Masterlist  
Plot: Ubbe and you take important decisions, about your future and the future of your kingdoms, not knowing that something bigger than you is happening outside the castle’s walls.
When Ecbert told Ragnar about your decision to stay, the king didn’t look surprised at all. He humored you with your father, agreeing about the old age and bad knees. They both exaggerated their physical conditions between laughs, and concurred that they needed to take the hunting trip easy.
From behind your father, you watched with a soft smile the interaction.
You hadn’t noticed until that year how close your father and Ragnar were. Back at Wessex, you didn’t have many friends, and not a relationship as close as them. As you stared at their interaction, you felt your heart growing bigger, feeling that you had taken the right decision.
The moment was cut short when Ubbe and Sigurd appeared. Apparently, Aslaug had had a bad night and wouldn’t be gracing you with her presence. And, since Hvitserk hadn’t shown up for breakfast, he had declined going with them.
The hunting raid was complete and ready to go, you guessed. And it was time to share with Ubbe the news.
Both kings looked at you when the brothers arrived. Before you could notice the difference between them, Ubbe talked.
“I’ve been looking for you” he lifted the corner of his mouth, not completing the smile. “Good morning, father. King Ecbert”
“Ubbe” your father nodded in recognition.
“Where is your saddle?”
Indeed, while Sigurd was wearing his riding clothes, Ubbe was still in his usual, prince-ish robes. Not only he was wearing a long, cobalt tunic with silver embroidery, but he didn’t carry the usual smell of staying in the barn for hours.
When his brother rolled his eyes and walked away, Ubbe smiled. He had had enough time to prepare his horse, clean his riding boots and choose his favorite saddle. If he had wanted, he could have gone to the hunting raid, just as it was planned for him to go.
He liked to hunt. Like the adrenaline of chasing a prey and the silence of the forest. When they hunted, his father and him went back to his childhood, where they shared a deep bond. But he had decided against it.
“I won’t be accompanying you today, after all” Ubbe explained. “There are… matters I need to take care of. Maybe I can help princess Y/N packing”
“You won’t have to” Ecbert interrupted him.
Looking at your father, Ubbe lowered his head. His idea had been to stay behind with the excuse of helping you to pack. He didn’t know why, but after you were interrupted in his chambers, he had felt the need to spend one last day with you. Hvitserk had left the castle early in the morning to complete his weekly activities in the cabin, which included two brunets’ servants and the daughter of the baker.
So there was little chance of being interrupted.
He tried not to show his disappointment, because if you didn’t have to pack bags, then he didn’t have a reason to stay.
“We’ll be… staying. For another day” you explained, not meeting his eyes. “Because my father might get tired in the hunting raid, and it’s a long way back to Wessex. If it’s not a problem”
When Ragnar didn’t answer, Ubbe realized you were talking to him.
It took him by surprise that you were staying, but it was even more surprising that it was just for a day. Because he had known, deep down, that his intention today was to convince you to stay. That, during the last seven days, he had tried; first unconsciously, then as a choice. He started the summer mildly convinced that he had to marry you, and now he didn’t know what he wanted anymore.
Just that a day was an awful short amount of time.
“You could always check the old storage room” Ragnar proposed finally, breaking the silence. “It’s full of games and objects you used as children, and I’ve been asking you to take a look for a while. Maybe Y/N can help you”
“She can. She’s really organized” Ecbert contributed. “Besides, it is a bad day to stay outside. Just let these old dogs enjoy the hunting raid and find something to do. We will be back soon. Don’t want to get too tired”
“Indeed. Only God knows how many days in bed will earn us the hunting trip” Ragnar started at you with an amused smile. “Might be weeks”
“Might be, my dear friend. Shall we go?”
Both kings turned around and walked towards the carriage, that would take them to the designated part of the forest. Where the rest of the town would be waiting, with their dogs and bows ready.
While they walked away, you thought about how lucky you were. Your father would willingly stay for the whole summer if that’s what you wanted to, if that made you happy. He would also cancel the hunting raid and ride back to Wessex himself.
You stayed in silence as they got into the carriage and told the driver to move, until they drew up dust from the path and Sigurd kicked his horse to lead the way.
You had never had any problem talking with Ubbe. With remarks or mean words, you always kept the conversation going until you were torn apart by the adults or one of you couldn’t physically talk. But while the first drops of rain hit the ground, you kept quiet, not knowing what to say.
The meaning behind your decision was clear – that you wanted to try again, that you were willing to finally accept his hand. That you had consciously turned away the chance of changing your fate, consciously had chosen to marry him, without a proposal or weeding plans.
Staying meant you had admitted your intention of moving forwards, to whatever future you could hope for, and now it was Ubbe’s turn to answer. The decision of staying instead of going to the hunting raid could be an answer, but he didn’t know your decision yet.
So you waited, as rain started to wet your hair and soak your dress.
You waited in silence, until a cape was wrapped around your shoulders and a pair of hands turned you away from the path your father had just disappeared from.
“We should get inside” Ubbe spoke through the rain, that had gotten heavy a matter of seconds. “Fuck. It’s – fuck!”
“Oh my god” you couldn’t help but laugh when suddenly you were hit with what felt like a gallon of water.
You let yourself be lead away from the main door while Ubbe wrapped an arm around your shoulder. With a natural instinct, you shifted closer to him until you fit under his arm.
It wasn’t funny, but you couldn’t stop laughing, and soon, Ubbe was laughing too. It wasn’t the pearly smile you had seen that day at the courtyard, that flashed in your mind without your permission. It was different, and at the same time, wonderful.
You ran through the rain, not tripping against each other’s feet by luck. Servants that were taking cover in the barns stared when you passed by, and a man with bulky clothes tried to stop Ubbe with a scandalized scream.
Once you finally took cover, you were soaked. The rain had drenched Ubbe’s cape, now heavy on your shoulders, and the bottom of your dress was full of mud. Even your socks, under thick books, were wet. Still smiling, you stared at Ubbe as he moved your hair out of your face, letting you see his full smile. It was beautiful, his chipped front tooth a reminder of you.
Although he was too drenched to the bones, his hands felt warm, or maybe it was your cheeks. Or maybe you were running a fever and you were hallucinating, because suddenly, it was a déjà vu from that morning. He was looking at your lips and you were wondering what it would feel to stay forever, not just for a day.
His finger hovered over your mouth, a ghost touch.
“You look like a wet rat”
“And you smell like a wet horse”
He scoffed and for a second, you thought he was going to actually kiss you. That he was going to move forward and you were going to meet him at the middle. In a perfect fantasy, he would ask you to stay and you would choose to, not using excuses or prologues.
You would never know, because thunder roared in the sky and the moment was broken.
 What Ragnar defined as an old storage room was everything but that. It could have been a room, a long time ago, with high windows and a clear view of the forest. But someone had decided to start accumulating things inside, and now you could barely take two steps straight.
You hadn’t bothered bathing, neither had Ubbe. As if not spending every minute of the day together was an offense, you changed clothes with your backs to each other, not even using the bathroom. You chose a dark green dress that showed your boots, comfortable to move, and Ubbe had put on a different tunic.
He showed you the storage room, moving the curtains. Everything was covered with white, dusty sheets, and you were in for a long morning.
“I threw Hvitserk down the stairs with one of these” Ubbe said from behind you, breaking the comfortable silence in the room. “He broke through a window and didn’t even get a bruise”
You looked away from the pile of children’s clothes that you were trying to organize. He was holding up a large piece of wood attached to one wheel, the other missing. Indeed, you remembered using a similar one in some occasions, although you didn’t have a specific memory with it.
Between mountains of garbage, you had found many children’s toys and clothes. After spending a lifetime of summers together, you had gathered a good amount of entertainment options. In a useless attempt of bringing you closer, your fathers had brought you everything a child would want or need. Not realizing until it was too late that you would hit each other with it before sharing.
“Didn’t you race me with one of those in the gardens?” you tried to remember, getting closer.
“You were winning so I tried to shorten through my mother’s roses” he chuckled. “She got mad, but you were furious”
“You destroyed every last of them!” you laughed too, remembering that summer.
It was one of the first ones you spent in Mercia, and you had never used a toy like that one. Thinking you wouldn’t know how, Ubbe had raced you and you had won, and in the meantime, he had destroyed half of his mother’s garden. You remembered her scolding and feeling furious at him.
So angry, that you used his favorite wooden sword as a throwing dagger during the next day.
You moved closer to him, looking at the piece of wood. Even if you had argued more than talked, it wasn’t always boring. There were games and competitions. When you were all young, Ubbe didn’t discriminate you from being a girl, and included you in the games where he thought he could win. Somewhere in the way that changed and your worlds drifted apart.
“You care too much about flowers” he said, raising from where he was sitting.
“It’s not I have many things to care about in here. I can’t cook, train or ride, and needlework is definitely not one of my passions. No matter how much your mother tries” you explained. There was only a foot between you two. “Flowers are… nice. They are beautiful”
“If you want to, I could assign some more servants to the garden. So they can help you take care of them”
If you want to stay, I could make you happy, just so you know
Ubbe let the hidden meaning clear. Because if you left after your father rested, then the garden was the least of your concerns. He couldn’t care less about the flowers or the garden, and he knew right then, that if it made you stay, he would send his whole army to take care of those flowers.
In that dark room, crowded with objects from your past, he waited for you to answer. It was impossible that you hadn’t understood what he meant, and by the way you stared at him, he knew. In just seven days, he had made a decision that had been asked from him for sixteen years. Sixteen years under the pressure of getting to know you and take you as his wife.
Only when you were no longer under that much pressure, he finally saw it clear.
“It would be nice” you answered, your voice small. “You could help me sometimes. If you want to”
Through the window, another lighting broke the sky. The storm was now loud and wild, thunders and lighting accompanying the rain. Someone appeared through the trees riding a horse at full speed, towards the castle. It would take them a while to reach the gates, and you didn’t notice them.
Not when Ubbe’s blue eyes were staring right into your soul, and when yours couldn’t decide where to look – to them or to his mouth.
“You’re staying” he tried, not a question but a fact. A need.
“If you want me to”
Before you could notice the smoke that was raising from the middle of the forest, he crossed the invisible line he had drawn sixteen years ago and pressed his lips against yours. They were rough and demanding, not like the shy, first kisses you had shared with boys in your kingdom.
You could have fallen if it wasn’t for the table that was behind you, or for his hand that pressed your hips against his. There was no air between you two, no space for second guesses. Only his lips and hands on your body, and yours on his neck.
One of yours caressed the back of his head, your thumb brushing the soft hair where his braid started. Not knowing what to you with the other one, you held yourself together by holding onto the desk. Afraid he would let you go and you would crash into the ground, knees turned into jelly.
But he didn’t let you.
With his free hand holding your head straight, demanding more of you, he broke free for air. His pupils were blown, almost no trace of blue behind them. No one had ever touched you the way he was, and you understood that no one would in the near future, if you had a saying in it.
Ubbe didn’t move his hand from your face. Instead, giving you time to push him away, he lowered it down your neck. Something inside him screamed to let go, to forget about what was expected from him and lower his hand more, until there was no turning back. The way you were looking at him, the way you weren’t moving, made it harder.
But he resisted and let his hand go to his original place, to your cheek.
“Are you sure about this?” he asked after a long minute, his voice rough and deep. “We don’t – you don’t have to. Not even if you stay”
“Shut up”
Once more, you crashed your lips against his and he let you, smiling against them. You could feel every curve and corner of his body that you had guessed that morning under the covers. The room’s temperature grew in seconds, and when the hand on your waist moved lower, you let him.
Sixteen years of frustration, hate and disagreement were forgotten as you felt your skirt move higher, his leg making its way between yours.
One thing was to sleep in the same room, to let people assume you were together, but another one was to actually do it. Before you could regret your decision or let your brain caught up with your heart, someone knocked at the door urgently.
“It’s the king! The king is dead!”
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
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collecting-stories · 1 year
Oceans - Ubbe Ragnarsson
Summary: Ubbe stumbles upon a person in the woods.
A/N: This is really just me trying to get back into writing Vikings cause I've been in the mood to lately.
Vikings Masterlist
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Mud caked the rims of your boots, soles sinking into the grass as you stood at the edge of the wooded area, fingers gripping the hilt of the knife that was secured on your belt. Through the trees, seemingly ignorant of the violent rain that was obscuring a usually clear line of vision, stood a man in armor like you’d never seen before. He was tall, taller than men you were used to, and everything about him was entirely foreign. The snap of a branch under his foot had alerted you to his presence in the woods. You weren’t alone any longer. Like a little kid coming across a wolf on the forest path, you felt frozen in space. Usually quicker on the draw, and on the defense, you were stuck in limbo just waiting. Who would move first? You or this man who looked like he had just startled a deer and was trying to calm it with his immobility.  
There were stories, warning tales that floated from village to village the closer you got to the channel about men who came from strange lands and pillaged whatever they could. You were not as unfamiliar with the idea as some of the villagers who repeated the stories told to them. This place was foreign to you too, though perhaps not as foreign as you’d heard their land was. You’d never known anyone who’d gone there and back again or knew anyone who knew anyone who had. It was all speculation, each time growing darker, with sharper teeth and more villainous endeavors. They didn’t just kill, they slaughtered. They didn’t just steal, they burned whole villages to the ground. As if the devil this village feared had possessed them, sent them up from hell to do his bidding on the good, true christians that had stolen you from your home and sold you to the family you lived with for a price you could never hope to pay off.  
“There are more of you?” You spoke saxon, hoping he knew something of the language you’d been forced to adopt. It wasn’t yours and you realized that he knew that when he tilted his head. Eyebrow quirked and for a split second you forgot how tall and demonic and out of place he was because he looked as bewildered as the little boy you kept watch over when you tried to explain the phenomena of the universe.  
Finally he nodded. He didn’t seem afraid at all and you didn’t blame him. Who were you to inspire fear in anyone? You let go of the hilt of your knife, chancing a step toward him. The only thing he could be doing, by not yet killing you, was biding his time. If he assumed that you were faster than he was, that you knew the woods better than he did, then he could assume that you would reach the closest village sooner than he and his men would. And if you did, it could give them chance to run, though you could assume that running was in vain. This man looked the very part of death and it was an inevitable fact of his existence that wherever he went, so did it. Even if you ran, even if you warned whoever you had to warn, he and his people would find you and kill you and it would mean nothing.  
Though you life so far had meant nothing anyway. “I’m not going to run away,” you continued speaking. He had understood you before. “I’m not afraid of you.” That was a lie and the little half smile that he gave you told you that he knew it was a lie.  
“No?” He took a step closer to you, leaves crunching beneath his boots.  
You swallowed the nerves that bubbled up into your throat, keeping your gaze on him and your stance relaxed. You weren’t afraid. What was the worst he could do to you? Kill you and put you out of the abject misery that your life had equated to since you had been brought to this village? Leave you alive and take you back across the sea to wherever he was from so that you could live exactly as you lived here somewhere else? You had no alliance to the people in the village where you lived.  
The closer he got to you, the better you could see him and you were struck with the odd thought that he was incredibly attractive. There was something about the way he moved that vaguely reminded you of something you once knew in another life. You could see also, as the rain began to lessen, that there was a series of small markings tattooed into his skin, parallel to his eye. You hadn’t seen anything like that in a decade, maybe longer. Sometimes it felt like the place you were before this village was an imagination of yours, just a daydream that you invented. Other times, like this one, it felt like you had just been standing in the doorway of your little house watching your father sharpen a sword.  
“Perhaps you aren’t afraid,” he teased when you reached your hand out and touched the side of his face where the tattoo was.  
Just as quickly as he’d felt the roughness of your fingers against his cheek they were gone, your hand clutched to your stomach as if you’d been burned. “You’re going to kill them?” You asked, not daring to look away. He could devour you if you even blinked and you knew he would not hesitate to do so.  
“We are already on our way.” 
Ubbe had split from his brother at the sound of a brook, eager for water after the long journey to shore. When it’d begun to rain he had abandoned the expedition, heading back towards the encampment to rejoin his brother and his army. It was then that he’d seen you, standing in the middle of the forest and staring at him as though he were some apparition sent by the gods. He’d been on shores like these before, had seen other saxons. They were nothing inspiring, if not for the wealth of land and riches that were offered in the raids, they offered little that peaked his interest. But there was something in your eyes, even through the dense rain he knew you were different. And when you spoke, the accent that carried your words was nothing like the saxon ones he had grown accustomed to. You were no christian.  
You wondered what repayment of a debt entailed for his people? Would these supposed heathens be as brutal as your christians had? Surely not. “Would you take me back with you? Is it foolish...to beg for my life?”  
“Are you begging?” The way he asked was almost teasing. As if he was saying ‘weren’t you the one who said you weren’t afraid’. When you squared your shoulders, the hand that had caressed his face going back to your knife, he smiled. You were positively enticing.  
“No.” You replied, forcing yourself to keep yours eyes locked with his. They were blue like the ocean. Like the stream by the house that you vaguely remembered living in as a child.  
“What about your people?” Ubbe asked, looking passed you as he spoke. Unlike you, unsurprisingly, he wasn’t afraid to look away. What could you really do to him. You doubted your knife would do more than tickle him. “You’ll let them die?” He’d encountered plenty of saxons and while he had little respect for them, he didn’t know them to abandon each other.  
“They’re not my people.” You explained, “they are nothing to me.” It would be beyond your ability in saxon to tell him exactly what they were. To explain the pain and anguish that you’d suffered all these years though you suspected he knew by the way his eyes softened at your words. Still tall and intimidating and yet, his eyes made you doubt that he could be as terrible as the stories you’d heard. No one with eyes that soft could kill the way these men supposedly did. Or maybe he could, but you couldn’t believe that he would kill you that way.  
“What should you have me do?” He asked, though he had already made up his mind. Possibly when he first saw you. Bjorn had told him once of a person he’d taken back to camp with him as a sort of trophy and he’d heard stories of Athelstan from men who’d travelled with his father. Whether it was some hereditary thing in him, a need to possess something beautiful and different, or whether it was something about you and the way you stood so unafraid in the middle of the woods and refused to cave to him, he knew that he was already planning to take you home with him.  
“I could work...if you gave me passage. I could work to pay you back.” You offered.  
Ubbe frowned in thought, reaching his hand out and running muddy fingers against your hairline. The caress felt almost intimate and for the first time since you saw him in the clearing you let yourself lose focus, closing your eyes for a moment as you leaned against his touch. When he pulled away, you opened your eyes, tensing again as if you had never let yourself relax.
“What would you do?” He asked, blue eyes shining as they met yours again.  
“Anything.” You promised, “I have nowhere to return and I will not die.” 
“You refuse it?” 
“If you wanted to kill me, you would have.” You reasoned, knowing it was true. There had been plenty of moments from when he saw you to now that he could have killed you. He could have done anything he wanted to but you were both still standing here in the woods and it had started to rain again and you could smell the smoke in the air. “So then, if you’re going to let me live...take me away from here.”
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popcorn1989 · 2 years
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4: I can do it
Characters: Ivar and Ubba
Warning: evil thoughts, fire
Words: 1058
Look here for the related short stories or for other stories: Here
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He stared into the fire and thought how close he had come to death. Sigurd's face appeared in the flames, even though he was sitting across the great hall with Hvitserk. "I've been thinking about it," Sigurd's words echoed in his head. He narrowed his eyes as the flame taunted him. "Here," said Ubba, tapping him on the shoulder, with a drinking horn, "Drink this and tell me what happened." Ivar took the drinking horn and briefly looked into Ubba's blue eyes before looking back into the flame, but Sigurd's face had disappeared.
"It's so insignificant, that it's not worth talking about." Ubba nodded curtly and sat down next to him, the two were in the royal hall, but sat well away from the others. Ivar's eyes wandered briefly to Sigurd, who was sitting on a bench talking to Hvitserk. Ubba watched him, Ivar noticed his eyes on his skin. "I can see the way you look at him, Ivar. I can't help you if you don't tell me.” Ivar wrinkled his nose before looking back at Ubba. He didn't know what to make of Ubba, he always seemed to be trying to keep his brothers together.
"I told you, it wasn't worth mentioning. That's a waste of time" - "I also saw how you looked on the boat. Why didn't you come out? Why were you and Sigurd soaked?” - “Oh, so many questions, big brother”, said Ivar and grinned cheekily. "Always so curious, why don't you ask Sigurd?" - "I did that." Ivar wrinkled his nose again and licked his upper lip before taking a sip from the drinking horn and looking at Sigurd, who was sitting at the other end, and laughed. Of course, you have Ubba, how I would like to know what he said to you and what he left out – thought Ivar, narrowing his eyes as the strong liquid ran down his throat.
"Ivar, it's important that we get this sorted out. I don't want us to fall apart.” - Ivar grinned again and put the horn to his lips, but didn't drink before pointing his finger at Ubba. "It happened a long time ago. I'm surprised, big brother, that what happened to me means so much to you." He looked Ubba in the eye for a long time, and it seemed as if Ubba had to think about it for a long time: "That's not true, Ivar, you know that also. I love you and I love my other brothers.” Ivar laughed again and threw the rest of the drink in his face, which he always did when he thought Ubba's speech was nonsensical. His anger grew inside him.
"Another lie, Ubba, how many times have you left me here and gone with my brothers without taking me with you?" Meanwhile, Ubba was wiping his face dry with his coat and had put on an annoyed face, "Or how often, do you prefer one of the brothers. With really everything. I would like to come along and learn how men use a sword and axe, how to throw an axe, or use a bow and arrow," he said angrily, Ubba didn't interrupt him and just looked at him, with wide eyes. When Ivar finished, he threw the drinking horn behind him, the rumble was so loud, that Sigurd and Hvitserk turned to face them both, but Ivar kept his eye on Ubba." You know why," Ubba said softly, giving a quick nod to his other brothers. He wanted to stay alone with Ivar, Ivar realized that, he just didn't know why "Your illness doesn't make it possible. And mother would be angry if anything happened to you. You'll break a bone if you just stand up." Ivar laughed again and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Take me with you, next time take me with you, and I'll show you, what I can do" - "Ivar, you haven't even had an ax in your hand before." Ivar bit his tongue and shook his head. "I've learned a lot," he leaned closer to Ubba, which made him wince a little. And although Ivar didn't want to admit it, he really liked the way his big brother showed fear. "Floki taught me more than you think. I can do it" Ubba narrowed his eyes slightly and then nodded, "Okay, I'll take you with me, on a day when your eyes aren't that blue. However, if I have the feeling that this isn't for you, it stays with the one time, understand?" Ivar was satisfied and sat up straight again. "Okay," he said and gave Ubba a friendly grin. He will see what I can do and maybe even more scared - he thought to himself and grinned even wider, He saw how Ubba was suspicious and let it be.
"Now let's talk........" - "No" Ivar said sternly and angrily. His gaze returned to the flames, snaking wildly around the wood. His mind wandered, and he wondered what he could do with those flames, how fast would a roost burn? "He told me a few things, and yet I'd like to get your perspective. It's important, Ivar. I can't imagine that you voluntarily...... Ivar, are you even listening to me? IVAR?” Ubba was getting louder and louder, and Ivar realized that he had put a hand on his shoulder and was now starting to shake him. He was snapped out of his fiery thoughts, where Sigurd was burning, and looked at Ubba in surprise. "It's really important to me. You are important to me, never let anyone tell you anything else.”
Ivar looked at Ubba in astonishment, those were the first friendly words in months. "I'll kill him," Ivar said quietly before looking back into the flames, he heard Ubba start breathing heavily "No, Ivar, stop thinking or saying such things. This is crazy and scares me" Ivar saw, how Ubba looked from him to Sigurd and back. Ivar grinned,“Oh Ubba, that was a joke. That was just a joke, what are you thinking? That I kill my own brother?” he said, smiling kindly, he saw Ubba's eyes narrow as Ivar's blue eyes rested on Sigurd. I was just kidding... just kidding - he thought to himself, and the corners of his mouth slowly twisted into an evil grin. Sigurd's frightened look turned to a challenged one at the sight of Ivar.
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dreamonseems · 1 year
- Story seven of Líf series of one-shot stories, about Ubbe, his reader wife, and their children. Every story will be different but within the same universe. Nothing will be in order just random stories about their lives.
- Ok I made up a place called Raven United so any race reading this can Imagine being the reader.
Summary: Ubbe tells Y/N how he feels about her and they run away and get married.
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Despite Aslaug's disapproval, Ubbe couldn't help but feel drawn to Y/N's beauty and spirit. As he watched Y/N he saw the potential for something more in her, something beyond just a simple slave.
One day, as they were alone in the fields, Ubbe confessed his feelings to Y/N. Out of nowhere, Ubbe had turned to her and said, "I have something to tell you. I think I'm in love with you. I know we're from different worlds, but I can't help how I feel."
She was hesitant at first, knowing the consequences of being involved with a Viking prince, but she couldn't deny the spark between them.
Their secret love affair soon came to the attention of Aslaug, who was furious. She had a heated argument with Ubbe, telling him that his duty was to marry a Viking woman and continue the Lothbrok dynasty. Ubbe, however, was firm in his decision to pursue his love for Y/N, even if it meant going against his mother's wishes.
But Aslaug was determined to put an end to Ubbe's relationship with Y/N and secure a powerful alliance for the Lothbrok dynasty. She arranged a feast for a noble family that had a daughter of marrying age, hoping that this would distract him from his infatuation with Y/N.
Y/N was forced to serve at the feast. She watched from a distance as Ubbe and the girl talked and laughed, her heart heavy with sadness. But Ubbe couldn't stop thinking about Y/N and how much he loved her, even though their relationship was forbidden by his mother.
When the feast was over, Ubbe found Y/N in her quarters and declared his love for her once again. Y/N reciprocated with tears of joy, knowing that she couldn't live without him.
Aslaug was furious to see that her plan didn't work. She forbade them from seeing each other and threatened Y/N with punishment if she didn't comply. Their argument escalated, with both of them refusing to back down. Aslaug threatened to disown him, but Ubbe was willing to risk everything for Y/N.
Ubbe was able to convince his father, King Ragnar, to grant Y/N's freedom from slavery. Despite Queen Aslaug's objections, King Ragnar saw the love between Ubbe and Y/N and believed in their right to be together.
With her newfound freedom, Y/N was able to explore the world and learn more about Viking culture. She and Ubbe fell deeper in love, but they knew that their relationship was not accepted by everyone. They longed to be free from the judgment and scrutiny of his family and society and dreamed of a life where they could be together without fear of retribution.
That's when they made the decision to run away and get married in secret, hoping that his family would eventually come to accept their love for each other.
After their secret wedding, Ubbe and Y/N spent a few blissful days together, enjoying their newfound freedom and each other's company. However, their peace was short-lived when King Ragnar, Ubbe's father, came looking for them.
At first, Ubbe was hesitant to come back, fearing that his father would disapprove of his marriage to a former slave. But after some discussion with Y/N, they both decided that it was best to face the situation head-on and confront their families together.
When they arrived back in Kattegat, they were met with a mix of emotions. Queen Aslaug was still disapproving of Y/N, but King Ragnar was more understanding and accepted Y/N as a member of their family. Ragnar was glad that his son had found happiness, but he knew that their marriage would not be accepted by everyone in their society
Despite the challenges that lay ahead, Ubbe and Y/N were grateful to have each other and to have the support of Ubbe's father. They were determined to make their marriage work and to show their true love knows no bounds.
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 months
Vikings Writing Prompts
Trigger Warning:
Mention of Death, fighting, miscarriages, suicide.
If anything mentioned above triggers you. Please remove yourself and continue with your day. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Vice versa, as the mind can affect the body in equal measure.
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Prompts for either imagines, headcanons, one-shots, anything you possibly desire. As long as it is clearly stated as to what character you want it written for. Otherwise I will not be able to satisfy the particular itch you might or might not want itched and scratched.
Characters from the Vikings Show that I am willing to write for as follows:
Male Characters
Rollo Lothbrok
Ívar Ragnarsson
Björn Ragnarsson
Ubbe Ragnarsson
Hálfdanr Hálfdansson
Haraldr Hálfdansson
Female Characters:
Lagertha Lothbrok
Aslaug Sigurdsdottir
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Personal Note: I would also preface that I will not write things that trigger me. Things like Cheating and Affairs. At least not in incredible detail as it will harm and hurt my mental health in the long run. And if you respect my mental health, you will respect my personal boundaries as well.
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If you would like to peruse my previous works in the past feel free to do so. I will not prevent nor shame those who would want to read them.
Here is a link to two masterlists that contain them.
Masterlist 01 / Masterlist 02
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Listed below are prompts to choose from if you want to make a specific request for a specific character. First list being SFW and the second one being NSFW underneath the cut.
SFW - Dialogue Prompts
"Whatever souls are made of, yours and mine are the same. As much you might dispute that fact."
"You could just tell me things instead of insinuating them. Communication is important."
"Let me eat my feelings in peace and quiet. Otherwise we are going to have many, many, many problems."
"I know I can't go I'm the one getting nearly all the time."
"I don't trust anyone who would place value of one child above another. Regardless of what someone else may or may not have said."
"For a mother you play favourites quite a bit."
"Depends on what you consider to be fair."
"Aim better! Stop trying to hit me and hit me!"
"You are not my problem. You are theirs. I plan to keep it that way. So neither begging nor pleading to me will not work."
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Canon Character x OC/ Reader - Dialogue Prompts
"I am well enough to fight. I am well enough to move around do things myself. Do not coddle me as I were a child and I will not do the same to you."
"I was in exile, I did not abandon anybody, least of all my brother."
"I don't ask for your understanding, I don't ask for your trust either and quite frankly I do not want either one from you."
NSFW - Dialogue Prompts
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Vikings Headcanons - Link
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Food for the heart and soul - Halfdan the Black x Female Reader - Link
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Tarnished and Unveiled Intentions - Bjorn Ironside x reader - Link
Life After Death - Bjorn Ironside x female reader - Link
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mystic-shadows42 · 2 years
Personal Advisor
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Pairing: Ivar x f! reader (one-shot)
Warnings: Mention of violence
Summary: You’re known as being Ivar’s biggest supporter. Not only that but the only person he can trust and is willing to listen to.
The door to your room flung open as Ivar entered, nostrils flared, and muscles tense as he used his crutches to move inside. This happened to be a normal occurrence. Ivar often comes to you when he needs to speak on matters he deems to be important. You took great pride in his trust.
“I want to go to battle.”
You’ve known Ivar for many years. He’s impulsive and driven but loyal to a fault. There was not one incident that’s happened that you didn’t know how to handle. There was no point. You were a symbol of patience whenever he got overwhelmed.
You stopped what you were doing and looked at him. No matter what, he’s already set his mind on battle but it was your job to keep him grounded. To think of the bigger picture.
“Battle who?”
Ivar paced in the room. His crutches hitting the floor with more force than the last. You knew all the movement must be painful but he was too worked up to stop and think about the pain.
“My brothers,” he growled out.
“Which ones?”
Ivar clicked his tongue in distaste. “Björn and Ubbe.”
You befriended all the Lothbrok brothers. How could you not growing up in Kattegat. They were practically royalty.
The two elder brothers were smart and highly skilled in battle, especially Björn having tackled more than half a dozen more battles up his sleeve. He was a tactician, battle-tested, and had many followers.
Ubbe on the other hand would be considered more level-headed than them all. A peaceful but lethal opponent if anyone opposed him. No doubt Ivar was feeling all sorts of emotions at the moment between challenging his brothers and finally proving himself a worthy opponent worth fearing regardless of their relationship.
“Is Hvitserk with you on this?” You knew Ivar is more than capable of handling this himself but it’d make his odds better with at least one brother.
“He will be once we’re done speaking here.”
You nodded knowing that Hvitserk will most likely not want to be caught in the middle but will also like to prove himself against the others more so Ubbe than Björn.
“Is a battle really worth it?”
It was a simple question. Though it was enough to stop him in his tracks and look at you with those piercing eyes. A raw sense of emotion can be seen in them. He was determined and ready.
“It is to me.”
“If there is to be a worthy battle, you need fighters. More than just Kattegat warriors. You need allies. Alliances are needed to be set in place not only for this battle but for years to come.”
“We need to strike now when they’re least expecting it.”
You sighed knowing he was simply going through all the emotions at the moment. You needed to guide him back.
“Ivar,” when he didn’t look you spoke his name again, “Ivar.” Now you had his attention. “If you want to be the best you have to outsmart your brothers. Think beyond just a quick strike. You have great plans when it comes to strategies. Plans that all your brothers laughed at but worked out in the end. Don’t allow your anger to cloud your judgment.”
Ivar exhaled and closed his eyes. He needed to collect himself and gather his thoughts.
“Do you think I can do it? Defeat my brothers?”
There was no doubt in your mind that he can do it but he needs to believe it himself.
“Why do you doubt yourself?” You waited for an answer but Ivar was in deep thought. “You’re capable of anything you set your mind to. You can devastate them and shock everyone. Let only your name be known in history alongside your father. That’s what you can be capable of.”
Ivar opened his eyes and nodded. His father and his legacy was his biggest motivator.
“What else?”
At his question, he sounded more sure of himself.
“You need coin. If you can’t find allies, buy them. Buy ships or raid to gain.” 
Ivar faced your way but his eyes trailed towards the wall behind you as he thought of his next question.
“What happens if potential allies don’t think I am worthy because I’m a cripple?”
“It’s of the utmost importance to have allies and to adhere to their demands but if you really want to send a message,” you stood up from your spot and stopped just in front of Ivar. “Behead anyone that dares speak to you in such a way. Show them you’re worth fearing and more than capable of leading.”
Ivar smiled liking what he heard.
“Let them know that Ivar the Boneless has come to collect souls.”
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ritual-unions · 1 year
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Archive of Our Own to see everything I’ve ever written for the Vikings fandom.
** = denotes explicit and/or implied sexual content, please use discretion
Ubbe / Original Character(s)
Sleepy Mornings **- multi chapter, complete, entire fic posted on Ao3. Winnifred lives the sheltered life of a Christian woman in King Alfred’s court. Not truly understanding the meaning of sexual pleasure her new husband, Ubbe Ragnarsson, is more than willing to show her the path.
Green Ivy **- one-shot, Ubbe has been married to Avaritia for many years but she still struggles with his heathenism and the way it creeps into her daily life and that of their children. A thunderstorm one night sends her running to Ubbe’s bed, the family bed he has been trying to convince her to sleep in. She finds not only Ubbe but their two children fast asleep. Ubbe in his tempestuous ways convinces Avaritia to find safety in his arms. (I may continue/add more fics with Avaritia at a later date)
A Feast for You **- one-shot, The Great Army finds themselves at the deserted villa of King Ecbert and Ubbe, feeling the full fervor of battle, takes his Sami consort, Verdandi, again and again, until she can no longer handle his advances. To distract him she tries to scrounge up enough food to hopefully satiate his beastly desires. (I may continue/add more fics with Verdandi at a later date)
Gatekeeper **- one-shot, Ubbe is forced to punish his Sami consort, Verdandi, after she mistakenly reveals the secret entrance into Kattegat to the enemy. Also known as sex-on-a-throne cause I can.
Northern Lights - one-shot, ficlet
Twice Now - multi chapter/complete, entire fic posted on Ao3. For years Ubbe has been promised to the same Saxon girl from his childhood, Avery. He is reluctantly waiting for the day when he will marry Avery, until then the gods will find their entertainment by placing the wilding Saxon, Kara, before him. She is unlike any he has met before, drawn to her though she does not want his help. She is determined to meet her lover, Ceol, on the coast of England before the year ends. Unwillingly she travels with Ubbe and his brother, Hvitserk, in a journey that may just leave them all a little mad.
Wolf Like Me - multi chapter/on going, Ylva Ragnardottir is used to getting what she wants. As the only daughter of the great Ragnar Lothbrok and the famous Princess Aslaug she wants to marry Haakon, the bastard son of King Harald Finehair but Ubbe, forced into a position that should be their missing father's, will not allow it.
Ylva isn't the only one whose hand is being forced, Eir, daughter of the King of Sweden finds herself betrothed to a man she wishes to never see again, Ubbe Ragnarsson.
Hvitserk / Original Character(s)
Hours & Hours ** - one-shot, Hvitserk proposes “Naked Sushi Night” at The Valkyrie Gentlemen’s Club, the strip club owned by the Ragnarssons, just so he can see his favorite employee covered in food.
Touch Me ** - one-shot, Ubbe solicits Hvitserk into having sex with his girl, Dusty, so that he can watch, things don’t go as planned when Hvitserk’s new girlfriend, Honey, walks in on the three of them mid-coitous.
A part of my "Broken Clocks" series, in which the sons of Ragnar own a strip club, The Valkyrie Gentlemen's Club, located in England, much to the annoyance of the Christian council, Ecbert, and his son, Aethelwulf.
Misunderstandings ** - one-shot, Sigurd brings a new American friend to hang out with his brother. She speaks little-to-no Norwegian and Hvitserk takes advantage of her lack of mastery on the language in the form of a bet.
Halfdan the Black / Original Character(s)
Marks ** - anon requested/drabble, Halfdan does not share and he is willing to let everyone know.
2022 Ao3 End of the Year Review
Requests are open, see this post for more info. Also my inbox and dms are always open, I may not get to them right away but I’d love to talk to you about my fics & ocs and/or Vikings characters in general.
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peaceisadirtyword · 2 years
Enchanted (Ubbe/Reader)
A/N: Hello! This is the first fic I wrote for my project Summer in Kattegat based on the song Enchanted by Taylor Swift💕. It should have been posted yesterday but I had therapy and I finished way later than I thought and today I had a doctors appointment😭 But here it is! It’s maybe the worst one of the fics I’ve already written for this project, but it was the first one and I’m not very used to write for Ubbe so I’m sorry! It was nice to write for him though! It’s been a long time since I did it. 
Enjoy! Next one is with Hvitserk🥰 Thanks for reading!
Warnings: mentions of sex, mentions of cheating, heavy make out, mentions of alcohol, swearing. 
Words: +5k. (sorry)
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Late evening shifts were your favourites. It was strange, as everyone preferred to have dinner at home and stay there with their partners, pets or children, watching movies, reading books… But you just moved to Kattegat and didn’t have a partner to stay with, being home alone every day was a bit boring after a while, and the evening shifts were better paid. Besides, he always came in during the evenings.
He’d just get out of work, you guessed, by the formal clothes he always wore. Sometimes he’d come accompanied by other people, other times he’d be all alone frowning over papers and making phone calls. Sometimes he’d order a cold beer, other times a strong coffee, once he ordered a tea.
Ubbe Lothbrok. Your coworker updated you on his entire life. The eldest of a dysfunctional family with an absent father and a mother that sometimes was absent too, with an older half-brother that barely acted like it and three younger brothers which he practically raised. That was probably why he had such a comforting and nurturing aura around him.
He had the sweetest smile, always polite and nice even when he obviously wasn’t having the best of days, and stunning, big blue eyes that left you breathless. It wasn’t healthy to have such a crush on a regular customer, you said to yourself every night after closing and coming back home, but you couldn’t help sighing as you remembered how beautiful was the smile he shot you when you gave him his coffee that day.
But every night he’d come in, and every night you’d spend hours sneaking glances at him, until he left. That night, though, it was a bit different.
You had just poured another glass of whisky to another one of your regulars. He was a nice man but perhaps abused alcohol a bit too much, especially during Friday evenings. He always tried to make you laugh so he could compliment you afterwards, and even if you had to fake all of your laughs, you did it anyway.
Ubbe didn’t look good when he crossed the door. Your smile faded slowly when he entered without saying a word, a stern expression on his face and clearly with something on his mind that bothered him. He sat on his usual table, near the big window from where you could see the fjord. It looked gorgeous, especially during the evenings when the sun would be a bit lower.
But he didn’t pay attention to the view nor looked at the bar to catch your attention. Biting your lip, you grabbed a plate and one of the kanelboller you had baked earlier that day. Before you could think about it twice, you approached his table, taking a deep breath for a bit of courage. The look on his face when you offered it to him with a small, shy smile on your face was priceless.
“I didn’t order this” he said with a small frown.
“I know, I just thought you look like you need it, I always eat one when I’m having a bad day and it gets much better” you replied with a giggle “Can I get you anything else?”
He looked taken aback, blinked a couple of times before nodding slowly. He cleared his throat.
“Um… A coffee perhaps? With milk, please, and a lot of sugar”
“Sure, just a moment” you smiled, nodding and quickly making your way back to the bar to prepare it. You could feel his eyes on you while you worked, and didn’t dare to look back at him until you left the coffee on his table.
The customers started to leave. Sometimes you’d glance at his table only to discover he had eaten the kanelboll and drank the coffee. Other times you’d caught him looking at you. Until you heard someone sitting on one of the stools at the bar, making you look up from the glasses you were drying and nearly gasping when you saw his big blue eyes looking right at you.
“Have we met?” he said softly, his voice suddenly sounding much more rough and intimate than when he ordered. The faint curve of a smile on his lips made him look even better.
“I… Don’t think so” you cleared your throat “I’d remember it, um… I’m Y/N” you smiled softly, clearing your throat and wondering if you’d look as bad as you thought after hours running up and down the local.
“I’m Ubbe” he nodded “You’re new in Kattegat, aren’t you?”
“Yes, kind of” you chuckled nervously “Just moved here, looking for a change of scenery, I guess…”
“Anyone would think that a young, pretty woman would prefer a change of scenery in Sicily or the south of France or Spain” he smiled, and you smiled back at him. How could you not?
“I’d say the south of Norway has its charm too” you replied, shrugging and trying to ignore the fact that he just called you pretty “It has handsome men, at least”
Was that as terrible as it sounded?
He chuckled then, and looked down before shaking his head.
“I’d say you might be too good for the men around here” he shrugged.
“How can you say it? You don’t know me yet” you smirked.
“You just gave me one of the best kanelboller I’ve ever tried. And I’ve tried a lot, my mother is Swedish” he said “And just because you thought I needed it”
“They always manage to put me in a good mood, I figured it could work with you too…”
“It did work” he nodded “Thank you, I’ve been having a very long day, family shit…” he rubbed his neck with a sigh “Sorry, I don’t mean to bore you with my problems…”
“No” you shook your head “You’re not boring me, it’s way better than cleaning this place” you frowned looking around “Want a beer?”
“Sure” he smiled again “In any case, I’d prefer to talk to you over dinner, if you feel like it”
“Oh” you chuckled “I’d love that… Um… I finish my shift in an hour or so…”
“Perfect” he shot you the biggest, most beautiful smile you had ever seen “I’ll wait for you, then”
You didn’t think Ubbe could be even more handsome, but the low light of the sunset made him look like a Norse God. His clear eyes narrowed slightly, bothered by the light, but he only had a big smile for you as soon as you turned to him. You wished you had put a bit more effort on dressing up that morning, but at least you wore a cute top and jeans. The denim jacket, which you realised with a sigh that matched Ubbe’s eyes, was a must in Scandinavia, even during summer.
“I know a place where we can grab some dinner” he cleared his throat as soon as you turned to him, biting your lip nervously “Would you prefer eating there or going to the beach to have a late picnic?”
Even if every single brain cell capable of reasoning in that moment screamed at you that it wasn’t smart or safe to go to a deserted beach while it was dark all alone with a man you didn’t even know, you ended up smiling and nodding  at his plan, convincing yourself that he didn’t look like a serial killer and that even if you had to die you preferred doing it while looking at those eyes.
Ubbe apologised for the simplicity of the dinner he got you. A pair of burgers, and a paper bag full of chips that the waitress (who also battled her eyelashes way more than necessary while he ordered) had given to him for free. He explained he used to work there when he was younger, and you listened to him with widened eyes, barely paying attention to the food even if you were starving.
“My dad left home when I was a kid” he muttered, the sand was still a bit warm under you and the soft sea breeze hitting your face while you listened to his voice almost made you disassociate “I still saw him sometimes, but he spent most of his time in England, my mother had four kids to raise and one of them with a disease… She still ran the family business with the help of my half-brother, so she barely had time for us. I had to take the role of a father to my younger brothers when I was still a kid myself, so… This is going to sound selfish maybe, but I got that job to be out of that house for a few hours” he sighed “We didn’t need the money, but it felt good to stay away and make my own money, meet new people and go out…”
“I don’t think it’s selfish” you shrugged “I suppose all of us need some space, especially a teenager boy”
“Sometimes I felt bad, almost like I abandoned my brothers too” he shrugged “Hvitserk usually tagged along when I went out with friends, but Sigurd and Ivar were too young, and Ivar had his… Shit going on, too”
“It wasn’t your place to act like a father” you said softly “It wasn’t your responsibility and you still did it, that says a lot”
“I couldn’t just leave them like my father did” he sighed “They barely got to know him, at least I spent some good years with him, but they were very little when he left”
“Is this the family shit you talked about?” you said with a smile.
“No” he chuckled “Well, I do have some fights with my youngest brother, Ivar is very… Stubborn” he frowned softly “And Hvitserk used to be my partner in crime, now he’s closer to Ivar, and Sigurd… He doesn’t really care, left this place a long time ago… But no, it’s not them the ones making my days a living hell lately”
“I’m sorry” you replied with a sad smile “I hope I could help”
Ubbe turned then to smile widely at you.
“You did, you fixed my entire day, Gods, you fixed my entire month”
You giggled, shaking your head before taking another bite of your burger.
“That’s the effect of kanelboller” you smiled “I’m glad you feel better”
“It wasn’t the kanelboller” he said softly “It was you, I don’t think someone has noticed I don’t look happy in my entire life” he muttered “I was always okay, helping others, I didn’t… I wasn’t given the chance to not be okay, but you just came and gave it to me, like it was normal”
“It is normal” you reached to take his hand, hoping he wouldn’t put it away “I see every kind of people every day, some of them are very happy, others not so much, others start crying when they tell me they’ve been fired, others come very happy and leave sad, people feel things, and it’s okay to feel, it’s much better than not feeling anything”
“I guess no one paid attention to what I felt in my entire life” he shrugged, shaking his head before drinking from the beer he had bought for dinner “So thank you”
“You don’t have to thank me” you giggled “I do want something in return though” you bit your lip, glancing at an amused Ubbe, who raised an eyebrow.
“Me buying dinner wasn’t enough?” he laughed.
“Baking those kanelboller took me a long time, you know…”
He hummed, nodding slowly almost like he was thinking.
“And… What about this?” he said, and before you could react he grabbed your neck, pushing you closer to him and capturing your lips with his softly. You gasped against his mouth, surprised, but your hands went to his arms immediately, trying to keep balance without breaking what was possibly the best kiss you ever had. He tasted like the beer he was drinking, he was warm and soft, and completely matched the vibe of a sweet and nurturing man that always took care of others. You kissed him back, closing your eyes and moving closer until he grabbed your waist to pull you into his lap. The food was already forgotten as you straddled his hips and his hands travelled down your back and waist until your hips.
He only broke the kiss when the both of you couldn’t breathe. After opening your eyes and seeing his ocean blues looking right back at you you knew that would be what you saw when you died.
“Maybe I should have asked first” he whispered, his voice even more hoarse and deep.
“No, I’m…” you cleared your throat, touching your lips absentmindedly while holding back a stupid smile “I’m fine, more than fine”
“Good” he muttered before leaning in again to keep kissing you. With a sigh, you let him do, running your hands down his strong chest and shoulders, enjoying the way his arms tightened around your waist, or how his hands would wander further down and touch your thighs over your jeans. Once his hands came closer to that place between your legs and you whimpered against his lips. He kissed down your jaw and neck, even giving some small kisses over your collarbone and chest, only to bite softly on your neck, finding your sweet spot with no effort.
You could feel his member already hard against your sex, and grinded against it absentmindedly, Ubbe gasped and grabbed your hips to press you down, groaning when he made you moan softly against his ear. When you finally opened your eyes it was already completely dark around you, the moon being the only source of light around you. His eyes under the moonlight were amazing.
Without saying a word, he grabbed your waist again only to push you down onto the sand, it was already cold and it made you shiver when you laid down with your eyes still fixed on his.
“Don’t you want to watch the stars?” he chuckled, even if he didn’t take his eyes off of you either.
“Only if you’re the one making me see them” you raised an eyebrow, making him laugh again. He hid his face into your neck to laugh, and his warm breath hitting your skin made you tremble again. As soon as he raised his head you grabbed his neck to kiss him again. This time he had enough space to touch and caress every single part of your body.
“Well… This is me” you said with a giggle when you stopped in front of your building. Ubbe nodded slowly, the cute smile that hadn’t abandoned him all night curving his lips “Want to come in?”
A part of you was begging for him to say yes, but another part was panicking because that day you had forgotten to make the bed and you were sure there were clothes all around your bedroom.
And, you were wearing very ugly underwear.
“I would love to, but…” he sighed “It’s late, I need to work tomorrow and… Yeah, I have an appointment very early, and I don’t know if I’d be strong enough to leave your bed once I’m in” he muttered, leaning even closer before stealing another kiss. You had to hold back a very excited and unsexy giggle.
“Yeah, I… We better leave that for the weekend” you whispered, biting your lip as soon as he broke the kiss.
“I’m all yours for the weekend” he raised his hands with a chuckle.
“I’ll call you” you nodded slowly, already missing his touch “Thank you for this night, it was… Quite a welcome to Kattegat”
“It was my pleasure” he bowed his head and winked at you playfully “Good night, gorgeous”
“Good night” you said back, smiling like an idiot before turning around to open the door.
“Oh, and Y/N” he called out, making you turn around again to look at him “It was amazing to meet you”
Before you could react, he took your hand, kissing it softly before winking and walking away.
As soon as you were inside, you giggled, shrieked and laughed in pure joy, feeling those butterflies in your stomach when you remembered just how his lips felt against yours.
Opening your window to let the chill night air into your room, you looked up at the sky you had been neglecting for the entire night.
Was it you or the stars looked more bright?
“You look too happy today, don’t you?” your coworker raised an eyebrow. She had been looking at you the entire evening, giggling in amusement when you smiled at the customers maybe more than needed.
“Yeah, well, it’s Friday, the sun is up and it’s warm, perfect to go to the beach”
“Will you be joining someone?” she laughed “It’s the first time since you moved here that you’re actually looking forward to do something after work”
“Maybe” you winked at her “I don’t kiss and tell, who knows?”
“Oh my god you are!” she shrieked, almost groaning in impatience when you scurried off to serve a coffee to a customer “Who? Is he hot? Or she? Or they? I don’t really know your sexual preferences”
“It’s a he” you giggled “And yes he’s very hot, we’re just getting to know each other for now, though” you shrugged, trying to hold the excited smile back, still feeling like an idiot whenever you caught yourself thinking about the kiss(es) and smiling all alone.
“Finally! Is he a customer?” she widened her eyes “There’s a lot of guys that flirt with you, should I guess?”
“Yes, he is a customer” you winked at her “And I’m saying no more! If I talk too much about it and it doesn’t work out…”
Ignoring her protests, you went back to smiling widely to the customers, glancing at the clock approximately every five minutes.
Once you were out, this time having put more effort on your outfit and having brought some of your makeup to work, you immediately called him. After a few days thinking when you should call, you decided to just give him a spontaneous call when you got off of work. He did mention he was free every evening after work, so you thought it would make you look a bit more laid-off and less desperate. Not that you were desperate, but you honestly didn’t really know how long you’d survive without one of his kisses.
Ubbe didn’t pick up. Your smile faded a bit, but you soon shook your head and shrugged it off. Maybe he was busy at work, maybe he had a call… He would surely call you back as soon as he saw it, so you decided to go to the centre and relax a bit. You had been wanting to take a look at some shops you saw when you first moved there, but never had time to actually do it.
What you loved the most about Kattegat was how it seemed to blend in with the nature that surrounded it. There were trees everywhere, and all of the buildings were made of wood, imitating the style of the ancient vikings towns. It was cosy and delightful, the little lightbulbs that adorned the main streets every night from May to September gave it a warm vibe that contrasted with the chilly air.
Glancing at your phone every few minutes, you let yourself relax and enjoy your walk around the shops, frowning occasionally when you saw the prices. Everyone had said Norway was expensive, but you really felt like buying yourself something.
Entering a small shop that had big sale posters on the window, you looked around, smiling politely to the workers and immediately heading for the sale section.
Until a deep, rough voice made you freeze, turning your head with a small smile on your lips until you saw him.
Ubbe. That voice was unmistakable, but your smile faded slowly when you saw he wasn’t talking to you. Instead, he had a little girl in his arms, and carried her as he talked to another man, taller and with blonde hair. Next to them two women talked cheerfully, one of them, with blonde hair, had a little boy grabbing her hand, her other hand over her belly, where you could guess a big bump. You felt like someone just poured a cube of ice water over your head while you watched them walk to the door. Suddenly Ubbe turned to the blonde woman, tending his hand so she would give him the bag she carried, she did it, smiling softly at him and putting her hand on his arm after he caught it, turning her head around to keep talking to the other woman. It wasn’t until they left the shop that you reacted, clearing your throat and looking around to make sure no one saw how you wiped the tears that welled on your eyes before leaving too, suddenly not in the mood to go shopping.
On your way home, you couldn’t stop thinking about how much of an idiot you felt. You had been stupid, letting your stupid crush dictate your every move and thought about that man, who looked too handsome to be single. And you didn’t even think about asking him? Well, it’s not something that crosses your mind after someone kisses you like that, right?. Groaning as soon as you closed the door, taking off your shoes and letting yourself fall onto your couch, you took a deep breath before wiping your tears again. The worst part was the disappointment. Had he really taken advantage of you being new there and not knowing anyone?
Gods, he’s fucking married, you thought. And with kids! The excitement and illusion you had nurtured during those last few days came back as disappointment and sadness. Had that night been magical just for you? You groaned again, deciding to go right to bed even if it was too early.
Your phone vibrated, glancing at it you immediately tossed it onto the bed before entering the bathroom for a shower before bed, ignoring the fact that his name on your screen made your heart clench once again.
You changed your shifts. Your boss looked a bit bothered but you didn’t care, you preferred to spend your days at home curled up on your couch watching the news before humiliating yourself by seeing him every day. No matter how many times you had thought to yourself it maybe wasn’t what it seemed, that maybe all of it was a misunderstanding and you had gotten things wrong. Because Ubbe didn’t look like the cheating type, right?.
But if you had learnt something about men in all of your years of life, it was that most of them weren’t as innocent and nice as they looked.
A week had passed since that night, the best night of your life you’d dare to say, and you found yourself on your couch like every other day, eating some dinner you had ordered and watching a very boring documentary film. All of this while trying to ignore the downgrade that supposed to go from making out with a very hot man on a deserted beach during sunset to watching two lions fighting hyenas on TV in just a week.
You were about to switch channels when your phone vibrated. Looking at the caller ID, you sighed and left it again. He hadn’t called very often, just a couple of times, and even if you really wanted to pick up and let him explain, you also still had enough self-esteem to know that the wisest thing to do was to ignore it.
Until your doorbell rang.
Startled, you looked at the clock. You weren’t expecting anyone, could it be one of your neighbours? Two weeks ago you had to help an older lady that lived next to you to turn the TV on because she had accidentally unplugged it while cleaning, so after thinking about it for a couple of seconds, you stood up and walked over to the door, opening it and ready to fake a smile.
But you didn’t expect to see two piercing blue eyes looking right at you. He had a shy smile on his lips.
“Ubbe?” you frowned, immediately clearing your throat and shaking your head “What…?”
“I… You didn’t answer your phone” he said, shrugging “And I didn’t see you working these days either… I just… Thought maybe something had happened, is everything okay?” his eyes narrowed, and for a moment you believed he was genuinely worried “You said you’d call and…”
“Yeah” you crossed your arms over your chest “Everything is okay, now you can…” you tried closing the door, but his arm blocked it. When you opened it again with an annoyed sigh, his smile had faded, and he looked confused now. You looked away as soon as you started thinking he looked very good.
“I don’t understand” he licked his lips “Have I done something? I…”
“Are you serious?” you scoffed.
“I’m lost, Y/N” he shot you a confused smile “I’m sorry I didn’t pick up the phone, I…”
“It’s not that, it’s…” you frowned, looking at the closed doors of your neighbours, grabbing his arm and pulling him inside your flat before closing the door. Your neighbours were as adorable as they were nosy “I saw you”
“You saw me?” he frowned again, shaking his head “I’m sorry, I…”
“You’re married” you rubbed your eyes. You had promised you wouldn’t cry again “You have kids! You’re lucky I didn’t go to your wife and told her what we did on that beach last week”
“Oh” he let out a breath, smiling in relief and shaking his head “It’s that”
“That?” you scoffed “Are you serious? I’m no one’s side chick, don’t you think it’s a piece of information I should know before you kiss me?”
“Look, it has an explanation” he shook his head slowly “If you let me explain, I…”
“Go ahead” you narrowed your eyes at him as you sat down on the couch again “Explain”
“I’m divorced, Y/N” he smiled apologetically “I just divorced Torvi, that’s why I’m not wearing a ring”
He raised his hand, and you looked at his naked fingers, biting your lip in confusion.
“Torvi is my brother’s ex-wife, we started dating when they divorced, and I practically raised their kids” he shrugged and smiled shyly when you tilted your head “I know, it’s weird, it’s a long story because I was with someone else when I started dating her, which I’m not proud of” he sighed “I love Torvi, but it’s not the kind of love that maintains a marriage”
“But… You were together, with your kids and two other people, that’s not what a divorced couple usually do”
“We were with Björn and Gunhild, his actual wife” he shook his head “He’s the kids’ father, and the educator at the school said it’s good for the children to see all of us together, so we usually go out with them once a week… I do consider myself their father, but biologically I’m only Ragnar’s father, and he hasn’t been born yet” he smiled softly, looking excited “So no, I’m not married, but it’s not really a conversation for a first date, is it?”
“I… You could have mentioned it” you sighed, rubbing your eyes again “Are you sure I’m not destroying a marriage?”
Ubbe laughed for the first time since he entered your flat.
“No, my marriage didn’t have a future since way before I met you. I had a shitty day because my mother was giving me a hard time about the divorce, she is scared because she says I will never settle down, she thinks I should just hold on, no matter how unhappy my marriage is, for the kids’ sake… She believes we all should do what my father and her did, but their example was actually what made me decide to divorce” he shot you a sad smile then “So no, I’m not married nor you’re anyone’s side chick, I do have a family though, and I won’t leave them. I really like you, Y/N, but if you’re not comfortable with this or are unable of accepting this, just tell me and I will leave and won’t ever contact you again”
You groaned again, covering your face and feeling, once again, the stupidest person on Earth.
“So I just spent a week feeling like an idiot, believing you were playing me and changing my shifts at work for no reason?”
Ubbe smiled softly, reaching to put your hair out of your face.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t really get the chance to tell you, I preferred to wait… To avoid scaring you off, maybe”
“I… God, I don’t know what to say” you giggled nervously “Sorry, I… Maybe I should have picked up the phone, let you explain before jumping to conclusions”
“Hey, it’s completely normal you reacted like this, I would probably react the same if I saw you with a random guy on the street”
“Yes but I…” you sighed again “Are you sure you’re not going home to anyone?”
“No” he muttered “In fact, I just rented a flat to where I go back all alone every night, another reason why I spend my evenings out, so no, I’m not going home to anyone”
You nodded slowly, relieved but mortified at the same time.
“And just to make sure you know I’m not lying, I did say the truth when I said I loved meeting you the other day” he added, his voice softened while he grabbed your hand “I had one of the best nights of my entire life with you, and I’d hate to have to walk away from you but I’ll respect your decision”
“I believe you” you bit your lip to hold back a smile, your heart started beating faster and faster when he leaned in, your eyes travelling from his eyes to his lips “I suppose I was scared, you made me go insane in just one night… I was afraid you were playing me, going home to someone else and flirting with me for fun, I just…”
“I understand” he nodded, a smile curving his lips again “I would love if you gave me another chance”
Finally relaxing, you took a deep breath and nodded, a mischievous smile curving your lips.
“Sure, but… Do you think it’s too late to go to the beach? I always loved bathing in the sea at night”
Tags: @mblaqgi @alicedopey @lol-haha-joke @hallowed-heathen @naaladareia @captstefanbrandt @love-hate-love @titty-teetee @readsalot73 @moondustmemories @thevikingsheaux @therealcalicali @blushingskywalker @gruffle1 @heartbeats-wildly @inforapound @winchesterwife27 @hecohansen31 @xinyourdreamsx @tgrrose @lovessce @tootie-fruity @didiintheblog @belovedcherry @xceafh @astrape-the-weatherwitch @destynelseclipsa @nanahachikyuu @valopz @zuxiezendler @mrsalwayswrite @batmandallyboy​
I’m sorry if I messed up the tags again😭 it’s 2am please forgive me lol
Also! Sorry if the ending to this is too weak, I had to cut it a bit shorter because it was too long😅 anyway, the next one will be better❤️ thank you so much for reading!
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ulfrsmal · 1 year
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Trigger Warnings: none.
Gen ⫽ Asa & Ubbe ⫽ No Archive Warnings Apply ⫽ one-shot
Asa had already known Ubbe was her favourite, but this time he’d truly gone above and beyond. He deserved a present too!
Read Logged-In On AO3
Thank you @nothingtolosebutweight & @barnes-lothbrok for this event! I had a lot of fun writing this, truly one of the softest things I've ever written 🍯🖤
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imaginesmai · 11 months
Once upon a fairy tale - Ubbe Ragnarson (3)
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I wanna say I’m sorry in advance and that next chapter will be up tomorrow, so pls don’t attack me  Other parts: Once Upon A Fairy Tale Masterlist  
Plot: Aslaug tries to push you closer to Ubbe, leaving you in a vulnerable situation. When faced with a group of soldiers, they don't hesitate to make their opinion about you crystal clear.
Warnings: men being rough with reader, unwanted sexual attention, harassment
You woke up alone in the room, but there was evidence of another’s person presence not too long ago. There were robes on the ground, and a pair of man’s undergarments hanging from the bottom corner of the bed. Besides, it smelt like Ubbe.
When last night you told him to sleep on the ground, you half expected him to drag your out of bed by your foot, but you were too tired to care. Yet, as minutes passed by, you only heard him change clothes and pile covers on the ground. You had been almost lulled back to sleep when he had taken the pillow from under your head.
It could only go so well.
That morning, you changed clothes quickly, not wanting to find any unexpected visitors, and let the room to be made by a servant. It was sunny and warm enough to leave your coat inside, and to choose a light dress that would let the sun bathe your skin. Following a tradition you had created many years ago, you took the hall that led to the gardens and stared at the colorful flowers.
Spending a whole summer in a foreign country was incredible boring for a kid, and when you didn’t succeed in making friends, you had to look for other sources of entertainment. Ubbe and his brothers didn’t let you participate in their games; probably, because you won each one of them without playing fool. The only kid who made an effort to befriend you was Sigurd, but his interests didn’t align with you.
There weren’t many pleasant memories in the castle, but the gardens told a different story. Hvitserk was allergic to many of the flowers that grew inside, so the Lothbrok’s brothers didn’t go there often. It was silent and peaceful, and apart from an occasional interruption, you found yourself enjoying the calm. On the other side of the garden, you could hear the castle coming alive, probably from the courtyard.
Back home, you didn’t have flowers, not as pretty as in that castle. Watering them and watching them grow was your main activity during those months.
“Those are primroses” a woman’s voice said behind you, while you knelt in front of yellow flowers. “Had them brough from the woods outside the castle. And they’ve grown just fine”
“I can see that, my queen” you answered to Aslaug, not moving from your position. “They’re beautiful”
“Indeed” she agreed. “They’ve grown just fine”
Her feet moved forward and soon you were covered by her shadow. Looking up, you met her icy eyes and cold smile.
If you had to define Ubbe’s mother with a word, it would be distant. While her son was all feelings and impulses, she was always calm and passive. You had long ago discarded the idea of an indifferent queen – everything that happened in that castle, she knew where, when and why. Anyone could be fooled by her attitude, but you knew that every word and gesture was intentional and had a purpose.
Slowly, you rose up and brushed the dirt from your dress, although there was none.
“Do your new chambers meet your needs, my dear?”
“They do. Although I’m afraid I don’t think prince Ubbe share the feeling”
“He will, eventually. Give him time” she tilted her head in what pretended to be an innocent way, but that made her look like a snake staring at her prey. “Any man can get used to it”
You smiled without your teeth, because you had no doubt there were many others empty rooms in the castle. Only that she didn’t want you to be anywhere else, and you could think of a few reasons why.
Last year, you heard some of the servants talk about Ubbe, in a way you had never heard or thought about. You had had your own adventures at home, with a vendor from the market and with the stables’ boy in your castle. But those words got stuck in your brain, and for a few days, it was the only thing you thought about.
“It’s just, he’s gotten so big. And tall. And that face… He looks just like his father but more handsome, and he isn’t married yet. I would kill to feel what he hides between those elegant clothes” a servant laughed, as if it was a secret.
“I know. I can’t wait until he comes back. Heard he has let some girls into his room. I will gladly volunteer next time”
Everyone who had eyes could see Ubbe’s resemblance to his father, a strong, ferocious and handsome king. While you weren’t very fond of him, you had eyes, and could see too. Aslaug wasn’t any different.
She was getting impatient, and every year that went by, was another chance of a bastard appearing in the hands on a common girl and asking for rights.
“People will talk, but you don’t have to worry, Y/N” Aslaug assured. With a look, she started walking and you followed her, with your hands laced and your eyes on the ground. “Maybe it’s not common to share chambers before the weeding. You’ve been engaged long enough to skip that rule, don’t you think so?”
“I... don’t know, my queen. I can’t say what others might think of the situation, only that neither prince Ubbe nor I like it very much” you tried.
“You’ll get used to it too, don’t worry. After all, what better place to stay than in your husband’s bed? Isn’t that where a good wife belongs?”
You knew better than to talk back, so you kept quiet. The flowers you intended to take care of moved past you as you walked by her side, servants and soldiers bowing. Every year, she took upon herself to remind you that time was running out. Every year, she ambushed you sooner or later and tested the waters.
Sharing a room was nothing but accidental.
She couldn’t care less about his son’s reputation or about your dignity. The only thing she cared about was other’s opinion, and what they might say. Because they would talk, about you and Ubbe, and if someone was bold enough to start the rumor of you two bedding, the wedding she wanted would come up way sooner.
Birds chirped around you as you listened to her list the good qualities of a wife. You might not have had a mother, but your father had taught you enough and assured you other people would when he couldn’t. You knew what was expected from you, how you had to behave in and out the bedroom. Hating your fate didn’t make you ignorant, so you kept your head down and listened.
After a long and torturous walk through the gardens, you found the exit to the courtyard, where the king’s sons were training. There were soldiers and majors fighting against each other, laughing and tossing friendly punches.
From the language they were using and the lack of women, you guessed that was a place you weren’t supposed to be. There were shirtless men sweating and showing off his muscles, in a relaxed atmosphere that wouldn’t suggest the princes were between them.
Sigurd and Hvitserk were fighting against each other, with training swords and wooden shields. The loud noises didn’t alert anyone from the presence of the two visitors, and they kept going. Your eyes stopped when you found Ubbe, not too far away in a hand combat with a man twice his size.
He was shirtless too, new tattoos and scars decorating his body. The previous day, you hadn’t really noticed the change from the boy to a man, but now you did. He moved effortlessly around his opponent, dodging hits and throwing punches.
As you stared at the muscles of his back tense and move, you felt enchanted. You weren’t sure you blinked until the prince finally got a hold of the man’s forearm and threw him to the ground. When Ubbe rose victorious and showed his brothers a teethed smile, you forced yourself to look away, wondering how could a face change so much in a year.
Only then, you noticed Aslaug looking at you, with a satisfied smirk on her lips.
“Thought they would have finished by now. How silly of me” she excused herself. Instead of turning around, she gathered her skirts and stepped down the first stair. “Come on, dear, let’s say hi. It would be rude not to do so”
“My queen, I’d rather – “
She didn’t wait for you, just kept walking down, knowing you would follow. Queen Aslaug had earned herself the respect and fear from the castle, day by day, and as soon as the soldiers noticed, one by one fell to their knee.
They didn’t look at you, didn’t rise up when you passed them or acknowledge their training partners. In a wave motion, they bowed to their queen and pressed a fist to their sweaty chest. You moved behind Aslaug in silence, staring at their faces and bodies. Maybe it was all part of her plan, but it didn’t mean you couldn’t enjoy it.
When you turned thirteen and your father caught you talking with the son of the cooker, he decided you would continue your training and outside activities far from any men. Excluding blurry memories of soldiers fighting with your father when you were younger, you had never seen so many men at their knees.
Thoughts that surely couldn’t belong to you crossed your mind, and you looked forward, ashamed and with your cheeks red.
A few feet away from you, Ubbe’s blue eyes met yours, his eyebrows furrowed. He looked between the kneeling soldiers and your cheeks, twisting his mouth.
“Hvitserk, Sigurd” Aslaug greeted them, taking a good look at Ubbe’s face. “Ubbe”
“Mother” the younger one replied, staring at the both of you with a small smile. “Princess Y/N, lovely to see you again”
“What are you doing here?”
Ubbe’s voice was rough, no trace of the bright smile you had seen moments ago. Soldiers were starting to rise, still in silence, and everyone stared while Ubbe and his mother stared at each other. They were fighting some type of mental battle no one else was aware of.
Awkwardly, you waited by her side until she finally clapped her hands and looked at the crowd, ignoring her son’s words.
“Don’t stop on our account, please. Continue your work. Let princess Y/N see how strong and brave her soldiers are going to be soon” she extended her arms towards them, although no one moved. “Keep going”
Slowly, the sound of swords and shields came back, and Aslaug turned back to her sons.
You could feel the stares of every man in the courtyard in the back of your neck, and it occurred to you, you weren’t wearing appropriate clothes. As an unmarried woman, you were supposed to be elegant, discreet, hidden. Most of the dresses you had brough were long sleeved and with high necks, covering every inch of your body. That’s how everyone in Mercia had seen you until that moment.
But it was hot and you were supposed to be in the gardens, so you had chosen a pale, blue dress with a low neckline that showed your shoulders, and sleeves that only covered until your elbow. And you hadn’t touched your hair, leaving it hanging from your shoulders.
Now aware of the situation, you crossed your arms over your chest and looked at Aslaug, who seemed awfully pleased with herself.
You didn’t think for a moment she actually forgot about the training.
“What are you doing here?” Ubbe asked again, staring at her mother. “It’s training day. You know it. And you shouldn’t be here, neither should she”
Disgust dripped from the last word, and he didn’t even meet your eyes.
“But she’s your future wife, you should share every part of your routine with her” she fired back, not minding Hvitserk’s stifled snort. “I didn’t see you this morning at breakfast, were you in a hurry?”
“I was. I have been training all day. Here. Where you shouldn’t – “
“Don’t tell me where I can or can’t be, Ubbe. Enough”
“Mother, we were about to end” Sigurd stepped forward. “Why don’t you wait for us in the castle?”
“I have business to attend” she smiled again, her snake eyes looking between Ubbe and you. “But you should escort princess Y/N. I think she was trying to take care of some flowers”
Without saying another word, Aslaug walked the other way. Soldiers moved so that she could pass, and when she did, they went back to their previous fight. She walked with a determination she hadn’t had in the gardens, and even if you had had time, you wouldn’t had been able to follow her. Not looking once over her shoulder, she disappeared.
And then, you were alone with the three princes in a yard full of loud soldiers who resumed their previous behavior.
All the respect they showed earlier, the quietness that followed your path, was because of Aslaug. You were just the foreign princess of a smaller kingdom, with no authority or importance in their training practice. You guessed that they would have had more consideration for any other woman from Mercia, but your value was of a servant.
A person without opinion or saying, that didn’t need to be taken into account.
When a soldier passed by your side and spit on the ground, only inches away from your shoe, you decided it was enough.
“If you’ll excuse me” you said, already starting your way towards the stairs. It wouldn’t be easy and you would probably have to shove some soldiers, but there wasn’t any other solution.
“Where are you going?” Ubbe asked, coming forward to.
“To my chambers? To yours. Anywhere I don’t have to see this”
“You can come to mine”
You found yourself face to chest to a man with blonde, short hair, and a missing eye. Only his shoulders were the length of your whole arm. His sweaty face stared down at with you side smile, earning the laughs of some of his partners.
It wasn’t anything new to you.
Maybe, during the first three years, people were intimidated by a foreign country visiting his lands. Maybe, they were actually happy at the thought of his prince getting married soon. But it all vanished quickly and you had endured your fair share of comments and observations from Mercia’s people. And you weren’t amused anymore.
Ubbe was, who stopped behind you.
Those people were not willing to risk his head, so they always talked when no one but you could hear it. The servants whispered not so low when they prepared your bath, the nobles sat close to you and commented the empty seat by your sides, and the soldiers only talked when the halls were empty.
“Get out of my way” you scoffed, easily dodging his body and moving forward.
There was a faint commotion behind you and soon Ubbe was back in his place, his breath almost hitting the back of your neck. The fact that his very naked chest was a touch away was making you nervous, and you tried to walk faster.
Soon, you lost the small clearing the princes were training in and were fully into the courtyard, surrounded by bodies.
Not even ten steps into the crowd, Ubbe grabbed your elbow.
“Are you insane? Are you actually insane?” he all but screamed to you. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Why do you ask so many questions? The only thing wrong here is your mother, who should know by now better”
“You should too! What was that back there?”
“Stop asking questions!”
You pushed him away and turned around, wiling your feet to walk faster. Not because you were actually annoyed by his questions, but because having him so close, made you stutter. The feeling of his hot chest against your fingers when you pushed him away, tempted you to keep your hands there.
Thankfully, you were smaller than him, and could outrun him while he tried to chase you.
Some soldiers thought it would be funny to try and stop you, going so far as stepping into your skirts and grabbing your shoulder and hair. They laughed and made comments that you shouldn’t had to hear.
To them, it was chasing the rabbit that was escaping from his prince. To you, it wasn’t so fun.
One of the soldiers stepped on your skirt and the cloth tore, achieving a bunch of hurrahs from the rest of his friends. Stopping to see how bad the damage was, you saw Ubbe pushing through the soldiers farther than before, something murderous on his face. He looked at your dress and moved faster, going as far as throwing a man into his partner.
You turned around to keep moving, now your eyes warm with tears. One thing was the playful banter of children, or even the not-so-playful pranks with Ubbe. But it wasn’t a joke anymore, you felt the men’s intention clear and loud. Humiliation and frustration boiled up in your body until you felt your chest tightening up. You willed yourself to save the tears for later, when you would be finally alone. So you tried to move.
Before you could do so, someone grabbed your hair and pulled harder than before, making your yelp in pain. You were thrown back, and by mere luck, you hit a man’s chest instead of the ground.
Suddenly, a pair of rough hands were on you, while your captor’s arms held you still.
“Come on, don’t be shy! Show us what more you have there!” someone roared, attempting to see through the slip of your dress. He managed to lift one side and grip your left calf.
“I’ll take the other side!”
He didn’t, because when the first man tried to move higher, still holding your left leg against him, was met with your foot on his face. The kick launched him back and made you stumble into other arms. Again, they tried to move lift your dress, now from behind. No matter how much you moved or kicked, your voice stuck in your throat.
By that time, there were tears running down your cheeks, and it was clear it wasn’t just a game between the soldiers. Some of them had stepped aside, looking almost troubled. But no one said anything.
It wasn’t like fighting with the princes, or falling into a prank. It felt like an assault to your dignity, even if they tried to make it look like a joke.
The first man quickly recovered and looked at you while covering his mouth. In his other hand, there was a piece of tooth that you had broken.
There was no longer humor on his eyes, not even the lustful glare he was trying to hide before. When he charged towards you, some of his friends tried to stop him, but it wasn’t enough. He moved with his whole-body force towards you, and since other soldiers were still holding you, you couldn’t do anything but close your eyes and try to cower away.
Between the shouts and laughs, you distinguished a familiar voice, and then heard a body falling to the ground.
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
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dreamonseems · 1 year
The prince and the slave girl
- Story three of Líf series of one-shot stories, about Ubbe, his reader wife, and their children. Every story will be different but within the same universe. Nothing will be in order just random stories about their lives.
- Ok I made up a place called Raven United so any race reading this can Imagine being the reader.
Summary: Ubbe falls in love with a slave girl from a distant land.
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Prince Ubbe, son of the legendary Viking king Ragnar Lothbrok, had never been one for settling down. He was a warrior, a conqueror, a man who lived for battle and glory. But all that changed when he met Y/N, a slave girl from a distant land called Raven United.
Y/N was unlike any woman Ubbe had ever met. She was strong-willed, intelligent, and fiercely independent, with a spirit that matched his own. He was captivated by her from the moment he saw her, and he knew he had to have her.
Y/N was not just any slave. She was the daughter of a king, next in line to rule her own land. But she had been kidnapped by her father's enemies and sold into slavery, brought to Kattegat to be bought and sold like a piece of property.
Despite her circumstances, Y/N refused to let anyone break her spirit. She stood tall and proud, her head held high, even as she was paraded before the Viking warriors who would decide her fate.
And then she saw him. Ubbe, with his fierce blue eyes and golden hair, standing tall and proud among the other warriors. He looked at her with such intensity, such raw desire, that she felt a shiver run down her spine.
He looked at her like she was the only person in the room. Like he would be the man who would free her from her chains, who would love her and protect her, who would make her feel alive in a way she never thought possible.
She knew that was a dangerous feeling to have. Y/N knew nothing about Ubbe but yet his stare made her feel safe. Something she hasn't felt since she was taken from her home.
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allherdaydreams · 3 years
anybody have any requests for vikings headcanons, preferences, or one-shots?? it can be a sentence/word prompt or a plot idea, i don't mind anything!
even if y'all don't have anything, would you be interested in reading them if i wrote them?
i'll basically write for anyone btw, but i'd love to put content out there for characters that aren't usually written for, like the women or the saxons (not ecbert or aelle tho) since they're so underrated and i love them lol
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I can’t let you go
Pairing : Ragnar X Reader 
Warnings :  flirting 
Words : 615 
English is not my first language 
Summary : The village of Y/N, which is a little further from Kattegat, is attacked by bandits, she leaves to find refuge in Kattegat and meets Ragnar. 
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You arrive in Kattegat, tired from the long walk, your younger brother on your back and the other one by your side. The rest of the villagers who have managed to escape follow you. You attract the attention of the people of Kattegat. Even though your body can no longer follow you, you find the courage to ask where you can find the one who runs Kattegat. Someone takes your brother on his back and puts him on the ground and takes you to the leader. You had already heard in your village that the person who runs Kattegat is called Ragnar, but you didn't know any more because you weren't interested. When you enter the room, a lot of people are there. As you walk a little further on, you hear a voice.
"What can I do for you? » "I'm sorry to disturb you but our village was attacked a few days ago by bandits, we had to flee, unfortunately many people died" you answer him. "I'm sorry for your village, I'll send scouts to catch the bandits" said Ragnar as he rose from his throne, you see him approaching you. "Are these your children? " he asked. "No, they are my little brothers" Ragnar comes even closer to you. His blue eyes make you uncomfortable. "I suppose you haven't eaten for a few days, I suggest you settle down and we'll bring you something to eat, sit down, make yourself at home" Ragnar takes Y/N's hand and puts her at the table. 
You hadn't eaten so well for a very long time, you look at your brothers who are still eating, a huge smile appears on your face. You notice that Ragnar is looking at you very carefully from his throne while his wife Aslaug is talking to him. A few minutes later, a maid comes to tell you that Ragnar would like to talk to you to find out more about the bandits who attacked your village. She takes you to another room. No one in the room, you look around you. "Did the bandits have scars? " Ragnar comes out of the shadows to face Y/N. "you scared me, uh, yeah, they had it on their face." "mmh okay, don't worry we'll find them and we'll make them pay for what they've done to your village" Ragnar touches your face, you step back. "Thank you, do you need any further information? " Ragnar nods his head and says no. You are ready to go back to your brothers but a hand grabs your arm. 
"Please stay" Ragnar nods back to you. You look into his eyes, you don't know what you are doing, you are so under his charm.  
"You have a wife, I can't." "It was her who gave me her consent, she saw how I looked at you, you are so beautiful, your hair is long and beautiful, I've been crazy about you since you entered the throne room, I can't let you go" Ragnar puts a hand on your face, his warm hand provokes a feeling of even stronger desire. He brings his lips close to yours. You kiss each other without even letting yourself breathe, desire is stronger than anything else.
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littlemoonchildbear · 4 years
That Night - Hvitserk x Reader
Author’s note: English is not my first language and this is the first time I write something entirely in English and not translated from Portuguese (my mother tongue). So, if there’s something Grammarly wrong or that doesn’t make sense, please tell me and I’ll do my best to correct it. This way you help me improve my skills. This is also the first time I write for Vikings, so maybe all of them are a little out of character. This scene just didn’t get out of my head and I really wanted to write it, then, I did it. I also love Hvitserk and I think there are not enough works for him out there and I wanted to leave my contribution.
Words: 1631
Warnings: brief mention of first time and light insinuation of sex
Gif’s credits: @timotay-chalamet​
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You are like a sister to the Ragnarssons. Ragnar kind of adopted you when you were very young. You were one of the few victims that escaped the slaughter in the Viking settlement in England. For some reason, Ragnar didn’t kill you as he did with the old man, and because you were too young your memories of your real family and what happened in that horrible day got confused in your head and just get cleared when Ragnar came back and everybody in Kattegat discovered what their leader had been hiding from them.
           Now, here you were seated with your brothers Ivar and Hvitserk in the city of York. After the revenge of Ragnar’s death and your revenge against king Ecbert. After Ubbe tried to negociate with the Saxons and, obviously, he failed.
           While eating you could see that Hvitserk was restless. He wanted to say something to Ivar but needed to gain courage for that.
           You were very proud of him. Finally, for the first time in forever, he did something for himself and didn’t let Ubbe decide for both of them.
           Since you’re a child you loved all of the boys, you had a different love for each of them. If you were the mother that Sigurd needed when Aslaug was too busy with Ivar, Ubbe was like a father for them. You always saw Ubbe like a partner that you could always count on.
 Sigurd and Ivar were your babies. You always tried to make them be friendly with each other and for a long time you blamed yourself for the death of Sigurd. Until now this feeling didn’t vanish completed.
And Hvitserk… well… you have always felt different about him. You’ve always loved him more than a brother, but he’s always been Ubbe’s dog. You wanted a man that could make his own decisions. Maybe he was becoming this man now.
After playing with his hands he finally said what he was craving in his mind.
“So, the hunting party did not return today.”
Ivar ignored him and continued to eat. He tried again.
“I said, the hunting…”
“I heard what you said.” Ivar interrupted him
“We are almost out of food. And there is sickness in the town. What are we going to do? We have to do something. The Saxons are in their own country. They can be reinforced and grow stronger, while every day we just grow weaker...”
“What are you really saying, huh, brother?” said Ivar hitting the table “That I was wrong not to negotiate with the Saxons, and that Ubbe was right?”
You rolled your eyes.
“Here we go again...” you mumbled
“No.” said Hvitserk tired of Ivar’s assumptions
“No? Are you sure?”
“Ubbe was wrong. That’s why I didn’t sail with him.”
“Are you sure? Wasn’t it because of a certain fierce shieldmaiden?” Ivar provoked him glimpsing at you “Do you regret it?”
“I just told you no. Ubbe treated me like his little faithful dog. I am no one’s dog, Ivar.”
Ivar nods his head without saying anything. He gets the cup of ale from the table and brings closer to his mouth, but before he can drink it he lightly barks.
“Woof, woof.”
He tries to hold his laugh, but it doesn’t happen and then, all the men in the room are laughing too.
Hvitserk feels embarrassed. He stood up, got his sword on the table, and stormed away.
The men keep laughing even when he is already gone and at some point, you can’t hold it anymore.
“Shut up you all!” you scream angrily
In seconds everybody is quiet again, even Ivar don’t dare to say a thing.
“Why don’t you trust him Ivar?” you asked
“I trust him.”
“No, you don’t. And from what I can see you don’t trust me either, because you clearly have a plan and you are not telling neither Hvitserk nor me.”
Ivar stopped drinking and looked at you seriously. You stood up and walked until you were face to face with him. You put your hands on the table. Then, you whispered.
“I know you enough to know that you have a brilliant idea of how to defend this city. So, why you don’t tell me?” you got even closer and whispered in his ear “We are on the same side Grumpy Boy.”
You fixed your eyes on his. He didn’t turn his eyes away from yours. In a few seconds, he was smiling, really smiling not that malicious smile he used to give the others. At that moment you could see your Grumpy Boy was still there.
“I’ll tell you two soon, don’t worry. I just need a little more time.”
“You can always trust me, Ivar.” You put your hand on his “Everything I did and still do is for the best of our family.”
“I know. I’ve always trusted you. You’ve always been my sister.”
“And you’ve always been my Grumpy Boy.” you said caressing his cheek “Now” you held his chin with your fingers “stop teasing your brother. For the first time in his life, he decided something without Ubbe. He’s here because he believes and trusts on you.”
“I still think he stayed for you…” he said almost singing and resting on his chair looking at her behind his cup of ale.
You sighed and seated on the table crossing your arms.
“He didn’t.”
“Of course, he did! Weren’t you the first woman he bedded?”
“Ivar, this is none of your concern. How do you even know that?”
“Let’s just say that he let it slip from his lips when we, Ubbe and Sigurd were talking about Margrethe.”
“What this bitch has to do with me?” you said frowning your brow
“What is important is” he interrupted “he likes you. I dare to say he even loves you. He’s always loved.”
“If you are so sure about it tell me, why he didn’t tell me anything in all these years?”
“You’ll have to ask him.”
“Right. Look Ivar. I’m going to find him and try to convince him to not leave us not because of the rubbish you said to me, but because of how stupid you were to him.”
“It’s alright. Keep lying to yourself. But I know what is going to happen tonight. You’ll be his Valkyrie while you ride him like a stallion.”
“Shut up Ivar…” you hissed
You left the hall hearing Ivar’s lightly laugh.
You searched for Hvitserk all evening and just found him late at night. You finally find him at the curtain wall looking at the sky. You climbed there quietly trying not to scare him and then you accidently heard his praying to Odin.
“Lord Odin, did I make the right choice? Give me a sign. Help me. What is my fate?” he pleaded
You didn’t have time to make a normal approach. You heard arrows coming his way. Before they could bury in his head you pushed him to the ground falling above him.
“That was close.” You locked eyes with him “What were you doing here? Want to kill yourself?”
“Thank you Y/N…” he said mesmerized by you
“What’re you doing?”
You rolled off of him and sited by his side bending your knees and leaning your arms on them.
Hvitserk was next to you with his legs stretched.
“I was talking to the Gods… asking them for a sign that I did the right choice…”
“And did you?”
He sighed, resting his head on the wall, before speaking.
“I’m not sure anymore… do you think you did the right thing?”
You rested your head on the wall as well and looked at the starless sky.
“I don’t think Ubbe did the right thing… I mean, they killed our people once, they killed our king and father… and we did the same… I don’t think they would give us land this easy… definitely not.”
“Do you still trust Ivar?”
“I know Ivar has an incredible mind, he’s really good with strategies and I know Ragnar saw that he could do much more then what everybody thinks of him, but… I feel this is turning his mind sick… I can’t leave him yet…”
“Because of this, you didn’t follow Ubbe.”
“Yeah… I feel I’m losing my Grumpy Boy…”
“I miss the time that my only concern was what I would eat at dinner.”
“You mean ‘what’ or ‘who’ you would eat?”
Hvitserk giggled.
“Maybe both…” he said licking his lips
“You’re unbelievable…” you gave him a light punch on his shoulder
“I learned with the best.”
“Speaking of which, you told your brothers I was the first woman you bedded?” you said looking at him and folding your arms
“Well…” he scratched his nape “I, accidently, let it slip when we were talking about Ivar bedding Margrethe… sorry.”
“It’s alright, you are forgiven.”
“I wish we could come back that night…” you two locked eyes “Everything was perfect…” he whispered looking at your lips
“Well… we can’t go back to that night…” you left your sit and straddled his lap. You put one hand on his shoulder and the other on the wall. You came closer to his face and before your lips touched you bring your lips to his ear and whispered.
“I heard you had practiced since then… why don’t you show what you’ve learned?”
You looked at him for the last time and before he could hold you and kiss you stood up from his lap and started climbing down the stair you used to get up there. Hvitserk ran right after you.
Ivar could be wrong letting Ubbe go like that, but in one thing he was more than right. This night, you’d be a Valkyrie again, and Hvitserk, wouldn’t mind being your stallion.
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castielsangelsx · 4 years
Bonding - Ivar x Reader
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Hey! This was requested by @aphrodite4lover for a fluffy babysitting one shot! I hope you like it!!
To say Ivar was overwhelmed was an understatement. Announcing I needed to help the women in the village with a few errands meant I needed to leave our three children with Ivar. He’d always been a distant parent, he was there still for the three boys, but he remained hesitant to be alone with them. I knew this was the perfect opportunity for them to get closer and for Ivar to realise he needn't be afraid of two 10-year-olds and one 5 years old.
“Ivar, I’ll be heading off now.” Ivar’s crutch against the timber is heard as he enters into our room, wrapping a fur coat around my body for warmth I make my way to pass him. Ivar places his hand out and stops me from moving, grabbing onto my forearm.
“What if they are hungry, what should I make of them? What if they misbehave what should I say?” His face was written in complete worry and confusion, he genuinely seemed stressed.
“Ivar, if I can take care of three Lothbrok sons while you’re out raiding I think you can take care of them for a short time.” I kiss him softly and smile. His face softens and becomes less tense, and he sighs heavily. “If you can handle these three, we can have more,” I say, a small smile following my statement. Ivar didn’t say a word as he watched me exit, I couldn’t wait to be back with them. Gods know what will become of them at that time.
Ivar didn’t know what to do, he’d sat on a wooden seat watching the youngest play against the fur carpet. Torstein was the youngest, he had a slight walking deficiency, but he was getting stronger every year passed. He was getting less of a limp. When he was born, Ivar was shocked to find he had a third son who bared no mimic to his own legs. But when his son took his first step and was not able to keep himself up, he knew he had been wrong.
His eyes scanned the room, and when he heard the sound of giggling and shuffling in the distance, he made no hesitation in turning his attention onto the two older boys. Leif and Inge were twins, Ivar knew they were a handful when it came to discipline, troublemakers of sons.
The two sat in the other room, whispering into one another's ear. “Father, come in here we need to show you something.” Ivar huffs, he hoped it was for a good reason. As he entered the room, the boys proceeded to run out past him and shut the door on their way out, leaving Ivar standing stunned. With the sound of a lock and the music of muffled laughing heard behind the wooden door.
Ivar’s jaw clenched, oh here we go. Ivar limps towards the door, crutch in hand. "Boys, open this door." The boys begin to laugh even harder at his attempts to order. His voice stern and severe, yet they both fail to acknowledge it. Ivar begins to bang onto the door repeatedly, clutching onto his crutch.
Before he could bang once more onto the door, the door is swung open. Little Torstein holding onto the door and one hand holding a small blanket. Ivar sighs, a puff of anger almost leaving his body. At least he had the youngest to help him out, in a way. Ivar didn’t say a word to the smallest but ruffles the small boy's hair as he limps past and scans the room for the two others.
They had done something similar when he had returned from a raid, just before their tenth birthday. They had gotten a long rope, and each of them tripped him over as he came into their room. It resulted in loud shouting and the boys not being able to go outside for a few days. To say that the boys weren't as close to their father that he'd liked was an understatement, he was scared. He wouldn't admit it, and you'd told Ivar many times to at least take the boys out and teach them a few things.
Things they can't learn from their mother. But, Ivar was hesitant. He would do lots with the boys, but he was still unsure at times. You could tell that was why the boys seemed to play more tricks on their father much more, not as much to you anymore.
Ivar wasn’t able to find them amongst the room. His senses seemed to be on high alert, where could they be. Looking back towards Torstein, he finds the small boy watching him intently. His hand clutching the table for support to stand.
“Can you say a story?” The little boy slowly moved towards Ivar. His hand out for support, Ivar was shocked. He was slowly walking towards him without any help, and Ivar knew he would thank you for that. Looking up in a search for the other two, he sighs and leans his hand out to cup his. Pulling him towards him, Ivar stands still as Torstein wraps his arms around his hips.
Nodding at the boy, he kneels down and with the support of the stool he seats himself on the furs of the carpet and positions himself, so Torstein is leaning against his side. Ivar wasn't sure when to start, he didn't know what he was to speak about. But he had a small idea.
“When your older brothers were so little, smaller than you,” he says. Looking down at Torstein, he continues. “I was on a grand boat, Floki carved dragons on the sides. It almost flew across the sea. The sharks swimming away, even made the Gods scared." Torstein's face is wide-eyed, staring in complete fascination. “The wind--” before he could say anything Ubbe barges in. Both hands clutching onto the two boys collars.
“I think you’re missing these two, I found them throwing apples at the fishermen.” Ivar’s jaw clenches as Ubbe shoves them into the room.
“But Uncle,” one of them says.
“Ivar, aren’t you meant to be taking care of them.”
“That's what I’m doing.” Ubbe laughs at his response.
“Doesn’t look like it.” Ivar huffs and his eyebrows furrow at the two boys with smirks on their faces.
“I don’t know what to do with them,” Ivar admits. Ubbe chuckles and picks up Torstein and places him on his hip.
“Take them outside, let's go find their mother and Torvi,” The boys cheer at his response and Ivar breaths out in annoyance. He didn’t want to admit to you how he failed. He knew how much time you already spend with them and being your one day off with them, he shook his head.
“No Ubbe.”
“Alright, not find your mother. Go outside, teach them how to fight. I know Inge has wanted to watch the other men.” Ivar smiles to his son. He saw a lot of you in him, he wanted to learn everything. He hoped to spend more time with his sons, maybe this was the way without them playing tricks.
“Father, please.” Inge pleads. Ivar nods and picks himself up off the floor and watches as they bolt out the door and out into the yard. Ubbe puts down Torstein and the two Ragnarsson’s watch as he limps lightly but quickly out the door.
“He’s getting much better at walking.”
“I know, I’m glad. Torstein will make a fine Viking.” Ubbe nods in agreement.
“It is all Y/n, and her mothering. Freyja has blessed you.” Ivar hums in response to his words. He knew he was more than lucky or blessed, the boys loved you, and even though you were no shieldmaiden, you were stronger than any person he knew.
They walked with the boys out onto the beach, Torstein running to play in the sand. The other two were busy play fighting, Leif tackling Inge into the ground. Debris of sand flying everywhere. Fishermen and other small children gave a side-eye to the two Ragnarsson’s and the three boys.
Ubbe laughs as the two oldest continue to fight. Ivar smirks and dropping his crutch, he leaps towards the two boys dragging them down into the sand even more. The boys are silent before they laugh, Leif grunts and tackles his dad back into the ground. Inge soon follows, and soon the two boys are on top of Ivar, Torstein getting up off the ground and grabbing a handful of the sand and pouring it onto Ivar’s head. The boys erupt in laughter. Ivar smiles lightly before more handfuls from all three of the boys of sand are on Ivar’s head.
Ivar laughs wickedly and grabs Torstein by the waist and the two other boys, rolling them in the sand.
You smile watching the scene unravel, as they play fight. Ubbe smiles at you and nods your way before walking past you and meeting Torvi who followed behind. Ivar notices you coming towards them, and soon the boys realise also, they sit up and smile at you.
“What are you guys doing?” You say playfully. Crossing your arms and watch as Leif attempts to put Ivar into a headlock. “Boys lets head home,” Ivar announces. The boys all groan in response to his words.
“Father, please more time?” Ivar looks towards you and you smile back.
“How about we chase mother home and then we can all sit and tell stories?” The boys cheer, and you give a squeal when Inge and Leif charge towards you as they get up. Leif lets go of you to proceed to pick up Ivar’s crutch. Your heart melts, and you smile as he holds Torstein’s hand. Before long you're running with the two oldest hot on your tail. Ivar and Torstein not too far behind.
The boys were busy telling each other tales, and you had said to Ivar many times to be careful with his language. You were preparing some stew for dinner, as you chopped up the carrots and placed them in the pot, Ivar came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You smiled and snuggled your head into his neck, but you continued cooking.
“I will take Inge and Leif to train tomorrow,” nodding in response you smile. You both look towards the three boys, the youngest son snuggled between the two oldest as they told each other their own tales.
“What mischief did the two get up to?” Ivar laughs.
“Oh, nothing.”
“Was it the lock-you-in-a-room mischief.”
“How did you know?”
“I just know.” Ivar laughs at your comment. You lean into Ivar’s ear and smile, “I want more Ivar.”
This was way longer than I expected! Hope you liked it guys, I tried to make it funny with their pranks.
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