#uhg sorry this is so fucking funny
bakugourising · 8 months
nope (2022) is on streaming i rewatched it :^)
“make you vile, make you a spectacle” oh ya love this quote
these horses are beautiful 
hollywood is such a nightmare this scene gives me such ick
oj is top 10 main characters of all time and im not even joking i love him
jupe on the second watch is very unlikable like he is feeding oj’s horses to an alien fuck off dude
“it was a spectacle people are just obsessed”
“he is a force of nature, he is killing it on that stage” :|
“i fuck one on occasion” lol
“what’s a bad miracle? we got a a name for that?” “nope” <3
theme: the power of giving something a name
“dyslexic ass” lol x2 em is so funny
“she booked a pilot on the cw” angel is so funny
angel: *ranting about aliens oj:“cool”
the characters in this movie r so good and play so well off each other like jupe and em r so funny and then angel asking them to give his service 5 stars it’s so good
such a scary scene and then it being the kids uhg i love it
also love that oj punches a kid and it’s actually not his fault
wow ghost is a beautiful horse
“what if it’s not a ship” he’s so smart and he’s so cool
i kno ppl don’t like the chimp stuff but i love the chimp stuff i think it works narratively with it being a jupe flashback of a pre established event, and is really important thematically (putting animals in positions where they are going to freak out and then killing them for it, using cgi instead of a real chimp cuz using a real chimp is bad, the rampage being already finished with (the chimp chose not to kill jupe because he didn’t look the chimp in the eyes/scare the chimp by running away and yelling) and only THEN does it get shot by the humans), it also establishes that jupe survived an animal attack once but doesn’t worry it will happen again with an animal (jeanjacket) that literally eats horses(which r as big as ppl! it could obviously eat people!)
“im gonna get lucky” oj is wonderful
“i swear on my wife and children’s lives” now don’t say that
“trained animals can be unpredictable”
like, jupe really thought it wouldn’t eat him and his wife and his kids like dude
sunglasses at night <3 love that song also the radio being on is such a good way to build tension/show when jeanjacket is close (and then then using it later to when they are drawing jeanjacket out)
the aesthetic of this movie is stunning
i love oj i love how he makes lucky feel safe by tapping the trailer i love that he knew not to look jeanjacket in the eyes where jupe looked straight up
the gaming chair and vr 😭 angel is so <3
“trying to tame a predator”
“ive been up under it a couple times now. i get him. it’s an animal, you don’t turn your back on a bear, you don’t wear red around a bull, it’s like that. you don’t look at it unless you want it’s attention”
“i call top hat” this is the real top hat monopoly player representation we need top hat monopoly players rise up
lucky is so well trained unbothered by the balloon man
camera guy is weird but he sounds like leonard cohen so i like him
angel with the reusable water bottle and camera guy just swallowing pills dry like these characters are immaculate
“sorry, im scared” i love angel
oj going to help the guy even tho he rlly has no reason to and the guy is annoying <3 he’s just a nice guy
“did u get that on camera?” lol
the run scene is perfect
non-flared jeanjacket looks like a sand dollar
again lucky just waiting patiently that’s a good horse
oj is the best he’s so brave and smart
em is the best she’s so brave and smart
this last action sequence is just too good i have no notes except that it’s fantastic
and then oj being there <3
fantastic movie everything is so intentional and brilliant 10/10 movie for me one of my favs for sure can’t wait to watch it again
i love how socal this movie is
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chuuyanaurkahara · 11 months
Spit some murderkitten facts
In every AU that doesn't have magic(like idk noname radio ig idk) they met in a mental health hospital
In canon, the first week of knowing eachother was... filled with chaos i think. "alr, it's time for my routine, you wanna go to the bathroom and shower, brush ur teeth, whatev before me?" "idc u go first i still have a bit homework to do" "but my routine is long..." "idc how long can it be?" *3hours later* "DANI WHAT THE FUCK HOW MUCH LONGER" "I TOLD YOU MY ROUTINE IS LONG" "I DIDN'T EXPECT IT TO TAKE THIS LONG" "CHILL THE FUCK OUT MOTHERFUCKER I'M ONLY HALFWAY DONE" "WHAT"
"uhg i really should sit straighter, my back is killing me..." "i can make you arch it the other way if you want me to~" "wh-what o///o"
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fakeloveaskblog · 2 years
(Hi, me again. Another ask for Virgil.)
*eyes glowing grayish blue with worry*
*hands Virgil an ice pack and some tissues*
You okay? That seemed like a painful conversation for you… literally.
*insert drum sound. Da dum chi*
Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. In all seriousness though, are you okay?
*listens to response and provides comfort*
*waits until Virgil is finished talking before moving on to a different conversation topic*
You were right about me being British by the way. Although I don’t like tea so I’m considered a disgrace to my country. (Not really.)
Also about the cleaning thing. Basically different void creatures have different abilities and skills, both regular and magical and the more we practice abilities the better we are at them. Like how The Local Demon is really good at summoning plushes and how I’m good at cooking. But if we don’t work on abilities then they aren’t as good, such as me being terrible at cleaning both magically or otherwise. I do hope that makes sense, I’m not always the best at explaining things.
Now I’m going to check on Remy, I’ll be back in about an hour. See you soon.
*appears next to Remy*
Hi Remy. It’s been about a day since I last saw you, how are you holding up?
(Depending on Remy’s response I might give them the box of their stuff that Virgil put together. But only if they seem like they are in a suitable mental state to receive it. If not I’ll wait till another time. Or one of the other Watchers might give it to them if they see a good opportunity to do so. I’m working under the assumption that we all gossip in between asks about what’s going on, so they are also aware of the boxes existence.)
Glow Eyes
Virgil hesitated a little before taking the tissue and ice pack. He held his head back to try and stop the nosebleed while pressing the pack against his nose.
"I hate Oswald" He muttered out "Hate his guts. If I was that guy I would puke every time I looked in the mirror!!"
He glared over to you and eyed your sudden blue eyes. Your voice echoed against the wall behind him as you spoke even if you were right next to him. He rolled his eyes at your pun.
"Ha ha. Very funny. But seriously? Everything he said about me is true isn't it. He just said I was violent and lonely and a piece of shit. And I mean. Who's to say!? I probably am maybe possibly yeah. I'm okay really. I dated Remy in high school while they would come to school in skirts. It's not exactly the first time I've gotten pushed into a wall"
It only took a few seconds before his nose scrunched and he got an annoyed expression again.
"I just don't get why head to be so nasty about Remy! They haven't been nothing but nice to him! And he still misgendered and- and called them stupid fucking things! it's just basic decency! Y'know that Remus guy right? When I got in here and saw him he- uh how do I say this without sounding like a jackass- He looked like someone I would typically assume to be a lady okay. But I remembered in my little worm brain that Remy has used he/him for him and also that they're like only into dudes so y'know- You can hear me speaking I'm not out here calling the Remus guy something he's not. AND HE'S LIKE PROBABLY TRYING TO BONK MY RE- MY uhhh ex? uhg no gross don't like that. That makes me feel real bad. Remy. He's probably trying to get it on with Remy. And I'm still like not a dickhole about him!! Basic decency!!! Fuck Oswald. I hate him. I wanna strangle him with like a fucking I wanna strangle him using a bunch of fish sauce. Nearly drown him in it. Make him suffer. Make him smell like fish! Then no one will want him! No one wants a fish!"
He flailed his arms around while speaking. He looked over to you to get some sort of nod of approval to see if he was still coherent in any way. You just stared back at him.
"I dunno. It feels good being angry at Oswald....'Cause I know...I've said similar shit about Remy...I remember that...But...But when I remember myself doing that I remember it as good....Like i had good intentions...I was in the right......It feels good to like see my actions in someone else so I can get angry at it...I guess...Rightfully angry...I gotta work on that self insight dude holy shit"
Your eyes shifted to glow a subdued orange to comfort, while not comforting too much since he was still a not so good guy. You continued your message about the watcher's different abilities and he nodded along.
"Ah I see. That makes full sense. So you and your friends must have all taken extensive classes in the humble ability of being a total overbearing asshat" He smiled like he was proud of his joke before chuckling a little "Just kidding...mostly.
Your eyes glowed on and off green to show sarcastic laughter.
"Tough audience. Yeah, good idea about checking on with Remy. I hope they're okay"
You floated into Logan's and Patty's apartment. For them it had only been a bit over an hour since they left Virgil's place and crashed at the couple's place. There was a stiff tension hanging over the entire apartment.
Patty sat in an armchair with Thomas, her dog, laying on the floor on top of her feet. She was absentmindedly moving her foot to rub his belly. She had placed two cups of tea on the coffee table. One for her and one for Remy who was sitting in the couch but they hadn't drank any of it. It had gone cold by now anyway.
A cigarette was pressed between Remy's fingers. The smoke slowly rose up into the air. The couple would have never allowed anyone to smoke in here if it wasn't for the situation being this unusual.
A far away look was in Remy's eyes as they stared out. They had barely even touched the cigarette. They'd lit it, shakingly took a few breathes of smoke and then completely forgot about it even if they were literally holding it.
You spoke, but Remy didn't respond. After a little bit they turned their head towards your direction but they were looking right through you. It was hard to say if they even noticed that you were there.
The noise of what sounded like a conversation came from the kitchen so you floated over into the room.
"How long did the bus ride here take?" Logan asked. His tone was as serious as it could be.
"20 minutes. Give or take" Janus replied.
"Did the bleeding stop during the bus ride?"
"...It ended a few minutes after getting on the bus, I think"
Logan had made his partner sit down on one of the kitchen chairs. He was holding a cotton ball that had been soaked in disinfection creme. He was gently holding his hand under Janus' chin to make them tilt their head back as he cleaned the small cuts on their face. There were about three of them. All on the left side of their face.
"If it bleed for over 10 minutes you need to get stitches"
"It didn't"
Logan stared directly at them "Are you sure? Absolutely 100% incredibly sure? Really sure?"
"I am sure darling" They replied with a smile.
"I'll take your word for it then" He grumbled out.
He rinsed off the dried up blood that had been left on their cheek before carefully placing band-aids on all three of the cuts.
"He could have punctuated your eye!" Logan suddenly said "If the shards had hit you in your eye it could have blinded you"
"Well I did punch him right thereafter so I think we're even"
"I am not. I will major in medicine but instead of using the knowledge to heal, I will use it to harm. Harm Virgil specifically. I will not only make him feel moderate pain, but severe pain! That lasts an unusual long amount of time! Yes! I must! Because he dared throw broken shards from a vase onto my beautiful Janus!"
Janus let up into laughter.
"Are you not finding my threats incredibly serious and scary?"
"I am shaking in bone deep terror deary" Janus had put on a fake serious tone.
Logan let up into a small smile before leaning in to kiss them. They let their hand slip into his as they stood up and went back out into the living room. You followed closely behind.
Remy was still sitting in silence. They hadn't even taken off their shoes. Logan went over to his wife and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. They exchanged a few whispered words. Patty squeezed Janus' other hand and asked if he was alright. He nodded back.
It felt like a bomb had been placed right in the middle of the apartment and if any of them spoke ever too loudly it would go off and no one could guess what would happen if the bomb went off. And the bomb was named Remy.
The cigarette had nearly burned all the way down. Janus went over to the couch to snuff it out before it burned their hand. As soon as he got close Remy flinched away. Their breathe got stuck in their throat. Their eyes went wide as they stared up at him.
"Darling it's just me" He reminded. He made sure to move slower as he reached out his hand and motioned for the cigarette "Mind letting me stub it out?"
Remy glanced between his hand and his face before giving him the cigarette. He quickly pressed it out against the side of the coffee table before turning back to them. They were looking around the apartment like they didn't even know where they were.
"You alright hun?"
They stared at him for an uncomfortably long time before going back to looking out into nothing, their arms dangling limply against their sides. Thomas stood up from his owner's feet and went over to lick Remy's hand.
When they felt the fluffy fur against their skin they flinched again before reaching out and patting the dog's big head.
"good boy" They mumbled out.
Janus leant against his boyfriend's shoulder. He knew there was a long list of things to worry about. They had to get Remy their medicine. Had to make sure they ate and drank because he knew self care was the last thing on their mind right now. Had to find some place they wanted to stay at. Probably had to try and find a therapist for them soon as well. Right now he thought all of them needed a moment to breathe.
All of them....Logan, Janus, Patty, Remy and- oh shit.
"....Patty...Do you know where Remus went?" Janus asked "He was here before Logie cleaned my cuts"
She quickly looked around as if he would jump up from behind a couch "Uhm..Nope. No idea"
"That is not good. If he's alone for too long he Will either commit arson or give himself food poisoning somehow. How do you even lose a Remus?"
"You forget to cherish him!" "Quite easily actually. He is pretty fast" Patty and Logan replied at the same time.
Janus leaned not so subtly towards a dark corner of the room and whispered out to you.
"Whenever one of you talks to us you immediately arrive at our exact location correct? So if one of you talked to Remus you would know where he was. I understand if he went back to his place to rest or something of that sort....but if he's not okay, And if he is okay with me going to him, could you lead me to him. Pretty please?"
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thehealingheart95 · 8 months
Modern Dating (LOK FanFic) enjoy (:
Korra was drinking her morning coffee, while carelessly swiping left and right on her phone, searching for a single woman that appealed to her interest. She was beginning to get bored with her mindless swiping when she came across a beautiful woman with snow-white skin, long raven-colored hair, and gleaming green eyes. Her name was, Asami and in her bio, it stated, ‘Looking to have some fun with someone who can make me laugh and forget about work. Nothing serious, just like a friend’s with benefits type of thing.’ This makes, Korra groan in annoyance.
“Why do all of the women I find attractive not want what I want?” She yells out loud to herself.
But fuck, is she beautiful, and I could make her laugh! I’m funny… Her thoughts start to race. Screw it, I’m going to like her. Korra swipes her finger to the right and BAM, they match.
“WHAT?!” Nearly shouting this time.
 We matched? Shit, what do I say to her? Her mind is running ramped now as she stares at the screen, prompting her to send, Asami a message and “Hey!” That is all, Korra could think of. She took a second but really didn’t know what else to say, so she held her breath and pressed, SEND.
Korra puts her phone down, feeling like an idiot, “Hey!” that’s all I could manage to say to her. Seconds later her phone pings, “Hey, cutie, what are you up to? ;)”
She called me cute, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! Come up with something dammit!
 Korra takes a deep breath and texts back, “Not much, gorgeous, just about to hop in the shower. Text you when I’m out?”
She presses send and it takes about 10 seconds for her phone to ping again, “Aww, wish I was there, but yes, I’ll be here when you get back.”
Holy hell, this woman isn’t playing around, I like it… Korra quickly showers, but makes sure to take her time landscaping, who knows, maybe she’ll end up getting lucky tonight.
She comes out in nothing but a towel, drops of water dripping from her short brown hair, down her cinnamon-shaded skin. She removes the towel, drying every inch of her perfectly toned body, when her phone buzzes again...
 “How long are you going to keep me waiting, thinking about me in the shower are we?”
 Korra can’t help but blush when she sees, Asami’s text. “Someone’s confident, hmmm? Sorry, I just love hot showers, it’s hard to get out of them, but knowing I had you waiting, was worth the exit.”
Korra replies before applying herself with lotion and getting dressed. Her phone pings again, “Listen, I don’t mean to be too forward, but I need to get laid, do you have any plans tonight?”
Korra’s holding her phone with her eyes nearly popping out of her head. Holy fuck, this woman knows what she wants! I want the same so why not?
“Nope, no plans, except with you.” Korra texts back, “Great, meet me tonight at 7 pm at my place. I can text you the address later. DM me your number. xx” Her place? How does she know I’m not some crazy serial killer? Well, I don’t want to sound too eager…
 “Okay, sounds great, I can’t wait.”
It is now six in the evening and, Korra is starting to lose her shit. Asami texted her the address about an hour ago, but she has no fucking idea what to wear or what she was doing with her hair. She needed backup so she called her best friend, Opal to come over to help but she was taking forever!
Finally, there’s a knock on the door, “Come in!” Korra yells out, while she fidgets with her hair. “Hey, Kor, sorry it took me so long, traffic was horrible. My god, you do need my help after all!”
 “Thanks for pointing out the obvious, O, yes I do, and we don’t have much time. I’m supposed to be there in 45 minutes!”
Opal’s mouth falls open, “Are you, kidding me, Korra? What is with you and procrastinating everything in your life? Uhg, you know who you’re talking to, right? I’ve got this. Now go brush those curls out of your hair, you look like a seven-year-old girl.” Opal tried not to laugh but she couldn’t help the shy giggle that escaped her.
“Ouch, O… I know I can be a pain but dang. Is everything okay?”
“Gosh, I’m sorry. Yeah, Bolin and I just had a little argument. No biggie, we’re good now. It just put me in a mood, let's just shake it off and get you lookin’ good.”
So, they did and when Opal was finished, Korra felt more confident than ever. Her straight brown bob flowed perfectly over her baby face and her smoky eye makeup made her big blue eyes, POP. She wanted to dress nicely, but at the same time look herself, she wasn’t big on pretending so she wore her favorite high wasted-back jeans and purple tie-dye halter top with the vans to match, and luckily it was a little chilly out so it gave her an excuse to wear her favorite beanie and leather jacket as well.
“You look great, Kor, there’s no way this, Asami will be able to keep her hands off you tonight!”
Korra is weaving in and out of traffic, trying to make a good impression by actually showing up on time to something for once in her life.
She arrives at the address she entered in her GPS and finds herself at a parking garage.
What the… A parking garage? This is fancy.
Korra thinks to herself while she enters the garage and searches for a space to park. She eases into one, gets out, gets on an elevator, and presses the letter P. With her anxiety rising, Korra attempted to take deep breaths and looked out of the glass to see a perfect night sky.
 This is going to be great, Korra, just relax. Fuck she’s so beautiful though and lives in a fucking penthouse? How could she possibly be interested in me? Her thoughts begin to race, again. The elevator dings and the doors slide open.
“Good evening. You must be, Korra, right this way please.” Greets an old man in a red uniform. Korra smiles and follows his lead until she’s in front of a 6-foot-long wooden dinner table, decorated with candles and rose petals.
“Ms. Sato will be joining you, momentarily.” Says the old man, before leaving, Korra alone.
Holy shit, this is impressive. All this for a lay?
“Wow, if your front is as good as your back, you’ll have to pinch me.” Greets an unfamiliar, seductive voice from behind.
 Korra quickly turns around; cheeks flushed and lets out a chuckle.
“So, she likes it rough, I’ll make a note of that.”
“You’re funny, I like funny. I’m, Asami, we haven’t officially met. May I say the pleasure is all, mine?”
“Hi, Asami I’m, Korra. You’re stunning.”
 Korra replied holding out her hand to, Asami, but instead, she pulled, Korra in for a sensual hug.
“Sorry, I just wanted to see what you felt like against me. Gotta say it was exhilarating.”
Asami whispered in, Korra’s ear. This makes, Korra’s entire body heat up.
“If you liked that, you’ll love this,” she promises before pressing her lips against, Asami’s red-painted mouth, parting her lips so she could twirl their tongues together all while grasping her perfect ass cheeks in each hand.
The two women enjoy each other’s mouths for several moments when Asami started to take off, Korra’s jacket and shirt, revealing her black lacy bra and a perfect amount of cinnamon-shaded cleavage. She peppered kisses all over, Korra’s chest and pulled down her bra strap strings and cups. Korra’s breasts pop out, bouncing and plump. Asami gazed up and got the green light through beaming blue eyes. She placed one of, Korra’s nipples in her mouth and began to swirl her tongue around her areola.
Korra moans, as, Asami moves her way to her other breast while using her hands to unzip, Korra’s jeans. Making her multitasking look so effortless.
“You… are… so… hot, Korra.”
Asami is practically drooling, as her fingers reached, the wet fold in between, Korra’s eyes.
“Mmmm, you’re beautiful.”
Korra moans back while Asami’s index and middle fingers enter her wet slit. Asami continues to thrust her fingers in and out of, Korra and pulled her in for a sloppy, wet kiss.
She can feel, Korra getting closer, and by her moans and movements, she can tell it won’t take her long to finish. She curves her fingers and twirls her thumb on, Korra’s clit until it’s clear Asami has helped her reach her climax.
“Uhhh, yeah…right…there…uhhhhh”
“Fuck, you’re even hotter when you cum for me.”Asami groans as she slides those same two fingers in her mouth.
“And you taste, absolutely delicious.”
“That… was…wow.”
Is all, Korra could manage to say, she was still in the after-effects of her orgasm, leaning up against the dining room wall, trying to steady her breathing.
Asami helped her gather her clothes and motioned for her to join her at the table. “Champagne?”
“Yes please, sounds refreshing,” Korra answers as she pulls on her top.
 Asami proceeds to pour their glasses to the rim and hands one to, Korra, they both waste no time and gulp the flutes empty.
“So, Korra, tell me about yourself. How is a woman like you single?” Asami asks eyebrow raised.
“There’s not a whole lot to tell, I’m a personal trainer, make average money, my favorite color is ocean blue, and my best friend's name is, Opal. I guess I’m still single because I just recently came out. I don’t know, dating is new to me, I actually, just made my account yesterday.”
 This intrigues, Asami, “Just came out huh? Tell me more about that.”
“Well, I’ve always known I like women, but I guess I just never felt comfortable or confident enough to come out. I had this friend who I was in love with and like an idiot, right before she got married, I told her how I felt about her. Ever since she rejected me, my feelings have gotten harder to ignore, so I decided it’s time to get out there and live my life the way I want to, not how my family or society expects me to.” Korra explains.
“I love that, fuck what people think. As long as you’re not killing people, what’s the big deal, why do people care so damn much about every little thing?” Asami asks rhetorically while filling the champagne flutes back up.
“I don’t know but ‘they’ sure seem to.” Korra says annoyed, “Basically my entire family besides my parents disowned me when I told them, even some of my ‘friends’ seemed to have a problem with it. Opal has been my biggest supporter through all this. if I didn’t have her, I don’t know what I’d do.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, Korra, that’s unfortunate that someone’s sexual orientation can be that big of a problem for some people. Just know, it’s not you, it’s them. I know it sounds cliché, but it’s just a fact. I will never understand why who someone sleeps with is such a big deal to some people.”
“Me either,” Korra pouted.
 “What about you, ‘Ms. Sato’? Tell me about yourself. I’d like to know more about you too. I mean you did just have your finger inside me.”
“Well, isn’t that a loaded question, let’s see… I practically live in my office. When my father died, I took over his engineering company and the work takes up the majority of my time, making it nearly impossible to do any of the things I enjoy. I am an only child, my favorite color is, blood red, and my best friend I guess would be my cat, Mishi.”
Korra and Asami are enjoying some casual conversation when, Asami asks, “Are you hungry? I can have my chief whip something up real quick?”
Korra stares directly at the incredibly sexy woman in front of her.
“I’m starving, but not for food.”
“Oh, really, well, shall we take this to the bedroom then?” Asami asks, green eyes glowing.
Korra smiles, shyly before saying, “Here is fine. I’ve always wanted to eat some pussy at the dinner table.”
Korra stands and swiftly picks up, Asami and places her ass on the edge of the table, pausing to take a moment to soak up her beauty.
 She was wearing a tightly fitted nightgown that hugged every inch of her slender, yet curvy body and the red coloring made her pale skin glow. Her dark, long wavy hair reached down to the small of her back, and her lips, were so plump and red, Korra had to practically stop herself from biting them.
“Asami Sato, you are breathtaking.”
Korra breathes in her new lover’s mouth while sliding her nightgown up above her waist.
Okay, Korra, it’s your time to shine, you may have never done this, but it can’t be that hard, you’re a woman, you know what they like right?
Korra’s thoughts begin to drift but she is quickly snapped back to reality by, Asami’s hands wrapping around her ass.
God, her touch is so intoxicating…
Korra grows the courage to undress herself slowly, allowing, Asami a full-access view of her naked body, “Holy shit, Korra, you’re beautiful.” Asami gasps, before pulling her in for another kiss.
Asami lifts her arms, as Korra takes off her nightgown and when she does, she can’t believe her eyes. She’s an angel, that’s it, that’s what it must be… Korra thinks to herself as she soaks up the glowing white of, Asami’s skin.
Korra then starts to kiss every inch of, Asami’s body and makes her way down to her inner thighs. She then slid off her matching red panties and buries her face in her entrance, inhaling the scent that was now, her Asami.
Finally, Korra’s tongue meets, Asami’s throbbing clit and she starts to simultaneously shake her head back and forth. “Oh, yes!” Asami screams, “Right there, mmmm.” With, Asami’s hands in her hair, Korra takes the cue and goes even faster.
“FUCK YES… oh my god…Korra, don’t stop!”
“Don’t you worry about that…” Korra moans with, Asami in her mouth. Korra continues to lick, twirl, and suck on, Asami’s clit until…
“Uhhh, uhhhh, uhhhh, yes… I’m going to cum, mmmm, YES!” Asami screams and trembles uncontrollably from her orgasm.
“Mmmm, so much better than dinner. You’re more like the dessert.”
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henasse · 1 year
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Stares at old post
(vent ahead)
That's really sweet
I wish I remembered more than I do, and I know I did at one point and we were making progress but it's all just gone again, is this what brain damadge is like? Do I have to do it again and again all the time?
And he says yes and he looks like he's going to cry like his hearts breaking, and I just, don't understand.
I get it now I guess, he had that exact conversation with me hundreds of times since I fell, I get so anxious I've done this so much
What am I if I'm just a broken record. Why does everything want specifically me to rot, out of everyone.
Fate says she loves me /heavy paraphrasing./
And I have literal armies who want me dead so like it could be a lot of fucking people right
Except I took on a titan once
And then I guess I got retired because I'm a bitch who fell in love. Great. And now I'm entitled because I just I don't even remember why I'm entitled or acting entitled so now I'm just panicking and over analyzing everything every single thing I do all of the time to make sure this time goes better or different I am loosing it, I am literally loosing it
And it's fine it's f I n e and me worrying about it is apparently bad and I shouldn't because it's disrespectful??? I know I get it right yeah I've doubted so much so long while literally being your messenger uhhhhjfjker for those of you who dont know I Channle deity's so they can more directly speak to certain followers they have messages for I act as a bridge so I work under Hermes or I did sort of
I mean I'm not mad I just hurt a lot everywhere all the time and may have brain damadge now due to literally the stupidest shit. Like if you knew what I went through and you saw how I got this you'd be like "pff ..I'm sorry that's just objectively funny"
Yeah yeah I know it is hhh
Let me dieeeeeeeee do itttt goddamnit aagarjjektort but don't yet because I made a promise to some one now uhghhgh I hate it
I loved him more than I hated myself damnit it . Now look I gotta live and suffer and meet people and have friends and theyr probly all gonna fucking die and be tortured because they got near me again just like the last set.
I hate it
My head hurts so much these days. So much it aches so bad. I still fuckin get up though, gods. I still fucking get up. And do shit . Bc what am I gonna do? Rot? Then Kronos wins. And I am never letting that happen, never. Fuck that dumb fucking bitch.
Alright, breathe.
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wintercosmicskye · 3 years
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Made another meme lol. Sorry it’s so messy, I wanted to color it digitally but I wasn’t in the mood to do lineart so.
Anyways I made this because I headcanon that Halkenna is prone to becoming a found family older brother. Why? Because I love found family trope and I think it’s sweet, also it was said at one point that Little Jack aspires to be like Space Boyfriend, and Halkenna (Space Boyfriend) wishes he was more like Little Jack so, like, it’s 1 in the morning not the best time to explain my thoughts. Just like Halkenna taking Little Jack in and they develop sib relationship I just like the idea.
A similar thing happens with Omori in an idea I have for a fic called “fuck it, I say let him do it.” (Name pending) where instead of fighting Space Ex Boyfriend, Omori decides “you know what, I think we should let him. He’s earned this.” (Probably not his exact wording). The rest of the gang is naturally really confused by this, like do you mean we should let him get revenge on his ex Omori? Space Ex Boyfriend is like hell yeah, see? this kid gets it. In the confusion, he manages to run out to enact his revenge plan before the boss fight can happen, but before he gets too far Omori catches up to him and convinces him to wait until tomorrow so Omori can help him (maybe at least partially explaining the emotional Rock Paper Scissors thing). The next day, Omori and the rest of the gang wind up going separate ways(?), the gang still following the main plot while Omori joins up with X (going to abbreviate Space Ex Boyfriend’s name like that every now and again because it’s so much quicker and the third song on Bug Spray is called X so hey bonus music ref). Going through the forest is so much easier with X thanks to the fact that he can just light the candles from afar with his space laser. Basically they’re gonna try assassinating Sweetheart, but of course there’s obstacles along the way, and X does a little bit of big brothering over time (he’s probably slower to do it than Halkenna, but still) also the dynamic is probably a bit different than the one above but ye. There’s one particular moment I have in mind where he carries Omori like Mari did Sunny cuz “uhg, come on, we’ll never get anywhere with you going so slow with those tiny legs of yours, come on- wow, you’re really light-“ (and if this was a mod the running speed would probably be twice as fast as before) and the next day (this time with Halkenna/Captain Spaceboy) he helps with the thalassophobia thing (sorry I probably butchered the spelling auto fill wasn’t helping me and Im too lazy to look it up right now) but it’s funny cuz he mentions how it’s physically impossible to drown in the water here cuz it’s breathable, and Omori doesn’t say it out loud but he’s like “(okay that may be true, but narratively you weren’t supposed to acknowledge that.)” and then Halkenna is briefly confused cuz wait how’d he develop a fear of drowning on a planet with breathable water? But anyways yeah. I’m working on a diff fic right now but I might write for this one at some point, maybe after I finish “The Adventures Begin!” And before I start the next part “The Lost Treasure of Nowhere” (I have... a lot of ideas and one may debate whether I’ll actually be able to do them all, but ideally I’d like to think yes.) anyways, remember when I said it was one in the morning? WELL NOW ITS TWO AAAA WHYD I RAMBLE FOR SO LONG
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jangofctts · 3 years
so it’s currently storming where i am right now and all i can think about his blanche kissing you in the rain fkskdks like maybe you’re a medic with the sunburst boys and you and blanche are just. constantly arguing all the time and at one point you’re fighting after a mission and he says something that hits a little too close to home like maybe he says something like “we don’t even need you/you just get in the way” or smth and you stand up and he’s like where the fuck are you going and you say “anywhere but here, maybe i’ll go find a squadron that doesn’t take me for fucking granted cause you’d all be dead without me so fuck this and fuck you” and just leave and the moment you’re out the door fuse is like what the fuck are you insane and immediately blanche is running after you telling you to come back and that he didn’t mean it but you’re PISSED so you just ignore him and keep walking but he’s like “it’s raining and you’ll get sick please come back” and you’re like “oh that’s funny it almost sounds like you care about me” and eventually he just grabs your arm and yanks you back to him and plants his lips right on yours and it’s pouring and you’re both soaking wet but who cares because blanche is kissing you!!! and it’s so fucking cliche like some romcom or whatever but he doesn’t let you go and kisses you like you’re the air he needs to breathe and he’s never going to see you again. and when he pulls away he cups your cheeks and whispers “i care about you more than you know, i didn’t mean any of it i swear, i’m sorry please don’t request reassignment please come back i can’t do this without you” -⚡️
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sealers100 · 4 years
A (brief) review of every Donald Sutherland movie (so far)
I’m not coping well with quarantine at all and no one else seems to be either (which makes me feel a bit better) So what started out of boredom back over christmas break has turned into a quest to find and watch every Donald Sutherland movie ever. Probably not my best idea since a lot of them are very old and hard to find and would need to be bought online (which isn't an option right now.) Don’t ask me why, this kinda just happened and I’m not gonna fight it. So stick around for an unprofessional review of a very professional actor’s long film career. 
(if anyone has any suggestions or knows where to find more hmu) 
Ah talk about a movie that didn’t age well (but neither did Holiday Inn and we still watch that) I’m not here to bash on it for being problematic because apart from the way they treated Houlihan, I genuinely loved this movie. It had be rolling the whole time just like the show and I still catch myself whistling like Hawkeye all the time. Probably still like the show better and Alan Alda’s Hawkeye (sorry Donald) but its definitely been a go to when I’m having a rough day.
Kelly’s Heroes
I think this was the first movie of his I ever saw as a little girl and I remember being very confused. (since it didn’t match my dad’s military stories at all) so this ended up being the first one I went out of my way to hunt down and watch and sorry to Clint Eastwood but Donald stole this movie from literally everyone. He’s hilarious, he’s sexy, he steals the show and it’s definitely one of his more underrated movies (the movie itself is a bit long) which is a damn shame since he (literally) died filming this one. (if you don’t know the story, look it up its wild)
Alex in Wonderland 
Wow, who knew he could be such a convincing asshole! At least he becomes aware of it by the end of the film but I just felt so lost by the end. Like ,what did I watch, what happens now? Not one of my favorites but definitely interesting and a sure product of the early 70s. Overall, he does have a lot of good scene (a scene with THE Federico Fellini) that are sometimes light-hearted, dumb, cute, irritating, and just...what? The relationship between him, his wife, and children is probably the only redeeming factor since its pretty accurate for how his actions strain his relationships. I am gonna be honest though, I only watched this one to see him as a long haired hippie 😂 (sorry). 
Leave it to Jane Fonda to remind me why I’m bisexual (I wish she wasn’t always a prostitute) Although there was a lot more of her and a lot less of him, even though he is John Klute. I am an absolute sucker for those old black and white noir movies and this is no different. It leaves some feelings to be desired at times (Donald apparently felt the same way) but you can really tell there’s a fascinating chemistry between him and Jane (because there actually was) Overall the story was entertaining but the character’s themselves seemed somewhat drab. I wish we got to know more about them and had more scenes with more emotion apart from just the sex and love scenes. Oh well, it was still a pretty damn good movie and I’d definitely watch it again if I got the chance.
Lady Ice
Basically Magnum before Magnum was even a thing. Now just because a movie is bad doesn’t mean it can’t be entertaining. I love the whole Miami Vice vibe I get from this and again, huge fan of private investigators, detectives and dirty schemes. His acting might not be exemplary but I don’t even care. The movie is fun and not every movie has to be deep and meaningful. Nothing wrong with just watching a movie for the hell of it. And that moustache, it’s my kryptonite. 😆
Don’t Look Now
If you haven’t seen this movie, stop reading my bs and go watch it right now. (its free on crackle) This is such a good movie I could make a whole post on it alone. Donald and Julie Christie (I’m still not over her either) put so much into every scene, giving us such a beautiful relationship that’s been fraught with tragedy. Every scene is beautiful and eerie and enchanting Iloveitsomuch!!! I don’t wanna spoil too much because the ending turns everything on its head. I’m not sure if this is meant to be a horror movie but it really walks that uncanny valley with the whole setting of Venice in it’s off season, the dark corridors, creepy premonitions. I will spoil this, I love how for once, the man is the psychic instead of the woman, which is a trope that waaaaaay over done. AND THE SCANDAL! Okay sex scenes in movie isn't exactly scandalous but this one was surprisingly realistic (no they didn’t actually have sex) so everyone in the 70s pitched a hissy fit over it and I can’t understand why. It’s by far the most realistic and beautiful sex scene I’ve ever watch, hats off to Donald and Julie. God Bless Nicholas Roeg for this masterpiece, aaaaahhh just go watch it its so good!
Fellini’s Casanova 
Alright but bear with me on this. I think I had a religious experience while watching this movie. I was overly exhausted and had my eye on it for a while said ‘fuck it let’s watch something weird.’ This what actually started by quarantine marathon (how appropriate) and I can safely say, I think this is the most beautiful, most grotesque, most enchantingly beautiful and yet dark and bizarre movies I’ve ever seen. Donald makes such a convincing 18t century venetian lover and they really went all out with his appearance, acting and the scenery of the whole movie. Everyone in the film seems to genuinely enjoyed everything they’re doing (which says a lot they do some crazy shit in this one) and the whole time, everything is erriley whimsical, almost like a fever dream (which is what this film might have been I dunno). And the fact it spans the entirety of Casanova’s life, from his highest point to his absolute lowest decent into squalor just proves that Fellini holds nothing back AT ALL. Again, no spoilers (I don’t really think I can spoil this film) but there’s just copious amounts of sex and its just plain strange but if you find it in your heart to give it a try, please do. If you’re not sure about it that’s fine definitely not for everyone. However I highly recommend Fellini’s other works. (go watch La Strada)  
Invasion of the Bodysnatchers 
Hahaha oh man I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this movie. My friends and I in college had a horror movie night and this one seriously freaked out my roommate (i’m so sorry). I love me some sci-fi (I run a star trek blog) and this not only gave me lots of Donald but also Leonard Nimoy, (along with a very young Jeff Goldblum) so yes, this is now one of my favorite sci-fi movies (I did a film analysis on it too). I don’t recommend watching it in quarantine unless you’re into freaking yourself about a global pandemic. I will say, this movie is an anomaly  since I think it might be the only movie that is not only better than its remake, but also better than the book (which I also read) This one gives us Donald (and his moustache) playing of all things, a health inspector (I’m dying) whos put into some creepy scenarios of apocalyptic proportions. This is one of those horror movies that’s fun without being funny. It’s got plenty of drama and awkwardness between to characters while also reaching it’s cult classic status. All the actors in this film manage to give such a convincing performance that you can’t help but feel like you’re right there with the characters, which makes for a fun and terrifying ride. 10/10 would scare my roommate again.
The Great Train Robbery
Donald Sutherland AND Sean Connery? Sounds like a great pair right? Well they are, sort of. Okay this movie looks like a typical british drama, buuuuut I’m not so sure about this one. Donald is pretty great in this one and so is Sean, but I’m just very confused if it’s trying to be serious or funny? The plot itself makes sense and its pretty good but the execution is just...what? Oh well, Donald and Sean make an entertaining pair with their odd “train heist” I felt this movie would have done much better if it went for either one side or the other instead of jumping all over the place, and it played out much more like a soap opera. It’s not bad though but its not a favorite of mine. 
Bear Island
Okay I’ve been pretty nice so far, but this...the only real redeeming part of this movie is Donald and his beard. Which is such a shame because I feel like this could have been SUCH a good movie. The story itself is really good and enthralling but somebody somewhere dropped the ball. No, they didn’t drop it. They threw it off a cliff. Nothing about this movie makes sense, most everyone’s acting is subpar, and I don’t blame them because the script was probably the main offender of this film. Even Donald’s acting is uncharacteristically bad. I know shoot me, criticized his acting.  It’s just so strange to see what could have easily been a fantastic film. Someone send this to Philip Kaufman and ask for a remake because this one needs it. 
Ordinary People
Oh God, this movie. This movie means so much to me. Again, watched it with my roommate, we sobbed like children and its now a must see in our group. The fact that Donald wasn’t even nominated for an oscar for this film is a travesty. A story like this is something that in a way I’ve lived myself. Everyone’s acting in this film is superb and as someone who would know, yes, all of this is very really and very heart wrenching to watch. I don’t mean to get sappy or anything, but I have been Calvin Jarrett, I (and I’m sure others) have been that mediator who eventually is broken by the two fighting forces. Watching his eventual collapse is so surreal and wow this movie really broke me in some spots. Uhg god this movie, I wanna cry just thinking about it. I’d totally watch it but I’ll just spend the whole time wanting to hug him. 
Eye of the Needle 
If any of you know me personally, you’ll know I’m absolutely terrified of needles, so this might not have been the best movie for me to watch, but I had no idea what I was getting myself into. This whole movie is actually pretty fantastic. For once, Donald plays a bad guy, but you can almost root for him (if he wasn’t a nazi) I felt so conflicted because while yes I wanted him to take her away from her horrible husband, hes a damn dirty Nazi, and we don’t stan. Of course, Donald’s character is extremely charming but I’m left wondering if his character really did have feelings for Kate Nelligan. I have a feeling that I could really run with this story. This one is a thrilling story with a thick plot that tears its characters apart. I can’t help but love it.
Fight me, I thought it was funny. Not really but this is one of those “entertaining but not really good” movies. Donald’s character is...well, he reminds me a lot of most of my exes. He’s just down on his luck, he’s not a bad guy. Yeah that sums up how I feel about his character. However, the movie overall is pretty damn funny. At least it knows it’s a comedy and it even has a sweet(ish) ending. I will say its not great, but there is a good scene with Donald falling flat on his ass which was so worth the whole rest of the movie. This one is still on my quarantine go to for when I just wanna forget about life for a while. 
Rosary Murders
So this little gem I kinda just watched on a whim thinking it would be some campy horror movie that was very pro-catholic and woooweee was I wrong. I loved this movie so much I ended up watching it twice, two nights in a row. It really was a thrilling movie with a plot thicker than pea soup, all while throwing some (slight) shade at the catholic church. This movie goes less for the horror side of things and more for the shock and drama and it does it well. Not to mention he makes one hell of a cute priest. I loved the hell out of this one and I’m glad i decided on this one the other night. I might even watch it again who knows. 
Pride and Prejudice
Everyone in this movie is neurotic as hell except for Donald Sutherland and Keira Knightly. Sorry I was never a huge Jane Austen fan but I admire her ability to write hell of a good slow burn and that exactly what this is. Hell most of you know what this movie is about so I’m not gonna talk about it too much. Its one of those movies everyone else seems to have seen and I haven’t so mom and I sat down and watched it together. She just laughed as I sat there yelling at the TV, waiting for an exasperated Donald to come on. His final scene though, so sweet. I did like how the movie showed a father daughter relationship that wasn’t toxic (not like the last one) but I was kinda over the whole song and dance after a while. I’m sure most people think its a really good movie but I just don’t get it. 
The Hunger Games (All of them) 
As I understand it, this movie actually means a lot to Donald, as it does to a lot of people, and that he really enjoyed working with Jennifer Lawrence, so that’s nice. Yes I’ve seen all three (four) movies, read all the books and I couldn’t think of anyone else to better play Katniss Everdeen’s antithesis than someone like Donald. I feel like this is one of those roles that was just made for him. He was such a scary and venomous villain that played so well off of the main protagonist. Uhg I really do love the Hunger Games Series, it was a huge part of my childhood, I just hate how the fans destroy people who love the main villain, like many fandoms do (looking at you star trek). I wish I could just enjoy these movies in peace without everyone being so polarized on them. 
Oh wow there’s definitely gonna be a part two but as of now, this is all I got. I’ve got a long way to go and (with the way things are looking here in the U.S.) I’ve got plenty of time to do so. I really do enjoy doing these kinds of things so if you want me to watch and ramble about any other movies (no, it doesn’t have to have Donald Sutherland) I’m gonna be in quarantine for a while, so let’s at least do something fun to pass the time. 😊
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onepunchmiss · 5 years
OPM s2e10 Live Blog
“Justice Under Siege”
ALRIGHT so despite the fact that it is the 1 week anniversary of my death, OPM has forcefully wrenched me from the underworld to come continue with the season. So here I am and I’ve already posted my guess for what this episode will entail so lets see how well I handle it! (see: how much I scream) As always, I’m watching as someone who is up to date on both the Manga and webcomic
lets try that again ok
AHA YES OMG we’re starting with this!! I was totally expecting to pick up exactly where we left off, with Destrochloridium at the HA but OK throw me for a loop! Mix it up! “ORA ORA ORA ORA” I love Saitamas VA, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I laffff oh my god it keeps going in the background as Kind talks I can’t
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This is the scariest Saitama face I have ever witnessed wtf??? Why does it look so creepy?? Also, they added quite a bit to this scene huh? I guess They have to amp up the jokes since shit is getting pretty serious otherwise at this point in the series. OH SHIT THE DING ‘NO OTHER WORDS CAME TO MIND” OK Excellently done that got me I cackled fffffffffffffffff
OH MY GOD KING THAT SICK BURN?!?! I dont remember that I guess they’re really making it a point to be like ‘HEY LOOK THIS IS GONNA BE USED!!! IT EXISTS!!!’ but like I dont care cause it was worth it for the joke hhhhhhhhhhhJUST
Yanno, I just realised I think I know where every sing scene in the whole opening comes from down to the omake. Also just realised we are definitely getting Genos/Bang/Bomb vs Centipede cause that joint attack Bang and Bomb use is in the opening. Huh why did that only just now click anD OH MY GOD BB GENOS IM DYING NO
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Ok now we’re where we left off and oh dear god I HATE that squish noise please stop no OK Gyoro’s weird Eye twitch was a cool touch. Oh wait Narinki is the highest ranking executive now? I thought he was just the top donor of funds or something? eh anyway- lol wow Gyoro puts on a convincing sob story voice this is so funny?? Cause its Complete BS and I wonder what my reaction would be if I didn’t already know that AHH OK BUT THAT ‘HEHIHIHIHIHI’ LAUGH THO OMG SO GOOD
WHEW ok but seriously just the MENTION of assembling all the heroes is raising my blood pressure asdfghjkl if I may have one thing in life PLEASE LET IT BE A THIRD SEASON PLEASE IM BE G G IN G
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ASDFGHHJKL Did Destrochloridium just shout Itadakimasu?? HULU y u no translate that??? DOI as he gets smooshed pfffffftttttttttttt omg the sound pls ohmigod everyone knows steel is no match for a hardened body i just fukken HEKK I love this show so much pls he sounds so concerned that destro DIDNT know that
“Better step up” OH MY GOD YES DO THE THING
OK WAIT This is actually badass and not just a joke?? Darkshine, er, Blackluster(??) stop u r 2 good I cant handle it rn
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oooohhhhHH OH OH OH OH PLS SHOW EVERYONE I WANT PLS THE MONSTER ASSOCIATION!!! PLS!! SHOW ME WIFE?? CADRES?? PLZ?? yo total side note but I LOVE Murata’s monster designs?? Every time I reread opm I just oogle at a new one I never noticed before they’re all so unique and good. Also At least 3 of them in this sequence look like pokemon i swear- lol the silence no applause, if that was a joke in the manga i totally missed it uuuuwaAAAAAAAAAAA SCREAMING SCREAMING I AM SCREAM CADRE YES YES ASDFGHJKL ARE YALL READY TO SEE T H  A T FACE FOR THE REST OF THE SERIES THUS FAR???? HUH????
ew oh wait I actually feel bad for Awakened Cockroach, and he twitches after getting eaten oh noooooonono ew oh no dude im sorry no AAAAAAAAA WIFE HELLO oh their voices are so sad when they’re terrified for their lives I dont like it :[ ITS OK UR SAFE 4 NOW ILY PLZ BE CAREFUL AND STAY AWAY FROM PRETTY MEN 
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMYCYBORG SON MY HEART I WEAK GENOS BB PLS BE CAREFUL ILY TOO hey heres a WACKY  and TOTALLY LoOnEy IdEa, what if,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHAT-IFF,,,,,,,,,,, everyone was HAPPY???? Crazy I knowww I just want the best for my sons and babies and children boys wives daughters loves and husband, is it so much to ask???
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Oh my god he looks so Sad here please no Genos everything will be ok please don’t be reckless do not be reckless listen to Dr. Kuseno you fool 
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CHILD EMPEROR MY SON I LOVE YOU TOO BOFOI UR AN ASS oh my god please can you even TRY to be a good mentor for the kid???? Thats it Zombieman adopt him pls remove shitty Bofoi influence replace with Best dad man influence. ANYWAY ok that was a tangent huh oops sorry. Ok but look at him. Child Emperor is genuinely adorable and a sweetheart poor kid don’t lose your faith in adults.
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Uh, the episode is running late still not to Garou yet either?? hmmmmmmmmm again I’m getting nervous are they gonna rush it?? lol the saitama throwaway OH OH FINALLY OMG MY HEART ISNT READY MY FAVORITE GAROU IN THE WHOLE SERIES OH MY GOD
im… im screaming… i love these two so much it hurts it does really. I was not prepared for how adorable it was possible to make Tareo either can I hug?? I must hugg?? And Garou’s voice is so calming and he’s being so sweet? I was really expecting to sound more… i dont know, whiney? Every time he shows up on the screen I love him more and more ffs
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This is such a good shot. Desktop wallpaper material right here.
Oh my god, this moment. And the music is just yanking my heart strings stop.
Oh yeah, they interrupt right. I like these heroes and all, but none of them are particular faves the fact that I think SO MANY OTHER FAVES were are RIGHT before them this ep just kinda overshadows their existence for me. I think this is the ONLY time in the series where Garou goes up against heroes and i cheer for him 110%, don’t even feel a little bad about who he’s beating the shit out of, and that’s kinda messed up of me but thats how impartial I am towards all these guys?
Back to Garou and I love him. hhhhh.
He smak the table
He laughs. Oh no his laugh. OPM forcefully dislocated me from the underworld to watch this episode and has thusly YEETED ME TO HEAVEN THAT LAUGH. I really need Garou to be happy.
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Do you see this man? Do you see him? I do and I’m crying thank you
Omg I got really caught up it watching them talk but the sparkles around death gatling whe Tareo was looking at them snapped me out of it. oi I cant handle this. Garou I want you to know that you have successfully turned the bad guy into the one everyone wants to win. You did it boy you did
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like I know how this goes but I’m so anxious anyway the hhhhhhhhhhhhh the fight choreography is a little clunky but I don’t care OH ok cool Glasses actually kept his little spotlight nice but Garou GAROU PLS B CAREFUL OK except WHAT THE FUCK IS HIS MOUTH DOING THAT LOOKS SO STUPID WHAT THE HELL?? HOLY SHIT IM GETTING DIZZY STOP wh- wh- wait no. NO IM NOT DONE WITH YOU YET COME BACK PLEASE I NEED MORE WAIT NO UHG this is my reaction at the end of every episode when will I learn?????????????? never. The answer is never.
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NO POST CREDITS STINGER and AS MUCH AS I LOVE GENOS’S FACE I already knew he would be in the episode next week. Yall I am so lost as to where the final episode will land. WTF.
This ep was a roller coaster oh my god. Non stop plot not that the tournament is done, and we saw like EVERY CHARACTER my feeble heart could not keep up. The ONLY thing that bothered me was part of the fight sequence at the end, like it was half drawn beautifully half animated so stiff and blocky ??? Threw me for a loop. But next week is only gonna get more intense??? I’m gonna guess we’ll get through the Elder Centipede fight??? But then what does that mean for the last episode??? I am full of SO MANY QUESTIONS??? I really don’t want the season to end yet, 12 eps is not enough. There’s only 2 more. Just. I’m not ready to let go of my bbs it feels like I only JUST got them… Well! Before I devolve into more of a blubbering mess, thanks yall so much for reading!!! As always, see yall next week!
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verstapping · 5 years
End of the year appreciate post <3
So its almost the end of the year and I also want to make a appreciate post bc you guys made everything so much better <3
@barndommens-gade you are literally one of my favorite people here <3 We know each other for a long time now and I really want to thank you for being my friend! You are so sweet, so so caring and literally an angel! I like who you are and never change hun <3 I also am still surprised we like the same things (that time you went to Rammstein) and I really hope we are going to meet one day <3
@valbottas you have a special place in my heart kim <3 You are such a caring and lovely person and omg! We also have met each other in real life and UHG that was so much fun! I hope we have more of these moments in 2019, I am proud of you and all the things you are doing. Thanks for everything!!! 
@proud2be-a-fangirl okay so you are not really from the f1 fandom but an in rl good friend but I still wanted you on this list! I wanted to thank you for being so so caring! This year has been hard (school, family) and you where always so supportive towards me and trying to help, thank you!! You are such a good friend and I really like how you are so obsessive with so many fandoms
@lasorcas you! amazing ! fun ! person ! You belong to max, I’ve never, I repeat never met someone who loves max so much as you do (Even from all the dutch people djenek) and I really enjoy that from you!! I always can laugh with you and you are so funny?? Did I already said that? ednejn thank you for being there!!! you slay my girl
@lewhamilton thank you?? just thank you for being here??! UHG you are SO caring and your taste of music is just the best!! I liked it so much when you send that video of your record player! You are an amazing person and I really enjoy it for you being my friend <3 you got this!!
@anastasium YOU!!! I really enjoy talking to you! You have a great sense of humor and I like your drawings so much?! You really have a talent for it and I hope you are going to do it for a long time!! You are also so so sweet and a wonderful person!!
@sloangreytrash @lewishamiltoon @f1stan @splendid-valewis  GUYS OMG, I FUCKING LOVE Y’ALL, so it started with a time traveler Charles Leclerc and it ‘’ended’’ with a whole conspiracy for the whole grid. It was so much fun and I am still laughing, Y'all are so creative? Writing fics about it and knowing all the werewolf stuff! Thank you for the last couple of weeks of 2018! And sorry for not talking a lot these couple of days, it has been so busy with school! But when it calms down I am back at chatting!
@curbstones-and-cowboyboots @maxielriccappen @f1stan @veradxxx @vrstappen @charlesgasly @gaslyf1 @and-they-were-teammates @randomricc mcfamily 2.0!! The dutchiesss!!! I don’t know what to say?? But thank you??? You are all so so so cool and omg! Thank you for all being there!
Also people who I don’t talk much to but really appreciate!
@charlesleclerc @zandvoorts @track-walk @vieennuit @larksandrec @so-many-fandoms-so-little-life @ronnie999673 @thunder-f1 @livelongandfangirling @youreamonocoque  @justgonnasaybwoah
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chapter thirteen: for you i would cross the line, i would waste my time, i would lose my mind // in which rachel tries to sort out her leftover feelings from the season before 
read here on ao3 or below
“At Everlasting, surprises are our middle name,” Graham said, “And as we saw last time, nothing, and I mean nothing is out of the question. August, a favorite from last season, joined the quest for Vanessa’s affections.”
“The quest for Vanessa’s affections?” Quinn jeered at the screen in the control room, “What is this, Camelot?”
Rachel slumped down in her chair next to Quinn’s. She was sullen and knew deep down that picking fights with Quinn wasn’t going to solve anything but that hadn’t stopped her in the past, and it wasn’t stopping her now. She felt like she was in the middle of spiraling out of control again. She was snowballing, picking up more frustration and angrier as she went and directing it all at Quinn.
“C’mon,” Quinn acted like she was going to slap Rachel’s should but instead just brushed it with her fingertips, “That was funny.”
Rachel shrugged, not looking up from the screen. On it Graham descended the staircase to stand in front of Vanessa, August, and the remaining contestants.
“Let me be the first to say, welcome back,” Graham said as he placed a hand on August’s shoulder, “But you have some stiff competition to catch up to.”
“Oh I bet, Graham,” August replied, flashing the camera a smile.
Rachel felt a surge of jealousy at seeing him on the monitors again and sunk lower in her seat. But whether her jealousy was because her chances with August were ruined or if it was because Quinn had slept with him, she didn’t know.
Vanessa smiles at August, a tight, closed lip smile that Rachel knew hid annoyance. Graham continued monologuing.
“Today our contestants will be competing for a chance to show Vanessa their hometown,” he said, “Will next week’s hometown date take place in Seattle, Washington, Melbourne, Australia or somewhere in between? It’s all up to our suitress.”
“And cut!” Quinn called through her walkie.
On screen, Vanessa’s smile dropped and she rolled her eyes, “Is it really?”
August opened his mouth to say something but Vanessa turned away.
“Save it.”
“Ooh, guess you’re going to have to try harder pal,” said Graham.
Rachel’s eyes flicked across the screens as the crew set up for another shot. The other contestants were watching this exchange with fascination, Mike especially.
“Uhg, what a loser,” Quinn said as she sat down, “We both dodged a bullet with that one, Goldie.”
Glancing from Quinn to August on screen then back to Quinn again, an angry, twisted plan formed in Rachel’s mind. She pushed out her chair.
“Listen, I’m going to go produce because, like, it’s my job. So I’ll catch up with you later,” she said, backing out of the control room.
Quinn flashed her a confused look, “Yeah, okay, you do that.”
August was regretting coming back to Everlasting. He regretted the first time, everything that happened with Serena, with Quinn, with Rachel, but the idea of more exposure for his budding company was too good of an opportunity to pass up. Chet has Skyped him with big ideas and August had thought maybe it would work this time, with Chet in charge at least he would have to deal with Quinn but oh how he’d been wrong.
He glanced across the room at Vanessa, who wouldn’t give him the time of day, and sighed. This was a bad idea. It was a very bad idea, and what was worse was that he could see Rachel walking towards him.
“Oh no, I don’t want to talk to you,” he said, holding both hands up.
“C’mon August, I’m your producer,” Rachel said with a smile. She had stopped several feet away from him and beconned with one finger, “Come here.”
August signed and walked back into the shot, “What do you want?”
“Aw you hurt me! I felt like we had such a connection last season, it would be a shame to waste it,” said Rachel, putting a hand of his forearm.
“You got me kicked off the show last season,” he said.
“You have to understand, I had to. You know how Quinn is and I was afraid I’d lose my job- or worse,” Rachel frowned for a moment before smiling again, “and I’m sorry about earlier, everyone was just really surprised that you came back. It was a good surprise though.”
August narrowed his eyes, “Yeah.”
“We need to work on your strategy to get you picked for the hometown date,” she continued, lowering her voice, “We should make it seem plausible that Vanessa would pick you.”
Quinn’s voice crackled over the intercom, “Places!”
“We’ll chat later?” Rachel asked, ‘Talk to Vanessa, be charming!”
“Yeah, sure,”
“Great,” she flashed him another big smile, “Thanks!”
August watched as she disappeared off around the corner, presumably to watch from that monitor filled room he’d walked through earlier. Following Rachel’s directions, he tried to talk to Vanessa again.
“I’ve always admired your charity work,” he said, “It’s obvious how much time you spent training that using any of your free time to give back to your community is admirable.”
“Did Rachel tell you to say that?”
“Maybe we should at least pretend like we like each other?” he asked, “For the other contestants?”
“What do you care?” Vanessa said, “I’ll smile for the camera and you’ll get your hometown date then you can go home.”
August glanced back at the other, two of the women were watching them intently, but as soon as they saw him looking, glanced away and whispered to one another. Great, just great, thought August, hoping they hadn’t heard their conversation. Beside him, Vanessa uncrossed her arms, smiling sweetly towards the camera as Quinn yelled, “ACTION!”
“You wanted to see me?” Rachel said as she shut the door to Quinn’s office behind her.
“Yeah, come sit down,” Quinn poured a second glass of whiskey, moved to sit on the couch, and motioned for Rachel to join her.
Rachel ignored the glass Quinn offered, “What did you want to see me about?”
“I heard you tell August that you two had a real connection last season,” Quinn said, not quite looking at Rachel.
“So what?” Rachel snapped, “Why do you care?”
“You wanted me to be more honest so here it is,” Quinn looked visibly uncomfortable, much like when she’d come to goat farm to tell Rachel she missed her, “I don’t like sharing you and I don’t want you to be with August.”
“Why not just fuck him again and sabotage us?” The last word turned to a sneer between Rachel’s lips, “Admit it, you just hate the idea of me having a real relationship with someone who cares about me!”  
“You and Outback Stakehouse aren’t going to have a real relationship, you’re going to use him to get what you want and he’s going to fall for it because he has something to gain,” Quinn said, her fire returned, “Just like me and him last season.”
“No! Because unlike you, I’m not just trying to control someone’s life!”
“Do you hear yourself? You’ve had one conversation with him since he came back and you seriously think you’re going to have a real relationship? You’re really trying to tell me this isn’t because I fucked him a year ago?” Quinn grabbed Rachel by the wrists pulling her closer, “You said you wanted me to be more honest and here it is, what else do you want? I’m trying, I really am.”
Rachel stared back at her, eyes brimming with tears. She pulled against Quinn’s grip, but Quinn tightened her grip, fingers digging into Rachel’s arms. “You’re hurting me,” she whispered.
Immediately Quinn dropped her wrists, recoiling in surprise, “Rachel, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-“
“I’m gonna go,” Rachel said, standing up.
She could feel Quinn’s eyes on her as she stumbled from the room. She knew her arms wouldn’t bruise, Quinn hadn’t been holding her that tightly, but there was something in the intensity of the look in her eyes that startled her. It reminded Rachel of that time in the control room when Quinn had smashed the monitors, trying to fire her.
“Rachel! Rachel wait up!” Vanessa called, jogging up to Rachel outside the mansion. She was in workout clothes, using her free time to exercise since the contestants were working on their hometown date pitches.
“Sure, Vanessa, what’s up?”
“Tell me about August,” she said, looping her arm through Rachel’s like they were the best of friends, “I feel like there was something I was missing when we were all in Quinn’s office. Why did the last suitress want him gone?”
“It’s like Quinn said, Serena thought he had a wandering eye,” said Rachel.
“Mm hmm, but we both know not everything is as it seems here. We’re telling the others that I’m going to pick one of them for the hometown date based on what they say today, but that’s not the truth,” Vanessa said, “So what do you all know that you’re not telling me?”
“I mean technically Chet doesn’t know either,” offered Rachel, smirking as Vanessa scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“That doesn’t make me feel any better.”
“If I tell you, you can’t tell anyone else; not Quinn, not Chet, not Mike or any of the other contestants, okay?”
“Oh cross my heart,” Vanessa said, turning to take both of Rachel’s hands in her, “You can trust me, promise.”
“You’re good, you know? If things don’t work out for you on this redemption arc, you should come work for us,”
“What happened Rachel,”
“August and Quinn slept together a couple times last season, and then when Quinn wanted to stop August threatened to sue so we got rid of him,” said Rachel.
Confused, Vanessa’s face screwed up in disbelief, “August and Quinn? I thought- When you were talking to him earlier-”
“You thought August and I were a thing?”
“Well, I mean you said you two had a connection, that’s what you guys said I should tell people,” Vanessa shrugged, “I figured that was reality tv speak for, you know.��
“It’s not code, it just means you … had a connection,” Rachel said.
“So you did, with August? Then Quinn happened?” said Vanessa, dropping her hands and continuing to walk with her. It was all beginning to feel vaguely like a scene out of some Austen novel, one where the fine lady takes a turn around the room with the plainer one to learn all the gossip.
“Uh, yeah, something like that,” Rachel glanced around for an escape. She was right about hiring her, Vanessa was good and it threw Rachel off balance.
“You guys both liked him and you work together? That must have been hard,” continued Vanessa.
“No, Quinn didn’t like him, she just-” Rachel cut herself off.
“You liked him then she slept with him?” Vanessa untangled their arms, “It doesn’t sound like it was about August.”
“What-?” Rachel just stared at her as Vanessa smiled.
“I need to go get ready, see you later?”
“I- uh, yeah.”
Cut 2 (5) Alex & Ben
Clad in a long, shimmery, plum colored gown, Vanessa stood on the dais. A fake smile was plastered on her face as she looked out at the remaining contestants. Her eyes lingered on Mike for a moment, before glancing over at Graham.
“And now, it’s the moment of truth,” said Graham, placing a hand on the small of Vanessa’s back. She pulled her shoulders back, slightly uncomfortable with his touch.
“Tonight, one of you will be chosen to introduce Vanessa to your hometown, but for two of you, your journey ends tonight,” he continued, “Vanessa, who do you want to get to know better?”
“Thank you Graham,” she said with a big smile, “It was wonderful to hear all about where you grew up and I wish I could visit every city, but the place that really caught my eye was Melbourne and you, August. Will you do me the honor of showing me your hometown?”
“Of course,” August replied, “Thank you.”
“I knew it!” cried Alex, “It’s just like what Catherine and Kara said!”
“Alex, what are you talking about?” Vanessa said, the picture of innocence.
“They overheard you talking with August saying you were going to pick him no matter what! You don’t even like him!” Alex stepped out of the line up, pointing an accusing finger at everyone.
“Alex, I’m really sorry you’re hurt that you weren’t chosen,” said Vanessa, “But making up stories about why August was chosen isn’t fair to anyone. I picked August because I wanted to get to know him better and I felt like the best place to do that would be his hometown. I’m really disappointed in you, Alex, and I’m afraid this will have to be the end of our time together. You can go.”
Alex gasped, staring agape at Vanessa for a moment before turning around and storming off in a huff.
Vanessa looked down, appearing to compose herself as she smoothed her skirt. Then she said, “Ben? I’m sorry but your time together has also come to an end. While you’ve been very nice, I just don’t feel any spark between us.”
Ben took the news better than Alex did, merely inclining his head before walking off to do exit interviews.
“Does anyone else have any objections?” Vanessa asked and when no one replied, she smiled softly, “Then I wish you a good night and thank you for your patience.”
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shvr · 7 years
okay y’all a Complete Stranger (not really but just an old lady i am not even acquainted with) just fucking. came up behind me and a) patted me on the back which you Shouldn’t Fucking Do, Thanks and then proceeded to b) fucking try to tickle me in a very creepy and awkward way, which at that point i couldnt even be polite anymore i just shoved her arm away and she was like “you need to smile more :)” and im just. do i even need to explain. i am so fucking tired y’all. im so sick of this. leave me alone.
0 notes
adhdvane · 3 years
Anon back again, don't worry about delay in answer! I'm not expecting you to reply in a matter of seconds and I'm patient anyway! (●'◡'●) (and yeah, tumblr's notification system kinda suck so really, not your fault haha)
I understand your struggle with fics all too well lol I'm sure a time will come when it just clicks and you can write the good stuff ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ And no need to feel bad if you haven't posted a lot on ao3! You don't have to have 1000 fics or 200k word-long fics for your works to be enjoyable!! Even little ficlets and drabbles are good to have around ♥
It's good of you to have taken time for yourself if you needed it ♥ And yeah, completely understandable to hesitate and come back to fandom in general with the current state of things (a couple years ago I made an IE/Go sideblog and I'm still terrified that someone is going to come up and yell at me for shipping the characters lmao And that's without counting the Problematic™ fics I wrote when I was 16 lmao)
Regarding your tags, I'm just sitting there like starry-eyed because YES TenKyou. I'm DELIGHTED to know that's your preference because that's mine too for the ship asklhjkh
As for Todd and Prof Mirror, that's a tough and personal question, so good luck! (I'm thinking Todd topping's nice but does it make the prof kink better or not is the question!! ALSO in the french version, I know there's a line from Todd going like "Mirror was already being called Professor before he was a professor" so maybe he's not the only one with a prof kink, just from a different angle, hah)
(you say sorry for rambling, but joke's on you, I ramble too! Sorry for clustering your blog though woops Have a good day! (´・ω・`) )
rip, okay, once again i apologize about this one being even later, mostly bc i saw it early, but i haven't been able to sit down and respond to it. this week was the last week of the month so i actually had a lot to do at work and was able to go in every day (as opposed to 1 - 2 days bc business is still so slow). but at the end of the month i do invoicing for inventory charges for that month for each customer. though i was able to actually get a lot of it done sooner than usual (bc i actually started the process on tuesday instead of thursday), there were still three big ones i couldn't even do until thursday bc they had several orders in production that didn't get shipped until thursday. I was going to finally get to this ask on friday when i got home (we only work half days on friday and close at noon)… but the new gbf event had started… and uhg… a sho centric event. g od.
rest of the word vomit under the cut
before i just—IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ ABOUT THIS GBF RAMBLING FEEL FREE TO SKIP BELOW TO THE END THE GBF OF RAMBLE—this event askjdsjkdfslkdjsdjg talk about giving the antag his redemption art event. the emotional growth in sho. so many new assets to save… there are fricking 6 different versions of his character labeled _painful (_painful, _painful2, etc.), and like so many zoom in's that basically every one of his images has an _up version (the battle ones ((the ones of him on his gearcycle)) also have a bunch of _up2 versions that are zoomed in between the default and _up close up) anyways these in particular kill me.
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sho "i'm-not-going-to-cry-or-show-expresions-of-gratitude" awkwardly smiling and crying in this event (while also repeatedly getting the shit kicked out of him/getting hurt. having a moment of breaking down from exhaustion and pain, in the rain, before deciding he has to swallow his pride. every single english word that comes out of his mouth, cv: taniyama kishou is a gift (on a side note i can't believe he fucking played alpha in chronostone. like thats fucking hilarious a va and voicalist capable of such range and drama voicing alpha and his serious monotone ass). Sho (@tsubasa): You showed me the light before—[…] Tsubasa: Wait, what? Whaddya mean I showed you the light? ((you mean when he punched you in the fucking face at the end of the previous event of this series?))). I mean I already shipped bc of the their last event, how can you not ship the guy screaming he's going to kill the protag w/the protag esp after getting punched in the face by the protag at the end makes him calm down and be like fine i guess you win i'm not going to try to kill you know and our gangs don't have to fight. also they're both like 16 (or at least tsubasa is canon 16 (a yeas totally looks like a 16 year old) and sho is at least still in school and at least confirmed to be a minor (not age of majority, which idk what that is exactly in universe, could be 18, could be 20, bc it is fantasy, but it's also japanese, thoguh japan's age of majority is actually lowering from 20 to 18 next april (2022), drinking/smoking/gambling age will still be 20, and the comment in this event was about we're still minors save the smoking for when you're an adult). sho could arguably be 18 or 19 and still believably in school and be considered a minor legally (if in universe gbf follows japanese laws) considering the time he spent in juvie he could easily have been held back. gbf will probably just make him tsubasa's age if a canon age is release. but thinking about sho being 19 and tsubasa being 16 would make some ppl upset and that brings me joy. (also just how funny it could be thinking about (bc everyone is perpetually the same age) how later when sho a year older and legally being able to drink, and tsubasa not, and despite the fact sho being like i will break the laws about physically assaulting a guy but underage drinking, smoking, and drugs is a no-no is fucking hilarious. (the app is rated t so i guess there's only so much you can do…) (oh and one last note, a character in the event asking if sho enjoys the pain and is a masochist, to have other character be like dude you can't just ask someone that. sho saying no he doesn't enjoy the pain. only for later when they are escaping, a character noting "You look rather happy about all this. Now I'm sure youre a masochist." gbf first crushing my sho masochist headcanon and then building it back up in this event, thank u gbf). anways, rip that was a lot and not even everything, as you can see i have been… distracted by this event. apologies
oh god worry about ppl like that in ina like, there really people out there who don't want you shipping ficitional children?????? and the main ina cast is roughly between 12-15. and got i started watching ina in 2013 when i was 19. which apparently for some people is like bad uwu because it's a show for young teenagers (like lol too bad i'm 27 and even though i haven't kept up with aries i still love ina and all the little babies and wont stop shipping). i didn't even know there was people out there who get UPSET AT AGING UP??? like wtf???? sorry i want them to be old enough to marry, adopt children, have a job, and also f.uck. the dpk au is my lifeblood (and has a lot of Problematic™ content that's never even been posted online anywhere bc it used to be an rp. my favorite is that out of all the relationships in the au, tenma and kyousuke's is probably the most unhealthy bc of kyousuke's mental health. some very bad things happened to fei (per request of my rp partner) (part of vanfeny and garsha's revenge on saru as they were sent to megun while saru walks around ''free'' (what exactly is free is a whole other lore mess in itself that i wrote up about post chrono stone future). and that just lead to more bad things fei then did to himself. problematic™ content 9492347 in the dpk au, shipping ozrock and lalaya. (even worse, bc of lore planning i did for the au and decided how their species worked, lalaya is about 6.5 cycles (faram obius years) or roughly 130 earth years and biologically similar to 13 year earth years, and ozrock is about 48 Ixal years roughly 48 earth years and biologically similar to 24 earth years. so like even a worse ship. i mean just ignore cultural norms would be different on an alien planet and also she's royalty and has an obligation to be wed even younger and is probably socially more mature than a human 13 year old. rip sorry i just like alien stuff. a lot of this was also because wouldn't it be great for lalaya to have a really long lifespan so the human friends she makes get older faster and also die way before her :) ina's gunna hurt me with the bug aliens then i'm going to… continue to hurt myself with more alien life span stuff.)
Anyways, With TenKyou, idk I think it's easy to paint tenma as the innocent ~pure baby~ and kyousuke as ~bad boy~ bc of the first inago… and seed kyousuke was a little bastard man (affectionate). which would idk explain the default to kyouten. but like kyousuke chills the hell out in chrono stone and galaxy. and just bc tenma is a dumbass with a heart of gold obsessed with soccer doesn't necessarily mean he's has to be ~innocent baby 受け~ trope. (not that these are the only tropes that decide) (maybe it's bc i sort of like messing with what it must be like to be the main protagonists best friend and watch him continue to overcome everything and be in the spot light and how everyone praises him. kyousuke with self-esteem issues, looking back at all the problems he's caused, tenma has flaws but they're either negligible or something to love about him and mine have only hurt others. disregarding his own goddamn plot armor in the past. complex, emotional, suffering kyousuke is how i like my kyousuke. need we even get into how god eden was canonically revealed to be physically/mentally abusing seeds and that whole can of worms) (also just "nervous baby i don't know how to approach tenma" kyousuke, "cheeky little shit doesn't have any regards to personal space and boundries" tenma) at least if anyone starts giving me shit about an ina ship or problematic fictional ina content, i can always respond with something i drew back in 2015.
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back to the matter of new snap though… that line is so familiar (im pretty sure it's in the eng txt, i have it set to jpn audio tho). i recently started keeping a log of the messages that pop up on the camp, lab, and map screens (but haven't saved too many bc i get distracted or at least i know i'm missing quite a few i have vague memories of). (also idk why my first thought to that line was mirror responding with "That was because you were the one calling me that.") there actually were a couple messages i saved initially that would be useful for fic writing:
Todd: "The professor used to be kinda reckless back in the day. I suppose after 10 year he must've calmed down a bit."
Mirror: "Todd's calmed down since I last saw him. Or maybe he's just acting mature because you kids are around…"
possible implications from these that I'm deciding to consider for headcanons:
both reckless and wild in their early 20's but that's not unusual, so they were acting like reckless young adults when they were 20. makes sense.
because mirror mentions the last time i saw him (which is definitely implied not 10 years ago since todd had a research team pin so obviously he's been around a bit since the lab was established) meaning todd is potentially still a chaotic bastard but is just trying to act like an adult in front of the kids. beautiful.
and on that note another wonderful Tood message:
Todd: "I never invited Phil to be my pupil—he just declared himself my "number one student" and started tagging along! But honestly…I was kind of flattered."
the possibility that when todd showed up in game, after that cutscene he went to talk to mirror like "this 10 year old just started following me and wont go away, pls help. what do i do?????"
this unsupervised 10 year old just followed a ~30 year old man into the wilderness and somehow just declares todd is mentor (and took the research team pin from todd to ''borrow''). this is a hostage situation. todd is the hostage.
the idea that perhaps todd just got back from a long expedition and was glad to be back and spend time with mirror, except this kid started following him around and wont leave him alone or go away, and then when he got to the lab there were two more kids there. how the fuck am i supposed to get it on with mirror when we have little alone time and when we finally do we're constantly at risk of being interrupted and/or walked-in on. (that last part was mainly the premise of the fic i wanted to write. "these kids are a handful how are we supposed to have intimate time. especially bc they're all so young and have child energy levels and when they go to bed i am already fucking exhausted." i'm thinking it might work better as like a drabble collection, that way i don't have to adhere to a plot line and can pick and choose scenarios to write because i keep winding up with more scenario ideas that i can nearly piece together into a coherent timeline anymore.)
(also a bit that rita becomes suspicious that they are 100% fu.cking even though all that happened was mirror wasn't asleep up in his bed above the lab and fell asleep in one of the bungalows w/todd and then tried to cover it up like haha what no, i was checking on todd he's not feeling well uh… what? where are my pants? oh. oh i can't believe i just totally got out of bed and left the lab without my pants haha.) (todd and mirror just trying to keep their relationship a secrete out of fear of rumors spreading and it affecting the lab's funding, even though rumors definitely started ages ago but neither of them realize). (also todd doesn't trust phil to keep his mouth shut and doesn't like the optics of the random 10 year old who started following him (UNSUPERVISED) just blabbing to his parents about how his cool mentor is dating the professor at the lab like yikes that could end badly worst case scenario.)
(i like the idea of mirror playing along with todd's ki.nk, albeit a little awkward sometimes (not very good at being intentionally 'sexy' about it, but that's not what todd wants anyways bc it's already inherenty sexy for him). Phill has a message "I barely get half the stuff the professor talks about. Do you?" and i can only image if he said that to todd
todd: (人*´∀`)i know it's hot
phil: what)
anyways i hope you don't mind me rambling even more on your asks like this. last time i totally just cut chunks out to be smaller but this time… i'm going to leave things in rip.
0 notes
onepunchmiss · 5 years
OPM s2e3 Live Blog
“The Hunt Begins”
Ok I had 3 screenshots leaked to me before seeing the episode, but only one of them was spoiler-y in that I wasn’t sure if we’d get that far in the episode. And of course not only did I not leave work early, but had to stay an hour late. So without further delay, I’m hoppin to it. Reminder, I’m watching each episode as someone who is caught up with both the manga and web comic.
Alright, off the bat we’re getting the Charanko expulsion over with. I wasn’t expecting that, but it makes sense- it’s a good hook to lead with and set up the Garou issue before actually getting into Garou destroying everyone.
BTW I am Still not over the opening theme- nope it still gets me both visually and musically. (I definitely was not listening to the song on repeat at work all day. nope. what kind of nerd would do that definitely not me hahaaaaaa)
I like that Charanko doesn’t bat an eye that The Worlds Strongest Man King is there, or Blizzard of Hell, he’s just like ‘ah they’re multiplying.’ Fuckin kek. Saitama oh sweetheart, “Silver Fang” may be cool but to us you’ll always be the One Punch Man oh dear my heart
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oh OH YES Guys you have no idea how excited I am for this fight?? I know Tank Top Master isn’t really popular but like I’m a gym rat so I’ve got a soft spot for him and Superalloy. Guys, in the databook his favorite things are chicken breasts and protein. Also I mean hes actually a decent guy too, but----- Anyway, wasn’t too hard finding Garou, was it Charanko?
Oh, oh right. Let me clarify I’m excited to see TTM get some screen time. Also to watch trash son (aka Garou) kick some ass. I’m, I’m not excited about him kicking Mumen’s ass specifically. This is gonna hurt.
(garou scary face)
His faces literally make me shout WOAH at my screen ok thanks scary trash son. Ah, lookit the tanktopper army!! Fukkin Tank Top Mask is there to I’m- yes, just yes.
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YES. MY BRO MY MAN KICK SOME ASS. Garou’s little ‘nani??’ omfg perfect.WAIT the little ‘haha~~’ THAT was perfect. I also need to point out here that in the manga Garou has a lot of crazy faces, like his expressions are very extra, (another way he’s a foil to Saitama, hah) but seeing them actually in motion speaking is borderline uncanny valley? They’ve creeped me out twice already and he’s been on screen for like 20 seconds? I mean i guess he IS going for the scary-monster thing, so uh, good job u freeky trash man you.
Oh, Tiger and Black Hole, I only missed you a little bit.
Man the Garou music is really intense, holy shit. If I’m not mistaken something at least similar played when he was fighting at the HQ last episode. Honestly, I hope it’s not gonna be this sounding track every time garou gets in a fight. Cause, y’know, ge gets in a lot of those. It’s only been twice now and it’s still during establishing character moments so it passes, but I really really hope they switch it up or it will lose it’s epic feel.
Oh, there he goes with his creepy faces.
FUCK Mumen You FOOL. Also, how did you take that hit so well??? Tiger and Black hole are right for once. Oh you fools. Oh you fools. Stop it’s gonna get worse. ITS GONNA GET WORSE stOP TalKInG
Wait did Garou actually fake walk away in the manga?? I don’t remember that??? Gotta double check myself there cause that threw me off like? Garou??
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Garou: 50% Uncanney Faces, 50% Badass
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand back to the freeky faces. Also, TTM’s “KUSO!!”
oh god.
The sound as he repeatedly bashes Mumen’s skull into the concrete. REPEATEDLY. my stomach. This fight is a rollercoaster of hype and pain oh no
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Here have this screnecap so you can suffer, too
I must say, watching Garou fight otherwise is an absolute joy. The rest of this scene was so dynamic. I loved the way just glided through everyone and bounced around so fluidly. Keeping the water stream fist throughout it was also visually really pleasing. I need more. Give me more Garou fights, this is AMAZING. And that put us about half way through the episode like I predicted, which means I have no idea at what scene the episode will end.
“He’s here” Oh that was funny. Was that filler? I dont remember that either good shit good shit
B A N A N A T I M E  
TTM: “At least say I put up a good fight!!” Oh sweetheart I love you and appreciate you you did great
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Oh shit that was a cool gag, how the newspaper flew past and garou just appeared. also. The most beautiful friendship is about to start and oh my god I’m so excited. Ok really I won’t lie- I would have been SCREAMING at Tareo on the screen if the didn’t just lead with Zombieman’s face in the catalog. I live for that pout. And his eyebrow is quirked like the heck u lookin at just. F. I’ve exhausted all my energy screaming at that. I’m so sorry.
Wait wait they still showed the side of his face again guys I’ve got it so bad for that 2D man help
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I’ve waited so long for this scene. OH MY FUCK the little leg bob guys someone gif it NOW.  I love both of them so much. Also, Tareo’s voice is adorable. Watching that kid go through some shit is gonna be heart wrenching. FFF Anyway, it looks like we are getting GoldenBall and Spring Mustachio this episode? I was torn either way if we’d see that much. huh.
Oohhh Shit Sea King and Melzalgald! Wassup flashbacks?? Oh my gosh Saitama looks so excited I think thats the happiest we’ve seen him in a long time? No wonder he takes an interest in martial arts! AH! The ticket! The ticket! The tournament ticket!! I know a bunch of people considered the tournament filler and found it annoying, but I’m so excited for it!! Like, it seriously gave me a whole new respect for Lightning Max and Snek, I can’t wait to see those boys get the spotlight for a second again!
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OMFG What is this jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-- wtf I am Cackling?? Oh my fuck its still going this is Peak Comedy 
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AH! I missed them! And I wish the screen wasn’t so dark, but otherwise SEE WHAT I MEAN? Shit watching Garou move is fun as hell, even if he’s barely moving. Also, is that legit bullet fire sound effects? I also love that those two get drinks together regularly enough that Spring knew something was up when GB wasn’t there. So good so good.
Garou: “Ding ding ding”          Me: glorious you bastard
Question, what the fuck is that sword made of that it shoots rainbows for miles? Is it the power of gay? I mean I personally don’t ship Spring and GB buuuuuuuuuuuuuut…………………………….
OH IM SO DISAPPOINTED GAROU DIDNT JUST FLIP US ALL OFF JUST A THUMBS DOWN CMON I WAS EXCITED FOR THAT I FEEL RIPPED OFF. Also there’s that music again, but it didn’t play the whole time thank goodness.
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“Here comes the fan service to your screen” amirite?
Eh at least I got the satisfaction of watching the sleezeball get decked in the face. The brunette’s face when he asked for a kiss on the cheek is SUCH  a MOOD. And oh fuck the ‘relax its for peace” Those two girls are the real stars of this episode I love them.
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Obligatory “YES”ing at the screen rn hold on
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THE POST CREDIT SCENE. Genos I love you never change. Just. look at this precious boy. And the voice acting is perfect. I’m glad they ended on a humorous note this time. Gold.
IN SUMMARY: I honestly don’t feel like I have much to say or reflect on. I just really loved this episode. Favorite one yet. I mean of course I’m going to like it more as the story kicks the fuck up, but I genuinely had zero complaints, and actively enjoyed watching the animation.
Warning for next week btw, I’m going to be out of the country and also not really near civilization, so I probably won’t have wifi, so theres a good chance I wont be able to blog next week’s episode till I get back. Which I’m actually pissed about. because 
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I’ll hopefully see yall next week, thanks for reading!
12 notes · View notes
adhdvane · 6 years
some gbf screen shots from the past several months (under the cut otherwise this post would be annoyingly long)
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the avatar’s second form sure it cool
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cute goth girl squad goals
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uhm, alexiel, gurl, you okay?
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when u go out w/the gang but your the only one who dressed up
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vane babysittin the chillens
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a happy family photo but percival is being that one problem kid who doesn’t want to be there
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the first time i fought the moon on extreme and i was cutting it real close (i had a bravery tonic just incase though, thankfully i didn’t have to use it. the game really fucked me on the two levels before the fight)
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vira vs vira, the only appropriate way to clear this battle the first time
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idk i don’t think i’ve got enough charge attack damage boosted
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idk why this picture is so funny like “oh god we’re dying korwa. pls help us.” “sorry guys i’m kinda busy right now.” ((srsly tho i got korwa from a single draw ticket when the gala started and i haven’t even leveled her to 45 to get her third skill and her buffs are ridiculous. admittedly she’s a little harder to manage when classing as gunslinger bc i need to continue to ougi to reload so sometimes things get wonky, but her buff stacked with lancelot’s buff (as well as skill lv15 qinglong manewhip and skill lv10 tiamat bolt prime;; which i really hope gets a 4* in the future) help me multi attack and use my bullets a lot faster to build charge. (though bc i am running a magna grid for wind (bc despite have a premium draw 80% boost to wind atk summon now my magna skill is still higher and boy the enmity is great), i really could use the last storm blade and other wind regalia weapons. uhg i just need 5 more fricking grimnir omega anima and i can 4* tia)))
0 notes