#university!au: akaashi x reader
soranihimawari · 1 year
Between Flowers and Gemstones
An Akaashi x reader story
Word count: 1.2K
Pairing: uni!Akaashi x uni!reader
Rating: AKF (Akaashi Keiji Fluff)
Warnings: none? Just Akaashi not recognizing his feelings for yn until he does…
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There are many eyes on a set of two university students in the building square. With March graduations around the corner, and with White Day being within the same week, you are a bit confused by this gathering. It’s not everyday a scholarship athlete asks an honors student out.
What on earth possessed one Akaashi Keiji to do this for his crush must have been born out of the three hour conversation with Bokuto asking for advice on how to confess. In hindsight, maybe he should have waited to express his emotions when you weren’t slightly stressed out from a course you typically excelled in…
So here you both were, glancing at the wrinkling plastic Akaashi held out to you. Though you couldn’t tell, he was nervous beyond every sense of the word. He didn’t even have anything prepared to say to you.
“You got me flowers?” you reach out to accept the bouquet. Breaking into a small smile, you look between the shy athlete and the bouquet.
“You seemed a bit stressed,” he tells you. “Thought you could use some cheering up.”
“…Thank you,” you hug the bouquet, a slight blush on both of your faces. “They’re perfect.”
As the students start to disburse, you take a step toward Akaashi.
“Is this you making your move, Keiji?” you teasingly inquire.
He inhales and exhales, brushing his hands over his bangs.
“It depends.”
You raise your brow. “On?”
Akaashi swallows the bundle of anxiousness in his throat before he chooses to hug you and whisper in your ear: “whether or not you’ll let me pick you up tonight at your dorm?”
You are stunned into a brief silence before your free hand pats his back.
“I’d love it if you did. You remember how to get there, right?”
“We shared two math courses last semester, I think I ought to remember where my tutor lived, heh.”
You shake your head as you release each other from this few minutes long embrace. Of all the people in your core major for the arts & sciences you weren’t expecting Akaashi Keiji, of all people, to confess as smoothly as he did. You choose to bid him goodbye since he never really specified a time, you tap his shoulder, telling him to give you an hour to get ready.
Akaashi nods, a genuinely warm smile at you.
“It’s a date then,” he says.
You find yourself in front of a mirror of your drawer. You’re wearing a simple black button down collared shirt and navy skinny jeans; picking up your hair and tying it in a loose bun, you deem yourself ready to head out. Your slip on shoes were in the makeshift shoe rack by the door when you heard a slight lighter rapping.
Akaashi, on the other hand, had texted his best friend that the flowers had worked! He didn’t think you’d fall for such a gesture, but he was glad he was wrong! Bokuto, though he was on an abroad trip for a game at the moment, had given his old partner a thumbs up reply. Akaashi also had extended his thanks to one of the Bokuto sisters because the flower arrangement suggestion came from one of them. Regardless, Akaashi was quite content with how his confession for a date worked in his favor. Although now, as he stands in front of your door, he takes a deep breath before he knocks.
You unlock the deadbolt and standing there in a similar outfit was Akaashi, although he did wear a white collared shirt instead, his pants seemed to be made of a poly fiber between cotton and polyester blend. He looked sharp ever since he had his hair tapered a bit since third year at Fukurodani, however his hair nowadays seems to have grown a bit longer. You whispered a hushed, “hello,” before inviting him inside.
You mention over your shoulder you had needed a final walk through to make sure everything that had needed to remain plugged and at home was done then you’d be on your way.
Standing in your kitchenette though was Akaashi. He nodded politely while watching you flutter about until he spots where you placed the flowers: in front of an old photo of you and your grandparents. You’ve gotten to know each other over the course of last semester, so when he sees the photo, he is reminded that your parents were busy individuals who put work first, however their children grew with their grandparents filling the parental roles. You were close to both of them before they passed sometime before you went to university, so seeing the bouquet there was an indication you wanted to go closer to him.
“Perhaps that may be true,” he says casually to himself.
You claim that you are ready a couple minutes later and with an elated smile and pep in your step, you show Akaashi out as you lock your door behind you both. He holds your hand as you walk off campus and stands behind you on the train. He doesn’t tell you where you’re headed, but you do talk about how kind he’s being considering you two had an argument on Valentine’s Day when he wouldn’t take your chocolates seriously… only for you to call him out for insulting how you genuinely felt made him reevaluate how he felt about you. However, when you arrive at a nightly fundraiser in the Museum of Natural History, you seem speechless.
“My old kouhai helped organize this and asked if I had wanted to come,” Akaashi says when he extends his arm to you. You loop your arm around his and walk with him to the entrance where said kouhai would be and there you are introduced to one Tsukishima Kei, a ‘fossil historian’ according to his badge. You smile and listen along as they speak briefly about their time on the court even though they faced each other one summer for training, their friendship lasted years since graduation, regardless, you look around and see posh couples charming others with champagne flutes, marveling how they hope their own donations are enough to satisfy the reconstruction on the west side of the building.
A few minutes later, you and Akaashi are about to steal a moment to yourselves as you walk past some mythical jewels once thought to be the cousin of the blue diamonds half way across the world. Looking into the pieces encased in glass, you tell him you weren’t expecting a date like this. He laughs saying he couldn’t believe Tsukki remembered to spare him two tickets.
“These really are beautiful,” you say, nodding at the gems.
Akaashi who looms behind you with a soft smile, leans forward and whispers, “they seem made for someone like you.”
And though he gives you enough space to back away and turn around, you find your lips mere moments from swiping over his. He doesn’t flinch like you thought he would, he lets it happen because even if he didn’t take you here, he had been meaning to see what the big deal was about kissing someone he likes. So, when your face does miss his lips entirely, he holds your wrist to pull you behind a pillar and lets you try again.
In the dimly lit display room of marvelous wonders of the gem world, two lovers make their hearts known to the others underneath a lightning opal sky.
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hellobunny044 · 10 months
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Panels. | Series
An Original Haikyū AU Pairing “Udai Tenma” The Original Little Giant Of Karasuno High School
< panel. in manga art, panel refers to the frame that wraps around one moment in time on a manga page. >
Udai Tenma, a manga artist, currently doing well with his high-selling Zombie Knight Zomb’ish, is dealing with the stress of his looming deadlines and the demand from his task-focus, super perfectionist editor, Akaashi Keiji. During a meet and greet for his manga’s special edition, Udai bumped into his first love from high school, Sasaki Tsubasa. Memories of their past meet-ups start flooding back, and Udai begins to wonder if he has really moved on.
Chapter List
Panel - 1 “Crunching Pages, Unlocking Hearts”
Panel - 2 “Memory of An Encounter”
Panel - 3 “Scratches, Lines, Panels”
Panel - 4 “Ink Stained”
Panel - 5 “Reflection of The Unfinished Panel”
Panel - 6 “Smiles and Longing”
Panel - 7 “Contact”
Panel - 8 “Unreliable Man”
Panel - 9 “A Broken Wings and Awkward Glances”
Panel - 10 “Resurfaces”
Panel - 11 “First Love”
Panel - 12 “Wings”
Panel - 13 “Summer’s Spring: Volleyball, Manga, and Love”
Panel - 14 “Summer’s Spring: Volleyball, Manga, and Love part II”
Panel - 15 “Echoes of The Lost Love”
Panel - 16 “Reset”
Panel - 17 “Revisiting Old Flames and Rekindling Regrets”
Panel - 18 “A New Panel”
Panel - 19 “Unforgotten Regret”
Panel - 20 “Brand New Ending”
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eggyrocks · 9 days
35mm: k. akaashi
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after partnering up with a familiar film student for his senior thesis, akaashi starts to feel something he thinks might be better off suppressed….
main masterlist
status: ongoing
pairing: akaashi x f!reader
tags/warnings: brothers best friend trope, university au, smau, very slight angst, guilt/shame, alcohol, grammatical mistakes probably, everyone probably will be out of character, please note warnings may change as story progresses, and to check each chapter for individual warnings
taglist: closed (50/50)
minors dni & other rules
akaashi’s playlist
introductions: kenma + sugar babies | welcome 2 the omegaverse
chapter one: friendship rankings
chapter two: keg stand
chapter three: dostokovestky
chapter four: boys brunch
chapter five: auditions
chapter six: "little giggle"
chapter seven: code for [redacted]
chapter eight: weird and also hurtful [✐]
chapter nine: “making my film major roommate watch bad movies”
chapter ten: spreading false information
chapter ten: loading….
moodboard/description for 35mm by @causenessus
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"FREDERICK BHAER AND JO ALL THE WAY I KNOW LAURIE IS IN HERE BUT ONLY BC THE SCENE IS LITERALLY JO LOOKING SO HAPPY OVER WATCHING A PERFORMANCE AND LAURIE IS GIVING HER THE LOOK OF LOVE. WHICH IS ANOTHER AESTHETIC KIND OF POINT THAT NEEDS TO BE MADE. the kind of both people are independent but lean on each other dynamic. like they could be by themselves (at least akaashi could) but wants to be with the other and the other person only. the kind of"i can do it" "i know you can but let me" dynamic. going to the gas station together at 3 am because one of them wants ice cream kind of aesthetic (totally not based off of when they were eating takeout together at his place). late nights and domesticity. yn and akaashi are the epitome of the quiet life people dream of, living in an apartment with their significant other. just them. that's their world. definitely dark academia like someone else said. definitely library dates. the couple that's helping the other study for their assignments or go to cafes together to work on homework (and one of them might end up pushing their homework aside just to look at the other person) i'm feeling fade into you and like real people do"
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lou-struck · 4 months
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Keiji Akaashi x reader
College AU!
WC: 2k
~ Thanks to the new library aid, your once quiet study spot has become much more… Distracting
a/n: sorry I have been gone for so long, it's been hard to do things lately. I hope you like this one. I tried to make it cohesive but when you start something and stop it in bi-weekly intervals you tend to loose yourself a bit in the process.
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There is always that one damn professor who takes an extra step to make their course more challenging for students for no reason in particular.  
Yours is your history professor, known throughout the campus as Dr. Asshole. He is known for handwriting confusing exam questions and surprise Pop Quizzes on material chapters ahead of the assigned reading.
His newest pretentious obsession is assigning massive papers and requiring that his students research the whole thing using non-digital sources. This wouldn't be an issue normally, but your university is in the middle of nowhere, and there are at least a hundred students in this particular class. Which means every desperate student looking to raise their grade will be flocking to the library trying to find as many sources they can.
As soon as your class and you start your usual walk to the university's library, your usual study spot, and hope it will be the goldmine of information you need it to be. 
The sliding glass doors part for you as you enter. The faint smell of books wafts under your nose as you enjoy the natural sunlight that streams in through the glass skylights. The quiet, studious atmosphere lacks the noisy distractions that are back at your place. The air is comfortable, not too warm, and not too cold.
Your usual table is bare and sun-soaked under the glass skylights. Your book bag slides stiffly down your shoulder, and you wonder if it would be a good idea to leave it unattended for a few minutes.
Your eyes scan the room. There are a few students lounging in the corner on some large beanbags, Little white earbuds snug in their ears as they scroll through their sleek, thin, laptops. You see the back of one of the Library assistants slowly pushing a cart of books down a lowly lit aisle. 
Your gut tells you that you can trust the small group of randos. You set your bag down on the table so you can begin your search for academic materials. Slowly, you make your way down the rows of books. The space has never looked cleaner; all the selves, even the hard-to-reach ones, are free of dust, and as you flip through possible sources, you notice that someone has taken the time to smooth out previously dog-eared pages and pluck out the old bookmarks. 
After only searing the shelves for a few minutes, you have an uncomfortably tall stack of books in your arms. 
For balance, you stretch your chin out to steady the stack as you start to walk back to your table. The smooth laminate of the book jackets causes your literary mountain to quake as you shuffle through the shelves. Your arms burning from the weight as you turn a blind corner. 
There's a crash
There's some cursing
And you are on the ground…The books clattering to the floor around you as you wonder how you ended up face to carpet. 
Books are scattered all around you as a hand comes into your peripheral. It extends itself toward you as if it was trying to help you up.
"Are you alright!? I am so sorry." the voice of its owner says. Their voice laced with genuine concern as you take in the worried face of and the dark, slightly-messy hair of Keiji Akaashi. You know him as the setter for your university's Volleyball team. 
You have only ever seen him with his friends walking to practice or from the stands whenever you make it to a home game. Never up close like this. He is so handsome that you wonder if you hit your head during your fall to have just noticed it.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asks again, and you realize that you haven't answered him at all. You must've been too busy admiring how great the lean athlete looks in his cream-colored sweater.
"Yeah," you reply, taking his hand and allowing him to help you to your feet. "I'm all right."j
"Really?' His blue eyes are looking you over again as if he doesn't believe you.
You know your head and give him a sweet smile. "I'm positive. I'll take a whole lot more than a book cart to take me out."
"That's a relief." he chuckles, "I guess I got a bit distracted earlier." his gaze casting downwards slightly. They embarrassingly land on a half-open book, which must be the cause of this whole thing. 
"Pride and Prejudice?" you muse, craning your neck to view the title. "Good choice. I'd get distracted too."
"It's a great book." he sighs, "But I should've been paying more attention to where I was going. Especially with the cart, those wheels are stubborn." 
You look at the cart behind him and find yourself agreeing with him. The library may have been renovated fairly recently, but those carts were not included in the remodel. "I see what you mean; they certainly have seen better days." Your fingers reach out to gently tug at the peeling top layer of paint on the cart. The tan color covers up chipped and uneven coats of grays and black from years past. 
It brings a silly smile to your lips when you think about the similar paint job covering the light switches back at your rental. College housing does not have the highest caliber or repairs, and so it is often subjected to the 'landlord special.'
You notice that he is watching you, his blue eyes scanning your features like he is reading a book. They flicker from your eyes to your mouth as if he is trying to discern what you are thinking at that moment. 
This careful attention isn't creepy at all. It's rather endearing. Especially coming from someone as blatantly attractive as Keiji Akaashi. 
Your cheeks burn with embers of youthful bashfulness, and you hope that he doesn't notice.
"Oh wow, you were really carrying a lot of books," he comments, looking away from you long enough to notice your stack of fallen library books. Without any hesitation, he crouches down and begins gathering the pile for you. 
"You think so?" you ask. "I still don't know if I have enough for my assignment." the somber tone of your voice causes the library aide to inspect the large stack of books in his arms.
"Let me guess, you have Dr. Asshole this semester." he chuckles dryly. "I had him last spring."
"He's really the worst," you chuckle. "I just want to get this paper over with before everyone is fighting over the same three books."
"I remember that," he laments, "Bokuto- uhh, my friend was in that class for about one hour before he dropped it. I think that was the smartest thing he has ever done."
"I think I'm a bit too stubborn to drop." you chuckle, holding your arms out to take the books from his sweater-clad arms. 
"And I'm a bit too stubborn to give these back to you." he glances at the tables behind you. "Where are we taking these?" 
"I- can take them back myself," you say defiantly, a light playfulness to your tone.
"I'm sure you can. But it's the least I can do after running you over with a book cart."
"It's hard to argue with that logic. My spot is right there." you point to your lonely table as he follows behind you. Easily carrying the stack of books you had selected. 
Having a gorgeous man carry your books was something you thought only existed in coming-of-age rom-coms (or whatever). But now that it's happening in real life, you can't say that the experience is not enjoyable.
"Is there alright?" he asks, gesturing to the tabletop. When you nod, he sets the pile down at your spot and notices that there is a student waiting by the checkout counter, their fingers drumming impatiently against the wood. Keiji sees them and lets out a deep sigh, "I guess I have to get back to work, but if you need any help finding more books for your paper, I'd be more than happy to help."
You hate that this little moment, whatever it was, is over. But you understand that he has a job to do, and so do you. "Thank you, I will definitely let you know if my pile is too small."
He smiles so genuinely at your words that you start to wonder if him hitting you with that book cart is one of the best things to ever happen to you. 
As he walks away, you get settled into your seat and take the first book from your pile. Your eyes scan over the crinkly, water-damaged pages without really processing anything. 
How could you think about anything other than Keiji Akaashi, the volleyball-playing, sweater-wearing, snarky library assistant who keeps glancing over at you from his desk?
You hide your smile with the palm of your hand, determined to pretend to be engrossed in your studies.
Half an hour later, you have not made any progress on your paper at all. Your poor, distracted brain tries to read those tiny words. But you can't comprehend anything. So you're just staring down at the pages with a furrowed brow.
It's not your fault, really…
It's his…
You wonder if he takes pleasure in distracting little old you. 
As if to test this theory of yours, you shyly glance back over at the checkout counter only to make direct eye contact with Akaasi. His blue eyes shine almost mockingly as if to say, 'I caught you.'
You look back at your incomprehensible book, trying to make your movements as natural as possible. But from the corner of your eye, you notice that he's coming over. 
"Someone just turned this one in," he says, placing a well-loved book at the top of your pile. "I thought it would help you with your paper."
"Thank you." you beam, not realizing that your empty page of notes is shining up at him. 
"It's not a problem." he smiles. 'You may want to move on from that one; it doesn't seem to be giving you anything useful."
He caught you. You feel that familiar, embarrassing heat creeping its way up your neck. You shake it away and look at him with a reassuring smile.
"Masterpieces take time." you chuckle, "What would Dr. Asshole say if he found out I rushed through this precious little paper of his."
He leans against the wood. "There's a difference between taking your time and getting distracted." the way he murmurs that last word sends the butterflies resting in your stomach flying all over the place. Their imaginary wings tickle your heart as they travel upwards.
"Just watch." you grin, taking a new book off of your pile. "I am about to make so much progress."
"I'll believe it when I see it," he says, turning to walk back to his table. You may not notice it, but the tips of his ears are flushed a deep shade of pink as he glances back at you from over his shoulder.
Determinedly, you read away. Jotting down little bits of information with a newfound energy. Cute library aides may be distracting, but passing this class is a bit more important at this moment.
You manage to get a decent amount of work done before your water bottle runs dry. 
The warm air makes studying without it rather uncomfortable, so you grab the cylinder and take it to the water fountain near the bathroom. 
By the time you come back to your spot, you notice a little blue notecard on your tabletop taped to a pack of gum.
Sorry again for running you over. I had to go to practice, but I hope this makes up for it. - K. Akaashi
In this moment, you couldn't care less about the gum. How could you when his phone number is carefully printed at the bottom of the card?
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Tagging: @enchantedforest-network
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dexlexia · 6 months
studies in relaxation - bokuto x reader
pairing: kōtarō bokuto x reader rating: 18+ summary: It was finals, oh how you hated finals. But that wasn't something was concerned your boyfriend. He made it through university on an athletic scholarship. While he was amazing at volleyball, he only marginally passed his courses. But unlike him, you had to make sure your grades were up to par. You couldn't slip in your marks. tags: college au, pwp, smut, couch sex, gentle sex, massages, praise kink, fingering, oral sex (f receiving)
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It was finals, oh how you hated finals. But that wasn't something that concerned your boyfriend. He made it through university on an athlete scholarship. While he was amazing at volleyball, he only marginally passed his courses. But unlike him, you had to make sure your grades were up to par. You couldn't slip in your marks. 
And he worried so much about you.
He hated seeing you so stressed.
You both lived in an apartment just off campus, and while it was rather nice and domestic. It was hard when you had to study. Your hyper-active boyfriend was more engaged with the idea of doing anything else with you BUT studying. But you needed to cram every last piece of information from your textbook.
You couldn't afford to fail the final exam of the semester. You were a top student, but being at the top meant the weight of expectations fell on your shoulders. You couldn't be an ace player like your boyfriend. 
Currently you are hunched over the desk in the living room, with all the lights off except the lamp over your desk. With one pen in your mouth and another tapping at the open notebook. You felt like you were losing your mind. 
This all made sense about an hour ago, but now it felt like nails on a chalkboard inside of your brain. When you started to doubt yourself you felt your heart start to race. But you had no time to have a panic attack, you needed to absorb everything in this textbook ASAP. 
You took the pen out of your mouth and exhaled. This was all getting to be too much. You dropped the pen in your hand and buried the heels of your hands in your eyes to rub the sleepiness out of them. “Goddamnit.” You muttered under your breath. 
“Is everything okay, babe?" You heard from the couch nearby. There sat Bokuto with his laptop propped up and his earphones in. He hated being apart from you, so while you were swamped with studying for finals he was as close as he could be. He wanted to make sure he was there if you needed anything.
You exhaled, ”Everything's fine, Ko. I'll be okay. It's just a lot.“ You watched him take the other earphone out and put his laptop to the side. He got up from the couch and walked towards you. He always looked like a lost puppy when he didn't know how to help you, but not everything could be solved with Bokuto's classic smile. 
  ”Do you want a back rub?” He asked as he held up his hands and made a grabbing motion with his fingers as to indicate that he was willing to massage you. 
You sighed once more, “Just be gentle.” And pulled the chair away from the desk. You rolled your shoulders and straightened out your back which caused some cracking of your spine. 
  “Akaashi told me that they help more if you're away from where you are working.“ He reached to pull the chair out further. You had no choice, you got up and followed him to the couch. 
You flopped down on top of it and rolled your neck from side to side. Bokuto sat beside you and manoeuvred you with his back to him. ”Relax.“ He prompted, ”Please.“ Then leaned in and kissed you on the cheek from behind. Then with those large hands he started to massage your back.
The first bit of pressure made you tense up, but the careful movements at the base of your neck made you relax. But the sound of your neck being massaged was far from appealing with all the cracks. You really did need something like this. He went in for another kiss and gave you gentle praise. 
  ”You're my smart girl.“ He assured you, ”But you work too hard, I don't want you to hurt yourself.“ You could hear the frown in his voice even if you couldn't see it.
  “I'm fine, Ko. It's just the end of the semester, it'll be over before you know it and we can enjoy our break.” You reassured him. You felt his kisses against your neck. You knew he worried. He didn't worry about much, but he did worry about you. 
He continued to work at the muscles of your back. The occasion crack or pop of your back as he tried to smooth out the tension. It only increased his worry with how tense you were. He soon applied more pressure and you kicked out your legs from it. You tilted your head to the side and moaned as he pressed his palms into your skin.
  “Do you like that?” He asked.
  “I love it, honey.” You responded, “I haven't had a massage in so long. I forgot how sensitive I was.” You exhaled deeply as you felt another sensation through your body as he touched you. It wasn't painful but it also wasn't a nonexistent feeling. There was pressure to it that made you grip onto your knees to keep yourself steady. 
  “Good, good. I want my honey to feel good.” He started to kiss at your neck, “Akaashi told me that the more relaxed you are, the better you learn. So I need you to relax.” His warm breath was against your neck as he massaged your lower back which made you let out a small squeak. He chuckled and continued to rub you down. 
He was just perfect, there was no one like Bokuto. He was just perfect. He kissed your neck some more, and his hands went to your front. He smiled against your skin and started to grab at your breasts. You moaned and it encouraged him to keep going. To keep touching you while he attempted to make you comfortable.
  "Do you like that?“ He asked, his lips were close to your ear, ”Does my lovely, amazing girl like that? Because I want you to feel good.“ He chuckled softly. 
You tilted your head to the side away from him and shakily exhaled, ”It feels amazing. I guess.” You trailed off, “I could take a break.” 
  “Yeah?” He perked up, “You want a break with me?”
You giggled and turned on the couch. You faced him and reached to stroke his face, “After all, you know how to make me the most relaxed.” You leaned in close to him.  “I only ever feel safe around you.”
He chuckled and kissed you. He laid you out on the couch under him, his broad body covered yours as he cupped your face. Those gold eyes gazed down at you and you smiled up at him. He felt so close, you felt so loved. And maybe the feeling of stress was starting to leave your body. He pulled you in for one last kiss as his hand started to trail down into your shorts.
The waistband was stretchy which allowed his hand to slip in perfectly. He groaned into the kiss as he reached the band of your underwear. He smiled into the kiss as he felt around. Soon his longer fingers reached past the waist of your underwear and towards your pussy. 
 “Ko.” You said.
 “I got you, honey.” He replied as he pulled you in for another searing kiss as he started to play with your clit. His pointer finger rubbed up against your sensitive spot as he passionately made out with you. The feeling made your toes curl in your socks, you felt the urge to kick out your legs from the pleasure but managed to restrain yourself. 
  “Ko. Please.“ You moaned before you went in for another kiss.Your heart pounded in your chest as you held onto his arms for support. He was so strong compared to you, you could feel the strength of his muscles in his arms.
  ”Don't worry.“He reassured, ”I'll make you nice and relaxed honey!“ Then continue to play with your clit. The feeling made your back arch as you moaned loudly. He smiled down at you like a ray of sunshine and went in for another searing kiss. He was  just a perfect boyfriend.
You loved him with all your heart, he was just so perfect that there was little to put into words just HOW perfect he was. He wanted his number one girl to get her finals done and he'd make sure that through any means that you were the most comfortable and safe with him. 
He'd make sure that you were taken care of, and he adored you for that. He just thought you were perfect and there was no replacing you. He pulled away once more and gazed at your face, every expression you made as he dipped two fingers inside of you. His movements were rapid as you moaned loudly. 
  ”That's it, honey.” He moaned against your skin. His cock throbbed in his pants but that was a problem for another time. He closed the gap between you even further, and pushed his fingers even deeper into you. He felt your hot breath on his cheek as he played with your pussy.
Your heart raced in your chest and you felt warm all over. But you also felt the stress melt off of your body and pleasure tae over. Especially since his skilled fingers were stroking your sex. You held onto him as  he pleasured you. 
But soon that wasn't enough. He pulled away and got down to his knees in front of the couch with a 'thud' and started to pull down your shorts to reveal your pussy. He licked his lips as he got your legs spread and more of your sweet sex exposed.
  “Such a good girl.” He praised you. Those gold eyes gazed at you with such love, and hope. He adored you so much, he thought you were just a beautiful creature, “You're going to do so well on your exams.“
He gazed up at you and gave you one last grin before he held your legs open and started to pleasure you orally. He thought you were just divine, a holy object of worship. To do anything in his power to help you be the best you could be. I loved you so much. 
His licks were quick across your clit. You curled your toes and held onto his silver hair as he pleasured you. He held your legs open so you didn't crush his head with your thighs!
He kissed your pussy and left wet licks across your clit. You felt the pressure build up in your stomach as you clutched onto him. The feeling was immense, you knew that Bokuto had a skilled tongue but everytime it took you off guard. 
  ”You're amazing.“ He said, ”So perfect.''He groaned into your skin before he went back to lapping at your sweet sex. He was enthralled by you, he thought you were just so perfect. He couldn't get enough of you. But he knew you were getting close so he took one hand and began to tease you while he lapped at your clit. 
You almost kicked out your legs once more as you clutched onto him. You moaned out loud and leaned your head back as you felt the surge of pleasure. Your toes curled once more and you gripped onto him further.
He lapped at your pussy lovingly, he felt a swell in his chest. He loved your sweet noises, he loved how you sounded when he pleasured you. It was a remarkable feeling that he couldn't deny. 
It wasn't long before you felt the mountainous feeling of pleasure run through your body. You felt onto him tightly, the feeling of soft silver hair past your fingertips. You moaned and panted, and as you climaxed you kicked out your legs in pleasure.
 ”Ko!“ You moaned out loud as you finished on his tongue. And every anxiety was out of your body and you were relaxed against the couch with your chest heaving. You let go of him and relaxed. Your mind felt fuzzy but in the best way possible.
He got up and leaned in to kiss you on the cheek. You felt your heart flutter. 
He beamed at you and reached out for you, “Now why don't we go for another round in the bedroom. I know another way for you to relax.” And winked at you. You smiled up at him and followed close behind him as you tried to pull up your pants. 
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kitakashi · 1 year
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Kuroo Tetsurō x Reader
Soulmate AU
born from conversations with @shoulmate 💚 (not edited or beta read)
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Warm sand tickled the bottom of your feet. Digging your toes deeper into the beach you watched your friends play volleyball from your spot on a towel.
University finals were over. As soon as the last exam finished you packed your bags to join your friends for a much needed vacation.
You sat beside Kozume under a large umbrella enjoying the salt air and the crash of the waves. And of course the view of swim trunk, baseball caps, and sunglasses.
Kuroo, Bokuto, and Akaashi were shirtless and sweaty only a few yards away. Alongside other friends the bunch of you had made at Tokyo University. But those three in particular were the sweetest eye candy.
Your fingers slipped under the thick wristband you wore to cover your soulmark. Rubbing the name if your soulmate unconsciously, until Kozume cleared his throat giving you a look. Adjusting your sunglasses on your face you pretended not to notice his stare.
Your friends knew you were one of the few with a soulmate, but you had never shared with them who is was. Kozume, however, was too observant and you suspected he knew. Gratefully he never said anything or pushed you about it.
It happened right before you started high school. You were with your parents filling out paperwork after moving to a new area. Scrolling endlessly on your phone, bored out of your mind, when the skin on your wrist exploded in pain as if on fire. Gasping you cuddled your arm to your chest, tears pricking your eyes.
Curious faces turned towards you. Some confused, others shocked at the outburst. It wasn’t until your parents pried your arm from your body did the realization finally set in. You had gotten a soulmark.
Having a soulmark wasn’t common. Most people knew someone in their extended family or group of friends who had one. They appeared randomly during your mid to late teens if you got one. And not everyone saw it as a blessing.
The mark was a name. The name of your soulmate. But your soulmate would not have a mark. Just having the mark didn’t mean they were close by or did it mean you’d ever meet them.
This caused a lot of problems in relationships. Either you held out for a soulmate who never came or one would randomly pop into your life after you had already settled down with someone else.
But your teenage heart had high hopes that couldn’t be dashed by your parents’ realistic and logical words. It wasn’t that they weren’t happy for you. They just didn’t want their precious child’s heart crushed by this Kuroo Tetsurō whom they didn’t know.
You met Kuroo right after starting high school. He was a year above you. And he was perfect. Handsome, funny, athletic, intelligent, talented, and kind.
Well, you didn’t actually meet him. You heard the name Kuroo Tetsurō and your wrist throbbed alongside your heart in excitement. You rushed to tell him who you were.
That’s when you realized it was no blessing but a curse upon your wrist.
Kuroo was a member of the volleyball team. A second year pillar of the team. Relied upon by his seniors and juniors. His athletic prowess alone was intimidating. Yet he was also studious, beloved by the teachers. He was surrounded his teammates and by fans. Pretty girls, handsome boys.
You tried to worm your way through the crowd to talk to him but the glares you got stopped you in your tracks.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” A voice snapped.
An elbow dug into your ribs, “we were here first.”
Wincing you took a step back from the throng of people. Clutching your arm, you rubbed your wrist. An action you always seemed to do to quell your anxiety. You looked for another way through the crowd. It wasn’t as though you had to tell him today but you wanted to be with your soulmate as soon as possible, believing in a happily ever after.
You could see his head above the others. If only you could get Kuroo’s attention somehow. Trying again to squeeze through the sea of people it wasn’t until someone grabbed your arm did you stop.
The girl had wrenched your arm back trying to see your wrist. “Oh shit you have a soulmark!” You panicked trying to pull yourself free. “Lemme see who it is! Is it one of the guys on the team?”
Ripping your arm back before she could see the name, you gave her a nasty glare. But the damage had been done. Curious faces heard her exclamation and turned towards you.
Another girl lurched towards you and you took a step back. “A soulmark? How neat!”
“Seriously?” Her friend looked suspicious, “she’s gotta be one of maybe 5 people at this school.”
“Who is it?” Someone curious spoke you couldn’t see, “whose name is her mark?”
Nearby a girl scrunched up her nose in disbelief, “Really. Idoubt it. Probably wrote it with sharpie.” She rolled her eyes and the people around her laughed.
“How pathetic,” another scathing voice, “who would want to be tied down to her?”
You couldn’t even see the people laughing at you anymore. Nails biting into the skin of your wrist, you hugged the name Kuroo Tetsurō to your chest. If your legs didn’t give out, your lungs would. You couldn’t breathe.
“I feel sorry for her soulmate.”
“Make her wash her hands and prove it’s real.”
Their words cut deep. Self deprecating thoughts filled your mind. You knew they were just petty but you couldn’t help the tears from forming. Suddenly you didn’t want to meet your soulmate. A burst of strength let you rush off before they could see you cry. Later you thought of ways to hide your mark.
Somehow you had made it through high school without anyone finding out the name on your wrist. A thick wrist band covered the name and you never took it off unless to shower.
A feat especially hard after befriending Kozume Kenma. You shared class with him all three years. After finding out the two of you enjoyed the same video games, a friendship grew and solidified. Unfortunately, that also meant that Kuroo was part of your friends group. Your soulmark wasn’t done cursing you.
Even without the soulmark you liked Kuroo. You couldn’t meet his sharp feline gaze when he seldom spoke to you. Just being around him made you rub the skin beneath the band on your wrist uncontrollably. Your face felt like a furnace anytime he caught you staring, and you stared a lot. And smiled. You didn’t even realize you would just have this dopey grin on your face. Not until Kozume pointed it out. Another reason why you think he knows.
And because of your cowardice, you had to watch Kuroo date other people. You had no one to blame but yourself. But every time you thought to end your misery by spilling your secret, you imagined him asking why it took you so long. Or that he only saw you as a friend.
The feeling of a hand on your arm snapped you from your inner mind. Kozume had grabbed your wrist to prevent you from injuring yourself. It wouldn’t be the first time you’d rubbed the soulmark raw. He called your name and you met his worried golden eyes.
“Sorry,” you tried to laugh it off, “I was spacing out.” Kozume frowned. He opened his mouth but you stood cutting him off. “I think I’m going to wade in a bit. Try and cool off some.”
Dusting off a bit of sand you made your way to the waves without waiting for a response. The water was cool as it gently lapped at your legs. A shiver went down your spine at the temperature difference between the ocean and the hot sun.
A figure sliding beside you made you jump, slipping on the wet sand. Grabbing the person who startled you to avoid plummeting into the ocean, you weren’t expecting intense yellow eyes to stare down at you.
“I scare you that bad?” Kuroo cackled. “I did call your name you know.”
He helped you stabilize yourself and you regretfully released his bicep. The raven stretched, joints cracking. You did your best to not completely ogle him from behind your shades.
“What are you doing over here? I thought you were playing volleyball?”
“Drink break,” broad shoulders shrugged, “gotta stay hydrated.” Kuroo had the gall to wink at you.
You nodded, staying silent. Gazing at the open ocean, unsuccessfully trying to quell your beating heart. Cold water splashed your sides. You shot Kuroo’s smirking face a glare.
“What’s on your mind?” He splashed you again. “You’re even more quiet than usual.”
“Quit that,” you scowled.
He wiggled a finger in your face, “now that’s not very nice. I’m just trying to be friendly.”
“You have plenty of friends to bother.”
“True,” he acknowledged with an obnoxious grin, “but I’d rather bother you.”
You rolled your eyes, splashing him back. Glancing back at your friends you saw Bokuto animatedly telling a story keeping his audience enraptured. Snorting you shook your head, guess Kuroo really was free right now.
“Hey,” squinting you looked back to Kuroo who was pointing to your wrist, “aren’t you worried about the salt water eating through that?”
Tugging at the wrist band you shrugged, “I guess. But it’s not like I can’t get another one.”
“Why not take it off? We are on vacation after all. And who knows you might even meet them here.” Glad Kuroo wasn’t looking at you, you couldn’t help but squeeze your wrist. He was gazing out at the ocean but continued, “if I had a soulmate I know I’d be trying everything to meet them.”
“You don’t seem to need help in that department. You’ve always got girls around you.”
Kuroo frowned looking down at you. “And if you haven’t noticed, not once has any date worked out.”
Snapping the soggy wrist band against the soulmark you couldn’t help asking, “what if…” You floundered uncomfortable under the raven’s intense gaze. “What if, when you met them, you didn’t think it would work?”
Dark eyebrows skyrocketed over his sunglasses, “you’ve already met them? Did you tell them?”
You flinched from his incredulous tone, avoiding meeting his eyes. Shifting your weight you rubbed harder at the name on your wrist.
“Hey,” Kuroo softly called your name, “talk to me.” Why did he look so sad? Not knowing what to say, how to explain, you didn’t speak. He pushes his shades to the top of his head to look at you better despite the bright sunlight. His voice was gentle, “why do you think it wouldn’t work?”
Salt stung at your wrist as the flesh peeled from the harsh friction. You knew you were standing in the surf but it felt like you were being dragged down to the ocean depths.
Kuroo’s body was completely facing you now. You had his full attention. No calling of his name by Bokuto could distract him from you. His rough fingers caressed your arms, trying to keep you from a panic attack. Tears pricked at your eyes.
“I’m not,” you choked out, stopping to clear your throat, “I don’t think… I’m just, just not. And he, he’s… amazing.”
Fingers slid up your arms to grab your face. Both of Kuroo’s large hands cupped your jaw as he looked at you sternly. “Stop that right now,” he growled, “anyone would be lucky to have you as their soulmate. If you don’t stop with this bullshit I’ll start listing reasons at the top of my lungs.” You gaped at him. “I’ll sing them too if it’ll stop you from crying. Poorly I might add.” Using his thumbs to wipe your tears running from under your dark sunglasses, he kept speaking. His voice softer now, “I mean it.”
You couldn’t help but stare at him. He was leaning so close that your noses almost touched. Yellow eyes deeper and brighter than the sun baring down overhead. A mixture of sweat and ocean spray glistened on his skin. Already messed raven hair held down by his sunglasses and whipped every direction by the cool breeze.
“What if it was you,” not even sure he could hear you, you whispered, “what if my soulmate was you? Would you still want a soulmate then?”
Kuroo took a shaky breathe, licking his lips. Using his thumbs, he slowly pushes your shades to the top of your head. “If it were me,” fingers gently traced your jawline, “I’d want to know why you didn’t tell me. If it were me, I’d kiss you until we were both breathless. If it were me, I’d make sure we were never apart for the rest of our lives. Because if it were me who had such an amazing soulmate, there’s nothing less I could do than give you everything.” Hot breath danced across your lips. His golden gaze searching, with a prayer held inside. Reverently, he whispered your name. “Show me, so I can finally kiss you.”
Biting your lip, you fiddled with the soaked wristband hiding your soulmark. Hands shaking you held your wrist up to him. A moment passed before he realized, you wanted him to remove it. One hand moved along your arm while the other rested against your neck. Silently searching your eyes for permission, he removed the offending cover.
There on your wrist, was his name. Kuroo Tetsurō.
Not a moment later was his mouth on yours. And the soulmark curse trapping your heart was finally broken.
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avatarchic · 3 months
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works in progress !
updated: 2024/04/03 note all content tags and blurbs are not finalized and may appear different in published works ; fics are not posted in any particular order
bold = current focus
(?) = undecided content tag
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started works
BURNED INTO OUR SKIN zuko x reader, soulmate!au, sfw, oneshot When you turn sixteen, and your soul mark burns itself into your skin, you're proven just how strong fate can be.
HOMEWRECKER gojo satoru x reader x geto suguru, university!au, nsfw, oneshot After your landlord kicks you out, you have nowhere to go, so your best friends invite you to stay with them. When you said yes, you didn't expect to become a third wheel.
BRING ME TO THE PACIFIC shinso hitoshi x reader, pacific rim!au, sfw, oneshot Years after losing your brother to a Kaiju, you're brought back to pilot an old Jaeger as a last-ditch attempt to save the world.
BABY'S BREATH miya atsumu x reader, hanahaki!au, sfw, oneshot Miya Atsumu is the biggest idiot you've ever met. He irritates you to no end—simply being in the same room with him is enough to raise your temper. Why, then, does your breath catch whenever you see him?
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accepted requests / upcoming [ FULL ]
SERVING THE SULTAN [TBD] aizawa shota x male!reader, aladdin!au, nsfw, oneshot
UNUSUAL COMBINATIONS [TBD] bakugo katsuki, tamaki amijiki, todoroki shoto, yo shindo, monoma neito, kaminari denki x reader (paired), nsfw, headcanons
MINE, ALL MINE [TBD] bakugo katsuki x kirishima eijiro x kaminari denki x midoriya izuku x todoroki shoto x reader, nsfw, oneshot
ROCKSTAR [TBD] karasuno x reader (separately), sfw, headcanons
OFFER [TBD] kenma kozume, sakusa kiyoomi, suna rintaro x reader (separately), nsfw, headcanons
LESSONS [TBD] gojo satoru x reader x nanami kento, nsfw, oneshot
LITTLE WHITE LIES [TBD] monoma neito, kirishima eijiro, todoroki shoto x reader (separately), nsfw(?), headcanons
PLAYTHING [TBD] kaminari denki, kirishima eijiro, ida tenya, sero hanta, shinso hitoshi x male!reader (separately), nsfw, headcanons
APPLE OF MY EYE [TBD] akaashi keiji, kenma kozume, kita shinsuke, oikawa toru, miya atsumu, miya osamu x reader (separately), sfw, headcanons
SHARING IS CARING [TBD] todoroki shoto x reader x bakugo katsuki, nsfw(?), oneshot
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©AVATARCHIC please do not plagiarize, repost, translate, or copy any of my works.
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rose-tinted-kalopsia · 4 months
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#. REQUEST GUIDELINES. ₊˚⊹ ᰔ I a list of guidelines on how to request from me !!
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‧₊˚୨୧ . · 𝑮𝑬𝑵𝑬𝑹𝑨𝑳
mdni. it goes without saying, but if you are under 18 or are an ageless blog, please do not request/send asks to me! i will delete requests from ageless blogs.
make sure requests are open before you send any in! if they are closed and you send a request, it will be automatically deleted!
please be patient with requests. i am a post-graduate student with a part-time job, and other side projects lined up. this is just a fun little thing for me to write some nsfw when i feel inspired, so i may get to requests pretty slowly.
requests are encouraged, but not promised! while i'll try my best to get to every request, i only write requests i feel like writing. if it's not up my alley, they will probably go unanswered, but please don't take it to heart!
please be specific when you do request, so i know what you want me to write! mention tropes, characters you want, and as many details as you like. don't hold back!
do NOT poke me on request/WIP status. again, some may go entirely unanswered if i don't feel like writing them; or generally, i may get to requests slowly. please understand that i will NOT entertain these messages. this is all free content, and i write because i want to! please have a little respect 🤍
please refer to this post for a general content guideline, and make sure you are comfortable with it, before you request!
tl;dr - i only write smut (nsfw) x-afab!reader fics, so please request within this guideline!!
please only request fandoms and/or characters specified here. if you request for ones that are not listed, your request will be deleted!
if the trope you want is not stated anywhere in this post, do feel free to ask nonetheless! there's a chance i might still give it a try, so shoot your shot! 💕
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‧₊˚୨୧ . · 𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑻
nsfw tropes i will definitely write:
body worship
praise kink
soft dom/sub dynamics
edging/orgasm denial
unprotected sex
cum play/cum eating
creampie/breeding kink
food kink/food play
frottage/dry humping
sensory play
size kink
corruption kink
temperature play
nsfw tropes i will NOT write:
age play
ddlg/ddlb/daddy/mommy kinks
breath play
hard dom/sub dynamics
hard bondage
A/B/O dynamics
secondary tropes i will definitely write:
hurt/no comfort
pining/yearning (one-sided, mutual)
sky/star/universe themes
ocean/water themes
fire themes
unrequited love
AUs: hanahaki, royal, coffeeshop, florist, academic, modern, magic, highschool, college
Dynamics: master/servant, royal/servant, doctor/patient, teacher/student, best friends to lovers, academic rivals to lovers, black cat/golden retriever, fell first/fell harder, star-crossed lovers, sun/moon
secondary tropes i will NOT write:
arranged/forced marrige or relationship
fandoms and characters i will write:
love & deepspace : xavier, rafayel, zayne, caleb, jeremiah
haikyuu : hinata, kenma, sugawara, shirabu, nishinoya, yaku, alisa, kiyoko, akaashi, kuroo, oikawa, kunimi
blue lock : chigiri, nagi, isagi
stray kids : felix, seungmin, hyunjin, han, lee know
tower of god : khun a.a., khun hachuling, baam, viole, hwaryun, endorsi, hatz, lauroe, hockney, yasratcha, garnak
bungou stray dogs : chuuya, dazai, atsushi, ranpo, nikolai
final fantasy 16 : joshua rosfield, clive rosfield, gav
lookism : johan seong
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© rose-tinted-kalopsia. all rights reserved. do not: steal, copy, repost, reupload, modify, or claim any of my works as your own, regardless of credit given. absolutely do not use my works for AI training and other related purposes.
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hispipsqueak · 1 year
Training Camp
Tsukishima x F!Reader - fluff
TW: college au, drinking mention, mild cursing, jealousy, pretty fluffy. There is one mention of reader having long hair.
A/N: wake up besties, Pip posted. I’ve been writing this off and on for like months just as a comfort fluff piece but I decided to finaly share it after some sweet feedback. I hope you like it. It’s v self-indulgent bc i am a SIMP. 
Everyone is 18+
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Hinata was yelling.
Tsukishima rubbed his temple. It was 6 AM and the team was on their way to an intercollegiate training camp. He was not excited. The cold bus was a stark contrast to the soft warm bed he left too early this morning.
The training camp was going to gather a few different schools so he was going to see his friends, Bokuto and Kuroo. He was hoping to work on a few more blocks with them, to improve his playing. However, having to deal with HInata and Nishinoya on the bus was testing his patience.
"Screaming isn't going to make you any taller, idiot." He hissed at Hinata. Hinata made a face and was about to shout back until he was interrupted by Ukai.
"We are pulling into the camp. I expect you guys to be on your best behavior as you're representing Karasuno University." He parked the bus and the guys started loading out their bags. Everyone was buzzing, excited to see their friends and test out new skills. Tsukishima pulled his headphones around his ears and started moving his bags to the team dorms.
"OI TSUKKI!" A boisterous voice shouted from behind him. He was immediately enveloped in a hug that lifted his tall frame off the ground.
"Bokuto...it's like 7 AM." Akaashi muttered, wiping sleep from his eyes. He nodded at Tsukishima who was grateful toward the dark-haired man for getting the giant owl to let him go.
"Tsukishima! Aren't you glad to see us?" Another cocky voice came from the corner. Kuroo sauntered in before clapping him on the shoulder. Tsukishima rolled his eyes.
"I feel like I see enough of you two, especially since you added me to a groupchat that you won't let me leave."
"To be fair, they won't let us leave either." Kenma muttered from behind his Switch. Akaashi chuckled in agreement.
"Anyway, Karasuno better be prepared because the practice matches are gonna go HARD!" Kuroo said laughing. Kenma rolled his eyes and they headed back to the Nekoma dorms. Bokuto's laugh echoed in the hallway and Tsukishima was just grateful the actual practice wasn't starting for another two hours so he could nap.
"Welcome all to the intercollegiate training camp for 2020! We are glad to have you all here!" The man running the camp said. He was an older athletic coach and was going to assist with match setup and drills, though individual matches and team practices would be run by each respective coach.
"Sorry I'm late, I got stuck in traffic!" You said running into the gym, tossing your bag on the nearest bench.
"Ah! Glad to see you –" The older coach started before the yelling commenced.
"Y/N!!!" Bokuto shouted, running and spinning you around. Kuroo ran up as well and gave you a tight squeeze.
"GUYS STOP HOGGING HER!" Noya shouted before running up to squeeze a hug in as well.
It seemed all the older boys knew who you were, though Tsukishima had never seen you before. A few other guys shouted greetings and waved, from each team. You smiled and Tsukishima felt his body grow tingly. He rolled his neck and focused on the older coach, who began speaking again.
"As many of you know, this is Y/N. She's our resident medic and will be taking care of anything you guys need. Y/N, a few words?"
You grinned. "Hello guys! I'm glad to be back here. As Coach Sato said, I am Y/N, your medic. Please meet with me before you leave today to get my contact info in case anything occurs after hours and you need assistance. I'm in the Medic dorm, so feel free to come see me whenever!"
You bowed slightly and waved before turning back to the older man.
Tsukishima wasn't sure why he felt restless all of a sudden but he pushed it out of his mind as the coach discussed the agenda for the day.
Day one was grueling. The drills were tough and since everyone had vastly improved, everyone had to work harder to top each other. Tsukishima saw you a couple of times, discussing things with Coach Ukai and Coach Sato. You were always smiling, and it seemed everyone was drawn to you. You complimented Daichi on his receives, laughed with Tanaka and Noya, and even got Kageyama to crack a smile. You were walking towards where Tsukishima stood when a guy from another team skidded across the floor, 
You jogged over to pull him up and check him over. Tsukishima couldn’t help but feel a pang of something...wash over him. Why was he so...aware of everything you did? You were just some girl whom he didn’t even know. Yet, like everyone else at the camp, he was drawn to you for some reason. He had to snap out of it. He put all his effort into playing for the rest of the session and even Daichi complimented his newfound energy.
They were wrapping up for the day and Tsukishima headed to the bench to grab some water when he felt a soft voice calling his name. He turned around and you grinned at him.
“You’re...Tsukishima Kei right? I’m Y/N! Sorry to bug you, I just wanted to give you my number.”
Tsukishima gulped, swallowing too much water. His face reddened as he tried not to spit up water all over you. You laughed, the sound pouring over his heart like warm honey, and patted him on the shoulder.
“Sorry! That sounded weird. It’s just in case something happens I can rush over if you need medical assistance. Sometimes you’ll get hurt in practice and walk it off only for the pain to worsen late at night or something. So don’t be afraid to text me any time of day, if needed.”
He nodded and handed you his phone. You input your number and smiled before heading over to speak with the coaches again. He looked at his phone.
Y/N 🚑 😉
“Tsukki!” Bokuto’s booming voice echoed across the hall. Tsukishima looked up from his book.
“Kuroo, Akaashi, Kenma, and I are gonna work on some blocks later. You should join us!” 
Tsukishima looked back down at his book. He was exhausted and about to tell Bokuto no until Kuroo walked into the room.
“Bo, I reserved the back gym and Y/N agreed to stay with us for practice tonight.” He said, tossing a volleyball in the air. “Tsukishima, you joining? Or are you too tired? I know you crows are weak.”
“Shut up, stupid cat. I’m fine and I need to practice some blocking anyway.” Tsukishima said a little too quickly.
Kuroo cocked an eyebrow. “You...you of all people are agreeing to extra practice? We have to drag you to spend time with us and now you are so...eager? Interesting…”
Kenma, who was behind him smashing buttons on his Switch, smirked without looking up from his screen.
“Probably because of Y/N.”
Kuroo let out his classic hyena cackle, eyes wide.
“NO! You have a thing for Y/N?” He asked incredulously.
Bokuto’s jaw dropped. “TSUKKI YOU LOVE Y/N?!”
Tsukishima rolled his eyes, trying to hide the blush creeping up his ears. 
“No I don’t LOVE Y/N. I don’t even know her.” Tsukishima said, trying to remain casual.
“You wouldn’t stop staring at her the entire day. Every time she was on your side of the court, you slammed on the ball like some final boss. Also, you choked on your water when she talked to you.” Kenma said, still engrossed in his game.
Tsukishima glared at him. Kenma ignored him, unfazed. 
Kuroo grinned wickedly.
“So, we have a new plan. Get Tsukishima to confess to Y/N.”
Bokuto clapped. ‘YEAH! Tsukki, you gotta tell her how you feel.”
Tsukishima turned back to his book. “I don’t FEEL anything. I don’t even know her. I’ll see you guys tonight. To practice, not for some ridiculous love story.”
Kuroo and Bokuto shared a conspiratorial look.
Operation: Tsukki and Y/N was a go.
“Y/N! Fancy to see you here!” Bokuto said grinning mischievously. You furrowed your brow.
“Did Kuroo not tell you I was going to join you guys tonight?” You turned toward the raven-haired boy, who glared at Bokuto.
“Yes, Bokuto just doesn’t listen. Anyway, we are just waiting for one more...there you are!” Kuroo threw a megawatt smile to someone behind you. You spun around to come face to chest with Tsukishima. His gaze narrowed as he looked down at you. You gave a small smile and cautiously stepped back.
“Oh! Tsukishima. I didn’t realize you’d be joining! Great, because I don’t know if I can handle these four by themselves.” You smiled, gesturing to Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, and Akaashi. 
Kuroo tossed a volleyball up in the air. “Now that we are all here, let’s practice.” You took this as your cue, to head to the sidelines and finish up work for the day. Once you were safely out of earshot, Kuroo leaned in towards Tsukishima.
“‘This is your chance. Show her how good you play. We’ll even go easy on you!”
Tsukishima shook his head.
“I’m not here for some girl. I’m here to get better and improve. Play me to win or don’t play.” His honey-tinted eyes held a fire behind them that Kuroo had never seen before. He shrugged and the boys split up on either side of the net to start practicing.
You watched them from the sidelines, while filling out your reports for the day. You knew most of the guys from previous training camps. Tsukishima, being a first year, hadn’t met you until today and you didn’t get a whole lot of time to interact with him throughout practice so you could tell he still hadn’t warmed up to you just yet.
You watched as the guys jumped, and methodically blocked the ball from scoring on their respective sides. It was amazing to see really, especially because you knew these guys outside of the court. Akaashi, who was one of the sweetest people you knew, was slamming the ball over the net like a man in war. Bokuto, who normally was all over the place, was hyper focused on preventing the ball from passing the wall of him and Tsukishima. Even Kenma, who normally showed very little passion outwardly, did an impressive dig to stop the ball from hitting the floor.
You tried to gauge some sort of personality from Tsukishima. He was methodical, calculating every move from each member and putting himself in a way that forced his opponents to do what he wanted. His demeanor changed from apathetic to focused and driven and for a first year, he had a lot of skill. You hadn’t had a chance to really gauge who he was outside of a first impression so you made a mental note to focus more on him in the coming week.
Your phone buzzed, pulling you away from the practice.
Yūji : hey bbygirll ;P
You rolled your eyes. Terushima was always overly flirtatious, though harmless.
Y/N: Hey Yuuji, what’s up?
Yūji : throwing a party ths wknd N u better goooo ;)
Y/N: mmm...maybe. Who’s all going to be there?
Yūji : literally evry1. Tendou n Ushiwaka, Oikawa  (🤢) and those guys from Seijoh, some guys from inarizaki, maybe some from ur training camp thing, and YOU
Y/N: FINE. But I might bring backup since last time I had to take care of your drunk ass.
Yūji : :D can’t wait to see you
You looked up. The guys had finished their practice and were staring at you. 
“Sorry, Terushima was talking about some party this weekend. You guys going?”
Kuroo nodded, “Thought about dragging Kenma to it. You going?”
You shrugged. “Maybe. I’ll go if you guys go, because I don’t wanna have to deal with that mess alone again.”
Bokuto laughed. “We should go together then. It will be a good way to end this week.”
He looked at Tsukishima. 
“You have to go with us Tsukki!”
Tsukishima shook his head. “No way. A party with loud, obnoxious drunk people? I’m fine, thanks.”
You giggled. 
“Come on Tsukishima! It’ll be nice to blow off steam from this week, plus I’d kill to see you at a party.”
Tsukishima looked over at you, his expression unreadable.
The rest of the week was tough but fun. You got to see all the boys improve, and you even managed to get Tsukishima to crack a smile a few times. You couldn’t deny that you were showing a slight favoritism toward the tall blonde. You told yourself it was because he was so difficult to reach, but you couldn’t help but seek him out in each practice.
Turns out you didn’t have to look far today.
“Medic!” Coach Ukai shouted. You looked up from your clipboard and saw a group of boys crowded in the Karasuno area. You jogged over there and the boys cleared.
Tsukishima was standing in the center of the circle, clutching his hand. You could see it was red, swollen, and bleeding. You pulled on gloves, and started inspecting it, gently squeezing and prodding to see where the pain was at.
You pushed on his knuckle and he let out a low groan. 
“Ouch. It looks like you may have dislocated this. Come with me back to the medic bay, and I’ll patch you up.” You led him by the elbow to your office. He remained silent but you could hear his breathing had become heavy.
You motioned for him to sit in the chair as you started pulling out different creams and aids to ease the bleeding first. 
He hissed as you applied pressure to his finger.
“Sorry, Tsukishima. It’s just to stop the bleeding so we can start working on your knuckle. This is going to sting okay? So keep your eyes on mine.”
Your voice was soothing and he felt his heart slow down as you started pulling out some sort of tonic. You looked up at him and he tried to focus on anything else but the blush creeping on his face. You smiled at him and then…
The tonic you sneakily applied on his wound BURNED. You held his hand firmly, while avoiding the injured area.
“Don’t move too much or you could hurt yourself worse.” You said while wrapping a small bandage around his finger.
Your hands felt so delicate in his. He almost forgave you for the stinging. Almost.
“Okay, let’s look at the swelling. Can you move it at all?”
He tried and his finger gave a pathetic twitch.
“Okay, so that’s not broken. I think we’ll just splint it up, but you may want to follow up with your doctor if it becomes more of an issue after a couple of days.”
“Can I still play?” He asked. 
“Definitely not today, but you should be good to go by next week. Unfortunately, you’ll be out for the rest of this week.” You gave him a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry.”
He exhaled slowly and nodded, though you could tell he was disappointed, which surprised you a little. You busied yourself putting away your tools and pulling out the wraps. “So you really like volleyball huh? Wait…sorry, of course you do. Just…I didn’t peg you for being so passionate.” Face burning, you turned around digging in a cabinet.
“I’m not like Bokuto or Hinata, if that’s what you mean.” His voice was quiet and you snuck a glance back at him. He was staring at his finger. You waited for him to continue but he stayed silent.
Grabbing the supplies you needed you sat in front of him and pulled your tray next to you. “Yeah those two can be a little…enthusiastic.” You laughed and reached for his hand. He hesitated a moment and you grinned. “No more tonics, I promise.”
His hand dwarfed yours and he felt his mouth go dry as you delicately ran bandages over the injury. Why did he suddenly become hyper aware of how close your knee was to his? He looked away, blood rushing in his ears. He suddenly realized it had gotten silent and you were looking at him. Fuck. “Uh, sorry.”
You smiled, that smile that made his hands tingle with electricity. “I was just asking if you were excited about the party this weekend.” 
Fuck, The party.
“I know, it can be a lot. But I’m glad you’re going. I’m excited to see you in party mode.” You winked and he felt his heart stop for a second. “Anyway, you’re all done.” You let go of his hand and he tried to push away the emptiness it felt now. “I’ll let Coach Ukai know and I’ll see you this weekend.”
“Hey Tsukki…how was your chat?” Kuroo sidled up to Tsukishima who was sipping water on the bench. Tsukishima rolled his eyes. “What are you talking about?”
Bokuto slid on the opposite side, sandwiching Tsukishima in the middle. “So did you tell Y/N you love her?” 
Tsukishima glared at him. "No. And I don't love her. She just bandaged my finger."
"Oooh romantic. You guys were in there for a while." Kuroo said, winking. Tsukishima forced himself not to look in your direction, instead focusing intently on his water bottle. 
A whistle blew and the guys headed to their respective teams. Tsukishima allowed his gaze to wander over to you. You were looking at your phone, a small smile on your face. You must have felt his gaze because you looked up, meeting his eyes. You shot him a small grin, before you were distracted by Lev tripping on a mat. 
Tsukishima looked back down at the bandage wrapped neatly around his finger.
"Okay boys. We gotta make sure Tsukki looks good." Kuroo declared, dragging Kenma, Bokuto, and Akaashi behind him. 
Tsukishima looked up from his book. "What are you talking about?"
"The party tonight. You have to dress to impress. You want Y/N to fall for you, don't you?" Bokuto said, rummaging through the closet. Kuroo looked Tsukishima up and down. "Is that what you're wearing?"
Tsukishima rolled his eyes. "Yes. I don't need fashion advice from a rooster and an owl, thanks." He didn't mention that he had gone through three different shirts before settling on the current one he was wearing.
"He looks fine. We better get going anyway." Akaashi said, looking at his phone. Kuroo looked at Tsukishima smugly.
"Don't worry. She's meeting us there. So we can pep talk you on the way."
Tsukishima grabbed his jacket. "You are delusional. There's nothing between us." He turned away, trying to ignore the buzzing in his stomach. The guys headed to Bokuto's car, piling in as Bokuto drove to the party. 
Bass boomed from the house and people were strewn everywhere. Tsukishima saw a few people he recognized as he walked in. Oikawa and his cronies laughing in the corner, the Miya twins dominating the beer pong table. Kuroo led them to Terushima, who was doing a shot of an amber liquid.
"Yo, where's Y/N?" Kuroo asked. Terushima made a face as the liquid went down, before pointing to the staircase. Tsukishima turned.
You looked incredible. Your hair was down from its usual ponytail, and it spilled down your back in long waves. You wore a tight shirt and jeans that hugged all of your curves and had that gorgeous smile on your face. You were standing next to Ushijima, listening intently to him discuss something before you nodded, replying back with something that made the large man smile. 
"Oi Y/N!!" Bokuto yelled, and you turned, blinking at the interruption. You excused yourself from Ushijima and walked to where the guys were standing. 
"Hey guys! Glad you finally made it-" You started before Osamu Miya tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around and he gave you a tight hug. "Hey come be my partner for this. `Tsumu got Suna and he's scary good." You nodded before waving a quick goodbye to the guys and followed Osamu to the beer pong table. 
"Don't worry Tsukki, she's just really popular. We need drinks." Bokuto said, dragging Tsukishima to the cooler in the kitchen. Tsukishima narrowed his eyes. "I'm not worried. I didn't come here for some girl."
Bokuto fished two beers out of the cooler, handing Tsukishima one. "Exactly. Play it cool. Girls love that." 
A cheer came from the beer pong table and Tsukishima glimpsed Osamu carrying you in a celebratory hug. 
Kuroo sidled up next to him. "Miya's been desperate forever. She won't give him a chance. In other news, Oikawa brought his fan club with him." He rolled his eyes, gesturing to the gaggle of girls that were whispering next to the pack of Seijoh boys. They were all young, way too young to be at this college party and definitely overdressed. Oikawa and his crew barely gave them a second look, choosing instead to laugh amongst themselves.
The tall one, Mattsukawa, Tsukishima thought his name was, turned to Oikawa and whispered something before stalking toward the table.
As Tsukishima watched, he headed toward you. He saw a glimpse pass between Osamu and him before Matsukawa approached you. You listened, before nodding and laughing, turning to say something to Osamu and walking back to Oikawa's group. Oikawa's fans shot daggers at you, as you hugged Oikawa and talked animatedly with the group. Tsukishima frowned into his drink. You were friendly with everybody. He didn't know why he had let Kuroo get into his head.
The room felt hot and he slipped out the back door. The cool night air was refreshing on his skin. The house was near a dock, which was probably not the safest for drunk people, but it was quiet. Tsukishima walked along the wooden planks, the party sounds dying down as he moved further away.
The moon was bright, reflected on the water. He remembered an old story his mom used to tell him, something about a kingdom on the moon. He sipped his drink. 
"There you are."
He turned around. You walked towards him and sat next to him at the edge of the dock. He became very aware of how alone you both were out here.
"I was looking for you. Guess parties aren't really your thing, huh?" You laughed, pulling a bottle of water out and taking a sip.
He shook his head. "People aren't really my thing." He cringed internally. Why did he sound so pretentious?
"I definitely understand that." You nodded, looking out towards the water.
He blinked. "You seem pretty popular." 
As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt his ears burn. Now you would think he was some crazy stalker, watching your every move. 
Surprisingly, you didn't seem fazed.
"I know a lot of people. It comes with the territory. But, sometimes I feel like…I don't know. None of them really know me? Ugh that sounds cliche, I know." You groaned. 
He laughed, in spite of himself. "That does sound cliche." 
You laughed. "Tsukishima! You're supposed to pretend I said something profound, not agree with me!"
Tsukishima shrugged, biting back a smile. He liked the way his name sounded on your tongue. You said it almost like a song, Tsukishima. 
You scooted closer to him on the dock. "But cliches are cliches for a reason, right? There's some truth to them, I think." Your arms wrapped tightly around yourself and you shivered. 
Tsukishima unzipped his jacket and draped it over you. "Here. Aren't medics supposed to be prepared for anything?"
You smiled, grateful for the warmth. "Well yeah, but then we can't steal jackets from grumpy volleyball players." You teased.
You were inches apart now. Tsukishima could see the glitter in your lip gloss, reflecting the moonlight. Your lips looked really soft. He felt his face burn and turned away, grateful for the darkness. 
The wind blew a heavy breeze and he shivered in spite of himself. Without a second thought, you wrapped your arms around him. 
His pulse raced. He could feel his heartbeat in his ears and smell the sweet perfume you wore as it enveloped him. He froze and felt you shrink back.
"Sorry! I thought, since I stole your jacket I…uh…" You stammered and a buzzing noise came from your pocket. You fumbled with your phone and answered it. 
"Yeah. What?! No. No. So? Why did you- no please. Well can anyone else-? Uh-huh. But- I-..." You frowned as the line went dead. You looked upset, your brow furrowed and bit your lip. 
"Um, so that was Kuroo. Bokuto got drunk and threw up in the car and so he asked me to take you to the dorms since they don't have room. Um…yeah." You trailed off, fidgeting with the zipper on the jacket you wore. 
Tsukishima got the feeling you were not excited about spending time in a car with him. 
"I can just find a ride."
Your eyes widened. "No! I mean, I don't mind. We are going to the same place. Um, here's your jacket. I parked uh, pretty close so we can just head there right now." You hopped up, yanking his jacket off and handing it to him stiffly. He blinked and took it from your hands. You avoided his gaze and you led the way to your car. 
"Door is unlocked." You said and he opened the door. A waft of your perfume, that damned intoxicating scent, washed over him. He squeezed into the passenger seat and you fiddled with the radio, tuning to an old rock station before checking your mirrors and backing out.
Your hands drummed on the steering wheel as you drove, determined to not look at Tsukishima. He looked out the window, the tension in the car thick.
What happened to make you switch your mood so fast? You seemed jumpy, almost in fear of him and he was 1000% sure you would rather be anywhere else. 
You pulled into the parking lot of the dorms and stared straight ahead, your knuckles white. Tsukishima waited a moment before undoing his seatbelt.
"Er, thanks."
You nodded, still avoiding eye contact.
"Of course, no problem. Sleep well." He closed your door quietly so as to not disturb the dorms and slipped into his room.
You finally sighed, looking at your passenger seat where his dark jacket laid on the seat.
Tsukishima quietly slipped through his door and flicked on the light.
"Hey hey hey how was it?!" Bokuto yelled and Akaashi shushed him. Tsukishima stumbled back.
"What the hell?"
Kuroo clapped him on the shoulder. "I told you, we got your back. So did you kiss her??" Even Kenma looked up from his game.
Tsukishima frowned. "No. What the hell? I thought you were drunk." He said, pointing at Bokuto.
Akaashi smiled. "Of course not. I wouldn't let him get drunk and drive." Bokuto nodded solemnly.
Kuroo shot his signature cat-like grin. “We told a tiny white lie. But more importantly, did you make a move?!”
The boys waited impatiently. Tsukishima sat down on his bed.
Bokuto jumped up. “What?! Why Tsukki????” He cried out, Akaashi desperately trying to shush him.
Kuroo stared incredulously at Tsukishima. “What? Why not? You two looked cozy on the dock!” 
Tsukishima narrowed his eyes. “How did you see us at the dock?”
Kenma shrugged, turning back to his game. “It’s a Pokestop. I was trying to catch a Wartortle.”
Tsukishima rolled his eyes. He looked at his phone, scrolling past your contact info, the winking emoji taunting him from the small screen.
Kuroo sat down beside him. “What happened, bro?”
Tsukishima took a deep breath.
“Nothing. We talked on the dock and then she got really weird and distant and it was very clear she did not want to give me a ride, thanks for that by the way, and she drove us here and barely spoke to me. She didn’t even look at me when I left.”
Three pairs of eyes stared at him stunned. 
“Wait, what? She was VERY clearly into you based on the picture Kenma sent us.” Kuroo said, scrolling through his phone. “Look.”
He pulled up a picture of you and Tsukishima sitting very close on the dock. It was blurry and far away but he could make out the image of you in midlaugh. If he hadn’t been there, he wouldn’t have believed that was the same girl who barely spoke two words the entire drive home.
“I don’t know! She just started stuttering and wouldn’t talk to me.” Tsukishima said, exasperated.
Bokuto looked close to tears. Akaashi hummed. “Well what happened before she started acting strange?”
Tsukishima thought back. “She was shivering because she was dumb and didn’t bring a jacket. I lent her mine and we were fine. And then she hugged me and when she pulled away she got distant.”
The room was silent. Then Kenma spoke up. “Did you hug her back?”
Kuroo laughed. “Of course he did Kenma, what kind of question is that?” He looked at Tsukishima and then frowned. “Are you fucking serious right now?”
Even Bokuto looked aghast. “You didn’t hug her back? She gives great hugs, what the hell, Tsukki!”
Akaashi cleared his throat. “I think what they are trying to say is, that was a stupid move. She thinks you rejected her.”
Tsukishima frowned. “What?! I didn’t have time to react. She was hugging me and I just…I froze, okay? I don’t do well with that stuff. By the time I realized what was happening, she was already handing me my jacket.”
Bokuto facepalmed. Kuroo grabbed Tsukishima by the shoulders, shaking him. “YOU LET HER GIVE YOUR JACKET BACK?!” 
Akaashi groaned. “So now she thinks you rejected her and probably only gave her your jacket out of necessity.” 
Even Kenma looked annoyed. “Practice is going to be weird tomorrow.”
Kuroo looked over at Tsukishima and frowned. “Wait, where’s your jacket?”
Tsukishima looked down.
Tsukishima woke up and stared at the ceiling. Coach Ukai pounded at his door. 
“Up and at ‘em! Just because you’re finger’s broken doesn’t mean you can stay in bed!”
He sighed, throwing on his practice gear. He stared at his phone, willing a text to come in from you. Or maybe you would just pretend he didn’t exist. That might be helpful too. He stared at the ground.
Ukai pounded at the door again and Tsukishima sighed.
When he got to the gym, he glanced at the area you usually worked, near the coaches. There was no sign of you. He re-tied his laces, fiddling with the knots. 
“She’s not here yet.” Kuroo muttered from behind him. Tsukishima looked up. “Weird, because she’s never late.” He looked pointedly at Tsukishima before he headed back to the Nekoma team and Tsukishima frowned. 
With each slam of the door, he expected to see you saunter in, laughing as you carried your clipboard. When Coach Sato blew his whistle, you still hadn’t arrived.
“Teams, we expect some good matches today. As you may have noticed, Y/N is not here today as she is under the weather. If you have any injuries, please reach out to Coach Itto here who will assist you for the day.”
A short man bowed to the teams and Coach Sato blew the whistle again. 
Tsukishima headed to the area where Karasuno was stretching. Nishinoya was talking to Tanaka.
“Sucks that Y/N is sick today. I was gonna show her my new receive.” He said and Tanaka nodded. 
“I heard there was some wild party last night. Maybe she’s hungover?” He guessed, laughing. Sugawara, who was stretching next to them, frowned. “I doubt it. She’s responsible and wouldn’t do something like that. I hope she feels better soon.” He noticed Tsukishima staring. “Tsukishima, aren’t you two friends? If you see her, tell her we hope she feels better.”
Tsukishima looked down, saved by Ukai’s whistle. 
Your phone buzzed.
Bokuto: Hey Hey! Are you feeling okay?
You smiled at the screen, typing a message back before collapsing onto your pillow.
Y/N: I’m okay, just a little under the weather. How about you?
Bokuto: I’m doing great! I gotta go tho because Akaashi is staring at me. Bye!
You grinned. He was definitely cheery for a person so drunk he threw up in his own car the night before. You sank back into bed.
You knew it was a coward’s solution, avoiding Tsukishima by missing practice. But ugh, you felt like an idiot. You were sure he liked you, he gave you his jacket for crying out loud. But then when you stupidly made a move, he just…stared at you. You shivered thinking about his look when you let go of him. Ugh, he probably thought you were some lovestruck schoolgirl. 
You groaned, covering your face with your blanket. Peeking out from under the covers, you spotted his jacket on your desk. He had been so freaked out, he left it in your car. Now it taunted you as a reminder of how you threw yourself, literally, at him.
The last whistle blew in the gym and Tsukishima grabbed his water bottle as he turned to leave. He ran smack into Hinata.
“Oi Saltyshima! Watch where you are going!” The tangerine yelled at him, rubbing his head. Hinata carried a box in his other hand. 
“What’s that?” Tsukishima asked, gesturing to the box. Hinata smiled wide.
“We are going to take snacks to Y/N’s dorm so she feels better. You want to come with us?”
A few other boys perked up from their respective teams, including unfortunately, Bokuto and Kuroo. Kuroo sidled up next to Tsukishima.
“He would love to go, RIGHT TSUKISHIMA?” He turned, glaring at the blonde. Bokuto stood on the other side of him, boxing him in. Tsukishima sighed, taking the box from Hinata’s hand.
“Fine, I’ll go.”
Hinata glared at him. “No way. You don’t get to take credit for these snacks!” 
Tsukishima stared down at him. “What are you gonna do about it?”
Daichi came between them. “Tsukishima will tell her that they are from you. But we shouldn’t all go. It will overwhelm her.” He looked knowingly at Tsukishima. “I think Tsukishima should go alone.”
Tsukishima looked down at the box. He shrugged. 
The walk to your dorm was long. Tsukishima dreaded having to face you. You probably hated him, which he didn’t mind from other people, but didn’t want that from you. When he thought of your eyes scrunching up when you laughed, the way your hand felt over his…it made his stomach hurt. He finally could delay the trip no longer. He reached the medic dorm and knocked.
It was silent. He waited a moment before knocking again.
“Y/N?” he called. No answer.
He looked at the box in his hand. Should he just leave it here? Should he leave a note? He heard voices coming towards your dorm and turned around.
You were walking with Osamu Miya, that damned smile on your face. You laughed at something Osamu said before you noticed Tsukishima standing there.
“Tsukishima! Um, what are you doing here?” You looked at the box in his hand.
He shoved the box into your hands, not meeting your eyes.
“Hinata sent these for you and says he hopes you feel better.” He turned around, walking quickly back to his dorm, ignoring your calls of his name.
Tsukishima ignored his phone as it buzzed on his desk. He tried to focus on his book, where he had re-read the same line at least 5 times. His phone buzzed again and he glanced at the screen.
He didn’t know whether to be relieved or frustrated that it wasn’t a text from you. On one hand, he wanted you to feel guilty. But on the other hand, what did you have to feel guilty for? You weren’t together. You could talk or date anyone you wanted, even Osamu Miya, though he didn’t know why you would choose him. The guy had grey hair and was just as annoying as his stupid brother.
A knock at his door broke him from his thoughts.
“Oi Tsukishima, open up!” It was Kuroo. 
He tried to ignore the door, focusing back on his book. He banged on the door again.
“Tsukki, I know you are in there and I will wait here all night.”
Tsukishima groaned, getting up to answer the door.
Kuroo barged in, followed by Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi, and surprisingly, Daichi. The guys stood in a weird semicircle around Tsukishima’s bed.
“Well, what happened?” Kuroo asked. Bokuto nodded, looking excited. “Did you finally apologize for being an idiot?”
Daichi nodded. “They filled me in. Please tell me you fixed this.”
Tsukishima sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Everything is fine. She was out and got there when I was about to leave and I gave her the stupid box.”
Akaashi looked at him. “What did you talk about?”
Tsukishima shrugged. “We didn’t. She was with Osamu Miya and they were coming back from somewhere so I just handed her the box and told her it was from Hinata.”
Daichi, Kuroo, and Bokuto groaned. Akaashi stared at him, disappointed. Kenma was focused on his game.
“Well, did you declare your love for her? Kiss her in front of him or something?” Bokuto asked and Tsukishima rolled his eyes. 
“No. Clearly she’s over whatever happened. The end. She’s with Osamu. Can we stop this stupid romantic comedy bullshit?” Tsukishima said, frustrated. 
Kuroo grabbed his shoulders. “Tsukishima! She would never choose Osamu. That guy has been chasing her for YEARS and she has never said yes. She missed practice today because you were a dummy who hurt her feelings. You need to go make this right!”
Daichi nodded solemnly. “Tsukishima, you don’t understand. There’s something big there between you two. Everyone can see it. The tension between you two is insane. Osamu probably called her at a time when she was vulnerable and hurt. You need to tell her how you feel.”
Tsukishima looked at the guys. Even Kenma was nodding along. Tsukishima groaned and sighed.
There was a knock at his door.
“Who is that?” Kuroo whispered. Tsukishima shrugged. “Probably Hinata to ask about the snacks.” He answered the door.
You stood there, shivering and wet, holding a plastic bag.
Tsukishima closed the door.
“Was that her?” Daichi asked and Tsukishima nodded. 
“Open the door idiot!” Kuroo hissed. Akaashi pointed to the bathroom and the rest of the boys silently herded into the small room. Tsukishima swallowed hard and re-opened the door.
You shivered again and he blinked. “Shit, sorry er, come in.”
You gave a small smile and stepped into the room. He grabbed a towel from the small closet and handed it to you.
“Um, here.”
Taking it, you nodded. “Thanks. Sorry it rained on me when I was walking here.” You quickly tried to dry your dripping hair. The room was silent except for the occasional droplets of water.
“Um, I uh, I brought your jacket.” You said, extending the bag to him. 
He looked at your outstretched arm and silently took the bag from you.
“Thanks.” He placed the bag on his desk. 
The two of you were silent again. Then you both began.
You laughed. “Um, you go ahead.”
He swallowed hard.  “I guess you are feeling better.”
Inside the bathroom, Kuroo facepalmed silently.
You nodded. “Uh, yeah. I was just feeling really uh, weird this morning.”
The room got quiet again and you concentrated very hard on the floor tiles. He spoke first.
“I’m really bad at this.”
You looked up. “Bad at what?”
He sighed and fiddled with his fingers.
“I’m not a person who talks about feelings. Or very good at reciprocating them…appropriately? I feel things, obviously, but–” he trailed off.
“I’m sorry I hugged you. I thought I was getting a vibe but then I saw how you reacted and it made me realize you do not like me like that. I shouldn’t have been presumptuous.” You said quickly. Your face was flushed.
He blinked.
“I do though.”
Your eyes met his. “What?”
He nodded. “Like you, I mean. In that way.” His face was reddening and you had the urge to kiss his cheeks.
You stared at him. “Wait what? But you–” 
He sighed. “I froze. I told you. I’m not good at expressing these things and it was overwhelming, a cute girl on top of me.”
You blushed, then frowned. “I was not ON TOP of you.”
He smirked. “Yeah, you kind of were.”
You pouted, and he had the strongest desire to kiss your lips. “Tsukishima, I was NOT on top of you!”
He cocked his head to the side. “Are you calling me a liar, Miss ‘called in sick to work today’?”
Your mouth fell open in mock offense. “Tsukishima Kei, you are a mean guy.”
He smirked, again. Stupidly handsome mean guy, you thought.
“JUST KISS ALREADY!” a voice from the bathroom startled the two of you. You turned to the noise and Tsukishima grabbed your face, surprising you with a kiss. Your eyes widened in shock before you melted into his embrace. His lips were soft and you felt fireworks exploding in the back of your brain as all the stupid drama floated away for this moment.
You didn’t even notice the trail of boys leaving the bathroom, Kuroo stopping to shoot a thumbs up at the two of you.
“God I love training camps.”
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writingbymoonlight · 1 year
coffee shop
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ft.: akaashi x reader
word count: ~2.2k words
a/n: this is my second entry (a little university au with a few taylor swift lyrics thrown in hehe) for @kyopmi's the four seasons collab! thank you again mizu for letting me join <3
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First Winter: “‘Cause all I know is we said, ‘Hello’/ And your eyes look like coming home/ All I know is a simple name/ And everything has changed”
Outside the window beside him, Akaashi can see the university campus slowly being blanketed in white: delicate snowflakes falling from the light gray skies and gently landing on the barren trees, on the pavement, and on the heads of other students as they attempt to escape the cold wind on this Sunday evening. 
Akaashi takes a sip of his bitter coffee then sets the mug down next to his laptop and he notices how messy the table has become. It is cluttered with his notes and books, which he would usually feel a bit self-conscious about. However, practically all the tables in the quaint coffee shop have been taken over by stressed students with a mountain of assessments and exams looming over them. 
Fortunately, Akaashi doesn’t feel overwhelmed yet. So far, he’s successfully planned and organized his time wisely. As for today, all he has scheduled is reviewing for an exam and hopefully the revision will instill in him the confidence he needs to ace it tomorrow.
With renewed focus, the raven-haired boy picks up a stack of his notes and starts reading them, occasionally parting his lips to quietly repeat some important information to himself. He becomes so lost in memorizing all the little details that he is oblivious to the sudden presence hovering by his table.
He doesn’t even notice you when you clear your throat in an attempt to grab his attention.
“Hello? Akaashi?” you meekly greet, hoping you don’t sound and look as awkward as you feel.
Your fellow first-year classmate looks up at you slightly startled, his ocean-blue eyes wide behind his black framed glasses. He wasn’t expecting to see you, his crush that he’s never mustered the courage to talk to before.
It wasn’t like you had an intimidating aura about you. You seem very friendly, sweet, and approachable. To Akaashi, though, this somehow made you even more scary to talk to and he ended up wasting weeks thinking of ways to start a conversation with you. But it looks like all that mental preparation was for nothing because here you are, actually speaking to him. 
“Sorry Y/N, I didn’t see you there,” Akaashi apologizes after snapping out his thoughts, nervously adjusting his glasses on his face. 
“No no, I’m sorry for interrupting,” you assure him, shaking your head vigorously, causing a few snowflakes to fall from your hair. “It’s just all the other tables were occupied, and I was wondering if I could sit here? Unless someone else is already sitting here, of course!”
Akaashi stares at you for a few seconds, in a brief state of disbelief before responding, “Go ahead, no one’s sitting there.”  
You offer him a small smile and unwrap your red chunky scarf from around your neck and drape it across the back of the chair. As you settle in, you look at Akaashi’s notes and instantly realize that they’re all from your shared class.
“Are you revising for the exam tomorrow?” you inquire before considering the possibility that Akaashi might think you’re nosy and you quickly add: “I’m here to study for it too.” 
“Yeah, I am,” he confirms. Akaashi watches you sit across from him, his heart rate gradually increasing as, in a rare moment of spontaneity, he asks, “Do you want to revise together?” 
You look up at Akaashi with a bright smile, that he believes might be capable of melting the snow outside and reply, “Sure!”
Second Winter: “You can hear it in the silence, silence, you/ You can feel it on the way home, way home, you/ You can see it with the lights out, lights out/ You are in love, true love/ You are in love”
Sunday afternoons in your second year of university follow a consistent pattern: you wake up, go through your morning routine, then head out to meet up with Akaashi at the coffee shop, where you had your first proper conversation with him, to study and do some work together, despite not having any classes together anymore. 
Akaashi is usually the one to show up first for your, what his roommates Bokuto and Kuroo have dubbed, “study dates”. When he first started meeting up with you at the coffee shop, he continuously insisted to his extroverted friends that these weren’t dates, but he eventually gave up because he knows that arguing with them is pointless. 
However, Akaashi cannot deny that he looks forward to seeing you every Sunday, which is why he arrives earlier than you. He enjoys securing a table for the two of you, preferably the coveted table by the window and he likes having everything organized and ready for when you arrive. 
Seeing you walk through the doors with your headphones on, scanning the coffee shop for him and smiling when you spot him brings Akaashi a surge of happiness, especially if he’s been through a particularly crappy week. At first, when you began meeting at the coffee shop, Akaashi was shy and awkward around you, but now he’s somehow figured out how to act comfortable around you. 
You and Akaashi typically study together in silence, but sometimes you quiz each other when you have exams coming up. During your breaks, you both complain about your workloads and your classes and discuss what you have coming up during the week. Sometimes, you and Akaashi will look out the window and people-watch, crafting elaborately goofy backstories for all the passerby you see. 
It is while people-watching and sipping on hot chocolate on one winter’s day that you glance away from the window to look at Akaashi and comment, “You know it’s about a year since we started studying together.”
“Really? I can’t believe it’s been that long,” Akaashi remarks with a dumbstruck expression. 
“I guess time really does fly by,” you say before your eyes sparkle with excitement as something outside catches your attention. “Akaashi! Look how cute that corgi is!” 
The glasses-wearing man cannot help, but be endeared by how enthusiastic you are about a dog. He has come to admire how your eyes sparkle every time you see a cute animal. And how your eyebrows knit together whenever you are in deep concentration. And how you purse your lips when you are reading something that you don’t quite comprehend. And how you happily sigh after taking the first sip of your favorite beverage. 
With every little thing he learns about you, Akaashi’s crush on you has unconsciously bloomed into actual love.
Third Winter: “And this is when the feeling sinks in/I don't wanna miss you like this/ Come back, be here/ Come back, be here”
Through the window, Akaashi can see that the coffee shop isn’t particularly busy on this Sunday evening. The table by the window is vacant and the space is warmly lit. Part of him is tempted to step in and escape the chilly weather then get some coffee and read the book in his bag for half an hour. 
However, after a moment’s consideration, he dismisses this idea.
It doesn’t feel right anymore to be there without you. 
Akaashi hasn’t really seen much of you over the past year. Firstly, you studied abroad for a few months and the time difference made it a challenge to stay in touch. When you came back, Akaashi had already taken a part-time job at the university’s library and you started working part-time off-campus, which meant you had to commute a lot.
It was difficult to find time to hang out with one another when friend groups, school, work, and other responsibilities seem to constantly keep you apart. This eventually led to you and Akaashi rarely texting each other anymore.
Akaashi wasn’t bitter towards you for losing touch. Honestly, he understood. Life got in the way sometimes. And he could just as easily reach out to you, but he was afraid. He knew he shouldn’t be, as Bokuto and Kuroo liked to point out. You viewed him as a friend and vice versa. 
Still, he couldn’t help, but think that maybe you were hanging out and studying with him last year out of politeness. Maybe you finally had a chance to do stuff you enjoyed with other people and him randomly texting you now would simply be a nuisance to you.
Would things have been different if he revealed how he truly felt about you? Probably not. There is no way you felt the same way about him, and any potential confession would have terminated your friendship. 
Akaashi pulls the collar of his coat higher up as a frosty breeze hits his face and he continues trudging down the sidewalk under dark winter sky. He knows it would be best to forget about you and forget about all the moments you shared together. It would cause him less heartache. 
Still, he doesn’t want to stop longing for your presence in his life once again. 
Fourth Winter: “Been here all along/ So, why can't you see?/ You belong with me”
It’s Saturday morning and Akaashi is sitting at the table in the coffee shop that he has sat at countless times. He takes a brief pause from the book he’s been absorbed in since he arrived in order to glance out the window: it snowed the prior night, and a light blanket of snow has covered the university campus. Students casually stroll past the window, lost in their own individual worlds, as the snow crunches beneath their feet. A pang of nostalgia hits him as he is reminded once again that he’ll soon no longer be a student. Soon, he’ll be entering the working world, hopefully as an editor.
Not wanting to get lost thinking about the future, Akaashi picks up his book and resumes reading it. He’s not very far into the book, roughly a quarter of the way through, yet so much mystery and tension has already been established that he easily forgets about the real world. And he is soon so immersed in his book’s fictional world that he is oblivious to the sudden presence beside him.
He doesn’t even notice you when you clear your throat in an attempt to grab his attention.
“Hello? Akaashi?” a familiar voice beside greets.
“Y/N?” Akaashi says with an inquisitive tone even before he looks up to see you standing there, almost bashfully, in your favorite red chunky scarf that you wore during your serendipitous encounter.
“It’s been a while.”
“Yeah, it has been. I wasn’t expecting to see you,” he admits as he notices you're still standing. He gestures to the unoccupied chair across from him and adds, “No one’s sitting there, if you want to sit down.”
You offer him a meek smile as you sit down across from him, not bothering to take off your scarf or long coat. As you rub your hands together, trying to warm yourself up a bit, Akaashi admires how radiant you look. But that shouldn’t come as a surprise. Every single time you sat at this table, you always looked radiant. 
“I was actually just walking by,” you commence explaining, your eyes focused on Akaashi’s empty coffee mug instead of his face, “when I saw you through the window and I thought I would just stop by and say ‘hi’ and apologize. I know we haven’t talked in forever and I feel like it’s my fault. I was just so busy, and time kept passing by really quickly and I felt a little awkward texting you after not talking to you in such a long time. And since we didn’t hang out much outside our usual study sessions, I wasn’t sure you still wanted to spend time with me...”
As you trail off, you finally meet Akaashi’s eyes and he can see the sincerity and guilt in your gaze, which tugs at his heart strings. He wishes that he had something prepared to say to you, some eloquent and rehearsed speech, but he knows that the best he can offer you is honest thoughts and feelings.
“Y/N, I’ve always loved spending time with you. I still want to spend time with you. I’m sorry if I ever made you think otherwise. And don’t apologize for us losing touch. It’s partially my fault as well. I could have just as easily texted you and asked if you wanted to hang out sometime.”
A chuckle escapes you when Akaashi finishes speaking and you slouch back in your chair as you groan, “Are we just a couple of idiotic overthinkers?”
“I guess so,” Akaashi laughs as he runs a hand through his dark, messy locks.
“Do you mind if I grab us some cups of coffee so we can catch up?”
“I can’t let you pay for my coffee, Y/N.”
“Okay, how about this: I’ll get us coffee and some pastries right now and then you can treat me to dinner sometime this week?” you suggest with a playful glimmer in your eye.
Akaashi takes no time in answering, “Sounds like a date.” 
You don’t say anything in response. You simply smile broadly then cheerfully bound towards the counter to place your orders and, as he waits for you, the weight of your exchange finally hits Akaashi. Surprisingly, though, he doesn’t feel flustered. Instead, there is a sense of peace within as he watches you from across the room.
Because there is something about him being with you right now that feels right.
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101 notes · View notes
yanderecrazysie · 13 days
what’s on your request wait list atm?
So, I have a few hcs and profiles- I'm not including those, since I usually do them whenever I feel like it. These are only the one shots/sequels to one shots!
Obviously, they're all yandere. There are an obscene number of Oikawa reqs XD And I don't even like him aghhh
Anyways, the order is subject to change, but it will most likely be released in order of requested or close to.
Ruggie (TWST)
Porco (AOT)
Haru (Free!)
Idol! Oikawa (Haikyuu)
Wizard! Satan (Obey Me) - I actually forgot to put this one on my old request list, but it's there, I swear
Oikawa (Haikyuu) x celebrity! reader
Korekiyo (DRV3)
Porco (AOT)
Gojo (JJK) Soulmate AU
Chihiro NSFW
Kageyama and Haru (Haikyuu and Free! Crossover)
Tanaka (Haikyuu)
Soulmate Song Part 2 (Bakugou - MHA)
Hawks (MHA)
Atsumu and Osamu (Haikyuu) Soulmate AU
Sugawara (Haikyuu) x University Professor! Wife! reader
Hinata (Haikyuu) x chubby reader
Hikaru and Kaoru (OHSHC)
Malleus (TWST) x Bunny Fae! reader
Bully! Sakusa (Haikyuu)
Neige (TWST) x Actress! reader
Ushijima (Haikyuu)
Ace and Deuce (TWST)
Repercussion Part 3 (Oikawa - Haikyuu)
Betray Sideshot (Oikawa - Haikyuu)
Muichiro (DS)
Oikawa (Haikyuu) Soulmate AU
Akaashi (Haikyuu)
Oikawa (Haikyuu) x aro! reader
Famous! Akaashi (Haikyuu)
Kita (Haikyuu)
Suna (Haikyuu)
Vampire! Oikawa (Haikyuu)
3 notes · View notes
hellobunny044 · 10 months
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Panels. | Series
panel. in manga art, panels refers to the frame that wraps around one moment in time.
an original Haiky AU pairing Udai Tenma (the og little giant)
warning!!: containing some manga content.
word count: 5914
Panel - 7
Sendai City Gymnasium, Miyagi Prefecture, Nine years ago
The crowd was roaring in anticipation as the final match of the Prefectural Volleyball Tournament of Miyagi Prefecture between Karasuno High School and Shiratorizawa Academy was on the edge.
It was a neck-to-neck game that had been ongoing for hours, and no one knew who would emerge victorious. The score was 22-21 in the final set, a match point for Karasuno after one hell of a catch me if you can deuce battle with Shiratorizawa Academy.
The players were drenched in sweat and breathing heavily, but their spirits were still indomitable.
As Udai stepped onto the court, he could feel the weight of the crowd’s anticipation, and the stakes were higher than ever before. The tension was palpable, and each player could feel the weight of the game on their shoulders.
The game was no longer just about winning or losing, but it was about the pride and joy that came with being the best team in the Prefectural Volleyball Tournament of Miyagi Prefecture.
Udai knew that being the ace meant he had every right to lead his team to victory, and with that thought in mind, he took a deep breath and waited for the ball to come his way.
Shiratorizawa’s blockers were a formidable barrier that Udai had to blast through. He had to overcome them, and with only a split second to react, Udai rose to meet the challenge.
With all his power, he smashed the ball, soaring it through the air towards the opposing team, aiming for the perfect spot.
Shiratorizawa’s defense was tough, but Udai was determined to push through. He had been preparing for this moment his entire life. And then, as if by magic, he saw an opening in the blocker’s defense. He aimed his shot carefully towards the open gap with pinpoint accuracy. His strike was like lightning, and the ball crashed downwards onto the opponent’s side, past their defense.
Udai’s teammates watched in awe as the ball soared towards the gap, and with a loud crunch, it hit the ground. Karasuno's supporters erupted in joy, and the sound echoed through the stadium.
He had scored the block out, securing their victory over their rivals.
Karasuno players ran to Udai, their adrenaline pumping. They hugged him, and celebrated their win with great exhilaration. With Udai’s efforts, they had become the Prefectural Volleyball champions. Shiratorizawa’s blockers looked down in dismay, unsure where they went wrong.
As Karasuno team lifted the trophy, the entire stadium erupted in applause. The win was a moment of triumph, and Udai had proved his mettle once again. He had proven that size doesn’t always matter, and that a player’s heart, passion, and skill were all that mattered.
Karasuno High School had won the Prefectural Volleyball Tournament of Miyagi Prefecture, and with Udai’s contribution and the team’s dedication, they had become legendary in the game.
For Udai, it was a moment he would cherish forever, and he knew that it was much more than just winning. It was about the love of the game, the camaraderie of the team, and the joy of triumph.
As Udai basked in the afterglow of Karasuno’s win in the Prefectural Volleyball Tournament, he noticed some people from his school approaching him.
He had always been an aloof and hostile character, and he wasn’t used to random people trying to talk to him.
Udai felt a wall rise up within him, and he didn’t know how to react. He was so used to being on his own and not letting anyone get close to him.
People from his school tried to congratulate him and bask in the win together, but Udai wasn’t having any of it. He dismissed their attempts to talk with icy silence, immediately excluding himself from the crowd.
He wanted to be alone and process everything that had happened. He was proud of his team, and was grateful for those people’s support and sentiment, but alone was ten times better.
So, Udai excused himself and disappeared into the crowd, leaving the people from his school looking disappointed and confused. He just needed to be alone.
As Udai walked away from the crowd, his heart was heavy with conflicting emotions. He was proud of Karasuno’s victory, but he was also struggling with the attention and recognition that came with it.
He… just didn’t know how to share his joy with others.
As he continued to wander aimlessly, he became aware of someone calling his name.
“Udai Senpai!”
He turned, seeing a particular, familiar girl approaching him. Sasaki Tsubasa. He knew her, remembered. It’s just, this time, he didn’t know that one other girl tagging along with her, looking like she was being dragged and completely helpless about it when she was pulling her in her iron grip.
A moment there. What’s with this continuous encounter with this girl? When did it start to feel like a habit rather than just a coincidence? And since when did this girl had become so familiar with calling him around, stopping him like they know each other, Udai wondered. He wondered if he ever made her feel that way before. And he just wondered what she wanted from him now.
“Thank you for the great play during the match, senpai! We’re having a great time watching from the cheering section.” She greeted, “And congratulations on your victory.”
Should he… respond to that?
Well, he technically had turned everyone down with his hostility, the aloof brat that he was.
“Thank you.”
Just a little thank you won’t hurt, right?
Then he was staring. Like… staring and just waiting whilst asking himself, what there is to be pondered about that he stayed still and not yet walked away.
He watched the way Sasaki Tsubasa cautiously looking at him, studying everything, whilst distractedly turning to her friend, acting so weird.
She was mumbling something about whatever. That’s enough to make him linger in his defense.
Studying everything that’s currently going on before him, Sasaki Tsubasa’s friend was holding a small box of homemade cookies. She looked nervous and jittery, and Udai could sense her discomfort as Tsubasa pushed her forward.
“This— my friend has something for you.”
Udai’s gaze shifted to the glasses girl beside her, stammering in her words, looking nervous.
Why would anyone be scared to give something to him? He was just a member of the Karasuno volleyball team, albeit one of the shorter ones— no. Why would anyone ever give him something in the first place?
“I m-made you this.” She said, handing some cookies to him.
Udai blinked, couldn’t comprehend what’s coming for him.
Sasaki Tsubasa explained that her friend just wanted to give them to him as a token of appreciation.
Udai felt a twinge of guilt as he watched the girl nervously clutching the cookies. He knew how hard it was to put yourself out there and offer something to others with your own hands. But at the same time, he didn’t want to create any false expectations. He couldn’t promise anything.
“She made them herself,” Sasaki Tsubasa said, adding one more pressure in his guilt.
Like he can unheard what the girl previously told him about it.
Sasaki Tsubasa then continued, her voice insistent. “She had always been the fans of the club—“
She turned distractedly to the girl to tell her, “leave this one to me—“ then shifted to Udai to continue, “and you’ve been the one working really hard right there to do all the hard tasks blasting through for a point that leads the team to get to this point. You’re the Little Giant of Karasuno. She admires you—”
“Sasaki… you’re being too loud about that…”
Sasaki Tsubasa turned, “Datte, you admire him, don’t you?”
The girl was fighting for dear life to utter the word, redness dusting on her face, “W-well, I-I do, but…”
“Then, there’s nothing wrong about that. He’ll listen.”
Sasaki Tsubasa turned briefly at him and said, “He’s still here, isn’t he?”
Her friend also turned briefly to look at him, but when she met his gaze, she immediately looked away.
Instead of helping her out with whatever admiration she has towards him, Sasaki Tsubasa was actually torturing her friend. Almost really clueless about her bluntness being so overwhelming for that girl to handle.
“Then, Giant Senpai,”
Udai turned, meeting Sasaki Tsubasa’s gaze.
“Thank you for that, but I’d rather not have this.”
He tried to politely refuse, but Tsubasa was having none of it.
“You would be a terrible Senpai if you turned her down, Giant Senpai.”
“I don’t go well with—”
“You know how much she admires you and your team.”
Udai sighed, “Look—”
“Are you really down to be seen as a bad senpai? That’s gonna be so harsh of you to turn her effort down, you know.”
Udai frowned. Why isn’t she listening?
He tried for another attempt to explain himself. Opening his mouth, he was about to say something appropriate to make these girls understand that he just won’t go well with such gifts, especially cookies. But the girl beside Sasaki Tsubasa spoke.
“That’s enough, Sasaki. It’s alright…”
Udai shifted to the glasses-girl instead of the brown-haired Sasaki.
“Why, though? You’ve spent quite some time making the cookies.”
Udai’s gaze shifted to the cookies.
“And because of the effort you pour to make this specially for him, we should try harder to make him accept this. You’ve worked hard for this, right?”
“Suzuki wa, you’re the best baker. You should be more proud of your hard work instead of being a wimp.”
Sasaki Tsubasa sighed.
“Leave this one to me.”
Udai felt cornered. He felt really bad for ever wanting to refuse the gift, being slapped with everything that Sasaki Tsubasa said.
Of all the things… why does this have to end up being an unnecessary drama?
“Senpai, you know—”
Sasaki Tsubasa playfully threatened him with dire consequences if he turned down the gift, and urged him to show some kindness and support.
He took a deep breath and decided to compromise.
“I’ll take it.”
He agreed to eat the cookies, but he made it clear that he would do it on his own terms.
“T-thank you so much, Giant Senpai!”
Yeah. That giant calling is just a troublesome one.
He hummed, and was convinced to finally excuse himself or at least that they are excusing themselves now.
Tsubasa, however, had other plans. She insisted that he should eat the cookies there and then, in front of her friend. She argued that it was the proper way to receive a gift, and that it would make the girl happy.
“She warned him, her eyes flaring with a possessive light. “If you don’t eat those cookies, you will regret it. I promise you will,”
“H-hey, that’s—” he halted midway.
“This is probably our last chance to talk with you in person, Giant-san.”
Udai could see the determination in her eyes and knew that he couldn’t refuse her.
Just a little more push and he was done for.
“Just a bite won’t hurt, right?”
Udai sighed, finally relenting.
The glasses-girl, and of course Sasaki Tsubasa, both lightened up when Udai took one of the cookies from the box. It was a small, round, chocolate chip cookie, with a crumbly texture and a sweet aroma. He examined it for a moment, feeling slightly uncomfortable under the gaze of those two presence before him. He wondered if he should say something, or if he should just start eating it.
In the end, he decided to opt for the latter. He raised the cookie to his mouth and took a small bite.
As he ate, Tsubasa watched him like a hawk, making sure he ate every last bite.
The taste however, was surprisingly good. The chocolate chips were rich and creamy, and the cookie had a subtle sweetness that was very pleasant. He took another bite, and then another, feeling the anxiety and the pressure slowly dissipate.
“How’s that?”
Udai almost choked, feeling embarrassed that he almost forgot that he was being watched. He coughed, feeling there was a certain portion of the cookies that wasn’t chewed properly stuck somewhere in his chest. He coughed, trying to be cool about it so as not to look stupid while distractedly peering at the two girls who were looking at him expectantly.
Clearing his throat, he trying to sound nonchalant about it when he look at the glasses-girl. “It’s good.”
He saw something flushed in her eyes as the redness dusting on her cheeks, face brightened than before, as if life wasn’t there before.
“Thank god!”
Udai hummed nonchalantly. His fingers resting on the box full of cookies, tempted to take another bite.
Udai shifted, returned to Sasaki Tsubasa.
“Wasn’t that good?”
To his surprise… she was smiling triumphantly.
“I promised you that you’ll regret not eating those cookies right away, didn’t I?”
Sasaki Tsubasa’s friend, the glasses-girl, looked positively ecstatic, her eyes gleaming with happiness. “I’m so glad you liked them!” she said.
She was smiling triumphantly.
Udai smiled, trying to be polite. “Y-yeah, they were really good. Thank you for making them for me.”
Sasaki Tsubasa smiled at him, nodding approvingly. “See? Just a little bite won’t hurt, right?”
No, he guess.
Finally, they excused themselves, bowing politely.
As they walked away, Udai couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. He had survived the whole ordeal and had come out the other side unscathed.
Still, though, he could hear them muttering something like, “Suzuki, you finally gave him the cookies! That one’s to be celebrated!”
“I was able to give it to him because of you. The Little Giant is scary.”
“Hm? He is?”
“Not that he had some kind of scary face or something, though.”
“I mean, just everything about him is scary.”
Sasaki Tsubasa turned and Udai was still there to meet her gaze, just very briefly.
“Indeed.” She muttered to her friend, “But he’s not that little.”
There was something else there too, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
Tokyo, Present Day
Udai stared out of the window as Akaashi spoke, his mind wandering into the past, staying quite a while right there to recall past events that slipped past his fingers. Nine years ago, that was a lot.
He knew he shouldn’t be daydreaming, especially not when Akaashi, his editor, was discussing a serious issue about the next volume of his manga. But he just couldn’t help it.
Akaashi sighed, interrupting Udai’s thoughts. “Udai Sensei? Are you even listening to me?”
Udai blinked, suddenly brought back to reality. “Oh— ah, Akaashi-san? I’m sorry. What were you saying?”
Akaashi’s expression softened, and he sighed. “I said that there’s a serious matter with your manga that we need to discuss.”
Udai felt a sense of dread fill his stomach.
Mr. Task-focus Akaashi didn’t take his work lightly, and any criticism or suggestion for improvement was always met with a stern reality check.
He braced himself for what was to come as Akaashi launched into a tirade of criticism. But as he spoke, Udai struggled to focus. His mind kept drifting back to his own world, to where the leaking of his past was flashing.
He caught the occasional word, "plot holes," "character development," "story pacing," but it all seemed like a distant blur. He nodded and muttered responses when necessary, but all the while his mind was elsewhere.
“We have a deadline to meet, and you’re here daydreaming. You need to focus, Udai-san.”
Udai felt a twinge of guilt deep in his chest. He knew Akaashi was right. They had a lot of work to do, and he couldn’t afford to be distracted like this. “I’m sorry, Akaashi-san.“
Akaashi sighed then nodded. “Good—”
His phone rang. “A minute.”
Akaashi was about to get up but halted midway, “While I’m gone, I want you to finish up those panels we discussed earlier. I need them done by tomorrow, no excuses.”
Udai felt a pit begin to form in his stomach. He knew those panels were going to take a lot of work, and he wasn’t sure if he had the energy to do them all overnight. “Can’t you give me a little more time? Tomorrow’s a bit too much, Akaashi-san~”
Akaashi fixed him with a stern gaze. “No can do, Udai-san. We can’t afford to miss our deadline.”
Udai groaned inwardly, knowing there was no way out of this. He was going to have to pull an all-nighter, again. He watched as Akaashi left the room, his mind racing with all the things he still needed to do.
He opened up his computer, the screen of which was filled with the unfinished panels. The characters were only halfway drawn, their expressions and movements stiff and lifeless. He knew he had a lot of work to do if he wanted to make them come alive.
He worked tirelessly for hours, the only sounds in the room being the scratching of his pencil on paper and the occasional beep of his laptop. He didn’t have time for breaks, for food, or even for sleep. He was determined to finish these panels, no matter what it took.
Hours passed, and the clock on his laptop showed that it was already early in the morning. His eyes burned with exhaustion, his body aching from sitting at the desk for so long. But he couldn’t stop. He had to finish these panels.
He could feel his fingers began to shake with exhaustion, his mind becoming more and more foggy as he continued to work. But he couldn’t give up. He had to keep going.
As dawn started to break through the window, Udai finally finished the last panel. He slumped back in his chair, his breath coming in short gasps. He had done it. He had finished them all.
He sat there for a few minutes, his eyes closed, trying to recover from the long night he had just endured. But he knew he couldn’t rest for long. Mr. Task-focus would be calling soon, asking for an update on his progress.
Sure enough, his phone rang, interrupting his moment of peace. He groaned, knowing he had to answer it. “Moshi moshi. Good day today, Akaashi-san.” his voice groggy and tired.
Akaashi’s voice was tense as he spoke. “Good morning, Udai-san. How’s it going? Did you finish the panels?”
Udai nodded, even though Akaashi couldn’t see him. “Yeah, I finished them all. They’re all done.”
Akaashi sounded nonchalant. “Congratulation on successfully doing an overnight, Udai-san.”
Udai laughed bitterly over those words, and ended it with a long sigh.
As he hung up the phone, he looked out the window again, it was still early in the morning. He couldn't help but think about the way his manga would be received by readers, wondering if they would appreciate all the hard work that went into it.
His eyes trailed what’s on the last page. The blank page is now alive with lines and words in panels.
The world was still too quiet, only the ticking of clock was in the room, but to Udai, those panels on the last page were speaking to him, thanking him for hanging there for another good work this time.
Good job hanging right there to birth us alive, they said.
Udai smiled, feeling a sense of pride washing over him. Nothing felt better than knowing he had completed his task, and he had done it well.
He knew it didn’t matter, though. He had done his best, and that was all that really mattered. He closed his eyes, feeling a sense of calm wash over him.
When the sun finally rose, casting its golden light through the window, Udai once again looked at the last page with a sense of satisfaction.
He remembered why he had started drawing in the first place, why he had felt that spark of creativity that had led him on this wild and difficult journey.
It was on the 10th volume that Udai started to go undercover and do a little field research about public reaction to his manga, eager to witness it first hand to gain some new motivation if he ever stuck.
A month later, after the publishing of the 24th volume of Zomb’ish, Udai decided it was time for him to conduct a little field research.
Dressed incognito in a faded hoodie and a worn-out beanie that partially obscured his thin-framed glasses, Udai stepped into the first bookstore on his undercover journey. It was a bustling place, with high schoolers perched in every corner, their animated conversations weaving through the air like playful spirits.
This sight brought back a flood of memories for Udai, reminding him of his own rebellious days when he used to cut class just to read manga without buying it.
He meandered among the bookshelves, like a shadow drifting in the twilight. The colorful spines of various mangas lined the shelves, each one beckoning him like a siren’s whisper.
His heart swelled with pride as he caught sight of his own masterpiece nestled cozily amongst the crowd. It felt surreal to witness his creation in the hands of others, to see their eyes devouring each page with an insatiable hunger.
Udai decided to strike up a casual conversation with a group of high schoolers huddled near the manga section. Their excitement was palpable, their discussions echoing in animated pitches.
Engaging them was like stepping into a time capsule and being transported back to his youth. Their camaraderie, their passion, and their unwavering loyalty to the world of manga sparked an ember of inspiration within Udai's soul.
The group of high schoolers laughed and exchanged manga recommendations as Udai listened intently, their words carrying a certain melody that resonated deeply within him. Their glowing faces as they spoke about their favorite characters and thrilling plot twists made Udai realize the true impact his manga had on their lives. It has always been awe-inspiring to witness the magic weaved within the pages of Zombie Knight Zomb'ish transform into tangible emotions and connections.
As the conversations grew louder and more enthusiastic, Udai caught whispers of his work amongst their discussions. The realization hit him like a tsunami of gratitude, washing away any lingering doubts. It was, once again, an affirmation that his art had found a place in the hearts of these young souls, as it had done with him so many years ago.
He was so lost in thought, wandering through the bookstore’s shelves, that he didn’t notice the group of high schoolers clustered together until too late. He collided with one of them, causing that one girl to stumble backwards and her books to scatter across the floor. Udai quickly bent down to help her, and amidst the chaos, he noticed a small keychain dangling from her bag in the shape of a volleyball.
The sight of it stirred something within him, transporting him back to his own high school days.
He remembered the countless hours spent on the court, the sound of the ball smacking against his palms, the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. A flood of emotions washed over Udai, the memories mingling with his present circumstances, making him feel both young and old all at once.
“Are you okay?” he asked, handing some of her books back to her.
The girl nodded shyly, her eyes lingering on his beanie-covered head. Udai could feel her gaze on him, his incognito disguise seemingly fooling no one. He offered her a comic from his pile, and as she reached out to take it, he noticed the keychain again.
For a moment, Udai wished he could go back in time, to relive those days of infinite freedom and limitless potential, to play volleyball and to just go back to where reading manga was ten times better than being in class. But then he realized that he didn’t need to go back; those memories and those joys were still with him, embedded in his soul, reminding him of the power of storytelling and the import of connection.
Udai’s nostalgia was interrupted by the excited chatter of the other high schoolers nearby, talking about the new volume of Zombie Knight Zomb'ish. Their enthusiastic conversation pulled him back into the present, reminding him why he was here in the first place. He gathered himself and focused on observing the reactions of the group.
He watched as they leafed through the pages, their eyes widening with each new twist and turn. The sound of their laughter and exclamations filled the air, banishing any lingering doubts from Udai’s mind. He had created something that touched the hearts of his readers, something that he could be truly proud of.
Udai continued his little incognito field research at the bookstore, his eyes scanning eagerly through the shelves, a special display of his very own Zombie Knight Zomb’ish. As he picked up a copy, he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He pulled it out to see a call from Akaashi.
“Moshi moshi, Akaashi-san,” Udai answered, his fingers lingering on the cover of his latest volume.
“Udai-san, good afternoon. I was just checking in on the rough sketching progress. How’s it going?”
“Ah, that? It’s coming along well.” He smiled, scanning through the red cover of the copy he had in his hand.
“That’s great to hear,” Akaashi replied. “where are you? It sounds pretty noisy.”
He grinned, “Oh? I’m elated to have you unexpectedly care about another thing than about work. Where do you think I am right now? Give it a try, Akaashi-san.”
“No. Thank you. Probably just another day of slacking off and procrastinating the deadline it is.”
“What do you mean slacking off and procrastinating? Didn’t I tell you? This is research.”
“Better be some research, Udai Sensei.”
“Akaashi yo, didn’t we agree that I’ll be teaching you another lesson everytime you underestimate me about things like this?”
Udai glanced around him, noticing a group of high schoolers approaching the display shelf where his manga being displayed.
Udai promised to send the sketches and hung up the phone, watching as the high schoolers swarmed the manga display. He felt a sense of pride and joy, seeing his work in such high demand. But at the same time, he couldn’t help but feel like an outsider, removed from the throng of young readers who had embraced his creation.
He wondered what it would be like to be one of the high schoolers once more, to spend all afternoon immersed in the world of manga, bonding with friends over the latest releases.
He quickly judged that it would be better to excuse himself and not expose his identity.
Udai tucked the manga back onto the shelf and made his way to the exit, determined to complete his undercover research before the day was over.
By the time Udai returned home, the sun had already surrendered to the twilight sky, casting a purplish hue across his apartment. He took off his beanie and let his tousled hair fall freely. Thoughts and emotions surged within him, ready to be immortalized in the form of ink and paper.
The drawing swept Udai away, transporting him to a realm where the line between reality and fantasy blurred into kaleidoscopic hues. It was a dance of prose and scratches, a symphony of emotions told through the tale of a young hero fighting against an army of undead. Udai poured his heart into every word, weaving a tapestry that would resonate with the souls of his readers, just as he connected with his own youthful spirit that fateful day.
Udai sat at his desk, phone pressed to his ear as he discussed the plot of the next volume of his manga, Zombie Knight Zomb’ish. His mind raced with ideas and possibilities, his creative vision already taking shape in his mind’s eye.
“Akaashi-san, listen…”
“What is it, Udai-san?”
“I’ve got some major plot twists that I think we can work with. What if the zombies aren’t the only villains in the story? What if there’s a human organization behind the outbreak?”
Akaashi’s voice crackled over the line. “That’s brilliant, Udai-san. It adds a whole new layer of complexity to the story and raises the stakes for the characters.”
Udai felt a thrill of excitement coursing through him, the validation of his editor and friend lending him a sense of confidence and inspiration. “Right? Right?”
“But how can we link this new twist to what’s already been established in the story?” Akaashi asked.
Udai thought for a moment, the gears of his mind turning.
“What do you think if one of the characters is secretly working for the organization that’s behind the outbreak? It would add a layer of betrayal and conflict that we can use to fuel the story.”
“Well, yes, that’ll do, I guess.”
“Geh!” He grumbled, “Can you be more enthusiastic, Akaashi-san? I am working very hard right here.”
“Congratulations on working very hard for your manga, Udai-san.”
As he and Akaashi continued to brainstorm, Udai’s mind wandered back to his time spent observing the public’s reaction to the release of his manga’s new volume. He remembered the faces of the readers, the way they laughed, cried, and cheered as they devoured the pages.
He felt a sense of pride and gratitude, knowing that his work had touched their hearts in profound and meaningful ways. But he also knew that success was not guaranteed, that the creative journey was fraught with obstacles and challenges.
Udai rubbed his bleary eyes, staring at the rough sketches he’d drawn the night before. He had spent another restless night, his mind consumed with the plot of the next volume of Zombie Knight Zomb’ish, his pencil scratching frantically against the blank pages of his sketchpad.
He couldn’t help feeling a sense of frustration and desperation, knowing that his work was still not where he wanted it to be. He traced the lines of his drawings, seeking some kind of inspiration or insight that would help him unlock the creative puzzle that had been eluding him for so long.
With a sigh, Udai got up from his desk and left his apartment, heading straight for the convenience store in his neighborhood. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a soft glow over the streets as Udai made his way through the quiet morning stillness.
As he entered the store, he reached for an instant breakfast, his mind still consumed by thoughts of his work. He paid for his purchase and sat down at a small table, sipping his coffee and staring out the window at the passing cars and the city as it stirred to life.
But even as he ate, Udai couldn’t shake the restless feeling that consumed him. He knew that he had to find some way to break through the creative blockage that was preventing him from realizing his vision for his work.
Udai left the convenience store and headed back to his apartment. He sifted through his laundry, looking for a fresh shirt to wear, but his eyes were drawn to the ocha-stained shirt that he’d worn on the day he’d accidentally bumped into Sasaki Tsubasa for the second time.
As he stared at the shirt, memories of that day flooded back to him. He thought of Tsubasa’s smile, the way she had looked at him warmly.
Then Udai was immersed a little further into everything that happened that day. One thing that made him reluctant to leave his reverie was about Tsubasa surprisingly being one of his manga readers. Well... even though it wasn’t supposed to be that surprising. The bottom line was what her co-worker, Hatakeyama Jiro, had said about Tsubasa’s interest in his manga.
Udai still remembered everything:
“You know, Udai-san, this kid sometimes steals time to read manga in between her work breaks. She has a stock of manga in her desk drawer to read every break.”
“Oh, come on!”
“I don’t know about the details, but, clearly it’s something about Zombies…”
“This is your last warning, Hatakeyama.”
“Hora, something recommended to me, Sasaki.”
“That manga you recommended— was it called Zombie Knight or something else?”
Tsubasa sighed, her eyes glancing at Udai before she said, “You know, we should talk about your timing next time, Hatakeyama.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“Hatakeyama-kun, let me introduce you once again to Udai Tenma-san; the creator of Zombie Knight Zomb’ish manga that you were talking about.”
There was silence after Tsubasa introduced Udai to Hatakeyama Jiro once again.
Udai glanced at Tsubasa before he returned to Hatakeyama Jiro, deciding to lower his hand again after raising it awkwardly to greet Hatakeyama Jiro. Waving was certainly not a good choice. His laughter was thin and awkward, almost insincere.
“Ah! So, Udai-san is the mangaka of Zombie Knight?”
“And what?” Tsubasa replied, “After this you’re still going to say that manga is only for kids?”
“Hey, come on! That one’s because you’re childish.”
“Ha!? Don’t make so many nonsensical excuses for your insulting claim!”
Hatakeyama Jiro turned to Udai, “Speaking of manga, it’s an honor to know that you’re the very author of Zombie Knight, Udai-san,”
“A-ah... thank you.” Udai said awkwardly.
Hatakeyama Jiro turned back to Tsubasa, “That’s why you’ve been reading Zombie Knight so diligently, apparently.”
“This kid,” Hatakeyama Jiro’s hand pointed at Tsubasa as he turned to the stunned Udai, “she really likes your manga.”
The world stopped.
“Not only that she kept it in her drawer, one day, she wouldn’t stop talking about your manga and gave everyone the hassle of having to listen to everything she said. Not to mention how every week she would go to the bookstore just to buy the latest edition— ah, last time you, remember? She also got the latest series of your manga to bring to the office.”
“H-hey! What’s so wrong with that? I have taste, you know! Besides, the story is that good!”
That’s right. About Tsubasa liking his manga is something that should be normal. However, it was different because it was Tsubasa. He had no problem with anyone—anyone, even perhaps his former Japanese Literature teacher was one out of the million of his readers—but it was a different story if it was her.
Because it was her, everything that was normal in his sense, became unusual.
For one thing, though, his hope has been broken because the heart he once put a scar on has found a healer. The door that he had left open that time, had found someone who politely entered in and locked it tightly. And here, Udai was just an uninvited guest of the story, a merely side character of Hatakeyama Jiro and Sasaki Tsubasa’s blossoming panel.
Udai felt a pang of jealousy, unsure of his own feelings and motivations.
He folded the shirt and placed it back into the hamper, his heart heavy with unanswered questions and unresolved emotions. He knew that he had work to do, that he had to focus on his art and pour himself into his creative vision.
But even as he re-immersed himself into his work, Udai couldn’t shake the memory of his last unexpected encounter with Tsubasa.
With a heavy sigh, Udai pushed those thoughts aside and threw himself back into his work.
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jotatetsuken · 2 years
I would love to join the event if you don't mind <33
she/her INTJ Entree, rice, sugar, and Gojo satoru :DD
Thank you!
I hope that I requested this correctly lmao
Yes, yes, you did @arminsomnia, thank you love <3 this will also be a birthday special, 'cause it's @scandescent's birthday soon, so happy early birthday, Abby!! You're one of my first moots on Tumblr, you're strong, kind, gorgeous, and you write so beautifully and this is the least I can do for you , mwah <333
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You're the Reason I Believe in Fate, You're My Paradise
features: satoru gojo x f!reader
type of writing: headcanons
trope: friends to lovers, domestic au, college au (so suguru is not evil in this case)
warnings: little bit of angst here and there, but majorly fluff
song: infinity - jaymes young | wc: 1571
beta reading: @beware-of-the-rogue (ILY <333)
tagging: @akaashi-todorki @hyeque @ohtobiors @miikoos @cirigiri @oikawas-milk-bread @kiiraes @megumischubbycheeks @satosugulovechild @portfolio-of-dreams @ry0m3n @jordyn-degas @chronic-claire-universe @wakatshi @blueparadis @mrskenmakozume @aizumie (taglist form , @shynahasabookshelf)
network: @tokyometronetwork @hanayanetwork
prompt: “I don't know how to fix a broken heart, but we could learn together.”- @sleepyprompts
Made with Love: 100 Followers Event (closed, slow updates) | MWL Masterlist
headcanons under the cut <3
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gojo is really one of the best friends you could ever have.
he's someone who'd be playful with you, cracking jokes, pulling pranks, all that.
however, whenever someone mocked you or made you feel uneasy, he would glare into their eyes, as if he were peering into their soul.
he'd punch the living daylights out of them, risking suspension from school, just because he cares for you.
from trivial matters to one time when one of you pushed the other into a puddle in the rain, you would be arguing over a variety of things.
but, you two loved recommending music to each other so much, that you’d make spotify playlists for each other.
also, the way you two would first meet would basically be a meet-cute.
however, come college, and you start seeing gojo to be jealous if you hung out with anyone other than him, not in a toxic way of course, but still.
he sucks at hiding his feelings, but does so only to see you happy (if you’re dating other guys)
if you'd have broken up with your exes, gojo would not scold you, or tell you, “i told you so.”  rather, he’d sit with you while you’re crying, caress your shoulders and back to alleviate your tears, and hug you whenever you crave for physical intimacy.
consider this situation: when you first meet as kids at a candy store, you were eyeing this particular (favorite flavor) mochi, which turns out, to be something that a certain grey-haired cerulean-eyed boy wanted as well, as you gazed through the corners of your eyes.
while you were about to take a step back and are about to look into other sweets, that boy stops you with the said mochi box in hand.
your (e/c) orbs stare into his eyes as he throws this charming smile at you, saying, “it’s okay, you can take it. there are other boxes anyway,” and pointing you to the freezer where there were other boxes too.
a faint chuckle escapes your lips, and you place your hand on your forehead as you felt slightly embarrassed by this encounter, when suddenly, he puts out his hand and says, “hi, i'm satoru gojo.”
you smile back and shake hands with him, saying, “i'm (y/n) (l/n), i've probably heard of your name somewhere.”
he then asks you which school you go to because he noticed you two had similar uniforms, and there was something about you that made him feel slightly more at ease with you, than with his family. he wants to know everything about you, but he wants to be sure.
you then tell him, “it doesn't matter where i go, but if it makes you feel better, i'm at (school name) and i plan to go to tokyo jujutsu university someday.”
this causes his eyes to sparkle and while both of them buy their mochi and start eating, they talk about the university and how they wanted to go, what courses you both wanted to choose, everything under the sun.
a few years later, when you're in high school and more close than ever, you noticed gojo was more rebellious, carefree, would play truant from school, was a notorious prankster, and was always stressed by assignments due, whereas you thrived on deadlines.
so, he’d knock on your door, with you answering. with drooping shoulders, he’d reply, “(y/n)-chaaaan, i need your help in this homework,” causing her to roll her eyes and reply, “again?”
you were about to say no, like all the times he’d approach you for your homework, but he always lured you with something sweet to get things done.
sometimes, it was teaching him how to solve problems; allowing him to copy your assignment with changes here and there because he knew all the answers, but needed a little push; sometimes, he was lazy, hanging out and playing pranks on classmates and teachers with his other closest friend, suguru geto, and she'd write his homework for him. but nevertheless, you adored him.
he made you feel comfortable and gave you space, while you let him be free in his thinking, mannerisms, and way of experiencing life.
this caused him, shoko ieiri, and suguru, to form a group with you and all four of you ended up chilling together.
then, as you four end up in college, things took a rather interesting turn.
you had started to date toji fushiguro, the quarterback of the star vessel university, which were rivals to tokyo jujutsu university. you weren't able to sense an iota of jealousy from the quarterback of the team, but behind your back, he’d be seething with rage.
you see, he has a long history of rivalry with toji, so when toji chose to come after you, he became really possessive of you, causing you to fight and not talk to each other for days.
however, one rainy day, you knock on his door. when he opened it, he saw you shivering in the rain, sobbing profusely.
ignoring the last argument you two had, he took you in, wrapped a towel around you, helped you dry yourself, made cups of hot chocolate for both of you, and you two sat, and talked.
“satoru,” you sniffle while sipping on the hot chocolate, “i’m so sorry satoru, I should’ve listened to you-” 
the cerulean-eyed boy interrupted you by engulfing you into an embrace, shushing you and comforting you, softly speaking, “(y/n)-chan, it’s okay. i’m here.”
he understood without saying a word that toji broke your heart, and while he secretly thought of beating him up the next day, for now, you were his main priority.
the next couple of hours went by so quickly, with you venting out about everything, and with him cheering you up by some of the funniest incidents he experienced.
as you two laughed, you unconsciously placed your hand on his thigh, and looked into his eyes, not uttering a word, as if you wanted to apologize, and as if he read your mind, he replied, “it’s okay, don’t fuss about it.”
you two sort of have a moment as your faces drew closer to each other, but he chose to kiss your forehead and let you sleep over the night.
one day, as your birthday’s on its way, you run to satoru, as you squeal with excitement, “satoru, you’ll be free in a couple of days, won’t you?”
feigning a sense of ignorance, satoru replied, “yeah, sure,” while busy playing on the nintendo switch. as you huff in annoyance, you walk away without knowing what was to come.
on your birthday, he asks you to come over to his place, and as you knock on his door, this time he sees you folding your arms and scowling at him as he opens the door, seeing you in your (f/c) sundress.
smiling and thinking to yourself as to how beautiful you look, he says, “come on now, don’t be like that, (y/n)-chan,” and puts a blindfold around your eyes.
confused, you follow his lead as he holds your hand and takes you along his direction. it was pitch dark for you, and you were concerned as to where he was taking you.
as he took the blindfold off of you, you noticed that you were in the backyard of his house, where he’d decorated everything according to your favorite colors and adorned with your favorite things: a special playlist dedicated to you was playing in the background, with balloons galore, a barbecue grill was set up to make grilled snacks of your choice, and that’s when you noticed who all were at the party: shoko, suguru, and your juniors, kento nanami and yuu haibara showed up, causing you to feel delighted. 
taking all the surroundings in, your eyes sparkled and you turned in his direction, grinning, “satoru, oh my goodness, you remembered?”
he chuckled, yet again, and pinched your nose, replying, “oh, (y/n)-chan, how could i ever forget your birthday?”
to everyone’s surprise, he sat on one knee, and while everyone started gasping, he took out a box from the back and it wasn’t any box.
it was your favorite flavored mochi box that caused you two to meet in the first place, and he continued, with his eyes twinkling, and his smile “when i first looked at you searching for this box, I didn’t realize that you’d be an important part of my life. with all the memories we’ve shared, good and bad, I’ve come to a realization that nothing can stop me from falling for you, hard. now, i don't know how to fix a broken heart, but we could learn together. so, what say, (y/n)-chan? will you be my girlfriend and promise to share this mochi box with me?”
tears started flowing down your cheeks and you squealed, while nodding, “get back up, stupid. I can’t just kiss you like that,” and as he stood up to his full height, you cup his cheeks, impatiently crashing your lips onto his.
as the party went by, you were glad to have spent your day with your dearest ones, but most importantly, you were glad to spend it with your now boyfriend, who you were grateful to the universe for, and were thankful that he was someone that you could run to, he was your paradise.
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© Shyna 2022 - reposting on any other platform or even tumblr is not allowed. likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated.
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teddybear-sunflower · 2 years
Of pens and papers - Bokuto x Reader (pt.Two)
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Pairing: Bokuto x reader
Wordcount: ca. 2200 words
Genre: fluff, future angst, college Au
Summary: Sometimes you are lucky enough to meet the right people at the right time. This is how you met once more and he finally remebered to ask for your name!
Parts: One Two Three
A/N: Sorry for the wait but the series should now continue regularly.
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Bokuto Kotaro.
That was the name of the boy who helped you out at the library a few days ago and ever since you couldn’t forget about him.
You were so thankful that his friend actually called out his name or else you wouldn’t have known how to find out about him.
You didn’t want to come off as a stalker, but you guiltily had to admit that you already checked social media and to your delight you had found him rather easily.
You had been right thinking that he was an athlete. He was in the volleyball team of your university and considering everything you´ve read about him, he was good at what he was doing.
His Instagram wasn´t private, pretty much inviting you to go through his feed and you weren’t disappointed. His feed was full of pictures with his friends and volleyball. He always smiled in the pictures.
He seemed like such a fun and good-spirited guy.
He told you that he would like to see you again, yet he didn’t even know your name or asked for your number. You considered texting him on Instagram, but you were not brave enough to actually do it. Maybe he was just being nice when he said he wanted to see you again.
So, you did what you did best: you daydreamed about a what if instead of actually doing something.
You sat down at an available seat in the middle of the lecture room, music still sounding through your earphones, effectively cutting you off from your surroundings.
You were tired. That was probably what described you best right at that moment. Exams closed in on you and you had the habit to sleep especially unwell within those weeks, be it due to actually studying or just stressing about what you actually needed to know but didn’t.
On some days you weren’t too bothered by your lack of sleep but today wasn’t one of those days. That also explained why you didn’t look as put together as usually. Your hair was in a bun, your bangs were a bit more messed up than usually and your body drowned in that overly huge hoodie and oversized sweatpants.
It wasn’t like there was a reason to put effort into your outfit, at least you thought so.
Your cheek leaned against your hand as your eyes were closed. You concentrated on your music, trying to find a moment of peace. The attempt failed when you suddenly felt someone touch your shoulder.
Easily startled, you immediately straightened up before turning around. Your eyes widened at what you saw. Sitting one row behind you was the cute volleyball player.
His golden eyes also widened as recognition settled in.
His grin grew, and he almost looked a bit too happy considering that you two weren’t even friends.
“Hey, hey, hey! If that isn’t the short library girl” he teased, his voice was just as booming as ever, earning you a few looks of your classmates.
“What are you doing here?” It came out a lot more shocked than it was supposed to, but you couldn’t help it. It was almost the end of the semester, and you hadn’t seen him here once! Bukoto wasn’t exactly the type of guy to mix with the crowd, so how did you miss him all this time?
“Oh, yeah, I´ve only visited this class a few times because I am usually getting something to eat with my friends before training at this time. Akaashi always scolds me because of it but I am sure I´ll be fine” you didn’t know him well but somehow this explanation seemed so like him, you couldn’t even explain it yourself.
“But if I knew you were in this class as well, I would have made more of an effort to come here!” He exclaimed happily.
Was he flirting with you? You weren’t sure.
For a few seconds you just stared at him. His golden eyes made eye contact with your (e/c) ones before they seemed to travel down your figure, taking in your outfit.
A small blush started to form at that action, mostly because you knew that you didn’t look presentable.
Unbeknowst to you, he didn´t mind your look. He actually thought it looked cute the way your hoodie seemed at least two sizes too big and there was something so naturally attractive about the way your face was framed by the few strands of hair that didn´t want to stay in your bun. If anything it was endearing to see different sides of you.
He still wasn´t blind to the obvious dark shadows under your eyes that could only mean that you lacked sleep. He knew it wasn´t his business how much sleep you got but he couldn´t hold back from at least asking about it.
“You look a bit tired, rough week?” It asked bluntly, eyes still fixed on the dark shadows under your eyes.
“Well, exams are coming up. Who isn´t tired?” You tried to justify yourself, almost wanting to tell him that you usually didn’t look so done but that would have been too weird, even for you. You just hoped he remembered the you from the library that looked a lot cuter than your present self.
“Yeah, I hate it. I still have so much to study. It´s so annoying” he openly complained, and you weren’t surprised. You didn’t want to judge but he didn’t seem like the studious type to you.
“I´ve already studied so much but it feels like a never-ending circle” you agreed with a small sigh.
“Just try to get enough sleep and drink and eat a lot!” he made it sound so easy and even he knew that it wasn´t but he could at least hope that his words would make you get a bit more sleep.
When you looked into his face, at this bright smiled and sparkling eyes you almost wanted to promise him but you knew that it wasn’t as easy when you were completely stressed out.
“Will do!” A smile settled on your face when you said that. This was only small talk and you were pretty sure he wasn’t interested at hearing you ramble about how easily it was to lose yourself between studying, classes and your part-time job.
The conversation dwindled after that and you were worried that it would end here.
“By the way, I am not exactly short. That shelf was high. Maybe you are a little too tall” it was probably strange to go back to the beginning of the conversation, but you weren’t exactly known for your conversation skills. Maybe you didn’t need to worry so much because you still didn’t know why he spoke to you to begin with since he seemingly didn’t recognize you beforehand.
“Can someone really be too tall? If anything, I would be an even better player if I was a bit taller” he mused as his mind went straight back to volleyball.
“I guess, it´s helpful for volleyball” you mumbled under your breath, not thinking that he would hear you, but he did, considering the confused look he was giving you. The way he cocked his head to the side made him look cute.
“Did you just say volleyball? You know me?!” His excitement went through the roof as the emotion mixed with pride. He always thought that he looked the coolest on the court, so maybe you were already a fan of his.
He made it so easy for you to hide the fact that you looked him up online. All you had to do was telling him that you had seen in a volleyball game or that you were at least aware of the volleyball team, and you had recognized him.
Instead, you went in panic mode and made it awkward.
“I don’t! I guessed it! Volleyball, basketball… those are sports at which height is important and you look like an athlete” you stumbled over your own words as you tried to explain.
“And how did you guess that I am a volleyball player?” Bokuto asked once more, slight disappointment could be heard in his voice.
“Intuition?” It sounded more like a question than a statement but luckily, he didn’t have time to make fun of you because of your answer thanks to the fact that your professor finally walked through the door, making you turn around to face the front of the class.
That seemed to remind Bokuto of something as he immediately reached out to you once more. Apparently, this time he chose to slightly pull at the hood of your sweater.
“I almost forgot because I didn’t expect to see you here but can I have a pencil or something? I forgot mine” he admitted almost sheepishly.
“You´re lucky I´ve always got an extra one, here” without hesitation you grabbed your second pen and held it out for the male to grab.
As he grabbed the pen his fingers slightly touched yours. You didn’t want to be all cliche, but you swore you felt something when his fingers brushed yours. For a moment you made eye contact with the white and black haired male who didn’t seem to mind the contact at all. You on the other hand blushed, which was why you turned around before he could spot the change of color on your face.
When your class finally ended you took your time to put away your stuff in hopes that Bokuto would talk to you once more. You knew you could just start a conversation and he wouldn’t mind, considering how nice he was but you couldn’t just throw away your shy nature.
Luckily, he didn’t leave you hanging this time.
“I almost forgot to ask again but what’s your name?” You looked up from your bag and over to Bokuto who was already ready to go and now stood by your side.
Your heart skipped a beat at the mention that he almost forgot again, meaning that he already wanted to ask the first time you met.
“It´s Y/L Y/N” you pronounced your name with a small smile.
“Y/N” he tested it out and you swore it never sounded better.
"I´m Bokuto Kotaro!" he told you as if you didnt know. Well, he truly didn´t know that you knew.
“So now that we are practically friends how about we study together?” The tall male suggested, and something told you it had to do with the fact that he practically never visited this class and had no clue what’s going on.
Luckily his endearing personality made up for that.
“Well, why not? Want to meet up sometime?” You gulped, feeling a little too giddy. You had to remind yourself that this wasn’t a date. He just wanted to study but your heart didn’t seem to listen.
“We can exchange phone numbers and text each other when we have time” Bokuto spoke excitedly, already fishing for his phone in his pockets.
You nodded, also pulling out your phone. Without thinking you unlocked it right in front of the male and what greeted you almost gave you an heart attack or at least you wished you had one.
Your Instagram was open and of course it was Bokuto´s page that was proudly displayed. You forgot that your friend pestered you about him just before this class, so you decided to show her some pictures from his Insta.
The color of your face turned into a deep red. Bokuto looked confused as he was connecting the dots. As fast as possible you swiped your finger over the display in order to close the app. Acting as if nothing happened, or at least you tried to – your hands were still shaking – you opened your contacts and held your phone out to the ace.
You didn’t dare look up to see his reaction as you drowned in your own embarrassment.
Bokuto was enlightened though. It took him a moment to remember that Akaashi called out his name, so that was probably how you got it but it must have been a good sign that you looked him up. You must have been interested in him, at least a little.
“So, you purely guessed that I play volleyball, right?” He teased you with a smirk on his face. You gulped once more, wishing the floor would swallow you.
“Can we act like you didn’t see that?” Your voice came out a lot more timid than you intended to.
“Not gonna happen, I have to tell my friends about that! They will be so jealous!” That didn’t make you feel better but the bright laugh that followed somehow eased your nerves.
At least you had his number now.
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 2 years
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/eY5inld
by slvt4Yelena
In which→ You and Bokuto meet each other in high school, but do strangers really last?
university Au + Bokuto x f!reader (she/her) implied chubby
warnings: angst smut implied time skip spoilers school first love
All rights to the creator of Haikyuu I don't own Haikyuu nor any of the images/songs/characters/gifs in the story I only own the plot of this book and some ocs
Words: 812, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Bokuto Koutarou, Bokuto Koutarou's Sisters, Kuroo Tetsurou, Kozume Kenma, Akaashi Keiji, Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi, Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou, Yaku Morisuke, Haiba Lev, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi
Relationships: Bokuto Koutarou/Reader, Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Haiba Lev/Yaku Morisuke, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Bokuto Koutarou & Reader, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou
Additional Tags: Angst, Summer Love, Alternate Universe - College/University, High School, Smut, Fluff, Falling In Love, First Love, Friends to Lovers, Strangers to Lovers
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/eY5inld
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bokutosenpai · 3 years
engineering student!bokuto surprisingly fared well in uni.
at least based from his stories, everything is as he expected the classes would be. although his grades weren’t the absolute best compared to yours. he would, without fail, always mention it’s a high grade ‘cus it’ll curve, he said.
even through covid and all, you never once heard bokuto complain about his school. or anything about any of his classes for that matter.
in fact, he would always calmly get through his day and still have time to hit the gym and manage to sleep 8 hours a day.
“i thought all engineering students were sleep deprived.” you mention this to him as he cheerfully bounced around the kitchen making coffee.
“and i thought all angels were in heaven,” he grinned as he gave you a cup and a tap on the nose.
“guess we’re both wrong.” he shrugged as he kissed you softly.
the engineering program in your uni was tough to get into. students were required to maintain a certain grade, and even reach a certain gpa to apply for the program.
you worried for bokuto at first, knowing that he had a history of failing high school level maths. so when a random thursday night came with certain news—you were ecstatic and beyond proud for what he has accomplished.
it happened like this: you two were cuddling on the couch. after a week of stressful non stop studying and working, both of you really needed this.
and just when you were about to fall asleep, he murmured into your hair,
“i got into chem engineering.”
and you froze, leaning back slightly to look at his eyes and give a hard, chaste kiss before you exclaimed in praise
“oh my gosh! congratulations!” hugging him tight to your chest, although awkwardly with the limited amount of space.
still!!! this was huge!!! you needed to message akaashi the news, and kuroo too—maybe even tsukishima, oh! and bokuto’s mom and sisters too. everyone’s going to be so glad.
you can’t even fathom how full and proud you are of what you just heard. hugging bokuto real tight and peppering his face with kisses.
“all your hard work finally paid off, my love!” grabbing his face to kiss both his flushed cheeks. “tell me all about it!”
bokuto inhaled through his teeth and laughed awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck.
“babe,” he breathed, “i meant the chem engineering building.” he clarified.
and for the second time tonight—you froze.
before bursting out in laughter.
oh well, he also had a history of getting lost in high school—so him navigating through the engineering building is also something to celebrate.
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this is part of my 400 followers event featuring university!hq boys !!
if you have any requests for me, come celebrate me and join this event!!
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