#vela blight
lets-get-brave · 2 years
A moment of peace amidst the fifth blight
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More of my favorite semi-aquatic grey warden! Finally trying to embrace my impressionist shading, so we'll see how that goes. Vela belongs to @thedastrash , I just flail at her periodically. <3 If you want to talk more about Dragon Age OCs, come join our OC server HERE! We'd love to nerd out about OCs with you! :)
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ladysunamireads · 1 month
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
A New Perspective: Owl House AU Story Part 2
Hello all, this is the second part of the collaboration between myself and the talented Flamestar50, give em a hand folks!! To note, I’ve cleaned up and proofread the work they provided, but this is definitely the result of Flame’s hard work and skill. Everybody Clap Your Hands!!!
Eda and Luz stood stunned at the group of people that had managed to crush Lilith.
“Stay back Luz,” Eda warned, but as Luz continued to approach the group, Eda rolled her eyes at the brush-off to her warning.
“Oh god what the hell happened.” One of the people groaned.
“Are you guys okay?” Luz said, leaning closer to the group. As she took in the appearance of them, her eyes widened. “Gus, Willow, Amity? What are you guys doing here? And who are these other people? She asked, gazing at the unfamiliar faces. Suddenly, another face in the pile caught her attention. Wait, that couldn’t be, i-it was-
“IMPOSTOR!!!” Luz yelled, pointing a finger at, well, herself.
“Who are you!?” The impostor Luz yelled back.
“I’m you! Wait, no, I’m me, and you’re PRETENDING to be me. What are you doing, pretending to be me with my friends you, you POSER!” Luz spat.
“I’m not the poser, you are!!” The “impostor” spat back.
“Um, someone better explain what’s going on here, and soon,” Eda asked, completely ignoring Lilith’s muffled protests and complaints over being sat on.
“Alright, there’s only one way to see who the real Luz is!” King announced from the floor. “What is Luz’s favorite... BOOK SERIES!”
“The Good Witch Azura.” Both Luz’s answered confidently, and in perfect sync to boot.
“Okay, this is gonna be tougher than I thought.” King sighed.
“Um, hello.” A soft voice called from the door. All faces turned to it, and saw Amity entering the house, Gus and Willow following closely behind.
“Hi Luz, I came over hear for the study session, and- Oh my Titan...” Amity gasped as she saw a group of familiar and unfamiliar faces sprawled across the floor, and two Luz’s aggressively pointing at one another.
“OH MY GOD THERE’S AN IMPOSTOR AMITY TOO!?” Luz gasped. “How will I know who the real Amity is?”
“What are you doing to my Luz?” Amity glared at her second self.
“I didn’t do anything! It was your Luz who brought us here!” The other Amity shot back.
“*GASP*! Luz! Are you trying to make clones of me!?” Amity whirled towards Luz, a blush blooming across her face.
“What? NO, of course not, at least, I don’t think so... Wait, did I just clone everyone!?” Luz gasped.
“I’M A CLONE!?” “Impostor” Gus shrieked.
“Wait, if you all are clones, than who are you?” Luz asked, pointing to the scary older girl glowering at them beneath her beanie, a metal bat slung over her shoulder.
“What do you mean, that’s my, I mean your, actually our older sister, Victoria.” Alter Luz said, sidling up closer to Luz, a look of slight confusion on her face.
But, I don’t have a sister.” Luz stated.
“Yes you do, you have two.” Alter Luz countered.
“No, I’m an only child.” The two stared in blatant bewilderment at each other, before they started screaming in confusion, provoking a commotion of panicked yelling among the groups.
“Um, shouldn’t you do something?” King asked, looking up towards Eda, who was currently sipping her Apple Blood, snickering at the scene before her.
“Nah, this is kinda entertaining.” She snorted.
“EDALYN!” Lilith managed to shout over the ruckus.
Eda wryly blinked in her sister’s direction. “Oh, I forgot you were there. Alright, calm down kids, could you all get off my sister, you’re currently squishing her to death.” The group awkwardly shuffled away as Eda helped her sister to her feet. Lilith quietly mumbled out a thanks before muttering to herself as she fixed her messed-up hair.
Putting her hands on her chin, with a sly grin, Eda continued. “Okay, let’s start over. What exactly happened here?”
Vela sat hunched on the couch, fidgeting nervously. After this world’s Luz explained about the Potion, and the shard, and her group explained about the portal that appeared and sucked them in, Lilith had retreated, muttering about needing to research, before excusing herself to find some books and do just that. In the mean time, everybody had split up into their individual groups.
Both Luz’s were currently talking to Victoria, who was smugly showing off her glyph inscribed metal bat. Both Willows and Guses were having a pleasant chat, while Sallix, their Willow’s older sister, was... asleep. Yeah, only Sallix Park could be the type of person capable of falling asleep while being sucked into a portal leading to another dimension.
Vela’s little sister, Amity, was having a conversation with her counterpart as well. Vela honestly couldn’t understand her younger sister could stay so calm in a situation like this. Speaking of calm, Amaryllis, Vela’s older sister, was currently chatting pleasantly with the Owl Lady. It was strange to see her smiling, as she usually had this cold demeanor that stopped anyone from approaching her.
But, back in their world, Amaryllis admired the Owl Lady, A LOT. Perhaps it was the same here? Most likely. Other than that, all that was left was Luz’s other older sister, Mari, who was... wait a minute, where was Mari!? Vela began frantically scanning the room in a panic. Mari was nowhere in sight.
“Oh no.” Vela whispered. Mari was a great person at heart, she really was. But, she was also insanely curious, to the point that she would gladly break into people’s lockers and sneak into their houses. Leaving her alone was probably the worst thing you could do. Vela quickly got to her feet, scampering over to Amaryllis, who was standing alone while Eda went to get some more drinks.
“Amaryllis, do you know where Mari is?” Vela whimpered.
“Why do you care?” The older girl responded with an annoyed glance, as though Vela was wasting her time.
“I-I just n-need to find her.” She stuttered. Amaryllis rolled her eyes.
“I think she went upstairs,” She said, jerking a thumb in the direction of the stairs, before turning and walking away. Vela breathed out shakily. She felt kind of dumb being scared of her own sister, but how could she not be? The only reason she asked Amaryllis is because she is ALWAYS watching her surroundings. She knows everything. Vela hurriedly padded up the stairs.
“Mari?” Vela called quietly. There was a slight shuffling coming from one of the rooms. Vela quietly cracked one of the doors open, only to find Mari going through the Owl Lady’s Nest!!
“Mari! What are you Doing!?” Vela exclaimed quietly.
“Huh?” Mari turned, spotting Vela. “Oh, Hi Vela. I’m looking through the Owl Lady’s stuff to see how different she is from the one back home.”
“Mari, we just talked about this last night, you can’t just do stuff like that.” Vela whimpered, grabbing the other girl’s arm and pulling her away.
“But Vela, it’s for the sake of research.” Mari pouted. As Vela and Mari exited the room, a figure before them made them both freeze.
“Hey, what are you guys doing up here?” Luz asked. As she didn’t appear to be mad, it was probably Counter Luz.
“We, um, were looking for the... bathroom.” Vela said quickly.
“Oh, it’s at the end of the hall.” Luz smiled, pointing towards the bathroom.
“Okay, thank you,” Vela said, pulling Mari with her, who was waving goodbye.
“No problem!” Luz said happily. Finally, once the two were inside, Vela locked the door.
“Mari!” Vela said, whirling towards the girl. “Are you crazy?”
“Vela, your overreacting. It was a simple scanning, nothing bad.”
“You broke into the room of a woman from another dimension!”
“Vela, calm down.”
“Calm down!? How can I stay calm at a time like this? We’re in a new world with your sisters, my sisters, Willow and her sister, not to mention Gus, and we don’t know how, or even if we can get back home!! Oh Titan, this is going to be horrible for my studies!” Vela started pacing, her breath growing more frantic. “ I CANNOT get another low grade. If I get just one more, Mom is going to kill me! She’s already so...”
“Vela!” Mari exclaimed, taking the girl’s shaking hand. “I need you to breathe, just breathe. Listen, we’re going to be okay! We have each other, and together, we’ll make it through!” Vela nodded, her breathing having evened out, as Mari placed a soft kiss on her forehead.
“Hey, I know, let’s go talk to Lilith. I’m sure she’ll have found something in her research that’ll make you feel less worried!” Vela smiled.
“Alright, but you have to promise you won’t go snooping around the house.”
“Fine. I’ll try.” Mari sighed. Vela nodded in content.
“Ready?” Mari asked, taking her hand.
“Ready.” Vela nodded as they stepped out of the bathroom.
Victoria lay sprawled on the couch, watching as her youngest sister and her counterpart chatted away about magic, and Azura Book Clubs. It was honestly amazing how those two could fawn over a fictional book series, despite being from different dimensions. Even Amaryllis was making the most of the situation, chatting away with the Owl Lady. God, she is such a fangirl.
Victoria, on the other hand, couldn’t wait to get back home. As much fun as this unexpected visit turned out to be, she had her own life to get back to. Suddenly, Lilith, followed by Mari and Vela, walked into the room. At the sight of Lilith’s uncertain expression, all Victoria could think was,
“Oh no, what’s the bad news?”
“Ahem, if I may have everyone’s attention?” The whole room turned to look at Lilith.
“What’s up sis?” Eda asked.
“Well, after carefully studying the potion, along with a bit of research, I believe I have figured out how the portal occurred. You see, Luz’s Potion was designed to generate a portal between two points depending upon where the bottle was thrown. The door used to travel between the Demon Realm and the Human Realm contained a material known as Titan’s Blood, which opens rifts between worlds. The two interacting resulted in the portal opening to alternate worlds manifesting. The problem is, I have no idea what occurred to bring the children’s alternates and their alternate’s siblings here.” Lilith finished, looking slightly concerned.
“And what does that mean for us?” Victoria spoke up.
“Until I figure out exactly what occurred to bring you all here, I’m afraid I cannot guarantee you all a way home.” There it was, the news they had all been dreading. Vela let out a little hiss, while Amity and Willow exchanged concerned glances.
“So, what’s gonna happen now,” Luz asked.
“Well, you kids are gonna need a place to crash,” Eda stated. ”And I think its best if you kids split up.”
“Split up!” Mari exclaimed.
“Look kid, I like all of you, I really do, but there’s no way in hell I’m having everyone plus some total strangers crash at my place, and even if I wanted to, I don’t have enough space for everyone!” She said, throwing up her arms.
“I believe the most logical option is for everyone to take their counterparts and others home with them.” Lilith added.
“But, what about our parents?” Willow asked.
“Don’t you worry, I’ll help talk to them.” Eda assured her. After a bit more arranging, it was time for everyone to leave. Mr. and Mrs. Blight were out of town on business, which came as a relief to everyone. Eda and Lilith went to escort Willow and Gus home, giving them a chance to work things out with their parents.
“Alright Luz, take care of our guests, and don’t break anything while I’m gone. I’m trusting you!” Eda called from the door.
“Don’t worry Eda, you can count on me!” Luz yelled back.
“See ya in a bit kid,” Eda waved, before slamming the door shut, ignoring Hooty’s muffled shout.
“Well, it’s just us now.” Luz said, feeling awkward. She had been left with her counterpart Luz, along with her two sisters, Mari and Victoria. There was an uncomfortable silence between the group.
“Sorry about this whole mess, guys.” She said quietly, kicking her feet.
“Yeah, you should be.” Victoria snapped gruffly.
“Victoria!” Counter Luz scolded.
“What? It’s her fault we’re stuck in this mess. You think I wanted to spend my day like this!?” Victoria spat back. Luz’s expression fell, and Victoria instantly felt guilty.
“I’m gonna go downstairs,” She sighed, excusing herself. Once she was out of sight, Luz let out a small whimper.
“Hey, don’t worry about her. She just gets a bit snappy when she’s stressed.” Mari reassured, gently rubbing Luz’s back.
“I know, I just feel so guilty for dragging you all into this mess!”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Counter Luz chided. “We’re just going to have to make the most of this.”
“Yeah, we can do this, Lilith will find a way back for you guys soon, I’m sure of it!” Luz nodded. Now, if only she could convince herself she was right.
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ziracona · 3 years
I like your villain Blight more cause his story becomes far more entertaining especially looking at it from Killers perspective. Just, some guy you never did anything to came out of nowhere into your territory, beat the shit out of you, mutilated and infected you with god knows what, left you chained to a wall and you later found out he did the same to your co-killers. Then it happens again one year later. And an year after. And then you have to work alongside him.
Thank you! : D
Man, if Hallowed Blight was before your time, or it’s been a while, check it out again because it’s such a wild ride. Dude shows up, ducks trials, fucks off to god knows where, tears through Vigo’s old lab and his stuff and starts experimenting, and then when the Entity sends a killer to retrieve him, he’s so hopped up on blight he kicks the Trapper’s ass?? Then does some torture experiments on him??? On EVAN? On Entity’s Employee of the conch circa whatever year pre-Kenneth?? Entity sends more killers, Grimes beats them too. Starts going wild adding shit to blight because...he thinks maybe something will happen? He’s losin it a little? Why not? But poor fuckin Anna ends up part rat tissue, and Philip is so overcome with plant tissue and vines twisting through his muscles and organs he’s almost dead? Doctor gets a taste of his own medicine, Hillbilly gets so over-injected he’s a mass of puss tumours that make me want to help him or put him out of his misery? Like. It’s so /batshit/ insane this happened and the man actually successfully did this. Evan gets free and is like “Fuck this noise” and he angy, finally the Entity is like “fuck that guy specifically” and throws him to the void. Maybe after some trials—very unclear the exact timeline. But like, you’re a normal killer. You’re Evan. You remember all this wild shit going down, right? Sipping a mimosa on your home turf between trials. And then...THERE GOES THE MOTHERFUCKER WHO DID IT??? Up and alive again? In the realm next door??? The bitch human who chained you up and injected you with multan metal to see what would happen is setting up shop and walking around bold as brass?? And he’s scanning Legion next door through a set of binoculars and circling the adrenal gland on an anatomy chart with blood lust in his eyes so you contact HR like “UUUuuuuh quick question: ‘What the /fuck/?’” —You’re the ‘What the fuck. Is that allowed? The fuck. Is that allowed???’ vine, but boss just says “Sorry but yeah he works for me now, and you can’t do jack about it, so you’re just stuck really mad and kind of in shock, making eye contact with Wraith who you haven’t spoken to in ages because you all for pretty understandable reasons don’t see very eye to eye, and you’re just like *mouths* “What the fuck??” And he just shakes his head and it’s the first and last moment of kinship this year, but in that instant you truly understand “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. And for the next several months when someone fucks up, you hear screams from Blight’s place in killer voices you know, and the injustice of it all, right? Evan’s a mass murderer great at inflicting pain and serial torturing too and been here way longer. Why does the new guy get perks? That’s not fair. Also, fuck that guy.
But there’s a fear now too, because you remember what that molten metal seeping into your bones felt like. So the rage and bitterness and fear fuse and stay low. And you wait for a chance that may someday come to make him pay. But you wait carefully. Really, really carefully. Because you remember.
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thedastrash · 2 years
WIP Word Search
Thanks for tagging me @morganlefaye79!! and flawless timing I’m using this for WIP Wednesday. these are all unnamed pieces of things so far...
Sun: He gathers his wits enough to walk out of the alley and tries to focus on his surroundings. It’s just past sunset and the drab stone of Lowtown has taken on a sort of flat color where everything is cast in brown shadow. He puts one foot in front of the other in a steady rhythm that takes him to the door of some flop house where he steels himself for what he might see inside. All thoughts of thighs and sweat and firelight are pushed away for the clarity of purpose that he tries to center in his actions.
Stars: The sky is dark tonight with only the thin sliver of Satina to light the trail. Stars splatter across the sky in a haze of light without the moons to wash them out. It’s quiet with only the sound of a lone night bird and beetles buzzing in the bushes.
Vela crouches near the stream and begins washing out the bowls in the cold water. The familiar movements busy her hands as her mind wanders to the last fight where Morrigan took a genlock bolt through the side and she had to fall back to heal her immediately, leaving Alistair in the throes of the fight with Zev at his back. It was fine. It’s always been fine. But she worries every blighted day.
Water: He barks a laugh. “Certainly not. More like stables and chantries. Swords and dirt, that’s me. I could never be king, whatever Eamon says. You heard Anora, I know nothing of leadership. And I don’t want to, thank you very much.”
A funny look crosses Vela’s face, like she’s looking at something very far away. “I think Anora doesn’t want to see it.” She sighs and hugs him, cupping behind his pauldrons, pressing her face up into his neck. 
It catches him off guard and Alistair wishes dearly he wasn’t wearing all his armor. All he can do is bury his nose in her short hair and try hold her as gently as he can with his gauntlets on. She smells like smoke and sweat and whatever deep floral musk is uniquely hers and it hits his gut like a punch, the desperate want, that need to put any part of her body in his mouth, to lick the sweat from her skin, and his mouth waters.
For anyone who wants to play and/or those tagged below the cut, I’d love to see what you have for the words desperate, moon, and breath.
@raflesia65 | @retrowondergirl | @charlatron | @kittynomsdeplume | @kemvee | @a-shakespearean-in-paris | @jentrevellan | @isk4649 | @charmcity-jess | @a11sha11fade | @noire-pandora | @kita-lavellan | @melisusthewee | @cleverblackcat | @bluewren | @ami20nat
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adraveins · 3 years
Thinking about Watcher Bad Endings again, as one does, and this time I’m thinking about what would lead to them:
Hakona’s bad ending is, of course, Death Guard. A Ghost Rider paladin, if you will, which would come about if she never managed to break away from the Bleak Walkers. Her ideals have always been mismatched with the Walker’s ways, but she’s managed to justify it by trying to be discerning in her choice of contract and by trying to curb the worst behaviors and policies within the organization, like her commander’s. By telling herself that the Walkers so often deliver swift and inescapable justice to those who deserve it, which outweighs the bad. But she’s already feeling the strain of cognitive dissonance by the time of POE1, and if she didn’t actually leave the order by Deadfire, then eventually she’d crack under the weight of that dissonance, much like her former commander.
It would be a pretty complex chain of events that would lead to that mindset, and I need to give it more thought. But the end of that road involves premature death, a Hakona who never spent the necessary time growing past the confines of the order, a Hakona who died in its service. She has a tumultuous relationship with death, after all, and to die while still locked in that dissonance keeps her tethered to the world, bitter and furious and cut down into a twisted sense of her ideals. A Death Guard who viciously hunts down those who deal in suffering and who disrupt the flow of natural life and death, a Death Guard who doesn’t care who gets in her way. (Berath tacitly allows it by looking the other way. She has a soft spot for the Watcher, after all.)
Kit, meanwhile, has a good ending, a bad ending, and a bittersweet ending. The bad ending is naturally Apotheosis (Divine Cannibalism Version), in which she becomes a god by means of mowing down most, if not all, of the other gods, and probably much more than that. A god who, like her predecessors, is more of a distillation of ideals than a person, and in this case, it’s her vicious, prideful side that wins out, hungry for knowledge and for the center and foundation of all things with nothing to temper that. The good ending is No Apotheosis, because I firmly believe that any Transcendence should involve some measure of melancholy or tragedy. The bittersweet ending is Apotheosis (Nice Version), in which Kit becomes a god by means not so violent. (In any case of Apotheosis, bad or bittersweet, she’s a god of deep places and gravity and a Guardian of the Wheel.)
Kit has the sense to surround and ground herself with level-headed people, so the bad ending would come about if she lost them prematurely. It would take quite a bit of loss, but Kit is deeply attached to and protective of her inner circle, and she would immediately spiral if enough of them were somehow killed. If Vela was alive, Kit would hold out long enough for her, and then all bets would be off. She’s a grudge-holder, and she doesn’t get over things easily, so without those level-headed people that she’s come to cherish so much, she would spiral towards the not-so-nice version of Apotheosis very fast.
And as a tidbit for the bittersweet ending, this line from Lady Webb struck me the other day, specifically in relation to Edér:
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But what would prompt Kit to go for the nicer version of Apotheosis would depend on the situation: a sense of responsibility or urgency, just enough temptation towards knowledge and power to tip the scales in that direction, etc.
For Jordan, I haven’t figured him out enough to get into as much detail, but his bad ending would be Full Storm Blight. Much like the feral druids you can encounter who have lost themselves entirely, it would involve Jordan losing control of his magic and thus himself and making that irreversible transformation into something else. As a very powerful Watcher, he’d be a blight unlike any other, perhaps a little more coherent, perhaps retaining something of himself, but ultimately lost to the storm forever.
I still need to figure out how he’d get there, though, so more on that later.
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sociopath-analysis · 3 years
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Female Sociopaths in Popular Media (Part 52)
Go here for Part 1. It provides an explanation for this list. Also, check out the master list which includes analyses of all the included characters. (Some analyses still may not be completed as of yet.) If this is the first part you’ve seen, reblog one of those two posts. Otherwise, feel free to reblog this one.
Going to end out Pride Month for now (outside of some profile reuploads) because I’m starting to run out of submissions. And I’m getting some burnout from getting one profile out every day so far. But I figured I’d at least close out with a few another list and adding a couple LGBT examples. At this point no more daily profiles. I’ll post more, but they most likely won’t be LGBT related anymore as there are others I want to get to.
But if anyone does want to still suggest any LGBT sociopaths or psychopaths, I’ll be leaving my ask box open before the 29th. That’s the last day I feel like I can receive a request and get it done before the end of the month.
Pictured above:
Cersei Lannister[1] (payed by Lena Heady (pictured) and Nell Williams (young)) in Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Whiterose, aka Zhi Zhang (played by B.D. Wong) from Mr. Robot (2015-2019)
Featherine Agustus Aurora[2] (voiced by Michiko Neya) from Umineko: When They Cry (2007-2011) and its manga (2007-2015) and 2009 anime adaptations
Odalia Blight (voiced by Rachel Mactarlane) from The Owl House (2020-present[3])
Uta Kamagawa[2] (Rui Tanabe) from Blue Reflection Ray (2021-present[3])
Baroness von Hellman[4] (played by Emma Thompson) from Cruella (2021)
Diana Walter (played by Alicia Vela-Bailey) from Lights Out (2016)
Rose Wilson, aka Ravager (voiced by Pamela Adlon) in Teen Titans Go! (2013-present[3])
Kaliyo Djannis (voiced by Tasia Valenza) from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2011)
Duchess Hilda of Friege from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War (1996)
[1] Only talking about her television incarnation right now. I’ll add the book version if I can say for sure about her. [2] Thanks to @rickyriddle​ for the recommendations. [3] Valid as of June 2021. [4] Thanks to an anon for recommending this one.
If you wanna help me, you can help fact check my profiles on the master list. I haven’t seen a lot of the things that these characters come from, so I don’t have a lot of firsthand knowledge. If you have seen/played/read any of the works that I have included, look through the profiles and see if there are any inaccuracies I need to edit.
And once I open up requests again, you can suggest some characters for me to include on the list by leaving a comment on any of the posts, sending an ask, or messaging me. You’ll be credited for helping me when I include them in the gallery post. If you don’t want to be credited, just ask and I’ll leave your name off the post.
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seahaloed · 4 years
[ direct ] your muse taking mine by the chin and telling them to look yours in the eye . || @hvadeina
There is a sickening twist of something in his stomach, seeing Velawyn rush forward to deal that final blow against the horrible blighted beast. He rushes forward half a step, but everything is moving far too slow for him and he watches her dig that sword deep into the creature’s head.
Everything is a blur, but the... energy from that Old God’s death is blinding and faith shaking.
When it dissipates, Alistair finds himself on his knees and only partially from the wounds he’s sustained getting here with her. “vela?” his voice is so much smaller than he intends it and his sniffles, rising on lame leg and limping towards what remained of the carcass. “Vela!” his voice raised as he moved to lift the head of the giant beast. As he lifted, he watched as Leliana and Zevran pulled free her body and drug her from under the monster. “Love, I need you to open your eyes...” he begged, voice watery and pitching up in octave as he finally collapsed at her side, tugging his gauntlets off to cup her face.
“Velawyn look at me, please--” his voice breaks and he hovers a hand over her mouth, exhaling sharply as he felt faint breaths, “Open your eyes.” he insisted again in a raspy voice, and as she sputtered, he nearly dropped her head from the relief that ran through him.
“There she is.” and a sob pulled free as he gathered her up in his arms. “You scared me there a moment....” he didn’t know if he made any sense to her, but Alistair gripped her even tighter as one of her arms curled around him in kind. “Let’s.... not do this again, yeah?” he wondered quietly, managing a laugh as he pulled back to see her nod.
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dragonologist-phd · 4 years
Headcanons #2, 8, 13, 18, 22, 27, 32?
thank you!
2.Has non stop puns
This is absolutely Seph Winterborn, my Evertree character. She thinks she’s hilarious and honestly it’s a testament to their friendship that Gunther puts up with it
8.Can kill you with a pencil
Darvis Brosca- and honestly, with his background, he’s probably actually done it before
13.Knows random facts about everything
Lilith, my Tyranny Fatebinder! She has a very high lore skill and spent a large part of her childhood hiding out in libraries. There’s hardly a subject out there that she doesn’t know something about, and if she doesn’t know anything about it she’ll pretend like she does
18.Has very exaggerated facial expressions
Allys Mahariel- she’s very expressive, and her emotions are always plain on her face
22.Likes dragons
Desta loves dragons. She always tries to compromise rather than kill them because she hates having to fight a creature that she thinks is just so awesome.
Oh, and Nona, too! She didn’t have opinions on them before but now that she’s the proud mother of a baby wurm she is very pro-dragon!
27.Loves children
Allys Mahariel adores children, and she and Zevran adopt a whole gaggle of kids after the Blight. Rudi’s also really good with children and loves being a mom to Vela!
32.Likes socks
Miervaldis is very fond of a warm pair of socks, both wearing them and knitting them!
Send Me A Headcanon and I’ll Tell You Which OC I Associate It With!
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
OC Introduction - Velahris Lavellan
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I saw the meme by @slothssassin and I just had to make one for each of my Inquisitors!
Fandom: Dragon Age Inquisition
Role: Inquisitor
Class: Mage
Specialization: Knight-Enchanter
Full Name: Velahris Lavellan
Nickname(s): Vel, Clover, Vela, ‘Ris
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation and Titles: Inquisitor
Birthday: 12 Bloomingtide, 9:19 Dragon(21 years old at the Conclave)
Physical Description: 5’2” tall, slender and angular frame, wavy auburn hair(kept long), vibrant blue eyes, light-colored heavily freckled skin with cool tones. Blue vallaslin(Ghilan’nain design in canon). Slightly curved ears.
Clothing Style: Loose tunics and blouses with wide sleeves, Dalish leathers, no shoes. Occasionally, a fur-trimmed cloak or vibrant colored shirt. She dresses in mostly blue, green, brown and white tones.
The middle child of two skilled hunters of the Lavellan Clan, Velahris had a rather uneventful life - except for the fact that her parents went missing during the Blight and were assumed to be dead. While still very young, she found herself an orphan, responsible for caring for her siblings(older brother Silvhen, and younger brother Ethelan), however that didn’t last for long. Both of her siblings left the Clan, either by choice or by force, and she was left alone and afraid. Her life with her Clan mainly consisted of tending to the Halla, which she happened to be extremely good at, and fending off the occasional wolf. Since she was arguably the most intelligent member of her Clan and had the best relations with humans, she was sent to spy on the conclave by her Keeper, whom she thought of as a mother to her. Needless to say, it didn’t turn out too well.
Vel’s life changed very quickly. Suddenly, she was the Herald of Andraste, and then the Inquisitor. She was scared, and lonely - but she found solace in a few dear friends, namely Varric, Dorian and Josephine. They helped her accept her role, and come to appreciate it and to love her people. But at the heart of her being, she was still the same timid little elf girl from the Free Marches.
After Adamant, she was never the same. Emotionally broken, she couldn’t live with herself after deciding who lived and who died in the Fade. Additionally, she was forced to grapple with her newfound magic, brought out by her experience in the Fade. Finally, when meeting Solas in Trespasser, her sense of self is completely shattered. She reinvents herself - She doesn’t believe in the elven gods. She is no longer Dalish. She doesn’t want to be. She asks Solas to remove her vallaslin, as a favor to a friend. He obliges. Though she must protect the world as it is for many reasons(two in particular), she will not hurt Solas. She won’t lose another friend.
However, she finds unconditional friendship in Varric. He cares for her, cheers her up when she’s upset, and comforts her when she has night terrors. It was only a matter of time until she fell for him. She cursed herself for it - she knew she could never have him. But she couldn’t help herself. The Heroine and The Storyteller were perfectly matched, but neither knew it. Cole helped them understand, pulled the hurt away and pushed them closer. And they did end up together after all was said and done. Varric stopped dwelling on the past and wrote his own story, with the Lady Inquisitor his beloved Clover at his side. 
She runs the Inquisition by proxy(and many, many letters) while she enjoys a comfortable life in Kirkwall, with a new face and a new name, writing a new chapter of her story(with three new, tiny characters).
Combat & Skills
Preferred Fighting Style: Picking off enemies from a distance, then coming in behind a beefier ally and shooting/casting spells from a close range while still being protected.
Favorite Weapon: Earlier - her bow. Later - Her staff/spirit blades.
Magical Abilities: Lucid dreaming early on, as well as her magical talents after she comes out of the Fade at Adamant. She’s very powerful and surprisingly capable of wielding her magic, with a little instruction from her mage allies and brother, of course.
Special Skills: She’s a deadeye shot. Her hunts never fail. Also, she has the ability to summon lightning at will. She especially likes shocking Varric when he annoys her(gently, of course).
Family: Clan Lavellan. Her mother, Ashara, and father, Myathilen, were missing for many years before she reconnected with them(and her older brother Silvhen) at Adamant. As it turns out, the three had become Wardens. Her little brother Ethelan ended up in Kirkwall after the Starkhaven Circle burned down, and after the Chantry blew up he went into hiding in Orlais. Upon hearing about the Inquisition, and its leader, he made his way to Skyhold.
She also has three children(with Varric). Their daughter, Nadia, and their twin boys Gaten and Garrett. More about them here
Love Interest: N/A in the canon universe. But in a personal headcanon, Varric.
Best Friends: Varric, Dorian, Cole, Josephine, Blackwall, Iron Bull, Solas.
Positive Traits: Trustworthy, Compassionate, Witty
Negative Traits: Indecisive, Emotional, A Worrywart
Likes: Quiet moments in the courtyard, books, spiced and well-honeyed Tevinter teas, babies/small children.
Dislikes: Dishonesty, Ignorance, Arrogance, Shoes.
Fears: Failure, Rejection, Being Enslaved, Templars
Guilty Pleasure: Orlesian balls, walking barefoot along Skyhold’s walls, intricately designed gowns.
Hobbies: Reading, embroidery, talking about boys(and girls) with Josephine and Leliana, Varric.
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dailyjcink · 2 years
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Valiant Hearts
In the wake of defeating Corypheus, Thedas was able to catch its breath for just a time. Earthquakes beginning far below the Deep Roads soon started and the Inquisition scrambled to uncover the source. To their horror, the old god Razikale was uncovered and corrupted into the Archdemon of the newly begun Sixth Blight. Two years have passed and despite the ravages of the darkspawn, the nations of Thedas expressed concern about the oversight of the Inquisition. Dissolved and reformed into the more secretive Shadow Council, the work begun by Inquisitor Vela Lavellan is continued. That is, until rumors of a new threat emerges from the Western Approach. Rumors that speak of a second dragon at the head of a massive hoard...
0 notes
rpgadverts · 3 years
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Valiant Hearts
In the wake of defeating Corypheus, Thedas was able to catch its breath for just a time. Earthquakes beginning far below the Deep Roads soon started and the Inquisition scrambled to uncover the source. To their horror, the old god Razikale was uncovered and corrupted into the Archdemon of the newly begun Sixth Blight. Two years have passed and despite the ravages of the darkspawn, the nations of Thedas expressed concern about the oversight of the Inquisition. Dissolved and reformed into the more secretive Shadow Council, the work begun by Inquisitor Vela Lavellan is continued. That is, until rumors of a new threat emerges from the Western Approach. Rumors that speak of a second dragon at the head of a massive hoard...
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jcinktinder · 3 years
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In the wake of defeating Corypheus, Thedas was able to catch its breath for just a time. Earthquakes beginning far below the Deep Roads soon started and the Inquisition scrambled to uncover the source. To their horror, the old god Razikale was uncovered and corrupted into the Archdemon of the newly begun Sixth Blight. Two years have passed and despite the ravages of the darkspawn, the nations of Thedas expressed concern about the oversight of the Inquisition. Dissolved and reformed into the more secretive Shadow Council, the work begun by Inquisitor Vela Lavellan is continued. That is, until rumors of a new threat emerges from the Western Approach. Rumors that speak of a second dragon at the head of a massive hoard…
0 notes
k7l4d4 · 3 years
A New Perspective: Owl House AU Story
Hello All, today, I am going to embark on a Collaboration with my good friend, Flamestar50! Everybody clap your hands!!
Standing in the main living room of the Owl House, a face off of epic proportions was taking place. With this, the entire fate of this ragtag band of misfits would be changed forever...
“I play, THE WILD CARD!!” With a victorious shout, Eda slammed down her Wild Card, winning herself the game of, you guessed it, Hex’s Holdem, much to the annoyed groans of her sister and King.
“Edalyn, please. Reconsider!” Lilith pleaded, desperate to try and gain some measure of caution from her sister before she did something stupid. “Was playing a mere card game really necessary to decide what to do with the shard of the portal Luz recovered!?”
Eda turned an annoyed glare her sister’s way. She had committed to this, and she would not be swayed. And besides, “Need I remind you that you cursed me, lied to me about it for years, and blindly followed a tyrant in some insane scheme to cure me without me ever finding out it was all your fault?” As Lilith cringed, feeling the brutal honesty of her sister’s words, Eda fought off a grin. “You’re lucky I gave you anything resembling a say in this anyway. At least you had a fair shot!”
Lilith silently conceded the point. For all her crimes, she was insanely lucky Eda was letting her live here, let alone allowing her a say in what went on. Still, this was risky. “I understand that. I merely wish for you to take a moment and consider what could go wrong! It’s something I’ve wished I’d done myself all these years.” Lilith internally cringed, knowing that, even if her ploy, however honest it may be, worked, Eda was going to be sour for that.
Lilith was honestly surprised as Eda merely sniffed, and nodded. “I’m not as reckless as you seem to believe sis. I know not to try anything crazy with this little doohickey.” She held up said doohickey, a sliver of the portal to the Human Realm they had managed to recover. She shot her sister a crooked grin. “I haven’t avoided getting caught all these years by being reckless, and I know when to keep myself in check; it’s not just ineptitude that kept your goons from grabbing me all those years!”
In spite of the little jab, Lilith breathed a sigh of relief, more than glad her sister wasn’t planning anything... TOO crazy. “Very well. Do you have any plans in particular?”
Eda grinned, more than glad to talk about her favorite subject the majority of the time; herself! “As a matter of fact...”
As the two witches made their way to the kitchen, Eda craved some good old fashioned Apple Blood after a well-earned victory, chatting away about their plans, neither noticed that they had forgotten the very shard they had had their epic duel of wits and will just moments before on the table.
“Eda! I got my Potion Homework ready! You promised to help me go over it, remember? Eda?” Entering with said potion in hand was the Owl Lady’s Apprentice herself, Luz Noceda. As she looked around, she quickly spotted Eda’s cards for Hexes Holdem, rolling her eyes fondly. She may not have known what Eda and Lilith had been playing over, but the fact they weren’t here was a solid indicator Eda had won, and was getting her victory Apple Blood, as had been her tradition since the debacle with Tibbles.
“Luz! I’m bored and demand your aid!” Marching in with as menacing a glower as his adorable face could manage was King, Eda’s original roommate and the self-styled King of Demons. Also, one of Luz’s good friends, when he wasn’t being an adorable tyrant that is! “I need you to get me some of the backup cookies behind the- hey what are you doing?” One thing King could always be counted on was his ability to instantly switch fixations at random, and his current fixation was now Luz’s project! 
Eager to finally have someone show interest in her non-glyph related work, Luz began extolling all that her potion was supposed to be and could accomplish, theoretically, with King unusually enraptured by her monologue. He normally could only really focus on his own! Just as she was about to get to the good part, Hooty barged in. “HEY WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT? DO YOU THINK I COULD HELP!?!? HOOTY HOOT!”
“GAH!” With a yelp, and an undignified plop to the ground, King whirled on the House Demon. “Why can you never enter without making a scene!?” As King bellowed his retort to Hooty’s unintentional mayhem unironically, he leapt for the larger demon, who let out a rather frightened shriek. As the two demons wrestled, Luz tried her best to break them up.
“Guys, guys! Please! Can’t this wait till later?” As Luz pulled at Hooty’s sinuous bulk, she never noticed as she and King inched ever closer to her Homework and, unbeknownst to them, the portal shard. As they pulled closer and closer, Luz picked up the thumps of Eda and Lilith drawing nearer to the racket.
“Eda, I can’t believe we left the shard in the living room!?”
“Ah nuts, Lily, it’ll be fine..” No sooner had Eda uttered this did she and Lilith enter the room and took in the carnage. She slowly turned to her sister, noting the struggle to keep a pleased grin off her face, and retorted in advance. “Not. One. Word.” As Lilith pulled her hands up in surrender, Eda strolled over, more than ready to put a stop to the nonsense, when her eyes honed in on the sight of the shard, and the unknown potion beside it. As her memory of her promise to help Luz snapped into place, she quickly shouted a warning.
Said warning came just a hair too late, as Hooty and the other crashed into the table, and sent the potion and shard smashing into each other. As the potion sputtered and sparked, the wrestling demons and human finally noticed the arrival of the elder witches, as well as the destabilizing potion next to them.
As Lilith took in the sight before her, of her sister, her sister’s apprentice, her roommate, and their very home itself abstractly, she knew she had only one option. With a leap containing every ounce of effort her body could give, Lilith shoved the others out of the way, shielding the potion with her body.
“LILY!!” With a desperate cry, Eda reached out as best she could, desperate to save her sister from the potion breaking down beneath her form.
“Goodbye, Eda.” With a content smile, Lilith pulled closer, fully prepared to sacrifice her life for her family, and as the potion finished breaking down under the influence of its surprise ingredient... a portal opened up directly overhead. Snapping her gaze above herself, Lilith’s eyes widened as a bevy of individuals fell through, and onto herself.
Stunned at what had just occured, and noting how similarly, heck, fully identical, the strangers looked to Luz and her little friends, Eda had just one thing to say. “Well, that was unexpected.” Turning her head to Luz, she only half-jokingly added: “Want to help me pickpocket them?”
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rpings · 3 years
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In the wake of defeating Corypheus, Thedas was able to catch its breath for just a time. Earthquakes beginning far below the Deep Roads soon started and the Inquisition scrambled to uncover the source. To their horror, the old god Razikale was uncovered and corrupted into the Archdemon of the newly begun Sixth Blight. Two years have passed and despite the ravages of the darkspawn, the nations of Thedas expressed concern about the oversight of the Inquisition. Dissolved and reformed into the more secretive Shadow Council, the work begun by Inquisitor Vela Lavellan is continued. That is, until rumors of a new threat emerges from the Western Approach. Rumors that speak of a second dragon at the head of a massive hoard…
0 notes
rockinroleplay · 3 years
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In the wake of defeating Corypheus, Thedas was able to catch its breath for just a time. Earthquakes beginning far below the Deep Roads soon started and the Inquisition scrambled to uncover the source. To their horror, the old god Razikale was uncovered and corrupted into the Archdemon of the newly begun Sixth Blight. Two years have passed and despite the ravages of the darkspawn, the nations of Thedas expressed concern about the oversight of the Inquisition. Dissolved and reformed into the more secretive Shadow Council, the work begun by Inquisitor Vela Lavellan is continued. That is, until rumors of a new threat emerges from the Western Approach. Rumors that speak of a second dragon at the head of a massive hoard…
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