#villain suggestions
Ganondorr needs to be on the next ultimate villain showdown. He was robbed of a victory by Glados and the king of all evil deserves a second shot.
I will post this now because if enough people agree with you, then I will add him back. I do not want many repeat contender, but I will allow a couple if people really want them.
(AGREEING = liking post, reblogging [with or without reasons added - either work], or adding a reply saying your thoughts)
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bigfatbreak · 6 months
Must be insane for Adrien to be living with a murderer and what is essentially a walking talking corpse lol
Sorry if you've already answered this but is the reason Adrian remembers everything because he's a creation of the miraculous?
If so does Felix remember everything? How is Felix in this au by the way?
Sentimonsters remember the last timeline for the most part~ and Felix is doing fine, doing his... best?
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Kagami is around too, she's just trapped by circumstance.
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Vampire hero x flirty villain but it’s HEAT SEASON *disappears*
“Shit, you’re a mess.” The villain crossed their arms in front of their chest and tilted their head, clearly amused.
“Yeah, listen…” The hero took in a deep breath. It was worse when they spent time with the villain, it always got worse too. Usually, they would hook up with a stranger but that simply didn’t satisfy them anymore.
The hero didn’t know what was wrong with them, they’d been “alive” for long enough now, they had dealt with this several times and had never had any problems. However, that had changed. And the hero hated change.
“You’re not sick, are you?” The villain took a step towards them. Slowly, they came closer and closer.
“No…no, I’m fine, I…hey, let’s just fight, okay?”
“You seem a little distracted.”
“I’m not.”
“Honey, you’re looking at everything I have to offer except for my pretty face.” The villain was in front of them now and the hero tried to keep their eyes on the villain’s. “I’ve done a little bit of research on vampires. Either you’re starving or…”
The hero grabbed their hand.
“Don’t say it.”
The villain’s smirk widened.
“Why not?”
“It’s embarrassing.”
“It doesn’t have to be,” the villain said. Their fingers traced the hero’s jawline. “You don’t have to be embarrassed, darling. It’s only natural, isn’t it?”
“Yes, but…” the hero began. They couldn’t control their thoughts, couldn’t control the daydreams about what they’d do with the villain.
They used to think this was a good thing, a pleasurable thing. But it had turned into a curse, had turned into a bottomless pit.
Deep down, the hero feared they had fallen for the villain. They feared they couldn’t be satisfied without them.
“Honey…” the villain said. They were everything the hero wanted in a partner. Intelligent, protective, flirty. They’d known each other for a while now. “You can’t fight in a state like this. I’ll end up on top of you and we’d reach the same outcome.”
The hero squeezed their eyes shut, trying to ignore their criminal libido. They hadn’t even thought about their actions. It was as if their body had carried them through the streets and to the villain’s apartment.
“I can’t ask that of you, it’s not right.” The hero grabbed the villain’s shoulder in search for something to stabilise them. They could feel their pulse banging in their ears.
“But I was the one suggesting it.” The villain caught the shell of the hero’s ear with their teeth softly. They bit down but released them just as quickly when the hero let out a quiet moan. “And you came to me…”
The hero was quiet. They touched the villain’s neck and caressed it, losing themselves to the feeling of someone actually caring about them.
“I can’t always control myself,” the hero whispered. “The biting or sometimes scratching, I can’t—”
“Hmmm,” the villain hummed and the hero was surprised to see a satisfied smile glued to their face. “I’m into that. So, don’t hold back, got it?”
“Are you sure you—?”
“If you’re really desperate we can do it on my desk, right here,” the villain suggested. They pressed the hero’s hips against the table and the hero could only attempt to whisper the villain’s name when they pressed their knee between the hero’s thighs. “What do you think?”
The hero didn’t know if they wanted to bite or devour the villain. Probably both.
“Y-yes, here is totally fine.”
“What a good vampire you are, hm?” the villain whispered against their ear. Their hand crawled up the hero’s thigh, slowly, agonisingly. “Three taps if it’s too much for you. You choose a safe word.”
The hero nodded.
“What do you want in return? Money? Information?”
“In return,” the villain said, their fingers playing with the hero’s underwear, “I want you to beg for it.”
Thus their affair began.
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mha-quotes-and-such · 4 months
Hawks: I'm going to torture you Dabi: Kinky. Go on. Hawks: I think you’re sweet and beautiful Dabi: …Wait what- Hawks: I know deep down you care for others, and you deserve to be cared for as much as you care for them Dabi: Absolutely not Hawks: Your feelings and needs are valid and deserve to be heard Dabi: I need a safeword!
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camzkoa · 10 months
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I am rereading book 4, and when I found out that the 11th day of the moshang week was bamboo, I decided to make an au where they meet early
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mios-art · 1 year
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obsessedwithstarwars · 8 months
FIGHT SCENE (that came to me while sick and slightly out of it so bear with me if it sounds CRAZYYYY)
Jazz is fighting some villain. Villain tries to use her dead brother as emotional collateral. She ignores it, seemingly unaffected, and continues to fight.
At some point the villain will be almost defeated, awaiting the final blow. They try one final plea to the red haired woman defeating them, “What would your brother say?”
At that moment, a boy falls through the ceiling, landing on the ground in front of the woman with a smug smile on his face. “I’D SAY -Actually wait hold on a sec.”
The boy gently tugs on the woman’s foot. “Jazz c’mere!” He loudly whispers.
She lets out an irritated sigh, says “Fine.”and hops over until her foot is lightly resting on his stomach. It’s almost picturesque. Her standing triumphantly on the boy who has now dramatically put his hand to his head.
He cries out (with a shit eating grin on his face), “OVER MY DEAD BODY!”
Villain: …
Danny: …
Villain: …
Danny: GET IT? Because I’m DEAD???
Jazz: “Ugh, you’re SO dramatic.”
Danny: Eh, it was funnier in my head.
Villain: …But he’s not dead?!
Danny: Would a LIVE person be able to do THIS? *does something completely normal and human*
Villain: …
Danny: …
Villain: yes.
Danny: Dammit. How about THIS? *does another completely normal human thing*
Villain: …
Danny: …
Villain: …also yes.
Danny: You’ve gotta be shitting me.
Jazz: Just soup them already!
Danny: No no! I will figure this out! How about THIS?
Villain: Yes but WHY would you WANT TO?!
Danny: Ugh Fine. What about this one??
Villain: …I personally don’t know how to do that, but yes that is something a person could do.
Danny: Really? It’s easy! Here, let me show you!
Jazz: …
Jazz: I’m going home.
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rebeltigera · 2 months
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Bit suggestive :3
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It's gonna be my BIRTHDAY soon and I really need to rustle up some CASH so if u feel like this blog has made your life MEASURABLY WORSE (or just weirder) over the past year, perchance consider tipping your town fool? THANK YOU (kofi / paypal)
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Short Prompt #1239
CW: suggestive themes.
“You’re not from around here, are you?”
Civilian whipped around at the voice, frantically searching for its source. “W-Who’s there?”
In the shadows of a nearby park tree, a pair of glowing eyes watched them with amusement. “I believe I asked my question first. It would be impolite not to answer.”
The mysterious figure stepped out into the light, showing themself to be the infamous Villain. “Well?” they pressed.
“I-I’m…,” the civilian nervously stuttered before remembrance crossed their features. “W-Wait! I know you! Your nudes with Hero got leaked today!”
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Shiny Slither Wing. Like and reblog if you agree.
This post is also the announcement that...
ASKBOX IS OPEN FOR SUGGESTIONS FOR VILLAINS IN THE 3RD SHOWDOWN!!! Please I'm running out of ideas for who to choose if people don't send any :')
REMEMBER; 2 VILLAINS CAN COME BACK FROM EITHER SHOWDOWN!!! 2 VILLAINS ONLY, SO CHOOSE WISELY!!!!!! PUT THEM IN THE ASKBOX IF YOU WANNA SEE EM RETURN!! (2 villains from showdown 1, 2 villains from showdown 2, or 1 villain from each!)
Also I just love slither wing so it will make me happy if you reblog this baby 💜✨️
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sunnynwanda · 1 month
Heal me
Warnings: slightly suggestive/ kissing, touch starved Villain, sort of hurt/comfort.
Based on and inspired by this wonderful idea by the amazing @aflyingsheepnamedrose. I had to write this, it was simply eating me alive.
Villain's body hits the wall, sliding down onto the concrete floor with a loud thud. They groan, every limb of theirs aching with dull pain and acute yearning. They cough out blood but cannot stop themself from thinking about the gentle brush of Hero's fingertips against their skin that will follow once the 'battle' is over. They've been deprived of it for far longer than they could handle, their starved body longing for the pain to be followed by a touch.
Hero lands next to them, fisting their shirt to drag them into a standing position. Villain sags against the wall, heaving through every breath. Yet their injuries have positively nothing to do with the dire need flaming in their veins. It's severe, all-consuming, and it terrifies the living light out of them. Villain craves Hero's touch with the entirety of their being. Villain craves Hero. 
"Think you should surrender?" Hero suggests, eyeing Villain with a hint of concern in their bright blue eyes. Their fingers feel almost tender when they curl around Villain's chin, lifting it up so their intent gaze can inspect their buttered face.
"Not yet," Villain gargles, blood filling their mouth again. They turn away, spitting it out before meeting Hero's eyes, a pleasant thrill feeling their lungs at the sight of Hero's distress.
"I won't..." Hero wants to say they won't keep up the vicious cycle they found themselves in. They won't fight Villain anymore - only to spend the following night healing them with their touch. Hero wants Villain to know that they can't keep hurting them, that it tears them apart in ways they never imagined possible, and that it is the reason they've been avoiding them. That they cannot handle witnessing - worse yet, inflicting - their pain. They want to say that Villain doesn't need injuries to have Hero showering them with kisses. They want to tell Villain they need them safe and sound, not beaten and buttered. Hero needs Villain.
But they don't say that. They can't. Instead, they threaten. "Surrender, or I won't heal you anymore."
Villain has to restrain themself from outright begging. They press their lips together, nodding shortly, and avert their eyes, gulping as their mind runs at a hundred miles a minute. Hero's hands let go of their shirt and Villain exhales shakily, shutting their eyes to suppress the shudder raking through their entire being. Something inside them quivers, helpless and desperate. Villain decides to call it disappointment, but then Hero's arms wrap around them, picking them off the ground with close to no effort.
Villain knows it's not disappointment, because the quiver in their chest grows stronger, thrashing against their ribs with unabated persistence. They refuse to open their eyes as Hero carries them all the way to their apartment and straight to their bedroom.
They lay Villain down on their bed and sit beside them, cupping their jaw with a cold hand. "Vil..." Hero's voice is small, and - if Villain didn't know better - they'd think it sounds choked up. "Look at me."
Villain groans, peeling their eyes open. The sight that greets them leaves their heart throbbing in their throat. Hero's eyes are brimming with tears, and their lips are trembling when they lean in, pressing them to Villain's forehead. They pull away, only to plant a kiss on Villain's split eyebrow, then shift to their bruising cheekbone, over to the other one - the small cut on it heals in mere seconds.
Villain watches them with bated breath, biting the inside of their cheek to keep any sounds from escaping them. Hero's hand on their jaw moves, tilting their head up as their lips trail down Villain's neck, ghosting over their collarbones. Villain registers a wet sensation on their skin but fails to process what it is until it drips down the base of their throat, leaving a damp trail in its wake.
Another drop hits Villain's burning skin, then one more. Their nemesis chooses to ignore them as their hands make quick work of Villain's shirt, pushing it open and trailing their lips down Villain's chest, fixing a broken rib back into place.
"Hero?" Villain can't help it when their hands take hold of Hero's head, lifting it off their body. Their tear-stained face wrecks Villain's heart worse than any injury could.
"I can't." Hero mutters in explanation, leaning down to plant another tender kiss onto Villain's feverish skin, their hands gripping their enemy's sides with uncharacteristic urgency. "I can't..."
"Hero, please," the pleading tone of their voice seems to snap Hero out of it as they withdraw hastily, their eyes widening. Villain moves to sit up.
"I'm sorry, I was... t-that was the last cut, y-you're all good now," Hero stutters out, panic contorting their face into a mask of horror. "I didn't mean to overstep."
Villain can't help the chuckle that escapes them at that conclusion. Their fingers brush through Hero's hair, earning a soft sigh from their nemesis. "I wasn't exactly trying to protest the kisses."
"You were not?" Hero repeats, their gaze finally daring to land on Villain as the criminal shakes their head. "I thought you wanted me to stop." Hero confesses, their head dropping, only to be brought back up again.
"No way in hell." The words fly out of their mouth before Villain can process them. They cannot bring themself to care about the consequences at this point. Not when Hero's hands are rubbing their sides unconsciously, not when they can still feel Hero's tears on their skin. "If you ask me, you don't have to stop, ever."
"What?" Hero's gaze darts back and forth between Villain's lips and eyes, wheels turning in their head as Villain watches them with a small smile tugging at the corner of their mouth. They bite their lip to keep their grin under control but fail miserably.
"You heard me," Villain states, causing Hero to roll their eyes. "Why were you crying?"
Hero freezes like a deer in headlights. Villain lets out an amused chuckle, still holding Hero's face in their hands. And, when Hero doesn't respond, Villain decides to take matters into their own hands.
"Can you heal one more cut for me?" They ask, barely containing the cheeky smile threatening to break onto their face any minute now.
Hero nods, their expression shifting into that of worry. "Yes. 'Course I can. Where?"
Villain doesn't utter a word, instead pointing to their bitten lip. They also give up on keeping a neutral expression, allowing the smug smirk to stretch in full glory.
Now that leaves Hero speechless and gaping. For several seconds, they stare at Villain in disbelief, their heart pounding heavily in their ribcage.
"Are you gonna let me bleed o-"
Villain's playful remark is cut short when Hero lunges at them, connecting their lips with more force than Villain anticipated. They fall onto their back, with Hero landing on top of them as they focus on healing Villain's 'dreadful' injury with painstaking dedication.
Taglist: @marvellousdaisy @alltimelowing @lateuplight @surplus-of-sarcasm @betwist @excusemeasibangmyheadonawall @enemies-to-idiots-to-lovers @miaowmelodie @thatonerandomauthor @hhabaddon @burningoutlikeicarus @daemonvatis @weepingcowboywolfbat @thelazywitchphotographer @kaiwewi @soul-of-a-local-bard @pigeonwhumps @aflyingsheepnamedrose @thatneptune @ohwellthatslifesstuff @worldsfromhoney @thiefofthecrowns @crow-with-a-typewriter @qualityrabbitsoup @stargeode @villain-life @villainsblood @whumpifi @glassthedumbass @silviathebard @misskowe @ayeshaturnedtoashes4444
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Hear ye, hear ye! I come with a spicy request most worthy of a several year sentence in Horny jail! XD
Bottom villain x top hero, where the two are in an enemies with benefits kinda situationship, and this time seems like it’s gonna be no different (rough and kinda mean). But then, gasp, it’s revealed the villain was recently injured, and the hero gets pretty concerned. The villain insists on things continuing as normal, but the hero, not wanting to hurt their nemesis, changes things up, and does em sweet, slow, and gentle <3
“Ready?” All it took was this one word to activate the villain’s entire nervous system.
Usually, the hero didn’t lose many words over this. It was quick and rough. For the most part, that made it desirable. Sleeping with the enemy was thrilling and more or less like an adrenaline kick for the villain. It was a luxury they could afford. It didn’t mean anything. It didn’t have to either.
The hero was proficient and smart. They had figured out what the villain liked and what they didn’t like in the first few hookups they had spent together. If it hadn’t been for their stupid righteousness and their sense of justice that would never be just, they would’ve probably made a great partner. In bed at least.
Admittedly, the villain had thought about that a few times. Would the hero be a good lover? Someone who was willing to save everyone if they could? Someone who would put others before themselves constantly? Someone who may choose a city over a person?
After all, probably not. And even if they were, who would want the villain? Someone rotten, someone broken, someone—
“You’re distracted.”
“Oh, yes. Yeah, sorry.” The hero’s hand ran along the villain’s inner thigh and even though the stitches should have been good enough, the villain was nervous.
How on earth was anyone supposed to stitch the back of their thigh anyway?
They grabbed the hero’s muscly shoulders and tried to steady themselves.
“Alright.” The hero’s hand travelled down the villain’s thigh until they reached their knee. From there, they grabbed the hollow of the villain’s knee. “I have a meeting in an hour, so I’ll need to be quick today.”
“Yes, of course,” the villain said. They watched as the hero handled their leg and put it on their own shoulder. Cold air hit their shin but they knew in a few seconds, they wouldn’t even need the blanket anymore. The villain swallowed and prayed the hero wouldn’t notice the stitches.
Although they pressed a soft kiss to the villain’s thigh, they barely broke eye contact. Immediately, the villain felt the blood rush to their head.
Sometimes they really needed the hero.
After a few more kisses, the hero leaned forward until the villain’s thigh was pressed between their naked chests. They were close again, close enough to kiss but the villain knew their nemesis never really did that. Kissing their body? Sure. Kissing the villain? On good days, maybe.
The villain found the position familiar and yet, their wound made it nearly impossible to enjoy it.
Eventually they pulled the hero closer, waiting for them to push themselves into them.
However. The thread snapped and the villain could feel how the wound ripped open again.
They let out an involuntary sigh and held onto the villain’s back. Accidentally, they left scratch marks on their enemy’s skin.
“Wait, I haven’t even…”
“No, it’s fine, sorry. Continue. Please,” the villain choked out between clenched teeth.
“Oh…wait, holy shit.” The hero looked down and all the villain had to see was smeared blood on the hero’s hand. “Was that me!?”
“Nononono, I’m so sorry. That was yesterday.”
“I’m gonna get a towel.”
“No.” The villain grabbed them before they could go. “I look forward to this day every week. Let’s just finish this quickly, the bleeding isn’t even that bad.”
“Listen, I know you’re strong but…” The hero put their hand on the cut to stop the bleeding. It wasn’t too bad but the pain was still excruciating. “…having sex while bleeding is counterproductive.”
“We’re already naked and you don’t have much time left.”
“I can cancel my meeting.”
“Please, let’s just—”
“As stubborn as ever, I suppose.” The hero made an expression close to a warm smile and at first, the villain didn’t quite understand. However, when the hero pushed the blanket against the wound and themselves into the villain at the same time, the villain couldn’t help but moan happily.
The hero’s fingers were gentler and their movements slower than usual. As if the villain was something very delicate.
“This is stupid,” the hero whispered. “Tell me if anything’s wrong.”
But the villain could barely listen. Despite the pulsating wound in their leg, they could only concentrate on the sweet pleasure the hero was giving them. It felt better than expected.
And then the hero leaned over, pressure still on the wound, to kiss them.
The villain had never felt this desired in their entire life. Their heart was pounding in their chest when they felt the hero’s tongue in their mouth.
They didn’t demand anything, they didn’t take anything. It was simple and raw pleasure that the hero gave them. As if they’d been waiting for this.
“You’re so stupid, do you know that?” the hero whispered against the villain’s skin when they had to catch new air.
“Oh, I—” The villain couldn’t even form a sentence. Their enemy was hitting good spots constantly. Instinctively, they reached for the hero’s neck to pull them closer.
“Promise me to tell me next time, got it?” the hero asked. They planted a trail of kisses down the villain’s throat and sucked on their skin softly.
“If you treat me like this again,” the villain answered between moans. They couldn’t think anymore. It felt better than it should have.
It felt good enough to fall in love.
The villain wanted to hate them for it. For their gentleness and their sweet voice but all the villain had on their mind was their nemesis on top of them.
“Every night, if you want to,” the hero promised. They smiled against the villain’s skin.
“I love you,” the villain mumbled. They hadn’t realised it. They wouldn’t even remember it.
But the hero would remember. And it was all they could think about for the next few months.
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hitwiththetmnt · 1 month
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Drink :}
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mechanicalpiper · 2 months
Hi yes sorry for the wait, procrastination hit hard, but here's another snippet
First prompt done! "The Hero had just come back from an absolutely brutal training session and was exhausted and jelly limbed, only for the Villain to stumble onto them! We all know Villan couldn't help themselves with such a treat!"
I wasn't too proud of this one at first but it looped around to being one of my favorites so far :3
cw, as usual: suggestive and (sorta) kidnapping
Snippet #5
Hero was panting from exhaustion as they walked home in the dead of night.
They'd finally finished up one of their most rigorous training sessions yet- it was well past midnight by now, and they'd started before noon- and were absolutely, utterly exhausted from the ordeal, especially now that the adrenaline had worn off. Their face was still red, their throat sore and their breathing heavy; they were tired to the point that even walking all the way home was a bit of a challenge...
The Hero's heartbeat spiked.
They whipped around with a squeak of surprise, throwing a panicked punch at the general area behind them in a brief panic.
Hero's arm stopped midway, their forearm grabbed to stop it before the punch could follow through.
Hero froze. As their conscious thought came back into play, they slowly looked up to see the figure still holding their arm in place. It was impossible to make out many details in the dark, but as their gaze trailed up to fully see the face of the figure, an intense, warm shiver went down their spine.
They saw the eyes staring back down at them. Bright red, with the signature, precise, terrifying glow that made them cleanly cut through the darkness like a spider looking down on its prey. A gaze Hero was all too familiar with.
"Now, what do we have here~?" Villain teased, gaze piercing the exhausted Hero. They tried to pull away in defiance but were caught off guard by Villain's other hand slipping under their chin, gently tilting their head to look back up at them.
"You look exhausted, sweetie~"
Hero felt their cheeks warm up. They were already pretty warm, sure, but this wasn't exhaustion making them flare up again.
They knew full well what the fuzzy feeling in their chest was. It wasn't exactly a new experience, either; really, almost anything relating to the Villain got that reaction out of Hero. It wasn't news by now.
...But here, it was coming in full force, and they were in the prime position for Villain to notice it. They were panicking.
It somehow never really occurred to them that Villain's teasing wasn't for the sake of intimidation.
"I've never seen you put up so little of a fight~! Finally learning your place?" Villain taunted further, their expression satisfied as they looked down at the defenseless Hero.
"Wh- th- I, uh, well- NO, absolutely not!" snapped Hero, finally managing to get out something coherent.
"Awww, always so feisty~" Villain hummed in response, moving their face a closer to the defiant Hero. They were so precious like this! It was so rare to see them at their mercy, and they looked so damn cute...
Hero's blush was running full force. Being under Villain's gaze at all was flustering, but the teasing, the warmth of their touch, the fact they couldn't fight back right now...
Before either of them knew it, they had fallen into a mutual kiss.
Neither really knew how it happened- they both simultaneously found themself in the same position of locking lips with their nemesis.
They simultaneously flinched back in a startle, breaking the kiss rather abruptly and awkwardly. Neither said anything, but they remained looking at one another, mildly bewildered expressions on both of their faces as they tried to process what exactly just happened.
They just kissed.
It took them both a while to process this. They weren't in disbelief at the concept- they were both in shock that it actually just happened.
Now that it had, neither had any doubts in their mind.
Villain looked back over the flustered Hero, delighting in the way their pretty face showed both satisfaction and embarrassment, adoring the way they squirmed seeing their rival tower over them no longer in a perceived aggressive way, but rather a... possessive one.
"...Well, there's no way in hell I'm passing up such an easy little captive~"
Hero had never felt so excited.
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skaiind · 24 days
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a collection of ko-fi sketch commissions (3 kofis = digital scribble) that are a mix of various OCs and a coupla familiar faces :))
you can order a kofi scribble [or just tip me] here
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