How to be Positive and Optimistic
Each day I get up with purpose and direction. I think purpose is key, not just to survive but to do something good for ourselves and the world around us.I have a profound sense of gratitude . Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. The optimism and positivity I generated through my gratitude practice has fueled me on my most difficult days. I have clarity and I am more aware as I go through life. Being positive is focusing on what is good in life. See possibilities instead of problems! Self actualizing people do not imagine what they don’t want in their lives. Always have a dream, set goals and stay focused. Life has to be fulfilled with contentment from within. Reinforce your belief in the preciousness of life and the desire to freely pursue your dreams. I live life in a state of appreciation not depreciation
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My mentor Dr. Wayne Dyer
Dr. Wayne Dyer was my mentor.
His philosophies helped me make sense of the world. In applying the philosophies I could see that they worked. To drop the attachment was a great help.
I learned to detach myself from a state of gentleness. Dr. Wayne Dyer helped me to recognize how much the vicissitudes of my early life had impacted me and depleted my strength. He taught me how important it is to take control of one‘s life and not see oneself as a victim despite the numerous forces and factors that may convince you otherwise. He taught me that the freest people are those who are firmly committed to their inner peace. I learned to refuse to allow the whims and wills of others to define how I should live my life and who I should be. Instead I focus on my own choices without worrying about how others feel about them.
Dr. Wayne Dyer also taught me that thought is creative action. To give energy to what I believe in. I learned to plan out my life and to manifest what I want. Everything starts with a thought.
He taught me the importance of patience.
I am now able to not always look at completion, but instead to carefully and calmly enjoy the process.
To live in the present moment.
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How To Treat Grief Like An Old Friend
When you lose a loved one, remember that all he or she  has  done, no one can take away from that person. Even though it is in the past, that person brought it into being. Having been is also a kind of being. Perhaps the surest kind.                    — Viktor Frankl
The finality of the loss of someone we love affects us all very deeply.We need to come to terms with the meaning of life.  Pain, suffering and death is part of it.
Without it there can be no life.We have to find meaning in the moments that test us.
Our inner strength can raise us above our outward fate.
Forces beyond our control can take away everything that is dear to us.Except one thing, our freedom to chose how we respond.Life is meaningful, and we must see it as meaningful!
Despite the circumstances.
Don‘t allow yourself to be swallowed up by grief. Choose life not death!
Love is as strong as death.
The Image, the Bond.We will always carry the image of our loved one with us.
It is a treasure we human beings possess.
I still see my mother looking at me with loving eyes that are alive.Nothing can touch the strength of her love, the thoughts.We need to allow ourselves to grieve, but then move on with renewed purpose, and be kind to ourselves in order to stay strong.
‘The word happy’ would lose it’s meaning if it were not balanced by sadness !
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Upcoming Book Topics
My upcoming book will focus on the great minds, what they have taught me , and how I benefit when I apply their wisdom in my life.
Just being aware of the philosophies is not enough. We have to apply them in our daily life to make them work.
When you apply them you will say, yes this is true it works.
These great minds help us make sense of the world .
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All our lives encompass trying moments and difficult times. It encourages us to reflect on those unique and powerful qualities that helped us survive and prosper .In so doing it gives us strength and hope for what the future may hold.
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