#voldemort and harry don’t know tho
stolenviolet · 24 days
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More accidental baby AU.
(Plot Twist! The baby is actually Death taking a mortal form to foil Voldemort’s plans of immortality *gasp*)
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As seen in the Disney Princess Cinematic Universe, the qualities required for all Disney Princesses are a tragic backstory involving a lack of parental figure be it by death or kidnapping, an evil villain bent on destroying the heroine, an animal companion(s), and the day being saved via true love.
Harry Potter, who’s parents were killed by a villain who has now sworn to defeat Harry too, saves the wizarding world with true love and the help of his snowy owl companion, Hedwig.
In this essay, I will—
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albondiguilla007 · 2 months
Tomarry recs Part l
Soooo, for the Tomarry girlies, hope this reaches you. Here are some recommendations of the pair. You should know that all of these have something in common though, aside from being my favorites. These are TOMARRY fanfictions, meaning Harry x Tom Riddle, not Harry x Voldemort. (So, most of them time travel)
I feel more comfortable with this ship, and I’ve found that it tends to be less toxic, (though not always). Another thing, most of them put both Harry and Tom in equal footing, meaning, no abuse or manipulation (tho Tom certainly tries), or just any funny business.
If there is anything I love about these fics is how Harry confronts Tom in all of them, questioning his beliefs and social standing by just being good ole Harry. Sassy, magically powerful and impulsive Harry. So yeah, srry for that Bible. Enjoy!
- [ ] Wear Me Like a Locket Around My Throat: Technically incomplete, but it’s basically a second part. The main arch wraps up very nicely, so I’d count it as complete. The secondary characters are amazing, I fell in love with all of them. I don’t why, but Hogwarts feels pretty nostalgic in this one. 220k https://archiveofourown.org/works/7189349/chapters/16316573
- [ ] Terrible, but Great: Incomplete, still updating. The author has already written most of the second Arch. Tom reaaaallyyy wants Harry to submit and follow the Slytherin hierarchy. Harry won’t. They have the most epic confrontations. 173k https://archiveofourown.org/works/35714410/chapters/89052469
- [ ] Of Kings, of Pawns, and of Men: Incomplete: This one is addictive, I’m telling ya. I couldn’t stop reading. Not time travel per se, but still amazing. A tiny bit of Drarry. Harry befriends the Slytherins (Blaise, Pansy, etc) Tom is OBSESSED with Harry, like absolutely crazy about him. 146k https://archiveofourown.org/works/8323864/chapters/19063957
- [ ] you belong to me (i belong to you): Incomplete: Auror absolute boss bitch Harry. He reincarnates in another boy. Sort of? He catches everyone’s attention (Tom’s) when he starts acting differently (confident, powerful, won’t take shit from anyone) than he did before. 112k https://archiveofourown.org/works/11270490/chapters/25203408
- [ ] Earning his notice: Complete: This one is very short, but I feel like it sums up all my favorite tropes. Definitely give it a try. So my boy travels back to Hogwarts, is sorted into Hufflepuff, manages to fly under the radar during his school years and starts working on a shady business on Knockturn Alley. Everything is fine until his shop is attacked by Death Eaters, and ✨surprise✨he earns Tom’s attention. 40k https://archiveofourown.org/series/1174940
- [ ] At the end of every road: Complete: Crack treated seriously. Fluff, sassy Harry. Tom courts Harry, they get engaged. Sort of. Harry becomes a professional Quidditch player. 90k https://archiveofourown.org/works/46642903/chapters/117465823
- [ ] What Souls are Made of: Complete: My two fav things: Golden Trio friendship + Tomarry (Ron and Hermione travel back in time with him) 277k https://archiveofourown.org/works/35109247/chapters/87462256
- [ ] Stab right through: Incomplete: Snarky Harry, I love him. He gets sorted in Ravenclaw (Harry is equally as confused) Tom is intrigued. 80k https://archiveofourown.org/works/12051324/chapters/27288978
more recommendations here: Part ll
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ronsharry · 6 months
1. What is your favourite HP ship and why?
2. If you like fanfic, which HP one is your favourite?
3. Out of all the potential paternal figures for Harry, which one is our favourite and why?
(4. Do you have any ronarry fluff fics? All I can find are abandoned or not ronarry fics)
ohhh i love these questions!! tysm for asking :))
1. i’ve shipped many ships in many eras and the one i always go back to is ronarry!! they’re so special to me and i know it’s like a popular trope that people find annoying but i really love the bestfriend to lovers trope it’s so sweet :)) and not to mention that they are both in my top 3 😭
2. i definitely read fanfic (i have an ao3 acc 6amflwrr) I’ve been reading it for years 😭😭 ahh this is such a hard one but out of the hundreds of fanfics i’ve read there’s a few that i always think of or go back to:
‘honey honey by aeoneskova’ — marlene lives and takes harry from the dursleys!! harry is in muggle primary school in this and it’s soo realistic !! really sad too harry literally fainted in p.e bc he was so starved ITS SO SAD
‘Hermione Grangers Hogwarts Cranmer for Delinquents on the Run by waspabi’ — i suprisingly loved one sm i went through a phase of hardcore shipping drarry and i met this gem through it!! idk if i ship them anymore but im not like against them either idk anyway this one harry doesn’t know he’s a wizard until they recruit him 💀 and sirius is alive also <3
‘An Hour of Wolves by solvskrift’ — one of the first fics i ever read so that’s probably a reason but this one’s dark and it shows harry’s ptsd really well and also check tags for this one!!
3. oooo i love this question sm i love all dynamics between harry and parental figures bc they’re so interesting but my favourite is sirius and harry by far!! they get each other so well, sirius would do absolutely anything for him and he is the only adult harry fully trusted like harry loved him sm :(( they had their flaws and while i don’t think sirius was the healthiest (something that i don’t blame him for at all i think he did amazingly given the circumstances) he definitely was the best choice and i think that makes it even sadder actually 😭
4. oh i definitely have fics!!! here are some of my favs:
‘perspective by malapropism’ — In which Ron realizes that maybe, just maybe, you aren't supposed to feel this way about your best mate. But only after a dance at the Yule Ball, months of being busy with other things, Cedric Diggory's death, the return of Voldemort, and a quiet knock at his door. (i love this one sm and gof and ootp!rarry is my fav <33)
‘Foolish hearts by iwantacoolassname & orbithastnt’ — this is set in hbp and sirius lives !!!!! the only thing is that it’s ongoing but i don’t think it’s been discontinued :)
‘sacrifice by sim54’ — i love this one sm
‘Somber Skies and Bruised Bodies by ManyGayUmbrellas’ — i love this one too it’s so sad but happy ending!! more of a character study but yeah it’s good :)
‘i’ll hold you when things go wrong by cloudlesslysky’ — Ron has always struggled with insecurity and jealousy since he was a child. However, Ron has grown up. And while he loves his mother, if she's making him choose between her and Harry...Well, Ron knows where he stands. (this is probably my favourite even tho it’s not actually ronarry but they are very close and it’s definitely worth the read and uncle harry & rose AHH)
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell by IamShadow21’ — one of my favourites too!! this one got me into ronarry in the first place :)
‘merry christmas, war is over by dykesiriusblack’ — wolfstar&ronarry and i loved this one sm!! definitely recommend:))
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dqbbiegallaqher · 6 months
Hey I’ve been wanting to get into the mauraders but always get confused. Can you teach me?
Ahhhh okay idk where to start so i’m just gonna do like a character introduction thing?? i’ll try idk if this’ll be helpful tho 😭
okay so the main 4 are:
Remus Lupin (moony) , Sirius Black (padfoot) , James Potter (prongs) , Peter Pettigrew (wormtail) . The nicknames come from Remus being a werewolf and the other tbree are illegal animagi (they can turn into animals like McGonagall who can turn into a cat) Peter turns into a rat- hence wormtail, James is a stag/buck- prongs for the antlers, Sirius is padfoot bc he’s a black dog (he’s also named after the dog star sirius and his last name is black so ofc 💀💀)
moving on to the “valkyrie girls” aka Gryffindor Girls:
Lily Evans- Harrys mum- we love her she’s super sweet, great at potions etcetc, then we have Mary MacDonald who’s usually depicted as very sweet and she’s the only one who survives the war (or one of the only ones) and usually depicted as obliviating herself at the end of the war bc she doesn’t want to remember all the terrible things that happened and all of her friends dying basically, then theres Marlene Mckinnon, badass, usually depicted playing quidditch with James also the fandom collectively decided she was a lesbian dating Dorcas Meadowes (slytherin) and we love that for her
Next we have the “Slytherin Skittles” (that bame is so weird to type out anyways-)
Starting with Dorcas Meadowes cause i just mentioned her- she was mentioned like once in the books as being 1) part of the order 2) having been killed by voldemort himself and thats all the canon we have about her but again usually depicted as Marlenes gf and usually plays quidditch on the Slytherin team, Then we have Barty Crouch Jr he was in the 4th movie/book, he’s a deatheater with daddy issues he used be depicted as dating Regulus before jegulus was a thing now he’s depicted as dating Evan Rosier (also a deatheater who dies) or all 3 date idk, then we have Regulus Black, aka Sirius’ younger brother who becomes a deatheater but ends up dying getting the horcrux locket from the cave in the sixth hp book/movie so he turns out not being a bad guy and people took that, ran with it and decided to make him this tortured soul who writes sad boy poetry, it’s fun, its angsty and usually shipped with James Potter just bc, Lastly we have Pandora Lovegood- Luna Lovegoods mum- we dont have a canon last name for her but losts of people come up with Rosier (Evans twin) or Lestrange or any last name we want for her bc we don’t know
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aho-dapa · 2 months
Stumbled on tomarry today and now I have a fic idea
I was thinking of playing around with the idea of dark Tom like usual but idk, like I feel like writing about a Tom that fears death would be cool to write about just from more of a healing perspective for this one??
Either way, the idea is that Harry maybe becomes a war hero until he's killed and he ends up having Master of Death shenanigans?? Or becomes Death, or a subset??? Idk yet but, since Harry’s soul is connected to Voldemort it becomes a time travel fic?? But Harry is a ghost that appears the age Tom is and has fragmented memories that he loses and gains
Imaginary friend/ghost Harry basically with a depressed Tom facing the world and its shit
Basically alternate timeline where Tom is honestly just a child growing up with the horrors of WW2 and just trying to pick apart his psyche towards death???
The pretentious title:
thy gentle soul in mine fond hands
The pretentious summary blurb:
Maybe in an another life, they would have been different, as opposites, as strangers. Maybe he would have been unrecognizable to himself in the dirty mirror of their dilapidated flat.
But still.
And still.
His soul will not pass alone.
And that’s all he has ever truly wanted.
Snippets and ideas:
Ghost! Harry: “I want to live.”
Cursed to be bound to the mortal decaying flesh! Tom: “I don’t want to die.”
Planning on giving ghost Harry a body probably, and his memory slowly clarifies and is remembered as time passes and basically, Harry remembers that Voldemort is Tom and instead of freaking out, he's just very overwhelmed by it but also soooooo happy that his Tom is his Tom:
Harry goes to Tom then, takes his startled face in his shaking hands, and leans in. Harry’s breath fogs his glasses and yet he can see the warm brown of Tom’s eyes so vividly.
With a shattered feeling of overwhelming fondness, Harry laughs. It comes out a sob and he can’t help himself from telling Tom, “I love you.”
And Tom, who had been stiff with worry, relaxes and melts easily into his hands. To Harry, his answering smile is everything. It means everything.
“I love you,” Harry says again, gasps it into the small smile of Tom’s mouth, “I love you, I love—I love you.”
That hurt me to write, anyway
“Goodnight, love.”
As in, referring to the song As the World Caves In by Sarah Cothran
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Tom character thoughts, as a child discovered death, and basically started grieving for himself and the inevitability of it
If not for Harry, it probably would have maddened and tortured himself into Voldemort
Some aspects of immortality hunting tho since Tom also wants immortality to give Harry mortality (a body)
In this, Tom is just a boy afraid of dying while a ghost haunts him
We die, we are remade, reborn, into fragments of memory and soul. Like a photograph of a moment. An eternity that yellows at the edges until it burns, or warps, or becomes dust.
Like the sound of a lullaby that no one listens to.
It listens to itself and dances to its own music.
“I want to live. I want to cherish my future and I want to be able to have it. Ever since then, since that moment, my life has stagnated, I can’t seem to move it forward or even backward, I just—” Tom gasps a sob, his fist digging into his chest over his heart while he looks to the ground blindly searching for something, “I just… I haven’t moved from that spot. I don’t, I don’t think I even know what living is like?”
“Live for me?”
Tom breathes deep, now looking intently into Harry’s eyes, begging, desperate, “I don’t even really know what is is. People talk of it as some universal truth and yet, after all these years, I still can’t tell—I still can’t…”
“I’m living with you, Tom.”
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Hi, you probably don't remember me, but you reblogged my art a few years back! Since the 2nd of September, 2022, I could not stop thinking about the tags you left on this post:
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I mean that in a good way! I have no idea who you are, but I promised myself that I would remake my art better and make a pizza combination that would make you proud... (and yes, I have NOT stopped thinking about it in the last 2 years. in fact, I go back to this past just to giggle at the tags you left every so often) So, you can respond to this if you like, but what would YOU think is the best pizza combination if Tom and Harry were to order one? P.S. Asking this since I'm revamping my banner and I so badly want to change their pizza order, who better else than to ask you what would do them justice? (I've also updated the art so if you wanna check that out LMAO)
hiii, I definitely remember your art, and I’m flattered that my very silly comments that I made when I was probably half awake and sleep deprived at a very late hour managed to make you giggle.
“what would YOU think is the best combination if Tom and Harry were to order one?”
Man, I honestly don’t know 🤔…
I saw this ask like a few hours after you sent it, and I was like hmmm, and I spent quite a bit pondering on it, and I’ve been pondering on it since, but i’m still not sure..
Yk, I feel like he (Voldemort, that is, or Tom) probably doesn’t like pizza. idk. he just doesn’t seem the type. if he did, he’d probably like something like Prosciutto e funghi, Margherita, and..maybe a veg pizza? with like, olives and stuff? maybe not?? idk.
thin crust or thick crust? thin.
Harry, I think he’d like Caprese, Pepperoni, Margherita, Quattro Formaggi, etc (maybe even pineapple and ham?? 👀)
and thin crust or thick crust? probably both. maybe…I noticed that in the uk, thin crust is more prevalent over thick, thick crust seems to be more of an American thing…i think he’d prob still like it tho, he’d demolish a deep dish pizza anytime.
So if they were to order a combo, maybe it could b a combination of some of these. Anyways yeah.
honoured that u value my opinion enough and thought to ask me.
(Btw, I went to look for the updated art u mentioned, but I couldn’t find it…I bet it’s just as cute and nice as the original though! I rlly like ur artstyle)
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racfoam · 4 months
Hello👋 new reader here I just want to say I’m loving not you not now could I ask tho is it a series or dose it just start from the graveyard ?? Keep up the good work thanks again
Hello, anon! Welcome to the train! I'm happy to hear you're enjoying it!
Okay, so, I was inspired to write not you, not now by reading she walks in beauty series by @mayfriend which is THE Tomarrymort Soulmate fic with Female Harry. It's one of the sacred texts.
she walks in beauty has three fics, covering Year 1 to Year 3. Please go read them and please leave some comments on them and give the author some love, because without their fic, nynn wouldn't exist!
I will link everything below+ summaries.
she walks in beauty series by @mayfriend
Liar! is still the first thing Harry Potter ever says to Lord Voldemort. Quirrell doesn’t know the words, had never met his master with a body and a scribbled-on wrist, but the thing on the back of his head starts, hesitates. Her wrist, he hisses to Quirrell, before he can stop himself, check her wrist. Quirrell flicks his wand at Harry’s tied up body, and her right sleeve rises. Her ribbon flutters to the ground. Even Quirrell understands, then. Master, he says, the stutter now long forgotten, Master it says… it says... Show me! Obedient, and terrified, Quirrell turns and the terrible, snake-like face looks down on Harry with those red, red eyes. She scrabbles for her sleeve, a task harder said than done when your arms are trapped at your sides, and she isn’t quick enough. Avada Kedavra, Voldemort reads in his own flawless script, and fury rises in him along with understanding.
best of dark and bright by @mayfriend
What have we here, a voice crows from somewhere inside her mind, hmmm, difficult, very difficult… brave, but you would have to be wouldn’t you? Not a bad mind, and talent - oh my goodness, yes, such talent. And you want to prove yourself, don’t you? Have a hunger for it… to prove you’re more than a soulmate… but where to put you… Not Slytherin, Harry thinks as clearly as she can, not Slytherin, not Slytherin… Oh my dear girl, the hat mutters, are you sure? You could be great, you know, and Slytherin could help you on the way to greatness, it’s all here in your head… I want nothing to do with him, she concentrates so hard that she thinks she might give herself a headache, I don’t want his words, I don’t want his mark, I don’t want to be in his house- Understood, the hat grumbles, well, if you’re so against Slytherin, then it had better be- “-GRYFFINDOR!”
A soulmate AU where Harriet Potter thinks she has enough problems in her first year at Hogwarts without her soulmate being the man who killed her parents, thank you very much, but she doesn't get a vote.
best of dark and bright by @mayfriend
Harry’s dreams that night were frenzied, disjointed, terrifying. There was blood on the walls, blood on her hands, an animal lying prone at her feet. She was laughing. She was laughing, high and cruel. A flash of green light. A scream. Blood on the floor, not water. Blood going up her arms, as if she’s stuck her arms deep in a bath of it, and a voice - the voice in the walls - I smell blood, it chorused in a thousand languages, I smell BLOOD! She tried to run away, but only seemed to get closer to the crime scene with every turn. Moaning Myrtle was a girl, a real girl, but then she was on the floor, glassy eyed and empty, and always afraid, always hiding. I will return for you, Harriet Potter… promised the monster, and Harry believed him. Second year of my Soulmate AU, wherein Harriet Potter's hopes for a nice, quiet year are thwarted by a singularly determined house elf, two bickering best friends, and a strange boy in a fifty year old diary.
shade the more, ray the less by @mayfriend
Harry stepped to the front of the queue. She gritted her teeth as the sand morphed and transformed. She couldn’t think of what shape the boggart would take, but when it stopped, she suddenly realised that there was no other shape it could have been. Tom Riddle stood before her, scarlet eyed, still in his Slytherin uniform with his prefect badge. In his hand was a small, black book that Harry knew by sight. “Harriet Potter,” he said her name clearly, and he smiled, but his eyes were cold and dead. Harriet Potter had almost allowed herself to be optimistic about her third year at Hogwarts. Almost. But then, she remembered her track record, and right on schedule, she learns an escaped convict is hunting her down, and that soulmates are not as cut and dry a business as she once thought.
There you go, anon!
I think you need to read she walks in beauty to understand not you, not now better because as I said, it's inspired by she walks in beauty and I treat it as my love letter to that series and it references events in she walks in beauty. In fact, the title of "not you, not now" came to me when I was thinking of how she walks in beauty Harry would react to the graveyard. The "not you, not now" is exactly Harry's thought process in the graveyard, and it spans throughout nynn, following the theme how Harry is not ready to meet Voldemort, little less be with him as a soulmate. He is the "you" in the fic's title, title given by Harry.
It was supposed to be a graveyard one-shot but then I shot myself in the foot and wrote more.... And more.... And more... And more...
And here we are, 2 years later, on Chapter 46 😅
Hope you enjoy the read! ❤️
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Tell me your hp hot takes I desperately need to know (and i am not a marauders stan so I won't care if you're negative)
i have a lot of takes so i’ll keep it to my top 10!
1) I cannot STAND regulus black. he’s barely an idea of a guy, his fanbase is a timothee chalamet circle jerk coated w the same milquetoast white sad boy w a heart of gold character they give to every run of the mill YA-male protagonist. y’all just want a pretty boy and i would respect it if y’all didn’t act like he was the messiah of the era, he fucked up his ONE moment of redemption and didn’t even do it right infact it just made Harry’s time trying to save the world harder than it had to be
2) majority of fans of the marauders just like them bc they’re aesthetics of vaguely gay best friends in a partially idealized 80s where they do not do anything but chain smoke, have relationship problems, and die. they are frat boys, they’re doing a lot of dumb shit constantly and very minor are their problems dating related
3) i don’t like the idea Sirius and Regulus were physically abused by their parents. i actually think until Sirius was placed in gryffindor he was the family golden child and relentlessly spoiled, in the same way dudley was but with his bitchy mom who was not loving but more.. like instigatey and let him get away w stuff? i do think Walburga was emotionally abusive and clearly unstable, but i cannot see her laying a hand on her precious heir to the family name, esp since we Know the black family held that in Very high regard. Sirius was different fundamentally from his family but not to the point Walburga was Beating it out of him, he was given just enough room to push until he actively chose to run away at 16
4) Pandora Lovegood Was A Ravenclaw. Only Ravenclaw Parents like That have a kid like Luna. Xenophilius also was a Malfoy, he was like Sirius and fundamentally different but only Kicked Out when he Chose to marry into the Lovegood family, taking her name. he and lucius LOOK like brothers like cmon
5) Moody is a hufflepuff that is just important to me, also i don’t think he’s that old tbh war just does that to you, but again that’s more for personal reasons
6) Peter loved his friends more than anything and never once WANTED to hurt them. him ratting out the potters was more him ratting out Harry and hoping that Voldemort would Only kill Harry, leaving Lily and James bc he couldn’t imagine a life without them, but they could Have another child (bit fucked up but he was also looking for the easy way out)
7) I think Narcissa and Sirius were the closest cousins besides Sirius and Andromeda. Narcissa was the clear favorite of her family branch and so was Sirius, they’re also the closest two in age, i think they’d get along well at least before hogwarts
8) The Black Family are BROKE as fuck! I’ve told you abt this but for the sake of the post: Grimmauld Place is Ratty and Dirty and Ugly in the middle of muggle row houses! Why would the MAIN family branch of the black family live there if they had a choice? they have no money (at least substantially) and they’re just kinda lying about it and hoping for the best, slowly becoming like the Gaunts
9) I don’t ship wolfstar bc i think Sirius is noncommittal and Remus is too depressed to do this shit rn but during hogwarts all the marauders did kiss a lil bit but in a bro way (also most marauders fans think sirius is bi and remus is gay, i see it the other way around, that’s just me tho. i feel like a lot of wolfstar fans shoehorn them into outdated mildly homophobic character types (the slutty bi, the inexperienced gay, etc)
10) James Potter is Indian and this isn’t so much a hot take as it is a fact bc Harry is brown in most fanon bc he kinda accidentally was written as brown-coded but not a lot of marauders fans seem to equate that with James. However i do think Harry is mixed in the way that he’s half indian, quarter east-asian, quarter white. (Lily is wasian and she and petunia are half sisters. you can guess what ethnicity Petunia is)
bonus: i cannot see Andrew Garfield as Remus in any context i think y’all are insane for that cus it looks nothing like him, just use his actual actor’s younger photos/movie clips??
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padfootastic · 1 year
Ooh, it’s not just how does Sirius react to Snape murdering James and Sirius losing his other half, but how does this later impact the war? There’s no Harry so Neville is the only prophecy child, meaning Voldemort has one single target to go after and who knows if Alice is able to give Neville the same protection Lily gave Harry. Plus, do the Marauders even stay friends or do they crumble apart without James? How does the wizarding world at large react to James Potter being murdered on school grounds? The staff might be crucified because a student developed a deadly spell on their grounds and used it to murder someone and, in contrast to other dangerous events that have occurred at the school, the dead student was a pureblood this time. Does Voldemort or his side take advantage of this, using it to justify their prejudices and to try to show how dangerous outsiders can be since Snape is a half-blood who was raised in the Muggle world (he may have known about magic, but he was raised in the Muggle world)? Do the Blacks take advantage of Sirius’s sudden devastation and grief, because him on the warpath could be twisted to their advantage if they’re clever enough? I can’t wait to read this story
no but that’s what i’m saying!!! james dying feels like. SUCH a major domino falling ykno? on so many different levels. i started this as a oneshot and i don’t know if it’ll go any further than that—maybe as a collection of fics on ao3? note sure—but i think i can talk at length about it in the form of bullet points lmao
i will say, tho, that i think the marauders will entirely crumble without james. they did it at 21, and though there’s no active war, i think it’ll actually be sirius’ grief that’ll be the biggest factor (bc he won’t be able to look past it for a while) and then, peter pulling away (bc i hc him as someone who’ll move from protector to protector and by the end of 5th year, his rat tendencies would’ve been nicely formed so i think he’ll treat it as abandoning a sinking ship sort of a thing). remus and sirius are also,,,fundamentally incompatible, i think, so they won’t be able to last.
it’s interesting about how the murder will be treated by the wizarding world at large because,,,what we know is that usually it’s just. not. it feels like hogwarts has absolutely no oversight bc myrtle died, students were petrified, ginny (a pureblood) was almost believed dead i’d say, draco was attacked, others were killed, students were tortured by umbridge and literally nothing ever happened. but! this is where the power dynamics i mentioned come into play. james might come from a powerful pureblood family who’s not willing to let this lie low, not to mention sirius’ own status and influence, for whatever that’s worth. then there’s sirius personal revenge and what he might do to snape, and what he can get away with doing to snape.
just. so many different paths u can take with this, i think.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
what’s a ship you like that most people don’t?😍
what’s a ship you hate that most people don’t?
Hiya Cindle! Thanks for the asks! 😍 This should be fun!
what’s a ship you like that most people don’t?
Ooooh. Very interesting! I feel like Snarry gets a lot of hate from people who don't actually ship it, but since plenty of people do ship it...that's probably not the right answer. 😂
I suppose I'm thinking of this question as "ships I like that others disdain" but really it could just be me, the lone shipper. 😂 So what rare pairs do I really like? 🤔 And which of those are the strangest, and raise the most brows?
So...I really like Draco/Viktor. (The Lemniscate, or the Nature of Infinity.) Which I don't see near enough of. But that's fairly tame compared to the other names I'm about to drop 🤣 Because I also really need more Draco/Voldemort in my life. (Seasons Change, and So Do We!!!!)
And, because incest is reviled for whatever reason 🤨(🤣) I reaaaaally dig Malfoycest. Specifically Draco/Lucius (Passage to Eden), though I'm extra into Scorpius/Draco/Lucius (Holding On.)
*** Oh! Oh oh oh! I almost forgot. The one het ship I actually am hecka into. That there isn't enough of. And has never earned me anything but raised eyebrows: Luna/Hagrid. Listen. Age gap + size kink. And also a shared love of animals. It's adorable and sexy at the same time. But I can also appreciate Luna/Ollivander. Age gap + shared trauma/forced captivity, hellooooo.
(Of all the people to het ship and I pick Luna???? What the actual heck tho.)
what’s a ship you hate that most people don’t?
Ahh, hate is such a strong word! Off the top of my head...canon het ships 🤣 But I know plenty of people who dislike those.
The best answer I can give is this: I have a weird attachment to my OTP and I struggle to see Harry or Snape paired with others! Though this has become easier with time and chats with all my multi-shipper friends. But the one ship I have the hardest time with, that is hugely popular, is Drarry.
Now, I don't hate Drarry. I just don't see it. Like, on paper it looks good. Enemies to lovers?? I'm always into that! And c'mon they look hecka cute together. (And for mrpeg enjoyers: think of the green-eyed blond babies!!!!) But...I just get 0 chemistry from them. And don't really see a feasible working relationship.
Even for Harry and Snape paired with others, there are ships I can admit to being intrigued by. Draco/Snape? Hot. Neville/Snape? Also hot. Harry/Sirius? Super hot. Harry/Tom | Voldemort???? Yes that's awesome. I wish I could ship Tomarrymort because that seems super hot and complicated and weird and fascinating, with so much to play with and explore!!!!
But Drarry? I don't know. I wish it made more sense to me. As friends? 100%, sign me up. As romantic partners? Idk. Clearly there's something there, considering how well loved it is! It just doesn't compute in my brain!
But again: no hate. Just "meh." (But RIP me because Drarry creators are stellar.)
ship asks
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twisted-tales-told · 1 year
So, hey, im so sorry that im spamming you like this (really I am but I don’t know who to talk to about this, and you kinda got me into it, so yeah, apologies)
So after we talked about amestia I couldn’t get it out of my head (you really were right about the brainrot) so I did some research, because I might want to change something about the zero fics in the tag thing.
So firstly, I think Amelia and Hestia‘s roles are turned around. So canonically, Amelia is head of the department of magical law enforcement (and voted on Harry‘s side in his fifth year), she is killed one year later by Voldemort himself (or at least that’s the opinion of fudge when he talks about it, because she is like really powerful and it needed Voldemort to actually kill her). In the end we don’t know if that’s because she spoke out about Harry (probably partially) or because she was supposed to take over the role of minister of magic after fudge. Most likely just a combination.
The thing is now, neither of them die in the first wizarding war? Idk, Hestia is not even old enough to fight in it, really cause she’s born before 1978 (but we don’t know exactly when). And Hestia is a character in the books, she takes the Dursleys into hiding with another member of the order in 1995.
BUT I found another article about a different hestia jones. I swear I’m so confused. She is born in 1960? So same year as the marauders I guess and goes to school with them. She doesn’t die either tho.
Anyways I’m confused as fuck. As you may have noticed. But I’m really hooked on how you told me about them (because who am I to pass on mcd) so I’m probably gonna do non-cannon compliant (if you can even call it that since there is like no information about them) i don’t care about canon much anyway.
So yeah. (Please don’t take this as like a correction, I might be fucking wrong still, I just needed to ramble to someone about this, after I’ve spend my morning creating a three page word document on them)
Damn this is amazing proud of u
Dw I don’t care about canon & have such little knowledge of it but this is very cool!!
I love the rambles & look at us we came up with a way more compelling story for them than canon!!
I love them so much & cannot wait to write them into In Our Midst
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k-s-morgan · 2 years
Kat do you plan on ever writing HarryMort? Specifically after the first war (Voldmort wins in the first war). I am planning a Harrymort fanfiction and it's honestly very hard to level the play field. I have some question to ask you as an experienced writer. I find it really improbable for Voldemort to show any interest in Harry unless he was his horcrux, which is difficult to achieve with the setting above. I had to stretch the plot really hard to do it. Second, before reaching the point where Voldemort is aware of any irregularities with Harry pertaining to him being a Horcrux, I must have established enough development to their relationship beforehand, and again that is hard because like you said Harry is a pretty average character, without being the Chosen One, receiving the guidance of Dumbledore as his pupil and help from his friend as well as his incredible luck (which is honestly JKR'S plot armor for her main character). It's not wonder many stories take the "Harry having unusual powers" like necromancy, seeing souls, seeing magic, proficiency with one of the branches of dark magic, being outright trained as a soldier by Lily, exceptional intelligence... These kind of abilities is generally used as what attract Voldemort's interest to Harry. I also want to go that way half because of what I mentioned and the other half is pure self-indulgence lol. Tho I'm also going the necromancy route, I'm paying attention not to make his special magical abilities too overpowered, that would make things too easy or too difficult. Anyway, what do you think about all this?
I don’t plan to write it at the moment, no! To be honest, I favor Tomarry more: Harrymort usually implies Voldemort with the majority of his personality and sanity destroyed, and I'm not very interested in exploring this scenario. But many people expressed interest in the Voldemort-raises-Harry plot I outlined some time ago, and it pushed my thoughts in interesting directions. Who knows what might happen in the future? Either way, I won't be writing Harrymort for a long time because my next planned Tomarry is massive :D 
I'm excited that you're planning your story, and I'm flattered that you asked for my thoughts on it! I understand what you mean.
As a reader, I absolutely love Harry with special abilities that make him stand out in the eyes of Tom & Voldemort. I think necromancy is an excellent idea - Train to Nowhere is one of my favorite stories, and I'd be very interested in where you take your plot. Necromancy and a unique connection with death in general is a great twist of Harry's canon resiliency to Avada Kedavra, so in my eyes, it's as close to canon as it could be.  
As a writer, I think I would go via the prophecy route: the fact that Voldemort thought it pertains to Harry can easily explain his interest in him. He might keep a close eye on him as he's growing up, and by the time it becomes obvious that Harry is pretty much average magic-wise, it's too late and Voldemort is already hooked.
Either way, you should really go with whatever you like best: necromancy can be fascinating, whether Harry is average at it or a true master. The self-indulgence you mentioned is the main reason for writing, in my opinion, and as long as you like what you create, you'll find your readers!
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ao3feed-snape · 2 years
I fell in love with a war (nobody told me it ended)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/uBOeA3L
by wayward_shipper
He may be the wolf, torn on the outside and the inside, he may be the moon, the bringer of his own destruction but he knew in his heart, Sirius was the monster.
A wolf, a cat, and two snakes walk into a death eater meeting, the hunt begins.
As the war comes closer, Remus is lost, there is no bright star to guide him, he is waning fast until he befriends a group of snakes. As they work together and support each other whilst navigating the war, love blossoms in the darkest moments. Death won't part star crossed lovers, not this time.
Or Remus becomes a death eater and becomes friends with the Slytherin skittles in his last year of Hogwarts before everything goes so wrong its right.
Words: 1339, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Regulus Black, Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Albus Dumbledore, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Fenrir Greyback, Lily Evans Potter, LILY EVANS., SHE ISNT JUST JAMES WIFE, Mary Macdonald (Harry Potter), Peter Pettigrew, Pandora Lovegood, Walburga Black, Orion Black, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Minor Characters
Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Regulus Black/James Potter, Barty Crouch Jr./Evan Rosier, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, Pandora Lovegood/Xenophilius Lovegood, Mary Macdonald/Lily Evans Potter, Regulus Black & Barty Crouch Jr. & Remus Lupin & Evan Rosier, Regulus Black & Barty Crouch Jr. & Pandora Lovegood & Dorcas Meadowes & Evan Rosier, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, they're gonna get hurt tho, like on the brink of death, or maybe I will kill them, who knows - Freeform, Friends to Enemies, Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Slow To Update, i have adhd, First Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Fluff and Angst, Regulus Black & Remus Lupin Friendship, The Prank, On the Run, Horcrux Hunting, Dark Regulus Black, Dark Remus Lupin, Dark Magic, Everyone Is Gay, Character Death, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Smoking, Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Death Eaters, Minor Regulus Black/Barty Crouch Jr., Endgame Barty Crouch Jr./Evan Rosier, no beta we die like everyone mentioned, Welsh Remus Lupin, Desi James Potter, French Black Family (Harry Potter), They're actually North African and French because I make the rules, More characters but I don't have enough tags, Jealousy, Possessive Behavior, Blood and Violence, Happy Murder Family, Good Peter Pettigrew
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/uBOeA3L
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
Just a Ring Away
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/wTZrU3b
by Clueless anxious ghost of hayhay (ShadowfoxFreyja), From_Ashes
After years of searching, Gollum had found his one. His precious. Little did he know that fate had other plans.
Words: 712, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Harry Potter, Gollum | Sméagol, Voldemort (Harry Potter), Minerva McGonagall, Galadriel | Artanis, Albus Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald, Saruman | Curunír, Sauron | Mairon, Denethor II, Dudley Dursley, Dolores Umbridge, Vernon Dursley, Neville Longbottom, Lily Evans Potter, James Potter
Relationships: Minerva McGonagall/Galadriel, Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald, Saruman | Curunír/Sauron | Mairon, Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Andromeda Black Tonks/Arwyn Undómiel
Additional Tags: Vernon as Denethor II, Gollum as Bustin' Voldemoret, Grindelwad as Sauron, Saruman as Dumbledore, Harry Potter is the One Ring, Sauron as a spider in the woods, Neville is Ash Ketchum tasked with catching Tumbledore, Alliance of Manboobs elves & lions, History Became Legend, Legend Became Myth, myth became mythbusters, there's something weird sleeping in harry's bed, Legolas and Gimli are always keeping score, Gimli doesn't do long distances, No second breakfasts, nor elevenses, Sirius is permanently a dog, Aragorn summons the ghost army but it's just Moaning Myrtle, Sirius is Aragorn's mighty steed, Gollum looks for the precious, but Harry isn't having it, Fanfic: An autobiography, Based on True Events, No unicorns were harmed in the making, Yes Beta read. we re still dying tho, Harry's nickname is Ringo Star, Hedwig is allergic to tomatoes and bullshit, Mrs. Norris knows all your secrets, Gandalf is the sorting hate is never late nor early. He arrives precisely when he needs to, Gandalf is the sorting hate is never late nor early. But arrives precisely when he needs to, Gandalf is the sorting hate is never late nor early, but arrives precisely when he needs to, Sam is the shapeshifting magic potato that possesses everyone, and is also professor sprout, Don't question it, We don't, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Crack, Everyone Has Issues, Fish, Harry Potter is a Little Shit, Bad Parenting
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/wTZrU3b
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hadeswearsprada · 3 years
Something I like about online lectures: the chat turning into one giant shit post because 90+ people are trying to make the prof laugh
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