#wani crocodile
arcanicsnake · 3 months
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kartoffelstern · 9 months
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some doodles for Crocoboy's birthday 💚🐊💚
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strangemonochromes · 6 months
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Crocodile Baron (ワニ男爵) // Takuya Okada
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paperloops · 12 days
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finally polished each of the sketches and its alll done, all the gators, all the hugs!! 🐊💚
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seapulp · 1 year
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i dont know what theyre doing out here, but crocodile aint a fan
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empressofmankind · 7 months
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Mani the Bananawani
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wordy-little-witch · 18 days
More age regression stuff for One Piece
Now with additional stuff!!!!
Buggy's favored activities while regressed are most definitely atypical. He doesn't have a set age range, given that he... honestly had to grow up so quickly even before Roger swept him into his fold, he doesn't know. All he does know is that sometimes words and coordination are harder, sometimes he'll be more stable, sometimes he's needy, but all the time he's ever so slightly on edge in some capacity. At best he's one mistake from a meltdown; at worst, he's a feral critter.
He really really really loves the trapeze. Big or Little, the motion and feelings are AMAZING. If Buggy is small and you can't find him, he's either hiding somewhere dark and small or he's high off the ground.
He's also a stimmy baby. Textures and colors and lights and motions, he's thriving. But once he hits his input limit, he hits it hard and it's explosive. It takes time for him to realize when Enough is Enough. ((Mihawk is the one to clock that... maybe this is more than simple, typical sensory seeking behavior. Maybe it's self stimulation and self soothing as well. ((Mihawk, looking at Buggy: Fellow Autistic????))/hj))
Buggy has a Way with animals. Whether that way is Good or Bad varies seemingly on the most comical result, but Crocodile's fruitwanis have seemingly decided that Buggy is one of Theirs and it's as hilarious as it is adorable as it is mind boggling. ((Later on, the humandrills decide much the same to everyone's absolute exasperation and confusion.))
It actually took him a Very long time to be open to pacifiers. The concept was foreign to him and he made do up until that point anyway so why even bother? It only was actually attempted after Mihawk realized a lot of Buggy's quieter days coincided with gnawing on things like his toys or fingers or, on one memorable occasion, Crocodile's coat hem. The germs alone left the swordsman shivering in revulsion. First came a teether, which was wonderful. But sometimes he'd catch Buggy still Antsy and unable to communicate it.
One impulsive decision later, he is handing a box over to Buggy after a meeting with a comment along the lines of "I debated the logistics of this for a deal of time before committing - at any rate, here, I believe this may prove useful if you are amenable to trying."
And it's a soft lavender pacifier with little pastel circus designs painted and sealed on it. Buggy is stunned. Buggy is flustered. Buggy is confused.
He's not against it, though.
Turns out, once you get past the weird feeling of something new, it's Perfect. Buggy turns out to definitely be varied, but when he's on the smaller end so far as he or others can tell, he is definitely a binky baby.
That first one from Mihawk is definitely his favorite though.
Not that the rest are forgotten of course. Baby Bugs has a fan club and they fight for Bragging Rights /hj
His favorite - and, frankly, first age appropriate - toy for his regression came from Shanks who will lord it over everyone ever that HE was the first favorite for quite some time, barring a Captain Shaped Hole in both their hearts.
His favorite outfit is from Alvida, which is technically not an outfit at all and was initially a gag gift. It's women's pajama shorts - pastel pink with blue polka dots - and a sleep shirt a size or two too big, baby blue with pink comic sans font saying "Candy Queen" across the chest. Neither have tags and both are INCREDIBLY soft. Buggy loves them. Comfort for regressing is Required and he doesn't always have to have That One Outfit to be small, but he always wants soft clothes when he's little and, if given a chance, wants his "candy c'othes".
Cabaji and Mohji fight over it to this day over who gives the best books or stories. It's a tie, and nobody has the heart to tell them that Ritchie actually picks the best books while they argue loudly in the children's section of book stores.
Galdino faces no contest of best blanket giver. He knits them himself and only uses Buggy Approved Yarn, stolen ethically from marine bases. He also unofficially hosts the best tea parties. Yes, he's smug about it.
But Witchy, you may ask. What does that leave for Crocodile?
Buggy's favorite nap spot is Crocodile - or near him at the very least. It's difficult for him to explain no matter the headspace, but Crocodile is currently the closest and most familiar behavior to what he knows and remembers - in all of the good ways. Crocodile doesn't often raise his voice; he is firm but gentle when correcting something; he's big, warm, and he will not hesitate to scoop Buggy up like a toddler. He's also got that good, healthy muscle that is equal parts firm and soft, his sand is cozy, and he lets Buggy "steal" his coat for Mischief and also snuggles.
Mihawk is the best at surprise gifts, and, to the surprise of almost everyone - himself included - he's the best at games, snacks and actually getting Buggy to calm down or relax. If Bug's in a good mood already, Mihawk is the beat at keeping the mood up and keeping Buggy relatively safe and steady. On rougher days, the swordsman's efficient and quick actions are comfortably steadfast, and he handles Buggy's tantrums, meltdowns, etc with grace. And somehow, even on the worst of days, Mihawk is Buggy's PERSON.
((And, on days where things are a little fuzzier, when Buggy's lips are a little looser, he confesses how Mihawk reminds him of Rayleigh in the good ways, how Crocodile reminds him of Crocus, how Shanks reminds him of Roger - how each of them have all the good, safe things he associates with that time without the ickier bits.))
Buggy is spoiled, because he DESERVES to be ((and because I wish I was, so blorbo is next best thing-))
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bitchapalooza · 21 days
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Urrrrrrgh I love exploring characters using dark themes, it’s fuuuun (context to my last post so I don’t look insane)
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deadnamedblog · 1 month
Did you notice that Crocodile has rings on all fingers but the ring finger ? (I was about to say right hand, but it's his only hand)
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kaneidae · 1 year
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finch-ya · 1 year
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holy FUCKING FUCK Lois I'm drawing again
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strangemonochromes · 2 months
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Crocodile Baron (ワニ男爵) // Takuya Okada
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flashily · 1 year
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this week’s babygirl!! wani-man!!🐊
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karlacris-art · 1 year
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Wani man 🐊
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 5 months
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there’s a bit on this page that seems to be missing from at least the official english translation, probably due what i call ‘the fullmetal alchemist problem’, which is when your manga characters’ cool names and nicknames sound silly and repetitive when translated into english because you’ve just called them the same thing twice in two different languages and now people are going to notice. but i thought it was interesting so now i’m telling you about it.
anyways, on this page in japanese dragon is identified by his full title- 革命軍総司令官/kakumeigun soushi-reikan, ‘revolutionary army commander in chief’; by his actual given name, ドラゴン/doragon; and by an epithet in between the two.
i’m pretty sure this is new- normally we just see dragon get called 革命家/kakumeika, ‘revolutionary.’ here, however, he’s called 反逆竜/hangyaku-ryuu. hangyaku means like treachery/rebellion/mutiny, while ryuu means dragon. so it's like 'the rebellious/treacherous dragon (animal), dragon (name).' it kind of reminds me of the joke in alabasta that's lost in translation where luffy starts calling crocodile ワニ/wani/'crocodile (animal)' when he gets fed up with him instead of his actual name, クロコダイル/kurokodairu.
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yoga-onion · 2 months
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Legends of the humanoids
Reptilian humanoids (12)
Toyotama-hime – Wani (Dragon) Goddess disguised as a human
Wani was a dragon or sea monster in Japanese mythology. Wani is discribed as "crocodile", or sometimes "shark".
Toyotamahime (See) is a goddess in Japanese mythology. Daughter of the sea god Watatsumi, she was said to reside in a dragon palace. Their palace was as if made from fish scales and supposedly lies undersea. Her true form was “Yahiro no Owani (meaning giant crocodile, approx. 24 m long)”, and she was the wife of Hoori (See2), is known as the epitome of human–animal marriage tales. She was the mother of Ugayafukiaezu-no-Mikoto (See3), father of Emperor Jinmu (the first Emperor: See4), and sister of Tamayori-hime (See5), the Emperor's mother.
Toyotamahime makes a fateful meeting with the demigod prince, Yamasachi, also known as Hoori ("Fire-Subside"). They married and lived happily in the dragon palace. 3 years later, she and her husband Hoori, who missed home, went ashore to give birth.
She then warned her husband, "All people from other parts of the world give birth in the form of their native country when giving birth. So I will give birth to a child in my true form”, and requested Hoori not watch how she gives birth. Hoori, however, was pazzled and peered in on his wife as she was giving birth, and saw her crawling around as a giant crocodile of about 24 metres (79 ft) long. He then startled in shock and retreated. Toyatama-hime learnt that being witnessed her true form by her husband, "I have always intended to pass through the path of the sea," she said, "but I am ashamed that you should have observed my true form.” She blocked the sea path, leaving the child behind and left.
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ヒト型爬虫類 (12)
トヨタマヒメ 〜人間に変身する和邇 (龍) の女神
トヨタマヒメ(参照)は、日本神話の女神である。海神ワタツミの娘で、竜宮城に住んでいると言われている。その宮殿は魚の鱗でできたようなもので、海中にあるとされる。その正体は「八尋の大和邇(やひろのおおわに: 体長約24mの巨大な鰐の意)」で、ホオリ(参照2)の妻であったことから、異類婚姻譚の典型として知られる。神武天皇(初代天皇: 参照4)の父である鵜葺草葺不合尊(うがやふきあえずのみこと: 参照3)の母であり、天皇の母である玉依姫(たまよりひめ: 参照5)の姉である。
その時、トヨタマヒメは夫に「すべて他国の者は子を産む時になれば、その本国の形になつて産むのです。それでわたくしももとの身になつて産もうと思いますが、わたくしを御覽遊ばしますな」と忠告した。ところが夫のホオリはその言葉を不思議に思い、妻が今盛んに出産している最中に覗いてみると、八丈 (約24m) もある長い鰐になって這いずり回っていた。そしてホオリは畏れ驚き退いた。しかるにトヨタマヒメは夫が窺見した事を知り、御子を産み置いて去った。「わたくしは常に海の道を通つて通おうと思っておりましたが、わたくしの形を覗いて御覽になつたのは恥かしいことです」と言い、海の道をふさいで帰ってしまった。
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