#was letting this marinate in my drafts for like 6 months...
christronomy · 5 months
sugar daddies (maybe slight pervs?) chan and changbin who enjoy giving their bimbo/sugar baby reader the best princess treatment by getting her everything she wants, especially cause she likes clothes. they absolutely loooove when you dress up cause cause you always wear the skimpiest clothing—thigh highs that are super tight they make the plushness of your skin spill over the fabric ever so slightly, the thinnest shirts that show your bra and nipples and short skirts that just barely cover your ass, leaving almost nothing to the imagination. they enjoy the thrill of being able to bend you over any surface in the huge house they got for you and lift up the skirt anytime they want, ruining your cute pink cotton panties by fingering your puffy clit through the fabric, and it makes you sad, but, "we'll buy you new ones pretty angel," changbin says as him and chan exchange lustful gazes. they want to absolutely ravage you right now.
they loooove that you're so sensitive and responsive, and how you can get so uncontrollably loud at times too. chan would be the one pinching your clit gently through your already drenched underwear, coaxing out yet another orgasm from you while changbin plays with your tits, suckling on and gently grazing his teeth against your nipples. they know that even if chan wasn't touching you, you'd definitely still cum just from the stimulation bin is giving you alone, but chan is enjoying this too much—the pathetic little puppy like sounds that escape your lips and the way your thighs tremble every time he so much as grazes his fingers over your clothed pussy, and god do they look so pretty in those thigh high socks you've got on. it makes him want to rip the fabric off, bury his face in between them and give you another reason to whine so pathetically, "like the dumb little slut you are," he'd say.
he's too impatient to undress you or himself so he just tugs your underwear to the side, pressing two fingers into your sopping hole and curling them just the way you like, reveling in the way you jolt and let out a squeal of surprise. they've already got you where they want you—all dumb and fucked out. you're their pretty little fuck doll and you best believe they're gonna have their way with you, taking turns filling you up til your body gives out.
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bepoets · 2 months
Fic writer asks:
9 and 10 ✨
(Also do both writing and asks 🤭😌)
hehe thank you my friend🩷 (and yes I’ll write tonight too I’m being so brave doing two activities in one night, please clap😌)
9.) start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
It took me 6 days to write Call Me Serious Trouble!! I started on March 20th and finished March 27th (there were two days where I didn’t write anything, I promise I can do math). I don’t know how long I was working on it each day because I weirdly enough do not keep track of how many minutes/hours I write for each day? This feels like a mistake on my part I definitely should’ve included a time spent column on my spreadsheet!!
10.) what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
Babe I’ll let my drafts rest forever for all eternity if I’m not careful 😭😭😭 of the fics that I’ve actually Finished and Published… I stopped writing Little Taste of Heaven for almost a month before I started working on it again and actually powered through and finished it.
But do not even look at some of my unfinished drafts that have been sitting, resting, untouched for two years do nOT look at them!! They’re in hibernation!! They’re marinating!! Give them time!!
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aquilathefighter · 11 months
It's a long list of writer asks so I asked a bunch: 4, 6, 15, 16, 29, 30, 50, 73, and 77
4. How do you choose which fics to write?
I jot all my ideas down in a markdown file called WIP Directory and let them all kinda marinate in my head. Then, it's really whichever one I have inspiration for at that moment. If I can at least get some of it out on paper I can look at the list and see what sparks my brain up.
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
He swears he can feel the sharp edge bouncing up and down against the pounding of his pulse.
(from some sexy swordplay im working on 👀)
15. What’s your favorite time to write?
16.Do you write by hand, on your phone, or on your laptop?
Laptop all the way! I might jot some things down on my phone if it pops into my head while I'm out and about, but the vast majority of my writing is on my laptop. No clue how ppl do it any other way without going mad XD
29. What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
I would say how much better my dialogue has gotten in the ~7 months I've been writing!
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
I edit very lightly. Usually I try to wait until I finish the first draft to fully read it and mark where things don't make sense or need a sentence rewritten. Sometimes I only do a quick scan for spelling and grammar before sending it off into the ether
50. How would you describe your writing style?
introspective, economic, and sensory-focused.
73. What do you tend to get complimented on the most about your writing?
Not sure if it's the most frequent, but the one that sticks in my mind is how I incorporate canon into my fics!!
77. Why do you enjoy writing fanfiction?
I really like the speculative nature of it! We ask so many versions of "what would happen if my favorite characters were in this situation?" and find so many different answers! I get to dive deeper into a character's head and understand why they do the things that they do, and what they would do given a different context (especially an AU!)! I also really enjoy the community around writing and sharing my ideas with other fans <3
Thank you so much for all the questions!!!! <3
fanfiction writer asks
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antique-symbolism · 2 years
hellooo yes I go to you for all my writing advice because your advice is 10/10 but also maybe someone else (writeblr) can benefit off it: what do you do if you can't just fudging stick to an idea? Ive no lie changed my idea, outlined it, went 'oh god I hate it' and started over like 10 times in the past year!!! I can't actually write the thing!!!!
Aw, I'm touched that my advice is helpful for you! Lemme tackle this one like so:
Have you tried not outlining? And more importantly, have you tried not starting over?
I'm not here to tell you that outlining is bad; planning and re-planning works great for plenty of writers. It does not, however, work for me. My method of crafting a story is basically:
1) Have a vague idea. Let it marinate for a few weeks to a few months. Scribble down 2-5 pages of disjointed notes as things come to you.
2) Write an semi-incoherent "Draft Zero" in which you follow whatever tangent you feel like exploring, change things halfway through without going back to edit, pick up and drop subplots wherever it suits you. You can leave big gaps if there are parts you want to write out of order and you don't necessarily need to worry about what gets put in those gaps yet.
3) Rest. Put it away for a while. Write down more notes if ideas happen to come to you organically during this time.
4) Think hard about what parts of Draft Zero sparked joy and what scenes, themes, characters, etc truly felt like the heart of your story.
5) Figure out how the rest of the story needs to look in order to fit in and support those special heart pieces.
6) NOW outline, and write Draft One.
It sounds to me like you're only ever really working on the first chunk of your story and never letting yourself get any further because you keep restarting. The heart of the story usually doesn’t find you that quick! 
Once you find your story’s heart, you'll be able to write it. So I think that step #2 in particular could be important for you. Instead of scrapping the whole idea when you want to change it and going back to completely rewrite (or re-outline), just go forward from where you already are. You can change everything before that point when you've formed the idea.
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blocksruinedme · 10 months
22. describe your writing process from scratch to finish.
28. handwritten notes or typed notes?
44. any writing advice you want to share?
22) my writing process!
be living my life, possibly babysitting or driving (maybe talking about blorbos)
think "hey what if...."
become possessed
from there it splits Version A - the fastest, and rarest, one
A1. get to my couch (or a different laptop place, or a notebook if desperate)
A2. Frantically let words spill out of me, often wishing my fingers could keep up with my brain. It's sometimes almost painful, needing to get the words out
A3. edit for a variable amount of time an post
My first published mcyt was like this - watched ranchers in the crossover at 11am, ideas marinated all day, came up with "what if tango's the key to fix fwhimmy" walking to my car at 5pm, started writing like 5:15 and published at maybe 1am. almost 5k long. Insane. that was MY EX STOLE MY SOULMATE.. | Empires SMP S2 1.19 (rated T) and I'm told also With Their Knife to His Throat (rated M) but I legit have next to no memories of writing that one, I think it was 48 hours from idea to published (4k).
B - normal version. Note: all of this is interspersed with working on a lot of other stories
B1: Have an idea, probably frantically but maybe it builds
B2: Think about it a lot, maybe ideas in a little notebook if they are coming at the wrong times. 
B3: write down bits of prose as they come, do a lot of outline in gdocs. 
B4: start writing from the beginning based on outline but also what feels right - in any given moment, i know more about the story than i did when i wrote the outline
B5: if i’m lucky write chronologically and work through the outline and add things. Often a section isn’t coming and i skip ahead. If it’s not happening, it’s not time for it to happen. To write the way I really want to, I need to know how it ends, so I can have the story build. 
B6: probably fuss a lot
B7: beg people for help and to tell me it’s okay to publish
B8: stress a lot about if it’s good enough and about minor changes i could make
Optional: B9: put it down for 1-7 months (i just published a fic from january, and two of my bang fics are from september and november)
B10: publish it pretty much the same as it was in B8
(I deleted C by adding B9 but already wrote D)
D: Probably just the once
D1: See a prompt for driving after dark and get unexpectedly interested
D2: write 2k of notes while trying to get another story done
D3: Give myself 6 days to write those 2k of notes and then it’s 20k and my longest fic ever and oops needs a lot of typo fixes: The Key to His Problem (rated E)
The editing etc process:
 During every version of this I have a gdoc shared with people and am begging for advice. If i can’t decide on a word when i’m writing and have some flow going, i say “they were all [very] surprised” and leave a comment (or just the brackets) to come back later and fix it. THIS IS MUCH OF HOW I WRITE FAST. The first draft is to get out it out of my head, the second draft is to get it into the reader’s head. SOMETIMES the flow is perfect and i don’t need to do this, but like, idk, 10% of the time? 
A lot of the words in [brackets] will wind up staying as is, but it gives me permission to move on without feeling like i’ve settled. 
Editing sometimes involves a lot of of editing passes, sometimes just because i want to work on it and don’t want to write. This can mean the early parts get soooo much more love. 
Sometimes I print out a fic that has gone through a set of editing and do more on paper. It can be great. I just see the story differently, and it mostly keeps me from adding huge amounts, and i catch errors i didn’t otherwise. 
Usually i put up the ao3 draft a few days earlier and start adding tags and putting in my text (which i do in html) to look at it. The title often comes the day i publish, cause i wait till the end.
28. handwritten notes or typed notes?
typed unless i don't have my laptop. I started carrying around a pocket sized notebook in march and i'm onto my second one. I got it in a Japanese stationery store and got hooked, i have this line in many sizes, here's my pocket notebook -https://www.jetpens.com/Maruman-Mnemosyne-N184A-Twin-Ring-Memo-Pad-A7-Graph/pd/7379 I've written in this baby in the corner of a club cause i had ideas waiting at the bar for a drink.
44. any writing advice you want to share?
You have to get the words out. You have to get the words out. You have to get the words out.
Good words can be, often are, born of less good words.
Don't be afraid of editing! Great fiction generally comes from editing! Put down some fucking words even if you hate them and get to the next part. I do this, I am not preaching advice I don't take. I'll leave a comment sometimes to tell my future self I didn't think they were good words, I just needed them out. It's fine, I survive every single time.
If you don't need to edit, swell! But if you're stuck, just keep writing something -- or if that won't work, or you feel shitty, take a break. Work on another story, do something else, but if you're miserable and slamming your head against the wall, STOP! Don't hurt yourself! Because you shouldn't hurt, and because you'll associate writing more and more with hurt.
Get other people involved. Share snippets with your friends (if you've got an appropriate discord, make a channel for it!) Trade off reading with your writer friends. If you like my writing, know that not a single word I've ever published hasn't been read by multiple other people. My pre-fic writing was generally group works, so that's what feels normal. The idea of publishing with not even anyone to say "Hey Vee, this makes sense in your brain but not mine" is terrifying. You don't need to Have Serious Beta, it can just be cheerleading or really general "point out if anything is a big problem". I found out this week i am a "phenomenal cheerleader" -- your friends, or some kind soul on a discord, don't need to give you literary analysis to say "this part is cool, your fic is good, i hope you publish!"
Fandom is shared joy. Share your joy in every way - cheerleading others, getting other to share joy with you on your works, leave comments, leave kudos, reblog, make happy posts, keep the negativity to smaller spaces, SHARE THE JOY. I've been in fandom legit longer than some of you have been alive and it's always the joy, that's what it always comes back to. Hold onto the joy, that's what will last in your hearts. <3 <3 <3
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claraxbarton · 3 years
Oh hey!
A thing about John Winchester!!
Remember when Dean is sent back to save his Dad from joining the Scooby gang in s4e3 The Beginning.
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Remember also how John is greeted by Townie #6 as Corporal and “good to have you back”?
Also, just putting this out here, but dear John was born in 1954.
Now, we all know how much SPN takes care to preserve continuity (script supervisor? Literally who is SHE???) but.
That makes John 19.
And sure, in Vietnam when you were drafted you served for 18-24 months (roughly). So theoretically John could have done his time and come home.
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John Winchester was a Marine.
And the Marines? They didn’t take draftees. You had to volunteer for that shit. Which meant three years of service minimum.
So now we know that.
Let me draw our attention back to John’s rank: that of Corporal. That’s the first Non-Commissioned Officer rank. Which means he led fire teams, was someone other people respected and listened to.
Typically it takes 26 months (today) to get promoted to corporal. Which... we’ve already established John didn’t serve that long. So either he got a battlefield promotion (discontinued after Vietnam but totally still in effect during) or he got it as a kind of honorary pat on the ass when he was discharged. Which... questionable.
See those medals and badges?
Let me tell you a bit about them.
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First off we have our Rifle Expert. This means John was THE SHIT with a rifle. This is the highest marksman you can achieve wjth a rifle, and John was a marine- not to be all “this branch is better” (after all my grandfather was a Green Beret so fuck the Marines is what I’m saying) but the Marines in general are THE SHIT with rifles during Vietnam. So good job Johnnie.
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Then we have this random friend- if any of you know what the fuck she is, please share.
Because MY research suggests that she’s some weird version of the Pathfinder Badge.
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Which is a thing you get for completing ARMY Pathfinder School at Fort Benning (this is a big deal, it means you’re a badass who is cool to leap out of shit and save the day- think Sam Wilson but he was Air Force so just... paratrooper badass okay? Not as badass as Ranger School, okay? But like... more badass than basic.
So notice I said Army Pathfinder School.
It’s okay. You could be from any branch and complete that kind of training. Pathfinder school takes 3 weeks. So not a huge amount of time but. Let’s just keep that in mind.
Add that to the basic training for the USMC was 8 weeks (cut down from 11). Which together adds up to 11 weeks okay?
THEN AGAIN look what I found on ye olde Uncle Jeff’s website for sale.
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Huh. Look at her. Not the same- literally I cannot find that enamel pin in the US military (and before you asked yeah I checked Canadian hardware but didn’t find a match either). But she exists and there’s no reason for Properties to make a fake enamel pin when they could run down the street to literally any military surplus store and get all the pins they need.
But if it IS this pin, okay so the Marine Pathfinders were- like the Army kind- the first in, last out kind. The scouted the territory.
That sounds fair and fine right?
Well the thing is, Marine Pathfinders were always part of Force Reconnaissance. Without going into too much detail... basically these dudes went in deep, found out all the shit needed to keep allies alive abs kill enemies dead and a lot of times did a lot of enemy dead actions themselves. They operated independently behind enemy lines.
Listen my dudes. Friends and foes.
John Winchester was 18/19, a Rifle Expert, a Corporal when he should have been a Private, a Pathfinder and in FORECON. I cannot stress enough... how mindblowingly scary this makes him?
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This kind of scary.(if you haven’t seen Full Metal Jacket I cannot in good conscience recommend it. But if you want a character study of John Winchester you MUST watch that and Deer Hunter).
So now to those pretty pretty ribbons.
These are pretty standard but still worth explaining for anyone who hasn’t had to costume military period pieces before like I have.
First up we have our Bronze Medal.
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So she’s been awarded since 44 (my dudes in no way is it appropriate to call them ladies- so of course I call them ladies). Given for engaging in action against a US enemy; engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force; serving with friendly forces engaged in an armed conflict against opposing forces when the US isn’t a belligerent.
Basically this means people shot at you and you shot back and no one can prove you shot the wrong people.
Look not to sound trite because it Is a medal and you DO earn that shit. 719,969 were given out during Vietnam (about 2.5 million soldiers served).
This means John was definitely in the combat zone and he definitely didn’t embarrass anyone.
Next up we have the Purple Heart.
(Scroll to the top to see her)
You get this when you are wounded or killed in combat.
Now we can ASSUME John didn’t die in combat- but please rec any fics you’ve got where he did.
I’m gonna skip that pretty maroon badge for just a minute now and go to the yellow dude: our Vietnam Service ribbon. I can’t add any more images so scroll back to the top to see it.
So yes, John served in Vietnam.
Now let’s look at that sexy maroon and blue ribbon okay?
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Because this baby...
This is the Good Conduct Award
Do you know how you earn her in the Marine Corps?
“Three consecutive years of honorable and faithful service” are required to be eligible.
Which means Johnnie needs to be 21 (20 if he got in at 17) to earn this.
Of course
John Winchester was already pulling scams before the yellow-eyed demon ever came into the picture.
Anyone else have no difficulty imagining 16 John Winchester handing over fake papers to enlist in the Marines?
Then again... anyone else have no difficulty imagining the writers not actually thinking about it enough to do the math?
Either way, there’s some John Winchester stuff for you all to chew on.
Let me know what you think friends and foes!
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4 and 10 and 18 for the fic writer asks please :D
4) Number of 'wips' that are just totally never getting written, let's face it?
Uhhh....atm, like, 4? Oh, wait, no, better make that 5. Maybe 6 if I theoretically split the one almost wip into two things instead of one sort of connected thing....Anyways. I tend to try to limit the wild travelings of my mind to only a few scenarios in the hopes that I will, eventually, write them.
10) If your favourite author found your fics, how loudly would you scream in horror (in decibels)?
98 decibles (roughly the sound of a motorcycle). It would be very loud. And followed by either horrified shock or raucous laughter, depending on which fic they found first.
18) Provide a summary of the hellscape that is your creative process from idea to publish?
Oh God. Ok.
1 - Think of idea. ruminate on it for at least a week, possibly more. really let it marinate. wander about the house smiling as I add more scenes and dialogue in my head like I am adding spices to a slowly-simmering soup broth.
2- Tell my dearest darlingest friend @zahnie that I have a new idea and have her offer incredible amounts of encouragement to write it despite me swearing and going off about how I don't have time and what about all the other ideas, etc. etc.
3 - Eventually get over my weird self-consciousness and imposter syndrome and "oh god I am so cringe" thoughts and actually put words into a Word document, or perhaps a draft email. This occasionally happens during work hours, or while I am commuting. Usually it is when I have the house to myself for several uninterrupted hours.
4- Self doubt time, baby! leave the fic unfinished in drafts for - *checks last updated date in my file explorer* - several months to a year. Maybe several years if we want to get particular about some of the stuff I posted on a whim on AO3.
5 - Repeat step 3, but this time on one of the older fics from step 4.
6 - I suppose eventually publish, because I tend to edit while I write so don't need a separate step for that, but uh...yeah multi-chapter fics are all about 0% - 50% complete, so I haven't actually gotten to this step on them yet. Shorter things I eventually say "fuck it" and publish as they are at that point in time.
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bangtangalicious · 3 years
content tag game
thank you lovely @yoongsisbae for the tag! this was a lot of fun! please pardon my pitiful attempts at being funny in this.
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)? none
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for? bts
3. how long have you been writing? 3-4 months..novice af. i read a lot tho!
4. on which platforms do you post your stories? just here!
5. what is your favourite genre to write? *coughs* smut.
6. are you a pantser or a planner? both? wait whats a pantser
7. one shot or multi-chapter? both are fun in their own ways. series are fun bc you can fall in love with the characters more (yeah dv!yoongi im look @ you)
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion? <15k
9. what is your longest published story? is it complete? death valley. she's not complete no
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most? death valley of course. hate love her so much.
11. favorite request you’ve written and why? i mean they're all super fun, you guys are CREATIVE. hc's are just so fun especially for touch me wherever!!! for drabbles, i have a tmw somnophilia sleepover one in drafts rn thats just...hotttt. needy!koo things. oops.
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories? manipulation, exploitation...neediness. greed. possessiveness i guess??? my fics are not really consistent genre wise. generally toxic behaviors/situations? lol yikes. we empower oc here. like...eventually. yknow. ;)
13. current number of wips? so whenever i get a request ill jot down my thoughts instantly and save it in drafts. let it marinate until it hits me and then ill write it. so i have a lot of wips rn. i also have a series wip but. thats a story for another day ;)
14. three things you have noticed about your own writing? 1. i *clearly* dont edit/proofread LMAO 2. i like playing with like...sentence lengths? to mimic emotions? theres a term for it but idk 3. i use a lot of extended dash lines —
15. a quote you like from a published story.
“You look really hot like that.” His hand rested on the top of your head. “Bet you suck cock real good” —death valley; part 0
HAHAHAHAHA im sorry. actually im not sorry.
16. a quote from an unpublished story.
"Another night of soft whispers, muted thoughts, and dazed loving. Puffs of grey smoke concealing the passing of orange candy, moving person to person through a delicate brush of wrist. Orange candy that ultimately found its way to the tip of your tongue, where the words you looked for couldn’t be found.
Those lost words were for the broad, handsome, stunning man who sat in the corner of the club. One woman on his arm, another on his lap, whose hair he mindlessly tugged on as he conversed with his peers. The words that now twisted your heart sore, and had you stumbling up to the bar and grabbing a glass of whatever was in front of you.
[from future series...uh yeah idk itll prolly change so...ugh i dont like it]
17. a space for you to say something to your readers.
you're hot. i appreciate you. i hope you're loving yourself bc ur all fucking icons. live your best life. i value your support so much. like i respect each & every one of you. i hope this is a safe & empowering space where we can vibe. nothing but love <3
i tag: @namjooningelsewhere @bibbykins and legit anyone else that wants to!!! tbh i havent interacted with many other authors bc i dont know how this works lmao so...if you write tell me! i wanna hype you the fuck up. shower you with love. seriously. any other bts authors like, slide in. no shame. i wanna read ur works!!! i am 10000% better at reading than writing lmao. i dont often participate in tag games a lot so totally chill if you dont wanna i get it, no worries. stay thriving <3
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anne-white-star · 4 years
Young Jon pertwee x waitress!reader 
Notes: reader is a waitress jon saves her from a scary situation and more will happen read to find out😊
Please ignore any spelling mistakes thank you 😊
There are hystorical mistakes im sorry about that i tried my best
Warnings : cursing nothing bad or explisit
Words : 2067
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It was 1947 2 years After the war of 1945 people wer trying to pick back up their lives. A lot of buildings were destroyed many people died, lots of people fled and fought the war it was a big chaos the last 5 years, but things were calm now.
Jon pertwee came back home from the war after serving as a marine in the navy on the HMS Hood also in the ww2 many of his men died one of the only survivers of his group was him and Ian Fleming. (I hope i got it corect if not my excuses)
"Hey jon! How are you doing mate?" Jon turnd around at the mention of his name.
"Oh hey ian, it has been a few years" jon grabed his hand and shook it "im doing fine how about you?".
"im doing alright, im just trying to pick my life back up you?" They started to walk next to echother.     
"Yes me to the past years have been really tough" as they both crossed the street jon his eyes fell on a bar/restaurant/pub "shall we go get a beer? Than we talk further".
"Sounds good im always if for a cold beer" ian laught
Walking in they were greated by lots of men sitting and drinking their fill, waitresses were serving food the bar tender was filling their beer mug. And there were a few cooks in the back prepairing some food. They sat down at a table and a women walked up to them.
"Hello welkom to the fox and hounds my name is y/n and i will be your waitress this afternoon would you like to eat or drink something?" She grabed a pen and note book out of her apron ready to Wright down their order. (The Fox & Hounds is locaded at 29 Passmore St, Belgravia, London SW1W 8HR, not far from jon his old home at 66 Chester Row it was build around 1960 but lets pretend its older)
"Umm yes" jon looked at the menu
"I'll take a pint" ian said
"I take one as wel"
Y/n looked up from her note book "anything ells?"
"No this is fine" jon smiled at the women
"Alright two pints coming up" she walked back to the bar to get them
"Are you starting to like her don't you?" Ian asked
"I saw the way you looked at her"
"Oh be quiet you" jon punched his shoulder while grining  
"So here you go two pints that be 2s 4d"( its origanaly 1s 2d im not british i Googled it but i really don't know how this works it was after the war) she smiled and put them down on the table before them
"Here you go i pay for both of us" ian said to her and smiled
Y/n took the money from the table and put it in her apron
Jon started to drink his beer and they talked with echoter for about 30 minuts when
"Hey let me go aaahhh!!!"
They both turned around to look where the scream came from, when they turned around they saw y/n being hold back with a gun pointed to her head
"Give me all the money out the register or the pretty girl will pay with her life"   
"Please let me go" she asked while crying softly
Jon put his beer mug back down on the table and stood up "let the girl go"
"Hmpf" "what are you going to....." the man was caught of guard by jon punching him in the face "agh!! you fucking cunt!" the gun fell out of his hand and His hands flew to his nose. Jon grabed the gun from the ground and went to stand in between y/n and the man.
"Now put your hands up turn around and face the wall" jon pointed the gun in the back of the man "someone call the police"
Ian walked up to y/n and sat next to her on the ground "are you alright?"
"Yeah yeah im fine..... i just need a moment" *sigh*
About 30 minuts later Two police officers stept in "Good afternoon we got a call for a attempt of robbery and a hostage"
"Yes sirs here he is" jon said while still pointing his gun at the man.
"Alright we take it from here thank you so mutch for keeping him under controle" one of the police man took handcuffs and arested the man.
"Also here is his gun" jon gave it to the other officer
"Thank you sir, we will take care of all this".
After the police officers took the man away jon turned to y/n sitting on the ground with a blanked over her shoulders. "how are you feeling?"
"Im feeling better now thank you" *sigh* "i just feel a bit scared now to get home"
"Where do you life?"
"About 30 minuts away but i have to be at work tomorow"
"If you want you can stay at my home i don't live far from the restaurant"
"That would be Nice sir"
"Oh please don't be so formal just call me jon"
"Thank you jon" y/n smiled at him.
Ian had been gone for a few hours after the insedent, after y/n her shift they walked to jon's house
"So this is my place" jon unlocked the door and let her in. "Make yourself at home"
"Its quite lovely" she looked around, y/n put her bag down and hung her coat on the coat rack.
"You must be hugry" jon said while walking to the kitchen "what would you like?"
"Hmm is (favorite food) alright?"
Jon laught "sure but i don't know how to make that, perhaps you could help me?"
"Of course i will help you jon its the least i can do" she went to stand next to him.
After they were done preparing the food they both sat down and started to eat
"Hmm this tastes great"
"Im glad you like it jon"
When they were done with eating their food y/n went to prepare herself for bed "where can i sleep jon?"
"you can take the bed y/n i'll take the coutch"
"Are you sure?"
"Its fine don't worry, good night dear"
"Good night".
The next morning both jon and y/n had breakfast with echoter and talked about all kinds of stuff
"i can't thank you enough for helping me out yesterday"
"Oh its nothig i dealed with worse"
"You fought in the war din't you?"
"Unfortanetly yes" jon looked down sadly "so many died, i lost a lot of comerats in battle"
Y/n grabed his hand softly in hers "Im so sorry, that you had to go trough that jon"
Jon smiled at her "Its alright I only hope this never happens again"
Y/n looked at the clock "oh goodness i have to get ready my shift starts in an hour" she stood up and went to get ready for work.
The few days that y/n had to work she would sleep the nights at jon's house so that she could be at work on time when she had off from work y/n would go back to her own home. Jon had to admid the days when she wasn't there during the late afternoon and diner it was quite lonley, but the days she was at his house they enjoyed cooking, reading and playing games to pass the time.
6 months had passed sinds the incedent at the fox and hounds and y/n and jon got very close with echoter they became great Friends even to the point that they both fell in love with one another but both din't know it that they were.
"Hey jon in a few days there will be music at the fox and hounds and i was wondering if you would like to go with me?"
"Sure it sounds like fun"
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The evening came around and people were dressed up formal y/n was wearing a long black dress with long white gloves and golden wristbands plus a pearl necklace around her nek her hair was in pretty waves down her back. They were enjoying them selfs when the bar tender came up to y/n
"Y/n can i talk to you for a moment"
"Alright sure, i be back in a few minuts jon" they both walked to the back of the restaurant "whats wrong?"
"Wel i got the news that the last person who was suposed to sing could't come because their car broke down"
"Oh no what are we going to do"
"Cant you go up there?"
"What me? Really?"
"Yes you, i have heared you sing something while being in the back your voice is very pretty y/n"
"Hmm... Alright i'll do it"
"Thank you y/n you are a life saver"
About 30 minuts later it was time for her to come one the stage
"Ladys and gentelmen may i have your atention for the last act y/n y/l/n"
(Play the song from here if you want)
🎶He was a famous trumpet man from old Chicago way
He had a boogie style that no one else could play
He was the top man at his craft
But then his number came up and he was gone with the draft
He's in the army now, a-blowin' Reveille
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
A-toot, a-toot, a-toot-diddelyada🎶
Y/n looked over the crowd trying to find jon
🎶Ai, ai, ai, ai, ai
Have you ever danced in the tropics?
Well that girl's a fool
With the Gaucho?????
Of the South American way, hey!
Ai, ai, ai, ai. ai
Could you have ever kissed in the moon light
If you never kissed
Who knows what you've missed
In the South American Way🎶
Again looking around she still could't spot him
🎶Bei mir bist du schoen
Please let me explain
Bie mir bist du schoen means you're grand
Bei mir bist du schoen
Again I'll explain
It means you're the fairest in the land
I could say "bella, bella"
Even say "wunderbar"
Each language only helps me tell you
How grand you are
I'll try to explain
Bei mir bist du schoen
So kiss me and say you'll understand🎶
"Okay guys, grab your gal and hit the floor
'Cos here's that beat you've been waiting to swing to" said the bar tender to the crowd of people
🎶Who's the lovin' daddy with the beautiful eyes
What a pair o' lips, I'd like to try 'em for size
I'll just tell him, "Baby, won't you swing it with me"
Hope he tells me, "Baby, what a wing it will be"
So, I said politely "Darlin' may I intrude"
He said "Don't keep me waitin' when I'm in the mood"
In the mood
In the mood
In the mood
It didn't take me long to say "I'm in the mood now🎶
She finaly spoted him in the crowd he was looking at her with a dreamy look.
🎶If you ever go down Trinidad
They make you feel so very glad
Calypso sing and make up rhyme
Guarantee you one real good fine time
Drinkin' rum and Coca-Cola
Go down Point Koomahnah
Both mother and daughter
Workin' for the Yankee dollar🎶
🎶Oh, Tico Tico, tick
Oh, Tico Tico, tock
This Tico Tico, he's the cuckoo in my clock
And when he says "Cuckoo"
He means it's time to woo
It's Tico time for all the lovers in the block
I've got a heavy date
A tete-a-tete at eight
So speak, oh Tico, tell me is it getting late?
If I'm on time, cuckoo
But, if I'm late, woo woo
The one my heart is gone to may not want to wait🎶
🎶In Spain they say "Si, si"
In France you hear "Oui, oui"
Ev'ry little Dutch girl says "Ya, ya"
Ev'ry little Russian says "Da, da"
When the song was over people clapped and cheered for her performance. Jon walked up the stairs of the podium.
"That was amazing y/n i din't know you could sing so wel"
"Thank you jon it means a lot" y/n smiled
"I want to ask you a question y/n"
"Yes jon go ahead"
"Would you like to be My girlfriend?"
"I would love to"
Jon kissed y/n a top of her head knowing that this women wil be a great joy in his live.
The end
I hope you all enjoyed reading 😊
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quincywillows · 5 years
how do you plan out your books/wips bc I have a solid idea and pretty much a billeted list of what I want the plot to be and how my book goes but I’m lost at outlining everything in a coherent and organized way it’s highkey frustrating
okay i’m going to do my best to try and give some helpful tips here for how you can organize your thoughts, and i’ll take it from the perspective of both fics, novels, and just general story ideas! a lot of the principles i follow overlap, and obviously it differs by project (and by writer, for example me and my roommates have completely different outlining styles), this is just what has worked for me so far. hopefully it’ll give ya some things to chew on!
firstly, to make sure i’m orienting myself correctly -- from what i understand, it sounds like you’ve already got a sense of what your beginning, middle, and end is. not beat-by-beat, but the general gist of it. this is already a lot of progress, so kudos!! it can be hard to get from just that general warm and fuzzy and exciting idea phase to an actual concrete sense of what you want to plot to be, so feel good about that. it’s not easy work.
i think what you’re now trying to do is get your ideas down into a tangible format that you can follow to start actually working on it, yes? if so, here are some of my thoughts.
method #1: phase-by-phase, beat-by-beat method
i’m starting with the sort of straightforward outlining method here just because that’s what i’ve employed with quincy willows, so it’s most fresh in my mind. when it came to outlining quincy willows so i could start actually writing it down in concrete scenes, i decided to visualize my story by beat rather than by chapter or major plot points. “beat” is a sort of loose storytelling term that means different things to different people -- for me, it’s not a set “scene” (some beats include 2 - 3 scene changes), but more so an important emotional or context moment. this could be a reveal of information, it could be a relationship building scene, it just in some way drives the story forward even if its just the tiniest step.
how this ended up panning out was that i actually divided my full story into “phases.” these are sort of like the stereotypical “acts” in classic storytelling structure, but less strict on how they’re interpreted. so i can have 7 “phases” to quincy willows, for example:
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for me, each of those reflects a distinct SECTION of the story where a major development is occurring plot wise, and sort of roughly reflects story structure. (new kid in school is through the “inciting incident”, unlikely partnership & secrets unravel is up to the midpoint, inevitable decay & halloween are the rising action, and the final gamut is the climax).
within each of those phases, there could be anywhere from 6 - 12 beats. by sort of outlining what the general progression of things would be and what beats i THOUGHT would be included where, i was able to create a good enough skeleton of an outline that i felt comfortable starting to actually write. but one thing i think is important to note is that the phases and beats are totally flexible. i’ve deleted beats entirely, i’ve moved beats between phases, i’ve added beats where i felt like something was missing. it’s a malleable outline, and i think you should never feel tethered to an outline. it’s a roadmap, but it’s not the only way to get to your destination. sometimes, your story will change on you, and that’s okay. hear it out! you can make the decision to stick to your original plan or adjust accordingly.
then, i’ll also say, once i have my general idea of my beats down i will go in and almost... like basically, every beat gets about three synopses. there is the “title,” which is the most basic, often quippy take on what is happening in the story. then i have the “logline,” which is the essence of the beat boiled down to one or two encompassing sentences. then, i have a greater description of what is happening in that scene emotional turning point by emotional turning point. so, to use qw again as an example:
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this is the title (up top) and then the logline. when i go into the actual scene on scrivener, i have my notes about all the things that happen in the actual scene which i worked off of to write the scene. but even then, i don’t always follow the original idea of my notes explicitly. sometimes i don’t think an idea works all that great anymore by the time i’m actually writing it, and that’s okay. it’s flexible!
one thing i have loved about this outline structure is it allows me to write out of order. i can jump in and work on whichever beat feels fresh and exciting to my brain, which is so helpful for working on a long project that needs a complete draft from the get-go like quincy willows. however, on projects like fanfic where i can take my time, want to write and post in order, etc...
method #2: bare bones outline
full disclosure -- i have written all the lonely people with a bare bones outline since its inception. sure, i have a whole little doc where i wrote down all the major themes, plotlines, and emotional beats i wanted to cover, but as far as structuring it and deciding what would go into each chapter (especially the early chapters), i mostly winged it.
this is where a looser outline can be a nice approach. you sort of outline how long you want the project to be (i.e., atlp is 16 chapters), and you have a vague IDEA of the Major thing that will happen in each chapter (“11 and 12 are the back story chapters,” “10 is where the romantic tension will finally snap but also they’ll have their fallout that they have to come back,” “4 will be the first kiss”). but then you just start working on the beginning, and as ideas come to you you can toss them in the general realm of each chapter without explicitly outlining when each and every beat will happen. that allows you to start walking around in the world of your project and playing with the characters rather than waiting until you have a Perfectly Perfect outline. you know?
then, usually, when i prepare to write a new chapter (atlp... i’m coming for u in december baybee), i will examine the little beat ideas i had and try to construct a more concrete mini-outline of that chapter alone before diving in. sometimes i do, sometimes i don’t -- but it goes to show that depending on the story, you don’t need a super strict outline to follow.
but even then, if you’re still feeling lost, i feel like the most tried and true method is honestly...
method #3: let it marinate
it might very well be you’re just not yet ready to jump into actually digging the narrative yet. and that’s totally chill. i came up with the initial nugget of an idea for quincy willows in sept of last year, let it exist as a fic for about 4 months, and then took it down in like dec to start working on it as an original work (bc that’s really what it was). i then thought about it for 6 months until the outline jumped out of me basically fully formed over 2 days in early june. so that’s... 9 - 10 months of ruminating and thinking about character and worldbuilding and jotting down notes and making playlists and talking to friends -- that’s almost a whole year of just wiggling in the idea until i stretched it out enough to start seeing the writing on the wall.
i hope all of this is a help in some way, or at least gives you things to think about that guide you in the right direction for you! let me know if there’s any other way i can help or things you’d like advice on. i will try my best to articulate well and offer some insight haha. you got this, writer friend!!
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loviswriting · 5 years
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Bizarre Beach! Torn Between Scylla and Charybdis!
JJBA part 4 fan fic. Chapter 1: Morioh Mermaid, the perfect thesis for Jotaro?!
Summary: During his stay in Morioh, Jotaro needs to come up with a subject for his doctoral thesis in marine biology! Strange happenings in the waters of Morioh beach piques Jotaros interest, making him investigate strange sightings of a mermaid, followed by injured surfers! In hopes of finding a subject for his thesis he teams up with Kishibe Rohan and Joseph Joestar to solve the mysterious happenings! Is it the work of an actual mermaid or is there a Stand user lurking around the corner?!
Number of chapters: 9
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Total word count for all chapters: 12 749.
Chapter 1 word count: 1659
Authors note: this is my first fan fic, I tried my best and hope you will enjoy it! You may also read it on my Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20937995/chapters/49778429
The summer of ’99. A hot summer in the small town of Morioh. A good place to spend the day was at Morioh beach; a flawless tourist spot with hot sand, soothing waves, laughter and ice cream for anyone in need of a cool refresher. However, it seemed that flawlessness was coming to an end lately, with reportings of bizarre accidents involving swimmers and surfers...
One of the beaches’ common visitors were Jotaro Kujo. Not primarily for the ice cream and water, but rather for reading the newspaper and secretly meeting up with agents from the Speedwagon Foundation. Jotaro had just had one of these undercover meetings with an agent sitting on the other side of the bench giving information about the serial killer Kira Yoshikage. However, the trail was currently very cold and Jotaro had not been given any useful information. But Jotaro was confident he would track down Kira with the help of his Morioh friends; Josuke, Koichi, Okuyasu and Rohan and in the worst case even his gramps Joseph. He had faced off with many strong adversaries before, although it was many years since he had defeated the strongest one of them all; Dio. But Kira was not the only adversary Jotaro currently was facing. No, there was another one, even more powerful than he had imagined: finding a subject for his doctoral thesis in marine biology! Despite being in Morioh, a wonderful seaside town, he was at a total block on what to write about, and he had only a few months left before the next semester started and he was to present the first draft of his thesis. Although being a delinquent in high school, Jotaro now was an A-grade student and aced all his tests and assignments. He had grown a lot of pride in his studies and he wanted to give it his best. He wouldn’t settle for just any subject to write about – he wanted to find the best subject to write about, something to bring out his true potential as a soon-to-be marine biologist. So he spent as much time as he could near the harbour or the beach, in hopes of finding inspiration.
Inspiration, however, would not come easily. As a way to pass time, Jotaro read through the daily newspaper to keep up with happenings in Morioh. A headline in the paper caught his eyes; “Third accident this week in Moriohs waters”. Recently, Jotaro had not had much time to spend at the beach or harbour and felt he had to catch up on recent events and started reading: “Following the two latest incidents in the waters around Morioh beach, a third has happened. Unlike the previous two swimmers, who are currently in a bad condition at the hospital and unconscious, this surfer managed to overcome what seems like an unlikely happening! Kenji O'Hara, 32, claims to have seen a mermaid in one of the waves during surfing. He went around for another pass with the waves, to try and spot the so-called mermaid again, only to slightly spot her and then crash into some sudden violent waves. Although startled, he was able to quickly get back to the beach with his surfing board, getting away with a few bruises and cuts on his legs. “Man, that was totally bizarre, but I swear I saw a mermaid in the waves, the second time it felt like she reached for me! Maybe she wanted to make me her merman!” states clearly delirious O'Hara.”
Mermaids are not a real thing, Jotaro was sure of that, but it was indeed bizarre and his gut feeling told him there might be more to this than what was on the surface. Perhaps something lurked deep down in these accidents. He decided to dig, or rather dive, a little bit further into this. Jotaro took out his cell phone and dialled a number. “Hey. This is Jotaro. I need a favour… meet me at the hospital in an hour,” Jotaro hung up and rose from the bench he sat on. There were potentially two more witnesses to this so-called mermaid and Jotaro could not wait to get more information. 
For starters, his sense of justice told him something was wrong and had to be righted. And besides that, although his big doubts, if there truly is a mermaid at Morioh beach… then he had the perfect subject for his thesis.
Exactly one hour later, Jotaro stood in front of Morioh hospital, he was wearing one of his favourite outfits: a pink long-sleeved shirt under his white coat, which today was ornated with gold coloured decorations of two kissing dolphins shaping a heart and a pointy triangle with the letter J. His white hat also had gold coloured ornaments, of a single dolphin and a sun. Jotaro rarely wore those as he treasured them a lot, being gifts from his seven-year-old daughter Jolyne who made them in art class. He was, of course, also wearing white pants. What would this visit at the hospital give him? Would it shed some light on this mermaid sighting? Soon enough, he would know. Jotaro pondered this, standing in the shadow of the entrance roof, enjoying a slight breeze, for about fifteen minutes until his nephew Josuke showed up, wearing his usual dark blue school uniform. Jotaro often wondered if Josuke even owned anything else than that, he always wore it, even on weekends, and Jotaro felt it made him look like some sort of cartoon character. At least he himself modified his stylish white outfit with different coloured shirts and various ornament; that was how adult life just was, succumbing to the importance of looking good and keeping up with the latest fashion trends. “Ooii Jotaro-san!” Josuke shouted as he walked up to him waving his hand, “What's up? A lead on the Kira case?” he asked curiously with a bit of seriousity glowing in his eyes. Jotaro shook his head, “Unfortunately, this is unrelated. There have been accidents at the beach waters. I’ve decided to investigate what is causing them. Two of the victims are at the hospital, injured and unconscious” Josuke gave him another serious look, “… could this be another Stand user?” “It’s too early to make any guesses. It’s more likely dangerous wildlife. Remember, Stand users are drawn to other Stand users, which I doubt these victims are. Besides that, if they are not Stand users, then they should not be able to see a Stand, but this Kenji-guy claim to have seen a mermaid...” Jotaro shrugged off the possibility and went into the hospital doors, entering the calm and sterile white room, only a few people sitting there, some talked with a police officer, perhaps family to one of the victims of the recent happenings at the beach?
After a quick request at the reception, they got the room numbers for the injured swimmers. They went upstairs to the first room, where Josuke healed the first injured surfer with his Crazy Diamonds ability. However, the swimmer had not seen any mermaid and had suddenly blacked out in pain when swimming. Jotaro got no information at all and felt quite disappointed, the duo then went for the next room, further away in the corridor. “Seriously Jotaro-san, a mermaid? Those do not exist. This Kenji-guy must have hit his head too hard against the waves or something,” Josuke said jestingly, gesturing with his arms. Jotaro did not answer, just silently walking onward. Shortly they arrived at the next room, where an unconscious woman lied in a bed. “Let’s heal her and wake her up, Josuke”, Jotaro said as he approached the woman and nodded towards her. “Yeah. Crazy Diamond!” Josuke called out, summoning his pink and light blue stand, proceeding to heal the woman with a soft touch and then wake her up. Jotaro briefly explained that they were investigating the accidents at the beach, and asked the woman about what happened to her out at sea. “I was out swimming and making light dives into the water when suddenly I saw a beautiful woman swimming a few meters away from me under the water! She was truly stunning, aah…” the woman said, clearly mesmerized about the thought of the woman she saw. “What happened then? Did you notice anything strange?” Jotaro pursued. “Well, she was so beautiful, I almost thought she was a mermaid! I never saw anyone else besides me up at the water’s surface, I only saw her under the water… that was kind of strange, now that I think about it. Haha sorry, my mind is still a bit cloggy after just waking up!” she laughed and scratched her head. Another witness! Jotaro thought and tried to pry deeper, “Do you remember anything else?” The woman silently thought for a bit, “No, when I tried approaching her, she disappeared, and then I felt a hard hit in my back and lost consciousness…” “Okay, thank you for your time,” Jotaro said and started to make his way out. “No, thank you, kind doctors, for making me better so fast!” she replied happily and waved her hand. Josuke waved back at her on the way out and walked up to Jotaro, “Huh, mermaids?? Again? What’s this all about!” “I do not know, that’s what I’m trying to find out, but something is strange about this,” Jotaro said as they walked down the stairs to the main floor, “I’m heading back to the hotel. Thanks for the help, I owe you one. Later.” The nephews parted ways and Jotaro called a cab to get to the hotel. A mermaid? Could that really be it? But what caused the accidents to happen? Even if there was a mermaid, that did not solve the mystery behind people getting injured. There were no sharp rocks in the area around Morioh beach, so the cause had to be something else. Jotaro was determined to find out what.
Thanks for reading!
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fangirlfiction · 5 years
Out of Time [1]
i. come back to me
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word count: 1.9k
Summary: WWII has started for the U.S. after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, changing the lives of men all over the States, Sgt. James Buchanan Barnes among them.
Warnings: There are some spicy moments, so 18+ only please! A lil bit of angst and sadness, but also some fluffy fluff.
A/N: hello angels! This is a reupload of chapter one, which I believe is the only chapter of OoT that was affected by tumblr’s idiot procedures. I am a little heartbroken that I lost so many sweet comments from this chapter, but it is what it is, I guess. also, FYI, ‘spicy’ is my new code for uh, intimate, moments.
ii. letters from hell // series masterlist 
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December 8, 1941
“Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives:
Yesterday, December 7th, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan… It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace… I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.”
January 1, 1942
You lift your head in surprise at the quiet knock on your front door, unsure of who it could be. You close your book and set it on the couch before moving to the door and pulling it open. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion and surprise at the dark haired man in front of you. “Bucky?”
You glance down at the pocket watch that once belonged to your father before looking up at him again. “I thought we weren’t meeting until 8 tonight?”
Bucky steps forward and presses a soft kiss to your lips. When he pulls away, you notice the weight on his shoulders. The heaviness in his blue eyes. “What’s wrong? What is it?”
He looks up at you, giving you a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “Can you cut my hair? Ma’s been too busy.”
You nod, whisper a soft, “Yeah.”
You grab his hand and pull him inside, leading him to the small bathroom of the apartment. He settles onto the chair you pulled in, and you grab a comb and scissors from the cabinet over the sink. You move to stand beside Bucky, deciding to cut the hair on the sides first. Pieces of hair float down between you before Bucky breaks the silence. “How’s George?”
You pull back and look down at him, giving him a smile, before continuing on the sides. “He’s good. Nearly a month into boot camp and I can already tell from his letters that he loves the Marines. I just wish my parents were around still. They would have been proud.”
Bucky hums in acknowledgement and whispers, “They’d be proud of you, too.”
You’re behind him now, so he misses the smile on your face, but you press a kiss onto the crown of his head in thanks. You finish trimming the back and move to stand in front of him, trimming the front into the style he likes. Bucky reaches forward and puts his hands on your waist, and the gesture causes you glance down at him. The look on his face has you sinking onto your knees in front of him, leaving you at eye level. You whisper softly, “Bucky. Talk to me.”
His eyes lift from the ground to meet yours. “I got drafted.”
You intake a sharp breath and whisper, “When?”
“Got the letter this afternoon. Basic starts in 4 days.” He grabs your hands and looks at you in earnest. “I know that you wanted to enlist as a nurse. To save lives, make a difference. But Steve…someone has to stay and look out for Steve.”
You nod, understanding his plea. “Have you told him?”
“Not yet.” His tone is serious when he continues, “And he can’t know that I was drafted, it’ll just fuel his drive to enlist.”
You pull your hands from his and place them on his cheeks. “I’ll stay.”
April 5, 1942
Your eyes scan the Expo Hall for Bucky and Steve, and you let out a sigh when you see them on the outskirts of the Hall, arguing about something. You catch part of their conversation as you near closer. “Bucky, c’mon. There are men laying down their lives, I got no right to do any less than them. That’s what you don’t understand. This isn’t about me.”
“Right, because you got nothing to prove.”
You watch as they stare at each other, stubborn in their own opinions. You raise your voice to be heard over the noise of the hall. “Is everything okay?”
Bucky turns to face you, a carefree smile on his face. You don’t miss the scared look in his eyes. “Of course.”
He turns back to Steve and sighs, shaking his head as he backs up towards you. “Don’t do anything stupid until I get back.”
Steve quips back, “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.”
Bucky walks back towards Steve, pulling him into a hug as he mutters, “You’re a punk.”
You hear Steve whisper, “Jerk.” They pull away and Steve whispers, “Be careful.”
You walk to Steve and hug him, asking, “See you in the morning?”
Steve nods. You turn to Bucky and grab his hand, both of you starting to walk away. Steve yells out, “Don’t win the war til I get there.”
Bucky drops your hand and turns, giving Steve a salute, before grabbing your hand again and leading you to the door. As soon as you’re out in the cool night air, Bucky sighs. You squeeze his hand. “Let’s skip dancing. Go to my place instead.”
He glances down at you, a playful smirk on his face. “Really?”
You walk back to your apartment in silence, each lost in your own worlds. You know Bucky is thinking about Steve, worried that he’d enlist. But you were too busy thinking about Bucky, worried he’d…
Minutes later, you’re back at your apartment. The door closes with a soft click, and you turn to Bucky with a smile. Wordlessly, you drop your purse onto the floor at your feet before reaching out and grabbing his hand. You walk backwards through your apartment, leading him back to your room. Once inside, you drop his hand and push the jacket off your shoulders and onto the floor. You slip the shoes from your feet and step towards him, reaching up to grab his hat before settling it onto your head. He laughs as you give him a salute and he reaches out for you, ready to kiss you. You step out of his grasp and whisper, “Not yet, soldier.”
You step closer to him again and unbutton his jacket slowly, your eyes locked on his the entire time. You push the jacket off his shoulders and onto the floor before removing his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. His shirt, shoes, and pants join his jacket on the floor, and you guide him backwards until the back of his knees hit the bed. He lowers himself onto the bed and watches as you take a step back and unbutton your shirt and skirt, pushing them both to the floor. You prop your leg on the bed beside him, before unfastening your stockings and pushing them down your leg slowly. Bucky watches in quiet awe, eyes tracing the newly exposed skin, hands eager to touch you.
You move over and settle yourself onto his lap, one leg on either side of him, your hands resting on his cheeks. You can feel his arousal, just from watching you undress, and it sends a thrill of excitement through you. Bucky leans forward until your lips are almost touching, breath mingling together. He whispers, “Permission to kiss you?”
Your lips brush his when you reply, “Permission granted.”
Your lips crash together in a frenzy of anticipation, the haze of arousal already taking over all your senses. Your hands slide from Bucky’s face and into his shorter hair, and his slide all over your body: up and down your sides, your back, your chest. Each pass of his skin over yours leaves prickles of electricity dancing along your skin, lighting up every nerve ending in your body.
Bucky stands with you in his arms, making you squeal, before turning and laying you on the bed softly. He pulls back and hovers over you, eyes roaming over your face, your body. You hide your face in your hands and mutter, “You’re staring.”
He pulls your hands away, his eyes searching your own. “I’m memorizing you. This moment.”
He reaches up and traces a finger over your brow, down to your lips, pausing to let you playfully nip at his finger. You whisper, “Why?
He continues his path down your face and over your neck, stopping at the base of your collarbone. “To get me through the war when things get bad.”
You smile and pull him down into a kiss, dripping every ounce of love you have for him into it. The night is spent memorizing every part of each other; every freckle, every scar, every mark catalogued and stored away. The reality of it all hits you when Bucky is thrusting into you, both of you chasing your highs together for what is possibly the last time. Bucky pulls back when he feels you crying, pausing to reach up and wipe the tears from your face. “Promise me you’ll come back to me, Bucky.”
Bucky smiles at you and replies, “I’ll always come back to you. No distance or time could ever change that.”
Dizzy with arousal and high on promises, you both come screaming each other’s names.
April 6, 1942
You thread your fingers through Steve’s and Bucky’s, giving them each a wide smile. They smile back at you before continuing their conversation about Steve’s latest art project, an obvious conversational attempt meant to distract from the destination of the morning’s walk. The sign to the Brooklyn Shipyard looms ahead, and just beyond it is hundreds of soldiers saying goodbye. The three of you weave in and out of the crowd, moving closer and closer to the ship that is going to take Bucky away from Brooklyn. Away from you.
You step back as you reached the edge of the ramp to the ship, allowing Bucky and Steve to say goodbye. Finally, Bucky turns to you, a sad smile on his face. Tears instantly well up in your eyes and you throw yourself into Bucky’s outstretched arms, allowing the tears to fall. You pull away minutes later, and Bucky reaches up to wipe the tears from your face. Voice hoarse from crying, you mutter, “I have something for you. A good luck charm.”
Bucky flashes a lopsided grin, suddenly looking too young to be in uniform. You swallow back a fresh wave of tears and reach into your pocket, before dropping the heavy item into Bucky’s outstretched palm. Bucky looks down at it and realization dawns on his face. He instantly starts shaking his head. “I can’t take your pa’s pocket watch. It’s all you have left of him.”
You fold his fingers over it, nodding. “Yes, you can. Pa always said it was the reason he and ma survived the ship over here. The day he and ma died, he had given it to George. George was the only one to survive the crash. It’s good luck. It’ll keep you safe.”
Bucky nods, too choked up to say anything. The blast of the ship’s horn echoes in the harbor, signaling that it’s time to leave. Bucky pulls you in for one last kiss, he pulls away and whispers, “I love you.”
You choke back tears as he reaches down and grabs his bag. “I love you too.”
He smiles and waves goodbye to you and Steve before boarding the boat and sailing away.
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lich-slap · 2 years
13. Describe your writing process
My ideas, weirdly enough, usually come from the desire to have ideas. I think about a trope, a genre, a character archetype, etc, and how I would like to see it play out, and then it kinda spirals from there untill I have a world and plot halfway formed. (I write SFF, as of right now, mostly fantasy romance)
The next step is naming. The project, the characters and the setting, usually in this order. Is it normal to start a book by a title? Probably not but here we are. (I am pretty flexible with changes to the naming process during writing itself, but I can only begin worldbuilding with a notion of these in mind).
Now it is time to ascertain THE VIBE. I go around making Pinterest boards, picrews, playlists, and aesthetics and it is during this step that I usually consolidate character dynamics and have ideas of scenes I want to include.
Once I have my characters, their dynamics, an idea of the world and the themes I want to explore, I put it all together and start forming the plot. I start by how I want the story to end, then how I want it to begin, and go working to see how the two ends meet. I also usually have an vague approximation of how many chapters/words a given project should have and I plot the beats with that in mind.
When the idea starts looking like solid WIP material, I hop onto the chat with my best friend and vent it all to her. This is mostly so I can get hype and support, and also a little test drive to which things might work on paper, and which may need changing. I also usually repeat this process with my sister, once the idea has matured a bit more.
Now it comes to the writing itself which uuuuuh. Ha ha ha ha ha
But seriously, I usually let a project marinate for 6 months+ after coming up with it, during the time I mature the plotting and worldbuilding and mostly write little snippets. Once I feel it's solid enough to be writable, I do a vague outline and write the chapters in order.
In some moment during writing, usually at the 50-70% mark during the first draft, I have a better grasp on world, plot and characters than at the beginning, and it becomes INSUFFERABLE to write while thinking how much I want to change. That is when I take a little break, remind myself I am the greatest writer to have ever lived, and start draft 1.5 administering these changes so I can move on.
Once that's done, it goes out to my beta and the whole revising process begins. Would love to tell you what happens after that but I uh. Haven't got to that part yet :)
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
7 Awesome Ways To Manifest With The Waxing Moon
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Julie Hopkins
I love the moon for so many reasons. It’s beautiful. It also helps me feel connected to my friends and family when I’m travelling. And it sets a good example for all of us here on planet earth by showing us how to flow through life’s changes with grace and ease. I want that energy in my life!
The moon has a 29.5-day cycle. This means we get to experience a full lunar cycle almost every month.
There are several popular ways people observe the moon’s phases. Here’s a breakdown of each one.
The Eight-Phase System:
New Moon
Crescent Waxing Moon
First Quarter Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon
Full Moon
Waning Gibbous Moon
Third Quarter Moon
Waning Crescent Moon
Some people use a nine-phase system to include the dark moon, which refers to the time in between the waning crescent moon and the new moon.
The Four-Phase System:
New Moon
Waxing Moon
Full Moon
Waning Moon
The Two-Phase System:
New Moon
Full Moon
It really doesn’t matter which phases of the moon you choose to celebrate. I got back and forth between the four-phase system and the two-phase system depending on how busy I am, and what kind of energy I need at the time.
The cool thing is that even with so many variations, there seems to be a general consensus regarding the moon’s energies throughout its cycle.
The new moon is a time for setting intentions and introspection. The waxing phase is great for manifesting and making progress towards your goals. The full moon is all about celebration. The waning phase helps with releasing.
The Waxing Moon
Today, I’m focusing specifically on the magical energy of the waxing moon, or what I like to call the Make-It-Happen Moon. This phase lasts about fourteen days. It occurs right after the new moon phase and ends at the full moon. During the waxing moon phase, the moon will transform from a tiny sliver in the sky to a big ball of light. Each night during the waxing phase, the moon appears to grow a little more. It’s a visual representation of how we use our own power to take our desires from idea to reality.
The waxing moon offers its manifesting power to us freely. It’s available to us for those fourteen days each cycle whether or not we choose to use it. If you’re looking to make your dreams real, this energy will be highly beneficial in your magic.  
7 Ways to Manifest During Waxing Moon
#1: Set an Intention and Tell the Moon
Many people will tell you to set your intention during the new moon, but I think the first days of the waxing phase are excellent for goal setting. I’ll use the restful introspective energy of the new moon to let my ideas marinate. Then when the powerhouse energy of the waxing moon comes thundering in, I’m ready to commit to my intention.
Once I have a goal in mind, I’ll perform a waxing moon spell around it. Your ritual can include anything you want, but if you need ideas, here’s what I do.
Waxing Moon Intention Spell
Go outside or near a window on the first day of the waxing moon. (This happens about three nights after the new moon phase.)
Write an intention (or a word that represents your intention) on a bay leaf, and hold it between your palms.
Thank the waxing moon for being present for your ritual. I do this by holding my hands up towards the moon (with the bay leaf still pressed between my palms).
When you start to feel the current of energy from the waxing moon, bring your hands to your heart (still holding the bay leaf).
Spend a few minutes thinking about something that will bring up the feelings you associate with your intention. For example, you want to call in romantic love, so you visualise yourself getting asked out while you’re sipping a cold brew at your favourite coffee shop.
Next, open your eyes and light the bay leaf on fire. Do this in a fireproof container so you stay safe. Wait for the bay leaf to burn completely.
Watch that intention float up to the moon carried by the smoke.
Trust that the moon has received your intention and that it’s already helping you manifest it.
Thank the moon, and your spell is complete.
#2: Come Up With a Manifesting Plan
After you’ve shared your intention with the moon, start planning how you’ll create opportunities for your intention to manifest. If you’ve decided to manifest a new job with this waxing moon, brainstorm some actions you can take to align your energy with that of a new job. You could apply for jobs online, ask friends for leads, carve out time every day to visualise your job or look for internship opportunities.
After you have some ideas, get out your calendar and mark the last day of the waxing moon. (This will be the night before the full moon.) Plan what days you’re going to do each action. Shoot for one action a day towards your goal—even if it’s just a quick spell before you go to bed.
Finally, decide on how you’ll celebrate the full moon. This can be dinner and a movie, tickets to a concert, or a relaxing bath with some wine. Pick something special that you wouldn’t normally give yourself. Whether or not you stick to your waxing moon plan, enjoy your celebration. You and the moon deserve it!
Let’s say your intention is something huge like writing a novel. You’re probably not going to accomplish that during the fourteen days of the waxing moon. It will likely take you at least a few moons to bang out the first draft. If that’s your goal, plan the action you’ll take during this current waxing moon. You could commit to outlining a chapter a day for fourteen days. Or maybe you’ll choose to wake up an hour early to write. After the waxing phase is over, you can think up some ways to use the waning moon energy for your writing project.
(By the way, if your goal IS to write a novel, put your laptop or writing notebook by your window so the moon can shine on it. The waxing moon is great for cultivating creativity.)
#3: If You Need Clarity, Ask the Moon
The moon has been around almost as long as the earth has. It knows things. It can help you if you don’t know exactly what to manifest. You can access the moon’s ancient wisdom by simply asking.
Take a moment each night during this moon phase to close your eyes and send a question up to the moon. Something like, “What should I focus on tomorrow?” or “What should I create tomorrow?” will work just fine.
Imagine your words flying out of your mind towards the moon like a comet. Then open your journal and spend five or ten minutes writing whatever comes to mind. You’ll likely get your answer.
#4: Ask For an Unexpected Gift
I do this every night during the waxing moon and it’s brought me so many crazy wonderful things—a new project, an idea for a story, a random check in the mail, a flirty text from someone cute. It makes me smile just thinking about all my moon gifts.
Try it for yourself. You’ll notice quickly that when you work with the moon’s abundant energy, magic happens in the most surprising ways with very little effort. There are two reasons for this. The first is the moon is already putting off a strong manifesting energy. It wants to send blessings your way. The second reason is the moon knows what you want. It’s been shining down on you all your life night after night. You can trust the moon to send some love your way.
#5: Let the Waxing Moon Charge Your Magical Tools
The moon will charge anything its light touches with whatever energy it’s holding. For fourteen days, the waxing moon’s light will be sending out lots of joyful manifesting energy. Set out whatever you’ll need for your manifesting magic, and let the moon do its thing while you sleep.
These tools can include water, magical oils, herbs, crystals, incense, written incantations, journal entries, candles, magical card decks, or your cauldron. The moon won’t discriminate. Whatever you chose to leave out overnight, the moon will make sure it’s all ready to go!
You don’t have to make a big deal about doing this. For me, it’s like plugging in my cell phone before bed. It just takes a minute, and I go to bed knowing my tools will be fully charged in the morning.
#6: Take a Moon Bath
In addition to charging your magical tools, you can charge yourself by taking a moon bath. To do this, take a blanket or a lawn chair, and sit outside in a place where you get a nice view of the moon. Hold out your arms and let the moon’s light wash over you. Feel its manifesting power as it lands on your skin and seeps into your body. Breathe in the light of the moon. Smell it. Open your mouth and allow the light to enter your body that way. What does it taste like? Can you FEEL its power?
While you’re soaking in moonbeams, take a moment to admire the moon’s beauty. Notice the light and dark spots from the way the sun’s light hits the moon’s surface. Look for shapes or figures in the moon. Observe any feelings that come up as you’re doing this.
Also, you don’t have to sit. You can dance, jump around, or lay down. Let yourself be wild under the moon if you want. I feel a juicy sort of energy when I do this like I’m connected to all other witches from the past, present, and future.
Maybe you want to go camping and sleep under the moon. Maybe you’d like to cuddle with your lover, your cat or your family under the moon. Experiment with everything you can do in the moonlight. There’s no limit.
My favorite thing to do when I’m taking a moon bath is to revel in the abundance of the universe. I’m reminded that there are more than enough stars, more than enough sky and more than enough moonlight for everyone in the world. What a great energy to bring to manifesting spells!
#7: Invite the Moon to Make Magic With You
Go outside (or by a window if the weather’s bad) and actually perform your magic in the light of the moon. This could be a meditation, a spell or a tarot card reading. It’s a beautiful way for you and the moon to co-create together.
Be curious about this. Notice any unusual feelings that come up during your magic and journal about them. Keep track of the magical results you see. Are you manifesting faster? Did you feel a burst of energy when you lit your candle? Do money spells work better under the moon? What about love spells? Once you get familiar with the waxing moon energy, you’ll start to know what spells are especially potent when you team up with the moon.
The Moon and You
As you spend more time with the moon, you’ll strengthen your connection to it. Enjoy the entire process and don’t get hung up on your goals not manifesting fast enough or not being able to feel the moon’s energy right away. All that will come with time. Have patience with yourself just like the moon is patient with you. You have many more nights to explore the limitless power of the moon as you flow through every phase of your life.
Have you ever wanted to get more in tune with the moons energies and learn to incorporate this powerful source of magic into your witchcraft?
Lunar energy is such a prevalent part of modern witchcraft but it can be so hard to get started if you’re unfamiliar with the moons cycles and how each phase affects you, your magic, and your life.
In The Witch’s Guide To Lunar Alignment I make the process of learning about this amazing source of magic easy for you. With a guided tour through the cycles, a workbook to help you learn your personal lunar patterns, and a lunar calendar to track the moons phases, this course has everything you need to start working with lunar energy in your craft today.
Learn More Here >>
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blackwhitefrancis · 7 years
August 27, 2017 12:20 AM
I keep seeing those list of questions to get to know people here in Tumblr and in Twitter, so I decided to give it a shot. I found a list of questions that I think I could comfortably answer and would give you ideas of me aside from what I post here. Instead of asking for a random number or a word from ask, I answered them all because I don’t think I have enough followers to get through all of them anyway. This is also because I haven’t posted for a while and would like to remind people I’m still alive. I’ve got a couple of drafts going, but they’re not fully thought out yet.
Anyway, here goes!
1.  Who was the last person you held hands with?
Does the Ama Namin prayer in church count, because if so, I’d have to say my brother.
2.  Are you loud, outgoing, or shy?
Shy if I’m not comfortable around people. Outgoing if I am.
3.  Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Well, this blog is dedicated to a certain someone.
4.  Are you easy to get along with?
I’d like to think so. 
5.  Have you ever given up on someone, but then gone back to him/her?
I’ve given up on a lot of people, and I have never gone back to any of them. 
6.  If you were drunk, would the person you like take care of you?
I should hope so.
7.  Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
I don’t think two months is enough to get to know someone before being in a relationship, so even if I do meet someone today, the answer will still be no.
8.  Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
My very busy friend who I wish I could hang out with more often.
9.  Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Me, no, but the company I keep does, so we rarely talk about it.
10.  Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
That same busy friend. I spent the last Saturday just lounging around in her room.
11.  What does your most recent text say?
“Medyo nga. Baby steps. Haha.”
Have fun figuring that out. 
12.  How do you feel about abortion?
Fun fact #1: I’m a BS Biology graduate from a Catholic University and I was still studying at the same time the RH Bill issue was at its peak. We weren’t allowed to openly support it as long as we wore our school uniforms. I was in third year, and our Embryology professor defied that rule and supported it anyway and taught us why. I don’t remember the specifics scientifically, but what I remember was that abortion should be fine but only up until a certain point, but only because this considers the health of the mother. 
13.  Do you like big crowds of people?
Hell, no!
14.  Do you believe in luck and miracles?
15.  What good thing happened this summer?
I got a raise in my salary.
16.  Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I kiss my parents on the cheek before I leave for work and when I come home, so yes.
17.  Do you think there is life on other planets?
Statistically speaking, yes.
18.  Do you still talk to your first crush?
Not as often as I like, but yes, she and I still do talk when we happen to bump into each other. Yes, she.
Fun fact #2: She was the very first person I came out to in high school, but we’ve known each other since 1st grade, and I had a crush on her during 5th grade.
19.  Do you like bubble baths?
Haven’t tried it yet. We always have showers. Even if I do find bathtubs, I’m always to tall to fit in them comfortably.
20.  Do you like your neighbors?
Not really. They have kids and those kids cry sometimes at godforsaken hours in the night.
21.  What are your bad habits?
Is eating ice after I finish my drink a bad habit? I’ve also been told that taking a shower immediately after I get home from work is a bad habit.
22.  Where would you like to travel?
Denmark and Iceland
23.  Do you have trust issues?
Yes. My default setting is to trust, and if that trust is broken, then it’s gone.
24.  Favorite part of your daily routine?
That shower after I arrive from work.
25.  What body part are you most uncomfortable with?
Fun fact #3: I have a birthmark on my left arm. It’s not that I’m uncomfortable with it, but I often forget it’s there and it’s very noticeable for other people. I get uncomfortable when people point it out.
If not that, then my height. For a very introverted person, standing a head taller than most people is extremely uncomfortable. I get noticed with and without my presence, like “oh, there’s the tall guy”, or “where’s the tall guy”? 
26.  What do you do when you wake up?
During weekdays, after I turn off my alarm, I change to workout clothes and exercise for around 40 minutes. During weekends, depends on what time I wake up, but usually I’ll start playing Guild Wars 2, because that’s North American prime time, and I get to do stuff that I can’t usually do.
27.  Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
I like the color of my skin. I guess it could be lighter, but I don’t really care either way.
28.  Who are you most comfortable around?
The same handful of people I’ve known since high school.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
If I play my cards right, I won’t have an ex, but for now, let’s label this as TBD.
30. Do you ever want to get married?
I do. The church and the government not so much.
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
No. I like my hair short. My hair gets really wavy when it gets too long and it’s hard to comb.
32. Which celebrities would you like to have a threesome with?
Scott Hoying and Matthew Daddario. 
33. What do you spend most of your money on?
Bills. *cries in corner*
34. Do you play sports?
My friends and I just started playing badminton regularly. I hope we can continue doing it as a weekly thing, but knowing my very busy friends, that just might not happen.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
I already don’t watch TV, technically speaking. But if I had a choice between TV shows and music, I would drop TV shows. I need music. It helps calm me.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Don’t we all?
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Nothing. I would let the silence continue.
38. Do you think age matters in a relationships?
Physical age, no. Maturity, yes.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Booksale, Fully Booked, Powerbooks.
40. What did you want to do after high school?
Fun fact #4: I originally wanted to be a marine biologist, which is why I took BS Biology. But in college, Bio subjects were my weakest subjects. As in I would do very well in my Math/Chem/Literature classes yet barely pass my Bio classes. I realized that it might not be for me. I wanted to shift to Sociology or Behavioral Science, but my parents didn’t think I would get a good job from that. So I weathered it out and graduated in the same course anyway. I did try to find a job related to my course though. In the end, I found my love for the written word, and got a job in editing. Haven’t looked back since.
If I could give any of the young Tumblr bloggers here some advice, I’d say don’t worry too much about your course or your future. Use your college experience to find out more about yourself and the things you’re passionate about. Five to ten years after graduation, nobody will give a fuck what your course was, as long as you’re doing a good job. Just make sure that job is something you love.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Yes, but no more than that.
42. If you’re being extremely quiet, what does it mean?
Look up Tranquil Fury in TVTropes.org.
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Not really. Which is why people usually think I’m unapproachable or intimidating. The height doesn’t help with this.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Outer space. I don’t know why, but the ocean kinda scares me.
45. Do you want a roommate?
I already sleep in the same room as my two brothers so no thanks. I also help pay rent, so moving out will just add more expenses for me. 
46. What are you paranoid about?
That I’ve said something offensive or hurtful without even knowing. My humor tends to be a mix of sarcasm and wit, so there are times my intention gets misunderstood.
47. What was the meanest thing someone ever said to you?
My friends and I were playing this game called Disturbed Friends (look up the game if you want to know the rules), and they basically said that I would screw up raising a child.
48. The nicest thing someone ever said to you?
That I would make someone incredibly happy someday.
49. Have you done something recently that you hope no one ever finds out about?
Yes. Let’s leave it at that.
50. What language do you want to learn?
I took Spanish in college and want to continue learning the language someday. 
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duckball · 7 years
#BB19 Let the games begin
Summer has officially started! Tonight is the 2-hour premiere of BB19! Hey, it’s Brandon and I’m back this summer to blog and tweet and bitch about all the happenings in the BB house! I cannot wait to get this season underway! Let’s gooooooooo! 
“The most tempting season go Big Brother begins now.” Julie rocking the purple sleeveless dress! She’s as excited as ever. 
There tempting offers could turn the house upside down.....
Money, former fan favorite, and possible first night eviction (OH SHIT)
The first one we meet is Christmas. Author, first female NASCAR print crew member, and obvious fitness buff
Jason is a rodeo clown and auctioneer. Aww, his son’s cute. That’s all I have to say about him. 
Alex loves playing video games, chess, eating, and preparing for the apocalypse. 
Kevin is a stay at home dad with 7 kids who is used to dealing with children so that should help him in the game. Probably not tho. 
Dominique is a nuclear engineer from D.C. Religion is a huge part of her life. So important that she has a YT channel all about Jesus. She seems fierce. 
Mark is a personal trainer who was raised by his grandparents. Awwww his grandparents are adorable! Almost as adorable as he is. 
Elena is a radio personality from TX who is 100% unfiltered. “There’s a really good chance my mouth will get me in trouble.” You think honey? 
Ramses is a cosplay artist, or god, in his words. A BB super fan who is the gay guy of the season. A little over the top. Well, a lot over the top. 
They are playing it off as if Jason and Dominique will get along which I don’t see. 
Elena’s family tells her goodbye by telling her to go get a man. How supportive of them... Who cares about this amazing opportunity she just received go get some dick and bring that home so you can break up in 6 months. 
Alex, Mark, Ramses, and Elena are the first 4 to enter the house this season! 
Ramses is fan boying in the diary room.  
Alex is already looking for clues for the first comp. My first impressions were wrong.
Elena is drooling over Mark, not surprisingly. But Mark is drooling over Christmas. Sorry Elena, trying the next group of bros. 
Christmas is hilarious!
Cody is next. A Marine for 4 years, and 6 years in the air force. With an amazing body. And I mean amazing. He’s pretty chill. Aww... he has a little girl! She’s cute! 
Raven owns her own dancing studio and an all woman ghost hunting team. Who seems so much more tame than her pre show interview. 
Josh is a Puerto Rican business man who is super proud of his heritage and will not stop at the chance to remind us of that and his loud personality. 
Megan is a dog walker. When she was 20, she joined the Navy and became a professional interrogator (did not see that twist coming). 
Cameron is microbiologist. The nerd of the season who is athletic. According to him, a triple threat. We’ll see about that.  
Jessica is a something from LA. A model I think. Looks like it. Apparently she’s a super fan who always watched with her dad who passed away 3 years ago :( 
Matt is a...... oh he’s oh.... oh. I heard nothing he said. Sorry. That face, that hair, that body, that everything. 
Jillian is a timeshares rep who is talking about how to get timeshares and I couldn’t care less. Her entire family went to Tijuana to get weight loss. No judgement but judging. 
Well, Megan hates woman because they’re bitchy. Good luck girl.  
Matt, Raven, Jillian, and Cameron head in to meet the first 8 HGs! 
Christmas and Matt (YES PLEASE)
Raven and Matt? (NO PLEASE) 
The first thing Cody notices is Jessica. As well as Josh. Who will sleep together first because both guys basically already have a hard on. 
Ramses, Megan, Alex are hitting it off super well. 
#LivesInHisMomsBasement Alex about Cameron HAHAHAHA
None of these people know what cosplay is. Kevin can’t even pronounce it, not surprisingly. 
Dominque lies about her job, Megan doesn’t tell them she was an interrogator. 
All the girls are drooling over Matt. Which is literally me this entire episode. Ugh I can’t handle him. 
“The biggest, wildest, the most tempting summer in the history of the game. The summer of temptation. And it all starts right now!” 
Money, safety, and power are all of tonight’s temptations. 
They all head out to the back yard for the first temptation. BB Garden of Eden. They are all in pods and are lifted in the air. They have a button and if they press the button, they get 25K. Accept it, and the first twist of the summer will be released into the game. The person who takes the temptation will remain anonymous. 
Cameron is not pressing the button. Josh wants to but won’t. Dom says it’s not worth it this early in the game. 
TWO consequences. One personal. And one for the entire house. The person who claimed it is not eligible to win the first HOH. They must throw it. The second is...... most likely Paul coming back but we won’t know till later. 
Dominique is pissed. She’s out for blood. Get it girl! 
Julie says they’re about to be joined by a former fan favorite. I’m shocked! Wow. Cannot believe. Best kept secret. So excited. Yay. 
Doorbell rings......... PAUL FROM BB18 ENTERS THE HOUSE (yawn) 
Cody doesn’t like him and can’t wait to BD him while everyone else is hanging all over him. 
Megan, Ramses, Alex, Jillian head upstairs to chat. They all vibe well. Megan says lets just call it a group of people talking strategy, not an alliance. Smart call, Megan. Don’t jump the gun already. 
Paul is taking one of the HGs places in the game. It’s called the BB Swap. Lmao
If they want to stay in the game, they must tempt Paul. He goes to the storage to get a box and Julie tells him to open it... There are 9 friendship bracelets. One for him, 8 are for the other 8 HGs OF HIS CHOICE. If they get a bracelet, they will be safe from eviction. They other 8 will be up for eviction.  
Jillian has yet to take out her weave. She needs that bracelet! Girl! Me too. I feel ya! 
Raven is the first one working Paul hard. 
Elena gives him a cheese sandwich. Practice safe snacks, use a condiment. He’s impressed. 
Cody is literally sitting there in silence. Most awkward date ever I love it. 
Paul is having none of Christmas or Josh. 
TIME FOR THE ROSE CEREMONY I mean bracelet reveal 
First bracelet goes to.... Kevin ugh 
Next.... Raven 
Third.... Dominique
Fourth.... Mark
Fifth... Jason 
Sixth.... Jessica 
Seventh.... Ramses
Eighth... Elena 
Cody, Matt, Cameron, Megan, Christmas, Matt, Jillian, Alex are up for eviction and will compete to stay in the house 
Tempted by the Fruit is the safety challenge. 3 will be on the chopping block and up for eviction at the end of this comp. 
They have to hang on to a trapeze. The last one standing will be safe from eviction. When they fall, they have to pick an apple. Some are good, some are bad. The 3 bad ones will land you on the block. Julie will reveal clues throughout the comp as to which apples are the good apples so it’s best to stay on longer. 
Jillian falls first... 
Megan falls next... 
Josh falls next because they got another clue and he thinks he can get a safe apple. Bro. 
Cameron jumps down next 
Christmas falls down 
Matt, Cody, and Alex are left hanging 
Matt falls down after an hour and 12 minutes 
Cody and Alex will guarantee their safety 
Alex falls after an hour and 25 minutes 
Cody is SAFE 
Alex is SAFE 
Matt is SAFE 
Christmas is UP FOR EVICTION 
Josh is SAFE 
Megan is SAFE 
The three noms are tempted by how they want their fate to be determined. Either by letting the house vote or take fate into their own hands and battle in a comp for safety. SHIT THIS IS GETTING INTENSE 
Jillian wants the VOTE 
Cameron wants the COMP
Christmas wants the VOTE 
There will be a vote 
Jason wants Christmas out. Cody isn’t impressed with Jillian. Cameron uses a striptease on Jessica and Elena but they seem unimpressed. A hairy butt isn’t the way to Elena’s heart. Now we know. 
Cameron is the first one to cry in the DR! I made the best first draft pick ever. Go me. 
It’s time for the first eviction of the season... 
Paul will only vote in the event of a tie 
Jessica evicts.... 
Okay well they aren’t showing who everyone is voting out. 
I guess the votes are in now.... 
Christmas is safe with only 2 votes to evict 
8 to 3... Cameron is evicted and has been Jodi’d/Glenn’d 
This is legit sad. This kid is a fan and it was his dream and he lasted only 12 hours while a vet takes his place. It sucks. I don’t like it at all. 
BB is back tomorrow night for the crowning of the first HOH and Sunday will the reveal of the next twist..... 
We get to choose one HG to enter the Den of Temptation. Once they get to go in, they cannot enter it again. They’ll be tempted with the Pendant of Protection. The person that gets this will get safety for the next three weeks. But of course it comes with some kind of consequence... 
Well..... that was A LOT. I’m still trying to process everything because there was so much happening tonight. Overall, it was entertaining. Very intense premiere episode and one of the better premieres in a while. Hate the fact a vet is back. Hate the fact that it’s Paul. Hate the fact that he took the spot of a newbie. But I think it’s going to be a fun season if tonight is any indication. Let me know your thoughts on the premiere! Comment below or tweet us @DuckballBB. 
Thanks for following along tonight! You’ll get to chat with the rest of the DB team as the season goes on. I’ll be tweeting all season @oubrandon14 about the episodes AND the live feeds! Follow me and tweet me your thoughts! Until next time..... 
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