#watch dogs headcanon
aiza-luna · 1 month
Watch Dogs Council... I had an idea.
An "What if" AU concept to be exact. What if... Lena didn't died?
Hear me out, the accident could have made one out of two things: Leave her in a vegetating state OR leave her paraplegic, unable to walk again.
I still believe shit would go down south bc is Aiden, he would still go after who ordered the hit and stuff, all the shit-show... But I wonder if maybe in this AU, his guilty would have been more easy to carry?
Honestly, this is more bc yesterday I spend the whole day wailing about how sad Aiden's birthdays must be without his family with him anymore 😭
So this manifested as an comfort AU of sorts? Still angstish, just less depressing 😭
(people made AU with Clara surviving, I can pull this off too-)
I kinda want to draw Lena in this AU. Like, her on a wheelchair, trying to move on with her life despite everything, and watching her uncle succumb to his thirst for her revenge for fucking with his family. See him become a killer and try to cope with that... I even imagine her on Legions, all grown-up, being able to walk again/ regain her motor functions (if on vegetative state) thanks to the technology of the game timeline 🥹
( * Soft crying mermaid noises )
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artiststarme · 1 year
Steve had always wanted a dog. He wanted to cuddle on the couch, tug of war with old socks, and play catch in the yard. Most of all, he wanted a friend that would love him unconditionally.
So when he and Eddie got their first rundown house on the edge of Hawkins, he wanted to get a dog. They had a yard, savings in the bank, and plenty of time to spare between Eddie’s gigs and Steve’s school. He wanted a dog.
Eddie, though, wanted a cat. He was never a huge dog-lover. He didn’t really like the way dogs seemed so attached to their humans, they were too needy. He wanted a cat that kept to itself 23 hours of the day before finding its favorite person for minimal scritches and pets before disappearing once again to be a cat.
They were at an impasse. Neither one was backing down and after a two day silence streak, they reached a compromise. They would get a dog. Eddie could be reasoned with on the condition that they got a golden retriever because if he got a dog, you better believe it was going to be Steve’s twin.
With his acceptance, Steve brought home a puppy and named her Cinnamon. In a need to wreak havoc however, Eddie called her Van Halen and she only ever answered to that.
Years later when Van Halen was fully trained, Steve got his revenge. Eddie brought home a cat named Ozzy and Steve saw his chance. He called her exclusively Cuddlebug and from then on, she only answered to that.
It was so much worth it, seeing the grimace and full-body sigh Eddie took whenever he called her name. He learned the hard way that Steve holds a mean grudge (and usually gets payback in unexpected ways).
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originalartblog · 7 months
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Remember when I pitched the concept of Chuuya developing a fear of lightning/electricity after the events of Storm Bringer and the Dragon's Head Conflict?
Thunder doesn't bother him, he deals with loud noises on the daily. No, it's the lightning itself that gets to him.
So obviously the solution is to close his eyes and wait for the storm to pass while berating himself because he should be better than this.
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John huffs as his hair falls into his face for the 5th time as he digs for his S/Os soon to be garden: For the last time….
Dog looks at John every time he huffs and mumbles:
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Y/N notices John getting irritated with his hair as he works leaves the kitchen heading towards John
John notices their approach: What’s wrong
мое сердце? (stops moving their head as Y/N moves his hair back and puts something in his hair)
Y/N smiles happily at their work: There you go now you look cute and your hair won’t get in the way.
John looks at Y/Ns phone as they take a picture of him to see what they had done to him:
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unicornpopcorn14 · 7 days
Skk watching any type of movie/show with a plot twist is so funny because Dazai calls the plot twist out in seconds and Chuuya always doubts him and is never convinced until said plot twist happens and he's now fuming because Dazai spoiled that for him
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karmicpunishment · 11 months
i was re-watching nimona and looking at the moments of nimona’s tapetum lucidum and thinking “atsushi’s eye’s definitely do this”
kyouka, getting a glass of water in the middle of the night and seeing this shit:
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looking back at her from the closet where atsushi sleeps
atsushi had absolutely no clue this was happening, he just thought even had night vision this good
nearly gives half the office a heart attack the first time they see it
it makes night stake outs easier at least!
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 20 days
— turingTested [TT] began pestering turbulentGullface [TG] at 16:13. —
TT: Stop. Everything.
TT: Crow, get the banana.
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lowlightsahead · 2 months
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"Quit with the habit of rolling all over the ground whenever you're worrying"
Just how many times did Chuuya witness it in the past to know that it's a habit. Imagine them on a mission, being in a pinch, Chuuya shouting,"Oi shitty Dazai what next? ", there is no response. "What the fuck are ya-", Chuuya turns around to find Dazai rolling in the mud.
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lolhex12 · 11 months
we don't talk enough abt akutagawa's cough / lung disease (chronic&terminal) yet it has so much angst potential?? anywayy
after the current arc, atsushi knows akutagawa is actively dying and he's the only one who does bc akutagawa didn't tell anyone else abt it. (altho, in all honesty, the amount this man coughs should at least hint at it. i'm honestly amazed not more ppl in the story are concerned abt it)
so, the next mission they have together, akutagawa coughs and atsushi is now aware what it really means, so he wonders out loud with nonchalance masking his concern: "hey, so like, do you think yosano's ability would help with your cough and all? would it go away then?"
akutagawa, wiping his mouth, slightly annoyed: "how would i now? i'm not well-acquainted with your coworkers, weretiger, therefore it's none of my concern. and even then, i wouldn't trust any ada members with my issues, nor my life."
atsushi finds his words a bit sus bc 'u do trust me tho', but doesn't say it out loud and they leave it at that.
somehow, it becomes a regular thing. every time they have a mission together and atsushi hears his partner cough, he presents more ideas of how they could cure a terminal lung disease, and they vary in absurdity as he runs out of inspiration.
his ideas range from mere "have you tried going to a doctor?" (<- at which akutagawa stares in disbelief: "you either think i'm an idiot, or you are the idiot. which one is it?" and atsushi pouts bc 'ok yeah, fair... but also, rude') to insanities like "maybe witchcraft would help! i could look up witches in the area and see if black magic or something has any luck." (<- at which akutagawa is so done he doesn't even entertain the idea and just keeps walking)
they never follow through with any idea tho, bc akutagawa stubbornly refuses to waste time on trying to find a cure when his time on earth already is very limited.
it should also be noted that each time the cough gets worse; louder, rougher, more persistent and even bloody, which only makes atsushi more and more worried.
so one time, akutagawa's particularly annoyed by atsushi's insane and stupid ideas. he turns to him and point-blank asks: "why do even care so much whether i succumb to my illness or not? surely, my death should only leave you overjoyed to see the world be rid of one more evil."
that makes atsushi think bc 'why? why does he care whether akutagawa lives or dies? he's right, a bad person like a mafioso dying should be a good thing.'
after lengthy contemplation he comes to the conclusion that he simply cannot have his sworn enemy/rival/partner die from something as pathetic as a disease. someone as strong as akutagawa has to die in a more memorable way - not alone, in a bed, coughing, with nothing more to be remembered by. if anything he'd have to die fighting atsushi or something. yeah that's it. that's why. (<- it's not, but they're not quite there yet)
so atsushi tells him as much. akutagawa accepts it bc 'yeah, makes sense. what else could the reason be?'
the whole routine of coughing and brainstorming a solution in vain continues as the ideas get even more insane, the cough even worse and atsushi more concerned than ever.
the next time akutagawa is annoyed enough to pose the question again, atsushi is close to tears from anxiety as he holds up akutagawa who collapsed and can't seem to subdue his cough properly.
atsushi struggles to get out the water bottle and cough drops he'd started carrying around on their missions together. he's so scared bc he's never seen akutagawa look so sick and frail before (but not weak. never weak. akutagawa could never be weak in atsushi's eyes. it's impossible, bc akutagawa being strong is a simple, unchangeable fact, constant in any possible universe).
what would he do if akutagawa actually died there? in his arms? on a mission? which would probably get cancelled. would the pm think atsushi killed him? does he bring back the body or just bury it somewhere? pretend he got killed on the mission and not by his own body that had turned on him years ago and was in reality a long time coming? he couldn't even bear to think abt it.
"why tf do u care so much??" akutagawa yells with a scratchy voice before his cough continue despite his best efforts to stop.
atsushi can barely breathe anymore. "because i don't want you to die, you idiot! we're a team! you're my partner. who will i be left with if you go?" tears stream down his face, mainly from how overwhelming his anxiety feels. or maybe bc he really doesn't want his partner to die? nah, it's the anxiety. definitely the anxiety. (<- #denial)
akutagawa, at first embarrassed how his collapse derailed their mission bc goddammit he's supposed to be a professional and not let his issues interfere with his job, pauses when he sees atsushi crying... for him? because of him? ???
he's very confused bc he's pretty sure his rival/enemy/partner should not be so concerned abt his health and impending death, but something abt atsushi's expression and that whole situation makes him rethink his outlook on life.
that's when akutagawa starts taking his health more seriously and actively looks for possible, feasible ways to cure his disease, even if there's only a small chance it'll actually work. bc seeing atsushi like that made him realize there are a handful of people who care abt him and would mourn him if he died; more than just his sister and higuchi.
it made him realize his life had a bigger impact on others than he'd previously thought, not all of it bad.
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never-again-virgil · 7 months
Head cannons for when if you were a teenager he found in San Francisco.
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(You the reader are probably around 15 maybe 16ish I doubt wrench would be around anyone younger then that)
1. I don't think wrench would ever adopt you per say. But he would like let you live with him, he probably wouldn't be home very often (he probably lives in his garage)
2. I don't think wrench would really have any 'rules' except for probably don't add or remove from the population.
3. Wrench is a messy dude, but he would probably have you a little clean area for you do your own thing, like have your bed there or were you can just have your own stupid shit.
4. I feel like when you turn 18 wrench would probably not kick you out but might try and push you to get a job unlike him because honestly his main way of income is stealing everyone else's banking information.
5. Wrench would probably teach you the basics on how to build things and how to hack (to a point) in his freetime.
6. Wrench would probably drink around you. He'd probably drink less when your awake but he'd drink more if your asleep.
7. Wrench would supply you with new tech (probably shit that he made so you wouldn't have a ctos or Blume anything)
8. He would also give you headphones for all the yelling and screaming he does and also when he works on things so he wouldn't wake you up.
9. If wrench ever saw you cry or want attention from him wrench would probably freeze up, wrench seems like the guy that wasn't really treated right as a kid so he never really developed the emotional intelligence to help you so he'd might call up Marcus or someone like that to help you or to guide him more.
10. God forbid anything happend to you. If someone hurt you or God forbid kidnapped you their already dead wrench is going mama bear on there ass so fast.
11. I feel like even if Wrench gave you a bed you probably wouldn't use it. I mean he's not home always so might as well use his of course Wrench doesn't care what bed you sleep in its when he can't go to sleep because your ass is in the middle of the bed and refuses to move like a concrete wall weighing down the damn bed.
That's all for now, I might do more on these, I wish there was a way where you guys can give me requests but I have no idea how to.
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disabledidols · 7 months
Chuuya with a cane and Dazai with crutches... They have 'sword fights' that often end with them both on the floor and poking the other with their respective mobility aid.
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aiza-luna · 3 months
Watch Dogs Headcanons - Animal Quirks/ Symbolisms.
By Aiza Luna :D
Feels like I'm writting a newspaper but nah, just more delulu Aiza journal 😭
Anyways!! Remember when I said I had Headcanons of giving my fav characters animal refs/ symbolisms? Well... Decided to do that today! 🥳
So lemme start with the list! First gonna do with some of the characters from WD1 that got most of my attention/ are more well-known. ( PS: trigger warning for people with Arachnophobia when arriving at Clara's part? Is right under Aiden's, skip if you so wish)
Aiden Pearce - Gray Fox. (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
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Ok, this one is basically common knowledge since we all know that's where his damn nickname comes from lol.
Aiden has a lot of paralels with Gray Foxes, from the round faces, to climbing skills to hunting abilities!
Foxes in general represents Cunniness, Witt, a Sharp Mind and a Dubious Morality with it's Trickstery Nature. However, Gray Foxes represent neutrality, a symbol of maturity, but also sadness and indecisiveness... That sounds familiar, does it? It fits Aiden's description awfully well!
For my HC of his mannerism:
- When Aiden was younger, he used to climb trees all the time back at Belfast. His mom used to yell at him afraid he would fall. ( Wich he did. A lot actually.)
- Like a fox, he has great hearing, detecting easily when people are approaching by.
- He loves fruit (He likes Strawberry Shortcake and Banana Cake) and meat! Although he rarely has time to cook for himself and relies heavily on fast food, he is an enjoyer of chicken and hare meats!
- When Aiden manages to sleep without stress (in very rare occasions), he tend to sleep curled up under his sheets without noticing.
- He has a strong smell. When not because of his constant exercises running after criminals, is because of his wooden deodorant + his trench coat of leather. lol
(Like even after showering, his smell is not bad, just strong than usual.)
- His face is secretly very sensible. If he shaves his face and gets touched their somehow, he'll shiver and recoil bc that's a VERY sensitive face. Even with his stubbles, he can easily feel the texture and touch of someone on his cheeks, like a fox with it's whiskers. 🥺
Clara Lille - Trapdoor Spider! (Liphistius malayanus)
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This one is also, once again, common knowledge! I mean, she's called like that in game- lol
Our dear Badboy17, the tattoo girlboss herself, it's pretty obvious where the spider parallels go with Clara: Her lethality, how she work in the dark, carefully using the web in her favor... But is there more to it? 🤔
Spiders represent the Resilience, Unseen Danger and the Connectedness.
All those meanings fit Clara perfect: She's connected to many things, Aiden, the Club, Dedsec... She works in the dark corners, weaving her web of connections and the benefits she can get of it. Similarly, she is an unseen danger, a person that can discover everything about others without them even suspecting, and using that against them... But she's also Resilient. Despite her connections and actions, she weaved her own path to redemption on helping Aiden, to try to fix her mistake and make amends for her past actions... And much like a spider, she was easily killed, because while Spiders are easy to disappear from our sight, people won't think twice about killing them if they're considered a "threat" to them...
For my HC of her mannerisms:
- Clara is excelent with handscraft: Eletronics, Art, Sewing... She's great at anything that requires hand work since she's very precise and perfectionist.
- She's into Urban Exploration! She loves to find dark, abandoned and hidden places left in urban areas, specially if they have some connection to Blume as a bonus.
- One of her favorite foods is Sushi! Is quick, pratical and she just like fishes. (One of Trapdoor Spiders prey 🥰)
- Is not afraid of insects but doesn't like them at all, will either kill or try to take them away from the place, if the insect is harmless.
- Clara has pretty good instinct, mostly reflex in near-body combat, but she rarely displays them since she rarely needs to fight someone nowdays or is caught offguard by gunned opponents.
- She is a solitary person, in the sense that she stays hidden in her little corner and rarely gets out with others, aside for working at the tatto studio she works on. :')
Jordi Chin - Korat Cat. (Felis Catus)
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This one was suggested by @paul-poppy-art but I think everyone here agrees Jordi gives major cat energy. XD
Our favorite Fixer is funny, odd and sarcastic lovable sociopathic asshole and we all know it, but saying out loud, that does fit the description of a cat! 😂
Cats are hunters, and their symbolism is mostly tied to Indenpendence, Inteligence and Mystery, this fits Jordi perfect.
A man that works indenpendely, his only criteria is who pays more, wich will be more advanteging to him. An Inteligent and calculative killer that always has a plan in mind and a mysterious person whose' past we know nothing about! Still, he stays by Aiden's side and display his affection in a more non-verbal way (like a cat lol)
For my HC of his mannerisms:
- He has a pretty light walking, you can't hear him comming behind you... Wich is either very dangerous or annoying, depending on your situation.
- Jordi is incredibly sensitive to his surroundings and always knows what is happening around him. You can't surprise him, you simply can't.
- When not working, he tends to stay layed down or sit a lot, like a "big lazy cat". lol
- Is a clean freak. Likes to keep all his work and himself the most well-presented her can. He absolutely despite Aiden's lack of self-care. 😭
- Has extremily good reflexes and flexibility, if he gets to you, you're Fcked. (proof is at WD2)
- Is not a verbal type of guy to express his feelings, but more of the type of doing small gestures to the people he cares for. He brings them food as one of his love languages.
(Kinda like when a cat brings a bird at home to "feed their human". lol)
T-Bone Grady - Bearded Collie Dog. (Canis Lupus Familiaris)
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Now is turn for the legendary Hacker Dilf himself!! 🥳
Honestly T-Bone was both easy and hard because well... His name. XD
I struggled a Lot with what race he could be, but looking a bit up, I think Bearded Collie would fit like a glove! For his character design, mostly. 😂
Dogs symbolism is tied to Loyalty, Fidelity, Alertness and Protection.
We see this a lot on T-Bone, he won't hesitate to attack to defend himself, although to his friend's he's loyal and always watch over them and their safety.
(Him trying to reach Aiden to alert him in the Bad Blood DLC) and of course, him always being in alert for Fixers after him.
My personal HCs for his mannerisms:
- Will occasionally pace around or throw/ destruct somethings if too stressed.
- Spend a lot of time on his hair and beared, and tends to let some hair strings behind.
(like a true big furred dog lol)
- Like the Bearded Collie breed, T-Bone doesn't usually "bark", he bites first.
(See his meeting with Aiden-)
- Can't really stay inside for too long, gets easily bored and just generally hates being idly by.
- Is curious and enjoys a challenge, this old a-hole will take anything to unlock areas/ information that no one else has access to.
(See his Wiki)
- Will always be around the people he cares for, like, physically. He follows/ stays around his friends like a dog with his owner. 😭
(Shows much more Physical Display of Affection out of the main Trio tbh)
Nicole Anne Pearce - Bumblebee. (Bombus)
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HEAR ME OUT OK? The patterns on her shirt and her color palette reminded me so much of a Bumblebee! 😭
They're so chonky and floofy! Tell me Nicky ain't cute like them? 🥺🥹
Bumblebees symbolises Hardwork, Productivity, New Beginings and the Importance of a Community! I think those describes Nicole very well!
She's a hard-working single mother providing for her child(ren), her job as an Event Planner reminds me of the systematic work system of bees! Her community (family) is extremily important to her and she fought for their best... Unfortunetly, she had to re-start her life after everything that happened in WD, so all the animal symbolisms fit her character very well. :')
My personal HC for her mannerisms:
- She has the habit of "hum" while working, doing chores or running errands.
(Like the buzz of a bee lol)
-Nicky loves flowers but she doesn't have a garden since she rarely has time to dedicate to it. :')
-She loves honey! And she used to eat a lot of honey-made when she was a kid! 🥰
- Woman can't stay still, she's always moving around trying to do things: Chores, return calls, etc. Aiden used o joke she was "too much of a busy bee".
- She has a pretty characteristic floral smell. Almost all her house smell likes a garden, always with a floral hint in the air.
(Aiden used to find it comforting whenever he visited her and the kids.)
And that's it for today!! There are still missing some other characters from WD1 I still wanted to correlate to animal symbolisms, but this already long af 🥲
I'll (MAYBE) post a part II about the other characters I wanted to associate + another part talking about WD2 characters and their animal symbolisms I Headcanon them with 🥰
Anyways, thank you all so much for reading my delulu ramble, love you all 🙏🏽🩵
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ghostbroh · 2 months
Josh got his first piercing (ears) n both sitara and wrench came for moral support
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Bonus thing,T-bone sees Josh's ears,this is a /j type of headcannon,I think it would be pretty funny if T-Bone were the type to cry when he's drunk
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also worth considering that the first time the akutagawa's moved to their own apartment and started interacting with the general society after joining the pm, chuuya did the exact same thing (following them, not the weird comments necessarily)
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np-c · 18 days
soulmate au, in where if one person dies, their soulmate follows, but also there are known cases where one soulmate survived impossible odds because of the other's stubborness: Dazai can't die because he is the soulmate to one of the most impossible people on the earth
(soulmate au where Chuuya is someone who is impossible to kill, someone who survives Corruption and worse, because Dazai simply refuses to believe that a universe, where Chuuya is dead, exists)
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disabledstraydogs · 2 months
Headcanon about Lucy is that she loves horror movies and watches them with Anne before sleeping, her favourites are paranormal and supernatural based movies, especially found footage ones.
The issue is that these movies trigger her delusions and paranoia, Anne always tries to convince her not to watch the movies but she does anyway and often ends up phoning Atsushi and has him to stay on the phone and talk to her so she can sleep
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