#we had a really good discussion about kink and sex tonight
mars-ipan · 4 months
talking to my mom is such a blast. meeting of the minds
#marzi speaks#pseudosexuality moment#<- for what the tags shall entail#it’s great we both engage in good faith share our perspectives#and then we both come out of it having learned something new#and it rules!!#we had a really good discussion about kink and sex tonight#and we talked about negotiation and sex positivity and the specific things we liked and didn’t like#and how important it is to communicate that with a partner#and how all of this ties into being acespec#i even explained pseudosexuality to her! and she seemed to get it pretty well! about as well as i do anyways lmao#and then i mentioned my kmda crush bc he’s a good example of it being easier for aspecs in some cases to be attracted to fiction#to which she was like ‘that makes sense- it’s like fantasy’#anyways i was trying to explain why i liked him to her. and i was like ‘ok kmda. my mom grew up in the 80s. kmda. 80s. what connection. OH’#and i said he had the JD appeal and my mom went ‘ah gotcha mkay’#eventually the discussion turned into how stories like heathers are being simplified and reduced for the sake of remakes#and that was also a really good convo#but i really enjoyed talking about kink stuff with my mom. we bonded :]#also it was cool to see where we differed. some things i was like Yes about she was like Absolutely Not about and vice versa#it was also fun to see where we had similarities. rope bunny solidarity 🤝 it’s the GAD lmao#anyways i love talking to her. she’s so smart and when she sees something she doesn’t understand she doesn’t judge it or shy away from it#she just asks for clarification and tries her best to understand and contribute to the conversation#and usually we both end up learning from each other!!! it’s so cool#also a lot of my friends (at least that i regularly see irl) are not nearly as freaky as me so i rarely get to talk kink with ppl#so it was nice to just get to have that conversation
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itstheoneshot · 9 months
Summary: All you had to do was sit still and listen, but that was asking too much of you, wasn’t it?
Word Count: 2.9k
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Power Imbalance, Age Gap, Dubcon, Breeding Kink, Brat Taming, Degradation, Unprotected Sex.
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“Are you going to answer?”
You snap out of your daze, focusing in on the source of the voice. You heard your name and were unsure if you were daydreaming, but now with your lecturer standing in front of your desk, you accept the truth.
“Answer what?” You ask in monotone, not even attempting to feign interest.
You couldn’t care less about this class, one of the mandatory units you need for your degree, only here to pass and nothing else, you don’t care about high marks.
“I asked you,” He sighs, clearly frustrated, “To speak on what the author meant on page 14… were you even listening to me?”
You lift your head up to make eye contact with your teacher. Professor Byun Baekhyun. Barely in his 30s, and way too smart to be wasting his time with a student like you. He’s handsome, witty, and you know that if you cared about the topic, you would probably try for his sake at least, but truth be told, all you can think about right now is the day ending so that you can go home to bed.
“No,” You smirk at him, “And no, I wasn’t.”
You watch the vein in his neck bulge as he draws in a sharp breath, and you stifle a laugh, though you can’t wipe the smile from your face. You were never a well-behaved student, not in any of your schooling years, and still now in university you just thrived off frustrating your teachers. You could never really pinpoint why, but you were sure that your psychology lecturer, the one right in front of you now, could do so.
“Stay back after class,” Baekhyun murmurs, an order, not a question, “We need to speak about your attitude.”
You roll your eyes at him in an attempt to dissuade yourself from stamping your feet in protest. You know that you’re not the only one in class who doesn’t pay attention, but you have no idea why he singles you out.
“Are you kidding?” You ask him, “Sir, I have shit to do tonight.”
Baekhyun narrows his gaze, jaw clenched as he holds himself together, “Mind your language,” He warns you, “I won’t keep you too late if you can act like an adult.”
You don’t get a chance to clap back before he turns to walk to the front of the class, resuming the lecture and seemingly forgetting that he had asked you to join in the discussion. Though you should, you still don’t focus for the rest of the class, leaning back in your seat and staring at the clock on the wall, waiting for the session to end so that you can get this stupid talk over and done with.
“My office,” Baekhyun murmurs as you stand up from your desk, “Follow me.”
You roll your eyes once more, and drag your feet for good measure while you make your way over to him, but you do as you are told and follow him down the hallway and up a flight of stairs to his private office. As expected, the walls are lined with shelves full of books, and you scoff thinking about how boring they all must be. Baekhyun closes the door behind you before making his way to his desk, sitting behind it and gesturing to one of the chairs in front for you to take.
“Do I need to be here?” You ask, glancing down at your watch, “This is a waste of time for us both.”
Baekhyun stares blankly at you, and it sends a shiver down your spine. Even earlier when he was calling you out for your inability to pay attention, there was still a niceness to him, but not now you are alone.
“You definitely need to be here,” He replies, “And the fact that you don’t think so proves it for me.”
You raise a brow in confusion, not quite sure what he means by that at all.
“Cut the attitude,” He continues, “You won’t get anywhere in life if you continue to act this way.”
Exhaling deeply through your nostrils, you close your eyes to try and centre yourself, but not before Baekhyun continues to berate you.
“You think you’re funny, disrupting the class the way that you did today,” He states, which is not a lie, “But that’s just because you’re insecure, isn’t it?”
You suddenly feel bare, exposed, how the fuck can he read that from your behaviour? You know he has a doctorate but really? It’s that obvious?
“I am not,” You try to cover yourself, “I just don’t give a fuck about your stupid class.”
Now it is Baekhyun’s turn to compose, breathing deep into his chest, “I said,” He begins, “Cut the attitude.”
You break the intense eye contact to glance down at your watch again, how has it only been five minutes? “Can I leave now?” You ask, more persistent this time, “I am getting nothing from this.”
Baekhyun stands up, towering over you even though he is not the tallest man you know. You would never admit that it frightens you a bit, but if he is as good at reading people as he makes it seem, he would be aware.
“You need to learn to do as you’re told,” He states, “And you aren’t leaving this office until you can do that.”
You know that from his position, he has a good view of your body, and if you can be sure you’re not insane, you just caught him staring. Your shirt is a little low cut to be worn to Uni classes, but you had planned to go out for drinks after, so wanted to save the need to change.
“What are you insinuating?” You ask, “Baekhyun… seonsaengnim.”
Baekhyun’s lips curl up in a playful smirk, and you feel your stomach drop. You hate that he has gotten under your skin with such seemingly simple words, and such small actions.
“I’m insinuating,” He replies, “That if you don’t do as I tell you, that you may have to repeat the whole year…”
Coercion? He’s using coercion on you? But you don’t break so easily.
“I don’t care,” You respond with another flat out lie, “I’m not doing anything.”
You can feel his patience waning, but this only fires you up more, ready to fight, wanting to make him pay for making you feel so fucking… subordinate.
“I don’t think your parents would be happy to hear that their daughter is wasting their hard-earned money,” He murmurs, “I know they pay for your studies, and they’d be very, very disappointed if that money went to waste.”
He’s right. Of course he’s right. The only people who you really care about, your parents, would be devastated both emotionally and financially if they had to fork out the fees for an additional year of university. He has you backed into a corner, and you know it, he knows it too, and he is just waiting for you to give in.
“What do you want from me?” You ask him, your tone softening in what is probably fear, though you don’t feel it often enough to know for sure, “What do I need to do?”
Baekhyun smiles this time, showing those perfect teeth of his, and it makes your skin crawl. Psychologist or psychopath, you have no idea, and you take deep breaths to center yourself awaiting his response.
“I said, obey me,” He replies, “I know what you do outside of class, all the boys talk, so I’ll be making my own judgement today.”
Your breath catches in your throat, mind racing as you begin to realise exactly what he is speaking about. You are embarrassed, maybe a little ashamed, knowing that your stupidly attractive professor has heard about your… indulgences… It makes you crazy.
“What is your order?” You ask, chest rising and falling with heavy breaths, “Is this even allowed?”
Sure, you’re an adult, well and truly, but he is so much older than you, ten years at least, and the imbalance is evident. You are mature, but nowhere near to his level, but you can see in his eyes, and feel in your body, that neither of you are upset about that.
“I make the rules,” He smiles at you again, he might be crazier than you are, “And the first one is I need you sitting up on this desk.”
You try not to be afraid, though your legs are a little shaky as you do what you are told, moving from behind the desk, to in front of him. He moves his chair back far enough that it hits the wall behind him, giving you plenty of room to sit down, and you cross your legs, not quite ready to give up without a little fight.
Baekhyun stands to join you, loosening his tie before reaching down to pry your legs apart. Your skirt rides up, exposing most of your thighs, and you feel so… impure.
“Much better,” He nods approvingly, his long, delicate fingers trail up your bare skin, “If you take me well enough, you may even see your marks improve. Your parents would be so proud, wouldn’t they, honey?”
Bile rises in your throat, but you swallow it down to return an even sweeter smile. It’s true, your parents would be overjoyed to see you do better, but of course they could never find out why. You watch Baekhyun as he scans your body, clearly pleased with what is laid out in front of him, fuck it, he’s too hot, and the benefits of this are enough to give in, of course, he wins.
“Use me,” You mumble, clearing your throat, “Take me, teach me my lesson.”
Baekhyun laughs, his hands sliding under your skirt to trace his fingers over your too-thin panties, “Such a slut,” He growls through gritted teeth, fingers pressing against you a little harder, “Ready for any boy to use whenever they want… but none are as experienced as me.”
You have no doubt that he is right, and it excites you more than you would care to admit. You whimper softly at the feeling of his fingers, close but not close enough, and you move forward just slightly to show your neediness.
“I didn’t think you’d give in so easily,” He teases, “I guess what they all say about you is right.”
“You don’t want me to play nice?” You ask, stuttering over your words as you feel his fingers slip under the elastic of your panties.
Baekhyun’s fingers breach you, two of them, deep and curled up at an angle. You dig your nails into the desk either side of you to keep still, not wanting to seem as turned on as you truly are.
“I might have hoped for a little more fight,” He purrs, pulling his fingers out only to thrust them in again, “But that’s okay, I’m sure I can break you more.”
The subtle threat has you reeling, though you’re quite distracted with his fingers inside you. You don’t know what to expect, glancing down to his crotch, the bulge evident, even through his slacks. You gulp, and stifle a whine when he takes his fingers from you, using them to unbuckle his belt, unbutton his suit pants, letting them drop down and pool at his ankles.
“Sir,” You mumble, realisation setting in, “I… do I have to?”
It is a little bit of an act, your hesitation, but at the same time it isn’t, fearful that a few teasing motions of his fingers weren’t quite enough to get you ready for what looks to be an exceptionally large cock. You brace yourself as he tugs down his underwear, and watch as he strokes himself, though already at full hardness, just to slick himself up with the little bit of arousal that he pulled from you.
“You do,” He nods, stepping forward so that his thighs almost hit the desk, “And you will.”
He lets go of his cock to grab you under the thighs, pulling you closer to the edge of the desk. You grip tightly to stop yourself from falling, and Baekhyun holds you with one hand on your hip, the other reaching for his erection. With a skill that you find way too hot, he uses two fingers of that hand to pull your panties aside, and guides his cock to your hole, teasing strokes along your slit, anticipation rising as you await his next move.
Baekhyun lets go of your hip to cover your mouth with his hand, “Quiet!” He orders you, but fuck, it is hard. His cock fills you painfully, thick, long and throbbing, your eyes roll back as you try to compose yourself, overwhelmed and now fully submitting out of fear.
He doesn’t give you any reprieve, keeping your mouth covered as he fucks you, hard and fast with no time to adjust. Your whines and moans are muffled by him, and you can’t quite pinpoint when the pain subsides and pleasure rolls in, but oh wow, it does.
“So tight,” Baekhyun groans, “This is all you’ll ever be good for if you don’t start focusing in class.”
You don’t respond, too distracted by the way he fills you up, and fucks in to you with no care for your own needs. It is degrading, his words and actions, but it turns you on more than you can explain.
“Or would you like that?” He continues, “Just serving me for the rest of your life instead? Wet and ready whenever I need my fill?”
Right now, you probably would say yes. Forgetting the degree you are so close to finishing, if you pass this year, you are drunk on his cock and would probably do anything for more.
“I might just get you pregnant,” Baekhyun goes on, and your body clenches as you realise he didn’t put a condom on, “Knock you up, force you out of your family, keep you as mine, so I can fuck you every single day.”
You are dizzy with both pleasure and with the lack of airflow, having your mouth held shut. You are sure that you look pathetic, but Baekhyun likes that, likes how easily you let him in, how utterly powerless you are compared to him.
“You’re gonna cum, aren’t you?” He sneers, “Turns you on so much when I treat you like the filthy slut that you are, doesn’t it?”
With tears in your eyes, your orgasm washes over you, legs shaking and nails leaving scratch marks on the wooden desk as you moan silent cries. You don’t know if any guy you have slept with ever got you to orgasm from penetration alone, so you are addicted to the way that Baekhyun has you feeling.
“I’m gonna fill you up,” He warns, “I want to see your tummy bulge, be a good girl and take it all.”
You whine a little as he moves his hand back down to your hip, now free to breathe again but still choked close to silent with the remnants of your orgasm. Baekhyun’s thrusts speed up, the harshness of them tenfold, and you watch sweat beads form on his forehead, biting his lip before he too climaxes, cock twitching in you with further thrusts, releasing his seed as deep into you as you can take it.
“Good girl,” He murmurs, pulling out of you slowly, but replacing his cock with his fingers to keep you plugged, “Can’t let any of this go to waste now, can we?”
You look up at him with glassy eyes, lips raw from biting on them to keep your volume down. You feel crazy, dazed and confused, a little afraid but still too fucked out to really process what is happening.
“Are… are you going to fail me?” You stutter, words a little slurred as he presses his thumb to your clit, fingers working to bring you to climax again.
Baekhyun works fast, wanting you to fall apart even further, and you aren’t sure how much more you can take. You can’t push him away, and you’re not sure if you even want to, focused on how good he makes you feel.
“Cum for me again,” He orders, “Need to feel you sucking me in, and then, I’ll make my decision.”
It isn’t hard to obey this order, the man is talented, and you wonder for only a moment, how many other students he has had on this very desk. Your thought is interrupted as your body seizes, cunt clenching to his fingers as your peak comes to head, biting your tongue to stifle the pitiful cry that escapes you, throwing your head back as tears roll down your face.
“Good girl,” He praises you, finally slowing down and extracting his fingers, readjusting your panties before he moves back from the desk, “That wasn’t so hard now, was it?”
You watch him as he pulls his pants back up, after wiping his hands with a tissue and sanitiser, and you catch your breath before asking again.
“So,” You start, “Am I going to fail?”
Baekhyun smirks at you, cocking his head to the side. He is so arrogant, and you are back to being mad at him again.
“No, I think you’ll pass,” He replies with an almost cheerful tone, “But if your attitude doesn’t change, just know I won’t go so easy on you next time.”
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lucerothings1 · 1 year
Dad’s best friend
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Chris wood x male reader smut
Warnings: gay sex, top Chris, bottom reader, oral, ass play, cowboy position, sir kink slightly used
Summary: your dad’s old best friend is back in town to visit and one thing leads to an other.
“M/n” your dad whispered into your room as you where awake “what what’s up” you responded half asleep. “Um on of my friends is over I would like you to meet so when your up and get ready please come down okay” “yeah I’ll go down in a bit” you growled back with your face buried in your pillows.
As you got up from your bed you decided to take a shower and get dressed. “Yeah shit yeah I remember” you heard your dad say as you got down stairs to see they where having a couple of beers.
Um Chris Id like you to meet my son M/n” your dad introduced you “ nice to meet you M/n I’m Chris” “Nice to meet you to Chris and I’m how do you know my dad” “Oh we go way back I went to college with him and I was here in town so I thought might as well go say hey” Chris responded.
“Well your always welcome here man” your dad said “Thanks man” Chris said patting your dads shoulder.
* Timeskip
It was now getting late and your dad had been outside in the back yard with Chris since they made food outside and they had continued to drink since you went back up to your room.
“Hey um where’s the bathroom” Chris had poked his head into the room looking at you. “What um yeah end of hallway to the left” you said “okay thanks” “ mm hum” you hummed in response.
“Hey um thank you again for the directions” Chris said walking into your room with his hands in his pockets. “No need to thank me but why wouldn’t you ask my dad” “Well um hey is a bit of a lightweight when it comes to his drinking I bought him inside and laid him on the sofa” “Oh my god thank you so much and yeah I understand he sometimes can’t control his liquor” you said sighing.
No it’s fine plus I should of known I went to college with him after all but thank him for me please I’m gonna head out before it gets more late” “no please stay the night my dad would kill me if I let you go and plus you did drink a bit and it’s not a good idea to be on the road” you told to Chris.
“Um really thank you but it’s not really necessary” “oh please quit it and please I need to k ow more about my dad in college he hardly speaks of it” you said patting a spot on your bed for Chris to take a seat.
After awhile of discussing of your father and Chris friendship in college you also happened to tell Chris himself was a little tipsy. “So what about you M/n the son of Alexander College royalty” Chris joked around after telling you about how your bad had been so popular back in the day.
“Well not much going on in my life I’m single and I’m 19 I have a 8 to 5 job I have weekends off and I don’t really do much so there isn’t really much to talk about” “ What, what do you mean your single you look hot and no girlfriend” “Um yeah no girlfriend and plus I don’t go towards girls mostly guys” you responded to Chris.
“Oh I’m sorry I shouldn’t have jumped to thinking” “ it’s fine your good” you said reassuring Chris to not feel bad. “So you um like guys then” “ yeah I’m gay” “yeah I mean I would see why I remember back from the college days.”
“Wait your gay to or” “No I’m just me plus it was in college where everyone normally experiments with guys and girls but it’s been along time since I tapped a nice tight ass” “give me a minute “ you said getting up from your bed and going down stairs to find your dad on the living room sofa snoring and asleep “dad dad hellooo” you whispered loudly as for your dad gave you no response.
“What happened” Chris said fro your bed “my dads past out on the sofa there’s no way his gonna get up tonight not until tomorrow evening” you said taking off your shoes and belt buckle and shirt.
“Um what are you doing Chris said with a confused look on his face. “Well you miss the tight asses right” you told Chris “yeah but what dos—wait nooo no no no noo” he said with the realization finally hitting him.
“I can’t sleep with my best friends son that’s like a big no no” “well I say it’s a big yes yes plus I have a tight ass I’m gay your you and your hard I can see your bulge” you said staring in between his legs as he looked to being caught.
“Well yes your hot and I’d like to fuck your ass but your dads down stairs” he said as you walked up to him unbuckling his belt and pushing him on to the bed. “Well then do it Chris” you said as you went on top of him.
“Fuck it” he said smirking with joy as he took off his shirt and sat up on your bed as he pulled you onto his lap “Exactly what I want you to do” you said smiling. As he pulled you to him locking your lips together in a heated kiss.
As you gave him entrance into your mouth as he explored your mouth with his tongue as you felt his arms move from your waist to your ass as he started to feel your clothed ass as he reached into your pants as you felt his fingertips tough your hole as he pulled off your pants and underwear all at once.
“Oh fuck baby you gotta hot ass he said as you began to fully take off your pants and his as well now in front of each other as you saw his clothed bulge now only being covers by his underwear as you started to kiss down his chest and leaving marks as he moaned happily cause of your touch.
As you got closer now to his erection you now removing his underwear and beginning to kiss down his waist and next to his cock teasing him as you began by first kissing his red fiery tip.
“Mm you do now how to tease someone don’t you” Chris said to you as he closed his eyes awaiting for your mouth as he could feel your lips and breath sending chills down his spine. As you began to put in the tip into your mouth as you swallowed him whole taking all of his 11 inches all the way down to his base where you could feel his pubs rubbing against your nose as you could smelling his mustiness.
“Uhh-Oh you are definitely a natural to suck cock nobody normal can deep throat me” he said breathlessly as he belt you hum in acknowledgment on his cock sending more vibrations to him making him more desperate as he got a ahold of your face as he started to plunge you on to his throbbing cock.
“Oh fuck yeah take this cock M/n” he moaned out as he continued to fuck your throat. “Oh fuck yeah ima cum oh fuuuuck yeah come on swallow it” he said as he pushed you down completely onto his cock as he painted your throat white .
As you got up from his cock covered with your saliva leaving a string of saliva from his cock to your mouth as he pulled you top of him. “Come on baby where gonna stretch out that little hole of yours” he said as you laid on his chest as he pulled your legs up and started to push your ass cheeks apart to reveal your throbbing hole.
“Suck” he said to you as he put his fingers up to your mouth as you obeyed. “That’s good enough baby” he said as he took his fingers and began to circle your entrance as you moaned melting from feeling his touch.
“Oh fuuuckkk” you moaned out of breath “Ah you feel so good baby, coming undone with just my fingers all tight and hot around me” he said as he begun to push his fingers into you as you begun to push yourself on to his fingers more to try to make him get to your good spot.
Oh no baby your not getting off that easy when the fun has truly only begun I’m purposely not hitting that little bundle of nerves you so desperately crave for me to reach. He said to you as he continued to fuck you with his fingers ever so slowly teasing you.
“Okay your open enough” he said as he removed his fingers causing you to whine but know whine “Don’t be like that plus your gonna get in upgrade” he said as he started to push his tip into your hole as you could feel your hole being ripped apart by him not only was he long in his length but he was thick in his width as well.
Oh-ah mm-mhum” “shhh it’s fine I’m almost in completely” he said as he begin to kiss you to muffle your moans as he pushed past your entrance as he was now completely in giving you time to adjust.
“Oh fuck I missed this so much” Chris said breathless as he felt your warm hole around him. “See I told you Chris” you said to him as you got up from his chest “Call me sir I don’t like being called Chris well I have my dick up your ass” he said smiling happily.
“Okay sir” you said as you started to rock your hips and ride his cock as you placed your hand on his chest and he placed his around your waist as he watched your hips mesmerized as you rode him. “Oh fuck yeah baby you like my cock” “ oh fuc-k ye-s-s sir” you moaned as you rode him after now holding onto his shoulders.
“Yeah fuck your self on my cock baby fuck your self so hard so your dad wakes up and sees me with my cock up your ass baby” he said as he gripped you’re waist and began to fuck you hard and all that could be heard was skin clapping on skin and moans.
“Ah shit fuck sir yeah fuck my ass with your big cock” you moaned loudly as you could feel him tearing your ass up even more. “Mm-ahhh fuuuuuckk ima cum” “ Yeah cum for me baby cum for my big cock” Chris yelled as you cummed all over the bed and on him as he continued to fuck you through your high.
“Oh-Ah fuck yeah I’ma fucking cum” he yelled as you begun to feel his warm milk leaking out of your ass as you now rode him through his high.
“Oh fuck that was amazing” he said breathless as you stayed on top of him as you felt him go soft inside you “Why don’t you stay here” you asked him “um yeah okay I’ll stay tonight on your bed” he said in response.
“No I mean yes but we have a extra room stay a couple of days and I’ll convince my dad to make you move in so we could fuck anytime and anywhere when my dad works unless you don’t want to” “please and go away missing his tight ass no way” he said slapping your ass. “But right now I’m tired and I want to sleep is that okay” he said looking up at you “ yeah I’m tired to” you said as you where about to get off him” no stay I like being in you” he said as you then just laid on top of his chest soon falling asleep on top of him while he was still in you as though the night you could feel his cock pulse.
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pinkroseblooms · 3 months
Boy Toy, Pt.2
Sugar Baby!TojixSugar Mama!f!Reader
Summary: Something's changed in your dynamic lately; Toji makes it clear the night you unknowingly push him towards desperate measures to ensure you keep your promise. AU without sorcerers and curses, etc, forgot if I mentioned that in the previous part. wc: 4.3k a/n: warnings and tags include smut, rough sex, creampie, breeding kink, dubcon, threats of forced impregnation/kidnapping, yandere!Toji, possessive behavior, toxic ass behavior, emotional manipulation, jealousy, sub/dom elements, sort of pet play(ngl I'm not sure?) reader is pretty twisted as well, lots inappropriate stuff, I'll add more later if I need to. Enjoy!
Nothing really changes the next few weeks; in the aftermath of your attempt to cut ties with Toji, you’ve found it fairly easy to return to the previous “arrangement” between the two of you. The only difference is that Toji is more...affectionate?
Granted, he’s never been shy: when the line between client and employer had been crossed, Toji became quickly accustomed to invading your personal space pretty much any time the mood struck him. Whether it was sweeping you up in his arms to pin you against whatever nearby surface was stable enough to rail you against or just giving your bottom a playful pinch, Toji would strike without warning or care for your busy schedule. For the most part, you had no complaints, as long as Toji was mindful to not leave marks that couldn’t be easily covered. As for non sexual contact, it was almost always you who initiated hugs, chaste kisses, hand holding, etc. Toji allowed it, welcomed it eventually, but it was rare for him to be the one to initiate unless the physical touches were leading to sex. 
“You smell so good.” 
“You need to shave.” You chuckle softly as Toji nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, his stubble leaving a slightly red mark as it itches the skin. “I should smell nice; because of someone I had to wash up again.”
After you finally managed to pry Toji off you, you had hopped into the shower while he stayed lounging in the bed, feeling too lazy to do more than wipe himself off with the shirt he had practically ripped in two to take off earlier. You were sitting in front of your vanity, having planned out your outfit ahead of time and now you were trying to decide what to accessorize with while Toji offered such helpful suggestions as, “don’t wear panties” and “are you sure you don’t want to go again?” 
“Whatcha getting all dolled up for?” Toji asks absently, pressing slow, sensual kisses down your shoulder. “Come back to bed. Let’s stay in tonight.”
“You say that like that isn’t what we do most nights.”
“You hate going out more than I do.”
“As true as that is,” You conceded lightly. “I still have obligations: the current CEO of Kamo invited me to dinner to discuss some proposals about shipping their products through us. You can eat without me, I’m planning on taking advantage of the free meal.”
“That’s my girl.”
One of your family’s company’s most influential associates cornered you after that morning’s meeting for a separate one on one dinner to go over the plans. You can grin and bear it to keep things genial, tedious as it all is. Choso Kamo is a little less rigid when he’s not around a group of people and you suppose he feels more relaxed speaking to someone he’s more familiar with. 
“But ya know, I could just kill him for you.”
“Did you run out of your allowance already?” Your eyes drift from your face in the mirror to where Toji has returned to sit on the edge of the bed. “I told you, if you want more for betting, you’re on your own.”
“You can afford it.” Toji replies with a shrug, not making any move to slip his boxers back on. “I didn’t actually: what makes you assume I blew through the cash already?”
“Because, it sounds like you’re fishing for a job. Anyway, I don’t need you to kill anyone.” You dab a dot of cream over the faint dark circles under your eyes. “Not at the moment.”
“I heard this guy is into some shady side deals. Is he dangerous?”
“Allegedly. Anybody who does get their hands on incriminating evidence always seems to go radio silent.” You apply a touch of red to your lips. “He could be a problem if I offend him during our meeting, but he’s smart enough to know his place; as long as I don’t directly challenge what authority he believes he has over me, our negotiation will be smooth sailing. He’s not the type to try anything.”
“No worries, he’s not gonna try shit with me there.”
You raise an eyebrow at Toji’s smirking face. “Absolutely not.”
“I’m your bodyguard: shouldn’t I go along and, ya know, guard your body?” Toji’s eyes travel down your shoulders and back to your ass; you’re perched on the cushioned stool in front of your vanity. He loves watching you get ready, at least, he usually does. “I wouldn’t wear that clingy dress to a business dinner.”
“Which dress would you wear?”
“Cute.” Toji snorts. “When are we leaving?”
“I’m leaving in an hour and a half. Do I really need to explain why your presence would be detrimental to this occasion?” You absentmindedly fix your hair, mentally debating on wearing it up or down. Luckily the marks Toji had so savagely left had mostly faded; nothing that a little makeup and a strategically placed necklace wouldn’t cover. “We plan to discuss business, and that’s all.”
“I’d be going as your chaperone; he’ll probably have a couple men of his own posted outside the restaurant.”
“We’re meeting at his place.”
“His place.” Toji repeats flatly, easy going smirk falls. His eyes are boring holes into your head and you don’t need to glance in the mirror to know.
“It’s not the first time he’s had me over for a meal; he’s never made any inappropriate advances or threatened me.”
You sound bored as you explain all this to Toji, but it isn’t doing anything to pacify him. Why are you adamant about not having him come with you? He doesn’t need to be at the dinner table, he could stay outside the dining hall or sit in the car. It wouldn’t be the first time, even if it’s been a long while since you’ve had Toji play the role of hired muscle. 
“How long have you known him?”
You pause to think. “Technically since we’ve been children, but we’ve never been particularly close. Our families' companies have always worked in tandem together and now we end up working together every now and then. He’s my age, give or take a year.”
“Good looking?”
“Yes, I’d say so.” You turn around slightly. “Don’t tell me you’re planning to leave me for my colleague?”
Toji doesn’t find much humor in your attempt to get him to crack a smile. 
“What if he does make a move? If you turn him down, isn’t that bad for business?”
“I highly doubt it; that’s really not Choso’s style.”
“Sure sounds like you know him well.”
“My point is, there’s nothing to get worked up about. I’m going to a business dinner, not a battlefield.”
Toji is vaguely familiar with who Choso Kamo is and his family’s reputation, but their questionable business dealings isn’t what’s making his hackles raise.
When he escorts you to social events, Toji can see what he suspects you don’t pay attention to: men and women alike seem to hold their breath when you speak to them directly. Their eyes linger, they don’t seem to even be cognizant of their own behavior. Men in particular will cast scornful looks Toji’s way, the bravest make snide comments under their breath only to wither under his own cold gaze. 
It’s entirely possible that part of your allure is due to being so scarce in public: you only grace a function with your presence if it’s absolutely necessary or if it would be considered an affront to refuse the invitation. You’re not exactly a people person and you’re not actually as good at reading people as Toji: you prefer everything cut and dry; you’ve managed to get along by charisma more than anything else. Toji has noted that you’re a person people want to be liked by. They want your approval. Choso Kamo isn’t an exception. Toji recalls on two separate occasions the imposing man peeled himself away from his solitary position at his table to greet you and you alone. He’s the only one who holds Toji’s stare and returns it with a look of utter contempt.
Blind as you might be to it, Toji’s perceptive eyes can see how the man practically bounds over to you, eager gaze trained on your polite, but kind smile, the way his paw-like hand grips yours ever so carefully when you ask Choso about his brothers and make small talk. Choso wants your approval and Toji would bet a cool one million it’s not all he wants from you.
“Hey big guy, why don’t you order in something special for yourself for dinner?” You sit down on the edge of the bed next to him, lean your head against his shoulder and run one of your hands up and down his forearm. “What I want you to do is stay here, all warm and cozy in bed, while I handle all this boring work stuff. There’s absolutely no reason you need to concern yourself with Choso Kamo or anybody I might need to have these silly, boring dinner meetings with. Do you understand?”
“How often do you expect to be called out this late for ‘business dinners’?” Toji whips his head around, a deep frown marred his handsome features. “Don’t condescend to me; I’m not a fucking idiot.” he pulls his arm away from your comforting touch. “Shit, why don’t you just go marry the guy? He’s obviously the better fit: rich, got his own business, bet your family will fucking love him.”
“Oh for goodness sakes, I am not listening to this-”
“Sit down.” Toji easily pushes you by your shoulders so you plop right back down onto the mattress. “Don’t walk away from me. I already told you, if you think you can go behind my back and mess around with other men, you’re dead wrong. You get that lumbering jackass on the phone and cancel tonight because I’m telling you you’re not going.”
You stare up at him strangely. “You’re serious.”
“As a heart attack.”
“No, I mean,” A half smile of bewilderment comes to your lips. “I thought you were teasing, but…are you actually jealous?”
You give Toji an unimpressed look. “Then why are you throwing a tantrum?”
“I’m not throwing a tantrum!” Toji barks, red faced and fists clenched; he’s itching to hit the pillows or the wall. He can’t remember the last time he had gotten this angry. “I’m just pissed.”
“Maybe, but I think you’re also worried.” You reply coolly. “I never even considered Choso before…but you know, he is my type. And he’s very agreeable when he’s not moody, reliable…I’m sure he would be a lot easier to train than another rabid dog I know.”
“I know what game you’re trying to play, little girl.” Toji leans down at the waist, arms on either side of you on the bed, as if to emphasize how much bigger and stronger he is. “You’re really pushing your luck.”
“Says the man with the gambling addiction.” You glance down between Toji’s legs. “Is that your way of trying to distract me?”
Toji follows your eyes; he hadn’t even noticed. He’s hard as a rock.
“I wonder what did it for you: was it pushing me down? Barking orders at me?” You reach up to poke Toji’s scrunched up nose. “Or did that talk about training do something to you?”
Toji doesn’t have to look down; he felt his cock twitch. You kiss his nose and put your hands on either side of his face.
“I really don’t intend on adopting another puppy anytime soon. Please Toji, be reasonable; I’ll only be gone for a few hours, you’ll barely miss me.”
Toji doesn’t say anything, but continues to scowl. He can hardly bring himself to think about it, but you’re wrong; he misses you every time you have to leave the house. Sure, Toji can spend his time however he likes with the allowance you give him and a house stocked with food and entertainment, but it doesn’t take long for him to get bored and sluggish. When you have to leave the house and don’t need him to escort you, Toji finds the things he used to get so much enjoyment out of have lost some of their charm. More and more lately Toji finds himself curling up either in your bed where he’s surrounded by your scent or napping on the nearest couch to the door. He hates how the click of the front door lock sends a wave of relief crashing over him, how a little voice echoes in his head “she’s home, finally” but Toji can ignore it while he’s busy stealing your breath away with kisses and clawing at your business casual clothes.
Besides, what if while he’s away at the track or the tables, you come back early? You might see he’s not there and decide to go back out or take on some other task thinking Toji’s content being left to his own devices. Maybe on one of those days you’ll stop at a cafe or a bar and you meet someone? 
“You’re the smartest dumb person I ever met.” Toji chuckles softly in spite of how irritated he still feels. “Everywhere I go with you, there’s all these people and they’re all better suited and they all want you. It’s constant. You know how exhausting it is, knowing there’s all these assholes out there waiting to snatch you up the minute they see an opening?”
“Now you’re exaggerating.”
“And you’re wrong. I will…that much.” Toji tells you firmly. “Miss you. I don’t like you going out. Even if I get to go with you, I hate it ‘cause I gotta see how they all look at you. I didn’t used to; fuck, you made me proud. You make me proud,” he corrects himself quietly. “I feel like I’m losing my mind.”
You look conflicted and Toji is hopeful; he’d like to avoid using force on you, even if he does get a kick out using his strength on you and handling you like a ragdoll. But this is different. 
“Baby, why don’t you reschedule? Say you’re not feeling good and can’t make it tonight, any excuse.” Toji smiles roguishly as he slowly presses you down onto the bed, straddling your hips so you can feel the full weight of him and how hard he is. “You look too good dressed up like this…makes me wanna lock you up and keep you all to myself.”
“I suppose…I could speak with him over coffee. Something more casual.” You move up the bed and sigh as a spark comes back to Toji’s cold eyes. “You really are a scary guy, Toji.” 
“I just don’t want to share you.” Toji rocks his hips, dragging the tip of his cock over the soft material of your dress; drops of precum stain the fabric. “So, so pretty.”
“Toji, I just got this!”
“Buy another.” Toji grinds against your thigh and gropes one of your tits roughly. “I’m gonna rip this one off anyway.”
You gasp as Toji makes good on his promise, his hands gripping the front of your dress and pulling it apart down the middle. The seams pop and the fabric tears right down the middle, revealing the matching lingerie set you had been wearing underneath; Toji curses under his breath.
“That’s what you were wearin’ underneath?” he asks incredulously. “Was this meant for him?”
“Of course not. I was going to surprise you when I got home.” You scolded him tersely. “Honestly, you have no tact.”
“Guess you need to train me better.” 
Toji kisses you hard, not giving you much time to react as he forces his tongue into your mouth and starts grinding himself into your still covered pussy. You don’t fight it when Toji takes your wrists in one hand and holds them over your head; he’s not letting you go anytime soon. You’re too busy rubbing yourself back on him, loving the feel of his cock desperately trying to fuck you, like he can’t even wait for you to take off the panties. 
“From now on you have to always tell me where you’re going and who’s gonna be there.” Toji’s demanding tone is a bit undermined by the way he’s groaning at the sight of your nipples poking through the lacey bra. “No late night meetings. And I don’t want you alone with him.”
“Choso wouldn’t do anything.”
“Bullshit. He’s probably a bigger freak than I am.” Toji pinches and rolls your nipple in his free hand. “I should fuck you while you call him.”
“Toji,” You say warily. “I thought we talked about this: you know I love you. I don’t want to be with anyone else. Please, try to not let your temper get the best of you: I have a job to do and if you act up too much-”
“What?” Toji asks mockingly; he’s already pulling aside your soaked panties and rubbing his tip along your folds. “Come on, I’m dyin’ to know. Am I being a bad dog?”
You’re about to retort, but then Toji bends down, eyes locked on yours as he runs his tongue up your cheek with a slow, wet lick. You stare at him slightly taken aback but that turns into shock when Toji slams his cock into you all at once.
“Fuck!” Toji hisses. “So fucking tight…come on, tell me baby, tell me how you’ll punish me!”
But the second you open your mouth, Toji is thrusting; his hold around your wrists is painfully tight and he’s able to keep your thighs spread by pinning one down with his other hand. You cry out every time he slams into you, making the whole bed shake and the headboard slam against the wall. 
“Think he can fuck you this good? Huh? You think he could make this pussy cream like I can?” Toji huffs and puffs, not slowing down even as he lowers his head to suck and rolls his tongue around your nipples, one at a time, making them shiny and wet with spit. “Got me trained to only want to fuck this pussy now anyway.”
“Too much!” You whine as Toji lets your hands go only to hook your knees under each of his elbows. “Toji, so deep, it’s too deep!”
“But babyyyyy, I have to.” Toji groans almost as if he’s exasperated with your protests. “I gotta breed you.”
“Wha-what are you…?”
“Uh huh. Nice and deep, gonna make sure all my cum takes.” Toji kisses your forehead with a twisted grin. “I’m going to fill you up and make you a mommy now.”
“What?!” This is the most panicked he’s ever seen you. “I don’t want kids! I’m on birth control and-”
“They can only prevent so much. I’ll keep you tied up for a while,” Toji traces his fingers along your trembling lips. “I’ll keep cumming inside you, all night, every day, over and over. I’ll even destroy the pills if I have to.”
“But I thought you loved me? It’s the only way I can think of keeping you…I mean, unless you were willing to do something else to make things a little more official?” Toji slows down his thrusts and looks down at you with a shit eating grin. “Ya know, something that shows other people you’re taken.”
“Something…?” You can barely breathe from exertion and confusion. “Official? Wait, are you saying you want us to get married?”
“Sounds fair enough, yeah? You already promised you would take care of me from now on.” Toji sighs and brushes hair out of your face. “Think of it this way, I get to put a ring around your finger ‘cause after all, you already put a collar around my neck.”
“You know, some people propose with a ring prepared and flowers, not threats of forcible impregnation.” Your voice is hardly more than a whisper. “Toji, I love you, you big idiot. If you wanted to, why not just ask me to marry you?”
“‘Kay, then…will you marry me?”
“I can get the papers ready tomorrow.” You ever so carefully put your hands on his shoulders lightly before moving in to hold him. “If that’s what it takes to put your mind at ease, consider me your wife. I’ve always considered you mine; honestly, do I have to collar and tag you to get it through your head? I have no plans to let you go, not unless you decide you want to leave.”
Toji chews on his lip as you hug him and give his neck butterfly kisses; suddenly he’s feeling anxious and tongue tied. Toji thought you might put up more of a fight: he knows what he is. He knows the disgusted looks thrown his way are warranted and he made peace with that years ago. If anything, it would be poetic justice for you to leave him high and dry, abandoning him without so much as a second thought. 
You have to stop this. You think you’re taming a stray and making him a house pet, but Toji knows exactly what he is. If you keep indulging him this way it won’t settle his mind; every day is already a battle to not do exactly as he said he was going to do, keep you restrained and locked away from the world. Fuck the money, fuck your work, fuck everything you want and everything Toji believed he wanted. To hell with it all. What’s one more selfish, cruel act? 
“Call him now.” Toji says suddenly, voice almost inaudible. “Call him and say you can’t make it because you forgot you had plans with your fiance.”
“Okay.” You nod. “But, um, I need to get my phone.”
“Actually, after we’re done.” Toji repositions your legs so they’re wrapped around his waist and his front is pressed flush against yours. “I still want to cum inside.”
“Okay, just be good.” You pet his hair, pushing his bangs off his face. “Can you be good for me, Toji? You were making me feel really good before; I want to cum with you.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I can do it.”
Toji can’t keep his eyes off your face; he’s panting, a drop of drool slides past the corner of his mouth, running down his scarred lip as you moan underneath him. He’s touching you with less force, but now he’s focused on rubbing your breasts and clit in tandem while you squirm on his cock. You’re giving him a great show; he wishes he had his phone out to record you, a little something to keep him company during those long hours you’re gone.
“Gonna fuck my pretty wife. Gonna make her pussy a mess…” Toji inhales as you clench impossibly tight around him. “You like that? You like getting your pussy ruined by me?”
“Yes, yes, I want it!” You rock your hips, squealing as Toji latches his mouth onto your nipple and rubs your clit faster. “So good, feels so good getting fucked by my…my husband…ah, Toji!!!”
Toji looks up at you with wide eyes; you’re too lost in your orgasm to notice. With high pitched cries, your whole body shakes from the being touched in your most sensitive places at once. He can feel your slick run down his twitching cock; after a few seconds, you’ve calmed down enough to breathe properly and look down at him with a tired, loving smile. 
“Cum in me…it’s okay, I want it.”
Toji’s pupils are blown wide as he starts thrusting again, considerably slower, but with just as much force as before. He slows down the closer he gets to cumming, only to pick up the pace and hike your legs higher over his hips, then his shoulders. You can’t even scream now; all you can do is dig your nails into the sheets and let out the sweetest most adorable little kitten like mewls Toji has ever heard. He knows you’re tired and sore and need to rest soon, but part of him just doesn’t want to stop. 
“Baby, stay with me. Almost there, gonna cum so fucking hard.” 
Toji hisses as your hands grab his biceps, gets even harder at the way your nails dig into his skin; he’s slick with sweat and from the combination of your pussy dripping in his lap and what he’s pretty sure is his own precum steadily leaking with every slam of his hips.  
“Almost there, I need ya to, shit, just call me that again, come on baby, c’mon-”
“My…my husband.” You say with a shaky breath. “Want my husband to cum in me, please!”
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!” Toji shudders at the wet slapping with every time he thrusts, your desperate pleas tempting him to keep ravaging you until you’re passed out; he’s babbling now, voice hoarse and so loud it’s a wonder he can speak at all. “Yes, take it, just like that, take it all, gonna cum, take it all baby, fuck!”
“Good…good boy…”
With a long, low groan, Toji doubles over and has to struggle to not drop his entire body weight on you; he wants to see your pussy get filled first. 
It’s dripping. Past his aching cock, past your puffy pussy lips, Toji’s cum drips onto his balls, down to the sheets in a little puddle. He came so much, he wouldn’t be surprised if you could taste it or if he ended up breeding you by accident anyway. All the better for him.
“Mine.” Toji rasps, arms pulling you in close, even as you weakly protest at his sweat drenched body and the mess; he pays no mind, in fact, he looks almost delirious as he grins at you.  “Hey…since I was a good boy, do I get a treat?”
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concreteangel92 · 4 months
Do you want to be a good girl for me?
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Noah Sebastian x fem!reader
TW: mentions of dom/sub relationships, getting turned on? Honestly nothing is too graphic here
A/N: So I had this idea in my head today after wondering how the conversation would go with Noah about him being a dom while you’re in the early dating stages.
This has definitely been inspired by watching him spanking the air during IDWT$ the other day which I have yet to recover from 🥵
I haven’t wrote any type of fanfiction in about 7/8 years! I used to write a lot when I was younger but stopped due to adult life haha so I do feel incredibly rusty but Noah and reading everyone else’s stories on here over the last few months has definitely inspired me but please be kind as it’s been so long 😂
I am half way through a smut filled Noah one shot atm so hopefully if this goes well then I’ll be posting that soon!
• So far you were on date number 3 with the Noah Sebastian Davis.
• Tonight was a home cooked dinner and movie night at yours
• Currently sitting together on the sofa, chatting after dinner
• You had both agreed to take things slow-ish to begin with so you could really get to know each other
• Noah being aware that you were a fan of the band prior to these dates
• The most you guys had done so far was holding hands, cuddling and a lot of kissing
• Now you know there is more to a relationship then sex but let’s be honest, it’s pretty important and it’s important to be compatible
• You hadn’t mentioned anything to Noah about the kinks or kind of relationships that you were into but it was definitely the time to see if things could progress
• “so I feel these dates have gone really well and that we appear to be really compatible”
• “so do I”
• “but there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you…”
* Noah would definitely be more intrigued when he sees a small blush forming
• “ask away”
• Noah, as ever, would be very collected with a calm expression that you can’t read
• “Umm, well the thing is….I just wondered….”
• “Don’t be shy y/n, if the blush on your cheeks is anything to go by then I can only assume it’s more of a private question?”
• Noah’s eyes never leaving your face and of course he would have a small smirk on his lips
• “right ok….so obviously you know I’ve been a fan of the band for a while before this….so I’ve seen certain videos online of you performing….and….and seeing the way you present yourself or the way you do certain things…”
• “What things?”
• Noah interrupting with an even bigger smirk, clearly catching on to where the conversation was headed
• You would definitely be blushing a bright shade of red at this point and trying not to do your nervous laugh and you most certainly can’t look him in the eyes
• “The videos of you spanking the air and the way you come across….I just have to ask….are you really the dom that you appear to be?”
• That whole sentence would have been said extremely quickly
• You would feel the need to ‘shy away’ from him after being so bold, eyes looking down at your lap
• Until you feel his fingers brushing your hair off your shoulder
• “why? Do you want to be a good girl for me?”
• You would instantly feel your tummy do a flip and have an instant ache in between your legs
• The latter would have you squirming ever so slightly on the spot and clenching your thighs together
• Something Noah of course does not miss
• “ your reaction just then tells me everything I need to know about you”
• You’d look at him with big eyes, a knowing smile on your face
• “I just needed to make sure that we were compatible in that area, most guys I’ve met aren’t into what I am”
• Noah would be tracing small patterns on your neck, his intense gaze never leaving yours
• “We can discuss what we like or don’t like, make sure that there is a safe word or a colour system in place but I do think we are going to be more then compatible”
• The ache would start to become very prominent to you at this point
• “Just to warn you, I’m not always very well behaved”
• You stare into his eyes, heart rate accelerating and you most certainly had a wet spot on your underwear at this stage
• “Good. Because I love my subs to have a bit of bite to them”
• You would unconsciously move closer to him while his hand gently wraps around the back of your neck
• “Can we just skip the movie now please?”
• Noah also moving closer “please what?”
• “please sir”
• “there’s my good girl”
• The kiss that happens after this would be messy and desperate and a small indication of what was to come
• The film definitely being forgotten about for the rest of the evening
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roryculkinluvr · 11 months
heyo :3 just wondering if you could write about charlie walker having a massive crush on reader, making him all shy and flustered. then reader and charlie get partnered up in a class project so they have to study together- charlie ends up confessing and it ends in some sub!charlie smut? ty if you do this, love ur writing c:
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➸ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: sub!virgin!charlie walker x fem!virgin!reader
➸ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: smut, sexual themes, pet names (baby, good boy, angel, etc), p in v, loss of virginity, protected sex, oral (fem received), cum eating, charlie sucks on readers tits, slight mommy kink, dirty talk.
➸ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: i’m sorry this took me so long to write, it’s much longer than i meant it to be but i hope you enjoy!
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charlie had always had crush on you, since freshman year to be exact. the first time he saw you, he became completely and utterly infatuated with you.
senior year was the first time charlie made a move. he took the opportunity when the two of you were in english class, your teacher paired you with charlie for an assignment. a smirk spread across charlie’s mouth as your name left the teachers mouth after his own. his you watched his cheeks turn bright pink when you flashed him a quick smile then turned back to the chalkboard.
once the bell rang, you waited for charlie to pack up so that you two could discuss the project. “hey charlie?”
his gaze shifted from his backpack to you. “hmm?” he hummed with a nod.
“i know it’s a friday, but if you’re not doing anything, we could get together tonight and get started.” you suggested. he began walking towards you, the corners of his mouth turning up as he eyed the dress you wore.
“yeah for sure, do you um… would you wanna come to my house?” he asked, stumbling over his words. you found it endearing that he got nervous around you.
“i’d love that, can i come at six?” you questioned. charlie followed beside you as you left the classroom, entering the hallway.
“yeah, i’ll text you my address.” he responded. charlie was trying so hard to sound ‘nonchalant’.
“perfect. i’ll see you then.” you beamed, turning around to go to your next class.
“see you then.” he echoed. charlie watched as you walked to walked away, shaking his head with a smirk on his face.
at six, you rang charlie’s doorbell, he opened the door and gave you a half smile. he analyzed every inch of your body, you wore the same sleeveless dress that drove him insane earlier that day. it was casual yet sexy, short but modest and a light jacket was covering your arms, hiding your bare skin. “hi charlie.”
“hi” he said in a breathy voice, butterflies swarmed in his stomach. “come in.” you stepped inside as he shut the door behind you.
although you had known charlie for four years, this was your first time in his house. you scanned the walls that were cloaked with old family photos and art work. you could feel charlie’s eyes on you as you admired his parents’ taste in art.
“you know it’s rude to stare charlie.” you teased. he let out a nervous laugh.
“my fault, you just look nice is all.” he couldn’t look into your eyes.
“thank you charlie, that’s so sweet.” you turned back to a picture of charlie and his mother when he was around six or seven.
whilst examining the interior of charlie’s home, you realized how quiet it was. “are your parents home?” you wondered.
he shook his head. “no they’re out of town til monday.” he explained as he led you to the downstairs living room.
it was spacious and nicely furnished, what really caught your eye was the bookcase beside the tv. it was overflowing with endless DVDs. “do you just have every movie?” you joked as your finger ran along one of the shelves. you were honestly impressed, it seemed as charlie owned every film you could name.
your comment was met with short laugh. “basically.” he responded. charlie sat down on his large couch, placing his school bag on the coffee table. you did the same before removing your jacket, resting it beside you.
charlie couldn’t help but notice how close you sat to him, especially given the amount of space you could’ve occupied. the bare skin that poked out of his t-shirt brushing yours made goosebumps paint his skin.
charlie fixed his gaze on you as you pulled a pencil and paper out of your bag. “so, i was actually thinking we could do something film related for our project. we pretty much have free reign over the research topic. so, maybe like comparing certain aspects of a specific movie to it’s book?” charlie proposed. he studied your expressions closely, desperately hoping you didn’t think his idea was stupid.
“that’s perfect.” you responded. you and charlie began to jot down your ideas stemming from charlie’s suggestion.
you both worked on the project for hours, taking quick glaces at each other and looking away anytime one of you thought the other was about to look up. it was half pass nine when you realized how much time had gone by. “oh shit.” you mumbled after checking your watch. charlie looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, confused with your distresss. “it’s almost ten, i’m sorry for keeping you working this late.”
“i didn’t mind at all” he put down his pencil and looked up, into your eyes. “i was actually thinking you could maybe stay a little longer.” he offered.
“oh?“ you tried your best to hide the grin that was forming on your face.
“yeah, i like this.” you gave him a puzzled look. “like i mean i like you.” he explained. you smiled at him, this calmed his anxiety flooded brain. “i have for a while.”
“me too.” you revealed. you watched charlie’s eyes brighten as you said this.
he stared at your lips hesitantly, failing to make eye contact. as charlie leaned in closer, so did you. the pace of his heartbeat was so rapid that you could almost hear it. you parted your lips slightly and charlie met them for a kiss. but, he pulled away almost instantly. charlie was still so close that you could feel his heavy, nervous breath on your mouth. “was that okay?” he asked softly.
without answering, you cupped the side of his face and pressed your lips against his. charlie couldn’t explain it, but he felt warm all over. as the boy became more comfortable, he placed one hand on your leg, the other on your waist. he broke the kiss again, “you have no idea how long i’ve wanted this.” he panted. you pecked his lips quickly.
“why don’t you tell me how long char?” you purred.
“ninth grade, been wanting to kiss you since i met you.” he admitted. you beamed at him before exploring his lips again, tilting your head to deepen the kiss. this made charlie hum into your mouth, his lips became sloppy and needy against yours.
“want you so bad” he breathed, between kisses.
“yeah? what do you want me to do?” you teased. your fingers played with his hair, making his cheeks turn bright pink.
“anything… anything you want.” he stammered. when charlie said anything, he meant it. he would’ve done anything and everything you asked him to. he was all yours.
“i want you to tell me what you want charlie.” you insisted.
“i want you to fuck me” he mumbled. his eyes focused on his hands, too flustered to meet your eyes.
“hm? couldn’t hear you.” you teased.
“i said, i want you to fuck me… please.” he repeated, the plead sounded desperate, almost whiny.
“yeah? have you ever done that before?” you questioned.
he shook his head, embarrassment displayed on his face. “no, have you?” he responded.
“no.” you answered. charlie was suprised by this. he didn’t think you were a slut or anything of the sort, he just couldn’t believe that he has a chance to be your first and to have you as his.
he put his hand over yours. “we don’t have to if you don’t want to.” he spoke to you so gently.
“i want to charlie.” you assured him. “are you sure you want to?” he nodded his head eagerly.
“i’m definitely sure.” with that, you kissed him again, charlie kissed back so passionately, your tongues lapping.
“then take me to your room char.” you directed. charlie led you to his room which was conveniently, also downstairs.
his room was surprisingly tidy for an eighteen year old boy. the bed was neatly made, there were no clothes scattered on the floor (yet) and everything seemed as it had its own place. the walls were covered in film and music posters.
charlie sat on his bed, his back against his headboard. you walked over to him straddling his lap, feeling him grow harder under you. he brought his large hands to your waist and you attached your lips to his neck, tracing sloppy kisses down it.
charlie took one hand to your shoulder, toying with the strap of your dress. “can i take this off, please?” he asked.
you removed your lips from his hickey stained collarbone to look at him. “only because you asked so nicely.” you joked. charlie pulled your dress down, it sat at your hips. under your dress you wore a baby pink lace bra.
“you’re so perfect.” he slammed his lips against yours before removing his shirt.
you traced charlie’s abs with your finger. “you know, you can take my bra off if you want.” his breath hitched just from those words.
charlie fumbled with the clasp of you bra, you tossed it aside. he sharply inhaled. charlie’s brain went fuzzy from the sight of you boobs. “fuck…” he sighed.
“you wanna touch them?” you teased. charlie nodded instantly.
“go ahead charlie.” he kneaded one of your tits, bringing his mouth to the other. he hummed in pleasure while he sucking on it. charlie flicked your hard nipple with his tongue, he could’ve came in his pants from just this.
“i need you, i’ll be so good for you. you have no idea how bad i need you.” charlie whined.
“want me to fuck you so bad hm?” you taunted.
“please.” he groaned before leaving a soft peck on your boob.
“please what?” you teased. charlie felt so pathetic (but he loved it).
“please fuck me.” he said in a high pitched whine.
“such a good boy” charlie whimpered at your praise. you moved off of him, pulling your dress down entirely along with the shorts underneath. he removed his pants, you could see his painfully hard cock through his boxers.
you laid on his bed, propping yourself up on your elbows. charlie sat beside you, rummaging in his nightstand for a condom. once he found one, he removed his boxers and rolled it over his dick. the sight of his tip leaking with pre cum somehow made you even more wet then you already were.
charlie moved on top of you. he wanted so bad to taste you or make you feel good first, but he was so needy. you brought your hand to his cock, pumping it a few times. “m’so wet charlie, bet you want.”
“gonna make you feel good, i promise.” he said before lowering himself into you slowly, making sure not to hurt you.
you hissed at the new sensation. “does that feel okay? i don’t want to hurt you.” he panicked.
“feels so good, just needed a second. you can move now.” you answered. charlie kissed you before thrusting into you, he rested his head in the crook of your neck, whispering compliments into your ear.
“you’re so beautiful.” “you’re so good to me.” “feels better than i ever thought.”
his pace was slow, he needed more. “can i go faster?” he breathed.
“say please.” you kidded.
“please, please let me go faster please. i need it so bad.” he begged into your ear. you bit you lip.
“so needy for me char, yeah you can baby.” calling him that name alone forced a drawn out moan out of his mouth.
charlie move so that he was looking at you, placing his hands around your waist as he began pumping in and out of you faster than before. “mmm fuck! feels so good, you can go even faster if you want.” you cooed. charlie’s eyes widened at your words.
“m’so close.” he sobbed, watching your tits bounce as he pushed into you so quickly.
“not yet char, can you be a good boy for me and hold it?”
“yes.” he nodded.
“then say it.” you demanded.
“sa-say what?” he babbled. his eyebrows furrowed, charlie could barely form thoughts overwhelmed with pleasure.
“say you’ll be a good boy for me.”
“ahhh! fuck! i’ll be a good boy for you baby.” he groaned. he pumped into you rapidly, his skin slapping against yours. the room filled with both of your loud moans.
you felt charlie’s dick twitch inside you a few times, before his cum spilt out into the condom. his breath was incredibly shaky as high pitched whimpers left his lips. “don’t wanna stop, m’gonna make you cum too mommy.” charlie told you.
“such a good boy. m’so close, fuck!” you moaned. “gonna cum soon.”
“can, ahh! can i taste it? please?” charlie pleaded. “always thought about what you would taste like.”
“yes charlie, fuck!” charlie removed his cock from your dripping wet pussy, laying down in front of it. his mouth met your cunt, swirling his tongue on your clit.
“just like that char, feels so fucking good.” you cried as your hips bucked into charlie’s face whist you tugged on his hair. charlie sucked, kissed and licked at your sensitive pussy. “i’m gonna cum now char!”
you felt the built up tension break as you came into charlie’s mouth, he licked up every last drop of it hungrily. “you taste so, so good mommy.” he cooed.
“come here.” he quickly laid beside you, turning to face you.
“was, was i good?” charlie asked, out of breath.
“charlie, you were perfect. you’re my good boy.” you praised, stroking the side of his face.
“mmm thank you angel, only your good boy.” he told you.
“how was that your first time?” you were so shocked that charlie could make you feel that good, given that he was a virgin.
“i’ve thought about this a lot, about us.” he replied.
“me too char, all the time.”
“do you want to spend the night?” you grinned at his question. “my parents aren’t going to be home for a couple days.” he reminded you.
“of course i do.” you chimed.
charlie gave you a kiss, “perfect, let me get us cleaned up.”
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dirtybitfic · 3 months
Therapy pt.3
Matt sturniolo x y/n / fem reader
Smutt, kinks, dom matt, punishments, a lot of crazy shit to do with the kinks discussed in the two therapy sessions. Lots of dirty shit honestly too much to put in the warning so … 🫦
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Matts pov-
Im so worked up right now. After her saying she likes a challenge I just could not handle it anymore. I know its not appropriate to have sex with a client but fuck me with y/n I just cant control myself.
Since the first session she's been running through my mind. She is absolutely beautiful for one and the kinks she has are music to my ears whenever she reads them off. Ive had multiple dreams about the nasty depraved things I want to do to her and after tonight I don't know if we’ll be able to go back to just a therapist client relationship.
I see the way she looks at me when she thinks im not paying attention and fuck the way she bites her lip nervously after reading her kinks is so hot to me. She is such a dirty girl but hides it all under this sweet innocent persona and it drives me wild. I want to see her brake for me ... hear her begging me to let her cum and watching her unravel over and over until she's crying and begging for me to stop.
Tonight I will finally get what ive always wanted and the best part is I know she’ll let me . I don't think she caught it but when she described her type in our first session she pretty much described me perfectly. The tattoos , dark hair , blue eyes, a dark mysterious persona and not too mention her size kink.
Y/n is not super short but compared to me she looks so small and it drives me wild anytime she looks up at me when I stand in front of her . She constantly has bedroom eyes and thats one feature I love on her gorgeous little face . Im 6'4 and she's probably around 5'7 so as you can imagine the height difference is a good amount . (Ik this man’s is a cool 5’8 but we gonna act like he ain’t alright)
As she sits next to me in the car I cant help but watch her as her thighs squeeze tightly together and her breathing is slightly fast. I wonder what her gorgeous little mind is thinking knowing im taking her back home with me. I know she was tipsy when she said those words to me but drunk words are sober thoughts and im so glad she finally made it clear she is also attracted to me .
These 15 minutes need to go bye quick ... because once I get her inside this damn house she in for a very long night.
Your pov-
Your going crazy in his passenger seat your mind is running wild with possibility’s of what is going to happen.
The thought of him above me with his hand around my neck as he fucks into you so hard your crying is on a non stop loop in your mind you’ve been clenching your thighs for so long they are cramping . You’ve tried to think about anything else but every time you try every thought turns into him again. He's consuming your mind and you cant wait for him to consume every other part of you.
The fact he is in a high class b.d.s.m club also tells you a lot . All the men there are dominants of high power and class . Your mind wanders back to the two men Matt had introduced you to and honestly you feel bad that they will probably never hear from you but now that you know you can have Matt you don't even want to look at them again.
You were sonly entertaining them just incase u had to settle for the next best choice but you know Matt is going to ruin you tonight and after this there is no going back and you pray this car ride is almost over.
How much longer do we have
About 10 more minutes ... why
I just really have to pee this isn't a lie I do have to pee but we all know the real reason I wanted to know
don't worry were almost there
he sets his hand on your thigh causing your breathe to hitch , even the smallest touch from his hand has your pussy clenching and pulsing. he rubs small circles with his thumb causing you to let out a soft sigh but it came out more like a moan.
you don't try to cover it up you just keep looking out the window as the trees pass by and you finally pull up to a large black gate.
It opens when he presses a button and he slowly makes his way up the very long windy road leading up to what you can only guess is the house.
There are lights lining the road every few feet and there are old looking willow trees scattered along the sides . It's beautiful yet creepy at the same time.
The car come to a stop and you look through the front windshield at a beautiful modern gothic mansion
Wow Matt your house is just ... wow
Thank you me and my brothers have a love for gothic style architecture
god you drive my dream car and live in my dream house could you be more perfect
he laughs softly Well if you like the outside you’ll love the inside come on
you smile at him as you rush out of the car excited to see the interior of his gorgeous home
he gets out locking the car and taking your hand in his as he leads you to the front door and unlocks it letting you enter first .
you walk into the most breathe taking foyer.
Holy fuck you look around already involve with the house and this is only the entrance
im guessing you like it
he smiles and chuckles
wait till you see the victorian greenhouse in the back he says smiling at you leading you into the living room
God this house keeps getting better and better you say as you take in the dark interior of the living room.
I think your gonna love the kitchen come on he says leading you down a dark emerald green hallways into a large kitchen.
You're right I do love it . You guys love dark colors huh
yeah I guess so he says looking around actually realizing most of the house is black with dark accent colors.
I like it a lot even though its dark it doesn't feel depressing
yeah I agree . Okay time for the greenhouse
Oh . my .god this is beautiful . I have an entire Pinterest board for my dream house and i've always loved the idea of having a interior greenhouse but this is just beautiful you start walking around looking at all the flowers and plants they have growing around .
Yeah My brother nick loves this part of the house he actually does most of the planting and stuff
he has great taste in flowers night rider lilys are my favorite flower
He would talk your ear off for hours about all these flowers if he could
I would probably love that actually I mean this is just beautiful . Your lucky to have this in your house I hope you know that
oh I do trust me but lets go upstairs I wanna show you my favorite room
okay you say taking his hand as he leads you down another dark hallways leading to a spiral staircase .
As you reach the last step it enters into a large library
wow this is by far my favorite room
I knew you'd like it go up those stairs and look on the middle 3 shelves I think you'll like that section he says smirking
you take the staircase up and go to the shelves he told you too . You look at the books noticing they are all dark romance books . They are all hard covers and you trace them with your fingers landing on one in particular . Haunting Adeline by H.D Carlton your favorite book you've read by far.
Matt steps behind you placing his hands on your hips .
You read haunting Adeline?
multiple times . I love this book
is that what started your stalker fantasies
It didn't start it but it definitely made it 10 times worse
what did start them he asks as you traced over other books that you've read
Honestly from a young age I always had thought in my brain that someone was or could be watching me through my window . My childhood home had woods behind and around the right side so I was always paranoid someone was out there but I guess... as I grew up the idea became appealing instead of scary.
mmm you like the cat and mouse game don't you... he moves closer to you as his lips brush your earlobe you like feeling like prey being hunted by a large ... scary ... predator hmmm . Don't you ?
you moan at the feel of his hands on you and the dirty words he said too you
I asked you a question he says as one of his hands travels up to your neck gripping it and spinning you around .
Now answer it... he says in a deep husky voice
y-yes I like it
mm such a depraved little slut aren't you
you moan not knowing what to say
never being satisfied ... having to come to me he says as he steps closer making your back hit the wall of books and you have to arch your neck that his hand is still around to look up at him towering over you.(again were pretending that this man isn't 5'8 alright) Telling me all the dirty ... depraved things you crave
you moan.
im gonna give you everything you want ... and your gonna thank me over and over
Jesus Christ you moan as you feel the wetness pooling in your underwear and slightly dripping down your thigh. You've never been so aroused in your life and all you want to do is beg him to touch you
his hand that was on your hip travels under your dress and up your thigh as his long fingers reach the inner of your thigh he groans
Such a little slut . Your so turned on its running down your thigh and I haven't even touched you yet
you whine as his hand slowly inches closer to where you need hm most
your gonna have to wait... the house tour isn't over yet
oh fuck you you sigh out. You're so turned on its driving you crazy .
excuse me he says gripping your throat even tighter and grabbing your face with his other making you look at him. You whine as you feel your teeth pressing into your cheeks from his tight hold.
you might want to watch your tone with me he says staring intently in your eyes.
yes sir you bite back your words laced with attitude
he lets go of your face and yanks you by your hand after him.
You make your way into a long hallway with a couple doors on each side
He opens the first one and its a fairly large bathroom
nice bathroom okay next room
someone is eager huh he says as he leads you to the next door
this is my brother chris's room
oh nice
then he walks to the next door farther down the hall on the left
and this is my brother nicks room
do you all live on the same floor ?
no my room is on the basement level
oh ... why?
you'll see he says as he leads you to the last room.
this is chris's at home studio he says as you let go of his hand and walk around looking at all the equipment.
does he make music ?
Sometimes yeah but he's more into producing backtracks and beats and stuff
that so cool
yeah the man loves his music . Come on I wanna show you the backyard
he leads you out of the room and down another flight of stairs leading out to the backyard.
This is one of my favorite parts of the house
wow the pool is amazing
yeah its great. and its heated so you can use it all year round
damn thats nice
yeah its pretty great but come on I saved the best rooms for last
he leads you back inside the house and leads you down a dark flight of stairs to the basement level .
The stairs lead into another living room
wow its dark down here
yeah I like it dark it feels ... cozy to me
mmm you hum as you look at the dark blue couch and the nice fire place behind it.
he leads you down another long hallway to the room at the end.
This is my room he says before opening the door
mmm its dark but cozy I like it
and that is my closet over there and this is my bathroom
mm its like your own apartment down here
yeah I love my brothers a lot but I like to have my own space
I get that , do you mind if I use the bathroom real quick
not at all go ahead he says as you swiftly make your way into the bathroom closing the door behind you. You had been holding in your pee for the entire house tour.
you make your way to the toilet and finally relieve yourself with a sigh. As you sit you look around the large bathroom noticing the nice ass shower. Your mind wanders to things you'd love to do with him in that shower.
You finish up and wash your hands and make your way back out into the room .
Matt is in the middle of taking off dress shirt and you cant help but watch the way his back muscles tense as he pulls in off and sets it in a laundry hamper.
he pulls on a black sweatshirt he must have changed into his sweatpants while you were in the bathroom .
He turns around noticing you .
Feel better
yes much better. I held it in for a while
he chuckles and then walks closer to you as he bends down and lifts one of your feet you balance yourself by placing a hand on his shoulder. He takes of your heel and then the other.
You sigh feeling so much more comfortable .
Go into my closet and grab a sweatshirt I know you probably want to get out of that dress
as you make your way to the closet he slaps your ass causing you to gasp.
you smile as you make your way into the large walk in closet and finding a line of sweatshirt hung on the top rack .
you grab a grey sweatshirt and start undoing your dress as it slips off . You weren't wearing a bra under the dress so all you have under his large sweatshirt is your lace thong that is soaked with your arousal from earlier.
you walk back out and he smiles at you .
You look good in my sweatshirt
yeah its comfy too to say as you hold your arms out looking down .
its fits big on you since he's significantly taller than you.
I have a feeling I won't be getting it back anytime soon
yeahhh don't hold your breathe you say smiling back at him.
ready for the last room
mhm you smile knowing you're finally going to be getting what you want after this last room.
he leads you out of his room and down a small hall leading to a large door at the end .
I think you'll like this one he says with a smirk on his face.
he opens the door and turns on the light . Your mouth drops as you see what the room is.
A fucking sex dungeon
you walk around the room looking at all the whips and ropes that line the left wall. The right wall is adorned with blindfolds and other kind of restraints .
you still think you can handle me he says in your ear as he swiftly walks around you with his hand on your waist
you make eye contact nodding your head hoping hell finally touch you.
take the sweatshirt off he says sternly.
you slowly lift it over your head as your nipple immediately harden since this part of the house is cooler than the rest.
he groans at the sight of your bare body in front of him.
he slowly traces a hand down your face then neck and then he reaches your tits as he pulls on your nipples causing you to moan from the pain and pleasure.
he pulls on them harder making you gasp for air .
his hands move to your waist as he effortlessly picks you up and holds under your thighs to keep you up as you wrap your legs around his waist.
he brings his mouth to your neck biting and sucking leaving marks as you moan from the feeling.
you sound so beautiful he goes back into your neck leaving more marks.
your legs tighten around his waist as he bites down harshly on your shoulder
fuck you gasp as he lets go and kisses it softly
he sets you down and spins you around walking you over to the couch and bending you over the arm rest .
he bends down so his mouth is at your ear
I think you need to learn some manners hmm
you know that he's probably referring to the library when you coped an attitude with him .
all you do is shake your head yes
use your words y/n . he says in a harsh tone that has you pulsing around nothing.
yes you say sounding out of breathe .
yes what ...
yes sir
good girl
you hear him walk away but stay where he put you .
you hear him step back behind you and feel something cold run along your left ass cheek . You lay there waiting for what he's going to do .
Something slaps down on your cheek causing you to gasp . It didn't hurt but it definitely would leave a mark if he smacks harder.
you know what this is ? he asks seeing if you'll guess correctly
ummm I don't know
he smacks down the object again with more force causing your hips to buck harshly into the arm rest.
take a guess and maybe ill go easy on you
fuck umm I... a crop wip
he smacks down on your other cheek
such a smart girl
you moan at his praise as he smacks down again.
he tosses it on the couch and grabs you to stand up by your hair causing you to whine.
You have no idea what I want to do to you right now
you let out a quiet moan .
Please . Do anything you want .use me
yeah you want me to treat you like the dirty little slut you are his tone making it evident he's smirking.
yes... fuck please
he lets go of your hair and walks over to the wall of blindfolds picking up a blue satin one and walking back over to you .
turn around he says as he stands in front of you .
You do as he says and he ties it around your eyes and nots it at the back securing it tightly .
you run your hands over the silky cool material smiling .
he guides you by your waist until he pushes you down to sit on the edge of the couch your back arching into the back of the couch.
his hands move up and down your sides until he reaches your panty lines and pulls them down your legs slowly .
spread your legs for me show me how much of a mess i've made you
you spread your legs and he groans
such a pretty little pussy he says before placing soft wet kisses on your inner thighs causing you to squirm in anticipation.
his breathe hits your sensitive clit and your hips buck . You want him to finally touch you so badly you just cant help yourself .
he places a soft kiss on your clit causing you to moan .
fuck... please
tell me what you want
please I need your mouth so bad
mmm he groans before diving into your pussy as he licks and sucks .Fuck he's good at this . Your breathing is erratic as you squirm under him .
oh- my god fuck
yeah ... am I making you feel good he says before going back to sucking your clit
yes fuck so good you moan out . He starts flicking his tongue in the perfect spot that has your legs trembling.
Oh FUCK oh my god right there
he smirks against your pussy as he inserts a finger inside your gushing entrance eliciting a loud moan from you.
Oh my god fuck im so close
Cum for me sweetheart cover my mouth with it
his words immediately send you tumbling over the edge as your legs tremble and you're gasping for air .
such a good girl for me he says as you come down from your high and he pulls his finger out of you .
your catching your breathe as he licks his fingers clean.
such a sweet little pussy he groans .
get up he says in a raspy tone you immediately obey standing up and waiting for more instruction.
he walks over to the wall of restraints and ropes he picks a set and walks back over to you .He pulls off the blindfold and throws it down.
you blink adjusting to the lights then looking down at what's in his hand.
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you smile and he notices.
come on he says making you walk in front of him .
he watches the way your ass moves when you walk making him even more painfully hard than he already is.
you make it back in his room and he shuts the door harshly then grabs you buy the back of the neck.
hands behind your back
you hold them behind your back and he puts the wrist restrains on securing them enough they won't slip off but not tight enough to hurt.
walk to the end of the bed
You walk slowly to the end of the bed as he trails closely behind.One you reach the end he moves your hair and tells you to hold it . He then secures the neck piece of the restraints. It holds your head at and angle that is slightly uncomfortable but you enjoy it.
He pulls his sweatshirt off and he spins you around to face him.
You look so beautiful all restrained for me
you smile up at him as your eyes trail his upper body the best they can with the restraints .
he pushes your shoulders down as he makes you sit on the edge of the bed.
he slowly unties the string of his sweatpants and slides them down and kicks them off.
Your gonna be a good girl and let me fuck that pretty little mouth
you moan in agreement.
his bulge is right in front of your face causing you to gulp. He is definitely not small and that makes you slightly nervous.
He starts pulling down his boxers causing his rock hard dick to pop out and slap you on the face. You jump not expecting it which makes him chuckle.
Open .
you open your mouth and he shoves his middle and ring finger into your mouth you gag slightly as they hit the back of your mouth and your eyes water.
mmm were gonna need to work on that he says as you gag on his finger the farther he pushes back.
He pulls them out and strokes his long thick length a couple times before looking down at you smirking.
he taps his dick on your lips telling you to open your mouth .
The second you open your mouth he slides into it and slowly thrusts in and out . His girth has the corners of your mouth stretching and your jaw hurts from how wide you have to keep your mouth open .
he grabs the back of your head and starts thrusting hard and fast. You're gagging and coughing around him causing him to groan .
Fuck look at you drooling and gagging . Such a fucking mess for me
you moan around him as tears roll down your face and spit is dripping out of the sides of your mouth and down your chin and neck. His thrust get harder his tip bruising your throat with each thrust. You're crying as your eyes get foggy from your mascara bleeding into them. You're gagging loudly as he goes deeper down your throat.
You try moving your hand to his thighs only to remember they are secured behind your back. So you try the next best thing and start trying to inch further up the bed and away from him which only seems to make him thrust more aggressively.
nahuh don't try and get away ... you said you'd be a good girl for me he grunts out horsly as his breathing is loud and curses pour out of his mouth signaling he's close.
I'm gonna fill this pretty little mouth and your gonna swallow all of it you understand he groans out as you nod your head the best you can .
he harshly thrusts a couple more times before burying himself as deep as he can go and fills your throat and mouth with his cum. He pulls out and slaps his hand over your mouth.
You better fucking swallow it. he says in a harsh tone that has your pussy gushing.
you swallow down the thick liquid furrowing your brows from the weird texture. He takes his hand off your mouth .
good girl listening so well he says before gently stroking your lips with his thumb. You hum at the soft touch and lean into it.
stand up you immediately stand up and look up at him with teary bedroom eyes.
he spins you around and bends you over the side of the bed .
He runs his hand down your back and grabs onto the chain connected to the back of the collar pulling your head back so you're looking at him. You whimper at the way the collar part tightens with the angle.
You want me to fuck you dumb he asks with a cocky smile on his face.
you nod and he slaps you on the ass with his free hand.
Use your fucking words when I ask you a question
y-yes I want you to fuck me
tell me how bad you want it ... beg for it he says making the chain a bit tighter in his hand.
p-please I want it so bad please your voice coming out broken and raspy.
mmm beg louder i wanna hear the desperation int that pretty little voice of yours
please Please fuck me I want it so bad PLEAse
mmm you sound so pretty when you beg he says as he lets go of the chain and your head falls onto the mattress .
his hand runs further down your ass to your throbbing core.
he slides a finger in causing you to whimper .
Fuck you're so wet. You like having my dick down your throat don't you
you moan in agreement causing him to slap your ass hard.
don't you he says deeply .
y-yes I love it
such a little slut he says as he adds another finger and starts moving them in and out at a pace that has your toes curling.
f-fuck oh my-
yeah you like my fingers
y-yes sir f-fuck I love them
he groans at you calling him sir and he speeds up his fingers curling them to hit the perfect spot that has your legs starting to tremble and your orgasm building at a fast pace.
oh- fuck I-im gonna cum
not until you beg for it
f-fuck oh god
don't even think about cumming without my permission he says slapping your ass as you loudly moan into the mattress.
F-fuck please can I cum fuck please please
hold it
b-but your breathing so hard as you try on focus on not cumming.
I know you can do it
fuck I- cant please let me cum fuck please
no your gonna hold it until I say you can cum
you whine in protest as your eyes swell with tears and your legs are shaking as your hands ball into fists
f-fuck I c-cant you cry out as it starts to get painful holding it back
yes you fucking can his pace gets faster and you break not being able to hold it anymore.
did you just fucking cum after I told you not too
you orgasm so hard around his fingers you don't even care he's angry you couldn't follow directions.
I t-told you I could hold it
he pulls you up by the chain causing you to gasp and cry out from the force.
he sits down and throws you over his knees.
you are going to learn to follow directions
you whine knowing he's about to make you regret that last orgasm.
his hand comes down on your ass causing you to whine
your gonna take as many spankings as I see fit and your gonna thank me for every single one
his hand comes down harshly causing your ass to sting
f-fuck thank you sir
his hand comes down on the same spot at least 15 times before you're crying and begging him to stop .
m-matt please it hurts you cry out as his hand comes down again.
im sorry who his hands come down at a fast pace hitting your stinging red cheek at least 5 times.
OW F-fuck sir please I- cant t-take anymore please im sorry I won't do it again
he rubs his hand softly over your red and raised ass cheek admiring his large hand print that is now imprinted in the skin and tracing the blood vessels that burst around the print smiling to himself.
you think you learned your lesson he asks in a softer voice.
yes sir I promise I will listen from now on you sigh out . Your ass cheek is stinging so much and your breathing is erratic from crying.
he helps you stand up before he pushes you back over the edge of the bed again . His strokes. his rock hard dick a couple times before he runs the tip through your wet folds .
he slowly pushes in causing you to hiss from the stretch he's so big that you know no matter how slow he enters you it'll hurt.
ahh shit you whine out as he pushes a little deeper.
I know sweetheart you're doing so good for me he says running his hand down the small of your back trying to sooth you.
mmm you whine as he still pushes in .
You're doing so good . Only half more to go
Thats only half you loudly cry out . You already feel so full and you don't know how you're gonna handle all of it .
he chuckles at your reaction ad he pushes deeper and deeper .
fuck you're so fucking tight .
You whine and squirm as the stinging gets worse when his thickest part enters you .
Jesus c-christ your so big you cry out as you try and calm your breathing.
I know baby but you're almost there he groans as he pushed in until he is balls deep .
you cry out as he fills you up fully with his entire length staying still letting you adjust. You knew he was big but you dint expect him to stretch you this much but you also haven't had sex in a while so its not that shocking . You've also never taken a dick this big , he's a good 9 inches and girthy as fuck.
fuck okay you can move but please go slow
he starts to slowly thrust in and out as you continue to adjust .
mmm you whine as the pain fades into pleasure
feel good he says as as he speeds up the pace ever so slightly.
y-yes sir
he groans as you pulse around him .
can you handle it if I go faster he grunts out. The slow pace is not something he enjoys. He likes to be rough and hard but he doesn't want to hurt you.
yes fuck please go faster the second these words leave your moth he starts thrusting faster . Your gasping and moaning as he hits your g- spot over and over.
h-harder fuck please sir fuck me harder
god you're such a little slut he grunts as he starts going harder and your eyes rolls to the back of your head as you feel your orgasm building.
Yeah you liked being fuck like a dirty whore
ye-yes I love it FUCK
I can feel you pulsing around me sweetheart . You gonna cum all over my cock like the good little whore you are
yeah cum all over my cock
FUCK you scream as you cum all over him and your legs tense and shake under him .
You come down from your high as he still pounds into you as your entire body trembles under him.
MMm f-fuck you pant out as he continues pounding into you relentlessly.
so fucking wet for me he groans out as he takes a hold of the chain and yanks your head back to look up at him. Your breathing becomes scattered as the collar cuts off your air way.
You feel how deep I am hmm
you furrow your brows in pleasure but maintain eye contact and nod your head as moans slip out of your mouth.
he lets go of the chain as your head drops down and you regain a normal breathing pattern. He grabs the small chain that connects the cuffs together and starts pounding into you deeper causing you to scream out.
mmm you can .he grabs you by your hair and lowers himself over you so he's right by your ear , and you fucking will
he lifts off of you continuing to thrust so hard and deep your legs lift off the ground and kick the back of his thighs.
MM j-jesus christ m-matt His movements stop and pulls yanking you up by your hair causing you to cry out from the burn .
he unhooks your hands and spins you around to face him as he rebooks them in front of you.
Lay down for me he says and you climb back onto the bed laying down.He climbs back onto the bed and settles in-between your legs as he pushes them apart as far as they go and he pushes back into you .
Fuck oh m-my god you whine as he thrusts roughly into you and your eye close as the pleasure runs through you.
he slaps you causing you to wince.
look at me while I fuck you dumb
your eyes open as you moan and shake under him..
oh f-fuck im g-gonna you cry out before juices spray out of you all over his dick.
Thats it squirt all over me .Fuck your doing so good for me
you whine as your legs start to shake and you start to feel overstimulated from all the other orgasm you've had.
F-fuck I c-cant take -I-it
he grips your face tightly as he brings his face closer to yours.
well your gonna have to. Im not nearly close to being done with you he says before he lifts your legs over his shoulders and starts thrusting rougher and deeper causing a bulge to show in your stomach.
FUCK d-daddy I he cuts you off by pushing down on your stomach feeling himself in you.
call me daddy again and you'll regret it he groans out.
y-yes sir im s-sorry
He pushes down harder on the bulge in your stomach causing you to scream out as you squirt again.
Fuck keep fucking doing that your so fucking hot
mmmm f-fuck you whine as tears start streaming down your face
your entire body is shaking from the overstimulation you're feeling.
FUCK I CANT PLEASE I ... you squirt again . He has to pull out from how much is coming out.
He pushes two fingers into you causing you to scream . He curls them and moves them so fast your entire body is rocking . He hits your spot over and over until your squirting again all over his fingers and the bed.
J-jesus christ its t-too much you cry out as you they to move his hand away but failing since they are connected to the chain that isn't long enough for you to reach him.
I guess ill just have to force you take it then huh he says before replacing his fingers with his dick and fucking you so rough your seeing stars and all you can do is moan and cry .
the tears are streaming down your face as shake under him.
who's pussy is this he asks as he thrusts into you at a new angle that takes your breathe away. You want to answer him but no words are coming out of your mouth.
He slaps you across the face two times before he grips it and makes you look at him.
Whos fucking pussy is this y/n
Y-YOURS ITS YOURS FUCK you scream out as you cum all over him
that's it such a good girl he groans as you shake under him .
His thrusts don't let up if anything he starts going harder.
You're crying as whining under him unable to get words or moans out all you can do I breathe hard.
Look at you . Fucking you dumb hmm he says with a cocky smirk .
mmmmm you whine and kind of cry out as you lift your hips from the bed trying to get away from him but he grabs your hips hitting you at a different angle that has you choking on air.
so pathetic trying to run away from me he says as he grips your hips so tight there will be bruises Tommorrow.
F-f-fuck you you cry out . You're so overstimulate it hurts .
he slaps you across the face then shoves his fingers into your mouth causing you to gag and couch as he presses down your tongue.
watch your fucking mouth he says as he pulls his fingers out of your mouth and starts rubbing circles on your clit as he continues pounding into you.
MMM N-NO I CANT I-C-CANT you scream out as you feel another painful orgasm building.
oh but you will he says as he feels you pulsing around him signaling your close.
F-FUCK MMMM you scream in a horse shaky voice as your orgasm all over him so hard your entire body shakes and lifts off the bed as he continues rubbing your clit until you come down from your high as your brain goes fuzzy and your vision blurs.
your body is exhausted and your non stop shaking as he continues thrusting into you.
Fuck you gonna let me fill this pussy with my cum hmm
y-yes p-please you whine knowing that he's close brings a smile to your face you don't know how much more you can take.
yeah such a little cum slut aren't you
mmm y-yes sir you moan as his thrust get sloppy .
f-fuck he groans as he fills you up .
you lay there trying to catch your breathe as he pulls out and pulls you up unlatching the collar and handcuffs . you let out a sigh and stretch your arms since they are locked up from the position they were forced into for so long.
You okay he asks smiling softly at you .
you look at him softly smiling before climbing into his lap and holding onto him .
mmhm just... tired you say smiling against his chest. He rubs your back softly as he holds you tight.
lets go get cleaned up hmm he coos in your ear.
mmhm you sigh into his chest but don't have the energy to move.
he stands up holding you as walks to the bathroom and sets you down on the toilet letting you pee as he starts the shower .
once you finish your business he picks you up and walks you both into the shower and under the water.
you sigh as the water runs over your exhausted body . He slowly sets you down but still holds you tight knowing your legs are not very stable right now. He grabs some body wash and doors it all over your body before rubbing it in and letting in rinse away . You wash his torso and then rubs it all over his back then he rinses it off.
You smile to yourself feeling so taken care of at the moment and it makes you happy .
what you smiling about he jokes as he smiles down at you.
nothing your just... I just feel taken care of thats all
aftercare is very important to me you know that
I know its just not something i'm used to so.. thank you
of course beautiful he says as he runs his hands through your wet hair and places a kiss on your forehead.
he turns off the water and helps you step out as he wraps the large towel around you and wraps his around his waist.
you both make your way back into his room after drying off most of the water . He grabs a shirt for you to throw on and he throws on some boxers and sweat shorts .
you okay ... hungry thirsty ?
yeah both actually
alright lets go to the kitchen i'll Make something
you make your way up the two flights of stairs to the main floor and walk through the halls to the kitchen.
what time is it you ask as you reach the kitchen
4 am a voice says from further in the kitchen making you yelp and jump in surprise .
matt laughs as he makes his way over to the fridge grabbing things out as you stand there clutching you chest trying to catch your breathe.
sorry sweetheart I didn't mean to scare you the other one says as he approaches you with a small chuckle.
no no its okay just wasn't expecting anyone to be in here.
im Chris he says offering a hand for you to shake .
y/n you say with a smile as you shake his hand.
ahhh so your y/n he says smirking and looking at matt
what's that supposed to mean you ask slightly confused.
oh nothing me and nick have just heard a lot about you over the past two weeks
Oh really you ask with a smile looking at matt who's rolling his eyes.
Mhmm he says winking at you causing you to blush.
what are you doing up anyway
Couldn't sleep . I was gonna go for a swim but then I got hungry he says walking over to the fridge and pulling out a water.
he looks over to you . Want a water
oh sure thank you
You walk over to the island and sit down in one of the chairs.watching as Matt cooks . Chris comes and sits next to you placing the water down in front of you.
so y/n what do you do for work?
im a stylist you say smiling at him
ah so thats why you always have good outfits.
you smile at him from the compliment
yeah I guess so
do you like it
yeah I love it most of the time
why most of the time
well I work with celebrity's a lot and some of them are complete assholes so you know
ahh yeah I get that some of them just act so entitled
right its ridiculous . Matt said your a music producer
yeah I am its pretty cool
I bet id love to be able to make my own music
Matt smiles at you as he admires the way you get along with his brother .
do you sing?
yeah a bit
you should totally record in my studio sometime
id love that but you know thats only if Matt keeps me around
Trust me I will Matt says smirking at you making you smile
well im gonna go for a swim and then probably go to bed .
bye it was nice to formally meet you
yeah you too he says as he walks away down the hall to the pool.
so you sing Matt says smiling
yeah not but only really to myself im kinda awkward when people watch me
well maybe one day I can get you too sing for me
mmm yeah maybe
he finishes plating up the chicken and potatoes he made and slides u a plate and some silverware across the island.
you immediately cut off a piece and take a bite as he wits for your reaction.
oh my god this is so good you say as you lean back in your chair with a smile .
im glad you like it he says smiling and coming to sit next to you.
this is another reason I love older guys
food..? he asks chuckling a little bit
no like you actually cooked me something not just fell asleep and left me to fend for myself
I mean its a pretty easy thing to do he says smiling and taking a bite of his food
yeah but guys my age just arent like you
well then im glad you found me
oh trust me me too you say with a smirk .
okayyy eat your food he says laughing
you laugh a little before finishing the meal he cooked .
that was so good thank you
of course
he gets up and puts the plates in the dishwasher before coming back over to you.
you know what im craving
desert he says with a wicked smile on his face...
part four coming since I feel like this one is already way too long and took me forever to finish.
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It's The God That Heroin Prays To
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Body worship (and general idolization), multiple orgasms, oral (f receiving), very huge praise kink Matty, fingering, unprotected sex (BE SAFE IN THESE STREETS), creampie, kinda cockwarming I think, Matt is feeling minorly sorta guilty/insecure
Genre: smut, fluff, a little angst I think
Summary: "It feels good, girl it feels good // Oh to be alone with you" - To Be Alone by Hozier
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When you walk into the hall with Matt on your arm you can tell immediately sense him tense up to combat his discomfort. You've brought him with you to a work event and while you offered him an out he insisted on being your date when you told him you had a function.
"Are you okay Matty?" You ask him.
"It's more crowded than I expected." Matt mutters quietly. He's never been too good in crowds, it's why you gave him the chance to opt out, but he'll always choose to be with you when he can.
"I know baby, we won't stay long. I just have to chat with a few people before we can go." You tell him. Once he nods you join the group.
"Y/n! Hi! How are you darling?" Your coworker Ella comes up to you excitedly.
"Hi Ella! I'm good. How are you?" You let go of Matt briefly to accept her hug.
"Good good! And who's this with you?" Ella's attention turns to Matt when you loop your arm back through his.
"This is Matthew!" You say excitedly.
"The boyfriend!?" She gasps.
"The boyfriend!" You smile.
"Nice to meet you." Matt nods.
"The pleasure is all mine. Y/n talks about you a lot and can I just say you are such a cutie!"
"She winked." You whisper to Matt and he laughs as he responds.
"Thank you." He says to her.
"If you'll excuse us Ella we just got here so I have some more mingling to do." You say.
"Oh! Of course. I'll find you later." Ella says and you lead Matt away from her.
"So you talk about me a lot at work?" Matt asks with a cheeky smile.
"Of course I do!  Who wouldn't brag about having a hotshot lawyer for a boyfriend." You shrug like it's obvious, because, to you, it is and Matt just laughs. The two of you circulate the room introducing Matt to several of your colleagues.
"Is that y/n?" A loud voice calls for your attention later when you and Matt are approaching the bar. You sigh and turn around to see your least favorite associate at your office.
"Brian! Hi!" You force a smile as he approaches you. Matt shifts subtly closer to you at the change in your demeanor.
"I heard you were here, can't believe you didn't find me earlier sweetheart." Brian says jovially and you have to resist the urge to roll your eyes as you fake a laugh.
"It's a crowded party. Matt honey this is Brian. Brian, meet my boyfriend, Matthew." You say and Matt puts his hand out towards Brian.
"Boyfriend, you are one lucky man." Brian says as he shakes Matt's hand.
"Oh trust me I know." Matt chuckles pulling you towards him with a hand securely around your waist.
"You look gorgeous by the way y/n. In case no one's told you." Brian says.
"Bold of you to assume you'd be the first but thank you." You say and Brian laughs.
"I would hope the first was the man escorting you tonight but you never know."
"There's not a day that goes by where Matthew doesn't make me feel like the most beautiful person in the world at all times. No need to worry about that." You say. "Excuse me, Brian but I have to talk to Dr. Lewis about something before I forget. I'll see you around the office." You quickly excuse yourself and tug Matt away from the annoying conversation.
"Not a fan of him I gather?" He asks once you're out of earshot.
"Not at all. I've been holding off on seeing Dr. Lewis so I could keep it in my back pocket because I knew I'd run into him and it's the perfect excuse."
"So we really are going to talk to a Dr. Lewis?"
"Yes, she's my supervisor and she said there was something she wanted to discuss here." You say finding her quickly in the crowd. Once you get to her, you cover introductions and the two of you launch into conversation. After a few minutes, Matt gently grabs your attention by touching your wrist.
"Y/n, something's wrong." Matt whispers to you. You excuse yourself from your discussion with Dr. Lewis for a moment to address him.
"Something's wrong here?" You ask in your own whisper.
"No- not here, a few blocks away I-"
"If you have to go, go. I'll be fine."
"I'm sorry." Matt kisses you quickly before disappearing into the crowd.
"Everything okay?" Your boss asks when you turn back to her.
"Oh yeah, everything's fine. He has to step out for a work call. You know lawyers hardly have downtime most days." You play off smoothly before redirecting her to what you'd been talking about before. When you eventually wrap things up with her you slip out of the event easily, only stopping to say a couple of goodbyes with a smile and the same 'he's outside on a call' excuse for where Matt is when asked. You know Matt will meet you back at your apartment when he's done doing the devil's work so you make your way home alone. It's only after you've showered, changed, and had a little snack that your living room window slides open as you're putting your dish in the sink.
"Y/n, I am so sorry about tonight." Matt says as he pulls the red helmet off and walks over to you. He wraps his arms around your waist and you bring a hand up to caress his cheek.
"It's fine Matty. I know your job is never done." You say with a calmness in your voice meant to soothe his remorse.
"I shouldn't have left you like that it-"
"I'm happy you came at all. You didn't have to remember?" You say using your hands on his face to pull him down enough for you to place gentle kisses on each of his closed eyes and then on his lips.
"I hate doing this to you." Matt says leaning further to kiss your neck.
"I'm not upset with you baby." You gently work him out of his suit as his fingers slide under the hem of the t-shirt you're wearing.
"I love you y/n. You know that don't you?" He asks after a moment of silence, the red outfit piled on the floor at this point, leaving Matt in a tank top and his boxers.
"Of course I do. And I love you, Matty. Do you wanna talk about what pulled you away tonight? You seem, particularly affected by this one." You gently play with his hair as you talk. Matt can be pretty touchy after a night as Daredevil, but this feels like more than that.
"Don't wanna talk about it. Not tonight. Tonight I just want to please you. Prove my love."
"You don't have to prove your love Matthew I know you love me." You tell him. Matt drops to his knees in front of you, unseeing eyes staring up at you.
"Y/n, sweetheart, please, let me worship you." He says, hands on your hips. You grab his chin as you contemplate his words.
"Alright, Matt, my darling. If you want to worship me, do it. Treat me like your god." You say, letting him go. Matt wastes no time pulling your panties down and burying his head between your thighs. He eagerly licks at your cunt and you tangle your fingers in his hair to balance yourself as your legs wobble.
"God, you taste so good." Matt grunts against you, slurping your juices noisily.
"Fuck Matt, just like that, baby." You moan. You tug on Matt's hair and relish in the way he groans into your pussy at the feeling. His hands tighten on your thighs and he pulls you further towards him, desperate to bury his tongue as far as he can between your walls. You grind against his mouth, whimpering as you chase your orgasm. Matt lets you use his tongue to get yourself off his mouth hung open as you ride his face. Only when your legs start to shake in warning does he take over again, focusing his attention on your clit, teasing the sensitive button with tight circles of his tongue until he tastes your orgasm hit you with a whine. He works you through it with soft licks until your heart begins to slow.
"Thank you." He sighs out kissing your hip.
"What are you thanking me for?" You ask pushing his hair back with your fingers as he trails kisses up your stomach. He's out from under your shirt with a dazed look on his face as he answers.
"Letting me make you cum on my tongue." He says kissing you fiercely. You drape your arms over his shoulders, giving him as much as he's giving you. You can taste yourself on his lips. The kiss is dizzying and you don't even notice his hand trailing back down your body until two fingers glide inside of you. You throw your head back with a moan as Matt fingers you, hooking his fingers to catch against the spongy part of your inner walls. Matt litters your exposed neck with kisses muttering against your skin. "So pretty. You sound just... so pretty. God, you're perfect y/n." Matt's words are breathy against your throat and you can't help but whine at them, the praise only further coaxing you to another orgasm.
"Keep going Matty, fuck I'm close." You whimper. Rather blindly you reach for his dick underneath his boxers. He jolts when your hand touches him, a strangled groan reaching your ears at the sudden stimulation. He's hard and heavy as you stroke him, precum making him slick already. The rhythm of his fingers falters for a moment as he lets your touch distract him a bit. It doesn't take long for Matt to refocus though, pumping the two digits into you relentlessly even with your hand making it hard to focus.
"Come on my love, let go for me, please." Matt huffs out, his thumb joining the mix to rub tight circles against your clit. The extra stimulation quickly pushes you over the edge and your head falls forward as you cry out at the feel of your orgasm. You ride out the high grinding against Matt's fingers until he pulls them out to lift you onto the countertop. "Fuck I love you." He says kissing you again. It's all sloppy, teeth and tongues crashing against each other as he frantically lines himself up with your entrance. He sinks into you with a long groan as he bottoms out. "This, I'm sure is heaven." He says burying his head in your neck as he sets a vicious rhythm with his hips. You're all moans and mewls as he pounds into you viciously. It's hard and deep, like he truly is trying to bury himself inside your walls. "God! The way you feel is so- perfect doesn't even begin to describe it." He grunts.
"Fuck you're so deep! Don't stop Matty please don't." You whine, nails clawing at his back. This, this is all that matters. Here is where he feels like a person for a moment of his life. You in his arms is the very thing he lives for.
"I love you y/n." Matt says, kissing you messily as he continues to fuck you.
"I love you too baby." You moan breathily. Matt's fingers find your clit again, he can feel his orgasm creeping up on him but he's determined to get you off once more before it.
"Cum for me y/n, please. Wanna feel it around me. Please baby." Matt pants out before latching onto the sensitive spot on your neck. You quiver against him as your orgasm washes over you.
"Oh my god." You keen. Matt's hips don't slow, prolonging your orgasm as he chases his own, the pulsing of your walls coaxing him over the edge rather quickly and he lets out a shuddering groan as he empties himself inside you. You stay like that for several moments, wrapped in each other's arms as you both recover.
"Thank you." Matt sighs after a stretch of silence.
"Thank you. Can't say I expected tonight to end like this." You giggle tiredly.
"I just- it feels good to be alone with you." He says softly.
"Well, we'll just have to make sure we always have a space to be alone then." You kiss the top of the top of his head and then, without warning, Matt carries you to your bedroom. Here he can hide, from crowds, from himself, from the evil he fights. Here with you, it always feels like the worst is over.
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honeyhotteoks · 2 years
his sweet girl (p.sh)
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summary: you and park seonghwa have an arranged relationship. he doms, you sub, and he pays for your taxi home. it's always the same until the night you both plan to indulge in each other's more intense fantasies.
note: 18+ content, minors DNI. // this fic is much more intense than my other work. please mind the tags here. seonghwa isn't mean / harming the reader, but we are dealing with more intense bdsm topics and touches of consensual non-consent, so review the tags before proceeding.
warnings: hard dom!seonghwa, sub!reader, fem!reader, role play, use of sir, impact play, punishment, dom/sub dynamics, oral (m receiving), rough oral, slapping, spitting, mocking/teasing, use of good girl/sweet girl, reader is called pet once but it isn't pet play, color system + safe words, some praise, some degradation, restraints, blindfolds, edging, light somnophilia/wake up sex, subtle breeding kink, v sweet aftercare. please let me know if i missed any.
pairings: seonghwa x reader
genre: non idol seonghwa, aged up, dom!hwa + sub!reader, smut
word count: 7.9K
my masterlist || read it on AO3
              On some level, you know tonight is about letting go, about relinquishing control and trusting him, but you can’t really imagine what it will be like. It’s about trust, trusting the other person to stay within your preset boundaries and take what they want while satisfying you as well. The knowledge that the scene is set, the guardrails are in place, and both parties know when to say stop. This is what leaves you trembling on Seonghwa’s doorstep afraid to ring the bell. Discussing everything in detail is one thing, but doing it is another. He made you feel safe, always, as a friend and as a sometimes-casual lover, but opening yourselves up further was new.
              You smooth your hands down the front of your skirt, shifting in your unfamiliar high heels and gripping the leather strap of your bag firmly. He had asked you to look a particular way, and of course you obliged. This is the easy part of the evening, something that still feels within your control and like the play acting you had done with him before. Taking a deep breath, you steady your nerves and ring the doorbell.
              It takes a moment, and you bounce a little in your heels anxiously, before you see his shadow in the frosted glass of the window. He swings open the door and gives you a warm smile, “Hello, love,”
              Your body melts, anxiety easing away instantly once you’re actually in front of him. “Hey,” you reply.
              His eyes flick over you, taking in your attire, “You look perfect,”
              “It’s what you wanted?” You ask, smoothing back your hair a bit where it rests in a high sleek ponytail.
              He waves you in over the threshold and reaches to take your coat and bag, ready to hang them up on their designated hook by the door, “Exactly what I pictured.”
              His low pleased voice sends a chill across your spine. He closes the door behind you, and you take a moment to relax into his space, tidy and organized as always, a pleasant smell of fresh laundry and lavender. When you turn to look at him again you take in his attire, he’s wearing a crisp black suit, perfectly tailored to his long lean lines. A black tie is expertly tied, secured with a silver tie pin to his clean white shirt. His hair, dark black and pushed back lets you really see his face today and admire his slightly sun kissed tan.
              He gives you a warm, close-lipped smile and cocks his head to the side, “You seem a bit nervous today,” he observes.
              “A little,” you confess, always keeping things honest with him, especially before a scene.
              He reaches a handout to you, “Let’s relax for a while, then. Maybe some wine?”
              You take his hand and let him lead you into the large, sleek kitchen at the far side of the house. “How has your week been?” he asks, pulling a bottle of red wine off the rack that hangs suspended under the cabinets.
              “Busy,” you sigh, leaning against the granite countertop of the island and watching him as he moves through the kitchen to secure some glasses.
              “Ah,” he nods, “so a stressful week?”
              You nod, his eyes flicking up to see your response while he pours the first glass of wine, turning the bottle with a smooth motion of his wrist to stop the pour at just the right moment.
              He sets two evenly poured glasses on the counter and slides one a little closer to you. “Let it breathe a moment,” he notes and then continues, “well, hopefully this weekend will help relieve some of your tension.”
              You smile, a little blush heating your cheeks, “I’ve been looking forward to it all week.”
              “Have you?” He’s pleased, leaning against the counter with his hip, his eyes studying you.
              “I always enjoy seeing you,”
              “Mm,” he nods.
              “How about you, how was your week?” You shift the conversation away from the innuendo.
              “Productive,” he says, “but I’ve been looking forward to this too.”
              He takes his wine glass up off the counter and nods towards yours, indicating that you can drink should you want to. You lift the glass eagerly, taking a long sip and letting the sharp warm flavor of the cabernet wash through you. Seonghwa takes the smallest sip, preferring to keep a clear head for any of your interactions, but keeping you comfortable and pretending to drink with you.
              “Are there any alterations to what we discussed?” He asks, “Anything you want to take back off the table?”
              You shake your head immediately, “No,” your mind flicks back to your week long text message exchange discussing the logistics of this weekend. Which of his fantasies you were going to newly engage with, which of yours. A detailed discussion of positions, props, and a confirmation of your safe words and the rules.
              “Good,” he smiles, “that’s good,”
              You take another sip of wine, “Seonghwa,”
              “Are you sure you don’t mind me staying the night?” It’s something you had never done before. Typically, the evenings would end, he would spend at least an hour making sure you were comfortable and decompressed from the scene, and then he would clean you up and put you in a paid for taxi. This would be the first time you’re staying.
              “It’s fairly essential to our plans for tomorrow,” he laughs.
              “I know,” you brush his comment off, “but I know you value your space. I just wanted to ask you before we started if you’re sure about it, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable either.”
              He moves to your side, taking your free hand in his and giving you a little squeeze, “I appreciate that, love, but I’m not uncomfortable. I’m going to enjoy having you here all night,”
              “Oh,” you can’t help the blush that creeps up again, the effect this man has on you with just a sharp look of his eyes or the touch of his skin.
              “It’s better to keep things contained to the scene,” he says, and his voice shifts a little lower into a familiar tone, “but tomorrow is part of that, and I think after months of you being a such a good girl for me, I’d be more than pleased to give you what you want too.”
              You swallow tightly, crossing your legs in the seat which does not go unnoticed by him, “Thank you,”
              He nods, slow, reaching forward and brushing his delicate fingers along the side of your jaw, your cheek, running the pad of his thumb across the plush skin of your closed lips. You sigh, pleasantly and he leans over you to capture your lips in a gentle kiss.
              When he pulls back and gives you a few feet of space, you reach for your wine again and watch as he politely takes another minute sip of his.
              “When you’re ready,” he lets you know, “we’ll start with something familiar.”
              His words from a moment ago have you tense, ready to see where the night goes. Your brain involuntarily flicks through the catalogue of things you’ve agreed on for the weekend and you swallow tightly before nodding, “I am,”
              He gives you a final smile, reaching for your now empty wine glass. He pours his out before rinsing out both glasses and leaving them to the side. You know he’ll come down later and scrub them clean, but for now he seems anxious to get started and to not ruin the cuffs of his suit.
              “Darling,” he says, his voice dropped into the register he favors for his harder scenes. He dries off his hands on a hand towel and turns fully towards you, “have you broken any rules this week?”
              Your stomach drops, an immediate hot flush running through you. You know exactly where he plans to start things now, and you’re suddenly vibrating with anticipation. He makes it easy to lose yourself in these scenarios, and you move out of your chair to stand at the island across from him and meet his eyes, “I have, sir.”
              The corner of his lip quirks into a small smile. He sets the hand towel aside neatly and rounds the island, stepping close into your space so that your back is pressed against the lip of the counter. “How many rules?”
              “Just one, sir.” It was the important one though, and you know when he hears which one you’ll be in for it.
              He reaches out a hand, pressing flush against your lower stomach and pressing down, “Which rule?”
              “Self-pleasure, sir.” His hand against the fabric of your tight skirt has you hot already, the feeling possessive, claiming.
              He shakes his head, disappointed, “How many times?”
              “Just once,”
              “What day?” He questions.
              He clicks his tongue, irritated, “You couldn’t make it one more day? Were you that desperate?”
              You nod, your hands gripping the countertop behind you.
              “Tell me what you’ve earned, love.” He shifts his hand to cup your hip.
              “Ten, sir.” You respond instantly, this dance a familiar one.
              “Fifteen,” he shakes his head and when he sees your eyes widen, he smiles, “I’m in a giving mood.”
              “Yes, sir.”
              He steps away from you, taking you by the wrist and heading towards the stairs. You trail behind him, and he never once looks back to you, simply holds you tight and expecting you to keep pace with him. When you cross the threshold of his familiar bedroom, you blanch. He had prepared.
              The bed, which is normally made up and fresh, looking like a hotel, is stripped bare, only the fitted sheet remaining. The rest of the blankets and bedding are folded neatly and stacked in a chair to the side, so you know he intends to make the bed before the night is over. Laid across his side are his plans for the evening, neatly presented and ready for you. Your eyes run across each of them and your body tenses at the unexpected.
              Seonghwa doesn’t pause though, he simply takes his seat at the tufted bench at the foot of the bed and looks up at you. He opens his legs wider and taps his knee. This is a favorite of both of yours, something you know well, and you step forwards with every intention of dropping yourself over his knee.
              “Wait,” he stops you suddenly and you freeze. He glances over you and reaches out, sliding his fingers under the hem of your skirt and dragging your tight powder blue pencil skirt up and over your hips. It rests up and over them like a cumbersome belt, but it leaves you exposed to him in just the way he likes. He taps his knee again, and you move over him.
              You position yourself with your lower stomach and hips across his thigh, resting your chest on the plush mattress facing the head of the bed.
              His hand drops, resting warmly on the smooth skin of your ass, palming you firmly and watching your skin redden under his touch. “Count,” he says simply, and before you can manage to say anything, his hand lifts and descends, delivering a harsh slap to your backside.
              You jolt, the first hit always a surprise and you stutter out, “One,”
              His fingers massage your skin again before he cracks his palm against you again.
              By the fifth spank you can feel yourself growing slick and needy. He rests his other hand on the small of your back, stroking you softly, before delivering another blow.
              “Six!” The sting rings through your tender skin, goosebumps erupting across you and you’re sure that both of your ass cheeks are red and starting to look a little swollen.
              “That’s a good girl,” he hums, “always so attentive.”
              Another sharp spank, “Seven,” and another, “eight, eight!”
              His hand coasts down the backs of your thighs, squeezing you here too and feeling the way you jerk under his ministrations. After two more you’re panting, used to this being your stopping point, or at least a pause.
              “Can you take a little more for me?” He murmurs low.
              “Yes, sir,” you answer immediately, coming up on your forearms and bracing yourself.
              “So eager,” he hums, and you can hear the smile in his voice. He hooks a finger under the back of your thong and pulls it up, maneuvering the fabric to the side of your wet slit, but he doesn’t touch you yet.
              You bite back a plea for him to touch you, knowing it would only make him tease you longer. You dip your head down into the mattress and wait, trembling. He delivers a harsh slap, but instead of massaging the area of his hit, he sinks a finger deep into your wet heat.
              You choke out a moan into the bedding, your fingers tightening, finding nothing to really grip onto. He pumps his finger, “Did you forget your words?”
              “Eleven!” you cry, straining your hips back to meet the thrusts of his finger even though you know you shouldn’t.
              He locks an arm down across your lower back to steady you, removing his finger and delivering two harsh, punishing spanks that elicit a startled yelp, “Settle down,” he directs.
              “I’m sorry, sir,” you manage, “twelve, thirteen.”
              He gently squeezes you, a little praise in this moment of tenderness before he dips two fingers inside you. Holding you locked against his knee he works his fingers inside you, pressing against the front wall of your channel and fractionally picking up the pace. You groan into the mattress and your fingers flex tighter, but you don’t dare move your hips.
              “Two more,” he soothes you, “you can take two more.”
              His fingers slide out, his hand comes down, harder than before and springing tears to your eyes.
              “Four-fourteen,” you pant.
              “And this?” He strikes you again and you shake against him.
              “Fifteen, sir,”
              “Very good,” his voice softens, and his hand massages your backside gently, sweeping his hand over your reddened skin softly and soothingly. “Come here,” he hooks his hands under you and starts to help you stand up off his knee.
              Standing again, your legs tremble, your footing unsure, and he keeps a hand locked on your bare hip. Cool air crosses over your raw skin and you let out a shaky breath.
              “You did very well,” he murmurs, reaching around you to locate the zipper of your skirt and open it up fully so he can shift the skirt down and off you now. When the rough fabric passes over your sensitive skin you let out a soft whimper, and he pauses, looking up to your eyes. He reaches up and cups your face softly, silently checking in, and you give him a small nod that he can continue, you’re just fine.
              He’s a little more careful removing your skirt, but he finishes sliding it over your legs and helps you step out of it with a hand securing your forearm as he maneuvers you. He draws your hand up his arm to rest on his shoulder, pressing your hand a little so you respond to grip him more firmly to steady yourself. His fingers hook under the edges of your underwear, and he drags them down, lifting the fabric cleanly away from the raw skin of your backside to not irritate you again.
              “Now,” he says, “be a good pet and get on your knees.”
              You kneel immediately, using your hand on his shoulder to stay steady, but once on your knees with your feet neatly tucked under you, you move your hands to your lap and wait for his instructions. He looks you over for a moment before he repositions himself, sitting now to face you directly and planting a foot on either side of you. You know better than to assume what he wants, so you wait.
              Seonghwa reaches out and touches the looped tie at the front of your sheer white blouse, he runs the fabric through his fingers and gives you a soft smile, “Should I unwrap my present?”
              Your muscles clench around nothing at his words, “Please,”
              “Please what?” his hand stills.
              “Please, sir,” you correct yourself.
              He tugs downwards and the tie comes free under his hands, parting to reveal the smooth skin of your throat and collarbones. He sighs, nodding to himself. “Hands, please,” he asks and you raise both to him. With nimble fingers he quickly unbuttons the three covered buttons on each wrist and lifts the shirt over your head carefully to toss it aside by your skirt. You’re left in nothing but a powder blue bra, intentionally selected to match the skirt and he hums pleasantly, “Pretty baby,”
              You shiver at his words, staring up at him expectantly.
              He reaches back and grabs something from the bed before turning to you. In his hands he holds a black blindfold. It looks more like a sleep mask, made to intentionally cover your eyes and obscure your vision from top to bottom to periphery. “Alright,” he says, “put your hands away.”
              You tuck your hands under your thighs and sit back down, in this position your fingers are sandwiched between your calves and your thighs, intentionally keeping them unavailable and secured. Seonghwa reaches around you, threading your ponytail through the blindfold before settling it over you, leaving it for now on your forehead so he can continue looking into your eyes. “Tell me your colors, darling. Red,” he prompts you.
              “Stop,” you reply.
              “Slow down.”
              “Go, everything’s good,” you nod.
              “And if you need me to stop immediately?” He cups your jaw.
              “Treasure,” you reply with your agreed upon but never used safe word.
              “And if your mouth is full?”
              A shiver runs over you, “Tap your thigh,”
              “Very good,” he nods, “Are you ready?”
              “Yes, sir.”
              It’s all he needs, and the last thing you see is his sharp sparkling eyes, and a smile on his lips, before your world goes completely dark. It’s jarring, being positioned like this and unable to move or anticipate his next steps, but when you hear his belt unhooking, you’re ready.
              He shifts forwards, his trousers open now and his cock standing stiff and aching. He places a hand on your face and guides you downwards, prompting you when to open your mouth. His warm soft length slides over your bottom lip, and you eagerly catch it with your tongue to slide him as far back in your mouth as you can. This position on your knees was how you had throat trained, learning to take him inch by inch and suppress your gag reflex, and now he bumps the back of your throat with ease.
              With a soft tug against your ponytail, he tells you silently to begin. With slow and deliberate motion, you drag your head back and forth to take him in your mouth. Your tongue is pressed along the bottom of his shaft as you do, applying pressure where you know he wants it and hollowing out your cheeks, sucking him softly. At his first soft groan, you drop your head down and accept him fully, your nose pressed against his pubic bone.
              Breathing like this is difficult, and you have to keep yourself even and regulated through your nose. His cock twitches in your mouth and you sputter, moaning softly against him.
              He’s not the largest partner you’ve ever had, but he’s certainly the best lover you’ve had and the only one you’ve been able to pace yourself with and take from tip to hilt inside your mouth. You pull up and back again, sinking him in deep and when you go to move again, his hand finds the back of your head and holds you there.
              You make a soft noise of surprise around him, and he holds you tighter. Instinct tells your body to push away, pull your hands free and get loose, but you center yourself calmly and breathe slowly through your nose again.
              He strokes your hair then, thrusting up into your mouth just a little and you cough slightly, spluttering and struggling with the way he keeps hitting the soft spongy back of your throat and brushing against your epiglottis. He strokes the length of your ponytail, and then wraps your long hair around his fist, tugging you firmly to test the grip on your scalp. You moan around him, pressing your eyes shut despite the blindfold, your body starting to tremble.
              “You can do better than this,” he says, his tone dismissive. A challenge.
              With practiced motion, you take him, letting his hand in your hair guide your speed but not the intensity of your ministrations. You roll your tongue over him, tease the tip of him, use your lips to apply pressure, suck on him greedily. You speed up, ignoring the way you choke around him, ignoring the sloppy wanton sounds and focus solely on what he wants.
              A tight yank on your hair pulls you up and off his cock and you gasp in a deep gulp of air. He slaps you across the cheek and shakes you by the hair, “Not good enough,” he says, his tone sounding firm and final, and he delivers another slap to your cheek.
              You’re almost ashamed at the sudden rush of wetness between your thighs and the way your body is shaking with need, and he knows every button of yours to push to make it more intense. “Open,” he commands and you open your mouth wide, your held tilted up for him.
              It’s quick, he spits directly into your mouth and delivers another slap to your cheek before maneuvering your head downwards. A desperate whine leaves you, and the mixture of Seonghwa’s spit and your own drips out of your mouth and onto his waiting cock before you can recover. He moves to fuck your throat with abandon now, shifting to stand and pressing you tightly against him, ignoring the soft sounds of you sputtering and choking against him.
              You center yourself again, easing your throat open and relaxed, widening your jaw, your nails softly dig into the backs of your thighs, and with one hand in your hair and the other along the side of your face, he loses himself. He’s panting above you, and you know immediately that he’s close. With your eyes tightly locked shut, you focus on the pin pricks of pain where your nails dig in and the throbbing of your desperate clit. He comes suddenly, hot and salty down the back of your throat and he clutches you close to him, your jaw straining painfully and your nose pressed tightly against him.
              With a sigh he pulls you free, immediately dropping the grip he had in your hair and letting you settle. You’re gasping, a little cough in your throat, but you relax and let him continue.
              You come back to sensation when his fingers gently tip your head upwards, and a cool glass touches your bottom lip. “Here we are,” he murmurs softly, “drink this.”
              Cool water washes down your throat, and you take several deep sips before he brings the cup away and says, “That’s my very good girl,”
              In a less intense scene you might have responded, you might have begged for him to touch you, or hold you, or fuck you into the floor, but today you know you can’t. You hold your tongue, and you wait. You hear the sound of a zipper again, and belt, and realize he must be redressed now and ready to focus on you.
              “Alright,” his voice is now soft closer to your ear, “let’s get you up, hmm?”
              His hands slip under you and he lifts you with ease, moving around the edge of the bed to settle you directly in the center. He’s careful with you here, soft and easy, fingertips brushing along your jaw where he slapped you and massaging your scalp where he pulled your hair. He reaches under you to unclasp your bra and draw it down over your arms, casting it aside, and leaving you finally fully bare for him.
              “Color?” He says softly, his hand stroking across your stomach.
              “Green,” You assure him.
              His hand shifts lower, and he cups your cunt in his palm, one finger dipping between your folds and teasing your entrance. “Oh, you are ready for me,” he chuckles and you shudder, willing your body not to jerk and respond too strongly to his ministrations.
              He removes his hand, and you feel his weight shift off the bed before he says, “Stay still for me.”
              He takes one wrist and extends your arm up, and secures something around you it. You hear him move around the bed and you slowly roll your wrist to test the feeing of it out. It’s more comfortable than you thought it would be, not the stiff leather style cuffs you’ve seen in pornography or the silky fabric you see in softer core, aesthetic scenes. It feels more like layers of thick athletic fabric and you’re grateful it doesn’t pull or pinch at your skin.
              He secures the other wrist, leaving your arms up above your head and spread wide. You don’t exactly expect him to secure your legs in the way that he does. You expect a similar loop of fabric around each ankle, but instead he secures you by each thigh just above the knee, a larger and thicker loop of restraint here, holding you fully open and exposed. Nerves bubble up inside you as he checks each of the restraints again and slips a finger gently under the edge of each to ensure they aren’t too tight.
              Then things go quiet. You expect him to tease you, to be verbal like he normally is or to shift more dominant and even degrade you, but instead you’re met with quiet. It stretches on and you can’t help but turn your head to the left and right, straining to see if you can hear anything at all.
              It’s taking too long, minutes pass, and you’re not even confident at this point that he’s even still in the room with you. You don’t want to break the scene, but you’re nervous now. The absolute lack of visibility and your tight restrained position has you so vulnerable you can barely breathe. “Seonghwa?” You know you shouldn’t address him by name, but the nerves get the better of you.
              He doesn’t respond, but suddenly you feel a brush along your inner thigh and you jerk, startled at the sensation of what feels like a fine brush coasting gently up your skin. His voice murmurs, honeyed and soft, “Shh, shh, you’re safe.”
              The brush runs up each thigh, across your pubic bone, over your stomach, and repeats. The sensation has you straining, your hips making subtle jerks instinctively, aching to be touched more now that you know he hasn’t left you.
              He repeats his pattern again and again, until he shifts, the brush ever so slightly running over your exposed clit. You whine, rolling your head back and gripping the straps of your wrist restraints. He teases you like this for what feels like forever, but he eventually lifts the brush away. “You’re so wet,” he hums pleasantly, “is this all for me?”
              You swallow, your throat dry, “Yes, sir.”
              “Very good.”
              You swallow tightly again but choke out a gasp at the next touch against your inner thighs has you shaking. It takes you a few moments to work it out, with the way that he’s teasing, but you realize quickly he’s traded the brush for a feather and the new sensations have you trembling again.
              You want his hands on you, his fingers, his mouth, but you know that once you start begging he’ll make this longer and harder for you. He’s already come, and he’ll stay perfectly in control for as long as he wants to. He takes his time again with the feather, passing it over every inch of your body, focusing special attention to your pebbled nipples and trembling core.
              You know he’s done playing when he moves the feather away and you feel his weight descend on the bed between your wrenched open legs. You know he’s going to touch you, but how you can’t predict. Something firm lands directly on your clit and you arch back instinctively, but he keeps in pressed down. You rock your hips slightly, testing the feeling, but he clicks his tongue in disapproval and you stop immediately. At the sudden wave of vibration from the object pressed against you, you can’t help but cry out and jerk up against your restraints.
              Seonghwa pushes the vibrator more tightly against your clit and lays a firm hand on one of your open thighs. “Don’t you dare come.”
              The sound that leaves you is broken, keening, and you try to back your hips up and away from the vibrator, but he holds you steady and presses it more firmly against your swollen nub. “Please, please,” you manage, panting.
              “You’ll come when I tell you and not a second before.” His voice is stern, curt, and runs a shock of pleasure up your spine.
              You focus hard, gritting your teeth and laying your head back against the mattress. Your nails dig into your palms, your body trembles, and you do your best to keep things at bay. He circles the vibrator hard against you and you moan out, a breathy wet sob of desperation.
              He brings you up, placing you high on the pedestal of your orgasm, and works you there until he’s sure you can’t take another single second. With a pleased tone he commands you, “Come.”
              Your body tightens, and you let the feeling crash over you, crying out when you feel two of his fingers push up deep inside you to help push you over the edge. No doubt your words are incoherent, your body shaking uncontrollably.
              The vibrator lifts as you start to come down, but his fingers pick up speed. “Again,” he says.
              You shake your head, desperate and confused, the heady feeling of your orgasm holding you still, but he’s relentless the way he pushes inside you. His hand stays locked tight to you, sharp thrusts cresting you upwards again, “There we go,” he says as you cry, “again, again.”
              You’ve never felt anything like this, a sharp snap inside you that leaves you writhing, your wrists tugging at your restraints and your thighs attempting to snap closed but completely unable. He has you open and ready, and he has no intention of stopping. He’s talking to you, but you can’t hear him through the haze, his fingers slow, and when he’s sure you’ve come twice he slides them out and brushes his hands along your thighs soft and slow.
              When you hear the sound of his belt again and the rustle of fabric, your body locks up. You’re still shaking from his hour of slow burn pleasure, and you can barely breathe, nerves igniting at what is coming next.
              “Color?” Seonghwa confirms, one hand coming back to rest on your thigh.
              You want to keep up, you want to give him exactly what he wants, but the breath is tight in your chest, “Yellow,”
              “Alright,” he murmurs, his hands leaving you and you sigh, focused instead of recovering your breath slowly and breathing through the sudden wave of nerves.
              He settles down next to you, stretched long by your side, and rests his hand warmly on your stomach, “Deep breaths,” he murmurs.
              You follow his lead and as he softly strokes you with his thumb and gives you the time, you start to settle back into yourself. You want so badly to see him, loving the way he takes his time with you and the way he looks at you and your body, but he wanted you like this so badly that you just hope you’re giving him what he needs.
              “Color?” he checks again.
              “Green,” you nod, “I’m okay,”
              He shifts away immediately, settling back between your open legs. “Are you?” He asks again, but his voice has taken back on a hardened edge.
              “Yes, sir,”
              “Then I have more work to do,” he says, and his hand connects with your clit, rubbing quick circles into your oversensitive nub.
              Tears spring to your eyes instantly, and your muscles clench around nothing, your hips rocking up and against his hand, body panting and desperate in an instant. Heat rushes over you and you spasm, pulling again against the taut restraints. As you come up again, he pulls back suddenly and you whine, craning your head up even though you know you won’t be able to see him. His body descends over you, and you feel now that he’s naked and hard against you. His stiff cock connects with your clit and he rolls his hips over you to drag it back and forth, your body shuddering in response.
              “Oh God,” you shake your head, “Please, please,”
              His hand connects with your jaw, holding you firmly, “Please, who?”
              “Sir!” You recover yourself, “Please sir, please I can’t,”
              “You can’t?” He mocks, dropping his hips lower.
              You’re torn in two, desperate for him inside you and overstimulated enough that you can barely think of him touching you again. His breath fans across your cheek, his teeth nip at your ear and when his voice comes low and harsh, “Is my sweet girl too tired?”
              The sound that leaves you is nothing but a stuttering mess and your hips jerk up desperately, pressing the head of his cock against your fluttering hole. He makes a pleased sound in your ear and sinks home, locking your hips tight together and groaning against you now that he’s finally inside you. Your legs try to force themselves shut again, but it does nothing and he responds with a pointed and firm thrust.
              “What a mess,” he says, thrusting into you faster, “all laid out for me like this.”
              You can’t form thoughts, nothing coherent anyways, the sensation of him dragging perfectly inside you and his pubic bone connecting with your clit on every downwards strike making you arch against him. You’re nothing but a moaning mess, holding onto the wrist restraints in your hands for dear life, and letting him take his fill.
              “Did I fuck you dumb, sweet girl?” His hand sinks into your hair and he pulls down again, baring your throat and twisting your position tighter.
              Tense sore pleasure knots inside you, tears hot in your eyes, and nothing in the world has ever felt quite like this. His pace above you starts to quicken and you know he can’t be far, but you haven’t found the words to answer him.
              He catches one of your nipples between his thumb and forefinger and pinches, just hard enough to shock your brain and have you twisting away from him despite the weight of his body over yours. “I asked you a question,” he growls in your ear, his thrusts turning more forceful.
              There’s no chance you’ll be able to answer, and you shake your head, “I can’t,”
              He doesn’t respond, just grips your hair and your side tightly in his hands and fucks you faster, his shaky soft groans telling you he’s close. “Where do you want it?” He asks suddenly, his hand against your face again.
              “Wh-what?” He’s never asked you before, only told you.
              “Where should I come? Tell me,”
              You clench around him, the knot tightening and blood rushing to your head, the only thing that connects in your brain is this final need, “Inside, inside, please, please,”
              “You didn’t say sir,” He says, firm, and you tumble into another orgasm, the strike of pleasure catching you by surprise. He pulls out of you suddenly and you’re spasming around nothing, and you cry at the sudden change of sensation. “Fuck,” he pants above you and he grips your thigh tightly in his hand before releasing hot across your belly.
              In the aftershocks, you’re shaking more than you ever have before, your fingertips slightly numb from their raised position and your legs surely unusable. He’s quiet, and you’re not sure if it’s really over until you feel the damp warm towel against your skin as he cleans you up.
              He releases the tie on one of your thighs, then the other, and your legs fall slack against the bed, a deep ache in your hips as you let them straighten out. He releases one wrist, then the other, and your hands drop down above your head. Softly, he slips the blindfold off and comes to sit by your side, his thumbs wiping away the stray tears. He presses a gentle kiss to your forehead and cups your cheek. When your eyes finally flutter open he smiles, “There you are, darling.”
              “Hi,” you manage, weakly.
              “You did so beautifully,” he caresses your cheek.
              “It was,” you shift your arms and wince, the pins and needles springing up them instantly at the slight shift. His eyes flick upwards to assess and he deftly takes one arm in his hands, massaging soft circles into your flesh to wake it back up and give you some sensation. As he takes the other arm you finish your thought, “was it what you wanted?”
              He nods, “it was better than I could have ever imagined,”
              His warm words fill you with comfort and you stretch your tired limbs, shifting slightly to rest one hand on his bare thigh and look up at him, “Yeah?”
              “You’re perfect,” he leans over you, pressing a warm kiss against your lips, “I wish you could have seen yourself, you looked…”
              You blush and he brushes his hands across you, warmly up your back, massaging your thighs, planting kisses along your skin as he does. “How are you feeling?” He asks.
              In truth, you’re sore, stiff, and exhausted, but you also feel boneless, sated, and perfectly dazed. “Good,” you settle on.
              He smiles again, “Stay here for a minute, I’ll be right back.”
              You nod, and watch him go. He pulls a pair of boxers on disappears into the bathroom. You hear the sound of the bathtub filling, and the sound of the shower, and you rest in the center of the bed while he’s gone. You close your eyes, content to rest and stay exactly as you are, but he returns.
              When he does, he eases you up into his arms and you open your eyes. He’s freshly showered, his hair wet and pushed back, and he smells clean, his skin soft against yours. He carries you cradled against his chest into the large bathroom and eases you down into the warm water of the tub.
              You hiss at the contact of the water against your backside, still sore from earlier, the heat from the water only making it sting, but you know once you’re submerged it will fade. He settles you against one side of the large tub and comes to rest behind you, outside the water, but with his arms looping around you and holding you beneath the warmth.
              “Feel better?” He murmurs against your hair.
              “Perfect,” you reply, letting your eyes slip closed.
              He kisses your temple and rests here with you for a few moments before slowly unwinding his arms, “Take your time, and when you’re ready we’ll get you to bed.”
              He’s perfect like this, you think. Kind and gentle, attuned to your needs like the best of lovers should be. He leaves you to your space, knowing that you need time to come out of the headspace of the scene and back to yourself. Easing yourself back, you take stock of how your body feels and slowly wash up. You ease yourself out of the bath once you’re ready, wrapping a fluffy white towel around yourself. You need to take it slow, you realize immediately, your hips are sore and your legs are still a bit shaky, but you can manage.
              When you cross the threshold of the bedroom out of the master bathroom suite, Seonghwa jumps up from his position reclining on the now made bed. “You should have called me,” he crosses the room for you.
              “I’m okay,” you squeeze his hand, “I promise, just a little tired.”
              He still doesn’t listen, and moves with you to your side of the bed, pulling back the covers and then tucking you in once you’re laying down. “There’s water here,” he hands you a glass, “are you hungry at all?”
              You shake your head, “No, I’m okay,” You take a deep gulp of water and sigh, sleep pulling at you already.
              “Alright,” he seems anxious all of a sudden, fussy, and he clicks the lights off except for the opposite bed side table before slipping into bed beside you.
              “You’re staying here?” The words leave you before you can stop yourself, surprised. Despite how often you’ve slept together, you’ve never actually spent the night together.
              “Would you be comfortable with that?” He asks.
              “Of course,” you roll towards him, “you just caught me off guard, but I’d love it if you’d stay.”
              He visibly relaxes, sinking back into the pillows and resting a hand on yours, “If you’re here, I’d like to keep you close.”       
              After the intensity of the night, his words fill you with warmth and you shift closer, “Then come here,” you tug on his arm slightly.
              He slides over, wrapping around you, cupping you agains this chest. He runs his fingers through your damp hair and down your back, a repeated comforting pattern, “Can I get you anything else?”
              You shake your head against him, “Just hold me awhile,”
              “I’m not going anywhere,” his voice, low and soft eases you.
              It doesn’t take long for your body to melt into the covers, feeling more spent than you’ve ever felt before, Seonghwa’s steady arms around you and solid heartbeat against your cheek.
              When you wake it happens slowly, and it takes you a while for your mind to catch up and understand the sensations you’re feeling. When your brain does connect, it’s to the realization that Seonghwa’s fingers are inside you, pumping slowly and massaging your clit softly to spark your wet arousal.
              Pleasure ripples up your spine and you softly moan, stretching your hips down slightly and curling into the pillow under your cheek. You don’t open your eyes quite yet, intoxicated by the sensation of him touching you.
              His fingers slide out, and he softly raises one of your legs, opening you up and gently letting you stretch onto your back. His hands drift across your skin gently, running slowly from your breasts down your stomach, across your thighs and dipping back to slowly tease you, ease you open and pliant with practiced circles with the pads of his fingers against your nub.
              You keep your eyes closed despite the soft pants that leave you, the needy shifts of your hips. You wanted him to take you like this, you always had.
              You feel as he descends over you, gently opening your legs wider, lifting one of your legs up to your side to fold you into a press position. His cock sinks into you smoothly, your body slick and ready for him, but the sudden sensation of being filled has you moaning in earnest, and your eyes snap open. “Hwa,” you groan, but he claps a hand over your mouth and holds your face to the pillow below you.
              You let out a startled squeak, but he keeps his hand locked in place over your mouth as he starts to thrust into you. He shushes you, “Go back to sleep baby,”
              Pleasure knots deep in your belly at his words, but you play along, shaking your head against his palm and blinking up at him.
              “Sleep,” he directs softly again, his voice almost a whisper in the dark room, “I just need you for a minute,”
              Your eyes flutter shut and you let out a muffled moan against his palm. He keeps up his pace, and you feel your body clenching around him already. When you groan, your eyes flying open again, he presses his hand harder against your lips.
              “Shh,” he hushes you, “just rest and let me fill you up, sweet girl.”
              Your hands fist themselves in the sheets below you and you moan again. He drops down a little lower, pressing kisses to your temple as he fucks you, and he keeps murmuring against your skin, “I’ll give you what you need,”
              The feeling of him is warm and hard, rhythmically stroking you in the perfect spot at a deliciously slow and steady pace. He whispers more, promises in the hollow of your ear, but you crash over the edge into your orgasm when he says, “I’ll fill you up every night sweet girl, every night until it sticks.”
              You grip onto him suddenly, holding him tight to you as your body spasms and jerks against him, pleasure washing over you and sending sparks of heat down your limbs. He follows you quickly, thrusting into your fluttering muscles and spilling himself deep inside you, locking your hips together when he starts to come and just rocking his hips tightly against yours.
              “That’s a good girl,” his hand slips away from your mouth, and he peppers kisses across your face.
              You feel utterly boneless and pliant, and you groan when he pulls out of you and shifts to spoon you again, holding your slick body against his. He dips his fingers between your legs though, and presses inside you with two fingers, kissing your shoulder. With his opposite hand he wraps around you starts to gently massage your clit again, heat spreading fast across you.
              “There we go,” he nuzzles you softly, “we’ll keep this right where it belongs,”
              Your head drops back against him, and you let him work you quickly up over into another soft and shuddering orgasm, your body weightless now against him. He keeps his fingers inside you for just a few moments longer, and then slips out of you, kissing your shoulder repeatedly and stroking you gently. He murmurs soft to you, “How’s my girl?”
              “So good,” you sigh, cuddling back against him.
              “Is that what you wanted, love?” He asks, massaging your hip gently.
              You nod, sated and ready again for more sleep.
              “Good,” he holds you close, “I don’t know about you, but I think we could try that again.”
              “Mm,” you nod and sigh, “anytime.”
              He chuckles, “And last night?”
              “Definitely,” you assure him, squeezing one of his forearms that wraps around you, “I think I liked it,”
              “Did you?” He pulls the covers up over you higher.
              “A lot,” you admit, and he all but purrs in satisfaction behind you. “Did you like this?”
              “Very much,” he sweeps a hand low over your belly and spreads his fingers wide to cup you gently, “possibly too much.”
              Seonghwa sighs behind you, and you can feel him relaxing against your back, spent from the evening before and this early morning, and you softly hiss the available patch of skin on the arm wrapped around your shoulders, “Let’s sleep then,”
              “Mm,” he agrees, then says, “can I wake you up again?”
              “Anytime,” you smile, “you can have me anytime.”
              “Then sleep,” his deep warm voice murmurs, “you’ll need your rest for next time.”
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vamossainz55 · 1 year
Heated argument with Carlos leads to passionate make-up sex 😏
summary: you and carlos have been hooking up for years, but you've never been exclusive. but tonight, another ferrari driver catches your attention. carlos needs to remind you who you belong to.
warnings: 18+, smut, p-in-v, minors stay away! choking kink (are we surprised)? a bit derogatory if you squint, dom carlos.
a/n: this is such an old request but i'm glad i finally was able to get through it, straight up porn barely any plot, but it is what it is. idk where you are anon but i hope u enjoy it, as always thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated
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Your Name on My Lips
It had been going on for ages- from the very first months when Carlos had joined Toro Rosso. You had also been new in the team, working within the public relations department and handling most of the media stuff. Young, naive, and in awe of being able to work with a formula one team. How could you not fall for the Spanish driver?
At first, you had both blamed it on the alcohol. Too many drinks after the first afterparty the team hosted had you both tumbling into Carlos’ hotel room together. It was messy, but it was good. Carlos knew your body like the back of his hand, pushing your body to the limit in the best way possible. You knew you couldn't go back to the usual goody two-shoed boys you liked dating. Carlos had completely ruined it for you.
The next morning you had both agreed to never speak of it again, laughing it off casually, but before you could even leave the room you were both already on each other again, chasing each other's lips. At that moment you knew you were hooked.
Even when Carlos left for Renault, you had both discussed stopping it. It would be much harder to sneak around when you both worked in different teams. It was a respectful attempt really, as you both made it four races in before you texted each other to meet up behind one of the garages, the agreement be damned. 
Toro Rosso, Renault, McLaren and now Ferrari. You couldn't stop it even if you wanted to.
Nobody on track or off track knew, both of you keeping your relationship behind closed doors.
Nobody needed to know if it was nothing serious. All they needed to know was that you were friends.
At this point, you had both grown familiar with each other, knowing about each other’s lives from the inside and out because well, it was impossible to hook up with someone for seven years without talking about your personal life. Whenever you had problems you both would run to each other- mainly to fuck and forget, but the longer things progressed the longer talks became, and sometimes you both would just meet to talk. But that was normal. Right?
You tell yourself it’s simple and there’s no reason to over complicate things. You don't complain. The sex is amazing, and keeping at it with no feelings being thrown in the mix? Seemed like a good deal to you.
You both aren't exclusive either, Carlos known to sneak one to too many pretty girls into his hotel room whenever the paparazzi weren't looking. Of course he had the decency to do it whenever you weren't around. But you knew that was going on, you weren’t stupid.
You had your fair share of hook-ups as well, making sure that your options were off-track people because you didn’t need that kind of thing following you around. As Carlos does though, you only do it when he is not around.
It’s not like you both cared about it, but you just knew you would both end up going home together if you were at the same party.
This time it’s different though. It’s Max’s birthday in Monaco and to kick it off with a bang he had made sure to invite everybody, and by everybody he really had meant everybody.
There were a mix of team members in the club, along with most drivers and some of Max’s childhood friends. You’re invited of course, Max having been one of your first friends as well.
It had been a long night of dancing, chatting, and drinking that you’re starting to feel a bit restless. The past few weeks had been intense- and Carlos’ new spot in Ferrari only meant he was busier and busier. You had hoped that you were finally able to catch him.
You know Carlos is somewhere at the party but you can’t seem to be bothered to find him. You had both met eyes earlier that evening, already agreeing to go home together but it was getting later, which only meant you were getting tipsier, and god you had needs when you were tipsy.
You’re looking around for Carlos, a cocktail in your hand and a pout on your lips. The lights in the club weren’t helping your case and you let out a soft sigh. For a second you consider looking for someone else, but as you search the dance floor for a decent looking guy you feel a tap on your shoulder, causing you to turn.
“Who’re you looking for?” You’re surprised to see the Monaguesque driver in front of you and you can’t help but smile a bit at him, looking over him discreetly. He was wearing a nice fitted button up shirt, his sleeves being rolled up to his elbows. Your eyes fall over his hands, eyes studying the rings he had on.
“I’m looking for your teammate.” You tell him, leaning a bit onto the bar with your arm before you’re taking a sip of your cocktail. “Do you happen to know where he is?” You ask and Charles tsks his tongue a bit, giving you a shrug in response. You notice his eyes traveling behind you and you follow his gaze to see Carlos with a pretty blond wrapped around him. There's a small prickle in your chest that you can't deny, but before you catch a proper look at the girl's face you feel Charles come closer to you.
“Don’t know if you want to disturb him right now but he’s entertaining somebody at the moment.” Charles says. His hand reaching out for your cocktail. You then realise the way he's leaning over towards you. He had come over you with intention. Charles smirks when you don't say anything about your drink, and as he brings it to his lips, taking a small sip. “But maybe I could entertain you for the rest of the evening?” He offers, setting the drink back down next to you.
You're caught off guard by Charles' forwardness and Carlos quickly flitters in the back of your mind. You were better than this, right?
"Come on, you're not gonna just let him have all the fun no?" Charles moved closer this time, whispering the question into your ear and you feel another prickle but this time mixed with jealousy. Charles is pressed close enough though that your mind focuses on his warm breath on your neck. The feeling sends a shiver down your spine, and you feel warm all over.
All concern is thrown out the window when you take the last drag from your cocktail, easily setting the cup down. Charles is smirking, fingers already ghosting your waist. "Now who said that?" You tell him before you're dragging Charles down the dance floor.
You'd like to say that Charles being pressed against you on the dancefloor is enough for you to forget about the Spanish driver, but it isn't. It is enough though to get you to loosen up, and the way Charles' gaze is on you is enough of a promise that you'll be going home with someone tonight, even if it wasn't the Ferrari driver you were hoping for. The music is flowing through you and you're moving your hips to the beat of the song, Charles' hands around your waist as he follows behind you.
The drag of his hands feel just right, the rings pressing against your skin in a way that made your skin raise. Charles is clearly enjoying himself too, pressing himself closer to your back as his hand goes to push your hair to the side. He tucks his head into your neck, lips gently brushing your skin.
Your hand reaches over to the nape of his neck, pulling him closer and Charles takes the opportunity to pull you by the hand and spin you. The moment you're facing Charles his eyes are already dropping to your lips and your lips pull into a small smirk, knowing you had the driver wrapped around your finger. He's leaning his head down already, hand going to the curve of your back but before your lips touch Charles is stumbling back.
The trance you're in breaks almost instantly and you're about to tease Charles for drinking more than he can handle but that's when you notice Carlos.
The driver looks livid, standing behind his teammate, arm still holding onto his elbow with what looked like a deadly grip, if it wasn't for the dimmed club lights you could swear you could see the steam coming out of his ears. The moment your eyes meet you know you've messed up. He instantly lets go of Charles before his hold gets on you.
"You're ridiculous, whoring yourself out like that," he says and the little guilt you feel leaves your body almost instantly.
"Not my fault I'm in high demand now am I?" You ask with a scoff and Charles steps closer to you both but you're quick to meet his eyes. The look you give him is enough and he gives a small nod, instantly stepping away.
Carlos is quick to drag you away from the dance floor, not being able to care less about the eyes that are on you both. He passes the girl he was previously with without a glance, soon taking you to the back of the club.
Even from this angle, you can see the way his jaw is clenched and you can feel the bubble of annoyance forming in your chest. It's the mix of alcohol, dejectedness, and sexual frustration that has you livid, and you try to pull your arm away from Carlos but he doesn't budge.
You both go into the bathroom without anybody noticing, Carlos shutting the door behind you both before clicking the lock shut. "Charles? Really?" His hair is tousled, button-up shirt clinging to his body from the heat and sweat in the club.
"Why does it even matter Carlos? You were ready to fuck someone else, I just was looking for somebody too." There's a sprinkle of venom in your tone and Carlos gives you a look of disbelief.
"We agreed to go home together y/n," Carlos says scoffing.
"Well- it didn't look like it when your tongue was shoved down that girl's throat," You bite back. "You seemed like you were having fun." You say, crossing your arms around your chest.
"I thought we said it was fucking fine to go around with others?" Carlos says in exasperation. He knows he's not making sense, not when he had just stopped you from going with Charles.
You give Carlos an incredulous look. "I don't fucking care if you're fucking around with other people but what? You want to make out in the club with somebody and fuck me later? Get over yourself."
Carlos scoffs, "You never let me get fucking close to you in a club! You don't let us do anything publicly- and what's your problem even? Me hitting on a random girl is completely different than you trying to fuck my teammate," Carlos says.
The words have you steaming, your hands balling into fists as you step toward Carlos. "You're funny, I'm the one that doesn't want anybody to see us?" You poke your finger into Carlos' chest. "I've been respecting your boundaries, you need to figure out what you want."
Carlos doesn't budge, looking down at you with dark eyes and the way his eyes are studying your face only draws the heat to your cheeks.
"What fucking boundaries are you even talking about?" His voice is heavy and he's stepping closer. You take a step back before taking another one, but Carlos is following your footsteps, not stopping until your back is pressed against the sink. "I know what I want, and I think you do too; or do you need me to spell it out for you?"
You don't know if Carlos' words are true or if it was the alcohol guiding his voice but you feel your heart beat picking up with how close Carlos was pressing against you. You're scared, unsure if you want to hear what Carlos has to say next.
You don't know what to say, not with the way Carlos is pressed against you or the way he's looking at you. His lips are ghosting yours and against your better judgement you lean over to close the gap.
The kiss is rough, teeth clashing into each other as your hands finally roam over Carlos’ body. Carlos easily hoists you up, allowing you to sit at the edge of the sink as your hands go to the buttons of his shirt.
Carlos lets you undo the first few buttons, eyes falling shut as you litter kisses over his neck and collar bones.
The way he’s gripping your thigh is bound to leave bruises, your skin white under his touch. He’s pushing your legs open, helping you bunch up your skirt by your waist.
Your breaths are ragged, hands going to grip at Carlos’ hair as he trails kisses over your thighs. You can feel Carlos smirk against your skin when you gasp, the feeling of Carlos marking you up surprising you as you suddenly grip his hair.
“Carlos,” You shakily breathe out but Carlos ignores you, simply taking his time to litter more kisses.
“I don’t care, I’m not letting anybody else fuck you after tonight.” He says just as he pushes your panties to the side.
You want to argue, but your words get caught in your throat the moment Carlos'` finger is pressing into you. Instead, you let out a moan, finally feeling some release from the tension you had been holding for hours.
Carlos is slow with his movements, slowly dragging his finger before adding a second. He takes his time, continuing leaving wet kisses over the darkening marks he had left behind.
Your mind is cloudy, soft moans leaving your lips as you hold Carlos’s hair even tighter. You hips are moving along with Carlos’ fingers and the moment Carlos curls them you can’t help but let out a loud cry.
“Come on baby, that felt good no?” Carlos asks, picking up the pace of his fingers. You’re barely able to breathe the moment Carlos’ tongue presses against you’re clit and you’re whimpering out Carlos’ name with broken “please’s” as a knot begins to form in the pits of your stomach.
“Carlos, please, please, please,” You gasp out, you’re so close to release you feel your eyes start to water. Your back slightly arches, and you’re gripping Carlos’ hair so tight, his name hanging on the tip of your tongue, but before you feel yourself come undone Carlos is pulling away completely, ducking his head back as his hands go to grip your thighs to stop you from falling.
"Fuck," You cry out when the moment is taken away from you. You know exactly why as soon as Carlos is standing back up. He's licking his lips, hands resting on your thighs to keep them spread.
"For the record, your teammate was trying to fuck me." Carlos' eyes meet yours, a bit of jealousy creeping in, and you'd be lying if the alcohol wasn't playing with the sudden coil in the bottom of your stomach. "Maybe I should have let him."
To your surprise though, Carlos' reaction is the opposite of what you expect. Instead, he laughs, suddenly sporting a cocky smile. He drags his thumb over his bottom lip before he's pressing his knee between your legs. You're practically dripping already, panties completely wet.
"Cariño, it's cute that you think he can fuck you better than I can," He says before he's wrapping his hand around your neck, pushing your chin up with his thumb. "Do you want him to fuck you? Cause you can go right now and do it. I’m sure he’d want to."
He knows you won't, not with the way your pupils are blown and the way you're leaning against him. He gives your neck a gentle squeeze, loving the way your jaw clenches, fighting back a moan.
"You can go out there right now and fuck him, or I can fuck you right here right now," Carlos says, hand going to wrap around your hair. He gives your locks a tug, chuckling when you finally speak up.
"Fuck me," You murmur, so softly that if he wasn't waiting for you to say it he would have missed it. He pulls you by your hair, turning you to look at yourself in the mirror. The sight of Carlos towering over you from behind has your mind spinning. You watch him lean towards you, lips grazing your ear as he speaks.
“You’re gonna watch me fuck you,” He says, “Apparently you need a reminder of who you belong to.”
Carlos' hands are once again roughly gripping your hips and within seconds he's turning you around. You fumble, hands gripping onto the curve of the sink as your eyes meet Carlos' through the mirror.
He's lifting up your skirt holding it up as he secures you in place. He's ignoring your warnings about the crowd outside, using his free hand to pull your panties down. Sure, Max had booked the whole club, but the drivers and other team members were right out the door.
"That's even better no?" Carlos asks as he's undoing his slacks, the sound of his belt hitting the ground has your heart leaping in anticipation. "Hope they hear how good I fuck you."
All rationale is thrown out the window the moment you feel Carlos gliding the head of his cock between your folds. Your breath falters and you look down, gripping the sink tighter as you clench in anticipation.
Carlos seems unimpressed by this, gently pressing the head between your folds but not pushing in. Instead, he grips your hair, yanking on it to get you to look up. You whine at the sharp pain, skin on fire as you try your best to push back against Carlos.
"Princesa, I told you to watch." Your eyes meet his through the mirror and Carlos gently tightens the grip to get you to focus. "If you look away I'm going to stop." He warns before his hand travels to the back of your neck. He keeps his hand there and you can tell by the way he's biting the inside of his cheek he's trying to hold back too.
The moment Carlos finally presses all the way in you're almost seeing starts, the stretch that you had been craving for all night had you letting out a chokdc up sound.
You almost look away from Carlos but the press of his fingers against your neck is reminder enough to keep your gaze up.
Carlos smirks at you through the mirror, leaning over to press a kiss right under your ear. "Ves? Niñas buenas consiguen lo que quieren," See? Good girls get what they want.
Before you know it he's letting go of your neck, hand going to your hair again before the grip on your waist tightens as he begins to move his hips.
"Shit," You cry out, knuckles going white as Carlos picks up his pace almost instantly. You're clenching around him, wanting to savor every second of him being inside of you.
Carlos groans at this, pulling your hair back as he drags his hips at an unforgiving pace. His eyes stay on you through the mirror, making sure your eyes are meeting his with every single thrust.
"Shit y/n. This is what you wanted hm? Me fucking you stupid?" Carlos groans, and you're struggling with your words, only whimpering in response as Carlos pushes you further against the sink.
Your previous concerns of the crowd outside are gone, the sound of your moans echoing in the bathroom, mixing along with Carlos' and the sound of your skin slapping together.
Carlos gently pushes you to bend over, but still keeps the grip on your hair to make sure your head is craned up to look into the reflection.
The new position has Carlos reaching deeper into you and you can't help but let out a broken cry. "Carlos, there," You breathe out, for a second, you go a bit limp, head threatening to fall, but Carlos' hold doesn't let you. The sight of Carlos behind you is sinful. His hair is tousled, beads of sweat dripping down his body, leading down to his half-unbuttoned shirt. His mouth is resting half opened, chest heaving with small pants as his eyes are trained on you. You're practically salivating at the sight.
"Look at yourself," Carlos groans, "You're taking me so well baby, it's like you were made for me," Carlos says, directing his hips again to where you wanted him most.
The sound you let out is obscene, and for the first time that night you're practically screaming out Carlos' name. It's like a chant, mixed in with a few 'please's' and 'more's'.
Carlos revels in it, feeling himself get closer to his own high, but before he can let any of you come undone he still needs to make it clear.
"Who do you belong to?" He asks, purposefully not pressing in as deep.
You can't think, only whimpering out a , "please," eyes unfocused as you were so close to release. Carlos notices this, simply pulls at your hair once more to get you to look forward.
"Who do you belong to?" He asks once more but this time he's pressing against where you need him. Your eyes lock just as you answer.
"You, fuck. Carlos I belong to you." You cry out, and his hand goes down to your clit, a simple drag of his fingers being enough for you to come undone. He doesn't stop his thrusts, but the clench of you around him has him spilling as well, unable to hold back his own release.
Carlos pulls out once you're both coming down from your highs. He's sure to be careful with you, helping you stay up as he notices the shake of your legs.
"You're good?" Carlos asks, fingers gently brushing through your hair before he's cupping your cheeks.
You're tired, nodding quietly as you go to fix your dress. Once you've steadied enough Carlos fixes his own attire. Your mind is still spinning, unsure if you had fully processed what had just happened. All you know is that you're spent, and you want to curl up in bed,
"Let's go," Carlos says after a bit, going to check if you were ready. He gently takes your hand in his, using his free one to fix his hair.
You stop in your steps. "Should you go first? I can wait," You offer, "What if people.."
Carlos simply rolls his eyes, turning the door lock to open it up. "Do I need to do this again at the hotel?" He asks with a chuckle.
And if Carlos made sure every single driver saw you both go home together, fingers intertwined with one another's, that was nobody's business but his.
f1 taglist: f1 taglist: @sgkophie @troybolton-14 @panicforspec  @storysf1ferrari @cosmicleclerc @writing-about-current-obsessions @micksmidnights @thinkingth0ts
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Anger Management- Josh Kiszka
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A/N: THIS ask was just too good. Too fucking good. I just… After that video of Josh looking angry af while talking to Jake, at that one DIG show where the lights went out… yeah. I decided to take that and run with it.
Lil disclaimer: By no means is it wrong to fuck out anger, just be consensual and be safe. ILY!
WARNINGS: Angry!Josh, sir kink, fingering, oral (m/f receiving), hair pulling, face fucking, spanking, choking, unprotected sex.
Josh, it’s oka-“
“No! No the fuck it’s not, Jake!” Josh cut him off with a venomous tone.
Jake was doing his absolute best to sooth Josh as he stormed off the stage and down the hall. He was rightfully upset and Jake understood that, but there was nothing that could be done about it.
You followed behind him and Jake, but kept a bit of distance between them. If it weren’t for the green room door opening and closing loudly, you would have thought that Josh had just walked right through it.
Jake stopped in his tracks at the door, huffing in exasperation as it was shut in his face. He opened it back up, patiently holding it until you reached him.
“He’s really on one right now…” Jake whispered and you just nodded, making your way over to the small couch.
Danny was the next to burst through the door, with Sammy only a split second behind him.
“What the fuck just happened?” Sam huffed in utter confusion, throwing himself down in the closest chair.
“The smoke triggered the god damn fire system!” Josh’s hands flew up in the air, fully displaying his anger and stress over the whole situation.
You chose just to stay seated on the couch and keep quiet, to allow them to go back and forth however they needed to. All four of them were rightfully upset in their own ways and there wasn’t much you could say that would do much soothing.
“Things happen,” Danny spoke up, trying to keep his tone calm and even. “At least we were almost done and it didn’t happen earlier in the set…”
“I don’t give a fuck when it happened!” Josh shouted, earning wide eyes from both you and Sam.
He was uncharacteristically angry tonight and everyone could tell. “We still just disappointed all of those fans! They didn’t even get the last song!”
“Joshua, things fucking happen.” Jake’s tone was desperate, pleading for Josh to calm down. “They understand that. They do.”
“And it’s not like we could really help it…” Sam added in gently. He always knew just the right times to soften his tone and it never failed to work at instantly calming most people. “It’s not our fault.”
Josh let out a long, groaning breath. He knew Jake and Sam were both right, but that still didn’t cure his raging feelings about the situation at hand.
His fingers attached themselves to the bridge of his nose, rubbing it gently - a drastic contrast compared to the way he had been speaking.
Turning around, his hand dropped back to his side and his eyes opened, immediately landing on you.
You gave him a soft smile, hoping it would ease him. Alas, it did very little and your smile quickly fell from your lips and your bottom lip was being pulled between your teeth as you watched Josh’s eyes darken. Glancing around, he saw that Danny, Sam and Jake were lost in their own discussion about the shit-show their night had turned into.
Josh took no more than two long strides to get to you, kneeling down in front of you. “My dressing room. Now, Y/N.”
Heat rushed through your whole body the second his voice was rasping in your ear. The only thing you could manage for him was a quick nod, and you were getting up off the couch before your brain had even said to move. If there was one thing you knew… when Josh got this way, it was best not to do anything that could potentially piss him off further.
You only had to push your luck once and you learned that the hard way.
Josh’s hand laced with yours, pulling you towards the door of the greenroom with a bone-crushing grip.
“Yeah, go fuck it out or something,” Danny mumbled in attempts to lighten the mood, at the very least earning soft snickers from Jake and Sam.
Josh let go of your hand and took quick steps over to where Danny was sitting, shoving a finger in his face.
“Don’t fucking push it, Wagner.”
The room fell eerily quiet and your eyes widened, completely locked on Josh as he made his way back over to you.
With a glance back at the three boys behind you, they all seemed to shrug Josh’s attitude right off, shooting you knowing smirks that made your cheeks turn pink.
Josh practically shoved you out of the room, slamming the door closed behind him.
The two of you were barely down the hall before Josh had you pinned up against the wall.
“You gonna let me get all my anger out, mama?” Josh hummed against the shell of your ear, hand wrapping loosely around your throat.
“Yes, daddy,” you answered him, voice just barely above a whisper.
His grip tightened, making your breath catch. “Nope. Try again.”
“Yes sir…” you corrected and he nodded with a low growl of approval. “Take me however you want to, please.”
“My good girl...” Josh placed an all too soft kiss to the corner of your mouth. “Always so ready to be my little fuck toy.”
A rush of heat went right to your core and you began to throb and clench around nothing.
“Let’s go.”
Josh moved away from you and took your hand in his again, dragging you down the hallway until you finally reached his dressing room.
Flinging open the door, Josh had you inside and shoved up against it in a matter of seconds.
“Dear God-“ you whimpered, inhaling deeply to refill your lungs with air.
Josh’s lips connected with yours hungrily, biting and tugging at your lip, swallowing down all of your little whines and whimpers.
You were the first to break away, breathlessly staring up at him with lust blown eyes.
Gripping your jaw with one hand, he moved your head to the side, biting down into one your many little sweet spots .
He repeated the action a few times, proudly smirking against your neck with each whine he drew out of you.
“Josh- please, fuck,” Upon you whimpering out the wrong name, Josh pulled back from you, moving your head back to meet his eyes.
“You know what the fuck you’re supposed to be calling me.” He growled, glaring at you with dark eyes.
“Yes, sir. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to..”
Your words tumbled out of you rushed and desperate.
“Now’s not the time to be fucking up, little girl.” Josh turned you around, guiding you over to the couch and shoving you down until your hands collided with the back of it.
“Fuck- It… It won’t happen again.” You promised him, gripping at the leather beneath your fingertips.
Josh’s hand came down in a swift smack against your ass, causing you to yelp and moan loudly.
“It better fucking not.”
Josh knelt down behind you, working your legs further apart, groaning lowly at the sight of you.
“Oh, you’re fucking soaked…”
He placed a few kisses to the backs of each of your thighs, slowly working his way up to your soaked core. Spreading you apart with his hands, his tongue flicked over you clit rapidly. Your legs began to tremble around his head, already threatening to give out on you.
“Huh uh, keep yourself up just like this.” Josh commanded, teasing two fingers at your entrance.
He pushed them in and out of you at an agonizing pace, just barely brushing against your sweet spot.
“Fuck, it’s- “
“It’s too hard to stay up already?” Josh pulled away and scoffed, stealing the words straight from your mouth. “I’ve barely done anything to you yet.”
“Please, just fuck me,” you begged. You loved his mouth endlessly, however you loved the way he felt completely filling you up, relentlessly and angrily pounding into you.
Josh rose to his feet, trailing his hands up your legs as he stood. “Already begging like a greedy little girl.”
Bending down over you, his chest pressed into your back and his fingers tangled in your hair. He jerked you back up with him, so that you were standing with your back flush against his chest.
A pathetic whimper fluttered out of as a result of his manhandling.
“Oh, fuck…”
Josh wrapped one arm around your chest, his hand coming up to it’s rightful place around your throat. You let your head lull back against his shoulder, giving his hand even more access to your neck.
“That’s it…” Josh breathed into your ear, stroking himself with his other hand. “Gonna let me ruin you, hmm? Can you be a quiet little doll for me, though?”
“Yes, sir, I’ll try to be quiet for you.” You promised, gasping when his tip nudged your entrance.
He just barely teased himself through your folds before pushing into you, and your legs buckle slightly as he bottomed out inside you.
“Oh, f-fuck…” Your words came out choked and airy, doing your absolute best at swallowing down the loud moans that were already creeping up your throat.
“Quiet.” Josh said sharply, tightening his grip around your throat as he worked his way up to a steady pace. “I don’t want anyone hearing what’s mine.”
You took deep breaths through your parted lips, with whimpers and whines becoming more frequent each time you exhaled.
Josh used his own leg to nudge one of yours farther apart, deepening his thrusts, causing you to cry out a little louder than you had meant to be.
“Don’t make me have to find something to fucking gag you with..” Josh warned, his voice dropping even lower.
The same hand that had been gripping your throat, took a firm hold on your shoulder, his other moving down to your hip. Your hands smacked against the leather, catching and holding you up as Josh bent you back over the couch.
“Yes, just like that- please, sir,” you tried to keep your voice quiet as you moaned in delight, his rough actions sending you closer and closer to the edge.
“You dirty fucking girl.” Josh chuckled darkly. “You like it when I grab you? Be rough with you like this?”
“Yes, i- i fucking… love it-“
You gasped. Unable to hold yourself up by your hands any longer, you switched to resting your weight on your forearms, giving Josh an even better angle.
Josh’s hand moved from your shoulder to the middle of your back, pressing down to hold you right there where he wanted you. He settled into a merciless place, filling the room with the obscene sounds of his hips smacking roughly against your ass.
“Oh god, fuck- I can’t, sir- I can’t!” You moaned, unable to hold your loud moans in any longer as he abused that sweet spot inside you.
“You can and you will. Can’t have my brothers or the roadies hearing how much of a little whore you are.” He grunted out, his hand unexpectedly coming down against your ass.
An uncontrollable, strangled cry ripped it’s way out of your lungs and you clamped a hand over your mouth to muffle it.
“That’s right… shut yourself up, noisy little slut.” Josh sneered, speeding up his pace a little more.
Your hand did very little to silence your moans as they grew louder and louder, the faster Josh’s hips pounded into you. You buried your face into your arm, your other hand slipping down to rub circles into your clit.
“No. Absolutely not.” Josh smacked your hand away. “You’re not coming until I’m good and ready for you to.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but quickly decided that wasn’t going to get you very far. You whined at the aching burn in the pit of your stomach, screaming to be tended to.
“C’mon, I’m so close, please… pl- please, let me cum!” You begged him, gripping onto the leather of the couch so hard, you wondered if you would rip the leather right off.
“I said you’ll cum when I’m ready for you to. Now shut. Up.” Josh snapped, punctuating his words with sharp thrusts.
Just for his own amusement, Josh snuck his hand around and began rubbing slow circles into your clit. The difference in the speed of his fingers, versus his hips was mind numbing.
“Such a pretty little toy,” Josh rasped out as you clenched around him, wrapping your hand around his wrist. “Such a tight, wet, little cunt for me to use. Who do you belong to, mama? Tell me.”
“You, sir!” You answered through your loud moans. “Only you, sir- oh, fuck! Please!“
“You’re about to cum, aren’t you?” Josh hauled you up, slowing his fingers against your clit - already knowing the answer.
Despite nearing his own high, he willed himself to pull out of you, ignoring your cry of distaste at the empty feeling you now had.
Josh spun you around to face him. “Down on your knees.”
Your teary eyes stayed on him as you sunk to the floor without so much as a split second of hesitation.
“Open your fucking mouth,” Josh hissed, stroking himself to stay close to his high.
You opened your mouth for him, eyes fluttering closed as he pushed himself in until he hit the back of your throat.
“Yeah- fuck, that’s it. Take my cock-” Josh moaned, head tipping back in bliss when your mouth closed around him. “-take my fuckin’ cock in your little throat. Made just for this, baby doll… Made to take my cock.”
You moaned around him as all the filthy words spilled out of him. Flowing so freely from his mouth, as if he was just talking about the weather.
His hands cupped your face, holding your face still as he fucked himself in and out. Once he felt you relax, he picked up his pace, hitting the back of your throat with almost each thrust.
One of his hands abandoned your cheek, gathering your hair up into a makeshift ponytail. He continued to fuck your face, watching you as much as he could through his clouded vision until he was right one the edge.
You felt him twitch in your mouth and no sooner than you’d felt it, he was pulling out of your mouth.
“I fuckin’ own you, don’t I, baby?” Josh said breathlessly, nudging your cheek with the leaking tip of his cock.
“Yes, sir…” You sighed, blinking away the tears that had formed in the corners of your eyes. “Cum in my mouth, please??”
Josh shook his head, stepping back from you just barely as he started to jerk himself off faster.
“Fuck, Y/N…”
You watched his hand, mouth watering at the way his thumb would run over his tip every so often.
“Gonna mark this pretty face.” He rushed out, his orgasm taking over him seconds later.
You nodded up at him with far too innocent eyes, closing them and tilting your head back.
“That’s it, little slut… take- fuck… take all my cum like I good girl.” Josh stuttered out, an animalistic groan tearing it’s way out of him and bouncing off the four walls of his dressing room.
“Whose cum is all over your face, sweetheart?”
“Yours, sir.”
It took everything in you not to reach down and start rubbing desperate circles into your clit, but you didn’t want to disobey him. You wanted to be his hood girl.
You stayed just like that until you could hear Josh’s breathing slow and his moans soften.
Josh hand came up and gently cradled your jaw, his thumb running over your cheek through some of his cum. Your eyes fluttered open, meeting his immediately. His face was flushed and his lips were curled up on one side in a cocky smirk.
“Look so cute marked up by me…”
Josh’s voice was the softest it had been, since before he went on stage for the night.
He ran his thumb through his cum again, tapping his fingers against your cheek, beckoning you to open your mouth. “Gotta clean you up, mama.”
Your lips had just barely parted and his thumb was sinking past your lips. A shocked moan shook your chest and his smirk widened.
“You like that, pretty?”
You nodded, sucking his finger clean, humming out another whine.
“‘Course you do, you dirty girl.” Josh continued swiping his thumb along your face, slipping it back into your mouth each time, until your face was almost completely clean. “I think you deserve to cum now, don’t you?”
As soon as his thumb was out of your mouth, you answered him. “Yes, sir. I need it so bad, please.”
“Come here, sweet girl.” Josh lended his hand out for you and helped you stand, guiding you back to sit on the couch.
Once you were sitting back, Josh sunk down to the floor in front of you and tugged your hips just a little closer to the edge of the couch.
“God, you’re still so wet for me…” Josh spoke in amazement.
“Please, Josh, please. I can’t wait anymore..” You reached out for him, fingers just barely grazing his neck in attempts to pull him down between your legs.
Josh ducked away and shot you a warning look as if to say “chill out,” and you slumped back into the couch.
He stared up at you for another moment, waiting for you to fully give into him and completely relax.
Once you finally did, he dipped his head down between your legs.
“Atta girl,” Josh kissed your lower belly a few times. “So impatient and for what, hm? You know I always take care of you.”
He placed one final kiss your clit before his lips were wrapping around it and sucking it into his mouth. Your hips instinctively bucked into his face, seeking out his skilled mouth even more.
Josh’s arm draped over your hips, holding them down against the cushions.
“Fuck yes- please, more Josh-“ Your hands found his hair, tugging at it every so often when his tongue flicked against your clit just right.
He hummed, sinking two fingers into you and searching right away for that spot he know would have you fluttering rapidly around his fingers. He curled them up inside you, repeatedly making the “come hither” motion.
You moaned loudly, not even caring about who might hear it. That familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach began to tighten, not far from unraveling and taking over your whole body.
“i… i’m so… Josh, i’m-“ you tried to get the words out, but the pleasure Josh was giving you had your brain short-circuiting.
“Shhh. I know you’re close,” Josh cut you off, replacing his mouth with his thumb while he spoke. “You can cum for me, baby. Give it to me, yeah? Real sweet and pretty, all over my fingers.”
Josh’s mouth returned to your clit, skillfully circling his tongue around it.
“Josh! Josh, please!”
Your hips trembled underneath his strong arm that was still holding your still. All you could do was moan and chant Josh’s name repeatedly as your orgasm took over your whole body.
Josh looked up at your through his lashes, watching you cum undone all at the mercy of his fingers and mouth.
He worked you through your high, gently bringing you down with just his fingers. When your hips jolted slightly - playing on the edge of overstimulation, he pulled his fingers out of you carefully and slipped them into his mouth.
You kept your eyes closed for a moment or two, while you tried to calm your breathing and pounding heart. Once they opened, you blinked up at the ceiling a few times. You couldn’t fight back the little smile that played at the corners of your lips.
“Hey, there, pretty…” Josh chuckled at you blissed out state.
“I hate to rain on your little… post-orgasm parade here-“ He paused falling into brief giggles with you.
“-but we should go get cleaned up.”
Josh took your hand and stood up, carefully bringing you up with him. “I have a feeling they’re gonna come after us here soon…”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them came banging at the bathroom door.” You huffed a laugh at the thought.
“No fucking kidding.” Josh mumbled, leading you towards the bathroom door. “Impatient asses.”
And just as Josh was about to open the bathroom door, Jake’s voice was booming from the other side of the door.
“Y/N! Josh! I hope y’all are good and fucked out now, because we’re leaving in 15 minutes - with or without you!”
@jake-kiszkas-smirk @ageofbarbarians @theweightofjake @shutupdevvie @gardensgatedaisy @positivegvfthings @gretasmokerising @jordierama @asparrowofthedawn @doodle417 @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @st4rdust-ch0rds
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
I LOVE your writing it's so amazing! Can I request a steve harrington smut?
Steve x fem: reader share an intimate night together before going into the upside down? Them just taking their time with each other. They have sweet romantic sex telling each other how much they love one one another and after they make it through they are gonna get married and start a family so maybe a breeding kink in there? This idea has been in my head for awhile now:)
Omg my heart 🥺 I love how this has feelings like “one last time before we go” type thing but also makes them stronger and willing to fight so they make it out.
I have been wanting to use this gif for so long and I’m so happy to finally use it LOOK AT HOW GENTLE AND LOVING HE IS WHEW
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Whatever Happens
Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: Smut
You sat with your knees pulled to your chest, arms wrapped around your legs.
You stared out the window near the bed, able to see the bright stars of the night beyond it, even though the curtains were pulled closed.
You heard the sound of a faucet running in the bathroom before being turned off. The pad of footsteps walking from the bedroom, then the bed dipping alerted you that Steve had returned to the room.
He touched your arm gently and you turned your head to look at him.
“You’re overthinking again, aren’t you?” he asked, softly.
“I’m scared, Steve,” you admitted in a whisper.
“I know. I am too,” he replied, honestly.
Tomorrow, you, Steve and some of your group of friends—Lucas, Max, Erica, Dustin, Eddie, Nancy and Robin were going into the Upside Down to stop Vecna for good. You knew he needed to be stopped, you knew if anyone could do it, it was your group of friends, but you were still riddled with anxiety.
“But you know what?” he asked, threading his fingers through yours.
“What?” you whispered.
“We’re going to fight our asses off and beat this asshole. Okay?”
You nodded, smiling a tiny bit.
“But there’s something even more important about getting through tomorrow.”
“Whatever happens tomorrow, afterwards, I want to marry you, Y/N,” he smiled, bringing his other hand up to your face, thumb stroking your cheek.
You and Steve had discussed marriage many times before and you had been adamant that you didn’t need an extravaganza, you just wanted to spend your life with him. In fact, you weren’t even really engaged, but that didn’t bother you. He’d always said he was going to marry you one day and his intentions were clear.
“I want to marry you, too,” you smiled.
“Yeah?” he said, “Start our family. With lots of kids?”
“You having these kids, Steve?” you laughed, pulling his hand from your face into your free one and kissing it.
“Well, I was thinking six kids.”
“Six?!” you squawked.
Although you were teasing, it was fun to see his reaction.
“Aw come on babe, wouldn’t you love to see six little Steves running around?” he pouted.
You groaned playfully, falling backwards on the bed dramatically.
“Some days you are handful enough.”
“Hey, I resent that,” he chuckled, peering down at you from where he remained.
“That does sound nice though,” you smiled, “I want to make that happen.”
He leaned down, kissing you softly.
“Me too. You know what else I want to make happen?”
He crawled over you so his face and body were now hovering over you, the warmth of it radiating into you.
“What’s that?”
“For tonight to be about us,” he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
His hand slid up your leg, a small groan coming from him. You’d freshly lotioned them earlier and he marveled at the silky softness of your skin.
“I’m all for that,” you smiled, arms wrapping around his neck.
His hand came up to your hair, stroking it softly with his fingers before leaning down and connecting your lips.
He kissed you sweetly, softly, mouth parting just the slightest for you to slip your tongue in. You moan softly as the kiss progressed, his teeth sinking gently into your bottom lip, tugging it.
His hands traveled up from your thighs, pushing your night shirt up with them, wasting no time. He was already shirtless, preferring to sleep with you pressed against his bare chest, so he was eager to get the fabric that covered your beautiful frame, off you.
His hips pressed into yours as you kissed him, a soft whine leaving your throat at the feeling of the thickening cock hidden by his pants rubbing against your throbbing core. His mouth didn’t bother leaving yours as he pulled your underwear down your hips, your legs naturally widening for you.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he murmured in awe when he pulled away to sit back and look down at you.
His eyes were lidded, lips already swollen from your kisses as he raked his gaze over your body. You laid out for him, smiling shyly. It’s not like you hadn’t been in this same position a million times before, but he always made you feel like he was seeing your body for the first time—each and every time.
“You know, if tonight is about us, then it should really be about us,” you smirked, watching him.
“I’m not sure I follow,” he said quizzically.
“Lay back,” you whispered, pushing his shoulder so he’d follow your instruction.
He obeyed, laying against the sheets, watching as you climbed over him.
“You always spend so much time worshipping my body,” you bit your lip.
One finger ran over his lips, then down his chin and neck. You flattened your hand until it ran down his chest and to his stomach.
“I want to spend some time on yours,” you uttered.
Sure, you left your fair share of kisses and hickeys on him, but you’d never had the opportunity to take your time with his body and you so desperately wanted to.
“Okay,” he breathed shakily.
You started at his lips, naturally. They were addicting. The way they could part yours, tongue swirling with yours, bringing moans from your throat was almost downright sinful.
His hands rub your sides as you move on from his mouth. You nibble at his jaw then lower to his neck. You place a kiss to the more prominent moles on his neck.
His body is covered in them and you absolutely love it. It’s as if he’d been splattered with a paint brush, moles and freckles of all sizes littering every part of him body—face, chest, back, arms.
Your tongue flicks out, licking over the smooth expanse of skin at his collarbone then sucking on it hard enough to bruise. This was your time to shine and you were marking his body in any way you wished.
A lone kiss was placed against his throat and you felt his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed thickly, your hands gliding over his chest, fingers slipping through his chest hair.
It wasn’t everyone’s taste, but you happened to love and be turned on his chest hair, especially when he wore a polo unbuttoned enough for the top of it to peek out tauntingly. Another single kiss was dropped at the center of his chest.
You kissed each of his pecs, hands sliding up his toned biceps, giving them an appreciative squeeze. He inhaled sharply when he felt your tongue against one nipple, flicking it, but you didn’t stay long.
“You’re perfect,” you mumbled, leaving sweet kisses down his stomach.
“That,” he moaned, your hand brushing teasingly against his bulge, “That would be you, sweetheart.”
His hips lifted as you pulled down his pants and underwear in one go. Your fingers wrapped around his hardened cock, not wasting any time.
“Fuck,” he breathed, “Y/N, you don’t have to-”
But you’d cut him off as your hand glided along his shaft as your tongue ran around his head. Then you peered up at him.
“No one ever takes care of you. Let me.”
A low groan echoed from his chest and he chuckled, breathlessly.
“How can I say no when you’re looking at me like that, beautiful?”
“You can’t,” you smiled wickedly.
The groan that fell from his lips when you wrapped your own around the head of his cock was pure orgasmic. The sound practically traveled from your ears straight south to your clit.
You sucked it lightly, tongue swirling it again before taking more of him in your mouth. Your hand pumped the rest of his velvety length, humming around his cock when you felt his hand tangled in your hair.
“Baby,” came him strangled moan, “Yes, baby.”
Your cheeks hollowed as you increased your suction on him, gliding your mouth along him.
You felt a tug on your hair, but one that was alerting you he wanted your attention. You pulled back looking up at him.
“Tonight’s not the night for me to cum in that pretty little mouth of yours,” he chucked a bit, chest heaving, “C’mere.”
He’d sat up and he pulled you back up to his lap, where you situated yourself. His cock teased your folds, just barely at your entrance, making you whimper.
“If I’m gonna cum,” he whispered, mouth close to yours, “I wanna cum inside you. Maybe put a baby in you.”
You moaned into the kiss as he situated you until you were fully filled with him. You weren’t sure which made you react more, the action or his words. Probably both.
He held you close, hands gliding up your back while your legs rested on the bed on either side of him. You could feel him so deeply, but it was also so incredibly intimate.
You rolled your hips, making him groan.
“Do that again,” he moaned, guiding your hips with a hand.
“Fuck, Steve, you’re incredible,” you sighed, in complete bliss at his tight fit, rubbing against the inside of you in all the right ways.
“Mm, think that’s you,” he argued as he left sweet kisses along your jaw and neck.
You moved your hips forward slowly, just enjoying the closeness on of him, wanting to enjoy the sensation. His forehead dropped to yours as he thrust up into you at the same lackadaisical rhythm.
Hands explored and kisses were shared as you rocked together, only caring for the intimacy in the moment. It felt like more than just your bodies were connected. It felt like your bare souls had connected, entwining in one another just like your limbs. It was an amazing and rewarding feeling, that sense of togetherness.
“Y/N,” he moaned against your mouth, your bodies making the decision for you, picking up the pace.
“I’m right here,” you breathed, a breathy moan leaving your throat as he hit an angle that was spectacularly pleasing.
“I love you,” he mumbled, lips sucking harshly at the base of your neck.
“I love you more,” you answered.
The mutual need for the finishing ecstasy was starting to win as you moved together, trying to reach the destination. Your hands were threaded in his hair, chest pressed as close to his as you could get, head bent back from the overwhelming passion.
“Look at me, baby.”
He was getting close, you could tell by the way he was tensing, his breath starting to become uneven, moans turning more guttural. His biggest give away was the glazed look in his eyes. He was so close to giving in and loosing all control.
Your eyes opened and you looked down in his face. You saw sincerity, you saw passion, but most importantly, you saw love.
“We’re gonna make it,” he whispered to you.
Even if you hadn’t before, you believed him now. Saying it at your most vulnerable moments, close to surrendering yourselves to one another, he believed it. He would make it happen.
And you believed in him, with all your heart.
His hands pressed into your lower back, holding you to him as he repeatedly thrust into you, meeting your hips as they came down on him. Your thighs were trembling and the building cord of pleasure in the pit of your stomach was being stretched so taut, it was going to snap at any time.
“What if I put a baby in you tonight?” came his husky question in your ear, “Fill you up and get you pregnant right now?”
“Steve,” you cried, your inner muscles clamping down on him subconsciously at his words.
He groaned, feeling you squeeze him, your vise like grip just becoming that much tighter.
“Take that as a yes,” he murmured, hand snaking to your clit, rubbing gentle circles that greatly contrasted with his current thrusts.
“Yes,” you moaned, “Yes, Steve, yes.”
Your nails scratched down his back, breathy heavy, so close to tasting that moment of jubilation.
“I love you, baby.”
With his words, you came with a cry, face contorted by the insanely strong sensation he’d invoked from you. His moan was just as loud, long and appreciative, the tingling at the base of his spine finally taking over as he spilled into you.
Whether tonight affected your future or not, didn’t matter because right now you and Steve were together and you still would be after tomorrow.
“I love you, too,” you finally answered him, feeling like you could finally speak again.
You remained where you were, him still nestled inside of you and kissed his forehead, his nose, both of his cheeks before kissing him lightly. You felt his smile against your mouth as one hand came to cup your jaw.
You were both recovering from post-coital bliss and he looked as dazed as you felt, but when he parted from your lips, he stroked your cheek with his thumb. His eyes didn’t leave yours as he spoke.
“Whatever happens, Y/N, no matter what, I’ll always be yours.”
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bovine-providence · 2 years
Master’s Home!
Melone x Reader
Melone had mentioned a kink he wanted to try, and you surprise him with it after his return from a mission.
Yo @whoreiaki-kakyoin, this is that lactation fic we were talking about!
[CWs: lactation, hucow/petplay(ish?? Not sure how to tag), rough sex, Master/pet dynamics, praise kink, breeding kink.]
Melone was coming home tonight from his weeklong mission, and you were anxiously awaiting in the bedroom of your shared apartment. You had a surprise for him tonight, assuming he wasn’t going to be too tired from his travels.
You and he had a loving relationship, in which communication flowed freely. This, of course, included discussions about what both of you were interested in sexually. He had made it known early on that he was a passionate lover, and you were more than willing to keep pace with his libido. Sure, some kinks between the two of you weren’t shared, but you both shared the major ones, which was enough for your relationship.
What surprised you, though, was how long it took for him to admit to one of his fantasies.
“[Y/N],” he started one lazy afternoon that saw you sitting on the couch as he used your thighs as pillows.
“What’s up, Mel?” you responded, gently brushing a strand of his hair out of his eyes. He preened at the contact, before meeting your eyes.
“I wanted to ask you about a kink I’m curious about,” he started casually.
“I’m listening.”
“How do you feel about lactation and hucows?”
You had to pause to think about it. Sure, you enjoyed the breeding kink talk in the bedroom, and maybe this was a natural progression from it. But it still warranted a discussion.
“I’ve never really thought about it seriously,” you admitted. “I’m aware of those kinks, but I’ll admit I’m a little nervous about the lactation one.”
“Why’s that?” the lilac-haired man asked, sitting up to face you.
“I mean, it would involving changing my body, and it would affect how I go about my life. It would be a big change.”
Melone nodded sagely at your response.
“I can understand your concerns. If you don’t want to do that, it’s fine.” He tilted his head at you. “And the hucow one?”
“Would it be similar to petplay?”
“I suppose,” he chuckled. “But I think it would tie in nicely with breeding.” He leaned in mischievously. “Would you want to be my little breeding heifer?”
“As long as I don’t have to moo…”
“Oh we can work with that,” he assured quickly. “I just think you’d be such a good little cow for me.”
For some reason, that brought some delicious thoughts to your mind and heat to rise between your thighs, and the night was spent excitedly exploring the ramifications in bed.
Now, you almost can’t believe what you’re doing. You were sat on the bed, dressed in a cowprint lingerie with a cow horn headband and white stockings. The bra did little to hold your breasts in place. Speaking of which…
You gently squeezed your right breast, feeling the milk leak slightly into the cup.
Even though Melone hadn’t mentioned lactation much since that afternoon, you thought about it from time to time, wondering if you could really do it. Eventually, you figured you could always try it and stop later if you didn’t like it. So, you had done some research and learned about lactation cookies. Ordering some online, you took care to avoid arousing Melone’s suspicion, tucking them away in the freezer until you could find an opportunity to try them. When Melone had told you that he would be on a weeklong mission, you saw your chance.
You perked up when you heard the front door creaking open from down the hall, and your loving boyfriend greeting you.
“I’m in the bedroom,” you called out, and soon his footsteps led to the opening of the bedroom door.
“I’m so glad to- oh,” he stopped mid-sentence. His expression turned from eager to pleased, a lecherous grin painting his lips.
“Who’s this little heifer? Is she here to be bred?” he purred.
“Hey Mel,” you greeted meekly. “I’m glad you’re home, so I wanted to try something new.”
“I can’t wait,” he answered, his suitcase forgotten by the door as he approached slowly, like a predator closing in on his prey. You leaned back slightly as he shifted onto the bed, quickly straddling you.
“You look good in cowprint,” he murmured as he took gentle hold of your jaw, leaning in for a kiss that you eagerly reciprocated. “Fuck, I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too, baby,” you whined. He leaned in closer, forcing you onto your back. You grabbed onto his upper arms, stroking along them as he began caressing your skin. As the two of you made out, his caresses began to shift into full-on groping, and he moved to your breasts.
“Ah,” you winced when he pressed too hard. Since you started eating those cookies that week, your breasts had become much more sensitive.
Melone pulled back, light confusion etched on his face, until he looked down and saw the wet spot forming on your bra. His eyes shot up to you immediately.
“Wait, you… did you… are we?” he questioned breathlessly.
“Yeah,” you giggled beneath your lover. “I wanted to at least see what it’s like before I made a final decision.”
“Fuck, baby, you’re the best little heifer a man could have,” he moaned, returning his attention to massaging your breasts.
“The milk only started coming in a few days ago, so I don’t think there’s a lot,” you warned.
“That’s fine,” Melone hurriedly answered. Pulling down at the edge of the bra, he glanced back up. “May I?”
He didn’t need further encouragement, quickly pulling down the bra so the cups were bunched beneath your breasts. Melone watched in awe as he tenderly squeezed your breasts, watching the translucent milk bead up on your nipple. Reverently, he lowered his mouth to your left nipple and suckled.
The feeling of the milk flowing into your boyfriend’s mouth was amazing. It was like pressure had been released, and seeing him get so aroused by the action turned you on further.
“Cara,” he gasped, pulling away from your still-leaking breast briefly, “you taste exquisite.” He was quick to latch back onto your reddened nipple, careful not to let a drop go unsipped.
You found yourself rutting against him, wrapping your legs around his thigh to rub your dripping cunt against him between the layers of your and his clothing. He moaned into your tit at the action, grabbing at your waist as he ground against you, equally desperate.
“Fuck, Mel,” you whined, clinging onto him, one hand wrapped into his hair, pressing him against your chest further.
The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes more, writhing against each other in desperate arousal as he had his fill of the milk from your left breast, then your right. Eventually, he lifted his head up to you.
Melone gazed at you, seemingly drunk on the taste of your milk. Cheeks flushed, his gaze distant, and there was a dribble running down his chin.
He looked like a mess, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Fuck…” he sighed dreamily as he gazed at you.
“Mel, I want more,” you whined at him, rubbing your still-clothed pussy against him. He hissed, feeling your thigh bump against his engorged member.
“Are you really this desperate to be bred, little heifer?” his growled, his dreamy gaze quickly turning hungry.
“Please!” you begged. “Fill me up, Mel.”
“That’s Master to you,” he corrected, leaning down to sharply nip at your neck before crawling away to quickly remove his outfit, shoving it off to some corner of the room before looming over you.
“I’m sorry, Master! Please, please fill me,” you whimpered. He grinned down at you.
“Good girl. Now spread your legs for me.”
You didn’t need to be told twice, quickly opening your legs wide for him. He gazed down at you, still in your headband and the cowprint lingerie, your stockings beginning to show runs from the friction of rubbing your legs against his.
“I think my little heifer deserves to feel good after this lovely surprise,” he murmured, half to himself as he kneeled between your legs. He was quick to pull your panties to the side and was soon pressing two fingers into you.
After the rutting and relief of being suckled, it felt like your prayers had been answered when Melone began to mercilessly thrust his fingers in and out of you, the lewd sounds of your slickness coating his digits filling your bedroom.
You moaned loudly, rolling your hips into the sensation as Melone looked down at your squirming form.
“Feels good, huh?” he smirked. “Such an easy little bitch to please. I just need to press my fingers in and you lose all control, don’t you?”
“Yes, Master,” you whimpered, clutching at the sheets beneath you. Melone wasn’t dominant often, but when he was, you quickly fell in line with his commands.
“Then I want you to come on my hands. Do it, little girl,” he ordered, making sure to abuse the sweet spot inside of you that had your legs twitch and back arch.
With an undignified cry, you came on his hand, your juices coating Melone’s fingers thickly.
You gasped for air as you watched your partner lift his hand to his mouth, closing his eyes in bliss as he sucked on a slick finger. Returning his gaze to you, he placed them on your lips.
“Clean them.”
Eager to obey, you opened your mouth, allowing them entry as you sucked your juices off. You gazed up at the lilac-haired man lovingly, taking your time with the task, your tongue running across the skin until you could no longer taste yourself on them. As he withdrew his fingers, he spoke further.
“What do you say?”
“Thank you, Master, for fingering me and letting me clean your fingers off.” His eyes twinkled affectionately at that, pleased with how specific you were. He had trained you well.
“You’re welcome, baby,” he murmured. He gazed down at your form, using his just-cleaned hand to ensure his cock was ready. Your eyes trailed down to where Melone palmed himself; he may be fairly average in length, but his girth was where he really made you scream. It stretched you in ways that you’ve never felt before, and it pressed into places you didn’t know existed.
Finally he shifted above you, taking hold of your legs and bringing them to your chest, folding you into a mating press. “Now let me make you a mommy.” With that, he smacked the head of his cock against your clit before pressing inside you.
You let out a whiny, prolonged moan as he steadily continued, his keen eyes watching for any discomfort. Even while Domming, he never wanted to seriously hurt you. If you weren’t veritably losing your mind from pleasure, your heart would’ve been melting at the consideration.
Too soon, his hips were pressed against your own.
“Ready, little heifer?” he purred into your ear.
“Yes, Master,” you whimpered, trying (and failing) to roll your hips into his own.
“Good girl.” He began his thrusting, the position forcing his cock deeper into you. Reaching up to try clutching his shoulders, he was quick to grab your hands and press them into the mattress above your head.
“No. I want you to lay back and take it,” he murmured. Fuck, how did his saying that make you feel even hotter?
“Okay, Master,” you whispered softly. He smiled at you before leaning down, pressing a tender kiss belying the rough pace he had begun as he continued thrusting into you.
“Feels pretty good, doesn’t it?” he asked breathlessly.
“It does, Master, it always does,” you replied, attempting to squeeze your legs around him. He groaned at the contact.
“Such a good heifer for me. Can’t… can’t wait to make you a mommy. You’ll be such a good mother,” he muttered. “And you’ll look so… fucking… beautiful pregnant. I can’t wait for that…”
“I can’t wait either,” you sobbed, tears beginning to run down your cheeks at the thought. “I wanna… I wanna make you a daddy… make you proud…”
“Oh baby,” Melone sighed, leaning down to shower your face and neck in kisses, “you make me proud everyday. Just keep being you.”
“Melone,” your voice cracked, and you found yourself shoving his hands away to wrap your arms around his neck, burying your face into his neck.
“You’re a good girl for Master, alright?” you heard him chuckle above you, his thrusts picking up.
You could feel another orgasm beginning to form, your core tightening. And by the sounds of it, Melone was close as well.
“Master, can I… can I cum? Please?” you begged.
“But you’ve already cum, cara,” Melone teased into your ear.
“But I wanna cum again,” you whined needily.
“You can cum again, IF,” he decided, “you beg just a little more.”
“Please, Master! I wanna cum! I wanna show you how good you make me feel,” you needled, your voice turning high-pitched from the satisfaction you were feeling. “I wanna show you how-ah! How you make me feel!”
“Oh baby,”Melone moaned, “when you beg like that, how can I say no?”
You soon felt his fingers rub against your clit urgently, shooting you over the edge into bliss.
As you felt the waves of pleasure flowing through you, you felt Melone press himself against you, and a warmth filling you. You gazed up at him, meeting his own eyes dazed in bliss. He leaned down to press a kiss upon your lips.
“How was that?” he inquired breathlessly.
“It was great,” you murmured shyly. He smiled down at you.
“Good,” he whispered sweetly, sharing another kiss before he pulled away, taking care to gently place your legs back down.
“Stay there, I’ll start up a bath,” he threw over his shoulder as he got up and headed for the attached bathroom.
You snuggled further into the sheets, gasping for air after the roughness of your reunion with Melone. Lifting your hand to rub the sleep out of your eyes, you felt the headband had fallen askew. Smiling to yourself, you pulled it off.
A moment later Melone walked back over to you.
“Let’s get you out of this, amore,” he murmured as he gently began to tug your now-dirtied lingerie off of your exhausted body. As you leaned up to help him with removing the bra, he gazed down at you dreamily.
“This was a wonderful surprise to come home to,” he noted. “Thank you.”
“I enjoyed it more than I thought I would,” you admitted bashfully. He leaned down to pick you up, carrying your nude form princess-style to the waiting bath. Eyeing the bubble bath as he strolled in, you turned up to face him.
“Could you join me? I imagine you’re tired after traveling and… this,” you blushed. He smiled down at you.
“Of course,” he answered, pressing a kiss to your forehead before placing you down and helping you into the tub. As you got settled, he moved to join you, sinking into the hot water behind you.
“I’m glad I’m home,” he sighed, nuzzling into your hair as he wrapped his arms around you.
“I’m glad to have you back, Mel,” you purred back.
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swimmpantyz · 4 months
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fuckboy!gojo satoru x fem!reader
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summary: You and your boyfriend were on a thin line. Your break-up was inevitable... After a short-tempered discussion everything seemed to have come to an end. Luckily, your boyfriend's best friend was there to cheer you up. Even if he was a lot of trouble... He still knows how to have fun.
tw: alcohol use, slightly dub-con, unprotected sex, lost of virginity, virginity kink, porn w/ little plot, +
Plot inspired in Blair and Chuck's relationship from Gossip Girl.
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Satoru's name was popping on your phone, and it was relieving.
You left your apartment, pacing around the elevator to finally meet him outside.
He was leaning against his car, a small smile on his face, you could see his blue eyes shine through his darl glasses.
Once you were right in front of him he looked at your sides.
"Where's Suguru at?" You sighed shortly at his words, eyes darting away.
Suguru and you were supposed hang out in the new place Satoru was planning to buy tonight.
"We broke up." His smile left his face, eyebrows raising and disappearing behind his white hair.
"What?" He asked confused, but you just shrugged, getting inside his car when he opened the door for you.
"What you heard, and no more chatting about it." He didn't say anything as he sat next to you.
"You really have good timing, huh." You sarcastically chuckled, getting one of the expensive bottles he left on the mini bar.
"I do... But tell me, I'm dying of curiosity." You rolled your eyes at his words, knowing what he was going to ask. And of course he was damn nosey. "You don't look surprised or hurt... I don't see any mascara staining your eyes for crying neither... Did you two really broke up?" He messed with you, you could see his smirk from the side.
"Oh, fuck you." He snorted at your words.
"At least buy me a drink first." You handed him a glass of some sweet fruit flavored liquor... Was it pineapple? yet, he couldn't hide his smile, taking a sip from it.
"Just get drunk, Gojo, so I can get drunk too." And until you headed to the place, the alcohol kept coming and coming, to his disgrace.
The driver opened the door and Satoru help you out, a hand on yours and the other on your waist.
"I really need this." You said, standing in front of the club, sighing softly, a small smile on your face."No better place to escape, right?" Satoru followed you from behind.
"It's like my personal Las Vegas." He joked. "Feel free to get loose, no judgment, what happens here, stays here." You looked back at him, your eyebrows raising and a soft smile increasing unconsciously.
"Well look at you, marketing manager, it has franchise potential." You stopped on the entrance, turning around and looking up at him. "All those years of underage boozing and womanizing have finally paid off... Truly, I'm proud." He smiled brightly at your words, taking your hand again as if he was a gentleman to lead you inside.
"That's why I showed you first this place." He whispered close to your ear as the people gathered around you to get inside the expensive club. He knew you would like the place. And he knew you would support him.
"So tonight's it's really a victory's party, huh? you're truly gonna seal it?" He didn't say anything and just winked at you. You let out an amused short laugh as he pulled you by your hand to get easily inside, being the new owner had it's advantages.
You walked side by side, your bodies almost glued to each other... It was just like the last time he got you there, the only difference was all the people inside and outside.
The theme of the club was inspired in the old brothels, a lot of lingerie and classy furniture made it look expensive.
Satoru's reserved place was a small short table with silk arm chairs in the middle of the club, ten feet in front of the little scenery.
All the women were dancing and moving around as you two sat in the same couch, a champagne glass on your hand.
You were watching the show in front of you, your mood much better than minutes before meeting Satoru.
But of course, he and his big mouth had to ruin it.
He was leaning on the couch, playing with his glass while slightly looking at you. He was more serious.
"... I know you don't wanna talk about it but-" You interrupted him abruptly.
"Relief... I feel relief." He nodded in silence, taking small sips of his drink.
Your eyes followed the women in front of you, a smile once again on your face.
"You know... I got moves too." Satoru almost chuckled, getting closer to you by just inches.
"Really?" He said incredulously, tease on his voice. "Why don't you show me then?" You looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Show you?" He nodded, leaning back on the couch again, pointing at the scenery.
"Go up there." You looked to the front, leaning back just as he did.
"I'm just saying I got moves." He chuckled, one of his arms going behind your shoulders.
"Come on, you surely move better than any women here." He encouraged you. "You're ten times hotter too." You huffed softly, drinking another glass of champagne the bartender just gave you.
"Gojo Satoru, I know what you're doing." You warned him with a smile. Until you realized the reason of his words. "Wait... You actually don't believe I'll do it." Satoru shrugged, not hiding his smirk.
"I know you won't." He said as if it was an obvious fact. You let out an unbelievable little gasp, your mouth open in fake hurt.
You smiled as you got up, leaving your glass on his free hand.
"Hold my drink." He looked up at you in confusion, his smile coming back upon realising that you were, actually, going to do it.
He sat more straight, crossing his legs while staring as you moved.
Maybe it was the alcohol mixed with your spite, but you didn't care at all when you got in with all the other girls.
Little by little you started to take your clothes off, starting with your small coat.
Satoru stood up from the couch, getting closer slowly, you stared only at him, and and he stared only at you.
Your face had a bright smile, and he was speechless, the sound of cheering and loud music only encouraged you more.
You couldn't even hear your heels clicking against the floor.
Your hands roamed around your body, playing with your dress and your hair... Moving your hips slowly and softly.
Finally you started to unzip it... And thank god you had your short satine and lace night robe below your dress, it wasn't really different from the lingerie the other women had.
And the heat of the room could have been because of all the people pressed against each other or because Satoru's gaze was burning every inch of your skin.
You turned around, moving your hair and looking back with the softest eyes you could make, batting your eyelashes innocently as you started to unbutton your robe, playing with the little lace from the shoulders.
All you could do was keep moving and stare at Satoru, until he couldn't stop smiling dumbly at you.
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steele-soulmate · 8 months
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 470, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage) consensual impregnation, bareback, impregnation kink, creampies, terrorist attacks (shootings) hit and run pedestrian accident, precipitous labor, neonatal death
WORDS: 1336
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I smiled as I felt the vibrations of the garage door opening from under my feet before closing and the thudding of my husband thudding up the stairs.
“Sweetheart, I’m home!” Peter hallooed as I opened the oven door and pulled out honey oatmeal bread. “Something smells delicious!”
“I should hope so, my love!” I hummed as I set the pan down onto a elevated bread stand and slid in two fresh loaves of blueberry and strawberry bread. “I’ve been baking bread for the past three hours.”
“Why aren’t you laying down, anyway?” he asked me, taking a seat at the kitchen island and clasping his hands together.
“Can’t sit still right now,” I shrugged, swiping at the counter with a damp rag as I did a quick clean up. “Isabelle and the kids are all out back, playing in the leaves. You can hear the babies screaming with joy, by the way my love.”
“Ah,” he hummed, chuckling and patting his lap as I waddled over to take a seat. I smiled, clambering onto his lap in an intimate straddle.
“How was your appointment at the audiologist’s office today, my love?” I asked him as he wrapped his arms snuggly around me.
“Dr. Asher had me sit in a tiny room, stuffed bubble gum in my ears and had me repeat words back to him,” he grumbled. “The good doctor determined that I have a twenty three perfect hearing loss in my right ear and a thirty nine percent hearing loss in my left ear.”
I burst out into sudden giggles as his crass description of having his hearing tested.
“He also poured more bubble gum into my ears for a mold,” he told me, chuckling as he pressed his nose into the mermaid tattooed behind my left ear. “We both had an extremely enthusiastic discussion about the two types of hearing aids that he recommended to me before I settled on two over the ear hearing aids. I got to choose custom colors for my ear molds- green and blue. The actual hearing aid itself will be a dark grey.”
“That’s so cool,” I giggled as Baby Violet Marie woke up and started punching.
“Hello, Baby Violet Marie,” he greeted her in a happy rumble.
“My love, I was thinking of leftovers for dinner tonight,” I told him. “Do you want me to fix you up a plate?”
“What I really want,” my husband mock glowered. “Is my wife, bare as the day she was born, ready and wanting my dick to impale her deep and hard.”
I couldn’t help the blush that overtook my face.
I came to following my umpteenth orgasm, finding my handsome husband on his back, one hand lazily stroking his overhyper dick.
My love
“Sweetheart,” he smiled, breaking out into a loud groan as I hoisted myself up and mounted him once more, stilling as my pink petals gobbled up all thirteen inches of his magnificent length before I began to lazily ride him. “JESUS FUCK…”
“JeeJee Chris looks like me…” I teased him, a bubbling laugh escaping my mouth at the exasperated look his shot me.
“Little girl is a fucking icon,” he grumbled before flipping us so that we were both on our sides, gazing into the eyes of our soulmate as we both made ardent love to the other.
“Good girl,” Peter praised the unborn little girl as he cradled me lovingly in his arms. “Daddy loves you. I can’t wait to hold you.”
A sudden squeal was ripped from beyond my lips as I found my sweet release and I fell limp. Peter followed a few minutes later, his gruff bellow and rush of warmth blossoming deep within my already occupied womb signaling his ending.
“Sweetheart, I already started up an Amazon wish list of things we can buy to make it easier for having a baby with spina bifida,” he murmured in a soft voice as he pressed gentle kisses to my forehead. “Soft bedsheets for the crib, comfortable baby clothes, a toy bunny that won’t chafe…”
You are a good man, Peter Thomas Ratajczyk.
“I got a family now,” he reminded me, wrapping his arms around me as I settled in to warm his cock for the night.
I woke up multiple time that night, in dire need of a good fucking. To my relief, Peter was always down for any kind of sex, taking me on doggy, cowgirl, missionary, and other positions that I didn’t know the name of. Each time I found orgasm, I would black out and my handsome older husband would take care of me, rubbing my aching back as he murmured sweet words of love to me.
“I hate being pregnant,” I bemoaned after waking to find my beefcake of a soulmate doing his morning workout with the babies as weights.
“And good morning to you too, sweetheart,” he grunted, lowering Baby Tommy and curling little girl into his chest, the two babies cooing sleepily as they dreamed precious baby dreams. “If it helps any, my greatest kink is seeing your womb carry my seed to full term.”
“I mean, I don’t hate the entire pregnancy,” I explained myself, getting out of bed. “I just don’t like the morning sickness, or the inability to keep from peeing my pants, or the weird ass cravings that I get, or the birthing process. Jesus, especially the birthing process.”
“Yes, well, you are still an amazing woman,” he told me, going to press kisses to the slowly rousing babies, raising little girl then Baby Tommy as they groggily woke up from their sleep. “You carry my baby safe and warm in your motherly womb as you nurture them and help them to grow before giving birth to them- you gave birth to little girl on the toilet, need I remind you.”
“Ah yes, of course I remind that,” I smiled at the memory of me in the half bath right off the laundry room, thinking that I had a massive poop to do. “I was so scared when I realized what had happened.”
“We both were so scared,” he corrected me, handing me the babies before dropping to do pushups. “When I saw you holding little girl, I just felt so guilty.”
“My love, why did you feel guilty?” I called out from the bathroom, where I was sitting on the toilet with the babies corralled in the tub.
“Because,” he explained, appearing in the doorway. “Had I pieced together what was happening to you, I would’ve rushed you to the hospital.”
“Hush now, my love,” I cooed, leaning back to allow him to wipe me clean. “It was none of our fault- it was simply meant to be.”
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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hajimesh · 3 years
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𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙚𝙛𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩 — olympic team / fem reader
[ atsumu, sakusa, suna, kageyama, gao, bokuto, hinata, iwaizumi, oikawa ]
the stress of the first match seems to be taking a toll on the team's spirit, and you refuse to sit and watch them fail when you know you can be of help. but can you really handle all of them?
(or, where you end up having a gang bang with 8 professional volleyball players, and 1 athletic trainer)
⥅ word c. 7,928
⥅ warnings. sub reader, gang bang, foursomes, voyeurism?, fellatio, cum play, vaginal penetration, anal, unprotected sex, creampie, facial, size + stomach bulging kink, praise kink, mild degradation, double penetration, pussy job (for like, one second), double vaginal penetration, fingering, squirting, overstimulation, someone passes out, aftercare
⥅author n. brought to u thanks to this tweet + @kmorgzz​ who suggested adding iwaoi to the mix
special mention to my wife and love of my life, runa. @tsumue​ u had me laughing at 4am as i read ur comments in the google doc. i don't know what i'd do without u, tysm for beta and putting up with me for the past week ♡ 
ps. im v sorry if ur fave didn't make the cut (╥_╥) i added the ones im more familiar with, in terms of writing
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if someone had told you you’d be attending the olympic games not as a spectator but as part of japan’s team, you’d have never believed them. but here you are, sitting in the same room with the most skilled players in the country as none other than their personal assistant.
“iwaizumi-san! do you think kageyama and i could pull off a quick attack right at the beginning of the set?”
“shoyo-kun, if there’s someone you’ll be doing the quick attack with it’s me,” atsumu’s eyes land on kageyama, smirking at the other setter from across the room, “right, tobio-kun?”
“you’re a disgrace.”
sakusa’s statement earns an offended scoff from the blond setter, the rest of the team rolling their eyes and sighing at the all-too-familiar scene.
“oi! we don’t have time for petty fights!”
after iwaizumi gets everyone’s attention back on him, he barely finishes explaining tomorrow’s match opponents and their plays without losing the team’s attention. he might be there to train them and make sure they’re on top of their game, but he knows when the team is lacking morale and, sadly, today’s one of those days.
the meeting is over and all of you go to the dining hall, fetching your dinner and sitting on your respective table with you right next to iwaizumi.
since you took that part-time job at the msby jackals, you quickly caught onto their small tics and tell-tale signs when something isn’t right. atsumu becomes a complete asshole which makes sakusa lose his temper sooner than usual. meanwhile, bokuto and hinata become very fidgety, often causing a bit of chaos around them as clumsiness radiates off of them.
when the national team was announced, you were offered the job as the trainer’s assistant—all thanks to the jackals who recommended you to their superiors for said position. your pay-check might say you’re just iwaizumi’s assistant, but you’re basically there to cover the needs of the entire team—all of them.
your head snaps to the side as a good-looking man takes the last free seat next to iwaizumi.
“aren’t you supposed to be sitting with your team?” iwaizumi asks him, taking a bite of his food while waiting for an answer.
the unknown man huffs exaggeratedly, rolling his eyes as he too starts to eat, “thought you’d miss your best friend.”
“hanamaki isn’t here.”
the stranger opens his mouth to reply, clearly offended by iwizumi’s words, when he notices you peeping at him.
“oh? hi! i think we haven’t met,” he shoots you a charming smile, bringing out his remarkably handsome features, “oikawa tooru, it’s nice to meet you.”
you introduce yourself, bowing at him and focusing back on your food.
both friends start to discuss tomorrow’s events, which inevitably brings out iwaizumi’s concern for his players.
“they seem off,” he’s playing around with the food as he stares at the players sitting in the table in front of yours, “i don’t know if i should talk to them or let them be.”
he’s clearly concerned for them, you can see it in his eyes—the doubt, wondering if he has been doing a good job with the team.
“iwaizumi-san, i-i… perhaps i could aid them this time?”
his head snaps in your direction, a mix of surprise and worry taking over his face, “no way, that’d be too much for you.”
oikawa’s eyebrows scrunch up as he observes you two but says nothing, choosing to listen attentively at you trying to convince iwaizumi while the latter sighs and reminds you that it’s not just the jackals this time.
it takes a while for iwaizumi to accept your offer, pondering the pros and cons, but he ends up accepting it; for everyone’s sakes.
“i’m lost.”
oikawa’s words make your insides flare-up, looking down at your hands in order to avoid looking at him, his curious eyes switching between his best friend and you.
iwaizumi ignores him, standing up from his seat and walking to the table in front of you with you and oikawa watching closely. the team turns to look at him, waiting for him to speak since it’s obvious it has to be something important by the severe look on his face.
“seeing as some of you are clearly out of it, our assistant here has very kindly volunteered to help you guys for tonight.”
a few heads immediately perk up, looking at you with bright eyes once you answer their silent question with a smile.
“please, be good to her. i’ll be there supervising anyways, so don’t think of trying anything funny.”
“oikawa-san! you’re coming with us, right?” hinata looks expectantly at said male, excitement clear in the redhead’s eyes, “she’s the best!”
both iwaizumi and you freeze on the spot, gauging oikawa’s reaction who only looks more confused.
“you’re welcome to join us, if you so desire,” it’s you who’s offering it this time, surprising iwaizumi and earning a worried glance from him.
oikawa can’t deny he’s dying to know what everyone’s so excited about, and after thinking about it for a few more seconds, he has made up his mind.
“shall we go, then?”
“alright, ground rules.”
just a handful of the team sits in the room, the ones who know what’s happening waiting eagerly for the green light while the rest wonders what the fuss is about. as much as you want to help them all, it’d be impossible; which is why iwaizumi picked the ones he thought needed the morale boost the most.
with a nod in your direction, he lets you know you’re free to speak.
“the jackals already know this,” you say and atsumu snickers from his seat, winking at you as hinata and bokuto nod excitedly, “but i’m not too strict about the entire thing.”
you can feel the pairs of curious eyes burning holes in you—trying to decipher what’s going on. so, after taking a deep breath and getting an awkward, encouraging smile from iwaizumi, you start voicing out the rules.
“please, be patient. there are so many of you and only one of me. i promise you’ll get your turn,” you give atsumu a pointed look, and this time it's sakusa who snorts while the blond setter rolls his eyes, “which brings me to the next rule, no seconds.”
a hand raises in the air, making you advert your attention to its owner. 
“i still don’t get what’s happening,” suna’s eyes narrow down at you, noticing the embarrassment and hesitation in your posture.          
“don’t worry, suna. we’ll show ya.”
“shut it, miya.”
clearing up your throat, you smile coyly at the middle blocker, “it’ll make sense once i finish explaining, suna-san.”
he shrugs but stays quiet. taking into account the jackals’ reactions plus the cryptic rules, an idea has already formed in his mind. but it couldn’t be that. right?
“uh, again, only one round. all entrances are fine,” you pause, going through the rules in your head to see if there’s anything you might be forgetting, “oh! and you’ll be paired up in teams of three to make things faster.”
“one more thing,” iwaizumi speaks up, this time looking at you instead of the awaiting men, “don’t forget to let us know how you’re doing.”
two loud claps break the tense atmosphere, “well, we should get started then,” atsumu raises from his spot and walks towards you. his hands cradle your face between them and lift it so you can face him properly, “what do ya say, princess?”
his lips land on yours before you can reply to him, a small squeal getting stuck in your throat when his hands travel down your body until he’s squeezing your ass.
you’re too caught up in the kiss to notice the new presence looming behind you.
“i’ll take your pussy before anyone can taint it with their dick.”
sakusa’s words make you shudder. you break apart from atsumu’s mouth to turn around and face him, his dark eyes alluring and drawing you towards him.
“oi, newbie,” atsumu calls out to suna who scoffs in return, “c’mere and join us.”
meanwhile, sakusa guides you to the bed, making you sit on his lap as you wait for the other two to show up. once they do, atsumu immediately settles behind you while suna stands awkwardly at the foot of the bed. it’s hard for you to read his expression since you’re not too familiar with him, so you offer him a reassuring smile and pat the spot next to you. 
the rest of the team watches from their seats as the four of you get started. 
suna lifts your chin, his eyes staring down at you before leaning down and kissing the corner of your mouth. he trails down your neck until he reaches your chest, sucking on the skin gently before running his tongue over the delicate area. in the meantime, atsumu unbuttons your blouse, taking it off and playing with your breasts while sakusa busies himself with taking your pants off.
“i get the hype, now,” suna whispers in your ear, blowing air on it and then biting down on your earlobe, making the hairs of your body rise.
his lips capture yours in a slow kiss —savoring your taste— and one of his hands goes to the back of your neck to keep you in place. his teeth play with your bottom lip, biting it softly and pulling away, his hooded eyes calculating your reaction.
“don’t get too excited, suna,” atsumu says from his spot behind you, pinching your nipples between his fingers and prompting a whine to escape your lips, “you’ll only get her mouth.”
“mhm, is that so?” suna’s question is directed towards you rather than atsumu, tilting your chin up and smirking at the dazed look in your eyes, “can’t wait to see that pretty mouth bulging with my cock, then.”
his lewd words earn a few coughs and clearing throats from the rest, which he chooses to ignore when your hand cups his growing bulge.
“enough you two, let the poor woman have a bit of pleasure too,” sakusa’s dark eyes look at you questioningly, silently asking if you’re ready to continue.
in return, you cup his face with your free hand and kiss his cheek—knowing he wouldn’t appreciate a kiss on the mouth when you just finished making out with another man.
they finish getting you out of your clothes until your bare cunt is hovering over sakusa’s lap. he’s quick to undress and ease his cock into you, suna and atsumu observing as they get rid of their clothes as well.
“fuck,” sakusa groans in your ear, the position allowing you to hide your face in his neck and wrap your arms around his shoulders, “always so tight.”
“scoot over, i need to prep her ass.”
suna snorts at atsumu’s words, pumping his cock twice before kneeling on the mattress—right next to you. he pats your cheek with the swollen head, looking down at you with a faint smirk.
“open up.”
your eyes immediately focus on his length, your mouth watering at the sight. you open your mouth and stick your tongue out, looking up at him and observing as he rests the tip on your tongue. 
“looking so pretty with a cock in your mouth,” he slowly slides in, guiding your head down until half of him is inside, “so warm.” 
a cold liquid dribbles on your backside, making you flinch forward and causing suna’s cock to slide in even more.
“relax, baby. it’s just me,” atsumu rubs the liquid on your asshole, playing with it with his finger before finally sliding it in.
your muscles contract involuntarily, making sakusa groan as he keeps still inside your pussy, waiting for you to grow used to the multiple things going on around you.
“hurry up before i start fucking her.”
a second finger slides in and you moan around suna’s cock, spit running at the corners of your mouth which reminds you to swallow. you hollow your cheeks and retract your mouth until only the tip remains inside, running your tongue over the slit and making the middle blocker shudder.
“someone’s hungry,” he muses.
you hum around him, bobbing your head back and forth and pumping the rest of his length with one hand.
“i’m gonna try get in now, okay?” atsumu taps your ass with his cock, lining it up with your asshole and thrusting in. he watches as the head of his cock finally slips in, groaning when the familiar tightness engulfs him, “that’s it, baby. doin’ so good for me.”
you have to remove your mouth from suna’s cock to avoid biting down on him, the stretch slightly more painful than pleasurable which eventually leads to you tensing up even more. 
“you gotta relax,” atsumu says under his breath, strained by the way you feel around his dick.
it takes you around a minute to calm down, taking deep breaths until you feel yourself loosen up and, with one last push, he’s finally inside.
“omi?” you say against his neck, “could you move a bit, please?”
said man grunts as he starts to move his hips, your slick helping his cock glide in, “color.”
it takes you a few seconds to understand what he meant.
“oh! uhh, green.”
atsumu’s thrusts are slow —testing the waters— since the last thing he wants is to get yelled at for being too rough, too soon. but you’re growing impatient, moving your hips backwards and trying to get more of him inside of you.
“m-more, ‘tsumu. i can take it,” you say and he immediately complies, his muscular thighs now slapping against your ass.
suna remains kneeling next to you, cock in his hand as he waits for you to bring your attention back to him. but he doesn’t have to wait too long, your hand wrapping around his cock and guiding it back into your mouth once you’ve set a steady pace with the other two men.
“thought you had forgotten about me.”
he pushes your hair out of your face, watching your lips wrap around his girth. it’s taking all of his willpower to not hold your head and fuck your face until you’re gagging around him, afraid it might be a big ‘no’ from you. and since it’s the first time he’s getting to experience this, he decides to take whatever’s given to him.
“you’re so wet,” sakusa points out as he looks down at where you two are connected, observing his cock slide in and out of your cunt, covered with your slick.
“‘course she is, she’s being stuffed by three cocks.”
“feels good…” your manage to say after releasing suna with a pop, pumping his shaft with your hand, “a-am i making you feel better?”
a hand lands on your ass, causing you to yelp and tighten your hold on suna’s cock. 
“what do ya think, hm? we’re getting our dicks wet in none other but our slutty little assistant's holes,” atsumu plays with your ass, squeezing it and humming when the imprint of his hands appears on the soft flesh.
“mhm, quite the slut you are,” sakusa whispers in your ear, kissing your neck afterwards, “as long as i get to make a mess out of that cunt of yours before anyone else, i will always enjoy these little sessions of ours.”
your eyes land on suna, waiting for him to say his thoughts on the matter.
his gaze drops to your hand, covered in his pre-cum and your spit which sends a jolt to his cock, making it throb in your hand.
“can’t say i hate it.”
you smile at his words, recognizing the challenge hidden behind them. your mouth wraps around the flushed tip, eyes closing when both sakusa and atsumu thrust up into your holes at the same time. you try to keep your hand steady as you suck suna off, but the lewd grunts and moans coming from them, plus their cocks filling you so nicely make your rhythm falter every once in a while.
a hand starts toying with your clit, causing you to moan around suna’s cock. the vibrations make him shudder, scowling at himself when he realizes his orgasm is approaching faster than he expected.
“fuck, fuck– princess? do you mind if i cum inside?” atsumu grunts.
your muscles clench at the thought of being filled with his cum, imagining the thick liquid oozing out of your sensitive holes only to stuff it back in with your fingers.
“y-yes, ‘tsumu. cum inside me,” you pant as your hands squeeze suna’s cock, pumping it faster as you notice his hips jerking towards you. you turn your face to look at sakusa, who has his eyebrows drawn upwards and his mouth open slightly as he too feels overwhelmed by the pleasure, “omi, you can cum inside as well.”
and he doesn’t need to be told twice, his large hands holding you by your hips so he can thrust his cock into your drenched cunt faster.
moans and squelching noises echo around the room. atsumu picks up his pace as he feels his orgasm approaching, his deep grunts fanning over your neck and taking over your hearing. the drag of sakusa’s pubic bone against your clit has you cumming shortly after. your head rolls forward as both men keep thrusting in and out of you, only stopping once their cum fill your clenching holes.
“shit– look at me,” suna orders you, and you barely have time to process what’s happening.
his cum lands on your face, his hand helping you pump his throbbing cock as the ropes of cum cover your skin. he exhales heavily once he’s done, brushing the flushed head of his cock over your swollen lips, and smearing the white liquid around them.
it’s silent for a few seconds, save for the heavy breathing and pants coming from your mouths.
“holy shit,” oikawa’s voice breaks the silence. his cock strains almost painfully against his pants at the sight of what awaits him.
“yeah, holy shit,” atsumu laughs off, brushing his hair out of his face with one hand as he massages the flesh of your ass with the other, “ya never disappoint, princess.”
with a grunt, the blond setter removes his softening cock from you, his honey eyes —plus a few curious ones— observing the way his cum dribbles out from your stretched hole. the same thing happens with sakusa, who lifts your hips off of him, his cock falling on his stomach and the mix of your slick and his cum dripping down on his length.
atsumu’s fingers immediately go to your cunt, pumping the juices back into you, “god, you love this. don’t you, baby?”
all you can do is whine, your hands clenching the sheets until he removes his fingers from your sensitive pussy, and stuffs them inside your mouth. 
“we all get a turn?” kageyama whispers not so discreetly to hinata, who only nods eagerly in return.
you lick atsumu’s fingers clean which earns you a radiant smile from him.
suna has his arm outstretched, handing you a tissue so you can clean your face.
“thank you,” you take it from his hands as you climb off of sakusa’s lap.
you’re cleaning the residues of cum on your face when a hand falls on top of your head. 
“drink some water before you start the next round,” sakusa’s dark eyes suddenly seem warmer and kinder to you, patting your head before disappearing into the bathroom.
after tossing the used tissue away, you turn to iwaizumi and give him a firm nod.
“who’s next?”
your dazzling smile has the rest of the men in awe, silently praying it’s them who get to feel your body with their hands next.
“bokuto,” the wing spiker’s immediately perks up at the sound of his name, “you, kageyama, and hakuba are next.”
the three men raise from their seats and make their way towards the bed—towards you.
“hey, bo,” you offer a loving smile to him, “you ready?”
his strong arms wrap around you, kissing your cheek loudly and making you giggle, “it feels as if i’ve been waiting forever. of course, i’m ready!”
meanwhile, kageyama and gao stand at the foot of the bed, waiting for any instructions or a signal from you that could tell them when to start. luckily, you’re quick to notice their hesitation.
”is there a particular place where you want to be?” you ask them, looking specifically at kageyama and gao, since you want to make sure they feel included.
“dibs on your mouth!”
you blush at bokuto’s enthusiasm but accept his request, stroking his cheek as you wait for the other two to answer.  
“i’ll take whatever,” kageyama says and scratches the back of his neck.
“me too,” gao smiles and takes a few steps towards you, making bokuto move away from you. his large hand tucks one piece of your hair away, his eyes staring at yours before dropping to your lips, “although, i think i’d like it better if i had your pussy gripping my cock. wouldn’t you like that?”
he presses his front against yours, his erection poking at your belly which earns a small gasp from you. you have to stop yourself from taking a look at the tent in his sweatpants, trying to figure out how much of him there is hidden inside the fabric.
the middle blocker smiles at you before diving down to your lips. his hands grab your waist, lifting you up from the ground and making you wrap your legs around his torso. he gently places you down on the bed and kisses his way down your neck until his mouth is right above your erect nipple.
“hey! i want to kiss her too,” bokuto complains, “you can’t hog her like that.”
“s’okay bo, come here.”
he doesn’t have to be told twice, immediately climbing onto the bed and leaning down to kiss your lips.
you grab the back of his head and run your fingers through his soft hair, pulling on it gently which causes a groan to rumble in his chest.
a pair of hands slide over your legs, pushing them apart until your bare cunt is spread wide open for everyone to see.
“you’re dripping, babe,” gao murmurs over your nipple, giving it a light tug before flicking his tongue over it, “do you want my cock that badly?”
you can only moan and nod, your lips still busy with bokuto’s.
but there’s someone who still has yet to join you.
“tobio-chan, if you’re not going to do anything then let me take your place instead.”
oikawa’s words snap you out of your daze. you pat bokuto’s cheek signaling him to let go of you, and the same thing happens with gao as you try to sit up. your eyes fall on kageyama who stands at the same spot with a conflicted look and an obvious erection in his pants. 
“hey,” you crawl your way towards him and sit on your knees, “are you uncomfortable?”
his mouth opens but nothing comes out of it. he can feel the weight of everyone’s stare on him, making him look away from you. 
a few seconds pass and there’s still no answer.
“you don’t have to do this, you know?” you say in a small tone, slightly confused as to why he’s rejecting you, “i just thought… i could help you relax.”
he nods, still avoiding your gaze.
you take a look at iwaizumi –who looks as equally as puzzled as you– before looking back at the setter.
“do you want to leave?”
at this, his head finally snaps towards you, “no, i-” he pauses. his eyes are immediately drawn to your mouth, making him involuntarily wet his lips, “i want to stay.”
relief washes over you, a timid smile spreading on your lips which is quickly mirrored by him. you take his hand in yours and guide him to the other side of the bed, urging him to join the rest of you. there’s a hunger in his eyes that has your pussy dripping with your slick, a sigh leaving your lips when your back hits the pillows as you watch him take gao’s previous spot.
“kiss me, tobio.”
and he does. it starts slow, hesitant, but it soon turns desperate. his tongue strokes yours before sucking on it, spit coating your lips thanks to the messiness of the kiss. the strain of his cock inside his pants becomes too uncomfortable to his liking, causing him to start humping against you, trying to relieve himself.
noticing his predicament, you move your hand between your bodies and palm his hard-on. he groans against your lips, his hips jerking forward seeking more of your touch.
in the meantime, both bokuto and gao pump their cocks with their hands, having taken their clothes off while you talked to kageyama.
gao squeezes the head of his cock between his hands, pre-cum oozing from the slit as he imagines the way your cunt is going to grip him, “babe, you’re making us suffer.”
“get in line!”
“atsumu, shut the fuck up.”
“baby?” bokuto asks from where he stands, his own cock stiff and ready to be inside your mouth, “we don’t mean to be pushy, but do you think you could get to us soon?”
“bokuto-san, you’re going to break a rule!” hinata says, clearly concerned for his teammate, “be patient, remember?”
the rest of the team laughs and you can’t help but join them.
at this, bokuto pouts playfully at you, “you’re just teasing me, baby.”
“then come here,” you gasp when kageyama’s mouth sucks at the base of your neck, “y-you wanted my mouth, right?”
bokuto kneels next to your face, patting the leaking tip on your lips.
“i’m going to fuck that pretty mouth of yours and you’re going to take it like a good girl,” he says, his tone leaving no room for questions, “open.”
you comply immediately, lolling out your tongue and waiting for him to rest his heavy cock on top of it. 
the lewd sight in front of him makes bokuto shudder. his hands grasp your head, pushing you down his length until he feels your throat constricting around him.
“fuck– baby,” he grunts and gives a shallow thrust, “i know you can do better than that.”     
you try to relax your jaw so you can fit more of him inside of your mouth. but as you are about to graze your nose against his pubic bone, a finger runs between your folds causing you to flinch.
“i’m still here.”
gao’s tone sounds stern, even if a playful smile tugs his lips upwards, you can see the seriousness swirling in his eyes.
kageyama sighs and leaves your side, stepping away momentarily to take his pants off. 
the middle blocker takes it as his chance to settle between your legs as bokuto keeps your mouth busy.
“you’re drenched, sweetheart,” he muses, running his digits over your slit, “don’t worry, i’ll fill this pussy with my cock so well that you’ll be cumming in no time.”
your eyes travel to his shaft, watching as he pumps it twice before running it between your folds. your brows furrow when you notice how heavy it feels, making you wonder if it will fit in.
he lines himself up with your hole, pushing the head inside which is enough to have you whining around bokuto’s cock.
“you look so sexy,” bokuto groans, pushing your head away from him and watching your spit run down your mouth. he looks at kageyama who stands awkwardly with his cock in hand, “i guess we’re sharing her mouth.”
the setter’s eyes widen slightly before nodding, mimicking bokuto’s position and nudging his cock on your lips, “suck.”
your breath hitches at his order, caught off guard by his demanding tone. you grab his cock from the base and guide it into your mouth, pumping bokuto’s length with your other hand. you hum around kageyama, running your tongue over the head of his cock before hollowing your cheeks and sucking harshly on it. 
but your attention on them doesn’t last too long, the sudden feel of your pussy getting split open by gao’s cock taking it away.
“so tight,” he grunts, one of his hands running over the skin of your inner thigh until he reaches your soaking cunt. he pulls your folds apart, watching you struggle to take his cock inside you—no matter how wet you are, “i bet those jackals haven’t been fucking you like you deserve.”
“oi!” “not true!”
you free your mouth from kageyama and use both hands to pump his and bokuto’s cock, “s-so big, ugh-”
gao pushes more of him in, half of his cock already inserted in you. but he’s just so thick, so big, that you can’t help but clamp down your walls around him. his thumb starts rubbing circles on your clit, trying to relax your walls, as his other hand settles on your abdomen.
“you’re going to be so full of my cock that you’ll be able to see it,” he gives a gentle pat to your belly, “right here.”
your grip on the other two men tightens as gao finally bottoms out, a whine breaking through your lips at the stretch.
“if only you could see yourself,” his thrusts are lazy, mesmerized by the way your belly bulges when he pushes his cock inside you, “so fucking sexy with my fat cock inside your cunt.”
your lips wrap around the tip of bokuto’s cock once more, closing your eyes as pleasure clouds your head. he thrusts in, hitting the back of your throat and making you gag.
“good girl,” bokuto exhales, “taking my cock so well.”
you quicken the pace of your other hand, looking at kageyama as you obscenely suck bokuto.
the setter’s eyes refuse to leave yours, “who would’ve thought our assistant could be so naughty.”
“as if you’re complaining,” gao says, lifting your leg over his shoulder. the new angle allowing him to press his hips closer to yours.
“i never said i was.”
bokuto curses under his breath when you start sucking his balls, pumping the rest of his length with your hand and squeezing the head of kageyama’s cock with the other.
“you’re going to make me cum,” bokuto groans.
giggling, you lick your way up and run your tongue over the slit, “cum in my mouth.”
the sound of collective groans echoes in the room, a fair amount of players finding your words arousing.
“what a slut, let’s see if you keep talking when you’re covered in our cum.”
gao’s threat goes straight to your pussy, making you cream around his girth. the pace of his thumb on your clit quickens once he notices your walls spasming around him.
“ngh, fuck!” you’re breathing heavily by now, barely managing to keep the pace of your hands consistent, “i-i’m gonna… i’m gonna cum.”
“let go, baby.”
one of gao’s hands travels up your body until he’s pinching your nipple between his fingers.
“shit, shit, shit,” you’re thrashing underneath him, your cunt fluttering around his cock thanks to your orgasm.
kageyama’s way too focused on the way your face contorts in pleasure to notice how his hips have started to jerk faster. that is until the familiar coil suddenly snaps and his cum lands on your chin and part of your chest. 
“h-how did you get even tighter- hah!”
warm spurts of cum fill your cunt, the sense of fullness intensifying as gao frees his load inside of you.
“i’m cumming, baby. fuck, fuck–” bokuto chants your name as he too reaches his orgasm, quickly shoving his cock into your mouth and releasing his thick cum inside of it.   
you make sure to keep sucking him, milking his cock dry. once you remove your mouth from him, you bring his and kageyama’s cock closer to your face and pucker your lips, letting the mix of cum and spit fall on their cocks before giving a few kitten licks to the flushed heads.
gao starts to remove his cock from your insides, cursing at the state of your pussy once he’s finally out.
“holy fuck, she’s tightening around nothing.”
you let out a low moan when his fingers spread your lower lips, “t-too sensitive.”
“i think that’s enough,” iwaizumi intervenes, pushing him away, “color?”
“yellow,” but you continue as soon as you see his face become stern, “relax, i just need to calm down a bit.”
kageyama offers you a towel before awkwardly thanking you for your help. and after receiving a kiss on the forehead from bokuto, the three of them leave to go clean themselves.
“iwa-chan, why don’t you give her a massage?”
you let your body fall on the mattress, extending your arms above your head and moaning at the stretch.
“mm, that’d be nice.”
iwaizumi rolls his eyes playfully when he sees you pouting at him, “get on your stomach, i’ll be right back.”
in the meantime, oikawa and hinata take the spots next to you, eager to finally have their turn with you.
“you’re so pretty,” oikawa runs his hands over the skin of your shoulders, “those idiots are lucky to have you.”
your eyes start closing up, focusing on the feel of his fingers on your skin and making goosebumps appear all over your body.
“shoyo, we should help her relax too. don’t you think?”
you catch the suggestive tone in his voice, but his touch feels so good that you choose to ignore it.
both men start caressing your body, hinata’s hands paying special attention to your shoulders while oikawa pets your hair, murmuring sweet nothings. 
“you ready?” iwaizumi pops back into the room, a bottle of oil and a clean towel in his hands.
the towel rests on your ass, iwaizumi’s warm hands spreading the oil on your back and rubbing at the sore muscles.
“does that feel good, princess?” oikawa asks when he hears you sigh. you are about to reply when iwaizumi hits a sore spot, a groan slipping past your lips and making the setter chuckle, “can you tell me your color now?”
oikawa looks at iwaizumi and both men seem to communicate through their eyes, the latter smirking before going back to work.
at first, you don’t pay too much attention to his movements, choosing to focus on the pleasure. but then you notice how his hands seem to ghost lower and lower until he’s kneading your ass, the towel long forgotten.
before you can comment on it, he moves them to your thighs, massaging the soft flesh. it all goes back to normal –or so you think– until his hands reach higher and his digits start grazing your slit.
“shh,” oikawa coos in your ear, pushing your hair out of your face and kissing your temple, “let him take care of you.”
iwaizumi inserts one finger inside your pussy, curling it until he’s teasing the spongy walls.
whines escape your mouth, your hands gripping the bedsheets which are quickly replaced by hinata’s hands.
“so cute.”
another finger slips in and makes you open your eyes, looking at oikawa helplessly, “o-oikawa-san-”
“tooru,” he interrupts you.
“tooru,” you try his name and he hums, letting you know he’s listening, “could you… uh, k-kiss me?”
“of course, princess.”
he leans down to capture your lips, swallowing your moans when iwaizumi curls both fingers and massages your spot. 
you open your legs, allowing iwaizumi to finger you better as you rut your hips on the mattress, rubbing your clit against the fabric of the sheets and chasing after your orgasm.
“iwa– faster, please.”
he complies immediately, causing wetness to gush out of your cunt and making the distinctive squelching sounds fill the room.
“i’m gonna– ah! i’m c-cumming!” 
“cum for me,” he encourages you, and that’s all you need.
you gush around his fingers, your slick coating them as you squirm under the gaze of the three men.
hinata tugs at your hand, pulling you underneath him and kissing you sloppily. you gasp on his mouth, caught off guard by the sudden movement but quickly melting into the kiss.
he blushes once he pulls away, “s-sorry, couldn’t help myself.”
“it’s okay, shoyo,” you breathe out, caressing his cheek, “want me to help you?”
he beams at your offer, nodding eagerly as he watches you climb on top of him. you straddle his hips and run your cunt over his cock, shivering when his length grazes your clit.
“do you want me to ride you?” you whisper, playing with his hair. 
“wait- i think i have a better idea.”
hinata lifts you from his lap and moves until he’s sitting on the edge of the mattress. he pushes your hips with his hands, turning you around so you’re facing away from him. 
“you can sit on my lap now.”
your ass rests right on top of his cock, but he hooks his arms on your knees, spreading you open, as he lets himself fall back on the mattress.
“what are you–”
“oikawa-san, doesn’t this remind you of something?”
said man laughs, “how could i forget? we had quite some fun back in brazil, huh?”
you’re visibly confused, looking at oikawa with furrowed brows, “what do you want to do?”
“say, princess,” his tone suddenly sounds too sweet for your liking, “have you ever had two cocks in one hole?”
your eyes widen, looking back and forth between oikawa and iwaizumi—who has ridden himself of his clothes and sits next to you, his thick cock in his hand.
“i’ll take that as a no.”
“can we do that?” hinata asks from behind you, his breath fanning on your ear, “we’ll be gentle.”
“there’s literally another free hole for you to use!” someone yells, clearly annoyed they didn’t get the chance to do it.
oikawa clicks his tongue, “where’s the fun in that?”
after taking a minute to think it through, you agree to their offer, “okay… uh- iwa?” you turn to look at him, “what about you?”
seeing as there’s no room for him to take your ass, his eyes land on your mouth. and with two taps of his finger on your cheek, he lets you know his decision.
“think you can suck me off?”
they’re all given the green light when you answer his question. hinata raises you from his lap, aligning his cock with your entrance before letting your weight fall on top of it. you groan at the familiar thickness stretching you nicely, missing the flash of hunger in the setter’s eyes.  
“my turn.”
oikawa presses the tip on your entrance, pushing forward and making room for his own cock.
the burn of having two cocks in one hole is new to you, but it’s surprisingly more pleasurable than you thought it’d be. you lift your eyes to look at oikawa, his gaze already locked on you, and you feel your pussy cream around their cocks at the lust in his eyes.
“enjoying yourself, princess?”
you moan when he bottoms out, watching the muscles of his abdomen contract and feeling his cock pulsing inside of you.
the thrill of being stretched by two cocks, at the same time, has your head spinning; your thoughts becoming lewd as you picture both men cumming inside you and globs of cum dripping from your abused hole.
“oikawa-san, did you feel that?” hinata asks. half-amused, half excited, “she’s squeezing us so well.”
“naughty, princess,” the setter grunts, “don’t forget about iwa-chan.”
you turn your head to face him, catching the irritated look he sends oikawa before looking down at you.
iwaizumi’s eyes immediately soften, but a smirk slowly tugs at the corners of his lips, “you seem busy.”
“there’s always room for japan’s national team athletic trainer.”
he can’t help but laugh, shaking his head at the silly title. he raises from his seat and settles himself above you, his cock hovering on your face and making your mouth water.
“whenever you’re ready.”
you don’t need to be told twice. grasping his thick cock with your hand, you lean forward and flick your tongue on the head, looking at him through your lashes with faux innocence.
“start moving,” iwaizumi hisses, the words directed at the other two men, “seems like she needs a little reminder of who’s in charge right now.”
oikawa and hinata look at each other with smirks on their lips. as hinata said earlier, they’ve been in this position before, so there’s no need for words between them since they both know what’s coming next.
hinata moves his head slightly to the side, allowing you to rest your head on his shoulder and, at the same time, granting him the view of your cunt being filled with their cocks.
“look at her, oikawa-san” his eyes are locked on your pussy, captivated by the way you suck them in, “she looks so pretty with two cocks splitting her open.”
hinata’s lewd words prompt you to involuntarily moan, the vibrations landing on iwaizumi’s cock.  
“hmm, you like it when you’re reduced to nothing but a slut. don’t you?”
you blink up at iwaizumi as you keep bobbing your head up and down his shaft, opting to hum to let him know you’re not ignoring him.
but his words catch someone else’s attention.
“is that true?” oikawa asks, amusement clear in his voice, “you like being reminded you’re a whore? how much of a greedy slut you are by fucking an entire volleyball team?”
you’re speechless, his words –matched with his and hinata’s harsh thrusts– causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head.
“answer me.”
oikawa’s hand wraps around your throat, barely applying any pleasure but it’s enough to send your mind into a frenzy.
after releasing iwaizumi’s cock from your mouth, you take a second to swallow down your spit before answering him.
“y-yes, tooru. i like being treated like a slut.”
his eyes sparkle with mischief, pleased by your words.
“good, because that’s how you’re going to be treated from now on.”
a hand travels to your throbbing clit, rubbing circles on the sensitive nub.
“shh, it’ll make you feel good.”
something wet slaps against your cheek, “don’t get distracted.”
you nod and go back to sucking iwaizumi off, moaning every time hinata or oikawa hit a spot inside your cunt. you dare take a look at where your body connects with both men, and you catch yourself becoming entranced by the way their cocks slide in and out of your pussy so easily.
you are familiar with hinata’s cock, but it’s nice to see the contrast between the two of them. while hinata’s length is thick and veiny, oikawa’s leans towards the slimmer side—but still with a considerable length. either way, both men manage to hit those sweet spots inside you and make you see stars. 
“shit– princess,” oikawa falters a bit when he feels your walls fluttering around him.
“we can cum inside you, right?” hinata asks, sensing his orgasm approaching. after all, he had been waiting for his turn for around an hour.
you pull away from iwaizumi, a string of spit connecting your lips with his cock and causing it to twitch at the sight.
“you can cum wherever you want.”
“oh? the team’s cocksleeve,” oikawa adds, “i see.”
iwaizumi chuckles, combing your hair out of your face and pushing his cock back into the warmth of your mouth, “you like that nickname, sweetheart?”
with his length still in your mouth, you manage to hum in affirmation.
hinata’s pace on your clit quickens as his hips jerk faster, your cunt squeezing their cocks even more in return, “i’m cumming, ah– i-i’m gonna cum!”
he manages to say before you feel him twitch inside you, pumping his cum into your walls. the fullness plus his rapid movements on your clit cause the familiar warmth to take over your body. but it’s your fourth orgasm of the night, and before you can warn anyone, liquid spurts out of your cunt.
you squirm on top of hinata, gushing around his and oikawa’s cock while your mouth remains occupied with iwaizumi’s.
“holy shit.”
both oikawa and iwaizumi cum at the sight of you squirting before them, observing the wetness soaking oikawa’s abdomen and running all the way down onto the bedsheets. they groan as they feel their load releasing into you, oikawa filling your tender cunt while iwaizumi fills your mouth.
you try to swallow a bit of iwaizumi’s cum but it’s useless. your chest heaves in exhaustion, your eyes closing involuntarily as you’re being hit with wave after wave of fatigue.
“hey,” oikawa winces when he removes his cock from you. he shoots a worried glance at iwaizumi before he’s leaning forward so he can take a closer look at you, “princess? how are you feeling?”
iwaizumi nudges hinata with his knee, wordlessly telling him to let go of you.
the following moments become a foggy mess, your mind barely registering the pair of arms wrapping around you and carrying you somewhere else.
all you can feel is tiredness, and the dampness between your thighs, before you finally pass out.
consciousness slowly makes its way to you, replacing the sleepiness and making you aware of your surroundings as a familiar soreness sits heavy on your body.
in an instant, flashbacks from the previous night run through your mind.
you grip the duvet and push it away from you, only to notice the set of clothes you’re wearing: an oversized hoodie and a pair of sweatpants that clearly don’t belong to you. but you don’t have time to dwell on it, the sound of your ringtone blasting all over the room and making you scramble around the bed so you can answer the call.
but it’s of no use when it goes to voicemail—you were a bit too late.
when you manage to find your phone, you tap on the screen to see whose call you just missed.
your fingertips hover on the contact name, debating between returning the call or wait for him to call you again. but a few notifications pop up at the top of the screen signaling you have three text messages from him.
hey, i guess you’re still asleep. don’t freak out when you wake up, you deserve the rest so it’s okay if you stay in bed. i left your breakfast on the nightstand and you can always call me if you need anything else.
and i thought you’d like to see this.
there’s a link attached at the end of the message.
you click on it and wait for the page to load, tapping your nails on the back of your phone anxiously. a headline in big bold letters takes over the screen and you have to stop yourself from squealing.
‘japan men’s volleyball team makes it past the first round.’
you start scrolling down the article, reading how spectacular the match was and how the entire team seemed to be in their best shape. you feel your face heat up when you read the argentinian team won their match too, with multiple comments praising oikawa’s performance.
with a smile on your lips, you go back to your messages to type a quick reply to iwaizumi. only to notice you have one more text from him.
it’s our turn to take care of you.
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