#what is music
author-main · 10 months
I saw you remade the Wild Playlist on Spotify it looks good. Are you planning to redo the Twilight playlist as well?
I'm taking suggestions for both Twi and Wild (Time too, all I have in there is earth wind and fire) playlists
In fact suggest songs for all the links please
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dabs-into-oblivion · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
god i never know who to tag in these things. anyway have a snippet of an actual assignment for my master's degree (i promise this is real)
oh and i was tagged by @mxkelsifer !
1: What is music?
2: The million dollar question.
1: It can be very controversial too. Like, who gets to decide what music is, what social and political implications does that have, and so on.
2: Our friend Wikipedia calls music ‘the art of arranging sound to create’. It also uses the phrase ‘expressive content’.
1: Yeah, Google has ‘expression of emotion’ in its top definition.
2: Okay, so music is clearly about expressing something.
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beetle-the-boy · 2 years
I need to have a massive debate with music enjoyers ablut what constitutes as music. As I've listened to more and more experiemental genres, I feel like a distinction needs to be made for no reason other than peace of mind.
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ijatin · 2 years
Today's Music
Music is one of the most easiest way to communicate with our human beings. The way we communicate through music can be used in a variety of situations, from simple social interactions to complicated business deals, and it’s something that we take for granted. The fact that we can communicate through music without speaking or writing is a remarkable feat, and it has led to some of the most memorable and important moments in history.
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The History of Music
Music has been around since before recorded history began. Ancient civilizations like the Chinese and Egyptians have been playing instruments for thousands of years, and today we still use them for both recreation and relaxation. In fact, many people today get their first taste of music through instruments like guitars or drums — these are some of the most basic forms of musical instruments around!
But where did they come from? Why do they exist at all? And what are they made out of? These are questions that require some investigation into our past.
Music has been around since before recorded history began. We’ve been singing and dancing as a means of expressing ourselves for as long as we’ve been humans. But what exactly is music? How does it work? And why do we like listening to it so much?
To answer these questions, we must first look at what music is not. Music isn’t just noise or sound waves — it’s something more than that. It’s created by an artist using instruments and voices to create beautiful melodies and harmonies that capture the listener’s imagination. The musician uses these sounds to tell stories about their lives, dreams, and experiences in the world around them.
Music is something that everyone loves, and it’s not hard to see why. It’s a way of connecting with one another, creating an atmosphere, or simply having a good time.
Music has been around for a long time — since before humans were even here. But where did it come from? How did it get its start? And what are some of the reasons why we like to listen to music?
Music has been around since before humans walked the earth. The earliest records of music date back to over 100,000 years ago in Africa and Asia, where tools made from stone and bone were used to make instruments out of animal horns, bones and claws. These early instruments gave rise to the earliest instruments we know today: flutes, drums and other percussion instruments.
But how did music get started? Some believe that music originated as early as 6000 BC when ancient people learned how to use their voices as whistles or chants for communication purposes instead of just shouting at each other over distance (as they do now). Others say that music was created by gods who were bored with their own lives so they created rhythms out of fun things like wind blowing through trees or raindrops hitting leaves on plants growing up toward the sun; these rhythms eventually became melodies which evolved into.
Music is one of the most important forms of expression, and it has been since the dawn of time. The first people who used music to express themselves were probably an early form of humanity, who would have been able to produce simple melodies and harmonies by banging on rocks.
As humans began to interact with each other and develop larger social structures, music became an essential part of communication. This was especially true in tribes that had no written language; they could communicate their feelings through song instead!
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Over time, music became more sophisticated, with instruments like drums and flutes being invented to help create different types of sounds. Eventually instruments were invented that could create melodies and harmonies purely out of air vibrations — this is how modern instruments such as pianos and guitars came about!
If you want to know more about instruments you can check out our website Musica.
Nowadays there are many different kinds of music around the world: from classical to folk to pop — it can be as diverse as any other culture’s cuisine!
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everoutoftouch · 2 months
If you have Spotify reblog this and tag what your number one song on your “on repeat” playlist is.
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brawltogethernow · 6 months
Ominous howled rendition of "Silent Night" recorded in the woods at 1AM this morning.
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I just wanna say bc I KNOW you're somewhere on tumblr, to the teenage girl who attended Take Your Kid To Work Day at an office building in Ontario, Canada circa 2013 and had a conversation with a middle aged woman in which you showed her your Black Veil Brides fanart and fanfics and ship content and told her about different fanfic tropes including a/b/o verse bc she happened to know who Panic! at The Disco and Fallout Boy were and thus you felt the need to show her your bandblr ship art, that was my fucking mother and I had to clarify all that to her including looking my mother in the eye and trying to explain a/b/o verse without sounding like a lunatic.
It's been 10 years and I still regularly sent evil energies in your direction. Since you'd be probably two years younger than me and thus legally an adult now, please know if this post reaches you it's on sight.
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johntorrington · 11 months
toxic codependent familial dynamics this. toxic codependent romances that. what about toxic codependent coworkers. i can’t do my job without this guy here or i’ll kill myself.
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jarondont · 5 months
You want me to introduce myself? The thing that almost killed Odysseus?
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callisteios · 9 months
Hi, feel free to take my new uquiz to discover what kind of vampire you are!
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fortunelowtier · 6 months
the only redeeming quality of this year's game awards was flute guy having a different instrument in every shot he was in until eventually he evolved to his final form where bro was playing The Doohickey
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bro was playing the Gigaflute
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angelforever · 3 months
literally me dancing around my room with music on full volume every second of every day ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
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rahabq · 6 months
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yooo-lets-go · 24 days
what sort of music does simon listen to- and what are the others’ opinions on it when they inevitably discover it?
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They probably wouldn’t share a playlist
Plus Roach:
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dark-elf-writes · 1 month
Chat: *sobbing about Polites and Odysseus’ mom*
Jay: Don’t worry guys :D it’s only their final thoughts as they died :D
Chat: *sobbing harder*
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