#wheeeeee I hate everything
strohller27 · 1 year
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I am really REALLY trying to get back into the CW shows but the whole crisis thing has me. Very tired. Very very tired.
But! It did open up one interesting thingy! What if Clark has no fucking idea how to parent two teenage boys because his memories DIDNT settle in place? He's living a new life in a new world with two kids he's really only known for a year and without any certainty on whether Argo still exists! Wouldn't that be fun!
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piplupod · 7 months
cause of today's breakdown: found out cobwebs do not just form out of accumulated dust - it is always spiders
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yo9urt · 4 years
clothes shopping sucks until it doesn’t
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libraryleopard · 4 years
really experiencing writer’s block pro™ right now which is fun because i don’t know if it’s caused by a) increasing panic that i don’t remember how to write fiction after writing nothing but poetry and fan fiction for a full year b) the full load of college coursework i’m still doing that divides my time into either “doing schoolwork” or “procrastinating unhappily on doing schoolwork” c) weird internalized uneasiness about writing a queer story at home with a lovingly nosy father whom i’m not out to??? d) simple laziness or e) the literal pandemic consuming the world around us
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tiny-tsukino · 7 years
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 280: I Am Red Riot
Previously on BnHA: The pro heroes over at Gunga Mountain struggled against Gigantomachia and the League until finally Midnight was all, “fuck it, let’s just put the kids in charge.” Momo immediately got to work organizing a sophisticated counteroffensive involving an exploding swamp, a bunch of sedative cans, and a massive coordinated team attack. I gotta tell you guys, it’s really something to watch a large-scale group attack in which all of the team members are actually competent. I don’t know what Japan put in the water when all these sixteen-year-olds were growing up, but that shit has paid off big time, and basically the only reason Machia hasn’t gone down yet is because he cheated and was all “sneeze” and the kids all got blown away because they are little and because he is really, really big. Anyway so then Dabi set the forest on fire because he loves doing that, and the chapter ended with Mina using her Acid Man attack to make herself FUCKIN’ FIREPROOF so she could charge through the woods ready to save the day and stuff!
Today on BnHA: Mina launches herself straight at Machia like the beautiful corrosive wild child she is, but then everything goes to shit when she recognizes him from that one time she almost got murdered while giving a strange man directions. Just when it’s looking like she might get killed for real this time, KIRISHIMA SHOWS UP TO SAVE THE DAY AND SHOVES HER TO SAFETY AND IS ALL “BOTTOMS UP” AND HEAVES A LITERAL CAN OF WHOOPASS RIGHT IN MACHIA’S MOUTH. At this point the grown-ups are all “oh wow look at that, time for us to take over for you kids now, don’t worry we’ve got it all under control” because Oh Those Wacky Pros and all that, but at least Majestic finally deigns to show his face so that’s a plus! The chapter ends with us cutting back to the Jakku battle, where Tomura is curled up in a little ball all “curse you heroes, how dare you [checks notes] save people all the time”, which is a real take and a half. Anyway so things are looking up, which can only mean everyone is about to die. That’s how it works, right. Shit.
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THIS IS MINA. SHE’S REALLY COOL AND SHE CAN MELT PEOPLE. um, the hell kind of tagline is that?? holy fucking shit?? “melt and succumb”?? IS THE SUCCUMB PART REALLY NECESSARY. IS THAT NOT ALREADY IMPLIED. it’s like saying “die and then perish”, which actually sounds really badass and I’m about to make it my new go-to threat actually so you know what never mind. where the fuck were we anyway
“IS EVERYONE SAFE” some absurdly bad-at-gauging-situations kid from class B is yelling while the forest is on fire and all the kids are recovering from having been catapulted fifty miles by King Dodongo’s windy yeet breath. of course they are safe, sweet child. of course everyone is absolutely fine, why the fuck would they possibly not be safe after something like that
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AT LEAST HE’S STILL CONSCIOUS ENOUGH TO MAKE STUPID JOKES. holy shit this baby got concussed to hell and back and then Machia turned him and the others into precipitation and he wasn’t in any kind of state to even try to land safely, I hope to god someone caught him
Sero is all “is there anyone still in range!” and damn, I like that he’s taking charge and trying to regain their momentum. he is so criminally underrated. I feel like he’s in the top six or seven of class 1-A kids who I would most trust to take charge. which is very high praise because that class has a lot of charge-taking kids
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it “probably” can’t get through her acid, she says. my god. sometimes the spirit of Plus Ultra just takes ahold of these kids and it’s like, I want to ruffle their hair proudly and then grab them by the shoulders and shake them vigorously because WHERE EVEN IS YOUR SELF-PRESERVATION WHY DO NONE OF YOU HAVE IT GODDAMMIT AIZAWA REALLY SHOULD HAVE EXPELLED YOU GUYS AFTER ALL
man. and yet I really do love this “be the one who can do it” stuff. what a heroic fucking attitude dfjfklks. I’ll just go put on my humongous sandwich board that reads GIANT FUCKING HYPOCRITE and go stand in the corner
damn it this week’s scan is annoyingly dark, it’s really hard to tell what’s going on but it looks like the pros are attacking Machia and the League at long last. way to go guys it only took you seven years but you finally hopped to it
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okay what the hell is up with these weird zen proverbs though
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“your fear stricken heart”, “the shortest path”, what the fuck even is this. whose thoughts are these. normally these translations are honestly decent enough but I gotta say this time around I’m totally being thrown for a loop lmao
(ETA: FYI I’m only just now realizing that he was saying the shortest path to Master, as in Tomura, not “master” as in to master something fjkldjskf lol some delayed reading comprehension there. so basically he’s just bitching about how annoying these little “flies” are proving to be.)
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okay is it just me, or is Gigantomachia suddenly showing intelligence in his eyes instead of mindless animal instinct the single most pants-shitting thing you’ve ever seen?!! holy shit. the way he just LOOKS at her out of nowhere all of a sudden?? holy fucking shit DO NOT HURT MT. LADY OH MY GOD I’M FREAKING THE FUCK OUT. AND DON’T YOU DARE HURT MINA EITHER!! JUST FUCKING DIE AND PERISH
but also though, is that recognition in Mina’s eyes?? because even though this dude is 80 feet tall now, her encounter with him a couple years back had to have been one of the more memorable experiences of her young life. damn I was wondering when this would finally come into play
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this has nothing to do with anything but Mina just has the prettiest hair, btw, and this “just woke up covered in acid” look is a particularly good one on her. it looks so soft and fluffy, like damn. this is like Shouto-hair-billowing-in-the-wind levels of pretty here
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oh my god holy shit?! putting her back in the school uniform to show the slip in her mentality is a PUNK MOVE, HORIKOSHI, and I respect the shit out of you for it you manipulative bastard. goddammit. bracing myself for the incoming wave of Mina feels... here they come... they’re a lot... let’s see if I can latch on to anything I can actually figure out how to describe in words
okay well here’s one, my respect for Mina’s bravery just went up like a thousand percent in this instant, because now we know this was actually such a traumatizing event for her that hearing Machia’s voice again years later immediately sent her into a full-blown flashback. she was that scared and yet she still stood up to him and didn’t hesitate. and now I’m remembering how her knees just buckled right afterwards, and just...
and this visual, though!! what a brutally effective way to show that in her mind she went right back to being that scared middle schooler again for a moment. god fucking damn. holy shit you guys is Kirishima fireproof because if he comes waltzing out of the woods next I don’t even know what I’m gonna do. lolo kids getting traumatized left and right this arc is fucking merciless
um eXCUSE ME!?!?!
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holy shit he could have fucking snapped her neck like that??! I don’t like this at ALL WHAT THE FUCK
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holy fucking shit y’all. I mean, it’s not like it came out of nowhere, like the setup could not have been more obvious, but let me assure you that none of the predictability lessened the actual impact of this moment in the SLIGHTEST. Horikoshi really wrote a flashback scene one hundred and thirty five chapters ago and planted it, watered it once a day, and patiently waited for THREE LONG YEARS until he could finally harvest the badass fruits of his labor in the midst of his most epic arc to date. I’m so fucking hyped I’ll even forgive him for sacrificing Mina’s big moment and having her get rescued, because it’s such a good reversal. he didn’t freeze up this time. he promised himself he’d never freeze again and he didn’t and he saved her and god fucking damn. anyways so now Machia is going to treat him like a fucking action figure though but he’s a solid little dude he can take it hopefully
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well we know he’s fireproof. another callback at the least expected of times lmao
so Tetsu’s all “yeah Kirishima’s not really all that fireproof but he totally ran over here anyway to save you. oh wait that probably wasn’t very comforting of me to say.” maybe that’s why it seems like he might not have actually said it out loud, now that I’m reading this over again. good call Tetsu
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lmao he’s just dropping this random hero person and letting him fall to his doom wheeeeee
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remind me to leave all of the League of Villains’ texts on read for the foreseeable future. goddamn. I still love you guys but also, fuck you so damn hard
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real talk, just between you and me, I’ll lower my voice so that Kirishima can’t hear. so uh. we all agree that even if Kiri is fireproof and squishproof, that little can of tranquilizer juice technically shouldn’t have been, right? but we’re all going to hush and pretend like it was anyway for the sake of not spoiling his big moment. even though I am crossing my arms and tapping my chin with my finger while doubtfully glancing to the side
anyway here he goes!
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YEAH KIRI GO GETTIM [stage whisper] there it is, in his pocket. should’ve burned. we won’t discuss it
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Shouji standing there trying to be useful any way he can. are eyeballs really that much more effective if you make them the size of tennis balls and hold them up above your head. legit question, I don’t really know how eyes work
okay after 45 seconds of googling this my impression is that no, they are not. well good on you for giving it the old college try anyway though Shouji
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oh my god he really is the Magic Man dude??? TIME TO DUST OFF MY INVENTORY OF ADVENTURE TIME QUOTES
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“that’s enough depending on some interns” oh, okay. now that they’ve done all your work for you. I see, I see
so now Gigantomachia is LITERALLY UNHINGING HIS JAW I can’t fucking believe this dude you guys. everything he does is just like, ARE YOU SERIOUS
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please go to sleep already. thanks to you I have my keyboard set to capslock as the default for the duration of this chapter
oh my god you guys they really fucking did it
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I guess that Howitzer slash fire punch combo really was that potent huh
anyway so now Endeavor is standing there making a big speech instead of reaching into Tomura’s pocket and taking the bullets that he doesn’t know about and shooting him with one asap. dammit Endeavor
aaaaand Tomura is firing back with the wisdom of Shimura Fucking Kotaro of all people
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well you sure convinced me. damn I don’t know what I was thinking. heroes suck you guys. how dare they help other people all the time
so now he’s all “PERIOD, EXCLAMATION POINT!!”
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take that Endeavor. you heard the man. it’s not destruction without conviction, as god as his witness he will have you know it is destruction WITH conviction. something something the great sage Shimura “I hurt my family for absolutely no reason at all, fuck this ‘helping others’ bullshit” Kotaro. I hope you packed your textbooks because you just got SCHOOLED. I hope the person who ordered you signed up for delivery notifications because you just got SENT. I HOPE YOU LIKE CAPITALISM BECAUSE YOU JUST GOT OWNED. I HOPE YOU CHOSE PAPER AND NOT SCISSORS BECAUSE YOU JUST GOT ROCKED
what an absolutely, unreservedly bizarre place to end the chapter lol. we’re really just done with this week, just like that. Majestic showed up and Gigantomachia opened his chin like a garage door and Tomura is all “you may have won the battle but you suck” while he buys time for Aizawa to suddenly sneeze or something so he can make his terrible comeback and continue Horikoshi’s Traumatize Every Kid in Class 1-A 2020 campaign. what an arc this is my friends. what an arc
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I would like to hear your Zowens headcanons and I will in turn share a few of mine with you.
Ok, so I posted a list a couple weeks back that contained most of mine but I have added a few more in here in the meantime.
So, combined from that list and the new one, here goes...
Headcanons behind cut.
it’s a fine line between love and hate and they’ve been tap dancing on that line for so long it’s been trampled to oblivion
Kevin likes to think he doesn't need Sami in his life and that he would be just fine without him. He especially likes to forcefully repress all memories of the time between Sami's call-up and his own when he was proven painfully wrong.
Sami is loyal to a bloody fault and it’s why he keeps coming back for more.
Kevin is a huge grump. He has always been a grump and he will always be a grump even when he's trying to be nice. The only time he isn’t a grump is when Sami manages to chip away at his shell long enough to let Kev’s heart pour out and, when it does, it only pours out onto Sami.
The exception to this rule is when his heart is pouring out about Sami which is what led to heartfelt promos about missing his best friend and regretting his life choices.
As mithen put it, “Unbridled Obsession”. Fight Forever is in reference to exclusively THEM. Nobody else has or will ever matter.
The sheer magnitude of cosmic OOMPH surrounding them… I once described them as “A yin and yang yo-yo, spinning around each other endlessly while oscillating back and forth between friend and foe and being controlled by the red string of fate.”
Kevin struggles endlessly with his feelings about Sami. His brain and his heart can never seem to agree on where they stand but, in the end, his heart always wins be it for better or worse.
Meanwhile, Sami figured this shit out ages ago and lives in eternal wait for his better half to get it together. This is, again, why he always comes back.
The reason Sami has it figured out was because, despite his better judgement, he fell in love with Kevin almost immediately and decided he would wait as long as it took for Kevin to come around. He's still waiting and, even with his recent turn for the crazy, there's a part of him that he's tried so damn hard to destroy (and failed) that's still waiting.
However, despite figuring out his own feelings and wanting Kevin to reciprocate, Sami is damn near clueless when it comes to receiving the signals from Kevin about it. When the day comes that Sami figures out that Kevin does indeed love him back it will have involved a bullhorn, three billboards, half a dozen hallmark cards, a shouting match, bite marks, a punch in the face, copious amounts of aggressive kissing, and possibly a marriage proposal.
If cheap motel rooms had mouths, our guys would have filed a TON of NDAs by this point. What happens on the road, stays on the road.
That said, if said walls did have mouths and word got out, both Sami and Kevin would claim it meant nothing and was just a product of too much free testosterone and adrenaline in a small space (with only one bed).
They would both be lying.
You always hurt the one you love. [gestures at that recent backstage photograph of Sami’s back]
“I Love You” has no meaning at this point. They’ve said it so many times it’s just part of the script. “J'taime” on the other hand...
The aggressive cheek kissing was a compromise with Vince that replaced Kevin's desired lip locking. Little does Vince know that lip locking is second on their list of "romantic gestures" and that touching foreheads is infinitely more intimate to them.
On a related note, It’s not biting it’s a possessive kiss with teeth and it's number three on the list.
Kevin, for all his grumpiness, looks like an angel while he sleeps.
Sami, meanwhile, looks like an idiot and Kevin finds it both endearing and hilarious and has a ton of photos on his phone which he’s assured Sami he’s deleted (but hasn’t).
The shared selfies we've seen of Happy!Keven and Confused!Sami are just a small sample of the ones he's taken. It's one of Kevin's favorite pastimes to snap photos of Sami off guard and it pisses Sami off to no end. (Kevin doesn't care, he still has them all saved multiple places on his phone and cloud storage, to prevent Sami from breaking into his phone and deleting them.)
Speaking of breaking into phones, they've both given up on device security between the two of them. It doesn't matter what they change their passwords or swipe-locks to, they know each other too damn well for it to work. They've just come to an agreement to respect each others stuff as much as possible.
"As much as possible" does not include refraining from going on each other's social media accounts and going on blocking sprees.
Kevin did indeed stun L*gan P*ul because he hurt Sami and would do so again a million times if he had the chance. Nobody does that to Sami Zayn.
Nobody except Kevin Owens, of course.
Both men have foul mouths but for Kevin, it’s just words. He weaves cuss words in and out of his sentences like friggin punctuation marks. The only time they mean anything is when he gets into the sacre.
Sami, meanwhile, tends to go more for exclamations. He doesn’t pepper his speech with swearwords but, when he’s excited, he’ll go for the biguns in a heartbeat (see his MFER cry over his IC Title Win)
Sami has a penchant for petnames and nicknames. He's been known to full-name Kevin when he's pissed and when he is most angry, he doesn't bother using a name at all. Meanwhile, When Kevin is feeling kind towards Sami, he has a similar thing going on but it usually just involves spewing insults (that may or may not be meant affectionately).
Re: Above - “Idiot (affectionate)”, “Shithead (romantic)”, “Dumbass (soulmate)” and so on.
Kevin Owens has learned to appreciate a good Gyro for the sole purpose that it’s about the only thing he can stand on the menu of the Greek Cafés Sami always used to drag him too.
Kevin is a burger addict. One of the easiest ways to gain his affection is gifting him with a perfectly cooked bacon cheesburger.
One time, one dark, DARK day, he let Sami get the food from the burger joint. He was horrified to discover (immediately, upon the first bite) that Sami had gotten him an impossible burger to try and convince him they tasted the same. Kevin was not happy at ALL and Sami was forced to clean up the mess in the car while Kevin went and got a real cheesburger.
One of the biggest reasons they have remained close for so long is that, long ago, they both decided that the car radio remains OFF. Anything else leads to screaming matches and possibly auto accidents.
If those ridiculous Hallmark movies my mom watches are correct and there is such a thing as a Godwink, then the Montreal Screwjob was God winking so damn hard he nearly blinded himself in one eye.
Kevin secretly loves both Sami’s long hair and his dancing but the world will end before he ever admits either.
Similarly, Sami finds it adorable how Kevin's beard is starting to turn grey but knows better than to say word one about it.
Both men are bi but Kevin is way, WAY more bi than Sami. Like, Sami is straight with a side of Kevinsexual. Kevin is much more… open in his attractions; his heart belongs to Sami but he has never been afraid to mess around with other men as well.
Due to Sami's otherwise straight nature, he's managed to do a really good job lately of convincing himself that he never cared about Kevin in the first place and that his hatred is well placed... you know, like a liar.
Kevin Owens Steen is too violent for his own good. Violence is his primary means of communication and it's how he expresses himself in all things. This is a big reason that he is so hurtful towards Sami, even when he is trying to help him. He doesn't know anything else. There is a reason so many of his kisses come with teeth (as mentioned above).
This is also why... um... er... in the times where they did hook up, Kevin was the one in control. He would never willingly let Sami pin him in the ring why the hell would he let Sami pin him... uh... elsewhere.
That said, if there were anyone who Kevin would be open to a change in position with, it would be Sami. As long as Sami knows full well who's driving the car, Kevin's up for relinquishing control of the radio for a night.
Overall, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are both the best and worst things to happen to each other. The best because, for better or for worse, they drive each other to put their all in everything. They bring out the star in each other time and time again and neither one of them would have ever made it to the stage without the other.
They are the worst thing to happen to each other because... well, have you MET them? Enough said.
Sorry this list is so long. I have a ton of thoughts about these two and if I don't wrap this up now, the list will only get longer.
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skzss · 4 years
What listens and what speaks
Member: Cheshire Cat!Lee Minho x gender neutral!reader
Warnings: Light references to violence,
Genre: Mystery (?)
Word count: 1006
Description: Wonderland isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Now if you could get one straight answer around here-
Author’s notes: What’s a plot and can I eat it? Was supposed to be posted on Sunday (Minho’s birthday) but I’m laaaaate wheeeeee. Shorter than the others because I didn’t have a brain while writing. Cross posted from another blog I run :)
Another day, another boring little stroll in the woods. Ever since the last Alice had died, there hadn’t been a new one. A bizzare turn of events to say the least though he wasn’t terribly interested in that. Rather he was just completely and utterly bored out of his mind since even the blue caterpillar had long since given up trying to understand him..
Prowling among the tree branches above, he settled on one overlooking the flower field. The violets are as chatty as ever with the daffodils squawking nearby. Maybe he’d try his luck with them again, though they were always silent whenever he stopped by. Rude little prissy-
Oh? What’s this? He perks up at the sound of new footsteps in the forest, leaves and twigs crunching underneath your foot. How curious! He fades into smoke, weaving through the trees to the clearing where you’ve decided to sit and contemplate where you are. His eyes materialize first, floating alone before the rest of him appears. He grins, tail flicking the tree leaves as he watches you pick at the grass and the leaves, grumbling.
“It’s not my fault you were too stupid to notice the stupid stain on the stupid table cloth,” you mutter, crushing a leaf in your hand. He perches on the tree branch, tilting his head. You aren’t an Alice, but you’re not a Wonderlander either. An outside existence, smelling of decay and... He grins. Oh, my, how did something like you find it’s way here? The queen wouldn’t be happy about this at all, no sir!
You pick up a mushroom, about to crush it in your hand like everything else. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he calls out. You yelp, dropping the mushroom onto the ground and jumping to your feet, looking this way and that. He snickers, hopping down to the ground and landing without a sound. “The mushrooms remember y'know?”
You whirl around and catch sight of him, freezing immediately. He’s handsome, craft eyes glimmering with danger. A sharp jawline, topped with blue hair. Blue! Well, not the weirdest thing you’ve seen here admittedly.
He blinks his eyes, yellow. Slit pupils. And then a too wide grin grows on his face as he pads towards you, still silent. “Well,” he purrs, circling you. “What do we have here?”
You hold your breath. How do you answer that when you don’t even know where you are? He hums, stopping in front of you. Crouches down and plucks a blade of grass, spinning it between his fingers. “Smart. They can hear everything.”
“Who?” You whisper. But you think you know. You’ve seen a lot of strange things since you were dropped here.
“Everyone.” He grins even wider and crushes the blade in his hand, letting its crumpled form drop to the ground.
You don’t ask more. Somehow you don’t think he’ll give you a straight answer. That might have been the straightest answer he could or would give you too. You sigh, pinching the mushroom between your fingers. He plucks it from you, tossing it in the air and catching it.
“Where am I?” You glance around as if a sign will magically pop up, like welcome to crazy town! Population: you and this weirdo.
“Wonderland.” He hums, presenting the mushroom to you. “Want a bite?”
You shake your head. “Mushrooms aren’t my thing.”
“Your loss.” He pops it into his mouth, chewing happily. He floats now, laying on his back with his hands folded behind her head. “So what brought you here?”
You shake your head again. “I don’t know. I just, appeared?” He nods, thoughtful. You don’t know why but his appearance, initially frightening, has brought you a kind of calm. Which is weird because he’s suspicious. He said they can hear you, how do you not know that he didn’t mean him? But still you ask because who else will you ask? The trees? “Why am I here?”
He rolls over to his stomach, bringing his head to rest on his curled up hands. “Why do you think you’re here?” You groan, throwing your own hands up in the air. Of course.
“I don’t know! I just know I was dropped here and I can’t get out of this shitty forest!” A hush falls and you freeze. Who was chattering before?
He tsks softly. “If I tell you how to get out I’m not sure you’ll survive. The queen is a nasty character, cruel and vicious. Smelling and tasting like that... you’d be first on the list.”
“The list for what?” You’re getting more than frustrated with all these stupid lines he’s giving you. Wonderland. Cheshire Cat. Queen. What the hell?
“Shhh, the mushrooms remember and the trees listen.” He sits up, humming. “East or west, neither is best, north or south, go by your mouth!” You stare at him as he giggles, standing and strolling through the air and leaning towards you. You lean back on instinct.
“What the fuck does that mean?” You growl softly at him. He just taps your nose with a gloved finger.
“You’re smart, you’ll figure it out. I’d hurry if I were you though.” He tilts his head, listening closely. “You won’t have much of a head start if you’re not careful.”
You strain to hear and... Trumpets and drums. A war march of some kind. Your eyes widen as does his grin. You jump up to your feet, sending him spiraling, free floating in the air until he lands on a tree branch as a blue striped grey cat. “Hurry on now,” he calls. “I’d hate to see you be beheaded so soon!”
You stare at him. “Will I see you again?”
“Of course you will.” He starts to vanish, tail first. “It’s my game after all! Remember, keep quiet, the mushrooms remember and the trees can hear.”
He leaves you with glowing eyes and a wide grin before they too fade into smoke and disappear in the air. Well shit. You’d better get moving...
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Tumblr sucks so I had to post this twice but you should still read it because I had a lot of fun writing it xD Yamato is so easy to tease omg
Today’s Digimon Adventure: 2020 episode is entitled, “Time To Bring Back Visual Kei Bands,” because that’s pretty much where WereGarurumon belongs. I know what you’re thinking, he’s a wolf man in jeans with a kind of grungy rock n roll cowboy theme, how is that visual kei?
My friend, it’s all about the NAILS.
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Those perfectly manicured, PINK freaking nails.
Tto start I’ll say this episode lowers the tension significantly compared to previous ones. That’s to be expected, and doesn’t mean it’s boring. It does a lot - it lets us confirm some things about Yamato, and a couple things about Sora and Jou in relation to him as well. It is otherwise a carbon copy of episode 8 in terms of story arc. More below as usual
So this ep is Yamato/Sora/Jou main inside a Taichi/Koushirou/Mimi sandwich.
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We are starting to see more of Mimi Herself, complaining and whining about the unfairness of it all. Taichi appears to have scaled this wall by himself and Mimi’s like “YOU HAVE TOO MUCH ENERGY, YOU’LL PUT THE ENERGIZER BUNNY OUT OF A JOB, DO YOU WANT TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HOMELESS BUNNIES?? HE HAS TO PROVIDE FOR HIS FAMILY”
Adding salt to the wound, Koushirou then zips up the wall like this..
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The good thing about Mimi is, though she’s emotional, it’s easy to lift her spirits. She’s very in the moment. And fortunate that she has a partner who is both very patient and useful in these circumstances.
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Meanwhile the slightly-less-energetic group has put their heads together and decided to fly first class to their destination. I would ask where they got the basket but I’m sure I’d get the same answer as Taichi’s raft from episode 4 and Jou’s pergola from episode 7: these kids are extremely good at woodcraft and speedy
(or maybe Sora just had a giant basket in her bag, which we all understand by now is really a Bag of Holding)
While airborne they are Attacked!!! by SandYanmamon and not one but two tornadoes.
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Jou: Wonderful!
(for a hot second there I mistook this for Birdramon’s line and was like “??? birdramon’s unusually sarcastic today” but of course it’s the king of morbid humor kido jou)
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These Kyaromon appear out of nowhere to show off their dramatic eyeliner. Work it baby
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Just when you think SandYanmamon and TWO FREAKING TORNADOES are enough, turns out there’s another threat lurking below the sand for the sole purpose of reminding us yet again “Pokemon this is not!”
SandYanmamon: Aaaaaaahhh nooooooooo i had so much living left to doooo heeeelp mommyyyyyyyyy
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Cool-headed Yamato figures out that the new monster is able to track their movements under the sand. He sends the others away while he stays behind to hold off the bad guy.
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The Kyaromon lead them to a cave where they meet...
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ewww uuggghh noooo I hate them aaaahh make it stoppp
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and also Neemon! and I’m just going to assume this is a parallel universe version of Frontier’s Neemon because it tickles me to think this is what he actually sounds and acts like and is just riding Bokumon out of pure spite
also Bearmon’s cap says “Bears.” Not bear, bears plural. I believe he’s an outcast former member of the Gummy Bears.
The Labramon look like Rainbow Brite rejects
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Pictured above: First lovers’ tiff!
Neemon doesn’t know about the holy Digimon and tells the kids he is leading his group of perfectly helpless Digimon across the monster-infested desert because of the dark forces taking over everywhere. They will seek asylum with Leomon! We got our first mention of Leomon! Quick, cast your bets, how long till he dies? My guess is sooner rather than later because this seems like the kind of show that likes to kill your darlings.
Sora takes one look at this pathetic group and goes “We must go with them to protect them!” conveniently forgetting that she just got her ass kicked, but hey it’s the thought that counts
Yamato is quick to disagree.
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Yamato: Did you forget that I stayed behind while you RAN AWAY? When you say let’s protect them, you mean I’M gonna be protecting them, right? RIGHT? That’s what you mean RIGHT??
(he thinks, but doesn’t say. that wouldn’t be Cool)
Yamato doesn’t want to lose sight of their mission, which is to fix things in their home world. He’s already at his limit hanging out with other human children who don’t know what they’re doing, he doesn’t want to be slowed down by freaking Bearmon. Wishy-washy Jou is like “Eh, either way sounds like death and torment to me, so...”
The interesting thing to me here is that no one’s upset. A bit surprised, I think, but Sora just stands her ground, Jou wibbles but eventually gets pumped up enough by Gomamon to decide to help her. They don’t even try much to stop Yamato from leaving which I think is what surprised me the most. I would have expected at least a vibe more like “We shouldn’t split up!” or something. If Taichi were there, maybe we’d have seen more conflict... but I’m really not sure. So far, conflict among the kids has been very low key. Even last week, the first time we saw Taichi and Yamato butt heads, to the other kids it was shocking but to a 99 Adventurer like me it was barely a kerfluffle xP
Well, anyway, the result is Sora and Jou stay with Neemon, and Yamato goes off on his own, and there is surprisingly little bad blood about any of this. They are all just getting to know each other though, so maybe that loyalty’s not quite expected yet.
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Same as episode 8, Gabumon hints that there’s more to Yamato’s behavior than he lets on. He’s not just coldly abandoning his friends... except that he totally is >_> (As an adult, I don’t exactly think Yamato is wrong. I’d be more likely to agree with him than the others probably xP But these are children in a show for children, so Protecting Others and Following Your Feelings get a boost over cool rationale.)
Gabumon says Yamato should open up to the other kids. YEAH RIGHT. Yamato says “You’re all I need.” AWWWWWWWWW this wont backfire on them in a way that will wrench out my heart and tear it to a million pieces in forty episodes or so, no way
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Ikkakumon becomes a Sand Boat while Birdramon covers the sky. At first I was like “hey! not a bad plan!” If they can help Neemon’s group get across the desert faster, it will be a big help even if they can’t take them further.
Of course, first they have to deal with the SandYanmamon.
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Ikkakumon: Why does everyone go straight for the horn!?!
Oh, and also the two tornadoes.
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Sora, standing on Birdramon’s leg: don’t look down don’t look down don’t look down
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And now Sora’s on fire! That is it, I’m headcanoning it that the kids are basically invulnerable as long as they are touching their partners. THERE’S JUST NO EXPLAINING THIS
The flaming elementary school child does well until her partner is snared by the same monster from before, who turns out to be Scorpiomon. But this ain’t your momma’s Scorpimon from 99 Adventure, who was really Anomalocarimon but that was too hard to expect kids to say. This is the real Scorpiomon who is much scarier.
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All of a sudden, from above!
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Yamato and Garurumon, both physically incapable of doing anything normally when there is a cooler, more awesome method available, drop into the battle from the air and start burning shit up.
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They stand, bodies licked by blue flame, piercing eyes bright with the fever of battle, the sound of swooning fan girls echoing into the night
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Garurumon does his best but Scorpiomon is a level higher so, duh, he doesn’t stand much of a chance. WHAT WILL OUR HERO DO.
Well, first, same as in episode 8, he flashes back to each of his newfound friends, gaining strength from their memory. Yamato is so sentimental it Hurts
Then his mind flashes to someone else...
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... his favorite bobble head doll. No wait, that’s his round-headed baby brother, Charlie Brown.
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he is infused with the power of Friendship!!!!!!!
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Garurumon: What... is this feeling... so passionate... so... powerful... FFFRIENDSHIPPPPPP IS MAGIC
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He then evolves into a brony into a furry in the coolest freakiest way he knows how.
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WereGarurumon is basically everything the creators thought little boys like besides dinosaurs (because Taichi’s got that one covered) thrown together to make the ultimate little boy dream action figure: wolves, leather, hardware, piercings, brass knuckles, belts, skulls, scars, dog tags, and fuchsia stiletto nails
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Ikkakumon: Sugoi... so shiny... oooh... blinding me...
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WereGarurumon kicks Scorpiomon’s ass, it’s a cool battle scenes complete with kicks so fast his foot appears detached from his body. He then gives Yamato thumbs up.
Yamato: With nails like those the brass knuckles are kind of overkill...
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Yamato dodges apologizing for going off on his own like that by saying he only came back because it’d be useful to him to have the others around as a decoy. Jou’s like FRIGGING DECOYS AGAIN??
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But his dedication to remaining cool and aloof falters and he ends up telling them he’s just extra pressured to get their mission handled because he has a little brother, Takeru, living in Tokyo who is probably very scared stuck in the blackout. Sora and Jou are like “Oh, that makes sense, that’s why you’re so high strung.” They don’t point out the obvious, which is that they also have families affected by the blackout... >_>
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Jou passionately thanks Yamato for being so forthcoming so early in the season and looks forward to telling Yamato about himself in the future.
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The others: “But we already know all about you.”
Jou: “But HE doesn’t!”
xD look forward to it, Yamato...
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It’s episode 11 and Yamato can already smile like this... I had to cap it.
Yamato: Ahh, I’m finally getting used to wearing this purple shirt. Still can’t get quite suppress the urge to cut off the sleeves though...
The other slice of bread completes our sandwich when we shoot back briefly to Taichi/Koushirou/Mimi’s group.
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Taichi gets annoyed with Koushirou for the first time because of how much time Koushirou spends taking pictures of everything. Koushirou is that kid on the museum field trip who holds up the entire class reading every last word on the exhibit plaques while everyone else groans ‘cmon dude I wanna get to the dinosaurs before we go extinct too!!’
fyi I, Fizzing Wizard, was and am that slow ass kid
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Mimi’s even more impatient than Taichi and in her boredom she starts touching things, because she’s never seen The Mummy.
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Next ep’s trailer includes:
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And Lillymon!!!
Oprah voice: You get a Perfect level and you get a Perfect level and you get a Perfect level and you get-
Yeah so, clearly everyone’s gonna get to Perfect level much quicker than in 99 Adventure, which again, it’s good they’re mixing things up. The question is, what’s next? My guess is down the line everyone will get Ultimate levels and of course, at some point we’ll see Omegamon. I wonder if there will be other Jogress possibilities? Just because it’s hard to believe evolution will stop being important, but if they’re going through both Adult and Perfect so fast it doesn’t leave much left for the rest of the season...
I give this ep a 5.5/10 for being basically a remix of episode 8, and I’m looking forward to getting new stuff for Yamato eventually. Next week’s looking to be Mimi-centric if Lillymon’s any indication, but I’ve got my fingers crossed for a few Taishiro moments anyway.
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ellsey · 4 years
Agents of Shield Rewatch 4x20 Farewell, Cruel World!
So they’ve been in the Framework for 10 days?
It feels so much longer 
Jemma looks like rebellious Jemma is about to go take Fitz by force yo
Phil Coulson has no chill
“Crafted a lot of soap trying to stay sane” This sounds so relevant to current events
Haaaahahaha Radcliffe is so easily swayed
What a putz
As soon as Jemma hears Fitz’s dad is here she knows what happened to Fitz and it’s no good
Poor Jemma though doesn’t realize that this isn’t going to do her any good at all
I hate everything wheeeeee
But honestly that was just self defense Jemma shouldn’t feel bad
You know, in retrospect Fitz’s actions later in the episode make more sense. I’ve always been bothered by the direction they took with Fitz. Some of it was just to fill in time I think. Couldn’t have Fitz too soon. But some of it makes sense given what we know Aida did to him. She changed out everything good in Fitz’s life with something that warped it (and him) more and more. So of course the same passion he had to rescue Jemma before is now turned against her because she has just killed someone he thinks he loves. But he doesn’t really because his love here is all warped anyway.
I still don’t like it, but I think it makes more sense to me now.
Daisy doesn’t want to say goodbye to Trip again and neither do I
This is like a giant 3D printer. Fun!
Only it’s much faster because my husband’s printer takes ages to print stuff
Freaking Hydra every time
Phil Coulson is ready to get the poop out of here
That was freaky
:( That must kill Jemma to hear Fitz say that
Finally Radcliffe is doing something good
And he’s right that it’s all his fault
Welp Jemma is out of the frying pan and into the fire
This is the worst I want no part of it thanks
Give Fitz more hugs 2k20 for real
Aida’s a real girl!
But she can....teleport???
Beep bop this isn’t fun
Whew, I’m getting through these but it’s rough. Really this episode rates a 10/10 on the NO THANKS scale because I don’t want any of it except for the part where they went back to the real world. And Trip gets my Super Hug Award because I want you to stay forever. I love you Trip.
The song for this episode is “The Scientist” by Coldplay which I’m surprised I haven’t used before but it definitely represents how much everything hurts.
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blue-tongue · 5 years
Examining the Group Dynamic of the Seven
      I feel like I see a lot of posts complaining about the lack of friendship between the various seven members. Since I have an ungodly about of time on my hands, I’ve taken it upon myself to take a deep dive into all of the friendships between them. 
       Before anything, I should note- there are seven main characters in this series- Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, and Hazel. That means you have twenty one relationships you have to develop (each of the seven times each of their viewpoint on the other six divided by two to make the relationship go both ways). 
I’m going to breakdown how their relationships develop book by book-
1) The Lost Hero (TLH)- POVs: Jason, Piper, Leo
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Percy and Annabeth- well developed from the previous series.
Jason and Piper- complicated as frick. Since Hera just happened to plant fake memories of their relationship in Piper’s head, there’s this awkward one-sided relationship going on while they have crushes on each other. Percabeth started on a clean slate and had four years to slowly come together. Jiper is condensed into one book/quest, meaning that their relationship has less time to develop.
Jason and Leo- Best friends. Similar Percy/Grover in the sense that Jason is supposed to be the HeroTM and Leo doesn’t fit the archetype as much.
Piper and Leo- Sibling-esque friendship.
Piper and Annabeth- Beginning a best friend relationship
Jason and Annabeth/ Leo and Annabeth- Acquaintances I guess? They have to work together? They might call each other friends but only in the vaguest sense of the word? They’re work colleagues?
2) Son of Neptune (SoN)- POVs: Percy, Hazel, Frank
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Percy and Hazel- Big brother/ protective friendship. Hazel literally thought Percy was a god when they first met. It should be noted that Percy sees the chemistry between Hazel and Frank and starts ashipping like there’s no frigging tomorrow.
Percy and Frank- Friends. Percy sees Frank’s potential besides his deep insecurities. Percy serves as the older, more experienced (although he can’t remember his experiences) one. Again, Percy is a huge Frazel shipper. 
Hazel and Frank- Everything that is good and pure in this world.
3) Mark of Athena (MoA)- POVs: Annabeth, Percy, Piper, Leo
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The group is finally together! Yeehaw!
Things that happened in the time jump between TLH and MoA:
Piper and Annabeth- Best friends
Piper and Jason- Have a stabler relationship. Congrats on that.
Things that happened in the book:
Percy and Annabeth- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I can’t describe it better than this)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Percy and Jason- BROS. Little bit competitive because they’re both alphas, but BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS
Leo and Hazel- Long sigh. Leo is a carbon copy of Hazel’s ex (from seventy years ago) and Leo’s like oh. Hazel’s kinda pretty. I mean she has a boyfriend sure I respect that but still. Pretty. (Turns out she’s his great grandpa’s girlfriend. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.)
Leo and Frank- They start of great. Frank is paralyzed with fear that Leo’s going to steal his girlfriend and then murder him with fire. Leo spends the entire book teasing Frank without realizing this. Yey.
Annabeth and Frank- The have one scene together where Annabeth’s like “Aw look at this adorable manchild” and that’s pretty much it. 
Leo and Percy- Leo’s kinda disappointed that Percy’s so basic. Percy’s big brother instinct kicks in and he’s like “Listen here lil’ punk *jabs finger into Leo’s chest* if you lay one hand on Hazel and break up this pure relationship I SWEAR TO THE GODS-”
Piper and Percy- Piper’s kinda disappointed that Percy’s so basic. Percy’s like okay. Her. My girlfriend’s friend. We’re work colleagues. She’s okay I guess. 
Also as a side note:
Annabeth thinks Nico has a crush on her 
4) House of Hades (HoH)- POVs: Hazel, Annabeth, Leo, Percy, Frank, Jason (literally everyone except Piper WOW)
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Percy and Annabeth- Surviving through Tartarus. There’s So Much Development To Their Relationship. Downside being Dark! Percy. Which isn’t really acknowledged as much as it should be. Like do they ever really talk heart to heart about it? No?
Leo and Hazel- Leo gets a girlfriend so he stops his weird soft pining @ Hazel. 
Leo and Frank- Frank’s not scared of Leo stealing his girlfriend and then murdering him with fire because he now has a ^girlfriend^ and Leo gave him a fire-proof pouch thing for his stick. 
Hazel and Frank- Frank’s hot now so... yeah!
Leo and Percy- .....So we’ve both on Calypso’s Island, huh? 
Piper and Hazel- They... apparently practice sword fighting? I mean, it’s not much but it’s something? Points for that?
Jason and Frank- They bond over being praetor/ roman although WE DON’T GET TO SEE THEM ACTUALLY HAVE THAT CONVERSATION DO WE RICK? 
Bonus relationships:
It should be noted that although I love Nico, he really isn’t one of the seven. I think Rick originally intended him to be a secondary character like he was in the first series, but then he became a main character. This wouldn’t be a problem except Rick is having enough trouble juggling the seven on their own.
Nico and Percy- SO SOMEONE HAS A CRUSH (although honestly wow doesn’t have a crush on Percy at this point). Their relationship is still strained from the last series.
Jason and Nico- Jason is basically Nico’s supportive Straight AllyTM/ Life Coach/ Mom who wants to grab Nico by the Ramones t-shirt, shake him a bit, tell him that there there are millions of queer kids in the world finding love everyday, that he’s his own worst enemy, he needs to get away from the underworld, go outside, make some friends, stop hating Percy, get some hobbies and then who knows maybe he’ll develop a disposition that others find more approachable (yes this is Contrapoints��reference thank you for noticing)
5) Blood of Olympus (BoO)- POVs: Jason, Reyna, Leo, Nico, Piper (Note that Percy, Annabeth, Frank, and Hazel are not included >:((((()
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Jason and Piper- Their relationship is developed a little bit. They work together the most out of all of the seven to defeat Gaia. They say I love you to each other at the end of the book (*represses all my knowledge of Trials of Apollo for the sake of this post*) Except for Leo’s “death”, everything’s great! 
Percy and Annabeth- Everything’s fine. Percy’s fine. Percy doesn’t have a dark side. Nope. “If I can’t drown neither can my pancakes!” Haha. Ha. Funny. 
Piper and Annabeth-  Let me cup your face, pull you forward until our foreheads are touching, and feel your rapid pulse as I whisper softly, “Fear can’t be reasoned with. Neither can hate. They’re like love. Stop thinking about it. Just feel. Let it scare you. Trust that it’ll be okay anyway”~
Leo and Percy- They address the Calypso thing (in the middle of a battle). So. You know. They’re on okay terms I guess?
Piper and Frank- Frank goes and “Brings the family full circle” offscreen and he’s like ‘yeah they didn’t like me because I’m not white’ and Piper’s like ‘well white people do suck sometimes’
Leo and Hazel/Frank- Oh hi I know we just resolved the awkwardness between us a few seconds ago but can collude with me on this top secret plan in which I’ll die and then maybe (if we play are cards right) come back to life? 
Bonus relationships:
Hazel and Nico: They’re cute siblings and I love them
Reyna and Nico: They’re cute adoptive siblings that have shared trauma and I love them.
Nico and Percy: Nico comes out. Percy’s confused because he doesn’t understand how internalized homophobia works (Wait... but you hated me... but then... you liked me this whole time??? What?????)
Nico and Annabeth: Oh I guess you didn’t have a crush on me then. Well. Good for you anyway *high five*
Nico and Will: SOLANGELO!!!!!  *rainbow flags*
Nico and Jason: Aw Jason’s so proud of him. 
Reyna and Piper: Reyna! Doesn’t! Need! A! Man! To! Be! Happy! She Has Friends! And Two Camps! They can get some sleep now! Wheeeeee!
In Conclusion, the Underdeveloped Relationships Are:
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Percy, Piper, & Leo BROTP
Annabeth and Hazel
Piper and Hazel
Annabeth and Jason
Annabeth and Leo
Jason and Frank
Jason and Hazel
Piper and Frank
       All in all of the underdeveloped dynamics, you’re really left to believe that they’re just acquaintances fighting in the same war together. And I honestly believe that Rick just gave himself too many characters to work with. That, and tacking on two major characters in the end of the second to last book made a lot of the developments of Blood of Olympus feel rushed and weak. We call them the Seven, but honestly, it’s really the Nine. Part of what I really enjoy about this fandom is that people fill in the gaps and try to make all the interconnected friendships within the nine main characters really strong.
  In PJO, there was only one POV- Percy’s- and each book consisted of a core group of three or four characters going on one major quest together. The simplicity of both the narrative and group dynamic made developing character relationships more straight forward. Although the alternating POVs in HoO allows for more complex characterization and group dynamics, it’s a hard ship (pun intended) to handle.  The structure of a core group of three characters going on one major quest continues in TLH and SoN, but dissolves when all the characters come together in MoA. The sheer number of main characters mean that characters and character relationships get starved of development. Riordan has himself said that although he loved all his characters, having he regretted having so many. 
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ninjago-hc-blog · 5 years
Any headcanons for acronix???
Oooh, I haven’t ever done him for much anything!
Acronix headcanons
•Eyes are almost gold in color
•Absolutely uses internet slang the moment he discovered it
-Krux HATES it
•Really intrigued by all the new music of the future
-“Wow, you people like to sing a lot about butts now.”
•Had dreads
•Takes about 30 minutes or more getting his eyebrows prepared in the morning
•Adores wheelie chairs
-“Wheeeeee!” “Brother stop playing around we’re going over our evil plans here”
•Got really into memes
•Is actually fascinated by Zane
-“How does he have elemental powers??”
-The Ninjago fandom has the same question Acronix.
•”Pft Wu you’re a prune now”
•Krux would warn him of the internet’s darker side but Acronix wouldn’t listen
-Y’all know which side I’m talking about
-the w e i r d side
•”That fire child’s hair is really dumb”
•”Everything is so shiny now!!”
•Has a photo album overflowing with memes about time
-His favorite meme is “It’s time to stop” by Filthy Frank
•Actually was a bit taken aback about Garmadon turning evil when he heard
-“Wait he had fOUR ARMS?!”
•Was actually shocked that his brother ‘orphaned’ Kai and Nya
-“They were HOW OLD when you took their parents?!”
•Really missed his brother
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klarolinedrabbles · 4 years
Opinion on TROS?? Imo it wasn’t a bad movie but not good enough to be the closing of the saga, a lot of things didn’t make sense. And I have to say I wasn’t a Reylo shipper but damn I felt a lot on their last scene, props to Adam and Daisy
Yeah, I’m not thrilled with this movie, lmfsnkjfnskjs. Like I’m not GoT S8 pissed at it, but I’m definitely not happy. It was better than I went in thinking it would be given everything I read. It was a solid singular film, I think. But very weak as an installment of a saga. The amount of things that they just didn’t do, and someone asked me about it when I had reblogged one of those unpopular opinion things. My answer when I got SW was that I had doubts they’d be able to close it out properly, and sure enough, here we are.
Like I know TLJ was Rian, and TROS was JJ but I think they were both a mess for entirely different reasons. I am very…confused with the choices for this movie. I have never been particularly fond of Kylo Ren, he killed one of my faves in TFA so how could I be, but from a story stand-point, if it’s sold to me properly, I can get on board with a solid, not excuse, but narrative justification. The same goes for him having “destroyed Luke’s temple and killed all the students” we found out in the comic that he didn’t, why the movie didn’t bother including that fact, is beyond me. 
What we did find out though, is that it’s been Palpatine the entire time, in Ben’s head. That’s the darkness Luke sensed when he almost killed him, it’s been every dark influence he thinks he’s heard. Vader included, most likely. And so the fact that Anakin never speaks to him…your honor, issa joke. As much as I screamed when I heard him speak to Rey, boi you got some nerve never appearing to your grandson, who was victim to the same man that turned you. And who repeatedly called out to your lesser half for guidance. So Anakin not showing up to guide him towards the light, I—. LIKE IS JJ SERIOUS, WHAT TYPE OF CLOWNERY. Anakin’s entire bloodline was wiped out by this dusty ass man, started with him, and he was still goin two generations later, AND SUCCEEDS. THE SKYWALKERS ARE GONE. His descendant taking that name, yeaaaah, god called and he said dis ain’t it. I’m sorry, pero issa no from me. 
Ben not getting a single scene about his mom, uhhhh????? That scene with Poe and Leia’s body, it should’ve been with Ben, send the mf tweet. He should’ve just shown up, laid down his weapon, and say his piece to his mother, and then go to Exogol. Also as Ben Solo, he doesn’t fucking speak???? He has his lines in the vision of his father, and then he literally doesn’t speak again for the rest of the movie, the sloppiness, the disjointedness, I hate it. I have never shipped Reylo, if you follow me, you know this. But UHHHH, idk if it was the score in the final scene pero I felt something up in dis bitch, and you know what, lemme hop on this train real quick, I said what I said. Send me your fic recs, ya’ll. They had the best scenes of the movie, tbh. 
Finn and Rose being like Buddies™ now, wtfwtfwtf. And this shit they pulled with Finn having to tell Rey something the entire movie, which can really only be one thing, only for him to never get to say it???? Like why so cavalierly fuck with a poc lead’s emotions like that, as though it’s a game??? The audacity, and Rose being relegated to like Extra #3 is the worst thing I’ve ever seen. To so blatantly cave to whining of pressed fanboys and barely put her in the movie, transparent as fuck and idk who JJ think’s he’s fooling but it ain’t me. Poe’s random ass old LI with this random past that’s relevant to the plot in zero way, like ya’ll did that to shut up the finn/poe shippers, do we look stupid to you. If ya’ll big mouse morons don’t piss tf off this instant, so help me god. 
Uhhh, Poe and Rey like hating each other??? What in the fuck. What was the reason, WHAAAAAAT WAS THE REASON. THAT SHIT DON’T MAKE NO SENSE. 
I have been vehemently against the dudebros who have called Rey a mary sue since let’s see, since Daisy got casted. And I will never, ever validate those idiocies, but lemme say something. Sometimes it’s just one too many things. And this was one of those times. To present Rey and Ben as this dyad in the force, this ‘when together they’re extremely powerful’ type of thing, only for everything in the skywalker lane to go to one half of that duo, and for the actual skywalker to get absolutely nothing, make it make sense. Like sorry, if I’m a bit peeved that the last skywalker had just about zero hand in defeating a man who devoted his life to running his family into the ground. I could’ve accepted his death no problem, if it didn’t feel like there was two billion things that should’ve happened before it, which is how it feels to me. 
So all in all, I am underwhelmed x200. How tf you give Han and Leia a kid and then do almost nothing with that kid, blows my mind. WHEN HE TAKES OUT THE KNIGHTS OF REN, WHOOOOOOOO-WHEEEEEE, I WAS SHOOK. Also when he gets to Exegol and takes someone out with a blaster without even looking like his dad, hand me a tissue pls. 
“I know.” 
So to sum it up, I uhhh have a lot more Ben feelings than I did in TFA and TLJ combined??? I couldn’t wait for him to die, now he did, and I’m not Happy about it. 
Also they flopped at the ending because has Rey self-isolated herself on Tatooine, or was she just there to bury the lightsabers/forge her new one. Like ya’ll fucked tf up there, the ending to such a legendary saga should be a lot clearer than that. 
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forlornmelody · 4 years
OC Interview Questions
Tagged by @bronzeagelove​, thanks lovely!                                       
And tagging… @inquartata30 and @joufancyhuh, if you want to.
I did this already for Artemis Shepard, and in preparation for an upcoming WIP, I’m gonna do this for Rose Ryder.
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name ➔  Rose Ryder are you single ➔  It’s complicated, alright? are you happy ➔ Restless would fit my mood better.  are you angry ➔ Frustrated, more like.
are your parents still married ➔ You really want me to break out the dead mom jokes? Because I will.
birthplace ➔ Born on the Citadel. Living in a police state, wheeeeee. hair color ➔ Platinum blonde. eye color ➔ Blue birthday ➔ March 21st, 2163 mood ➔ See above? gender ➔ female summer or winter ➔ Summer, cause I like staying out all night without freezing my ass off. But the presidium’s seasonal climate settings are batshit.
morning or afternoon ➔ Well, if I have to choose between those, afternoon. but I prefer zero dark thirty, when boring people are asleep.
are you in love ➔Is love a real thing? Idk.  do you believe in love at first sight ➔ People are cute, I guess. But that seems more like attraction than love to me. My twin Scott is more into the lovey-dovey stuff. who ended your last relationship ➔ Bold of you to assume it was a committed relationship to begin with, or that it’s technically over. Like, I said, complicated. have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ All the damn time. I’m good at it. Too good, maybe.
are you afraid of commitments ➔ Excuse me??
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Let’s not talk about that. have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ If I didn’t, I’m doing things wrong. have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ That’s like, personal, okay? But yeah, sure. Why not.
love or lust ➔ I’m not convinced the former is real, but hey, if it is, sure. lemonade or iced tea ➔ Coffee or beer. cats or dogs ➔ Cats, for sure.
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “I’d rather have a few close ones I can trust with my life.” <--this. wild night out or romantic night in ➔ WILD NIGHT OUT. LET’S PAINT THE TOWN RED. day or night ➔ Night, night night. All the fun stuff happens at night.
been caught sneaking out ➔ Only when I’m sneaking back in. ;)
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ Nah.
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ You really come out of left field with these, don’t you? wanted to disappear ➔ Yeah, but I’m good at it so the wanting doesn’t last long.
smile or eyes ➔ Smile shorter or taller ➔ I’m average, so most guys are taller and most girls are shorter. But I don’t let height differences get in my way ;)
intelligence or attraction ➔ You gotta have both, imo. Dumb people are annoying as shit. hook-up or relationship ➔ Hook-ups, but I guess a relationship wouldn’t be the worst thing if the right person showed up at the right time, you know?
do you and your family get along ➔ I get along with my brother. My dad is an ambitious asshat. He keeps fucking it up for the rest of us. would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ Sounds like I’m about to leave the fucking galaxy because of good ol’ dad, so yeah. Pretty fucked up. have you ever ran away from home ➔ Yeah. How, when, and why, isn’t really any of your business.
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ Nope. Too useful to dad.
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ Why hate when you can beat them up? do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ Eh, I guess. who is your best friend ➔ My brother, duh. My peacekeeping squadmates are alright, though.
who knows everything about you ➔ See above. My mom used to, before she died.
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fly-pow-bye · 6 years
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Small World: Heart to Heartstone Part 4”
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Written by: Jake Goldman, Haley Mancini
Written & Storyboarded by: Kyle Neswald, Jaydeep Hasrajani
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
...but after 100 episodes of this, it mostly turned into a world of fears. Mostly.
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So all of the Triforces have just been collected from their various dungeons, and now it’s time to face off against Ganon. Okay, maybe I should make a better synopsis than that.
Having collected all of the Heartstones, they go back to the crater where Townsville used to be. Buttercup then gets flung off-screen as the Professor shows up to congratulate them. Already, the tone is going to be rather jokey, but not jokey enough to where it's going to suffer from what I would call "The Trouble With Bubbles syndrome." The Powerpuff Girls then fly off to Lester Van Luster's lair, but the Professor wants to come, too!
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They decide to carry the Professor around, not only because he wanted to come, but because he happens to know the lair's coordinates. Instead of actually showing them these coordinates are like he did with the Heartstones, the Powerpuff Girls just carry him around while he goes "wheeeeee!" They don't really make a good in-universe excuse for this, though there is a good plot reason for it.
Buttercup: [We're going to] pummel Mojo and Lester Van Loser into oblivion!
Even Buttercup is getting into the act of giving this guy inflammatory nicknames, though I think she could have been more creative. Where’s Bubbles?
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She's still with the geese. This time, she offers an origami goose to be the leader. The geese then eat it, and fly away. Joke over. Adding to the theory that any intent to show that she can speak animal in these scenes was probably unintentional is that in none of these geese scenes does Bubbles honk at them, she just talks to them like if they were people.
The subtitles in the last episode imply they do understand her, which makes me wonder if they're really going to go with The Wild Thornberrys route. Now that this special is almost over, I should say one good thing about these scenes: at least I can say they use subtitles and not just have the geese talk this time. Non-talking animals is a rare sight, and after Donny, Pug-Faced Paulie, Eddie, and that one zebra, it's a breath of fresh air that I didn't even know was possible.
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They reach the lair of Funfetti Spaghetti, and move across the tons of shrunken landmarks in his “trophy room”. Apparently, this guy was really busy, shrinking the Taj Mahal, Big Ben and a bunch of other buildings that surrounded Big Ben, and worst of all, the largest ball of yarn! Nobody told them Lester was going Carmen Sandiego across the entire world while they were gone; I guess it wasn’t that important.
They reach Lester's room, where he's just sleeping on his throne. The Professor apparently decided he was the leader now, but Blossom doesn't matter. She seems to like her dad now that he's doing the planning for her. I wouldn't blame her.
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They slowly sneak around Lester, with sneaky music playing in the background. The Professor decides this was a great time to shout "Girls! Way to go!" as soon as the Powerpuff Girls reach the wand. It doesn't actually affect anything; the scene may as well not exist. There's no consequences!
He may be smarter than he is usually, but he's still that Sitcom Dad, right? Well, maybe not quite, as we're about to get to a twist that I didn't see coming at all. If you don't want to be spoiled on what happens in this special, you probably should have stopped reading a few parts ago.
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As soon as they touch the wand, three heart shaped slots appear. The holes, they were made for them, so they slowly float away from the Puff’s hands right into them. The green one apparently is the clumsy one, as it knocks into the wand a few times. Well, I guess having its previous form sliced in half really affected its accuracy. We hear some evil music play during this, which honestly shouldn’t be appropriate if these girls were going to use it to save Townsville.
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Turns out, the music was jumping the wand a bit, as when Blossom tries to grab the wand, the wand floats away, landing right into the Professor’s hands. I mean, him actually being helpful tends to be out of character for him, too. It's here where we get this episode's biggest twist.
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It was Sweety Gumdrops this whole time! Wait, how did he manage to be the Professor and still be Lester when he's hanging out in his lair, getting his Marble Sofa moved by his adoring ape?
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Discount Jojo: MAGIC!
Oh, hus...actually, that would be a good explanation here, but there's a little more logic than that. We never see the Professor and Stars McShiny at the same time, and he seemed to know a lot about the Heartstones for someone who is supposed to be a scientist. I would also mention the whole "he's not anything like the Sitcom Dad I've grown to hate", but I think I bashed that into the ground.
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As for the Lester that was sleeping on his chair, that was actually Discount Jojo, playing his best role: sleeping guy! He certainly plays that role a lot better than he plays Mojo Jojo, that’s for sure. The Powerpuff Girls try to rush in to do what they do the worst in this reboot.
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Alas, the Magic Man Who Rips Off The Incredibles' Syndrome More Than Just His Hair’s cane is just way too powerful. Honestly, he probably didn’t even need the Heartstones to do that. He does explain to them that the Professor actually didn't make it out of Townsville; he's stuck in the snowglobe along with everyone else.
Professor: Hi, girls! I made a new friends! (points towards snowman)
Ah, there's the Sitcom Dad, confusing snowmen for actual people and being completely oblivious to everything going around him. They do a similar joke with The Mayor in a previous episode, but at least that one is more believable. I mean, it's the Mayor.
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Using his newly gained omnipotence from the Heartstones, he decides to change into his Super Saiyan God form. With all of his might, I.M. Meen finally does his ultimate plan against those goodie-goodies that make his stomach churn. Oh no, he’s not going to shrink them, that’s the old magic hat!
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Instead, he’s going to shrink-wrap them and also turn them into the very merchandise they were probably imagining would fly right off the shelves! They even use "tada" music on this; not nearly as blatant as the "cool toys" scene from Total Eclipse of the Kart, but the effect is still there. I wonder if this was some sort of meta-joke about the blatant commercialization of the Powerpuff Girls, which would be incredibly hypocritical for this reboot.
This toyset seems to have a lot of problems, though. How come Buttercup and Bubbles have their Snuggle Buddies, but Blossom just has two books? Why does Bubbles have the Kung Fu Grip when it's well established only Buttercup can throw a punch most of the time? One thing that doesn’t surprise me is that this toyset only gives Buttercup the ability to talk; considering how much Heartstone time she got in this special, she’s clearly the favorite. What does she say, anyway?
Buttercup: (badly acted) Mojo is a ugly green doofus!
I don't want to call him Doofus Jojo, because I don't want to give Buttercup any credit. Sadly, they're not sentient toys, so they're essentially dead. Best case scenario, of course, this could also be a "I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream" situation, too.
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Of course, Discount Jojo is absolutely ecstatic that they managed to defeat the Powerpuff Girls together, and he decides to make some suggestions on what these Beat-Alls can do next. One of his suggestions is blowing up Citiesville. I'm sure a lot of people would think that would not be evil, but he could have meant the "Honey, I Blew Up The Kid" meaning of blow up. Making all of those jerks that live in Citiesville giants would be delightfully evil, too. Flamehair Poofydress doesn't agree.
Lester Van Luster: Well, how do I put this gently...you're a pathetic excuse for a supervillain...
Eh, he's better in this season than he ever was in Season 1, especially in the first part of this very special, so it's not entirely justified. When he's fighting the Powerpuff Girls, not because of his fangirl tendencies, of course.
Lester Van Luster: ...and I've been using you to take over Townsville and get the Heartstones for myself.
Oh, okay, he's not going to justify anything, he's just trying to make sure someone will be angry at him so this plot can have a satisfying conclusion. But that can't be it, right?
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So, for almost no reason whatsoever, he decides to kick Discount Jojo out of his castle, literally having him fly out of the castle to drop down, after all he did for him. Thankfully, anyone's ability to survive 15+ foot falls continues with this episode, as Jojo not only survives, but Lester even drops his marble couch on him to no real effect other than, "haha, he mentioned it". Hey, some continuity between the parts! Power of Four wasn't that good at that.
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Sure enough, Jojo is quite upset by this predicament, and decides he should actually be against this guy. Being evil is the only thing he was good at, at least according to him. He's the most diabolical, evil, dangerous villain! Clearly, he only has one path to go...
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...the path of a cobbler! See, it’s funny, because one would think he’d be mad enough to take on Hi Hi Puffy Shirt himself. However, he accidently hammering himself, reminding me of one of the better shorts this reboot managed to create. I guess I could say that's a plus. He decides to do a Plan B.
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Discount Jojo: MAGIC!
Oh, hush, Discount! Oh wait, that was the episode doing a decent book-end, not my running gag. Silly mistake. The King of the Lollipop Guild did make one major mistake: Jojo still has all of his magic training, including all of his equipment! He shows this off by blowing some magic dust, which gets in his eyes. This may be the time he's getting serious, but he still has to do "a funny".
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After a far too long gag where he tries to use a grappling hook, Discount the Jojo shows himself to his former idol. Macaron McMuffin asks how Jojo managed to get up here before saying he doesn’t care. These two gags don’t really go well together, because he clearly used a grappling hook for the last 20 seconds. The joke could be that he is that he’s really bad at figuring out other people’s magic tricks, but that never becomes apparent.
Before he blasts him for daring to bring light to his lair, Jojo decides to apologize and do a magic act to appease him. For he is Mojo The Jojo! Well, he’s already at least giving himself a name, something he didn’t do before. He then pulls off his Magic Hat, revealing his usual brain hat. It may be a hint that he decided to wear this hat above his usual one instead of switching his costume entirely.
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He pulls out a Lester poster and a Lester party balloon, all possibly from his own collection of Lester memorabilia we just never saw until now. Yeah, that's it. Being as egocentric as his cheeks are red, he ends up being impressed by this. Discount The Jojo, eh, it doesn't really work, sees one more thing in his hat that will knock Lester's socks off! Of course, Lester doesn't think that this could be literal, as he leans in and Jojo does his most evil act yet...
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...plagarizing Bubbles' trick from the first part! Jokes asie, it's good to know he can learn from previous mistakes and use them to his advantage. Most importantly, this punch was powerful enough to make Fruit Stripe Hair lose his magic cane, and having it land right in Jojo's hands.
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In a rare moment of kindness to who could be arguably be his sisters if his origin story is still canon, he decides to turn the Powerpuff Girls from the marketed brand to the superheroes they should be. Even Jojo feels that this is way too anti-climactic, and the show agrees.
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Lester The Not So Friendly Ghost-Like Man poofs right next to him, makes the magic stick float to him again, and turns him into a goose! He then kicks him out in the same way he did when he was an ape, making me question why couldn’t he just fly back into that window. Instead, that’s the last we see of him for the rest of the final fight. Congratulations, Discount Jojo, you contributed.
Candy Cane Man decides not to turn the barely waking up Powerpuff Girls back into toys, because he knows that no matter what, the Powerpuff Girls will eventually defeat him in the end of the story. Instead, he tries his hardest to punch them into many pieces with a Heartstone-fueled punch. The Reboot Puffs decide to go with their patented Reboot Puff strategy of just staying in one place and just take it. Blossom does add another part to this usual strategy: tell the big hand that’s coming at them to stop.
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...and it does, much to both their and Lester's confusion. He shakes around his stick for a bit, yeah, maybe I should word that better, and tries to hit them with a spiked ball instead. The Deliciously Sugary Mage tries again, and the Powerpuff Girls do a slightly better strategy of commanding themselves to duck!
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Sure enough, the Heartstone aura then turns into a duck, who merely just quacks at them impolitely. The Master of Quacks wonders how he can't control these heartstones.
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The Puffs figure out that they didn’t just get the Heartstones, they earned them by doing the tasks they had to do. Bubbles earned it by getting over her fears and coming up with her own strategy. Blossom earned it by realizing what “leave its equal” means. Buttercup just had to beat up a monster, something she tends to do more often than her sisters.
Because of this, the Heartstones are under their complete control, even though they were pretty happy to follow Lester’s command’s before. Maybe it was one of their many tests! They fly out of the magic wand, turning Lester back to his ordinary Cupcake Shrinky Boy self, and they become their new jewel-encrusted headbands! Yay, more accessories for the potential toylines. Bubbles had to use the most effort and actually learn something to get her Heartstone, and she gets rewarded by getting hit in the face with it. Because she’s the silly blonde!
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Lester The Future Snake Jellyfish Or Cerberus Food can only run away screaming as the already powerful girls get even more powerful with the Heartstone Monster Aura Shells! Blossom gets the Jellyfish, with fancy electrocution action! Bubbles gets the Snake, with the ability to suffocate anyone within a one mile radius! Buttercup gets the Cerberus, with surprisingly excellent barber expertise!
Tell your parents to collect all three of them, or they can go to hell, where Him is still wondering if he was meant to be the villain of this before they decided Jojo idolizing Satan wouldn’t fly on a kids network.
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They probably could have just cut to the scene where he gets defeated, but we do get to see sort of a fight scene. At least it’s a one-sided defeat I should expect from the Powerpuff Girls, with the Powerpuff Girls dishing out the pain. Blossom electrocutes him, Buttercup swipes off his poofy hair, which apparently instantly grows back, and, in the move with the most visible contact, Bubbles squeezes poor-if-he-didn't-deserve-it Lester in the same way she was squeezed in her episode.
The Powerpuff Girls decide that jail would be too easy of an escape for him. Actually, they never seem to consider that if the police aren't around to throw them into a police car.
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Instead, they decide to join in on his interest of shrinking people, though Lester apparently isn’t as fond of being shrunken himself, and shrinks him down to tiny size! Blossom exclaims that now that Townsville is back to its normal size, everything is back to normal. Well, except for the landmarks. Or the fact that the Powerpuff Girls now have these ultra-powerful heartstones they could use on far more powerful villains like Him and Gemoire.
Well, we do get one loose end tied up.
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Jojo the Goose ended up being the new leader of the geese. Apparently, he’s doing this a lot better at this than being a villain, and far better than that silly blonde! The end!
Does the title fit?
Heart-to-heart, Heartstone, yeah, I could say it fits.
Since it’s over, I could say Small World isn’t exactly the best title for this special. Sure, the villain likes to shrink things down, but it’s never the focus. Honestly, Heart to Heartstone would have been a better name for this entire special.
How does it, and the whole special, stack up?
It's a satisfying conclusion, even if anyone could predict that the Powerpuff Girls would win in the end. I mean, why would they not? I like the idea of the Heartstone monsters coming back, and how everything connected in the end, which is something I wish the reboot would do even in non-specials. This episode ends up being part of a special that only managed to have one episode that didn't have this rating.
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Really, with the entire special, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself actually getting some enjoyment out of it. Even the lesser of the four, Stone Cold Spider, had some okay moments. One could argue that they played it safe. Outside of the use of smartphones, this could have straight up have been an episode of the original.
This is not to say this is the absolute best episode of the entire reboot, and that it was mostly flawless. As promised, there are some general problems with this plot that I'll touch upon before giving it my final judgment.
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For an episode about the Powerpuff Girls travelling through the world, the locations are disappointing. Even the Buttercup Job at least gave us Atlantis with its walking fish and Greek gods. Buttercup goes to a cave full of monsters, something that should be normal even in Townsville. Blossom goes to a sunken ship with nobody around. Bubbles gets to go to a labyrinth with a very anachronistic security guard at best. There’s no personality to any of these locations; it may as well be anywhere.
Then again, I probably should have known, considering the only place that was even on land was some random place in what appears to be Brazil judging by that map. They could have went to various countries, learning about different cultures, really giving that worldwide appeal. The best we get is all those landmarks that were shrunken, but they don’t even treat it as a big deal.
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Discount Jojo’s role in the plot isn’t that bad looking back at it, but his actions in this are kind of odd for his character. Again, would he really be fangirling over someone else, especially after episodes like Mojo The Great and Not So Secret Service? This is especially true when one considers that Lester Van Luster wasn’t a well established villain.
Speaking of that Cupcake Shrinky Boy’s actions, the special never really makes you feel like the stakes are that high. Sure, they seem to care about Townsville, but once that city is saved, they don’t seem to care about anything else. People around the world are missing their monuments, but the only hint we get towards this is a scene near the end, and it’s mostly just used for a ball of yarn joke.
But, despite all of that, this is still a surprisingly decent special for the reboot. It’s a special that actually feels like an adventure to save Townsville, and not just the Powerpuff Girls having to save themselves from their own mistakes. I wouldn’t say these parts are the absolute least worst this reboot has to offer, but it is still watchable, which, compared to most of the reboot, is a huge accomplishment.
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The special may be over, but PPG 2016 sure isn’t! Next, we get yet another Halloween special! They're really compensating for the original's lack of one. Either that, or they wanted more costumes for the toyline. Definitely the former, I would think!
← Small World: Maze Daze (Part 3) ☆ Witch’s Crew →
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