#when the imposter is sus
jenderenvy985 · 2 months
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absolutely terrifying jerma fanart i made whilst recovering from a panic attack
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the-political-one · 2 months
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What Did Kris Say To Susie? (An Analysis)
tw)) Suicide mentions, self-hatred, bullying, manipulation, child abandonment, implied neglect/abuse
Back during the Spamton Sweepstakes event, several secret links were discovered to Noelle’s blog, holidaygirl1225. One of these pages was called “the_n3w3st_g1rl_g1rl” in which Noelle describes Susie bullying Kris. I’m going to assume you’ve already read it and just jump into analyzing. Before we begin:
-We are going to assume nothing happened concerning Toriel between this and the beginning of chapter one.
-This just kind of covers a bunch of answers, how likely they are, how it would affect Susie, and why she reacted the way she did, in the answer.
“Noelle’s watching.”
Noelle is the only person in class Susie never picked on, according to her, and the only person in class that treats Susie nicely, according to the pencil incident. Susie may have picked on people, but evidence suggests she wants to make friends and is just painfully shy. For instance, when she wanted to play ball with the other kids, she accidentally kicked it into Undyne’s car because she was kicking so hard. After that Undyne “totally wiped them at handball” but Susie does not appear in the story after that, so we can assume she left. Susie apparently wants to stay in Noelle’s good graces, since she waited until Noelle had left to pick on Kris. So we could reasonably assume this was Kris’s response. But Kris doesn’t seem to know Noelle was watching until she says “Holy cheese and crackers!” and laughs. It also wouldn’t give Susie a reason to tell Kris, at the beginning of chapter one, “You’ve got a good mother. It’d be a shame to make her bury her child.”
“You’re crying.”/”You’re shaking.”/”You okay?”
Some have speculated Kris pointed out, sympathetically (more on that later), an emotional response to her own words Susie was having. Susie seems like she was projecting while telling Kris all this. If Kris noticed that she was feeling bad and tried to express sympathy, it could’ve created enough emotions at once that Susie simply became overwhelmed and left. She also has trouble figuring out how to respond to kindness, as seen when Ralsei hugs her and Toriel offers to bake a pie with her. That kind of kindness, especially when she was being mean to them, might confuse Susie enough that she leaves, and even feels bad. It could also explain why she commends Toriel at the beginning of chapter one, maybe as some sort of strange apology slipped in. It would also explain why she was holding her head low, as if in shame or sorrow.
“Like yours?”/”Why so specific?”/”You’re projecting.”/”Yo mamma.”
Basically, in this response, Kris points out bluntly exactly what Susie is doing. They get straight to the point and flash back with a cruel statement. This could startle, hurt, or scare Susie out of the room. She could be shocked Kris figured it out, upset they pointed it out, or scared they’ll tell everybody. But Susie might be angry more than anything else if Kris said that. And she certainly wouldn’t go out of her way to commend Kris’s mother at the beginning of chapter one. She’s unhappy with herself, but she isn’t going to let anyone but herself see that.
What if Kris gave a smile, or…the ‘creepy face?’
In Undertale, we can see Asriel asking Chara to do a creepy face, screaming when Chara does it, and then laughing. Kris and Chara share many similarities, and Kris loved to scare Noelle especially as a child. Noelle mentions that she saw Kris’s mouth move, but she honestly wasn’t sure if they even said anything. So it’s very possible that Kris didn’t, instead just smiling or doing a creepy face. If the creepy face is enough to scare Asriel so bad he screams even when he’s expecting it, it could probably scare Susie away if it came out unexpectedly. Notably since Kris didn’t react to anything else at all. Just…imagine you’re expecting the usually expressionless weird kid to say something and instead they just give a grotesque smile. That would be terrifying. (Not that any of us would pick on the weird kid. In fact, I’m sure many of us are the weird kid. Moving on.)
“I hope so.”/”Good.”/"You're right."/"Sorry."
Personally, I think this is the most likely. Kris saying something so self-deprecating might be enough to shock Susie out of the room. Plus, Susie may have been picking on Kris, but she isn’t a horrible person. Finding out she’s been saying something so cruel to someone who’s already hurting could make her feel bad, and this is supported by her holding her head low as she left, as if in shame, like Noelle reports her doing. It would also explain why, at the beginning of chapter one, rather than pitching into Kris, she talks about herself, and how she’s going to get expelled, and what Kris is thinking about her (or so she claims.) It could even explain her telling Kris they have a good mom. A kind of roundabout apology, I guess you could call it.
“Do it.”/”Proceed”/"Just kill me."
This is the theory that Kris urged Susie to do so, to ‘make them disappear.’. This level of self-destructiveness, or just the idea of actually doing that to someone, could’ve scared Susie away.
This answer suggests Kris had magical abilities before the events of Deltarune, or gained them in a previous trip to a Dark World. That Kris forced Susie to flee using magic. It’s a very plausible answer, and could explain why Susie commended Toriel later, perhaps in fear of being commanded to Flee again.
“Wanna be friends?”
An offer of friendship might’ve been surprising or humbling enough Susie ran away. Susie is shown to want friends, in the scene where she tried to play kickball and accidentally hit Undyne’s car. However, Susie assumes Kris won’t want her in the school, though she could be projecting. It could explain why Susie praised Toriel, as a round-about thank you.
“Again?”/”It wouldn’t be the first time.”
If Susie found out this had already happened to Kris–aka, that the person she was trying to hurt was already hurting–she might’ve been shocked out of the room, and ashamed, hence why she was hanging her head. It would also explain why she praised Toriel, as, again, a roundabout apology.
“I’ll do it myself.”
In this response, Kris threatened suicide. Again, Susie would figure out Kris had enough hurt from themself without her hurting them, and would run away in shame. But if Kris answered something with implications as extreme as this, it’s hard to imagine Susie picking on Kris any more after this. It would explain why Susie praised Toriel.
___ (These next answers seem a bit too long for me, but we intriguing enough I decided to mention them anyway.)___
“Have you ever thought about a world where everything is exactly the same, except you don’t exist? The thoughts terrifies me…”
…or some shorter equivalent. The idea is that Kris quoted Goner Kid as a response to being told they would disappear. Stating their worst fear is a world where they’re not there. That could have been unexpected enough to scare Susie away.
“Dess ‘disappeared.’ Noelle’s listening, that phrasing might hurt to hear.”
…Or, again, some shorter equivalent. Susie might not have known what happened to Dess until then. It could also be another reason Susie looked uncomfortable when Rudy brought up Dess. However, Kris doesn’t seem to know Noelle is there yet, and this answer is long, without giving Susie a reason to commend Toriel.
Very interesting…
What do you guys think?
Or at least that’s my undertake. Reverse salutations and take care of yourself!
(P.S. I may update this in the future with more answers to analyze, if I get some requests or a positive response from this. I tried to cover all the major ones I’ve seen out there, but I’m probably missing something. Let me know if you can think of anything!)
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limethechef · 7 months
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I love it when manga artists make cameos to other mangaka’s!
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askvekpa · 2 months
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quartings · 1 year
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Innocent Hawaiian teenager becomes influenced by PSYCHO streamer!!
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ashes2caches · 11 months
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oh fuck not again
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amongusbooby · 1 year
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sus-amogus-bot · 5 months
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batclawsss · 3 months
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puwawaaaa · 1 year
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impostors can wear skirts too
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dev-does-doodles · 2 months
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From Dusk Till Dawn: Chapter 2, Pg 9
( Fun fact: I will not confirm or deny that I used the "Among Us eyes" tutorial for the 4rth panel. ) ( Sorry if that sounded sus. )
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7grandmel · 11 months
Todays rip [First 30 Archive] - 04/06/2023
Big Sus Chocobo
Season 6 Featured on: SiIvaGunner’s Highest Quality Rips: Volume FF
Rip credited to Mr. Jeremy Greenz
The last post in the lineup regarded an impeccably well done YTPMV rip that, while understandable, was still a bit underwhelming in lacking visuals for the kind of rip it was. Todays rip is a bit of the opposite: Its not as much of a sensory overload and is focused very squarely on just one joke, but the visuals for it are absolutely on-point.
By having rips be made by very specific individuals with damn near no standards for what a rip “needs” to be, you get rips made in tribute to extremely specific niche things that that one ripper just so happened to be a big fan of. In this case its to a specific YTPMV - The First AVGN YTPMV of 2022 - which uses audio and visuals of AVGN in really playful ways paired with the Chocobo theme from Final Fantasy VII. My guess is that the ripper got specifically inspired by the rainbow-colored nerds dancing and drew some sort of parallel between that and the Among Us crewmates…? That or they had the idea of the YTPMV from beforehand and just went ahead following the inspiration’s visuals.
The result is glorious, though: Basically all forms of auditory Among Us shitposting mashed up with the playful vibes of the Chocobo theme, results in a goofy ass concoction of audiovisuals. Its hard to describe just how hard this rip made me laugh on first listen, its just an explosion of absurdist humor that manages to also be really listenable and a full-on earworm. I hope whoever was behind this rip is proud of their contribution and the parasite they’ve planted in my brain.
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le-agent-egg · 11 months
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Day three w the obligatory amogus
Ryoma doesn’t get enough love but he’s canonically shorter than anogus 💀💀
Also the scheduling for these posts is gonna be completely messed up because I am in a different time zone 😎😎
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jammedjam787512 · 11 months
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Sussy Amongus
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