#when you are so comfortable and feel good somewhere you worry that it won't last don't you. wait maybe you don't but i do
lovelybrooke · 4 months
Since my hazbin hotel concept didn't really go over the characters reactions to the readers dissaperrance, I thought I'd go over it here.
Charlie is so, so very sad. She doesn't know what she did wrong, why would you leave? Part of her wonders if it's her, if it's the hotel, maybe she did something wrong and now you're gone.
Charlie devotes all her time into finding you, you have to be somewhere. But after days and days of looking and finding nothing, not even a trace, she starts to feel like it's hopeless.
Charlie switches between intense depression and motivation constantly. She'll spend weeks in her room, alone, only letting Vaggie in. Then, suddenly, she'll burst out and demand that they get on with the search. It's like she's a completely different person, but deep down, everyone can tell that she's racked with guilt.
She just has to find you, she'll even get his dad to help if it comes to it. It doesn't matter, whatever it takes. She just wants to apologize for...whatever she did. Once you're back in the hotel, she'll make everything right, so right that you won't want to leave again.
Vaggie is well...Vaggie. She's conflicted. She doesn't know whether to feel afraid, upset, worried. It's too many emotions to shift through, too complicated. Because of these complicated feelings, she has a hard time being there for Charlie. She want's to help with the search, she really does, but at the same time she doesn't want to have to accept the fact that you truly are gone.
Lucifer isn't even able to find you, Alastor isn't even able to find you. You have to bee somewhere far away to stay out of there reach. The longer you're gone, the longer she's left wondering what made you leave. In your last few days at the hotel you were distant, like mentally. You were incapable of paying attention to anyone or anything, and thinking back on it, she should've known something was up.
She feels ashamed for being so guarded around you, for making it seem like she was weary of you. She was, but the point still stands. You're a nice kid, way too nice to be in hell. Maybe heaven realized that, and sent you back to where you belonged. No--
She won't have that, that isn't right, and it's not fair. It's not fair to Charlie, it's not fair to her, it's not fair to anyone else. You shouldn't just get to dig yourself into everyone in the hotel and then get ripped away when they finally accepted it. It's not fair.
If it was heaven that took you from them, she'll make them pay.
Angel wants closure.
He gets why you left, he really does. You're too good for this place, for all these people, and so you left, he gets it. What he wants is for you to tell him to his face that it wasn't his fault.
He looks back on his interactions with you, him closing himself off only to welcome you in at the very last moment, the moment where he craved friendship and stability the most, only to then push you away when you needed him. You were struggling, with--something.
Something he has no understanding of. He can't decipher anything behind those blank eyes, he can't figure out what your monotone words mean, and it worries him. He wants to be there for you, offer you comfort, anything.
But he knows he'll just ruin you more. He'll say something, do something, and you'll leave him, you'll hate him. He'll infect you, ruin you, until you're nothing more than a shell of what you used to be, and he hates the thought.
But it doesn't matter now, because even after keeping you at arms length, after depriving himself of you, you still leave, and all he's left with is the pain of not knowing. Not knowing if he did something, if he hurt you, if this is his fault.
But what hurts the most is the pain of not knowing if he could've done something, said something, did anything other than wallow in his own pity and desperation.
Maybe if he did you'd still be here. But he'd never know, would he.
Husk immediately assumes Alastor is to blame.
That Radio Demon is up to something, he's been gone for days since you left, doing whatever the fuck. He assumes, hopes, that Alastor is looking for you, because if anyones to find you its him. But of course, Alastor tells him nothing. So all he can do is hope.
Hope that you're somewhere safe, somewhere good. He hopes that there's someone nice taking care of you, or that you're at least taking care of yourself. He hopes that you're happy, and healthy, and everything else a kid should be. Because ultimately that's all Husk has, is hope.
He wonders what he could've done, if anything. He wonders what Alastor is going to do, if anything. He wonders what's going to eventually happen when they don't find you, and you're gone, and everyone just has to accept that you're not coming back. He wonders if that's even possible.
Because as a bartender he watches as Angel drink his days away, and as Charlie slaves away with searching for you, and as Vaggie spends all her time in her head.
And when Alastor is at the Hotel, he watches as he converses with Charlie, both of them talking in hushed whispers. He can hear the static, and the screams, and the pleas as Alastor demands to know how you haven't been found. And for a second, he sees worry in Alastor.
And in turn, Husk worries, because if you, and you disappearing, is so easily capable of making Alastor lose his composer, than something must be wrong. If Alastor isn't able to find you, and it's making him worry then it must be serious, it must be real.
But even so, Husk hopes. He hopes you're safe, and happy, and healthy. Because now there's the possibility that you're not coming back, and Husk has nothing left but hope.
Alastor knew something was up with you.
From the moment you appeared in Hell, he knew you weren't right. You were too...alive for a demon. You were too naive for someone in Hell. You were too human.
For a while, there was nothing Alastor could do to prove his thoughts and honesty, he didn't want to. It was fun, watching as you stumble about this world completely unaware of what you've gotten yourself into. You're interesting, and you intrigue him. You should be proud, that's not something most can do.
But as your stay in hell lengthens, his feelings for you a mudded. His intrigue is turned into obsession, an obsession for you naivety, for you humanness. It makes him wonder how, or why you're down here. What you must've done to be placed here, even if you are somehow alive.
Alastor hasn't felt like this in a long time, and a part of him despises you for it. He hates the feelings that washes through his chest when he's around you, almost paternal like. He hates the way he faltered when he was told of your disappearance. And he hates the anger that course through him after weeks of not being able to find you.
Alastor looks everywhere, in every corner of Hell for any sign of you, and comes up with nothing, and it enrages him. It's an emotion he's more familiar with, rage, and for some reason hates it.
Because this type of rage is only direct at people who take you from him, this type of rage means you had the gaul to leave him. But this type of rage is the thing motivating him to keep searching and he looks forward to when you back with him.
Because you will be back with him, and the rage will be gone, and instead be replaced with that sweat, unfamiliar obsession that he's come to crave.
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hollyhomburg · 4 months
Before I Leave You (Pt.66)
(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: Wolves always go for the throat, whether they’re cornered or hunting.
Tags: Blood, Guns, violence, near death experiences, everyone lives nobody dies...but someone does die this chapter, horror, non-lethal injury, talks of death and dying, a bit of body horror, Trans! tae, Tae is briefly dead named in this, implied/referenced intimate partner violence, flashbacks, brief suicidality.
W/c: 8.3k
A/N: ahhhhhh <3 we're finally ready for this part of the story <3 i wonder what your guys reactions will be, i'm really glad i decided to split this chapter into two peices! it's much cleaner this way. don't be 🥲 too mad at me.
Previous part - Masterlist - First part
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(Four years prior, Hoseok)
Today is the day that Hoseok will meet his future pack, he just doesn’t know it yet.
It always feels like a bit of betrayal but the worst and best days of your life often come close together. Maybe just for contrast. A bit of good in the bad. A slice of cake in a feast of raw meat.
This starts as just another bad day in a long stretch of shitty days. The kind of days were anxiety bubbles up and how afraid you are is all you can think about. Taking one breath and then another like just staying alive means you're guaranteed to get better.
The only place to go from rock bottom is up, and hoseok's sneakers are firmly on the concrete, standing outside of the record store in the rain with no place to go.
Hoseok has been afraid for a long time. He can't really remember even if he thinks hard, the last morning he woke up not afraid.
What hoseok really needs is a day off, but he really can't fucking afford it. He can't afford anything- certainly not a one-bedroom apartment on his own. If he's really really lucky maybe he'll be able to find a closet room somewhere that will cost almost his whole paycheck. Because after today-
After today, Jung Hoseok will be homeless, packless, and alone. His pack dropped the news on him last night…or well ex-pack.
He doesn’t expect that he’ll be moving into the pack's house on this rainy day, he doesn't expect that by the end of the week, he won't be worrying about where his next meal will come from because Jin will be there with it ready. Jimin sometimes too.
He won't be worrying about where he'll sleep because the bed in their spare room that smells like tae tae tae will be his. He'll roll around in it when the door is closed, shy about it because Hoseok has never liked other alpha's scents so much before. And when he comes home and Jungkook has made a nest in it, it will feel like a bit of an impossible silver lining, a bit too much- to have an omega making him a nest, making something special just for him
It takes three weeks for Namjoon to make him a house key for himself. After he gets left outside in a very similar storm to this. The doctor will touch his cheek, thumbing at the dimples that they share. how special is it that each smile gets cradled like a crescent moon? the heavens have left imprints on both of their skin. Freckles for stars and dimples for moon's.
"I don't want you to get sick pup."
"People don't get sick from wet heads anymore hyung."
"They don't. But I want to keep you dry and comfortable in my den. i know you still want to look for apartments but...what if you didn't?"
But neither the weather nor Hoseok knows to prepare for good news. Right now the heavens open up and release its deluge, thick rain the way that only happens at the start of summer. Worms and other wriggly things crawl their way out of their holes to find a good spot to die next to Hoseok's shoes. Worn fancy sneakers that his pack-omega had gotten him a few months ago for their anniversary. They're the nicest thing he's ever owned.
His ex-pack omega.
It's hard to rewire your brain, especially for alpha's. Hoseok is a lone wolf. He hasn't been without a pack in so long, it feels weird to not have someone to call, someone he needs to trail after and cling to. He checks his phone but he doesn't have a single notification from them.
He doesn't have a single notification from anyone.
Hoseok is glad he doesn't feel his instincts as keenly as other alphas do. Otherwise, he might be inclined to gnash his teeth at the people who pass by him on their way to work, umbrellas almost bumping him, perceiving even closeness as a threat. So vulnerable without a pack (lone alphas are always the first to starve in winter).
Hoseok shivers even though its summer, he's soaked to the bone after a few minutes.
He has a key to the record store. He could go inside. Granted- he should be inside already. Opening up shop, making coffee, and letting the place warm up. But standing out in the rain feels too much like penance.
Hoseok likes the rain. The smell of it. The way it makes the whole world ache and go still. He feels every drop on his dark hair, soaking through his thin hoodie. It's cleansing almost, letting the rain soak him through.
(The end of relationships is always hard, let alone the end of abusive relationships, they’re downright terrible).
Hoseok keeps replaying their words in his head, with every slosh of a nearby car, every honk of a taxi. The stoplight red and green bleeding onto the wet concrete. Yellow flashing in contrast with hoseok's dark memories.
“You’re welcome to stay here until the lease runs out, but the four of us need to move back home. You understand Hobi don’t you? We’re just omega’s- we’re just girls- and we think this could be a clean break for all of us. We just don't want to lead you on any longer.”
The worst part is that Hobi had sort of known, had sort of already realized what was happening. he’d seen it in their looks; distant and despondent. Their touches that did not linger longer than necessary, cheeks turned as he comes in for a kiss. The phone calls hushed in the other room that cut off abruptly when he entered.
The lease on their apartment ends today. The place has already been professionally deep cleaned and Hoseok's things are packed in his car in plastic bins. He has 6 of them to his name.
He doesn’t have a place to go yet, he might just sneak into the back room at the record store and sleep there until he figures something out. Hoseok drove to work early because he didn't have another place to go.
This version of Hoseok is not the one you know, this version of Hobi is 23 and hopeless, can’t think about moving back in with his parents a city away, with nothing but a rusted-out Corolla that barely gets him to work let alone through the 200-mile trip. It will die on him in about 6 months and Namjoon will be thankful that Hoseok no longer is driving around in a deathtrap.
He hadn’t even gotten this job by himself, his pack omega- his ex-girlfriend had gotten him this job almost 4 months ago after his last one didn’t pan out. Temporary work for temporary people.
Nothing feels like his. Not his body and certainly not this job.
Hoseok hasn’t smoked in months, but something that feels an awful lot like self-disgust worms under his skin and he can’t resist. Not today of all days. Smoking is something that he doesn’t indulge in often, and hasn’t indulged in since… becoming an alpha to someone. But he guesses it doesn’t matter now without anyone to complain that they don’t like the smell.
The cigarette mixes with the smell of petrichor and Hoseok’s own acidic scent. The smell of a terrified alpha draws him more than a few looks but he pays them no mind. He's thankful for his soaking face, at least the rain keeps out the tears. Cool and soothing against his face.
Hoseok just wants- Hoseok just wants to call them. To talk to someone.
Ending relationships is always like this. You want to keep being good, keep being what they want, but that’s impossible. You can’t act or behave right and dupe someone into loving you. Sometimes the love just isn’t there. (A smaller shyer voice says it was never love at all, you can't possess love, only be given it and Hoseok feels like a cast aside possession. Love and abuse cannot coexist).
Hoseok should have known. He keeps replaying the moments in his head. He’d seen them exchanging knowing looks when they thought he wasn’t looking.He thought he was just being paranoid, until yesterday morning when they’d taken him aside.
“You knew this had to end one day Hoseok" "You knew one day we'd move on." "As much as we appreciate what you’ve done for us, we think it’s time for us to move on.”
“What do you mean? I thought we were leaving next week, you really left me with only a day to find a place to go?”
“We’re sorry Hoseok, your last rut was just too much to deal with. We think it's best if we just stay on our own. It's a clean break this way.”
"Wait, please- I love you."
"We know. We're sorry."
Hoseok is too much for anyone to deal with. He doesn’t call his friends (he hasn’t met up with any of them or returned their texts in months thanks to several pointed words from his pack omega). He doesn’t go inside yet because he deserves the rain. He sits out front of the record store, smoking a cigarette that will probably end up killing him down the line, and thinks Good.
He tells himself the irritation in his eyes is just because of the cigarette smoke blowing in his face, even though he knows it's not. He's not even inhaling right because his breaths come all hitched and pathetic. Anyone would be sad if their relationship of several years had ended. Anyone would be devastated.
Hoseok checks his phone again. Nothing.
Most people on the crowded street ignore him. Though the thick throng of people going about their business, probably going to work at their 9 to 5 jobs that pay enough to afford apartments and packmates. Hoseok is the one soul that stands stationary.
Until one, someone a few feet back stops, tipping their face through their hood to look at him. The only other person without an umbrella.
Hoseok knows his face and his name. It’s just Min Yoongi- his coworker and sort of friend who's coming in for his shift. Hoseok doesn't love Yoongi yet but they're sort of friends already. They might be better friends if Hoseok could get over his admiration and jealousy.
Yoongi has this way of quietly taking care of the people around him. He picks up Hoseok's jacket when it slides off the hook at work, asks him if he wants coffee and even pays for it when he goes to the coffee shop next door. He compliments Hoseok's music tastes when it's his turn to play something, he gives Hoseok the aux frequently in a way that feels a little bit like flirting.
The only two good things about Hoseok's job are the music and Min Yoongi.
He even laughs at Hoseok's shitty jokes when they're stacking new inventory saying cryptic things like "they can't be worse than my omega's jokes."
That's why Hoseok's jealous. Yoongi gets packmates, five of them who make him lunch even when he's only got a four-hour shift. that often linger outside to walk him home or pick him up in their shiney not new not old cars.
(Yoongi's packmates certainly have better things to do than send Yoongi to work with a second packed lunch. "Jin-hyung caught a glimpse of you through the doorway, the only thing that he hates more than Namjoon's snoring is skinny Alpha's.")
Min Yoongi has that look that people do when they're well-loved by packmates. Hair ruffled and neck dotted with bruises that might as well be mating bites for a beta. Beta's don't mate, but these ones certainly keep him close. He wears their scents like a shield. Sometimes so thick that Hoseok can't even smell any of his chocolate scent.
Right now, staring at Yoongi a few paces into the street, all Hoseok can smell is the rain.
When Hoseok had been introduced to him it had felt strange just by virtue of Yoongi's sub gender. A beta? Working somewhere so normal? Weren’t beta's supposed to be like- financial advisors or assistants to the president or something? Betas are supposed to have more important jobs than pushing vinyl and bumping Hoseok's shoulder playfully.
(Hoseok hasn’t seen it yet, the way that the owner hands over little white baggies to people who come in looking hungry for a high that cigarettes or alcohol can’t fix. Hoseok hasn’t yet realized that the record store isn't just a record store. This is just one front business of many that the family has organized across this city and the country for distribution of some of his most precious inventory). Yoongi has worked her for the last year, takes calls in the back for the family. The owner only bows to him when Hoseok's not around.
They only hired hoseok for tax purposes. Having three employees looks less suspicious than just two.
The beta looks concerned, and Hoseok knows he can’t hide the fact that he’s been crying as the beta steps up and pushes Hoseok back under the awning. Out of the rain and into the warmth of the doorway. This kind of movement would make any alpha snap, but not Hoseok. Hoseok just tucks his chin down and starts to cry.
“Oh Hoseok.” Hobi sniffles, and wipes his runny nose on his sleeve. Yoongi's hand curls against his throat, chocolate scent spiking to soothe. “You’re soaking wet."
Yoongi grabs his wrist and Hoseok almost keens at the gentle touch. Whole body shaking, shoulders curling in Yoongi's direction. Yoongi’s lips press into a thin line and then tugs him inside.
(Now, You)
You hold your breath. Still peering around the corner, watching and waiting for the man to spot you.
But he doesn't, after a breath where his soft footsteps echo, you wait, but nothing happens. You peak back around the corner.
You absorb and catalog the details as fast as you can; the black ski mask, covered by one of those traditional Korean masks, wooden with red lacquer. This one is a little different than the one that Jimin had; not twisted with thick eyebrows in a snarl. This one is white with red splotches on the cheeks, like a ghost sent down from above to rob you of your humanity.
The bulletproof vest stops at the collarbones. The gun itself is a black generic model. The long end is extra bulbous with something that might be an attached silencer. His hands covered in black nitrile gloves, leathery at first glance. There is a knife at his waist along with a barrage of other small things; rope and a knife, duct tape and handcuffs. His heavy boots look steel toed and reinforced.
The man (because it is a man you realize; tall, maybe taller than Namjoon) trains his gun at the landing on the top of the stairs. Pointing it in the direction of Hobi, Tae, and Jin’s hushed voices.
Hobi giggles and it sounds so bright. Echoing off the walls and filling the house with his musical laughter.
There is a phone cord tangled in your hands, long and white. You grip it tight.
This man might be silent but you’re quieter as you slide your bare feet across the smooth floors. Your strides are so quiet. You take one step and then another until you're behind the man, mirroring him.
You remember when Yoongi redid the floors, it was one of the few things that he did right away; before the pack came to live here (to love here). It took him weeks and weeks of sanding before he got them to his liking. Days more of brown dark stain that colored his hands ruddy until the soft matte finish stuck. Every pass with the belt sander and dirty rag a movement of love, a meditation for it.
Yoongi made every inch of this house with the same loving intent; to make it a home for all of you. a place to be safe and nurse your wounds and hearts. You won’t let it become a grave. You won’t let this person stay here and ruin it.
Most people get it wrong; In order to kill it is not a matter of elegance or effort. There is no such thing as a perfect kill either. Emotionless and analytic isn't enough and being justified only gets you halfway. There is no way to do it cleanly. People die just as they live, messy and hopeful and dirty.
Murder isn't a matter or wanting or wishing, It’s a matter of rage.
It’s always been this way. Rage has been chewing a hole through you from the moment that you pulled the trigger with Geumjae. From the moment you said ‘I do’. Rage that these violent things have been done to you, that they continue to happen, that you can’t just get away from all the hurt and trauma.
Rage has eaten you clean through to the bone. Rage has made you skinny and starving, rage has made you timid and fragile. But now you're the hungry one. Right now, only three words run through your head;
How dare she.
How dare she send this man into your house. How dare she point a gun at the upstairs, in the general direction of your nest and your packmates. The altar at which you so desperately cling to, for sweet dreams and sweeter worship (There is no deity above the god of love, not even death. Death cannot take the love from your chest, someone dying does not make you stop loving them).
How dare she even think about hurting the people you love.
There is no courage, no bravery, no thought in your head about how stupid it might be as you step closer behind the man. You are not a trained assassin. You’re just an omega.
The adrenaline rush is an old friend, a thrall both intoxicating and unnerving. Your heart beats loud in your ears. You grip the phone cord in your hands and take a quiet steadying breath. He doesn't see you, he doesn't hear you, he doesn't know that you're behind him.
Wolves always go for the throat, whether they’re cornered or hunting.
The assassin’s foot ascends the bottom step. You don’t let him get to the second before you’re moving, hurtling forward. Footsteps no longer light. Your hands go over the man’s shoulders. The cord no more than a white flash across his vision before you draw it tight across his neck.
The pain and panic are instant as you’re suddenly tethered to a six-foot-four assassin and struggling to stay on your feet as he stumbles back. You’re pulled off your feet and down the stairs, but you keep it as tight as you can and you don’t let go. Fighting to keep your makeshift garrote tight as he scrambles to get his fingers around where it digs into his skin. Spluttering loud.
The hard wire digs, cutting easily through plastic and then your skin as he tries to pull you off. You don’t let go until he backs you into the entryway wall and slams you against it with a dizzying clang of bone and body hitting something solid. Your head narrowly avoids one of the hooks that the pack hangs their coats on. An inch to the left and he'd have impaled your skull on it. An inch to the left and you'd be dead.
A single inch.
His head slams into your face, and you feel something in your nose pop, flooding your mouth with blood so thick you choke.
He slams you against the wall once, twice, and then a third time until your grip goes slack and slippery with blood. It knocks the breath out of you, and he finally throws you off. You both fall to the ground like stones. Both of you gasp and struggle for breath. At least one of your ribs it broken, but because of the adrenaline you can't even feel it.
When the man lifts his black gloves to his throat, they come away glossy with blood.
(It’s crazy how you never notice the change from the day to day, one day you are begging for a reason to hold on, a reason to live, and the next you’re fighting tooth and nail to keep going. Just about gnawing your own arm off to get out. To survive and live to see another day. Another sunrise.)
By that time the air has returned to your lungs it’s enough for you to scream. “Jin! Jin! There’s someone in the house there’s-”
You try and inhale through your nose and blood makes you choke. You push at the floor with your hands, struggling to stand, fingers slippery and tacky with your blood.
The man tries to scramble up the stairs but you latch onto his legs and make him drop. Doing everything in your power to keep him from going up to them, to your packmates. Hugging his ankle to your chest to slow him down (the same way you’ve hugged Namjoon’s arm and Yoongi’s, the way you held Hobi in the nest on the couch just a few shattered days ago).
The man turns the gun on you, pointing it to your head, you flinch, waiting for the shot-
and open them as He heaves a frustrated roar before he wheels away and turns, aiming at the top of the stairs instead of right in your face.
You could have died right then. could have and should have, but you didn’t. Your brain is too messy with adrenaline right now to make sense of it.
Why didn't he shoot?
The gun goes off, a bullet whizzing by Jin’s head. His face, scared, on the stairs flashes ever briefly. Ducking for cover just in time. The doorframe explodes in a cacophony of dark wood splitters. The doorknob sparks and bursts into a million pieces with another shot. metal clanking against the ceiling, the walls, down the stairs.
One second, you’re holding onto his heavy leather boot, and the next it’s colliding with your face and you’re out like a light.
Getting hit in your face is always such a disorientating experience. You’d never gotten used to it, even with Geumjae. Granted it’s hard to get used to the stomach-churning low vision feeling of weightlessness, like vertigo only worse.
"Hobi! don't- jesus fucking christ-"
You’re not quite sure what happens next only that you can’t see for a moment after the boot hits your face, and you take big breaths through your mouth. Blood, you taste blood. And then your vision comes back. Black spots and all and there’s Hobi’s face in front of you. No assassin, just him, helping you up from the floor. You're not on the steps anymore but at the bottom of them.
“The kitchen, the kitchen," Blood rushes over your bottom lip. Hoseok wipes it away, inhaling a jagged breath. "He’s-”
He pushes at your shoulders. “The car- get to the car.” It feels impossible. This can be happening in your house. Are you about to have a shoot-out in the street? On your quiet cul-de-sac? But then, in the corner of your vision dark movement.
You tug Hobi’s head down the second that the gun goes off- probably saving his life, definitely saving it as the bullet tears through the banister and ends in a hollow thump in the wall. he may not have shot you but he has no quams shooting at Jin and Hobi. The bullets hit the wall- Maybe 6 inches above your bent heads. Too close, close enough that Hobi trembles in your hold. And he rips something- a piece of the doorway, out of his arm with a wince before he covers your body with his own.
The volley of gunshots are so loud, so vicious as they blow things apart, tearing holes through Yoongi’s coat, the doorway, the banister, and the narrow stairway rungs. Pieces of wood hit your curled forms. Hobi shoves your head down when you try to look.
There is wetness, hot, something hot on your hands, your neck, you know it’s blood before you look. You think it’s from you until the Gunsmoke clears and you realize- fingers skimming across hoseok's forehead, a gash above his eyebrow.
A bullet graze by his hairline thats bleeding profusely. head wounds always bleed a ridiculous amount.
There are more bullets behind you but it’s just Jin returning fire.
Jin’s got Tae behind him. Her face ashy and pink from the shower and panic, her mid-length dark hair such a tangle, cowering behind his back. Jin's gun is so much louder without the silencer. Did he bring one upstairs? Or did he get it from Jimin’s stash?
Jin nearly drags Tae to the three of you, and she clings to you. Your hand finds her face. Fingers are red and bloody smudging against her cheek, blink and you're back there a million moments in the past; dotting red blush across her cheeks with a brush- your fingers- kissing it into place with your lips- painting a line of maroon across her eyelids to bring out the lighter flecks in her eyes- Watching her twirl in a red dress. Pressing your red lips against hers in a quiet dark moment in the library room. With her in Hobi's red car- Everything red.
If it starts with red, maybe it's fitting that it ends in red too.
Jin doesn’t give you time to reminisce. Pushing her shoulder down hard. His bare chest splattered with splinters from the door. Covered in wood fragments that stick to his black sweatpants and damp feet. Shouting, “All of you get down!”
You follow your pack omega’s words. Hobi and Tae With their damn alpha instincts blanket you as Jin fires again. The shots are so much louder in the small space. Another shot, another thunder strike. tae grips your wrist tight, your hands.
When you look down, they look mutilated. you can see bone in one place, deep gashes across the centre of your palms.
Your ears ring and you can't make sense of anything over the noise. Jin returns every bang with a boom of his own, bright flashes lighting up the dark staircase. Casing after casing tinkling down to the floor, rolling across the floorboards
But then, for a second- the gunfire goes quiet.
The house creeks and the three of you hold your breath. Jin's still half-concealed. The air heavy and clouded with gunsmoke and the smell of blood.
Hobi tentatively gets onto his knees and then stands when he doesn't immediately get shot at. You make a small noise in your throat, the loudest that you dare, but he’s looking after Jin, standing in the darkness, hackles raising his angry scent of burning sugar acrid in your nose. His hand slides out of yours, your blood on his palms.
And then you hear the rush of boots, echoing in the living room, near your nest- you’d never unmade it after you and Hobi fucked there. You'd been too busy taking care of Jimin. Hoseok bears his teeth.
Hobi turns, sliding out of your hands quicker than you can grab him. Quicker than you can tell him that he’s being dumb, that he’s being suicidal.
“Not my girlfriend! You asshole!”
The world is a dizzying cacophony of gunpowder, pain, bullets, and shouting. Jin yells Hoseok’s name. But the alpha heads after the assassin regardless of your cries. Jin narrowly keeps him from running headlong into no mans land. the open area by the door that would leave Hoseok a sitting duck.
Tae’s standing up on unsteady legs as you all spill out of the stairs into the narrow hall. Out from her hiding place cowering behind the banister. Your attention isn’t on her it’s on Hobi. Neither you nor Jin are looking at her. You’re running after him on shaky legs. Jin holds you both back, trying to corrall you. The air is cloudy with Gunsmoke, hazy and heavy. Her eyes are wide and pretty like dark marbles as she watches Hobi.
They’re just as pretty when the gun presses to the back of her head.
Everyone turns and goes still. The man has Tae in his arms, hand in her hair making her neck arch. The gun pressed to her jaw. Finger on the trigger.
Her body trembles and she doesn’t turn, frozen still in fear a shallow whine building in her throat.Jin has the gun trained on the man faster than you can make to step in Tae’s direction. But it’s no use.
He must have gone around, run through the livingroom through your pantry. A similar path that you took to surprise him. He must know the floor plan of the house, must have studied it to prevent situations like this. You have no upper hand here with tae in his arms.
Tae’s mouth is buttony and parted, but it settles into a resigned line.
Jin’s never been a good enough shot- not for one like this, even barely 10 feet away. He might hit Tae. Shaky, Jin takes his finger off the trigger and stoops down to put the gun on the floor. His other hand is up, already surrendering when the man jerks Tae's head back by her hair. Rougher than he needs to be.
“Don’t shoot her, please don’t shoot- please.”
The man juts his chin at the gun on the floor. “Kick it away now, be a good omega.” Jin grits his teeth but does as he says.
The man’s voice is rough as gravel. Dignified, but with no obvious accent. Not the quiet cadence that you’ve come to expect from the family. Neither posh nor lowbrow. Something in between. Flat and monotone. You're sure that you've never heard his voice before.
“I have to admit, your file said you’d be resistant, but it said nothing about you being dumb as fuck and a poor shot to boot.”
Jin licks his lips and bares his teeth, “Put that gun back in my hand and then say it again.” The masked man cocks his head to the side and then shrugs as if Jin's fury doesn't mean anything to him.
But He’s bleeding, it trails down to the floor so the words can't be genuine. It's a small wound, a graze on his right thigh. Red bright and hot that drips in onto the floor from his pant leg.
His hand tightens in Tae’s hair. “Line up against the wall. Now. Or I’ll blow her brains out in front of you."
You move first, eyes trained on Tae. But he snaps, eyes unreadable behind that mask, “No- not you. I’m not here to kill you.”
He tosses something to Jin and he catches it. Handcuffs that jingle and clink. Your foot hits an errant bullet with a similar tinkle. “Handcuff Jin to the stairs Hoseok.”
Your names, he knows your names. Your mind races over every detail, every moment trying to piece together a way to get out of this. a way to save them.
“Why are you doing this?” Hobi’s trembling, shaking. “Did Jimin-”
“Jiminie did nothing.” The man croons dragging the barrel of the gun down Tae’s cheek leaving a dark smudge in its wake. It's red on her face, the barrel must still be hot, your blood crusty around her lips.
“Honestly though, you should know he was a shit assassin. Truly piss poor even by industry standards. They always threw him the easiest kills."
The three of you are quiet, if he was hoping to elicit a reaction or more of a fight You don’t give him the satisfaction. Although jin grits his teeth, gnashing anger and an omega's feral instinct to protect their pups.
You step forward hands open, barely two steps from Tae. If you can just get to her maybe you can-
“Please- please don’t kill them."
He cocks his head at you, and you can hear the grin in his voice. “Oh no, you misunderstand me I’m not going to do any of it.”
He taps Tae’s head once again with the gun and Tae starts to truly struggle. You tremble in fury and horror as you realize what he means with a sickening lurch in your stomach.
“This is how it’s going to work Y/n” You still at the sound of your name. “Taehyung here is going to shoot Jin and Hoseok. And then once we’re sure they’re good and dead, I’ll kill her.” He tosses you another pair of handcuffs, these ones are meant for you.
You take one step closer; Jin's gun is between your feet now. But you couldn't pick it up or else he'd shoot Tae. Time, you just need a minute to figure out what to do. How to get them out of this.
Yourself now, that's a different story. If you where in Tae's position you'd turn your face to the side and bite the mans hand.
“And what about me then? If they're all dead what’s to stop me from fighting?” he seems to consider it only briefly, the gun in his hand tilting so that you can see the dark oval where the bullet will come out, where it will rocket through Tae's skull and take all the little worlds she dreams of, all her poems and words and make them nothing.
“You think you're so precious? I’ll just kill you.” he says it like it's nothing. like you're nothing. He nods to the others, appealing to them and not you. “What do you want? All four of you to die? Or just three? What will hurt Namjoon the least? Do you think Yoongi will survive loosing his mate? What do you think Jinnie?”
You think of Yoongi's mating mark, the spot on his hip where your small curved semi-circles sit. You think of them turning black- a brand of a dead mate. You think of Hobi's eyes opening and never closing again. You think of Jungkook nesting without Jin and you. Of Namjoon holding out his hand and having no one to take it without Jin there.
You won't let any of this happen.
The others shoot each other unsure glances but you shake your head. you shake your head because earlier on the step, the man didn't take the easy shot, the easy kill.
If he really had orders to kill you, he would have done it then.
you step forward and shake your head. “I don’t believe you. I know your orders are to take me. That’s what all of this is about isn’t it?” The man doesn’t drop his weapon. Just presses it tighter to Tae’s jaw.
“Handcuff Jin now Hobi. Or else I’ll-”
You see the darkness settle in Jin’s eyes and before you know it he's turning to you, eyes flat. Endless in their darkness, the way they might if-
You don't let yourself consider it. You won't let it get to that point.
You guess it does make sense, having you kill each other as opposed to the assassin doing the dirty work and implicating Moonbyul. If you really are on that ‘no kill list’ like Yoongi said at the hospital, having you take out each other is the only logical course of action. Once Tae kills Jin and Hobi, she'll be free game. This is the only way retribution won’t fall back on her. This is so similar to what she tried and failed to do with Jimin and Jin. This is a second attempt.
Only this time, you have a bargaining chip.
You step forward, in front of Hobi and Jin, blocking them from his line of sight. Barely a pace in front of Tae, but from the way he tightens his grip on her you know that you can go no further.
“You can take me; I’ll go with you. Willingly.”
Jin makes a noise in his throat and tries to move, but dares not when the man tightens his grip on Tae’s hair hard enough to rip a bit of it out.
“That’s what she wants, isn’t it? If you just let them live I’ll go with you.”
The man is silent for a second. Hobi trembles and so does Jin. For a second, you truly think that he’s going to take the bait.
But the mask is directed towards the floor, then back up at you. “Those aren’t my orders.” His finger is on the trigger so close to Tae’s head. “Now cuff him, I don’t want Jinnie getting any ideas.”
Hobi’s hands are shaking as he unwillingly shackles Jin to the steps as slowly as he can. He's buying time too. Every second and every heartbeat is precious. Both ends loop around a single rung and click closed. The rung itself is a little loose from a bullet that blew it apart near the bottom, it’s got to be the loosest one. Hobi turns, and you see the pre-meditation in his eyes; he chose that one so that Jin could still get free if he tried hard enough.
Everyone is trying. Everyone is defiant. The quirk of Jin's eyes as he settles, staring with rage at the man, his voice a quiet croon when he says what might very well be the last words he ever speaks.
“Tae you can close your eyes honey, it’s okay.”
"No I can't" She struggles harder against his hold, but it only gets her part of her hair pulled out with how rough the man jerks her, tears clouding her vision. "I can't- don't- please-"
Tae's soul has always been butterfly soft and flower tender. She's not made for this. She's not made for murder or pain or anything that lacks softness. She's never been a killer; Jimin was always that side of their coin. Saint and sinner.
Your body goes cold and for a second, you think you just might pass out, especially when Hoseok grips your wrist. One final squeeze in what can only be goodbye before he steps away and in front of jin. Hair puffed up. Jin is lowering his eyes and no no no.
Tae is staring at you, eyes wide and scared, but you watch in total powerlessness as her eyebrows lower. You see the moment Tae thinks it. Eyes meeting yours, lips mouthing something that you can’t read. Maybe I’m sorry no.
I love you. Sorry.
The truth is that Jimin drilled this with her years ago before she left for college and he couldn’t follow. When Jimin first realized that for the first time in their lives she’d be without him as a constant protector. Delicate delicate Tae with her delicate pink soul. So vulnerable to the world and all its wickedness.
Tae didn't confront him about it until the nightmares were waking him up regularly. They were simple nightmares back then; images of Tae hurt and mugged. Tae beaten and left in an alleyway. Tae stalked through the night. Simple, but enough to keep him awake. Enough to torture him in his wakon hours as well as the nighttime.
If Jimin saw her now he'd pull the heavens down and demand something truly awful in exchange. He'd take one of the knives from the kitchen and gut him from belly button to addams apple. He'd eviscerate him- and Namjoon might help.
Hut there is no one here to do any of that, there is only Tae in the man's hold.
“What are you so scared of?” She’d asked one morning, trailing endless patterns on his chest in an effort to soothe him back to sleep.
“Something happening to you while I’m not there, mostly.”
“Would it make you feel better? If you taught me the basics?”
Jimin's pause is telling, more telling are his eyes, hopeful when he looks up at Tae. “Yes, it would.”
It’s been years and years since Jimin Tae have bothered to drill any self-defense sequences it at all. Since he stopped asking her to refresh the basics with him once a year just to make sure. Jimin never thought that Tae would have to use those skills. Like with most things, you just sort of hope you don't have to fight.
But Tae knows you did fight. It's written all over your bloody face and your bloody hands, tightened to fists by your side. If you fought tooth and nail to save them she should fight too.
Tae has written fight scenes like this before. If she survives the press of the gun to the back of her head, she’s gonna have one hell of a personal experience to pull from for her book. The content will be endless.
She seems to swell in the space, alpha shoulders settling back. Her mouth is moving, mouthing words her eyes on you. Just in case this is the last thing she ever does.
I’m sorry, I love you.
“Be a good boy and pick up the gun Tae.” Tae bends down, syrupy slow. Intentional with her every movement. One heartbeat. Another. Tae's fingers are maybe an inch from the gun when everything goes haywire.
When she's about halfway bent she uses her momentum to hurl her body back, slamming her head into the gun and then into the man’s face. Cracking the mask and from the sound of it, the man’s nose. Tae's almost knocks herself out with the force of her own head colliding with the man’s face.
She turns, she’s not finished, not even close. She might be a woman but she’s an alpha too. Alphas always always fight to protect their pack. She turns and swings.
And drives her elbow as hard as she can between the alpha’s legs.
Hobi can’t stop his flinch. That has to hurt.
The assassin’s gun goes flying, skittering across the dark floor and under the bookcase and Hobi ends up lunging for it. You go after it too but you end up holding Tae instead, crumpling to the floor without anything to hold her up. She’s holding the back of her head, eyes watering.
The traditional mask lyes in pieces around you, shatered by the force of tae's headbut. The man clutches his nose, features still covered by the ski mast. Growling out- "Bitch- fucking bitch! I'll kill you. I'll fucking kill all of you-"
Jin struggles yanking his cuffed hands down as hard as he can- in another minute he might get loose, but not quick enough as Hobi finds the gun and raises it. The bullet hits the molding beside your pantry, missing the man by inches as he dives away to safety. A lucky shot by any standard, let alone for a beginner. Hobi shoots off after him. knocking into the wall before he's up and chasing it.
“Are you okay, Tae, Tae- look up at me.” Tae is clutching the back of her head. Blinking rabidly. That fucking hurt even if it was worth it.
“I’m fine just-” She leans over your legs and vomits, retching loud and horrible. Concussion- she must have given herself a concussion. Namjoon told you months ago how to read the signs of them shortly after the first time Jungkook ever had a seizure in front of you.
You hold her shoulders, watching Jin try and break himself free, yanking his wrists hard enough that it has to hurt. Moving to try and help him.
And then Hobi makes a noise in the other room, a pained ghasp, A thump and then-
Tae is already up and running, stumbling into the wall. You glance at Jin. "Go- just go" Jin grinds out. But Tae has longer legs than you do even concussed.
By the kitchen, Hobi slips on a fallen tangerine. (You remember then, Yoongi clearing the table with a brush of his hands for Jimin, tossing a whole bowl of them onto the floor. Where they've stayed since then) they're fighting, the man must have managed to disarm Hobi somehow because the gun sits under one of the chairs. Both of them are fighting just beside the dining room table. Part of it splintered and broken where someone broke it.
They're grappling on the floor now. Pushing against each other trying to gain the upper hand. you've watched the alpha's wrestle before- small disputes to settle and reaffirm the hierarchy, but you've never seen hobi move like this. You watch the man grasp at his waist reaching for the knife. His hands so slick with his own blood that it clatters to the floor. Hobi may not be trained but he's a fighter too. Gnashing his teeth and growling. Reaching up into the shallow gash at the mans throat and digging in his fingers.
And then he’s got Hobi on the ground and his hands around your alpha's throat. Tae tries to get him off but he backhands her, sending her sprawling to the ground and clutching her cheek. Too dizzy to stand. Big hands that squeeze and squeeze and squeeze Hobi's narrow throat. Spit at the corner of his lips turning frothy as hoseok tries to breathe and can't.
“I didn’t come this far to get killed by a bunch of family rejects; 11 years and 1458 kills later and I will not die. Just give up already- I didn’t come this far to-”
Hobi’s face is turning purple, hands scrabbling, pushing against his face trying to get him off unsuccessfully. Dying there on the floor. Hobi is going to die right there if you don't do anything.
Jin is shouting from the other room and there is a frying pan in the kitchen. On the countertop that you snatch on your way past, winding up for it before you swing it with all your might at the man's head and-
At the end of the day, it’s hard to say exactly what kills him. Whether it's you or Tae who wields the killing blow. It’s more of a group effort between you and her.
Tae has read countless books that described love as some gentle force, but this love has not made her gentle. Tae cannot sit there on the floor and watch Hobi die. She'd do anything to protect him and the pack. She’d kill people like Minnie did, would lie just as Jin had, would have sacrificed anything- even herself just like Yoongi.
Love had always been giving in Tae's mind, and she would give countless sins and untold violence, to have this not be the last day with you and the pack.
The gun is just sitting there under the chair. tae hardly has to lean over to get it. (If she makes it out of this alive, she swears to himself that she'll finally start taking those kickboxing classes that Jungkook teaches.) Tae lifts the gun at the same moment that your hand descends with the frying pan.
Tae turns, points, aims, and fires. She doesn’t even think twice about it. The trigger goes down as easily as breathing.
Getting shot in the throat definitely distracts him enough, definitely makes him let go of Hobi, clutching at his own throat instead of his. blood rushing over his hand and down onto hobi's face. So much that it almost splashes.
And then the frying pan hits his head with a hollow final thud.
There is a placid terror in things like this, a quiet as things go and come. The thumping, the sobbing breaths you let out, the descent of your hand, beating out your terror on the body below, a vessel for all of your fear.
The handle of the frying pan is thick and heavy in your hands. You bring it down on the man’s head, the curved edge of the cast iron connects with the plate of his skull with a hollow thud. One second, he's clutching at his blown-apart throat, and the next he goes limp, blood and brain matter splatters loud and heavy along the floor. Falling on top of Hobi like a lead weight.
Hobi's brown eyes are bloodshot and red in his mouth, heaving one big breath that sends the room spinning. Sends vertigo into his veins and panic-running adrenaline. You lift your arms up again and hit him, descending again and again.
His body is still, so still. His chest gives one open shudder and then goes truly quiet. Frozen in time. You are covered in blood, in your mouth, on your hair, on the ceiling. More and more splatters as your hand goes up and then down in an endless loop.
Dark cotton soaks, matted with blood and brain matter, blurry from your tears. A bit of it hits your face, wet and stinky. People never tell you how horrible it smells when people die.
You don’t stop hitting the man, even when it's clear he's dead. Even when you glare down at him through the tears in your eyes and see half a face staring up at you. An eyeball rolls across the floor.
There are arms around you pulling you off of him eventually. Dry warm arms, big and heavenly. One wrist dangles with a pair of handcuffs as Jin yanks you back from the man. The body.
“Pup- It’s done, pup- he's gone- Stop.”
There is blood all over you. On your face, on your hands, around the frying pan. Tae too, sitting just beside you. Half of her body splattered. Hobi's soaked with it and still struggling to breathe. But both of them, the three of them are alive.
“It’s over pup.” Jin sounds like he might be crying. Tae definitely is.
Hobi puts his head between his knees, gasping for every breath but still breathing. Tae's got him in his lap. Holding on to him as he splutters. face so soaked with blood he can't open his eyes without blinking rapidly.
It’s anything but over you think as you let go of the handle of the frying pan.
It clatters to the ground with a bloody and final thunk.
Please Like, Comment, and Reblog! Every bit of encouragement helps me write the next chapter!
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if the beginning of the chapter feels weird/different in terms of narration that is because it was mostly written 3+ years ago and my writing style has changed alot! kinda crazy! hopefully people will just attribute it to hoseok's internal monologue. it might be meandering but i kept reminding myself that this is hoseok at his lowest you know?
One thing i want you guys to realize is that the m/c may not be smart, but holy fuck can she take a beating and still get up.
Gun shoot outs are uniquely hard to write because like, just bang and it's done right? idk why part of this writing just felt so tedious usually i love writing stuff like this :(
hobi calls the m/c his girlfriend 🥺 did you guys notice???? he's such a cute pup charecter.
i have more notes for this chapter BUT i can't share them until the next one is out because it involves hobi's secret.
i hope you guys see like- how good the m/c actually is at the crime and thinking on her feet shit- i think that this chapter above all others shows her street smarts. she knows to keep the guy talking and distracted- i think it compliments her similarities to jimin and jin like. the trio of them are very capable people you know? vs hobi who just headlong rushes the assassin and fucks shit up. i'm not saying it's his fault- he does the best that he can in this chapter.
I'm trying to pull from my actual knowledge of how guns work but fun fact, silencers are still fucking loud, like still so loud that you need ear protection. and even blank bullets can still cause serious injury at close range.
I'm again at the stage where i can't tell if the gun shooting scene is clunky and too predictable or if it's actually as creepy as i've made it out to be.
This is one of those situations- the bargaining for each others lives, that i've actually never had to handle. it's actually pretty unusual for me to write about things that i haven't experienced in some way shape or form.
i've only written a few scenes in my life that have made me wonder like "huh- i wonder if people might actually think that i've seen a dead body, been around a dead body, or killed someone before?" and ngl, the scene with the assassin dying is one that makes me wonder that... i promise i just have a scarily vivid imagination.
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mars-f4ndom-sp4c3 · 11 months
Hugging Headcanons. || Ft: Dark Cacao Kingdom
A/n: Surprise surprise! Guess who's alive? Such absence was caused by me being bad at keeping a solid schedule and then wanting to play Crk more than I wanted to write. Things are now being worked on heavily though!
Maybe a tiny spoiler warning for episode 14 on Affogato's? It's the last two bullets, so you can just scroll right past it if you do not wish to see spoilers. It doesn't spoil too much, I don't think.
Dark Cacao Cookie
You low-key might suffocate a tiny bit depending on the context of your hug.
If he hasn't seen you for a while, (I.e. on an adventure with the other ancient heroes) you can expect to be trapped in his armored arms until he decides to go and rest after a draining trip.
If you happen to spontaneously hug him whilst somewhere public, he'll give you an awkward side hug in response, since he doesn't want to break the stony demeanor he maintains to the other cookies.
If you're having an emotional moment while hugging and someone else walks in, the expression he gives the intruder is enough to send them scrambling away and mumbling apologies.
The cape goes around both of you. And then you're trapped in a cave of warmth.
Affogato Cookie
Smug bastard. If you ask, he'll give you some holier than thou remark before obliging, making a grand gesture with his arms and inviting you to come closer. Don't worry, he won't bite.
He'll wrap both his arms around your shoulders and pull you into his chest.
Probably gives you some stupid (not) reassuring words if you happen to be upset about something.
Bestie is not good at comforting. He's had a hundred and one problems, but a sad cookie has not been one of them.
If his vibe wasn't totally off, he'd probably give pretty comfortable hugs, seeing how his elegant clothing is made with soft silks and lined with fine fur.
If, after the events of episode 14, you do encounter him again (and don't hate him), he will most likely gladly accept a hug. His holier than thou demeanor will not falter, but he was secretly looking for a little comfort after so much work went to waste.
His hugs are probably a little more genuine than they were during his time as Royal Advisor.
Caramel Arrow Cookie
Older sister vibes
She'll hug you pretty tightly more often than not. Usually in the child way where they intentionally squeeze you like a boa constrictor, except she's an adult with wilderness training and she is significantly stronger than a child.
Awkward sibling hug? Awkward sibling hug. *pat pat.* /ref
H o l d. She'll grab you under your arms and lift you up into a hug. She will attempt to do this regardless of if you are taller or heavier than her. Caramel Arrow is strong, do not underestimate her determination.
(Using the bow and arrow gives you good arm strength last I checked)
If she's feeling playful, she'll outright throw you into the snow afterwards. And then she'll sprint off as quickly as possible. Unless you happen to drag her down with you.
Hugs often turn into snowball fights.
Crunchy Chip Cookie
He was embarrassed the first time you hugged him, and probably hid his face against your shoulder.
Really aggressive hugger. He'll probably squeeze you as hard as he can.
H o l d. (pt 2.) Crunchy Chip Cookie is the type to try and pick you up with a hug, do the awkward backward lean so that he can actually get your feet off the ground, and then drop you. Believe it or not, picking someone up via hugs is not the easiest feat.
When he's determined to hug you after being out at his post for an extended period of time, he'll outright charge at you and then knock you into the snow.
Prepare to get mauled by an excited cookie and his equally excited cream wolves.
If Caramel Arrow wasn't there to pry him off, you'd probably freeze before you got the chance to get out of the snow again.
He will pretend to be sparring with you if anyone happens to walk by (ahem, Dark Cacao.) He doesn't want to look soft or anything! (Please imagine the thing cats do where they randomly attack you while petting them.)
This is not beta-read, probably very ooc, and probably a little self indulgent, unapologetically.
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Visiting the dentist
Rodrigo was really not looking forward to this day. He had a dentist appointment today and really didn't want to go - but his tooth ache was getting worse every day.
He hated going to the dentist with a passion. Everything about it was just painful or disturbing. No one should be allowed to operate a fricking drill inside his mouth! Even imagining the noise, it would produce made the hairs on his neck stand up in terror.
Standing in the cold winter air in front of the dentist's office made the pain in his mouth even worse, but he struggled whether to enter or just screw it and drive home immediately.
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It was no use - on a rational level he knew the pain would only get worse. He sighed and entered the dental office. It was warmer in there, which was good. After hanging up his coat, he didn't actually have to wait long. There were no other patients in the waiting area, which was probably because of the time of day. Rodrigo was an author, so he had the luxury of being able to make appointments like this when other people were at work.
He was a little surprised though, as the person who entered the room after him was not the old woman who was torturing his teeth the last time, but a young and reasonably attractive man, who immediately shook his hand. Rodrigo could very much imagine that man not in a doctors coat but on a beach somewhere, just standing and looking good.
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"Hi! I'm Garret, how are you feeling today?"
"Fine", Rodrigo lied, and added: "What happened to Dr. Shaffer?"
"Oh, she retired - actually two years ago! You haven't been here for a while?" Garret answered with a warm smile.
Rodrigo shook his head. "No. To be quite honest I don't like the dentist very much. Not you in particular Dr..."
"Just Garret is fine", Garret said.
"Dr. Garret.", Rodrigo continued, "But the whole place just gives me the creeps."
"No worries!" Garret laughed. "I don't know too many people who actually enjoy visiting the dentist. So, Rodrigo, what brings you to us today?"
Rodrigo didn't know if he was comfortable with the doctor being so first-name-basis with him but went along with it anyway. "Right, so, my teeth are aching, and it's really painful by now. I probably should have come sooner, but,..."
Garret interrupted him. "No worries. Let's just have a look and fix you up. Please get on the chair and open your mouth."
Rodrigo gulped and sat on the clean black faux leather dentist chair. This is where the hell began.
Garret carefully probed around in Rodrigos mouth, using his gloved hand to do so. After a while, he sighed and said:
"Well, there's a whole lot of caries in there I'm afraid. I can start to remove it right away, but it won't be pleasant."
"Ugh." Was all that Rodrigo was able to get out.
"There is another alternative, though. It's a bit more costly but it comes with additional perks. We can fix your teeth entirely painlessly by a new procedure. You will be better than new!"
"Painless sounds good. Okay, I'll take it. What do I have to do?"
"Great choice, Rodrigo. This procedure is really quick. Please take off your shirt."
That struck Rodrigo as a strange request, but everything was better than the drill. So, he exposed his unimpressive white chest, while Garret entered a few commands into his computer.
"Alright, this will only take a few moments. Have fun!" Garret smiled. Rodrigo couldn't help but notice the tent in the doctors trousers. Did he get a boner for some reason?
Suddenly, Rodrigo felt warm. The pulsating pain in his mouth ebbed almost instantly, but the changes did not stop there! His skin cleared up and his face grew a tiny bit squarer than before. Then, the changes continued from his face downward. Suddenly, his arms inflated with muscles, as well as his chest. His shoulders widened and his frame became way more masculine. It didn't expand to bodybuilder-like proportions, but he became way beefier than before. His abs became more defined as well. On his chest, a slight coating of hair grew in, and his skin tone became a healthy shade of tanned pink. Inside his pants, he could feel his pelvis growing wider and packing on meat, as well as his legs, which became stronger and fitter as well. Even his feet expanded a good one or two shoe sizes!
Last, but finally not least, Rodrigo felt his cock increase in size as well. It felt like getting hard, and he probably also was - but the final size of his stiff cock was considerably larger than what he measured before.
In just a few minutes, Rodrigo had been improved all over - including, but certainly not limited to, a whole new set of teeth, which were new and healthy as they could be. Full of wonder, he looked up to Garret, only to find that the other man had gotten rid of his own shirt as well and bent down to him, smiling and asking:
"Care to try out the full package before you leave?"
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brighteyedbushybrowed · 10 months
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐥 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
It's Verging time *heads your canons*. I used to wonder why DMC3, 4, and 5 were my favourites in the series and then I remembered it's because I'm a Vergil hoe and those are all games you can play as him in (special editions for 4 and 5 obviously). As always, spicy headcanons under the cut so minors DNI please and thank you
Most important thing to keep in mind while dating him is that he is a work in progress and has a lot of shit to work through, but he will always make time for you
Wasn't very tactile at first due to his own personal traumas
It's only after he's comfortable enough with you and has been going to therapy for a while that he'll start holding hands or putting an arm around you, though he's still a little hesitant to do that out in public
Loves to spend time with you by reading poems or books to you while you're curled up beside him on the sofa
You kind of had to explain to him when you start giving him gifts that it's not expected that he give you something in return or vice versa. Now he'll give you small gifts when you've been apart for a while because of devil hunting or other commitments
Tries to spend at least one night a week going to ballroom dancing classes as a new hobby to focus on, so expect him to ask you to practice with him somewhat regularly
Will also invite you to come to classes with him to watch or even take part if you feel up to it
He's not much of a flower giving guy. He prefers to give you things that will last longer
Expect to see the day and time for your dates scheduled in his diary or on his calendar
Insists you go on a date at least once a week, even if one or both of you are having a hectic week
Not insistent in a controlling way though. More of a "I don't want to neglect us or our relationship and having it written down somewhere stops Dante from trying to drag me out somewhere with him on that day" kind of way
Dante absolutely gave you the "don't hurt my brother" talk but was way more chill with it than Vergil would be if someone was dating his younger twin
The man is so inexperienced - you're gonna need to be patient with him and take your time
He's always gentle when you have sex. Partly because of his inexperience but also because he worries about hurting you if he doesn't hold back
His favourite position with your would probably be with you riding him. He gets to look up at you while still making you feel good? Go for it
On occasions where he trusts himself enough to be more rough with you, you'll probably be walking funny the next day because he just can't get enough of you
Unlike V, he has mad stamina and is more than happy to go multiple rounds with you
Public sex is an absolute no go, but that doesn't mean that he won't tease you under the table when he gets in one of his moods
You hold hands the most when you're having sex, especially when he's being especially gentle and wants to make love rather than fucking
If you want him and his doppelganger to fuck you at the same time, you're gonna need to catch Vergil in the right mood at the right time
Has definitely blurted out "I love you" in the middle of cumming. Was very grateful for your reassurances and saying you love him too afterwards
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athanza · 1 month
Starlett - Final part
Cooper Howard/fem!OC (not self-insert)
Tags: Hurt/comfort (sort of?), non-allowed romantic connection, lots of tention, pre and post war drama, romance, some fluff
Warnings: Mentions of domestic abuse (no graphic scenes or descriptions of that nature), angst, canon wasteland violence
This branches out from canon but I thought it was a cute story idea so I had to write it. Enjoy! ♡
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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That night, after dinner, Irene found Cooper on the sofa with Janey asleep on his lap, watching an old noire film with the volume down low.
"Thank you very much for dinner Mr. H- Cooper." She corrected herself, speaking low so as not to wake Janey. "It was lovely."
He looked up as she walked over. "It was no trouble at all. Janey loved having you here."
She smiled at his daughters sleeping face as she sat down on the edge of the sofa. "You've got a good kid there."
He looked down at her proudly. "Yeah, I sure do."
"She reminds me of my baby sister, she lives with my folks in Sacramento. I don't get to see her much anymore with my work and everything with Frank and Lee. It'll be good to see her again."
"How long has it been?"
"Almost 2 years. I know my sister resents me for how much I'm away, but hopefully that'll change now that I'll be away from Frank, at least until the divorce proceedings." She sighed with uneasiness.
"You'll be fine." Said Cooper encouragingly. "You're stronger than you think."
"Ditto." She smiled warmly. "And don't worry about Janey, you both love her so much. She'll understand when she's older, I promise."
He smiled, touched by her words. "Thank you."
She looked into his eyes and saw something she never had, a good man, a man who loves unconditionally and stands up for his family.
She, just for a moment, imagined what it would be like if he was her husband instead of Frank, if Janey were their daughter, if this was her life and not the daily abuse she had been going home to every night.
She could feel emotions begin to well behind her eyes and she snapped out of it before she embarrassed herself.
"Well, I should get some sleep, I'll be leaving early tomorrow. Thank you again."
The warmness that emanated from her was a welcome comfort in the midst of everything that had happened in the last few months. He almost didn't want her to leave, but he couldn't let himself fall, not now, not for her. They were meant for another time, another world, not this one.
"Irene?" Said Cooper, stopping her before she left. "This whole thing with Vault Tec...something's happening, something I'm not sure we'll ever come back from.
You're free from it now. Whatever's coming...it won't be worth giving up your happiness."
What he said about Vault Tec concerned her, not that it was surprising, but he was right about her happiness, he was right about everything. She wasn't going to be held back any longer.
"Thank you." She said, smiling softly.
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The sky was still dark when he left the cave. He'd covered Irene with whatever he could find to try to conceal her from raiders, hoping nothing else would find her while he was gone.
He knew there was a clinic in this area somewhere but whether it had anything left in it was a gamble.
As he made his way hastily through the area, he couldn't stop thinking about her and it just made him angry, 219 years of trying to become the monster that he had to be in order to survive, only for her to show up and remind him of that warmth that he'd long since forgotten. It made him weak, but he couldn't let her die, not now.
He heard movement up ahead, two men laughing drunkenly as they stumbled to find somewhere to relieve themselves.
The cages and skewered bodies around the building were a dead give-away and their little base just happened to be the clinic he was looking for.
Jackpot. They definitely had a stash in there somewhere.
The two men separated to find somewhere to piss but just as one got comfortable, Cooper blast his head off and took the other one out just a split second later.
"Oh HELL no!" Came a voice from the doorway of the clinic.
Without hesitation, Cooper shot him too, a bloody mess left on the door frame behind where he had been standing.
He stormed inside, his pump-action shotgun in hand, willing to use up all of his ammo to get what he needed.
Bullets and wood chips were flying every which way, and he took a bullet or two, but it took him no time at all to obliterate every person in that building.
He searched hastily for supplies, and when he found a first aid box full of stimpaks and cotton thread, he grabbed it and left, picking up several blood packs on his way out.
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The next morning, Irene was up early, her bag already in her car when Cooper came out to meet her.
"You weren't kiddin' about leavin' early." He said, the clock in the hallway reading 7:12am.
"I thought it'd be best if I left earlier rather than later."
He knew why. He didn't argue.
"Give this to Janey for me, would you? I noticed she liked it and I know it'll be in good hands."
She handed Cooper a silver locket with a daisy engraved delicately on the front.
He looked at it a bit surprised. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I don't much care for it anymore. It'll be more appreciated with her." She smiled.
She did one last check of her purse to make sure she had everything and the tention in the air was starting to thicken. When she knew she had everything, she looked back up at him.
"Cooper?" She asked. "Do me a favour and don't let the world harden that heart of yours, ok? That part of people is important, even if it makes us feel weak, always remember that, ok?"
She leant forward and kissed his cheek. "See you 'round cowboy."
She smiled at him one last time before getting in her car, and as he watched her drive away he felt his heart ache a little. He would miss her, her warm smiles, and how she made Janey laugh, but it wasn't meant to be, and he knew that.
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He pulled off the foliage covering her now pale body and opened the case.
Her breathing was shallow and laboured, a puddle of blood underneath her that had started to coagulate.
He used one of the stimpaks, then another, then another until he had used all six, then pulled out the thread and started sewing up the deep gashes on her side that were sticky with blood.
He remembered the last time he saw her, her smile, the kiss. He remembered watching her drive away and wishing she hadn't. He remembered the last things she said to him.
"...don't let the world harden that heart of yours, ok? That part of people is important, even if it makes us feel weak..."
When he finished sewing, he hung up one of the blood bags and attached the long tube to her arm.
He was still and focused, hoping he wasn't too late, his hands now covered in her blood.
When she woke up after only a few minutes, she saw him sitting by the fire beside her and smiled sleepily.
"Hey there cowboy."
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The End
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thequietkid-moonie · 9 months
Finding S/O's suicide letter
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Shuichi, Rantaro, Kaito ]
[ Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony ]
⚠️ Depression, mention of suicide attempt
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I remember that some time ago I had read an story like this and I immediatly loved the idea! It helped me a lot in that moment!
I already had thought about this and I reached the conclusion that if i ever do try to end my life I won't really leave a letter, there is just on person I will want to say goodbye (maybe say something here, but im not sure)
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Sumary: You have been feeling down lately (worst than normally) so you decided to write your last letter, having it ready in case you can't handle it anymore or maybe just to vent, you hide it but your partner end up finding it by accident
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Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi is really caring and observant, specially towards you, the person he loves the most, he can't help but being looking after your well-being so is probably that he already noticed hints that you weren't feeling good, that you are feeling down even if you try to hide it but he doesn't want to asume, he thought to himself about talking about it to you later
Shuichi respect your privacy a lot, it isn't common for him to just go and look between your belongings so if he is doing it is because he has a really good reason, maybe he need something that you have (and is probably that he already at least send you a text asking for your permission)
Finding the letter was a total accident, Shuichi find it by casuality while looking for what he needs or it slips from your things and he need to put it where it was, he didn't mean to read it but something about it made him have a bad feeling, maybe it was write in a messy way or it was for how long it was, or maybe just his worries for you for the past days, whatever the reason was he decided to open the letter and read it anxiously
It doesn't matter if the letter is long or short, by the first lines he will completely understand what is this about, Shuichi is completely heartbroken by this, he doesn't want for you to feel this bad, he doesn't want you to feel like death is a better option than continue trying, Shuichi is on the verge of tears and almost having an anxiety attack just by thinking in all of this, scared of what made you think this and more for what could happen to you
Shuichi force himself to calm down, at least enough to be able to call you for the phone, Shuichi tells himself that you are alright, that if you really were about to do it you would let the letter somewhere he or someone else could find it, not hide it between your belongings, still he needs to heard your voice, he need to make sure you are alright. When you finally pick up your phone and he is able to heard your voice Shuichi can finally calm down, like if a great weight would have been lifted from his shoulders, he tries to come up with a excuse and just tell you that he want to see you soon, not wanting to sound worried or anxious because he doesn't want to worry you
Shuichi will confront you almost immediatly but until you two see each other again, in the meantime he will going back and forth thinking in how he could approach this topic and trying to calm down, he can't let himself break down when he need to help you
When you finally meet again Shuichi has a serious expression, he can't help but be worried and he thinks it would be better if he is direct (at least a little), he makes sure that you two are in private, where you two can talk without problem and comfortable, and even before telling you about the letter he makes sure to tell you that he isn't mad at you or anything, he is just really worried
Shuichi start by telling you how it happened, how it actually was an accident that he found it before asking you why you wrote that letter and if you had really thought on ending with your life. Shuichi tries to stay calm because he wants to only focus on you, he wants for you to feel free to vent with him, he want for you to be able to express all what are you feeling but the more you talk about it the more he feels heartbroken and it reach a point where he can't hold back his tears anymore
Is okay if you start crying, Shuichi rather prefer this than you bottle it all, he can spend the rest of the day holding you and comforting you if that is what takes for you to feel a little better, Shuichi doesn't judge for what you feel but ask you to please go to him when you are feeling down, maybe he can't promise you a bright future but he swears to don't leave you alone
He won't suggest searching for profesional help until both of you are more calm, Shuichi is willing to beg you if you don't seem to want to search for help and promise to be by your side in every step, he will never leave you alone. As well he will ask for help to his friends not just about what to do but to show support to you too, he will be hesitant to tell them what happened if you don't want to, but at the end he will tell them (probably only to Kaito and Maki, since he knows he can trust them that they won't tell anyone else or judge you)
Shuichi will be keeping a close eye on you, paying a lot of attention to you behavior because he is afraid that you will do something to harm yourself, it isn't like he doesn't trust you is just that he is terrified of the idea of losing you. As well Shuichi will let aside his shyness just to show how much you mean to him by actions and words, either hugging you and kissing you more often or directly telling you that he love you and that you matter to him
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Rantaro Amami
Rantaro is always caring and affectionate towards you, he has no problem with expressing his love for you and, if you let him, he will always have at least one of his hands on you, touching you softly and lovingly. Rantaro is mostly calm and carefree but he is constantly looking after your well-being and he shows his worried on indirect ways most of the time, when he notice that you feel down he notice it almost imediatly and remember you that you have him by your side, you aren't alone
Rantaro isn't the type to just go and see through your belongings for no reason, it has to be because he needs/want something that is between your things or maybe he is just curious or worried for something, he makes sure to send you a text to tell you what he is going to do (ultimately he will apologize later if is something you don't like)
Rantaro come across the letter because it falls from your things or he find it and gets curious over it, Rantaro doesn't want to invade your privacy so the only reason of why he end up reading the letter is because he gets a really bad feeling over it or that he can see the content of the letter (or even just part of it), he doesn't exactly feel the right of doing it so he mentally tell himself to apologize to you later before starting to read the letter
It doesn't take him long before understanding what is about that letter and yet he can't apart his eyes from the letter, he doesn't want to, he want to finish to read the letter like if that would be a reasurance that this is actually real, that you had wrote it. When he finish it Rantaro takes a moment before cover his face in frustration and don't let the letter, he feels like he lose the strength of his legs and is about to fall anytime soon, he is trying really hard to calm himself down and don't get into a panic state, repeating to himself that you are still alive, if you were about to do it he would notice more hints and the letter won't be hidden
Rantaro knew you were feeling bad but he didn't though that you feel so bad that you would prefer to die and he feel frustrated for it, he should have noticed before, did he could have help you more? for how long you have been feeling like this? what would happen to you if he doesn't act soon? The thoughts of you suffering this much are bothering him and make him feel more frustrated with himself
Rantaro loves you with all his heart and wants the best for you, he knows that he can't protect you from sadness but this is so much deep, he doesn't want you to try to harm you, let alone kill yourself, he had already lost all his sisters he doesn't want to lose you too. Rantaro plans to confront you about this as soon as posible
Rantaro tries to contact you by your phone, either by text or a call, and tries to sound as calm as posible while telling you that he wants to see you, there is something he wants to talk with you, promising is nothing bad, he keeps to himself the letter so he can show it when you two talk. Rantaro makes y sure to greet you calmly and with a smile before asking you to sit down with him for a moment and finally show you the letter, he explain that he had found it out for accident but he had read it
Rantaro main is to let you vent about what it has been troubling you, about all are you feeling, all those thoughts and feelings that lead you to think on death as a posibility, and he express you that with a calm and comforting voice, he is heartbroken for all of this but right now you are more important and he will focus all his attention on helping you at the best of his habilities
Rantaro wants to hold you as you vent, is calming for him keeping you close while quietly comforting you as you vent, petting your head or caressing you back comfortingly, Rantaro doesn't say more than little hums to leave clear that he is listening or answering what you ask him, he talks until you are done and then he express how scare he was when he found the letter, how important you are to him and how he doesn't want to lose you, how he will be totally heartbroken if you go that way and that he will miss you every day of the rest of his life, and is until then, when he is expressing himself that tears start to fall from his eyes
Rantaro promise that he isn't mad at you or anything, just worried, he also ask you to please search for profesional help because that person will be able to help you more than he can and promise to don't let you alone, he will never leave you alone, he will be by your side in every step of the way
Rantaro will make sure to remember you more often how much he loves you and how important you are to him from now on
He won't tell the others about what happened with details and just say that you had some troubles if you prefer to keep it as a secret, but from his side he will talk to your friends, asking for support for you (specially if you still have problems to ask others for help)
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Kaito Momota
Kaito is pretty friendly and goofy, even a little idiotic sometimes, people can think that he doesn't usually take things seriously but he actually does, Kaito is more perseptive than he let see, whenever you are feeling more down he will notice it but doesn't say anything right away, he prefer to approach to you to try to cheer you up and remember you that you have Kaito Momota, luminary of the stars by your side, ready to support you and help you with everything before making clear that he had noticed your change in behavior (he probably already have an idea of why)
Kaito respect your personal space and time but he is kinda clingy and really affectionate so he doesn't have much problem with entering in you personal space. If Kaito looks through your belongings is because he needs something that he can't find yet, so it may be in your things (he isn't going to look on your things with malicious intentions, never, he trust you enough to even think that you share your secrets and important things with him)
Finding the letter was an accident, maybe it fall from the things he was searching on or he come across the letter, even if he were curious about the letter he won't dare to read it just because he wants to, so for him to read it is because the letter somehow seem suspicious or because he can see the content of it
He doesn't need to read complete the letter to fully understand what it is about, Kaito doesn't even finish to read it when he was already in his way to find you, he runs to search for you almost immediatly with your letter in hand, leaving your things thrown away, not having time to worry about that. Just by reading the letter he was worried but Kaito grows more and more desperate when he doesn't find you, he is frustrated to himself for not noticing that you were feeling THAT bad before and frustrated at you for not telling him nothing about this and thinking that death is the solution
When Kaito finally finds you he is immediatly storming towards you, for his expression he seems angry and he doesn't stop telling you things like how could you think on something so stupid like that! you can't just give up like that! and asking you why the hell you didn't tell him anything! For Kaito doesn't matter if there are people around or not you are more important, he doesn't stop until he finally reach you and when he does he just shut up and hug you, he hugs you as tight as he can, he doesn't say anything, not even if you ask him, he is shaking out of frustration and fear, right now he just need to feel you in his arms, he needs to make sure you are still here
It doesn't take him long for him to calm down, separating from the embrace he shows you the letter asking for an explanation, you to go somewhere you can talk calmly and before start explaining about the letter, Kaito apologize for how he acted moments ago, is just that he was so scare that you would actually do something to end your life
Kaito let you vent about how are you feeling but is constantly interrupting you by saying that you don't have to hide all of this from him, if you have problems you can go to him, he will never be bothered when you need help with something, even with the smallest and silliest things (you are his sidekick so you had to rely more in him too!), as well he insist that life is something very precious and you can just throw it away like that! If you feel like you can't continue anymore you can rely on him and in your friends!
After this incident Kaito will make you train with him, Shuichi and Maki with the excuse of become stronger, and he isn't going to take a no as response, also he will ask you to please search profesional help, he help you at the best of his habilities but a profesional will be able to help you more than him. Kaito won't force you to tell your friends about what you planned to do or the letter but ask you to please rely more on them, he is sure that all of them are willing to help you
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lewsnumerounofan · 7 months
party foul part 2 (jeremiah fisher x reader)
summary: so what if you're in love with your best friend jeremiah fisher? one drunk kiss won't change anything. right? (spoiler: it does)
notes: not biblically accurate conrad, kissing, smut, unprotected oops, somewhat public, 3k words, reader previously dated co**ad, angst/miscomm., not proof read at all
+ part 1
+ i fucking hate htis one its so bad i'm so sooryim gooo fuckjuhnbsorry oh my god and dw abt the header image!!!!!! it's okay!!!!!
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your phone hit voicemail again. it was the seventh time you’d tried calling jere, but still no luck. 
“maybe he’s staying at a friends place,” belly supplied, but she looked worried too. ever since you and jere had kissed the night before, he’d been mia. steven, you, conrad and belly had all taken turns trying to reach him with no success. at first it had been expected, but it was now rounding out on 24 hours since he’d left, and worry was starting to permeate amongst everyone. well, everyone except taylor. she wasn’t too worried about it. he’s probably just moping around feeling sorry for himself, she’d said. 
unfortunately, you couldn’t quite master taylor’s level of nonchalance. in fact, you felt awful. for a few minutes, everything had been perfect. you’d been kissing the boy of your dreams–the boy you were in love with. and then…
“yeah, he kinda checks out when he’s upset. he did the same thing after mom died.”
conrad, this time. him and nicole had just come back from driving through town trying to find him. you nodded, but a tightness was slinking into your chest. jere hadn’t ‘checked out’ after suzanna died. he’d called you, and together you’d talked for hours as he wandered the streets of boston. never before had he shut you out like this. it made you worried. more than worried; it made you feel scared.
“i think i’ll try him again, just in case,” you said. because you couldn’t not do something. because you were scared you’d messed things up permanently, because jeremiah had never, ever ignored your calls.
“okay, well i’m ordering pizza. jere disappearing or not, i’m fucking starving,” said taylor. she’d hopped off her place on the counter and now started flipping through the take out flyers stuck to the fridge. steven and belly sounded their agreement. 
“i can pick it up,” you offered, “it’ll give me a chance to go look for him too.”
you were out the door soon after, steven and taylor’s argument about whether pineapple belonged on pizza still lingering in the background. feeling a bit better now that you had something to do, you let the warm summer air breeze through your car windows. jere was out there somewhere, probably doing just fine. it’s not like he’d do something dumb or get himself hurt. if you were honest with yourself, he’d most likely just crashed at an old hook up’s house. there were plenty of those around in cousin’s, and they’d likely all enjoy having jere back. you tried not to think about it. 
the pizza place was a 20 minute drive from the fischer’s, and you took the long route along the beach. it was a perfect summer night: seagulls called off shore, the sunset lingered to the west, and couples lazily strolling back to their cars. it was the type of night jere loved.
you were a couple minutes early for your order, so you decided to make the most of it and join the sparse crowds decorating the beach. you pulled over and parked, grabbing a light sweater for the evening weather. 
amongst the waves and people’s quiet chatter, the beach possessed a lingering hum. it was a sound that accompanied many of your fondest childhood memories, and you took comfort in it’s familiarity and peacefulness. you couldn’t help but think of jere–think about what had passed between you last night, mostly. 
did you finally tell her you're in love with her? 
you hadn’t been able to get steven’s words out of your head. the thought of jere ever liking you was one thing, but love? it felt too good to be true. 
and besides, it’s not as though it would matter if you never even got to see jeremiah again. for the first time, you almost felt annoyed at his vanishing act. he’d left you confused and frustrated and wanting more.
just then, as if you’d conjured him yourself, you noticed jere on the beach before you. his curls were unmistakable–almost the same colour as the sand. his hands were tan and strong as he leaned back on them, sun-bleached bracelets wrapped around his wrists. you wanted to take a picture of him there. keep this precious moment of discovery and summer immortalised forever.
and then he turned around, blue eyes catching yours. 
you could see the moment worry set in by the tight line that furrowed over his brows. he started to rise from the sand and you moved towards him, carried by adrenaline and anger and a little bit of excitement. halfway down the beach you caught each other, but before you could speak jeremiah was shrugging past you.
“you shouldn’t have come.”
the waves and gulls seem to mock you then–the whole perfect august night laughed in your face as you stopped, stomach sinking. it took a few moments for his words to register, and a few more for you to whip around and catch up to him. he was almost past your car when you finally managed to grasp onto his sleeve. deja vu hit you hard enough that you almost stumbled. just last night this same action led to jere’s lips on yours, his mouth hot over your body. today’s jere must have seen the memory on your face because he scoffed, pulling back sharply.
“see? you can’t even think about what happened without looking disgusted,” he said. his voice was low but convicted. closed. you hated it. 
“jere, what are you talking about? you wouldn’t know anything about how i feel–you ran away last night and no one’s been able to contact you since,” you tried. he made an attempt to keep walking but you didn't let him, this time coming to stand between him and the road. ridiculous.
“no calls, no texts, nothing. do you have any idea how worried everyone has been?”
at this jere’s eyes blazed and he took a step forwards, letting his head lower as he spit the words into your face, “yeah, i’m sure you and conrad were just about worried sick huh.”
it took quite a lot of effort on your part not to roll your eyes. what was with this boy. had the kiss not been enough? did he really think, after all this time, conrad stood a chance?
“you’re such an idiot sometimes jere,” you said, regretting it as his chest shuddered under a heavy breath. 
he laughed and looked away. his eyes were bright in the dwindling sun, his jaw harsh as he fought to control himself. slight smudges under his eyes, extra tangled curls, slightly red eyes. now that you were up close, jere looked a mess. heart hurting you reached for him, wanting to smooth back the stray hair falling over his cheekbones. to smooth over this, over him, to let him know everything was alright. he caught your hand. even this, even his firm grasp on your skin, had your body lighting up. awakening in a way it only would for jere. 
“you sure know how to make it hurt. why can’t you just fuck off and we can pretend this never happened, okay?” he hissed, but you knew jere. the way he blinked more and the way his voice changed. “just- just please go home. it hurts me to look at you right now. it hurts.”
his voice broke and he dropped your hand. you couldn’t stand the look on his face. you didn’t let him turn away from you though. this was your boy, the boy you’d been in love with every day for a year. and you wouldn’t have him thinking otherwise.
your pulse raced as you said, “it’s you, jere. it’s you and it’s always been you. not conrad. and it would hurt me if you thought anything otherwise.”
he flinched at your words but there was something in his face that changed. something small, something that took you having to know how he breathed to notice. hope. 
“jere, look at me. look at me,” you said. and he did, his eyes wide and blue. the same eyes you dreamed of. 
“i love you. i love you, jere.”
you folded the words onto his lips as you kissed him. wrapped them in sugar and pressed them onto his mouth, begging him to understand. to see what had been obvious every night you’d called him, every time you’d hugged him, every time you’d smiled at his dimples.
“i love you.”
and then you couldn’t say anything else because he was cupping your jaw, tilting your face and running his tongue over your teeth. panting as he consumed your gasps. pulled the air from you. 
jere shuffled you back until the cool press of your car met your hips. under him and the way he kissed at your neck, you had no notion of what surrounded you. no idea of anything except the heat of his tongue against your throat. your ear. your lips. 
“up,” he mumbled. that was all the warning he gave before lifting you onto the hood of your car. the metal was cold beneath you but his hands were burning as they circled your thighs, coaxing your legs apart until he could press himself against you. 
he was so big in front of you. the wide span of his shoulders, the strong shape of his hands. he was kissing like he’d hurt if he didn't. you felt feverish, you felt elated. jere broke away enough to rest his forehead on yours, chest rising and catching.
“need you,” he said. his voice was tight.
“said i need you.”
you were incredulous at first, but jere didn't even bother to look embarrassed. his gaze was level with yours and you had to blush and look away.
“we could- i mean, we’ve got my car…”
he grinned as he pulled you down, and the giggle came before you can stop it. around the vehicle and into the back seats you were both trying to stop from laughing. it was such an encapsulation of being a teenager. of sneaking around and driving each other crazy and being in love. the feeling had you collapsing onto his lap as he pulled the door closed, huffing onto the tan skin of his neck.
“this is so stupid,” you said. the grin jere gave leaves you breathless. your fingers pressed over his smile, tracing the red line of his mouth. the car was warm and dark and protected. 
“you have no idea how long i’ve waited for this,” he said, “waited for you.”
you wanted to laugh again but his hands were pulling up your shirt. goosebumps followed the path of his thumb over your bra, under your bra; when he put his mouth on you you moaned. in this little space you’d made the sound was a feeling and jere grinded into you at its touch. focused as he toyed with you, painting your chest red and purple with his lips.
baby, baby, you were saying as strong hands held you close. even as you tried to pull away–push closer?–from the intensity of his kisses. of having his curly hair fall against your chest and stomach. of his eyelashes brushing over your collarbone. you molded your palm to the thick muscle of his shoulder, watching it shake as he took his time drawing you out.
“please, jere.”
he knew what you meant. off comes his shirt, crumpled on the ground beneath the drivers seat. outside the sun had set. gulls still called from offshore, quiet on the other side of the car’s window. 
neither of you bothered getting fully undressed. after struggling with both your pants, he tugged down his boxers enough and helped your trembling fingers pull aside your own underwear. he was whispering you’re sure? even as you raised up on both knees, murmuring in your ear until you had him notched inside you. 
except for your stuttering breaths, it went silent in the car. jere’s hands were at your back, gently gathering your hair into a loose ponytail. he was shaking too then. 
it almost doesn’t seem real–that moment. the press of warm, bare skin. that just days ago you were best friends, and hours ago you weren’t sure you’d have a relationship at all. and now you were here on top of him, having sex in your car at the beach. you wanted to laugh again, but you were seeing white as jere filled you.
you couldn't keep your head up. you were dizzy as you fell forward into his warm chest, taken over by the stretch of him, the perfect fit. he found his breath again, enough to murmur that you were taking him so well. that you felt so good. 
“jere,” you said as his hands found your hips. nodding, kissing the top of your head, he guided you forward and then back, transfixed as he watched where you two fit together. 
it was a tight fit in the car. you had to bend over him so as not to hit your head, and jere’s long legs pressed against the back of the front seat. you don’t care much though, not when you could grind down and watch him tense up, muscles in his neck tight. it should have be criminal to look that pretty. his hair, slightly damp from fucking, curled tighter around his temples. his eyelashes were long over his cheek bones as he tilted his head back, eyes closed. leaning down to lick his adam’s apple you listened to him groan.
“can’t believe ive been missing out on this,” he said. his voice was breathy and quiet and warm on your face and you drew even with him. you wanted to arch into his hands, to bend yourself around him until every piece of your skin was held by his. you felt crazy. 
talking to him like this, when he was still inside you, when you were riding him, made you clench. already you were aching for it. jere knew it too. he was watching you, watching the movement of your body and your face like it was a special act just for him. like you were beautiful.
“jere,” you said. it was just about the only word you can remember.
he shifted beneath you, one hand coming to map the side of your ribs, the other between your legs. the rhythm changed as he began to meet you with his hips, and every breath became hinged on a moan. the way he thumbed over your clit, the way he mouthed at your tits. control was slipping away from you. fast. 
the new angle was almost too much, and as jere buried deep you gasped. your body was liquid and you almost tipped backwards, grabbing at his shoulders. like a man possessed, jere didn’t even pause. his large hand gripped the front headrest above you as he laid you down over the armrest between the front two seats. 
lying prone and naked half in the front of your car, you realized something quite quickly. your back windows were tinted. the front ones most definitely were not. 
“someone could see, jere!” you said, attempting to lift yourself up. most beach-goers had cleared out after the sunset, but faintly you could still hear the sound of people playing in the surf. jere’s tan hand on your chest stopped you.
“we’d better be quick then.”
before you had time to try reasoning, jere was pushing back into you. unable to argue, unable to say anything, you found his hand and laced your fingers together. it was all you could cling to as he fucked into you, as the heat of his body spread over you. it was warm and close and dark and when you finished, together, he stopped breathing. just for a second. then, while your mind was still hazy he pulled you back onto his lap and kissed you. hard. 
holding you there, safe in his arms. at some point he found his sweater and pulled it over your head. warm against his chest, body and legs aching. he whined when you clenched, absently, around him. still pressed inside you. it’s funny so you giggled and he groaned again and threw his arm over his face.
“don’t do that,” he grit out.
“why not?”
you were teasing. his eyes found you, tongue already in cheek. you couldn't look away from his red mouth.
“because i’ll get hard again.”
it amazed you how ready you were at the possibility. your spine already straightening. you don’t think you’ll ever stop wanting him.
but, faintly, you heard your phone ring. it was beneath a pile of clothes and it was on the last ring when you finally managed to snag it. 
“hello?” you said. jere watched you lazily, still smiling. 
“hey, uh where are you?”
you pulled the phone from your ear. the caller id read conrad. shit. pizzas. you’d gotten a bit… distracted. jere caught the name too and though his expression faded slightly, his gaze remained on yours. you smiled at him and couldn't help but kiss him. quickly. 
“yeah sorry about that conrad. listen, bad news is the pizza might be a bit cold,” you could hear groans from the other end of the line, “but uh. good news is i’ve found jere.”
you didn't bother to listen to the response, instead you leaned up to the boy you loved. kissed over his cheek and his dumb grin.
“i found my jere.”
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cakexblankett · 4 months
Larissa Weems
"Come in."
I gently pushed open the doors of Weems's office. I was called in for an "urgent, private matter". I hoped it was nothing too serious, I would have hated seeing principal Weems angry or disappointed in me, although I was sure I didn't do anything wrong.
I was in my last year at the Nevermore academy, and I tried doing everything perfectly. I wasn't always like this, a perfectionist and a "nerd", always doing my homework on time and spending my time studying. No, at first, I was carefree and I scarcely studied. My grades went up considerably, and all because of her. At first, I just thought she was a woman like any others, so I didn't even bother looking at or listening to her. But when I started spending more of my time with her- I had to because of my grades; she offered to help me and give me private lessons to help me get a grip on the studying situation, I started falling for her.
She was an angel; sweet, caring, a motherly figure. But as time passed, all I wanted was to feel more of her touch. She often squeezed my hand or touched my shoulder, but I found myself wanting more. And I wanted to hear more of her voice, her laughter, her hums of approval. I cherished every moment I got to spend with her, which were scarce now that my grades went up.
I wanted to be the top student, just to see that spark in her eyes, to make her proud. To hear her say "good girl" with that velvety voice of her.
"Did you call for me?"
I said, walking towards her desk. She was lost in thought, I could tell. Her lips pursed, her eyes fixed on the fire that lightened the place. She nodded, looking away, moving her hand as to say to come closer.
"Yes, my darling. Please, take a seat."
I did as I was told, making myself comfortable on one of the red couches in front of her. She gave me a weak smile. She was worried about something, I couldn't bare to see her like that. I wanted to take all of her worries and stress away from her, make her calm and soothe her into a peaceful bliss, away from all the problems that plagued the world. She deserved to be happy, and I wanted to be the one to give her that.
"I suppose I owe you an explanation as to why you're here."
I looked at her, listening closely.
"An outside source told me there's an... unidentified creature, scurrying freely in the woods that surround this academy."
I nodded, making her understand that I was listening. She sighed.
"This creature is giving us problems, attacking our students and my fellow colleagues. We can't have that."
She stopped for a second, once more fixing her gaze on the only source of light in the room.
"I understand. I'm sorry to hear that, how can I help?"
She smiled softly, looking at me once again.
"I knew you would be willing to help."
I smirked, blushing a bit. I would be willing to do anything for her. She could have asked me to kill and I would have done it.
"We must go and search for this beast, and make sure it won't bother us anymore."
I pondered for a second her affirmation.
"How can we find it? The woods go for miles and miles, it could be anywhere. We aren't even sure it's in there, it could be hiding somewhere else and only come here to haunt."
"That's my clever girl."
I blushed, and a smile creeped on my face. I loved when she complimented me, I lived for her pet names.
"An unknown source made sure to inform me that they saw this beast come out of a cave."
I remembered the cave. It was situated deep in the woods. It was at least an hour far away from the academy.
"When will we go?"
I blinked. Now? But it was already late, almost night. It was dark outside, it could have been more dangerous than going in the day.
"I'm sorry but-"
"No buts. We have to take remedy to this matter as soon as possible, so we'll go now."
I nodded, thought swirling in my head. I had a bad feeling, like something tragic will happen. I tried not thinking about it.
"Go get a jacket and meet me at the entrance in fifteen minutes. Be sure to bring a flashlight as well."
I got up and left the room. Nothing bad will happen, Larissa was a skillful woman, she'll surely know how to defeat a beast. Nothing bad will happen.
I got to the entrance of the academy to see principal Weems waiting, looking in the dark distance. I quickly ran to her.
"Are you ready?"
I gulped. The feeling in my gut didn't leave. Something horrible is going to happen. I was tempted to tell her, to say to just go back inside and wait for the day, to ask more people to help her in her quest. But I just nodded.
"Let's haunt this monster then."
We made our way in the woods, the road dark and our feet unsure. The light of our flashlights didn't help one bit, the darkness too thick to see a thing.
My fear only grew stronger with each passing step we took.
"I was thinking..."
She hummed, making me continue my sentence.
"Maybe this is not a great idea. You know, going straight to the creature, offering it food- us."
Her eyebrows were furrowed, her eyes squinted.
"Too late for that now, darling."
Then she stopped in her tracks. I looked at her, then straight ahead. Before us, the cave.
My heart raced in my chest, but Larissa seemed completely fine. She didn't give off any emotion.
"Here we go."
She took my hand and squeezed it gently.
"We've got this."
I nodded, still unsure. We entered the cave, everything was pitch black. Darkness ungulfed us all, I couldn't even see my hands or my feet. Our flashlights failed us when we needed them the most. They started flickering, then nothing. I tried pressing the button to turn it on again but with no avail.
"Bloody Hell."
I heard the tall woman curse under her breath. I tried getting closer to her, maybe to feel more protected, maybe to not lose her, maybe because then I could protect her.
"Y/N, give me your hand."
I searched for her hand in the dark. When I found it, I squeezed it tightly, not planning to let go.
"There's nothing to worry about, I've got you now."
My eyes tried adjusting to my suroundings but I still couldn't see much. Then I saw them. Two yellow dots in front of us. I gulped, panick washing over me.
She pushed me behind her, our hands still intertwined.
We heard a growl coming from the depths of the cave. Fear was all I knew in that moment. Something horrible was going to happen. We had to escape, we had to run.
"Listen, I'm going to shapeshift, so you'll have to let go of my hand for a bit, ok?"
I didn't want to let go, but I did as I was told. I squinted me eyes, but all I could see were the two yellow dots looking at us. Then a scream.
I jumped in fright. That scream, was coming from a woman.
I whispered, stretching my arms in front of me, trying to grasp her.
I started shouting, walking more and more into the cave. After a while, my feet touched something. I crouched down, trying to understand what I stumbled upon.
Fright, worry, sadness. Those were the emotions I felt when I touched a familiar kind of fabric. The one Larissa's dresses were made of.
I took her under her armpits and dragged her out of the cave. Tears started running down my cheeks. That's not possible, she can't be... she can't be...
After some time, I felt chill air touching my wet cheeks. Panting and crying, I let her down slowly.
"Please... please, say something."
I gazed at her, trying to find a wound or anything that could indicate she was wounded. I took her face in my hands and looked at her closely. There were a few scratches here and there, but nothing too bad. Then I heard her laugh. I gazed at her in disbelief.
She opened her eyes and smiled at me.
"You sure are strong."
I started crying, letting out a shaky breath.
"Larissa! Are you... are you alright? I heard a scream, did it-"
She put a hand on my shoulder, and slowly got up.
"I'm alright, darling. I've got a few scratches, but nothing to worry about."
"But... the scream! I thought-"
"Yes, the scream. It was indeed me who screamed, but it was my plan all along, to play dead after stealing this."
She took something from her pocket and showed me. It was grey hair.
"The monster we are searching for is not a monster after all."
I smiled, gazing at the hair. Then I looked up at her.
"I thought I lost you..."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you."
I hugged her tightly, closing my eyes.
"Hush now, everything is alright, little one."
Tears still ran from my eyes, this time from relief.
She put a finger under my chin and made me look up at her.
"I hope you know that I won't ever ask you to do anything I would consider too dangerous."
"I know."
"I'm proud of you, Y/N."
She gave me a small smile.
"Come, we must go back to the academy."
"What about the werewolf? Isn't it dangerous?"
"I'm sure it's not. It probably transformed recently and doesn't know how to control itself. It will learn."
I nodded, following her. We made our way through the woods, all the way to the academy. I was happy the bad feeling turned out to be a false alarm.
"Go rest now, dove. I will see you tomorrow."
"Goodnight, principle Weems."
She smiled, then turned around and left. I remained there for a bit, following her with my gaze. I don't know what I would have done if I had lost her, luckily we will never know. I smiled to myself, and left.
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heavyhitterheaux · 8 months
“Last time you were sick like this you had bronchitis.”
You heard another barking cough from Jack and immediately cringed.
He had been working non stop in order to be at home with you as much as possible when Cash and Camden were born since they were due in about another two months or so.
He claimed that he wasn't sick and felt fine, but you knew otherwise.
Your husband liked to brush things under the rug and work through them even when he knew to slow down and take a break.
You found him upstairs in your shared bedroom and it seemed as if he was getting dressed to go somewhere, but you were immediately going to put a stop to it. Yesterday he snuck out the house so you couldn't stop him, but you weren't taking no for an answer today.
"Jackman, clothes off. Now."
"Wait, what? I already got you pregnant. But, you trying to do something else?" He said gesturing towards your protruding stomach while you rolled your eyes.
"I know you’re sick and don't feel good and you need to admit it. You aren't going anywhere."
"Baby, I'm not sick. I'm fine. I have to get this done before they get here." Jack said before going into a coughing fit and you simply crossed your arms.
Little did he know, you told Ivy to hide his keys because you were determined for him to rest.
“Last time you were sick like this you had bronchitis.” You quickly said and all he did was sigh.
"Baby, it wasn't even that bad!"
"Jack, you had to sleep sitting up and were coughing every three seconds."
"Okay so maybe I was a little sick."
"A little!? You were down for two weeks and I have a feeling that it will be worse this time because you keep pushing yourself and won't sit your ass down somewhere. I'm always worrying about you and our kids so please don't add to it." Jack's face immediately softened once he heard you say that and he quickly brought you into a hug and kissed the top of your head.
"Can I just go for one hour?"
You immediately groaned.
"Do I have to tie you to a chair to get you to sit still and just breathe for a second?"
"If you do that and then sit on my face we have a deal."
"For both of us to fall to the floor? No thanks. Now get comfortable while I make you food and you are NOT allowed to leave the bed."
"I'm pregnant and can move just fine because I know that was going to be the next thing to come out your mouth."
"I… seven months!"
"Well we have four babies who can run up and down the steps for me. Now… clothes off." You said while taking the bottom of his hoodie and attempting to pull it up over his head.
"And lay down."
"Are you going to lay with me?"
"Eventually, but you need to take the medicine that I'm about to bring you and the soup I'll make for you."
"Jackman Thomas. Don't argue with me."
"Yes ma'am."
Jack promptly slid off the rest of his clothes and got underneath the comforter as you then leaned down to kiss the top of his head.
"I love you and I want you to get better. We need you, but you also need to learn how to slow down. I've told you about that." You said while running a hand through his curls and he sighed.
"I love you too and I know."
Just then Ivy came yelling down the hallway.
She came into the room to see the both of you and all she did was look at you both with wide eyes.
All Jack did was give you a look and all you did was smile.
"Did I tell you how much I love you, smush?"
"Mm hmm, sure. Ivy, find my keys before Autumn goes joyriding in my jeep."
"Baby, she's 10."
"And? What's your point?"
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 Part 1: I hate you
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You hate how he acts, how he talks, how he treats you- like some dumb girl that's stupid enough to fall into his claws. But you're not that stupid. Or are you?
Tags/Warnings: mc hates kook, Angst, enemies to ???, past regrets, miscommunication, Fluff?, slow burn, sugar daddy Jungkook vibes, minor age gap, sexual thoughts, there's tension baby
Length: ~2k.
-> Masterlist
If Jungkook wasn't 5'10" and basically spending half his time awake at the gym, you'd definitely fight him. Slap him at least- but again, only if he wasn't tall enough for you to need a chair to reach him.
He just gets onto your nerves.
His attitude, the way he carries himself, the way he acts as if he's in control of the entire room, even if there's people in it that are twice his age. Nothing seems to ever bother him, nothing makes him angry, or upset, or anything- he always has that shit-eating smirk on his face, making him oh-so punchable in your opinion. He's so aware of his own charming nature and ability to sweet-talk anyone into doing what he wants them to, that it just feels utterly unfair to you. Sure, he's attractive- but only visually so, on the surface level. As soon as he opens his filthy mouth to talk and brag about all the different adventures he's already been on (inside the bedroom and in general), you just want to vomit.
He's a fuckboy, deserving to get his penis bitten off.
Okay, maybe that's a bit drastic- but he's just incredibly irritating to you. Mostly because you just don't know where you both stand; He tends to belittle you in an odd manner that makes you confused if he's being nice or teasing you, whether he's offering an insult or a compliment. And the worst of all is that whenever he does outright give you praise of any kind, which mostly happens very fleetingly so you almost don't notice it, you can't get it out of your head for days.
It sticks to you like gum.
You remember, for example, when he had simply called you a 'good girl' after you had caught his credit card as it had slipped out of his hands and tumbled underneath his car- a place he would've had a lot more trouble with reaching than you, considering the height difference between the two of you. This moment, the tone of his voice, the slight chuckle he'd given you, the brush of his fingers against yours - it had stayed with you for almost an entire week after it had happened.
You hate this. It's ridiculous.
Jungkook is the brother of your former best friend - the two of you back in school - inseparable, but with her moving out of the country to pursue her studies, you simply lost touch. Jungkook, however, stayed behind, obtaining a large share in a pretty successful company, smart decisions, and hard work having brought him into the position he is in today. He doesn't need to worry about money any longer, and he won't ever have to again if he plays things smart, It led to him deciding to invest into things he knows will retain value overtime, making him buy a high-end apartment in Seoul's prettiest neighborhood- which is why when a waterpipe had broken in your old apartment, he'd been your last hope of finding somewhere to stay for the time it would take to fix and renovate the damage, your own flimsy savings not enough to cover weeks of hotel costs. It had surprised him, you know that - but you also remember how surprisingly kind he'd been, always making sure that you were comfortable. But with that also came frustration - because sometimes he acts as if he's older by a lot more than is actually the case between you both. Sure, he's already almost thirty, putting almost six years between you both, but still. You're not a stupid girl, and he should stop treating you like one.
For some reason, that's why your hatred really keeps burning.
Maybe because he just belittles you at any chance he gets. He seemingly refuses to see you as a woman, always describes you as a little girl, never takes you seriously. That, combined with your not so small crush you've had on him ever since your school days, just simply doesn't mix well. You hate this.
You hate him.
And unbeknownst to you, it's mutual.
Jungkook fucking hates you too.
He hates how you flaunt your figure any chance you get, just like now, as you're sitting on his friend's couch next to himself, naked thighs on full display for everyone in the room to see, black shorts living up to their name by being disgustingly short in his opinion. He's also sure you've skipped a bra for the movie night this time- your slightly perked nipples pushing against the fabric of your baggy shirt, freely moving tits underneath the black item of clothing just begging for his touch it seems. You're always like this, as if to mock him with what he can never have for himself, completely immune to any of his advances that it just made him stop trying at this point. What's the use for his charms if they just make you laugh at him at the end of the day?
He hates you so fucking much.
Especially now, with you so comfortable next to him. It's like your dynamic has shifted over the past six months- mutual friends making you hang out more often than not, and while you'd been so deliciously shy and easily flustered around him before, nowadays, it feels like you've kicked him right into the friendzone, no joke of his getting under your skin any longer. He knows you think Jimin is kind of cute- but he didn't think that it was enough to make you move on from him this fast. Or maybe he had hoped it wouldn't.
He's aware of your crush on himself after all. He's been relishing in it for a long time, his career and the falling out of touch with his sister and you after she'd started her studies abroad the main cause of him never making his move. He'd been waiting, pushing it further and further and further in front of him instead of doing something.
And now? It feels like he's lost his chance.
"Gimme that-" You whine so cutely, leaning over his lap to grab the bag of peach snacks from Taehyung sitting on the floor, and yes, now Jungkook can be one hundred percent sure- you're definitely braless, softness of your chest flush against his thigh for a moment, warmth seeping through the fabric of his sweatpants and making him internally rip his hair out. He's glad he's got some good self-control under his belt, otherwise he'd surely pop a boner right here and now, embarrassing himself in front of his best friends and you as well. Or maybe you'd be impressed. Who knows. How much could you even take in terms of.. size?
But oh, it gets so much worse, because it has become your life's mission to just make him suffer it seems.
You now decide to simply lay over his lap now- body warm over his thighs while you swing your legs back and forth behind you, fluffy socks on your feet hitting your butt every now and then while you're talking to Taehyung about some mistakes in the movie's plot- though Jungkook himself is not listening, the rhythmic rocking of your body over his legs from your own movements too much to handle for a simple mortal like himself. All he can think about is how much he just wants to spank the living hell out of you right in this position- hand itching to just place itself palm flat over one cheek and just, squeeze until you yelp.
You'd make such cute noises, he just knows. He'd been getting those little teasers of them all the time, after all. How much would it take for him to make you scream? And how much further could he push you until you're just fucked too stupid to form any sounds at all?
That thought alone spirals out of control in his head as he's suddenly getting visions of you underneath him, hands bound to the bedpost and body flushed and wet with sweat while he pounds into you until you're bruised. He hopes you like it rough- because he's sure if he ever got his hands on you, he'd push you to your limits and maybe even beyond, his hand grabbing your hair while he'd make you gag on his cock until you cry.
"Move a little, I gotta use the bathroom." Jungkook grunts, careful but strong in his actions as he maneuvers you off his lap so he can escape for a second, or two, or maybe he just needs to leave entirely because fuck.
He hates this.
Every time he's got someone over to try and somehow fuck it out of his system, all he can see is you, and it's becoming a problem. It makes him suffer continuously, unable to cum if he doesn't think of you in any way- and it's embarrassing to admit to himself, no pleasure enough for him if his brain isn't allowed to connect you to it.
He doesn't know how long he can take this. He has to get out of here right fucking now- he can't just jerk off now because he knows how flushed he gets afterwards, there's simply no way he could ever hide that from anybody. Why do you have to even look like that tonight? Why can't you just leave him alone?
Well, that one's easy.
He wont let you.
It's like he's turning from the sadist into the masochist every time you're with him like this, the pain and torture he has to endure completely his own choice at the end of the day. He knows you're like this, it's nothing new to him- you feel comfortable and relaxed around him, and he likes that, he feels honored by it in a way, really. But it's also a terrible curse, when in times like these, he can't even slightly hope for some divine intervention to give him that k-drama worthy experience of mind-blowing emotional sex after a heartfelt confession of love. He won't get that, because those fucking idiots always seem to be there to ruin it for him.
And whenever he's alone with you, he pretty much forgets about it, as stupid as it sounds.
He likes taking you along to trips and travels he's got to go on; not only for the sake of company, but also because you deserve to see the world and experience those luxuries as well. He likes spoiling you, he enjoys taking care of you in any way you allow him to- and yet, it again bites his ass like an untrained dog because it makes him loose his initial goal completely. It falls out of sight every time, and looking back at it, maybe it's just karma. It's a higher power punishing him for being so goddamn stupid every time.
He slept in the same hotel room with you for fuck's sake. He helped you tie your hair one time, routinely takes off your jewelry whenever he takes you along to expensive dinners. All of those perfect moments to make a move- and yet he never does.
Probably never will.
"You heading out already?" Jimin asks as everyone now turns to look at him as he grabs his jacket and car keys, walking over to where you're stills prawled out on the couch before he grabs his phone.
"Yeah, forgot I have a meeting tomorrow early, sorry." He simply apologizes, before he makes a goodbye gesture and heads out, door closing behind him.
"Bullshit." You mumble more or less to yourself. "Fucking liar. He's got the day off." You complain, and Taehyung laughs.
"Why so mad about it?" He wonders, poking at your stomach. "Little baby already miss her dad-"
"Don't you fucking finish that sentence kim taehyung!" You instantly argue, tackling him on the floor to playfight him-
all while Jungkook questions his life choices s he reaches home himself. There's no way his fucking boner is still present even after the entire drive home- and it makes him have to come up with a plan. Maybe this really is just simply sexual frustration and nothing else. Maybe just screwing you will help him become able to move on with his life.
The only question now is; how does he get you under his spell?
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taggedmemes · 5 months
i heard what happened.
thank you for protecting the child.
we can risk violence here or face it for certain on the road.
a low thought, but i'd be lying if i said i hadn't considered it.
i'm not some murderer for hire.
to get these people to safety, there's nothing i won't do.
if your people survived that, they'll survive anything.
it's unusual for them to organize so cleverly.
you're equal to the task.
try not to keel over with the first blade drawn.
might not look it, but we're tough.
there's optimism and then there's stupid.
how are you going to take my gold if you're dead?
just leave the gold on my corpse.
i wish we could at least give them a proper burial.
gold ain't any use if you're too cold to spend it.
you're giving up?
you should leave it, or destroy it.
at best it's worthless. at worst, who knows.
do not trifle with that moon witch or her trinkets.
only trouble will follow.
we've enough troubles and burdens as it is.
perhaps you can sell that for a couple of coins.
i should pluck your eyes out.
a cursed book? how obvious.
this quarrel sours our feast.
be you friend or food?
am i not astonishing?
i am by all accounts a student of higher commerce and extortion.
it's not what it looks like, i swear.
i wasn't going to hurt you.
i can't believe i didn't see it.
i'm not some monster.
why didn't you tell me?
i needed you to trust me.
you can trust me.
do you think you could trust me just a little further?
let's make ourselves comfortable, shall we?
i was just swept up in the moment.
i'm looking forward to seeing you fight.
you're invigorating, but i need something more filling.
this is a gift, you know. i won't forget it.
good morning. how do you feel?
i just feel a little woozy.
i thought you'd be more powerful.
someone, or something, wants me alive.
as for my other quirks — well, we can figure those out in time.
i'm just glad you're being sensible about these revelations.
i was worried people might turn up with torches and pitchforks.
that explains the pallor.
we're each monsters in the making.
i taste absolutely awful.
we need him, like it or not.
we're bound together, no matter what comes.
you say all the right words, but i'm not so sure you mean the right things.
i will respect the decision that was made.
we're all friends again.
there's a long day ahead of us.
what a manner of place is this?
is this a path to redemption or a road to damnation?
your journey is just beginning.
what would suit the occasion?
i am [name], very much at your service.
if you want to threaten me, don't disguise it.
you're paranoid, aren't you.
must be the surroundings.
rather bleak and lonesome, one feels so exposed.
this quaint little scene is decidedly too middle-of-nowhere for me.
enjoy your supper. after all, i might be your last.
are these theatrics leading somewhere?
are you not entertained?
far be it from me to disappoint.
how dear is one's soul?
you're made if you think i'll make a deal with a devil.
what is madness but a denial of reality?
exhaust every possibility until none are left.
when hope has been whittled down to the very marrow of despair, that's when you'll come knocking on my door.
i'll have the last laugh in the end.
one might say you're a paragon of luck.
i've something important to discuss with you.
we've been travelling together for a while now and it's just about time that i shared something with you.
are you telling me you're addicted to magic?
i would not burden anyone other than myself with this were the stakes not so high.
if not out of the simple goodness of your heart, then perhaps your own self-interest might be sufficient motivation.
please, trust me.
your help could be the difference between life and death.
i'm afraid that's not going to work on me.
let us agree on actions first and explanations later.
i didn't come seeking battle.
you're different than the others, i can tell.
i'm afraid proper thanks must wait.
your boldness is a blessing.
it takes more than mere fire to break me.
i must ask again for your aid.
why entrust this to me?
i know him better than most.
i'm not interested in your lineage.
you shouldn't keep secrets like this from me.
he named me friend, and that meant the world.
they're a powerful friend with a keen interest in privacy.
i'm sworn to say no more.
i spent more time dueling than rubbing elbows with lords.
not to say i didn't develop a taste for good win and a talent for courtly dance.
it's been a badger's age since i've twinkled my toes.
a drunk ogre could put on a better show.
we can learn a lot from fairytales, don't you think?
he'll require of you only what you're least ready to part with, and then require more still.
the devil won't take just anything, he'll take everything.
that is a story reserved for lifetime friends and calmer days.
i question the wisdom in that decision but so be it.
there's no way you could have known.
i doubt a fight against them would go your way.
seems you have good survival instincts.
i go my own way — alone.
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Hello! May I get some headcanons for Honkai Star Rail (Caelus, Dan Heng, Welt, Jing Yuan, and Blade) for a shy!s/o who when they sing can manipulate the environment around them?
Usually, in combat, they hum very quietly as a boost, but when their alone and singing with their heart its as if the universe itself bends to their will? (Like if they're singing a song while feeling bittersweet and reminiscing on memories, projections of said memories will appear.) Essentially, the more that the song matches with the passion reader has with their performance ((humming -> singing (while still) -> full on preforming)) , the stronger the effect is, enough to influence (on a subconscious and concious level) and power boost an entire army to their desires.
The power comes at a cost of a decline in mental stability becoming depressively manic (think like no-self preservation, unhealthy-coping mechanisms, and crying while laughing hysterically) due to the exhaustion resulting from its strain. Due to its effects and the fact that the reader genuinely enjoys singing, they have extremely good control over these powers and only sing in front of people they trust or as a last resort to sway the tides in battle.
Thank you! :)
Hi 🪷Anon! Thank you for your request! This was a really cool concept! I haven't written for Blade before so hopefully I got his character right. I hope you like your headcanons!
Fandom: Honkai Star Rail
Characters: Caelus, Dan Heng, Welt Yang, Jing Yuan, Blade
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Caelus loves listening to his s/o sing. He knows the effect it can have on them so whenever they sing for him, he always makes sure to listen carefully and appreciate every second.
He also loves watching the projections that appear when his s/o is singing and reminiscing. At first, he was worried it was an invasion of privacy, especially if the memories are painful or deeply personal.
But his s/o has reassured him that if they’re singing those sort of songs with him around, they don’t mind him seeing those memories.
I see Caelus as someone who has a pretty decent voice so he’d love it if his s/o would teach him how to fine tune his singing so he can join in if he knows the tune.
Gets very concerned when his s/o is fighting and opens their mouth. Of course he’ll be there for them if they need to sing and their mental health takes a downhill turn as a result, but he would much prefer it if that didn’t happen.
He’ll do whatever he can in the moment to protect his s/o so they don’t need to sing in battle.
Really good at supporting his s/o during moments of bad mental health. He hates how helpless it makes him feel when they’re crying and laughing hysterically but he’ll sit beside them and provide them with whatever comfort he can.
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Dan Heng is a lot more cautious about his s/o using their power at all. He hates seeing his s/o's mental health drop after they exert a lot of power while singing so he has the mindset of it's better if they keep their singing to a minimum.
However, he won't force his s/o to stop singing. He knows they enjoy it and, as long as it doesn't hurt them, he likes listening to the hum while they're working.
Dan Heng can't deny that the archives feel more homely when his s/o is there with him, singing softly to themselves.
When in battle, Dan Heng will do his best to sway the tide before his s/o feels backed into a corner.
If his s/o does sing and their mental health drops as a result, he will take them somewhere quiet and stay with them as long as they need.
It hurts to see his s/o so depressively manic but he’ll stay by them. The last thing he wants is to make things worse but not giving them the support they need.
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Welt likes music. He’s got a lot of records and is always on the look for more. So he loves listening to his s/o sing.
He probably won’t join in, even though he probably has a decent voice. He much prefers listening to music than making it. He might be persuaded to dance with his s/o though…
However, as soon as it comes to battle, Welt is doing his best to make sure no singing comes out of his s/o.
He struggles to help people when they’re emotionally unstable so no matter how much he cares about his s/o, he finds it hard to be around them. And that makes him feel infinitely worse.
So to avoid the emotional pain it causes both Welt and his s/o, it’s easier if he just helps prevent his s/o from needing to use their powers.
If it’s unavoidable and his s/o’s mental health does take a sharp downhill turn, Welt will be there for them of course but he needs to sneak out sometimes under the pretence of making sure the Star Rail is still on course.
He needs a moment to compose himself.
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Jing Yuan can't help but think about the many ways his s/o's ability could be beneficial in battle the moment he finds out about it.
As soon as he finds out about the side effects though, he's going to do everything in his power to prevent them from putting themselves in that position again.
Another one who loves listening to his s/o sing. He'll probably fall asleep if it's a relaxing tune. If he doesn’t immediately fall asleep and he knows the song, he might hum along. He’s always careful not to drown out his s/o’s singing though.
Those are the best sleeps he's had in years.
In battle, Jing Yuan trusts him s/o to do what they think is right in the moment. Unlike the others, he won’t go out of his way to prevent them from using their powers.
That’s not to say he doesn’t care! Certainly not. When his s/o is suffering the negative effects of their powers, Jing Yuan is there for them every step of the way. He just trusts them to make their own decisions.
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Blade seems indifferent about his s/o’s singing and he’s showing no signs of changing that tendency any time soon.
But deep down, he can’t imagine anything he likes more than their voice. The underlying understanding of trust and comfort is just as beautiful as the music itself.
To even be in a relationship, Blade would have to have a very deep and strong connection with the other person. So he’s glad those feelings are reciprocated.
He also finds the projections captivating. If his s/o looks away from the projections and spares him a glance, they’ll see that he’s completely absorbed in the images. If he gets called out though, he’ll deny it.
In battle, Blade trusts his s/o. Whether they use their powers or not, he believes they will do whatever they need to in the moment to make sure they survive.
In moments of bad mental health, Blade will just keep his s/o company. He’s not great with emotions, especially soft ones. But he’ll do what he can for the person he loves.
Hey, did you enjoy this? If you like my writing, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi page! This will allow me to make some money off my writing, something I enjoy doing.
Important Note: Please only donate if you are financially able to. If you are currently in a position where you can't donate, a like, comment, or reblog will mean just as much.
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ssentimentals · 1 year
hoshi + studying
he is trying not to sulk, really. soonyoung is not a patient person by nature, but he tries his best because he knows better than to disturb you during your exams week. and he's not selfish, he understands how important all of this is to you but he can't help it, he misses you. soonyoung even drafted a complaint to your university, in which he explicitly states how stupid it is to put all exams in one week because the only result of this decision is a bunch of dead to the outside world students who turn into hermits for that period of time. anyway, point is - he misses you and he is genuinely worried, staring at your hunched back.
you've been stuck in this curled up in a ball position on the chair for at least two hours and soonyoung is not sure that you moved at all. he appreciated your attempts of giving him some attention but all of them were half-hearted and he's getting really worried over your own mental health at the moment. that's why he steps closer, making some noise on purpose so he won't startle you. 'baby?' he calls and when you don't react, he repeats but louder this time: 'baby?'
'hm?' you look up from your textbook, distracted. 'yes?'
'do you want to take a break? we can eat or watch something,' he suggests and frowns when you shake your head. 'you've been at it for god knows how long, i think it would do you good-'
'it's an important exam, soonyoung,' you interrupt, sounding as tired as you feel. 'i already had a lunch break-'
'which was five hours ago,' this time soonyoung interrupts. 'you need a break and i'm not taking 'no' for an answer.' he gently, with all the care in the world, takes your hands in his. 'let's cuddle, yeah?'
you blink at him. 'i will fall asleep.'
soonyoung secretly hopes that this exactly what's going to happen but to you he says: 'i will set an alarm.'
you obviously don't trust him but he leans in and starts peppering your face with kisses, winning you over in the end. 'ugh, fine!' you exclaim, shutting down your laptop at the sound of soonyoung cheering. 'just 30 minutes, okay?'
he nods, overjoyed. in few minutes he arranges both of you in the comfortable position on the sofa and makes sure to tuck your always cold feet in, cooing at your distorted face. 'is it weird that i still find you hot?' he asks, pressing a kiss on your forehead.
you grimace, opening your eyes. 'really, soonyoung? right now?'
'yep.' he confirms, grinning at your dramatic eye roll. 'now let me cuddle you properly.'
he smiles when you sigh in satisfaction as he tightens his hold around you. burying your face somewhere in his neck, your breathing slows down and soonyoung drops few kisses on top of your head, caressing your back. 'you are doing such a great job,' he whispers, knowing that you hear him very well. 'studying so hard, i'm sure you'll get the best scores.' he feels how you tensed up and sighs, kissing you once more. 'let it go, honey. you did your best, you continue to do your best, you're doing all that you can. i'm so proud of you.'
there's a small whimper and he pretends he didn't hear it so you won't be embarrassed. you ball up his hoodie in your fists and his heart breaks a little, because he can't do anything here, can't help; only can show that he is here for you. 'can i kiss you? i kiss better than i talk, i promise.'
you giggle at this and he smiles, hugging you tighter. looking up, you smile at him, cutely scrunching up your nose. 'you talk pretty good too.' you lean closer and he instantly indulges you with a sweet kiss. 'thank you.'
'i love you,' he says easily, making you smile. 'nothing to thank me for.'
'you set up an alarm, right?' you ask before closing your eyes.
'mhm.' he nods and with the last kiss on your head, closes his eyes too.
a/n: everyone, exams are important, but so is your physical and mental health. take care of yourselves! - nini
link to my other works is here, my tag list: @pearlygraysky @woozionascooter @jaetaimjadore @yeow6n @smalliechelle
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flightfoot · 11 months
So I have no idea how asks work, I hope o am doing the right thing.
Sooooo any miraculous fan fiction suggestion? Maybe something chloe focused? Because I am basically running out of fic about that on ao3,butaybe maybe maybe you can help me? Thank you!!!!!!!!!!(oh and thank you even if you don't aswer oh and sorry if I am disturbing you!!!!!)
Have a nice day :)
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I'm happy to help! I read a crapton of Miraculous fics so I can help. I'm glad you specified Chloe fics because well, I need something to go off of.
Oh yeah, it probably goes without saying if you know me at all, but none of these fics will demonize Alya, Adrien, the class, any of that sort. I don't tolerate those fics.
So first of all, @generalluxun really likes to write Chloe fics, so looking through his AO3 page is probably a good idea. I Won't Let You, which is a one-shot of Felix and Chloe talking at the Hawkmoth defeat party, empathizing with each other's circumstances, is a particular favorite of mine, if you want a taste.
Now onto the rest of the fic recs!
well somewhere along the way our words I must've gotten lost by @noirshitsuji
Beelya where Queen Bee visits the Césaire house after Alya writes an article about her fighting Mr. Pigeon alone. Normally Chloé would like the publicity but Alya had titled it ‘The Birds and the Bees’. After that she ends up coming back to complain about her mother. And her father. And about the fact that her oldest friend seems uncomfortable around her. Her visits becomes weekly, then almost nightly. (Don’t forget to include Chloé redemption (and some “Bee Movie” jokes).) * Alya isn’t quite sure how she ended up here, in a place where she isn’t even surprised Chloé would seek her out to talk about her dad, where she wouldn’t even mind her doing so, where she would expect it, where she would– (–thud. She might be in trouble.)
I loved seeing Alya's and Chloe's relationship grow and change through the years here, becoming closer and trusting each other more!
Can't Sleep Either, Huh? by EmeraldButterfly
Chloe gets up late at night. Turns out she’s not the only one who’s worried about Pollen. (AU where former Miraculous holders have an empathetic link with their kwamis)
This one's really short, but I love Zoe and Chloe comforting each other, since they can both feel what Pollen's going through at Monarch's hands over the link.
at our wedding by @anna-scribbles
“Chloé,” Adrien said slowly, “At our wedding, are we gonna have to…” “No!” Chloé shook her head firmly. “We don’t have to kiss. We can do whatever we want. It’s our wedding.” “Oh, good,” Adrien sighed. “You have to kiss at a wedding,” Félix argued. “I don’t have to do anything and you’re not the boss of me!” Chloé shouted. “Yeah!” Adrien grinned. He grabbed Chloé’s hand again. “Yeah, it’s our wedding.” // Adrien and Chloé, wedding planning through the years.
This one's great for seeing how Adrien's and Chloe's relationship in particular has changed over the years, though Felix is involved a lot as well.
Restorative Justice by @kasienda
Chloé has never been a fan of Ms. Bustier’s community building activities. In fact, she detests them. She doesn’t want to learn about the drab boring lives of her peers. And she absolutely can’t stand it when their confessions make her feel things. Feelings that she doesn’t even have names for. But when Adrien unknowingly shares his struggles with his double life, Chloé vows she will do anything to get Ladybug to set things right. Even if it means pissing off the heroine. Chloé was already mad at her anyway.
I love this, everyone sits down in a circle and talks about their feelings and problems and work on making things BETTER, on healing and fixing things.
This last one is a special treat, it's one of the best Miraculous fics I've ever read (and that is saying a LOT).
Hold Me By Both Hands by @angelofthequeers
“I know he said never to take you back,” Plagg mutters. “But he’d change his tune if he knew.” He looks Adrien straight in the eye and, more serious than Adrien’s ever seen him before, says, “There’s someone you gotta meet. He’s been looking for that book for ages.” How differently might the events of season 2 have gone if Adrien had also known of Master Fu from the start?
This is a rewrite of seasons 2 and 3, with Lila being active and sneakier, Adrien not being left in the dark, and everyone talking things out a lot more. I ADORE the interweaving plot threads of this fic, it's fairly episodic in nature and it packs a lot into its word count.
The single best plotline it has, and the one that shoots it up to the top of my list of best ML fics, is its Chloe Redemption plotline.
Basically, Adrien says he won't be friends with Chloe unless she starts treating people decently, and so, taking this to heart, she goes looking for help in learning how to do that because well, she doesn't want to lose Adrien. So naturally, she goes to Marinette.
Marinette helps, but there are no shortcuts here. If you've seen The Good Place, Chloe's character arc here is a lot like Eleanor's was there, with her not only needing to learn how to be nicer to people, but t find reasons to WANT to be a better person, outside of simply wanting to avoid a bad outcome. I literally wrote an essay about Chloe's character development in this fic, THAT'S how much I loved it.
Anyway, seriously, check this fic out!
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writtenjewels · 6 months
Partner part 4
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Jason leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, waiting impatiently for Salim to wake up. Jason wasn't a morning person by nature, but he'd been too restless to sleep last night. The knowledge that Salim would get up soon was all that kept Jason from pacing the space.
It was only his second day here and Jason was nearly crawling up the walls. He needed something to do. Salim probably thought he was doing Jason a favor by giving him so much free rein; what Jason would prefer was some sort of direction. Today promised to be a good start.
Salim finally got out of bed. He padded around his room—Jason was quick to look away when the man started to dress—and then made his way over to Jason's room. He looked a little startled to see Jason already awake and waiting for him.
“Good morning.”
“Hey,” Jason nodded back. “You ever try grits?”
“I'm not sure what that is,” Salim admitted. His eyes darted curiously over Jason. “You already dressed and bathed?”
“Uh, yeah.” He actually showered, and he did it late last night. Jason hoped the hot water would relax him enough to sleep, but it somehow had the opposite effect. As for the clothes, they were brought in from his house by Salim's servants. The plain shirts and trousers were more Jason's style than the fancy stuff available in the palace.
“So what are grits?” Salim prompted him. “Is it the 'weird shit' you promised?”
“You shouldn't sound so excited to eat weird shit,” Jason teased him. Salim responded with a smile. The guy really looked nice when he smiled. Jason let out a cough to cut through the awkward feeling building inside him. “Grits are ground corn in milk,” he explained.
“That doesn't sound too weird,” Salim decided. “It'll at least be less messy than the Sloppy Joes.” His eyes twinkled in a clear hint he was teasing. Jason had to bite his lip to keep from smiling. “Have you decided what you want to do today?” Salim asked, gesturing for Jason to sit with him.
“I figured I'd keep ya company.” Jason spoke the words casually, punctuating with a shrug. Salim's eyes brightened and his smile grew wide. Jason's lips twitched up to match.
“We'll be holding hands when we're out,” Salim reminded him. He took Jason's hand as demonstration. The grip was unexpectedly strong and calloused. Salim leaned forward, the teasing gleam returning to his eyes. “But don't worry: I won't cuddle you. I have to draw the line somewhere.” Jason let out a soft snort and gently pushed the man away.
The two chatted as they ate breakfast. Jason found he liked talking to Salim and kept trying to say things that would make the other man smile. Salim, in turn, peppered their conversation with stupid jokes.
Jason almost didn't want the moment to end. But neither did he want to stay cooped up in the palace all day, so once the meal was cleared away he followed Salim into town. The moment they were outside, Salim clasped Jason's hand. Their fingers threaded together and Salim squeezed. The last time Jason held hands with anyone, he was probably seven or eight. It was a little odd doing it now.
The two of them went around like that all day. Jason mostly stayed quiet, watching Salim interact with the people. Inevitably someone would ask, “Who is this?” Salim squeezed Jason's hand every time and smiled. “My new life partner,” he answered. It was weird the first few times, but eventually Jason got used to it.
And he got used to feeling Salim's hand. Everyone they came across thought it was a sign of intimacy, but to Jason it felt like something else. It was comfort, assurance, security. He gave Salim's hand gentle little tugs and squeezes whenever the man needed a boost. I'm here, he said with every squeeze of his hand. Salim shot him a quick look and the smile returned to his face.
It was late when they finally returned to the palace. Salim lifted Jason's hand but seemed to second-guess whatever he intended to do, and let it drop.
“That wasn't too bad, I hope?” Something about that phrasing bothered Jason.
“It was okay.”
“I won't ask you to do that often, I promise.”
“I said it was okay,” Jason snapped, the words coming out harsh.
“All right.” Some emotion flickered on Salim's face but he turned his head before Jason could understand it. “I'm going to spend some time in the garden,” Salim announced. “Have a good night.”
“Okay.” Jason didn't know what else to say. His emotions were in a confused jumble. He tried to shake himself out of it. He was only here to get away from his shitty life; he only stayed so Salim wouldn't be bothered by the matchmaker anymore. There was nothing more to it.
So why did he feel so empty now that Salim's hand was no longer holding his?
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