#which i'm very sorry about i tried my best to explain some of these terms but i can't really pause every few seconds
triple1st · 6 months
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the gallifreyan chapterhouse to which romana belongs is somewhat unclear, while the gallifrey audio series (a primary source which informs several key events within romana’s life & how i characterize her) unanimously agrees that she is from the house of heartshaven, it maintains a relation with house (of) dvora, romana openly referring to herself as : “ the inheritor of the house of dvora & the custodian of the house of everston . ” certain gallifreyans in the expanded universe also retain their chapterhouse in their full name, such as quences .  leela was also given a gallifreyan name containing her husband andred's chapterhouse, who belonged to the house of redlooms in the novels, later retconned to the house of deeptree in the audio series .  as such & in keeping with the history of house dvora throughout faction paradox, i've combined romana’s houses of origin into a single backstory .
romanadvoratrelundar was loomed as one of 20 cousins of house dvora, the house of devouring hounds, one of the oldest newblood houses of the prydonian chapter (newblood, essentially, refers to gallifreyans loomed utilizing an updated version of the universal biodata imprint which all looms on gallifrey draw from in order to weave new gallifreyans .  they possess a secondary heart & better control of their regeneration, something romana displays expertly in destiny of the daleks . every couple of centuries, this universal biodata imprint is updated with new genetic information drawn from the matrix as a way to replicate the natural evolutionary process undergone by every other living species, as all gallifreyans are sterile & thus any natural process is forcibly recreated mechanically using rassilon’s gift of technology) .  house dvora was among the most prideful & powerful chapterhouses in the prydonian academy .  it had, for generations now, ruthlessly & efficiently trained its 'children' for the roles of high office within the capitol .  it was infamous for the steel & ice present within the hearts of its members, a result of their upbringing .  impenetrable  ironic & sharp around the edges, all of house dvora’s cousins strove to achieve great things, obtain the unimaginable power granted by gallifrey’s highest office all to make house dvora & their kithriarch proud .
romana was no different, not at first, she was loomed in the generation following morbius, the last successor of house dvora who went on to become lord president of the high council of time lords, only a few years into his presidency .  she shined brightly among her cousins, commanding, beautiful, smart, endless potential following in her path .  romana was considered by the house kithriarch (the head of the household, its caretaker, responsible for the social well-being of each family member) to be dvora’s finest, the only cousin of twenty who would bring great pride to the house & become everything it wanted of her .  however, romana never felt the pride house dvora took in her .  much like her cousins, she was kept under strict expectations, monitored by her mechanical caretakers, pushed to her limits by the voices trapped within the walls of the house, whispering of the great legacy of her ancestors & their disappointment should she ever disobey .  house dvora’s treatment would only worsen when romana showed a streak of compassion for her fellow cousins, helping them out on one of many brain-buffing (teaching, essentially) exercises .  such things are unbecoming of members of house dvora .  like all gallifreyans, they are taught the values of selfishness, to seek only their own interests first & to curb those interests in relation to the house itself .  romana’s behavior was considered a malfunction of the house loom, an error of birth & something the house kithriarch would take personal responsibility to fix .
fortunately, he never got the chace, as this coincided with the imperator crisis, lord president morbius showing his true nature, putting gallifrey on a warpath with the rest of the universe & overthrowing its anti-interventionist policy .  upon his defeat by the alliance formed by the high council & his subsequent trial & execution by the sisterhood of karn, house dvora would devour itself in shame .  shame to have produced such a warmongering tyrant, shame to have brought disaster & ruin to gallifrey, shame to have had its name tarnished by one of its star pupils . romana, along with any surviving cousins who were not present within the walls of their house as it collapsed in on itself, were taken by the prydonian chapter castellan & dispersed among other surviving chapterhouses .  she became a foundling of the house of heartshaven, one of 35 cousins, & her memories of house dvora were lost when her brain-buffing was readjusted for her new home .  heartshaven was a lesser known house whose members became archivists, officials of more mundane offices, keepers of the matrix & even chancellery guards .  she spent a total of fifty years within the walls of heartshaven, only twenty or so within dvora, still the brightest star among her cousins, with her only surviving memories of house dvora being of the cold breeze that passed through its halls, bitting into her skin, knowing it was the house itself trying to make her feel small .  the harsh voice of its kithriarch, the thunder & fury that followed it, the house slamming doors in its wake .  heartshaven, by comparison, was infinitely warmer .  a candle-lit fire, minuscule & never quite enough on its own, but much greater by contrast .  it was through heartshaven that romana later found work as an archivist in the bureau of ancient records, a library within the capitol which kept volumes of gallifreyan history dating back to the dark times .
the legacy of house dvora would follow romana into the prydonian academy & into the early days of her presidency . the reputation of dvora’s cousins as cold & untouchable landing her the nickname of 'the ice maiden' (probably less gendered in the original gallifreyan language, given that in the expanded universe gallifreyans are generally portrayed to be either genderless or ambiguous) .  she would try disprove these notions, rebel against them, befriend her classmates, sartia among them whom romana considered her best friend only to realize sartia's hatred for her upon being reunited during her travels with the doctor . she found that the time lord academy itself encouraged her to curb her compassion, fend only for herself as to survive as the sole victor among its pupils .  it would only be upon her travels with the doctor that romana’s compassion & care would be allowed to bloom, gifted another perspective beyond that of rigid gallifreyan socialization .  it was a perspective she would later want to impart upon her fellow time lords, wanting them to see the universe as she does, not just coldly observe but to covet & care for all that which gallifrey deems beneath itself & why when she returned to her home planet, romana found herself a seat on the high council & ascended to the office of lord president . though she would never admit it, having travelled with the doctor certainly helped her political prospects, given he left the presidency vacant on multiple occasions despite the time lords insisting upon it . through assassination plots, bids for immortality & one brief stint in office the doctor was unwilling to fulfill his duties, he proved he could never be trusted . who better then than a time lord that had been his travelling companion ?
her enemies in the high council, however, insisted upon romana's inheritance as an argument against her inauguration . that the malfunction in the breeding engines that led to morbius' ascendancy meant all of house dvora's children were tainted & to allow any one of its survivors his power would be tantamount to suicide . though other more conservative elements within the capitol considered the prospect of romana's presidency a return to form, despite the risk that morbius' legacy lives on within her . he understood the power gallifrey held over the universe . at every step of the electoral process romana stressed that she was more of heartshaven than dvora, that everything house dvora represented died when the house sunk into the ground in shame & anguish & that she was defined by her adoptive house more than anything . it's what she wanted to believe, of course, that she was no tyrant & nothing of morbius survived through her or any other of dvora's lost children, but it was never the imperator romana should have feared . morbius lived on through history, through his cult & its adherents, pandora was erased from time itself & she would come to define the first term of romana's presidency, plunging gallifrey into a second civil war .
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lowkeyremi · 8 months
Double Trouble timeskip!hinata x reader
note: i wanted to expand on shoyo as a dad
CW: past pregnancy, children, twins, established relationship
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"I don't wan' the blue one daddy, I wan' da one Mia has." Nia whines when her father tries to give her the blue tube of yogurt.
"I'm sorry baby, but sissy got the last red one." Shoyo explains to her softly. It doesn't soften the blow though, her face starts to scrunch up.
"Don't cry honey, the blue one is really good! Yummy yum!" Your little munchkin starts to sniffle, "Here go, sissy, you have da red one."
Mia is such a kind little girl, sharing with her twin. Shoyo thought having twins would be chaotic because of how the Miya twins are with one another, but so far it hasn't been that bad. They are only four though, it might get worse when they get a little older.
"Thank you sissy." Nia says with a smile as she trades yogurts with her sister.
"Well, I'm glad that worked out." The girls look up at their dad, big doe eyes, one pair filled to the brim with tears the other pair glowing.
Nia wipes away her tears with her chubby little hand. Hinata follows his little girls to the table. He's on daddy duty today while you're out on a three day business trip. Hinata was going to call the sitter but she's had the flu for the past couple of days, which in terms could affect the girls and maybe just make her feel worse.
As devoted as the man is to his work, he took off those three days because he has enough sick days to do so. Taking time off of work for the children is one of the many sacrifices he makes for deciding to have kids.
"I think mama will be kinda mad I didn't take you guys to daycare today." In his defense, he woke up late, and not just a few minutes kind of late. Two hours, kind of late. It's easier for him to call daycare and say his girls were sick rather than explain that he was unprepared, so that's what he did.
"Ms. Momoko gonna call mama, right?" Mia asks. The yogurt tube is almost empty. She's a fast eater just like her papa.
"Huh? What?!" Your poor husband doesn't even get time to think out an excuse, you're calling him right now.
"Crap." He picks up your call.
"Hey darling." His voice is suave. Best to soften the blow with his sexy voice. His girls giggle at his voice deepening.
"Hey Sho, are the girls alright? I knew something was going around at daycare and Nia seemed a little bit sniffly before I left." The worry in your voice calms Hinata. Luckily you haven't caught on.
"Yeah, they're in bed right now. Do we have any canned soup?" The girls look at him. They give him that face little kids give when you're lying.
"I think there should be some miso in the fridge, heat it up for them, okay?" He nods forgetting you can't actually see him.
"Of course, I'll make clear soup for them." Nia walks up to her father, "I wanna talk to mama!"
Hinata chuckles hesitantly, "What are you doing out of bed little girl?"
You coo softly at Nia when Hinata hands her the phone. He's trying to mouth to her to keep quiet about not being sick, but of course, with her only being four she doesn't get it.
"You feeling okay, baby?" A small fake cough escapes Nia's throat. Hinata hopes you don't hear how fake that was.
"My thoat hurt, but daddy takin care of us." She whines.
"Aww your throat? You're so cute. Mama hopes you feel better, is Mia close by or is she sleeping?" Nia hands the phone over to Mia, "Nia, you still there, honey?"
"Hi mama." Mia has a silky voice which causes you to once again be in awe of the the cute little girls that were once in your womb.
"Hi Mia, Mama misses you." She smiles brightly at your voice. Both of the girls are infatuated with you. When they first started walking they would not ever leave your side. Not even to use the bathroom.
"I miss you more. My thoat hurts too, but I be okay." You find it adorable how your girls comfort you.
"I hope you get better, baby girl. I love you very much. Can I talk to daddy?" She lets out a small hum. Your husband once again has the phone.
"Okay baby, gotta go. The girls need their soup." You quickly notice how he's in a rush to get off of the phone with you.
"I have to get back to work, call you later?"
"Of course, I love you." The sincerity of his voice always gets to you. Shoyo is always so understanding and quick to help. It's one of the many things you love about him.
"Love you too." He says his goodbyes and you say yours. Hinata never hangs up on you, so you always have to do it.
"That was a close one. Good acting girls." The ginger sticks out his hand for them to high five.
"My thoat rweally do hurt." They say at the same time.
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demonpiratehuntress · 4 months
Hii this might be an odd request. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like to write.
You know, straw hats have doctor, cook, swardsman, navigator,... Can you add another one who do mathematical, physics and chemistry stuff? If you can please make her a female.
She is not a genius. More like an average person. But she tries so hard. Sometime get lazy and unproductive too.
And if you can please make it a Ace x reader fic.
Thank you.
sure thing! :) it's not very long, because I don't know what else they can do in terms of those things, but i hope you still enjoy it! sorry for the wait!
taglist - @kabloswrld
someone's gotta do it
Portgas D. Ace x F!Reader
summary - the ask above
warnings - none
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The Straw Hat crew wasn't very big, but it was certainly diverse. You guys had everything ranging from a navigator to a musician, so there were a lot of areas of expertise that were covered. All except for three, you supposed, which was constantly the downfall of the crew in certain situations.
A mathematician was needed, a chemist was needed and a physicist was needed.
You weren't exactly an expert in any of those areas, but you were doing your best to try and make up for those losses. You were doing your best to fill in those roles where absolutely necessary, so it wouldn't cost the crew as much anymore.
You had lots of duties to fill in these areas. You studied the log pose to determine exactly how it worked, marveling at the discovery of geomagnetism and excitedly explaining to the crew how it worked. This helped to better understand navigation in the Grand Line, and you felt useful providing that knowledge.
These duties also included setting a budget for the crew's spending on groceries and necessities, as you had to add up and subtract things you needed and things you didn't. Sometimes it was a hassle, because Luffy kept trying to add things that you absolutely did not need or even want.
"But it looks cool!"
"Luffy! Do you know how far that'll set us back in terms of berries!" You cried in exasperation, knocking your captain on the head. Oh no, you were starting to sound like Nami.
Speaking of Nami, you could also help her with her charts and her navigation. With mathematics, you could assist in charting courses that you've been on, and calculate the exact speed and distance the Sunny would require to get to certain places or away from danger. It was quite useful for that, as you could also determine how long it would take to get to a certain destination. Well, to the best of your ability seeing as this was the Grand Line after all.
"She's new."
An unfamiliar voice met your ears when you stepped out of your room to find the others out on deck, surrounding an unfamiliar man. He looked a bit like Luffy, but with freckles on his cheeks and a cowboy hat on his head.
That and he was shirtless.
You tried your hardest not to stare, blushing madly as you immediately thought that this was a really attractive man. You didn't know who he was, but you were attracted to him.
"Our mathem-mathe-maps?" Luffy tried, unable to pronounce the word.
You giggled and stepped forward, holding out your hand, "I'm (Name), the newest member. I do all the mathematics, physics and chemistry around here. Or, at least, I try my best."
The man grinned and shook your hand, "Nice to meet you! I'm Ace, Luffy's brother."
Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped, "Luffy's...brother?!"
Ace didn't seem offended, instead he laughed at your reaction, "Yeah, we get that a lot." He got Luffy in a headlock and ruffled his hair. "It's always hard to believe this little idiot is my younger brother, since I'm so charming and intelligent."
You giggled at his words, then even more so when the crew all disagreed with the second trait he mentioned.
Ace stuck around for a few days, wanting to spend some time with his little brother now that Luffy was a bigshot pirate with a big bounty and a special crew. But instead of hanging at his brother's side, Ace was curious about you. He thought you were cute, so he tried to spend some time around you, and you fell victim to his charms and his flirting.
"So, whatcha working on?" The commander grinned, leaning against your desk as you wrote down a few formulas for different chemicals.
"Hmm?" You glanced up, then blushed and quickly looked down. "Oh, nothing. I was just trying to find out how different chemicals and substances react with each other, in case we ever come across some weird devil fruit power or a chemical environment."
"And? Anything interesting?" He prompted, still smiling.
You sighed and shook your head, "Nothing useful. I'm kind of getting bored and I don't really want to read more."
He laughed then, standing up straight and holding out his hand, "Then come with me. And you can tell me about navigation using the stars."
You blushed again but accepted his offer, taking his hand and following him out. The two of you lay on the grass and stared at the sky, as you explained how sailors could locate the positions of islands or navigate where they needed to go using certain constellations and stars. He listened intently, not usually interested in this stuff but eager to hear you talk. He liked your voice, and he thought it was refreshing to see someone talking animatedly about something other than treasure or the One Piece.
"That's interesting," he spoke when you were done, "My brother's lucky to have someone so smart on his crew."
"Oh I'm not that smart," you turned red and shook your head, "I just try, that's all. Most of the time I don't even do anything and I just lay and watch the sky. It's hard to be motivated sometimes."
He studied your face as you said this, then grinned again, "Well, everyone gets lazy and unproductive sometimes. The good thing is that you're trying."
His words reassured you, and you smiled at the thought that he was impressed by you. You glanced at him quickly, then looked back at the sky and felt your heartbeat quicken.
"Someone's gotta do it."
He laughed at that, and turned to face you, "I like you. You're a refreshing change of pace in the world of pirates. No one usually cares about what you do, so it's nice to see you care."
Your cheeks warmed up at that, "I just don't want it impacting my crew, that's all. Sometimes we get let down by not knowing this stuff. I just want to protect my crew from that."
"A noble cause," he agreed.
You snorted, "Since when is anything pirates do noble?"
And the two of you laughed and joked around there under the star-filled sky, and suddenly you didn't feel so ridiculous about wanting to specialise in those topics that pirates generally never used.
Maybe you could also do it for you.
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a/n - so, um, i dont even know if i got this right so im SO sorry if i didn't! i wasn't really sure how to go about it, so im really really sorry if it's disappointing. i tried, though!
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kyuushi · 5 months
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I present (🎁) the character relationship chart from the first official fanbook! Big thanks to Pancake from the Kyuushi Discord server for the scans 🫶
The translation, cleaning, and typesetting were all done by me so please forgive any messiness & mistakes. But I'm always very open to feedback so feel free to reach out, especially if you notice tl issues!
Please don't repost the image around. You can just share the link to this post! (If I end up needing to make corrections, I will cry if an old incorrect version is floating around somewhere!!)
↓Some extra notes below the cut↓
I originally wanted to post this along with a more accessible version (aka text version) but unfortunately that would be a ton of extra work and I have other projects I'd like to spend my time on instead. I'm also not really knowledgeable about that stuff to begin with so I'm not sure what kind of format would be best for screen readers or other accessibility aids. If anyone else would like to take up the mantle and create a text version, please message me!
Translation Notes:
Mippiki: Written "3人と1匹" but read as "みっぴき," this word is very important to the Kyuushi fandom! It describes the main characters living in the office- Rona, Draluc, Hinaichi, and John. "Mi" comes from 3 and "ippiki" is how you would count 1 small animal, an armadillo in this case.
Sagyou's "hah? to respect ratio": The "hah?" here is like an exasperated sound he's making. In Japanese it was one of these babies: ぁ゙. So his frustration to respect ratio is 9 to 1.
Calling someone a typhoon/hurricane: I think this is probably self explanatory but since I don't think this is a common expression in English, I'll explain a bit. Basically it's likening someone to the chaos and power of a storm.
Shot's "filthy cool": In Japanese this is "ヨゴレかっこいい." I can't find instances of this phrase being used outside of Kyuushi so this seems to be a Bonnoki original? I've seen others tl this some different ways but I tried to make it sound kinda cool in English, though it also kinda makes no sense lol, sorry.
Tabiko being in the "vampires" section: Just in case anyone is confused, Tabiko is definitely a human. I think there just wasn't space to stick her anywhere else.
Manner calling Satetsu "big bro": "兄イ" in Japanese. I think most people recognize words like "onii-san" and "aniki" at this point but I'm not sure about just "anii" (also big brother) so I decided to tl it here. As you may have guessed, this is not him literally trying to adopt Satetsu as his brother, but rather a term of respect (albeit a teasing one). Satetsu is uncomfortable being called this, mostly because it reminds him of his embarrassing delinquent past.
Nagiri's nickname for John: I chose to keep this as "Maru" ("丸," literally "circle") just because I think it sounds like a cute nickname lol.
Fiasco calling Manner "spoiled rich boy": Originally "ボンボン" in Japanese. You might have heard a character called "bon" or even this kinda insulting version, "bonbon," before. It describes a young man from a rich family. I added "spoiled" because I thought it sounded too much like a complement just to call him "genius rich boy," even with "damn" in front 😂
Nuyan: John's "nu" combined with a dog's "wan" (bark). Remember that time Yomo hypnotized John into acting like a dog? That John never fully recovered from? Yeah.
As I said please do let me know if you spot any mistakes or have any questions or comments. You can even ask if you're just confused about who certain characters are or what the relationship arrow is indicating! Kyuushi has a ton of characters and they can be difficult to keep track of, especially for the English fandom which doesn't have access to all the materials.
Thanks if you actually read all of these walls of text 🫡
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pascaloverx · 3 months
chapter six
Summary: You and Yoongi are having an affair. No, you are not being his lover. But the world is not ready to know that an idol is dating someone. So you two were doing your best to make sure no one found out. Until he breaks up with you. His mistake.
Author's note: This fanfic will contain inappropriate language and intimate moments between some characters. Be warned. I will let you know if anything becomes inappropriate. Please enjoy this Yoongi fanfic.
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The baby shower was fantastic. You didn't even miss the baby's father that much. Then you decided to go to bed early. But before you got it falling asleep, you heard the doorbell ring.
"I am going." You say as you walk towards the door, coming face to face with Yoongi. He has a visible bruise, very close to his eyebrow.
"Before you want me to leave, could you take care of that wound?" He asks, looking very downcast. You step back so he can enter his apartment.
"You and I are going to be parents to the same child. Obviously I'm going to take care of you." You say before closing the door and going directly to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. Yoongi sat on the sofa in your living room and stood there muttering words that you didn't quite know what they were.
"I know you're going to want to know what happened..." He says as soon as you sit down in front of him on the couch. You start to apply a product that will clean his wound and he lets out a groan of pain.
"If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. But stay still. Show our daughter that her father is strong enough to withstand this pain." And so you continue bandaging him, while he tries to bear the pain. He doesn't say anything, nor do you. It's frustrating.
"The woman I went out with had a controlling ex-boyfriend. He just showed up at our date and punched me. I defended myself, and when he realized I was famous, he ran off. So, I paid the bill and came here." Yoongi explained as you finished helping him with his wound.
"I'm sorry for you. And for her. No one deserves to go through these things." You say as you put away your first aid kit in the bathroom. When you return to the living room, Yoongi is almost lying down on the couch as if he's exhausted. You sit down beside him, gently stroking his head.
"Do you think I deserve this for what I did to you?" Yoongi speaks with his eyes still closed as you continue to stroke his head.
"No, I don't think so. Yoongi, I don't think you're a bad person. You make questionable choices and you're terrible at both breaking up with someone and proposing, but you're a good guy. You don't deserve to get hit by some ridiculous man who can't get over a breakup. Rest assured." You say reassuringly as you continue to stroke his head.
"I broke up with you against my will. The truth is, a gossip page found out about us. My company asked me to take action to fix it, and I took that step, which is pretty stupid, I know, but it wasn't an easy decision. And in the end, it didn't even matter. Soon, everyone will know that you and I are going to be parents, and personally, I don't care if it disappoints my fans." He says, gently opening his eyes to look at you. As for you, you were a bit emotional, perhaps realizing how fragile your relationship with Yoongi was.
"Do you think your fame would be alright if you were married to the mother of your child for a while and then you separated?" You ask, distancing yourself slightly from Yoongi. He looks at you, confused.
We get married, you announce to the world that you're starting a family. After a year of marriage, we divorce. We'll tell everyone it was the best thing for our family." You propose. Yoongi's eyes widen in surprise, processing your suggestion.
"Are you serious? You'd be willing to do that for me? For us?"He speaks surprised. You know he had proposed something similar before, but now this situation will be on your terms.
"I'm willing to do this for the future of this baby. A fake marriage to sort things out and move on. No feelings involved." You say seriously, and he seems to understand what you're proposing. Honestly, you don't want to get romantically involved with Yoongi again.
"No feelings involved, then." He reaches out his hand towards you, and you shake his hand, as if sealing a deal. You just hope you won't regret this.
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
Hi guys! Got an anon ask with some triggers, so I'm copying it here so I can put a 'read more.'
Here's the original ask:
hey Cas!
hru today? <3
I rlly don’t wanna bother u but I just need some advice bc I’m in a pretty tricky situation and I don’t know who I couldn’t turn to who wouldn’t then tell OTHER people (adults etc)
also a TW b4 anyone reads further: ED (not me but a a friend) and generally bad mental health (including sh and sui)
Basically I have this friend (one of my best friends) who’s struggled with really bad mental health and attempted in the past (we weren’t friends during this time but they’ve shared it with me) they have told me they no longer sh but I’m not entirely sure if I believe him on that but I guess there’s nothing to do except just take their word for it and they are definitely doing better than they were before (about a year or two ago)
thing is this friend does still have a (pretty bad I think) ED (specifically I think they have anorexia but I’m really not sure because I don’t know that much about EDs. I’ve tried to do some research but it’s actually incredibly hard to find any info about them especially in terms of ways to emotionally show support. In a medical sense they always seemed to be talked about like minor things(?) idk it’s hard to explain but often times I’ve been reading actual factual medical stuff and just been disgusted at the ways it’s discussed, like they try so hard to describe it from a technical viewpoint that they essentially the entire mental health aspect of it which kind of demeans the whole thing bc EDs ARE a mental health disorder)
sorry went on a little side rant there but basically I’ve tried to find stuff out but it’s really hard to learn about the mental health aspect and even harder to find stuff out about how to HELP someone through an ED
I’ve even resorted to looking thru some more unsavoury places for info (including anablr), I know these types of places encourage EDs and I am actually not a person who really loves their body very much but I do think I’m in a strong enough place emotionally to do this (and so far I’ve been correct, I’m unaffected) because I just wanted some actual insight on what it’s like
the problem with my friend is that she’s ALREADY in therapy. Her parents put her in it when they found out about her vaping habit but they just lie all the time (she tells me about it) because they have like serious trust issues due to past trauma and I’m gonna be honest, I 100% believe therapy is a good thing but sadly it is also entirely useless if the person doesn’t make any effort to get better
all I can do in that aspect of it is hope the therapy is going better than the jokes he makes about it or that eventually she will feel comfortable enough to share and process her issues
in terms of the ED what im really lost with is how to help
and don’t get me wrong, I know you can’t really help a person who doesn’t want to be helped but honestly I’m not giving up on this person I care about that easily. I will NOT be another person in their life who abandons them for being ‘too much’ or ‘too difficult’. I’ve already accepted the fact that I will not be able to help them out of it really (as best as I can at least)
I’ve already taken to carrying gum and mints in my school bag as much as I can (usually I’ll have a pack of both and I just share them with everyone so this person doesn’t actually catch wind that they’re the reason I do as quite often when they skip lunch they do help themselves to a few of my mints or gum pieces but ik if they knew it was for them they’d stop bc she’s just like that)
I just don’t know how else to help emotionally though, I’m one of the only people (I might be the ONLY person at all) that they feel comfortable enough to talk to about these issues and I just think its better that they’re telling someone who cares about them and is trying to help than telling no one at all which seems to be the alternative. The issue is I don’t know how to respond or show support especially because (thank u trust issues and trauma (/s) the window of vulnerability is SMALL (I’m talking a couple of seconds literally) before they’re joking and changing the subject
Also a small (but frankly compared to the rest of this, not very important) detail is that like I previously mentioned I am also not suuuper happy with my body ( I don’t sh really or have an ED in any way shape or form) and sometimes the stuff he says slightly upsets me (just like once I told him about how my mean grandma told me I was fat and had to eat less and he said his grandma forces him to eat more and that my grandma ‘sounds like her wet dream’ - I know this was just a joke obviously but I didn’t rlly love it considering my grandma is a pretty big source of my looks based insecurities)
like I said in no way is it on the same level and obviously I know it’s not coming from a place of malice because this friend also really looks out for my mental health like way more than my other friends tbh (I don’t know if it’s bc they struggled with it or whether they’re the only one who seems to notice I’m the therapist friend haha but they are the FIRST person to ask if anything’s wrong if I’m acting different and I rlly want to stress that because I know that from what I’ve said so far they may have come across as selfish or something but they are actually one of the kindest people ever) that’s especially why I’m worried if I bring anything up about wanting to help with little things or especially anything about not being a fan of little jokes that she’ll just stop talking about it at all in an attempt to make me feel more comfortable)
for context for all of this, I’m 15 (we both are) so still in school and they’re parents absolutely SUCK (in the most non violent way possible I would like to kill them [not actually but I do really hate them and wish them only the worst]) so there’s no emotional support coming from home for him
I don’t really have anyone I can talk to about this in real life because (for privacy reasons) they’ve asked me not to share it with like my other friends and I don’t have the greatest relationship with my parents (they’re not like abusive or neglectful or anything but we just have a lot of differences and just I’ve very much emotionally distanced myself from them)
sorry if this is too much because I do know it’s a really tricky situation and even though all of us sort of deify you, you’re still only one person and if this does make you uncomfortable or upset (not just if it’s triggering I mean just in general if you’re reading this and you don’t feel comfortable) in anyway please don’t force yourself to answer or feel guilty if you don’t because the last thing I’d want to do is put you in that kind of position
Im not sure if ill send in more anons but if I do then ill refer to myself (and you can call me) lacy anon so you know who I am (yes after the song bc i rlly love it haha)
Anyway sending lots and lots of love from the person who does basically look up to you as their adult role model and who I wanna be like when I’m older <3
Hi love! You're not bothering me at all!
So, first, I want to let you know that I am an adult, but when I say this, I hope you don't take it as...condescending, I guess? Because I don't mean it that way at all. I want to be realistic in the fact that these things you are dealing with are VERY grown-up and scary, and you are handling them in a remarkably mature way, but you are still legally fifteen.
This is way too much for a fifteen year old to take on.
You genuinely seem like the most amazing person. The fact that you have done research and carry around things for your friends, all to help them with their ED is frankly restoring my faith in humanity a bit. But I worry that you are placing WAY too much of the responsibility on yourself. I don't mean to be bleak or too blunt, but if god forbid anything ever happened, I would hate for you to blame yourself, and it sounds like you would. Your job is to be this person's friend. Not their therapist or caretaker.
So, here's my advice: I absolutely agree that you should not give up on them! But make sure you have boundaries. It broke my heart to read that you were going to places like anablr just to help- that's not healthy for you! As a friend, especially at your age, your most important job is to make sure your friend doesn't feel alone. And you're doing an amazing job, in my opinion. They seem to be willing to talk to you, and that's a big deal. But, in the best way, you are fifteen, and you don't have to have all the answers! Sometimes, the best way to support someone is to remind them that they are loved and they have someone in their corner. BUT remember that being there for someone doesn't mean you have to sacrifice yourself or your mental health. Say something if a joke makes you uncomfortable. "I love you so much, but that joke makes me feel uncomfortable. Can you maybe not joke like that?" It's okay and healthy to set those boundaries.
Please remember, you are not responsible for this person. You can love them and be there for them and care deeply, but you are responsible for you and your own health. Don't forget you.
My last very gentle suggestion is this: If you ever get to the point that you are so genuinely worried about this friend that you think it is a life-or-death situation, please don't take that on by yourself. I know it is scary, and I know that telling adults mean that there can be ramifications, but remember that if you are genuinely scared, then an adult needs to be there to keep everyone safe. Very bluntly: Trust can be rebuilt but you can't bring people back from some other very permanent decisions.
Again, you are a wonderful person, and a fantastic friend. But remember to take yourself into account and stay safe in all ways. I know this is probably not the advice you want to hear, but I hope maybe you'll consider it.
Sending so much love! <3 <3 <3
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dearestvante · 8 months
stars around my scars; kth. | 04.
pairing: taehyung x fem!reader genre: college au, goodgirl x badboy (sort of), angst, fluff warnings: lowercase writing, swearing, drinking, infidelity (not between you and tae), taehyung calls you 'angel', can be confusing at times (i'm a beginner and not a native english speaker), seokjin should be punched, whole lotta depressive things, this is a sad chapter:(( summary: people are not always what they seem. you learned that the hard way, when you caught your boyfriend cheating, the night that was supposed to be one of the best ones you ever experienced. but on the same night you also learned that in everything bad, there’s always a little bit of good. wc: 1.9k
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usually you would toss and turn sleeplessly at an unfamiliar place like a hotel bed, but tonight was different, you technically fell asleep as soon as your head touched the pillow. the fresh, white sheets and the queen sized bed you had all to yourself - your dad booked a separate room for you - created a cozy atmosphere, so you slept like a baby, until the morning lights made their way inside the room, making it harder for you to keep your eyes closed. after adjusting to them, you quickly got up and ready to meet your dad for breakfast.
he was very quiet during breakfast, and all the way home. you could tell he is nervous, and it wasn’t surprising. he cheated and ran away, and now, years later he’s back to apologize and, hopefully start over. you might’ve been a little more soft hearted than you mother, but even you thought that he has set himself up for failure, but he seemed genuine about his apology, so you figured it wouldn’t hurt to at least try.
you walked into the house first, and found your mom sitting beside the kitchen island, anxiously biting her nails.
“y/n? is that you?” she got up immediately after hearing the door close. “don’t ever do this again! you can’t jus-… what is this?” she stopped, noticing your dad behind you.
“i’m here to-”
“no, you don’t get to talk to me, get out! just leave, you’re good at that.” your mom didn’t even let him finish a sentence, and you were trapped between your fighting parents, once again.
“mom, listen to him, please.”
“i just want to apologize, that’s all. i’m not asking for anything, just wanted to let you know that i’m sorry.” your dad explained after gathering up his courage.
“was this your idea?” your mom turns to you, barely listening to what your dad has to say. “to call him back, as some sort of revenge?”
you looked at her, confused, having no idea what is she talking about. “what do you mean by that?”
“because i called the parks too for dinner? is he here because of that?”
“no, mom, not everyone is that self-centered as you are.” you scoff, which upsets her.
“excuse me?!”
“you heard me. you invited them and forced me to forgive jungwon for what he did, to make sure that mrs. park stays your friend, not your rival.” you had it all figured out by now. your mom wanted you to be on good terms with your ex, just so she can keep her title as the best lawyer in town.
she doesn’t react immediately which gives you the confirmation that you are indeed, right. “well, you can’t blame a single mother for wanting to keep her job.”
“and what about me? what i want? what i feel? ever cared about that?“ you ask, fighting back the tears that are about to roll down on your cheeks. she doesn’t answer, the whole room is painfully quiet. you don’t expect her to answer the question, or to be more precise, you don’t want her to. cause whatever she says, it will hurt like hell, so you just leave. as you walk up to your room, you hear your dad mumble something before he leaves. you hear your mom too. she’s crying. and so are you.
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the rest of christmas break passed shortly, and by the time you got yourself together, you were already back at the city, eagerly waiting for college to start again. during the last few days you spent back at home, your mom tried to approach you and apologize, but you refused every time. accepting it would’ve meant that she did act selfishly, only thinking of herself, completely forgetting how you were a victim in this situation. it was too hurtful to accept all of this, so you decided to ignore it wholly.
going back to your apartment, you assumed that the quietness of it would help sort out your thoughts and feelings, but what went according to your plans these days. ever since soojin left - since you kicked her out - the place didn’t feel like home anymore. it was noiseless and cold, gray and lonely. you missed the liveliness she brought every time she crossed the threshold. you missed her, even if you were too stubborn to admit it.
walking through campus has never been more ambivalent than it was today. on one hand, it felt good to be surrounded by people, it eased your loneliness a little bit. on the other hand, you wished everyone would just leave you alone. you were supposed to be charging up during christmas break, but instead, you returned drained, tired of everything and everyone. luckily for you, your peers sticked to their preferred cliques, giving you your much needed space. since midterms were coming up shortly, you decided to stay at the library after your classes, so you can start preparing for them. on your way there, you stopped by the cafeteria for a quick lunch, given that you were not exactly in the mood for meal prep during the weekend. everything that has happened lately, - with your friends, your ex and your family - has started to take a toll on you, so much, you felt yourself sinking into a deep, dark pit once again. the same one you escaped once, but your chances to do that again didn’t seem very high.
you were almost finished with your food, pushing the leftovers from one side of the plate to the other, completely lost in your thoughts. you got used to the background noise, so when one, easily distinguishable voice appeared somewhere near you, pulling you back into the real world, you immediately looked up to find its source. when you did, you decided it is better to ignore so hopefully he will go away. seokjin stood right in front of you, trying hard to hold back a laugh. you figured that his friends offered him a bet, - which, for some reason included you too - and he gladly took on the quest.
“y/n, can i.. can i ask you something?” his question is interrupted by a suppressed laugh.
you don’t say anything, just cock an eyebrow in his direction.
“does your new boyfriend use handcuffs on you? or would that be too insensitive given that, you know..” he can’t finish the sentence cause his friends burst into laughter a few tables away, distracting him.
you clench your fists under the table, forcing yourself to maintain the eye contact. “seokjin, you’re an adult. can you start acting like one?”
“c’mon, you didn’t answer the ques—” he walks around the table to approach you but then suddenly stops, being met with taehyung’s tall figure. he doesn’t have to say anything, seokjin immediately turns around to leave, only to find himself staring right into jungkook’s piercing gaze. he’s startled, he can’t even hide it. the whole scene looks like it has been taken out of a movie, so you can’t help but let out a small chuckle when seokjin finally finds his way back to his deranged friends.
“what did he want?” jungkook asks you, as he sits down.
“not important. just some stupid bet i guess.” you start tossing the food on you plate around again, hoping that your lie sells better if you avoid eye contact with both of the boys.
“are we still on for tonight?” taehyung turns to you, only to be met with your confused expression, so he adds, “the exhibition?”
you completely forgot about that, but you hide it behind a smile. “sure, why wouldn’t we be?”
“i just thought, cause you are kind of avoiding me.. i mean, us.”
“what?! i’m not avoiding you.” you most definitely were. after his birthday, something shifted inside you. you couldn’t exactly tell what it was, but it confuse you. every time his name popped up on your screen or in your thoughts, you felt something, but that something was different now. not having felt like this before, you slowly started figuring out what it might be and it scared you. the thought of him not feeling the same, of it all being unrequited, getting your heart broken once again was what scared you, to be precise. so your genius idea was to avoid him as long as possible, hoping that these confusing and scary feelings will die down with time.
“okay, if you say so.” he shrugs and you thank god and everything that is holy the he left the topic at that. “at what time should i pick you up?”
“uh, i don’t know. like six?” you glance up at him again, while gathering your stuff from the table.
“where are you going?”
“to the library. i have to study.”
“how much more can you study? i bet you know the code of law by heart.” jungkook interrupts, partially cause he’s interested and partially to let you know that he is still here and it’s not jut the two of you.
“i don’t, that’s the problem.” you claim, and you’re already on your way out, waving them goodbye. “see ya!”
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after successfully retreating to the library, you buried yourself in books and your notes, making sure that studying is all that is in your head. not taehyung with his perfect face and perfect body and perfect everything. but obviously, you were unsuccessful. you couldn’t stop thinking about him, and the harder you tried, the more space he took up in your mind. at some point you laid your head down on the table to take a break from everything - out of frustration or tiredness, maybe both - and just rest your eyes for a few minutes. your head was spinning from all the information you were trying to memorize and all the messed up thoughts that were running through it. you weren’t thinking about taehyung anymore, he was just the start of your spiral. you were heading towards a really dark place, with a concerningly fast pace, one that only has loneliness and misery to offer.
you were pulled back from your spiraling to the library by the buzzing of your phone, your face red and slightly numb from bring pressed to the hard surface of the table. you pick it up instantly, your voice still drowsy.
“please, tell me you’re okay.” taehyung’s voice is deep and soft, like always, but you can hear the worry in it. that’s when the realization hits you.
“oh my god, what time is it? i’m still at the library but we—”
“it’s seven thirty, but don’t worry about it. i’m glad you’re alright. i called a few times, but i’m starting to get used to them not being answered.” his laugh is bitter, it hits you right in the heart. you caused this.
“i’m so sorry, i swear i wanted to go. i don’t know what happened, i just let my eyes rest for a couple minutes…” you apologise, even though, at this point it’s completely useless.
“it’s fine, y/n, really.” he calls you by your real name, that’s how you know it’s not fine. “get home safe. bye.”
you can’t even say goodbye, he hungs up so quickly. you sit there for a while in the empty library, tears burning your eyes more and more with every passing second. you fucked this up. you’re all alone now, with no one left to hold onto. and that deep dark pit is waiting for you oh so eagerly.
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a/n. as promised, here's the next chapter !! it turned out a bit depressive ngl and it kinda carries onto the next one too but that one ends... well you'll see how hehe. anyways, you know the drill, every type of interaction is appreciated. take care, lovelies ❤️‍🩹
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rin-and-jade · 1 month
Okay, so we've tried several times to write an ask, and each time we just..stop ?? So this time instead of explaining in detail n shit and saying how much we're sorry if this isn't appropriate to ask, I'm just gonna write :/
So, we're kind of stuck, in the sense that idk if I'm/we're(both pronouns feel wrong lol) a system anymore and,wdk what to do about it.
Because basically 5-6 years ago, when we were around 10(i think, but at this point i only know the story through the "telephone" of our retellings) our brain tried to just.. get rid of most of the DID. I'm not even ducking kidding, i think it tried to lower barriers and smush most of us together, to the best of it's ability. From what I've gathered, it planned on shoving all our trauma deep down in the innerworlds, and hiding them from the main kid. Like, getting rid of thousands of fragments, banking them in little crevices of our brain etc.
That procedure was supposed to make it so the main kid could have more of their life for them- without access or even knowledge of the sheer size of the abyss and pain in background, and thus being less affected by it till they were old enough to deal with it. Idk how to explain really, especially since i myself barely understand.
In any case, it went wrong. I don't know why much, as our memory has increasingly deteriorated since to the point i have nearly no knowledge left. I'm not sure even all that ever happened, because maybe I'm just inventing stuff and creating a story were there is none, and I'm scared that what i know isn't real and just my imagination or smth
And what's left is..me i guess. I kinda feel like a fragment in the sense that i have limited consciousness and just..person-space(if that makes sense ?) I'm not sure if I'm several people, one person, an eldritch entity of kinda seperate kinda not glued together entities.
Idek what i want to be. I want to be a full person, that's for sure, but other than that ? Idk. I'm lost, I'm a mix of tons of different opinions and vague, weak, feelings, and flashes of blurry memories and desires that don't belong to me.
So.. i know you probably can't help, but do you have.. any idea on what I could do ? Or if others have been in similar situations and if it got better ?
This is a very long ask x knows, and it's desperate, and you aren't our/my psychs so I shouldn't just dump this and hope you have answers, and I'm so sorry if this isn't appropriate to ask, but yeah.
I'm sorry.
Dissociative disorders do the job, but not perfectly, what you're explaining from the words of "nearly no knowledge left" sounds like retrograde amnesia, where it is near to impossible to remember anything from the past.
I also get a bit on what you mean with not knowing who you are,, that is usually close to a blurry moment? Because everything feels jumbled, its not clear, it is hard to discern wether there's multiple or not, etc. That could sound like it;
Have you been exposed to stress? Especially long term? Has anything awful been happening? Many factors can affect memory and recognizing who you are that can stem from basic needs that are neglected like sleep or rest if you're working for long periods, or deficiencies on vitamins/minerals/nutrition because they also play a part on fending off brain fog which can cause many issues like memory recall or trouble focusing,, or it can be to even deeper issues like stress as i said before, or if it is related to trauma, or any sustained physical injuries but it could be anything really.
Im guessing this is something that didn't happen in such a short time, but i do can give you some stuffs to do for starters:
Write down everything you can notice those feelings, those lingering sense of identity, or vibes, or thoughts, they are truly jumbled and it helps you organize and recognize your situation better if you have a physical record of what you're experiencing
Find the cause of problem If you can, try digging up anything you can find that could be the culprit, maybe before things get too foggy to remember that could serve as clues, and by checking with your current health (physically and mentally and emotionally) and see what could be fixed.
For sense of fulfillment It is overwhelming to know which or where you have to start from if you want to learn more of yourself, while you can do number 1 to jot down things you don't align with, this also gives you some ideas on what could be yours. Start somewhere small, like, how you like your daily morning, or preference in eating food, or the colors you think it looks cool.
It would also be great if you can leave out the tiniest bit of context next time, so my answers for now are rather vague and less pinpointed/specific. Though atleast still can suffice as a starting point to tackle your issues.
You can contact me anytime via ask box or DMs, let's see how things go for you okay?
- j
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arcann · 24 days
if you don't mind me asking what FFXIV classes do you like in terms of gameplay/fun to actually play versus ones that are fun for the story/characters; taigat related or not
Taigat is canonically a conjurer (... just a conjurer), dragoon, dark knight, red mage and reaper. He won't ever be a ranged dps because he's missing an eye.
My top favorite classes by just their gameplay are reaper, red mage, dancer and sage. I like playing all roles of the triad! They can all be fun but tbh I don't like all classes.
For gameplay, I enjoy warrior very much because it's a no brainer and you can just rush through dungeons without the help of a competent healer esp by level 90. Dark knight and gunbreaker are also very fun but they do requiere more attention. I never adapted to paladin because it feels like a hot mess. It got a rework like a year ago and it's still pretty annoying.
I agree that dark knight is the best job storyline as it is the accepted general opinion. Gunbreaker is nice but too short. Things they tried to explore are explained way better in a different raid mission (Bozja). It also had a random dark knight garlean duskwight villain that came out of nowhere and they said he was as poweful as gaius which was super random and ooc for garleans to recruit a guy like that. Warrior is mid but it takes a turn for the worst when the mentor gets introduced to The Girl tm and they fall in love (heterosexual af despite the girl being a better warrior than him). Paladin is the worst, I know you didn't like the gladiator part and tbh it just introduces more and more annoying characters and very little of it's lore is worth it. They completely leave out ishgardian knights in favor of uldans 💀
I love healing too except maybe astro. It's enjoyable and very pretty but some parts of the rng are annoying and it's always getting reworks. It will probably get another one in dawntrail. Sorry to the people who main it if that happens. Sage is my favorite and I find white mage and scholar very fun too.
I love the white mage's npcs they're very cute to me especially Sylvie and Gatty. E-Sumi-Yan is one of my favorite mentors as well. I've mentioned it before but Taigat ran the whole whm story but only to help Sylvie and the Senna twins. The rest are fine. Just fine. Scholar and Astro give some neat lore tidbits but tbh I'm not that interested in them. Sage has you running around with a sharlayan cop catgirl so several points will be taken off bc of that.
The only caster I like for its gameplay is red mage. I know black mage players enjoy how much freedom they get to make their own rotations but I just don't see it, also it changes a lot depending on the level you're in. Summoner got reworked in ew and now it's a no brainer (Sasha has a lot more to say about these changes, I just didn't experience it when it wasn't like this) and like I get no braining tanking with warrior bc I'm pulling all the heat and still living but. just clicking 5 buttons without worries? While nothing is chasing me? Not for me. Red mage is super fun and sexy. This is a good mix of melee attacks and ranged magic. I wish paladin would approach it a bit but tbh I don't imagine how. Blue mage doesn't really count and I haven't played through it but it feels like a hassle.
Thaumaturge's plot is pretty funny because you see how fucking pathetic those lalafell siblings are. I made it so that Taigat goes through it post ew but just so he can go "you're all freaks i'm stealing something from your house". Dyulgor did the black mage storyline decades before ARR happened. It's interesting and it has a moon keeper conjurer who doesn't trust you and it was cool to think there was still enmity between black and white mages but they kinda ruined him a bit by making him have a crush on our lalafell mentor. Some beast tribe members are also important here but tbh they act to much like caricatures and it's sometimes annoying. Summoner introduces a lot of interesting lore about your relationship with the primals and allag + you hang around with y'shtola's half sister and she's very neat + the ascians are one of the main villains which is unique outside of the msq. The red mage storyline has voidsent and weird implications about getting close to vampirism with this class which gets an automatic 10 from me. The mentor is a really nice catdilf from ala mhigo who fought long ago, before and during the garlean conquest. He's also Alisaie's mentor and he will mention her a couple of times. Blue mage sounds fucking awful and that's all I'm saying.
Dancer has a very unique rotation and even if parts of it are rng based I can't complain because you're mainly support and you're there to buff other teammates. Machinist is fine even if I don't like certain attacks where you have to stand still or else you'll interrupt your attack. Bard's rng is a mess right now and in lower levels your rotation feels very incomplete which is pretty unsatisfying.
Dancer's story is really bad and like gunbreaker, too short to explain anything introduced there well enough. It would have been better to give them something to do in Thavnair. Machinist makes you spend a lot of time in Ishgard and I think that's great but I didn't care much about what happened. I'm glad the mentor kicked nobles' butts though. Archer is kinda rancid bc it's about a racist elezen learning that maybe moonkeepers are people and still being super rude around them. Bard has this two mid looking white guys so ofc there's a section of the fandom that is obsessed with them but I don't care for them. Moogles give you your job stone and they're involved so that is a plus.
Tbh I like all of the melee classes' gameplay. It traumatized me a bit that I wasn't playing dragoon right for a long time but I recovered. I probably don't remember all the rotations that well on account of not practicing lol.
I like Foulques way too much to let him die so like you I make him older and changed his background quite a bit. He does have a competitive relationship with Taigat but after they save him from falling down that cliff they start bonding. If anything Taigat visits him more than anyone at the lancer's guild but I imagine Foulques travels a lot around the Black Shroud so sometimes it's a bit difficult to find him. Dragoon is neat. Just neat. It was fun to see Estinien lose his marbles and swear revenge then several days later going "no no, I'm fine, we're fine. Let's forget that happened." in the msq. Puglist and Monk suck so bad especially that racist historian I hope he drops dead and his wife cucks him. Samurai started really strong but after you reach Kugane it becomes a story of "maybe the oligarchy is there for a reason and everyone who defied them is being too violent ergo worse than it" which. why. why. Rogue is an interesting idea to insert in limsa, which is very much filled with plot holes but having a secret police to keep the pirates in check is neat. Hated that the mentor is just a nod to jack sparrow. I imagine Dyulgor has a huge problem with these guys since he's very friendly with the sahagin and he has killed several of the people sent to investigate him but they can't track the murders back to him, lol, lmao. I don't remember ninja quite well but the main rival was a clown who annoyed me real bad. I'm glad the mentor and his main ally came back for Bozja and got away from that guy.
Y'all know I'm insane about reaper but it did a good job at having a neatly closed story imo. Tbh sage did so too, when compared with gunbreaker and dancer. Maybe they realized by then they would have much less screen time and organized the story beats better.
For dawntrail, viper and pictomancer look extremely unappealing to me right now. Viper seems like samurai but with nothing cool about it and pictomancer looks like something adapted from neopets. Not excited about this at all.
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moe-broey · 11 months
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Ok, sorry if this feels a bit unprompted negativity but given our previous convo about how they write Alcryst (or rather, how they write about him), this short convo feels like everything wrong with it. Which is a shame because I still really like him but this stuff drags him down so much for me :(
Man is displaying deeply concerning behavior and eageress to get himself killed for no reason other than despising himself and yet everyone around him is like "Ah, Classic Alcryst, always so humble and modest." and like- I think Hortensia is the only one to use the correct term: self-loathing.
And while I admit it is kinda funny during battles where he's one of your best units and he's like "sorry i am so worthless...", in the Somniel and during support it feels EXTREMELY concerning and yet no one is treating it seriously and even worse the game plays the funny music because man, self-loathing is peak comedy. DUDE WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING DRAG HIM TO A THERAPIST ASAP HE COULDN'T MAKE IT ANY MORE CLEAR HE'S GOING TO GET HIMSELF HURT
OH MY GOSH WAIT. I THINK. You made something click for me actually I figured out Why his treatment by the writing feels So Bad
Like. This exchange didn't sit right with me either, but I kind of just shrugged it off like, eh, what can you do. Dumb writing will happen. But. Here's what I'm thinking.
I THINK. IF THIS DIALOGUE WAS ABOUT LAPIS. IT WOULD WORK SO MUCH BETTER. Because the thing about Lapis, is she IS very modest and humble, and if that's your first impression of her, it doesn't feel too bad. Because, that's exactly how she carries herself. And as you get to know her, it's very clear she does have self-esteem issues that directly ties into her being "humble" and "modest" -- she has low confidence. And, if you dig deeper, you find the route cause -- she's deeply self-conscious about how she was poor growing up, and I'd even go as far as to say the experience of growing up like that was traumatic for her. It still has lingering effects, where she's constantly scavenging and squirreling things away. (ESP significant when you consider her position is vastly different now -- she's working for royalty. She HAS to have security in a way she didn't have before. And yet, she's still acting as if she doesn't, still operating as if she's in survival mode.)
I think, Lapis' self image issues are handled so much better than Alcryst's. Like, it actually feels like I'm not explaining or expressing it well, but... the way Lapis is, how she carries herself and how her past is such a painful ever-present part of her, it's handled with nuance and care. You can See just how much it still hurts her, you can actually see that she has a Lot of unresolved issues about it, in the way she tries to hide her background and the way she snaps and breaks down if pushed too far about it. And even the way she talks down about herself, it's sad for sure, but it feels grounded. Also, there Are instances where she wishes for more for herself -- wishes, didn't feel this way about herself (esp thinking about her supports w Rosado). It's handled very well.
MEANWHILE, the way Alcryst's issues are handled.... in-universe and by the writing in general. There's. Actually so much to unpack here. But what you made click for me, WAS pointing out how he's clearly engaging in dangerous behavior. Which made me think, OH, he has. Another issue altogether actually. Like... with this level of self-loathing, and this level of Eagerness to put himself in danger. It does read like he could have suicidal ideation. Which. I mean, I know Engage is largely lighthearted, but if they took that angle more in his character, like... I think it would make a lot of sense. He has some prominent warning signs.
Like, I like that you said "eagerness", because it really IS the difference between him and Lapis (and Citrinne as well!). Lapis and Citrinne have resolve, a willingness and deep devotion to Alcryst. They're Willing to endanger themselves for his sake, because they fully understand it's part of their duty as retainers, it's something they wholeheartedly believe in and Want to dedicate themselves to. Meanwhile, Alcryst... he's just not well. Like. It's abundantly clear he's not well.
AND. Finally sort of getting to unpacking like. How this is treated in-universe. I think all these things considered, THAT'S why it feels so bad. Alcryst is showing clear signs of being extremely mentally unwell, maybe even cries for help, and over and over it's dismissed by the writing as comedic AND dismissed by the characters around him as Alcryst being kind, in his own "funny" way. Classic Alcryst! So humble. So modest.
Now, here's something I've been thinking about in all of this... I think, for some characters, it would actually make a lot of sense for them to regard him this way. I'm ESPECIALLY thinking of Lapis. It would make complete sense for her to idealize him, misconstruing these things about him in the process. It's clear she has feelings for him, for one, but also, I think she sees a lot of herself in him -- which may cause her to project onto him, too. Which blinds her, in a few different ways -- the main one being, I think, is how each is handling their issues. Yes, Lapis very much carries her past and the unresolved issues that came with it wherever she goes, seeping into every interaction she has. It consumes her. But, from like. An, "Is She In Any Danger Because of It" standpoint, she seems to be in the clear. I think, maybe, it would make sense, if in all of her romanticization of him and projection onto him, but not quite being in that dark place herself -- it may be very easy for her to look over it or call it something else (his Kindness, Humility, Modesty, ect -- maybe even bravery too, when it's actually just recklessness and little to no regard for what happens to himself).
But for other characters. My god, I wish they could just See it and call it what it is, exactly like Hortensia does. I wish the game ITSELF did that, actually. Because, I think THAT was the thing about Alcryst that I just couldn't place or put words to, how, I do love him, I do think he's funny, and I do like the parallels between him and Takumi -- how, each struggle interpersonally and from various Horrors, but. They're perceptive. And they're kind. But, there was just something I couldn't place, that felt Bad. And I think it is, the writing itself being dismissive and cavalier about the very heavy issues Alcryst is portraying. AND, almost trying to portray the issues as something else? As if it isn't That Bad. It's funny!! Or misguided bravery!! Heroic, even!! Like.... oof. That. Does not sit well.
And like. That's not even to say you Can't make his traits and tendencies funny. Cause exactly what you said, it IS SO FUNNY when Alcryst is one of your MVPs and you talk to him and he's just the saddest wettest poor little guy in the whole wide world like "I'm sorry :( I know I'm a burden :(" like BUDDY..... you are a crit and dodging machine of death and murder and you single handedly carried us to victory LMFAOOO -- ALSO. One of my FAVE moments in my playthrough was when he made like, a PERFECT meal, and he was like. "Oh.... I'm so sorry....... if it's not very good ..........." LIKE BUDDY!!!!!!! COME ON!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S OKAY YOU'RE DOING GREAT I PROMISE!!!!! Little moments like that, and I think in some supports as well if the context feels right for it, I think he can def have funny moments!!!
I'm SO sorry LMFAOOO I FEEL LIKE. I'VE BEEN TALKING IN CIRCLES AND GOING ON SO MANY TANGENTS. BUT. MAYBE. WHAT I WAS TRYING TO ILLUSTRATE HERE. Is it's extremely fucked up actually, for them to write a character who's showing some scary warning signs, only to dismiss those warning signs and say they're something else, even down to silly goofy music like. Espppp in how I just, largely ignored it, dismissing myself as "bad writing lmfao" or "a bit much" but like. While those things could be true, it's so fucked up that like.... the game itself makes you inclined to dismiss it. Maybe only leaving you with a few qualms and a nagging feeling, that something. Isn't quite right here.
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"Wishing it Wasn't" by kazoosandfannypacks
Chapter 14/18: Something to Believe In Pairing: CaptainSwan Rating: Teen Word Count: (1K/19.5K) Summary: Season 2 Canon Divergence: When Neal tells Emma he has a fiancée, she claims to have a new boyfriend of her own, and blurts out the first fairytale name she can think of: Captain Hook. Killian agrees to this ruse, but when feelings grow between the two, will the con be more than they can handle? Chapter Summary: Killian rushes to Emma's side to let her know he believes in her, but he may be the only one who does- which will come with dire consequences Tags: season 2, canon divergence, gun violence, angst with a happy ending, fake dating, mild character death, mildly anti neal Author's notes: While writing this fic, I sent snippets of this scene to my best friend, basically explaining how I left Greg unconscious and handcuffed to a pipe and in that draft I'd never resolved that. I found out forty five minutes later that I had instead sent that information to our camp's discord server. Our camp director's name is Greg. Anyways enjoy this chapter lol someone had better 😅 Taglist: @zahara @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @booksteaandtoomuchtv @jrob64 @tiganasummertree @anmylica @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @gingerchangeling @lonelyspectator @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie @pirateprincessofpizza @pawshapedheart [if you'd like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 Killian fumbled about with the handcuffs. He would've assumed the hard part of this job was dragging the unconscious man to a pipe in the wall to cuff him to, but instead he found that it was getting these blasted handcuffs around his wrists- not that they were difficult to use, even with one hand, but he was rushed, and frantic, because he heard the kerfuffle going down just around the corner, and he couldn't let Swan go through it alone again.
 "They don't believe her." He yelled through a whisper as he dragged the cuffs around a pipe in the wall then attached one end on Greg's other wrist. "They don't believe her!"
 He ran down the hall as fast as he could, knowing that Emma needed him- or, at the very least, she needed someone to believe in her, just some reminder that even when she felt like they all turned their backs on her- again- she wasn't alone.
 Admittedly, it seemed a compromising position he found Swan in- wielding a crowbar like a weapon while her ex's fianceé wept in his arms. Still, Killian ran in and stood by Emma's side.
 "I believe you." Killian said.
 Sure, she already knew he trusted her in this- he was the one who revealed it to her, after all- but she looked up at him, looked at him like he was some kind of safe haven, a haven of hope.
 "Emma's telling the truth," Killian added, "and you'd do well to trust her."
 "Oh yeah," Neal said. "Like I'm gonna trust you over the woman I love."
 His statement didn't matter to Killian- he was used to being insulted like that, used to not being trusted- but the verbal attack ricocheted right into Swan, right through her heart- watching the man she loved not believe her, then hearing him confess his love for another.
 "She's playing you, Neal!" Killian tried to reason. "She wants to get rid of all the magic in the realm and kill all of you to do it."
 "And how would you know that, pirate?" David asked.
 "She told me her whole plan." Hook said, ignoring David's usual judgments of him. "Thought I was on her side. But if I'm to get my revenge on the Crocodile, I'll do it on my own terms, and I'll fight fair."
 "I don't believe you." Neal said. "Either of you."
 "Dad?" Emma asked.
 Killian as well turned to David, hoping he would listen to his own daughter.
 "I'm sorry, Emma." David said. "We'll look into this later, but for now we should let Tamara go. She's had a troubling day already, I'm sure…."
 "No!" Emma said.
 "Emma." David responded, like a father correcting an insolent child. "We'll work this out. Calm down."
 "No," Emma said. "You're making a mistake."
 Killian watched Neal embrace Tamara, then walk away together.
 "We'll get this worked out once we get some more evidence, figure out what's going on…."
 "That won't be happening."
 This time it was Tamara who interrupted him. She pulled a gun out of a concealed jacket pocket and pushed Neal aside, back towards the rest of the group, gun pointed at all of them.
 "What are you doing?" Neal asked.
 "Can't have any loose ends, and the savior and the pirate know too much," Tamara said.
 Killian stepped in front of Emma, shielding her from Tamara.
 "But if I just take care of them," Tamara said, "it'll draw suspicion. Gotta finish the set. Might even buy us a little time."
 "Tamara?" Neal asked, sounding broken. "What are you doing?"
  "I have to keep magic out of this world, Neal." Tamara said. "It doesn't belong here."
 "You've been lying to me?" Neal asked.
 "Duh." Killian interjected.
 Neal ignored him. "How long have you been lying to me?"
 "Since the beginning." Tamara replied. "That coffee spill wasn't an accident."
 "You planned it all?" Neal asked. "None of it was real?"
 "I had a job to do." Tamara said. "An important one. Surely you understand, Magic is dangerous."
 "I won't let you do this." Neal said. "Not if Storybrooke goes down with it. I've got family here."
 "Good luck getting back to them." 
 "Back?" David asked.
 "Can't have any loose ends, and I'm not about to clean up messes."
 She reached into her pocket- and Killian knew what she kept there- a magic bean stolen from the dwarves' growing efforts. Using a bean for an escape didn't make sense- unless they were the ones she wanted to escape, through a portal made for them. And without them in the way, Tamara and Greg could pull off their scheme without difficulty- and that would be the end for Emma's family.
 "No!" Killian yelled. He ran at her to try and stop her, but forgot to take into account one thing- the gun Tamara was holding- and the bullet inside, the bullet that was quickly outside it- the bullet that quickly found its way into Killian's chest.
 He almost felt the shot before he heard the gun fire, almost didn't know what it meant until he hit the floor. He heard Swan call his name as he tumbled back, felt the blood pooling on his shirt. And he knew what would come next- she and the others would try to help him, a portal would open at their feet, and they'd lose any chance they had at saving the town. There was no way he could die knowing that his sacrifice meant the death of Emma's family.
 Fighting every instinct to scream in pain and call for help, he tried to get them to run from him.
 "Get back!" He said. "She's got a bean!"
 Before anyone could question him, he heard the subtle clatter of the bean against the floor, and could already feel its woosh, pulling him in, hoping his death would be alone, that the heroes wouldn't be pulled in with him, that they'd get to Tamara in time to save the day.
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fancyfade · 2 years
I do really want to think of how i want Bruce and Damian's relationship to go down b/c I think their dynamic is greatly influenced by Bruce's failures as a father and some of those failures are IC but some of them are stupid as hell.
Also note: this is kind of my thought appendices to this (link) reblog chain
it can be hard to square Son of the Demon Bruce with Batman and Son Bruce (and like. impossible to square him with Batman Inc Bruce). But it might be able to be done (we'll see that later). first
The failures that I think are in character to Batman at that time (2000s)
Being exacting in his standards and uncompromising: Bruce is a perfectionist and he applies this to everyone he works with (except sometimes Tim and Robin Jason) much to their utter annoyance. He's also fairly egotistical and thinks that his way of doing things is right, so he wants people to be perfect his way, not whatever way they are doing.
(examples from this from text: Damian often feels like Bruce just orders him to be a mini-me and doesn't explain things in Tomasi's run on B&R, and honestly like... Bruce doesn't explain things. He's like "don't go on patrol b/c I todl you not to" he doesn't mention that Nobody is out*, he didn't explain his connection to Nobody, probably more that aren't on the top of my head at the moment)
Being predisposed to judging Damian harshly: Thinking of this post (link) about Bruce referring to Cass (when talking to cain) as "You made her like us" when referring to her training. Bruce seems to put a lot of focus on actions, rather than like 'you're innately a good/bad person'. That's probably why he was so reluctant to believe that Cass killed someone at first, he was convinced the video was faked. And Damian has done a lot of actions that Bruce would hate -- as well as attacking Tim, who did have a favorite-syndrome going on at the time. Like Bruce was consistently the best to Tim in that era. And since Tim was in Bruce's house when this was going on it is possible Bruce feels like he was responsible for not 'controlling' Damian better. That could hypothetically influence later interactions.
Not being emotionally available: He is pretty much never emotionally available, it would be OOC if he was emotionally available.
With the combination of those 3 factors, it's very easy for Damian to feel like his only connections to his dad are what he can do for him in the field and blood.
I also think that Bruce's failures as a father are not really that OOC to Son of the Demon Bruce, because while Son of the Demon Bruce was very enthusiastic about having a kid and like 'he'll be the happiest baby in the world!' there was an incredibly important second part which was he became controlling of Talia to the extent that he acted like an idiot (tried to force her out of combat when they were in the battlefield, causing someone to sneak up on them and she had to kill that person to save Bruce's life). Talia winds up faking a miscarriage to try to get him to act like himself and not a possessive overprotective weirdo who will throw away everything he was working for previously.
and when he does see her next, in detective comics annual 1, he is very cold to her and judgmental of her despite them having parted on not hostile terms (he obviously didn't know she faked a miscarriage).
Like my assumption is he has so many emotions wrapped in this that he would be afraid to address them (as typical) and make many mistakes.
But then like.
The failures I think do not work for him period:
Him wanting to give Damian back to the League of Shadows because he had a vision that evil future batman damian would get gotham destroyed. I'm sorry but like. If your Batman is pro sending a child into an abusive situation based on some dream they had you don't understand batman, fundamentally, at all.
Not caring what's going on with Damian as long as he's not destroying the world (this is like. TT2016 to modern era stuff). Like if anything I think he would tend to micro-managing out of worry (like he was in B&R 2011) or being demanding and exacting, not like "oh not my problem." maybe if Damian was living w/ Talia (non-morrison version) he'd be a lot more hands off, since he was fine w/ that after RRAG. But like. that damian was not living w/ any of his parents or family members.
anyway it is so frustrating when like. one character's interactions are very tied into things that don't work for another character but i hope I can make it work.
*granted I'm sure if Damian knew that Nobody was out he would've been like "ah so it's dangerous and you need my help even more" XD
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amethystblack · 2 years
I'm sorry if my questions are offensive but I have to get something off my chest. Why is your writing so clumbsy? Like, I know we're only human and all and I appreciate your attempt at a good story but this isn't it. It tries to be realistic but I feel as though it's not. And one other thing is that I love challenge but your balancing is just super weird to me. Like, everytime I play Reborn I felt like the battles weren't very difficult if you use certain pokemon and felt the battles were samey.
i dont want to just "*your" and end thread but there is something so cosmically funny to me about "why is your writing so clumbsy" being spelled that way
anyway, i'm just going to take a guess that this subsequent ask is also you:
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and i'm glad you sent it because my original response was basically going to be "what exactly is clumsy about it to you?"
because under normal circumstances, my answer to that would be the circumstances behind it-- the narrative structure is a mess because from the start we were gluing unrelated league characters together. it's a poor structural foundation with which i've done the best i could, and i eagerly anticipate the chance to do better.
but if this is about amaria then this is a completely different conversation. and that explains a lot, like for instance, the attitude. many people really seem to have a special brand of vitriol for her, which i continually find genuinely fascinating. i also love the line "controversial characters the community despises" because it acknowledges that people have opposing opinions on her, but in the same breath you speak for the community as a whole as if it has one unified, objective stance. some might say that that kind of writing is a bit messy.
so let's talk mindset. especially regarding the depression, that was based partly on the experiences of a friend, and mostly on my own personal experience with it. i am keenly aware of how depression makes a person feel, and i somewhat resent the implication that i am somehow unfamiliar with that. more than anything, i do not accept the outside criticism that my portrayal of my own depression is unrealistic. in fact, i was very happy when the episode released that it resonated with their experiences as well. in terms of personal, vulnerable and emotionally-resonant writing in the game, i would actually go so far as to say that amaria's depression is actually some of my most successful.
of course, it's also true that not everyone's experiences are the same! you obviously have strong opinions on what depression does, which i can only assume by the objective confidence you say them with is based off of your own experience rather than something flimsy like opinions on characters in a video game. the contrast of experiences is a great opportunity for both of us to learn a lesson about how each other experiences these things. in the sense of being an opportunity to compare emotions and understand where they differ, i feel as if this bit of writing has actually been quite successful.
finally, there is, of course, a strong, vocal population of people who just despise amaria. after all, she does whine about it a lot, doesn't she? she even says so and feels bad for it! and she is a terrible person, isn't she? she admits to that and feels bad for it too. but when in the game are you ever expected to forgive her for that? when have i asked you to do that? when is the depression ever framed as an excuse? i'm pretty confident i expressly have not framed it that way, because i certainly do not view it that way. i think amaria is one of my best characters exactly because she is so flawed. i suppose that a shallow reading of her presence in labradorra might be taken as narrative endorsement of her behavior, but i hope a more emotionally-nuanced interpretation would understand how actively and intentionally uncomfortable it is for her to show up and insert herself into a battle alongside you after that. because that, also, is very personally-motivated. i had a very complicated relationship with the aforementioned friend on which she was based. so while i also put a lot of myself into her, i am also so very vindicated when people hate her as well. in terms of creating a divisive character who people have a variety of strong opinions about, i actually feel as if i've been very successful with her writing.
what's weird to me is the point at which this stopped being about the character being bad, and started being about me being bad. like, there is a lot of bad faith from you to me here, but the expectation to excuse her behavior based on depression, which you take so much issue with, didn't come from me. as a firm believer in the concept of death of the author (if the hydreigon scene didn't make that clear), i really feel like that expectation which seems to have stirred you up so much came from yourself-- from your reading of the game.
and i'm okay with that. that's a new one to me, but i've enjoyed hearing the new hot take fresh out of the oven. you say you don't mean offense, and i kind of believe you, but the amount of bad faith and the sharp wording you've now punted two asks at me with... makes me wonder. on the other hand, if it's something you 'have to get off your chest' like you said... well, i get that. because that was also me for writing those parts of the game. it was just something i emotionally needed to do. maybe you can understand that, since these asks were also kind of clumsy on your part.
it's okay, though. after all, we're only human.
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How do you go about making your gifs? And where do you download the content safely? Hoping for some help :) but no pressure to explain!!
hi, anon! no worries at all, happy to help if i can!! :)
putting a quick rundown of everything below and hoping i managed to make this somewhat clear and organised!
for downloads, i always use torrents and i try to always use at least 1080p in terms of quality! i’ve been using torrents for so long now and never had any real trouble, but i always try to download them from sites dedicated to shows/movies torrents, just so i know them and that they are safe to use: i usually check these two: (x) (x) You can search the movie or show there and see if they have links in their directory!
Moving on to the actually gifmaking (this will all sound very confusing at first, but it gets a lot easier as it goes!), i use Photopea to make my gifs, which is an online tool that basically has the same features as Photoshop and works pretty well! this tutorial was a true blessing for me when i started making gifs and i basically still follow everything that is in it, since it outlines the whole process from screencapping the frames for the gifs using KMPlayer to actually making the gif on photopea. this tutorial is also amazing, especially to know more or less how Photopea works.
This is what Photopea looks like to give an overall idea for all the steps i'll mention below, which are a little more specific to how i started doing gifs once i had some more practice:
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once the gif is cropped and resized according to the tutorials i linked above, i can explain the process how i personally have been doing lately! i always start by using double sharpening (go to Filter at the top bar >Sharpen > Smart Sharpen) and it tends to be around the values below:
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once i have the gif set up, cropped and with the sharpening settings applied, i might go in with a little bit of the reduce noise option (Filter > Noise > Reduce Noise) - i screenshoted the values below, just for reference!
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these settings can be really different for different shows (editing Criminal Minds or Stranger Things is very different because the quality in ST is waaayyyy better so the values might vary a lot accordingly, but i wanted to give an overall idea!)
after that, i start working on the coloring process. this one is very much trial and error because it really depends on the show but here are the editing layers i usually use in case you wanna play around with these:
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these can all be found under Layer > New Adjustment Layer and then you can select the one you want from the list!
sometimes i might use Color Balance or Photo Filter from that list too, to really adjust the coloring. For example, for shows like A League of Their Own that have a little bit of a yellow filter, i usually add the Photo Filter Layer to correct the color a little. Here's an example below of the before and after the PhotoFilter:
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and i’m linking some more useful tutorials, including for coloring, that go into a bit more detail and that i followed a lot when i was starting: x and x.
aaaand i'm done (sorry for rambling so much!) and i'm sorry if this is all a little confusing, i tried giving an overall idea on everything, but please feel free to reach out if there’s anything in specific you’d like to know and i’ll do my best to explain! i’m still learning a lot of stuff myself, but it’s truly a try and error process, especially with coloring, but it can be really fun!
feel free to reach out if you need anything, for questions or for any links to shows/movies! thank you for the question and wishing you an amazing day! <3
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omg oh no a 7hr class 😭😭 I'm so sorry! may I bring you some aemond brainrot during this challenging time?
this is actually the same anon who sent in the ask about music after your thoughts on aemond made me obsessed with him (should I have a sign-off? I feel like maybe I should have an official sign-off now? I just bought a really cool antique knife with a snake on it, so maybe we'll go for 🐍 🔪 bc that also has aemond vibes to me lmao)
but re: your response to my last ask: sorry I worded it kind of confusingly!! and omg I can totally see him as a hozier fan lol and him being into classic music is so on-point! also I frickin love violet orlandi! bc of my auditory ~sensory issues~ I have difficulty listening to a lot of metal music (which is unfortunate bc a number of my friends really like metal), but I've found that her music is a great way to still experience those songs without having an anxiety attack from all the auditory input lmao
but onto the brainrot!! I know aemond mentions having studied philosophy and history, but do we think he's a lit kid too? I can see this man absolutely loving lit crit. he would be such a "well, actually, according to this quote on pg. 265..." guy I feel like. I could also totally see him memorizing whole passages just bc he can
also this is just random as hell but do you have any headcanons on what his favorite food is? I feel like he has a huge sweet tooth but hates to admit it but I have no proof at all for why I think that lol
okay and finally do you have any thoughts on why he chooses to keep his hair so long/styles it the way he does? I'm so entranced by some of those gifs that show his luscious locks just billowing like he's in a hair product commercial 😍 (admittedly I still have not found time to watch the show because of the horrors (writing my masters thesis) so if they explain it there then sorry for asking! 😅)
but I wish you the best of luck with your class!!
yours in aemond appreciation,
🐍 🔪
Bestie, I am always down for Aemond brainrot, it seems my brain has been rotting away since I saw the show! 😅 and EEEK I'm so excited for the Violet Orlandi love! yeah what you say is sooo on point, she's kind of an access to that kind of music if you don't enjoy metal! I love her. Ok once again, before I go off, thank you for such interesting questions, I have a blast each time!!
Re: lit crit. Oh absolutely! I think he'd have a very deep passion for the arts and humanities as a whole. And he's a huge nerd so he'd definitely have all his references memorized and he's able to absorb and analyze very dense writing. May I interest you in hcs of his favorite books? those hcs are of modern!Aemond though.
Re: his favorite food .OH, omg. I hadn't been asked this before! this is a tough one! For one, I think he'd definitely have a taste for very refined things and this extends to food Canon!Aemond would enjoy meals rich in protein because of how hard he trains, and he likes his meats very buttery and juicy, with his bread soft and well seasoned, crispy on the edges. He'd be a lover of good wine. Vegetables rich in flavor. And I'm loving the image of him taking to pastries (in secret!). Maybe we can base it on Mr. Ewan - I take my coffee with 7 sugars - Mitchell lol!
Modern!Aemond would be the type to go to very high-end, expensive restaurants and tries all the food trends that all the famous cheffs are experimenting with. In terms of his favorite cuisine, his favorite might be french food? For comfort food, he's giving me the type to enjoy a really nice tomato soup with cheesy, fluffy bread on the side. Or a very indulgent, super creamy and flavorful plate of pasta. Something he can eat on the couch while watching his favorite films. For comfort, other type of cuisine that I feel he might love is Greek. Give him a plate of Spanakopita's with all the freaking cheese, and Gyros that are just super fillled, and he'll be happy. Guhhhhhh I'm salivating just thinking about food. And also, I just HAVE to bring this up, but @dumpsterfirecee and I aren't from the U.S. so we have this running hc of introducing Aemond to our traditional foods that are naturally spicy. And because he wants to be a good boyfriend, he tries it all, but in the end he's a white boy who can't deal with spice and is suffering inside 🤣 (please look at the hilarious art Cee made). In the end though, I think he'd develop a taste for it lol!
re: his long hair. I think the consensus is because he's proud of his Targaryen heritage. Don't quote me on this but I think Tom Glynn-Carney (who plays his brother, Aegon) said that they kept Aegon's hair shorter than Aemond's because of his reluctance to rule and him wanting to separate himself from what his family has imposed on him. Unlike Aemond, who desperately wants it, who is proud of his lineage and wears the emblems of his house with pride.
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
kinda missed the train bc time zones but i just want to say that people angry at tommy for finding and using wilburs name (and comparing it to deadnaming? what? this is obviously so different) just cant appreciate the beauty of your writing
you write messy human characters in situations with questionable moral rights and wrongs, even if this was their first bones fic did they just forget the part where wil tried to kill tommy?
you write from one pov and work so amazingly with the unreliable narator prospects its so cool to read and so interesting to brainrot about
you write a lot of metaphors which is just something im obsessed with, especially the way youre so consistent with them, just like in stars with the sea and pillar, you continously describe wilburs most inner emotions as a bird in a cage and how the bird perks up at hearing the name wilbur while wilburs monologue is against it shows what was beaten into him and how he "wilbur" actually feels about it
also i know that a lot of people expected (and some wanted) a name reveal in the form of wilbur trusting tommy enough to tell him himself (i also expected this ngl) but looking at it, it feels so much out of character for glass!wil at least for a long while, hes nowhere near the amount of trust or even of knowing how much his training for the pythia was to be bale to tell anyone his name and in the situation hes in, kidnapped and in a group of people with completely different religion, i dont think theres space for him to get to that mental space in a completely healthy and right way
tommy finding out on his own and starting to use it on the other hand is just so much like glass!tommy, bc you can see how hes doing it bc he believes it wil help wilbur bc he knows how wrong it is that he was forced to foresay his own name, but also not telling the other deathlings bc he knows that the best way would be for wilbur to tell them himself
honestly im so glad it went like this bc it feels so justificating and deserving from characterisation and storytelling point, not throwing away all the built up trauma and messy relationships and all the mistakes that were made just for some quick and cheap comfort
instead of quick cheap hurt/comfort or angst you get a precisely and amazingly crafted deep and thought out story with deep and full chartacters that feel so human and its THE BEST THING EVER I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH BEE
and im sorry some people cant appreciate it and cant shut up about not being able to do so
lmao you get it i write messy human characters and also wilbur literally tried to kill tommy. this wasn't a breech of trust or anything they didn't have any trust beforehand.
kldsjfkld aaa you're so sweet though!! I'm so glad you like the one pov thing. It's genuinely my favorite way to write long stories now because it makes things so much more interesting to me. unreliable narrator is impossible to avoid when you only have a single pov going on and that's the fun part!!
so so happy you like the metaphors too. I definitely worry sometimes I'm overusing them, but I also like the consistency and the way it gives me a space to explain wilbur's emotions in a way that avoids just saying "he felt sad" or something. it makes it more interesting to describe and can be used in a lot of different ways so it's very fun for me
you see you get it!! there was no way he was gonna reach that place in a healthy way, at least not anytime soon. I know that everyone was expecting the soft reveal moment of wilbur telling tommy his name himself, but that's exactly why I didn't go with it. because subverting that expectation makes things a lot more interesting in terms of how it'll develop from there. it just makes the most sense with the characterization and everything to me so tysm <33
this made me smile a whole lot to read :D
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