#which were already there so its more of solidifying everything
acircusfullofdemons · 5 months
fuck it *dials up the aiw vibes for into*
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xamag-draws · 2 months
BBR thoughts 2024
Since I mentioned that I finally dusted off an old project of mine and was ruminating on how I'd remake it, I thought I'd elaborate a little, now that I've solidified some concepts. For funsies
This is gonna be a bit of a long and unfocused one, but I don't share my personal thoughts here often, especially the stuff about my projects I always marinate in. And for once it's something that people have existing context for, so hey why not
So for anyone who hasn't been following me for a gajillion years, The Black Brick Road of OZ was a webcomic that I posted around 2013-2015, back when I was in highschool going on college (which is kinda crazy to think about). It was sort of a darker twist on The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, although I definitely leaned a lot more into dark humor more than anything in those first few chapters
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I don't think it's available to read anywhere anymore, and I know people have been asking me about it. So here's the full proper archive of BBR, as full as it can be with deceased Flash
I totally used it as an excuse to shamelessly and self-indulgently experiment. It had interactive pages and GIFs and was wayyy too overproduced for what I could handle or what was necessary, but I did have great fun making it while it lasted
Unfortunately, that excess and the fact that I've changed too much as a person by the time I was in college is what ultimately killed it. The direction I wanted to go in was practically unrecognizable from the original idea started back in 2011, so there were many old hold-ups that I felt ruined it
At the time I kinda wished I could start/rewrite it all over, but considering that I pretty much had the entire script done at that point, it felt like a pointless sisyphean task. So I just put it on a shelf and didn't look back for about 8 years, because I didn't know what else to do
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Now to be fair, the nature of my art has always been iterative and cyclical; when I feel like my creative juices have run dry I prefer to leave a project to marinate and move on to something else; cycle through other old things and bring in new skills and perspectives into the mix when I'm ready again. Not very productive, but it is what makes me happy to work on my OCs; I'm doomed to hit a wall with them eventually and I need some time to be able to find a new direction
So that said, I'm glad that BBR was left to marinate for that long. I don't think I was prepared, emotionally or intellectually, to tackle it again until now. The Wizard of Oz book (and the entire series of them, really) has always been near and dear to my heart, but there's a lot of context around it that I'm only unpacking now that I'm older
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I think I always inherently feel negatively about the stuff I've made in the past, like its faults always jump out to me more than the positives, especially the more time passes. I've never liked that, and I do really appreciate the kind things people have to say about BBR to this day. The fact that it still can be recognized and remembered is very sweet
When I left it, I already found it "kinda cringe", and that feeling only deepened with years. When I took my first look back at it, asking the question "how would I rewrite it now?", at first I took a very cynical approach, as in "everything would have to be torn down"
But the more I sat on it, the more I found that I still see some merit and charm in the ideas I was putting out; I just didn't know how to execute them at the time (not to pretend that I know what I'm doing now, but I certainly know more at least). Turns out a lot of my old concepts could be changed substantially with just a few small tweaks. So I'd say that's a nicer way to think about my previous work
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If you haven't seen yet, I posted a first draft of my new designs for some of the characters (the main group, the Goods and the Wickeds). Definitely subject to change, but more or less how I see them now
I'm just playing with these concepts; by no means would I attempt to remake BBR right this moment. Call it a pipe dream among my other ones. But just for fun, this is the direction I'd like to take:
Nowadays I'd probably make it a visual novel, with more emphasis on the visual part than the novel because I'm no English prose writer by any means. It'd still let me play a little with the interactivity while helping cut some corners on the drawing part (only some, I imagine I'd go hog wild anyway)
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I've always intended for some events inspired by the sequel books to take place in BBR's past. Stuff like Jinjur's revolt or Ozma's rule preceeds the main events here. So I think it would be fun to follow the past of a few key characters alongside the main story. One chapter focusing on the present quest to see the Wizard, then one focusing on the past events (that are maybe reflective thematically); rinse and repeat
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I'm also sticking a little closer to the original text in some regards. Not everything that I enjoy from the books would be translated here, it's still just a very loose fantasy on the material; but I'd like to be closer in spirit at least
I like mature, wise and powerful Glinda, I like kind and vulnerable Tin Man, I like the Wizard being a pathetic yet loveable liar, so I'm sprinkling in more of that for example
I'd like to keep some whimsy, but make it more grounded and a bit more serious to be coherent in tone. I think the original TWWOOZ book was a more realistic fantasy in some ways, even for the standards of the time; I like its simple but vivid tactile descriptions and details like bringing attention that Dorothy needed to eat and sleep
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I find it funny that Baum specifically was averse to making his books scary or unpleasant, finding that unnecessary for telling a compelling kids story, but they still can get pretty dark and disturbing, at least for our modern sensibilities. Let's just say that I intend to use the Evoldo and Chopfyt storylines for my purposes. In that way, I feel like a "darker" Wizard of Oz retelling can still mostly be tonally in line with the original and balance it with enough heart and occasional humor
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I slowly grew to appreciate the quaint old-timey quality of the original series, as well. The first book is both timeless and very much a product of the 1900s. Originally I tried to give it a little modern or at least anachronistic spin, but it was moreso because it's what I knew best, so these days I'd rather intentionally lean into the time period. Still not fully historically accurate by any means, but at least directly acknowledging the influence
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The events of the story span across 40 years of these characters' lives, so I'm drawing inspiration from the entire so-called La Belle Epoque: the time period around 1880s-1920s. Basically I'm cooking, and my soup is old Victorian fashion morphing into Edwardian fashion and slowly inching towards flappers
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Some new Dolly outfits
Lots of crazy things, political changes and innovations were happening at the turn of the century, which I think is noted and reflected by Baum in the books as well; the character of Tik-Tok might not blow any minds now, but he was one of the first robot characters in literature at that point; and don't even get me started on Jinjur, etc. Plenty of really interesting stuff one could lightly ponder in an Oz adaptation these days
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Aesthetically, art nouveau has always been a big artistic influence for me, and it'd definitely be its time to shine here. John R. Neill's illustrations of the Oz books often keep me company as well. Nouveau architecture in particular fits that fairytale whimsy extremely well imo
I'd allow myself a little bit of art deco here and there, but ultimately its intimidating geometrical splendor is an antithetical to the flowery nature of nouveau and I associate it with a completely different era. Definitely fitting some characters like my Wicked Witch of the West, but shouldn't be overused
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One of my main problems with the original BBR was that eventually I lost track of what it was even about; and the original ending felt too mean and unfulfilling to be worth it. Now I'd like to stick to the theme of home and family as my main theme, but in a different, more bittersweet way than in the book
An interesting connection I made is that a lot of my aforementioned older key characters (the Witches, Jinjur, the Nome King, etc) all came from the same reformatory as kids, that's how they know each other. In my recent research I learned that in those reformatories it was usually frowned upon to release the children back to the families, which were seen as the original corrupting influence regardless of the circumstance. The reformatory did everything in its power to cut that connection and make itself the only family those wayward kids were supposed to know and love. That's an unexpected tie into the theme of home that I'd like to explore as well
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So yeah that's the current state of it. I have a bunch of outfit concepts I'm slowly cooking, although I'm now sure whether I'd post them... But I do miss these funny guys, and I'm glad some people still do as well :)
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sophies-junkyard · 9 months
NOBODY ASKED but… Obviously Simon’s arc in adventure time solidified the series as one of greatest of all time (and I’m so hyped for this ice king sadness renaissance) but now I’m thinking of OTHER Adventure Time moments that rewired my brain as a kid. In no particular order:
1. “Once the strong guys got it how they liked it they said ‘this is fair now. This is the law.’ Once they were winning they changed the rules”. They really had the cartoon dog say that on tv in 2014.
2. “People get built different. We don’t have to understand it, we just gotta respect it”
3. The entirety of All The Little People. That shit was absolutely nuts for a kids show but also like…. I can’t articulate the lesson I just know there was one and it haunted me. The danger of the human ego. Hubris. Irreverence. Don’t play god bro.
4. Lady and Peebles. When PB ripped Ricardio’s leg off and bashed his skull in with it. And it was so hardcore they edited it out of the episode. Bro. I remember watching that after school one day and how my jaw just DROPPED at a PRINCESS being so brutal. They let her be so fucking angry and that was a game changer.
5. [Finn, about a horrific memory] “that one’s going in the vault. Aaaaaaaaaandd. It’s gone.” I quote that CONSTANTLY. It’s a great way to bring levity to a bad situation, but also forces me to go “hey wait a sec that’s not gonna work forever”. Things don’t stay in the vault.
6. Puhoy. He lived an entire life in that pillow world. He had kids. And then it’s just gone like a dream.
7. The deer. It was probably my first real introduction to horror. The hand wiggle. You all know exactly what I’m referencing. Were the candy people stuck in that well for 6 months???
8. What Was Missing!! Obviously now because it foreshadowed (and confirmed past) Bubbline, but back then just because it was so good??? IMO, this is the episode that defined WHO our main cast was, and how their relationships needed to grow for them to be content. It set up the next 6 years of the show! Plus it gave us 2 absolute BANGERS. Ugh i rewatched that recording so many times it wasn’t even funny.
9. Ghost Princess. Really just for the line where he sounds like he’s gonna shit his pants remembering his death and then in a clear narrator voice he’s like “I was a broken man.”
10. The pajama war episode. Now I’m doing this from memory so I could be wrong, but I think this really marks the start of Finn growing up. “I’ve really enjoyed just… hanging out with you.” The ability to start over with someone you’ve got complicated history with. The kindness. The growth from both of them!! It’s a direct parallel of episode 1 but their tones couldn’t be more different and I love it.
11. The slow and horrifying realization that The Mushroom War was nuclear Armageddon. Mushroom clouds. That went so far over my head as a kid even though they reference it constantly. It finally clicked during “I remember you”. Which I am NOT gonna go into because holy fuck that’s like 18 posts on its own.
12. Goliad! A child mirroring EVERYTHING they see, for better or worse. Seeing Jake in a bad moment screaming at the kids and goliad absorbing that behavior. Seeing she can use fear to control people. Also PB was Fucking Crazy! Her line “I’m not gonna live forever… I would if I could” is even more unhinged when we learn (like years later) that she’s already 900 years old. But she does physically age so I guess there’s that. The Suitor also falls into this category of episodes.
Ok getting into some of the more talked about moments
1. OK I LIED I have to talk about I remember you. I was 11 years old. I turned on the new adventure time episode like usual. 10 minutes later I was grappling with a grief I had never imagined before. Absolutely BAWLING not just for Simon and Marceline (the PLOT), but for what it showed me. The reality that every kid tries not to think about: your loved ones will leave you someday, even if they don’t want to. It’s an episode that becomes more powerful with every year I get older. To get a bit personal, dementia has completely taken my grandparents from me. I’ve seen sides of my grandfather that should never have existed, and I must constantly forgive him for what he does… now that he doesn’t remember me. And someday it’ll be my parents. That’s just the way of the world, ya know? Anyways, I remember my mom got home right as the credits were rolling and we had a long talk about keeping people alive with memory, mortality, and how the future was far away and we should decide on dinner lmao.
2. The Hall of Egress. I was almost 15. Life was changing. I was changing, and it was strange and frightening. That feeling where you know you’re losing your childhood but you just want to cling to it. Follow the same old familiar path, stick with what’s comfortable. But life doesn’t work that way. It took me years to really understand this episode and it’s symbolism. Honestly I still don’t think I could fully explain it. It’s like. How do I put this. I was so glad to be in the target age group in that moment. I was so glad that something I was growing up with was assuring me “you’re changing, but we’re changing too”. And isn’t that the theme of adventure time? Everything stays, but it still changes.
3. The absolute horror of Ferns existence. He’s Finn, but he’s wrong and warped. All those memories of the people he loves and they can’t stand to be in the same room as him.
4. Susan Strong. The introduction of a RUNNING PLOT. The show up to that point had really been so goofy and so monster of the week. I think the only really plot heavy episode before this one was It Came From the Nightosphere? And then suddenly they call into question the fact that Finn really is the ONLY HUMAN in all of OOO. And then… is he? It was SUCH a departure from the usual tone. Ending that episode with him reaching below her hat and gasping in shock, but never telling the audience what he found. And then she’s just gone. Which leads us to Islands!
5. Min and Marty. Second saddest episode in the entirety of adventure time, made worse because you know exactly how this family is gonna end up. There’s SO MUCH to dissect about Martins behavior in the series. A reformed con artist receives a traumatic brain injury while attempting to save his son. They’re both lost at sea, and he never looks for him. Was it the emotional trauma? Was it the physical damage? Meanwhile a mother loses her husband and her child in a single night and never EVER learns why. Nobody but Martin knows what happened that night. Also Finns fear of the ocean from season 1 is finally explained. 7 years of ignoring Finns origins and then they throw you THIS??? Watching it live was unreal.
Anyways I’m sure I’ll think of more. I might add on to this later for my own sake lmao, but I’d love to hear other peoples formative moments, quotes, episodes, etc. I really just needed to dump this information out of my brain so I can get on with my week.
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whimsical-musingss · 2 years
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In which you meet your betrothed, Aemond Targaryen, for the first time.
Aemond X Female!Stark!Reader (only physical description is long black hair…everything else is up to the reader)
Warnings: not much, kinda flirty, kind of awkward because Aemond is infatuated with you…maybe a bit ooc but I don’t care … ya know..more to come! This is completely unedited and I apologize but hopefully that will change!
This will be a series, which include a series of “firsts” between Aemond and the reader. The masterlist can be found here. ❤️
Feedback is appreciated!! ❤️
You ache for home.
You’ve been dreading this moment ever since you were six years old. The moment when you would have to leave Winterfell to King’s Landing, where you would spend the rest of your life as wife to Aemond Targaryen, and your duties would be to squeeze out his heirs. You’ve been burdened your whole life with this knowledge, and that your future had been already written without your consent. But there’s no such thing as consent when it comes to marriage, especially when it comes to the royal Prince; the son of King Viserys the Peaceful.
The thought of leaving your extravagant bedroom in the Red Keep terrifies you. Upon your arrival, you have been instructed to go about the Red Keep as you please, explore your new home, but fright twists at your stomach when you open your bedroom door. You have explored little, finding the library to spend much of your time in. To your surprise, the Red Keep had its own Godswood, but looking upon the eyes of the Weirwood tree and the red sap leaking from its eyes made you long for home. The tree itself sticks out sorely, and it looks out of place without the snow. So you do not go near it, not until you do not feel homesick any longer.
Over the past day, your new servants have passed word to you that a feast would be held in the evening in honor of the betrothal between the Targaryen prince and Lady Stark. “It is a great step in solidifying the alliance between the houses, my lady. This is the first time a Targaryen wedded a Stark,” one servant explained, and you only nodded. Not because of the rising conflict between the Targaryens in King’s Landing and the Targaryens on Dragonstone. Not because this would ensure the Stark’s alliance to Prince Aemond, when the time came. But you do not dare speak of it here.
As the sun set, your servants began to dress you in an exquisite gown, a deep green, to match the color of your house or the Hightowers, you did not know. Golden leaves adorn your tight sleeve and neckline. Your black hair was put half up in a braid, leaving the rest down and curly. You have never felt this elegant, as the North never expected this kind of fashion for feasts. They only expected ale and a hearty meal to fend off the cold.
A guard, who was always stationed outside of your bedroom door, escorted you to the hall. You never ventured on that side of the Red Keep, and you hope that your guard will be able to escort you back so you would not get lost. The walk was confusing, with many stairs and hallways adorned with tapestries of the Targaryen sigil and dragon statues. Your guard did not say a word to you, but only bowed once you approached the large double doors that led to the hall. You swallow nervously, picking at your fingers out of habit. Voices and laughter echo from the hall on the other side. Two guards stationed at the double doors swing them open grandiosely, and your met with a swath of people.
There is a large table at the end of the hall where the royal family sits. At the sides, there are smaller tables where noble families reside, leaving a large pathway for you to walk in order to reach the table of the royal family. The chatter of the room quickly hushes as they realize there was Lady Stark in the doorway. Your servants explained that the royal family wanted you to be last in attendance, in order to “show you off to the noble houses.” You thought it was embarrassing and unnecessary, but who were you to question?
The hall is well light and warm, but it still feels like a bucket of Northern snow was dumped down your back. But you quickly calm your nerves the best you can, raise your head, and walk to the royal table. Your shoes echo as you approach, your hands clasped at your front to prevent you from picking at them. Your eyes sweep across the royal family: Queen Alicent is in the center, with the two princes at her side: Prince Aegon at her right, and alongside him is his sister-wife, Helaena. Next to her seats the Hand of the King, Otto Hightower. At Queen Alicent’s left seats your betrothed, Aemond.
They all have different expressions on their faces. Queen Alicent looks content, Aegon looks bored, Helaena looks dazed, Otto looks approving…and Aemond…you do not know. He looks at you with his one eye, his face expressionless, like stone. The noble families that you pass have stood up for you, bowing and curtsying, because they know that they are in the presence of their future princess. And that frightens you, because that is the last thing in Westeros that you want.
The royal family stays seated, of course, and you curtesy with your head down, awaiting on Queen Alicent to say something.
“Welcome, Lady-“
She is quickly cut off by the sound of a scraping chair, and you dare to look up. Aemond has stood up in your presence as well, his head in a slight bow towards you. His face remains expressionless, however. You move your head back down.
“Welcome, Lady Stark, to King’s Landing, on behalf of King Viserys, who could not attend tonight’s feast,” Queen Alicent continues, unfazed. “Please, join us, seat yourself next to Prince Aemond.”
You stand up from your curtesy. “Thank you, your Grace,” you say, and she smiles a small smile at that and motions you to to the table. You walk to her left side, where Aemond still stands, and he moves the chair out for you to sit in, avoiding your eyes.
“Thank you, your highness,” you say softly, and he sits next to you, silent. You clasp your hands in your lap. Aemond’s presence is a shadow, looming over you, and you almost tremble, despite your best efforts. He speaks nothing to you as food is served to the royal family, and chatter resumes amongst the noble families below. Laughter breaks out now and then, and you watch as they all interact with one another as servants pour you wine and serve your plate.
In the North, you were used to venison for dinner, always. But down here, they eat chicken, which looks and smells different. You don’t notice, but Aemond watches you curiously now and then as you eat slowly, but he still does not say anything. Which was to be expected. You have been told he is a quiet man who keeps to himself, despite having the largest dragon in the world.
The feast goes by quickly, especially since there was music that played from down below. You tried your best to calm yourself more, and the wine helped, even though you sipped on it slowly. You’ve seen what alcohol does to the best of men, but it does help calm your nerves. At this point, you’re catching on to Aemond’s quick glances, and when you do manage to catch his eye, you quickly turn away, flustered.
The feast begins to die down, especially with Prince Aegon and his wife Helaena’s departure. You have been finished with your meal for some time, and when Queen Alicent rises to retire, you decide to do the same. You curtesy as she passes you, and you decide to follow her stead.
“Let me walk you out, my lady.”
Aemond’s voice surprises you. It is soft, but stern, as though he was commanding you. You turn around quickly to face him, startled.
“Thank you, your highness,” you nod to him. You both walk awkwardly to the double doors, past the onlookers, and when you both leave the hall, he pauses.
“Goodnight, my lady,” he says, and as he turns to leave, you realize your previous knight who escorted you is not waiting for you.
“Your highness,” you call after Aemond, unsure of who else to call to. His head perks up and he turns around, and for once, his face has an expression…of confusion.
“I apologize,” you say, stumbling on your words. “My guard…I do not know where he is, and I do not know the way back to my quarters…I apologize, but if I could ask for your assistance…” you are picking at your fingers again, your head bowed. You see his arm extend and his hand clasps over your fidgeting ones. He’s surprisingly warm, making your face heats up.
You swear you see a hint of a smile at your blush, but it’s gone before you can look again. “Of course, my lady,” he says, letting go of your hands and offers you his arm. You gratefully take it, looping your arms together. As much as he is skinny, he feels sturdy, almost holding you upright.
“Thank you, your highness, I do not mean to be a bother-“
“Please, call me Aemond,” he says softly, looking down at you. “I would appreciate that more than honorary titles.”
You blink up at him. “Yes, your-I mean, Aemond. If that it what you wish.”
The hint of that smile returns on his lips. “Try to remember the way back,” he says, and you turn your head to focus on the path ahead.
“I do not know if I can memorize it so quickly. The Red Keep is so much larger than Winterfell,” you comment.
“Mm,” he grunts at that, and you do not know if that was a grunt of laughter or annoyance. His lips hint at laughter.
“Have you ever been to Winterfell?” You ask.
“Once, when I was very young. Have you ever been to King’s Landing?” He looks at you, eyebrow raised.
“No,” you admit. “The Northerners do not go South unless it’s absolutely necessary…such as me, for example.”
“This marriage pact…is necessary, you say?” Aemond tilts his head, his blond hair swaying as he does.
“Well, of course…do you think that way?” You bite your tongue at that, thinking you went a bit too far.
“Of course I do, my lady. To keep the alliance strong with the North is vital,” he turns to you, stopped, as you had approached your bedroom door. “But…it does seem necessary to marry someone as beautiful as you.”
You see a blush appear on his pale cheeks, and your eyes widen at his admission. He tucks a lock of your curly hair behind your ear, seemingly lost for words. You definitely are, but your eyes don’t leave his.
“Goodnight, my lady,” he says, and bows his head and turns away to leave.
“Wait,” you call out, and he turns around. “You can call me Y/N, if you wish.”
His mouth turns up at that in a smirk. “Goodnight, Y/N,” he says, and he stalks off into the hall, and into the darkness.
“Goodnight, Aemond…,” you whisper. Your heart hammers in your chest, and the feeling of his fingers tucking your hair behind your ear does not go away…you let out a shaky breath and quickly enter your bedroom. You thought he was a monster, a cruel man…but perhaps there are two sides to him…
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Of Lingerie and Sirius Play
coming back from hiatus, have been traveling; will be filling requests but starting with this that was tumbling around my horny head; i'll write sfw stuff soon; enjoyy
pairing: Sirius x reader
word count: 4.8k (smut, smut, and more smut)
tags / warnings: NSFW!! (MDNI!!), established relationship, lingerie, sex, fem! reader, oral (f receiving, face sitting), p in v, slight insecurities, body worship, very explicit but still tender hopefully 
You were staring at yourself in the mirror, turning this way and that, second thoughts ebbing and flowing in your mind. You never wore things like this. Never. Sure, you had some bras and knickers that were more flattering than others, some that matched even. But nothing like this. 
You were worried that the strip of your thigh just above the stocking garters didn’t look nearly as good as it did on lingerie models. You followed the line of the straps that connected them to the garter belt with your eyes then lightly with your fingers. The belt was more flattering than the thigh-highs, the lace resting on your waste a bit more comfortably than on your thighs. You pulled the back of your bra down for the nth time in the last few minutes, trying and retrying everything you could to make sure the cloth clung to your body in the most flattering way possible. Your boobs had never looked better. You turned around (again) to look at your mostly uncovered arse, the bright colour of the thin line of lace contrasting against your skin. This you were less confident about than you front, but you were probably just being typically overly harsh with yourself. 
You wanted to surprise Sirius; no special occasion, you just wanted to do something special for him. He always made you feel so special — in bed and in general — and it gave you the desire (and the confidence) to try something like this. 
You’re still fiddling with the outfit when you hear noises in the living room. Sirius is home early. 
“Shit,” you startle, looking around the room for something to cover yourself with, debating whether it’d be faster or slower to take it off first. Sure, there wasn’t a specific occasion, but you were still planning to do something more special than just have him find you like this in the middle of the afternoon. Then, to your horror, the noises solidify into… voices. Sirius is home early, and he’s not alone.
You hear his voice growing louder, coming closer: “…’Course, mate. I think I left it in here; let me just grab it, and we can see  if — bloody fucking hell…” He’s standing at the bedroom door, eyes wide, mouth agape, its edges already quirking up at the corners a fraction of a second later. Not even shock is enough to keep his delighted smirk from forming automatically. You’re standing there in your new lingerie like a deer in headlights, frozen, your hands too conflicted about which part of yourself to attempt to cover to move to any part at all. Sirius, stock-still, just stares.
“What? Y’alright, Pads?” Now James’s voice is louder, too, and you can tell he’s just on the other side of Sirius. 
“Uhh,” Sirius startles, turning rapidly on his heels and pulling the door half closed next to him. “Sorry, Prongsy, change of plans.” You don’t quite make out James’s quick response. “Yeah, mate, I know, but the thing is, I’m about to fuck my girlfriend silly, so that’s going to have to wait because this could take a while.” He sounds so smug already, and in the back of your startled mind, you’re ruing how your surprise for him has him smug and you flustered even from its onset. You hear what sounds like “bloody hell” and something about “bloody rabbits” from the other side of the door, and a moment later, Sirius has turned his attention back on you, the door closed behind him, the flat silent. He’s leaning back on the door, taking you in, looking you shamelessly up and down where you stand planted to the floor shifting your weight nervously. “Hello, sweetheart.” It sounds almost normal. Almost. His voice is a good octave lower than usual. He’s wearing a shit-eating grin too, but that’s pretty normal. “What’s going on here then?” He pushes off the door. 
“Hi,” you say, sounding much shyer than you have with Sirius for years. You struggle to hold his gaze, your cheeks burning. “Um. Nothing —” “Nothing?” he challenges immediately. “Really?” a bit more gently, fake considering. He’s stepping achingly slowly toward you. He reaches your spot in the middle of the room and stops in front of you, his eyes roaming your body conspicuously. “Because this…” he begins,  and he lifts his hand slowly. Gently, he sticks his finger between your bra strap and your skin then runs it up and down a couple of times. “…doesn’t look like nothing.” He snaps the strap onto your skin. You start a bit at the sensation but still say nothing. You don’t know what to say, and your brain has stopped functioning. You’re completely overwhelmed, and you’re not even sure by which feeling.
Sirius caresses your cheek with the backs of his fingers. When you still don’t say anything after a few moments, his cheeky expression softens subtly, and he asks, “Y’alright, love?” “Yeah, I’m good. I just… You surprised me,” you say quietly. “I surprised you?” he asks incredulously, full cheek restored. “Funny. That’s not how it feels from my side of things.” You giggle awkwardly but warmly. “Did I forget my own birthday or something?” he jokes. You giggle again, most of the awkwardness melting quickly away. Sirius has a way of making that happen. “No, Siri,” you smile. “I just wanted to do something special for you,” you shrug. “Something fun,” you add. “Oh. Darling.” His hand comes to rest on your cheek, and he takes a step closer. “Darling, darling, darling,” he teases, his eyes roaming your body. He takes his time then looks at the mirror behind you. Biting his bottom lip, he huskily whispers, “Do a little spin for me, baby. Show me all of it?” Blushing, you nod shyly and turn all the way around slowly. Sirius groans appreciatively, and his hand instinctively goes to the already prominent bulge in his pants. 
“You like it?” you ask him, your voice small. His eyebrows go up in response. 
“Baby,” he says, closing the distance between you. “Why’re you all shy?” His hands come up on either side of your face, holding and caressing you. “Is it part of the fun?” he asks cheekily. “Because if it is, I’m game,” he chuckles lowly. “I’ll do whatever you want me to.” His playful expression softens a bit as he continues, “But if you’re actually nervous…” He gently brings his hands from your cheeks to your shoulders then guides you toward the mirror, turning you around, standing close behind you. He rests his chin on your shoulder, and caresses your arms up and down where they rest at your sides. He pecks your cheek then looks back toward the mirror. “Do you like it?”
“I…” You look yourself up and down, biting your bottom lip as you consider. “I think so.” 
“Hm,” he hums by your ear then gives it a nip that sends shivers down your spine. He sees your eyes close and smirks at the effect he has on you, but he says, “Open your eyes, baby.” You do. “You, my love, are a fucking sight to behold. I pity the rest of the world for not getting to see you like this, to see what I see. But you do, right? You see how bloody gorgeous you are? So fucking sexy…” His arms come more tightly around you, and he plants a sloppy openmouthed kiss on your throat, his teeth grazing your pulse point, where the vibrations of his chuckle pulse through you. “Sirius…” you whisper, leaning back into him. His wet lips smile against you. 
“Let’s play a game,” he suggests, all mischief. You giggle softly, biting your lip and quirking your eyebrow. “What kind of game?” “The kind that’s going to end with you writhing in pleasure on that bed right there.” “Sounds fun…” “Oh, it’ll be fun, sweetheart. So much fun.” He takes a step back from you, and you immediately miss his warmth. You go to turn to him, but he stops you with a gentle hand on your shoulder and a low  “uh-uh.” His chin jutting out toward the mirror, he says, “Look at yourself.” You squint suspiciously at him, making him chuckle, but then turn toward the mirror. You meet his eyes through the mirror and raise your eyebrows in challenge, soliciting his instructions. He asks you, “Which part of yourself do you like the most right now?” “Sirius —” you go to protest, but he stops you immediately, talking over you and coming closer again. “Because if I looked as good as you do right now, I’d definitely be turning myself on,” he jokes. You roll your eyes but keep smiling. “So? Which part?” 
“Which part do you like?” 
“Uh-uh. Not the game. Answer me.” 
You glare at him but answer, “… My tits.”
“Mmm. Good choice, gorgeous.” His arms wrapping around you from behind, his hands come up to your breasts. “These glorious tits?” He gropes them roughly, and you moan, your head falling back onto his shoulder. The gentle kiss he gives your hairline contrasts with the forceful kneading of your breasts.  “C’mere.” 
He drags you unceremoniously toward the bed, sits on its edge, and pulls you onto his lap. Straddling him, you can feel his hardness underneath you. His eyes level with — and glued to — your chest in this position, he says, “Perfect.” You don’t know if he means the position or your chest, but when he abruptly pulls one of the thin cups down and latches on to you, it doesn’t matter. He’s groaning as he sucks harshly on your nipple. When it’s completely pert, he moves his attention to the rest of your breast, biting, sucking, and licking everywhere, before returning his mouth to your hard bud to play with it again. After repeating this a couple times, he loudly pops off and moves his head between your breasts. Squeezing each in his calloused hands, he buries himself in your chest and gives a deep, loud groan. Then, looking up at you from between them, he tells you, “You taste as delicious as you look, you know? And I’m only just getting started.” He licks a stripe between your tits and across your sternum. 
He pulls back a tiny bit and just stares at your breasts, licking his lips as his eyes dart back and forth between them. With surprising gentleness, he fixes the crumpled bra cup so that it sits right on your breast again. Your hard, moist nipple is perfectly clear underneath the very thin, almost transparent material. He wraps his lips around it over the material, sucking harshly and running his tongue around and around. He gives it a little bite before leaning back again. “Much better,” he muses at his work. The bra is wet with his saliva, making it even more prominent where your nipple is poking through. He moves to play with your other breast until it looks the same and both are aching and sensitive. You shiver when the cool air hits you. “How do they feel?” he asks, his rough hands kneading them again. “Good,” you respond, raspy. 
“How good? I’m glad to keep going.” 
You’re not exactly sure what he means but just answer truthfully, “They feel incredible.” “Good. Because they fucking look incredible.” His hands still on them, squeezing, he bites one where it bulges above the cup, and you whimper. His hands then caress your body and move to rest on your arse, squeezing there. “Now. What other part do you like?” You’d already forgotten his game, but play along immediately, eager for his mouth to be back on you. “Umm…” You look down at yourself. You’re not sure if it’s the sitting position or the way Sirius is making you feel, but the garters on your thighs, resting either side of him, look better than they did during your nervous examination. 
You’re worrying your bottom lip between your teeth, looking down at yourself but not answering him when he prompts, “Don’t be nervous, doll. There’s no wrong answer; I mean, fuck, just look at you.” He gives your arse a little jiggle. 
“My thighs,” you tell him, and his hands squeeze their way down from your arse to your thighs where he kneads them.
“Good girl,” he praises. His fingers trace across the garters’ fabric then he sticks them in and tugs, snapping it back onto your skin. It elicits a little pain but a lot of pleasure, and you grind your hips down onto his. He bucks up into you in response, grinding back, his hands gripping your hips and his hard cock giving your soaked center delicious friction. “Fuck,” he comments, his head rolling back. “Don’t worry, darling, we’ll get to that.” He juts up once more in punctuation. “But first, let me show you how much I love your thighs… show you how right your are to love them too.” He leans in for a lingering kiss then, before his lips have parted from yours, tosses you sideways onto the bed. You laugh together. 
You shuffle back on your elbows scooting further up on the bed, but as you try to settle in, Sirius yanks you back down by the ankles. 
“Sorry, sweets,” he says, voice syrupy and cheeky. “That’s my spot.” 
He tugs his shirt off then crawls over you slowly, kissing and licking all the way up your body as he does, until he settles onto the center of the bed, his head comfortably near the headboard, his hands coming up behind his head. He quirks his eyebrow at you from where he’s lounging, looking you up and down. “You coming?” You make your way onto him, straddling his hips, but you don’t manage to sit back before he’s moving you. His hands are pulling you further up, his own body shuffling down with the same pull. 
“What are you doing?” There’s slight panic in your voice, guessing where this is going. Guessing correctly, in fact, as he nonchalantly responds, “Sit on my face.” 
You tense and resist his manipulations of your body.  
“Siri… I… Why don’t we switch?” With you sitting almost on his chest at this point, he sits up onto his elbows, looking up at you. 
“Because. I want you to suffocate me with your thighs.” He bites his bottom lip hungrily as he looks at them, spread across his chest. “And,” he rasps, his hands caressing your knees comfortingly, “Because I think you’ll like it…” You’re worried you’ll actually suffocate him, as ridiculous as it seems, and he knows. “Baby… Hey, look at me.” You do. “I want it, yeah? A lot, actually. And if it’s uncomfortable — for either of us — we’ll just tell each other. Yeah?” His thumbs are rubbing soothing circles on the insides of your knees through the thin fabric of your stockings. “We don’t have to try if you don’t want to.” He means it; you know. “But I think it could be great…”
You are curious, have been for a while. And you trust him completely. So, with your bottom lip nervously between your teeth, and your eyes glued to where your hands are fiddling with each other, you nod. 
“Yeah?” he enthuses, giddy. “Yeah,” you whisper. He pushes up so that he’s fully sitting up with you in his lap, and he wraps his arms around you. He kisses you ardently, holding you close. His lips are soft and wet against yours, his tongue hot and firm where it plays with yours. 
“Mmm,” he hums, pulling back slightly. Scanning your face, he asks, “Ready?” You nod again, more certain this time. “Brilliant,” he says, with the same look on his face he had as a second-year sneaking into Honeydukes for the first time. He dramatically plops back down onto his back, and he gestures you forward with his index finger. Covering your face with your hands, you groan nervously. You take a deep breath and scoot forward.
“That’s my girl,” he encourages. And when you cage his face between your legs, he adds, “My sexy —” he gives a loving bite to the inside of your thigh, “sexy,” he bites the other one, his face grazing your cunt as he switches between them, “girl.” You grab onto the headboard to help hold yourself up and stable. His hands caress the outsides of your thighs as he keeps nipping at the insides of them. He bites around where the lace circles them and licks at your bikini line. You shiver at the feeling of his tongue on such sensitive skin, so close to your core, and you feel him chuckle there. 
“Shut up,” you tell him shyly. You tighten your thighs a bit in playful punishment, and rather than act reprimanded, he barks into full laughter. 
“I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish, love. You’re giving me exactly what I want,” he laughs. He slaps your arse, and you yelp. 
“You’re going to make me lose my balance!” You complain. “Good! I want you all over me.” “I am all over you.” “I know. I fucking love it.” His voice is muffled by your body, even more so when he nuzzles into your cunt, chuckling all the while. “This is very pretty,” he says, playing with the thin string of your skimpy knickers. “But it’s in the way.” He pulls it to the side. “And what’s underneath is much, much prettier.” He licks a wet stripe from as far down to as far up as his mouth will reach.
“Fuck, Siri, fuck,” you chant as he does it again and again. You start losing yourself in it, grinding your hips onto his tongue. It’s electric and incredible. And wet.
“Fuck, you’re dripping, darling. You’re not going to suffocate me; you’re going to drown me,” he laughs. You’re mortified. You tense immediately and try to pull off of him, but he pulls you back down with impressive ease. “Baby, baby, baby; wait,” spills quickly out of his glistening mouth. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to worry you. It’s great; I’m great; I love it,” he tries to reassure, holding you in place.
“It’s embarrassing,” you say to between your legs. 
“Why? Do you think I should be embarrassed that I’m so fucking hard right now? Because of you, by the way.” “No…” “Exactly. It’s hot. And…” He gives you a good lick. “Fucking delicious.” 
He sucks on your lower lips, and you moan. He sucks on your clit, and your moan mutates into a full yell. 
It’s never felt so good before… And your level of control helps you guide the pressure perfectly… And Sirius seems genuinely thrilled…
You take a deep breath and lift up off of him a bit. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks, his gorgeous gray eyes flooding with disappointed concern. 
“Nothing,” you respond calmly, contemplating him. “Siri…”  “Yeah?”
“You like it?” His eyebrows furrow, wondering if this is some kind of trick question given there’s only one obvious answer. He gives it: “I love it.”
“And you’re comfortable?” 
“More like ecstatic, but yes.” He’s still squinting confusedly at you, but he’s grinning now. “Okay.” 
“Yeah, okay,” you give a nervous giggle. “Just tell me if it’s too much.” 
You start putting your weight back down on him but pull up at the last second and add, “You promise?” 
“Yes, baby, I promise. Now get back here.” He pulls you back down, immediately attaching his mouth to you. The pleasure shoots from where you connect through your entire body, and rather than be self-conscious, you follow the impulse and grind down.  Sirius groans throatily and doubles his efforts. You follow his mouth with your hips. Your hands are clenching the headboard, but you allow your weight to mostly rest on him, ignoring your inhibitions and chasing your pleasure. 
You build up together, Sirius adept at knowing when to be rhythmically  repetitive and when to switch things up, you using your leverage to guide the pace and pressure. Mere minutes later, you’re a moaning mess and Sirius’s groaning is constant and loud. Your legs buckle from the strain and the pleasure, and Sirius tightens his grip on your thighs and hips to hold you up. Sensing your weakening legs and growing pleasure, he picks up his pace abruptly, and equally quickly, you release onto his face with a piercing scream. 
Your whole body goes limp, but he does his best to hold you in place as he keeps moving his mouth on you, your shivers still shooting through you, your whimpers still music to his ears. 
A long, lingering moment later, you manage to swing one of your legs over and collapse next to him. Your breathing is laboured and loud. Next to you, Sirius looks blissful, looks like he’s the one who just came. The entire bottom half of his face is soaked in you. 
“Oh my god,” you observe, smiling, reaching over to wipe some of it off. He snatches your wrist and stops you. “I’m quite proud of this,” he informs you, looking down goofily and licking his lips. He pulls you by your wrist so you’re lying mostly on top of him. “You want a taste?” he jokes, face to face with you, jutting his chin toward you. You giggle and lick his lips. He takes your tongue in his mouth and sucks on it then molds his lips to yours and kisses you deeply. “Told you you were delicious,” he whispers. His hands caress your back; his nose nudges yours. Softly, he asks, “Did you like it, love?” 
Sirius is cocky. In bed, Sirius is very cocky. And yet, his questions is genuine. There’s no hint of “I told you so,” only “How was it for you? Are you alright?”
“It was insane, baby. Thank you,” you whisper back. He scoffs lightheartedly. 
“Thank you. For trusting me, for letting go.” He pecks your lips. “Fuck, it was so hot when you just let go.” Now you kiss him.
Your lips still lingering against his, you suggestively whisper, “Is the game over?” He chuckles brightly and shakes his head. “What other part do you like?” He kisses you. “Hmmm…” You act contemplative. “Oh, I know what I like.” You bite his bottom lip then release it with a lewd pop. “I know what I like a lot.” “Tell me.” He’s grinning adoringly up at you, but his pupils are completely blown, and his voice is low and raspy.
“Your cock.” You grind down onto him, and his groan is inadvertent and animalistic. 
“That’s not how this works,” he jokes, but his voice is as strained as his trousers. 
“It is now.” “Okay,” he gives immediately and lunges up to clash your lips together again. You chuckle into his kiss and reach down between you to undo his trousers. He helps you, never breaking the kiss, until his hard cock is free. You grab him and guide him to your still wet entrance, sinking down onto him. 
“Holy fuck,” he groans, and his hands bruisingly grip your hips. He lets you control the  pace, but you can tell by his grip, his expression, his breathing that it is taking all his self-control. You go fast, and when he bottoms out, his head plops back onto the pillow in tight bliss. “You feel so good. How do you feel so good?” He bucks up into you. 
You sit up, putting your hands on his chest, and clench as tightly as you can. Sirius’s eyes roll back in his head, and he whimpers. Slowly, deliciously, you pull your hips up until only his tip remains inside you then slide back down equally steadily. His fingers tense, and he bites his bottom lip hard. You do it again. His eyes squeeze shut. “You don’t want to look at me?” You tease. “After I dressed up for you?” 
“Baby…” He meets your eyes then looks at your chest then at where you’re connected. “You’re going to kill me,” he chuckles huskily. “I could cum just by looking at you.” One of his hands comes up to harshly hold your breast. You lift up and down and up and down, quickly and roughly now, your nails digging into his chest. “Mmmphhh, fuuuck,” he gasps. He moves his hand to grip the bit of your bra between your tits, making it move even more as you go up and down. He’s staring, transfixed, at your chest, as he pleads, “Yeah, baby, make ‘em bounce like that, fuck.” You oblige. 
You’re enjoying it thoroughly, both the sensations and the teasing, but your legs are already feeling like jelly after your previous activity. You sit still and look down at him. 
“Mm?” he grunts. 
His lidded eyes staring straight into yours, you grind your hips and ask him, “Fuck me?”
He sits up like a lightning bolt, more devouring than kissing you, and with a tight grip on your waist, he flips you over. He spreads your thighs roughly and plunges right back into you. 
His pace is immediately rough and desperate. You wrap your legs around his waist, your arms around his shoulders, and cling to him as he pounds in and out of you. The headboard starts banging against the wall in rhythm with his thrusts, and the sound muffles your concurrent yelping.
You think he’s going to keep going until he cums, especially given it can’t be long with how hard he’s going, but after a stutter of his hips, you feel him suddenly halt. He’s panting into the crook of your neck, and he bites down onto your shoulder to calm himself for a moment. He pulls back and stares into your eyes. He gives you a quick kiss then moves up, pulling out, till he’s kneeling above you, his naked chest still rising and falling heavily, his mouth open, his eyes black and piercing, his hair a gorgeous mess. 
One of his hands grabs his cock, and the other slaps your thigh.
“Turn around,” he demands. You do, and you raise your hips. “Haven’t appreciated this side enough,” he chuckles breathily. He slaps your arse then gently traces the lace first of the belt, then of the garters, and finally of your wrecked knickers. He pulls it aside again and sticks his cock inside you, languidly pushing all the way in.
He’s still. The fronts of his thighs are flush with the backs of yours; his hands are exploring your back, your arse, your thighs. He gives a haughty chuckle. 
“Baby,” — he snaps your knickers onto your skin — “you’ve no idea how hot you look. This view is killer.” You wiggle your arse on him, and he laughs his full laugh, squeezing your cheeks in his eager hands. “Keep doing that,” he urges. When you do, he slaps your arse a couple more times. His chuckles turn to groans at a particularly harsh grind from you, and you squeeze your cunt around him to draw it out. “Fuuck.” He snaps his hips. The drag of his cock feels incredible at this angle. 
Having started, he doesn’t stop, quickly setting a brutal pace. “‘M not gonna last, love,” he confesses. “‘S too good.” He sounds completely spent, but the movements of his body are as fast and forceful as ever. “Touch yourself,” he urges. “Please cum on my cock, baby,” he pleads, his words more of an exhale by the end. 
He thrusts even harder but a bit slower, allowing you to snake your hand under yourself. You immediately start rubbing your clit roughly. 
“Fuuu — I’m gonna, fuck, fuck; I can feel you’re right there; you’re right there; that’s it, fuck; cum with me, baby.”
He starts cumming before you can get there, but the feel of it has you immediately releasing with him. Your tightening walls draw out his cum and extend his orgasm. You look behind you, and Sirius is completely blissed out. His hands are on you; his hips are making their best attempt at thrusting, but his mouth hangs open, low whimpers emanating from it. You push your hips back and forth onto him, helping him finish his climax and enjoying the end of yours, and after a few more languid thrusts, you both collapse flat on the bed. Sirius is half on top of you, his chest on your back, his arm snaked around your waist, his mouth playing lazily on your shoulder. He chuckles there. 
You turn to him, your faces close, your grins matching.
“So you like the surprise?” you ask.
“I love the surprise,” he responds, equal parts cheek and affection. “And I love you. So fucking much.” He leans in for a quick, adoring kiss. “You? you like it?” He runs his hands over the lingerie softly as he asks. You nod gently but certainly and hum affirmatively. “Good. You’re so beautiful, baby.” He kisses you again. “Wear whatever you want, and you’ll have me pining like a puppy.”  You giggle and kiss his nose. “Love you, pup.” He gives his barking laugh. “Love you, too.”
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anemoiashifts · 1 month
how to detach for reality shifting.
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♡ stop putting your dr on a pedestal.
we’ve heard this before but really. i mean it.
im going to assume if you’ve wanted to shift you’ve asked people what it is, asked shifting creators other questions, looked into theories. you were trying to expand your knowledge by looking for answers outwardly. looking for information isn’t a bad thing, but obsessing over what shifting is / isn’t can make shifting harder because your focused on the “what-if’s” & not living as you are. deciding to set out & rationalize shifting & policing others can be detrimental in your journey. this is why i say, i don’t care what shifting is because it’s something. & that should be enough.
the truth is, there is no 10000% concrete proof that shifting is this or that. there is no experiment that solidifies one theory or another, demeaning it as “correct”. they’re all just theories for a reason. so stop trying to rationalize is. find comfort in the unknown. in my opinion, that is the first thing needed in detachment. the letting go & elimination of overthinking how something works & just allowing it to work within time.
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♡ “ill shift & things will be better. ill be happy, ill accomplish this. ill be better.”
your reality is a mirror of your thoughts & internal world. if you’re someone who thinks “this world is awful” you will subconsciously search for things that affirm those beliefs. i saw this example before & i think it really drives this thought home. if you see yourself in the mirror & notice your lipstick got on your teeth, you’re going to wipe it off your teeth. meaning, the mirror didn’t change. you did.
looking for external validation may unintentionally self-sabotage because you are not in the feeling of having it. you are searching for it which is you reminding yourself you do not have it yet.
don’t put off your happiness. allow yourself to feel everything you’re expecting in your dr at this moment. neville goddard once suggested the practice of living your life & imagine what it would be like if you had your desire. continue your imagination with the mindset that you’ve already shifted / manifested / achieved everything you’ve ever wanted until it shows in the 3d, when you are in full alignment. you are focusing on your desire, thus you will recognize it more & watch it show itself in your exterior. the 3d is a mirror to the mind.
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♡ so how do we detach ?
there is no step by step, how to guide. in its simplest terms detaching is accepting & not obsessing over an outcome (when it comes, how you will achieve it) because you know it’s yours already. detaching doesn’t mean not caring or not thinking about our manifestations or —in this case— our desired realities. it means not overthinking your desires.
detaching is ultimately trusting yourself & the universe. that everything will work out in your favor no matter what.
you must change yourself before anything else. once the concept of self is changed, everything else in your life will follow. you decide what you are worthy of. you decide what life you want to live. you are the only one who can truly define yourself. every one else, every other person you have come across, only has their assumption & interpretation of you.
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i want to take a moment to speak about timing. there is no set time your manifestation will come. everyone attracts at different rates. it takes some people days to shift for the first time, it takes others months and some it can take years. patience & persistence is vital in manifesting.
example. some people are able to solve math problems really fast & get every answer correct on exam. while others need more time to preform at the same rate as the students who are able to complete their work faster. the quality of the work is the same. vs if the person who needed more time on math exams rushed through every single problem resulting in getting the answers wrong. everyone goes at their own pace & that’s okay.
a second example. let’s say your baking a cake. you put in all the ingredients correctly, you have to correct sized pan. but when it comes to baking it — let’s say 45 minutes — you keep opening the oven door to check on it every minute. it’ll never cook. you have to give things time & the seeds you’ve planted time to grow.
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maria-of-the-waves · 14 days
The Kingdom of Life
This is an idea that has been brewing in my mind for a while and was confirmed in my head when I looked at the map of the western continent (o_ _)ノ彡
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You see this, the desert of death and the Kingdom of Askosan are the same size, that means that there is nothing stopping the City of Life from becoming the Kingdom of Life ヽ(・∀・)ノ
It has already been confirmed to us in history that attempts have been made to create new cities in the Desert of Death, so it is not crazy to think that if more had been created, it would end up becoming a Kingdom with its own culture.
What's more, in chapter 316 we are told that only a necromancer will be the new king/queen of death because they are the ones who know the most about the pain that darkness can cause and still handle it ╰(▔∀▔)╯
Not only that, the Night's Exultation is a gem that belonged to the Queen of Death and gives us a great clue about what could be the main jewel of a crown or jewel that marks royalty ヽ(;▽;)ノ
Now that I've explained the reason why I came up with this AU, here are my ideas for it:
The divergence began when the Queen of Death founded the City of Life and appointed a family of dark elves to run it when she I couldn't do it anymore.
She designated this family with a magical huadian that would mark who is worthy to rule, so if one day the family were corrupted their right to rule would be eliminated and assigned to some other family that was worthy.
After the final battle againts the Queen of Death and the Church of the God of Sun it became common knowledge that the next King/Queen of Death would only be a necromancer and the most loyal dark elves built a palace in the capital which was sealed only to be opened when their next King arrived.
The ruling family began to rule and was recognized as an archduchy (The highest rank of nobility below royalty) and a branch of the royal family.
With the construction of more underground cities and towns, an aristocracy began to be created that will govern their respective territories, making sure to remain firm in the principles of always being faithful to their people and helping them in every way possible.
When humans began to escape from Dubori territory to the Desert of Death they were welcomed as citizens of the Kingdom of Life.
With each generation the population continued to increase in both humans, half-breeds and dark elves which caused the kingdom to grow and prosper while the culture developed obtaining things such as harem pants, the wearing of veils on the face and hair and hena tattoos
The archducal family remained faithful to the first queen and for generations humans and dark elves mixed, causing that although the most recent generation (Obante and his offspring) were mostly dark elves the percentage will vary.
At some point, Alberu's mother decided to travel the Continent and ended up as King Zed Crossman's concubine, but since they both fell in love, she did not care much about her new position.
Tasha didn't like this very much but accepted it until she found out that her sister was pregnant and immediately went to help her by disguising herself as a maid.
From here everything goes as canon until during a return visit to her native home Tasha ends up rescuing Mary who became a necromancer, the first in centuries.
During Mary's recovery in the capital's hospital someone leaked the information that the future Queen of Death had been born, and the entire Kingdom began to celebrate the arrival of the future Queen.
Due to the social pressure of taking the throne in the future when she is only 10 years old Mary felt overwhelmed and asked Tasha to stay with her.
Tasha accepted and during the time she took a break she and Mary formed a mother-daughter bond which was solidified when Tasha asked Mary if she could adopt her by blood.
Mary accepted and once the ritual was completed she became a dark elf half-blood, maintaining her status as a necromancer.
His web scars turned white due to the concentration of dead mana and he obtained the huadian of the archducal family in the same color.
I imagine that from here things would go as in canon with the exception that Mary would get lessons in etiquette and politics while she travels throughout the Kingdom of Life to meet her future subjects.
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snapscube · 1 year
hihihi ok. so i’m in my last of us fixation mode and i’m being extra silly about it but i NEED to know what’s ur current opinion on the last of us hbo?? also i logged onto tumblr and saw a lot of rly good points defending joel’s final choice and i remember during the last of us pt1 playthrough u had differing opinions so i wonder if u think the show’s differences affect that at all? btw i LOVE ur stuff and cannot wait until u do last of us pt 2 wehehehehe!!! anyway besides all that i just want u to know that u are one of the things in my life that makes it easier to get up in the morning
I still feel exactly the same about the final events as I always have! The show didn't change it for me, and actually being able to remove myself from being in control of the situation in the game and actually just watch the events play out in show format solidified that further. The connection I have to Joel as a player when I play the game really helps me understand his perspective more and stomach the goal a bit more easily, but without that immediate intimacy it puts into perspective for me how kinda monstrous the whole thing is from every angle. Obviously I don't ever lose that sympathy for him, and I never stop understanding why, because the whole point of the conflict is that no one is in the right. Ultimately I think the damning thing for every single person involved is that they removed Ellie's agency from the equation, and I still stand by that. They all should have talked to her. They should have told her the truth. All she wants is for her immunity to matter, and I believe that they may have been surprised at the lengths she's willing to go in order to make a difference, whether it's ultimately the right call or not.
I don't know what arguments you've seen exactly in defense of Joel's choice, but personally I don't really agree with one I see a lot and I'd expect will pop up again now that the show is over, which is the whole "well who's to say a vaccine would have worked anyway?????" angle. I think, while reasonable from a meta standpoint, completely ignores the intended framing of the story in order to more conveniently justify a protagonist that the story through its entire runtime is trying to tell you is a little bit of a piece of shit. It's pretty clear and safe to assume that the ultimate intent here is that... yes, the vaccine WOULD have worked. Maybe not in the sweeping way they hoped, but Ellie's sacrifice absolutely would have done something. The whole moral dilemma of the situation really does not make any sense unless you give them that as fact imo.
So then, assuming that is true, you have to wrestle with the idea that Joel is willing to take down the entirety of humanity for Ellie. And not really for Ellie, because none of this is what Ellie wanted. The game AND the show QUITE LITERALLY SPELL OUT for us that Ellie really really really does not want to go back to Jackson without finishing what they started, regardless of the cost. Joel's reasons for saving Ellie, while understandable, are ultimately selfish and rooted in his own trauma and having just seen the light at the end of his grieving over Sarah. Again, incredibly sympathetic, but it's selfish. I know we like to joke as much, but Ellie IS NOT his daughter. They share a similar bond after everything they go through, but by the end of the game you can already feel Ellie pulling away from that notion because she's starting to realize Joel doesn't have the same commitment to the idea of her immunity being meaningful as she does, they're only a few miles away and he's already asking her to give up and go back to Jackson with him.
Then, of course, I think what ultimately damns Joel in my eyes on a poetic/storytelling level is his decision to lie to Ellie after it's all over. That's the nail in the coffin for me. It would be one thing if he said "they were going to kill you on that operating table without even telling you what was going on and I couldn't let them do that", but instead he lies to her to make sure she's still able to see him as the father he desperately wants to be again. It doesn't change anything. He tells her her worst fear has come to pass: her immunity, this unexplainable thing that has taken so many of her loved ones from her, is completely useless. Not only that, but now even more people are dead. Including Marlene, who's known her since birth. The only thing his lie changes is the fact that he's responsible for it all.
Anyway, part of what I love most about The Last of Us Part II is how it follows up on these threads and you may be pleased to know that I actually just started streaming the game last night after the HBO finale premiered cause I was so pumped up I couldn't wait any longer haha. So you'll be seeing VODs for that soon :)
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naysaltysalmon · 4 months
I'm trying to write the most NieYao-centric content on AO3
Will be updated as I go
With my heart in the palm of your hand : 6.5K, E (bdsm/kink, sexual content, trauma)
Curious about the appeal of being a submissive, Nie Mingjue asks Meng Yao to take control during sex. Meng Yao unveils more than he bargained for.
The ocean's face : 83K, E (r*pe/noncon, blood/torture, graphic violence, sexual content)
If Huaisang gives himself away now, Meng Yao thought, Clan Leader Nie will never forgive me. “You must be Wen Xu,” he forced himself to utter. His throat was parched, drier than the landscape, but from that strain he shook an accent deeper, defiant enough to be a young master of the Nie household. Wen Xu smiled at him coolly, walking closer. “Indeed I am,” the Wen heir confessed. “The same that laid waste to Cloud Recesses all those years ago.” He crouched down to be level with Meng Yao on the ground, an elbow on one knee, and smiled at him patronizingly. “All the good Clan Leader Nie’s intervention did to stop it. By which of course, I mean, none.” Meng Yao lurched forward threateningly. He did not have to feign the rage in his heart to solidify his attackers’ false deductions. -- Mistaken for Nie Huaisang, Meng Yao is kidnapped by the Wen. Nie Mingjue and Huaisang must justify going after him, though there are many in Qinghe and Qishan who believe Meng Yao is unworthy and replaceable. Nie Mingjue is determined to bring him home – but will Meng Yao be the same when he returns?
Bathtime : 6.7K, M (fluff, smut, slow-burn)
Meng Yao is eager to please his new superior. Nie Mingjue is the one who promoted him to his current position to be able to afford such luxuries, after all. When Clan Leader Nie makes it a habit for them to share a weekly bath, however, Meng Yao hesitates over the man’s true intentions all along.
Tracing the Bounds of Your Flames : 63K, E (dubcon, mild noncon, graphic violence)
Demonic cultivation demands a heavy toll from the heartiest souls. None recover, even when trained to combat its malefic influence since their youth. Nie Mingjue knows this well, yet Meng Yao can only see him as the enigmatic clan leader, the man with an exterior so cold he has no idea why Nie Mingjue saved his life at all. Ensnared in a discipline and authority that threatens to devour them both, will Meng Yao be able to let go of his past, or will he destroy everything he holds dear in the process of trying to gain control?
Within these Walls : 1.7K, E (dubcon)
Nie Mingjue gave Meng Yao his home, his life, his bed. But it wasn’t meant to last. He went too far – a mistake he would pay for the rest of his life.
Other MDZS:
Devotion : SongXueXiao, XueXiao & SongXiao focus, 2.8K, M
Song Lan and Xue Yang killed each other in Yi City. So Xiao Xingchen ventures into the underworld to find them.
Painting You : SangCheng, background NieYao, 10.7K, M
“What’s so stupid about it?” Huaisang snaps. “Every sect leader needs someone to help them run things, even my…” Even my brother, once. Jiang Cheng rounds on him. “Oh yeah? Then what about you? Now that you’re Sect Leader Nie, you’ll need to find yourself a wife.” Huaisang laughs. “Jiang-xiong, you should know I could never marry. Not a woman, at least.” He says it lightly, half expecting Jiang Cheng to laugh along with him, but Jiang Cheng’s back goes stiff as a rod. He leans visibly away. “What? You mean you’re a… a cut-sleeve?!” Huaisang guffaws, hoarse and loud. He bats his eyelashes, crested with tears, and rolls one shoulder toward Jiang Cheng as he snatches up his fan. “Why of course, Jiang-xiong. Surely, you already knew.” Apparently, Jiang Cheng did not already know.
Droplets on your qin : NieLan, 5.2K, M
It’s been a long time since Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue were able to catch up. They make the most of their time while they can.
I weep & say goodnight : SongXueXiao, SongXue focus, 4.6K, M
The world is ending, and Xue Yang is offered to the heavens as a sacrificial lamb. In his final moments, will he be able to live out his fantasy of sharing in death with his two most intimate adversaries, or will they all fade into nothing in the face of total annihilation?
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this chapter was honestly what I should've expected. mitsukouers we have been fed and are probably going to be put into the closet once more going forwards so let us say thanks for these last few chapters, as well as all the other 99 chapters that came before this one. it's been amazing and I hope it continues to be so!!
now, I'm not one for making long posts myself. however!! this makes for a special occasion so I will have to make do :)
this chapter was great! Though as always I wished that there had been more, what we got was a... pretty satisfying close to this arc.
I will say, as much as I loved what did happen, it felt like it was missing something. Like there was a part of this chapter bring held back. (and no I don't mean that there wasn't a mitsukou kiss this chapter, though that of course was missed as well)
I feel like they really needed to talk more about... well... fucking everything I guess? but, then again, it is so like them to not say shit even when its so important for them to communicate about it (i.e. the way they refuse to address the way they are both for sure going insane at this point, kou seemingly giving up on thinking about his morality when it comes to caring for mitsuba, mitsuba clearly only wanting kou to exorcize him regardless of the bs he said about teru being fine too, tsukasa, etc etc). I would've loved to see them have some proper talks about all of that and more, but also I can't see them doing that in anyway that wouldn't feel ooc and wrong for them.
Mitsuba and Kou just don't do that.
Or at least, not anymore.
Before, I'm sure there would have been some sort of talking. Something just shy of an argument maybe or a full on breakdown.
But now I think it's a bit late for that.
They were both already teetering off and on the edge by the time the severance happened and I think after all of that I think any chance of having proper communication about all the shit they've been through together, for each other, and what bullshit they'll pull going into the future is off the god damn ledge kou jumped from in That One Chapter.
The ending of this chapter solidified this for me more than anything else I think. We got Kou basically asking Mitsuba to live if only to come with him to the school festival, if for nothing else, which is for sure going to be the next Big Event Thing. and then at the very end Mitsuba mentions being hungry and Kou replies with silence which makes me think that their night isn't over yet, and Kou is beyond prepared to get his hands dirtier to help him. This probably won't be addressed, at least not by these two directly after last chapter. If anything I'm kinda hoping Teru will be the one to do it but that's neither here nor there.
All in all, this was a pretty useless ramble of me basically saying I love mitsukou (derogatory) and that they are every reason for my unwell mind.
Anyways mitsukou is canon I'm the heart Mitsuba ate thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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God, I can't stop watching this scene and I hope you all will bear with me cause MAN!
From what I’ve watched of this series that Richie doesn’t have a lot materialistic wise. … Sure, he’s got his family, his TBirds, his image and now, he's got serious interest in a girl.
I notice that like the other Tbirds he’s got his comb, a zippo lighter, a car...? I say that loosely since its more shared than anything and his Tbird jacket.
I feel like his comb and his lighter are something that he’s gotten as gifts, the car is ‘borrowed’ and Jane’s got his sister as her best friend/campaign manager. His family likes her since they gave her a warm welcome and his parents just gushed at him when he brought her over.
She’s certainly got his attention, both his and his family’s approval (Olivia’s acceptance pending), his thoughts and opinions, his affection and to me, the jacket was the last piece of himself he was willing and wanting to give her. After all, he doesn’t have money to throw around like the Soc’s do and even goes as far as stealing a wallet to pay for their date/hooky day.
So, when this he says;
"I was going to give you my jacket tonight."
And she in turn states; "I don’t want your jacket!"
This. This right here, the look on his face, kill me every time.
Because, Richie, despite being the leader of the TBirds, is very picky on who he 'dates'. This is solidified on the fact that Cynthia states that he doesn’t go on second dates with ANY girl, regardless of social status. And since giving a girl your jacket is a symbol of your commitment to them, Richie was nervous in doing so because he hasn’t ever done it before and damn it if it didn’t make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when he was awkward as he tried to take it off. 
I might be making a bigger deal about this than necessary but when he tries to explain what his intentions were to Jane at the party, she rejects the jacket, not only the symbolism of it, but also the last piece of himself...
That to me was like saying “I'm offering you everything I am, everything I've got, and you just… don’t want it?” And the look on his face says that to me.. Like he just hit a wall and now tries to process what she just rejected.
The look on his face never fails to make my chest ache. He's already hurt, but now she's just racking it up with her padding that blow with "I have my own." And I understand that she does.
Personally I would have followed up with 'I want you.' You being him, in general. Not the jacket, since the last time she got a jacket from a guy he wanted to date her in secret becasue of gossip.
But the difference I see here is that Richie wants to be public with her, not hide their relationship away, regardless of the gossip.
But the blow up he has at her I can’t help but justify a bit. Everything he says he’s probably thought about for as long as he’s been interested in her and his fear and pain make him lash back in the same way he is probably feeling.
And he’s right.
They don’t talk about himself much when they are together, it’s mostly about her or the election. Her terms. Then again, when they do talk about himself, hes almost defensive about things. Like him and his grades/school and his family.
But what really kills me is the final jab he takes.
"I know the real reason why you won’t wear my jacket.... Because being with a guy like me, brings down your stock."
This might be his biggest fear verbalized and he just dropped it at her feet. And what does she say?
The three words that always make me want to backhand her in the mouth.
"That’s. Not. Fair."
That’s not fair?! Are you kidding me right now? You wanna be his girlfriend and everything so how about; "That’s not true?"
And what really lands the hurt for me is that she doesn’t deny his statement. Which no doubt makes him come to a realization that he is somewhat right. It's the classic 'a girl like her can't be with a guy like me.' You can tell just by the look on his face that the truth of that, no matter how small, still probably stings like a bitch.
And since she doesn't deny it, to him, its also not fair... She’s letting what others think about her and his ‘lack of status’ sway her and that effects her perception regarding them. Its not fair.
Hence the ‘You’re telling me’. So bitterly defeated..
Like... ShiT.
Dude lost the girl before he could even got the girl...
Anyway, I may be overthinking this, I don't even know if what I think makes any sense but I will die on this hill about this scene.. If they don't right their relationship, I will fight someone...
Anyway, thank you for reading my TED talk.. I'm gonna go hide now, but I would love to hear your thoughts about this...
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forjongseong · 1 year
after last night // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: secretary!jay x CEO!fem!reader (minisode part 6 of the series)
genre: office!au, fluff, suggestive // warning: older reader; Jay calls reader “Boss”; mentions of sex // wc: ~1.3k sorry I got carried away
previous chapters:
part 1 - carmesí part 2 - mi reina part 3 - millones part 3.5 - hasta los dientes part 4 - vente conmigo part 5 - tusa part 5.5 - apaga y vámonos part 6 - versos de placer minisode part 1 - cuando nadie ve part 6.5 - yo te quiero más minisode part 2 -la niña de mis ojos part 7 - aeropuerto minisode part 3 - falling autumn minisode part 4 - night night part 8 - ambulancia minisode part 5 - subtítulos part 9 - al caer la noche
next chapters:
click here for the masterlist
summary: on a business trip abroad, you decide to let Jay relax for the night.
author’s notes: welcome to minisode part 6! this one takes place somewhere between part 2 and 3, and before CEO!yn professes her love for Jay.
now I don't know if you guys have noticed, but I haven't been pumping out that much content because the past few weeks were not it for me. I do think I want to release a .5 part before Christmas, though, so maybe stay tuned for that!
and for today's song inspiration:
let's be real, sec!Jay probably loved CEO!yn way before this episode, but maybe this small gesture of affection totally solidified his feelings for her.
taglist: @jaylaxies @jayked @thots4hee @nyanggk @end-hyphen @yoursjaeyun @maggstar
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Ever since the eventful day when Jay kissed you and created a turning point in your relationship, you had been looking forward to business trips more than usual. At first, they were purely for professional purposes—meetings with partners and clients from around the world and flying from one city to another. Now, they are still the same, but the added spice of your lovely secretary sleeping with you in every hotel room makes it even better.
The two of you were in Tokyo this time, and if it weren’t for Jay’s native-level Japanese skills, there would be two more people in your hotel room right now. You asked Jay to join you in your presidential suite, which was not what he booked for you, but courtesy of your partners in the city.
Jay was making himself comfortable on the sofa in front of the TV, taking out his laptop and placing it carefully on the coffee table. He followed your movements as you took a mini tour of the suite, and as you disappeared into the bedroom, he shrugged and opened his laptop. He stared at the screen in content, calmly scrolling the trackpad with his fingers.
That is until you let out a loud gasp from the bathroom.
“Boss?” He called out, standing up at the same time. “Everything okay?”
He did not hear a response from you, so he rushed to where you were, only to find you standing in the middle of the bathroom. The bathroom was half the size of the bedroom, which was already huge on its own, and it had a large bathtub installed right in the middle. The wall had floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the city, and you could see the sun slowly disappearing into the horizon.
“Isn’t this the most gorgeous bathroom you’ve ever seen?” You asked, acknowledging his presence but not taking your eyes off the view.
“Is that why you gasped?” Jay asked back, his tone sounding slightly judgmental.
You turned around and glared at him, annoyed that he wasn’t appreciating the beauty that was the interior design of the room you were both standing in.
“It’s huge,” Jay said in defeat.
“That’s what she said,” you muttered.
Jay snorted and you just chuckled as you walked towards the bathtub. It was so white and pristine and all you wanted to do was to relax and have a bubble bath in it.
“Remind me about our schedule,” you said, making your way to the bathroom counters to check the toiletries. “Score! They have Byredo.”
It never ceased to amaze Jay the way you were just completely in awe of any luxurious item you encounter as if you couldn’t buy them yourself. He answered you without even checking his phone.
“Activities don’t start until tomorrow. We’re meeting with Mr. Fujioka for lunch, and from then on it will be visits to the company and sites.”
You nodded and brought your wrist up to your chest, checking the time. Jay found it unusual and endearing, the way you always wore your watch on your left wrist and having it face inside. He remembered that you once said that it was your mother who taught you to wear it that way.
“So we don’t have anywhere we need to be right now?” You asked him again for confirmation.
Jay looked at you and nodded, and with that, you immediately pressed the bathtub plug shut and turned on the water.
“Time to relax,” you said, smiling at him.
The huge bathtub took minutes to fill up, and while you were waiting for it, you noticed how Jay was completely immersed in whatever he was doing on his laptop. His brows were knitted, and he had his hand near his mouth, occasionally biting on his fingers whenever something stressed him out too much. You then noticed how his hair was slightly disheveled, and he had rolled up his sleeves to his elbows.
You walked back to the bathroom and turned off the water just in time. The bathtub was not full, but you deemed it enough for a person to submerge in it. You took your blouse off, and instead of getting rid of your dress pants, you rolled them up to your knees. You then looked at yourself in the mirror as you tied your hair up into a ponytail before walking back out to the living room.
“Jay,” you called. “Take a break.”
“Okay,” he replied, not looking at you yet. The moment he set his laptop back on the table, he noticed you topless and your pants rolled up. The view intrigued him, but he couldn’t do anything except tilt his head.
“Come on, your bath is ready.”
“My… bath?” Jay questioned as you disappeared into the bathroom again.
When Jay appeared by the door, he saw you dragging the ottoman from the vanity table and placing it on one side of the bathtub.
“Get in before the water gets cold again,” you demanded. “Face that way.”
Jay had a thousand questions in his head, but at this point, he was just too afraid to ask. He undressed quietly while you went to the shower to grab the shampoo, and then you walked to the bathroom counter to get some of your own hair treatment minis. When you turned around, Jay was already halfway submerging himself in the water.
“You’re not going to join me?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. “There’s plenty of room here.”
You chuckled before leaning in to kiss his lips. “You need this more than I do.”
The sky had turned dark at this point, and instead of having the bathroom fully lit, you opted to just leave the lights by the mirror on, creating a dim and cozy ambiance. You set yourself on the ottoman, putting the little bottles beside your feet.
“Grab the shower head for me, please,” you said after tapping Jay gently on the shoulder.
You ran the water through Jay’s hair and left it wet enough for you to put shampoo on. Jay was quiet the whole time, and as he melted into your touch he started leaning towards the edge of the tub. You noticed that his neck might get uncomfortable, so you stood up hastily to grab a towel, folded it twice, and then put it behind his neck.
“God,” Jay muttered under his breath. Your fingers were skillfully massaging his scalp, and the scent of shampoo was just as pleasant. “This feels so good.”
You just chuckled as you continued to shampoo his hair. He felt like talking would disrupt the serenity, so he decided to just keep his mouth shut, except for a couple of moans of pleasure. You really tried your best not to blush or to hold in your laughter, swearing that you had never heard Jay moan that much before.
While letting the conditioner sit in, your hands traveled down towards Jay’s shoulders, massaging him there. Jay sighed and brought one hand to touch yours.
“It’s not every day you get a massage from your boss, huh?” You squeezed his hand before he let go and let you do your thing.
“I’m in heaven right now,” he said, barely a whisper. You laughed softly at his remark.
Once you were done washing his hair, you stood up and picked up all the stuff from the floor, telling Jay to rinse off well. He merely shifted in the tub and stared at you through the mirror.
“I really thought you were going to join me,” he said with a pout. It took everything in you not to jump him right then and there.
“A simple thank you would be nice, you know.”
“Thank you,” Jay said. After seeing how you continued to put away your toiletries on the counter, he commented again. “But are we having sex tonight or not?”
“Oh, we are,” you answered, staring back at him through the mirror. As you continued to speak, you unbuttoned your pants and pulled the zipper down. “I’m prepping you for it.”
Jay chuckled lowly, covering his face and wetting it in the process as he knew he was already blushing from your simple actions. You made a mental note to spoil Jay more often, as you were certain that he deserved it as much as you do.
© forjongseong 2022, all rights reserved
read the next part: the way you look tonight
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booksandria · 3 months
He suffered more than Jesus Christ - a Vampire Armand review
Spoiler alert!
Hi everyone, I finished the book by the second week of january, and I was at a complete loss of words to describe how much I loved it and how much it impacted me, which is why it took me over a month to finally come here to dissect it. Of course I knew I would love it, since Armand is my favorite character from the Vampire Chronicles, but I wasn't at all ready for the absolute banger of a book his memoir is.
Please note I originally wrote this in portuguese and then translated it to english with DeepL, mainly because I could barely form thoughts in my mother language already and just wouldn't be able to rewrite it in english at all. I revised it, but beware it might still have some weird wording and grammar. Sorry for that!
This sixth book in the Vampire Chronicles was a divine gift from Anne Rice to all of us Armand Lovers. "The Vampire Armand" tells, in much more detail, the brief story we had known in "The Vampire Lestat", now through the mouth of Armand himself, who takes us from his childhood abduction to the point where we left him in "Memnoch the Demon". And I have to say, it's no wonder he's like that.
Armand has always been very intriguing to me, ever since, back in Interview with the Vampire, he was just this mysterious, manipulative figure who fell for Louis' charms and was willing to do whatever it took to have him all to himself. But even so, he wasn't much more than that to me, just another vampire trying to use Louis for his own interests.
It was in Vampire Lestat that I fell completely in love with this character and that he earned the title of my favorite of the Chronicles. The contrast between the first time Louis sees Armand in the theater and the first time Lestat sees Armand in the church left me completely confused, after all, how can the guy Louis repeatedly describes as stunning be as wrecked as Lestat describes? What happened to get from one extreme to the other? And of course we find out the answer in the part dedicated to Armand's story in the second book, and of course that chapter solidified him on my list of favorites.
But it's very different to have read Armand's story through Lestat's eyes and now to be reading it through Armand's. In fact, I think that's the great strength of "The Vampire Armand". In all the previous books, all Armand's appearances were described through someone else's eyes (be it Louis, Daniel or Lestat), and that was largely the reason why he remained so mysterious in my eyes. But it's almost impossible to maintain that kind of distance in this sixth book, when everything is told in such a personal, vulnerable way, so close to Armand. He finally speaks for himself and we can finally understand him more deeply.
Of course, this characteristic of the book makes it a story much more linked to the characters than to a plot per se. In other words, the point of this book isn't the crazy twists and turns or headlong adventures we're used to in previous volumes of the Chronicles. The point is Armand and his life story, it's about his relationships over the years, about all the things he's been forced to go through, about his relationship with religion and about what could have led him to do what he did towards the end of Memnoch. There are certain parts that can be tiresome and also some that give the impression of being the same thing in two different places. In addition, this book is the one with the most sexual content of all its predecessors (yes, including The Tale of the Body Thief and Memnoch, trust me!) and also has a strong religious content (but which, in my opinion, has much more of a place than it did in Memnoch. To be honest, I have very strong opinions about Memnoch, but we'll talk about that another time), all of which may put some readers off. But I have to say, and perhaps I'm kinda biased, that all these elements enriched the book for me and are some of the many reasons why I loved it so much.
If I had to summarize this book in two elements, they would be: Christian guilt and the eternal search for love. Assad Zaman, the actor who plays Armand in the AMC series, said in an interview that Armand was simply desperate for love, to love and be loved, and it's the purest truth. Throughout his story, the search for love was defining, and not just any love, but a deep, obsessed, devotional love. Andrei finds this love in Jesus Christ and the Orthodox Church, Amadeo finds this love with Marius and the other apprentices in Venice, Armand is completely tormented precisely because he can't find this love anywhere for most of his life. He needs something to devote himself to completely, which is sad in itself, but is even worse when I remember that, for most of his 500-year long life, he has been lost in this aspect.
As for the question of Christian guilt, I have to say that it actually goes a little further than this concept can illustrate. Vampire Armand's religiosity is central to the plot because it's one of the main dilemmas in his life and, surprisingly, it's one of the most beautiful things in the book for me. I have very strong opinions about Memnoch and Anne Rice's decision to include religiosity like that in the series, but I simply love its place in Vampire Armand. Maybe that's it, after all: that religion has a place in this story, unlike in the previous book.
Andrei grew up as an Orthodox Christian and, as soon as his artistic gifts were discovered, he was taken to live in the monastery, where the concept of religiosity was intrinsically linked to suffering, self-denial, absolute devotion at the expense of one's own well-being. And then he is kidnapped and not only taken to a land full of sin, but forced to live in the very passage to hell. Of course, all this until he is rescued by Marius, at which point Andrei becomes Amadeo and is introduced to a new religious philosophy. It's so obvious that this is a breaking point, on some level, with previous beliefs that in the rescue scene Amadeo believes that Marius is Jesus Christ himself who has come to save him (which is indicative, in a way, of how in this part of his life the god that Amadeo worships is Marius, his master).
As Amadeo, he discovers a life full of love and pleasure, contrary to everything he experienced in the monastery. And I'm not just talking about sexual pleasure, which was a big part of this change, but all the others. The pleasure of dressing luxuriously and buying whatever you want, of being able to eat and drink to your heart's content, of consuming lots and lots of art freely, of being able to study philosophers from the past and a million other things and, of course, eventually, of blood and death.
It's very interesting to see this dichotomy of philosophies in Armand's life, and how he seems to reconcile the two after his visit to Kiev, when he's already a vampire. And my God, what a shattering chapter Kiev was! Definitely my favorite part of the book, I don't think even the iconic "if I'm an angel, paint me with black wings" (yes, go on Edgylord…) can overcome how much I love Kiev. Knowing what happened to Andrei's family, his reunion with his father, the part where he goes back to the monastery, my God, unparalleled!!! But, in fact, the best part of it all is Amadeo finally being able to make peace with this part of his past and finding some balance between everything he learned at the Monastery and everything he learned from Marius.
Unfortunately, theres only so far happiness can go, because then itcomes misfortune. And misfortune comes in the form of the Children of Darkness who literally set fire to everything, including Marius. And then, once again, Amadeo is kidnapped from his home and forced to live against his own principles. He is tortured, forced to starve, forced to watch all the other apprentices being burned alive, forced to feed on Riccardo who was very dear to him and, finally, forced to accept a life so similar to the one he rejected. This is the birth of Armand.
It's also very interesting how the doctrine of the Children of Darkness mirrors the Orthodox doctrine of the Kiev Monastery: self-denial in servitude to the Lord, an extremely rigid doctrine, literally burying oneself alive and living underground. Just another christianity-based cult, right? And, despite having sworn to himself shortly before that he would never surrender to such a life, Armand "converts". Very sad, but not surprising, considering that throughout the book he has been conflicted between these two sides and now one of them is gone forever. Marius is gone, the apprentices are gone, Venice is gone. Armand has nothing left to cling to, only what is forced upon him.
And so we come to the Bridge of Sighs. It's centuries of being brainwashed by this cult, believing that this life was what he deserved, that this was what it meant to be a vampire, until Lestat finally arrives and ends it all. Of course, the cult ending doesn't mean that Armand has finally found himself because, as we know from all the previous books, the poor guy is still in deep shit (and committing atrocities, of course). There's the theater, then Louis, then Daniel, but nothing really seems to fulfill him (even though he loved Louis and Daniel.By the way, poor Daniel oh my god). It's no wonder that, at the first sight of proof of the existence of God in Memnoch, Armand immediately wants to sacrifice himself, after all, even after all this time, religion is still the only thing he "has".
Anyway, after all this, we finally arrive where we left off in the previous book and understand how Armand survived. Benji and Sybelle are perfect, sweethearts, babydarlings and I've never been so happy to see Armand with his little family (and I've never wanted to beat Marius up as much as I did in the last chapter of this book). The scene in the chapel is wonderful and shows me how much Armand and Lestat love each other even though they hate each other, which is also clear from the many times Armand mentions Lestat in the book, always with affection and admiration. Very frenemies of them <3. Btw, just let me say this: it's really funny that people were shocked when Lestat let Armand get close to him and DRINK his blood, when he hadn't let anyone else. That's the thing, I don't even think it was because it was Armand, I honestly think that if any of them (Marius, Louis, Gabrielle) had tried, Lestat would have let them too, but nobody dared after he destroyed a vampire who tried. Maybe he just didn't want a complete stranger trying to take advantage of him while he was in a coma…? Ouch, but anyway, another Lesmand moment for our happiness.
I'm genuinely curious to know what direction Armand will take now, after an obvious rejection from Jesus Christ himself. If this had happened at any other time in his life, I'd be sure that Armand would have completely lost his mind and all meaning in life, but I doubt that this will happen now that he has his children (in whom he has finally found a healthy love). So, I'm left wondering how he's going to cope with everything and I'm waiting for my answers in the next books, even though I know he'll appear again from time to time.
This is definitely my favorite of the Vampire Chronicles and I'm so glad I finally read it!
8 notes · View notes
itsuki-minamy · 11 months
* List of Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
When was the first time he had that dream?
When facing the "Golden King"?
When did he find out about the "Silver King"?
Or when he was picked up by Iwafune?
Hisui Nagare could not remember that moment clearly.
Before he knew it, the dream was inside Nagare. Like a replacement for his lost heart, it throbbed in Nagare's chest, driving him into action. Or, in order to force Nagare to do so, the "Slate" may have stolen his heart.
Free the "Dresden Slate" and evolve all of humanity to the next stage.
Nagare believes that this is why he became the "Green King".
Hundreds of thousands of lives caught up in Genji Kagutsu's rampage were necessary sacrifices for that.
It is his dream, his reason for being. Nagare has used everything to achieve that. The "Colorless King", the "Red King", "Jungle", Iwafune, Kotosaka, Mishakuji, Sukuna and even himself were nothing more than tools to make his dreams come true.
And now...
He is in the place where he can touch that dream.
"The execution date is the 24th, Christmas Eve."
While looking at the many information screens floating in the twilight of the "secret base", Nagare spoke with a passionate tone.
"We will use all the power we have to seize the last sacrament, the "Dresden Slate". This is the purpose of us "Jungle"..."
None of the Rankers, the highest ranking clan members of "Jungle" who are Nagare's tools and limbs, saw their "King".
Iwafune was happily drinking beer.
Kotosaka stayed on the couch and got ready.
Mishakuji looked at himself in the mirror and worked on his mask.
As for Sukuna, he was lying down and engrossed in the game, not in a position to listen to people.
He didn't want to say it, but he had to. This is a very important strategy meeting. Nagare looked around and said in a monotone.
"Are you listening?"
"I'm listening, Nagare-chan. No, I have wrinkles."
Mishakuji replied as he carefully examined the condition of his face.
Nagare felt a relief. It's okay if he's listening.
"Yes, Yukari. Let's continue. Currently, the "Slate" is stored in Mihashira Tower. Originally, in my plan, after the death of the "Golden King", the "Slate", which would no longer have humans to seal it, was supposed to evolve into the entire human race, demonstrating its original function. Leaving aside the old Daikaku Kokujoji, I thought that the young and immature "Blue King" would not be able to control it, so I decided to leave it in the building..."
The highest ranked Clansman and Rankers of "Jungle", who share the same dream as Nagare, were not seeing their "King".
"Are you listening? Are you?"
"I'm listening, Nagare. Wow! My level's up!"
While he was lying on his back, Sukuna clenched his fists in cheers.
Nagare agreed. If you're listening, that's fine, and it's a good thing if your level goes up.
"I see, Sukuna. Congratulations. Anyway, the "Blue King" worked harder than expected. Excellent. On top of that, the most troublesome "Silver King" came back and joined the new "Red King" to solidify the defense of Mihashira Tower. With this, we have no choice but to take the method of directly controlling the "Slate"."
Having said that, Nagare sighed quietly and reluctantly said:
"Besides, you guys haven't heard me."
"Hey. Guys, listen carefully, ok? Even with this, he's our king, right? Some respect needs to be shown."
Iwafune deftly shook the 350 ml can as he made a complaint. Opening the lid of the next beer, Nagare looked at Iwafune with moist eyes.
"You are the one who shows the least respect, Iwa-san."
"Don't get me wrong, Iwa-san."
Mishakuji smiled brightly through the mirror.
"Right now, I am refining myself so that I can dance with the greatest splendor and grace on the battlefield. My heart is already high. I am always ready to draw my beloved sword, "Ayamachi"."
"Me too."
Sukuna also smiled as he focused his gaze on the game screen.
"I do it because I can't help but feel uneasy when I'm not playing. To be honest, I know enough about what Nagare says."
"I see."
This time, Nagare understood.
They are no longer the members of it. It is his flesh and blood. Nagare thinks and expects the same.
He wants to see a new world, a beautiful world. That's why they move. Therefore, no sacrifice or obstacle is cause for concern. Iwafune, Kotosaka, Mishakuji, and Sukuna understood.
"Are you both ready? I'm impressed. So, let's have a fancy Christmas party after we safely collect the "Slate"."
"Chicken! Chicken! Juicy, delicious!"
On the couch, Kotosaka spread her wings and was happy. Nagare smiled at that first friend.
"Kotosaka, I want you to do your best too."
"Oh, then, we'll decorate the "Slate" that you'll get instead of the tree."
Mishakuji said that jokingly. Nagare doesn't really understand jokes, but even so, he felt a slight slack in his shoulders.
With that, Sukuna closed the game console with a snap and looked at Iwafune.
"For one thing, we're all in high spirits."
"What about Iwa-san? Will he function properly this time?"
No wonder Sukuna wasn't satisfied. The J-Rank of "Jungle" Iwafune Tenkei had almost never done anything that felt like work. In the first place, the existence of himself was unknown to most of the clansmen.
The one who kept Iwafune a secret was none other than Nagare himself, and so Sukuna was convinced.
The next mission will be total war. He is not a lukewarm opponent who can win while he retains power.
You must put all the cards in your hand, including the "trump card", into play to reveal which one is stronger.
Faced with such a big event, Iwafune still smiled like he was crazy.
"Well, it's me. I'm slowly drinking beer like this."
"...Damn. I beg you, Iwa-san."
Sukuna said in amazement, but he didn't seem to have any intention of continuing. He also knows Iwafune's true identity, the extent of his strength. If he plays his role correctly, it will have a great effect.
Mishakuji chuckled and pointed at Nagare.
"More importantly, Nagare-chan. It's rare for you to have a proper meeting beforehand. Perhaps you think it's painful to deal with three "Kings"?"
"Haha. Well, isn't it? Hey, Nagare."
Iwafune laughed and Nagare nodded silently.
"That's right. It is true that the allied army of the "Silver, Red and Blue King" is a formidable enemy. But..."
Their union has serious flaws.
He wondered if Isana Yashiro and Reisi Munakata were aware of this.
Even if they were aware of it, they wouldn't be able to fix it. The flaw is too fundamental. If they can hit their trump card there, even if there is an overwhelming difference in strength, they would have a good chance of winning.
Nagare looked down into the gap, toward the floating hologram.
A swarm of inorganic data simply reflects reality. Nagare, whose limbs were sealed, had his first weapon, "Information". Nagare knew that deciphering it and accumulating it would lead to a dream.
And now...
His dream is within reach.
As he stared at him, Nagare silently took the last step.
"Ordered by the "Green King" authority. Mission 1224, activated."
As expected of "Tokijikuin", what they prepared in the basement of the Mihashira Tower was a very spacious conference room.
Being there reminds him of the "Chabudai Conference". He remembers being crammed into a room in a student dormitory until he was suffocating. Well, he was the one who suggested that, but it was still nice to have a wide space.
Coff-coff, clearing her throat, Shiro let out a cheerful voice.
"Hey. Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for joining us. How are you?"
Now, in front of Shiro, are the two clans.
One is the Red Clan, "Homura". They are sitting on the right side of the conference room, looking at him with dark eyes.
The other is the Blue Clan, "Scepter 4". They are sitting on the left side of the conference room, looking at him with cold eyes.
At them, who seemed to be slightly dissatisfied, Shiro smiled,
"It doesn't look very good. Considering my position as the "Silver King", I don't think you'll openly object, but I wonder, are you a little dissatisfied with the fact that I'm calling you over and over again?"
"Something like that."
Misaki Yata, the executive of "Homura", said so with bitterness.
"If you get it, why don't you help out a bit? We're the only ones fighting the green guys, right?!"
Yata's words are also valid, and the Silver Clan has not contributed at all to the current cleanup operation against the "Jungle" of the "Chabudai Alliance". Shiro was worried about deciphering the materials they received, and neither Kuro nor Neko would leave Shiro.
Shiro scratched his head and said, "No.".
"I don't have the words to answer when you say that, but thanks to that I got some information, so I wonder if you'll forgive me."
Then Kusanagi raised his hand.
"Uh, "Silver King". May I speak?"
"Of course, Kusanagi-san."
"First of all, the main premise is that the Green Clan will come to this Mihashira Tower to take the "Slate". There's no doubt about that, right?"
Shiro narrowed his eyes and nodded gravely.
"That's right. The "Green King", Nagaru Hisui, said so himself. That's not a hoax or a trick. It's a declaration of war against us, the "Chabudai Alliance"."
After that, he turned his gaze towards "Scepter 4".
"And if the Green Clan gets the "Slate", which the Lieutenant... no... The order in this world that the "Gold King" and the "Blue King" have worked so hard to maintain will likely collapse. At best, it would cease to be the world we know. Because..."
After taking a deep breath, Shiro announced.
"They, the Green Clan, want to give all of humanity the power of the "Slate"."
For a moment, the place was noisy.
Grant the power of the "Slate" to all of humanity. That is, all human beings will possess supernatural powers. Much destruction will be wrought by those who cannot control their supernatural powers. There are likely a myriad of people who abuse their supernatural powers. The tense expression of "Scepter 4" vividly expressed that threat. If that happens, your business will collapse in an instant.
Kusanagi looked at "Scepter 4" with compassionate eyes, then looked back at Shiro.
"Both us, the Red Clan and the Blue Clan members who are waiting, there shouldn't be a single person who doubts your status as "King". However, whether or not you have the ability and ability to wield this kind of strategy is a different matter. To be honest, I think people are worried about it."
Neko behind Shiro got irritated.
"Hmm! Shiro is amazing!"
Kuro, who was also waiting, stopped her.
"Enough, Neko. Kusanagi Izumo, it may sound like I'm being biased, but this man has the ability to do just that. He's smart, he has the ability to lead and make decisions."
"Kuro, thank you."
Shiro smiled at the trust he received from the two of them, and then turned to Kusanagi.
"And Kusanagi-san as well. I'm sure you dared to represent everyone's feelings, right? Well, the reason why I'm in command of this interception operation is simple. Because I know all about the specifications of the "Green King" Hisui Nagare."
Yata stood up as if he couldn't take it,
"Hey, you! What does that mean? I heard that the "Green King" is a guy who rarely appears? Maybe you don't even have a connection to them!"
Kuro's eyebrows rose at Yata's almost abusive words, but Shiro suppressed it with his hands.
"That's right. You're right, he keeps his own information very secret. As expected of a "King" who rules the network. His origins, appearance, abilities, age, and even gender are unknown. But there is only one person who met Hisui Nagare in person."
"What's that?"
Nodding to Awashima's soft murmur, Shiro operated a PDA.
Behind him, projected on the widescreen, was a gigantic, muscular old man with bare copper-colored skin, and a young man in a straitjacket stood before him.
Awashima let out a surprised voice.
"His Excellency?! No way, who is that person?"
"Yes. Simply put, the "Green King" Hisui Nagaru once challenged the "Golden King" Daikaku Kokujoji. And all by himself."
Once again the place was in an uproar.
Shiro operated the PDA without caring and played the video. As the "Golden King" and the never-before-seen "Green King" began to move on the screen, the shock turned into awe-inspiring silence. They all stared at the image.
Shiro continued to speak nonchalantly.
"I have all the recorded images from that time. I received the data from the Lieutenant and heard the story from the Lieutenant himself."
Awashima raised her hand as she focused her gaze on the video.
"May I speak, "Silver King"?"
"Of course, Awashima-san. And for me, Shiro, please."
"Ok, Shiro-san. Frankly, I can't believe it. Why did the "Green King" fight such a reckless battle?"
Shiro looked at the screen again.
Nagare kicked at the gravel and jumped. Shaking his claws of glowing green energy, he leaped at Kokujoji.
"Maybe he wasn't reckless. Because even though he was defeated in the end, for a while he turned the strongest "King" against him and had a close fight."
Kokujoji's fist smashed into Nagare's chest.
Nagare's body went flying like a bullet. He bounced as he drew a green trajectory, was sucked into the distant darkness and disappeared.
The video stopped there.
In the middle of the silence, someone muttered.
"Is this... the "Green King"?"
It was the first appearance of the "enemy" they saw. He is not some random clansman who gets cut if he gets caught. The culprit of all the incidents that are happening now, the figure of the enemy "King" that they must eventually face and defeat.
"Hisui Nagare's reason for launching that abnormal attack is also very strong. It's a throwaway line after losing, but he said, "I tried to challenge the big boss".'"
"He is a child!"
"What a dumb guy."
Hearing Yata and Fushimi mutter, Shiro smiled.
"That's right. Hisui Nagare is different. He plans things so carefully and meticulously that no one notices, but he also puts his childish ideas into practice. But that's why his actions are unpredictable."
Shiro went back to fiddling with the PDA. What was projected on the screen was the result of his efforts to trace Nagare's traces, a follow-up investigation of "Tokijikuin".
"Tokijikuin" is a system that is in the center of this country, and its tracking ability is as good as "Scepter 4". However, even with them, they were unable to capture Hisui Nagare's existence.
"Barely escaping from the "Golden King", the "Green King" disappeared from the main stage. The reason they haven't moved until now is because the Lieutenant was there. But the Lieutenant is gone now."
Shiro shook his head and chased away the thoughts that were about to spring from his mind.
"That's why I want to be in command of the operation this time. I also know how to defeat Hisui Nagare. The "Green King" is very strong, but he is not an opponent you can never defeat. But that requires the cooperation of all of you."
He looked around with a sincere look.
The two clans looked at each other in confusion. They can understand the importance of the information that Shiro brought, but they don't know if he is okay to hand over the command.
"But, even if you say so..."
"I will."
Anna cut him off.
Kusanagi and Yata looked at Anna questioningly.
But their "Queen" did not look back at her subjects. Indifferent, and therefore with sheer determination, she spoke clearly.
"I will. I can't leave them alone."
With that alone, "Homura"'s mind seemed to have made up its mind.
Kusanagi, Yata, Kamamoto and the rest of the members, there was no one who disagreed with that determination. No one has forgotten what the Green Clan did to them.
"I see. Then you don't have to say anything else. "Silver King"... no, Shiro-san, the Red Clan will cooperate with you."
"Thank you."
At Kusanagi's words, Shiro returned a smile and turned his gaze to "Scepter 4".
"What about the Blue Clan?"
Munakata crossed his arms and was deep in thought.
Since he entered that room, he hadn't said a word. Since he has been the one who has led the fight against "Jungle" up to now, his silent attitude was even creepy.
When Munakata suddenly opened his eyes, he said in a low voice.
"It depends on the content of the strategy."
Shiro smiled. It doesn't seem to be a case of rejection. If so, there is still a chance to get cooperation.
"Makes sense. Then I'll explain it to you now, Kuro."
"I understand."
Kuro nodded, and when he operated the PDA, the image on the screen behind him changed again. What appeared there were the figures of two people.
Mishakuji Yukari and Gojou Sukuna.
The rankers who are considered to be the most powerful force in "Jungle".
"In fact, it is not Hisui Nagare himself who becomes the heart of the Green Clan's battle. These two are Mishakuji Yukari and Gojou Sukuna. I want you to remember their faces well. Our first goal is to prevent these two from working. Ok? For that..."
"Well, lately, I haven't been able to."
"Kerun" murmured as he moved the straw in his mouth.
"Jema", who was playing with his PDA, just looked up and said nothing. He continued to operate enthusiastically as if to say that there is something more important than that, and then made a small gesture with his fist.
"Ok, sure."
"Uh, what? What mission?"
Throwing away his apathetic attitude, "Kerun" leaned forward.
"No, I don't know. The mission is to send a lot of emails."
"What is that? How much are the points?"
Looking up at the sky, he exclaimed loudly and "Kerun" leaned back on the couch.
"Jema" is gloomy, but nothing to complain about. He agreed that this mission was rubbish. He tossed the PDA onto the table and leaned back against the couch.
Both are "Jungle" users.
They're both G-Rank, and they're probably around the age of college students. The reason why he went "gloomy" is that neither of them has revealed his actual age. He doesn’t even know his real name. They get along well and have the same ability, so they always hang out, but their connection is only in "Jungle", and their actual status has no meaning.
Using that restaurant as a place to hang out, they have lived a satisfying "Jungle" life, chatting about irrelevant things and going on delicious quests.
"...The other day, it failed."
"Jema" is who was talking about. "Kerun" nodded as he chewed on the straw.
"That's right. There are many users who say they lost a lot of money because of "Five"."
"The other day"... that's the full-scale mission, "Mission 2086".
"Jungle" got excited about the quest issued by the Highest Ranker, "Five". Not only was it a large-scale quest straight from a Ranker, but the points distributed were huge. They were inundated like bugs in sweet juice with quests that rewarded 100 or 200 points for just a few tasks.
Both "Jema" and "Kerun" fell into the category of those missions that made them feel good. They did something a bit illegal, but the rewards you get from this game are full of charm, regardless of the existing rules.
And yet, the reason "Mission 2086" is a bitter memory for them is because, in the end, that mission failed in the final stages.
"That's right. There was an idiot who tried to hunt the ''Red King'' and the ''Blue King'' together."
"Oh, yes, I thought it was the name of a jewel, but... because you messed it up so much, both the Reds and Blues got really angry."
"Seriously, don't be silly. And in the end, aren't we the ones who pay for it?"
The straw that he spat out rolled across the table and touched
"Jema's" PDA. "Jema" made a disgusted face and took his PDA and wiped it with a wet towel.
"Since then, most of the larger missions have failed. "Kazimun" and "Four" were also arrested."
"Really? Those guys are U-Rank dealers, right? The Blues have no mercy."
"It's better than getting caught by the red guys. Rumor has it they'll be half dead."
"Hah, not good anymore. What's that ending? Isn't it game over for "Jungle"?"
"Kerun" shrugged and said that cynically.
"Jungle" is a clan with thin ties. In a world where it is natural to use others and kick others, the sense of belonging to the clan itself is low. In the current situation where there are no delicious quests and you can get caught if you do something wrong, the worst part of the dissatisfaction goes to the official higher levels of "Jungle".
"Well, let's wait and see. Let's find another interesting game."
"Ok. Can I make a report too?"
"I've never seen you do that."
"No way, I'm doing it at home! This is probably a secret base for "Jungle". I keep my work and play separate."
At that time, the two PDAs issued a notification at the same time.
The two looked at the PDA at the same time and stiffened.
The popup shows:
"1224 Mission Activation Emitter: H.N."
If there is a middle or upper rank who doesn't know his name, he is definitely a fool. The abbreviation for "command name" is the name indicating the pinnacle of "Jungle", the "Green King".
"The "Green King", directly, a mission?"
"It's been years, how is that...?!"
"Kerun" and "Jema" quickly opened the application screen and began to devour the details of the mission. As the story progressed, the faces of the two became more and more red.
"What is this, aren't reward points weird?!"
"500 points for just one transport mission! He must have made a mistake!"
"No, but it's real because it has an official electronic seal! Even if something goes wrong, I'm sure the points will be paid!"
"Hey, is there something like 1000-3000 here?! Seriously, I don't know what this means, huh?!"
A little further, there was an explosion. The waitress who brought the water had dropped the tray. "Oh, sorry!" The waitress said, tilting her head, and she quickly began to pick up the broken glass, which, of course, they did not notice. There's no way you can afford to notice a petty accident when gold is scattered in front of you.
"For now, let's go! Whoever can do it in pairs will request acceptance of the mission!"
"Ok! I'll apply for the next mission now! First come, first served!"
Grabbing the slip, the two of them hastily left their seats. The bright eyes in their eyes had already removed the sense of stagnation they had felt before.
In the empty conference room, Shiro breathed out silently.
The strategy meeting ended successfully. Both "Homura" and "Scepter 4" agreed to follow Shiro's instructions, and most of the clansmen have now come out to take positions. The only people left in the conference room are the "Red and Blue Kings" and the business class members, such as Kusanagi, Fushimi, and Awashima.
First, the first stage.
He managed to gain the trust of his "friends". They will act according to Shiro's strategy.
However, there are still many things to worry about.
Kusanagi and Anna then approached Shiro.
"Hey, Shiro-san. I think the strategy makes sense. Let's do our best together."
Izumo Kusanagi. Shiro considers him the balancer of the makeshift "Chabudai Alliance" as an executive of "Homura". In the previous question and answer session, he took the initiative to raise questions that other members might have. Thanks to that, the exchange after that was pretty smooth.
"Thank you, Kusanagi-san."
"But are you sure? The members of the "Jungle" clan are just two people who are getting on board, what's going on?"
That question, too, was probably something that came from "Homura" instead of him. Shiro nodded.
"Yes. As I explained earlier, those two are the only people Hisui Nagare really trusts. Other members of the clan are probably used for diversionary operations to save manpower against "Scepter 4". A mission has already been launched for that purpose."
"Mission 1224" has multiple meanings. Disruption of "Scepter 4", improvement of lower clan members by dispersing a large number of points, and above all a declaration of war against the "Chabudai Alliance".
With a snort, Kusanagi looked into his PDA.
"Huh, "Mission 1224". How nice of you to let us know when you're going to hit the road to attack us."
"I thought of a line called a hook, but it probably isn't. Hisui Nagare probably won't do such tricks at this stage. On this day, he must come from the front. "Homura", together with "Scepter 4", should form a blocking line. Please, Anna."
"Leave it to me."
The little "Queen" nodded silently. Although she is a girl, the willpower that dwells in her eyes is comparable to that of any "King". The current "Red King" will surely become a good "Queen".
That's what Shiro thought, and even though it was before the battle, he felt a relief.
"...By the way, what do you think of him?"
Kusanagi suddenly said that.
Following his line of sight, Munakata was standing on the other side of the conference room.
Next to him is Fushimi Saruhiko, an executive. He looks like he was giving an order for something, but he couldn't hear it from there. However, just the cold expression in his profile left a terrible impression on him.
"He never spoke his mind. I wonder if we can trust him."
"I don't know. But it's the only way to win. That's how powerful the opponent is."
For Shiro, the "Chabudai Alliance" is a friend. Probably for Anna too.
But for Reisi Munakata, it's different. The "Chabudai Alliance" is a partner in the fight, and more importantly, it is nothing more than an "enemy of the enemy."
After completing the request, Munakata left the conference room. Looking at that back, Anna muttered.
"Furthermore, that person has been holding the "Slate" only since the Lieutenant passed away. Therefore, the load is heavy and the consumption is heavy. No wonder he is being cautious."
As he said that, Shiro also narrowed his eyes at Munakata's back.
"The "Slate" will allow humans to evolve without limit unless it is controlled by the power of the "King". Munakata-san took over the job previously done by the Lieutenant. We, especially me, must thank him."
How much weight is on his back? Despite being injured and overwhelmed, Munakata tries to carry the "Slate" alone, without anyone helping him. It is not an exaggeration to say that now that the "Golden King" is dead, the order of the world depends only on him.
That's why Shiro hopes someone will stay by his side. It would be great if there was someone he could take on, even a small part of that great responsibility. He couldn't do that himself, but even so, the "King" needed such an existence.
The "King" is also a human being.
"Well then, I'll give you the rest."
Munakata said that as he entered the elevator leading to the "Slate Room".
Fushimi remained silent and did not reply. Until the moment the elevator door closed, he continued to look at Munakata. Munakata said nothing more either and looked at him with a cold expression.
As the elevator began to move, Fushimi finally let out a click of his tongue.
Turning on his heel and walking down the corridor, Fushimi pondered on the order he had just received.
Since he joined "Scepter 4" until now, he has received numerous requests. There were many orders that were out of common sense, and Fushimi was able to carry them out despite his complaints. Because he could predict the importance of that order and the extent of its effect.
However, this time the order was canceled once.
Fushimi had no idea what would happen if he followed him. But Munakata must have seen it. A vision of how things will play out after that.
Because he is the "King".
They were chosen by the "Slate" and move the world itself with their superhuman macroscopic vision and abilities. Fushimi and other members of the clan are nothing more than pieces. There is no need for the cogs connecting the gigantic mechanism of the "King" and the world to understand the whole, that makes Fushimi irritated.
"If it's you, you won't hesitate."
Munakata didn't even change his expression and said it clearly. He knew he looked that way, but he was quite refreshing to be told so boldly. He even made him think that he might have gotten into "Scepter 4" in anticipation of that order.
Fushimi's mouth formed a smile that seemed to rise.
Excellent. Such a role is suitable for him. Not because he sees himself as such, but because it's the most effective. Fushimi decided to carry out the order.
He stopped when his name was called.
Before he knew it, Vice Commander Seri Awashima was in front of him.
"What are you doing? Hurry up and go to your post."
"I know. I'm about to go now."
The function assigned to the Fushimi post, by Isana Yashiro, was to manage the battlefield from the outer command vehicle. Analyze the information, divide the enemy and lead the battle trend as desired. Although they are not on the front line, there is no doubt that they play a very important role.
Fushimi believes that he will always be watching.
Fushimi's ability doesn't shine in a group. Fushimi's strength lies in observing, analyzing, and remotely controlling the crowd.
He can't deny what the "King" does. No, but it is also true that he is irritating.
He let out a small huff and was about to walk past Awashima.
Awashima stopped him again.
He wondered what it was, and when he turned his eyes, he was greeted with a questioning look.
Awashima remained silent for a moment, as if she chose her words, but when she finally opened her mouth...
"The Captain did he seem okay?"
She asked that.
When he involuntarily raised his eyebrows and asked back, Awashima's cheeks were unusually red. As she muttered nonsense words like "no" and "it", her gaze wandered in the air.
"This is the decisive battle between "Jungle" and us. The Captain's condition is directly related to the success or failure of the strategy. From your point of view, is the Captain alright?"
Fushimi was stunned. He only knew one thing.
"Aside from being fine, he wouldn't do something like this if he didn't have a chance to win, right?"
"I see. You're right."
As he said that, Awashima looked down anxiously. Seeing that, Fushimi felt a pain in the side of his stomach. "King" is the same as the sky or the sea. It is beyond human control. Even if he was worried that the sky would fall, it was literally a baseless worry, but it seems that even a person as smart as Awashima couldn't understand it.
Although, the sky can fall and the sea can dry up.
There are also times when the "King" falls apart.
Still, Fushimi's conclusion remained unchanged. "King" is "King" and man is man. If the time came for him to break down, there was nothing they could do. It was just a waste of time to fight.
Even if he said that, Awashima's trembling expression would not change. Fushimi thought it was a bother, so he casually said...
"And if something happens, the Vice commander should do something about it. He seems to only trust you."
Awashima's eyes widened and then she clenched her fists as if she was ready for something.
"Oh, it's true!"
(It's easy, this person.)
So he thought, but of course he didn't say it.
The sun went down and the night grew.
"Outside" is, oddly enough, Christmas Eve. The eve of the savior's birth.
Gorgeous illuminations, lively crowds, and laughing voices. That kind of happy scenery is nowhere to be found in this building. All the windows and doors are covered with steel barricades, and the interior is packed with countless barriers and traps. In contrast to the celebrations in the outside world, this place has a pre-war silence.
However, the silence gradually began to fade.
One by one, like a flash of light in the darkness of the night, those reports were sent to the Mihashira Tower.
A mysterious group is holding a mask parade in Yodomiya.
It is said that a threatening letter was sent stating that a bomb had been planted in the Tsubakimon government office building.
According to legend, a robbery by a masked group occurred in Shizume.
All these are psychic crimes that "Scepter 4" should deal with. According to the protocol that Munakata had promulgated beforehand, those crimes should be solved by the ordinary members. He doesn't know how it turned out in reality. The Special Forces, who can quickly respond to unforeseen circumstances, cannot move from that location now.
If this place is controlled, this country, no, the order of this world will collapse.
And then the vanguard appeared without being too flabbergasted.
"In front of the main gate, the members of the Green Clan, Mishakuji Yukari and Gojou Sukuna, have been seen!"
A surveillance camera attached to the front door showed their appearance. One is a small child and the other is a tall young man. Both steps are light, and not the slightest tension can be seen to go to the decisive battle now. As if enjoying a night walk, the two of them slowly approached each other.
A green blade flashed in Sukuna's hand.
"I'm going to hurry up!"
Like a wolf unleashed, Sukuna began to run. The close-up of Mishakuji and Kotosaka, they noticed the camera and smiled and waved their hands, and then the surveillance camera footage stopped.
"It seems that all 4 surveillance cameras have been destroyed!"
A rippling wave of agitation swept through the "Scepter 4", which surrounded the invaders inside the main gate. The "Silver King" had already predicted this situation, but even they had doubts as to whether it would come true.
"From the front... How reckless."
"That's why we have confidence in our power."
Hearing voices whispering one after the other, Awashima stepped forward and raised her voice.
"They're coming... All members, draw your swords!"
On command, the members of the Special Forces unleashed their sabers. The experts who have dealt with numerous crimes with supernatural powers stared at the front door with a tense expression.
Suddenly, the front door exploded.
Two shadows rushed forward, easily breaking through the fire shutters reinforced with military barricades. Gojou Sukuna and Mishakuji Yukari. They are the two best ranked rankers that "Jungle" has.
Mishakuji walked with magnificent steps as if he had just appeared at a party.
"Merry Christmas! I have come to receive the "Slate"."
"So number 2, Seri Awashima, is the only one who seems to be able to score points!"
Saying that with a horrible smile, Sukuna rushed straight towards Awashima. Of course, Awashima has nothing to fear. Gojou Sukuna, who emphasized "points", was already expected to target her. She didn't mean to come up with a silly game, but if she limits the other person's actions, she'll use it.
"All Members! The Match Begins!"
Special Forces are deployed to the left and right of Awashima. Surrounding Sukuna from three directions and defeating him. Seeing the absolutely unfavorable situation, Sukuna smiled like a warrior beast.
"Scepter 4" misjudged Gojou Sukuna's characteristics. He wasn't just a battle junkie who liked to fight. Unfavorable battles and boss battles with a high degree of difficulty are the most exciting. Sukuna was that kind of player.
A loud sound coming from below marked the beginning of the battle.
Explosive sounds, crushing sounds and cutting sounds The sounds are so diverse that it is hard to believe that there are only two enemies. The situation below can be monitored from where Shiro is, but so far the damage is progressing within the expected range.
Standing next to Shiro and looking at the monitor, Kuro said in a low voice.
"Looks like it's started."
The images on the monitor clearly conveyed the inferiority of "Scepter 4". Unable to withstand Sukuna's attack and Mishakuji's sharpened offensive, it seems they were falling behind.
"Shiro. I have absolute confidence in your strategy, but is it alright? Leave the first floor alone to the Blue Clan."
Shiro silently shook his head at Kuro's concerned question.
"As I explained in the strategy meeting, the first thing we should do is interfere as much as we can with those two... the envoys of the "Green King". Their goal is to reduce our strength. We'll do the opposite. I told Awashima-san to fall back at an appropriate point. It's okay."
As if she heard Shiro's words, Awashima started issuing retreat orders on the monitor. Withdraw in an orderly manner while maintaining formation. This is a feat that would not be possible if it weren't for "Scepter 4", which focuses on control tactics.
"The real thing is when the "Green King" comes out. Conversely, does that limit the amount of time the "Green King" can move?"
"That's right. That "King" is certainly close to being the strongest. I don't know if I, the "Blue King", and the "Red King" could win even if we try our best. No, on the contrary, I think it can even overwhelm the people in this building by itself. However, it doesn't take long for it to exert its power. In a nutshell..."
Shiro raised a finger.
"If we exhaust everyone and let the "Green King" run out of time, we win. If they reach the "Slate" before time runs out and steal it, we lose."
"I see."
Kuro nodded silently, and then Neko appeared.
"Hey, Shiro. It's kind of funny."
Kuro lowered his head in amazement.
"What are you talking about?"
"Because there's Shiro and Kurosuke. All together. They're all working so hard together. Wagahai, my heart feels tight."
Then, Neko opened her arms and hugged Shiro and Kuro together.
"I think it's alright. Nyahahaha."
"My gosh, you're such an airhead as always."
Kuro laughed helplessly, and Shiro also hugged Neko's body and laughed.
"Yes. That's right. We're all good together. Let's celebrate Christmas in a big way."
Neko's energetic response echoed with the sounds of the battle below.
(Yes. It's okay. It should be okay.)
With a smile on her face, Neko desperately tried not to listen to the voice that echoed from within.
From below, the sounds of the battle can be heard endlessly. The blues are fighting the greens. They're going for them, she believed. As for the blue ones, frankly speaking, Neko didn't like them very much, but now she wants them to do their best. She wishes them good luck, and she wants them to win.
She wants the greens to get out of there.
The sound of battle was getting closer. To Neko's ears, they sounded like footsteps. The sound of "it" approaching. An "it" with an eye that never loses even the slightest hole, far away.
She heard it from inside her. It is the sound of knocking on the door. Inside her, a door that shouldn't exist was being knocked on. Someone was trapped there. She walked out of here, screaming to remember, knocking on the door.
Neko pretended not to hear it.
She put more strength into her arms that hugged them both. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to keep smiling. Like a child huddled in her house waiting for the thunder to stop, she went still and rigid.
At some point, the excitement of the battle began to turn to frustration.
As Sukuna advanced, the enemy fell back the same distance, maintaining their formation. At first, Sukuna realized that was just a ruse.
As proof of this, no one has yet beaten the other player. The damage is dealt steadily, but just as they are about to finish, an exquisite obstacle appears.
Even now, as he was about to stab the collapsing blues with a sickle, another one rushed in from the side.
"Scepter 4". Vice Commander, Awashima Seri, is the most troublesome, Sukuna clucked. She carefully observed the overall situation of the battle and made accurate and quick decisions. If it weren't for Awashima, the enemy camp would have collapsed long ago.
In that case, he would just finish that first.
"Yukari! It's Awashima!"
When he gave an order to attack from the left, Mishakuji turned from the right with the same breath. Sukuna cornered Awashima with explosive acceleration using the extraordinary "Burst Dash" application. Sukuna bared his teeth and smiled as he brandished his scythe.
"I'll get those points!"
At that moment, Awashima screamed.
"Now, Fushimi!"
Along with multiple ejection sounds, his vision was dark and blocked. The acceleration of "Burst Dash" couldn't be stopped right away, and Sukuna lost his balance from being caught by it and rolled awkwardly on the ground.
"Dammit, what is this?!"
He swung his scythe blindly and tried to cut it, but couldn't even move his limbs. Just when he realized it was a catching net, he heard Mishakuji's voice from outside.
"Don't move if you don't want to hurt yourself, Sukuna-chan."
Almost at the same time that he cringed, several sword flashes ran and his vision opened up brightly.
The net that was cut to pieces by Mishakuji's sword danced around Sukuna, who was on his buttocks. Mishakuji snorted at Sukuna, who was frozen with wide eyes.
"Are you okay? Shall I give you a hand?"
Red-faced, Sukuna stood up and readied the scythe again.
While Sukuna was being restrained, the opponent was setting up their formation. Retreating further into the hallway from the front door, Awashima yelled.
"Come on!"
The reason why the blood rushed to his head was because he was aware that she had once exposed him to something unpleasant.
"You make me sick! You're a small-time character though!"
Mishakuji's high-pitched voice stopped Sukuna, who was about to use the extraordinary app again.
"Sukuna! Don't chase her!"
"You know where we should be heading right?!"
Mishakuji pointed a finger above his head, and Kotosaka also flapped his wings in agreement.
"Up, up!"
"Our job this time is to pave the way for Nagare-chan, who can only fight for a limited time."
He clicked his tongue. He was maddening, but it was just as Mishakuji said.
"It's certainly not the time to use resources in a place like this."
He took a deep breath and regain his composure. It was none other than his own mistake that he got caught up in the opponent's plan. Mistakes are mistakes, and repeating them without understanding them is hopelessly clumsy. Thinking so, Sukuna once again directed his attention to "Scepter 4".
They all held up their sabers and turned their eyes full of fighting spirit towards them. But they never tried to attack them themselves.
With just that, it seemed that the intentions of the other side could be seen. Don't attack aggressively and set up a trap while blocking that attack. It's a perfect delay tactic. Sukuna clicked his tongue again at that impatience.
Mishakuji smiled slightly and took a step forward.
"Fufu. You seem to be making a lot of plans, but it's no use. After all, you are the bright green of "Jungle" and the beautiful flowers that bloom there are my food."
Mishakuji struck a strange pose as he moved his body like a stage actor.
"It's only a foil!"
He exclaimed very happily.
Feeling embarrassed to see his partner's embarrassment, Sukuna turned his gaze to "Scepter 4", but there was no one there. Even though Mishakuji is in his own world, they will probably go ahead with his own tactics.
"Oh, yes. Let's move on."
After saying that and starting to walk, Mishakuji stopped his pose as if nothing had happened and followed Sukuna. Sukuna started heading towards the stairs as he thought about how he could do something like that, even though he had full confidence in his abilities.
"Seriously, you have a useful power, the new "Red King". With this, you can communicate without worrying about the intervention of the green ones."
Putting a red marble in his palm, Shiro muttered so.
The red marble pulsates slightly and emits a slight heat. This marble, which all members of the "Chabudai Alliance" have, is the medium for Anna's network of supernatural powers.
Not only images and sounds, but also thoughts can be transmitted instantly. This power, which was like an expansion of Anna's sentience when she was Strain, was the cornerstone of this operation.
If the other side is winning with individual strength, it is a good plan to suppress it with numbers and cooperation.
With his eyes closed, Shiro spoke to the marble with his mind.
"Mishakuji Yukari and Gojou Sukuna have launched an invasion. Everyone, please follow the plan, ok?"
That voice reached Anna's consciousness and spread throughout the "Chabudai Alliance". The members of "Homura" lift their spirits. Although out of print, "Scepter 4" still has a strong fighting spirit. And...
Munakata, who was motionless in the "Slate Room", looked at Shiro through the net.
"Now. If possible, I would like things to go according to Isana Yashiro's plan."
Shiro smiled wryly. There was no anger. When the line is drawn so clearly, it's quite refreshing.
Also, apart from Munakata, Shiro had a firm trust in him. Maintain order in this world and strive for its functioning. Reisi Munakata, who tries to do it out of a sense of responsibility rather than selfishness, is similar to Daikaku Kokujoji.
The fact that Munakata is standing on the last line is a great relief for Shiro. As he said, if things go according to Shiro's expectations, then it's fine. Even if something unexpected happens, it will definitely happen. As long as Hisui Nagare isn't stupid, Munakata will do something about it. Somewhat irresponsibly, Shiro decided to think so.
And now...
The image of a "Jungle" member breaking through a blocking net that was placed ten and twenty times in a straight line appeared in Shiro's mind.
"Mishakuji, Gojou, both, captured by the security camera on the 10th floor!"
"I understand. Manually activate the defensive equipment inside Mihashira Tower as planned."
At the same time, in the command car of "Scepter 4" that was waiting outside, the scene of two members dealing with them fiercely was also sent.
Fushimi Saruhiko and Enomoto Tatsuya. He is an information warfare expert on "Scepter 4". Of course, he is no match for Hisui Nagare, who controls the electronic network, but even so, within this limited local network, he can carry out operations without interference from him.
"Entrapment 10-E +3, +4, F -4."
"Normal Entrapment Deployment Confirmation!"
"It's a whole course in suspended ceilings, traps, and electric shock. Please dance at least."
After taking control of Mihashira Tower, the numerous barriers and traps created were activated one after another by Fushimi and Enomoto. Enomoto glanced sideways at Fushimi's smiling face.
"Everything is broken!"
Those obstacles didn't seem to stop him. As he brandished his sword while humming, Mishakuji easily broke through the barricades that stood in his way and the traps that attacked him. It was like navigating an uninhabited field.
The smile disappeared from Fushimi's face and he clicked his tongue.
"Tsk. After all, this level won't stop you. So..."
Again, Fushimi began to write at breakneck speed. He was trying to catch Mishakuji and Sukuna jumping on the hierarchical map like tops with his fingertips.
"Entrapment 11-D -3, -4, -5, 2-S +4, +5, 9-Z full yards."
In the video, traps that are a bit more radical than before (flash grenades, rubber bullets, high-pressure water cannons, and tear gas bombs) appear one after another and attack the two of them. Mishakuji and Sukuna turned left and right and began destroying the traps while repelling and dodging those attacks.
But that's what they're there for.
As Fushimi pressed the last key, a huge blind came down, dividing the room in two. In the video, Sukuna and Mishakuji stopped their feet and turned to the shutter in surprise. Multi-alloy reinforced shutters block even tank shells. Not even they can break it.
"Entrapment Deployment Confirmed! Mishakuji, Gojou, both have been successfully separated! However, the damage seems to be extremely small for both of them."
Fushimi spat that out. According to the plan, he was supposed to wear them down a bit more, but it didn't seem to be going so well. Fushimi began selecting the traps to activate next as he called out their predicted routes that had started moving again.
Those shows were fully shared with "Homura" who was waiting upstairs.
Anna's heightened sense makes it, like different parts of a single body, tied to a vast consciousness. If "Homura" is the right hand, "Scepter 4" is the left hand, one of Fushimi's fingers.
Lighting a cigarette and exhaling purple smoke, Kusanagi said in admiration.
"A plan to divide and guide two powerful individuals individually, surrounding and exhausting Gojou Sukuna with our Red Clan and Mishakuji Yukari with our Silver Clan. It would not have been possible without Fushimi's ability to master and perfectly operate the security equipment of this building. Right, Yata-chan?"
The dialogue pointed towards him and Yata turned irritated.
"Kusanagi-san. I even admit that he has his skills in this."
Fushimi was removed from the combatant list this time because his information processing ability was outstanding even among the "Chabudai Alliance". Although he has Anna's support, he has so far been able to guide those two non-standard people. It's "Homura's" job, to do the "finish off" after leading them.
"More importantly, was it about time? Is the child in charge of us coming?"
"Really. That's all thanks to Shiro. That brat owes me a lot."
With a fighting spirit on his face, Yata slammed his fist into his palm. Fushimi support is annoying but useful. If he failed to defeat the cornered enemy, he doesn't know what kind of disapproval he would do. With that thought, Yata turned his gaze towards the direction the enemy was supposed to come from.
At that moment, the barricade was cut into a cross.
"Here we go!"
With a warning voice echoing, Yata charged the staff in his hand with red supernatural power.
A tall shadow appeared from behind the clouds of smoke.
To all appearances, he was not a child. For some reason, the man whose entire body was drenched with water brushed his hair as if to remove the dripping water droplets and looked at them.
"Oh? Are you my partner?"
Saying so, Mishakuji Yukari pointed his sword at him.
"Hey! This is not the brat, Saru!"
When he involuntarily yelled, the counter argument returned without delay.
"Each of these guys is strong against nonsense. I was able to lead him somehow, but it's a mistake to the extent that the opponent is different! If you have any complaints, go ahead and do it yourself!"
"Well, that's correct."
Shortly, Kusanagi found himself next to Yata. With a lighter in hand, his lips smiled, but his eyes didn't. He was ready for battle.
"Nothing will change if you "suppress one". Or else, Yata-chan, why don't you try your best if you're not dealing with children?"
"Tsk! Shit, I get it!"
Gritting his teeth in frustration, Yata was still holding his staff. As Kusanagi said, he can't choose who is his opponent. His role is to defeat the enemy in front of them.
"Get ready, you green bastard! We won't let you through here!"
"Yes. I'm looking forward to it!"
With a happy smile, Mishakuji ran straight ahead and Yata gripped the staff tightly.
The noise began to enter Anna's otherworldly web.
Perhaps because the Red Clan has begun to fight in earnest, they are worried about her support. Shiro's spirit is sensitive to how turmoil is transmitted as waves. Not surprisingly, he believed her. Even though she is a "Red King" and she is determined to fight, this was the first time she had fought an enemy equal to or better than him.
"Well, our turn is almost here."
When Shiro said in a low voice, Kuro nodded.
"Mishakuji and Gojou will be held by the entire clan, including the "King". And when the "Green King" arrives, the three "Kings"... "Silver", "Red" and "Blue" will fight against him. Surely there is no other way than this. But..."
A slight shadow fell over his expression. Shiro tilted his head and asked.
"Kuro, what's wrong?"
"Don't think I'm being foolish. If I were stronger, at least if I could fight Mishakuji Yukari on equal footing, you'd be able to fight more easily."
Shiro touched Kuro on the shoulder.
"I've only heard the story, but I don't think you're inferior to Mishakuji Yukari."
"But you also said that back then."
Kuro asked back with a doubtful face. At that time, Shiro had just returned to Gakuenjima. In fact, Shiro said something to the effect that it would be easier if Kuro could compete with Mishakuji. Astonished, Shiro pondered on whether he had been worried about it for a long time.
"That was a joke. And I also said that you weren't doing your best."
Kuro was upset.
"What do you mean? I certainly did my best to deal with it. I didn't mean to cut corners."
"Yes. At that time, you still couldn't use your true power as a member of the Silver Clan."
"I certainly made you a member of the clan. But that's it. It didn't get to the point where we could use the Silver power, our supernatural ability. But now…"
Shiro put extraordinary powers into his own hands. A shimmering silver aura was transmitted from that hand to Kuro's shoulder, and Kuro's eyes widened in surprise.
"This is...?!"
"Kuro. The only thing you could use was the colorless ability. There's no way you can win against Mishakuji Yukari who uses two colors. With my power, you'll be able to fight him on equal terms for the first time."
It was as if the Silver power had turned into Kuro's self-confidence. As he confirmed the supernatural power that filled him, Kuro looked back at Shiro and nodded forcefully.
Shiro smiled quietly and added.
"Besides, I'm sure you'll really show your power more."
At that moment, Neko who had taken the form of a cat at his feet suddenly raised her head. She returned to her human form and let out a voice full of vigilance.
"Shiro! Something's getting closer!"
At last the time has come. He was ready and he had nothing to fear. Even if the opponent is the strongest Clansman.
"Is it Mishakuji Yukari? Neko. If the parrot is with him, I'll leave him to you."
"Yes! Leave it to me! I'll eat him like Christmas chicken!"
The moment the Neko bravely said that, the shutter at the entrance of the room was destroyed with a crash.
Through the hole, a small figure slowly entered. A child. Bracing a scythe with a glowing green blade on his shoulder, he looked around vigilantly.
Shiro frowned and said in a low voice.
"It's not Mishakuji Yukari. Is it Gojou Sukuna?"
In response to that voice, Sukuna looked at him. A belligerent smile appeared on his lips.
"Oh! He's the "Silver King"! I didn't expect the last boss encounter here. He was irritated with so many traps, but I'm lucky!"
"Shiro, let's do it!"
Neko, who was ready for battle, yelled and Kuro drew his sword silently. Seeing that, Sukuna's smile deepened even more. Even though it was three against one, and one of them was the "King", there was not a trace of fear in his expression, as if he was enjoying the difficulty.
"I'll make Nagare have one less thing to do. It's time to earn a lot of extra points, "Silver King"!"
"Don't believe it!"
Kuro yelled and ran off. Sukuna waved the scythe at him in response. As he looked at the two clansmen who began to fight violently, Shiro's thoughts were spinning at high speed.
However, Mishakuji Yukari and Gojou Sukuna, the two members of the clan, do not have the same abilities. Mishakuji is clearly stronger. That's why the plan was to have the silver team, including a skilled "King", against him.
It collapsed. Although war is always accompanied by unforeseen circumstances, now they must anticipate the consequences of that situation.
What about the Red Clan?
Though aware of the marbles in his hand, Shiro thought of the other clan, "Homura", that he had to deal with the powerful enemy that he was supposed to be in charge of.
A few minutes after the battle began, "Homura" began to fall apart.
Mishakuji's attack was like lightning. By the time he seemed to arrive, he had already made up his mind. Several clansmen had already passed out and were lying on the ground. They weren't dead, but getting back into combat would be difficult.
Yata's skateboard sped up, transforming anger at his friend's defeat into speed. Rotating the flames wrapped around the staff, Yata attacked Mishakuji with the same momentum.
With a smile on his face, Mishakuji took it smoothly.
"It's a good hit. But momentum alone won't do anything."
Swaying, Mishakuji's sword swayed as if carrying a mist. The pressure on the rod instantly disappeared and Yata felt as if all his hair stood on end. His intuition as a fighter who had been through many a rough patch told him exactly what would happen next.
Be killed.
It was Kamamoto who saved Yata from that prediction.
"Get away from Yata-san!"
With an aura pouring out from his entire body, Kamamoto launched himself into a desperate stance. The sight of a red-hot giant crashing into him is like a volcanic bomb.
Mishakuji narrowed his eyes and instantly stepped back. Kamamoto's gigantic body passed through an empty space and buried itself in the wall, creating radial cracks.
Kamamoto said out loud as he looked at Mishakuji.
"Are you alright, Yata-san?"
"Oh. You saved me, Kamamoto!"
"Hmm, I see."
Swinging his sword, Mishakuji slowly looked around the room.
While Yata and Kamamoto dealt with Mishakuji, other clansmen surrounded him. All of them were looking at Mishakuji with angry eyes.
Facing a look of anger and hostility, Mishakuji opened his arms quite happily.
"It's obvious, but it's very different from the blue boys. Even if you get hurt or fall, you'll never break and your life will shine even brighter... Fufu."
With a heartbreaking smile on his lips...
"You are beautiful!"
"Go away! Guys!"
Almost at the same time as Kusanagi's order, Mishakuji kicked the ground.
If he hadn't pushed the skateboard behind him, he probably would have been knocked over. Yata barely managed to parry Mishakuji's attack, which shot out as he spun, then turned his back on him and began to run. Kamamoto shook off his giant body and followed.
"Yata-san, it's dangerous, it's dangerous, it's dangerous!"
"Shut up and run!"
"My God, didn't you let me in?"
From behind, Mishakuji, still smiling, chases after him. Yata ground his teeth as goosebumps rose on his neck. It is completely true what the enemy said, and it is too uncomfortable to run away with a tail between your legs, even though you have fought so hard. But...
"Hurry up, Saru!"
Several blinds fell behind Yata and Kamamoto, as if they had heard the words shot into his head. Kamamoto looked back with a relieved expression.
"Hey, good! With this, for a while..."
The shutter broke and Mishakuji ran inside. Carrying a mysteriously shining sword and running while smiling charmingly, he has a terrifying beauty that is far from human.
The two fled again with all their might.
Behind Yata and Kamamoto, multiple layers of shutters blocked him. These obstacles last less than a few seconds. Mishakuji's sword pierces shutters 1, 2, and 3.
The fire bullets fell like shotguns that attacked Mishakuji.
"You failed."
Although he was taken by surprise, Mishakuji's reaction speed was still amazing. He quickly swung the sword to knock down all the bullets. Then, alert, he lowered the point of his sword and looked at the man who shot the flame.
Correcting the misalignment of his sunglasses, Kusanagi said in a relaxed tone.
"My young man, will you be with me?"
With a laugh, Mishakuji pointed his sword at Kusanagi.
"So, will you be my partner?"
"No… sorry about that."
Kusanagi turned around. The shutter came down again as if to cut into his back.
In a room surrounded by shutters on all sides, Mishakuji shrugged as he still held his sword.
"It's really endless... It's not beautiful to blatantly waste time."
"Shit! This guy!"
Sukuna jumped again as he echoed evil.
In terms of speed alone, Sukuna could surpass Mishakuji Yukari. Irregular feints. Kuro's body reacted precisely to him approaching while preparing irregular feints. Sukuna's scythe attacked from the right, but Kuro's sword "Kotowari" stopped it and repelled it.
(My body is light... Is it because Shiro is next to me?)
Kuro's eyes widened as he saw the sword glowing silvery white. The power that springs from the depths of the body resides in the sword inherited from his master. As if to congratulate Kuro who became a member of the Silver Clan.
He thought so. This is what he wanted. He can fight for his own master. He is now standing in a place that the powerless young Kuro could never reach.
Instinctively, Kuro looked at the sword with a silver aura.
(Ichigen-sama, I am...!)
"Don't look away!"
Seeing that as an opportunity, Sukuna continued to attack. But...
As Neko activated his supernatural power, silvery-white bubbles began to bubble around Sukuna. Sukuna tried to shake off the waves of foam rising from under his feet and tried to get rid of it with his sickle.
"What is this?!"
That is exactly the gap. Kuro quickly approached and roughly pushed Sukuna's body with the scabbard he was holding in one hand. Sukuna twisted his body to avoid it, but all he could do was change the angle. He was shocked as he was, he rolled backwards on the ground, but immediately got to his feet.
Sukuna yelled in anger and fatigue.
"Dammit! You coward!"
"Hmph. Say what you want."
"Ah, Shiro looks bad."
Shiro and Neko lashed out with light banter, and Kuro pointed the tip of "Kotowari" directly at Sukuna. The three members of the Silver Clan are organically cooperating and supporting each other. Sukuna was his only opponent and he didn't feel like losing at all.
Suddenly, the smile disappeared from Shiro's face. Turning his Japanese umbrella around, he turned his cool gaze on Sukuna.
"Well, your activities have ended. As a fighting force, you will surely be crushed here."
Sukuna was overwhelmed by the intimidating feeling of a "King" that was unimaginable from his usual gentle demeanor.
He yelled out loud to cheer himself up.
"Do not be silly!"
In a fit of rage, Sukuna attacked Shiro with even more violent movements than before. The blow was blocked by Kuro, who immediately stepped forward. He wasn't going to let his fingertips touch Shiro. It became the sword of the "King", and it moves like a shield. At that, Kuro felt joy well up from the depths of his body.
The wheels of the wheelchair creaked as they rolled across the marble floor.
Hisui Nagare, who had advanced to the center of the hall, looked up silently. Various sounds can be heard from the upper floor, which has been converted into an atrium. The sounds of crashing, breaking and running. Combat sounds.
Iwafune, standing next to him, spoke as if he were someone else's problem.
"Oh, you're also surprisingly good at it."
Nagare closed his eyes and tried to activate his supernatural power. Most of the electronic networks have been removed from that building, but some are still alive. He tried to control it and check the situation of the battle.
But he changed my mind.
Now he's there.
He's not the person he was when he could only look out from his underground hideout. If he feels like it, he can go anywhere. He can see the world with his own eyes, not an image as a collection of light particles.
That made him so happy that he trembled.
"Right now, the status is around 70% clear. You're a little early, Nagare."
Nagare denied those words in a calm voice.
"No, it's not too soon. I'm here to fight."
Iwafune, who questioned him curiously, guessed everything just by looking at Nagare's profile.
The appearance is nothing more than the usual deadpan. However, inside, the excitement and enthusiasm of a child impatiently waiting for an excursion is about to overflow. For a long time, Iwafune, who had been with Nagare as father and son, understood that very clearly.
Iwafune said with a sigh.
"Hey, there are three "Kings" waiting for you upstairs, you know? Wait a bit longer until Yukari-chan and the others make a route."
"I'm not going to wait."
Iwafune laughed as if he had given up at Nagare's stubborn insistence.
"At this rate, you can't even hear Iwa-san, who is a surrogate father?"
"Affirmative. I will act selfishly."
"Fufu, it's time to rebel. Alright, let's go."
Nagare looked at Iwafune and smiled.
"Thank you, Iwa-san. I am grateful to you."
And so, Nagare stood up and looked up again.
There is an enemy ahead. His enemy. Enemy of "Jungle".
Hisui Nagare never had ill will towards them. He recognized the power of their as a "King", and even respected one of them.
But still...
"It is true that the combined forces of the "Silver King", "Blue King", and "Red King" are powerful. But if it is me..."
There was no wavering in the confidence that he was the strongest.
"It's an easy win!"
Then, Hisui Nagare opened his arms.
He easily broke through the straitjacket that wrapped around his body and unleashed all the supernatural powers that were sealed.
Picking up his wheelchair, Nagare began to run. Due to the "alteration" power that overflows from his body, his body transforms into lightning. With a trail of green glow, Nagare disappeared up the stairs, bounding up and down like an unleashed beast, or like a happy child.
"Well, you can enjoy it as much as you want."
The expression on Iwafune's face as he watched with narrowed eyes was just like his father's.
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nectaric · 5 months
choose ten moments within your muses' life - moments that have impacted them the most - and explain why. moments can be good, bad, or both. tagging: @ichoric / @aetheryic, @singofus @kallistcs @brokenbow @seekesotsibteadmist @triickst @intothewildsea @madefate @championsofthegate @asoulunbound @heartheaded and you!
10.  first spring without persephone.  this was when it truly sunk in just how much he had messed things up.  it was a period of immense reflection, and guilt, and introspection. hades thought he knew what it was to be lonely before, but this was so much worse.  he realized how bad he fucked up, basically, and it impacted his future treatment of persephone significantly.
9.  being swallowed.  being consumed by your own father and spending your formative years in darkness and bile is pretty shitty, and its left him with some pretty serious issues, fears, and opinions on fatherhood.  however, the reason this is so high up on the list is simply because of the distance between hades and this event.  it was difficult, but compared to a lot of things that have come after, its… child’s play.
8.  early relationships.  some of the first relationships hades ever had (pre-persephone, of course) were pretty significant, and shaped his entire view of love and romance.  though there’s no proof, obviously, i’ve always headcanoned a lot of “non-canon” relationships during the titanomachy.  and one of those is the relationship i’ve imagined hades had with zelos during the war, which started out fairly innocent but turned out to be exploitative and unhealthy. hades was in a very vulnerable space and zelos, intentionally or not, took advantage of him, which really did not help hades’ already fragile sense of self.  then there was demeter, who in my headcanon was a very positive relationship for him, one that helped to heal his perception of love, sex, and himself a little bit.  after the war was leuce, who despite holding hades’ attention and affection, was not meant to be. i don’t think hades was at all ready for a relationship and therefore leuce did not work out.
7.  inheriting the underworld.  i don’t think hades was upset about this assignment, because he had always preferred the dark and quickly realized just how much he disliked the politics of olympus. but he wasn’t particularly thrilled either, and venturing into a massive realm, an unruly realm, and trying to make order of it was exciting, but also difficult and isolating.  and it is what solidified him as this deity to be feared, not loved.
6.  titans 2 (or 3?):  so this existed purely in the world of roleplay w/ @ ichoric but it has been no less significant on my hades.  he watched his family die, felt their souls ripped away from the world of the living.  he was forced into exile, spent weeks tracking down his missing children, running himself ragged.  for the first time since his youth, he was in full blown war again, which dredged up a lot of old horrors.  the only good that came from this was the rekindling of old relationships, wounds being closed -- particularly with his siblings, nieces, and nephews.
5.  getting sober.  i think this is one that takes time for hades to come to grips with and fully recognize its impact.  he knew how his drinking affected him and his family, and it’s part of his motivation for actually getting sober, but it’s not until he’s sober for a while that he realizes how much better they’re all doing and how much more enjoyable his life is, and generally how much healthier he is.  despite the pain he was trying to cover up, he feels happier more often.  food tastes better, he sleeps better, sex is better, everything is just so much better and he never believed it could be, but here it is and he’s so grateful for it.
4.  the titanomachy.  fairly obvious, here, but no less significant.  he emerged from the darkness and was thrown into a ten year long war, with no skills, no safety.  it was long and brutal and took so much adaptation that it left him with a lot of issues.  he was physically injured, abused, manipulated, and left in fear during this time - but he also got to meet his family, make friends, and transition too.  so it was a very significant period of time, in good and bad ways.
3.  the birth of his children.  its kind of hard to rank any one of them higher than the other, so i’m meshing them together.  its also hard to compare these to the one below, so imagine that these two are sort of all meshed together.  but he adored his children.  he never thought he would get to be a father, but then there his children were.  he cherished them.  he loved being a father.  he still does, i should add.  but in that moment, he was content.  every time one of them was born, he felt more complete.  and then disaster struck :)
2.  marrying persephone.  aside from the chaos this also created and the sheer impact it had on the world around them, marrying persephone is also the source of almost all things good in his life.  he adores his wife, grew with his wife, had beautiful children with her.  the only reason i put this above the last one is because he couldn’t have the kids without her, so… i guess this wins out.
1.  the death of zagreus.  this completely threw his entire world into chaos, broke his spirit and tore apart his family, and hades was never the same again after this happened. everything up to this point has been quite impactful, but nothing so much as this. i’ve talked a lot about how zagreus’ death affected him, so i won’t elaborate too much, but there is no denying how much this changed his life and perspective.
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Decided I want to start T
I have laryngitis right now, and at its onset (4 days ago) my voice dropped really deep (before I lost it the next day). Previously I'd been debating whether or not I wanted to go on testosterone, as I wasn't sure if some of the changes (body hair, facial hair, bottom growth) aligned with what I wanted out of my transition, but this felt REALLY good and sort of solidified my feelings, which were already leaning towards wanting T.
AND THEN yesterday one of my friends said T is funded in our country which I DID NOT realise!! As a broke uni student whose parents don't really support 'changing my body' this is AMAZING NEWS!!!!
So I'm just super excited for the future now because it gives me something to work towards, motivation to get a job (I want to move out soo bad) and also motivation to come out to the rest of the people in my life who I haven't yet (grandparents, aunt/uncle/cousins, cocurricular groups).
I also ordered two more binders from gc2b yesterday because I wanted a second one and my best friend also wants to get me one for my birthday and I have a discount so I ordered them in one go and she's gonna save it.
So overall I'm so excited for everything that's coming and even though there's some stress about what my parents will think of me saying I want to start T and how I will convince them that the binders are ok when I move back home and stuff I have a lot to look forward to.
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