#white haired character is called piper
cadaverkeys · 10 months
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some bards
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patheticbatman · 4 months
I haven't seen any posts about this yet but l've seen some fan art that makes me feel this needs to be said:
Don't forget Leah Sava Jeffries has darker skin when making Annabeth Chase fan art!
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She is much closer to Lupita Nyong'o than Zoe Kravitz when it comes to shading, reflection, and complementary color usage :).
Lighting for dark skin is different on light skin. Light skin gets changed by lighting, and dark skin reflects the lighting. Below is a lovely shot of Nyong'o's character from Wakanda Forever in mourning. The filmmakers emphasize the umber qualities of her skin in contrast to the funereal white and (arguably harsh) light across her shoulder below.
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Try to pick spots that aren't directly in or near the light, and try mixing 3 or more! You can put it into a color mixer online, or even color pick, lower the opacity, and lay the shades over each other until you find one that fits. And of course, the more 'realistic' you want to go with shading and lighting, the more shades you're going to want to be able to explore vivaciously :D.
Let's take a look at the same 3 beautiful actresses I mentioned at the beginning, with a bad color picked area and a better-ish color picked area. (Please keep in mind, these are not perfect comparisons, as I was not able to find pictures of all 3 actresses under the same kind of lighting.)
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Kravitz's has a clear difference between the two, but they aren't too far apart, in comparison to Nyong’o’s and Jeffries’s. Note the dullness in the poorly picked shades as opposed to the better ones. Also keep in mind that while Kravitz has a rosy undertone (at least in that picture - it’s from The Batman, which has stylized coloring) Nyong’o has a slight cool undertone (I can’t pin down quite what, but the picture is definitely not stylized like Kravitz’s).
Jeffries runs more ochre or russet, but neither of those are pink. They are more red than terracotta or umber, but to call Jeffries’s face rosy would be wrong. Err more towards the golden when drawing her.
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^^saved an image from a writing tutorial long ago, but can’t seem to find it. If someone recognizes it, I’ll link it. EDIT: it’s from this post. Thanks @autumnrowancollector ! <3
And also, the darker skin gets, the less likely warm undertones are going to appear. Don't be afraid to use blue or purple or even green on occasion!
Additionally, cool lighting on dark skin is always a win imo.
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(I was going to use that picture of Jeffries as Annabeth by the lightning bolt, but then I realized the lighting on her face doesn’t quite match up with where it should hit from that angle, and I realized they kind of just turned everything bluer, so screenshot time!)
(Also if you want another really great live action example, check out anything Aldis Hodge is in, like Leverage and Black Adam)(and of course there’s Spiderverse <3 but I want to post pictures of Hodge)
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Now, to here’s a list of more experienced people’s advice:
Black facial features & hair
Shading digitally for a (somewhat) monotone Black character
Stylistic choices and places to start looking for inspiration (besides a search engine).
Coloring Black people’s lips
A better coloration tutorial
Also a nice tutorial for Indigenous skin tones, just in case yall want to draw Piper or use this information for other dark skinned characters :).
EDIT: Some actresses who are closer in skintone to use for Annabeth, provided by the lovely @blackfemmecharacterdependency ! If you can’t find a reference for Jeffries in a specific lighting, maybe check out these ladies’ pictures! It’s a reblog, so scroll down.
TLDR: Don’t make Annabeth pink and pale, make her dark and golden.
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ladystoneboobs · 6 months
possibly incomplete list of asoiaf characters described as having red or even "ginger" hair (or red-gold as opposed to red-brown or ghiscari red-black), never auburn:
mycah, the butcher's boy*
beric dondarrion (red-gold hair)*
lharys, member of the three stooges men-at-arms (wild rust-colored hair)**
unnamed and unfortunate mother of robert baratheon's doomed youngest child, barra (light red-haired mother of black-haired baby)*
tomard aka "fat tom", stark guardsman (with his ginger whiskers)*
horas "horror" redwyne (orange hair)*
hobber "slobber" redwyne (orange hair)*
unnamed red-haired whore leaning out a window the day of ned's execution (presumably not the same as above since she was joking about the king's death)*
melisandre of asshai (deep burnished copper. red and terrible and red.)*
a man called jaqen h'ghar (red on one side, white on the other)*
pug-nosed dancy from chataya's brothel (described as red-haired by tyrion in acok but honey-blonde in asos, so presumably hair dye must have been involved between those book mentions.)**
addam marbrand (hair the same copper color as his horse's mane)*
"ginger-headed" maester frenken*
unnamed beardless ginger youth among theon's crew at winterfell*
ygritte, a spearwife "kissed-by-fire" (bright red)*
arryk aka "left" or "right", lady olenna's red-mustached guardsman*
erryk aka "left" or "right", lady olenna's other, identical, red-mustached guardsman*
lord paxter redwyne (tufts of orange hair)**
anguy the archer of the bwb*
a red-bearded karstark rapist dead in a crow cage at stoney sept*
tansy, innkeeper of the peach in stoney sept*
meryn trant (rust-red hair)*
"red" ronnet connington
mero, "the titan's bastard", former commander of the second sons (bushy red-gold beard)
a red-headed soldier who came with stannis to the wall
shadrich "the mad mouse" (bristly orange hair)*
lord rykker's red-mustached maester
marwyn belmore, lysa's former guard captain (ginger-headed)*
lord benedar belmore with a beard that was "a ginger-grey horror"*
lord orton merryweather (reddish-orange hair)
"the red oarsman", one of euron greyoy's followers (fiery red hair)
unnamed red-haired sailor arriving at port in braavos*
lord clement piper
and his son lewys "little lew" piper, who served as squire to jaime lannister in the riverlands
unnamed red-haired youth who first escaped northward with varamyr from the battle at the wall
one of illyrio's washerwomen (dull red hair)**
jon connington (once red hair gone to grey, still red at the roots and eyebrows even when the rest was dyed blue. also had a bright red beard as a younger man.)**
rolly "duck" duckfield (a shock of orange hair)**
a young man among the wildling refugees at mole's town whose red hair reminded jon of ygritte*
the "sunset kingdoms" girl raped by tyrion in the brothel where he was captured by jorah**
hagen's daughter, only other woman among asha greyjoy's crew
roggon rustbeard, one of asha's men
mully of the nw (greasy orange hair)*
bloodbeard, commander of the company of the cat (fiery red whiskers)
"ginger" jack, a toungeless sellsword of the windblown sent to dany, face nearly covered by his bristly, orange beard
gerrick kingsblood*
and his son*
and gerrick's daughter #1*
and gerrick's daughter #2*
and gerrick's daughter #3*
ronald storm, son of ronnet connington
one of the 7 "choicest" enslaved girls from the yunkish ship who were sacrificed by victarion (red-gold hair)
an enslaved redhead boy in line for a well, asking tyrion about dany**
nail, apprentice to hammer, the armorer for the second sons**
maester tybald, redhaired maester from the dreadfort serving arnolf karstark
valena toland, heiress to ghost hill (bright red hair)
teora toland, valena's younger sister with the same hair
uther shett, knight arriving for sweetrobin's tourney (ginger-haired and whiskered)*
*characters whose hair is described in the povs of starks (or jon snow) who only use the terms auburn or red-brown for catelyn, robb, sansa etc. and do not compare said characters to said tully-haired relations
**characters whose hair is described by tyrion lannister, who spent significant time with sansa and exclusively referred to her hair as auburn (without anyone else telling him her hair color as catelyn told brienne)
the only asoiaf characters ever described as having auburn hair:
catelyn tully stark
robb stark (red-brown/auburn tully hair "so like" his mother's, with a beard redder than his hair)
sansa stark (auburn hair lighter than her mother's, most reddish glowing in candlelight)
brandon "bran" stark (hair not bright red enough for him to distinguish himself from young benjen at first glance in a weirwood flashback)
rickon stark
brynden "the blackfish" tully (once auburn hair gone to grey)
edmure tully (auburn hair with a fiery beard, likely brighter than his hair like robb's)
lysa tully arryn baelish
known tully descendants never described as having auburn hair
arya stark (darker brown stark-colored hair)
hoster tully (hair and beard gone from brown to brown streaked with grey to white as snow)
robert "sweetrobin" arryn (fine brown hair, thought by sansa to be his best feature)
fun fact: the only other character that i can find to ever even be descibed as having red-brown hair in the main series is rowan, one of the spearwives who accompanied mance on his mission to winterfell. (described by theon, who had psychological reasons not to think of any hair-resemblance to robb and co.)
tl;dr i suppose my point here is that auburn hair in the real world may be a term thrown around wildly as a fancier way of saying red hair, but grrm and his westerosi creations seem to keep to a much more specific (true) definition. not just specific, almost entirely unique to a certain family, a weird mutation passing down their line somewhat inexplicably, like the magic platinum hair of the targaryens. (ned stark's 4 tully-haired kids being sorta like alicent hightower's 4 targ-haired kids where nobody can really explain why it was so dominant.) except it's actually more unique to the tullys than either black hair to the baratheons or silver hair to the targaryens, with the velaryons also having valyrian hair as well as some people in the essosi free cities too. which i guess makes rowan the wildling the equalivent of an unknown dragonseed or a lysene woman who could pass as a targ, and regular brown-haired hoster and sweetrobin the equivalent of regular blonde-haired alysanne and alyssa targaryen. so the next time someone calls the tullys lame or whatever, just remember that in-universe they're actually more special than the dragonriders, at least hairwise.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 1 month
random facts about random riordanverse characters from my characters doc:
percy jackson: thalia once dyed his hair neon green (which, he has black hair, so no clue how) and it lasted for two weeks before washing out entirely
thalia grace: actually very close to will solace. he treated her when she first woke up, and reminded her of jason. she's basically a big sister now. she threatened nico about him.
nico di angelo: got so nervous about asking will out he accidentally asked in chinese, before reverting to welsh, and then latin. finally, he stutters it out in a mix of greek, italian, and english (luckily will understands all three). unfortunately, will responds in sign language for some reason??? nico doesn't know sign language.
meg mccaffrey: meg has a horrendous obsession with gatorade. like. she won't drink water, it's gatorade or nothing. apollo is SO concerned because he doesn't know what gatorade is and also it looks VERY unnatural.
leo valdez: not only can he cook tacos, he knows how to make tamales. actually, while on the argo ii, he and percy made most of the food. this man can COOK.
will solace: has a habit of always carrying pens around with him (both as a way of keeping close to michael, who collected pens before his death, and just bc he's in the infirmary so much) and he clicks them ALL THE TIME as a fidget. people forcibly take them from him sometimes.
Annabeth Chase: she's autistic and so is her dad. part of why they have so much trouble having a good relationship with each other. they both have really black and white thinking styles.
Calypso: she's like 7 feet tall.
Magnus Chase: he really likes the chronicles of narnia series. when he was a kid, he dressed up like the lion for three halloweens in a row. his favorite is the lion the witch and the wardrobe.
Alex Fierro: felines are easier than canines in regards to shapeshifting.
Sadie Kane: she likes strawberry ribena the best
Carter Kane: he wants to grow his hair out. when he's in his twenties, he does. sadie helps him braid it.
Clarisse La Rue: after her mission in ttc, she's extremely claustrophobic.
Piper McLean: the reason she was so against feminine stuff in TLH is because she was so sexualized by the media when she was girly. so she openly rejected it.
Travis Stoll: makes oddly specific t-shirts about what happens at camp. like, “I defeated the greek personification of time this summer and all i got was this lousy tee shirt.”
Connor Stoll: isn't dyslexic. loves reading.
Katie Gardner: she drops out of college after her first semester. it just wasn't for her. she owns a flower shop called petal to the metal, where she says "have a punk rock day" to all her customers.
clovis: he doesn't actually need to sleep 24/7, he just doesn't want to interact with people.
Cecil Markowitz: a threesome baby. no, really. he's 25% his mum, 25% his dad, and 50% hermes. he-- he has a lot of questions and no answers, and that's probably for the better.
Lou Ellen Blackstone: she's black, and usually keeps her hair in braids. before alabaster torrington defected he did it (he's white, learned just for her), and after, beckendorf did her hair.
Zoe Nightshade: she's regenerating. she was a titaness, she'll be back.
Lee Fletcher: he dropped out of high school. it wasn't for him. got his GED and took college classes on the side til he died, but personally modern schooling wasn't really for him.
Rachel Dare: when she turns 21 and gains access to her trust fund, she immediately donates the entire thing.
Hazel Levesque: definitely the person who always has a cardigan/sweater for you to use if you get cold.
Frank Zhang: goes back and finds his grandmother after HoO
Jason Grace: jiper was comphet. he's gay.
Reyna: didn't actually join the hunt. i don't think that really is a natural character ending? she is ace though.
Grover: turns out pan passing his spirit on to grover actually made grover a god?? yeah grover didn't realise for //years//
juniper: fought in the battle of manhattan. she just brought a couple of her berries with her.
Chris Rodriguez: following going insane and becoming sane again, he develops anorexia to regain his sense of control over his life.
Drew Tanaka: she's actually aro-ace.
Malcolm Pace: in an effort to always be prepared he sleeps in jeans and street clothes, and always has a bag of supplies on him.
Ellis Wakefield: is from somalia. his first language is somali. he speaks somali, english, arabic, and greek.
Mitchell: went to military school for a bit. has a habit of calling people sir/ma'am after every sentence now.
michael yew: has the gift of prophecy, knew going into manhattan that he was going to die.
miranda gardiner: summer only camper, takes over counselor during the summer (katie doesn't want it. also she's vietnamese. i know thats two facts i just think it's important.
sherman yang: he has two dads. his mortal dad's name is jeff. sherman sees him like, one week every two months? jeff lives in seattle.
jake mason: he's got a fish named bubbles. he says it's because harley wanted to name it. he lies.
silena beauregard: summer only camper, she volunteers at a domestic abuse shelter during the year, and hopes to go into social work.
charles beckendorf: he was 16 when he died, but had finished HS work 2 years early. had been accepted to MIT. he wouldn't have gone, anyway, because of the expense, too far from camp, but-- it had been a nice dream
Nyssa Barrera: she's a year round camper, and always been mad that taking care of harley fell to her.
Lacy: physically disabled. she's got JRA, and is in a wheelchair part time.
Harley: really likes unsweetened cheerios.
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daisychains111 · 4 months
incorrect chb camper quotes but it's actually just my sister's quotebook from Twitter
Disclaimer: This post is gonna be LONG AF
Percy: "Ahh, die quieter"
Clarisse to Silena: "Do I look majestic?"
Will: "I live in America. Cultures?... casserole"
Nico: "At-home lobotomy"
Baby Nico to Clarisse: "You look like Harry Potter, You just need a scar black hair, different clothes, and to be a boy. "
Annabeth:"I don't know if I have enough sanity for 2 Holy books"
Leo: "I've seen titties before....not really in person, but yk"
Annabeth: "Do you have ears?"
Jason: "I kinda wanna work at Taco Bell"
Piper: "I've never been passive-aggressive in my life"
Will to Apollo: "There's no batteries in my butt Dad I'm not a robot"
Clarisse: "I'm not upset I don't hold grudges"
Ares to Clarisse: "I don't like your clothes it forces me to look at you"
Frank to Leo: "It's not 'drip' it's stupid"
Travis to the whole Hermes Cabin: "I'm the Rizzington bear... like Paddington bear but Rizz" (after his 1st date with Katie)
Nico: "I love Olive Garden, I wish Italians were real"
Rachel: "Come on, you guys stop trying to cockblock the view"
Katie: "If people can smoke weed in the middle of the day, then I can drink chamomile tea"
Rachel: "You don't want to piss me off I'm witewally a werewolf"
Piper about Jason: "All my friends are boys, and one just died... he would have made a great bridesmaid"
Frank: "I was doing a silly but the funny didn’t land"
Jason: "Why am I white"
Rachel: "I am not a whore, I am a celibate queen!"
Drew: "It's not the fashion statement that you think it is"
Nico about the Ares Cabin: "They're gonna call you a slur, but they're gonna be really nice about it"
Piper to Annabeth: "If we both think it, it's not bitchy"
Grover: "I'm just gonna write a paragraph or two about global warming"
Annabeth"I have like a 7th-grade reading level!!! (this is impressive when you're dyslexic)
Jason: "Dude I love yoga"
Will: "They say that Utah is the promise land"
Kayla: *explains what a text-fic is to grandparents (Apollo)*
Clarisse: "Put that on your Twitter!" *points knife at me*
Travis: "Do you eat?"
Katie: "...um yes?"
Travis: "Oh, I mean do you want to eat." (when he asked Katie out the first time)
Hazel: "That's not gonna change my heart. That's just gonna make me cry!"
Alabaster: "I wanna find someone somewhere to impregnate and then steal the baby......Where's your Twitter, that was kinda funny"
Percy about Leo: "I would spoon that man so hard"
Frank: "The closer I get to nature, the closer I get to being a werewolf"
Apollo: "I feel like Jaba the Hut"
Rachel: "It's because you ate girl dinner"
Apollo (same convo^)"I fell asleep, and I woke up, and I ate a girl dinner, and I didn't feel that good"
Percy: Don't mind me just cleaning the ocean" *hand angrily on hip*
Will to the Stolls: "Although my bellybutton was once my mouth I don't want soda in it!!"
Connor: "Look at how majestic I am"
Clarisse: *gasps* *throws uno cards* "This is communism at its finest, and I hate your life." *Is losing* "All I'm doing is humoring you now. There is no reason for me to play anymore." *throws cards* *again*
Nico: *passes out*
Will: "We need to take you to the doctor like right now."
Nico: "No fireworks are more important than my health"
Leo about Percy: "That's a pretty boy right there... if we were in prison, it's over."
Kayla when Will came out to her: "Slay motherfucker"
Annabeth: "I hope to not run over any old ladies...old men are fair game tho."
Percy: "Main characters get bullied, Jesus....yep!"
Leo: "What if I was an astronaut!!!!"
Travis: "Banana, Banana, Meatball"
Clarisse: "I am going to break your toe shut the hell up"
Katie to Connor: "I hope you get bullied in high school."
Clarisse about Leo: "This guy's a fuckin goober"
Clarisse: "What did you do to your sweatshirt? Did you get hungry?"-Grover: *sighs*
Nyssa (Hephaestus kid) to Leo: "Dont hurt me. I'm Batman!.... You better not tweet that"
Kayla to Apollo: "It's called multi-tasking Apollo! "
Apollo: "It's mother to you"
Clarisse: "I could fight God and win"
Percy: "So you wanna fight rn"
Clarisse: "No, I'm good"
Jason; "You look gang"
Leo: "What? I look gay!?!?!"
Jason: "You look straight, but nice"
Leo: "Oh... thanks!"
Apollo to Rachel"Lie, deny, cry, and for good measure be a raging slut."
Silena: "There's all kinds of nature out here"
Katie: "Live, laugh, love, low iron"
Annabeth to Piper: "Keep backing up...Cuz you have a fear of commitment
Lou Ellen to Katie: "Does your knee affect your shoe size... or are your feet just that small??"
Travis: "The amount of testosterone in me, peanuts are allergic to me!"
Leo: "I'm cracked up on feeling sexy"
Connor to the whole Hermes Cabin: "The "10" of us? our parents sp*rm pets"
Apollo about Athena: "OH gods, a single mom"
Apollo about Kayla's dad: "I cheated on myself with a man"
Malcolm about Athena: "She's a mom boogie woogie woogie"
Nico: "I cried at Chick-fil-A the other day"
Nico: "Live, laugh, lobotomy."
Drew about Thalia: "She has no friends and a dead brother."
Katie: "I wrote fanfiction on my i-pod touch"
Lacy to Leo: "Was it a tech? or was it a human?"
Will: "Live, laugh, love, tampons"
Kayla: "Die, cry, hate, condoms"
Aphrodite to Clarisse: "Do you like being a girl? You just always wear pants"
Percy: "Chill I know how to make conversations I have Rizz"
Will: "What! no! cow!"
Frank: "Fvcking knock it off seriously you guys are acting like children!!"
Travis to Lou Ellen: "Yesss pussy-pop you slayed"
Ashlyn (Hermes kid): "Chick-fil-A is mid, Taco bell is where it's at"
Percy during tlt: "You couldn't even buy a gumball with that shit (drachmas)"
Percy (same convo ^): "A quarter? You could buy a gumball with that shit"
Nico: "Your soul and your money!"
Tyson: "You've seen fishes, fishes move fast"
Leo to Frank: "What the fvck is a kilometer"
Leo making fun of Frank: "Mua ha ha ha I'm Canadian"
Percy: "Jesus didn't give up his life he gave up his weekend"
*as seen at 2am in the Apollo Cabin*
Gracie: "You're discriminating against me"
April (the token straight): "It's cuz she's gay"
Will: "We're all gay."
Nico: You don't have any slurs about you."
Leo: "No because I'm perfect"
this was fun to make lol....there will probably be a part 2 but like far in the future. if you made it this far I love you....also if you don't recognize names it's bc I deep-dived Wiki to find canon names for each cabin.
If y'all want one-shots based on these TELL ME I NEED STUFF TO WRITE ABOUT
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 month
Because ive been watching the Fallout series on prime, I shall share my Fallout player characters;
Fallout 3/Lone Wanderer: Calfuray Cole.
Vault 101's chaplin and extreme optimist. Has Morel Orel-level's of belief in people no matter how terrible the world seems. Her father, James, specifically sought out Vault 101 to raise Calfuray in, as she had been born with a genetic mutation that worsened with higher radiation levels. By the time she manages to activate Project Purity, she's a dead ghoul walking. Doesn't do chems or drink - even though she tries. Most likely to be manipulated into being the idol of a cult centered around her.
Song Inspos: Anna Kendrick "Get Back Up Again" + Captain Murphy "Diciples".
Fallout New Vegas: "Hildegarde" aka "
Looks an albino deathclaw with ringu-style white hair. Towers over all other characters. Possible mutant and/or Think Tank experiment. Speaks only with the "Terrfying Presence" perk. Ultimately believes that she must "be the bad guy" to force the people of New Vegas to unite and survive. Nevada cryptid. Responds violently to all Legion. Surprisingly, a friend to animals.
Song Inspos: Poor Mans Poison "Hell's Coming With Me" + 1 800 "Pain".
Fallout 4: Pivot-Blue "Blue" & DomUnique.exe
Variant of my Pivot oc - this one being a RobCo collaboration between Pivot's creator/"Father" and General Atomics to create a Nanny/Babysitter bot. Pivot-Blue (or just "Blue" as Piper calls them), was a baby shower gift to Nate & Nora to take care of Shaun while the new parents returned to civillian life. When Sanctuary Hills residents were corralled into Vault 111, Blue was mistaken for a missing assigned Vault resident and taken inside. Nate and Nora put Blue into "Sleep Mode", and told them to wait until someone came to get them. Blue witnessed Shaun's kidnapping, and once managing to "shut off" Sleep Mode, decided to try and find their charge + learn how to enact vengance for their adoptive-parents. Meets a sentient AI named DomUnique.exe ("Dom") who's been trapped in a Pip-boy replaying holotapes for the past 20+ years. Dom is Blue's built-in guide to the Wasteland + rude dialogue option that lives in their wrist. Blue has no idea how to approach the Human-Synth issue in the Commonwealth as they are a pre-war bot made to look and feel humanly as possible, and is suffering from Pinocchio syndrome. Dom doesn't care ("Pfff! Who needs a body? I'm all digital ba-by!") and openly mocks the issue. Blue ultimately wishes to help people, while Dom just wants to make sure Blue finds better music.
Song Inspos: Blue; Sarah Stiles "Drift Away" + Ray Charles "I Can't Stop Loving You". Dom; KIRA & Hatsune Miku "Digital Girl" + the entirety of Macintosh Plus - "Floral Shoppe".
EDIT: Added song inspos
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hanisdaisys · 1 year
The colours of you- S.JY
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Pairing: Sim Jaeyun! X Reader!
Informations: A spin off of Filipino movie " Love is color blind"
Warning: death of character
Summary: When an embarrassing story turns into a sweet melody. You and Jake were just students when it all happened, and that explains why it was destined to end. Years later you face him again to start over again, will it be a good idea? Is this the same old sim jaeyun you remember?
Word count: ~2.7k
Colours. Everything revolves around colours. The sun is yellow, the grass is green and the sky is blue. From dark red to bright blue, colours consist of our everyday life. But it’s hard to fill in the pages when the outline is the same shade as the pens. Jake swore he tried. But he was colorblind, unable to distinguish between different hues. Even when he tried to fill in the pages with different shades, he would often mistake one colour for another. When he picked up a red pencil and called it green when he didn’t see what everyone else saw. “Hey Jake can you pass me the yellow pen,” his friend asked. Jake didn’t see yellow, he saw different shades of gray.
The world felt dull to him, almost monochromatic. Gray was the only colour he could see, which made everything look even more depressing. There was still warmth in gray. But it’s saddening. When you open your eyes to a dark room, it looks ten times darker. You can’t see the beauty of colours. But he wasn’t always colour-blind. Both his parents were artists and he loved painting with them. The last Color he had seen was red. When he got so angry at his mom he did notice the truck rushing in their direction. Fortunately, he survived, but his mother didn’t...His karma? Losing sense is colours. His dad had left him early on, and now, he was all alone. He couldn’t tell between the sun and the sky anymore. Everything was just gray. He refused to let anyone know. It was embarrassing enough to be known as an orphan.
When you showed up in his life years ago, you were an embarrassing teen. You moved to a new school, in a foreign country you had never seen. You were just erasing the board as people started laughing. “Look at her pants!”. Great what an amazing day to wear white. Everyone just laughed at you as you locked eyes with Jake. He just stared at your pants and he said “A new shade of red”… What the actual hell? You ran out of the class, tears flowing. He followed shortly behind, offering his jacket to cover the stain. “Hey I’m sorry for what happened back there… I just love painting and that’s the first time I saw this shade of red,” he said rubbing the back of his nape. You looked at him again, noticing his plump lips, blonde hair, and beautiful eyes. He had you captivated. “Oh no worries” you mentioned before walking away.
Well, now you kept seeing him everywhere. Posters of his soccer games, of course, he had to be the main player. Damn him and his sexy face. You’d go to his every match. Staring at him as he ran across the field. And oh, of course, he had to be part of the violin team. Just like a pied piper, charming you with his instruments. But you were just a watcher, you’d never been close to him. Just far admirer. That was until the last year of school. Your school had organized a dance party for couples. Little did you know, Jake was making a painting of you with the prettiest Colors to ask you out. But of course, he hadn’t finished in time. He was late and Jay had already asked you out, you agreed. If you couldn’t get Jake maybe his friend was good enough. The whole night you wished Jake’s hands were holding you instead of Jay's. You didn’t enjoy the night and went home. Crying in the rain, in a bright purple dress.
Jake was stopping by the convenience store when he noticed you crying on the street. Where was Jay? And how dare he let you leave this way. He came up to you and brought you home. The rain wasn’t stopping anytime soon so you invited him into your room. “Sorry, it's messy..” You mentioned, sniffling while picking out some clothes for him. “ These are my brothers.. hopefully they’ll fit,” you said staring into his eyes as you passed him a sweatpants and a white shirt. He nodded while you continued your phrase “I'll go change in the bathroom, you can stay here..” He had already finished changing and you were still in the bathroom. He decided to look around when he spotted a picture of you and your friends back in the US. While grabbing the photo, he accidentally dropped the picture you had beside... It fell to the floor while he looked up the see the huge letters written in red. You walked into the room and screamed. “WHAT HAPPENED OMG” You quickly used your body to cover up the words on the wall... “Jake and Y/N forever together… interesting” he moved you aside as he kept staring at the wall.
“You know I was going to ask you to prom” he stared into your eyes “but that bastard Jay beat me to it” You were shocked. “ I wanted to paint the picture of you in the flower field, but I was missing my carnation pink paint… and by the time I bought it Jay had already asked you.” He told you holding your hands “I like you” you blurted out “Well me too..” he confessed. And that’s when your journey had begun. He’d take you out on picnic dates, showing you the prettiest Colors he had ever seen. He took you to see his mom, of course, he liked painting because of her… their house was full of Colors and painting supplies. You were together for years, an inseparable couple. That was until your family fell into debt, and you had to go back to America to help out your dad with the family business. Lots of tears and sadness were shared. Jake knew he had to put on a smile on his face if it meant he could see you happy. And so he did. You left.
Years later you found yourself back in Korea. You had missed your childhood here, with Jake. Your sister begged you to let go of him and focus on work. After all, he has cut you off and completely ghosted you. Yet his face still showed up when you’d go to sleep. You’d be lying if you said you had gotten over him. But you were ready to start again. To find him. You walked through your old school, looking at the mural he had painted, The trophies he had obtained and the soft gentle music he had created. He was everywhere. You take the bus home, the same one you used to take after school. Arriving at your small cozy house. You stepped into your old room, seeing the red words still engraved into the walls. This didn’t age well. As much as your sister wished you forget his ass, she'd rather see you happy than sad. So she helped you find where he worked.
When you walked into the tattoo shop, you were shocked he didn’t open a painting business. Yet when you saw his tattoos spread across his body, it all added up. The bright Colors engraved into his skin. He looked like art. “Welcome-“ he stopped when his eyes met yours. “Jake…” you said walking up to him. “I need to leave..” he said packing his essentials and leaving the room. You followed shortly behind getting into the taxi with him. The taxi driver was confused on you had randomly entered the taxi. yet he just shrugged it off and started driving to jakes destination. “you can't be here, and I’m going to tattoo a client!” He said. “It’s okay, I won't say a word” he rolled his eyes at you. The ride to the hotel was quiet. You stayed in the room as the client walked in. “Good evening ma'am! My name is Jake and I’ll be tattooing you” he said giving instructions to the woman for her to sit down. While he started working you two were arguing over the fact that he had left you hanging while you waited for him to call back.
“oh come on Jake! you could've left me a message! yet im here following you like a crazy lady on my first night back” you argued. His eyes were glued to the lady's skin, tattooing a beautiful tiger lily. “I'm sorry to interrupt your lover's quarrel but could you fill in the tattoo with some orange?” the lady asked. Jake looked around in his colours…. Putting your anger aside, you noticed he was confused. he couldn't tell them apart. They were all different shades of gray. “Ma'am your butt looks gorgeous without colour! Don't add anything to it” you said looking at her. “Really? okay ill keep it simple” she said going back to her phone. Jake finally let out the breath he didn't know he was holding.
When the client had left the room was quiet. “thank you..” he said. “what?” “I said thank you..” He repeated. You nodded sitting on the bed beside him. “when you left Korea, I stayed to look over my mom... We got into an argument one day-“ he said. “you don't need to continue Jake, take your time. You said rubbing his back “No I need to tell someone. I was driving when she started crying. She said I reminded her of my dad. I got mad, my dad left us. He was a horrible man. We started arguing. I hadn't noticed the truck speeding our way and we got hit… I survived and lost all sense of colours,y/n, my world is black and white... But my mom, she fought, she tried but she didn't make it..” he was smiling but you noticed the tears falling down his face. “Oh, Jake… im so sorry. I couldn't help being mad at you but it all makes sense. You lost both the things you loved in one day… It must've been hard. I'm sorry Jake” You said hugging him. “no y/n it's not your fault at all” You smiled at him while he packed up his bags.
“So where do you live now?” You asked following him. “I live a few minutes from here if you don’t mind coming with me,” he said putting his bag onto his back.
You nodded and followed him through the narrow alley. The wind was blowing softly and you noticed how much he had grown. His height, his hair, his body… he was completely different. When you arrived you noticed the building looked quite expensive. “Jake…” you said. “It’s not much but you know I try my best,” he said saying hello to the bodyguard and swiping his card. When you got into his apartment, it felt cozy. “Sorry if it’s messy!” He said picking up a few cans of beer that were on his coffee table. “Hey, Jake can I know where the bathroom is? I just need to go real quick” you said looking around. “Yeah it’s right down the hallway, second door to your left” You nodded again and walked as the lights opened. Something caught your attention on the walls. Pictures. Pictures of his mom, pictures of his art and mostly pictures of your first date. You slowly passed your hand over it. “It was beautiful wasn’t it” You jumped a little looking back at him. “Yeah, it was nice, Jake.” You said smiling
“Didn’t you need to use the bathroom?” He said clearing his throat “Oh? yeah!” You rushed off entering the small room. What will you tell him???? Without knowing it, you spent a few minutes in their pacing around. Suddenly you heard a small knock “Hey you okay in there?” He asked. “Yeah give me a second I’ll be right out!” You pretended to flush the toilet, washed your hands and exited the room.
“So how were the states,” Jake asked. “It was good, there weren’t many companies interested in what I wanted to give… I came back here because I didn’t want dads business to fail.” You said, playing with your hands. “Hey it’s okay, don’t worry, you know even I wasn’t able to succeed….” Jake mentioned looking down at his legs. “My dads paying for this room here, I just need to work and give him back some money once in a while… even if he left us, he still takes care of me from away… he got a call the other day asking to finish my mom's paintings…. I wanted to decline because I can’t see Colors but they’re offering so much money Y/N and I don’t think I can reject that…” Jake added. You nodded listening to him. “I can help you, you know? You’re the reason my childhood was so good Jake. When I went to America I couldn’t stop thinking about you. You never left my mind, and now I don’t want to make the same mistake. I’ll stay and help you” you told him caressing his hands. He gave you a genuine smile while you talked the night away.
For the next few months, you tried helping Jake regain confidence in his work. You’d bring him outside on trips to make him realize that maybe colours do look different. Even if he could only see gray, he was able to start noticing the difference between colours and complete them. His Sun turned yellow, his sky turned blue and his flowers turned a beautiful array of colours. He was so happy that you had accompanied him throughout this journey, taking him back to the world of colours. He was so great full for you and you were happy to just help him out.
When it came to D-Day, helping him out to complete his mom's work, you stayed by his side the whole time. Letting him know what colours he was using and letting him know if it made sense. He added new meanings to the paintings that not even his mom noticed. He tried to honour every little stroke to his dear mom. Once the painting was completed he was in awe. He couldn’t believe that after years of setting this aside, he was able to finally complete it. You were so proud of him for doing this. When the photographers arrived at the exhibition, everyone praised him for his work. He was able to complete a whole painting without even being able to see colours… While you were admiring the work, Jake came running to you.
“Hey, I have something for you!” He said. He takes your hand and began pulling you outside. “Close your eyes!!” He sounded too excited so you trusted him and closed your eyes. “Open them!” He said. When you opened your eyes you saw the most beautiful thing. There were a bunch of paintings and pictures of you guys together. You began walking down the alley of pictures, admiring each and every photo. “It’s beautiful Jake… I don’t know what to say..” you said. Jake just smiled and followed you while you walked. At the end of the walkway, you started noticing a few rose petals and candles lit. A beautiful picnic was set up for you two. “Jake thank you so much… I’m not sure how to react. This is the most beautiful thing ever” you said tears falling out of your eyes. Jake wiped them as he began talking “Look, my love, thank you so much for being here the past few months. My mom's project, you were the reason I was able to complete it. You were the reason I continued working every day to see progress. Ever since we were kids, you were always my reason why. And even if I left you alone for weeks and months, you still came back to me to treat me the same. I’m not sure what I would’ve done without you. I love you, Y/N… thank you this is all because of you..” he looked at you again “Can I?” He asked as you nodded. His lips touched yours as you smiled.. whispering against each other's lips soft words of love … “I love you more than I loved colours”.
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Okay....so I was reqatching the wonka 2023 movie while working on an OC for said movie and noticed some of the names of characters are literal puns. I mean Scrubitt and Bleacher owning a wash house. A plumber named Piper. An accountant literally called Abacus.
Anyways, so that got me thinking of a very on the nose name for my OC who is a part time seamstress as well as being a street performer in her free time and my mind instantly went to Melody Patch.
She is a street performer and oldest of three siblings. Growing up she would make her younger siblings their own clothes since they were poor-ish and her parents couldn't afford to keep buying new clothes, so the younger ones got hand me downs. But she didn't like that...thought it was dreadfully dull so she would take the old clothes, cut them up and make new clothes out of them for the younger ones instead. She found a passion for making clothes after that and makes all her own clothes, going as far as taking old curtains someone planned to throw out, offering to take them off the person's hands and making herself a dress out of them, which is the one she would wear the whole time of she was in the movie, a nice white dress with a red cardigan and a matching ribbon around the waist.
Of course, to make money she would sing on street corners, a bowl beside her for people to throw their cash in. Or...that was until she fell for the same trick Willy did and found herself indebt to Scrubitt and Bleacher...becoming a new worker in the wash house probably during what would have been the half way point of the movie.
So when naming her, I thought of Melody because of the musical aspect and Patch because of the sewing aspect.
Looks wise, she is somewhat tall in height. She has black hair in a hairstyle similar to Marylin Monroe's iconic curls, green eyes and wears a white dress with a red belt and cardigan.
Also, if anybody else has OCs for this movie please, do you think they'd get along with my gal???
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cluelessteam · 5 months
Charmed: Chris' Identity is Discovered {~Chapter 9~}
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Summary: The Phoenix Clan is after Chris, and the sisters are trying to help. But there are many questions that they need answering. How long can Chris keep his identity a secret? [Before Chris-Crossed]
Characters: Charmed Ones, Bianca, Chris, Leo
Pairing: No Pairing
Warnings: Angst, Heartbreak
Word Count: 568
“Come on Piper. We should go.”  Paige called her sister.
“Coming!” Piper called back. Phoebe, Paige and Piper were getting ready to leave to go to the Elders, and to summon Chris. Piper entered the room, and Paige orbed her and her sisters to the heavens.
They appeared in the same room, with the same amount of Elders, if not the exact same ones.
“No sighting of Chris?” Leo asked, as soon as the sisters appeared.
“No. Nothing.” Paige answered.
“Shall we do this? I am eager to get answers.” Piper said, wanting to get started.
“Sure,” Leo said. “Do you have the spell?”
“We are ready when you are.” Leo responded. The sisters held each other’s hands and began chanting the summoning spell. Not soon after Chris appeared in bright white lights. He was grinning. Why was he smiling?
“Christopher Perry.” An Elder chanted.
“Hmm…is anyone else getting déjá vu?” Chris muttered, sarcasm filling his voice.
“Chris, for the second time, please take this seriously.” Leo said. They may have had their differences in the past, but if Chris struggles, this will be painful, and he doesn’t want to see Chris in pain. Chris rolled his eyes at Leo.
“Let’s just do this. Do you want me to stand over there again?”
“By the way, you could have warned me about the whole becoming unconscious thing.” He says, while walking to where he stood yesterday. No one responded to his comment.
“Will I be able to see what you see? In my mind, I mean.”
“Okay. Go for it.” The Elders bowed their heads, Chris fell to the ground. The hologram-like screen appeared once more. The Elders raised their heads to watch the screen, as did the sisters.
A young boy appeared on the screen. He looks around 11 or 12, with brown rugged hair. Presumably Chris’ younger self. His surroundings were the sun room in the manor. He was smiling, except his hands were covering his eyes. He was counting.
“17…18…19…20!” Ready or not, here I come!” Chris yelled.
Leo and the sisters were smiling. Enjoying seeing younger Chris. But then, Chris said a name. Just one name that changed everyone’s smiles.
“Wyatt! Wyatt, where are you!” He called. He was looking around the manor, and as he entered the kitchen, a young boy came into view. He could only be a year older than Chris, 2 years at most. Wyatt.
“Sorry Chris! But to be fair, you didn’t say I couldn’t use magic until I had hidden!” He said, defending himself.
“Yeah, yeah. You say that every time!” He muttered.
“No I don’t. I think you just don’t like losing, because you know I am better at hiding than you.” Wyatt sneered.
“Are not!” Chris replied.
“Prove it.” Wyatt said. Just before Chris was about to disappear, Piper walked in.
“Woah boys, what are you two up to?”
“Playing hide and seek.” Replied Wyatt.
“He was using magic!” Cried Chrs, to Piper. Piper turned towards Wyatt.
“Wyatt, what have I told you about using magic when unnecessary?”
“Not to do it.”
“And yet you have.” Piper retorted.
“Sorry, mom.”
“Thank you for apologizing.” She leaned forward and kissed Wyatt on his head. “Go play.” She said, Wyatt smiled and left the kitchen.
“So Chris, wanna help me bake?”
“Your cookies?” Chris asked, his voice full of hope. Piper grinned.
“Yes! Thanks, Mom.” 
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"The Commonwealth will tremble before the might of the Silver Shroud." - The Silver Shroud, but actually just Sizzel
< PREVIOUS > . . . < NEXT >
It started with a ghoul. A kid. A radio.
Next thing I know I got a dame barking at me, legs like an advertisement, red dress screaming danger in the best way it could: "I knew you'd get yourselves in trouble," she said, eyes like daggers beneath a layer of smothering fear. Did I mention she was a woman? Yowza.
I snuffed a cigarette under my heel, another lit one already between my lips. "I am trouble." I tilted up my hat with the tip of my shishkabob. It fell off. No one said anything. "Where they got him at?"
"It's playing on the radio, oh, such a horrible looping-"
"Hey," I interrupted, "I took off my Pip-Boy to put on the costume. I ain't got radio."
"They're at the Milton General Hospital."
"Do you know where Fallon's Department Store is?"
"...how could I not?"
There was a pause.
"...hey ...Piper? ...hand me my Pip-Boy, will ya?" I sighed, and took out another cigarette. 200 years old, just like me, and fresh, just like me, but it's another source of death, a third similarity. The old world and the new are two sides of the same token, and the subway is here, and the conductor laughs.
The client laughed. They always do. "Need a light?"
I pulled closed the handle on my shish', the gas powered blade roaring to life as flames rippled like a wave of hungry lions. "Got one." The howl of the fire alarm drowned out the barks.
'This is... sorta just how Nick acts normally,'' I realized. I leapt without another word into the dark outside.
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First: Sizzel's signature weapon is the shishkabob. Did you know that? I keep it in a separate place to all other weapons I find, because it's her thing. It's why she's called Sizzel (in universe, again, out of universe, the name proceeded the signature). Lil' fun fact for ya'.
Second: The funking hair keeps clipping through the goddamn hat. You can see it in all those pictures, the black and white hardly hides it.
So glad to be done with this quest chain. Cause of the hat, mostly. Wish I got the bonus to damage from just the outfit and the tommy but no!
It did inspire me to open up Outfit Studio and see if I can't make some of this ship work. I know, if I'd done this before the pictures I'd have fixed the hat but I didn't realize how much the hat was destroying my soul until I saw these pictures come out so good.
A lot of things I download don't work for me: I like to make my characters kind of on the big and wide and stout side of things, but many mod creators seem to ere either on the default CBBE body shapes, or like, this model runway super super skinny look. Neither is inherently bad or wrong or evil, I'm not that whiney (I mean I am but not about this... at this moment, at least). It's not what I'm going for, though, so shoulders and upper chest and thighs always poke through, while cup sizes seem to run by default in the Double J area, and we're working with a solid A here.
Apparently Outfit Studio will let me actually augment individual outfits to better fit the body shape I have set up through Body Slide. Okay. Integration Cool. There's... not an obvious batch build function.
So this might... take a while.
See you on the other side, I guess.
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Some questions I think the pjo fandom need to consider (because this fandom is extremely white and extremely oblivious)
[plain text: some questions I think the pjo fandom need to consider (because this fandom is extremely white and extremely oblivious :end text]
(Disclaimer that even if queer head canons are intertwined in racism 90% of the time, I don’t think they automatically make you a monster, just have some self awareness)
Read more because this post is super long
Why is the Frazel age gap okay? Really? Do you see it the same as Nico and Percy’s canon age gap? In frazel depictions are you automatically aware of their race? Would this age gap be okay between two white people? Two black people? A Chinese girl and a black boy?
Why is Leo headcanoned as trans masculine? Is it because of his writing? The “vibes”? Are you white and think he’s easy to project transgenderism onto?
Why are Nico, Percy and Leo head canoned as trans masculine? What shared commonality do they have? How is frank different from them?
Why is Reyna never depicted as speaking Spanish? In canon? Or in fanfic? Why is she never depicted in any way Puerto Rican except for the sake of re-traumatizing her and vague physical descriptions? Do you have any idea about the discrepancies between Mexican and Puerto Rican cultures? Do you seriously think that Reyna and Leo could hold a conversation in Spanish?
Why is Leo always treated as a joke? Why is he made fun of for being pathetic? Why is he called scrawny and considered un-masculine as opposed to young percy? Why is he depicted as sexist and creepy as opposed to other characters? Why does he end up in a verbally abusive relationship? Why is he constantly compared to Jason? Why is he forced into a romantic relationship to be “whole”? Why is he demeaned and excluded? Why is he posed as a threat to Frank’s relationship? And only franks?
Why is frank compared to Percy and Jason? Why is he the only fat character? Why is he the only Chinese character? Why is considered “soft” and un-masculine? Why must his fatness be fixed? Why is Leo a threat to his relationship? Why are hazel, Leo and him never even potentially connected romantically to a white person in a positive way? Why do frank and Leo exist on an inherently different level than Jason and Percy.,
Why are all the giants in locs? Why are these depicted as dirty and monstrous? Why is the go-to for other monsters braids? Was it heavily racist for rick to describe a curly girls hair “like medusas”? Why is hazel the only positive black representation given?
Why is piper? I seriously want people to go google “piper McLean racism” and read a bit. She’s racist, through and through, there is no denial that wrote her in a racist manner.
(Mainly for YouTube and TikToktokers, tumblr isn’t usually visual enough for this, but it does apply to art) why is Reyna the only woman of color ever depicted with brown/black eye? Why can white people be comfortable cosplaying Reyna and piper? Why are they only depicted as light skinned? Why are the cosplayers, if the correct race, always light skinned. What is it about their appearance that makes them need fixing? How does rick set up this? How does fandom expand on this?
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blutweiss · 8 months
Detailed Ranking of the Carrie Movies
Carrie herself-
Number one spot goes to Sissy Spacek. This is really no contest this is what acting is about. I love all the little details in Sissy's performance. How she tries to disappear into her clothes, hide behind her hair and even how she wraps herself up in her shawl at the prom. It's fantastic.
Chloe Grace Moretz- I never fully buy Chloe in the role. She does fine but I feel like her performance and the film itself could have pushed further. That said I felt like I bought the mother/daughter bond between her and Margaret most, warped as it is.
Angela Bettis- I love Angela Bettis but she never really works as Carrie for me. Some aspects of her performance feel over done and I never find myself buying her as a teenager. Though I do like some of her mannerisms like the way she twists her hair. Just go watch May
This is a weird one because it's like ranking apples and oranges. Piper Laurie's performance suits the disco fairy tale vibe of the 76 film but I never buy her as a human being and don't think I'm meant too. Juliane Moore feels like someone suffering from genuine mental illness who loves her daughter in her own twisted way except for those few scenes where the movie needs to up its gross-o-meter. Patricia Clarkson does the best job of balancing those two extremes though given the flaws in the 2002 film she's not a clear favorite to me.
Coach Desjardin
Betty Buckley and Judy Greer- This is such an easy tie. Buckley's Desjardin feels like someone who became a teacher because they want to reach the weird kids but feels human enough to struggle with it. While Greer who usually just gets bit parts gets to really shine in this.
Rena Sofer- I do not care for Rena's Desjardin she feels genuinely mean-spirited with her ten-year reunion speech and I don't care for it. I sorta get what they're going for but it makes her come across as a genuinely terrible teacher.
Sue Snell
PLOT TWIST- Its actually Kandyse McClure in the 2002 film as she feels like the most fleshed out and genuine of the Sues. I also like that she actually approaches Carrie herself at a few points. And I'm kinda into the Snow White imagery when she rescues Carrie from the tub.
Another case of apples and oranges Amy Irving's Sue fits the film and feels like a very genuine fairy godmother-esque figure whereas Gabrielle Wilde's is more ambiguous and feels more like a dumb teenager who hasn't thought through her actions. Like genuinely what does she expect to have happen after prom?
Tommy Ross
Like Sissy's Carrie this goes so easily to William Katt's Tommy it's not even funny. I love how Katt's Tommy will get genuinely pissed off. He's mad at the teacher and calls everyone out for the pig's blood stunt before he dies. I also genuinely want to know how things would have turned out after the prom if the pig blood stunt didn't happen because?????? He seems very genuinely into Carrie?????? I'm also soft touch for Katt in general I think he's a fine actor.
Tobias Mehler is essentially a non-entity as Tommy but I do like that he's clearer about his intentions and that Sue is setting them up which makes him feel the most mature of the Tommys.
Look I want to be fair to Elgort No I don't he makes sense sorta as a dumb teenager who hasn't thought things out. But he also feels super flat as just a generic 'good boy' there's none of the genuine anger Katt brings to it that balances the character out.
Chris Hargensen/ Billy Nolan
This is another case of apples and oranges. Portia Doubleday and Alex Russell feel more familiar in the sense they vaguely remind me of people I went to high school with but idk if they have any more depth to them than the 76 film or the 2002 version. The 76 film at least leans into the flat characterization because it knows what it's about and every fairy tale needs it's baddie.
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bluemoose86 · 2 years
Piper x Annabeth Snippet
Pairing: Piper McLean/Annabeth Chase
Summary: A fic based off of velinxi’s Young Gods AU. Annabeth meets Nico when Percy and Jason bring him to Olympus for the first time.
I was really inspired by velinxi’s Young Gods/Hades AU when it was coming out. It still has her old designs for Nico and Annabeth, but I’ll change them if I decide to finish this. Also, some things about the characters and their relationships might not fit with the “canon” of the AU since this was written before the zine was released. Check out @velinxi‘s account, and the specific drawing that I referenced in this fic can be found here
Warnings: slight angst? it’s very light, secret(ish) relationship, hurt/comfort? also very light on the hurt, lmk if there’s more
Word Count: 1,929
DISCLAIMER: This is an unfinished fic. I may continue it in the future if the urge hits me, but as of now, I have no plans to do that. Anything written in brackets [like this] is not part of the story itself, but necessary context.
✨Read Below!✨
[Annabeth’s POV. She’s walking and feels a strange, chilling aura when she walks by the garden where this fic starts. She stops and hears Percy and Jason along with an unfamiliar third voice, so she decides to investigate. She finds Percy and Jason in the garden with Nico, who is visiting Olympus for the first time.]
With a start, Annabeth realized the strange presence she had felt belonged to the small boy between them, who was gazing at his surroundings with wide, dark eyes. He was a head shorter than both Jason and Perseus, and his bone-white skin hugged his gaunt frame until it bled into ink from the middle of his calves down to his bare feet. A blood-red cape draped over his left shoulder, pinned to his black chiton by a skull, and a wreath of red and gold laurel leaves adorned his curly black hair—a symbol of godhood, though the aura of death and power emanating from him had told Annabeth that much. “Perseus? Jason?” she called across the courtyard.
All three heads jerked up to look at her. The small boy turned, and Annabeth caught sight of a jagged sword hanging from a chain at his hip: black as the depths of Tartarus and glowing an eerie purple. Just as the boy sucked the life from the grass where he stood, his blade sucked the light from the surrounding air. It was unlike any weapon Annabeth had seen before, and it did little to calm her nerves. 
The boy tilted his head. “Percy?” he asked. “Who is that?”
A familiar laugh lilted through the courtyard before Perseus could answer, and Annabeth’s heart fluttered at the sound. “Don’t you know, little godling?”
Piper’s heady rose perfume enveloped them both as she looped an arm around Annabeth’s waist, drawing her closer until her back pressed against Piper’s front. “Her name is Annabeth!” Piper proclaimed. “Favored daughter of Athena! Warrior-architect of Olympus!” She jabbed a finger at the trio. “And she has never known defeat!”
Annabeth gripped the beak of her mask and tugged it lower on her face. “Gods damn it, Piper,” she muttered through clenched teeth. Her cheeks burned—partly from the grandiose introduction, but mainly because Piper’s hand on her thigh was dangerously close to … well, all of Piper was dangerously close to her. It was best to leave it at that.
From the corner of her eye, Annabeth saw Jason’s face light up. “Pipes!”
Piper lifted her hand from Annabeth’s thigh to wave, mercifully allowing her to breathe again. “Hi, Jason! Hello, Percy!” Piper called. “Who’s your friend?”
The boy raised his hand, a shy half-smile on his lips. “Hello, I’m—“
Perseus slung an arm around the boy’s shoulders and squashed him in a hug, cutting him off. “This is Nico!” Perseus answered as Nico flailed against him. “Me and Jason brought him to visit Olympus for the day.”
Annabeth frowned. Nico was clearly the son of a god—and one who had attained godhood in his own right, it seemed—so he should be living on Olympus just like the rest of them. If that wasn’t the case, where was he from?
Piper didn’t seem bothered by this as she disentangled herself from Annabeth to greet Nico properly, since he had finally managed to free himself from Perseus’s grip. Annabeth’s breath caught in her throat as Piper stepped into the sun. She was always gorgeous, but looking at her now, Annabeth swore she was even more beautiful than her mother (though she knew Lady Aphrodite would curse her if she ever dared to say that out loud). Her russet, reddish-brown skin practically glowed next to Nico’s ghostly pale complexion, and the rose pin in her chestnut hair perfectly complemented her light pink chiton. Her embellished bronze arm cuffs and vambraces glinted when she raised her arms. “Nice to meet you, Nico!” she exclaimed, grasping his hand. The heart-shaped curls at the ends of her hair—a trait she had inherited from her mother—seemed even springier than usual.
Nico shook her hand gingerly. “Nice to meet you too,” he said in a voice as small as his stature. “Piper, right? Percy and Jason told me a lot about you.”
“Likewise,” Piper said, and the sour taste returned to Annabeth’s mouth. If Piper knew about him, why hadn’t she said anything?
She didn’t have time to dwell on it before Piper grabbed her arm and dragged her closer to the group, ignoring her hushed protests. “And as I said before,” Piper continued, “the antisocial one here is Annabeth. She’s practically a genius, but we’re still working on her manners.”
Annabeth threw a glare at her, getting a playful grin in return. She still couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling in her stomach, but she didn’t have much choice now except to try to be friendly. “I apologize, Nico,” she said, extending her hand. “Your visit caught me by surprise. I hope you’re enjoying Olympus so far.”
Nico’s smile was much more confident as he shook Annabeth’s hand. Despite his icy touch and pallid appearance, his dark eyes were surprisingly lively, bright with the curious innocence of a small child. “I am,” he replied eagerly. “It’s beautiful here. I’ve never seen buildings quite so grand.”
Piper chuckled. “You have our resident architect to thank for that,” she said, slipping her arm out of Annabeth’s to set her hand on her waist—thankfully much higher than it had been before. “Annabeth here designed many parts of Olympus, including this very garden.”
“Hey, I didn’t know that!” Perseus exclaimed, whirling around with an apple in his hand. The branch he had plucked it from snapped back into place, scattering leaves into his messy black hair.
“Come on, how could you not know?” Jason asked. “Annabeth modeled it after Lady Aphrodite herself. She walked around Olympus raving about it for about a month.”
“It’s true,” Piper told Nico. “Mom still likes to tell me how impressed she is by Annabeth’s generous gift.”
Piper winked at her, and Annabeth hoped her mask would cover the blush spreading across her face. Back when they’d only been friends, Annabeth had complained to Piper about not having inspiration, and Piper had replied that she should design something after her. She’d been joking, but Annabeth had taken the idea and ran with it. Unfortunately, Lady Aphrodite had been the first to stumble on the completed garden, and she immediately assumed it was an homage to her. Annabeth felt too guilty and valued her life too much to tell her the truth.
Perseus shrugged. “Guess I just forgot.” He opened his mouth to take a bite of the apple, but a sudden gust blew it into Jason’s outstretched hand instead. “Hey!” 
“You snooze, you lose!” Jason crowed, grinning as he held the apple aloft in one hand and pushed Perseus away with the other.
“I wasn’t snoozing, you ass! I was just about to eat it!” Perseus lunged again, but Jason dodged out of the way.
“Then go get another one.”
“You get another one!”
“Why would I do that when I already have this one?”
“Because that one is mine!”
Nico turned to watch them, laughing, but he winced as soon as he faced the back of the garden. He shielded his eyes with his hand even though the sun was hidden behind the clouds.
Annabeth frowned. “Are you all right?”
Nico’s shy smile was back, tinged with embarrassment. “Yes, sorry. I’m not quite used to how bright it is yet. We don’t get a lot of sunlight where I live.”
Jason scoffed, popping up from his scuffle with Perseus. “That’s an understatement.”
Even Piper seemed intrigued now. “What does that mean?” 
Jason frowned, dodging out of the way as Perseus pounced again. “We didn’t tell you?” he asked. “Nico’s lived in the Underworld most of his life. He’s Lord Hades’s son.”
[Bit of a skip here. Annabeth and Piper process this news. Annabeth isn’t sure whether Nico is trustworthy since he’s from the Underworld, and it’s well known that Lord Hades isn’t exactly a fan of Olympus. Eventually, Percy proposes a sparring match between him and Annabeth so they can show off their skills to Nico. Annabeth is hesitant about it until Piper says it’s a good idea; then she agrees because she’s a simp.]
Annabeth strode towards the arena with Piper at her side. The other three lagged behind, laughing and talking about whatever detail Perseus and Jason pointed out to Nico. She would have much preferred for them to be in front so she could keep Nico in her sights, but she also knew that if those three set the pace, the Titans would reawaken before they reached their destination.
Piper poked her arm. “What’s wrong with you?” she asked.
“You’re making that face.”
“What face?”
“The ‘I'm-thinking-too-much-again’ face.”
“I’m not making a face, Piper.”
[Small skip again.]
“Piper, when was the last time anyone from Olympus visited the Underworld? Besides Lord Hermes,” she added when Piper opened her mouth. “And until now, when was the last time someone from the Underworld visited Olympus?”
[Percy, Jason, and Nico are busy looking at something, so they’ve stopped walking for now.]
“Why didn’t you tell me about him?” Annabeth asked. She tried to keep her voice from sounding too accusatory, but an edge still slipped past her lips and into her words. 
Piper didn’t seem bothered by it. “Now you just sound jealous,” she teased, a mischievous grin on her lips. “Worried Percy and Jason have replaced you as my favorite?”
Annabeth tried to stay serious even as a hot blush spread across her face. “Piper,” she warned. “Please.” It wasn’t like she was obligated to tell Annabeth everything, but to keep something like this … it stung more than she would like to admit.
Piper’s perfect lips creased into a frown, her ever-changing eyes shifting from hazel to olive green. “All right, all right. Sorry.” She glanced back at where the three boys had stopped, as if checking to see if they were watching, but Annabeth knew they would be too engrossed by their own antics to pay the two of them any attention. “Look, I didn’t know he was Lord Hades’s son,” she continued. “All Percy and Jason told me was that they had found another god who had been born a demigod like us, and they wanted to bring him to visit Olympus. I knew you would be skeptical, so I was going to tell you the day before Nico was supposed to be here. Then, of course, they brought him early.”
Annabeth crossed her arms. “Why wait so long?”
“Because you would have worried, Annabeth. If I’d told you when I first found out, it’s all you would have thought about until he finally got here. Then you probably would have broken his arm as soon as he tried to give you a handshake.” She said the last part with a slight smile, but her eyes were still filled with concern. “I didn’t want to put you through that.”
“That’s not your decision to make, Piper.”
“I know.” Piper gazed into Annabeth’s eyes, grabbing both of her hands and twining their fingers together. “And I’m sorry.”
Annabeth studied her. The earnestness in Piper’s eyes helped ease the barb of pain in her chest, and she knew that Piper only had her best interests at heart. “I know. And I’m sorry, too. For making you think you had to keep this from me. Just ... tell me next time, okay? Please. And I’ll try not to worry as much.”
Piper beamed. “Deal.” She bit her lip shyly, her eyes glowing dusky pink in the light. “Can I kiss you?”
Annabeth’s heart jumped to her throat. She glanced back at the boys, who were still staring at some statue down the hall. In fact, they’d probably forgotten she and Piper were even there. With a small eye roll (though she was grateful for their obliviousness in this particular instance), she nodded to Piper, who pressed their lips together. It was little more than a peck, but it still left Annabeth’s head swimming.
Piper’s cheeks were flushed, and her smile seemed even brighter now. “You’re beautiful,” she murmured, tucking a stray hair behind Annabeth’s ear.
Annabeth was sure her face had to be the same color as Piper’s chiton. “Trying to flatter me into forgiving you?”
“Seems like it’s working,” Piper said with a laugh.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed! I really want to finish this at some point, and if I ever do I’ll update it here and post it to AO3 (hopefully). 
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jasontoddssuper · 9 months
My designs for (a bunch of)the Pjo/Hoo characters
@peachyblkdemonslayer @leo-thecactus @moonage-gaydream @cottoncandyspikes @c0tt0n-c4ndy-sw1rlz @cottoncandyteeth @nogender-onlystars @genderfluid-bat @insomniac-jay @julieemarine @floof-ghostie @agrebel18 @desi-pluto @spnandmarvelrunmylife @edityrhometown @rashadisback @adorkfromnewyork @writtenletterstotheworld @templarhalo
Percy:Afrolatina(half dominican on Sally's side but full black) and a trans woman who's fully physically transitioned,not medically but via magic similar to ambrosia and nectar called metamorphose,which is food that has been blessed by Aphrodite to give the eater their dream apperance.Curvy and busty not for thrist reasons but because all my transfem friends have that's what they want for themselves when they go on estrogen and i wanna make irl trans women happy with this hc.Still muscular,6' and with her black hair and sea green eyes but also your usual black features(dark brown skin,a strong nose and full lips),dyes her formely gray streak that's naturally faded to white sea blue to not raise questions while in the mortal wold and her hair goes to her hips and she wears it in it's natural style and that makes it look like waves.The best way i can describe her fashion sense is 'femme skater girl'
Sally:Afro-dominican with the looks you'd expect from a black latina woman but remains with her sea color changing eyes.Stud(black butch lesbian)and absolutely radiates Mamí vibes,complete with a mom bod
Grover:Blasian(African-American + indian).A perfect mix between both sides of his heritage,with rich brown skin,dark brown eyes,a hooked nose and black dreads.Has the same sense of style and build as in canon but actually needs those crutches because of a disability in his legs
Annabeth:Transmasc he/him butch lesbian who's egg cracked thanks to and at the same time as Percy's.Works out a lot to be buff for gender euphoria and has an undercut,owl wing shaped top surgery scars and no streak in her hair as it faded fully due to being blonde.Dresses like a 90s tomboy
Clarisse:Pretty much the same but he's also half black and therefore has light brown skin and his brown hair is naturally kinky and he keeps it at chin length with chopping it off with a knife whenever it grows past that(took Piper's choppy look and gave it to him because it's not culturally insensitive that way).Same identity and aesthetic as Annabeth but with more edge to it like t-shirts with violent and crude graphics
Silena:I go with the fandom's muslim hc and also hc that all her hijabs have been a pastel color and after getting to Camp Half Blood,she was given magic ones that never come off.Black-french with almost black skin,brown eyes and burn scars from the acid incident that she survived in my verse.Peak pastel femme
Thalia:Black/white mixed and looks like a girl version of Zeus,not unlike Percy with Poseidon.Has her canon lithe build and electric blue eyes but her hair is locs(same length as usual though)and she's darkskinned with strong features.Trans girl who took metamorphose as a gift from Persephone like Percy(which is the reason for her chosen full name,as a thank you to her)but the only effects it had on her was giving her a muffin top and a small chest because she's butch.Goth punk like in canon
Nico:Black-italian trans boy.Darkskin but lighter than Percy and Thalia and noticably more delicate features than them and has an afro and an average build with top surgery scars-He was the third and final one to be gifted metamorphose by his stepmom and that's where he got them from,no surgery needed(it also added 2 inches to his height).Goth with but a gnc twist thanks Percy and Hazel's influence.Small note i'd like to share:Persephone asked Sally about the Big Three Kids' favorite foods and the metamorphose's ended up being blue pancakes,a double cheeseburger and a box of 10 piece McNuggets
Bianca:Black-italian with medium skin,similar facial features to Nico and her single braid is instead a box braid low ponytail.Light academia(but actually reads).Still dead sadly but everyone thinks fondly of and speaks highly of her
Rachel:Nigerian-american trans girl.Still a green eyed redhead but with a very strong face,extremely dark skin and wears her hair in it's naturally big and poofy state.Fat because of her estrogen and her fashion sense matches her eccentric artist personality
Jason:Black/white mixed and it's easy to tell by looking at him to go with him and Thalia being opposites.Thick and curly dirty blonde hair,brown eyes and light brown skin.Nerdy jock as always
Piper:Long straight black hair that she keeps down,skin that's darker than Jason's but lighter than the rest of the Big Three Kids',black eyes,monolids and a hooked nose.Butch with a love for sanrio and Percy got her into skating so she incorporates that into her wardrobe too(Butch4femme solidarity at it's finest).Aphrodite took the form of a cherokee woman when with Tristan so she's full native
Hazel:Honestly,literally just @/silima's version but i'll give a description for those who haven't seen their art:Darkskinned with classic black facial features and hip length black dreads.Trans girl who was given a gumbo metamorphose by Percy and Nico as a 'Welcome back to living' gift.Pastel but in a kidcore way
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I posted 2,635 times in 2022
That's 2,635 more posts than 2021!
398 posts created (15%)
2,237 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,322 of my posts in 2022
Only 50% of my posts had no tags
#pjo - 169 posts
#percy jackson - 164 posts
#riordanverse - 163 posts
#rick riordan - 161 posts
#fave - 104 posts
#mcga - 78 posts
#magnus chase - 75 posts
#toa - 50 posts
#alex fierro - 50 posts
#nico di angelo - 49 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#only two have guessed so far and i didn’t answer their asks so any post you see of me eliminating states isn’t a lie i’m not from any of em
My Top Posts in 2022:
my rrverse takes:
magnus is an underrated character in his own series
lester/apollo and magnus were BY far the funniest narrators
i didn't like jason's death but it was necessary and it made sense
i actually liked meg, she had a great storyline and she wasn't annoying
piper was queer from the beginning
with enough training hazel could probably be stronger than percy and jason
percy would end jason in a fight in two seconds flat
reyna, samirah, and hazel are the most badass rrverse women ever
i love toa but if i had to choose i would rather have five mcga books and three toa books
fierrochase and zarter are the most underrated ships in the fandom im right
mcga had HUGE potential as a series and rick def could have done more with it and added more books but didn't and i am very mad about that
rick's representation is very flawed both in poc's and lgbtq characters
(the feather in the hair, the food skin color descriptions, the fact that the only three latinx/hispanic characters come from abusive backgrounds, making leo call calypso "mamacita" in tdp, giving poc characters inherently non poc traits (hazels hair and eyes and pipers eyes), having samirah's hair out of her hijab at some points, making anubis white (biggie on that one), making his only book series with two mixed race main characters have three books instead of five)
(the genderfluid shapeshifter trope, outing nico and giving him the most trauma out of the seven but "hey it's okay because he gets a boyfriend", giving leo a girlfriend when he was very obviously into jason (and even then he didn't need to date anyone i really like the head canon that he is aro), making a slur of sorts for alex and having multiple main characters say it, making his only book series with a very openly queer main character (alex but also magnus at the end) have three books instead of five)
leo did NOT need to get a girlfriend, he should have stayed single as it was better for his character development
tj needs more recognition in the fandom i love him
annabeth was def one of the more powerful of the seven even though she didn't have powers and a lot of the people that hate her are just misogynistic (as well as piper)
not even a take but just a fact what the fuck was rick ON making anubis white like he is quite literally an egyptian god he is most definitely black
also not a take but like. please we need more people talking about tkc in the fandom i love it sm and no one is talking about it. the characters are amazing and i guarantee if carter and sadie were white they would've gotten more recognition
feel free to add on
846 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
are you team "magnus is blitzstone shipper #1 and he knew they had a crush on each other since before they started dating"
or team "magnus is oblivious to blitz and hearth dating and he thought they were just really good friends until he found out like 2 years after they were married"
980 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
picrew chain
i like these things so imma make one
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here's me !!
super cool picrew link found here
tag whomever you'd like im tagging @tacocat-411 @blurrycow @avery-is-gay
981 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
to my fellow swifties: what's your favorite album and zodiac sign? i wanna see if there's any correlation
mine is midnights and virgo
1,121 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
bitches on pjo tumblr really exploding right now over a thirteen year old boy saying eight words and wearing an orange shirt. it's me i'm bitches
3,742 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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smallerplaces · 7 months
Katies soaking their heads
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Two extra Katies are getting a 10-hour fabric softener treatment on their poor 1990s frizzy hair. Both originally came with impressive curls that were too matted to preserve, so I guess I have to look up how to set curls in doll hair. Is it straws or pipe cleaners these days?
While it can be argued, with some fairness, that I did not need two more Katies, they were a lot with the much rarer 2002 Black Jodi (now called Neveah). I have some self-restraint, as I resisted an identical pair at the thrift shop where I bought red-headed Kelsey.
Meanwhile, the white whale of Kid Kore Carla looms. There exist Sisters gift packs that include Kelsey, Piper, Katie, and a mysterious Carla, who is too tall to be Jodi but who has a different face-up than Katie.
It turns out that Kid Kore had a line of 6" Girls Club dolls, uncannily similar to Creata's Today's Girls line. Carla is the 6" model, though as Girls Club she has various character names, just as the Today's Girls little sisters did.
I haven't cracked and bought one yet.
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