#will I understand this when no longer under the influence?
casualsnickers · 13 hours
Month of Emmet Quick Write #5
Prompt #5: Forest
Too much work and too few maintenance checks resulted in Emmet being forced to take a little vacation. The location? Undella Bay. But it seems there's something odd under the waves this time of year.
*inspired directly by @irononyx32 from their artwork of the prompt. Go look at their work first, please and thank you.
Read the whole thing under the cut.
               Emmet was careful to keep a firm grip on Eelektross’s neck as they descended through the water, his other pokémon- an Araquanid he had gotten in a trade from an Alolan trainer- careful to follow along as it too crept along the shallow sand beds. It had been based off of a whim to take a small vacation in Undella. Too much stress and too many migraines had gotten Ingo onto Emmet’s case, both him and Elesa derailing his schedule so that they could all take a day off and relax. Emmet had had the choice of selecting where they would be going and with Eelektross’s influence and shining eyes, Emmet had selected Undella Bay without much of a fuss.
               That was the reason he was currently a few meters beneath the ocean’s surface, his eyes catching on the beds of waving kelp that grew like trees under the water. He couldn’t speak underwater but that was fine; both of his pokémon could understand him anyway. Emmet gently tugged on Eelektross’s dorsal fin, his ace pokémon nodding before it began swimming into the kelp forests. Araquanid followed, sneaking close to refresh the oxygen in Emmet’s air bubble before skittering away to hunt something.
               This was mostly Eelektross’s sort of vacation. Emmet rarely ever chose to visit the ocean despite Eelektross being a pokémon that thrived in deep water. It was the only resource- the only home expansion- that Emmet couldn’t afford. Not like Ingo had when his Hisuian Sneasel had started climbing the house and Ingo had been forced to relocate her to their shared home back in Anville where there were plenty of tall cliffs. Eelektross didn’t have any such allowances. Either Emmet had to manually take him to a deep body of water and supervise him for a few hours or the gigantic eel pokémon was without water until the weekend arrived. It was even worse during the winter.
               Emmet only smiled upon seeing his ace pokémon so giddy and excited, recognizing other Eelektross and Eelektrik as they slithered in the sand, their glowing eyes seeming to follow Emmet as he floated alone in the current. Emmet’s own Eelektross amiably swam closer to the shoal, almost dwarfing them with its size as it communicated with its wild friends using the bioluminescent scales along its body.
Don’t wild Eelektross regularly hunt giant prey? I hope I’m not giant prey. I should be fine with both Araquanid and Eelektross, but I should move closer just to be safe.  Something soft touched his leg, Emmet only having a minute to think before being drawn into an air bubble squarely atop his Araquanid’s back. No longer suspended in water, he carefully saddled his pokémon’s back. “Thank you!”
               Araquanid waved its mandibles and then began to pick up the pace, its long legs easily finding their way as they slowly but surely entered the depths of the kelp forest bordering the Undella Sea.
               The stalks of golden leaves rose high in the water, allowing filtered summer light to shine upon the sandy sea floor where both Corsolas and Shellders crawled around, their tough exoskeletons seeming to glitter as they moved between the columns. Emmet sighted a pack of Frillish floating at the top of the kelp, shoals of Luvdisc darting through their outstretched legs as if racing. Emmet even got to see a massive Mantine glide along the seafloor, waving one flipper at him as it passed by.
               It was quiet under the water, the only sound being that of bubbles rising from the sand and of the kelp sliding against one another, muted by the air bubble around his head. He couldn’t go too deep; the pressure of all the water on top of him would hurt him if he went any deeper, but Emmet relaxed, knowing that his pokémon were already keeping a watchful eye on him in case his protective diving suit wasn’t performing correctly.
               As Araquanid crawled over an outcrop of dark rocks, Emmet gasped, leaning closer to stare at the mystical silhouette that was the Abyssal Ruins.
               The Abyssal Ruins were old; older than Unova as a matter of fact, allegedly built by an ancient civilization that worshipped a particular king. At least, that’s the story that archeologists, divers, and anthropologists had come up with after a team of divers had resurfaced with pictures of dust-covered ancient artifacts and sunken walls containing lines upon lines of hieroglyphs. Emmet had no particular desire to get closer.
               The ruins stuck out along the seabed. It was a long slab of rock with a central ziggurat just barely tilting to the side. Decrepit stone houses littered the top of the rock face, it being the only part of the seafloor that didn’t have an obnoxious amount of kelp or coral growing on it.
               And the longer he looked, the more Emmet began to notice that he could hear music. Lulling music. Music that sounded awfully like an orchestra coming directly from the ruins. He tried to think of any ocean pokémon native to Unova that could project their voice underwater, unable to think of anything. The music- it was more like singing- seemed to float into the kelp forest, a few of the Jellicents and Frillish floating off toward the ruins as if enticed to find the source.
               It was a soothing noise. A peaceful song. One that Emmet sworn he had heard before when Ingo had once taken him to visit Celestial Tower back when they were kids. It was the same song that Chandelure often hummed late at night from her perch on the ceiling, the same one that almost always put the brothers to sleep after a long day at work. A horrible chill like being submerged in ice encased Emmet’s body. He shuddered. Time to leave.
               Emmet tapped his Araquanid three times on the side of its head- the signal to resurface. It then called out to Eelektross who had immediately swum back, something large caught in its mouth- probably prey. Eelektross flashed the bioluminescent spots on its body. Two flashes on the side of its face, one on its tail. Resurfacing?
               Emmet nodded, pointing upward. He was grateful when Eelektross swam up to him and wrapped its hands around him, allowing Emmet to take hold of its dorsal fin as both it and Araquanid began to float upwards. And as he rose higher and higher, Emmet chanced a glance back down at the fading ruins.
               He saw what looked to be a shoal of small Basculins swimming toward the walls of the ruins, a much bigger, sleeker-looking Basculin leading the pack. Emmet squinted. No. No, that doesn’t look like a Basculin. Maybe an evolution? But Basculins don’t evolve… Emmet blinked. Ingo had mentioned that the place he had been- Hisui- had featured new evolutions of certain pokémon. Basculin… Basculin was one of those noble pokémon, wasn’t it?
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animazed · 1 year
ngl fam
I smoked not too long ago and I am in a great and really nice mood
a really fun headspace, especially while listening to chill music and relaxing and unfazing my eyes
Just really relaxing and nice and happy
I need to do this more often man 😌
This is so fucking NICE (like serene and sweet and happy-awareness nice) and just happy and it is such an amazing mellow, happy frame of mind. No wonder people do this so much - it puts you in a nice frame-of-mind. I’d also totally destroy my life for this 24/7 all waking hours. So worth it to be feeling this
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clonehub · 11 months
SAG officially considers cosplays of current/past media as crossing the picket line as it can be seen as supporting the studios they're currently striking against.
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(link is to a series of tweets, which include the original poster of the screenshot directly asking SAG-AFTRA what the rules are for paid/influencer cosplayers who want to support the strike)
EDIT 2 (first edit in tags): the tweet in the OP has been deleted, so I'll be shutting down reblogs on this post just so people don't take the link as a solid source when it no longer exists. For context, the original link was from a content creator who'd emailed SAG-AFTRA about guidance surrounding promos, contracts, and influencers. The response from SAG-Aftra likely wasn't 100% detailed because things were still being figured out. As for more detailed questions such as what counts as an influencer and other really specific questions I've seen in the tags, that's not something I know. Maybe emailing SAG-AFTRA themselves will help, although I can't be sure.
If the original email or the FAQ were confusing to you, it's likely that it's because both were phrased in a way that would be understandable to people who'd be likely to scab, ie influencers under specific circumstances. It's not really geared toward the lay person (which is what the FAQ will make clear by their frequent use of "influencer").
Again, the notes (and frankly the original link itself) have some that this is about influencers specifically. I missed that keyword in the OP (typo). I need people to stop acting like I'm willfully fearmongering and spreading misinformation. I read the full thread. I read the entire FAQ. It's on you if you do neither. At the time of my reading the thread, the FAQ either hadn't been released yet or had just come out. I also need people to stop bringing up Neil Gaiman's Tumblr post when SAG-AFTRA has their own Official FAQ on their strike site.
For the FAQ, it's here. It's about influencers, both union and non-union. Iirc the non-union FAQ has some ways to help that non-influencers can also engage in, like using a hashtag or generally raising awareness.
If you have any questions, please please please direct them to official members of SAG-AFTRA. Email Fran Drescher herself if you somehow can. Regardless, support the WGA SAG-AFTRA strike.
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beescake · 6 months
i am in love with your sollux i think
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sollux love party :]
if you’re interested heres some of my personal fondness thoughts on him.. big warning for the mega long read ahead aye
as we alr know sollux's rejection of participation somewhat mirrors dave's rejection of heroism, but even without getting cooked to completion i still find sollux's character v compelling beyond the fourth wall
as someone who doesnt get a pinch of that Protagonist Sparkle to begin with, he can openly say he wants to leave anytime…. and unlike dave, he actually Can leave the scene anytime. but he can never be truly Free from the story via permanent character death like the other trolls.
his irrelevancy is indeed relevant - he’s there so u can point him out.
while his image is intended to be a relic of past internet subculture, his role is not only about hehehaha being a Chad or a 2000s cyberforum 2²chan haxxor ragequit gamebro.
his continued existence also happens to add a Bit to the overarching themes of homestuck! a Bit that gives him longer-lasting thematic relevance compared to the trolls who could’ve had more character potential but didnt get to survive beyond the main story.
the Bit in question:
his defiance contributes to the illusion of agency (treating characters = people with autonomy). he’s “aware” of it, and that recognition is worth noting enough to forcibly keep him alive as both reward and punishment.
considering how his personality & classpect is designed its definitely a very haha thing for hussie to do LOL. he’s made to be op asf so he's resigned to doing dirty work, gradually deteriorating along the way but never truly dying. as fans have mentioned before, him openly rejecting involvement after a while of grim tolerance is like if the sim u were controlling suddenly stopped, looked up and gave u the finger while u were step six into the walkthrough for Every Possible Sim Death Animation.
but since he’s just a sim… the more he hates it, the more you keep him around. if ur sim started complaining abt your whimsical household storyline you’d definitely keep that little fuck.
but yeah i like that sollux is just idling. the significance of his presence being that one dude who's always reliably Somewhere, root core Unchanged, no individual ambitions (possibly due to fear of consequence?), and design-wise: a staple representative product of his time.
compared to dirk's character, who has aged phenomenally well into the present (themes of control + AR + artificial intelligence, clearer exploration around navigating relationships/sexuality, infinite possibilities of self-splinterhood and trait inheritance), sollux's potential is really... contained. bitter. defeatist. limiting and frustrating in the way old tech is.
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the world continues moving on to shinier, brighter, more advanced automated things - minimalist and metaverse or whatever but sollux is still here 🧍‍♂️ going woohoo redblue 3d. (tho personally i imagine his vibe similar to what the kids call cassette futurism on pinterest mixed w more grimy grunge insectoid influences eheh)
at the foundation of it all, the rapid pace of modern development was built off the understanding of ppl like sollux in the past, who were There actively at work while the dough was still beginning to rise
thats one of the cool things abt the idea of trolls preceding humans! the idea that trolls like sollux excelled back when lots of basic shit still needed to be discovered, building structures like networks and codes from scratch, and humans will eventually inherit and reinvent that knowledge in ways that become so optimized it makes the old manual effort seem archaic, slow, and labour-intensive.
but despite information/resources/shortcuts being more accessible now, much of the new highly-anticipated stuff released on trend still end up unfinished, inefficient, or expiring quickly due to cutting corners under severe capitalistic pressures
meanwhile, some of the old stuff frm past generations of thorough, exploratory and perfectionistic development still remains working, complete, and ever so sturdy.
those things continue to exist, just outside our periphery with either:
zero purpose left for modern needs (outdated/obsolete)
far too important to replace or destroy, bcs of its surprisingly essential and circumstantial usefulness in one niche specific area.
which are honestly? both points that sum up sollux pree well.
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dramatic ending sorry. anw are u still on the fence or are u Sick abt him like me </3
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yanderestarangel · 7 months
♡ 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐮𝐩 𝐬𝐞𝐱 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐤𝐮𝐚𝐢 𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐠 ♡
a/n: version with bi han here ♡
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TW: angst, insecurity, smut, v!sex, oral (f!re), husband kuai liang, afab anatomy, pet names, praise, rough sex, aggressive sex, use of ropes in sex, creampie, overstimulation, dirty talk, husband x husband, ftm reader.
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Things were always peaceful between the two of you, he was a caring and faithful husband, you had no reason to doubt him or anything similar to that.
However, after Bi Han's betrayal with the Lin Kuei, Kuai Liang needed the help of third parties to form another clan, and this clan was the 'shiray ryu' in honor of the woman who helped him, Harumi - and also the name of the whole the problem in marriage you - you were insecure and he lost his patience, tired of saying that they had nothing, and they really didn't, he was married to you. It was at a dinner that he arrived later with Harumi that you lost your temper, having a fight with Kuai Liang, his stress and concern for the clan made him simply say cruel things to you without him even realizing it.
He only noticed when you slapped him in the face and left the house crying, he hated himself at that moment. You went out into the forest, crying and with sore feet, but you soon felt the cryromancer's ropes around your body, pinning you to the ground. "-Fuck (Y/N) never run like that again, damn, did you get hurt?" He speaks worriedly and a little rudely, still under the influence of anger, but genuinely worried, while carrying you on his shoulders easily - you even tried to try to free yourself from the ropes, but you couldn't - Kuai soon arrived at your house, throwing you on top out of bed and locking all the doors so you don't run away again.
While you were trapped by his ropes, Kuai Liang stood in front of you with a pained expression on his face. He looked tired and exhausted, he took a deep breath and tried to calm down."-We've been through so many things together, we've faced countless enemies and situations that should have separated us, but we survived them all. Why do we let something like Harumi come between us now? Out of jealousy?" He asked, looking at you intently. You didn't respond immediately, just looking at him,tears in your eyes. Kuai Liang continued, trying to explain his feelings.
"-I'm sorry, I don't want to hurt you anymore. Please understand that Harumi means nothing to me, she never did anything wrong, she only helped us when Shiray Ryu was in childhood, our feelings for her have always remained platonic. She's like a sister to me, I would never betray her trust or our marriage." You didn't want to listen, trying to insult him and telling him to take those ropes off you, however, seeing you vulnerable, angry and exposed made him feel guilty, but also excited. He couldn't help it.
"-No, I'm not letting you go yet. Not until we talk about this." He said firmly as he ran his fingers through your hair, you could see the conflict in his eyes, torn between his duty as a ninja and his love for you, he was a man full of flaws, but he would never betray you. Without warning, Kuai Liang bent down and gently kissed your forehead, trying to calm you down. "-I promise, tonight we will make up for everything that happened, just trust me." He whispered softly in your ear, as he used the sharp kunai to tear the fabric of your clothes, exposing your body completely to him.
His lips slowly moved from your forehead to your cheek and then to your neck, sending shivers down your spine. As he continued kissing you, his hand began to move down, passing over your breast and then down towards your pussy. You moaned softly at his touch, still upset about recent events. Kuai Liang smiled slightly at your reaction before continuing his seduction. He ran his fingers through your slit, teasing your clit and making you moan louder. "-You look so fucking gorgeous now, you know that?"
He couldn't resist the temptation any longer.
With one swift motion, he pulled the strings on your body, opening your thighs and burying himself in your pussy, his tongue flicking out to lap up your juices. "-I want you..." he growled, "-I need you." His tongue continued its relentless assault on your clit, causing waves of pleasure to ripple through your body, the ropes hurting you slightly, leaving large linear red marks. "-My husband is a little slut don't you?" With a satisfied grin, Kuai Liang slid two fingers inside you, finger-fucking you roughly while continuing to suck on your clit. You moaned loudly, arching your back and thrusting against his hand. Kuai Liang added another finger, stretching you wide and pushing your little hole.
You tried to maintain your posture, saying that you hated him, even if it was a lie - and you both knew it - the ninja soon removed his fingers from you and pulled down his pants, exposing his fat, pulsing cock, leaking a thin layer of pre-semen from the tip. reddish, while he positioned himself between your thighs, rubbing the tip of his dick on your clit. "-You don't hate me baby. You just feel insecure because of Harumi. But I swear to you, she means nothing to me. All I want is you." He whispered hoarsely into your ear. Your body shook with pleasure as he continued to rub his dick against your clit, your moans filling the room. "-You know you love me..." He slid the pulsate shaft as he led you in front of the large mirror in your room, while using his right arm to hold you around your waist and the other around your neck. He pulled your hair hard, forcing you to look in the mirror "-Look at you baby... See the way my cock slides in and out of your tight pussy. That's what I see when I look at you, baby. Nothing but pure desire and love." Your body responded to his words, his dick sliding against your sensitive walls, causing you to moan louder and clutch at the ropes binding you.
"-You're a beautiful man, wrapped up in the arms of your loving husband. And I want to remind you of that every chance I get... You're my little whore, aren't you? My precious, perfect husband. And look that beautiful pussy, so wet and ready for me." His words were like poison to your ears, but they also had a strange effect on you. As he continued to fuck you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of validation. Your insecurity melted away, replaced by a newfound confidence.
You no longer saw Harumi as a threat; instead, you saw her as just another person in Kuai Liang's life. You knew that he belonged to you, and nobody else. He didn't let you look away from the reflection-scorpion wanted to show you how beautiful you were, how desirable you were to him - he praised you so much, every part of him, your favorite nicknames - "darling" "baby" "sweetheart" "my pretty little thing" "my pretty slut" - with every word he growled, his dick came in and out of you, as you trembled in the heat of his member. With one final thrust, Kuai Liang let out a primal roar as he came inside you, filling you with his hot cum. You could feel his cock pulsing inside you, sending waves of pleasure through your body. "-That's right, take my cum, you little whore." He growled, looking into your eyes in the mirror. As he collapsed onto you, spent and satisfied, he kissed you softly, his lips brushing against yours in a tender gesture of devotion.
"-Never doubt yourself again, I love you more than anything, I swear, on my ninja honor, and on my soul."
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alicerosejensen · 8 months
Warning: Yandere!Older Leon; young reader (20-25 years old); kidnapping, pet names, not Stockholm Syndrome, but the reader no longer resists Leon; mentions of sex; mentions of pregnancy, apathy.
Synopsis: If you knew who Leon Kennedy was, you would have avoided him, but it's too late.
A/N: I'm bad at writing summaries and coming up with titles for this shit. Just a yandere Leon and his pregnant reader hidden from the whole world.
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It was raining incessantly for the second day, rolling down the glass of the second-floor window in large drops when you were lying on a straightened bed and staring unblinkingly at the weather raging outside in one of the wide warm hoodies. Even a favorite TV show or a good movie with delicious food could not brighten up the gloom of a gray day, because didn't want to get up and go down at all, especially since has already returned home.
Leon probably didn't bother to find out the weather forecast for the next few days, because he left the house on one motorcycle, which should have already been parked in the garage. You listened with bated breath to the heavy footsteps of his shoes as he climbed to the second floor after opening all these numerous locks on the front door. At some point, you even felt that small wave of fear that sometimes overwhelmed you when he was around.
You have been in his hands for more than a year, during which he suppressed all resistance but was never able to get what he wanted - your love. He probably should have turned to a specialist and fixed his head since he really didn’t understand why you didn’t love him and didn’t want to make contact, on the other hand, such an influence made you obey Leon and even enjoy sex with him after which you felt guilty. Ultimately, given the fact that Leon did not consider it necessary to protect himself, this resulted in undesirable consequences. For you, not for him.
When the bedroom door opened, you held your breath as he walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down, reaching out to you. Water from his wet hair dripped onto your face but he didn't seem to care as he leaned towards you placing one hand on your bump.
You didn’t even flinch or turn to him when his lips touched your neck.
"How are my pretty girl and our baby feeling?" the whisper sent a chill inside.
It wasn't worth the risk of testing his patience. You already tried and realized that it would be worse only for you but not for him.
Leon put his hand under your sweatshirt, pressing lightly on you, forcing you to turn to face him so that you were faced with the blue of his eyes, which looked at you with manic admiration.
“I...we’re fine,” you replied, watching him take off his wet leather jacket, throwing it somewhere towards the window and wrapping his arms around your pregnant belly.
The belly that you hated so much and preferred to wear oversized clothes so as not to notice it in the mirror until the last moment.
“My baby…” with trembling reverence, Leon put his head on your stomach, lifting up your hoodie, kissing the warm skin "my baby… Dad missed you two so much. You know, I brought gifts," he grinned, looking at you.
This sight made you sick, causing another surge of hostility towards him and your unwanted pregnancy.
"I want to see how your belly grows...how my baby grows inside you."
“Leon, I don’t think...” you didn’t finish as he interrupted you.
"Do not think!" He said authoritatively, sitting back on the edge of the bed with the intention of paying attention to you. “Will I think for the two of us or would it be more correct to say for the three of us?” that grin of his again
He probably didn't like that sweatshirt you were wearing, so he asked you to wait while he came down to get your gift. Leon quickly left the bedroom and you were able to breathe a little sigh of relief after straightening your clothes, although the happiness was short-lived and just a couple of minutes later Leon returned with a small white box wrapped in red ribbon, which he handed to you, sitting next to you.
"What is this?" you asked, looking at the light-weight box, afraid to open it, as if there was a bomb in there.
"Open it"
Your hands slowly reached for the ribbon, pulling it towards you. A thin strip of fabric fell into your lap, and you opened the lid of the box, putting it next to you on the bed, looking at a set of lace pajamas with an almost indifferent look, consisting of short light gray shorts that looked more like panties, and a pale pink T-shirt with a cute bow under the bodice. It matched the size, but would definitely emphasize your rounded belly.
"I'm sure this will suit you. It's like you're carrying my gift under your heart." He said, noticing the indifference on your face. “Don’t you like it, angel?”
You liked it before. You think that if he were a normal guy and not a psycho with a mania to control your life every breath, then you would be a gift, but in reality, no. However, it was better to lie.
“It's beautiful, I’m just tired. I don’t feel very well,” his hands immediately reached out to you and pressed you to him, stroking your head and kissing your temple.
"Oh, well, I'm already here for you." you snorted quietly, only thinking about how peaceful it was without him. “I want you to wear this today. In the meantime, let’s go, I want to show you something.”
You put the pajamas back in the box and had no desire to go with him, but Leon took your hand and hugged your waist, gently pushing you towards the door. He probably bought something for the baby too, but it was probably some small thing like a toy or a rattle, but in spite of that, he opened the door of an unfinished children’s room for you that still needed to be painted. He had already ordered a changing table and a baby chest of drawers, which arrived about three weeks ago and now stood alone in an empty room. Leon led you to the changing table and you saw two pairs of baby undershirts.
"couldn't help but buy for our baby" His hands continued to caress your belly, irritating you even more "Especially since I took a few unpaid days off and we can order other things."
“It’s too early for such purchases”
“We will be ready in advance,” another kiss fell on the back of the head, “especially since time will fly by quickly, before we have time to look back, our child will already be in our arms.”
This is what you are so afraid of. Leon doesn't even notice the fear of pregnancy and completely ignores your reluctance to become the mother of his child. Your eyes began to tear up looking at the children’s things that you wanted to tear and throw with all the pent-up rage in his face! You wanted to break all this furniture, because everything that happened to you was not your desire. And you didn’t want and don’t want this child.
Does he really think that you like being locked up in his house and carrying his child?! What has the government done to his brain that Leon thinks he has the right to control your life?
"What is it, angel?" Leon asked seeing tears in your eyes. His lips continued to kiss your head down to your neck. You couldn't even resist while he held you to his chest.
“I...don’t want to,” your voice cracked from the bitter lump in your throat.
Leon sighed irritably, making you a little scared, but nevertheless, tears flowed down your cheeks. His hands squeezed your waist almost to the point of pain as he turned you around to face him. A spark of incipient anger flashed in his pale blue eyes, but he pulled himself together, but for a short moment he looked away, trying not to break down. After all, he was already sure that he had suppressed all your resistance and convinced you that only he could take care of you in this cruel world. An oppressive atmosphere reigned in the nursery. Leon's silence was frightening, making you regret what you said. Under the gaze, wanted to shrink and cry somewhere in the corner of the room and finally wake up from all this nightmare.
"It's just hormones" Leon's dissatisfied tone did not let you be deceived. "A little excitement, that's all. Do you believe me, but I'm worried too? This is normal, because this is our first child."
You wanted to howl after those words. The thought that you would have to give birth to hated children from your abductor and stay locked up for days without permission to go out at least into the courtyard of the house did not inspire you with happiness. Leon controlled every aspect of your life and, of course, will control the lives of his children, who will definitely not be happy.
"You don't have to say that. When the baby is born, everything will get better, it will be a little hard for us at first, but you know, I'm thinking of putting a crib in our bedroom. So we don't have to run to another room when the baby wakes up." his gaze softened for a moment and he took your face in his hands, carefully wiping tears from his cheeks with his thumb "Just nerves okay? I know that we will be so happy as soon as this lump of happiness finally appears on our hands. I've wanted a family all my life and now I won't miss this opportunity."
"It was your dream, not mine." the words spoken had a touch of light courage, although they were uttered with apprehension and even despair.
"It will also be your dream" Leon kissed you on the forehead, pressing to his chest "We will be so happy. I promise"
"Do you really think I'm happy here? Do you really think it's okay to keep me under surveillance here like I'm a criminal? Do you really think I'll be happy to be the mother of a child I never wanted?!"
Leon grabbed you by the face harder, forcing you to hold your breath and your heart beat faster from fear. Of course, he never beat, but sometimes his punishments were worse than physical violence, but inside there was a glimmer of hope that he would be afraid to cause any harm because of your pregnancy.
"I'm doing this for your safety. Believe me, one day completely changed my life and I'm not going to lose the people I care about anymore. The world outside is very dangerous and you just can't survive without someone to take care of you, but that someone is me."
"If the world is as dangerous as you say, then why the hell do you decide to have children?"
A logical damn question! And Leon was clearly confused by it. But selfish desires sometimes overshadow the human mind.
"I'm trying to end this crap. Once I thought it was really wrong, but eventually I thought it over…what's wrong with coming from hell to a house where your real family is waiting for you? Cute kids from my beloved wife who would meet me at the door and whom I would hug. I didn't have a family," he said sadly, "I lost my parents too early, when I was still a child myself, and I always wanted my father to be proud of my achievements at school or teach something new. I hardly remember my mother's affection, but I can give it to our children!"
"This is not the answer to the question" You said without pausing like a statue in front of him clenched in strong male hands
"well…" Leon grinned loosening his grip, "in any period of humanity there have always been their own dangers: diseases, wars, famine, pandemics and so on. But if everyone thinks as I thought before, then humanity will definitely die out. My fear should not interfere with my happiness. The main thing is that I can take care of everything and keep my family safe."
His conviction of his own rightness was indestructible. Leon perceived your abduction and forcible detention as forced care for a loved one who could get hurt with an ordinary fork if he relaxed his vigilance a little. In the end, he grabbed your hand and dragged you down to the first floor, squeezing your fingers tightly, as if he was afraid that you might dissolve at any second. But, unfortunately, all past escape attempts were doomed to failure in advance. Perhaps if you play the obedient girl for a long time, pretending that they really love him and accept this abnormal care, then one day you will have a chance to sneak away, but how long will it take? A year? Two? By that time, the baby will already be born, and for some reason you were sure that his hypercontrol would only increase several times.
Suddenly a funny thought came to mind.
Leon once mentioned that he was a policeman. Apparently, he took the phrase "to serve and protect" too literally.
"What now? Will you punish me?" you asked feeling completely desperate because you were not sure that your acting could last so long that he would believe in this lie. Even if you run away, how long will it take him to find you? You can only escape from Kennedy to the next world.
Leon sat you down at the table intending to take care of your lunch, besides, it was certainly important to him that you eat properly and properly. He seems to have read all the books that said what pregnant women can and cannot eat. By the way, he ignored your question for a long time until you called out to him again.
"You are an obedient girl and don't do anything that could harm our child. I'm sure it's just hormones and nerves. When you give birth, you will feel the joy of motherhood"
As if not so!
You wanted to flush his love and care down the toilet because… you did not experience any Stockholm syndrome and if at the beginning of your acquaintance with Leon you experienced exceptionally bright feelings, perhaps even falling in love, now there was nothing but rejection. Although they don't want to admit to themselves that…sometimes his shoulder and gentle strokes were the most beautiful that you could only get in a lifetime.
In the end, you spent the evening on the couch watching some show curled up in a ball while Leon was sitting somewhere behind typing something on a laptop. He checked on you a couple of times and couldn't resist kissing you on the forehead, as if he thought that in front of him was a cute plush toy that needed to be cuddled. You didn't know what to do and whether you would ever be free again…maybe if one day he gets killed in the line of duty…
You stole a look at him when Leon was brushing his teeth in the bathroom and you were already lying in bed in that new lace pajamas. The thought was seductive and to some extent intoxicating, because perhaps it was his accidental death that could one day free you from this imprisonment.
Even when he lay down next to you, especially intently examining your bulging belly, which was noticeable in such clothes.
Leon pulls up his shirt and leaves a wet kiss near the navel while you scroll through this thought in your head.
Perhaps one day the higher powers will have mercy on you, and everything will end… But now, it seems, there was nothing else to do but just accept your inevitable fate and find himself back in the warm embrace from which gradually does not want to get out.
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bokutizer · 1 year
dada's so pwetty!
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Includes : Sakusa, Oikawa, Suna Summary : Just a few daughters being enchanted by their dadas' looks Tags : fem!reader, fluff, domestic bliss pt. 2
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You don't know what it is about SAKUSA, but you're sure he must be able to use some kind of sorcery. Because while you usually spend hours of playing volleyball with your daughter in your garden in hopes of tiring her out, reading to her, preparing a glass of warm milk for her before bed- While you do all of that to get your little mouse to sleep, all Sakusa has to do is lie down with her. That's it. Not a single effort needed. You would have kept on hanging onto your sorcery theory if one day you had not been silently standing outside of your daughter's room, the door slightly ajar and allowing you to view her and your husband lying together in her bed.
Sakusa is quiet as he lets her play with the dark curls on his head, his arm loosely wrapped around her back and keeping her close to him. He watches the way the ends of his hair wrap around her chubby fingers, the sight of it probably having an entrancing effect on her by the way her eyes slowly start getting droopier. It's usually like this. And it only takes a few minutes until her hand falls limply beside her head, and soft quiet snores start leaving her mouth. This time, however, Sakusa's able to hear her mutter something under her breath before her eyes fall shut. "Dada's so pretty." It's thanks to the complete silence in the room that he's able to hear it. And as always, Sakusa carefully gets up from the bed, tucking the blanket to her chin, and placing a soft peck against her forehead. Though, he doesn't realise that this time his lips linger there a little longer than usual. No sorcery then. Just love.
Shrieks and giggles resonate through the house as OIKAWA chases after the barely three feet short creature with a Yoda mask. You smile and shake your head absentmindedly at the tramping noises they make while speeding from the upper floor down the stairs, and into the kitchen where you're currently making dinner. You hear your daughter calling out to you for help, and you immediately lower the temperature of the stove before you feel her wrap her arms around your leg, trying to hide behind you. Both, Oikawa and you, smile knowingly at each other before he approaches you and wraps an arm around your waist.
"I see one pretty girl, but I could be swearing we had two of those in this house." Five years and one child later, and he's still the same smooth-talker, you think. But his talking does its work, as per usual, when you feel the grip on your leg loosen. "I'm here!" your daughter yells and slips her mask over her head, letting it fall to the ground. She laughs at Oikawa's faux and dramatic astonishment as he swiftly picks her up and holds her up against his chest, tenderly brushing his nose against hers. Small hands grab ahold of his face, his cheeks cradled in her soft palms when she speaks with an endearingly serious expression. "But dada's also pwetty, right mama?" She turns around and looks at you as if waiting for you to approve her statement. And of course you do, especially once you notice some moisture gathering in Oikawa's joyfully sparkling eyes as you lean over to press one peck on a chubby cheek and the other on one that somehow looks rosier than usual. "Yeah, he is."
SUNA always wonders how they do it. These menaces. These bad influences. These hooligans- The Miya twins. He will never understand why their annoyingly stupid antics are so hilarious to his daughter. So hilarious that she even once claimed wanting to marry one of them when she gets older. (At least she was referring to 'Samu, he thinks.) But as he watches Atsumu hold his daughter's fox plushy that Kita had once gifted her for her third birthday, moving it back and forth while talking in that high pitched voice, he has to admit that the twins can be quite an attraction. His daughter obviously thinks the same as she attentively listens to what Mr. Foxy (the toy - or rather Atsumu?) has to tell her.
Yes, the Miya twins are all fun and games. But there is only so much of excitement and action that a four year old's body can take. And once the exhaustion sets in, triggering her cranky and moody side, the only one she wants to be with are either her mommy or daddy. Luckily, the onigri shop has quietened down, only a few customers left that are finishing their meals. "C'mere." Suna says softly when he notices his daughter's eyes glaze over with sleepiness and she starts rubbing them. He's quick to cradle her against his chest, completely dwarfing her, as his hands rub small circles along her back when she leans her head against his shoulder. "We're leaving soon, then we'll go sleep. That' sound good?" He feels her cheek brush against his shirt as she quietly nods, but before her daddy's light strokes along her back and hair lull her to sleep, she catches uncle 'Tsumu say something to uncle 'Samu while holding her plushy up. "Check this. Mr Foxy looks just like Sunarin." Hearing their snickers, Suna swears he's about to give them a child-friendly comeback until a frail, whispering voice catches him off-guard. "Nuh-uh. Dada's prettier than Mr. Foxy." He's just glad the twins didn't catch it, otherwise he wouldn't hear the end of it.
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bibxrbie · 7 months
Every time I see the Star Wars fandom characterise Luke as apolitical or unpolitical, or in some ways unaware of politics, I get so incredibly frustrated.
"Luke joined the Rebel Alliance to fly. He just loves to fly!"
Shut up! Luke Skywalker isn't some idiot, gallivanting around the galaxy for shits and giggles.
ANH shows that even before he found Artoo he had intentions of joining the Rebel Alliance as a pilot, not because he loved to fly, but because he knew that he was a good pilot and that was how he could contribute to the liberation of the people from the Empire. But he also knew that he lacked the training needed to fly in space and that his family could not afford to send him into space, so he intended to join the Imperial Fleet, knowingly taking advantage of the system, to get him both of these things, to abandon the Fleet and joining the Rebellion.
Luke Skywalker grew up under the influence of two oppressive regimes: Hutt Space and the Empire. Slavery was literally happening in his backyard, and he was not unaware of it. Even though he was never a slave, you can't tell me that didn't have an effect on him? Seeing people owned and sold and destroyed like they're nothing; hell, he comes from a family of slaves! ROTJ shows that he has opinions about the Hutt empire too: wearing black in a desert world, refusing to speak Huttese even when he may understand the language? Political rebellion, baby. Maybe he even joined the Rebellion in hopes of using their power after destroying the Empire to one day get rid of the Hutts, which would make sense for him to think considering the Empire has only existed for 20 years and the Hutt empire lived for a lot longer
Also, he denies Vader's offer to rule the galaxy. Yes, it is a moment of trauma and anguish, but also he denies it because he fundamentally disagrees with the system of imperial fascism. He would literally die than willingly join the Empire.
He is political! He is aware of politics and oppression, and he is pro-revolution!
The other Star Wars content makes a point to show this. He frees slaves from the Empire, reads history and philosophy and gets angry at people who trade Jedi artefacts on the black market and at those who willingly work with the Empire.
He might not have the education, power, or language that Leia had, but he has political opinions. And to eradicate that part of his character is an injustice to him.
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matan4il · 3 months
I saw an article in an Israeli leftist newspaper, which talked about a phenomenon nicknamed, "Blaxit." For those unfamiliar, it's a movement calling for Americans and Europeans of Black/African descent to move to Africa.
This is actually not a new idea (though according to the article, it has picked up some momentum since the George Floyd murder). The "Back to Africa" movement was based on the exact same idea, and was even successful in establishing a whole country for returning Africans, Liberia, as far back as 1847.
And here's the most ironic part: it's the EXACT same principle that drives Zionism. It's the notion that, "our ancestors were removed from our ancestral homeland a long time ago in order to be used as slaves by Europeans, and even though over time our people became free, we never became equal. We are tired of it, and even though we understand that our quality of life will drastically drop if we leave the places that thrived in part thanks to our people's labor over the years, especially as we leave them for the place we're originally from, which stagnated under the exploitative and oppressive influence of colonialism, we still prefer that hardship and sacrifice to a life of being second hand citizens (at best), of always being less than, of knowing our very right to live depends on the good will of the majority, made up of the descendants of those who enslaved our ancestors, a situation we can no longer bear."
I've never seen anyone chanting for the genocidal eradication of Liberia, or Sierra Leone (where 10% of the population is made up of the descendants of freed slaves from the US and Jamica), never heard anyone calling for the canceling of Maya Angelou because she returned to Africa by settling in Ghana, never heard anyone calling Ghana "an apartheid state" for giving returning Africans preferential treatment in immigrating there from 2019 on, or Sierra Leone for doing the same, I doubt anyone would call Africans adopting the Blaxit idea "colonizers" or "black supremacists." Yet all of that has been done to Jews and the Jewish State we've established in the Jewish ancestral homeland that our ancestors were removed from, when they were taken to be slaves across the Roman Empire. It's discriminatory in nature towards Jews, and it IS antisemitic.
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It took 2 people to fully convince Crosshair to do a 180 on the Empire - but neither of those people were Bad Batch members.
They couldn't be. What would a squad of defective clones who had been disobeying orders since day 1 know about loyalty to an institution determined to establish order for the good of the galaxy? What would they know about finding purpose in being "good soldiers"?
Now, I DO think the seeds of Crosshair's eventual defection were planted by his brothers. Hunter pointing out that "Blind allegiance makes you a pawn" and then telling Crosshair "All you'll ever be to them is a number" are statements that are proven later to be true. But it takes Cody and Mayday to drive the lessons home.
Cody and Mayday share several characteristics that place them in unique positions to influence Crosshair:
Both are regs who accepted and befriended Crosshair - Cody says he specifically asked for Crosshair for the mission, and Mayday is upfront and friendly to Crosshair right from the start. (Contrast this to the other regs getting up to move tables when Crosshair sits to eat, or the other clone troopers who walk past Crosshair to get onto the shuttle without even sparing him a glance.)
Both are commanders. (I believe Crosshair ultimately respects authority for the most part: even when he was arguing with and challenging Hunter in "Aftermath," he still deferred to Hunter's orders until his inhibitor chip was intensified and he was then promoted to commander.)
Both are loyal soldiers who have served the Empire well - again, these regs are still commanders even under the new government. And we all know how important loyalty to the Empire is to Crosshair at this point.
Both save Crosshair's life during their missions.
In short, both are regs, but they are still soldiers Crosshair can quickly identify with and trust.
I think it's key that Crosshair encountered Cody before Mayday, though. And despite their similarities, both soldiers drive home different points.
Cody is one of the few regs we know Crosshair already respected - and still respects, given that Crosshair almost smiles when he recognizes him.
(Some proof in case it isn't apparent: Crosshair goes from frowny face...
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...to relaxed almost-happy-if-you-squint-just-right face)
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Anyway, while Cody does drop some hints early on that he has doubts about the Empire, he is willing to carry out the mission to rescue "Governor" Grotton, showing he will follow orders to a certain extent. However, he shows more restraint than Crosshair might have: he doesn't attack the civilians despite their obvious mistrust of the soldiers, he comes to an understanding with Tawni Ames, he's NOT willing to follow an order to execute her, and he is clearly dismayed and disappointed by her death.
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And so, at the end of a "successful" mission, Cody more plainly reveals the depth of his dissatisfaction with following orders against one's own moral scruples:
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Hunter had said "Blind allegiance makes you a pawn." And Cody, unwilling to blindly and unquestioningly be a pawn - or act like a battle droid - any longer, goes AWOL.
But that lesson alone isn't enough to make Crosshair turn on the Empire. Instead, he needs Mayday to give him the final push.
First, Mayday indicates how appalled he is by the idea of anyone leaving their own behind - which we know is a sore spot for Crosshair. But most importantly, Mayday has demonstrated since he was first introduced that he strongly believes in soldiers being loyal to and looking out for each other (which is far different than just being loyal to the Empire).
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Second, Mayday unknowingly challenges Crosshair's belief that serving the Empire provides meaningful purpose. (Remember that one of Crosshair's main arguments to his brothers about joining the Empire was so they could "find purpose again.")
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Then, he unwittingly goes for the jugular and rips apart the motto Crosshair had adopted.
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And then, in case Crosshair has any lingering doubts about the answer to Mayday's rhetorical question, Nolan decidedly answers the question for him.
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Hunter had said "All you'll ever be to them is a number," and he is proven right in the most heartbreaking way.
Crosshair had accused his brothers of not being loyal to him; unfortunately, now he sees what true disloyalty looks like. And for Crosshair - severe and unyielding - realizing that he has misplaced his loyalty by giving it to an entity that mocks him and casts him AND those he cares about aside for doing so... this is the final straw.
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Thankfully, Crosshair has now rediscovered the people who are worthy of his loyalty.
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fellshish · 6 months
I understand that. Michael Sheen is attractive but the more I think about Aziraphale, the more he pisses me off because the worst thing he could have said was turning Crowley back into an angel. Crowley hates heaven and doesn’t wanna be an angel. Why does Aziraphale refuse to admit that both heaven and hell suck and why does he say that Crowley is a bad guy when he isn’t one?
Don’t worry, I didn’t think you were calling Michael Sheen unattractive :))
Ok, a lot to unpack here. But i love thinking about good omens so thank you for asking.
First of all, Aziraphale didn’t say Crowley is a bad guy. Crowley said that they asked him back to hell but he’s “not rejoining their team” and he said no. To that aziraphale replied “obviously you said no to hell, you’re the bad guys”. Not the most diplomatic way to say it, he should have said “they’re the bad guys”, but beneath the words is this: he thinks it’s logical crowley said no because he doesn’t think crowley is a right fit for hell. Because crowley is good.
Does he think crowley is right for heaven, then? Not as is — but perhaps as it could be. They could make it better, together. Crowley would be safe there: no longer hated and hunted by heaven or hell. Under aziraphale’s protection. The metatron made it very clear he knew what him and crowley had been up to for all those years, and there was a veiled threat in that, in my opinion.
Now aziraphale & heaven — it’s complicated. Aziraphale doesn’t like thinking about it. He likes living in blissful ignorance enjoying human delights such as books and theater. The last thing he wants to do is work. And over the past 6,000 years he has learned to see shades of grey but he’s also been unable to make real changes. And overall he considers heaven to be better than hell, still. There’s no real alternative.
His choice at the end of season 2, to me, makes a lot of sense. Let’s put it this way. Let’s say you’ve been working for a big charity for the longest time. There are flaws in the company: not everyone who deserves it, is getting help. The charity is being run really badly.
Then, they offer you a new position. You can run the charity. You can change it, but it’ll be hard and you’ll have to give up your current life. Your best friend says: we should just run off together and be happy together. Could you turn your back on the charity? Knowing you could’ve made a difference — or at least tried? That there are people who need help, that aren’t getting it, because you made a selfish choice?
Aziraphale and crowley both have their own flaws in their reasoning, their own motivations. I don’t think aziraphale is more wrong for choosing heaven than crowley is wrong for wanting to be cut off from everything.
The truth is this: the second coming is being put into motion. Aziraphale and crowley are humanity’s only hope.
Aziraphale thinks he can make a difference by influencing heaven. I don’t think he’s mean, or out of character, for that choice.
I do think he should tell crowley he loves him though.
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neteyamsyawntu · 1 year
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I Need You, But I Don't Want You
Drunk!Neteyam X InHeat!Reader
✨Friendly Disclaimer: The content of this story contains aged-up characters! If this is something that makes you uncomfortable, please feel free to click or scroll away. The last thing I want is for anyone to read something they are uncomfortable with, however if you decide to interact with any negativity, you will be blocked from my blog as a result.
Based off a request by @athenachu I hope you like it, love! Original request here
Warnings:🔞MINORS DNI🔞 Mentions of Intoxication/ being under the influence of alcohol, SMUT, P in V, Fingering, Brief mentions of spitting, masterbation, Heat, Knotting, Mean!Neteyam, lil bit of dom!reader(lemme know if I missed anything) (lightly proofread)
Neteyam is 26, Reader is 24
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“There… that should do it. Just remember to replace the bandages and add some of this ointment to the wound, twice a day.” You instruct the young na’vi hunter who was rising from his spot in front of you, taking the ointment from your out stretched hand. That was it. The last of the members from the hunting party had been tended too. Taking a deep breath of relief you began to clean up your mess in efforts the leave the Tsahìk’s tent better then you had found it. Mo’at gazed at you from across the room, a pleased smile swept across her face, “you learn fast my numeyu(student)”. You beamed at this. You were fond of the Tsahìk and were more than eager when she offered to train you personally about a month and a half ago, “I had a pretty good teacher” you shrug as if your success was obviously accredited to the Tsahìk herself. Throwing the last of the bloody bandages in the fire at the the center of the tent, you raise your arms over your head, arching your back in efforts to stretch out your stiff muscles with a gratified sigh. 
“I’ll be back tomorrow morning, Mo’at” you call collecting your belongings, making your way toward the entrance of the tent, “Actually I’d like you to stay a while longer, Y/N…” Mo’at spoke candidly, “…I am expecting some guests and I want you to be here when they arrive”. Guests? This late at night? Surely most of the clans members were off at dinner or asleep by now. Nevertheless you obliged her wishes, moving to the table on the far side of the tent, beginning the task of organizing any stray herbs to busy yourself. Before long your ear flicked to the sound of the tent flap being pushed open, eyes still focuses on your work, “Ah- there is my handsome grandson” Mo’at gushed rising to her feet with her arms stretched out. Your attention now moved to gaze over your shoulder, your lack of formality now seemed unbecoming as you registered that the Olo’eyktan and his eldest son were present. Turning swiftly on your heels you immediately gesture to Jake with your fingers to your forehead, “I see you, ma Olo’eyktan. I see you Neteyam Te Suli Tsyeyk’itan” the pair of men reflecting the same gesture back at you. 
“I have good news for you my grandson, I have found you a Tsahìk!” Mo’at mused proudly, moving to stand next to Neteyam with a hand placed on his shoulder, leading his gaze to where you now stood. Locking eyes with the future Olo’eyktan you couldn’t help, but blink confused slowly shifting your gaze to Mo’at, “M-Mo’at I don’t think I understand..” you say smiling uncomfortably at the elder na’vi, somewhat relieved as you noticed Neteyam was just as flabbergasted . “Grandmother this really is not necessary..” he gulped, now determined to keep his eyes off of you. “It is, and the arrangements have already been made. Your father agrees that Y/N will be a fitting match for you”. Neteyam now shot a menacing glare at his father who only met him with his own stern glance, “Father how could you-“, “I don’t wanna hear it Neteyam. You’re 26, about to be 27 and you haven’t even tried looking for a mate.” Jake interrupted, crossing his arms over his chest, his brows creasing in annoyance. “That is my choice to make, not yours” Neteyam shot back, his hands curling into fists at his sides. “The people need a Tsahìk, Neteyam” Mo’at urged, “I am an old woman…Eywa will not wait for any of us to be ready. We must prepare while there is still time”. Neteyam scrunched his nose, his mind feeling heavy in thought. Taking a single glance back at you, Neteyam storms past his father, his shoulder aggressively bumping into the Olo’eyktan’s as he rushes out of the tent. 
Jake called after his son, his voice booming in the small tent making you shiver at the wrath of the Olo’eyktan. Your head began to spin, so much so you found yourself catching your breath as if the air around you was thinning. You had to find a way out. Anything that could get you away from the tension that now harbored the Tsahìk’s tent. “E-excuse me, um… I will try to talk to him” you squeak, sliding past both Mo’at and Jake who were firmly planted in their spots, making a hasty exit out the tent. Luckily Neteyam hadn’t made it too far, his pace steady with heavy strides making it easy for you to catch up to him, “Neteyam! Wait a second!” You called out to him, now trailing directly behind the young warrior, “I do not want to talk, just leave me be” he growled, his eyes focused on the path ahead. You had to get his attention even if it was just a moment to sympathize with him a bit, seeing as you both were thrust into the same situation. Grabbing his arm securely you only now noticed how clammy your hands were. Did this whole ordeal really stress you out that much? “Neteyam please I know-“, a quick brush of air blew across you as Neteyam hastily turned to glare down at you, “Do not tell me that you understand, this has been my entire life-“ Neteyam was fuming as he gestured back toward Mo’at’s tent, “always being told what to do, how to act- now who to marry? No I will not let them decide my fate like that” with a rough tug of his arm Neteyam shook himself loose of your slippery grasp, “This cannot happen. It will not” he growled, his finger shifting between the two of you. You tried your best to take in everything that was happening, your head beginning to throb the harder you worked your brain to focus. That’s when you felt it. The familiar burning sensation in the pit of your stomach, growing hotter and hotter. Panic immediately surged through your body, as you took in to account that you were out in the open. You had to get back to your tent quickly, before your pheromones began to waft out enough to lure in hungry males, “Finefine, y-yes not h-happening” you stutter as your composure began to steadily crumble, briskly walking past Neteyam with your only goal being to get back to your tent in one piece.  
Throwing open the flap of your tent, you hurriedly enter the familiar space, ripping all pieces of clothing off your body, desperate to cool yourself down as you settled down on your mat. “Shit shit shit, not now”, Your body now trembled with need, the fire lit inside your core burning at its peak. “Ahg..fuck…” you groan, as your cunt begin to throb and clench around nothingness, feeling your heavy slick begin to drip down your leg. You shift to lay on your back, spreading your legs wide, allowing your hand to fall down to your neglected hole, eagerly inserting two of your digits inside, moaning out at contact. Yet it wouldn’t be enough. It never was. This of course wasn’t your first heat. Typically you preferred to hide yourself deep in the forest until the cycle had passed for the month, but this time around it had come a week early, leaving you with no time to prepare. 
Neteyam found himself with his back pressed against the trunk of hometree, his head slung back as he downed heaping mouthfuls of alcohol, the liquid burning his throat with each swallow. Neteyam was never big into drinking, only really seeing it fit during celebrations and even then he would hardly partake in the act. Now however he decided to indulge himself and drown his anguish in the haze of the fermented juice. With a loud exasperated groan Neteyam dropped the bottle to his side, holding it loosely by the neck as his chin made contact with his chest, the world around him already spinning due to the intoxication of the burning liquid searing itself into his brain. He tried to think of the positives, maybe this arrangement wouldn’t be so bad? Neteyam did admit you were cute, a clearly a skilled healer, but what did that mean to him? How could he expect himself to mate with someone he hardly knew? That’s when Neteyam decided he would confront you about it, not taking his drunken state into account when creating his plan. He would seek you out and put an end to this arrangement. Make it clear that the two of you were never meant to be. 
As he neared your tent, Neteyam quickly picked up on your scent. The pheromones practically assaulting his nostrils, not failing to draw a thicker haze over his mental state. Neteyam was swaying with every step, breathing heavy as he drew closer to your home. His mind swirled as he stood at the entrance, heart aching once he heard the little strained whines that came from inside. “Has she been crying?... I have to make this right”, Neteyam thought to himself with his gaze locked on his feet, Neteyam lifted the flap, sheepishly entering the tent. “Y/N I’m sorry for intruding, I wanted to apologize for-“ a faint squelching noise halted his next words, his eyes now lifting to lock on the scene taking place in front of him, processing the sight of you stretched out on the floor drenched in sweat, your three fingers buried in your sopping heat, hips bucking against them desperately. “-Oh shit..” Neteyam whispered to himself, raising his hand to protect his nose from your raging pheromones. He watched as your body trembled and shook uncontrollably, yearning for the emptiness in your core to be filled. Your head snapped back and forth against the mat, whimpering out distressed pleas to make it stop, before your eyes finally settled on the male standing stiff ahead of you, his eyes locked on your soaked cunt. How your slick rolled down your knuckles and onto the mat below you. “Oh! Neteyam!” You moan out in relief, continuing to grind yourself against your fingers, “It hurts…ack- it hurts so bad, p-please make it stop” you beg, your heat now fully taken over your consciousness, now having completely forgotten that this was the same man who practically told you he wanted nothing to do with you. The sentiment was now starting to grow on Neteyam, becoming engulfed by the chemical war-fair your body was producing. If he were sober, Neteyam would’ve marched straight back out of the tent the moment he realized what was happening to you, but with the current influence he was under, his lack of judgment led him astray. 
Taking a deep swallow, Neteyam swayed his way over to you kneeling down in front of your spread legs, his hands pressing against your knees pushing them further apart, in attempts to balance himself in his woozy state as his gaze fixed on how your fingers worked themselves in and out of your drenched pussy, “I-it is your heat?” Neteyam asked looking for confirmation to something he already knew. He could feel the way his body reacted to your scent alone, how his cock now pressed firmly against the inside of his loincloth. You could smell the faint wafts of alcohol from his breath, but prompted to ignore that fact for the time being, “Ahh please Teyam… I need to feel you- here” trailing off you allow your fingers to draw out from your hole, now rubbing the digits along your slit, knowing his eyes were following every movement. Without a second thought Neteyam reached out to grab your wrist, bringing the soaked digits up to his lips, before licking the sticky substance off each individual finger. His eyes were heavy as he looked down to catch your lustful gaze, watching him suck each of your fingers clean. Your hips bucked eagerly at the site of him tasting your nectar so casually, “Please please Teyam, give me your cock, I wanna feel deep you can go” you moan, as your unsullied hand moved to grope the large bulge threatened to rip through from his loincloth. 
Neteyam chuckled down at you with heavy eyes, “You really are in heat huh? We’ll get to that darling, just be patient.” He mused releasing your wrist from his grasp, leaning forward to shadow over your form. Drawing his hand between your legs, his finger teasingly graze your folds, invoking another needy buck of your hips, desperate to insert his fingers into your empty cunt. “Fu-fuck..N-Neteyam please I can’t take it anymore” you whine wrapping your arms around to claw at his backside. Neteyam let out a shaky groan, smirking at your vulnerable state, “You want it that bad tìyawn? Open that pretty mouth of yours” Neteyam purrs licking his lips hungrily. You obediently part your lips, labored gasps breaking through your throat in anticipation before he spits directly into your mouth, simultaneously plunging two of his fingers into your aching pussy. “Swallow it yawne…” he purrs softly, having leaned down to whisper into your ear, the hairs on the back of your neck standing at the sensation of his hot breath tickling the sensitive nerves there. Again you follow his orders without hesitation, coaxing out another chuckle from the warrior, “So dirty… my dirty little syulang” with his wishes appeased, Neteyam drove his fingers deeper into your heat, massaging your clit with his thumb in firm circles, as his fingers curled themselves inside you. You threw your head back, moaning out in ecstasy, continuing to buck yourself against his fingers, trying to drive them deeper into your cunt to fill the void that remained dormant there, “M-more more!” You whine, tears cascading down your cheeks as the fire burned deeper into your core.
Sitting back on the balls of his feet with a groan, Neteyam one-handedly removed his loincloth, removing his fingers from your core to drag the sleek cum up and down his shaft, “Is this what you want, yawntutsyìp?” He growled slapping his cock against your clit, causing your body to jolt with each hit.  Nodding rapidly you scoot yourself closer to his hips, grabbing onto his cock trying to insert it yourself, mewling when you feel his tip begin to poke your opening. “Schhhhhtt easy- easy baby…” Neteyam groans sucking in his breath, his body overly sensitive from the booze. With another shaky breath, Neteyam hooks your legs around his waist before slowly pushing his cock further into your pussy, “Oh! yes, yes, yes!” You scream, securing your legs around his hips, rocking your own against his, ensuring that your pussy takes the entirety of his length in one go, “Ah- fuck Y/N…” he choked out, leaning his forehead against yours urgently trying to catch his breath, in efforts to prolong his limit. Slowly reeling back his hips, Neteyam descends back in at an equally agonizing pace, continuing like that for what seems like eons, completely lost in the feeling of your pussy clenching and unclenching around him, the burn in your core zapping you with longing, “Fuck this..” you groan, shoving the intoxicated na’vi onto his back with a harsh push. Gazing up at you in astonishment, Neteyam watched as you straddle his hips, completely taking his cock into you in one swift movement, throwing your head back as his tip rests against your cervix, the two of you releasing synchronized moans. Neteyam’s hands immediately press into your hips holding you down against him, “Oh fuck yawne, such a needy little syulang… look at you trembling on top of me, taking my cock like this pussy was made for me...” Neteyam growled sending a harsh thrust into your cervix, “AHh fuck yes! Like that- please keep fucking me like that Teyam…” you beg, rocking your hips onto his cock. Neteyam released a hoarse chuckle sending a rapid array of strong thrusts into your core, nearly knocking you off balance in the process causing you to claw into his chest for stability.
The squelching noises that emitted from your drenched cunt became louder, mixing with that of pleasured moans and sighs from each respective party, echoing through the tent. Neteyam’s breath began to pick up, the growing bulge at the base of his cock becoming more eminent with each thrust poking the your entrance, only enticing you to grind hard down on his length, “Shit Y/N, easy- I could knot you if you aren’t c-careful.” Neteyam grunted trying to lift your hips off of his ever growing knot, “I want it!” You purr, “please give it to me Nete. Give me your knot, fill me up with your cum. Breed this pussy, it’s yours- just please..” your voice comes out strained and whiny as you near your orgasm, desperately fighting against his hold to take his knot into your aching cunt. Neteyam’s ears flatten against his head as lust takes over his mind once more, “fffuck… you’re trouble, yawne..” a growl rumbles deep within his chest, before digging his finger tips into your hips in a bruising grip, forcing his knot inside of you, you’re body jolting at the welcomed intrusion. Pleasured tears streamed down your face as your orgasm boils over and bursts, finally feeling the fullness you’ve been longing for. “Perfect…”you sigh, leaning your head against his, spent from the extinguished fire. The burning beginning to finally subside. Neteyam continued to hold your hips down on his knot, grinding circles into your pussy eager for his own release that was building up, “Mmm look at me, yawne… I want to see your face when I fill this pussy with my cum.” Neteyam groaned, leaning back to watch your face slowly morph into one of exotic bliss as he released his hot load into your womb. 
Officially exhausted, you collapse onto Neteyam’s chest, his arms instinctively wrapping around your waist. The two of you heaving to catch your breathes. Your brain finally becoming silent for the first time of the night, you nuzzle into Neteyam’s hold, tracing the dark stripes along his arm. The thought than dawned on you, pulling your kuru forward looking to Neteyam, only to find him passed out in a deep sleep. With a small sigh you release your braid, giving the mighty warrior a small peck on the tip of his nose before adjusting to snuggle into his embrace.
Waking up to the sun’s rays breaking through the thin open seams of the tent Neteyam groaned, as the pounding of his head set into his conscious state. Becoming more a-tune to his surroundings Neteyam noticed the weight on his chest, his heart dropping when his eyes drop on your sleeping form, strands of hair stuck to your face from dried sweat. Anxiety forming in the pit of his stomach, Neteyam shifted his hips slightly, confirming his fear of being firmly lodged inside your cunt, his knot having finally gone down, “Fuck…” Neteyam groaned under his breath annoyed, more so at himself than anything. How could he let himself get in this situation? He wrecked his brain trying to remember the events of the previous night, the only thing he could remember was stumbling as he made his way up hometree to find you. His heart stopped feeling you stir on top of him, letting out a soft yawn before opening your eyes, gazing up at him lovingly. Upon letting your eyes focus, you realized Neteyam was not returning your soft gaze, instead his jaw was tight and his brows pinched, “What happened?” Neteyam spoke sharply and directly. You sighed laying your head back down on his chest, tracing the thin stripe across his pec, not awake enough to deal with his direct line of harsh questioning, “What do you think happen?” You hummed, shifting your hips against his softened planted cock, causing Neteyam to grunt, grasping your hip to quickly halt your movements, “How” he glowered, not taking his eyes off of you for a moment. You let out another sigh, pangs of hurt and guilt mixing together in your chest. You hadn’t meant for him to catch you in the midst of your heat, and you definitely didn’t account for the fact that he wouldn’t remember the following morning, “You walked in on me during my heat cycle… clearly drunk, yet you didn’t leave, and now we are here. That about sum up what you wanted to hear?” It was your turn to scowl at him, pushing his hands from your hips to rise off of his form, allowing his cock to fall with a slap onto his abdomen. 
As you bent down to pick up a clean loincloth, a rough hand quickly caught your arm, “Did we mate? Did we make tsaheylu?” Neteyam spat, holding your gaze. You merely rolled your eyes, the hurt in your chest manifesting, “No. We, did not” you shoot back, yanking your arm out of his grasp, before sliding your loincloth over your hips, securing the strings around your tail. Neteyam seemed to relax a bit, until the itch in the back of his mind craved another answer, “but I knotted you” He spoke not so much as a question, already knowing the answer. Looking at him from over your shoulder, now fastening a clean top over your breast, you huff shaking your head in disbelief, “You did.” Was all you gave him. Neteyam, giving an annoyed hiss he drew his kuru from behind his head, bringing it to his front, waiting for you to do the same. You turned to face him fully, eyeing Neteyam up and down as if confused at his actions. “Let us finish it” he stated, his voice still ringing in agitation. “Finish it?” You questioned cocking your head to the side, while crossing your arms, “We are meant to be a mated pair for the sake of our people, if you are carrying my child it is best we get this over with and fulfill our duties”. The words stung more than you thought they would, hissing at his suggestion in response, “Get this over with?”. Approaching him slowly you prod his chest with an accusatory finger, your features darkening, “Ha.. you are a funny man, Neteyam te Suli, to think that I would mate with someone who does not want me… and you’ve made that plenty clear.” you hiss pushing your way past him, making your way out of your tent, leaving Neteyam dumbfounded in your wake.
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You guys don't understand how horned up I was over this prompt all day, just itching to write it while I was at work. I hope you all enjoy this! Take this smut as my peace offering before traumatizing you with chapt 5 of ASSDWD. I hope to make good progress on it this week, I can't promise it will be finished, but keep on the look out for updates!
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Tag-List&lt;;3 @tiredmamaissy
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luveline · 1 year
eddie idea for shy friday! reader who is into the same music as eddie & has a similar aesthetic but not the confidence that is associated with it, and maybe eddie takes the initiative to interact with her because she’s nervous to do so? :)
thank you for your request! eddie x shy!fem!reader ♡
Some metalheads are super loud and some aren't. Eddie knows guys who've been in the scene longer than he's been alive who barely talk about it. He doesn't really need you to be loud about what you love to get the message. 
For starters, you look fucking sick. Your hair, the makeup, toned down but undeniably influenced by all the greats, Joan and Chrissie and Kim Gordon. You dress in simple stuff like he does, though you usually swap dark jeans for skirts with pretty, shiny studs and tights with ladders climbing your thighs. He's been meaning to try his luck with you for ages, but he hadn't wanted to do it while you were working —he has a funny feeling that behind the bar is the last place you want to be asked out. 
It's his good fortune that he finds you in a record store in Indianapolis. He does a double take, thinking he's seeing some other pretty girl in black. It wouldn't be uncommon here. 
But there you are, sorting through classic rock records with a darling mildness about you. Unhurried, always so quiet. He kind of really loves that about you, the delicate way you move and the unassuming curve of your lips. 
He decides to just go for it. In and out. 
"Hey," he says, trying to be a normal guy. It comes out a teeny tiny bit too loud. "Fancy seeing you here. Are you looking for something?" 
Eddie's no master in girls but he understands body language pretty well, and feels guilty at the shift of your legs, one thigh pressed to another as you lean back. 
"Hey," you say, "um, no, I'm just looking around." 
"That's a good one," he says, nodding at the vinyl between your fingers, Sad Wings of Destiny. "I love Judas Priest." 
You put the record down, and he worries for a split second that you're gonna bolt out the door, and he's acting like a creep, but you grab the zip on your jacket and pull it down to your navel. 
You're wearing a Judas Priest t-shirt with a rip just under the soft valley of your chest. "Me too… You're Eddie." 
"I am," he says, a little surprised that you know him, but trying to be suave. "I guess I'm at The Hideout too much if you know me before I've introduced myself." 
"I–" You clasp your hands together against your stomach. "I've wanted to talk to you, tell you that I like the band… you remind me of Judas Priest, actually. You know, 'cause you and your second guitarist, you're a twin assault." 
His jaw drops dramatically. "Are you flirting with me?" 
It's the worst thing he could've said. You swallow, and he's about to take it back, make a joke about his huge mouth, but you smile gently. 
"Maybe," you say. "Is that… okay?" 
"Girl like you?" Eddie gives you his smoothest smile, his eyes half-lidded as he looks down at you. "Beautiful, it's more than okay."
You bite your lip, turning your smile back to the bin of vinyls.
"Are you busy? Maybe you could help me find something specific?" he furthers. 
You don't look at him, but you nod. It's a great start. 
Eddie doesn't have a record in mind, so he names the most obscure one he can think of and feels it like a punch when your eyes light up in recognition. You find it quicker than he thinks you will, you know exactly where it'll be, and he scrambles to drag it out. He hasn't even started on what he wants to ask you, what you like doing outside of work, if you did your hair yourself, if you're free Friday night. 
"Uh," he says eloquently, "are you busy? You're a mastermind, and there's a couple of other LPs I wanna check out that I'm too dumb to find myself." 
And that's how Eddie spends 137 dollars in forty-five minutes. He learns your details through stacks and shelves, revelling in your shy answers, and how hard you laugh at his cheesy jokes. 
You wince as they ring him up in sympathy. He starts to regret his decisions, but you slow in front of the door and look at him through your lashes. 
"Did you wanna get coffee?" you ask. 
"Yes," he says immediately, his jaw aching in the effort it takes not to grin like a fool, until he remembers himself. "Or, I would. I don't think I can afford it." 
You smile gently. "My treat." 
He's so entranced, he forgets he's broke. 
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snailpaste · 2 months
Can i get some McSugarDaddy Crocodile headcannons but reader actually has feelings for croco? ive been thinking about this a little too much lately
Sugar Daddy!Crocodile x GN!Reader
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CONTENT: Crocodile x GN! Reader, SFW, kind of mutual pining
AN: This isn't what i wanted but if I didn’t post it now I think it’d just go to the great fic graveyard in my drive (30 and counting) sorry for the wait ;-;
You’d caught crocodile’s eye at one of the many Gala’s he hosted (after all, charity was always a brilliant way for him to further his influence, to make connections and gain power), where he’d struck up conversation with you after asking to share a drink. It had gone well, and by the time the event had drawn to an end he’d given you his den den number and offered to pay for your taxi home.
Crocodile wasn’t one to chase after people, much more content to work on furthering himself or his many business enterprises. He simply didn’t need to – there were enough many men and women willing to fling themselves at him should he ever be in need of company – which is why he found it so strange that, not but two days after meeting you at a Gala, here he was, den-den pulled closer towards him on his desk than usual, eyes flickering to it every so often as he worked through the growing heap of paperwork.
rest under cut ->
If anyone were to ask why, not they would ever question him, he’d simply tell them he was waiting on an important business call, rather than hoping for a stranger, who’s laugh he unfortunately hadn’t been able to stop thinking about, to call.
Your arrangement started as “purely transactional,” in the words of Crocodile.
He didn’t expect sexual favours (at least, to begin with) but simply wanted your company at events, a presence beside him to help gnaw away at the tedious meetings and public appearances he endured in the name of business. You’d wake up with a voice message on your den den, telling you to be ready at 7, with details scarce aside from to check your mailbox, inside which was a new outfit fitting for whatever event he saw fit to bring you to. Over time as he learned more about you, they became more and more tailored to your tastes.
He kept things distant at the start. His touches were modest, an arm around your waist or shoulder, a hand guiding you at the small of your back, but nothing more. You found yourself begging to crave his touch, leaning into the warmth of his palm or wrapping your own around his arm.
His conversations, while interesting, never betrayed any of his true emotions, and he opted to leave you with cash rather than buying anything else for you specifically. Gradually, you began to hope might actually start to open up to you. What did he look like unguarded? How did he look when he was at peace 
As the weeks passed, you found yourself growing accustomed to his presence, the initial intimidation and curiosity replaced by a quiet comfort. Crocodile listens to whatever you have to say intently, eyes never leaving your face, always asking the right questions and relishing in the way you blush when he leans closer to you, blowing cigar smoke out the window and brushing your hair out of your face.
While Crocodile isn’t out of touch with his feelings, he does prefer to ignore them. He immediately noticed how you changed towards him, leaning your head into his hand when he cupped your cheek and laughing a little bit more openly, and sneaking looks when you thought he didn’t notice – he’d be lying if he said it didn’t make his heart feel just a little warmer.
Your dates, as you unknowingly began to phrase them much to his amusement, became far more frequent, with him using anything as an excuse to be around you for longer. Crocodile, it seemed, had an uncanny ability to understand your desires. He took you to places and events you’d been wanting to go to without you asking, such as art galleries, cosy bookstores and grand libraries, or bookings at theatres or cinemas.
Crocodile encourages you to pursue any and all of your interests- there’s nothing he admires more than when you go off on a tangent about something you’re passionate about, or your dedication. With him, money isn’t an issue, he’ll happily pay whatever fees you might need to achieve.
Your relationship progressed from you being a pretty thing draped off of his arm, another way for him to flaunt his wealth and power, to something more personal. He surprised you with a visit to something you’d mentioned excitedly to him weeks ago, booked the wing of a restaurant you fancied for just the two of you, and invited you with him to the opening evening of an exclusive art exhibition of his favourite movement.
It was only when he caught himself thinking about you with a smile while smoking his evening cigar, that crocodile decided to address how he felt– whatever it was.
After a long night that left you nodding off and leaning against him, crocodile opted to take you back to his house. He’d carried you up to a guest room with his jacket wrapped around your shoulders, placing you down in the bed and mumbling a soft good-night into your hair. It was then that, in your half-asleep stupor, you accidentally confessed your feelings, clinging sleepily to his shoulders and mumbling for him to stay with you. He didn’t make a big deal of it, but he felt his heart skip a beat, and allowed you to cuddle against his chest until you fell asleep.
The following morning he told you plainly and simply, wanting to cut the tension that ran thick as you drank him out of the corner of your eye (and how could you not, with normally slicked back hair in loose waves, ringed hands sliding you a coffee across the island, his bare chest peeking through his dark brocade dressing gown) that he was interested in you, interested in a relationship more than this.
After this, he begins to open up- lets you run your hands through his hair from behind, and stay at his house as often as you’d like. His laughs become lighter and more genuine, and you find he has a dimple in his left cheek whenever he smiles just so.
He still buys you gifts and treats you, but now they’re far more intimate, and more tailored to your tastes than ever. He takes you with him on his business trips around the globe, letting you soak in the sun or encouraging you to explore the attractions while he attends to business.
He surprises you with gifts delivered directly to your house, a box of your favourite treats, each delicately wrapped in coloured paper, a potted plant he collected from your shared trip to alabasta, or something he saw you looking at or considering buying with his own note attached. Another time, he appeared at your doorstep with an assortment of flowers, (he’s very into “classic courting”) each flower was one he picked carefully to reflect a message to you.
His love languages are quality time and acts of service, but he craves physical touch and, as you find, becomes quite clingy when he’s tired. He loves sharing baths with you, holding you to his chest and relaxing in the warm bubbles, and on his one day of rest per week, lazing around in bed with you during the early morning hours.
The time he realised he was well and truly in love with you was when you were sitting in his lap, his arm looped around your waist and hand smoothing over your cheek, as you had reached up to trace your fingertips over his raised scar. He’d felt his heart jump into his throat at the feeling, realising he’d never allow anyone else to touch him there, and when you smiled at the light dusting to his cheeks, he realised he was well and truly fucked.
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handumb · 3 months
~ shigaraki x f!reader
summary: you had been exceptionally dry towards your boyfriend this past week, and he couldn’t get the reason out of you over text, no matter how hard he tried. So he figured he’d pay you a little visit! :)
additional tags: reader has strict parents, eventual smut, forced to be quiet, established relationship, teasing, praise, cunnilingus, fingering, using panties as a gag, slight aftercare, no quirk au
a/n: this is my first time writing publicly on this account, so please feel free to leave tips or suggestions for me <3
word count: ~2.7k
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
Family dinner was something that was obligatory in your household; it had been since the dawn of time. Unless you weren’t home, you had no excuse to not be sat at your dining room table with your parents. That leaves you where you are now, picking at your plate as you sit in uncomfortable silence with your mom and dad. You knew the reason why they were refraining from breaking the silence, in turn understanding that they were going to avoid the subject all together.
“So, when can I talk to my boyfriend again?” Your tone was slightly annoyed, as you placed your fork down on your plate and looked up across the table. You met your mother’s eyes, which looked to her husband, and back to you. She let out a sigh as she also set down her fork, bringing her napkin to the corner of her mouth.
“You know the answer. He’s bad for you, and we will not allow you two to see each other any longer,” she stated simply. She was right, you knew the answer, but you couldn’t stand being forced to be so distant with him. It killed you to not maintain the same personality with him online, let alone not seeing him for the past week and a half. You looked to your dad, but he avoided your gaze, not being one for confrontation. “What your mother said, sweetheart.”
You scoffed, throwing your hands up and letting them fall to your sides. “That’s not fair, it’s my life,” you said, hating that they thought they could control you like this. “No, it’s our life, and it will be for as long as you live under this roof. If you want to be independent, you can move out!” Your mother raised her voice, displaying her usual short temper. “You don’t get it, you don’t even care enough to meet him,” you retorted, propping your elbows up on the table and swinging your hands around as you spoke, as if it helped prove your point.
“Honey, please, just try to see it from our perspective,” your dad started, turning to face you. “You sneak around with him, he’s been in the custody of the police more than once, he doesn’t do good in school, the list goes on. He doesn’t seem to have a good influence on you. We’re doing this because we love you.” You looked at your dad in disbelief. Of course they used that excuse, it’s their favorite one to abuse.
“You will stop seeing each other, and that’s final.” Your mom stated with no room for arguing otherwise. Feeling your blood rush to your face, you made the executive decision to stand up from the table, and reside in your room, not wanting to say anything that would provoke further punishment from the both of them. “If you loved me, you would let me live my life however I damn well pleased. Fucking god.” The words left your lips as a soft curse as you stormed down the hall and toward your bedroom door. Opening it revealed a surprise that you definitely weren’t expecting.
There laid your boyfriend, Tomura, lazily on your bed, fiddling with some little trinket that was supposed to be on your desk. The sound of your door opening snapped him out of whatever he was doing, and he smiled, really it was more of a smirk, and got up off the bed to greet you.
“Hey sweet thing.” He cooed out. Your eyes were wide and your feet were frozen, not expecting him to literally be in your room.
You shut the door swiftly, and held your hands out in front of you, motioning for him to stop and explain himself. “How? Why??” You could barely get out before realizing your parents could probably still hear you. Before he even started talking, you put a finger to your lips, signaling him to be quiet. You walked past him, finding something to turn on as noise to drown you two out. You landed on just turning on your fan.
The fan ran for a second before you interrogated him on what he was doing here. “What are you doing? How did you get in?” You were right in front of him, whisper-yelling your inquiries at him. He started walking closer to you, closing the gap between your bodies. You stepped back, until you reached your bed. You sat on it and looked up at him, waiting for his answer.
“Well, your window was unlocked, and I wanted to see why you’ve been ignoring me.” He stated with ease, a slight grin and a shrug of his shoulders accompanying his words. You sigh and furrow your eyebrows, upset at yourself. You didn’t want to break the news like this, but you figured you had no other choice. You were mentally beating yourself up for what you were about to say.
“Tomura.. I think we have to.. uhm- stop seeing.. each other.” The words left your mouth with so much hesitation, dripping in sadness. You couldn’t bring yourself to look up at him, holding your gaze in your lap. Your head felt heavy as you tried to compose yourself, knowing he wouldn’t react well to the news.
You didn’t hear anything for a good while after you spoke, deciding to look to see what he was thinking. Except, you don’t see a different expression from what he was sporting earlier. He still had the shit-eating grin that was plastered on his face when you first saw him. “That’s cute, angel.” He rasped out, grasping your chin and forcing you to look up at him. He crawled to you on the bed, forcing you to lie down as he positioned himself on top of you, trapping you. “But I’m not going anywhere.”
He leaned down to kiss you, holding the side of your face with one of his hands. You matched his movements, bringing your hands up to either side of his head. You were lost in the feeling, missing this for the last week or so. You wanted it to be slow, in case this was actually the last time you saw him. He slowly prodded your lips with his tongue, asking for permission to be let in. You granted it happily, parting your lips as you felt your breathing slowly become heavier.
He leaned down, pressing himself more into you as an effect, and finally broke the kiss. The catching of breath was all that was heard between the two of you. He just smiled with half lidded eyes before dipping down to your jawline, eventually kissing his way down to your neck. Your hands found their way into his hair, pulling at his locks and tangling themselves in it. That’s when you realized that your parents were, in fact, still home. Most likely just down the hall from the both of you.
You panicked, trying to push Tomura’s face away from the warmth of your neck so that you wouldn’t get caught. “Wait, no, my parents are still home, I can’t-” You were cut off, your breath hitching, Tomura not budging as he continued his attack on your neck. “T-Tomura, I can’t, not now-“
“Yes, now,” he breathed out, finding a spot on your collarbone to sink his teeth into. He sucked on the spot afterwards, allowing as close to instant relief as he could, before dragging his tongue along it painfully slow. This elicited soft whimpers from your throat, foiling your plan of trying not to let too much noise slip. Sure, the fan helped with blocking it out, but it could only do so much before your parents got suspicious.
You eventually gave in, not being able to resist him with any bone in your body. He kissed down your collarbone, and made his way to your chest. He slid his hands up the shirt that was covering one of his favorite features about you, slowly raising it above your head and discarding it off to the side. He had a twinkle of something in his eyes, and licked his lips, before kissing and sucking all over your chest. His lips lingered on your nipple, sucking at it harshly, before bringing one of his free hands up to the other, making sure it didn’t feel neglected.
“So beautiful, all for me.” He said, making it increasingly harder to stay quiet, and you were very sure he knew that. You looked down at him, the sight one to remember, while soft moans were slipping past your lips. You bit your tongue in hopes of it helping cease the noises. He met your gaze, grinning.
Once he was done marking and biting your chest, he made his way down to your most intimate area. He started fiddling with the waistband of your underwear, looking up at you while he did so. You looked down at him with pleading eyes, practically begging him not to do what he was about to. “No! Are you crazy? Do you want me to get caught?” You whisper to him, squirming. He only laughed softly in response before slowly pulling them down your legs; past your mid thighs, then your knees, then all the way down to your ankles, before wadding them up and shoving them into your mouth.
“I guess you’ll just have to be quiet then, princess,” he teased, honing in on his target, “I bet you can manage.” His tongue stuck out, licking up your slit, then going to focus on your clit. You moaned into your panties, the sensation euphoric. God, you missed this. You couldn’t fathom how you went without him for as long as you had.
He wrapped his lips around your sensitive nub, lapping the rest of your pussy generously with his tongue. You tried to stay quiet, you really did, but you couldn’t help how euphoric it felt. You continued moaning, fighting back as much as you could manage. You were squirming in his grip, either trying to break free from his hands or trying to grind against his face; you weren’t sure which you were attempting. All that washed over you was an intense amount of pleasure, urging you to reach a hand up to one of your tits, fondling it and tugging at your nipple.
Your breath became labored, the rise and fall of your chest attracting Tomura’s eyes as he looked up at the beautiful sight: you with your legs spread wide just for him, moaning out what he assumed was a mix of curses and his name as he made you feel heavenly. He took it one step further.
“Look at me,” he pulled away, waiting for you to meet his gaze, “look at me as I fuck you with my fingers.” He said, slowly inserting his fingers into your core, feeling your gummy insides squeeze around his digits. You lulled your head back against your pillow, the combination forcing you closer to your climax.
That was until the sound of knocking at your door interrupted the two of you, the room falling almost completely silent as one of your parents made their presence known. “Honey?” Your dad called out, talking through the door. You sat up as much as you could, not knowing what to do. Your eyes darted between Tomura and your door, frozen.
“I.. I wanted to apologize for earlier.” He was lingering outside of your door. Tomura had a devilish grin on his face, slowly starting his movements up again. You looked down at him, seeing him slowly bring a finger up to his lips with a small “shh” emitting from them, dipping back down into your cunt, and thrusting his fingers in and out of you. You squealed softly into your underwear, trying especially hard not to make any noise now that your dad was outside of your door.
“You know how mom can be sometimes, she just needs some downtime,” he continued, wildly unaware of what was going on just on the other side of the wood barrier between the two of you. You felt yourself slowly climb back up the steep hill of pleasure, your boyfriend's movements only getting more intense as he makes it his mission to get you to cum. You looked down at him, pleading eyes begging him to slow down, or at least make it easier for her to keep quiet. But, to no avail as he kept up his pace with his fingers, matching it with his tongue as he focused on your sweet spots.
“We can go out tomorrow, just the two of us? I bet it’ll make you feel better, sweetheart,” he said. You squirmed, softly moaning, waiting for your dad to leave. You could feel yourself nearing the edge, wiggling your hips as you tried to force yourself into your orgasm. To your dad, you were just giving him the silent treatment, so he took that as his cue to retire back to his room. “Okay, goodnight honey,” your dad said, before leaving again.
Tomura rasped out a small laugh, before urging you on. “Come on, angel, you can do it. You’re doing so good.” He whispered in between your thighs, hitting the spots that make you see stars over and over, finally pushing you over the edge. You looked down at him one more time, before coming undone. You felt him hum in satisfaction as he tasted your orgasm, forcing you to ride it out until you were begging for him to take it easy on you. Your hand found refuge in his scalp, tangling themselves in the nest of light blue locks.
With one last lap of his tongue around your cunt, he pulled away, a smile plastered on his face as he licked his fingers clean. Your face was slightly flushed as you smiled back at him, your chest rhythmically rising and falling. He crawled on top of you, wrapping his arms around your body. You started massaging his scalp with one of your hands, and rubbed his back with the other. You heard him mumble out, “Are you actually going to follow through? With the thing you brought up earlier?” You heard his tone; he sounded defeated.
You cup his face in your hands, turning it to face your own. “Of course not. My parents have been on me about it, and I didn’t know what else to do.” You looked away for a moment, then back at him. “But, that’s not to say that I won’t still ignore you, seeing this is what happens when I do,” you teased, a smirk on your face. Tomura scoffed, shaking his head and laying it back down on your chest.
After a long, silent moment, Tomura propped himself up. “I think I should go. Your parents will kill both of us if they found out I was here,” he said, moving towards the window to open it up again. “Aww, please, stay just a little longer.. Please?” You pleaded, sitting up and following him out of bed covering yourself with a nearby blanket. He turned to face you, hands moving from the window to your face. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back. You can count on that,” he said, half of his face illuminated by the dim light of the moon. He leaned down, your lips interlocking with his one last time, before he turned to escape through the window.
“Wait!” You called out to him, leaning out the window. He turned to meet you, pulling his hood up. “Uhm- text me when you get home. Maybe I can sneak off to see you next time,” you said, a small dust of pink on your cheeks as you spoke. You heard him let out a small laugh as he nodded up to you, running off into the night, leaving you up in your room for the rest of the time being.
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the-record · 8 months
kissing lessons: 4
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synopsis: you’ve finally had enough of your mom and ellie’s offer is more then tempting
song: kissing lessons - lucy dacus
pairing: college!ellie x reader
warnings: homophobia
a/n: so sorry this took me forever to get out 💔 i dont love it but the plot needs to be set up finally
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
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“can i kiss you?”
you couldn’t stop thinking about what ellie had said. why would she say that? she was really making this all so difficult.
you barely talked to your mom the next few days, making small talk at the dinner table and saying goodnight. you talked to joel more than her. more time spent in ellie’s room than your own, getting to know each other all over.
your mom stopped you before you left saturday afternoon. “where are you going?” you sighed, hand on the door to leave.
“a friends.” you pulled open the door.
“ellie’s?” she whispered. “you know what they say about her sweetheart…” you groaned and dropped the handle as you turned to look at her.
“no. tell me, what do they say?”
she sighed. “you know… that she’s a… a lesbian.” she whispered the last part like it was a dirty word.
“and? so what if she is?” you laughed. “scared she’s gonna infect me?” you walked out before she had a chance to say yes. that she was.
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“what’s up with you,” ellie poked as she searched through one of her boxes. “you’ve been real quiet.”
when you sighed, she stood up and came over to sit beside you. “were you serious about your apartment?” you looked over at her with your head in one hand. “about me being your roommate?”
she nodded, “yea, of course. wouldn’t have offered if i wasnt.” she smiled softly. “what made you change your mind though? you seemed pretty against it before.”
“my mom.” ellie looked to you with a look asking for more. “she’s just… she hates that we hang out.”
ellie laughed, nodding. “yea, i did prank call her a lot as a kid.” but her smile dropped when you shook your head. “then what?”
“she hates that we hang out, because you’re gay ellie.”
“oh.” you felt the awkwardness seep into her room. “well… her loss i guess.”
you sighed and dropped your head into your hands. “sorry, im sorry.” you rubbed your eyes, “i’m gonna go.”
ellie stopped you as you stood up to leave, her hand grabbing yours to pull you back down. “stop, it’s not your fault.” she poked at you until you turned to look at her. “im fully aware not everyone’s gonna like me babe, for a myriad of reasons. this isn’t on you, okay?” she hummed at you when you didn’t respond. “okay?”
“yea okay.” she smiled, pulling a smile out of you too. “im serious about the apartment though. i’ll get another job if i have too, i wanna move in.”
she nodded and leaned back against the wall. “alright, yea we’ll get you on the lease then.”
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your mom was waiting in the living room when you got home that night. “honey, we need to talk.” you groaned quietly, joining her on the couch. “i don’t want you hanging out with that ellie anymore. she’s not a good influence for you.”
“whatever.” you got up to head to your bedroom but she kept talking.
“if you are under my roof, you will follow my rules. you understand?” her voice is hollow as she speaks.
you laughed, “good thing i won’t be here much longer.”
“and what’s that supposed to mean?” she stands with her hands on her hips, a smirk on her face.
“im moving out.”
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