#wincest in heaven
j2lovemoose · 2 years
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the-gray-ghosty · 10 months
When Sam gets to heaven, he and Dean finally aren't restricted by physical bodies (because in heaven they are only souls) so they are constantly just like mashed up together in one body
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vampzmeel · 1 month
why does no one talk about sam and deans heaven’s being interlinked, like dean is told that only people with profound bonds share/can travel to (easily) another person’s heaven. dean being able to find and enter sam’s heaven so easily is rare and abnormal.
THEY ARE LITERALLY SOUL MATES. like its so crazy to me.
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samdeancrimespree · 1 month
so i love to pretend that the finale is not real but IF IT IS. how likely is it that sam’s wife looks freakishly like dean. like honest to god, could be twins, auburny brown hair green eyes freckles EVERYTHING. how likely is it that sam and deanna or whatever get mistaken for siblings, and it freaks her out but sam is completely unbothered by it. how likely is it that sam basically chose a dean-twin egg donor in the hopes of recreating his favourite person because that was as close as he could get. he needs a replacement because he can’t live half his life without some part of dean to hold on to. dean ii is cool, almost as good as dean, and suddenly he barely looks at Her anymore. he has a better replacement and it reminds him that she’s a stranger to him. sam’s wife doesn’t know how to feel about how much sam ignores her to hang out with his their kid, because all her friends wish their husbands spent that much time being dads, but she’s starting to feel like sam was never really her husband. and sam kinda hates every second of it, but he does it because he promised he wouldn’t die yet, and he doesn’t want to go to their shared heaven and have dean be disappointed in him. he feels like he’s cheating on dean for the moments when he finds himself loving her, but every time it’s just because she reminded him of dean.
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tsukiyo-7 · 6 months
Every now and then (read: always) I think about how Sam and Dean are canonically soulmates and the showrunners were just expecting people to be normal about it???????
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augustonly · 8 months
spn heaven is probably so funny. john and mary are divorced because the angels aren't forcing them to like each other anymore. sam and dean don't even notice because they refuse to stop making out. every female love interest that's ever existed on the show stays for like 5 minutes and then immediately leaves. or sleeps with john.
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missjackil · 3 months
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!!
WOW! What can I say? Just My Imagination beat out Safe House I'm an upset victory! Does it have the power to stand up against a BIG Fan Favorite?
Let's get this rolling Chuck!
Chuck: Oh boy! Next up we have a bigger, Red Meat - During a shoot out with Werewolves, Sam is shot and mortally wounded! The brothers are still determined to save the captive couple ! When Corbin "kills" Sam, Dean gets the couple to the hospital and then kills himself to bargain with Billie the Reaper!
This is definitely a fan fic put on screen!
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fictionallemons · 5 months
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Read my entry for the Now It's Perfect Fest 2023 on AO3
Tears in Heaven by fictionallemons What if he’d gotten confused while he was dying in Sam’s arms and had accidentally told him? What if he couldn’t hold back in his final seconds and had let go of the truth? That he loved his brother in every possible way?
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bloodfreak-boyking · 2 months
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this scene breaks my heart. Sam wants to believe so so bad that god and angels are real and that there's good in the word, and this case kinda shatters his worldview. and dean looks fucking heartbroken that he can't fix this for Sam
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and sam...GOD. i mean, he just so looks defeated. like he's thinking how stupid he was for ever letting himself believe he could be saved.
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and after he's flayed himself open in front of dean? and he takes dean's silence as confirmation that dean knows he can't be saved? he thinks he's gone too far and puts his walls back up bc he doesn't wanna cause dean any more worry over this than he already has.
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prince-of-elsinore · 7 months
man I have been sleeping on season 10 wincest. it is serving so much! Sam is so unbelievably in love with fond of Dean and so concerned for him, you can taste it in every single moment, his number one priority is getting that mark off Dean's arm and just getting his brother back. I'm realizing now how it's a sort of a season 3 parallel, with the looming dread of a terminal condition hanging over Dean, and Sam determined to save him, but this time he's not gonna fail no matter the cost. it's so delicious. and Dean! vacillating between his lowest i'm-a-lost-cause lows and nearly zen-like highs, reflecting on his life and purpose and, for the first time in maybe ever, on his desires, for himself and his future--a future that, however brief, he wants to spend with Sam. he still sees himself as expendable after the blow to his confidence that was the season 9 divorce, but despite the literal fratricide-inducing curse he's under, for most of the season he's more upfront and honest with Sam than ever before, and actually allows himself to lean on him more than in the past.
there's an exquisitely bittersweet mutual dedication but with this disparity between what they each think their futures could/should be, because Dean can't quite believe that Sam needs him as much as he needs Sam. but he's okay with that. which is so tragic because it's not even true; Sam does need him, and he's half out of his mind with worry. he's so eager to be there for Dean, and yet so emotionally alone in his crusade to save him. this is one of my favorite Sams, at his most headstrong and single-minded. and a mature, complex Dean, who's finally being completely honest with himself about a lot of things, but too late--so he thinks--to do anything about it. it's so easy (and painful!) to imagine him finally accepting his true feelings for Sam, but refusing to act on them because what's the use? Sam needs to let him go and that's not gonna help, and besides, no way does Sam feel the same. and Sam, who's maybe always known how he feels about Dean or maybe is just realizing it now, also afraid to start something at such a fragile moment but dying to prove to his brother just how much he loves him. desperate, determined Sam and clear-eyed nihilist Dean; it's a match made in heaven <3
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the-gray-ghosty · 4 months
In heaven, after many, many years of just basking together in solitude, sam and dean decide to go find their parents. When the impala takes them to a little farmhouse, there is another impala sitting in the driveway. Dean is so pissed.
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dyed-red · 6 months
i did it!
i finished Folded at the Edges!!
i had to kill a few of my darlings along the way because i couldn't fit those scenes but
it's done!
it will be posted by or on Nov 20th!
for anyone curious, it's a post-finale heaven fic in Dean Junior's POV, just over 47k words, and introspective and thinky with a bunch of my worldbuilding thoughts about the afterlife in SPN snuck in in the form of plot.
it guest-stars as many side characters as i could sneak in without making myself too crazy, but the focus is on DJ getting to know more about his father, his family and family legacy, and most especially his father's relationship with his brother.
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fandom-hoarder · 2 years
Sam and Dean in Heaven
Dean: Time for bed, Sammy
Sam: Dean, this is heaven, we don't need to sleep.
Dean: Sam, I said I would sleep when I'm dead and I meant it.
Sam: Okay, but why do I have to...?
Dean: C'mon, Sammy, you know you're my weighted blanket.
Sam: ...this heaven inhibition loss thing is serious 😳
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zmediaoutlet · 9 months
happy wincest wednesday! what type of gimmick episode do you think they should have done on supernatural (and made wincesty) that they missed out on? body swap between sam and dean is a free space i guess. i think they should have had an episode where sam and dean can't/aren't allowed to speak during a case and have to communicate nonverbally, maybe with the occasional stupid subtitle for their gestures.
happy wincest wednesday, frauke <333
Your idea for a deaf&dumb episode is hysterical and I am now So Sad we didn't get it. Dean's cute lil vamp gesture but for 40 minutes? Sign my bitchass up. Plus, to make it wincesty, we could finally have had canon Dean Winchester do the blowjob imitation thing where you push your tongue into your cheek, and Sam would roll his eyes so hard but then push Dean to his knees anyway, and you know what, Dean'll go with that option too. Turnabout's fair play.
One thing about this is that we had so many gimmick episodes that are canon, lol. A Christmas ep! A Halloween ep! The ep where it's all a dream! Outsider POV! A whole ep full of AUs to other shows! The gimmick to end all gimmicks, crushing the fourth wall down to dust not once but... what, 4 or 5 times? It's actually bizarre that they never did Sam-Dean bodyswap because that's just so... obvious. Maybe they physically wouldn't have been able to stop themselves from making dick jokes and haircut threats the whole time and decided to avoid the whole thing.
The one thing I can think of that we legit didn't get is a birthday episode. (I am not counting the four seconds of it in the Mrs Butters ep.) It'd be an obvious one, too, because Dean's birthday would've fit perfectly into the return from the midseason hiatus, and all sorts of nonsense could've happened. Because it's SPN, it'd end up being a No Good Terrible Very Bad Day, and so Dean would keep trying to have nice things for his birthday and oh gosh, it just wouldn't go right. :( Sam disappears on him in the middle of the night to go on some trip. The Impala gets a flat tire. He tries to order happy birthday waffles for himself at the diner but they're soggy and the waitress turns out to be a ghost or some shit. He has to dig a grave but it's January and it's cold af. The liquor store is closed. His favorite jeans develop a hole. He tries valiantly to hit on a girl at the bar but she's a perfectly nice lesbian. What is a birthday boy to do. :(
Luckily, when he finally gets back to the bunker/motel, Sam's there with a full spread of like KFC and a twelve-pack and bourbon and special porn ordered just for him, like, man, where were you all day? (Wincest parenthetical: And then they boink mightily, after a brief pause where Dean gets a charlie horse in his calf. Luckily Sam is there to kiss it better. And then he'll lever himself sweatily out of bed to take a piss, and--) Sam picked up a (cream) pie, special, and holds out his lighter for Dean to blow out to make his wish, and Dean rolls his eyes and says, dude, what do you take me for, but he blows it out anyway. And then creampies. The crash to credits can have party favor noises. :)
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redmyeyes · 7 months
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for @wincestwednesdays, prompt: trapped
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day 1
Sam woke to the scent of gardenias and pine wafting through the open window.  The temperature was mild, the sky blue and cloudless.  Next to him on the bed, just now blinking his eyes open—his brother, his partner, the love of his very long life.  "I still can't believe you're here,"  he whispered, leaning over for a soft kiss.  No morning breath, that was a nice touch.  "That we're here," he amended.  "That this is— is this real?  Feel like I'm dreaming."
Dean brushed a thumb across his cheek and Sam leaned into the touch.  "Feels real," he said softly.  "Told you though… I hadn't even slept until last night.  Felt like one long drive to me."
"I wonder how time works here.  You think it felt the same to everyone?  Like, fifty years just passed while we were sleeping?"
Dean flicked him between the eyebrows, and the past dropped away.  Every time Dean had ever done this to him, from age eight to thirty-eight, merged into one, and he was straight back there, here, now.  "You think too much."
It wasn't until much, much later that Sam roused himself enough to ask, "Do you think we should… I mean, everyone's here right?  We should— visit?"
"Time enough tomorrow," Dean said, and Sam, relieved, nodded in agreement.
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day 45
Sam woke to the scent of gardenias and pine wafting through the open window.  The temperature was mild, the sky blue and cloudless. 
"You think it ever rains here?" he asked Dean later from his rocking chair on the porch.  The view was better than anything he could have dreamed up—tall pines surrounding their little clearing in the woods, the ground soft with years of fallen needles, a crystal-blue lake peeking through in the distance.  He still wasn't used to it.
Dean frowned like the thought had never occurred to him.  "I dunno.  Maybe… if we wanted it to?  Try real hard, Sammy, concentrate.  Bring in the clouds."
As hard as he thought of thunderstorms, the sky stayed blue and cloudless.
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day 337
Sam woke to the scent of gardenias and pine wafting through the open window.  The temperature was mild, the sky blue and cloudless. 
Dean had taken up whittling.  The results of his efforts lined every windowsill in the cabin, starting from those very crude first attempts and ending with something halfway decent.  He hadn't tried whittling since that summer they were trapped in a cabin when Sam was sixteen, but Dean had always been good with his hands and it didn't take him long to pick up the skill again.
"You know, it just hit me."  The whittling paused as Dean looked back over his shoulder at Sam from his perch on the front steps.  "We still haven't gone to see Bobby yet.  Or Dad, or Mom.  Or, hell, even— your kid?  You think he's—"
"Maybe tomorrow,"  Sam interrupted lazily from the rocking chair.  He closed his eyes and leaned back, the breeze gentle on his face.  "No rush."
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day 1384394
Sam woke to the scent of gardenias and pine wafting through the open window.  The temperature was mild, the sky blue and cloudless. 
Dean still whittled.  Sam still rocked.
Rows and rows of wooden animals lined every surface.  Only ever animals.  He'd gone through a realistic phase, and then a cartoony phase, and lately he'd been doing a kind of hybrid—personified animals, with the most delicate of human expressions.  A grumpy cat in a nightshirt, clutching a stuffed mouse.  A spotted lizard, a butterfly tickling its nose.  A fox dressed in ghost-sheets with a little bowtie.  No two were remotely alike. 
Sam couldn't remember if they had ever left their front porch.  It didn't seem important.  
He had a vague memory of the lake.  
Everything beyond that was formless.
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day ???
He woke to the scent of gardenias and pine wafting through the open window.  The temperature was mild, the sky blue and cloudless. 
Time passed.
They were seated on felled logs beside a campfire out back.  The little area around them glowed golden from the fire.  Outside of that was black.  When he looked up, stars shone brightly through the gaps between the pines.  Perfect.
He was whittling.  A frog, this time.  He watched it come alive in his hands.  Its hind legs were tensed, its arms outstretched.  Halfway through a leap.  One perfect moment, preserved.  
When he finished, he held it up to the light, thumb stroking its little belly, his mouth quirked up in a fond smile.  "What do you think?"
"Lemme see," he said, taking the frog from his hands.  "Perfect," he said after a moment.  Then he tossed it onto the flames.
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pranzill · 5 months
My contribution to the
❤️Now it's perfect fic collection 2023❤️
(Thank you @digitalmeowmix !!)
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