#windy wishlist
If we do not get asylum!tom before this show ends I say we riot. Anyways I’ve been thinking about the whole Tom in the asylum situation. Saying “I was only doing that to protect you” is a weird way to say you killed somebody. Maybe he killed someone by accident? And being sent to an asylum for killing somebody also seems weird? Especially when Aunt Theresa says she just went and got him out? Like, easy peasy? And how casually she described him in there as a feral little animal that didn’t even notice she was there for a whole hour? I just got so many alarm bells going off in my head. About all of it. Anyways. I think Tom’s family are the ones who put him in the asylum and then left him there to rot for a while until Aunt Theresa needed a new pawn.
People are still sent to asylums in cases of murder; you just have to prove that you're "insane". Which was a lot easier to do in the 1870s because mental health and psychology education was pretty much nonexistent. And pretty much the only way out of an asylum in those days was for a family member to get you out.
This information brought to you by: Research I've done for the historical context article on 19th century asylum article that I still haven't written!
Yes I'm really curious to see WHY Tom got sent to the asylum in the first place. Did he take the blame for Shane? Was he framed? And I 1000% believe his family was willing to let him rot in there until there was a need for him. And if we could get some flashbacks of his time in there that would also be great. I want to see my poor little meow meow at his worst please and thank you.
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masterjedilenawrites · 6 months
All I Want for Christmas
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Clone x Reader Life Day Exchange 2023
My gift is for the lovely @anxiouspineapple99! Hope you enjoy, and have a wonderful Christmas! 🎁❤️💚
Please go check out the @cloneficgiftexchange blog for all the other contributions to this great event! Fics are being posted all throughout today (12/16). Spread the love for fandom writers/creators by reblogging!
Fives x fem!reader | 2.8k words
Content: fluff, Christmas themes, snuggling for warmth, confessions, friends to lovers
Prompts: "Keep doing that and you'll end up on the naughty list." & "All I want for Christmas is you."
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It was a crisp and windy night, though you wouldn't feel the effects of the cold right away. Your eagerness for the evening's activities would fill you with enough warmth for a short while, as would the enjoyable company of your best friend, Fives.
You were surrounded by many friends and clones, a group of you who tried as often as possible to celebrate the year's holidays together. This year, not everyone would be on planet when Christmas Day came around, but you'd all managed to find a night earlier in the month to come together and exchange gifts, share good food, and, as you were about to do now, walk around the neighborhoods to admire the lights.
And while you loved all your friends dearly, it was Fives who you'd been most eager to see. You felt closest to him the most. You seemed to understand each other so well, falling into step right where you'd last left off, as if he hadn't been gone for the past several months. As if there hadn't been whispers that his unit had fallen under attack and may not be coming home this time, leaving you numb with worry. As if you hadn't realized you were in love with him when you heard he would come back after all, safe and sound.
"What the hell is that?" he laughed beside you as you passed by a house that seemed to be quite normal.
"What's what?" You gazed around but could only see the standard set up of dazzling lights and festive lawn ornaments.
Fives wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pointed to two reindeer decorations... that were stacked rather suggestively on top of one another. "That."
You could only momentarily process how close he was, how warm you felt being held like that, before you fell into sync with his laughter. It was a pretty funny thing to come across, especially as Fives began to muse whether the owners of the house set it up that way on purpose or if they were pranked. Either scenario was humorous. He then insisted on taking a photo of you with the indecent display in the background.
Though your laughter over the reindeer had warmed you up, the moment you two spent over it caused you to fall behind the rest of the group. You could no longer see them on the street, nor could you hear their lively sounds of chatter.
"They must have turned that corner up there," Fives said as you two started walking again. He was no longer holding you but was walking alongside you a little closer than before. Or, at least that's what it felt like. Maybe you were just imagining it.
There was a little bit of silence as you passed by the next brightly lit house and admired it. But Fives wasn't one to keep quiet for too long.
"So, what do you want for Christmas?" he asked.
You forced your gaze away from the pretty lights to look at him, noting a flush in his cheeks but deciding it must be the wind.
"What do you mean?"
He chuckled a little. "What do you mean? It's a simple question. What's on your wishlist this year?"
"I just thought... never mind," you shrugged, having thought he wanted to know what to get you, which of course was silly since your group was doing a white elephant exchange this year. "Um, I don't know. There really isn't anything I want, to be honest."
Fives knocked his shoulder into yours, accompanied by a dramatic gasp. "You don't want aaaa-nything? Impossible."
You just smiled and shook your head. "Yeah, not really."
"So you're good? You're perfectly content? Everything in your life is amazing and you're in need of nothing more?"
Of course the answer to his questions was a lot more complicated than the simple "Yep" you responded with. You were content in this moment, walking alongside your best friend, enjoying the festivities of the season in his company. But before this moment, you hadn't really been happy. You'd been worried sick by his absence, impatient to see him again, doubting that he'd be as thrilled to see you. You'd been nothing short of lovesick and you had no idea how to admit such a thing to him now.
"I don't buy it," he said, bumping playfully against you again. "There has to be something."
You finally came up to the corner you assumed your friends had turned down. You took it without thought, knowing it would loop back around to your friend's house. A house that was starting to sound really appealing given that a chill was settling back in.
"Clothes?" Fives asked.
"Like a nice scarf or a dress or something?" Oh, you realized he was still trying to figure out your Christmas wish list. "Or fuzzy socks?"
"I have plenty of fuzzy socks," you said. And with that thought, you realized your toes were getting rather cold, despite being wrapped in thick socks and boots. That then led to you recognize just how cold you were all over: your nose, your hands, your knees....
"Okay, then how about jewelry? Girls always like jewelry, right?"
You rolled your eyes as you dug your hands deeper into your pockets, searching for warmth. "I don't really need any more jewelry."
You weren't paying much attention to the lights anymore, instead picking up the pace so you could get back to the warmth of your friend's house sooner. Fives didn't seem to care about the lights, either. He was still trying to figure out your supposed Christmas wishlist.
"What about a box of chocolates?"
"I buy enough chocolate as it is."
"A candle?"
"Pretty sure half of the white elephant gifts in there are candles."
"Hm... You like games right?"
"I have enough games."
"Nonsense, you can never have too many games."
"Well, when your friends aren't around to play them with you, you can."
Fives was silent. You looked over to find he was watching you with a sort of sadness in his eyes. No, not sadness... guilt.
"I'm sorry," he said after a beat. "I wish I was around more..."
"No, no," you were quick to jump in, not wanting him to feel that way at all. "It's fine. It is what it is. We all know that."
Fives nodded but didn't seem convinced. He looked away, stared straight ahead, as you passed by the last house and arrived at your friend's. The change of course up to the porch seemed to snap him out of his mindlessness and bring him back into better spirits.
"A puppy!" he declared as you approached the door. Both of you were stomping your shoes against the wood of the porch to dislodge any dirt you'd picked up along the way. "No one in the entire galaxy could say no to a puppy."
You huffed out a laugh of defeat. "Okay, sure, I'll take a puppy for Christmas."
He laughed with you as you opened the front door. You expected a wall of warmth to hit you, accompanied by smells of food and chatter of friends. Instead you were met with dim lights, silence, and a cold that almost rivaled the frigid air you'd just walked in from.
"What the..." Fives joined your confusion in the entry hall, and then snapped his fingers as he realized something. "Kix said he knew someone in this neighborhood. They all must have gone there. We beat them back."
You vaguely recalled passing by a house with loud voices from inside, surely including voices from your friends, but you were too busy trying to warm your hands now to dwell on it further. Fives placed a gentle hand on your back as he scooted past you and down the hall toward the thermostat. He messed with it a bit as you shuffled into the little den off the entry. You were reluctant to remove your coat and scarf when it was still so cold.
"Hm," Fives frowned, joining you a few moments later. He flicked on a lamp on the table beside you. "Heat's not coming on. Something's broken."
"Can you fix it?" You tried not to let your teeth chatter.
"Yeah..." he trailed off and you followed his gaze to the fireplace on the opposite end of the room. His lips quirked, a sign he was going to get up to something. "Or... we could have ourselves a cozy little fire instead!" 
He shuffled around the sofa and started investigating the decorations on top of the mantle.
"What?" you asked as you stepped around the sofa as well.
"Ah ha!" He opened up what had looked to be merely a decoration of an old fashioned truck, but apparently doubled as storage for some matches. In no time, Fives had started a humble fire amongst the wood in the fireplace and was stepping back toward you.
"Take your coat off, get cozy!" he laughed in delight, sitting down on the sofa and patting the cushion next to him.
You reluctantly shrugged off your coat. You could feel little puffs of warm air from the fire but the room overall was still too cold to be comfortable. You let out an involuntary shiver as you joined Fives on the sofa.
"Uh oh," he teased, scooting closer. "Need to cuddle for warmth?"
You knew his offer was in jest, but you couldn't resist the thought, especially when your cheeks were already heating at an alarming rate just by sitting this close. Fuck it, you decided, and promptly slid your arms around his middle and pulled him close.
"Well okay then," he laughed in amusement, wrapping his own arms around you in return. He wasn't angry, which you took as encouragement and buried your frozen nose into the crook of his neck. You felt one of his hands come up to rest on the back of your head, keeping you in place for a wonderful, peaceful moment.
You warmed up fairly quickly, though your fingers still felt numb. Without thinking, you shifted a bit and slid your hands underneath Fives' shirt, seeking the warmth of his skin. His muscles tensed in response.
"Whoa there," he chuckled lowly. "Keep doing that and you'll end up on the naughty list."
The heat from the blush on your cheeks immediately shot through the rest of your body. You were mortified. Fives was your friend, what were you doing?
You detached yourself quickly and mumbled an apology. He was still laughing a bit so you joined in nervously, but not daring to meet his eyes. Not when you were this flustered. He relaxed back onto the sofa and draped an arm along the backside, just beside your head.
"So, um, what do you want for Christmas?" you asked, trying to get past your awkwardness and back to the easygoing state of your friendship, despite the ache deep within your chest that yearned for something more.
"Me? Oh, nothing much."
Now you looked over at him, balking. "Fives!" 
"What?" he grinned.
You swatted at him. "You just gave me shit for not wanting anything!"
"I said I didn't want much, not that I didn't want anything at all."
You huffed. "Okay, then what is this 'nothing much' that you want?"
His smile didn't completely disappear, just settled into something a little softer, more pensive. He cocked his head a bit as he looked at you, considering what to say.
"Would you be mad if I said that all I want for Christmas is you?"
You blinked at first, unable to come up with an other reaction. How could you? How could you process such a confession? Was it even a confession? Or was he just being cheeky?
You forced yourself to clear your throat. "Mad? Confused is more like it."
"Confused?" He smirked for only a second before settling back into that strange and soft look. "What's so confusing?"
"Uh... I mean..." you stammered through an awkward laugh. "What does that even mean? You want me... to do something? To... to... see me? You're seeing me right now..."
Your skin was still alight with a fire that seemed to burn brighter than the one in the fireplace. You were so flustered, and Fives was getting a real kick out of it.
"Calm down, cyare," he laughed, scooting a little closer and taking your hands into his. "I want you, as in, I want to... you know.. be with you."
He was starting to get a little shy himself, though you weren't really paying attention. Your heart was threatening to beat its way out of your chest, so you instead focused on the feeling of Fives' hands wrapped around yours. So warm, so firm. They grounded you just enough for his words to sink in. He wanted to be with you.
Now you felt like you were floating. That nasty knot that had settled into the pit of your stomach, back when you'd thought he wasn't coming home, was finally coming undone. Freeing you from its weight. Letting you soar with hope for a different kind of future with your best friend.
When you finally brought your eyes back up to meet Fives', you could finally see the blush in his own cheeks, the way his eyes searched yours for validation. He'd made himself vulnerable in a way he'd only ever been a handful of times with you. Like when he'd confessed how frustrated he was about the war, how angry it made him sometimes to think about it, how he secretly held dreams of one day escaping and living a normal life somewhere. You thought back to those conversations now, viewing them in a different light. You'd always wondered what his idea of normal was, if it included anyone else... anyone like you. And now you were starting to get an idea that it did.
"I'm sorry if this is sudden," he said quickly and quietly, filling in the silence you didn't mean to leave. "It's just... you know this last mission was... well, it didn't go very well. And it made me reevaluate my life. What I really want. And honestly, I couldn't stop thinking about you."
He gave a bashful smile and you returned it, easing his nerves just a little.
"I was really worried about you," you confessed, giving his hands a reassuring squeeze. "I didn't just want you to come back, I wanted you to come back to me. And I'm so glad you want the same."
You both laughed once more, though more out of relief than nervousness, and ended by resting your foreheads against each other. Fives then let go of your hands so he could bring his arms back around you and pull you close again. You let yourself rest against him with a contented sigh... and then bolted right back up as a thought occurred to you.
"Wait, you said you want me for Christmas?"
"Yeah..." Fives' eyes were wide with alarm.
"Just for Christmas? And that's it?"
The tension immediately left his shoulders as he realized what you were doing. He gave you a look and you used all your willpower to hold back your amusement.
"So when Christmas is all over, you'll be done with me?" you pushed on with the bit. "You won't want me anymore?"
"Ugh, cyare, please," Fives rolled his eyes and tried wrapping his arms around you again.
"I just want to be clear about this." Your voice was breaking, as was his own act to be annoyed. The two of you could never hold it together for very long.
"Of course I'll want you after Christmas is over," he said through a chuckle. "I'll want you for Valentine's and for your birthday and all the solstices..."
"So you only want me on holidays?"
"You're killing me here, you know," he grumbled into your shoulder.
You would've continued with your teasing, but just then the front door opened behind you, letting in your missing friends. Even if you and Fives had tried to act innocent, you wouldn't have been quick enough. Whatever they'd been talking about on their way in immediately changed into a chorus of gasps and cheers.
"Well it's about time!"
"Oh my god!"
"I knew it!"
You snuggled closer to Fives, in part to hide your embarrassment, but also to escape the wisp of cold air your friends had let in with them. Fives laughed along with the commotion while holding you, and it felt like the most natural thing, being in his arms like this.
"For the record," he later whispered into your ear, when things had died down with your friends enough, "I want you every day for the rest of my life. If you'll have me."
You smiled into his chest and held him closer.
"Of course. You're all I want, too."
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Every Character Tag: @dangerousstrawberrypie, @justanothersadperson93, @arctrooper69, @sleepycreativewriter, @techie-bear, @theroguesully
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charlotteinengland · 1 year
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March winds & April showers bring forth May Flowers 🌸 & boy has it been windy! I’m wearing my new @crestedandcountry grey jumper. I love this design! The jumper is also available in brown (which I showed you a few posts ago), tan & cream (on the wishlist!). Lightweight & not bulky so they can be tucked into a skirt (or trousers) nicely. The shoulder patches give it that country vibe. My skirt is from @dubarryofireland (older tweed design). The silk scarf is from the amazing artist @clarehaggas & hat from @hicksandbrown which whom I’ve worn in previous posts if you wanted to check them out. The leather bag is also from @crestedandcountry which features shooting elements & my beautiful matching tan leather boots are from @spanishbootco 🤎 Do you like my outfit? X Top: @crestedandcountry Bag: @crestedandcountry Boots: @spanishbootco Skirt: @dubarryofireland Scarf: @clarehaggas Hat: @hicksandbrown (AD) Copyright © 2023, Charlotte in England, www.charlotteinengland.com, @charlotte.in.england This is my official account. Any other account is an impersonation of me. RESPECT COPYRIGHT. #CharlotteinEngland #CrestedandCountry #HicksandBrown #DubarryofIreland #countryboots #countryfashion #countryinfluencer #influencers (at England) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQkQrwNoS9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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imreadydollparts · 7 months
Someone had asked me about my personal collection of My Little Ponies, and I don't remember if I ever replied but I just rearranged the G1 section a bit, so it's as good a time as any to show off my small collection.
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Tadaaa that's all of them!
I just thrifted 3 of the LOL Surprise 3-in-1 Pop Up Store which I really like to use as doll display risers. I have two complete ones and two incomplete ones, now.
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I try to sort my ponies by type/set even though that looks a little chaotic sometimes.
This side is now, from top to bottom:
What I have of the Slumber Party Gift Pack - I'm missing Pink Dreams, and there's a space for her if I ever find her.
Babies, though not sorted by type or set. Just babies. Some are rehaired.
Rainbow Babies though I like those better than the "regular" ones so maybe I should move them up on the shelf so I can see them better. One Windy Wing. Or Summer Wing. I can never remember who is who without looking at my IDed photos.
Loving Families. I do not have the Euro exclusive siblings, only the US release siblings.
Softies which I don't even want and don't know why I have so many. It just kind of happened. I do get attached to things that need more work to be nice again.
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The center area holds the ponies I have multiples if not all of from a set. Like TaF, Princess Brush n Grow, Sparkle Ponies, etc. They're not in there in a particularly logical way. They're kind of in there in blobs by set. Some are rehaired.
The lower shelf are ponies that are very different from the rest of the collection, and the only playset I own. I need to add some color to that shelf somehow.
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This side, we have all of the ponies that I have only one from the set, ones that aren't particularly special, one full custom that should be with the others
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but there is no room, and the lower shelf is all Flat Foot ponies, except Peachy who is an imposter/place holder for Blossom whom I don't have.
I do have a Sweetheart Sisters Sunblossom upstairs in the office with me. She has a special place for a sad reason.
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There are also some that I've been working on for a while and haven't completed in order to put in the display.
My wishlist is very small:
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FF Cotton Candy is on there because mine is heavily damaged.
Anyway. That's all of them.
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moralanxietystudio · 1 year
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5 years ago I released a game. It had many flaws. I couldn't pull it off - yet. Now I'm going to make it right.
Windy Meadow - tales of 3 young people facing difficult choices, set in a village from the fantasy world of Roadwarden. Coming soon.
Wishlist it on Steam!
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naritaren · 4 months
Wishlist for Windy City Riot:
That's it. Maybe a cheeky Taiji. Who knows
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soulmateszedits · 1 year
10 & 14.
10 - Eu coloquei aqui o meu primeiro post que eu achei que fiz um trabalho bom k
14 - 1. navillera (gfriend) ; 2. Wishlist (txt) ; 3. Iconic (aespa) ; 4. As you wish (wjsn) ; 5. Hype Boy (newjeans) ; 6. After Like (ive) ; 7. No Celestial (le sserafim) ; 8. DM (fromis9) ; 9. 0 X 1 = Lovesong (txt) ; 10. windy windy (gfriend)
Eu tentei fazer só de kpop e pelo que eu lembrei sksksks espero que eu não tenha esquecido nada k
Obrigada pela interação meu anjinho💓
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chancellorxofxtrash · 2 years
for the ask meme: zexal for 001, yusaku/ai and lightning/windy for 002 pls? also ur so right that windy has always been a lil gremlin lol
eyyyooo glad we agree! putting it under a read more again
Favorite character: Shark
Least Favorite character: I wasn't a fan of those one-off lower-level Barians who followed Heartland? They did give us the cool duels where Yuma, Shark and Kaito teamed up with their respective Arclights, but other than that, they were meh to me. Also, Eliphas.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Shark/Yuma/Vector, Kaito/Mizael, Yuma/Astral, Yuma/Alit/Gilag, Yuma/Durbe/Shark
Character I find most attractive: IV
Character I would marry: .....it would be a disaster, but IV, tbh.
Character I would be best friends with: III
a random thought: the Numbers Club is neat, actually, and Tokunosuke made me cry during the final arc
An unpopular opinion: i am ignoring the Barians becoming human in the end. is that unpopular? if it's popular, then put my opinion about the Numbers Club here. a lot of people hate the Numbers Club but I love them. My Children.
My Canon OTP: uhhhh... Yuma/Astral is more explicitly canon in the manga, so I'm going with that
My Non-canon OTP: Shark/Yuma(/Vector)
Most Badass Character: Yuma. I'm SORRY he is so GOOD it's just so. Badass. Love to see it.
Most Epic Villain: .......Vector
Pairing I am not a fan of: not a big fan of IV/Rio or IV/Shark personally. Dunno why! I definitely see the appeal of both, but it just didn't make my brain go brrrrrr as much as other ships did.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): RIO, RIO, RIO, RIO, RIO, RIO. Also, Durbe being the only Barian who never duelled Yuma is a travesty. But Rio. Definitely Rio.
Favourite Friendship: honestly Yuma-Rio is so fucking underrated
Character I most identify with: Hmmmmm, I don't know. In some sense, III.
Character I wish I could be: Gosh, I wish I could have Yuma's kattobing
When I started shipping them: I lowkey started to ship them from the beginning but it turned into full-blown shipping during the second Revolver duel (their first Master Duel), when Revolver locked Cyberse away, but Yusaku could still sense Ai, and could talk with him, even if Ai was very, VERY out of it at that point. I fucking love that scene.
My thoughts: I AM ABSOLUTELY UNHINGED ABOUT THEM. I AM FERAL, OKAY? They love each other so much. That scene when Ai is like "lol you actually could have done this any time I just kept it a secret" and Yusaku smiles like "that's more like you"? I CRY. IM BITING MY KNUCKLES. Yusaku saying he'd rather if Ai would hide, and they'd never meet again, as long as Ai is safe? And Yusaku being Ai's anchor to keep him from going off the rails, and Ai knowing it? Ai only becoming humanity's enemy if Yusaku dies? LET ME DIE INSTEAD.
What makes me happy about them: they love each other so, so much. Also that tiny thing that Ai does sometimes when he copies Yusaku's gestures? IT'S THE CUTEST FUCKING THING AND I NEVER GET ENOUGH OF IT (sidenote: Flame also does it with Takeru, and if I recall correctly, so does Aqua with Aoi. Both times I adore it and can never get enough of it)
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Yusaku fell in love with Ai way before Ai got the android body. This is a hill I am willing to die on. Oh and also - if it's a fix-it fic, but only Ai comes back, I am not interested. S3 is very explicit that Ai alone is not a good option - the rest of the Ignis also need to be back.
Things I look for in fanfic: Typically I don't look for android!Ai fics, for the above reason, I prefer if Ai is still a gremlin, with a monster form.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: no one. Absolutely no one. These two have to be together. I'm more than happy with slapping more characters on to be poly, but these two I always want to be together.
When I started shipping them: Evil power couple sexy
My thoughts: Yeah, not much else. Evil power couple sexy. Post-canon trying to sort it all out, either canon-compliantly dealing with what Lightning had done to Windy, or an AU where Windy joined from his own free will... either is fine by me
What makes me happy about them: I think they are just. Really, really cool, and their dynamic is great
What makes me sad about them: HAHAHAHAH THEY FUCKIN DEAD, JIM
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I really rarely seek out fics that feature Lightning because I'm very picky about how Lightning is being presented.
Things I look for in fanfic: Again, I am picky.
My wishlist: They deserve a second chance at life, at coexistence. I want them to be happy.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Jin for Lightning, and Ryoken for Windy
My happily ever after for them: HAPPY AND ALIVE TOGETHER WITH THE IGNIS
I am very repetitive with my vrains wishlist, but the vrains ending mentally destroyed me and I still haven't recovered
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megan-loves-surveys · 3 months
This has been a busy week.
What is something you want but can’t afford to buy? Travel. It's far too pricey to fly at the moment.
What is something you want but aren’t sure if you should splurge on it? Dunno.
Do you prefer ham or turkey with your stuffing and mashed potatoes? I've never had turkey, so ham.
Do you usually eat wheat bread or white bread, or are you gluten-free? Wheat, I barely ever eat white bread.
What type of church do you like the most, if any? None.
Was anyone rude to you today? Not so far.
Which lost friend do you most wish you could be friends with again? Zoe, but she passed away so it'll never happen :(
Have you ever had a friend turn against you? Yes.
What is your town known for? Being the biggest city in NZ, boats etc.
Do you live in the town you grew up in? Yes, but not the same suburb anymore.
What was that good year that you had? 2016 was amazing - I did so much that year. I went to the USA twice for Wrestlemania and Summerslam, I went to a couple of concerts, I saw WWE in NZ, I moved house etc.
Did you make a memory jar for this year? If so, is it full? I don't know what that is.
Do you want to make a memory jar for next year? No.
Are you optimistic? Yes.
Do you think people ask too nosy questions? (in real life) Sometimes.
Do you think you would be happier if you had more money? Definitely. They say money doesn't buy happiness, but that ain't true.
Who’s youtube channel would you like to guest star on? None.
What was the last thing you purchased off of Etsy? Nothing.
What is something currently on your wishlist from Etsy? -
Is there a Target near you? No.
Which is closest to you: Target, Walmart, Kmart, or Meijer? We only have Kmart, lol.
Where did your Christmas tree come from? We have a fake one... I think it's from The Warehouse xD
Would you rather be an elf or a reindeer? Why? Elf lol.
Who do you go to when you’re lonely? Or what do you do when you’re lonely? Hmm.
Are you alone? No.
Are you ok? Yes.
What color is your favorite sweater? Black.
Name 10 things that are on your Christmas list this year. It's March, it's too early xD
Silver or gold? Silver.
What do you dislike about the house you live in? The neighbours can be annoying.
Do you prefer iced tea or hot tea? Neither, I don't like tea at all.
Is there a gas station near your house? When was the last time you went? Yes, there's one like 2 mins walk away. I last went there a few weeks ago to grab some Sprite for mixers.
How do you feel right now? What do you think has contributed to that? I'm really good. I'm just chilling today after a really busy week.
Do you watch a movie at least once a week? No.
What’s your favourite movie genre? Action or comedy.
Have you ever been clubbing? Did you have fun? Oh yeah! I used to go loads back in the day when I was 20, 21, 22. It was always fun.
What were you doing in the year 2013? That was the year I started traveling more - I went to the USA for the first time that April for Wrestlemania, then I went again in August cos I won a trip to Summerslam.
What’s the weather been like lately? This week has been a bit random - it's been warm, it's been a bit cold, it's been cloudy and dull, it's rained, it's been windy, it's been sunny.
Do you check the weather forecast regularly? Yep, my city is so changeable you gotta keep on top of it.
Do you live in a city of at least one million people? Yep, Auckland has about 1.5 million people.
What’s your favourite colour? Purple.
Do you own any clothes in your favourite colour? Loads!
Would you say faucet or tap? Tap.
Do you watch any sports? Wrestling if it counts. Otherwise I only watch when the Olympics or Commonwealth Games are on - then I'll pretty much watch anything haha.
Have you ever eaten carob? No clue what that is, so I doubt it.
Are there any plants around your house, inside or outside? There's a bunch downstairs.
Which bugs do you truly hate the most? All of them, lol.
What’s your favourite kind of puzzle? I like crosswords and the like.
If you were going on a daytime date tomorrow, where would you go? We'd do something fun like mini golf or ten pin bowling.
Where are you right at this moment? At my desk in my room.
Describe the room or place you’re in. It's my room, it's packed with stuff and has posters of The Shield guys all over the walls.
Is your nose blocked right now? No.
Do you live on a main road? Kind of - the front of our house faces the main road, but our address is actually on a road off it.
Have you ever volunteered? Yes.
What colours are you wearing today? Purple.
How old were you when you graduated high school? 18.
Describe your favourite pair of socks. I don't have a fave haha.
What holidays do you celebrate? Christmas, Easter and that's about it.
If you could dye your hair any colour for one month, what would you do? My hair is already purple and blue, so I guess I'd go green to see if I'd suit it.
Art or science? Science. I'm more creative, but Art is not my thing, I'm more into writing and that.
Do you own a pair of sunglasses? How often do you wear them? Yep, they're prescription ones and I wear them every single time I go outside no matter what. Even if it's raining xD
What’s your go-to order at McDonald’s? Chicken nuggets, fries, drink and either an apple pie or a McFlurry.
Do you know anyone who was born in the Caribbean? I probably do.
What brand is your fridge? Um...
Speaking of fridges, what drinks do you have in there right now? Water, energy drinks (my Mum's, I don't drink them lol) and I think there's cider too.
Are there any special rules about selling alcohol & tobacco in your country? You just need to be 18 to buy them.
Do you live in the northern or southern hemisphere? Southern.
What’s your dream car? No clue.
Do you have a best friend? How long have you known them? Yes, I've known her for 22 years, we met in 2002.
How often do you take selfies? Oh, all the time.
Are you hungry at the moment? What are you craving? I just ate, so not at the moment.
What do you think your life will look like in 3 years from now? I have no idea tbh.
When was the last time you received a card? What was it for? Hmm, not sure.
Do you like yes or no questions, or questions that make you think? Both, but yes/no gets boring after awhile.
What states have you been to in the past year? None, I haven't been to the USA since 2019.
Have you ever sleepwalked? No.
What year was your house built? It's new, it was built in the 2010's.
Do you feel like you have more in common with men or with women? Both about equally.
What’s your favorite superhero movie? I don't like them.
Do you want children? Why/why not? No thank you. I like to spend my money on myself and do what I want when I want xD Plus my boyfriend is my perfect match cos he has grown up kids and doesn't want any more.
Do you have any credit card debt? No.
Have you ever been really late for work because you slept past your alarm? Not super late, but I had to get ready in like 5 minutes lmao.
Are you good at reading people? Depends.
Who do you go to for relationship advice? Depends.
What was your favorite way to spend a summer day as a kid? Playing with my friends who lived down our street - we rode our bikes together.
What’s the longest you’ve worked without a day off? I only work part time, I never work more than 2 days in a row lol.
Have you ever been scammed? No.
Do you know anyone who works in the tech industry in Silicon Valley? No.
Do you wear eyeliner? No.
Did you ever take a personal finance class in school? No.
Where were you the last time you kissed someone? My house, cos my boyfriend was going home lol.
How’s your mental health? Are you feeling well?? I'm fine.
Do you struggle with acne? I get the occasional spot, but that's it.
Did you have a Xanga page back in the pre-Myspace days? No.
Around what year did you start using the internet, anyways? Late 90's at some point.
Do you have any uncommon interests or hobbies? Depends what you consider 'unusual'.
What’s something that would make you incredibly happy right now? Traveling.
What did you do for your 18th birthday? I had a sleepover with my BFFs.
What temperature do you keep your thermostat set at in the winter? We don't have one.
Have you ever been to the Caribbean? No.
Have you ever fostered an animal? No.
What did you have for breakfast this morning? Toast, 3 pieces.
What’s your favorite form of exercise? Treadmill.
Have you ever drank so much that you passed out? No.
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Do you think Tom can/will be redeemed. I have to think the writers will redeem him. There was a reason the writers had Tabby make love, draw portraits of each other and having Olivia say find someone you can ride out the storm with. The main big bad will be Daddy Davidson and Teresa
I do think the writers want to redeem him. They wouldn't have spent all that time making us sympathetic to him and showing us all the ways his family has used and abused him if they didn't want us to like him. It's just going to be a long and hard journey to that point.
I'm comparing him to Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender (who has the best redemption arc I've ever seen) because he had a chance to fully redeem himself in this season but chose loyalty to his family over joining the good fight. He's not a lost cause but that relapse is going to have after-effects on how long his redemption arc takes and on how long it takes the protagonists to accept him again.
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whennnow · 10 months
"Regency Women's Dress" Book Review
January 22, 2020
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[Image ID: a photo of the cover of the book "Regency Women's Dress" which features an illustration of two Regency women standing on a windy hill overlooking the sea]
One of my Christmas gifts was a copy of "Regency Women's Dress: Techniques and Patterns 1800-1830" by Cassidy Percoco. I've been eyeing the book for awhile and ended up receiving it from an aunt who picked it up because she thought I'd like it! (I do. I do like it.) The book wasn't on my wishlist, but she's followed my Instagram for awhile.
The book starts with an Introduction, which has a lot of great information. The book itself draws from garments in American museums, but the Introduction looks at the differences in timelines between America, Britain, and French fashions. It also explains some common terminology related to dress in that period.
The book ends with Acknowledgements, Further Reading, Useful Addresses (which include both museums and sewing suppliers), and an Index.
The bulk of the content is, as the title implies, patterns and techniques. There are 26 patterns total - two chemises, two corsets/stays, three types of jackets, and 19 (!) different dresses. Each pattern is taken from an extent garment dated to 1795-1827, gridded to scale, and prefaced by a page of background and construction information. Each pattern is also accompanied by one detail shot of the original garment, one line drawing of the garment, and, occasionally, a period illustration of a similar garment.
This is where my biggest complaint comes in - we don't really get a complete picture of the garment, literally or figuratively. We don't get a photograph of the whole original garment (or even most of it), and the line drawing only gives one view of the garment (usually the front, but occasionally the back). That is my biggest issue, though.
My only other complaint is the lack of construction information given. The description talks about seam finishing (which is cool), linings, and piecing (piecing is period!), but there's almost no information beyond that. Not an issue if you're an experienced sewer, but if you're newer (like me!) there's going to be a lot of trial and error involved.
Overall, though, I definitely recommend this book for sewers interested in the Regency era!
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vaguegrant · 2 years
Ambient Albums for Sleep & Relaxation
Just rejoined a Discord server for a creator I back on Patreon, and the very first thing I saw posted there was someone commenting about how much they like Brian Eno’s Ambient 1 and Ambient 2 albums for sleeping, especially when having “a Bees In My Fucking Head night” (and I relate.) As a longtime lover of ambient soundscapes (I was the weirdo who tuned in to NPR to listen to “Music from the Hearts of Space” on late-night drives) I figured I could offer them and anyone else who wants it a curated list of ambient albums I like and think are good. Plus, that gives you a list of artists to investigate further if you want more. We all need some mental health music, after all.
The “ambient” genre too often includes sappy new-age music, lo-fi chillout beats, and way too much EDM. Here I’m trying to focus on the core ambient experience—music that fades into the background and allows itself to be experienced almost subconsciously. If there’s a drumbeat in there somewhere, I probably screwed up.
I’ll be linking to YouTube, and when possible Bandcamp, rather than Spotify or other app-driven services. If you like something, find it in your preferred service—or better yet, buy it if you can and support artists who make weird, niche, excellent things. Artists are in no particular order, and I’m going to list collaborations by the first artist credited, wherever I pull that from. You’ll sort it out.
I won’t claim this list is complete—I’m an enjoyer, not an industry insider or whatever. But that just means you get to reblog this with your own additions and we all get to add stuff to our playlists and wishlists!
Brian Eno: Ambient 1: Music for Airports, Ambient 2: The Plateaux of Mirror (with Harold Budd), Ambient 4: On Land, Discreet Music, Music for Films, Apollo: Atmospheres & Soundtracks, January 07003: Bell Studies for the Clock of the Long Now (a personal favorite that I think is underrated!), Evening Star (with Robert Fripp)
Harold Budd: The Room, The Pearl (with Brian Eno), La Belle Vista, 
Stars of the Lid: The Tired Sounds of Stars of the Lid, Avec Laudenum, and their Refinement of the Decline
Eluvium: Talk Amongst the Trees
John Foxx: Nighthawks (with Ruben Garcia), Translucence and Drift Music (with Harold Budd), London Overgrown
odysmod: Back home
Steve Roach: Oh God there are so many albums to choose from here. Structures from Silence, As It Is, Slow Heat, The Dream Circle, look the list just goes on and they’re all pretty good
Deepspace: The Blue Dunes, Superradiance
Sync24: Comfortable Void, Source
Max Richter: Sleep, The Blue Notebooks (this one’s iffy but give it a try)
Gas: Pop
Geotic: Oxperls, To Not Now, Nor To Ever, Despair
Holland Patent Public Library: Songs to Fall Asleep at the Wheel To
Louigi Verona: Gas Giant, Journeys on Google Earth
andarctica: cyan nori (weirdly, in collaboration with a fragrance company? but it’s great), basal, waiting on the tides
Windy & Carl: Depths, Consciousness, The Dream House, Blues for a UFO
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moralanxietystudio · 11 months
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Windy Meadow - A Roadwarden Tale has entered the next phase of development - and I hope to release it this September!
Cozy at parts, gruesome and melancholic at others. Now with updated demo - better UI, tutorial, editing, visuals.
I'd really appreciate adding the game to your wishlists!
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daddycest-hub · 2 years
Hehehe! ;) I thought that would capture get your "Attention"! ;) For Nick Hawley, the Top Priority is Financial Gain. Business is more important to him than any Greater Good Hero Agenda. Hawley is quite the Charmer. He tends to be very Flirtatious and gains the "Attention" of a lot of Females!!! Interested??? ;) The Netflix TV Show? There R LOTS of Dads & Bros in that! ;)
I'm not going to be checking anything new out for a while with Walker, WIndy, and The Winchesters coming out soon but they're on my wishlist so far!
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prlvdcarter · 2 years
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ wishlist ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
album wishlist:
pink tape - f(x)
windy - soyeon
teenfresh - stayc (bubble ver)
expergo - nmixx (standard ver)
blooming blue - chungha
offset - chungha (off ver)
offset - chungha (set ver)
the beginning - yeeun
polaris - chen (limited edition ver)
expectation - kyungsoo (pb, smini ver)
grey suit - suho (pb ver)
be there for me - nct 127 (house ver)
photocard wishlist:
ningning - my world smini
chanyeol (+ kyungsoo) - exist digipack
any merch from idol wishlist *can be group album, polaroid, bookmark, postcard etc
tiffany (snsd) prio: pc, album (solo)
yeeun (clc) prio: pc, album (group)
soyeon (gidle) prio: pc, album (solo)
le sserafim
any gg or female soloists, really!
other kpop items wishlist:
jaeminbun. he's all i need. PLS.
season's greeting diaries (smtown or ggs)
season's greeting stickers (smtown or ggs)
kihno kits (smtown or ggs)
smini (from any smtown group!)
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picorihero · 4 years
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wishlist @ other Links: 𝘓𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘜𝘯𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘦 style of au with our own Link muses.
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