#winners at war
reef-sys · 1 day
i miss themed seasons </3
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senxitive · 8 days
My flabbers be GASTED
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i-am-aprl · 3 months
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ddeck · 1 year
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he is losing in a poll against a wizard
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bikananjarrus · 14 days
lucky cassian and r2 have two options each!
(this was inspired by my rewatch of kenobi and seeing tala w ned-b. i didn’t include them bc we don’t get a lot of them, but i just love people and their droids <3)
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cinemagal · 1 year
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Jack Lowden as Collins DUNKIRK (2017)
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setzeri · 6 months
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Christmas is nearing in WWII era Finland and these Lotta Svärd volunteers have to spend the holidays on the field. Each one has asked for your help with the upcoming night shift on Christmas Eve
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slavonicrhapsody · 10 months
Let’s talk about Mt. Gelmir
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Mt. Gelmir is one of my favorite locations in the game because of its striking environmental storytelling… the minute you start exploring the slopes of the volcano, you can just FEEL that something awful happened here. The imagery is so potent that I wanted to go through every detail of the region and explore how it supports and expands the story we’re told through dialogue and text. Let’s start with the text on the Mt. Gelmir sword monument:
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“The Assault on Volcano Manor
The squalid, the sick, the blasphemous;
A wretched, unending war with no glory”
This dismal description refers to Leyndell’s attack on Praetor Rykard’s forces at Volcano Manor. After the Shattering war broke out, Rykard declared his intention to take up arms against the Erdtree itself: this was not just treason, but blasphemy, marking him as “an enemy, never to be forgiven.” We can conclude that Rykard’s blasphemy was so unacceptable that Leyndell made it a priority to silence him as quickly as possible, sending an army straight to his doorstep. I believe it’s implied that Rykard had the Mt. Gelmir Minor Erdtree burned as his first act of blasphemy; we find the tree destroyed amidst a smoking ruin:
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The assault on Volcano Manor, introduced to us by Gideon Ofnir as “the most appalling battle in the entirety of the Shattering,” was the site of some of the most horrific violence in the entire story. Traveling around Mt. Gelmir, we can observe the gruesome aftermath of the battle and the remnants of the armies continuing to struggle — some scattered groups of Leyndell soldiers remain, while the only troops left to Rykard are his marionettes and iron virgins, since his knights have long since deserted him after his hideous transformation. (Side note: I love the detail that Rykard uses marionettes and avionettes, which were “crafted to serve the sorcerers;” it further cements his identity as a sorcerer and his connection to his Liurnian heritage.) Despite having no real soldiers though, Rykard’s grim constructs seem to tear through the remaining soldiers of Leyndell with ease, which we can observe in real time:
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The death toll of this conflict cannot be overstated — the slopes of Mt. Gelmir are literally piled high with bodies.
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Within a pit of corpses, we can find the spirit of one of Rykard’s men, who says this:
“Lord Rykard… If this putrid field of death is what your blasphemy would bring, then I can no longer abide. No one can.”
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These unspeakable horrors are enough to make Rykard’s followers question if the cost of resistance is too high a price. Leyndell’s armies are just as badly affected — stranded on the mountain with no hope of reinforcements, we can observe several soldiers feasting on the bodies of their fallen comrades:
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These soldiers have long abandoned any hope of achieving glory, and are little more than mindless husks at this point. Furthermore, if we return to the sword monument, something you’ll notice as you make your way over is that there are several Leyndell soldiers who are affected by the frenzied flame. At the same time, the troll soldier guarding the door to the Manor is also affected by the frenzied flame:
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The frenzied flame is affecting soldiers of both sides of the conflict here, which tells me it wasn’t being used as some kind of weapon, but that it took hold independently… I believe that the frenzied flame was embraced by the soldiers here due to the sheer hopelessness of those who have experienced this uniquely horrific battle. The ethos of the Three Fingers is essentially that the world is full of unendurable pain, so it must all be melted away so no one will suffer ever again: “the Greater Will made a mistake. Torment, despair, affliction... every sin, every curse. Every one, born of the mistake. […] Those who gave me grapes howled without words. Saying they wished they were never born. Become their lord. Take their torment, despair. Their affliction. Every sin, every curse. And melt it all away.” (Hyetta)
The soldiers who fought on Mt. Gelmir have experienced untold suffering, the very worst of humanity… it makes perfect sense that such people would be susceptible to the essence of the frenzied flame; to want to burn this tormented world to the ground.
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ominouspuff · 4 months
just wanna say your art is PHENOMENAL! omfg your Commander Fox art has me screaming with how badass it is!
There’ll be no living with him now
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Thank you so much!! This is sweet of you to reach out to say; I’m glad you’re enjoying!!
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Congratulations to the winner of the Star Wars Pilots Tournament HERA SYNDULLA!!
(Let's be honest, we all saw this coming lmao)
Regarding this account, I'm probably not really gonna post much anymore. I'm expecting it to be mostly reblogs of other tournaments and Star Wars related stuff from now on. I'm probably gonna run another tournament. But maybe I won't tell you when that happens. You'll have to come find me. ;)
Anyway, thank you so so much for all your support!! Every like, reblog, submission, and otherwise was appreciated!
Well...Most of them anyway. /hj
Love you all!! <3
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dughole · 4 months
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choi-soobin · 9 months
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불가사의 (Mystery) in Seoul TAEYONG
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smallgodseries · 2 years
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[image description: A black pony with large rust-brown eyes and a smiling pumpkin on her hip stands on golden and orange fall leaves. Behind her, the dark sky is filled with stars and her flaming orange mane shines brightly against the blues of night. Text reads “24, The Small God, Pumpkin Spice”]
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People assume she’s a newcomer, a fad, a frivolous flash in the pan.  But she was there when the first pumpkin pies were being baked; she was there when the first colonist cookbook was published, in 1769.  She was there when the British raided the rest of the world for flavors they could steal, and while her appearance may be sweet and adorable, her hooves are soaked in the blood of empire, for without conquest, she could never have been born.
But people, unwilling to consider the structure beneath the surface, look at her and see only big eyes, a flowing mane, a coat as soft as silk and as dark as midnight, and they mock her adherents, call them “basic” as if anything could be considered truly basic when it had been built through so many crimes.
Every piece of her was stolen.  Every pinch and particle was the subject of a terrible war.  The price of cinnamon is slaughter.  The fee for nutmeg is subjugation.  And now we serve her sacraments with whipped cream and sugar sprinkles, as if both those things had not also been stolen at some point, as if a foamy cloud could somehow clean the blood from those long lashes.
In these modern days, her most common manifestation is blended with sweet cream and coffee—a drink that has many gods of its own, that has sparked even more wars than her cinnamon pungency.  But for most of her time, she has been carried in the pie.
Pumpkin pie.  The ultimate jewel in the crown of colonialism.  Cooking techniques from Europe, spices stolen from India, Asia, and the Middle East, and a vegetable crown taken from the Americas, sliced and mashed and mixed until its wildness is lost, subsumed into custardy blandness, become one with the melting pot.
She’s not a newcomer.  And she’s not nice, either, and so few of those who worship her understand, anymore, that she’s not a god of whimsy or basic delights.
She is, now and always, a god of war.
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Please join Lee Moyer (Icon) and Seanan McGuire (Story) each week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a guide to the many tiny divinities:
WordPress: https://leemoyer.wordpress.com/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/smallgodseries/ 
Homepage: http://smallgodseries.com 
Mastodon: @[email protected] 
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onepiece-polls · 8 months
One Piece Shipping War - Winners!
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Congratulations to FRobin! These two are without doubt the realest couple in the competition. But, for an f/m couple to win a shipping war on tumblr, you gotta realize there's nothing straight about it, as several Anons pointed out 😂
However, it's good too see that an f/f couple took second place and an m/m couple third place! Representation done well, guys!
Special mention to SanUso for almost stealing third place away from KidKiller! The end result was 50.8% vs 49.2% so a VERY close call!
The bonus polls for the 5 excluded popular ships and frobin will be up at 7PM (CET), and some other bonus polls will come out during the week as well.
P.S. KidKiller art by @anj-does-stuff. Check out the full art and original post here!
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wejustvibing · 9 months
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putitinbrackets · 2 months
Yes you have to pick one – Star Wars Prequels edition
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Obi-Wan Kenobi is THE ONE on tumblr!
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