#wip without progress
startanewdream · 2 years
From a WIP that I have been playing around:
Harry is nine when Ripper, Aunt Marge’s bulldog, chases him up a tree; the dog barks loud, the Dursleys laugh and Harry is trying to climb the tree, only his foot keeps slipping and Ripper is almost biting him—
And then the black dog is there.
It’s not much of a fight; Ripper realises he is no match for the black dog and he runs away, tail between his legs. If a bulldog was nearly catching him, Harry knows he is no match for this giant dog, but the fear is gone now.
The dog faces him, grey eyes boring into his with a known familiarity, and Harry thinks of missing things he didn’t even know existed. He climbs down, hands stretched to touch the dog, to feel the fur he knows, and the dog looks almost expectantly at him.
As if the dog missed him.
But Uncle Vernon is brandishing an umbrella as a weapon, yelling at the dog; Aunt Petunia screams, Dudley tries to hide, and the dog runs.
The police come, though a befuddled officer tries explaining to the Dursleys this is not a case for them. “My poor dog!” cries Aunt Marge. “That beast almost killed my Ripper and Ripper wouldn’t hurt a soul! That mutt needs to be taken down! It’s a monster!”
It’s not, Harry thinks. It saved me. 
The neighbours, attracted by all the drama, come; by the end of the afternoon, Harry hears all kinds of stories involving the dog. How it destroyed someone’s garden; barked all night at the foot of someone’s window. It’s a menace. It’s uncontrollable. It needs to be killed.
They arrange patrols, search the neighbourhood into the night. Harry watches by the kitchen window, sees all the flashlights, and fears for the moment someone will find it. 
It’s after midnight when Uncle Vernon arrives, unhappy and defeated. Harry hides his smile from the Dursley as he quietly slips away to his cupboard.
“At least we scared him away, Vernon,” says Aunt Petunia. “That beast won’t come back.”
Harry’s smile is gone. He lays in the dark, waiting to hear a distant howl, but no sound comes.
That night, Harry dreams of a flying motorbike and a barking laugh.
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arinmoss · 6 months
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Wyll Ravengard wip :3
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dakotameh · 2 months
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WIP The idea was to put up this version and one without his mask, but nOOOOO IT HAS TO BE DIFFICULT FOR ME TO DRAW HIS GOOFY AHH FACE LIKE-
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roppiepop · 4 months
A plastic box gets shoved to his chest.
Only because he allows it, obviously, because the little gremlin of a brat is still several lifetimes away from being able to get a drop on him.
Though the demon spawn is also a picture of silence, lips pursed and shoulders tense where his fist extends to press whatever he bought on Jason’s pecs.
With a barely audible sigh, Jason peels that arm off to see what it was that demanded his attention so badly that the kid broke into one of the few safe-houses Jason thought was off the Bat-radar.
The answer is a thick box, covered with a glossy sleeve. On the cover are a group of five men piled on top of each other, composed artfully to look like a playful candid rather than an unfortunate accident. The only other thing on it is a logo stylized to look like a clock. Jason might be able to read where the lines form ‘SPF50’.
He sends Damian a blank look. The kid visibly heckles.
“Tt.” he starts, “This isn’t for me- I would like to emphasize that, for the record.”
Pause. Damian crosses his arms. “It’s Jon. He gave me an adequate birthday gift. It would be a dishonor to reciprocate with anything less.”
Jason replies to that with a hand gesture. What the hell does that have to do with him?
Damian looks at him like he’s rotten meat. Jason returns the glare twofold.
A frustrated groan. The kid almost swipes his arm back- like he was about to reach for his katana before realizing he’s out of costume. “Are you daft, Todd? I am asking for a favor. Name your price.”
“Yeah, Shrimp, I got that.” Jason bites back, “I’m just wonderin’ why the hell anythin’ related to this-“ he holds up the album, “-would be somethin’ I have an in with.”
Without missing a beat, Damian swipes back the album and pulls a card out from the middle to show him.
It’s a low angle selfie, cutting the pictured man off at the forehead. Stray locks, black with a blue-ish tint, fall just at the edge of the frame, and shadow a pair of striking blue eyes. Below that is a lopsided grin showing off a row of straight teeth. The rest of the picture is a swath of yellow- maybe a hoodie? Its laughably big though, dipping low enough to show the prominent curves of the man’s collarbones.
“This is why.” Damian says, before Jason could get a word in. “Your paramour, he’s Jon’s favorite in the group. He must be detestable if he has stooped low enough to romantically engage with you of all people, but nevertheless. Have him and his group sign this album and I will owe you one favor.”
“Huh.” Jason starts. Stops. Considers if he’s in the mood to start a fight. Sighs instead. “You’re outta luck, kid. I don’t know any of these guys.”
Damian’s eyes narrow. He steps forward in a stomp. “Don’t try and lie to me, Todd. Everyone has confirmed you are dating this idol. Agree to my terms before I am pushed to use force-Ow!”
Jason’s fingers moved to flick Damian’s forehead before he even registers that they did. “You can’t force me to do anythin’, Brat. I’ll send you back to your Mom.”
He flicks the other’s nose this time before he can respond, garnering another indignant squawk. “And two- just because you heard Blondie constantly yammerin’ about it doesn’t make it a public fact.”
Jason moves for the chin this time, but Damian has jumped away from striking range and looks a second away from hissing.
Jason would probably hiss back at him if he did. Something about this kid is just makes you want to mess with him.
But Damian seems to already be in retreat mode, sulkily skulking back to Jason’s fire escape with a deep scowl.
“Fine.” he says, right by the threshold of the apartment. “You prove yourself yet again useless. But just so you know Brown isn’t the only one talking- Father also suspects.”
And he’s gone just as Jason opens his mouth.
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emichevy · 11 months
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Hey guys!! Remember when you thought I would be a wholesome artist?? 😄😄😄😄
I am currently plotting.
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anothertina · 11 months
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For some reason I had the need of start working on a Crystal Rose Caitlyn design, I really like her so far but I still want to play around with some details and colors
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starrysharks · 7 months
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alistonjdrake · 5 months
Through Ice & Terror: AKA The Project June Hopes to Outline this Year
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one girlfailure black/bi protag + my geniune love and defense of love triangles/messy romantic situations + a gilded age America-inspired fantasy setting + a drop of an ice age + fantasy of manners = the wip I hope to fully outline this year!
Her dangerously charming ex-husband, her loyal childhood friend, her beguiling former fiancé, and a mysterious politician in need of a wife all threaten to upend the slight peace of Naomi Nettles' existence. Born without the gift of Insight, the ability to see the monsters that plague the world outside the cities in the Frost Wastes, and a trait ruefully abundant in her family, Naomi is treated as little more than expendable. An embarrassment to her family and peers and seemingly with little social standing in a stifling community, when her mother calls her home to introduce her to one Vivian Quinlan -An upstart politician from the capital desperate enough to marry the last single Nettles daughter - Naomi finally believes things are looking up. That is until one of her former romantic prospects winds up dead and Naomi finds herself firmly in the middle of a murderous conspiracy between several factions that could threaten to undo the fragile alliances between the cities among the Frost Wastes and what little normalcy remains in Naomi's life.
This is a less a wip intro and more so the beginning of what I hope will serve as a year-long accountability thread as I flesh out my ideas, characters, and get a concrete hold on the story before I officially start it (but, as I am myself, some stuff is already written and I'm really doing this to feel out interest)
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icejello · 11 months
Okay svsss fandom give me your thoughts
So i was thinking about that scene where sqq jokingly asks the system if it ever worked with the harry potter franchise before and got inspired to write a harry potter au for svsss. The characters that would be involved are bingqiu and moshang but i can't figure out what Hogwarts house they would be in so do tell me your ideas.
How the story would go?
Basically the system malfunctions and suddenly transmigrated the 4 of them into the Harry Potter world. They can only escape if they help protect Harry and figure out who's the evil person trying to kill him (it's going to be centered in book 1). The problem? None of them knows about Harry Potter and so they're in a panic trying to solve who the evil person is without realizing Harry practically could not be killed because of the prophecy.
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fidgetspringer-art · 1 month
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Every lineart lover's dream
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hollyand-writes · 2 months
Zero Context WIP Tag Game
If you’re tagged, make a new post and share 1-2 (a few) sentences from your most recent unposted WIP(s) with zero context – Let your followers guess!
Thanks for tagging me @pinkfadespirit! 💖
Hmmm.... so this bit is from a very extremely, actually very smutty Modern AU I've been writing on and off since I got out of hospital, but I think I've finally found a bit that's not explicit....
‘What about you? You don’t have brothers or sisters?’ Merrill swallowed. ‘No. I – actually I was raised by Marethari Talas. You might have heard of her, if you know anything about Dalish movies.’ ‘Never watched any, but I’ve heard of her. Like I’d heard of you.’ ‘Ye-es.’ Merrill bit her lip. ‘My parents passed away when I was a young child.’ ‘Oh,’ Carver said, looking serious. ‘I’m sorry.’ ‘No – it’s fine,’ Merrill said, awkwardly. Now it was her turn to change the subject away from family, or try to. ‘Anyway, it’s how I became her protegée. She didn’t just teach me how to act – she also taught me how to wield my magic. I came into it at the age of four.’
I will tag.... let's see, who's still around...? @barbex, @celemee, @dismalzelenka, @storybookhawke, @sulky-valkyrie, @faux-fires, @illusivesoul and anyone else who wants to do this! 💖
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naturalshocks · 1 year
Final touches. 🐳
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wei wuxian wip
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gunstellations · 1 year
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spontaneousspirit · 6 months
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So- I'm drawing my husband Skrunkly, and I forgot that I suck ass at drawing hair
So does this look ok??? I took a pic, uploaded it in IbisPaint for a mockup, and I- Idk???
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arinmoss · 6 months
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Simon wip (they/them)
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