#xwp spoilers
faithandbuffy · 23 days
For all the liveblog posts i do watching xena, it is NOTHING compared to the notes i take on my phone
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Like yes i WILL write an essay about every episode, the show is just that good
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Thinking about how two of the most famous lawmakers of ancient Athens were named Draco and Solon... Draco was the first, known for putting in place extremely harsh laws (that's where the word "draconian" comes from), and Solon later on repealed much of the Draconian constitution and laid the groundwork for democracy in Athens.
Thinking about how Draco was the first warlord Xena fought once she renounced her old life (not counting defeating Darfus after his coup). How before Ares ever showed up he was the first to try to get Xena to return to her darkness. How he once tried to go home and his father nearly beat him to death with a blacksmith's hammer, creating an association to cruelty and lack of forgiveness.
And thinking about Solan being named that. As far as I know Solon is never mentioned on the show, and the writers obviously played fast and loose with dates, but Solon died around 560 BCE so it seems likely that he would already be a historical figure by the time the show is set. Headcanon that will never leave my mind: Xena explicitly named her son after Solon. Solan was born in potentially the most chaotic time in Xena's life, in the midst of arguably the most important battle in her military career, which turned out to be a completely life-changing moment in so many ways, even more than she knew. Over the course of a few hours at most, she had her first child, her slave betrayed her, her general murdered her lover, and she gave her child to her enemy to raise without knowing the identity of his mother. And amidst all of this, she names her son after a lawmaker known for repealing harsh laws, ending debt bondage and limiting slavery, and generally shifting society towards democracy and away from tyranny. The opposite of everything Xena represented, and she named her son after him as her last act unto the newborn baby before giving him up forever to protect him from the violent life she couldn't leave.
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jessikast · 8 months
Can someone please photoshop Xena (possibly on Argo or driving a chariot or something) into the background of one of those West Auckland beach scenes?
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Hercules and the Circle of Fire
The great HTLJ/XWP/YH (re)watch continues!
Okay, watched this for the first time a few days ago and so far it's easily my favourite of the first three movies. I really, genuinely, liked Hercules in this movie. I completely forgot it was Kevin Sorbo.
(And, not because he had a romantic plotline, I want to be clear. He just was kinder? More human? Idk. We'll get into it.)
So let's jump into it.
First of all this dream sequence.
Okay, I was confused by the white cloak on the mystery woman. I was like "she looks like she's wrapped in snow-covered saran wrap, what is happening?" and then we get this close up of her mouth, and I stg I was like "IS THAT CALLISTO??" 🤣😅 (Spoilers, it is definitely not Callisto.)
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The change of scenery was kinda cool, too (pardon the pun). I was really curious what he was doing up there, but then realized it was a dream sequence.
I'm not clear why Herc had this dream, though? Zeus will later comment about D being the type of woman a man dreams about or something, and Herc realizes that Zeus was aware of his dream... but I don't feel like Zeus gave him the dream, because D was asking him to save her, which I don't really think fit with Zeus's plans? IDK.
Does Hercules have premonition dreams now? Buffy had them occasionally, and I actually don't mind them as a narrative device if they're not overdone.
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Anyway, we shrug that off pretty quickly and see Hercules entering some kind of cave place with a dude and I was really excited for a moment thinking it might be Iolaus, but it was not. Instead we get a very Davey-Jones-esque fight with a guy whose heart is not in his body, and tbh I figured it out almost immediately and felt a bit bored waiting for Herc to figure it out. And then we got a very extra face-melting death. These effects were wild.
Herc saves a girl who is played by the actress who plays Cora Silver in The Return to Treasure Island (the film where Dean O'Gorman - who plays Young Iolaus - plays Jim Hawkins) and I had to pause the movie to figure out where I knew her from haha. During this scene they avoid being melted by acid that's spewing from the fountain he just collected water from.
Then Zeus shows up and tries to get Hercules to go to a mountain with him. Now, intitially I thought he meant Olympus and was really irritated that he didn't understand why Hercules wanted to try to get the potion to his friend that needed it. He claims Hercules cares more about his friend than his own dad - and I was like EXCUSE ME? Zeus, do you honestly feel you can bitch about that after being such a shit father??? But Hercules was so reasonable with his response, saying that that wasn't the case but he really needed to get that to his friend and I was like "wow Hercules has more restraint than me cuz I would not be so kind" haha. Then Zeus ominously mutters to himself that there might not be a next time, and I was like, wait is Zeus DYING? CAN Zeus die?? (I know there's some kind of plot with gods dying at the end of Xena so I assume there are circumstances that allow it.)
This turned out not to be what he meant at all. (Not me being disappointed). 😅 He meant cuz the world might end. The plot, it turns out, is that Hera plans to freeze the whole world and kill everyone. Zeus refuses to stop her???? (I am tearing out my hair at Zeus's uselessness over here!)
Anyway, let's talk about Cheiron!
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This movie has a bunch of familiar names in it, not attached to the characters I associate them with. The first is Cheiron, who, it turns out, is not Cheiron the centaur from Young Hercules, but someone completely unrelated - a satyr? idk - that Hercules has a history with that we don't really know? Cheiron is injured and it won't heal, and Hercules is doing his best to find a cure. I immediately questioned why Hercules seemed so guilty about it and actually wondered very early on if Herc had inflicted the wound, which eventually is revealed to be the case. It was an accident.
Apparently if an immortal gets wounded by another non-mortal, the wound never heals. Does this continue to be canon?
Anyway I liked this sense of responsibility from Herc and totally believed that he'd doggedly pursue a cure. I did question if he should let Cheiron drink the water from the acid fountain, but... it kind of worked until it didn't, so I guess he wasn't far off.
Cheiron complains that he'd like to be mortal, and I immediately go "oh, this man's gonna die". 😅
Also there was a baby named Kora, which is also the name of an important character on Young Hercules (who is not this baby, obviously).
The next fun character to be introduced is Deianeira - NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH "Deianeira of Troy" from literally the movie before this one. They are totally different characters. I mean, they're both outgoing women who love to talk, with dead fathers from whom they inherited their homelands, but the main difference is that Hercules actually shows some interest in this one.
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I found her a little rude at times, especially at first, but I must admit she won me over. She doesn't really feel like she fits into the world, though? Her whole personality, way of speaking, even the accent... it all feels a little too modern for me somehow? Very of the age it was produced and not of the age it was set in (not that any of it is historically accurate, but I hope you know what I mean).
Still, I really do like Deianeira by the end of the movie and was happy to see she didn't die, although I was really surprised that the movie ends with them making out! I guess Hercules has decided that it's not that "different with women" after all.
I'm curious to see what happens to her, because I have a feeling she doesn't last very long? I don't remember him having a permanent love interest so I guess we'll see, haha. I did avoid the show a lot so I could be very wrong there, too.
Back on the topic of Herc, I wonder if he isn't just kind of demisexual, something I can relate to myself, where he needs to have an emotional connection with someone before he feels any kind of sexual attraction. Who knows! He definitely likes Dei this way by the end, and I really believed their chemistry and liked how their bond slowly built over the movie as they got to know each other and learned how to work together effectively.
So back to the actual plot of the movie:
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Hera stole a torch from Prometheus, so now all the fire in the world is dying and everyone's gonna freeze to death. Hercules intends to get it back, and I have all the faith he will do so because he's the hero and I know there's a bunch of seasons of show after this so presumably the world doesn't end.
Prometheus was a cool character to see on screen, since he's a Titan, so he's this really big dude. (I definitely was reminded of the Zora king frozen in Zora's domain in Ocarina of Time, lmao.)
Per wikipedia: "Prometheus is best known for defying the gods by stealing fire from them and giving it to humanity in the form of technology, knowledge, and more generally, civilization." Reminds me a bit of the (Haida?) myth of the Raven stealing the sun.
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Zeus knows all about this plot and instead of helping any of the mortals who are begging the gods for help, Zeus is like "yeah, idk, I don't want to piss of Hera" and instead offers just Hercules (and his gf since he's feeling generous, I guess) a warm little cave to live in while everyone else dies. I was not impressed at all with this.
There's a whole thing with Zeus in this movie where he's upset that Hercules won't do as he's told, and we see Zeus has some insecurity about whether or not Hercules loves him, which is... humanizing? But also a little strange, I must admit. I felt I understood Zeus better in this movie and yet liked him less somehow? He was acting so selfishly throughout the film, even if it was out of love of his son - his lack of empathy for the rest of humanity and how he started using his powers to attack Hercules (even if it was to 'protect' him ultimately) really upset me.
I'm still really struggling with a core piece of his character motivation, which is that I really don't understand why he never interferes with Hera's attempts to hurt Hercules. Hera does awful things in a bid to harm Hercules or people who are seeking him out, constantly, and Zeus is just like "IDK Herc, maybe try sacrificing an animal to her?" when really Zeus's infidelity is what originally pissed off Hera. She's taking her anger at Zeus out on his son and LOADS of mortals, and Zeus just gets mad at Herc any time he complains about it, like defensively blaming Hercules for not sucking up more to Hera.
I guess gods really are not like us, haha.
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I really wanted to like this character. I did sort of like her at first, and then I was pretty sure she was a villain, and then it turned out she was working for Zeus, and then... she really was just some orphan kid?
I actually really didn't like the whole bit where Hercules tried to hunt her down so that he could force her to live in a village and "go to school". There was an earlier scene where Herc played with Cheiron's kids, and I think it was to try to show this paternal side of Hercules, where he's "good with kids" or at least desires to take care of them in general/make sure they're safe. I think that's fine broadly speaking since he's a hero, and also in the context that him being good with kids makes him more attractive to Dei (she comments on it, so I assume that was the reason they made a child fill this narrative role and not, like, some random nymph or minor god, etc.).
But the fact that she really is just some kid doing as Zeus tells her really brings up some red flags in the scene where she tricks Hercules into thinking those strange women are Deianeira so that he'll start having sex with them. (He clues in when there's more than one of Dei, but Dei walks in and assumes Herc is a playboy... it's a whole thing, and really a weak narrative point that could have been cut, probably. We already got the impression Herc was interested in Dei that way so it wasn't like it was needed.)
But since when is Zeus a good dad, I guess. He's not looking out for Phaedra, he's using her.
The Circle of Fire:
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Okay, so they finally find the damn torch and it's inside a Circle of Fire, hence the title of the movie. It turns out that if a god/non-mortal goes inside the circle, they will lose their immortality.
Earlier in the movie there is some discussion of whether or not Hercules is immortal. That confused me a bit because one would think the wound he inflicted on Cheiron not healing would imply he's immortal?
Zeus is clearly worried about Hercules dying if he goes into the circle to get the torch, and he starts fighting Herc to stop him, but eventually Herc wins out and goes into the circle to get the torch.
This actually surprised me!
I totally thought he was going to make a compromise with Zeus and be like "Okay, then use your powers to go get Cheiron up here, and he can do it, since he wants to be mortal!" Two birds, one stone, so to speak. We know Zeus can poof people around because he's offered it several times by now in this very movie.
Instead, Hercules goes into the circle, presumably making him mortal, and then he brings some of the immortality-killing fire ALLLLLL THE WAYYYYY back to Cheiron's house to make a new circle there.
Before we get to that, small tangent - Zeus, seeing Hercules weakened by entering the circle, wants to go in and get him out, but knows it will make him mortal. And there's actually a point where he claims he's going to do it anyway, but then Hera intervenes to make a path for Zeus so it won't kill him. I'm like... really confused about their relationship, haha. You hate your husband's child because he's proof of the infidelity, to the point you want him dead, but you won't harm your husband who did the cheating? Talk about misplaced anger. I hate this plot so much JFC.
Anyway, as I said, Hercules then takes this magic fire with him to Cheiron.
He doesn't tell Cheiron what it will do.
This infuriated me???
Cheiron's clearly tried a lot of Herc's failed remedies, but not telling him that the fire will make him mortal seems like SUCH A DICK MOVE. What if Cheiron changed his mind about wanting to be mortal? It wasn't an informed consent, that's all I'm saying.
All's well that ends well, though. Cheiron was actually happy, and it healed him, too, I guess. It made him human, and there's this moment where his wife seems kinda put off/unsure about his new human body, and I was amused by that.
So we end the movie with everyone happy and mortal.
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Does Hercules remain mortal?
If we assume him going into the circle actually made him mortal, does he stay that way? I swear there's an episode set in modern times where he's still alive, but I didn't actually watch the whole episode so I could be wrong, haha.
Does he still have his demi-god strength? He must, right? He's totally strong on the show from what I remember. Just what about his godly-heritage is stripped by this fire? I don't know. Maybe this whole thing is forgotten about or handwaved later. I guess I'll find out.
My current predictions/thoughts:
Deianeira is going to die before the show starts or early on.
Herc is gonna get back his immortality, possibly for plot reasons.
Iolaus. Where is Iolaus? Is Anya going to die? I want Iolaus in the story again already, yeeeesh.
Herc said "What the hell" a lot in this movie, and like, not to nitpick, but... do they have "hell" in the strictest sense? IDK why I noticed this, but I did.
I like Hercules, the character. I liked him a lot in this movie. I liked that he was able to stand his ground on what was important without ever being unkind or unreasonable. Even when he was in conflict with people, he was compassionate, which is more what I would expect from him after watching some of Young Hercules. I didn't get that as much in the last couple movies.
All the characters felt a lot more human and well-rounded in this movie (compared to the last two); good job writers.
I actually liked this movie and would watch it again!
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trashyeggroll · 1 year
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I posted 4,121 times in 2022
438 posts created (11%)
3,683 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 936 of my posts in 2022
#asks - 272 posts
#new amsterdam - 87 posts
#new amsterdam spoilers - 81 posts
#xwp - 50 posts
#leyren - 36 posts
#atgtyh - 34 posts
#trashy writes - 23 posts
#lauren bloom - 22 posts
#leyla shinwari - 16 posts
#cats - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 119 characters
#love the idea of laying in a f u to canon by having gabrielle explain eve didn’t see gabs love for her in the flashback
My Top Posts in 2022:
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My uncle Quang went missing on a mountain last month and is presumed to have died in a rock slide. It’s very likely we will never get his body back, based on where he is believed to have fallen. He was the first known Vietnamese man to summit three of the world’s 7 biggest summits. He climbed Denali in the USA, Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Aconcagua in Argentina, and Mont Blanc in Western Europe.
Anyway I’m not posting about this for sympathy or donations, but because before he died, he saved his brother (my other uncle)’s life with a bone marrow transplant. Out of seven siblings, Quang was the only match. So there’s something additionally offensive to the idea that we will never get his body back.
When we were waiting on the results, there was a lot of anxiety surrounding the possibility of no familial matches, because having recent ancestors in common is the next best pool of genetics to tap for a match: Vietnamese, Lao people, Cambodians, Hmong people. Unfortunately, in the United States, the number of Southeast Asians in the bone marrow registry is critically low.
And guess what? We can fix that! There are a few options/registries out there, and if you are able to be a registered potential donor, you’ll have the chance to save a life. It’s also way easier than climbing a 19,000’ mountain.
See the full post
1,031 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
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well hello
1,092 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
look at these meatballs 😭
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this is your annual kitten season reminder that if u don’t fix your pets i will look for you, i will find you, and i will connect you to a low cost spay/neuter clinic
1,237 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
Paper Girls said, what if instead of an adult learning to be kind to their child self, the child self showed up and just cussed you out
1,969 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
tumblr is great and all but ya’ll are missing the woman in one of my cat fb groups that has birthed her own tier 1 meme
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See the full post
87,194 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ivyinforests · 1 day
I’m fully aware that not everything is Xena: Warrior Princess. However, season 2 of Carmilla and season 3 of XWP are shockingly similar (obviously there will be spoilers below) It’s the same pattern of growing tension based on fights over morality culminating in the more morally judgemental blond doing something so terrible that her love interest actually hates her/considers killing her (maybe? I don’t think C actually tried to kill L, but I do think she thought about it and maybe even wanted to for a minute), then eventually going to a strange pocket dimension to work things out
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nerdgatehobbit · 2 years
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Take a wild guess where the next batch of screencaps will come from.  :D
More seriously, should I wait until I’m done with the “Emissary” ones or is it okay if there’s some overlap?
On to the more typical ramblings.
I really need to start watching XWP’s third season.  I haven’t been doing many Sun & Moon screencaps, so that’s likely to apply to XWP too.  I have absolutely no clue how I’ll react to Arrow, which is also on my to-watch list for this autumn.  And I need to finish ALOK’s first season before I really get into my mini PR re-watch for next year’s anniversary.
I’m still early in my DS9 watch, especially as I re-watch to get screencaps as on the first time around I want to be watching, not trying to get good images.  I’ll get them separately, but once I do have them, I’ll alternate between “Past Prologue” and “A Man Alone” given their jumbled timeline.  Jumping ahead to the latest episode I’ve watched, it was great to get the context for Sisko punching Q.
In contrast, this is essentially my third time around with SGA (saw a good [most?] chunk on TV as a teen, the actual watch recently, and now this) so I can focus more on getting good images.  It also helps that I don’t have to worry about WordPress’s image limit like I do on my blog (I have not really made a dent in it yet, but that’s because I’ve been relatively careful once it sunk it that there was one).
I haven’t had the time to figure it out yet, but!  I have obtained a Blu-Ray drive so that I can watch them on my laptop and ergo get screencaps.  This is Very Important for Sailor Moon purposes whenever I get around to it (next year??), as I know I will need images for the comparing and contrasting that will arise from doing the original and Crystal first seasons.  It might be weird to be watching the original and the reboot for the first time together as well as reading the manga, but I think that it will be fun as well.  Although I do have basically all the spoilers for the first four seasons thanks to reading Shadowjack’s reviews.
... Please let there be re-releases for the later seasons soon-ish.
Huh, it will also come into handy whenever I get around to re-watching Princess Tutu and/or TCW as I can then get screencaps for them as well.
So far I’ve really been enjoying The Rings of Power.  It’s definitely different from Jackson’s vision, but that’s not inherently a bad thing.
2023 is edging closer, so I really do need to start the YW re-read.  At this point, I suspect I might end up doing posts on each pair of books rather than trying to deep-dive into each pair of chapters.  I’m just nervous about putting on my serious analysis goggles on rather than just reading & enjoying them.  Any tips?
I also want to read the first two Spy x Family volumes and see if I like them enough to get more.  So a Lord of the Rings reread shouldn’t be on the table for awhile.  Especially as there’s also The Dragon Quartet to be read (so much nerves about if the actual first, second, and fourth books will live up up to the hazy theorizing I did as a teen based off the third book, which is why it hasn’t happened yet).
I definitely am experiencing choice paralysis with my media backlog, because this isn’t even the entire list.  :/
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droidmom · 4 years
idk why but i cannot stop thinking about autolycus accidentally adopting tara and then raising eve with her help. bonus points if tara becomes an amazon so autolycus is Allowed in the village of girls who already love eve so he’s not TOTALLY responsible for a whole entire tiny human whose mothers WILL kill him if he fucks up 
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wistfulwatcher · 3 years
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Just gimme a second. You don't have a second!
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coramills · 2 years
Okay so the way I see it, there are two ways that this lesbian mentoring dynamic can go:
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(As illustrated here in exhibit P)
Option One: we're all for it but unfortunately the student eventually outgrows the teacher.
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(Alti/ Xena in Xena Warrior Princess)
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(Maleficent/ Regina in Once Upon A Time)
OPTION TWO, they totally make out:
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(Pam/ Tara in True Blood)
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(Lady Jayne/ Lucy in Dracula)
Either way it all starts
With just a woman
Standing behind a girl
Looking over her shoulder
Asking her to carry on this evil legacy.
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strangestructures · 3 years
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That is the face of a woman who is trying to deal with learning that her wife is pregnant, with all that implies, while at the same time being confused because she’s hardly left her side these past few months but also a baby wouldn’t be such a bad thing now would it?
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angieschiffahoi · 2 years
i can’t stop thinking how jaskier is joxer and gabrielle’s love child
we all know gabs is xena’s baby daddy, but still… i’ve never seen a character embody two characters at once this much
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Akshalsjak Lucy Lawless is such a fucking insanely good actor what the fuck. Rewatching Intimate Stranger rn and the first time around I did not appreciate the degree to which she is able to perfectly replicate Callisto's mannerisms, style of speaking, body language, facial expressions, etc. This is fucking surreal
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tosailuponthesea · 3 years
I’m a little concerned this storyline is heading in a Gabrielle-comes-back-Wrong direction...
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“Doesn’t excuse [Catra’s] toxic behavior” - Sure, let’s expect someone who has only ever had bad outcomes to make great choices. It’s frustrating that a really complex character is reduced to “wow, she sucks and is irredeemable” It leads to the narrative that only Catra’s death would be enough for redemption- which if you want to see how that plays out go to the Xena fandom and see how well that worked out. Spoiler alert: it’s the worst ending possible to what was a great show.
Yeah Catra makes bad choices but they are understandable given the way her childhood has made her fear vulnerability and resent anyone trying to control her. As I said, that’s not what that meta was about, but still.
And uh yeah, Catra did die? Or at least was on the brink of death. The people who wanted her to stay dead... well, yeah, that really smacks of the Xena “stay dead to let their souls be at peace” thing, which was really unsatisfying when the whole show was basically about her doing better. It gave the impression none of that mattered. And while redemption was certainly a huge theme in that show it was second to the relationship between Xena and Gabrielle, and in the end she sacrificed that, and it made that feel like it didn’t matter either.
Look, people can do terrible things, but almost everybody is capable of growth and change. Even a commander in an army trying to take over the world, even a warload who sacked villages and was accidentally responsible for a few mass casualty events. And if we insist on these people dying, that cuts their actual redemptions short, doesn’t allow them to do good in the world to counteract it. That’s not redemption people are after, it’s vengeance.
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dadrielle · 4 years
I’ve seen the Utena parallel gifsets with the Big Scene at the end of the show but GOD I wish I could make gifs because uhhhhh it also has big Xena energy.
Like. Is There A Doctor In The House? “C’mon, you never ran from anything in your life. Fight! FIGHT!...Don’t leave me, don’t leave me, DON’T LEAVE ME!”
Very similar, I am JUST SAYING-
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