#yao lee
lovesines · 2 months
Unrequited Love (Shanghai Lounge Divas) | Yao Lee
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365filmsbyauroranocte · 5 months
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The Shadowless Tower (Zhang Lu, 2023)
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tyuyuz · 2 years
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shihlun · 1 year
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LEE Hsing
- Jade Goddess
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Movie Reivew | Bruce Lee in New Guinea (Yang, 1978)
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One of the great things about having to go back to the office when your province has removed all mask mandates is that, after not having gotten sick for two and a half years, I managed to catch two colds within the same month. Now, I won't grouse too much about my condition, but I will note that over the last two nights, when zonked out on cold medication, I turned to that age-old non-pharmaceutical panacea of Bruceploitation, the genre that works better the less you can pay attention to the plot. That certainly holds true for Bruce Lee in New Guinea, which feels like a free-associative series of fight scenes with the flimsiest narrative threads holding it together. What I'm saying is, it was a great movie to watch under these circumstances. If I misrepresent the particulars of the story in any way, blame the cold.
Bruce Li stars as an anthropologist who flies to Snake Worship Island in Papua New Guinea to study the snake tribe. There's a brief attempt to liken him to the real Bruce Lee with a fight scene where he sports a tracksuit, but otherwise I appreciated that he gets to be his own character and not too much in the shadow of the real deal. Complications arise as the snake tribe is under the influence of the evil Devil Sect, with the snake princess (who is noted to be very nice) having to obey the evil Great Wizard Guru. At one point, he tells her to take off her crown for breaking the tribe's rules. I would have thought as princess, she could have changed the rules, but I guess not. Do the snake people have a constitution? The movie does not provide an answer. Also, the palace has a pit of poisonous snakes right in the middle, which multiple characters fall into, so if she really wanted to take back power, there were options at her disposal. But she is good-hearted, and I suppose good-hearted people don't push others into piles of deadly snakes.
The Great Wizard Guru is a supposedly fearsome fighter with three tricks at his disposal: Snake in the Road (a fighting move), Snake in Tree (another fighting move) and a poison ring (what it sounds like). (A character tells us this breathlessly and then announces: "I'm dying!") That the Great Wizard Guru immediately goes to the poison ring in the next scene casts great doubt on his martial arts prowess. There's also intrigue involving the Snake Pearl (the movie cleverly builds its mythology through the age-old trick of adding "snake" before regular words), a baby, and some other schlubs awkwardly inserted into the plot. Li and the Snake Princess fall in love, but I guess I missed the scenes of courtship. Blame the cold medication.
The high point of the movie comes at the halfway mark. A pair of creepy guys spy a bunch of the female snake people frolicking on the beach (set to cheesy music), start harassing them, and are stopped when the Snake Princess arrives, tells her subjects to "Go get the ape!", and a gorilla shows up, does a few flips, and beats up the creepy guys. The ape is a force for good, so alas it never fights Li. Other animal-related intrigue largely involves snakes, and while PETA would likely not approve, I didn't notice any snakes being harmed onscreen. There's also a notable scene where Li's cousin mistakes his arm for a snake through the magic of editing.
I think this stumbles as an action movie by giving its main villain too many fight scenes with Li too early, so that their final showdown doesn't make as much of an impact. That last fight does have one pretty bloody moment, all the more startling because the movie is otherwise pretty PG-rated in terms of content, and the copy I watched (on the great Wu Tang Collection YouTube channel) had the swears bleeped out. (I noticed when a character said something really mean about a literal baby, which is a great way to signal to the audience that he's a bad dude.) The fights however come with great frequency, and are shot and choreographed with a reasonable level of craft, so combined with some of the kooky stuff here, I had a good enough time. However, I must note that the background of the fight scenes didn't look all that different in terms of wildlife than every other cheapo martial arts movie I've seen. What I'm saying is, contrary to the movie's title and that one insert of the plane taking off, the movie was not actually shot in Papua New Guinea and was instead filmed wherever they normally shot these things. If you can get over that crippling betrayal and don't mind not paying attention to the plot, you might have a good time.
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weepingfireflies · 1 year
Everyone, the second they watch the Bloodivores anime: Gay
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flashfuckingflesh · 3 months
Getting Revenge on EVIL is a 6-Year Plan! "Kill Butterfly Kill" reviewed! (Neon Eagle Video / Blu-ray)
“Kill Butterfly Kill” – Both Films Available on Blu-ray! Caught on the wrong side of the tracks during  a torrential downpour one dark and stormy night, a soaked Mei-Ling seeks shelter in a haybarn where a group of drunk men are playing cards.  Through an intoxicated lens of brash confidence, the men rape Mei-Ling as if the whole ordeal was nothing more than a game, like them playing cards.  For…
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animatedshortoftheday · 7 months
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Luchadorable (2016) [6 min] by Gabriel Arrellaga, Vincent Carlos, Kennith Concelos, DJ Crumrine, Caleb Eshetu, Rachel Gorman, Robyn Lee, Sophia Li, Alex Phan, Alanna Train, Frank Yao and Annie Zeng | Canada
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olivierdemangeon · 1 year
THE LINGERING (2018) ★★✮☆☆
THE LINGERING (2018) ★★✮☆☆
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darklinaforever · 3 months
I ship Daemyra, Jonerys, Persades, Lucesare / Borgiacest, Yume (Yuki & Kaname), Valerio & Lucrecia, Dracmina, Snowbaird, Warnette (Warner & Juliette), Jurdan, Addie & Luc, Lamen, Corien & Rielle, Marya Morevna & Koschei, Catradora, Charleimy, Phole (Phoebe & Cole), Heathcliff & Catherine, Jane Eyre & Mr Rochester, Erikstine, Raistlin & Crysania, Reylo, Darklina / Alarkling, Nina & Matthias, Mareven, Zutara, Taang, Azulaang, Rayaari, Dramione, Snily, Rumbelle, Zelena & Hades, Hans & Anna, Charlastor / Radiobelle, Aragorn & Eowyn, Wyler / Weyler, Sylki, Sareth, Saurondriel, Namuri / Nashuri, Mergana, Glenya, Elizabeth & Maximilian, Xiao Yao & Xiang Liu, Jo & Laurie, Hannigram, Clannibal, Villaneve, Spuffy, Nabrina, Sessrin, Kishigo, Darkness & Lily, Beetlejuice & Lydia, BatJokes, Jarley, Rhett & Scarlett, Chair, Bonkai, Delena, Steferine, Klaroline, Haylijah, Bamon (books), Clarke & Hope, Loustat, Lestat & Jesse, Tentoorose, Chise & Elias, Livius / Livi & Nike, Akigure (Akito & Shigure), Chocola & Pierre, Nygmobblepot, Ed & Lee, Whoufflé / Whouffald, Carlos & Lidia / Alba, Thomas & Edith, Dani & Pelle, Nuala & Nuada, Charlie & India, Billy & Dinah, Billy & Krista, Ruby & Clancy, Veronica & Jason, Jessigrave / Kiljones, Jack & Sandie !
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Only ships that can cause controversy.
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And you know what ? I don't really give a damn.
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imoosgnaj · 4 months
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[CHINESE NEW YEAR SPECIAL] Celebrate Chinese New Year with SKZ 🎆
genre: fluff (some funny scenes)
a/n: I started writing this back in January lmao. The whole ff is written in first person point of view. Anyway Happy Chinese New Year!
warning: none? however, there are members from Aespa, NCT and Seventeen appearing in this fanfic
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A few days before New Year, your team members heared you and Chenle's conversation, and they used their phone to translate live--
Chenle: "Can you go home for New Year?"
You: "WAIT YOU CAN GO HOME??? Bro this is so not fait! Ugh, it's been so long time..."
Chenle: "Then how are you gonna celebrate it? You wanna come and have dinner with the Chinese line?"
You: "I'd love to but, I still gonna record Kingdom that day, and it'll be too late for food when I'm done."
Chenle: "Okay superstar, in that case I will just go have fun with the Ningning The 8 and Jun, but I will send you picture so don't worry!"
You: "Ugh ok, bye"
Chan opened his phone to check the calender: "Yea, it's Chinese New Year soon."
"Kingdom starts that day," Says Lee Know, "We sure don't know when we will be back."
"But this holiday must be very important for her!" Hyunjin searched it up, "It's the biggest holiday in China, look!"
"Clench your fist, get up early and sleep late, I mean, it's for her right?" Changbin says to everyone.
Everyone agreed, so now they are doing the 'missions' again.
"New Year requires..." Because Chinese has different traditions than Korean, Chan needs to search it up and read them one by one: "Eat dumplings, spring couplets, fireworks, red envelopes..."
"Red envelopes?" Felix scratcher his head, "What are those?"
Felix immediately took out his phone: "Let me ask Chenle."
Chenle picked up his phone after one second.
Chenle: "What's up Yongbogi?"
Felix: "Heyyyyy, long time no see buddy! So since Soomi can't celebrate New Year with yall, we are worried that she will feel sad, and we wanna celebrate it with her! But we don't know that much about the traditions, can you explain them?"
Chenle: "Ah of course! I promise I won't tell Soomi. Let me tell you..."
About the traditions, uh yes, it went on for at least one hour.
After this one hour, you were told about the plans (by Chenle of course)
"Everyone's so good to you," Chenle is just chatting with you, but he doesn't know that you are so touched that you have tears in your eyes.
"Yea," You sneezed, "But why you told me early! I'm worried that I can't take it by then."
"Hey don't tell them about this!"
"Fine!" You ended the call.
Busy days always fly past, it's New Year's Eve in a blink. Because you were busy rehearsing for the stage the day before, you barely had any rest, you are so tired after the shooting today and even forgot how special today is! You started sleeping once you got on car.
"Are the red envelopes ready?" Chan talked quietly on the car.
"Yes they are!" Lee Know took out an envelope with 'luck' on it from his pocket.
"What about the spring couplets?" Chan nods, and then kept on checking.
"I wrote together with Seungminnie, I asked Yao Chen to check it, it's on the table." Felix tapped Chan's shoulder and told him no worries.
"Yea I made them together with Jeogin and Changbin hyung," Hyunjin went on, "and fish too."
"Okay!" Chan pretended to clap, "The fireworks are also ready, Minho should also be checking on the other car, we just need to make sure to being Soomi up the building later, don't wake her up."
The cars soon arrived at the dorm. You had absolutely no idea because you were sleeping so well. Chan picked you up carefully, Felix protected your head, moved you out the car and successfully carried you back to dorm.
It's even harder to let the kids quiet down when cooking than sscend to heaven. Lee Know clenched his fist because Hyunjin accidently hit a bowl and it fell on the floor; Jeogin needed to watch Jisung's mouth just in case he randomly started singing; about Changbin, Chan taped his mouth because his mouth is literally a weapon.
You got woken up by the great smell of food. The air is filled with sweet smells, the type of sweet smell that are rare in Korean foods.
You rubbed your sleepy eyes, opened your bedroom door and walked out. Although you already knew that they are going to give you a surprise, but when seeing all the Chinese food on the table, you were still shocked. I mean, who doesn't love food right?"
Chan, who just put the last dish on the table, saw you coming out and said to you: "Heyyyy, I was just about to let Felix call you! Come sit down!"
Before Chan finished, Felix and Han already grabbed your hands and took you to your seat.
'It must be the water vapor...' You thought, teary in your eyes.
"Ahw why are you crying?" Lee Know denied your thoughts, took a napkin and wiped your tears.
"I......" You still wanted to argue, but started crying once you opened your mouth: "You guys are so nice, I'm so touched..."
The other members took their seats soon after, Lee Know patted your head: "You know why we are so nice to you? Because we think you are so nice to us too!"
Changbin counldn't help it, he ate a dumping first and it was so hot he grinned. "YES SOOMI, you are so good to us you know? C'mon, the food will get cold if you don't eat them now."
Seungmin, who sat next to you, put some vegetables in your bowl and handed you a pair of chopsticks: "Try them! We learned one dish each."
You still couldn't help but sob. You picked up a piece of fish and was about to eat, but you were blocked by Seungmin: "No, sobbing and eating at the same time will make you choke." He said, his other hand patted your back gently.
After seeing you moving your chopticks, Changbin started calling everyone and began to eat: "Eat quick! We have bigger surprises waiting for you!" You smiled when watching him like this.
After pouring drinks, Chan raised his cup: "In the past year, we all did great, especiall our maknae! As the only girl in our team, she has taken off a lot of pressure. In the next year we will also be moving forward, and get better and better."
"CHEERS!" Everyone shouted, your happy faces are reflected on the cups.
"Following the Chinese traditions, we put 3 coins in the dumplings! Now eat" Lee Know handed you some dumplings.
You took a bit: "Hey I got it!" You spited out the coin, "Not every dumplings have a coin right?"
"How's that possible?" Even with that being said, Jeogin still thought it's magical, "Our maknae will become rich next year hehe."
However, Lee Know and Chan are acting calm: because the first dumpling you ate was marked by us.
It's just a little trick used by the oldest members, but it can truly bring you happiness. This is surely the best meal you've had ever since you came to South Korea.
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Tag: @mynameisnotlaura @hyunmikim
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xianyoon · 4 months
⤷ ying's teahouse companions!
part 2 !!! a list of all my mutuals !!! apologies for the tags, darlings >ᴗ< i hope u know that i love u all very much, even if we've just met! if i missed anyone out, please let me know huhu
@kazumist ( aki )
@dailypenpen ( penpen )
@yua-nism ( yua )
@sleepypengwin ( pix )
@papiliotao ( rei )
@2018-01-20 ( boo )
@goldfish-afterhours ( rulaine )
@zhongrin ( meirin )
@risustravelogue ( kurisu )
@the-guardian-kitsune ( hana )
@satoruin ( lee )
@falors ( elysia )
@navxry ( navi )
@k4saneterritory ( mimi )
@starryshinyskies ( avery )
@lovemari ( mari )
@astrxealis ( apollo )
@manager-of-the-pudding-bank ( loqua )
@meidnightrain ( meisha )
@nyoomiin ( eri )
@floraldresvi ( dresvi )
@iceunhie ( mhie )
@xiaoriae ( auni )
@dreamandback ( frankie )
@aeon-yao ( sol )
@mxplesyrvp ( kyo )
@asoulsreverie ( soul )
@staarri ( ren )
@bl4cktourmaline ( x / yue / mango )
@mx-kamisato ( artem )
@atsuwumus ( mai )
@chandeliermichel ( inky )
@lynyluvr ( cam )
@auroratumbles ( aurora )
@lovelyluc ( awea )
@tetsuskei ( risu )
@realkavehgf ( shin )
@mikacynth ( mika )
@cakeboxie ( dmtryo )
@kentophilia ( salem )
@sometimesliterate ( miya )
@kenuis ( isla )
@prime-adeptus ( kiri )
@rationaliity ( miya )
@eriyuan ( eris )
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oneefin · 5 months
hiya! so this is a long one:
during december, i ran a daily puzzle recommendation column in a music discord server where i sent one cool puzzle every day for 31 days. those puzzles drew from basically every corner of puzzling that i've been sinking into for the past couple of years, so i'm going to dump them all in this singular tumblr post as a quick way to jot down where i've already been. maybe you'll enjoy one of them also!
logic puzzles
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1. nonbinary masyu, designed by walker for the 2023 puzzler pride edition of the griddle. link goes to the pdf of the whole puzzle pack, where this puzzle and its rules can be found on page 5.
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2. recursive masyu, designed by fleb, with a super unique variety mechanic. link contains the rules. (fleb had a stellar youtube channel going in the past with really well made breakdown videos of various puzzles. all of it is worth watching)
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3. rush hour sudoku, designed by chameleon, which adds an interactive mechanic to a sudoku. link contains the rules and a playable solver that they coded themselves
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4. the miracle sudoku, designed by mitchell lee, which at this point is incredibly famous. link contains the rules and a playable solver.
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5. foggy twilight kurotto, designed by menderbug. good if you've done a twilight kurotto, or a normal kurotto, before. link contains the rules and a playable solver via penpa+.
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6. choco banana, designed by tawan sunathvanichkul for the 79th issue of tambox bulletin. link goes to the pdf for the whole puzzle page, where this puzzle is on the left side.
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7. litherslink, designed by michael3.14 for the snakes on a plane series in the cracking the cryptic discord server. i've played slitherlink before, and this messed with my head. link goes to a puzz.link solver with the rules in Help -> Rules.
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8. star battle, designed by jack lance (rest in peace). oh, is there no link for it? that's weird.
word puzzles
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9. bagel shop caption puzzle, a rows garden published by the new yorker. link contains a solver with the clues.
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10. printer's devilry, a crossword by kyle dolan with printer's devilry clues. link goes to a solver on amuselabs with the clues and an explanation of how to solve them.
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11. safe cracking, a crossword by noneuclidean with an unorthodox theme. link goes to a solver on crosshare with the clues.
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12. japanese braille, a sample puzzle from the international linguistics olympiad. link goes to a pdf containing all of the sample puzzles, where this puzzle is on page 4. note that the pdf version of the puzzle (as opposed to the above image) contains extra information that makes the puzzle easier.
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13. the 2023 puzzmo holiday puzzlebook, published by puzzmo. link goes to a pdf containing the above puzzle and so many more. if you like what's inside and you're not already playing puzzmo, now is a great time to hop aboard!
hunt puzzles
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14. paint by numbers, designed by brian chen for the 2023 galactic puzzle hunt. link includes an answer checker.
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15. extreme anagrams, designed by yannick yao for the 2022 galactic puzzle hunt. the above image is a curated selection from the puzzle that i found the most interesting. link goes to the full puzzle.
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16. make your own math quiz, designed by azalea weisblat and josh alman for the 2020 galactic puzzle hunt, which was one of my favorite solving experiences of all time. link goes to the full puzzle, which is interactive.
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17. worm search, part of a puzzle designed by adeline wong and thomas gordon for the 17th shard puzzle hunt. note that knowing which puzzle from the hunt contains this subpuzzle is a small spoiler, so if you're sure you want to see the full puzzle, it's here.
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18. 0123456789, an instructionless puzzle game designed by matrix67 that defies explanation. link goes to itch.io
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19. the blot thickens, a puzzle designed by scottg for the 2023 confounding calendar. i previously wrote about it here! link goes to itch.io
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20. a level set from INSIGHT (or "Insight"? or "IN?IGHT"? or "IN⸮IGHT"? the name isn't stylized consistently), a game designed by maou. this game is instructionless - your goal is to split each shape into two pieces following some rule. the rule for this level set can be inferred from only the image, but the game expects you to toy around with possibilities to figure out why certain solutions are right and others are wrong. the link goes to the full game on steam, where if you'd like to try that, you can buy it and reach this stage yourself.
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21. klifur, a bouldering simulator designed by torfi that's so like and so unlike real climbing. link goes to itch.io
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22. frog finder, a cute game designed by poobslag. it got updated with more content since i originally played it! link goes to itch.io
tiny tricksies
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23. make oo, a puzzle designed by beekie. link goes to itch.io
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24. addition puzzle, designed by beekie for the 2021 confounding calendar. link goes to itch.io
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25. snow walk, a gif-based puzzle designed by patrick traynor (the maker of patrick's parabox) for the 2021 confounding calendar. link goes to itch.io
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26. ペンギン迷路 (penguin maze), a japanese puzzle designed by qrostar. you don't need to know japanese to solve it - the goal is to place one right arrow (->) in an empty space in the grid such that starting from the marked arrow in the top right and moving in the direction of each arrow you pass eventually leads you to the flag in the bottom. link goes to the full puzzle on their twitter ("""X""")
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27. an unusual chess puzzle, originally designed by raymond sullivan in "the chess mysteries of the arabian knights", sourced from this blog post on chess.com. this is not a conventional chess puzzle - the goal is to figure out how this position happened. ie: it's currently someone's turn, and you have to figure out what the board looked like 3 moves ago.
28. five houses puzzle, designed by jack lance. i've embellished the problem statement to make the goal more clear:
there are five houses on a street that all have different prices and heights.
let's say the prices are $1M, $2M, $3M, $4M, and $5M, and the heights are 3m, 3.5m, 4m, 4.5m, and 5m, in some order.
given the following constraints, identify the price and height of each house:
1) The house that's taller than the house that's more expensive than the house that's shorter than the house that's cheaper than the house that's blue is red.
(i came across this from a blog post by jacob cohen of puzzles for progress discussing jack lance's passing. worth a read honestly - jack lance was too good)
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29. the cursed dice riddle, designed by dan finkel and presented by ted-ed. link goes to the video, which contains the problem statement and the solution.
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30. round 2 of s19e6 of the british quiz show only connect, reformatted as a puzzle. this is honestly worth its own blog post, which i'll make later - for now, you can find the full episode here.
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31. last but by far not least, LOK, a very artful puzzle book designed by blaz urban gracer of letibus design. link goes to itch.io
i had a great time fishing up all of these during december, and i'm hoping to find even cooler stuff this year and beyond. send me cool stuff if you've got anything!
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yuriplisetsky-rp · 4 months
What a competition! Some great skates at the top. Happy to see my husband win and my boyfriend go into second. Worlds will be intense.
Short Program
Otabek Altin - KAZ - 110.27
Seung-gil Lee - KOR - 107.84
Jean-Jacques Leroy - CAN - 107.80
Guang-hong de la Iglesia - CHN - 107.68
Koichiro Fujiwara - JPN - 100.82
Kyo Fuji - JPN - 99.20
Louis Leroy - CAN - 98.90
Gi-joon Khan - KOR - 95.30
Hiroki Yamaguchi - JPN - 94.44
Justin Hwang - CAN - 83.50
Roman Khasanov - KAZ - 81.76
Alexander Bagrov - USA - 81.15
Yejing Wang - CHN - 78.74
Akihito Hayakawa - USA - 75.39
Ha-joon Park - KOR - 70.27
Daniel Vargas - MEX - 67.66
Ruslan Portnov - USA - 67.61
Liwei Li - CHN - 66.04
Serik Abdrakhmanov - KAZ - 64.51
Jayden Steven Ramoran - PHI - 62.86
Shoi-ming Song - HKG - 60.06
Damian Fonesca - AUS - 55.76
Le Le Wang - MAS - 54.99
Li Wei Yao - HKG - 54.05
Weiling Lei Tee Ng - SGP - 51.12
Li-wei Shi - TPE - 48.85
Georges Macdevitt - AUS - 42.28
Free Program
Guang-hong de la Iglesia - CHN - 216.10
Otabek Altin - KAZ - 215.44
Jean-Jacques Leroy - CAN - 215.21
Seung-gil Lee - KOR - 214.51
Louis Leroy - CAN - 201.14
Koichiro Fujiwara - JPN- 195.76
Gi-joon Khan - KOR - 177.65
Kyo Fuji - JPN - 175.39
Hiroki Yamaguchi - JPN - 168.99
Roman Khasanov - KAZ - 163.04
Justin Hwang - CAN - 156.88
Alexander Bagrov - USA - 156.05
Rulsan Portnov - USA - 147.39
Akihito Kayakwa - USA - 142.35
Ha-joon Park - KOR - 141.13
Yejing Wang - CHN - 139.92
Daniel Vargas - MEX - 134.81
Serik Abdrakhmanov - KAZ - 131.37
Jayden Steven Ramoran - PHI - 117.45
Damian Fonesca - AUS - 110.65
Le Le Wang - MAS - 103.35
Liwei Li - CHN - 102.47
Li Wei Yao - HKG - 93.11
Shoi-ming Song - HKG - 88.99
Otabek Altin - KAZ - (1, 2) - 324.00 @otabekvoiceblog
Guang-hong de la Iglsia - CHN - (4, 1) - 323.78 @guanghongvoice
Jean-Jacques Leroy - CAN - (3, 3) - 323.01 @jjleroy-rp
Seung-gil Lee - KOR - (2, 4) - 322.35
Louis Leroy - CAN - (7, 5) - 300.04
Koichiro Fujiwara - JPN - (5, 6) - 296.58
Kyo Fuji - JPN - (6, 8) - 274.59
Gi-joon Khan - KOR - (8, 7) - 272.95
Hiroki Yamaguchi - JPN - (9, 9) - 263.43
Roman Khasanov - KAZ - (11, 10) - 244.80
Justin Hwang - CHN - (10, 11) - 240.38
Alexander Bagrov - USA - (12, 12) - 237.20
Yejing Wang - CHN - (13, 16) - 218.66
Akihito Kayakwa - JPN - (14, 14) - 217.74
Ruslan Portnov - USA - (17, 13) - 215.00
Ha-joon Park - KOR - (15, 15) - 211.40
Daniel Vargas - MEX - (16, 17) - 202.47
Serik Abdrakhmanov - KAZ - (19, 18) - 195.88
Jayden Stevan Ramoran - PHI - (20, 19) - 180.31
Liwei Li - CHN - (18, 22) - 168.51
Damian Fonesca - AUS - (20, 20) - 166.41
Le Le Wang - MAS - (23, 21) - 158.34
Li Wei Yao - HKG - (24, 23) - 149.05
Shoi-ming Song - HKG - (21, 24) - 147.16
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compneuropapers · 11 months
Interesting Papers for Week 27, 2023
Experience-driven recalibration of learning from surprising events. Bakst, L., & McGuire, J. T. (2023). Cognition, 232, 105343.
Undermatching Is a Consequence of Policy Compression. Bari, B. A., & Gershman, S. J. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(3), 447–457.
Topographic representation of current and future threats in the mouse nociceptive amygdala. Bowen, A. J., Huang, Y. W., Chen, J. Y., Pauli, J. L., Campos, C. A., & Palmiter, R. D. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 196.
Differential processing of decision information in subregions of rodent medial prefrontal cortex. Diehl, G. W., & Redish, A. D. (2023). eLife, 12, e82833.
Synaptic gradients transform object location to action. Dombrovski, M., Peek, M. Y., Park, J.-Y., Vaccari, A., Sumathipala, M., Morrow, C., … Card, G. M. (2023). Nature, 613(7944), 534–542.
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drama--universe · 2 years
You're mine tomorrow
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Requested by anonymous: Hello!! Can you do one with Xiao Rui from falling into your smile?
Pairing: Xiao Rui x reader
Word Count: 1840 words
Warnings: none
A/N sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoy :)
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Xiao Rui watched as everyone trained, growing more and more annoyed as it continued. K and Lao Mao were having a fight again over something petty, which only led to them having no communication with each other and ruining their teamwork. On the other hand, Si-Cheng was also playing worse than his usual records. This is, of course, something that only he noticed as the others still send praises his way. Lu Yue and Tong Yao were also bickering loudly on the sidelines, both not allowed to play because they were heavily sick due to late night competitions and lack of decent nutrition.
And yes, snacks did not fall under decent nutrition.
The match ended not much later and Xiao Rui couldn't hide his annoyance as he slammed his notebook down, marching off to calm down a bit. It wouldn't be of any use to yell at them, it would only dampen the mood even more and it was already bad enough at this point. He leaned on the railing, head dropping into his hands as he let out a heavy sigh.
How he was able to deal with them on a daily basis was still something he was proud of and yet it drained all of his energy out of his body, to which he hadn't found a way to gain that energy back.
Unfortunately, tomorrow was a competition. Even when it was just more of a showcase, it was still a way to show their skills and at this rate, not much was going to be shown.
He was pulled from his thoughts as a lollipop was shoved in front of his face. He looked to the side, seeing Si-Cheng next to him and he quickly grabbed the candy.
"You're not-" "Not supposed to eat candy. I know, I know... It helps against stress." Si-Cheng interrupted as he leaned on the railing next to his manager, a lollipop now placed in his own mouth. Xiao Rui glanced back at the candy, but shook his head as he shoved the piece deep into his pocket.
"Lao Mao and K are making up right now and I send Tong Yao and Lu Yue back to their rooms to rest." Si-Cheng said and Xiao Rui thanked him before walking back inside as Si-Cheng promised that the next match would go well.
So, with a very heavy heart, Xiao Rui went to sleep as well.
The next hardest thing happened in the morning. He had to wake everyone up, some more difficult than others. Lu Yue and Tong Yao were the most difficult, both still claiming to be sick and thus could skip. Xiao Rui knew this to be untrue and told them to just wear a mask if they still felt too sick. When they were out, it would come down to waking Xiao Pang. Luckily, Si-Cheng had already taken it upon himself to literally drag said boy out of his bed. This was evident when everyone downstairs heard a loud thump before Xiao Pang's voice rang out with anger.
Nonetheless, they were able to leave 5 minutes before the planned time and thus they had plenty of time to spare once they reached the waiting room. The peace that they had though, didn't last long. The door burst open, revealing Lee Hang-Suk with a bright grin as he found Tong Yao's figure. He greeted her loudly, he woke up everyone that was sleeping. He didn't notice this as he happily started ranting to Tong Yao, blissfully unaware of the glare that was sent his way from Si-Cheng while Tong Yao just gave him a gentle smile.
Xiao Rui, on the other hand, was more annoyed by the young man like Si-Cheng was, just for different reasons. His head felt like it was splitting open ever since he woke up and the loud chattering did not help his migraine.
So, of course, he was thankful when it stopped. Thankful, but confused. The silence was soon explained when he looked up, seeing a sight that he was definitely not expecting to see.
In the middle of the room stood Hang-Suk, loudly yelling at the person who stood beside him. That person held Hang-Suk's ear tightly, pulling him to up to their height while scolding him in what sounded like Korean.
Xiao Rui felt his heart spike as he saw you, supposedly his manager by the way you talked to Hang-Suk.
"I apologize for him, I keep loosing him. At this point, the company will fire me if I lose him again." You mumbled to Tong Yao in Chinese and now Xiao Rui was certain that you were Hang-Suk's manager. Hang-Suk was still trying to get out of your grip, but you only twisted his ear more for him to stop.
"Please excuse me now." You spoke before you walked out, dragging Hang-Suk behind you as you walked back to the waiting room for your team.
He saw you again during competition, both of you standing at the front row as you watched the match. Unlike him, you weren't taking any notes and just watched intensely with a proud smile.
"Do you not take notes?" He asked, voice barely above the loud soundtrack that played through the stadium and you turned his way before shaking your head.
"I don't think it's important now, they're just having fun now." You commented and he nodded before watching the game again, still taking notes.
"You should relax, your shoulders are going to hurt from sitting hunched like that." You said a few minutes later and he looked up from his notebook, glancing your way again with a raised eyebrow before he slowly sat up straight. You just chuckled before focusing back on the competition once more. However, Xiao Rui couldn't focus on his team anymore, his gaze being pulled your way as you brightly smiled throughout the whole show.
And yes, his team did noticed and teased the hell out of him later on. Where it also went completely unnoticed that your team was only a couple of meters further and probably heard all of it. You, however, were too busy scolding Hang-Suk again for his loudness and irresponsible behavior, aka trying to run off to see Tong Yao again.
A click of a camera caught your attention, looking up to see Si-Cheng with his phone in hand. you didn't really care, but Hang-Suk did care apparently as he pulled himself free from your grip and ran to Si-Cheng while loudly yelling something in Korean. He was going so fast that you could barely follow, but the leader of ZDGX seemed fine as he continued to type in the air while holding the Korean man down.
"Should I be worried?" You mumbled as you got closer to the pair, Xiao Rui right beside you.
"He probably is sending it to Hang-Suk's mother or something like that..." Xiao Rui replied and you looked at him before chuckling softly, crossing your arms.
"Let's hope not, if she visits again..." You paused, feeling a shiver running up your spine as you were reminded of the previous time she visited. Sweet woman, but a bit too honest for anyone's liking and she was not afraid to hurt feelings while doing so...
Deciding that it was enough, you stepped forward again and grabbed the younger's collar. Dragging him back, making him stumble back before he gave a cheeky grin to you.
"Sorry..." He mumbled and rolled your eyes, throwing your arm around his shoulders and locking him into a headlock before turning your head.
"See you next time, Xiao Rui!" You exclaimed with a bright smile before walking off while dragging the younger team member with you as the rest of the team also followed. Xiao Rui couldn't help but smile before frowning as he realized that he never actually told you his name.
"Looks like Xiao Rui has a crush~!" He heard the others tease him again and rolled his eyes before turning around.
"You guys didn't play well, so I'm upping your training to 9 hours a day instead of 7." He commented before walking off, ignoring all the groans and whines behind him.
He then saw you again when you and his group met for a friendly competition, knowing you would not be competing soon in the actual competition until the third or fourth round and thus you could help each other out.
So while the teams played, you went to a café not far from their dorm with Xiao Rui to get coffee for everyone while they practiced. They would be fine for 15 minutes alone, right?
You paid no mind to that thought as you chatted with Xiao Rui on your way to the café, not paying any attention to your surroundings and almost giving Xiao Rui a heart attack every time a car raced past you guys. Every time it happened, he quickly pulled you aside before basically forcing you to walk on the side of the houses instead.
"Thanks." You smiled at him and he almost felt like he got a heart attack, the over-the-top ones like you'd see in anime's. This time it got through him that he indeed had a crush on you, weirdly enough he was quickly okay with it. That, however, did not stop the blush from forming on his face.
"So, why game manager?" You asked and he quickly thought about it, but no answer formed in his head so he just gave a shrug. You just chuckled in response before entering the café and walking to the barista. You started ordering and Xiao Rui noticed that you were ordering his teams drinks as well while the barista looked a bit annoyed at the amount of orders. When you finished ranting all the team drinks and your own, you turned to Xiao Rui again.
"What do you want?" You asked and he quickly told you his usual drink, not having time to think of paying as you already scanned your card.
"You didn't have to pay for that, you know." He said as both of you sat down to wait for everything and you smiled.
"You're paying for dinner, no?" You joked and he chuckled, making you look up with a smile.
"So, how do you spend time when you're not taking notes and such?" You asked, grabbing a snack from your pocket and offering him one.
"I don't really have any free time, my job gets... busy." He sighed loudly and you frowned.
"Wait, wait, wait.... You don't have free time?" When he shook his head, your eyes widened and you leaned forward.
"Okay, I'm stealing you tomorrow. We're gonna have some fun, okay?" You said and he wanted to decline, but you only raised an eyebrow at him and he just nodded.
"Great, it's a date!" You said happily and he looked up again, a blush once again covering part of his face and you smiled before getting up when your name was called. He just followed, still a bit shocked as he grabbed about half of the drinks before you walked back to the dorms.
Once inside, you handed out all the drinks before turning to Si-Cheng.
"Si-Cheng, Xiao Rui is mine tomorrow!"
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