#yesterday looking at maps for things to talk about in class i saw a new restaurant i was jealous of
raventhekittycat · 24 days
how can I tell im home sick? had a fucking dream about making a turkey sandwich. there was like a nice charcuterie board and spreads and part of it was like think cuts of turkey from a roast as well as breads and my thought in the dream was "finally I can make a good turkey sandwich"
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kirarisoul · 1 month
predictions — quackity
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first fic kinda scared 🤪
cw: angst, family problems, sad 😔
not proofread
skater!quackity x fem!reader
summary: after moving cities, you meet a very awkward, closed off guy. you eventually break through his walls, however, it seems to be written in your fate that you two could never be.
Spades represent challenging tasks or events coming in the future.
Hearts represent feelings, family, home, love, and relationships.
august 17th
moving somewhere new is always scary. leaving all you friends and family and home behind for a new place, a decision you didn’t have any say in. your parents said it was best to move here, but there wasn’t even any reason to move. you were doing fine in school, had a few good, loyal friends, and you were happy. however, being a child means nobody listens to what you have to say and you must adapt very quickly. good thing you were 17 and could do what you wanted after your 18th birthday, move back home and go to college.
but, for now, you were here. in your dads car, finally getting closer to your new house after hours in the car. you wondered what your room would be like, what your new school would be like, if you would make any friends. you definitely don’t have the same confidence you did when you were six, talking to everyone in your class and making friends. i guess you somehow knew you would be making lifelong friends, ones that you would grow old with and live on the same street as forever. you started to sketch what you think the house looks like in your sketchbook, and what you hope your room would look like.
“look, [name]. we’re gonna get there soon. why don’t you take those headphones out and look around.” your dad looks through the rearview mirror to look at you.
you yank your headphones out. he knows your mad but just won’t leave you alone. you tune out your dad talking to your mom and look out the window for the first time in three hours, the last thing you saw was a bunch of cows out on a field.
this place is a fucking dump. it sucks. everything sucks. now you really want to go home. your parents just had to pick the worst place for you to move. your neighbours front lawns were full of junk, like they were hoarders or something.
the car stops and you feel your dad get out and open the trunk. you open your door to greet your new home. you can work with this. it’s not the ugliest thing in the world. you walk inside and hear something about the moving van coming in a few hours. your room was alright, very empty but the window has a nice view of the sunset.
“[name], after dinner i want you going straight to bed. you start at your new school tomorrow.” your mom sternly said.
“alright” you say. “don’t know why i’m starting school on a thursday, but ok” you mumbled.
the floor in this house is oddly comfy, you think to yourself. but you can’t sleep, your heart is racing thinking about starting at a new school tomorrow. you’ve seen new kids at your old school be all alone and never understand how they can handle it, and now you’re the new kid. you can only pray it goes well.
you turn over to look at your phone.
you should really get to sleep.
you jog down the stairs to see furniture that wasn’t there yesterday, guess your parents were busy making it look nice last night.
“hey, eat up and get going. don’t wanna be late on your first day!”
still mad.
you walk out and breathe in the air. it’s warm and humid. you pull out your phone so you can open your google maps to get you to school.
clearly you didn’t remember that the electricity on the second floor just didn’t work and your phone didn’t charge. great. how the hell were you going to get to school now.
you then had the great idea of looking for someone who looks like a student and asking them if they go to your school. maybe make a friend aswell.
you see a boy leave the house opposite yours and turn left down the street. he had a hat and a hoodie on, with the hood up. in this heat? what a weirdo. but it looks like your family is just surrounded by elderly people living out their retirement on this street, so you doubt you would be seeing another teenager apart from him. and you were getting late.
so you crossed the street to catch up with him.
“hey! excuse me!” you yelled after him.
the boy turned around with a confused look on his face and looked around as if there was anyone else you could be taking to.
“uhh… hi?” he said quietly, with the same look on his face.
“yeah, hi, uh, do you go to [school]?”
“uh, yeah, why?”
“me too! well it’s my first day, and my phone is dead so i don’t know how to get there and i was wondering if you cou-“
“you’re new?” he cut you off.
“…yeah. anyways, can i walk with you?”
“why are you starting school on a thursday?”
why does he care? can you walk with him or not??
“i dunno, but it’s getting late so can i walk with you or..?”
“i mean if you want.”
“ok, thank you.”
and so you started walking. the silence between the two of you was so awkward you wanted to die.
“so, uh, what’s your name?”
was he gonna ask your name? has he ever talked with another human before?
“my name is [name].”
ok? OK?
“is that the school there?” you point to a building that’s about 4 stories coming up ahead of you two.
“no, it’s just got a bunch of kids outside it for no reason.”
what the fuck is this guys problem. you’ve just met him and he’s acting like this. no wonder he’s walking all alone.
after getting your schedule from the front desk, you make your way to your first class. you sit down in a chair near the front and set down your bag. you really, really, hope that the teacher doesn’t make a whole speech about the new kid in class.
“so, as you guys might’ve noticed,” the teacher starts. “there’s a new face here!”
of course he did.
he comes over to your desk and gestures for you to stand up. “wanna introduce yourself, [name]?”
“uh, sure.” you stand.
“uhm, my name is [name] and i moved here yesterday from-“
“you’re starting school on a thursday?” some kid says from the corner of the class.
finally, the first day was over. apart from the fact that you sat alone at lunch and had to make an introduction in every single class, it wasn’t horrible.
now to get home….
which way was it again?
have you seriously forgotten? it was only like 6 hours ago.
suddenly, you see a familiar hoodie in the distance, walking.
it’s alex. i’ll just go walk with him again.
you jog up beside him.
“hi, alex.”
he turns his head and looks at you while he keeps walking.
“uh, this is kinda embarrassing but i don’t know how to get home either, can i walk with you again?”
he sighs. “sure, i guess.”
you weren’t gonna talk this time, since clearly he doesn’t want to.
this is even more awkward than the walk to school.
“so,” you start. “how was your day?”
he turns again and looks at you weirdly. “uh, fine?”
you won’t tell him about your day, he doesn’t seem to care very much anyways.
you figured out how to get to school in your own for friday, so you didn’t have to go through that whole thing with alex again. it’s the weekend now and while you scroll through your friends stories, seeing them all having fun hanging out, you’re alone in your room, lying on your bed, doing absolutely nothing. you know, cause you’ve got no friends.
you get up to go get another popsicle from downstairs, i think everyone eats a lot when they’re bored out of their mind. you pass by the window in your room and see alex outside of his home across the street. you stop and look, for some reason he’s just so intriguing to you. and kinda cute.
wait a minute.
am i really thinking this about that weirdo who doesn’t talk, wears hoodies in the summer, and walks all alone? i must be really bored.
he’s out there with a skateboard in his hand, and he looks like he’s waiting for someone. his hair isn’t hidden behind a beanie like usual, it’s under a baseball cap. he’s still wearing a hoodie, but with shorts instead of longer pants this time. wow, his legs are nice too. and his eyes. and face.
suddenly, he looks up at your window and locks eyes with you. you immediately drop down to the floor and crawl the rest of the way to the kitchen. could you have handled that any weirder?
monday came fast, and once again you were leaving the house for school. you didn’t see alex again during the weekend, and probably for a good reason, cause if he remembers that window situation, it’s over for you. God, why did you do that?
you hear a door shutting from across the street, and you can feel a pair of eyes on you. you turn slightly to see and there alex is, looking right at you, again. you whip your head back around and start walking faster.
you get home fast enough to avoid seeing alex again and reach for the door handle. it doesn’t work. you try it again. and again. and again. then you remember, your mom went back to work today, and didn’t leave the door unlocked like usual. you didn’t have a key either. now you’re stranded outside your house, for about another three hours until your mom gets home. you sit on your porch steps and start the waiting.
until, you see a shadow above you and you look up. it’s… alex? wow, the last person you wanted to see right now.
“hey.” he says.
he looks around then shoves his hands in his pockets and sighs.
“my mom said i should ask you if you wanna come in, so you’re not waiting out here.”
you look past him and see a woman in the doorway of his house, smiling at you and waving.
“uh, i’m alright.”
“just come, she’s not gonna give up, she’s been wanting to meet you guys since you moved in. also, you shouldn’t wait outside in the sun.”
“ok, i guess.”
you follow him to his house and walk in after greeting his mom. it’s a nice place, better looking on the inside than the outside. his lawn is probably the nicest on the street. after all, you see his mother outside gardening all the time.
“hi, honey, you’re [name] right?, i talked to your mom today, and she told me to make sure you’re not waiting outside until she comes home.”
“oh, thank you.”
“it’s no problem! you can sit in the living room while your waiting and i’ll get you something to eat oh- actually, alex, take her up to your room.
“mom i-“ he says frustrated and then stops himself. “fine. follow me”
you go up to his room and look around. it’s small, the same size as your room, but it’s nice. it’s very…. alex. the walls are blue, there are posters up on the wall of tyler, the creator and kanye west. there are a couple skateboards around, each with a different colour and size and shape.
“just sit wherever, im gonna play.” he points to his console and sits on the floor after turning it on. you sit next to him cause sitting on some strangers bed is weird. as he scrolls through the games, one catches your attention, mario kart.
“oh, you have mario kart?”
“yeah.” he scrolls right past it and clicks on something then gta’s loading screen pops up on the tv. you guess you were too subtle with telling him you like mario kart. you nod and turn away, pulling out your phone and mindlessly scrolling.
you hear him sigh and close down gta. “do you wanna play mario kart?” he asks.
“oh, uh, sure.”
he hands you a controller and you two pick out your characters, shy guy and princess peach.
“princess peach? really?” he questions you.
“she’s the best. i always win with her.”
“it’s very basic.”
“watch me win, then start talking.”
he laughs. “alright, but just so you know, i’ve never been beat in mario kart.”
“me neither.” you’re getting pretty competitive with him.
you both play for the three hours and get more and more comfortable with each other. you think you could even be friends with him. his mom opens the door and calls your name.
“your moms home, honey.”
“oh,” you start getting up and grabbing your school bag. “ thanks for having me, ma’am. and thanks, alex.”
“it’s no problem” he says, looking away.
walking home from school is probably the best part of your day. your headphones are in, your alone, looking at the scenery. it’s fun. you even close your eyes and take in the air as you walk. it’s so peaceful. until you feel someone walking next to you. you open your eyes and see alex, walking with you.
“hi.” he says, looking forward.
“hey.” you say, a little confused.
you two continue walking in silence, but it doesn’t feel as awkward anymore.
“hey, you have a few hours til your mom gets home, right?”
“yeah, why?”
“well, if you were just gonna come over again, i was gonna go to the skatepark today.”
“oh, it’s fine, i’ll just walk around the block or something.”
“no, like, i was wondering if you wanna go with me?”
was he asking you out?
“just, to kill time, y’know?”
“uh, sure, that’ll be fun i think.” you smile at him.
at the skatepark, you sit at the edge of the bowl, watching him skate.
“you’re really good!” you say.
“huh? nah, i’m not really.” he laughs.
“no, you are! well, to me atleast.”
he smiles and turns away to keep skating and doing tricks.
after about an hour of just watching him and talking, he asks you something.
“d’you wanna try?”
“what- skating?”
“yeah, i can teach you.”
“i dunno..”
“it’ll be fun! and safe, i promise.”
“fine, i guess.”
he holds out his hand to help you get into the bowl, and you grab it.
“so basically, what you do is you stand on it with two feet, then push off.”
“ok…” you try and you move, but don’t get far.
“that was great!” he says, encouraging you.
“it really wasn’t.”
“for a total beginner it’s great.”
he helped you learn how to turn and do some simple tricks.
“this one is kinda hard for a beginner, but i think you’ve got it.”
you watch him demonstrate it then you try. you push off with one foot and bend your knees, just like he did, to do the trick. he’s jogging along with you on the skateboard, making sure you don’t fall. you jump up slightly to do the trick but it doesn’t work, and you stumble when you land back on the skateboard. you feel yourself tripping, and prepare for the impact by closing your eyes, but it never comes.
instead you feel hands on your waist, pulling you up, helping you stand. you open your eyes and alex is looking at you, and asking “you okay?” with a worried expression. but all you can think about are his hands. their placement, how they felt on your body.
you snap back into reality. “i’m fine.”
“maybe we should stop now..”
“good idea.”
you two lay on the grass near the skatepark, talking.
“i’m just mad at my dad really,” you say. “he made us move here, and he’s always on me about my grades. it’s like he’s always mad. he’s always yelling and stuff. my mom says he’s just stressed about work but that’s not my fault.”
“i get it. my dad isn’t the best either. he’s not mean but he’s very strict. we’re not like father and son, he’s more like my boss. he’s always talking about how i’ll follow in his footsteps and own his business, but i don’t wanna.” alex says.
“what do you wanna do?”
“ok, promise you won’t laugh.”
“i won’t.”
“a streamer.”
“like a twitch streamer?”
“yeah, i already have a youtube channel that’s doing pretty well, and i want to do streaming too. i wanna make people happy with my content. i also wanna move to LA. that’s where all the streamers live.”
“woah. you really planned it all out. i wanna go to art school, i love drawing.”
“really? can i see some?
“yeah sure!” you pull out your sketchbook from your bag
december 28th
as your friendship developed, and you crush on alex developed, you became happier and more content with your move. you found other friends but you always walk home with alex. and you go to the skatepark all the time. you’re pretty good at skating now.
for his birthday, you decided to go to a carnival. you went on rides together and ate food, the night was coming to an end when you saw something near the back of the carnival.
“look, fortune telling! let’s go!”
“you know it’s all fake right, it’s a scam.”
“just come.” you drag him to the tent and walk in.
it’s just a spinning wheel with four symbols on it.
whatever, it’s only a dollar. you give the tired teenager working the tent two dollars for yourself and spin the wheel twice.
your first spin was the heart.
your second spin was the spade.
“huh, i wonder what they mean.”
“look it up online, it’s like 11, we should get home.” alex says, while urging you out the tent.
august 17th
it’s officially been a year since you moved here, and you are completely at peace with the situation now. you made new friends, and you always had alex there with you, especially during hard times with your family and home.
you’re sitting at the desk in your room, studying, when you suddenly get a notification on your phone. it’s alex.
hey can u come outside for a sec
why lol
just come pls
you grab your jacket and slip your shoes on. you walk outside and breathe in the cool, summer, night air. you see alex a little bit down the street from your house. you speed up to reach him faster.
“hey,” you smile at him, with rosy cheeks due to the nippy air. he doesn’t think you could ever look better. “what’s up?”
“i have to tell you something.”
your smile falters. “what is it, alex?”
“i’m leaving..” he paused.
“what, sorry, where? when? what are you talking about? why?” you bombard him with questions, he can’t just drop this bomb on you with no explanation.
“oh” you’ve known it was his dream for a while now. “that’s great, alex! i’m so happy for you! when are you going?”
“oh.. so soon? why didn’t you tell me before?”
“it was last minute, one of my friends over there found an apartment for me, and i was gonna go to college soon anyways, so i applied for one in LA. sorry i didn’t tell you but it would’ve upset you and i-“
“alex, it’s fine. it’s what you’ve always wanted. i’m glad you’re getting to do this finally.” you smile at him reassuringly.
“thanks.” he smiles back. “i wanted to ask you though.”
“come with me.”
“come to LA with me. i’ve been putting off telling you and i wasn’t going to but i can’t go without saying this. [name], i have liked you since that day you asked to walk to school with me. i’ve loved you since you let me teach you to skate. i can’t go without you.”
“we can get away from your dad and my dad and this whole city together. i have everything ready-“
“i’ve got an apartment, and there’s an art school nearby that you can go to. we can live together and you can go to school and i’ll stream an-“
“alex!” you say sternly this time. he looks at you for the first time since he started his ramble. you’re crying, why are you crying? he thinks.
“i-i can’t.”
“i can’t go with you alex.” you look at him with wide eyes like you’re also surprised at what you’re saying.
“what do you mean? we can get away from all of this! from our parents, from this town, from this street!”
“i can’t leave my family, alex.”
“[name], what? i thought you would’ve wanted thi-“
“why would i want this alex?! why are you doing this?! you cant make me choose between my life here and with you! it’s not fair!”
“i-i don’t-“
“just go alex.”
“just go. i don’t think we can do this.”
“go.” your voice breaks.
he whimpers and takes a few steps back.
“i’m sorry [name]…” his eyes are wide with shock. this isn’t how it’s supposed to go. you’re supposed to be going to LA with him. you two were supposed to be together.
“i love you, [name]” alex starts walking.
“i love you too.” you whisper, hoping he heard.
you turn on you heel and walk into the distance.
you make it to the skatepark where you have millions of memories with alex. you sit there a couple hours. just thinking.
when you get home your parents are there, waiting.
“[name], where were you? i told you to study, where did you go?”
you’re too exhausted to talk. you walk past them and go to your room. you couldn’t even cry anymore.
and so, the heart and the spade came at you together.
august 17th has been the worst day of your life two years in a row.
ommgggg how was it, i hope it wasn’t too long or boring. this is my first fic on this account hope you guys like it 😛 sorry if q was a little ooc
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estherdedlock · 2 years
Since writing that post about farmer McRee yesterday, all I’ve been thinking is that none of the Greek students are out of the woods...not even decades later. With such an audience for true crime, it would just take one intrepid podcaster to put them all at risk again. And it wouldn’t even be the first time a podcast has solved a crime.
Cutting for spoilers below:
I first thought of this when writing about Henry's suicide---why in the long run, it might turn out not to be the simple solution he thought it was. In fact, it could eventually open up a whole new line of inquiry.
Say you’re that intrepid podcaster, here in the year of our lord 2022. Researching subjects for your next series, you happen upon a 40-year-old unsolved murder in rural Vermont. The details are promising: Harry Ray McRee was beaten to death on his own property in the wee hours of a November night. His murder was unusually vicious, indicating that he was probably killed by someone who knew and hated him...and he was known to have a number of enemies, both in his business and the community. Most surprisingly, in a bucolic setting where violent crime was uncommon, his death essentially went uninvestigated. You’re thinking: small-town secrets, business deals gone wrong, old family rivalries, maybe even a potential New England version of Hatfield vs. McCoy.
But as you’re researching, this other thing pops up. Because the big news in that corner of Vermont in 198- wasn’t the murder of Harry McRee, it was the disappearance of a student at nearby Hampden College just a few months later. This “Bunny” Corcoran went missing for weeks before his body was found, triggering a massive manhunt that even involved the FBI. Bunny apparently died by tragic accident. There can’t possibly be any connection, although it is kind of weird to have two unusual deaths in such a quiet corner of the country.
Oddly enough, just a few weeks after the unfortunate Bunny’s body was found, there was even more trouble. Another Hampden student, Richard Papen, was shot during an argument at, of all places, a landmark inn near the Hampden campus. Even worse, the classmate who shot Richard then killed himself on site.
Just for curiosity you start pulling threads. The suicide was Henry Winter, son of a midwestern millionaire. Wait, where have you heard that name? Of course, it was in one of the many news articles about Bunny. Apparently, Henry was a close friend of his. They even went to Italy together, a few months before Bunny died. Could they have been lovers? Did grief drive Henry to suicide? You start looking into Henry Winter. What classes did he take? Who were his teachers? Where did he live? Who were his other friends?
You start looking people up online, making some calls. Harry McRee is still interesting, but there’s something here, too. You find out that a renowned teacher at the college abruptly left his job that spring, not long before Henry killed himself. Then you find out that both Henry and Bunny were taking a lot of classes with that teacher. So was Richard Papen. And yet another student, Francis Abernathy.
Now this is intriguing, because you’ve seen that name too. When you were researching McRee’s murder and you were studying maps and property records for Battenkill County, you saw the name “Abernathy” attached to some sort of estate just a few miles from where McRee’s body was found. You didn’t think anything of it at the time but now...isn’t it a weird coincidence? That there should be so many unusual deaths, occurring so close together, in such a small area, with all the same names cropping up over and over? McRee, Abernathy, Winter, Corcoran. Three of them dead. One by murder. One by accident. One by suicide. But Francis is still alive. And you’re suddenly very interested in talking to him. 
You manage to get hold of Francis Abernathy’s email address. His name turns up on some philanthropic events here and there. He’s one of these old-school millionaires, aging in quiet opulence on Park Avenue. Must be close to sixty by now---older than your dad! You tell him who you are and that you’d like to know if he’d be open to talking about his memories of Hampden College. About Henry Winter. And Bunny Corcoran. And his house in the country.
He never responds to your email. Now you’re really interested. If Francis won’t talk to you, maybe Richard Papen will. Or the one girl who was there in that inn, what was her name? McCarthy, Macallan...Macaulay, that was it. Camilla Macaulay.
That’s really all it would take, you know. One intrepid podcaster.
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Talk to me abt your system? Just any random things you wanna tell me! I love to learn about other systems!!
Aaa ok! Hi, I'm Amethyst, I've been here the longest so I know a little more than most people, great time to send this ask lol
Some trivia first:
The Organisation (our system) has been around for eight years!
We have "versions" of SimplyPlural. Every change to formatting, fields, chats or groups adds a version. We are on v61, which is the largest profile overall we've done!
The first member(s) (myself and my brother) formed in 2016
We have our own language and English dialect!
On a technicality, my second language is English, however, the body can't speak Kansū (the primary language of the Organisation)
Kīara'h is considered a parallel universe, not an alternative universe
Excluding Thaye (age ability), our oldest member is 40, and our youngest is 4.
There are a total of six of us who age
Our "Plural Stuff" folder (banners, avatars, dividers, etc) is over 10gb (found that one out yesterday
I get asked a lot about our communication between each other, but just because we grew up as a system, and the way we did that, it seems to be great. We don't fight, there's good communication between members. That kinda thing.
Our name, Kīara'h means Leaf. The system names we've had previously were: Room, Rom (misspelling of room), and Leaf. The name Leaf came from talking with our (ex) best friend about headspace, which they were very involved with, and needing a new name. A leaf was the first thing we saw, and it stuck.
People also are often interested in Scene (or SCN, depending on notation and who you are talking to). Scene is a type of daydreaming where the person hosting the scene has no control other than prompts they give. Scene is how we see our pasts, and find out our powers and skills. (Daydreaming is the best word I can use, it's a little hard to find one lol)
On ages: a lot of species have no age, where the souls have been around since the start of time. They have what's known as a "presenting age". This is notated by a "∞" symbol added onto their age. For example, a member without presenting age looks like: "Age » 26" and a member with, would look like: "Age » 26 - ∞".
EleWe (Elements and Weapons system), is how we assign our powers. Ten total elements, ten total weapons, one hundred choices per phase. No duplicates in the same phase. Yes, we have a database for this, lol.
We speak a language called Kansū in headspace. It's not fully translatable to English, but the stuff the body does know (from scene and from figuring it out) I can use. My most common word, apart from Kansū names, is either: Āida'h or Aīste'h, both of which font translate to English, but are a sort of friendly nickname. I also use ta'hs de'h, jo ta'hst and other words a lot. These come from the root ta'hs, which means calm.
And now, onto the lore:
The Organisation has so much lore, from the way Gods work, their divisions and all that, to the way species and animals work.
Out of the species we have in our system, most of them were created by us.
All of our own stories and backstories fit into organisation lore, such as the reason the organisation was founded was because Chroma (God Division) and Humans would bully supernaturals. Our Organisation also exists to protect Innocents.
Kīara'h is also classed as a division, with our God (we only have one who runs it, my boyfriend) Kītōne'h being ex Chroma. We have other Gods, however they are from the Oxyn Division.
Headspace stuff:
A few things here: "Old Headspace", "World : Kīara'h", "World : Human", "Social Plane", "Games Zone" and "World : Home"
Old Headspace: it's a broken down area, picture it on like the nether roof. We outgrew it too fast and moved down to the main nether (metaphorically, it's not actually the nether)
World : Kīara'h: current headspace, it's very large. Deogen was drawing maps recently, but we only got so far. World : Kīara'h has the dorms (a place for everyone to stay), a library, art rooms, writing rooms, music rooms, computer rooms, a drama studio, camping groups, an outdoor cooking van (they almost burned down the indoor one once), a river (it's called River Iris), a center square, thr Shed (front room), host offices, and access to Old Headspace, Social Plane and other worlds.
World : Human: the human world. Except this is a parallel universe. A lot of houses that people have will be here. It's pretty much this earth, but a little different, small changes to make the houses correct and stuff.
Social Plane: it's like a city, it's got a train station in the center so you can go to the hub and the Games Zone. The hub is how you get to any world. The Social Plane has shops, bars, parks, pretty much anything. It also has many Kansū people who aren't in the organisation, they run a lot of the shops.
Games Zone: our Insym runs this. It started as PHA, which is like Phasmophobia, but if you were in it. The ghosts are played by spirits we hire. It has since expanded to many other games, I haven't been in a while (working on keeping everything running) so I'm not quite sure of what is exactly there. I know there's other people who run stuff though! It's mainly Crew!PHA who work there.
World : Home: is a little different. It's, well, source worlds. World : Home refers to a collection of worlds, unlike the others mentioned before. Because we hold our own sources most of the time, it means we also have access to the worlds as they are in source.
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soramei · 3 years
Intentional - Part 2
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader (she/her)
Summary: Landing your first real job at JYPE was something short of a miracle. You were prepared to face the new struggles of this elusive career whilst moving to a new country, however, nothing could have prepared you for him. Will stolen glances, secret touches, and hushed nights spent in the recording room ever be enough for the both of you?
Genre: idol!bang chan au, forbidden relationship, coworkers to eventual lovers, slow burn
Warnings: none right now, eventual smut,
Word Count: 5.2k
A/N: o my god i did not expect so many people to have read the first part… even if only one person reads im still happy :D anyways heres the second part (i swear bang chan wont just be a side character later on hhahaha)
The insistent beeping of the alarm on your phone was what first woke you up from your dazed sleep. Your head still pounded from the night before, and frankly, you were ready to get fired for an extra five minutes of sleep. Tapping the ‘cancel’ button on your phone, you flipped over head down on your pillow to find the beautiful dreamland you were in. However, after just five more minutes, the triggering beeping of your backup alarm took you out of your slumber again, this time really waking you up. 
You trudge towards your bathroom, still dreading the day, on your way to take a shower. Thankfully, the steam from the warm shower combined with the fragrant smell of your conditioner slightly woke you up and dampened the aching in your head. 
Being drastically more awake than before, you made your way over to your kitchen to prepare breakfast. You opened the fridge, mind blank, just staring at the empty shelves. I seriously need to do some grocery shopping, you thought before grabbing an egg. 
You struggled to turn on the stove, not knowing which knob correlated to which burner. Turning a random one, you flinched when an excessive amount of fire appeared. However, after an embarrassingly long amount of time, you finally figured out the stove. Why are there still gas range stoves when electrical stoves exist? You wondered. 
You looked at the sad cooked egg in front of you. 
Was this really how you were going to live from now on? You cursed your whole family for spoiling you so much back home. Sure you were grateful for being able to live with your family for twenty three years, but the consequences of your mother making a fuss when you tried to cook for yourself was really showing now. 
You were about to dig into your lonely meal when your phone buzzed all of a sudden. Taking a quick peek at it, you saw Na-eun’s name flash up. You beamed with joy. Although you already worked up the nerve to be the first one to contact her, you were thankful she did first to break the tension. However, there was a small — microscopic even — part of you that wondered: what if that were Bang Chan?
You unlocked your phone. 
Na-eun: Hey! I know it’s kinda last minute, but do you wanna meet for breakfast?
Na-eun: There’s a café five minutes away from the building. 
Na-eun: ^-^
Smiling to yourself, you quickly typed a reply.
Y/n: Sure! My breakfast looks too sad to eat… 
Y/n: ^-^
In a flash, you stuffed your egg into a plastic tupperware container and put it in the empty fridge before booking it out your door, making sure to carefully enter the passcode to lock it before running to the staircase. You almost tripped over the stairs going down as you tried to sprint and text Na-eun at the same time. Checking the maps app on your phone, you told her how long it would take for you to arrive at the café. 
Na-eun: Do you mind if I bring my roommate? She keeps complaining about how boring it is at home haha.... 
Na-eun: She’s really nice though! ^^;
You happily agreed since you weren’t in the position to turn down another potential friend. Already two potential friends? You were so excited. 
There was a bounce in your steps as you made your way down to the subway. Scanning your card, you made your way to the big group of people on the platform and waited for your train. Taking the subway was so new, yet refreshing. There was something exciting about seeing a brand new set of people board the cart every stop, it was almost like refreshing your Instagram feed over and over again. 
After just a couple minutes more of waiting, your subway came. You naturally found your way in by shuffling along with the flock of people and found a good place to stand. 
You surveyed your cart. Some high school students, a few elderly, and many many businesspeople dressed in attire very similar to you. They all seemed to be busy on their cellular devices, so you quickly pulled yours out as well, eager to blend in. Your little Tamagotchi friend was happy to see you. 
The sound of the automated woman’s voice was what drew you out of your concentration, as she announced that the subway would be stopping at your destination next. When the subway stopped, the sea of people rushed out in a big tidal wave and you just went along with the flow. 
The map posted on a big pillar in the station was difficult to read at first, but after embarrassingly asking a station officer, you were confident you knew where you were going. The station was big with many interwoven hallways, each connecting to a different location. It had a couple shops and convenience stores located along the sides where students running late could buy some bread or tired businesspeople could inject their early morning dose of caffeine. 
You weaved your way through the long halls, confident that you could remember how you got out the right exit yesterday. Finally, after passing by many familiar stores and signs, you eventually made it above ground at the right exit. It was a cloudy September morning, the wind flew past you at just the right speed to elicit a slight shiver. You curse yourself for not bringing a jacket in your rush to the café. The streets were busy with cars zooming by, but it was nowhere near as congested as the subway traffic.
You started following your phone’s GPS to the marked location, and after a couple minutes, you spot the café. You immediately recognized it as a chain café as you’ve seen a few more of these scattered around the city as you got around. This one, however, appeared to be larger than the others (presumably because it was near so many big name companies) as it had three floors in total. 
You texted Na-eun, telling her you’ve arrived. She let you know that they were both in one of the booths on the second floor, so you decided to order before heading up. Walking over to the cashier, you scanned their massive menu, trying to find what you were looking for.
“One mango juice, please.” You politely ordered. “And also a slice of the red velvet cake.”  
After you had paid, you waited patiently, hands folded in front of you for your food. Because it wasn’t busy in the morning, it wasn’t that long until one of the baristas handed your food to you on a tiny plastic tray and you started making your way up. You reached the top floor and scanned your eyes around the room to find a familiar face. 
“Y/n!” Na-eun waved.
You waved back and made your way over. She was in the booth, and there was another girl sitting beside her. 
“Y/n, this is my roommate Yoojin.” She smiled at you and made a gesture towards the smaller girl sitting beside her. She was a fluffy haired girl. Her appearance was puppy-like, with her wide eyes and a large smile that was almost too big for her face. 
“Hi Yoojin.” You said as you sat down. 
“Hi Y/n! Na-eun told me about you yesterday. It seems like you have similar jobs.” She looked back at you with wide eyes. “But I think you got luckier because you actually get to interact with the idols.” 
“I think both of us are lucky to even be working there,” you chuckled, “plus, I don’t actually get to be working directly with the artists. I could only wish.” You joked. 
“Still extremely lucky, Na-eun told me she saw Bang Chan and Felix from Stray Kids at your building’s cafeteria yesterday.” Her hair bounced. “Finally, now I can say I’ve indirectly met famous people.” 
You and Na-eun both laughed. Although Yoojin looked the same age as you, there was something about the way she acted that just seemed so precious and innocent — like a little sister. How old was she anyway?
“Yoojin’s younger than me by a few years,” Na-eun said as if she read your thoughts, “She graduated university a year early. Top of her programming class. She knows everything about technology; one time, I stupidly forgot the passcode to my P.O. box and she cracked it for me in less than fifteen minutes.”
“Stop it.” Yoojin whined, looking down and playfully hitting Na-eun on the shoulder. “I told you before that I don’t like it when you talk about me. Let’s talk about Y/n instead. Na-eun told me you’re not from here, what do you do at JYPE then?” 
“I’m an assistant to help market some of the artists in China.” You leaned in a bit. “Actually, to be honest, I’m working on a secret project and Bang Chan from Stray Kids is technically part of the team.” 
Both Yoojin and Na-eun’s eyes widened. “No way, you’re so lucky.” Yoojin said. “Why can’t you have a job like that?” She poked at Na-eun.
“Get your own job first,” Na-eun smirked, “then we can talk about mine.”  
“Hey! I do have a job.” Yoojin clenched her jaw, looking at her plate and avoiding eye contact.
“I’m not sure if talking to people online all day counts as a job.” 
“Whatever.” Yoojin swirled her fork on her plate, stabbing at a piece of her cake. The scraping of metal on ceramic made all of you wince. 
“Anyways,” you started, trying to change the atmosphere, “did anybody watch the first episode of that new drama?” 
The two girls seemed to have a mood switch, looking relieved to start a new conversation. They gladly added their input and opinions on the new drama, talking about both the plot and the actors. Time passed by twice as fast as the three of you sat at the booth talking about the most random things. However, it was soon time to go to work for both you and Na-eun. 
“Hey, before you leave, could I get your number?” Yoojin asked. “We should hang out again sometime.”  
You gladly typed your contact into her phone, excited to hang out with Yoojin again. She was so full of energy, it reminded you of your university days. Not to mention that fluffy curly hair. It was so cute. 
You and Na-eun both made it out of the café and walked side-by-side over to your building before parting ways at the elevator corridor. It was a miracle that you managed to arrive at your cubicle in time, without getting lost. There was a pile of papers on your desk; they were the files you worked on yesterday. You remember that yesterday Manager Chen marked some improvements that could be made to the papers, but you checked your email just to be sure. 
Hello Y/n,
I put the documents from yesterday on your desk for some final edits. I’ve also added a few more. Could you finish them all by the end of the day?
Manager Chen
You flipped through the stack of documents, and sure enough, there were about five more letters that needed to be worked on. Feeling determined, you gritted your teeth, got out your pen, and started to do your job. 
There were more corrections to make than what you expected, plus, you wanted to make sure your work was perfect this time. You skipped a trip to the cafeteria for lunch and ate something from the vending machine at your desk instead. You tried your best to work diligently, but because of your inexperience, it was taking longer than expected. You lost track of time as the hours passed by. 
“Your team is working hard today, Manager Chen.” A voice came from across the room. You looked up from your stack of documents to see Manager Kim walking over towards Manager Chen, who was standing casually outside her office doors. 
“What can I say, I keep them busy.” She replied. “Are you heading home now?” 
“Yes, and so should you.” Manaker Kim stopped at your cubicle, putting a hand on the wall. It was cat-like the way he looked at you. “Y/n, you’re working hard. Are you going home now? I’ll give you a ride.” 
You couldn’t head home now, not with the amount of work you still had with the new letters Manager Chen added to the pile. “Thank you for the offer, Manager Kim, but I’ll stay later today. I need to finish this work by today.” 
“Let her be, Manager Kim, you know how new employees are.” Manager Chen nagged and crossed her arms. “Come, I’ll walk you to the parking lot.” 
You bowed at both your managers and stretched your back before getting back to your work. The black lines of both languages started to blur into one as you strained your eyes to hold a tighter focus on the documents. It wasn’t until two more gruesome hours later when you finished your work. You did a long deserved stretch of the arms and checked the clock for the time, praying that it wasn’t too late. Thankfully, with the time being only eight, it wasn’t that dark out. You took a quick peek at your phone to check your notifications before leaving the office. 
There were only two texts sent fifteen minutes ago. Both from Bang Chan. 
Your chest tightened when you unlocked your phone. 
Bang Chan: Hey, I know it’s a bit late, but I have some ideas for the project and I was thinking we could meet up to discuss them
Bang Chan: Only if you want that is…
Your brain was in jumbles as you thought of what to text back. There were a couple staff that wrote you emails about their ideas for the project, but none of them asked to meet in person. And now, the first person who asked you to have a meeting in person was Bang Chan. Whom you rode back to your apartment drunk with. On your first day at work. And now you missed his work-related text by fifteen minutes. However, even though it was late, you still felt like you needed to take his ideas in. After all, like Manager Chen said, you know how new employees are. 
Y/n: Hi, sorry my reply is late… Are you still free? 
You anxiously stared at the blue-lit screen of your phone, jumping in and out of the text app waiting for a reply. After less than a minute, you saw the little dots at the bottom which indicated that he was typing. It disappeared for a moment, only to come back less than a second later. Your thumbs started unconsciously fiddling with one another in front of your phone screen as you waited for what felt like eternity. 
Bang Chan: It’s alright haha 
Bang Chan: There’s a cafe about 5 minutes from our building, wanna meet there? 
You immediately knew which café he was talking about as you conveniently hung out with Na-eun there this morning. You texted Bang Chan back, letting him know that you would be there as soon as possible. You grabbed your bag, along with your trusty pen and notebook,  before leaving your desk for the elevators. The elevator ride was unusually fast as it was already well past working hours for most people.  
Once you were out of the building, you made your way down the familiar sidewalk, passing by the familiar street shops as you felt the bite of the wind against your face. The sky was becoming dim as the sun made its descent, but the illumination coming from the streetlamps helped guide you there. After five minutes of a brisk walk, you saw the familiar sign of the café. You also saw a familiar person standing outside the door, dressed in all black, with his head down looking at his phone. 
You tried to make your footsteps slightly louder the closer you got to him in order to make your presence known. It seemed to have worked, as Bang Chan heard you and turned his head up. He immediately gave you a boyish grin, putting his phone in the pocket of his hoodie and pulling his face mask down to his chin. 
“Hey,” You waved awkwardly, “did I make you wait long?”
“Not at all.” Bang Chan said as he held open the door, “Let’s go in, it’s pretty chilly today.” 
You thanked him and walked inside. You both made your way to the cashier and looked up at the menu, deciding on what to buy. 
“I think I’ll get an iced americano.” Bang Chan said. “Are you getting anything?”
“Hmm. I might get the mango juice.” You decided and lined up behind Bang Chan, waiting for him to order first. 
Bang Chan walked up to the waiting barista. “Hello, I’ll get an iced americano please.” A second passed. “Also a mango juice.” 
Your eyes widened as you silently tried to stop him from buying your drink, feeling embarrassed that Bang Chan — who was essentially your coworker — was buying your drink. He didn’t seem to notice your quiet protests, as he pulled his card out of his wallet and quickly tapped it on the pin pad. After he was done paying, he turned around and tucked his card back in his wallet, giving you a smug grin. 
“I’ll pay you back later.” You insisted, embarrassed once again that he was doing something for you. 
“Of course, of course.” He casually replied and stood beside you with his hands in the pocket of his hoodie. “I’ll wait for our drinks. You can go find a table.” 
You nodded and left to find a table on the first floor. Surprisingly, there were more people there at night than when you were there in the morning. Some people had their textbooks out to study, some were quietly enjoying a book. Some were on dates. 
Finally, after weaving through many fully filled tables, you found an empty one near the table. You sat down, taking out your pen and notebook to prepare for Bang Chan’s ideas. Not long after, you saw Bang Chan walking around, turning his head left and right to look for you. You caught his eye as you waved at him to come over. He strolled over and put the tray of drinks down on the table, placing yours beside your notebook. 
“So,” You took a sip of your delicious mango juice, “do you wanna get started now?” 
“Sure.” His usually friendly face turned serious. It seemed like he took his work seriously. “So I was thinking, we need to film some content to start promoting our debut right? How about we film content for the Mid-Autumn Festival? It falls on the same day as Chuseok, so we can use this as a small promotion for our debut.” 
You nodded in agreement. Although this idea would be a little last minute to carry out, it was a great opportunity to promote their group in order to gain more popularity before their debut in China. “This is a great idea Bang Chan,” You hurriedly jotted down everything he said, “did you have more to add on?”  
“We could make several episodes of this content. I was thinking we could camp in the mountains and maybe cook some food, make mooncakes.” 
“All of this is really good, we have three weeks until the actual Mid-Autumn Festival. If I rush this idea to Manager Chen, we could have one week to plan it, and two weeks to film and produce it.” You beamed, glad that you could be involved in a potential big production. 
You and Bang Chan kept discussing his idea for content, and as time passed, your conversation turned more casual as it eventually evolved into topics unrelated to work.
“So, why are you having coffee this late anyway?” You tipped your chin towards his glass. 
“There’s this part of a song I’m working on that I just can’t get perfect,” Bang Chan noticeably clenched his jaw, “I wanna figure it out before I leave.” 
“Do you usually stay up late to work?” You asked. 
“I can’t sleep anyways, so I might as well work.” 
“Insomnia?” You questioned. He shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his coffee. A few seconds of silence passed. “You know, my mom made me pack some of her special tea before leaving. She said it was for jet lag, which is weird because there’s only a time difference of an hour here.” You rambled. 
“Oh?” Bang Chan tipped his head. 
“I could give you some tomorrow.” You said. Your eyes wandered everywhere except to him. “If you want.” 
“Really, you’d do that?” His eyes widened as he stirred his coffee with his straw. 
It may have been your subconscious need to make friends, or just the fact that you mom gave you so much tea for your non-existent jet lag, but you gladly offered your mom’s solve-all remedy. “Of course, anything for a friend.” 
He blinked a couple times. He stopped stirring his coffee. “Thanks.” He looked at you with a slight grin. 
“Plus, this way I can pay you back.” You teased. 
“Okay, fair enough.” He chuckled. A dimple appeared on his cheek as his smile widened. “But seriously, you don’t need to worry about paying me back for anything next time.” 
Next time? You wondered. Of course he would have more ideas for his own group. You wanted to roll your eyes at yourself. It seemed like, despite his easy-going personality, that he cared a lot about not only his job, but the boys he worked with. His work ethic inspired you and made you want to work just as hard as he did. Except you definitely couldn’t stay up as late as he did. 
The two of you kept up the back and forth that was established, talking about whatever came to mind, with a few sprinklings of work-related conversations throughout. You talked about your first day impressions and how well you were adjusting to life in a new country, and he retaliated by sharing his own experiences of moving across the world. You were so enraptured by your riveting conversations that you easily lost track of time. It wasn’t until you had already spent minutes playing around with your straw in the empty glass that you finally remembered how late it was.
“It’s kinda late, I think I should get going now.” You said as you checked your phone for the time. 
“Are you taking the subway?” He asked as he started gathering the empty glasses. “It’s pretty dark now — I could walk you there.”
“It’s alright. I don’t wanna take time from your work” You said, gathering your notebook and pen. 
“It’s no problem, really, it’s just a five minute walk.” He stood up with the tray of empty glasses in one hand and pulled up his face mask with the other.
The two of you left the café and walked the short distance to the subway stairs.  There, you parted ways and you started your trek home. Taking the subway at night was vastly different from morning; the morning rush was filled with rows and rows of busy people, whereas the night train had a completely different feeling to it. There were actually available seats, to begin with. You found an empty seat and took out your phone to kill time. You checked your missed notifications.
Yoojin: Hi Y/n!! ^-~ Today was so fun, we should go again sometime! 
You smiled at the little text from Yoojin, visioning her wide smile stretch across her face. Texting a quick reply back, you were about to put your phone back down when another notification popped up. 
Unknown: Stay away from him. This is a warning.  
A flash of panic rushed through your body making your chest tighten. Your heart was coming out of your chest, the beating was so hard you could hear it even in the running subway. Completely fixated on the bright white of your phone, your eyes strained from the light. Adrenaline filled your blood, and in the spur of the moment, you quickly blocked the number and deleted the text chain. It had to just be a prank text, after all, you have gotten pranked through text multiple times before in your past. 
You put your phone down slowly, turning your head to survey your subway cart for any suspicious acting people. There was only a grandma with her cane and a few middle school girls comparing their new lip tints. Your thumbs naturally started fiddling with each other. Your eyebrows knit together as you clutched your bag tight to your body for the rest of the subway ride. 
The walk back to your apartment was done carefully. You chose the side of the sidewalk with more light as you kept your senses open, trying to remember the face of every person that walked past you. Although it was more likely than not that the text was just a prank, you were still somebody living alone with very few connections in a new country. Your legs quickened at the thought and you hurried your way back.
Arriving at your apartment door, you carefully entered your lock combination and slammed your door shut, double checking that it was locked. Your home was dark, with only the moon casting long shadows on your furniture. You quickly switched your light on. You tried to put this text to the back of your mind as you got ready to sleep, but it loomed, feeling like a shadow cast by the moon. The shadow in your mind stayed as you closed your eyes, waiting for your sleep to chase it away. 
The next morning, you woke up to the obnoxious beeping of your alarm. You sleepily sat up, getting ready to perform your familiar morning routine. Everything felt like routine, so monotonous that the text from last night was completely forgotten. You opened the fridge and ate your suspicious egg from yesterday morning. 
Before leaving, you suddenly remembered to bring your mom’s magical tea. You rummaged through the cupboards until you found the ridiculous packaging your mom insisted on using. 
The route to work was already starting to feel familiar as you mindlessly made your way from your quaint apartment all the way to the opulent blue building. You entered the office and sat at your desk, checking for new emails. After nothing of immediate importance came up, you got out your notebook and started to type up your notes from yesterday. 
You were in a trance. The repetitive task of reading and typing completely hypnotised you as hours passed by without you even noticing. What broke you out of your trance, however, was the voice of your boss. 
“Bang Chan.” Manager Chen called out. You looked up from your monitor and peeked up from your cubicle to see the familiar hair of a certain man you knew. Assuming he was here for a meeting with Manager Chen, you went back to your hypnotising work. The walls of your cubicle were too high for him to see you anyways — something about eliminating distractions to maximise work efficiency. 
You hit ‘enter’ on your keyboard to start a new paragraph when all of a sudden, you spotted an object appear on your desk from the corner of your eye. 
A bottle of mango juice. 
Quickly turning your head around, you were met with Bang Chan’s back. He was already making strides towards Manager Chen, but something about the sway of his broad shoulders and the way his right hand stretched open told you that it was him who gave you this little bottle of happiness. You unscrewed the lid and took a sip before getting back to work.  
Thankfully, the gift you received was enough sugar content to keep you working efficiently for the rest of the day. You had finished all your work and could hopefully pitch Manager Chen the idea by tomorrow. You found your mom’s tea in your bag while gathering your stuff, remembering your promise to Bang Chan. 
Y/n: Hey, I have my mom’s tea — I could give it to you right now?
There was a reply almost immediately. 
Bang Chan: Sure ^^ I’m in a practice room on floor X right now, I’ll wait by the elevators. 
You made your way over to the elevators and tapped your nails on the package of tea whilst silently waiting for an elevator to arrive. The silence, however, was promptly cut off as your phone started to ring. It was from Yoojin. She probably wants to hang out soon, you thought as you happily answered right away. 
“Y/n!” Yoojin yelled into the phone, she sounded worried. 
“Yoojin, is there something wrong?” You frowned, concerned for the girl. 
“I-I was in the parking lot near your building, a-and I fell down the stairs.” She sniffed. “I think I sprained my ankle or something — I can’t stand up. It hurts so much.” 
“Oh god, Yoojin, do you want me to come help?” You were in the elevator by now, already pressing the button for the main floor. 
“If you’re not far, I don’t want to trouble you.” You heard sounds of her wincing. 
“It’s no trouble Yoojin,” You exclaimed, “your ankle is much more important now. I’ll be right there.” 
“Thank you Y/n.” You heard her sniff again through the phone. 
You bolted out of the elevator as soon as it reached the main floor, stuffing your forgotten package in your bag. Ignoring the looks of confusion of the people you sprinted past, you located the parking lot building as soon as you left the main doors of the JYPE building. Your chest burned and your breaths were heavy. 
You were worried for Yoojin. She seemed like such a sweet girl that it pained you to even imagine her hurt in any sort of way. With her fluffy hair and wide eyes, it made you feel like you were helping an injured puppy. 
Your legs felt like concrete after a while of running, but you finally made it to the parking lot building. Entering the parking lot, you looked for any sign of a staircase where Yoojin said she fell on. There were none. 
“Excuse me, where are the stairs to this parking lot?” You asked the parking lot attendant, assuming it was just hidden somewhere. 
“There are no stairs here,” He said, “if you want to get to the second floor, there is an elevator over there.” He pointed to the other side of the lot. 
You thanked the man and ran to the elevator, hoping Yoojin wasn’t too hurt by now. You’ve experienced injuries like these before whilst playing sports back home, they hurt like hell. Your breathing was staggered by the time you reached the elevator, however, you didn’t give up and kept looking around trying to find the girl. There was nobody. You were about to call Yoojin again just to make sure you were in the correct place, but a voice interrupted you. 
It was Manager Kim.
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Hello, can you do Karasuno, fukurodani and Nekoma with a reader. She really love bake and making sweet, she usually bring cupcake, brownies, Daifuku,.. for the team but she always make healthy food for the team (because she know that too much sweet is not very healthy). She has a small bakery shop, she usually invite the team come and she never take their money. She is very small and always smile cutely (cute like u), she don't talk much but her voice is very cute UwU
Hello Anon-chan!! This is such a sweet and adorable prompt, and I'd be honoured to do it. I might even make this part of a series because I love it so much.
Thank you so much for the compliment. I think you're so cute too 👉👈💖
Is it okay if I add Inarizaki to this too? :D
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Sweetheart Bakery manager-chan
Characters: Karasuno, Fukurodani, Nekoma, and Inarizaki
Warnings: none :D
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I think our darling sunshine Hinata would be the one to recruit you. He goes to your bakery shop one day with Kageyama, after practice, and orders two chocolate cake slices.
As you're cutting and plating it, he curiously asks you which school you're from, which you answer with “Karasuno”
His eyes literally sparkle up so bright and he smiles. “I'm from Karasuno too!!” and he begins chatting with you about school and volleyball.
“Hinata boke, what's taking you so long?” Kageyama walks up to the counter to see you talking to his friend, and he blushes, apologising.
You smile and tell them to enjoy their cake, waving goodbye.
From then on, the team often comes to your bakery after practice. Hinata started bringing the other first years besides Kageyama, like Yachi, Yamaguchi, and Tsukishima.
“I'm telling you guys!! She has the best cakes, they make me go uwahhh all the team” says Hinata excitedly, the first time he brought them over.
Tsukki loves your strawberry shortcakes, and sometimes even packs some for takeaway. You smile at him, liking him instantly, and even share your recipes with him.
The first years think of you as an angel, and they're close to you in class because you're always so kind and gentle.
One day, Yamaguchi suggests you become a manager so you'll be able to keep Yachi company when Shimizu-san graduates, and spend more time with them, your friends.
You immediately agree, since you're fond of Yachi, and high-five Yamaguchi, excited at the new suggestion of joining the team.
The next day, you bring a box of macaroons to the gym and softly and politely introduce yourself to the other members.
The first years (with the exception of Tsukki) immediately run up to you and give you a huge hug.
Daichi smiles and thanks you for your kindness to his teammates, and immediately accepts you as the third manager of Karasuno.
The whole team enjoys your macaroons after practice, and Tanaka and Nishinoya are incredibly impressed, taking pictures of the pastry to send their "city boy" friends in Nekoma.
As a manager, you are always soft-spoken and the team adore you very much, similar to Yachi.
You're also always bringing them to your small bakery after practices so that they can have a slice of cake, or a daifuku after a hard training session.
You never accept their money, and with a small smile on your face, tell them to dig in, and enjoy the dessert.
The team adores you very much, and would never let anyone harm you. You can definitely rest easy knowing the third years are always there if you ever need anything, the first years to protect you, and the second years if you're ever feeling lonely.
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I feel like Akaashi would have the hugest crush on you. He stumbles upon your adorable and quaint little bakery by accident, and after a stressful day of practice, and he's so thankful to see this darling little angel bringing him a slice of cake.
You seem to notice him, a customer and classmate of yours looking so unhappy, so you join him at his table with a small mug of hot tea. “Are you okay, Akaashi-san?” you ask softly. He shakes his head, but he's so touched by your gesture.
He starts coming by the bakery more often, because you calm him down and radiate such gentle and positive vibes. He's also began to get closer to you in school.
One day, you stop by the gym where he's practicing with the rest of the Fukurodani team to pass him a small box of cookies. You're stunned to see an owlish looking boy, inspecting you curiously.
He suddenly breaks into a huge smile and shakes your hand. “Hi!! I'm Bokuto! Why are you here?”
You softly explain that you want to pass something to Akaashi, and when he sees you, his face turns red and he walks to you and Bokuto. Akaashi bows deeply and blushes as you pass him the box.
Suddenly, Konoha spots you and smirks. “Oh Akaashi, you've been hiding her away for pretty long, haven't you?”
You nervously explain that you were merely Akaashi's friend, and that you owned a bakery near school, where he met you.
The team's all gathered around you at this point, and they collectively gasp after hearing you say that. They're determined to make you their manager now, after all, you can bake and you're obviously so small and sweet.
“But Konoha-san, we already have two managers.” says Akaashi, in desperate attempt to dissuade his friends, but their minds seemed to be made up.
“Y/n-chan, if it's okay, would you agree to be our manager?” asked a hopeful Bokuto, and his earnest expression was something you just couldn't refuse. You nodded shyly.
Since then, the team are so excited to have a new manager. Whilst Yukie and Kaori handle the strategical aspect of the game, you tend to the boys' needs by managing their nutrition and morale.
You're always there to put a smile on their faces through your soft and gentle gestures, and you're one of the few people who can cheer up an emo-mood Bokuto, which makes Akaashi love you all the more.
You also bake the boys cupcakes and cakes all the time, but are careful to use different alternatives to sugar and other ingredients which shouldn't be eaten in access.
You are, after all, very health conscious, and you try your best to make sure the team always feel good and healthy.
Bokuto loves carrying you around, since you're so small, and Konoho and Komi often visit your bakery too, and help you out sometimes, since managerial duties have filled your schedule.
In general, the team think so highly of their small, sweet manager, and they come up with nicknames for her related to the things she bakes, like "cupcake" or "shortcake"
It's very cute, and when you blush, they laugh and ruffle your hair, loving her more.
Very wholesome and adorable, and (similar to most Fukurodani manager fics), you're part of their family now. They'd do anything for you.
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I think you somehow accidentally became their manager. You walk into the gym to pass some papers to the coach and he mistakes you for the person who's going to become the new manager.
“Ah, I've been expecting you!” you smile and hand him the papers and he looks confused, “you're here for the position, right?” not knowing what coach nekomata meant, you nodded and he looked satisfied. “Kuroo will show you the ropes” was all he said before ticking something off in his clipboard.
You walk over to Kuroo, and the confusion further intensifies, as you realize there's been a grave mistake, but you're too shy, and Kuroo seems to be too excited at the prospect of having a new manager. He keeps ruffling your hair and saying “You're going to have so much fun with us, y/n-chan!”
I guess I'm the Nekoma volleyball club manager now. You think quietly, trying to map out a new schedule to fit club duties and your bakery duties.
You get better acquainted with the team, and they're all so excited to have you, with the exception of a blonde boy who looked tired and frankly looked like he couldn't wait for practice to be over.
You bowed and exit the gym, running over to your beloved bakery as you frantically checked your watch. The team was puzzled at your hurried actions, and curious.
“Maybe we should—”, “no.” interrupted an uninterested Kenma. “We shall not snoop into our new manager's personal life.”
Kuroo pouted, but knew his friend was right, and walked home with him quietly.
The next day, Kai came early for practice, and since you were already there too, offered to help you understand some of your duties, when an excited Yaku ran into the gym.
He wasn't present yesterday when you officially became the manager, but he was here today, and he stopped in his tracks when he saw you. “You're from the bakery, aren't you?” asked Yaku with a look of awe.
The team was extremely impressed at having such a capable manager, who knew how to bake, manage her own store, and undertake managerial duties.
Kuroo was all the more excited, and he follows you to the bakery whenever he can, sampling the cakes and cookies, and helping you bake, all whilst singing the dorky periodic table song.
You warm up to your new team slowly but surely, and as they start becoming such a huge part of your life, you can't help but appreciate them for their individual characters and quirks.
They too, fall deeper in love with you, and go out of their way to show you they care and make you happy. Each member of the team comes by your bakery at least once a week on different days, to keep you company during the evening shift.
I also think that Kenma would try to remain cold and unbothered with you, but deep down he loves it when you stroke his hair and bake him cookies.
Lev is your baby, and he follows you around partly because you smell so nice, and partly because he's addicted to the calming vibe you have to you.
Kuroo would be so addicted to holding you close to him and sniffing you, because you smell amazing. Like lemon, and sugar, and baked goodies from your bakery, he's practically addicted.
You bake them cookies for their team games and training camps, and they love bragging to other teams about how their manager is the best, and how her cookies taste better than ones from any store.
Manager-chan just blushes quietly, grateful for that one tiny slipup, and accident which led her to become the manager of this group of crackhead angels.
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I might just make this a series in the upcoming future because I love this prompt so much hhhh.
You're assigned to be Suna's lab partner in class, and he's pretty glad, because you aren't one of his fangirls, and you're always so quiet and smart in class.
You grow to be close friends with Suna, because he's quiet, just like you are, and you're comfortable being yourself around him.
He realises you own a bakery one day, and ask you if he could visit, and you're more than happy to agree. You bring him to your beloved bakery after school one day, and let him sample all your cakes on display.
He's quiet about his reactions, but his eyes are expressive and he widens them after each taste, showing you how much he likes it.
He starts spending less time with the team, in favour of helping you with the bakery. The twins are obviously not happy.
“Suna, what're ya hiding from us?” groans Atsumu, with a pout. “yeah, as dumb as he is, he's right. Yer barely spending time with us afta' school anymore” says Osamu, visibly upset.
Suna just reassures them that it's nothing, and the twins, definitely not believing him, follow him after practice one day.
They see him walk into your bakery, wrap his arms around a girl, enveloping her in a hug, and then waiting by the counter. So he had a job, then?
The duo causally walked in the bakery, and Suna rolled his eyes. “I'm just helping my friend.” he said, as he gestured towards you.
The twins finally get a chance to look at you properly, and they think you're so adorable! You have a shy smile, and beautiful eyes, they can't stop staring, feeling warm and happy themselves.
“Would you like some brownies?” you ask them in a soft and mellifluous voice. “I baked them today.” and without waiting for a response, you cut them two thick slices and expected them to try. Atsumu and Osamu were still speechless, and quietly munched on the treat, their eyes not leaving your face.
“Yer adorable.” was all Atsumu managed to say, before blushing a deep shade of red. Osamu elbowed him, and bowed, thanking you for the treat.
You assured them it was alright, and refused to accept their payment. The Miya twins were now genuinely convinced they were in love. You can expect them to be so fond of you, and try to convince you a thousand times a day to be their manager.
You disagree at first, worried that it might clash with your duties at the bakery, but the twins assure you they'll help you here, and so will Suna, which finally makes you agree.
To be honest, they all just really want to spend as much time with you as they can.
You meet Kita, the day you hand in your application, and he inspects you, finally deciding that you were perfect for the job. He welcomes you to the team, and as expected, the other members fall in love with you and your shy and generous personality right away.
Suna's always there for quiet times with you, and sometimes the team finds the two of you asleep on the bleachers together, his head on your lap, before practice starts.
Osamu loves sharing recipes with you, and making you things to eat in his bento box. “Y/n-chan, I uh, I happened to have two onigiris in my bento, would you like one?” with the sweetest smile on his face.
Atsumu loves carrying you around, since you're so small, and telling you cheesy pickup lines. Although he dismisses them as jokes, he's secretly hoping you'll realise he means them all. Very protective of you too! His fangirls don't dare hurt you, in fear of him.
Kita appreciates how wonderful you are, and finds himself thinking about the way you tuck your hair behind your ears, or look so focused when you're baking something, determined to do a perfect job. It's only when he's up till three does he realise he might be in love.
Aran is always there to help you carry anything, or lessen your burden with managerial duties. Although you've assured him countless of times that it's fine, he insists on helping you with anything he possibly can!
And finally, Akagi brings out the giggly side of you, which definitely flusters all the boys. Seeing their adorable manager giggling when Akagi is telling her a funny story? Priceless.
You always bring them baked goodies during practice and allow them to visit you in the bakery anytime they want. If they're not at the gym, they're definitely at the bakery. It doesn't matter to them, as long as they're near you.
Are worried to have you follow them on training camps, but you assure them it'll be fine, and always remain their comforting and sweet manager to congratulate them after good games, and comfort them after bad ones.
Each and every one of them love you with all their heart, and dedicate all their wins to you in hopes of making you proud.
Taglist!! ~ @k-sakusa-old @osamusriceballs
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startanewdream · 3 years
All the time with you
Lily was avoiding him.
Which would be nothing new to James except they were dating for two weeks now and she was his girlfriend - she had said yes when he’d asked her, twice, so James was sure if that - and James had thought everything was fine between them.
It seemed like that when he’d meet her for breakfast - she had kissed him softly on the lips, her eyes closed a second longer when they broke apart as if she was still savouring that kiss and she had beamed at him. They had gone together to Potions class, but then, in the middle of class, when her potion was brewing, she had withdrawn suddenly, edgy on her spot, and she had briefly talked with Professor Slugnorn before vanishing her potion and abandoning class.
That was it. She had left with barely a wave to him, just telling him she would see him later.
But she wasn’t in the Common Room in their next free period and she hadn’t showed up for lunch either. None of her friends seemed to know where she was, which meant James had to resort to search for her in the Marauder’s Map.
‘That’s a little bit stalker, don’t you think?’, Sirius asked, his eyebrows raised and a smirk on his face. He always thought it was amusing when James freaked out about Lily as if he could see something James was blind to.
‘I am worried’, James said, very reasonable. Lily was missing - maybe something had happened, maybe she was in the Hospital Wing, maybe she had met someone who was far more interesting than James and…
Well, maybe he was overreacting a little.
But finding Lily was easy - her dot was still on her bed, alone.
On the one place James couldn’t get to her.
‘Oh, Merlin. This is bad’.
‘What is bad?’ Sirius asked, coming to sit on James’ bed and following James’ trembling finger on the Map. ‘She is in her dormitory’.
‘I can’t go there - don’t you see what that means? She is avoiding me’.
Sirius blinked, not impressed.
‘I think she is avoiding everyone, Prongs’.
It could be, but not everyone was her very concerned boyfriend.
‘Probably she was just tired and took advantage of Slug’s love for her to drop out of the class’.
‘That’s it, Lily loves Potions. She wouldn’t leave class unless there was a reason’.
‘Tired, like I said. Aren’t you two overworking to finish that Christmas event?’
James nodded, hoping there wasn’t any guilt showing up on his face. Sure, the Christmas event was one of the things the Heads had to organize, but he and Lily were taking way longer that it was needed just because they had been too entertained with each other in the past two weeks - it turned out that the Prefect’s Room was empty if all Prefects were out in patrol rounds and it turned that James and Lily were responsible for defining those rounds.
All in all, they were taking weeks to do something that they could have finished in two nights - but it provided them a nice excuse to all these moments together.
‘Yeah, maybe’.
‘Just relax, Prongs’.
He wished he could, but Lily didn’t show up for Charms either - another of her favourite classes - so, under his friends’ amused looks, he went to talk to Mary McDonald, asking if she could ask Lily to meet him.
‘Sure, James’, she said, giving him a funny look. ‘But I think she just wants to be alone’.
‘Do you know what’s wrong?’, he asked, biting his lips. Alone, Mary had said. Alone sounded bad.
‘Oh, it’s just - you know what? I will talk to her and we’ll see’.
That sounded ominous too. He nodded, quiet.
There was another free period that afternoon after Double Charms. They stayed in the Common Room, and James was supposedly finishing an essay, but his head kept turning to the stairs to the girl’s dormitories.
‘You are going to break your neck, Prongs’, Remus noted when James turned once more after hearing steps on the stairs, but it was just two Second Year girls that had come down.
‘I am fine’, he said stiffly.
‘No, you are not’, Sirius disagreed, reaching over to grab the parchment James had been writing on. ‘You got back to doodling “L.E”’.
‘It’s short for Law of Elvendork’, James said. ‘The theory that says every object can be turned into another as long as the elements are proportionally observed during the transformation’.
‘You are making this up’.
‘I am making this up’, James conceded, ignoring Sirius’ look. ‘I am just - I wish there was some way of going upstairs -’
‘I know’, Sirius said, a grimace on his face. That was the only thing they had never managed to accomplish in their seven years at Hogwarts. ‘Maybe we can restart that project - did we try the Confundus Charm on the stairs?’
‘Fourth year’, Peter answered him, without raising his eyes from his essay.
‘How about our animagus form? If -’
‘First thing we did on Fifth Year’.
‘Polyjuice Potion?’
‘We tried to brew on Third Year’, now Peter glanced at Sirius, shaking his head. ‘I looked like Anne MacMillan for three days!’
‘Oh, well, she was pretty’.
‘I had half her body. The left part of her body. I had to hide it for three days!’
James almost smiled at the memory.
‘Half of you was pretty then’, he said to Peter, who rolled his eyes. Then James sighed. ‘Well, I can’t finish this essay today, so I will - Lily!’
He raised immediately, a hand grabbing his own hair nervously as Lily came down the stairs. Her face was pale and she smiled at him when she saw him, but there was something restrained on her smile.
James thought she looked like she was really uncomfortable with something.
‘Hi, guys’, she said, not meeting anyone’s eyes. ‘Can I talk to you, James?’
When he nodded, quiet and still, she raised her eyebrows a little bit. ‘Alone, I meant’.
‘Oh, sure’, he said, looking around for a quiet place, but Lily surprised him going in the direction of the boy’s dormitory. He glanced around, finding his friends equally surprised, and followed her upstairs.
Lily didn’t turn to him until they reached the top of the tower. There, she looked around the room - James was grateful that the house-elves had cleaned up their mess, because the room looked decent - before turning to him.
She wasn’t smiling. That didn’t look good.
James felt something pressing his chest, putting all pieces together in a puzzle he wasn’t sure he wanted to finish - Lily avoiding him, the grimace on her face, the way she was closing her eyes now and then as if to steel herself to do something and her request that they would talk alone, in a place no one could witness their break up -
‘Which one is your bed?’, she asked, stopping his reverie. James blinked, confused, and pointed to the nearest bed. Lily nodded. ‘Control your thoughts, okay?’, she said, sitting on his bed. ‘But lay here with me’.
There had been a considerable number of scenarios that James had imagined Lily on his bed, but on the verge of her breaking up with him was not one of them.
‘I think I prefer to stand up, Lily’, he said slowly.
‘We can’t do it with you like that’, Lily answered him as if it were obvious. ‘Just come here, please, James’.
He frowned, unsure, but he sat on the other side of his bed. Lily looked at him as if James was missing something very important, and when he didn’t move, she sighed.
‘Are you mad at me?’, she asked, sounding tired. ‘I am sorry I went away without -’
‘I thought you were mad with me!’, James interrupted her, shocked. She looked confused.
‘Why would I be mad at you?’
‘Because - yes? What else would you break up with me?’
‘Break up? Did you take that Essence of Insanity in class today?’
‘If you are not breaking up - why did you call me?’
‘Oh’, she blushed, the sweetest shade of pink colouring her face and James imagined he could feel the heat coming from her body. ‘I wanted to cuddle’.
‘... cuddle?’
‘Yeah, you know’, she put her legs on the bed and he saw she had taken out her shoes. Lily laid on the pillows next to him, her hand supporting her head. ‘Mary told me you were worried about me and I thought - instead of being miserable alone in bed, I could be here with you’.
‘You wanted to be miserable with me?’, he asked, but there was a shadow of a grin on his lips now. He took off his own shoes, lying in the bed too, and Lily nestled against his chest, closing her eyes.
‘It’s really hard to be miserable next to you’, she assured him, pressing herself more against him and inspiring heavily. ‘You smell so nice’.
With her lying so close to him, the scent of her shampoo so strong and intoxicating, James thought he could say the same about her.
But he just raised his hand to touch her hair, combing it softly, watching the strands of dark red hair. ‘Lily? Are you ok?’
‘I am, it’s just -’, she paused, unsure. ‘It’s cramps’.
‘Cramps?’, James repeated, confused, and then he opened his eyes. ‘Oooh’.
‘Yeah, sorry about oversharing’.
‘What? No, I - well, I want to know when you are not feeling well or - I mean - can I do anything to help?’
James tried to think of whatever he knew about female biology. His father had explained some things to him a few years ago and he understood the basics, but he hadn’t been paying attention very much if he was honest. Female body looked much more complicated than his.
‘You can keep hugging me’, she whispered and he pressed himself closer to her. 'Sorry about scaring you today. I just wanted to suffer alone'.
'Don't. I mean, I'd rather you don't suffer but - if you must - I am always available for some cuddling'.
She raised her head a little to place a kiss on his neck that gave him goosebumps all over his body.
'I will keep this is mind', she told him warmly. Then Lily sighed. ‘It’s been a while since I have this crisis… I usually take my potions the day before, but - well, I was a little bit distracted yesterday’.
She broke away just enough to wink at him and James suddenly remembered exactly what they had been doing last night on that empty Prefect’s Room - how he had pressed her against the door of the room, his mouth exploring her neck and any exposed skin there, how Lily had moaned softly and how that had driven him crazy -
‘James?’, she called him and he realized he must have drifted off in the memories, judging by how his body was reacting too quickly. He turned slightly, urging his mind to stop recollecting that moment. ‘Maybe now is not the moment?’, she added, a knowing smile on her lips.
‘Sorry’, he said, feeling his neck reddening. James forced himself to focus on the present. ‘I will help you remember next month’, he promised. ‘No distraction, Marauder’s honour’.
‘Maybe just a little distraction’, Lily said, winking at him again. He laughed softly, kissing her forehead, and she rested her head under his chin. ‘I will pay attention next month, don’t worry - I mean, you don’t need to know my cycle, James -’
‘Nonsense’, he said lightly. ‘I already know Remus’, what’s one more?’
She let out an amused laugh, the one that was James' favourite.
‘Well, wait until you experience my mood swings’.
‘PMS? Is that real?’
‘Very real’, she assured him. ‘I may need to hide again -’
‘I hope you don’t’, he whispered, massaging her neck now. ‘I meant it when I said I want to be there with you’.
‘I may get really stressed’, Lily warned him. ‘Like I may want to throw things - it’s better if you are not close’.
‘I have very good reflexes’.
‘Or I may get really sad and cry, and you’ll think it’s because of you, but it’s not’.
‘Then I will give you chocolate’, he promised. ‘Chocolate is the solution for everything’.
Another laugh; James smiled to himself, satisfied with her reaction. Discovering her reactions to him was really his favourite part of the last two weeks of dating her.
‘Well, you can’t go wrong with chocolate’, Lily agreed. ‘And this massage is really good too’.
‘Oh, I have magic fingers’, he teased. ‘I can show you’.
‘I meant a massage in the back, Lily’, he said innocently, and she chuckled once more, not believing him much. ‘Here’.
He sat more upright, helping Lily’s head on a pillow next to him, and started rubbing the base of her neck and then her shoulders, feeling the tension on her muscles and letting it guide him.
‘Hmmm’, she sighed. ‘That’s actually good’.
‘See? Magic fingers’. He kept rubbing her back, feeling her relaxing under his touch. He beamed - even after two weeks of them going out, there was still that disbelief in knowing Lily fancied him back and trusted him and wanted to be with him. ‘So, those mood swings - care to tell me beforehand?’
‘Oh, you’ll notice’, she said distractedly. ‘Two weeks from now probably’.
‘So - two weeks ago you were in one of them?’
‘I guess’.
‘Then our date and all that snogging later - just one mood change?’
‘Oh, it certainly changed my mood’, Lily said, turning her head in his direction and he was relieved to see her green eyes sparkling. ‘There were some hormones involved in kissing you, but I promise you none of them were fleeting’.
‘I’m glad to know’, he answered, grinning too. ‘Or else we would kiss just one week of the month’.
‘That would mean three miserable weeks’.
James laughed. Lily watched him, a smile on her lips that died when she closed her eyes, grimacing.
‘Are you in pain?’, he asked, worried.
‘It’ll pass, just some more minutes for the potion to take effect again’.
He laid down again, this time with her back for him, and Lily curled up against him. He put a hand under her head, careful to entwine his hands with hers.
‘You are so warm’, she whispered.
‘Is that bad?’
‘No, it’s good. I might nap though’.
‘You can - I’ll wake you up later for dinner’.
She sighed softly.
‘Thanks, James - I know this is not how you imagined us being in your bed’.
Her voice was heavier now with sleep, though he could hear her teasing. James let out a soft laugh, kissing the top of her head, and hugging her closer. Lily was quite warm for him too; there was something very cozy in being next to her like that, even if all they were doing was just cuddling together.
He thought of sharing nights with her where they would just do this - lay together, his arms around her, quiet and serene, and somehow those nights looked as appealing as the most creative nights he could dream of.
‘You are wrong, you know’, he whispered, but she didn’t move and James thought she had fallen asleep. ‘I want to be with you in every way’.
And he closed his eyes, letting her warmth and perfume lull him into a quiet sleep too.
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I wonder what people think of the NSMP so far, and how they think of it at the end of the chapter, and just what people think in general
@petrichormeraki the hermit Tommy people and @helleborusangel the online friendo with great rambles!
“So, how are things with Grian?” Grifter looked up as someone sat at the table he was working at.
“Surprisingly well.” Grifter replied. “It took about a day to get him used to standard weapons again, which isn’t too bad. He’s still worried about respawning, which is an obvious fear. Oh, and I’m hoping he’ll be able to hang out with Flora today!”
“Oh, that sounds like a great idea. I know there aren’t many young hermits, so if he’s able to hang with anyone his age- hey maybe I should end lessons early.”
Grifter looked up at the other Listener. “End lessons early? You mean for just one, or both of the kids?”
The Listener shrugged. “Both obviously. Vee probably wants a break as much as their sister, so wouldn’t be fair to give one a break and not the other.”
“You’re not sending Vee to the NSMP, right?” Grifter asked, trying not to have any worry in his voice, and if there was, he quickly tried covering it up. “I mean, I haven’t gotten everything over there fixed. They’re all still used to how Nightmare ran it. And I haven’t gotten around one of the things he put in there.”
The Listener chuckled. “No! Of course not. If I could keep Astrid from wanting to visit, I would. I mean, it sounds like you’d like her to come over for Grian. I could try keeping her out if you want but-”
Grifter rolled his eyes. “Yeah, rebellious teen who’s also got magic. Been there, done that. Speaking of, how long have they been training?”
The Listener perked up at that. “Astrid’s been going for one year and twelve days, and yesterday was Vee’s mark for one year. I got each of them a present of course since it’s pretty much like a birthday and all.”
“Well then, if that’s the case, I think I have a little present for them as well. In the middle of everything yesterday, a Watcher was having a one year party.”
Though Grian found it easiest to learn and use a sword for pretty obvious reasons. Instead, he kept an axe out. Apparently it could be as powerful or even more dangerous than a sword to the point that a number of people used it as a preferred weapon. It was a bit heavy for him, but to be honest, all of the tools felt a bit heavy in his hands. Gym class didn’t really have the best setup for using stuff like this.
He set his axe down for a few moments to let his arms rest as he pulled out his communicator. Sense apparently needed to fix it up so it would work in this time or something. Seeing as how it was working and even looked upgraded, it looked like the man had succeeded. Grian checked his coordinates, moving it from side to side to figure out which way was which as the numbers changed in real time. He was pretty sure at this point he was very lost, since he was used to streets and maps and not open land and coordinates. The only real street was near the castle, and it didn’t even last that long until it turned into what was practically rubble.
While Grian knew he could just stay in the castle since rooms were offered, part of him wasn’t thrilled at the idea of having to be stuck with what would essentially be roommates again. Especially if he could live elsewhere without having to pay rent. He would have to build his own place and gather the materials for it himself, but he had been interested in architecture and was thinking about going to college for it, and it seemed like it was easier to get the stuff he would need here.
He found a nice small tree to start with and pushed leaves out of the way for a good place to start chopping. When he did, Grian was surprised to find his axe chopping through the wood like it was warm butter, taking a chunk out of it in two swings. After that, he nearly fell over in surprise when he realized the tree was still standing, but after getting back up and feeling the tree to make sure he wasn’t imagining things, Grian could feel a hint of magic there, keeping the tree floating in the air.
Not wanting to leave it there, Grian started to tear down the rest of the tree, glad to see that the leaves were falling on their own since he didn’t want to deal with them too. Since one tree had been easy enough, Grian started on another, and then another. He took breaks between every few trees, not used to the amount of work even if the axe made it easy. But he was too busy during those breaks to catch the fiery orange color darting about in the shadows.
As Grian began to chop down another tree, he was stopped again as he was tackled from the side. In a panic, he swung his axe wildly, managing to hit whatever was attacking him by the sounds they made, but couldn’t be completely sure because he had his eyes closed. Finally, something grabbed his axe and yanked it away, pinning his arms down before he could grab anything else.
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t kill you right now.” A voice hissed from above him, and Grian nervously opened his eyes. He immediately focused on the person’s ears, which were definitely not human, but he sighed as he realized they didn’t belong to a rabbit. Unfortunately, that didn’t seem to amuse the hybrid as they let go of his one arm and instead pressed their forearm against his neck. “What are you? A hunter?!”
Grian quickly shook his head. He would say something, but talking was pretty hard when being choked. He saw a tree out of the corner of his eye and then looked back and forth between the tree and the hybrid, hoping they would understand what he meant. While it seemed like they didn’t, they at least eased up on his neck, letting him breathe better and speak. “I was just getting supplies.” He wheezed out, taking a break to catch his breath. “Grifter said-”
“Grifter?” The hybrid asked in surprise, then let Grian go for a moment before grabbing him again. “Wait, explain why you look so much like him. How do I know you’re not lying about him. Are you even on his good side?”
“We’re relat-” Was all Grian got out before the arm was against his neck again. “Right, sure you are. How come I haven’t heard of you before? I mean, I know my family pretty well.”
Grian wracked his brain for some way, any way to get this person to leave him alone. He at the very least had access to one hand, since the arm trapping it before was now on his neck, but he had no way of knowing if the person would understand him. He used his pointer finger to point to the side, then crossed his fingers, put his hands into a fist with his pinky out, then a fist with his thumb to the side, then finally put his thumb between his middle and ring fingers while it was in a fist. He repeated that a few times before the arm on his neck pulled back slightly
“Gry-an?” The hybrid asked, and Grian winced, but nodded, pointing to himself. “Alright, and what about Grifter? Who is he to you?” And he was glad his arm was left free. He pointed to himself again, then brushed the side of his cheek twice with the back of his hand, then had his hand go forward, palm down. “Or really? Then where are your wings?” And grian shook his hand like he slammed it in something. “Oh.”
Finally the hybrid moved away, freeing Grian from the ground. He rubbed his neck, coughing a little. “I see what he said about me needing to train…”
“So Gryan, what are you doing around my place?” The hybrid asked, standing up, not offering a hand to Grian.
“It’s Grian, and I was just trying to gather supplies. Grifter said I could stay in the castle, but to be honest, I’d like a place of my own. I went looking and found this place, so I was going to collect some wood. I didn’t realize this place belonged to you. But I’m glad you know BSL.”
The hybrid raised an eyebrow. “BSL? You mean sign language?”
“Uh, yeah. Your accent didn’t quite sound British, so I was worried you might have used ASL, or something else.”
“What’s the difference?”
“A lot. There’s also the two handed alphabet, and I'm pretty sure the sign for future is different if hurt isn’t.” Grian explained, finally pushing himself up to his feet.
“I just used what I was taught by my Grandma.” the hybrid shrugged. “She said something like it was bonzel? Or something like that.”
“BANZSL?” Grian said, fingerspelling it at the same time. “I mean, essentially the same thing. It’s just easier to say BSL.”
“I don’t understand anything you just said, I just know I understand the way your hands move.”
“Good enough.” Grian nodded. “So, your forest? I guess I cut down too many trees, huh?”
The hybrid shook their head. “Pfft, no. I can just replant them. You were just in what I think of as my place, and I’m not a fan of unfamiliar people showing up.”
“And Grifter is… is he allowed or not?”
“Oh he’s definitely allowed.” The hybrid smiled. “Coolest uncle around and now the admin, why wouldn’t I want him hanging at my place?”
“Cool.” Grian smiled, but then his eyes widened. “Wait so I’m an uncle?!”
The hybrid shrugged. “I dunno. You’re from the past, right? I doubt I’m born yet for you- how old are you?”
“What the fuck, I’m older than you!” The hybrid exclaimed “Sort of. Long story. Short version is the old admin was a bitch.”
“So, does that mean you were born at that point?”
They rubbed their chin. “No, not yet. I’m trying to remember how old I was and how old dad was when I was adopted.”
“Oh, you were adopted?”
“I think. It’s easier than saying my real dad ran out on my mom and then she dated and married this new guy who’s now my dad.”
“Yeah, that does sound easier.”
“So, I don’t think I gave my name. I’m Fleur.”
Grian smiled and shook their hand. “Nice to meet you.”
Mumbo wanted to find Grian and leave right now. He was pretty sure the others thought the same, but right now they were all split up. They had started to explore before EX had caught up to them. Before he could say why, they were soon attacked by a creeper hybrid going by the name Euro. Mumbo could tell it was obviously the same one that was Techno’s Hels version based on the way they fought, managing to go hand to hand with the piglin hybrid.
Even with that, Euro had been strong enough to keep them split up, and now Mumbo was worried about Grian and Grum. He was especially worried from the fact that they had been there for about a day and he hadn’t seen any sign of Grian or his hels copy. It also didn’t help that the mobs here seemed to be more powerful than the ones on hermitcraft, which caused even more problems. Even in the day, he was getting trouble from zombies and skeletons that were wearing helmets, protecting them from the sun.
An arrow nearly hit Mumbo, breaking him out of his thoughts and making him start to run so he could find new cover. He barely got a shield up in time to block an arrow before he dove into a cave and pulled out a spare redstone torch for some semblance of light. The redstoner backed up, hoping for a bit more cover, but then he bumped into something that was unmistakably someone else. He was about to scream, but then his mouth was covered by a hand, so he struggled instead.
“Calm down, it’s just me!” A voice spoke that was just a little too cheerful for the situation they were in. Mumbo stopped struggling and was let go, able to turn around and see Wilbur was in the cave with him.
“Oh thank goodness. I was worried I wasn’t going to find anyone else.” He looked Wilbur over. “How are you doing?”
“Well, once you’ve died once, the fear of dying again isn’t that bad, especially since we get respawns here.” Wilbur replied, not as chipper as before.
“Yes, but that’s only with respawn anchors, and last I checked, we weren’t linked up to any of those. And if we are, we don’t know where it is and if it's broken or not.”
“Hmm, that’s true.” Wilbur replied, tilting his head slightly in thought. “Well, I’m sure there’s something for if you die and don’t have one yet. I’m sure they wouldn’t make it that easy to actually die.”
“I suppose that’s true.” Mumbo conceded. “But we should still be careful.”
The pair prepared themselves to move out of the cave and get through the landscape, not as worried now that neither of them were completely alone. They were just about to leave when Wilbur grabbed Mumbo’s shoulder and pulled him back. “Wait, there was something I wanted to tell you.”
“What was that?” Mumbo asked, turning back to look at the other man, who seemed to currently be struggling with trying to remember. He remembered at the party hearing mention that Wilbur had still been struggling with his memory after officially being revived, so Mumbo was patient with the man.
“Techno… he mentioned something about when Grifter was in the Dream SMP. About Euro.”
“I think I remember overhearing a tad bit of that when you were both over for Grum’s party.” Mumbo replied. “Something about Grifter talking about his family.”
Wilbur nodded. “Yeah, it was… That’s what it was!” And he smiled, finally remembering, before frowning again at whatever he remembered. “That was Euro who attacked us, but from what I heard, Grifter bragged about him being some sort of coward. That seemed like the opposite of what we saw. Do you think it was a lie? Or maybe that was someone else.”
“I’m not sure.” Mumbo replied. “Maybe he was just using the element of surprise. If we see him again and attack, it could scare him.”
“You’re right, that’s probably it.” Wilbur agreed. “If we see him again, I’ll try attacking and he’ll run off, letting us look for the others.”
“You think they’re alright?”
Wilbur shrugged. “Depends on if any of them are with someone else or by themselves.”
“I guess that’s true. So, what can you tell me about the people from your world? It might help us know what to expect.”
Grum smiled as he cut down another zombie, getting approval from Techno. The two of them had quickly found each other again after Euro split them up, mainly since Techno stayed behind to fight the hels smp’er, and Grum hid nearby. Since then, they fortunately hadn’t run into anyone else, but the longer they went without seeing anyone at all, the more suspicious it became.
“Do you think they’re planning an ambush?” Grum suggested, making Techno shrug.
“If it were me, I’d probably try that. But this isn’t the SMP I’m used to.”
“Yeah, but it also looks like this place is still pretty dangerous. Nightmare was just as bad as Dream… and Theseus wasn’t that nice either.”
“Could also be that the rest of them are just idiots and cowards.” Techno said, hoping to lighten the mood. “They see us out here slaying monsters left and right and know not to deal with us.” That seemed to work as Grum giggled a little. “They’ve seen true terror! A pig and a child, truly a force to be reckoned with.”
They were able to keep the mood up for a bit longer, but then Grum was feeling sad again. “I really hope my dad is okay. He got really hurt last time we saw Grifter. I did too…” And his screen flickered a little.
Techno noticed Grum’s distress and picked the bot up, putting him on his shoulders and trying to ignore chat’s cooing. “Yeah, well now you’ve got me, and Phil’s around here somewhere, so we can take him on.”
“Yeah, and we also have Paul.”
“Still not sure what his deal is, but chat seems to know something about him. They’re just shouting all over each other so I can’t tell what they’re talking about other than it being him.”
Grum nodded, quiet as they walked a bit, then he leaned down and looked at Techno. “Hey, maybe we can find out. He’s supposed to be a king, right?”
“Unfortunately, yeah.” Techno replied. “Why?”
Grum sat back up and crossed his arms, Techno lifting his own arms up worried that Grum was about to fall off his shoulders. “It’s more of a fortunately. I’ve got extra diamonds and you can use those so I can get access to my mayoral reservoirs.”
Techno stopped walking. “You sure that’s a good idea? How do we know it’ll even work for him? Or, you know, even work for you?”
“Well,” Grum conceded. “We don’t really know. I mean, we’re in a hels dimension, so I might not be able to access anything. Or it might crash again, though I think that was just your old admin’s fault.”
“Then let’s not risk it just yet. We don’t need to know about that and if it goes wrong, it will go really wrong and leave you out of commission.” Techno explained, starting to walk again, but then immediately stopped, only moving to bend down and set Grum down on the ground and grab his weapon.
Seeing what he did, Grum grabbed his own sword, ready to attack whatever Techno noticed. For a few moments, everything was completely quiet. Then, before either of them could react, both Grum and Techno were suddenly trapped in bedrock.
Paul sliced through another group of mobs in the way, then helped Tommy up to the ledge he was on. Tommy had yet to even swing his sword with Paul tearing through anything in the way. At the very least he had been able to use a bow to shoot things down from afar, but Tommy prefered melee to ranged. The teen wouldn’t have been too frustrated if it weren’t also for the fact that the man was going out of his way to kill any chicken they saw as well.
“I still don’t fucking get why you keep killing chickens. Why do they matter?” Tommy asked, picking up some feathers left behind.
“All chickens are spies, or at least a good enough portion that it’s best to get rid of any you see.” Paul explained, suddenly swinging at a creeper that had snuck up on them. “They’ve been a problem for as long as I can remember. At first, I had know clue why, it was just a sort of gut feeling. Like I knew when I didn’t actually know.”
“Alright, and so you just took it as fact?” Tommy asked, rolling his eyes.
“Not, of course not.” Paul replied. “I mean, only dumb people would do that, and there’s three types of people in this world, those who can do math, and those who can’t.”
“Bitch that’s two types of people.”
Paul sighed and looked back at Tommy. “Yeah, that’s the joke.”
“Anyway, one time I found one messing with my things. I thought it was just a fluke until it happened again. At this point, I was already in the show biz a bit, so I played along. I trapped the chicken and then started jokingly interrogating it. When it actually started writing its chicken scratch on a sign, I thought I was going crazy at first.”
“So, it was actually a spy?” Tommy asked, not fully believing him.
“Yeah, it was. And from there things started unravelling until I finally met Punch.”
Tommy frowned. “And Punch is your hels version?”
“As far as I can tell, yeah.” Paul affirmed. “Pablo Punchwood, god of unwilling death. Most people think of ravens, crows and vultures as birds signalling death, but chickens can be ruthless. Whoever thought of calling cowards chickens did not meet a real chicken.”
“Really? What harm could they do?” But Paul didn’t answer Tommy verbally. Instead, he pulled out a book bound with black leather and opened it, following along with a page. A moment later, a rift of a sort of camo green color opened in the air next to the pair, and Paul reached his hand in, pulling out what looked like a dead mouse. “What the fuck was that?!”
“Think of it like a sort of multiworld enderchest.” Paul explained, though still not answering Tommy’s question about the chicken. When they next encountered some monsters, Paul had them take a more covert route, hiding instead of fighting.  Finally, they reached a pair of chickens while the pair of them crouched in the grass. Paul pulled the rat out again, then bit at the inside of his cheek a bit before using the blood from the wound he caused to put blood on the rat.
Tommy watched as the man then threw the animal towards the chickens, surprised by how quietly it went through the air. Then it landed and caught the attention of the chickens, who then started pecking at the creature. After a few seconds, Tommy looked away, not able to stomach what he saw.
“So, that’s chickens for you. Anything about that size that’s injured, and they’ll tear it to shreds. Sometimes there are even chickens that are confident enough to go after people, but bluckers are the ones you need to look out for. They really like to bite.”
“So chickens have been dangerous spies this entire time?!” Tommy asked as they started to move, looking back to see only the bones of the rat were left behind.
“Sure have been. It’s part of why avians are a class all of their own when talking about hybrids.” Paul explained, getting them through another rough patch of monsters. “See, ages ago, there were dinosaurs, and those eventually found their way to being various birds. Technically, there’s a longer explanation, but that’s all you really need to know right now.”
“So avian hybrid people are technically part dinosaur?” Tommy asked, surprised.
“Sort of. See, when you get into the nitty gritty of it all, part of the reason avians are called that and not bird hybrids is because of the fact that they tend to be more shifter than hybrid.”
“More what?”
“Shifter. There’s different classes of what most people generally call hybrids. There’s standard humans, hybrids, shifters, and naturals. Of course, technically humans count as naturals, but the categories were made by a human so it’s a bit of prejudice there.”
“Can you fucking cut to the chase?” Tommy asked, not wanting a lecture.
“Sure.” Paul shrugged. “Punchwood is my evil version, he’s got a thing with chickens, even though he should be staying in this dimension, he’s messed with things, avians are some sort of descendant deity now, and that makes categorizing them odd.”
Tommy was completely silent for a few moments, even stopping in place as Paul continued walking. Then, he came to his senses and ran to catch up. “What the fuck? None of that made any sense! Where do dinosaurs come into that? Why the fuck are there avians here then if he’s hels? Why isn’t it just fucking chickens then?”
Tommy didn’t have a chance to answer as suddenly Paul dodged an attack. Tommy himself barely pushed away, just in time to dodge an attack from a woman wielding a pink axe. He swung his netherite sword at the woman, which hit the blade of her axe, sending sparks into the air. “Hey! Are you going to help me fight or what?”
With those words, Paul attacked the woman as well, looking much sloppier than he had fighting the monsters. Though Tommy couldn’t do much about that right then, he still filed it away for later. After they dealt with whoever this was.
Doc tried to hold back another hiss. When he first ended up finding Phil, he was just glad to have someone else on his side. The monsters were a slight hassle, but between the two of them, they were getting through them well. So well that they actually had enough time to just walk and chat. Doc was even the one to suggest Phil come up with a topic to talk about. And he decided to ask about Doc’s interaction with gods.
Though the hybrid wanted to yell at Phil, he knew that was more the fault of Theseus, Paul and himself for opening things up to that conversation. So reluctantly Doc answered the questions Phil had.
“So why are you just calling it the Perd now?”
Doc rolled his eye a little. “Yeah. Easier to mishear and harder to search for. It’s not like we really want anyone releasing Notch into the world again.”
“Why would anyone want to let him out?” Phil asked incredulously. “He was a tyrant god. People were looking for a way to trap him for years.”
“Yeah, people were, but other people continued to worship him before and even after he was finally imprisoned. God apples being called that is still a recent change.” They paused the conversation to deal with some mobs before Doc continued the answer. “Not everyone is so long lived to remember those days. Heck, some people think Herobrine’s still not a nice dude because of that old propaganda that always got put out. I mean, he can be violent if need be, but you saw how tame he tends to be.”
“I have?”
“That’s Joe. The guy hanging with Cleo and wearing glasses. Eret’s dad.”
“Really? Wouldn’t have guessed.” Phil replied, and Doc was glad for the slightly lighter subject. But that took both of them off guard, meaning neither of them was ready when they were suddenly attacked by an enderman.
Phil was the first one attacked, the monster sending him a few meters back with the amount of force behind the attack. It swung at Doc next, hitting his right arm and leaving a dent in the prosthetic. When it tried to swing at Doc again, Phil had jumped back to his feet and swung his axe, the blade hitting the monster and making them teleport a few blocks away.
With the short break in fighting, Phil and Doc were able to get a good look at their foe. The enderman stood there, slouched over a bit, yet still taller than a regular enderman. Their normally small paw like hands were now large enough that Doc was pretty sure just one could wrap around his head, and that wasn’t counting that the monster had four arms instead of just two.
The last things of note was the fact that half of the enderman was a pale lavender instead of being all black, and they were also wearing a hawaiian shirt of all things. But that was enough for Phil to realize that they were dealing with Ranboo’s hels version.
Xisuma sighed as he got back to his feet. While he was glad to not have ended up completely alone in an unfamiliar world and dimension, he wasn’t the biggest fan of having only found his brother. X had tried a casual discussion, but EX always found a way to turn it into a fight.
And that also didn’t mention the trouble they were already having from mobs. Xisuma was defending the both of them while his brother refused to help, leaving the monsters with the upper hand. Xisuma could usually keep his cool fairly well, but at this point, Xannes was starting to get on his nerves.
“Could you move faster? You’re slowing us down.” EX said, making his point by walking faster than he was before.
“We would be making more progress if you were fighting the monsters instead of me.” Xisuma grumbled, making his point by shooting a nearby spider.
“Oh, I’m sure you wouldn’t want me getting in the way.” EX replied smugly. “I’m sure you’d rather ban me again than have me sticking around. Who knows, maybe it would stick this time.”
“At this point, it would probably help.” Xisuma replied, though under his breath, not wanting his brother to hear him, then spoke in a more audible tone. “I’m sure you’d find a way around it.”
Xannes just chuckled, slowing down and finally letting Xisuma catch up again before tripping the admin with a laugh. Xisuma looked up in frustration at his brother before just lying on the ground for a moment to calm down, not wanting to fight back. And then Xisuma was suddenly dragged back with a yell as something grabbed his ankle.
Xannes turned around to see why X had yelled, only to find a trail in the ground and his brother missing. “What? Oh, ha ha. Very funny, brother. I’m sure even with my setbacks, us sticking together is still a better option.” He was quiet, waiting for a response, but none came. “Oh alright, I’ll be a bit nicer. Just come back.” But there was still no answer.
Now more worried, EX took his sword out, the blade a tad shaky in his hands. “Brother, I get your point now. My little jokes aren’t actually funny. Is that what you want right now?” Yet again, there was still no answer, except this time, there was the snap of a branch or something in the nearby area, leaving Xannes whirling around, weapon at the ready. “Br-Xisuma! Where are you?! Stop messing around!”
All that happened was another sound from nearby, making Xannes flinch, but with few other options he moved towards it. He needed to push through a bit of foliage, but then he finally saw his brother. The admin was tied up and hanging upside down, a very tall person standing next to him in a light blue cloak with gold accents, two pairs of wings on their back and a golden circlet on their head over the hood of their cloak.
Xannes crept forward, trying to make as little noise as possible. His eyes connected with Xisuma’s, who was trying to signal something, but the hels admin couldn't piece it out in time. Xannes looked back at the figure, only to see them turning back towards him. He tried to hide again, only to have his shoulder grabbed at the last moment and be yanked back.
EX got a glimpse of the person’s face, them similar enough to the demon from the DSMP that he made the connection. “Oh, and I can get a matching set out of this.”
Xannes kicked at the angel demon thing. “Let go of me you bastard! Or I promise you will regret it!”
“Oh, is that so?” They asked, tilting their head. “Well, I guess you’ll have to show me.” And they started to tie Xannes up as well.
When he was hanging next to Xisuma, the admin wriggled a bit to turn himself towards Xannes. “Why didn’t you do anything? I’m sure lightning could take down even an angel.” But Xannes just grumbled. “Look, I can’t get us out of this one, you can’t make me do everything.”
“Oh shut up!”
“Why? I’m not an admin here. I can only get us in and out of worlds, and at the very least I need to stay for the others. I can’t do anything to get us out, so you have to instead.”
“Well sure! Let me just, I don’t know, pull up my kill aura to attack him, hmm? Oh wait, I-”
And then Xannes stopped talking as suddenly the angel was attacked by an invisible force. The pair of admins watched as their captor was attacked until they finally died from damage, and a few moments later, Xannes and Xisuma were both freed from their bindings. “Took you long enough.”
Xannes picked himself off the ground. “That wasn’t you?”
“I told you I can’t do anything since I’m not the admin here. You were the one just talking about kill auras.”
“Well… I can’t actually… access any of my hacks here.” Xannes hesitantly admitted. “And I never got to go to any of the fancy schools you got to go to, so I’m always relying on them for combat.”
“You’re saying you can’t actually fight? Is that why you weren’t helping?” Xisuma asked, taking his brother crossing his arms and looking away as a yes. “Well, we have ample time while making our way through this world looking through the others. I’m sure active experience would help.”
“I don’t want your help.” Xannes replied defensively. He started to walk off in a huff, then paused, looking back. “Why not pretend to teach your viewers or whatever you record things for? Pretend like you’re doing something useful.”
Xisuma chuckled and followed behind his brother. That was probably the best he was going to get from EX, but it was better than nothing. The two of them continued through the world, Xisuma defending against monsters they encountered. And if there were a few less, the pair didn’t notice, just as they didn’t notice the person in a frowning mask following behind them.
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Crazy Rich Avengers: Chapter 2
Peter Parker x Reader
Chapter Summary: Tony is oblivious, Shuri is a queen as always, Peter is breakfast man and Y/N’s a grandma
Warnings: swearing and one mention of sex
Word count: 2589
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*Flashback to Wednesday*
“Alright troops, let’s get this party started.” Tony walked into the debriefing room that was used for only meetings, but this week it had a new purpose: discussing Wanda and Vision’s wedding plans. Everyone was gathered around a circular table with plans and maps strewn out across the table.
“What made you guys want to get married in Maui?” Nat turned to Wanda and Vision. Wanda simply shrugged, “We just wanted to see what the island has to offer.”
“Plus Mr. Stark has that lovely beach house in Spreckelsville,” Vision added.
“Are y’all inviting Peter and Y/N to the wedding?” Sam asked
“Of course! Why wouldn’t we?” Wanda seemed kind of offended that Sam would ask that. She was very close with Peter and the way he talked about you always made her warm inside knowing that he found someone he really loved. She was kind of like a second aunt to him in a way, though no one could top Aunt May.
“Oh, I love Y/N so much. Did you guys tell her happy birthday two weeks ago?” Nat asked.
A couple of ‘I forgot’’ and ‘Oh shit’ replies made their way into the group and Nat just shook her head.
“Wait wait wait. Who’s Y/N?” Tony was so confused. He had never heard of a Y/N Y/L/N before. Was she an employee close with Wanda? And why was she with Peter?
“What do mean who’s Y/N?” Steve asked.
“She’s Peter’s girlfriend, Stark.” Bucky stated it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. And it kind of was. Peter would come into the Compound on the weekends sometimes for training and just gush about you to everyone and even Bucky seemed to know who you were. And he never pays attention to Peter. Tony just sat there, not knowing what to say to hearing his intern having a girlfriend.
“Pete has girlfriend?” How come you all knew and I didn’t?”
Thor took a swig of his drink. “Because you do not listen to the Man of Spiders.”
At this moment Shuri, T’Challa, and Okoye walk in, with papers and blueprints in only T’Challa and Okoye’s hands, while Shuri sips her iced coffee, like the bad bitch she is.
“Hey what’s up losers?” She walked in and took the papers from their hands and spread them out on the table. She turned to Wanda and Vision. “Okay so I developed a knew sound system for the reception that does not require a DJ, and you can choose which one you want!” They all look at the plans and sure enough, there were about four different designs that they could choose from. Wanda and Vision had put Shuri in charge of all the technological elements of the wedding because she was clearly the smartest out of all of them.
T’Challa stepped up to the table. “Sorry we are late; my sister had to bring all of her designs and took about three hours to pack.”
“What? I have to look my best for the wedding. We all know you just throw clothes into a suitcase and call it a day.” She turned towards everyone else. “The only shoes he brought were his flip flops.”
“What you don’t like my royal sandals?” He puts up his foot to show off his shoes and turned to Okoye for support. She just shook her head. “I’m not getting in the middle of this, but if I were to choose a side, I agree with Shuri.”
Shuri laughed in T’Challa’s face and fist bumped Okoye and he looked at them and shook his head.
“What do you two know what fashion?” He asked.
“More than you,” they both said at the same time. This got everyone laughing around the table and Steve did his classic belly laugh where he grabbed the side of his chest and basically fell over.
Shuri turned to Wanda, “So, whose all invited to your big day?”
“Well, we invited Peter and Y/N –“
“Yes! Sorry I just can’t wait to meet her for the first time. Go on.”
Wanda laughed, “Aren’t we all? Also, Peter’s friend Ned is invited because he helps us all out on missions. What is it he calls himself?”
“The Guy in the Chair,” Vision replied.
“Ah yes, and of course all of you people. We wanted to keep it small,” Wanda finished.
“You know,” Sam started, turning to the royal bunch. “Stark over here didn’t know that Pete had a girlfriend.”
“What?” They all three gasped.
Okoye spoke this time, “We live all the way in Wakanda, and knew about this. You live twenty minutes away.”
“We know. It’s ridiculous,” Rhodey spoke.
“Okay and is there a specific song that you are walking down to?” Shuri asked.
“We chose the song ‘To My Future Wife’ by Mr. Jon Bellion,” Vision replied
“Oh, I love his songs!”
“We figured it represented our love for each other,” Wanda looked at Vision and gave him a peck on the lips, with hearts in both of their eyes. A bunch of aw’s filled the room as a response to the couple.
*Flashback ends*
You wake up at around three thirty in the morning to your alarm. You were essentially trapped in Peter’s arms and had to pry yourself out to get up and get ready. You threw a pillow at him to wake him up.
“What was that for?” He groaned.
“Come on. We got to get up or we’ll miss the flight.”
He got up with a sigh and got ready. He just dressed in jeans and that tight black t-shirt that you loved. Why would he pick that for a flight? You bit your lip and just turned away getting ready yourself. You picked out your black leggings and a white shirt because you wanted to be comfy for the 12+ hour flight ahead of you.
You packed your purse as your carry on which had your phone chargers, headphones, perfume, you know, the essentials for flying.
“What are we going to do for breakfast?” He asked. Peter was a breakfast man and so deciding what to eat in the morning was very important for him.
“There’s a coffee place at the airport; don’t worry, Pete.”
You left your apartment at around four in the morning and made sure that everything was turned off and nothing was out of the ordinary. You two take an Uber to JFK and almost fell asleep again. One thing was for sure, you were taking a nap as soon as you got on the plane. When you got there, you checked in with the front desk and saw that your flight would take off at 5:30am. So, you took Peter to the little coffee stand in the airport to get him some energy and food. He got a mocha iced coffee with a blueberry scone and you got a caramel macchiato and a breakfast bagel. You sat down near where your flight would be boarding and ate your food. You were so excited to eat because your favorite breakfast item was just a good bacon, egg, and cheese bagel. You bit into it and sighed out in a state of peace.
You had downloaded a few episodes of your favorite shows on your laptop so you and Peter could watch them together. You had downloaded some from The Office, Brooklyn 99, Parks and Rec, and The Good Place. You pulled out your laptop and headphones and gave one earbud to Peter so he could watch too. You decided to watch the episode of The Office where Michael hosts the Fun Run for Rabies.
About an hour later they started to board for your flight and packed everything up and walked over to the flight attendant.
“Right this way,” she said. She led you past the economy class and into first class and you started to get suspicious. There was no way you could afford this. Sure, you had some money put into savings, but it wasn’t much. She led you into one of cabins and you put your purse down.
“Uh ma’am?” You called out.
“Um there must be some mistake, I mean… we’re economy people. Like, we’re broke, there’s no way that we’re in first class.”
“Are you sure? You two are Y/N Y/L/N and Peter Parker, right?” She asked confused.
“Tony, I swear,” Peter sighed.
“I told Mr. Stark to not upgrade us because we were fine, but I guess he didn’t listen.”
The flight attendant walked away and you fell on the bed. The cabin had a little TV on the opposite wall and the bed facing it. Night tables were on both sides of the bed with little lamps that made it kind of cozy. You walked around the small room looking at the different little pictures of beaches from different countries. There were a set of silk pajamas on your nightstand and you held them up to Peter.
“These are nicer than my actual clothes!” Peter just laughed at how excited you were and pulled you down on the bed. He rubbed your thighs and started to kiss your neck and sucked lightly and slowly worked his way up to your ear and nibbled on it.
“As much as I would love to continue this, I am not having sex on a plane,” you laughed.
He laid down on the bed with you, “Well what do you wanna do then?”
“Tell me about everyone that’s going to be there. I want to be prepared to meet them when we get there.”
“Okay for starters, there’s Wanda and Vision, Wanda has like these mind-reading powers, so be careful about what you’re thinking around her. There have been plenty of times where I’ve thought about you in an adult way that’s caused her to not to be near me sometimes. But she’s awesome. She’s kind of like my second aunt when May’s not around; we’re really close.”
“Good to know. It’s also a good thing she’s not here right now because all I can think about is you in that shirt,” you wink at him.
He laughs and kisses your nose, “Vision is also pretty cool. You’ve seen Vision in like pictures and everything so you know he can shift between robot and human form, so that’s cool. Um, he’s just really chill and laid back. There’s also Sam and Bucky.”
“Oh yeah you’ve told me about them. Do they still tease you a lot?”
“Not much anymore, but I’m sure they will when they see us together,” he sighed. Yesterday when he went to the Compound for his camera, they had mentioned that Peter wouldn’t be getting much packing done if he knew what they meant. Peter did know what they meant and just rolled his eyes at them.
“Sam’s pretty cool when he’s not teasing me, and then he’s kind of a jerk, but overall he’s cool; you’ll probably get along more with him than anyone. He’s got a good sense of humor so,” he trailed off.
“Oh okay. Now what about Bucky?”
“Bucky still doesn’t really like me, all because of what happened in Berlin.”
“Sounds like he’s petty.”
“Yeah he kind of is,” he laughed.
He goes through telling you about all the Avengers and what they’re like. They all sounded pretty chill and fun to hang around.
“By the way, Ned is going to be there.”
“What? Really?” You neatly shouted because you haven’t seen him since about a month before college classes started. He had gone all the way to MIT for college, and the last time you saw him, was when you and Peter had helped him move into his dorm.
“Why is he going?”
“He’s like our ‘Guy in the Chair’ for the team. Tells us where to go on missions, and helps out with the team, so I guess Wanda and Vision wanted him there.”
“At least there will be someone I know and close with,” you laugh at Peter’s fake hurt expression.
“You’ll have me, baby.”
“Yeah, but you’ll probably be talking to everyone and doing wedding stuff and I’ll be just hanging out. But now I have Ned! Now, tell me about Mr. Tony Stark. I know he’s kind of like your father-figure as you put it sometimes. Do you think he’ll like me, or will he go all Papa Bear on me and tell me that I’m not good enough?” You joked.
“He should be cool with you. Mr. Stark’s a pretty easy-going guy so I don’t think there will be a problem. Unless you try to crash the wedding,” he smiled.
“Yeah I’m totally gonna crash it and just get shit-faced at the wedding.” It was now close to seven o’clock in the morning and you and Peter were wide awake and couldn’t go back to sleep and still had another thirteen hours to go, so you just pulled your laptop back out and put on one of your shows and cuddled with Peter.
He held your waist against his and laid his head on top of yours. Your arms were wrapped around his torso and head on his chest, watching TV. You stayed like this for a couple of hours. You eventually got bored and started playing a game on your phone.
“Whatcha playing?” He asked.
“Candy Crush.”
He laughed at your game choice. “You’re such a grandma.”
“What? Just because I like candy crush that makes me grandma?’
You lightly slap his chest as a response and watched his smile turn wide into a laugh. God those eye crinkles, I swear, you thought. It was kind of true though, everyone in your family and in high school called you the grandma friend of the group because you picked crocheting and baking of all hobbies, just like a grandma. And apparently Candy Crush was now considered a grandma game.
“Okay, I’d like to see you beat an ultra-hard level where you only have twenty moves to save 10 gummy bears,” you challenged him.
“Is that seriously a level on there?”
“Yes, and I beat it on the first try. Why, you scared?”
“No, had me your phone.”
You gladly give it to him and throughout the level you have to hold in your laughs because seeing his face scrunch up in frustration may have been the best thing ever.
“Shit!” He exclaimed
“What, did you lose?”
“No,” he lied. You held out your hand for your phone and saw that he lost on the level.
“Ha! Loser,” you poked his chest as you teased him. “It’s a shame you lost though, because losers don’t get prizes.”
“Oh yeah? And what’s my prize?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
You shrugged. “Guess you got to win if you want to find out.”
This time he held out his hand for your phone. “Just know, you got four more chances to win before you run out of lives.” Peter tried so hard at the game and gently slammed your phone in frustration and you giggled. Let’s just say that Peter didn’t get his prize. The rest of the flight consisted of watching TV and eating the surprisingly amazing airline snacks. When the nighttime came, the flight attendants turned all the lights off, kind of like a silent go to sleep call for all the passengers. You and Peter snuggled up against each other and waited for the rest of the flight to be over.  
Tag-List: @randomstufflol29 @spideyspeaches @binnotjin @lolooo22 @multi-universe21​ @ladykxxx08​ 
A/N: We got an Avengers flashback! Yay! I really wanted to incorporate the Wakandan bunch because a) Black Panther is my favorite movie, and b) They are all just amazing and I love the way that Shuri and Okoye tease T’Challa all the time and wanted to put that in this. The whole Candy Crush scene had actually happened to me before and I thought it would be nice to add a piece of me in the story, and Candy Crush is honestly underrated if you ask me lol. I hope you all really like this chapter, because the next one is going to be awesome! Thank you all for reading!
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bookstantrash · 3 years
A/N: Sorry, I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t. Ghost mode is officially dead. It was stronger than me.
I will, however, disappear from tumblr once Release Week begins, but in the mean time enjoy some words that I wrote.
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In which she makes a friend, Part Seven
“Cassian, for Cauldron’ sake, stop with your fidgeting”
“I am not fidgeting, Azriel” Cassian said, eyeing the females training and making sure that Devlon was at least trying to teach them.
“You almost blinded me with your wings three times in the last ten minutes” the Shadowsinger huffed back, taking a step back and putting some distance between them.
Cassian just snorted but did check himself, realising he really was flaring his wings a little, a nervous tick that came out whenever he was distressed with something.
Not that he was recalling his conversation with Nesta during training yesterday, how he had been delighted to see her improvement and her beginning to master her powers.
Not that he was remembering how he could hear her heart beating quickly when he had pulled her close.
Not that he had had to muster every ounce of strength and control he had to not fall at her feet and beg for a kiss, for a touch, for anything when he smelled her scent.
Not that he had felt guilty of not telling her of the Illyrian revolution that was probable to happen.
Not that he was remembering how his heart had stopped when he asked her if she wanted to leave.
He would do that. Would help her walk away. From him, from the situation Feyre had forced upon her. But it didn’t mean it would not hurt him to watch her go.
Didn’t mean he would not reach the conclusion that he had failed her once again.
Cassian thought he and Nesta were making progress, but after yesterday he stopped trying to convince himself of that.
Things between them were awkward when they saw each other again at the afternoon training with Kaelin, and for once he was grateful for the boy’s constant chattering.
It was a good way to take his mind of his worries.
And the way Nesta seemed to relax and almost smile whenever Kaelin said something or nailed move was a relief to Cassian’s troubled heart. It was an accidental blessing that he cherished with all his life.
No, Cassian preferred to think that his actual state of mind was due to all the new documents and information he would have to go through after Azriel’s arrival, and maybe a little bit worried of how Nesta’s and Azriel’s encounter would go.
He knew her and his brother were not close — he had never even seen they talking to one another — but Cassian worried that Azriel’s presence may bring forth uncomfortable memories of the rest of the IC to Nesta, neither having the best relationship, specially after that party at the Sidra in summer solstice.
Cassian could only hope and pray that the little progress he had seen Nesta go through in five months would not go down the drain.
“There are more females today” Azriel noted, taking Cassian out of his daydreaming.
“There are” he looked over the training ring, eyeing the small group of eleven Illyrian females.
It was the biggest number he’d ever had so far.
After the war with Hybern, the death of many Illyrians took its tool in the ranks. Although it was a reason for dissatisfaction to arise, it was surprising to see a number of females wanting to train. Many had lost fathers, brothers or lovers.
They had realised that nobody would protect them except themselves now, and slowly the number of females appearing had gotten bigger.
Some came and stayed only for a few self defence classes. Some were coming steadily for more than one session.
Cassian didn’t care if they wanted to be warriors or not. The fact that they were coming and wanted to learn was enough for him.
“Baby steps Cassian” he thought, hope blooming on his chest for the first time in a long while as Devlon dismissed the group, for once having taught them with more attention.
Cassian suspected Azriel’s presence was a weight on the camp lord’s mind, and an undesirable reminder to try this time.
“I’ve to stop somewhere first before we go back” Cassian said to the shadowsinger, who watched Devlon leave the training ring without a glance in their direction.
Azriel only shrugged, not minding the delay at dinner and indicating that he’d accompany Cassian.
Not long after, both Illyrians were entering a clothier, the bell in the door chiming and announcing their presence.
“Look who decided to pay a visit”
“Now, did the oh so ruthless Emerie miss me?” Cassian smirked, leaning against the polished counter where Emerie was.
“It was not me who was left for two months alone in a cabin” she retorted, her brown eyes twinkling with wicked delight seeing Cassian’s shocked expression.
“You know—”
“Yes I know Nesta, she was here not so long ago for tea” the female answered, as if Nesta going out and having tea with Illyrians was nothing out of the ordinary.
“If she did not tell you of our encounter, I don’t think I should be the one to explain the particulars of our meeting” Emerie cut him again, raising an eyebrow in question.
Cassian was baffled.
“Since when had Nesta befriended Illyrans?” he thought to himself, having mixed feelings about it.
In one hand, he was happy she was putting herself out there, meeting people, living.
On the other hand, he felt a pang of jealousy and hurt go through his heart. Nesta had not told him any of that. Had not bothered to tell him of what she did on her spare time outside the morning and evenings trainings with him.
“But did you give her a reason to trust you?” Cassian thought with regret “Did you ask about her day? Did you tell her about yours?”
Trust was an one way road. And Cassian had lost the map which would direct him to it.
He also had to put himself out there. He had to open himself to Nesta if he wanted to mend their already tethered relationship.
Cassian had to stop being afraid of hurting his heart again when he had already hurt hers.
And he realised that not even another heartbreak would be enough to keep himself away from Nesta.
“But I take you did not come here to chat with me” Emerie said, eyeing Azriel, who was looking at her with curiosity.
“Not this time. But do invite me for tea” he grinned, trying to gather his lost swagger “The weather is about to change. I would like to purchase some clothes before autumn ends”
“The usual?” she asked, returning her sharp gaze to Cassian’s face.
“Today is light shopping,” he answered, dropping some coins on the counter.
Azriel shot him a puzzled look, but Emerie understood him just fine.
She gathered some clothes, and Cassian noticed that she also placed small sized ones too.
Emerie no doubt knew about Kaelin.
And she knew that Cassian would not let the kid go through autumn and then winter with hand me downs and fixed clothes, no matter how good of a seamstress Nesta was.
If Azriel noticed the clothes, he didn’t let it show.
Cassian also thought his brother was too busy inspecting Emerie to noticed anything else.
It had surprised him too the first time.
A female with a will strong enough to fight to be the sole owner of a shop in a place like Illyria.
Emerie had a fire that reminded him of Nesta. No wonder both females had somehow found their way to each other.
“Oh, please put this too” Cassian said, and quickly grabbed a leather strap he had spied on one of the shelves.
“Have you lost another one? I swear, you go through this things as if they’re water” Emerie ruffed, placing it with the rest of the order.
“It’s not for me.”
“Thinking of gifting it to Nesta?” Azriel said with a chuckle “Tell her to braid her hair with it?”
“As if Cassian was stupid enough to gift it to a Lady to tie her hair with” Emerie snapped, and Cassian laughed at the shocked expression on Azriel’s face “He knows her better than you think he does.”
“Charming as ever Emerie” Cassian said, gathering his purchase and bidding the female goodbye.
This time, Cassian didn’t fail to notice how his brother’ shadows were agitated.
And how they kept trying to go back to the clothier.
Cassian stopped breathing. Stopped living altogether as he looked at Nesta.
Nesta, who was sitting on the couch, reading.
He didn’t even have a mind to say how she did not light the fireplace, not as he saw what she wearing.
Because Nesta Archeron was not wearing one of her usual dresses.
She was wearing the clothes Cassian had left in her drawer all those months ago, when she had first arrived at Illyria. Clothes he not seen her ever wearing.
Until today.
Cassian had seen Nesta wearing pants. Hell, he saw her almost everyday now wearing the leathers, and his reaction at their first training was not so different as to when he had seen her at the war.
He had to constantly remind himself to breath and think with his upper head. To not make a fool out of himself.
But this time it was different.
Because Nesta was wearing leggings.
Mother’s tits, what had he been thinking when he left those leggings in her drawer?
Nesta wore dark leggings and a burgundy sweater, a little big on her due to her still too thin figure, something Cassian hoped to change.
And her hair. Cauldron, her hair was not on its usual coronet, but a loose braid, a few strands of her light hair falling over her eyes.
Cassian wanted to brush them behind her pointed ear.
Wanted to kiss and mark her slim neck. Feel her pulse under her soft skin.
Wanted to cover her body with his wings and scream at Azriel to leave.
But he did none of that. He willed his body and his temper to behave, and cleared his throat, making Nesta look up from her book.
Even though he was sure she had been monitoring their every breaths as soon as they arrived at the cabin.
“Hello Ness, did you have a pleasant day?” he tried, wanting to test her mood.
“I was having one until someone decided to disturb it” she answered, but Cassian noticed she did not put so much bite in her words as she did when she truly was annoyed “And don’t call me that”
“Well, I come bearing presents” doing a mocking bow and bracing himself for the worst, he looked at Azriel.
The shadowsinger’ Siphons gleamed, and a brown package appeared on the small table in front of Nesta.
“What is that”
A memory of a conversation during Winter Solstice, outside among the snow, resurfaced, and Cassian quickly shut it down.
“Tell you and ruin the surprise?” Cassian faked outrage, placing a hand on his heart “As if I could do that. You will want it.”
“I don’t want anything from you.”
Cassian resisted the urge to close his eyes and scream in pain. Those words, that memory, kept appearing against his better wishes.
He had been an asshole.
Had regretted his words the moment they had left his mouth.
He had wanted to get a reaction from Nesta. Do it the way it usually was between them.
Blown being met by blown.
Fire against fire.
He had been stupid to think it would work.
Had been even more stupid to not apologise afterwards.
But this Nesta was not the Nesta from his memories. Was not the Nesta from a year ago.
He could only hope her reaction would be different.
“Are those... are those books?” Nesta asked, trying to hide her surprise as she opened it, reading the titles.
“I thought you would have gotten bored of reading the same books over and over again” Cassian said, hoping he didn’t sound as nervous as he thought he was.
“And they must be more interesting than my military books” he added, indicating the long forgotten book Nesta had been reading when he arrived.
Nesta only looked at him and slightly dipped her chin in gratitude.
Cassian wanted to dance in happiness at that.
“Good to know that now you have a personal delivery boy to get whatever I want” Nesta said, directing her words at Azriel.
“As if I would do it for free” he snorted “Cassian promised to cook my favorite dish in payment. He’s the errand guy.”
“He does seem to like to be bossed around” she commented innocently, and that earned her a rare grin from Azriel.
“He also requested children’s books” the shadowsinger eyed her figure and raised an eyebrow “You two need a chaperone up here?”
Cassian tensed, not knowing what to expect from Nesta.
“Are you looking for a new job? Playing spy getting too boring?” Nesta replied, also raising a perfect eyebrow mockingly.
“Perhaps” was all the shadowsinger said, and Cassian took that as a cue to get between them.
“They’re for Kaelin, I thought they’d be easier books to read for now than the ones we have here”
Cassian had asked Azriel to get some old myths books for Kaelin, nothing too childlike but also not too difficult for him. He hadn’t wanted to offend the kid by giving him something too easy, having seen his progress with Nesta.
“And who is that anyway?” Azriel asked.
“He’s our new roommate” Cassian joked, not failing to notice how Nesta had flinched slightly when Azriel had asked about Kaelin.
“Kaelin is too young to live like he had been living” Nesta declared, stiffening her spine “I took him in. And he’s going to stay here”
Azriel said nothing, his shadows seeming to catch something in Nesta’s voice, and his eyes softened.
“I’m sure he’s nothing but nice if he’s keeping up with Cassian” he attempted “I’d like to meet him”
Just then, they heard the door opening.
“Ah, there he is!” Cassian exclaimed, a smile appearing.
That smile, however, weakened as Kaelin came into view, quieter than usual.
And Cassian thought he’d have to be the one to wear that leather strap in the end.
For Kaelin’s hair — once a wild mess of curls, who constantly feel on his eyes — had been sloppily cut, no curl at view.
In fact, he looked nothing like Kaelin at all.
There was a tension in him that had not been there before, the young Illyrian brown eyes’ seeming to look bigger on his face now that they were not hidden by his bangs anymore.
And the short cropped hairstyle that Kaelin now displayed also made the fresh bruises on his face even more alarming.
Fixed tag list: @sayosdreams @thewayshedreamed @sjm-things @perseusannabeth @arin1030 @caotica-e-quieta @vidalinav @swankii-art-teacher @ireallyshouldsleeprn @duskandstarlight @greerlunna @thegoddessaltenia @dayanna-hatter @verypaleninja @awesomelena555 @courtofjurdan @allilal @sensitiveillyrian @moe8 @illyrianwitchling13 @silvernesta @bri-loves-sunflowers @queenestarcheron @imwritingthesewords @vasudharaghavan @rainbowcheetah512 @darkshadowqueensrule @letstakethedawn
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presentmicsongbird · 4 years
Can I request Yandere Mirio? I love my sunshine boy being a yandere. You can make a prompt or a headcanon. I enjoy your Jealous Bakugou X Reader. Maybe do one about Yandere Mirio being a jealous bean?
But of course! Ask and you shall receive, here’s your order of one jealous yandere Mirio. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------
Yandere Mirio x reader  “I love you, but you’re mine, Darling.” 
The first time he saw you, you were a timid little first year, trying to find your way to your next class. You’ve already tried asking around, but almost everyone you met either told you to buzz off or gave you the wrong directions. Much to your dismay. 
But not Mirio though, like the big ray of sunshine he is, he decided to come up to you first and give you proper help. To say you were shocked was an understatement. 
No, you were both terrified and intimidated by this huge third year walking towards your direction. If it weren’t for the tidbits of scars on his forearm and biceps, then it was probably his 5’11 frame completely towering over you that did the job. His bright and silly smile, however, did ease your worries a bit. 
“Hey there! I’m gonna take a wild guess and say you’re a first year, right? You seem to be a little lost, where you off to?” He asked with a subtle head tilt.
“I…um…” You stumbled on your words, your timidness beginning to take a hold of you. A mumble of words slipped out from your lips, but was barely loud enough for him to hear. 
“Well c’mon now, no need to be shy!” He crouched down to your height and turned his head to the side, cupping his ear. “Let’s hear that again, yeah? I can’t really help you out if I don’t know what the problem is.” 
Too close, too close! 
“I…” You gulped and took a deep breath. “I need help finding my homeroom.” You opened your eyes slowly, not realizing they were closed in the first place, as you heard a quiet chuckle. 
“There we go, that wasn’t so bad was it?” He stood back to his original height and smiled at you once more. You nodded at his question, the ground suddenly the most interesting thing in the world. “Now about your homeroom, what course are you in? I’m in the hero course!” 
Ah…that explains a lot then. 
“General Studies.” You whispered a little louder. You had tried out for the hero course once…but you had slipped up at the last second causing you to lose those last few points. How you managed to get into general studies, you’ll never know, but you certainly weren’t complaining. And you certainly didn’t want to be late on your just your third day of school. 
“Class 1-C then, huh? No problem, I’ll get you there in no time, Let’s go!” Mirio gently held your hand, almost as if you were made of porcelain, and began leading you towards your classroom. You struggled to keep up with him, but was rather thankful for the fast pace. Perhaps you won’t be late after all. 
His hand is warm… You thought to yourself, a faint warmth filling your cheeks. You were careful to remember the halls you both took and which corner to turn,  a mental map forming in your mind. 
As soon as you reached your classroom, he Mirio let go of your hand, and turned back to face you, his smile unwavering. 
“Here we are! Class 1-C! Sorry if we went a little too fast, you probably couldn’t have remembered all those twists and turns. I’ll gladly escort you again if you need me to, but if you don’t then it-“ You cut of his ranting, chuckling inwardly at his worries. 
“I-It’s fine, sempai really. I actually didn’t have a hard time at all. ” You gave a curt bow. “Thank you so much, but I’m sure I’ve taken up a lot of your time already.” 
“It’s no problem, I’m happy to help. That is what heroes do after all.” He gave you another bright smile and a big thumbs up. Before you could open the door he called out to you once more. 
“Wait, before I go, I didn’t catch your name.” You stayed quiet for a bit, wondering if you should tell him. You just met after all…then again he did help you. What’s the worse that could happen? 
“Y/N.” You whispered. “It’s Y/N.” You threw one last glance at the blonde, you didn’t realize his blue eyes could get that bright. 
“Y/N, that’s a beautiful name. I’m Mirio Togata. Hope I can see you again, soon!” And with that, he ran off to who knows where. Thanking whatever celestial being that he didn’t see the blush on your cheeks. 
You had to admit, he really was cute, maybe you two could- no. A newbie general studies kid like you could never have a chance with a third year. And you were fine with that…Unfortunately for you…
Mirio had other plans. 
He knew, the moment he saw you, you had to be HIS. You were so small, so shy, your entire being was practically asking for a villain to come and take you away. 
No, he wasn’t going to let that happen. He was going to protect you, from anything and anyone who even dares to look at you the wrong way. You were HIS sunshine, HIS darling, and he’ll be damned if he even lets one of those low-lives in your class taint HIS precious light. 
He had a plan, he was going to get you to like him, he’ll go slow of course, but he’ll make sure your eyes were only on him. 
He found a way to fit into your schedule, all your activities, your study time, your breaks, even that little part time job you work at after school. And oh the joy he felt in his heart when he saw how ecstatic you were when he confessed that he wanted to be your “friend” and help you out. 
You didn’t suspect a single thing. He had an alibi for everything, a ready excuse for why you two always manage to see each other. 
You see him at the coffee shop in the morning? He always went there before going to class. 
That book store you visited to get a text book for class? Him and Amajiki were supposed to meet up but he canceled last minute. 
Oh, you’re studying by yourself in the library? Him too! Here, let him help, he studied the same thing last year. 
Before you knew it, the two of you were practically inseparable. You were still a timid little thing when around your classmates and teachers, but with Mirio, you could put your walls down and be yourself with no problem! 
Of course you were more comfortable around him. Mirio’s act was flawless and consistent, no one would even think he had an ulterior motive to being friends with you.
He did try to keep his distance a few times as to not overwhelm you, but the way you look at him, that smile and that sparkle in your eyes whenever you saw him was too much, how could he NOT come over and be close to you? 
At this point, almost everyone in your grade, especially your class, knew you as Mirio’s sunshine (With rumors going around that you two were dating). You had gained some new friends and you had learned to open up more. Your timid nature slowly went away as you welcomed more people in your life. 
You even met a boy, a second year in the support course. He gave you a bracelet made out of a rare metal from one of the workshops to celebrate passing your test. It was a sweet gesture.
But for Mirio, it was a sign of war. Who was this kid? Why was he talking to you? Does he know you’re already taken? 
Questions and worst case scenarios filled his thoughts to the brim and your new found confidence was not helping at all. He needed to get to the bottom of this. 
He found you on the roof doing your homework, that gorgeous smile, almost distracting him from his goal. 
“Y/n!” He called out. You turned around quickly at the sound of his voice, your smile brightening at sight of your friend. 
“Togata sempai! What’s up?” You patted the empty space next to you. “I was just finishing up here, maybe we can go to that cafe-“ 
“Who is he?” He asked, keeping up a gentle smile. He needed to get straight to the point. 
“Uh…Who?” Mirio kept a growl from coming out. He grabbed your arm a little too roughly and pulled it up for both of you to see. So much for his facade. 
“That…boy. The one you were talking to yesterday. The one who gave you this.” You gulped. You’ve never seen this side of Mirio and you have no idea what to do.
“I-Its…He’s just my friend. He gave it to m-me as a present. You know….when I passed my test?”  
“A present…really? What, was the cake I got for you not enough? Did you want a bracelet instead? Is that why you took it?” His grip was getting tighter by the second. That’ll probably leave a bruise. “I knew I should’ve gotten you something else…” 
“Listen, I’m glad you’re making more friends, it’s good that you’re opening up more. But I don’t want you talking to that boy anymore. I don’t like him, don’t accept any more gifts.” Your arm was starting to hurt now as he pulled you closer to him. “I’ll give you anything you want, ANYTHING. I’ll give you more gifts, I’ll spend more time with you just-“ 
“Togata sempai-“ He cut you off again, your wincing going unnoticed by his continuous rambling. What was going on? Why was he acting like this? 
“I love you, but you’re mine, darling.” What. You stopped struggling from his vice-like grip. Mirio continued to rant about what he should’ve given you and why you should stop seeing the boy.
“MIRIO!” You screamed, catching him off guard and letting go of your arm. You cradled your limb to your chest, silence washing over both of you.
“Dar-Y/n, I’m…I’m sorry, I didn’t-“ 
“We’re just friends, sempai. That’s it. Nothing more.” You whispered, the concrete suddenly the most interesting thing.
“Y/n…I’m so sorry. Please, sunshine?” You gulped and backed away from his raising hand. You then remembered what he said earlier. But you were so confused. 
“Did you mean it?” You asked. “Did you mean what you said?” 
“Wha-O-Of course! I’ve loved you since I first helped you on the first day and everyday after that.” You sighed and looked away. You really didn’t know how to feel. 
“Darling?” He slowly crept closer to you, watching your reaction. “Y/n, please, talk to me. I’m sorry.” You mumbled something incoherent, causing him to lean in closer to you. 
“At least take me on a date first, you dummy.” You looked up at him with a smile, his eyes blinking a few times before scooping you up in his arms and spinning you around. 
“Haha, oh sunshine you scared me! I expected you to be angrier, furious even! I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking straight. And you’re right…” Mirio set you back down, making sure you were steady before letting go. “This weekend, I’ll take you on the most amazing date you’ve ever had!” He spread out his arms and waved them. “The ultimate Togata experience.” 
You giggled, the small action making the blonde’s heart melt even more. 
“It’s a date then.” 
“It’s a date.” The bell rang a second later, signaling the end of the period. “Let’s go to that cafe after school, we’ll set up the details later, okay darling?” You nodded, giving him a quick peck on the cheek, his smile getting wider. 
“Listen sunshine, I got do something real quick, you go on ahead.” Thinking it was probably something in the hero course, you thought nothing of it and walked down the stair with your books in hand, unbeknownst to you about his change in demeanor. 
He wasn’t wrong, Mirio really wasn’t thinking straight…New gifts and a date weren’t enough to guarantee that you were off limits…no…
He needed to take out the competition, permanently. 
The boy in the support course suddenly transferred out of UA the next day. 
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shinydelirium · 3 years
MLQC Season 2 Chapter 8 (Kiro) Final Part [High Speed Road] & [Buffer] Translation [CN]
For the previous translations of Season 2 Chapter 8: Part 1, Part 2
[High Speed Road]
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At three o’clock in the afternoon, all the procedures of the new song conference were ready.
The warm sun dispersed the chill air, and the fans who were selected to participate in this conference have lined up at the ticket gate.
Many fans who didn’t get a ticket also came to experience the atmosphere, and the square was crowded with people for a while.
The security guards patrolled the square at each area with communicators and everything went on in an orderly manner.
I breathed a sigh of relief and when I was about to call Savin and ask him to bring Kiro over, I realized that I couldn’t reach him.
I called Kiro shortly after and the call was quickly connected.
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Kiro: Savin isn’t at the company today. Did he go straight to the venue?
MC: Why would he? He should’ve gone directly to the company to pick you up this morning.
Kiro: Huh… I didn’t see him. I thought he was with you.
Kiro’s words left me confused.
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MC: Could something have happened?
Kiro: Wait, Savin’s calling me.
Kiro shared the voice call with me. The intermittent signal connection was unstable.
Savin: I….accidentally….asleep in the carriage….
Savin: But who knows….no one in this carriage…..waking up….
Savin: Can’t stop yet….its….
The signal abruptly cut off.
MC: What’s going on?
Kiro: The call can’t be reached and the signal seems to be affected.
Kiro: MC, I’m heading out, wait for me wherever you are.
In the backstage preparation room, Kiro’s fingers tapped on the keyboard quickly.
After a while, a satellite map of Loveland City appeared on the computer screen as well as a constantly moving red dot.
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Kiro: This is where Savin is now.
Kiro: Strange, how did he cover so much distance all at once….
Looking at the computer screen, the red dot seems to be moving along a certain fixed track.
I remembered what Savin said just now and I couldn’t believe it.
MC: Is he really on an unmanned train?
Kiro pursed his lips and quickly pulled up another webpage.
It’s the entire route map on the Loveland Rail Transit website.
Kiro: ….According to the route he is moving on now, it should be this one.
He tapped the screen with his finger and a more detailed train timetable and line chart enlarged on the screen.
This is a cross-river train which just opened last year that connects the east and west of Loveland City.
Because it’s famous for driving on the river surface for a certain distance, it attracts many locals and tourists.
In addition, after the opening of this route, detours on both sides of the river have been avoided, so it has become the best choice for many office workers to commute.
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MC: Doesn’t Savin take this train to work…
Kiro: But MC, look.
My eyes followed his fingers on the latest operation notice and I quickly realized something wrong.
MC: “We are sorry to inform you that the cross-river air rail train in Loveland City will be suspended tomorrow for maintenance and overhaul….”
MC: ….In other words, someone started this car that was originally discontinued.
Although this idea is absurd, it seems to be the case.
Kiro thought for a moment and made a decision immediately.
Kiro: Let’s go to the scene and see.
Kiro called Ah Liu for help. After a while, Ah Liu, who was holding his head with hair sticking up everywhere, appeared in front of us with grievance.
Ah Liu: Can’t it stop for a day! I was taking a nap! I’m exhausted from having to do all this work for you! ***Changed some wording***
Having said that, Ah Liu kindly transported us to the platform where the train was about to appear.
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There was no one on the deserted platform. We waited for a while and a rumbling sound came from the dark tunnel.
But the train passed the platform without stopping.
Every carriage is empty.
Kiro and I looked at each other and realized the situation.
In order to determine if there is a problem with the train, I tried to dial the service number of Loveland Rail Transit.
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MC: Hello, is the Loveland City Air Rail Transit operating today?
Staff Member: Sorry, the train is not open today.
MC: May I ask the specific reason?
Staff Member: During our regular maintenance yesterday, we found that some track parts were aging and loose. In order to avoid the risk of derailment, the operation was stopped.
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MC: Which station needs to be maintained?
Staff Member: Central Square Station, what’s wrong?
My heart sank.
The Central Square Station is the station where Kiro’s new song press conference was held, and the train track is also located directly above the square.
At the same time, it’s also the place with the most traffic in the afternoon.
If the train derails and falls, the consequences will be disastrous.
Is it a coincidence….?
MC: …Then, is it possible for the train to run by itself?
Staff Member: Are you kidding me? The driver did not go to work today and the door of the operating room was locked.
Staff Member: Please don’t disturb our work.
The “beep” sound of the phone hanging up echoed in my ears. Kiro and Ah Liu obviously also heard the content of the conversation, frowning.
Ah Liu: What’s next? Is this event going to be cancelled?
Ah Liu’s words suddenly reminded me.
That’s right! The anonymous call I received this morning—
I immediately found the call log and called back.
I waited with bated breath for a long time and just when I thought the other person wouldn’t pick up, the line connected.
No one spoke. Only quiet breathing.
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MC: Hello, I’m the person in charge of the Inverted Smile Film and Television company that received your call this morning.
The sound of breathing continued on the other end.
Teenage Boy: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
MC: Like you said, we have indeed encountered some issues that affected the organization of the event.
MC: I want to know what the “consequence” you are talking about is exactly.
MC: Did you know what the inside story was before you made the warning call?
Teenage Boy: ….It’s too late!
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MC: Are you—on an unmanned train?
The phone hung up with a “beep”.
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Kiro: What happened?
Kiro cast a concerned look at me. I took a deep breath and quickly told him and Ah Liu what had happened this morning.
MC: I received a strange call this morning telling me to cancel the afternoon activities or else I will bear the consequences.
MC: I’m just guessing….if these two things are related, otherwise it would be a coincidence.
MC: However, although I was able to get through, the other person was unwilling to explain more and hung up.
Kiro thought for a moment, then turned to look at Ah Liu.
Kiro: Ah Liu, can you take us there?
Ah Liu: Where?
Kiro: To that train.
Kiro pointed to the red dot that was being tracked on the laptop.
Ah Liu: Bro, are you crazy?! Have you studied physics?***Changed some wording***
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Kiro: Ah Liu, don’t forget the content of our contract.
Kiro winked, revealing an extremely brilliant but threatening smile.
Ah Liu had no choice but to grab our hands—
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A dazzling white light flashed in front of us and when we regained our sight, we were already in the carriage.
The ground under my feet trembles as well as the glass on the windows.
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MC: It really worked! Ah Liu, you’re so amazing!
We didn’t waste time as we looked along the carriage and finally found Savin who was unconscious on the ground.
Kiro hurriedly ran to him, shook Savin twice, and saw that he had no signs of waking up. He moved closer and opened his eyelids.
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Kiro: Great, Savin is fine. He only passed out.
Kiro: But there must be someone else operating this train here. We must find this person.
Kiro and I looked at each other and realized that things are not that simple.
Ah Liu sent Savin to a safe place. After returning, the three of us continued to search along this weird train.
Finally, when we reached another carriage, we saw a teenage boy sitting in the corner.
MC: Are you trapped on this train too?
He suddenly raised his head, his face full of shock as if he didn’t expect that there would be people here.
His appearance made me feel a bit familiar.
I suddenly remembered that this was the boy who passed by me at the airport that day—
Why is he here? Did he…
MC: You’re the one who called me and asked me to cancel the event.
Teenage Boy: …You’re mistaken.
Hearing his voice, I became even more convinced.
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MC: I’m not mistaken. We met at the airport too, didn’t we?
Teenage Boy: ….
The boy suddenly got up from the seat anxiously. His pale lips pressed tight and shoulders shook slightly.
Teenage Boy: This car will derail soon. If you don’t want to die, leave as soon as possible.
Teenage Boy: Don’t blame me for warning you—
A ripple was opened behind the boy and Ah Liu quickly restrain the boy’s arms.
Ah Liu: I got him. Let’s resolve this quickly.***Changed some wording***
Kiro: Thanks a lot.
Teenage Boy: Le-let go! You guys hate Evolvers!
Kiro: You’re also an Evolver, aren’t you?
Kiro: Although I don’t know what your Evol is, I’m guessing you started this train too, right?
Teenage Boy: You—!
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Kiro: I command you—
Before Kiro finished speaking, the seat behind him was suddenly torn apart by an invisible power and flew toward us fast!
Kiro: Watch out!
Kiro rolled me to the corner of the carriage without hesitation and the ground where we were standing just now sank.
The glass on the window made a stronger sound and the speed of the train became faster than before.
All of a sudden, I remembered a few years ago I participated in the filming of “Miracle Finder” with the theme of a rare Evol, in which “magnetic field control” was featured.
At that time, we wanted to interview this child but his family rejected because it was too dangerous.
Perhaps…he was that same child.
MC: This child should be an Evolver of the magnetic field control class.
Kiro and Ah Liu both wrinkled their brows, realizing the tricky nature of the matter.
Every part of the train may be used by him as a weapon to attack us and we must avoid the possibility of any accident to the greatest extent.
Teenage Boy: I warned you, if you value your life, leave quickly!***Changed some wording***
MC: Don’t worry, we didn’t come because of you.
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MC: Don’t you….like your Evol?
I tentatively took a step towards him, hoping this boy can lower his defense a little.
Teenage Boy: ….It’s none of your business.
A loud sound came from a distance as if something passed along the track from underneath.
The overhead is full of noise and the handrails that run through the carriage seem to be breaking inch by inch with the boy’s voice.
The sharp squeal of metal rubbing across our ears, it is about ot —
I didn’t have time to think about it, and I tried my best to grab the boy’s wrist.
In the next second, my vision suddenly plunged into darkness.
As if pressing a rewind button, the train and people in front of me kept falling backwards.
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----I saw the boy’s memory.
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The mixed memory fragments slowly pieced together into a complete picture.
A teenage boy shivered endlessly while pulling a wet schoolbag. He cried as he picked up a book soaked with water.
Teenage Boy: If only I can become an Evolver, they won’t bully me….
Teenage Friend: Don’t be stupid, aren’t Evolvers born?
Teenage Friend: Wipe your tears away. I’ll copy today’s homework for you, okay?
The picture flickers and changes.
Teenage Boy: Ajian! (friend’s name I’m assuming) I’m also an Evolver! I won’t be bullied! The doctor said that my condition is quite normal. It may have been due to poor health which wasn’t detected before.
Teenage Friend: Wow, you’ll be super awesome in the future!
Teenage Boy: Hahaha, but I won’t be like those idiot bullies. They are too naïve!
The picture continued to change but I felt extremely angry and desperate.
??: Sorry, we cannot accept such a dangerous student in a class full of ordinary children….
??: Sorry, the residents of our community think that your child is too dangerous to live here….
??: I’m, I’m sorry…..Xiao Nan(boy’s name) your ability is terrible. We can no longer be friends.
The surrounding voices faded away, falling into a dead silence.
Teenage Boy: I don’t want to be an Evolver anymore. I don’t want to have this kind of power at all. I want to be an ordinary person….
In the large, hushed and silent gray space, the spiral staircase hovered down from the high roof, like a venomous snake lying dormant in the dark.
The light swayed from the long and narrow zenith. The boy raised his hand to block the light in front of him and took a step back subconsciously.
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Teenage Boy: Excuse me….are there people here who don’t like Evol?
The teenager’s timid voice echoed in the building.
??: Come, child, don’t be afraid.
The man’s voice is very gentle but his whole body is hidden in the dark, making it difficult to see his face.
??: We understand your pain. There are many people like you here. We are victims of the same kind.
??: But you are different from us. You have the power to wipe out these sources of pain.
He stretched out his hand, like a predator in the depths of the cave waiting for its prey to be snatched-- luring the prey into the cave little by little.
The picture changed again, this time on a plane.
Not knowing what happened, the cabin shook violently.
The teenager sitting in the seat bit his lip and slowly stretched out his hand. His eyes fell on the closed operating room door.
My heart pounded and a familiar word came into my ears very clearly.
??: We rule Evol, for a better future of mankind.
My eyes snapped open. The blood from my whole body rushed to my head and I was abruptly flung back by a force.
The ground under my feet kept shuddering and the boy ran away towards the carriage in front of him.
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MC: Wait!
The handrail above my head was suddenly torn off and came towards me. Kiro protected me.
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Kiro: MC, are you okay?!
I faintly uttered the name, and my heart filled with anger.
MC: I’m fine.
I propped myself up and quickly told Kiro and Ah Liu about what I saw.
MC: This accident….GRAY RHINO planned it all.
After hearing what I said, Kiro’s brows furrowed deeply and his expression became more serious.
Kiro: Did you…see his memory? Is this boy also a member of the anti-Evol organization?
I hesitated for a moment and shook my head.
MC: I didn’t see the same tattoo on his body so he’s only being used by the people from GRAY RHINO.
Just like the two special police officers who died in the Task Force.
MC: I’m guessing the previous plane incident was also their doing, but…
It was only after the boy used Evol that the shaking of the cabin seemed to lessen.
MC: Kiro, is this their revenge against the Evolver group?
Kiro nodded softly.
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Kiro: Probably.
Kiro: Once this train derails, it will definitely cause serious casualties.
Kiro: This accident will also be concluded to be the work of an Evolver.
The train was speeding by, and the floor was bumping underfoot.
The sunlight reflected from the glass curtain wall illuminates the passing cars and I see a familiar building in the distance. My heart plummets.
There are not many stops to Central Square.
If this train isn’t stopped as soon as possible, it will crash into the crowd below.
MC: We have to find him quickly!
Kiro pulled me along the carriages but the young boy was still missing.
Just as I was about to lose hope, we opened the door of the first carriage and found the boy again.***Changed some wording***
He shrank in the corner of the carriage, like a light-sensitive animal.
Teenage Boy: Do-don’t come any closer!
The moment he saw us, the boy stood up and his body shook frantically.
Compared to the state he was before, his entire body seemed to express a sort of tight tension.
MC: Don’t get excited, we won’t hurt you. We’re—
Kiro: We’re here to be friends with you.
Kiro interrupted me altogether, walked over to the boy and sat down.
The unexpected behavior made Ah Liu and I stand still, speechless, but Kiro was very indifferent.
Teenage Boy: Do-don’t lie! I know you’re that star who was on social news before!
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Kiro: Eh? Am I that troublesome?
Kiro immediately put on a melancholy expression.
Kiro: But since just now, I think your abilities are very powerful, just like the superheroes in the movies.
Kiro: So I really want to be friends with you.
A look of disbelief appeared on the boy’s face and he looked at Kiro uncertainly.***Changed some wording***
Teenage Boy: I’m not a hero. I have done a lot of wrong things and I don’t want to an Evolver at all.
His voice suddenly became low, as if thinking of something sad.
Teenage Boy: I just want to be an ordinary person with many friends so I won’t be bullied.
Teenage Boy: But after I found out that I had Evol, my life grew worse…
Ah Liu: Hey, I get you. I used to be laughed at and people said that my Evol can only be good for takeaway flash delivery.
Ah Liu: I’ve survived now and those days have gone by smoothly.
After what happened to Ah Liu, a look of surprise came across the boy’s face.
Kiro: When I was a child, I was also troubled by my Evol.
Kiro: Fortunately, I met a very good person. He taught me a lot of interesting skills and made me understand that there many wonderful things in this world.
When Kiro spoke, a ray of light flashed in his eyes. The person he’s talking about must be his master KEY.
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Kiro: Those memories that make you unhappy, just lock them in the drawer.
MC: That’s right. People don’t have to be held back by the past all the time.
The boy hesitated for a moment, raised his head, looked at me uncertainly, and then at Kiro.
Teenage Boy: Can I….throw away this drawer key?
Kiro: You can put the key away and when you are brave enough, you can open it and face them. You won’t have to be afraid of anything.
Teenage Boy: But….you’re a superstar. Everyone likes you. How would you have difficulties like me?
Kiro: Before becoming a star, I was an ordinary, humble person.
Ah Liu: No way, I heard that you started shooting at the age of six—
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MC: Ah Liu, no need to say so much!***Changed some wording***
As if not hearing our untimely interruption, Kiro turned his head and looked at the tear-stained teenager gently.
Kiro: In fact, whether someone is an Evolver or an ordinary person, they will find their own rightful place in this world to meet people who are in the same position.
Kiro: But before that, there may be a long wait and trials.
Kiro: Perhaps the opportunity that belongs to you has not had time to appear so you will have to be more patient.
Teenage Boy: Really?
Kiro: Really.
Ah Liu and I nodded repeatedly.
As soon as he finished speaking, the bright light poured into the window, making people unable to close their eyes.
The two sides of the window flashed past the cantilever metal structure of the bridge. The neighboring river’s surface and the buildings bathed in golden light suddenly came into view.
Kiro: You see, through the dark tunnel just now, you can see the light all at once.
The boy’s face became paler but his voice became firmer.
Teenage Boy: I will give it a try.
Great! Seeing the boy finally change his mind, I was a little relieved.
He tried to use Evol to control the train. Even though the speed was significantly lower than before, the train did not stop.
Teenage Boy: I, I can’t do it. I’m almost out of strength…
A sharp grinding sound scraped  along the wall and the train sped past, even furiously shaking the handrails on the roof.
My heart seized in my chest.
Teenage Boy: It’s too late….I did something irreparably wrong…
Teenage Boy: I, I shouldn’t have listened to that man….I don’t want to hurt anyone….
Teenage Boy: I’m sorry, I’m sorry….
The young boy looked at his palm with a blank look and couldn’t help crying.
Kiro: Now, look into my eyes.
Kiro unquestionably pulled his shoulders, letting the boy look directly at him.
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Kiro: I command you, stop this car!
A golden light blazed in his eyes and it seemed to have the power to stir people’s hearts.
The train slowly stopped and the sharp friction between the carriages and the rails gradually subsided.
The boy softened and sat on the ground, staring at the scenery frozen outside the window.
Teenage Boy: It really stopped….
The train had stopped in the middle of the cross-river track and the shimmering water’s surface reflected a hazy light on the window glass.
Kiro showed a relieved expression, with fine beads of sweat oozing from his forehead. Ah Liu was also obviously relieved.
Seeing my nervousness, Kiro gently squeezed the palm of my hand.
Teenage Boy: I’m sorry. I have always been a cowardly person.
The young boy suddenly apologized as if he had mustered up a lot of courage.
Teenage Boy: I was afraid to face it so I chose to escape in the way I hated most. I will definitely try to make myself stronger in the future!
Kiro patted the boy’s shoulder lightly, showing an encouraging smile.
Kiro: Mn, I believe you.
Before we had time to be happy, there was a sudden recoil.
The train that had just stopped suddenly moved forward again!
-End of Chapter 8-
Continue to Chapter 9 Part 1
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For A Greater Good 14/18
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not my gif just the text. Some Things Are Meant To Stay Hidden
Summary: Kate Williams, young healer and member of the Order, joins Durmstrang’s staff at Dumbledore’s request. Her mission? Find a   Death Eater and survive long enough to tell the story. Set in 1996.
Pairing: Charlie Weasley x ofc/mc
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
[Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10]
[Part 11] [Part 12] [Part 13]
5 months ago,
“You must stop at once.”
“Where is it, Karkarov?” The former headmaster looked around before returning to the conversation. 
“I don’t think you understand what you’re getting yourself into…”
“You dragged me into this ten years ago! Finish what you started.”
“I had the time to meditate about it, and now I implore you to do the same if you don’t want to end up dead.”
“He is looking for you, you know? And He’ll find you, eventually. You’re nothing but a coward. I bet the British Ministry of Magic would appreciate knowing where you are. It will take just one owl to inform my contact there.”
“Don’t try to pretend you haven’t sent someone to find me. You thought I would be so stupid to hide in the castle?”
“Tell me how to find Grindelwald’s room and you can slither back to your secret spot.”
“What do you expect to find there?”
“Something He might want.”
Karkarov scoffed.  
“What did he promise you? The resurrection stone, it’s not real. You won’t find it there and He doesn’t have it.” 
“They exist!” Agitated, the teacher approached Karkarov. “They exist and they are in that room.”
“You have no idea what you are doing.” Contemplating if he should give away his secret, he decided to put some fear in the teacher’s eyes. “Do you know how I left that abominable place they call Azkaban?”
“I know. You sang like a bird.”
“None of the names were useful to them… but perhaps the new ones will. If you behave, I won’t mention yours.”
The teacher grabbed Karkarov’s arm and exposed his mark.
“You don’t deserve this.”
“And you will never get it.”
Both of them drew out their wands as a warning.
“Who ‘s that?” Asked Karkarov.
The teacher turned and frowned at the image of Flavia Hodges leaving her classroom.
“You told me everyone was at the quidditch match.” Hodges turned and when she saw them, she was left frozen in place.
“Her sight is not her best ability but…”
“Take care of it.”
After helping Cassandra and Leron leave the classroom unseen, Kate wandered the corridors of the castle instead of going to prepare the activities for her class the following week.
Nor did she go to see Corentin, knowing that they had a project pending that they could not delay any longer.
She wanted to go home. She had had enough of the whole thing, and the possibility of not being able to return in a near future scared her. How much longer was the nightmare going to last?
A pair of eyes were on her, she sensed it, and tried to appear as unbothered as she could. The attempt at discovering who was watching her through legilimency failed, so she turned around to check her back. There was nothing out of the ordinary, just students coming and going.
As she turned to continue on her way, she came face to face with Kent Jorgensen, who only glanced at her before looking around.
“I’d like to talk to you. Not here. There are too many prying ears.”
Kate knew that Cassandra would tell Jorgensen that someone else knew the secret that they had managed to keep hidden, but she didn’t expect it to be so soon. She followed him to the front door, and they went outside. “A walk?”
“To the greenhouse.” The phrase came out as a command rather than the suggestion she had in mind.
“To the greenhouse, then.”
They walked silently the short way to Kate’s workplace and when she closed the door behind her, Jorgensen finally spoke.
“So you know.”
“Yes.” She put on some gloves to protect herself from the bite of the fanged geraniums and started placing the pots on the central table, side by side, unconsciously creating a barrier between the two. She grabbed a spray and casually started to take care of her plants.
“I think I owe you an apology.” Jorgensen commented, looking around. “You have made a very interesting place out of that old building. Where did you get the umbrella flowers?”
Kate stopped spraying the geraniums and looked him straight in the eye. “Why do you owe me an apology?” Jorgensen lowered his head.
“I misjudged you. I thought you were here for him. When... what are you doing?”
“Yesterday I gave them gumbumbles to eat. If I don’t clean their teeth, the treacle can wilt them.” While Jorgensen was talking Kate had opened a drawer and pulled out some forceps she put in the mouth of one of the geraniums so she could sprinkle a greyish substance inside.
“Leron is not conscious when he is under the influence of the Billywig. When I heard that Flavia had suffered these ‘accidents’ I thought... I was afraid for him.” Jorgensen frowned as he saw Kate put her hand into the geranium’s mouth.
“The tongue must also be cleaned,” she simply said. When she finished with that plant, she left her gadgets on the table. The time for evasion was over.
“I apologise to you too.” Jorgensen looked surprised. “I thought you were behind Flavia’s accidents.”
“And why would you think such a thing?”
“Well... you must admit that you didn’t look innocent when you talked about it.”
The professor put his hands behind his back, “So Rhode really didn’t bring you here to take him away?” Kate shook her head, hoping he would believe her.
“I’ve already told Steiner. Rhode doesn’t know anything, and if she finds out, it won’t be because of me.”
Kate continued her routine, taking care of each of the geraniums while Jorgensen eyed at her.
“He’s always been like that, you know? His wife’s death only made it worse.”
“Steiner told me you don’t want to send him to a hospital.”
“She doesn’t want to. I’ve been flirting with the idea since the day he hit Micael.” He paused, and Kate looked up as she sensed a deep sadness. “He’s my friend though, nobody knows him better than us.”
“I understand what you mean.”
“Losing the people you love is a heavy pain. As if a rock bigger than you were crushing your chest. It’s our responsibility to learn to get rid of the weight that keeps us from moving forward and go on our way with a little bit of dirt in our pockets, to remind us of what we have experienced.”
As Kate put the pots back and cleaned the soil off the table while taking glances at him. Jorgensen was left pensive for a moment and continued to speak, perhaps to himself, in a monologue he wished would help him clear his head.
“Leron took refuge in a familiar place, a dark place where he could neither see nor feel. A decision that is taking its toll on him.”
Kate sat down on one of the benches, the table still keeping the distance between them. Better that way, she thought, despite the situation with Jorgensen had taken quite a turn, she didn’t trust anyone in that school.
“Is there anything else you want to ask me?” He questioned.
“I know he’s meeting someone in the woods.” Jorgensen’s eyebrow shot to his hairline, “With whom?”
“With his supplier, of course. The Billywigs are not native to this area. That man is very elusive. Every day I fly over the forest to find him, but by the time I get down he’s gone. I have never managed to catch Leron with billywigs in his hand because he used to hide them here before entering the castle”.
Kate pondered this new information for a long time. She couldn’t imagine how she would feel if any of her friends were going through a similar situation, and she couldn’t find anything to tell Jorgensen that would help him in the least.
“It must be very difficult,” she finally said. The professor nodded and rolled up his sleeves, revealing some red scratches.
“Cassandra told me you saw one of his light episodes. But if he’s got over three billywigs in him... things get a little twisted.”
“Do you think he will get over it?”
“I’m hoping he will.”
“As we have already discussed, obtaining hybrids comprises two phases; we have already made enough crosses and we have a pure line of umbrella flowers. The next step will be to cross them again, this time with fanged geraniums”.
Kate tapped her fingers against her thigh, waiting impatiently for the class to finish. She placed a pot on the greenhouse table, with a seemingly calm geranium.
She gave several instructions on how to treat it, pointing to the teeth and thorns as points to watch for, and let them experiment on their own.
She put her hand to her chest, following the dragon-shaped silhouette of her necklace through the clothes. In a short time it would all be over.
The thought grieved her too. Over the months she had developed a special affection for these children and not only because she feared they would run around in the same hallways with a loose Death Eater, but because she genuinely liked them.
And Corentin. Oh, what would she have done without him these months? He was being of great help in her mission; both investigating and being the only thing that prevented her from collapsing completely.
“After transferring the pollen, don’t forget to cover the geranium pots.” She said almost shouting, so she could be heard among the voices of the children.
When they heard the castle bell, Kate practically pushed them out of the greenhouse, closed the door and shot out to the castle, throwing a  “See you on Friday!” Over her shoulder.
It was the day. The day Corentin and Kate agreed to start the trip to Grindelwald‘s room. Kate was a walking ball of nerves; not only for the excitement of investigating secret parts of a magnificent castle, but she would also be alone and probably in the dark.
“Here you go.” Corentin whispered, handing her the complete map.
The week prior, Kate and Corentin had done their best to find a way through Nerida’s painting. They racked their brains thinking about it until the only solution left was to find another way.
It didn’t take long for them to follow the path that led to the room and discover, to their great surprise and a touch of concern, that the starting point was a well-known place.
The library.
Now all that was needed was to find the how.
Behind the wall guarded by the librarian’s desk, Kate and Corentin were hiding in the dark.
Corentin looked at the stairs that led to the first floor of the tower where section C of the library was located. “It’s impossible for you to go up. The path ends here.”
Kate inspected the opposite wall, noticing nothing out of the ordinary. “Do you think it will have a Muggle mechanism like the painting?”
Corentin hummed, but did not answer the question.
With steady hands, Kate began to probe the stone in search of something; she did not know what, but something.
She gasped when a strange sensation ran through her body. In one corner, the wall had stopped being material to the touch and her fingertips disappeared.
She quickly reached out and looked at Corentin. “I have seen this spell before. There is... there is a door in a tower that cannot be opened. I went through it to go to a teachers’ meeting.”
She tested the wall again, this time inserting her arm up to her elbow, and took it out again, confirming her theory.
“I felt air on the other side.”
“Good luck, then.”
Kate wielded her wand a little harder than usual and with a long sigh after nodding to Corentin, ventured deep into the building.
It was not completely dark. A light could be seen in the distance. She made her way with the light emanating from her wand to the first torch. The path had narrowed in her wake without her noticing, and the space she had to manoeuvre had become limited.
The map had not yet blurred, but she didn’t risk losing it completely, so she approached it delicately towards the fire.
There was at an intersection with two possible directions and she took the one on the right as indicated on the map. The one on the left led to some stairs that went up to the first floor.
The passage became even narrower, forcing her to turn sideways and walk facing the wall. As she moved forward, she heard voices near her. They were not obvious; the sound was lost in the stone, but she could tell that she was just behind the advanced duelling classroom.
A sound of an explosion startled her, and there, pressed against two walls, she held her breath, thinking, irrationally, that the entire structure would collapse, leaving her buried and forgotten forever.
Her rational part of her brain understood that it was just a spell that had bounced off the wall, confirming that Libor Marek was on the other side.
Without wasting any more time, she kept going, as she could, the long way until it widened.
She took a deep breath and stopped.
The map was almost gone, but the last lines indicated that she had to go down the stairs right in front of her. Kate began to descend with little enthusiasm and soon reached the last step. It was on the same level as the castle kitchens.
Her footsteps echoed around her, and she wondered if anyone could hear her.
Suddenly, something else reverberated on the walls of the passage. A metallic, dry and very short sound almost imperceptible were it not for the fact that she was walking very slowly.
She stood still and waited.
She waved her light back and forth, but there was no one with her. As she moved one foot to begin her expedition again, she heard it once more, this time recognising the sound as something she should have avoided.
Behind her, part of the wall began to fall out of place; a seemingly endless stone wall closed off her path, and when she thought she could only go forward, she realised that she had been hopelessly trapped; another wall closed off the passage.
She folded the now-empty map as best she could and kept it up her sleeve so she could approach the wall freely. She cursed when she heard the noise again.
The walls began to move towards her. Kate frantically searched for something to help her escape the fate that awaited her in a few minutes. With her wand between her teeth, she groped the wall that was pushing her back and with wide eyes watched as the second one was getting closer and closer to her back.
She tried to stop them with a repelling spell, but the space was getting smaller and smaller with every second. In desperation she continued to touch the stone that was oppressing her and for a second her hand sank.
As fast as she could, she went through the rock the same way she entered the tunnel system in the library, and appeared on the other side. Several torches lit up part of the way.
Behind her, the two walls met, raising a cloud of dust that made her cough. Now there was no turning back.
She lost track of time as she walked. The corridor was long as it crossed the castle from side to side. Luckily for her, she didn’t need to have her wand lit. With several torches at her disposal, she turned right, where a flight of steps would bring her closer to her goal. When she reached the top, she was left in the dark again.
The feeling was strange. She was not on the main floor, but neither was she in the depths from which she had come.
With a last glance at the paper, she turned left, venturing out on the last stretch of the journey.
The tunnels drawn on the map were disappearing, but Kate had already reached her destination. She stopped at the crossroads and lit up the area with her wand.
To her left was the long awaited gate and to her right, stairs to the first floor that reached a dead end. With the map erased and no torches nearby, she sensed that that was the space where Nerida’s painting was.
With a deep breath to calm herself down, she took the metal mop and pulled, discovering that the door was open. Thinking that the last stretch to her goal had been suspiciously easy, she ventured into the room.
She immediately covered her nose and mouth with her sleeve; decades of dampness and pestilence had accumulated in the room, and the fact that the only point of ventilation was the door she entered would not help the situation.
She felt around the nearest walls and found a candlestick. Waving her wand very delicately so as not to overdo the size of the flames, she pronounced, “Incendio”.
She was startled when all the candles in the room lit up in an electric blue, revealing several disturbing elements.
She took two steps back, closing the door with her back in the process.
Recovering her temper, she approached the first thing that caught her attention: a large glass cylinder that almost reached the ceiling, filled with a green liquid that was most likely stagnant water.
A skeleton of a creature which could perfectly well have been a snake or some type of sea serpent, rested on the bottom surrounded by smaller bones. She wrinkled her nose and looked away to the rest of the room.
Just to the right of the tube was a desk filled with sketches and writings. It was not the only place where there were scrolls, though; the walls were practically wallpapered with drawings and notes. The Deathly Hallows symbol was obsessively drawn all over the place.
At the door, Kate recognised the map of Nerida recreated with several pieces of paper.
She focused on the desk where there were more documents. She frowned at the particularly dark drawings of creatures that were not exactly human, but Kate could not recognise what they were.
On one sheet of paper the word ‘Inferi’ was written.
Above the desk and completely covered by scrolls was a world map, with some pins in certain places. A small piece of paper was written on it: ‘Peverell?’
She surrounded the chair that stood in her way and came to a shelf full of jars; some empty and others with ingredients for potions.
She touched something with her foot and almost jumped up to the ceiling.
A crystal ball rested on a complex system of tubes and wires that she could not identify. With the hit, the ball vibrated for a few moments and Kate held her breath.
Relieved when the ball was finally in place, she bent down to read the label attached to it: ‘Erik Aaberg.’
“No...” She sighed. She had found the place where he had captured the obscurus.
On the ground there were more drawings, this time of several children with detailed descriptions.
In the silence, she heard her own saliva coming down her throat as she imagined how Grindelwald chose his victim.
Beyond the system that once contained an obscurus, she glimpsed the feet of a black lectern she had never seen before.
She conjured up lumos again so she could see better and stood up to read the scroll that rested there.
It looked new, and the layer of dust was not as evident as in the other objects. She unrolled it and began to read.
Alecto Carrow
Amycus Carrow
Walden Macnair
Lucius Malfoy
Narcisa Malfoy
Isidora Gonore
Thorfinn Rowle
Antonin Dolohov
Cyprus Raynott
Malina Hadwise
Corban Yaxley
Gaspar Avery
The list stopped there, but the trembling of her jaw did not. She recognised several names: Corban Yaxley had become friends with her grandfather many years ago, after he had dealt with a plague of acromantulas in the mansion where she lived as a child; Lucius Malfoy, a man from the Ministry who would not leave Mr Weasley alone, his son was studying with Charlie’s brother; Cyprus Raynott! Her father’s workmate, and the person who had come to Durmstrang to find Igor Karkarov.
She recognised Dolohov’s name from the newspapers; he was imprisoned in Azkaban for being... a Death Eater.
Would... would it be possible that... all of them...
But she couldn’t warn anyone. Not Mr. Weasley, not her father, not anyone from the Ministry. As safe as the Durmstrang post was, such a letter would be easily intercepted, and even more so if someone was waiting for it. Because that list was unequivocally what the school’s Death Eater wanted to find at all costs.
She could try to communicate via her patronus, but she had refused to learn that spell from Dumbledore, not only because she had only managed to cast her patronus once in her life but because she considered it a dangerous way to send messages.
She read the list again, but none of the teachers appeared on the paper.
An unknown sound left her frozen in place. It wasn’t footsteps or voices, but like a crackling sound around her. No, it was as if someone was writing beside her; it was a sound of a quill on paper.
She instinctively took the scroll to her ear, and the noise became more evident.
She waited for a few seconds and out of nowhere, just below Gaspar Avery, a new name appeared that made her blood run cold.
Severus Snape.
Her breath was laboured, and a heavy sensation pressed against her chest. She looked around frantically, wondering what her next step might be. She did not want to leave the room behind, but she could not stay there long either.
She rolled up the scroll again and tucked it up her sleeve in a hurry. With one last look at Grindelwald’s belongings, she headed for one of the candlesticks to extinguish the flames. As she blew, all the lights went out.
She closed the door behind her and cast some protective incantations to make it at least more difficult to enter. She checked the doorknob twice and slipped through the shadows into the dead-end corridor.
The wall was cold to the touch, there was only stone, but there had to be a way out that did not go through the hapless maze that she had come from. She murmured ‘lumos’ and bent down to look for the mechanism that had opened the painting, but this time she was on the other side of the wall, so she had little hope.
She felt a buzz as she ran her hand along the bottom of the wall which intensified as she reached the third from the right.
Practically lying on the floor, she looked for a way to operate some mechanism that would open the door. By applying a little pressure, she could feel the ‘click’.
She thought she saw the wall light up suddenly, with a blue glow that disappeared in the second, but when she got up the wand had come near her face so she didn’t give it much importance.
What had made that sound?
When she touched the wall again, she thought it had been a fatal mistake: she felt a pull in her stomach and a force that pushed her forward. Her hands went through the wall first and touched something solid again, the painting, which as she continued to be consumed by the castle, opened up as she pushed it.
In less than a couple of seconds Nerida Vulchanova had spat her out of the bowels of her fortress and from the ground, relieved that she had not hit her head, she saw the waves that had been created on the stone as she passed solidify again. The painting closed and Nerida watched her from the heights.
“Thanks... I guess.” She said to the painting.
She crawled a little until she was leaning against the wall and massaged her arm. The hidden object burned against her skin. She had to go to her room immediately and hide it; or take it with her at all times; or say ‘thank you very much’ to Rhode and leave in the first carriage to London.
To her left was an armchair which promised to be much nicer than the floor, and she mustered the courage to get up to it.
Just when she had caught her breath, someone came through the door. The shelves prevented her from seeing who had entered, but she did see the figure standing at a display case.
Effectively putting her own feelings aside, Kate sensed contradictory feelings in the stranger; a deep sadness, helplessness, confidence, arrogance.
She stood up, alerting the intruder. The teacher’s long earrings swayed as she bowed her head.
“Miss Williams, what brings you here?” Yankelevich commented casually. Kate approached the teacher, not to engage in conversation, but to find out what she was looking at so gloomily.
“I like to come here. It’s a quiet place.” She glanced at the display case and read the plaque of the largest trophy there was. Lena Yankelevich.
“My sister. Magnificent seeker.”
Libor Marek came through the door creating a great din, and both witches turned around. Kate took advantage of that to go to the door and say goodbye quickly, without stopping to wonder why there were so many people in that room and with the name of her former potions teacher hammering into her brain.
[Part 15]
A/N: you have no idea how hard it was to write this chapter lmao.
Tag List: @am-i-space​ @eldritchscreech​ @cazreadsstuff​ @meteora-fc​ @the-navistar-carol​
37 notes · View notes
lyssismagical · 4 years
Can you do a hurt/comfort parkner story where Peter overworks himself cause someone died and he thinks it’s his fault so Harley has to help him. No rush at all 💞
It’s hard for Harley to really offer much, living so far away from his boyfriend.
When Peter stops responding to texts, stops answering his endless calls, cancels their virtual date nights, there’s not much Harley can do. It’s not like he can really force Peter to answer him.
The days without Peter, without his witty texts, his soft crackling laughter over the phone, the heart-eyes he gets whenever they have Skype Dates, it’s hard. Harley hates to be so far, still stuck in Rose Hill, with no way of getting up to New York for more than a couple weeks a year, but being without Peter, not being able to see him or hear from him or even get a single text to ease his nerves, hurts like his chest has been pried open, heart trying to escape and find it’s way back to his love.
At first, he assumes Peter’s just busy. They’re rounding on Exam season and Peter’s a Junior, so class loads are pretty heavy, not to mention the Academic Decathlon competition he’d been talking about the last time they called.
But even when Peter’s busy, he always remembers to text at least once. Especially with how nervous and worried his texts get as the days pass with no answer.
His boyfriend is a superhero. How could he not be worried?
He’s had the news on almost constantly at home, annoying the hell out of his little sister, and his phone ringer stays on high all day at school, getting him into a few detentions. But so far, nothing’s come up about Spider-Man.
After four days of radio silence on Peter’s side, nearly a hundred messages staying on Delivered, he finally caves and calls Tony.
“Wow, my second favourite young adult!” Tony says, sounding mostly chipper. As chipper as someone like Tony Stark can. “What’s got you calling? Normally, I hear everything through Peter.”
“So you’ve heard from Peter?” Harley asks, voice lifting almost an octave higher in his worry and panic. “He hasn’t answered me in four days and I’m kinda freaking out.”
Harley starts pacing the length of his bedroom, heart hammering in his chest. Abbie shoves open his door, rolling her eyes overdramatically at him, but she still sprawls out across his bed, watching him carefully.
“Um, now that you say that, he cancelled his last Lab Night with me. I didn’t really think much of it but he’s been kinda snappy with me last week too,” Tony says. There’s a few clicks of a keyboard, and then Tony sighs. “It looks like he’s been logging a lot of hours as Spider-Man. Like a crazy amount. Yesterday, he was out from four pm, when he got out of school, until five am.”
“Is he mad at me? Did he say anything?”
Even Abbie frowns at his question, laced in desperation.
“I don’t know, kid. I haven’t spoken to him in like a week. I’ll ask May, I’ll see if I can corner Peter into telling me anything and I’ll let you know, okay?”
Harley frowns, saying a quick goodbye and dropping onto the bed beside his little sister. “I hate this. I just wish he’d call me.”
“I know, Harls, but there’s nothing either of us can do. It might be smarter to just take your mind off everything. Weren’t you planning a trip up over summer? That’s only another two weeks out,” Abbie says, forever going to be the smarter, more logical of the two Keener siblings. She shrugs but still wraps an arm around his shoulders, tugging him into a comforting hug.
“I know you’re right,” he says, still staring at his phone. “I just… I really think I love him. I do. And I’m scared he’s mad at me or that things are falling apart and there’s nothing I can do about it. I just really wish he’d call and talk to me.”
Abbie doesn’t say anything more, knowing there’s nothing more she can do to make it better.
* It’s another three days before Peter finally responds.
All he’s heard since then was a single text from Tony reading Peter’s acting weird, think you were right. He’s not talking to me or May or even his friends, falling asleep in class, getting detentions. I’ll try to talk to him or at least get him to talk to you. But I’m pretty positive it wasn’t anything to do with you. Don’t fret.
And then it had turned back into a waiting game until Peter finally texted him.
It was simple, small, sweet.
I miss you
It made Harley’s chest jump, and he immediately asked to go to the bathroom, ducking out of class and dialing Peter’s number again.
He waits and waits and waits, but Peter doesn’t pick up. He tries again, heart pounding and pacing down the hallway.
On attempt three, Peter finally picks up. “Harley.”
“Peter, honey, thank god. I was starting to get worried. You weren’t answering my texts and cancelling all our dates and I was- I just-”
“I’m sorry.” Peter sounds miserable. Tired and upset and confused. “I meant to but I kept freaking out and I didn’t know how to… Is there anyway I could convince you to come up to New York early?”
Harley frowns. He wants to see Peter, he’d drop everything for Peter any day but he has his own exams the following week, plus Junior Prom on the Friday. It’s not like he can really skip any of it. Plus, changing his plane tickets is going to be a hassle.
“I don’t know if I can. I might be able to fly up on the Saturday, but that’s still another nine days from now, and that only changes our plans by four. It’s not really…”
Peter sniffles. “I just- I really wanna see you. I miss you and things have been hard and I just want you here, you know. I miss you. It’s been, what? Three months?”
“I miss you too, sweetheart, I have exams next week. All week. I don’t mind skipping junior prom, it’ll probably be awful anyways considering the disaster that was homecoming last year. But I still need to be here until Friday.”
“I know, I know, I just-” Peter cuts himself off, voice trembling.
Harley checks his watch, knowing he’ll get another detention if he spends too much time out of class. “How about, for now at least, we’ll set up a Skype date for tonight, and then we’ll talk more about making another trip up.”
“Yeah, six is good. I’ll look up plane tickets for this weekend, but I can’t make any promises, okay?”
Peter sniffles again. “Okay. ‘m sorry for worrying you.”
“That’s okay, darlin’. Don’t you worry about me. Are you home?”
“May grounded me when she found out I was skipping curfew. And when she saw just how badly I was skipping curfew, just how little sleep I was getting, she made me take a sick day to sleep but I couldn’t stop thinking about you and how much stress I must’ve been putting you under.”
Harley sighs, already knowing from Tony just how little sleep Peter had been getting. It makes his heart ache with the idea that he’s not there. He’s not close enough to wrap Peter up and protect him from everything, take care of him. He wishes, more than anything, that he could do that, that he could be there.
“I’ve gotta get back to class before I get a detention, but Skype call at six, okay? And we’ll talk about everything, make everything better, alright, honey?”
“Thank you, you’re the best, you know that? I really don’t deserve you, Harls,” Peter says, voice slipping into a quiet murmur. “You’re too good to me.”
Harley shakes his head, voice dipping too. “You deserve the world, darling, I swear.”
* Seeing Peter, through the old camera lens, makes everything make a little more sense.
The dark circles under his eyes, the puffiness of his tear-stained cheeks, his bloodshot eyes, the slight tremble of his shoulder, the bruises mapped out across the pale expanse of his skin. It makes Harley’s chest hurt so badly, makes his heart ache to be close to his boyfriend again.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Harley starts, voice rough and pained. “Everything okay?”
Peter shrugs, bottom lip sticking out. “I miss you. I wish you were here. The only thing I want right now is a hug from you.”
“Oh, I know, honey. I’m so sorry I can’t be there all the time to take care of you, to protect you, to hold you. I’m sorry I can’t. I’m sorry this has been so hard on you.”
“I know this has been hard on you too,” Peter says, obviously trying his best not to cry. “I’m sorry I’ve been so distant lately. I just- I got so caught up in- in feeling like this and working so hard to be better, I didn’t think I deserved to have your support.”
Harley looks down, not wanting to cry in front of Peter who obviously needs him to be strong and stable for him. “You deserve everything and more.”
“You wouldn’t say that if you knew.”
“Knew what?” Harley says and then quickly rephrases, “Whatever it is, that’s not going to change how I feel about you, that’s not going to change how much you deserve.”
Peter frowns, lip trembling and eyes watering as he turns his gaze to his hands. “Last week, I was out patrolling and there was this fight happening out on the streets and I went to go save them, I wanted to protect her. She was- She was young, like maybe mid-twenties, and she was so scared and alone and I tried- I tried so fucking hard but-”
“I got shot,” Peter says, voice breaking. “In the hip. I fell- I didn’t want- I couldn’t-”
Harley shakes his head, wanting nothing more than to hug his boyfriend, press a kiss to his forehead, hold him and make all of his pain go away. “I’m so sorry, honey.”
“She died,” Peter chokes out, tears falling down his flushed cheeks. “She got shot and I tried to swing her to the hospital and keep her awake and get the bad guy, but with my stupid hip, I- I didn’t make it in time. I can’t- I-”
“Oh, sweetheart, that’s not on you. You can’t save everyone, you know that. I’m so sorry that happened, but just because some bad guy hurt a civilian, doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be cared about. It doesn’t mean you have to overwork yourself to make up for something that wasn’t your fault.”
Peter lets out a quiet pained noise, shoulders shaking. “It was my fault. I was right there. I should’ve gotten up and saved her. I should’ve been faster, more careful, something. I could’ve saved her.”
Realizing just how bad this is, the overwhelming need to wrap Peter up in a hug, makes itself obvious so he grabs the emergency credit card Tony had given him, and books the next flight to New York, leaving the next day. It’s not cheap, but he’s sure Tony would understand.
“Darling, it’s not your fault. I know it seems like it is, but you weren’t the one holding the gun, you weren’t the one who put her life in danger, the only one at fault is that bad guy, okay? This isn’t on you.”
Peter sniffles, ducking his head. “I visited the family yesterday as Peter Parker not as Spider-Man, well I told them it was me, but I told them what happened, how sorry I was.”
“Did they say it was your fault?”
His boyfriend deflates, shaking his head. “No, they said exactly what you did. That it’s not my fault, I tried, I made sure she wasn’t alone when she went. I know logically, there was nothing I could do, but- I still feel like I need to work harder to make sure it doesn’t happen to anybody else. That I won’t lose anyone else.”
“It’s not up to you to save everybody, Peter,” Harley says, hoping he can get it through to his boyfriend for at least tonight. “You’re the only superhero within the Avengers who actually cares about the little guy, it can’t be just your responsibility to save everybody in New York. That’s not feasible, right?”
“Right,” Peter agrees, finally slumping. “I know you’re right. I know I’m being crazy. I know it’s not up to me to save everyone, Tony’s had that conversation with me about a thousand times. I know, I just- I feel like I’m falling apart.”
Harley nods sympathetically, offering a small smile. “You’re definitely sleep-deprived, that can’t help. How much have you been doing?”
“I’ve been patrolling for like twelve hours every night,” Peter admits quietly. “May’s been working overnights so as long as I can get home before she gets home around six, she wasn’t going to find out. But I’d only get like an hour or two of sleep before school and exam prep and homework- I don’t know. Too much, really.”
“I just bought tickets to come home for the long weekend,” Harley says, smiling when Peter’s whole face lights up. “Tomorrow night, I’ll be flying out and you’ve got me until Monday morning. As long as you promise we’ll spend a little time studying for our exams.”
Peter quickly swipes a hand over his cheeks, ridding himself of the tears that still linger. “You know you didn’t have to do that. I could’ve hung in there for another week or two.”
“If I’m being honest, it’s only half because of you. It’s also half for my benefit.”
“Because you need me to reteach you all of calculus?” Peter teases sweetly, smile making his eyes sparkle.
Harley rolls his eyes, smiling back. “Believe it or not, I have missed you too. Not for your genius brain, somehow understanding how to do stupid calculus, but for you. You know I’ve gotten more detentions these last two years than ever before because of how often I’ve been caught texting you or just daydreaming about you.”
“I don’t want to put your education in jeopardy,” Peter says, mostly joking but there’s an undertone of guilt.
“You’re not. That’s all on me. I think I’m really the bad influence here, not you.”
“You’re really coming all the way to New York? Just for this weekend? Just because I said I was upset?”
Harley rolls his eyes again, smiling softly. “You really doubt me? The things I’d do for you, Peter Parker, are so much bigger and higher than flying out to see you for a weekend.”
“You’re too good for me.”
“You won’t be saying that when I get there and physically force you to sleep if I have to. I’ll be your self-care enforcer all weekend. Eight hours of sleep, no Spider-Man outings, the exact number of calories your metabolism needs, everything.”
The love that fills Peter’s expression is so open and whole that Harley’s chest starts to hurt again, the same aching, fullness like he can’t possibly fit this much love inside his heart.
They talk throughout the night about what they’ve missed over the past couple weeks, of school and friends and Spider-Man and Tony, catching up on each other’s lives, until eventually Peter looks like he might pass out if he stays up for a moment longer, and Harley has to pack for the weekend, so they say their quiet goodbyes, see you soon’s bleeding into their every sentence with unbearable amounts of fondness.
And the next day, after a few hours’ plane ride, Harley makes it to the New York airport, dropping his luggage to catch his boyfriend in a tight hug, they finally murmur the three words they’d been holding close to their chest, I love you leaving their mouths between kisses like a promise.
Taglist: @littlemissagrafina  @spidey-reids-2003  @romeoandjulietyouwish @c-artara @shadedrose01 @likeaphoenix13 @pj-hermes-tonystark-obsessed  @you-get-killed-walk-it-off @kitkatwinchester  @emo-girl10 @justme--emily  @hold-our-destiny @imalivebecauseirondad @spiderman-peterman @dykeragee @maryserrao @heeeyitskay @parknerandirondad @lilacsandlilies4 @loveliestdisappointment {Let me know if you wanna be added or removed}
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Pretty in Pearls, Chapter 3 (Jankie) - Plastiquedoll
read on ao3 💄| previous chapters
A/N: hi! I was going to update earlie but things happened...... so here's a new chapter. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading it <3
It was late when they went back to their room, Jan had only two classes in the afternoon but Rosé had one in the morning, yet, they talked for what it felt like hours and Jan only stopped speaking to read Jackie’s message. She was very happy. During that day she had made several friends –something she couldn’t have imagined a week before- she had met some of her professors and attended a couple of classes so she wouldn’t feel as nervous the following day.
In the morning she heard cursing in whispers when Rosé’s alarm went off announcing she had to get ready to go to class. After the girl left, Jan had the room for herself. She laid in bed watching videos on Instagram for a while and then decided it was a good moment to take a shower and get a cup of coffee.
Tuesdays were her lightest days and she could get used to it. She felt fresh out of the shower, braided her hair, and put on some clean clothes before walking out of the dorms.
On her way out she crossed paths with Nicky and who seemed to be her roommate. The girl had orange long hair and a great amount of makeup on but that worked perfectly on her. She also wore high waist pants with a turquoise loose blouse and dangling earrings. Nicky looked as great as the day before with a mauve off-the-shoulder mini dress and a high ponytail.
“Jan!” She waved at her.
“Hi, Nicky! How are you?”
“I’m doing good, thank you.” She smiled at her. “This is Crystal, my roommate. Crystal, this is Jan, the friend I talked you about.”
“Hi!” Crystal greeted Jan with a lot of energy. “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too, Crystal. Well, I kind of feel like I know you through your room.”
“Oh, God…” She blushed. “I’m not taking the One Direction poster off, I already told Nicky.”
“I swear Niall’s eyes follow me whenever I’m in the room.” Nicky shivered.
Jan giggled.
“I have to go, I’m already running late.” Crystal said while checking the time on her phone. “See you guys later.”
“Don’t forget your keys…” Nicky reminded her.
Crystal pulled a key set with tons of colorful keychains. “Never again. Bye, Jan.”
After the girl left, Nicky looked at Jan. “You missed a great dinner yesterday.”
“Oh, I imagine but I needed to spend some quality time with my roommate. But I’m still craving Thai food since it was mentioned.”
“There’s no choice, we’ll have to go back soon.”
“Are you heading to class?”
“No, I have my Tuesday mornings free. I was getting some coffee, actually.”
“Ugh, lucky you. I have a class in thirty minutes. Do you mind if I get coffee with you?”
“Sure, that’s great because I was going to google where the café is, I have no idea.”
Nicky just smiled. “I’ll show you the way.”
They walked for a couple of minutes; Nicky pointed to the café’s exterior when they got closer. As soon as they got in the smell of freshly brewed coffee embraced them. Autumn was around the corner and college students demanding pumpkin spice lattes prematurely were flooding the place.
Luckily for them, the line moved fast and the barista quickly took their orders. Jan ordered decaffeinated –because she wasn’t technically allowed to drink coffee after that one incident on St. Patrick’s day- but she compensated it with a lot of sugar and whipped cream. Nicky, on the other hand, asked for an iced Americano.
While they were waiting sitting at a little table, Jan recognized the familiar figure of the one person from her hometown she so badly wanted to see.
“Oh my God…” She suddenly felt coy when he started walking in their direction.
“Janie!” He greeted the girl but his eyes went directly to Nicky who was unimpressed while on her phone.
“Hi, Nathan.”
The name rang a bell for the blonde girl who looked up.
“How are you doing?” He rested half of his arm on almost all the table’s surface.
“Oh you know… just chilling before classes. I have Tuesday mornings free.” She tried to sound chill, smooth even.
“Cool…” He kept staring at the other girl a little too much. “Who’s your friend?”
“Ah, yes… this is Nicky, she’s in the same dorm as I am… Nicky, this is Nathan, he’s…”
“A friend from New Jersey.” He extended his hand to shake Nicky’s but the girl glared at him.
At that moment, their names were called by the barista.
“I’ll get the coffee.” Nicky rushed to leave the table. “Salaud…” She murmured before going.
Jan was thankful because now she had some time to speak with Nathan alone.
“So how’s the-”
“Janie, your friend is smoking and she’s French or something, right? That’s hot. Do you think you could set us up?”
Jan’s spirit sank. She should’ve guessed.
“Uh… I don’t think she’d be interested. She’s already dating someone.”
“What a shame because she’s one hundred percent eye candy.”  His gaze followed Nicky’s curves.
“Besides, I thought you liked that girl you met yesterday,” Jan mentioned shyly.
“Abby? She’s alright I guess but this is week one, I have to keep my options open, you know?” He shrugged. “Can’t wait to hit the baseball field next week again, huh?”
“Yes! I’m so excited about it, actually-”
He threw his backpack over his shoulder. “I gotta run, Janie.”
“Oh, okay… see you.”
“Tell your friend that if she ever needs a rebound…” He left, still looking in Nicky’s direction.
Jan tried to smile but she ended up with a weird grimace.
The blonde returned to the table when he was away.
“Here’s your drink…” She tried to put a real smile on the girl’s face but she failed. “Jan, what is it? Did he tell you something?”
“Oh, no… it’s nothing.” She took a sip of her sweet beverage but didn’t enjoy it as she intended. “It’s just Nathan being Nathan…”
Nicky bit her tongue to avoid telling her he seemed like an asshole.
Jan looked at Nicky, of course he’d be interested in her. She was beyond gorgeous and she was stylish as hell with her pretty dress and makeup while Jan had barely washed her face and put on the first pair of joggings and a graphic t-shirt she found in her drawers.
“I bought you a cookie.” She slid the little chocolate treat in front of her.
“Aw, Nicky… thank you.”
Nicky squeezed her shoulder.
“I have to go to class but I don’t want to leave if you’re feeling down.”
Jan shook her head. “No, I’m fine, really…”
“Are you sure?”
“Yep, I’ll go to the library or drop by the copy room to annoy Jackie a little.”
“She’s in class during the mornings, someone else is running the copy room in the mornings.”
Jan sighed. “The library is then.”
“Always exciting.” Nicky checked the time on her watch. “Now I really have to go. See you later, dear.” She blew a kiss in the air.
“For sure.” She smiled to show Nicky everything was alright even when it wasn’t.
But enough of being pitiful, she had a cup of coffee, a cookie, and the sun was shining outside. She had this.
The library turned out to be a great place to spend some spare time between classes. Jan met the librarian –Mrs. West- who was probably one of the sweetest people she had ever seen and she was kind enough to explain Jan the rules –besides keeping it low in the study and reading area- Jan walked directly to a free desk and pulled out her computer. She needed to check if she was registered correctly on her classes once again just to be sure and she had to revise if her teachers from the previous day had left some new reading –they did.
She read the two papers and prepared a little draft for the next class before she noticed, it was almost noon. Nicky had said Jackie had classes in the morning but maybe she was free already, so Jan pulled out her phone and typed a quick text.
To Jackie C.: Hi Jackie! Nicky told me you were in class I was wondering if you’re out already, I can drop by the copy room :D
The reply arrived a minute later.
From Jackie C.: I’m already out and heading to the copy room, I’ll be there in no time.
And with that, the girl picked up her things and walked following the map that was scribbled over. She rushed toward the copy room in a way that her former high school teacher would’ve scolded her for« running in the hallways». Finally, she opened the door of the room carefully.
“Hello…?” She walked in.
“I’m over here.” Jackie had a little closet in the corner open. “I’m picking some toner for the machine. I swear, every morning it’s the same, Yvie forgets to change it every time and I have to-”
Jackie smiled as soon as she saw Jan waving in front of her.
“Hi, there.”
“Hi! Thank goodness you’re out of class I was so bored… Well, I was being «productive» or something like that –I’m guessing it’s something college students aspire to be- but then the internet of the library started malfunctioning and I got distracted with the little T-Rex game –do you know which one? With his little jumps and tiny arms, it was so cute- and then I wasn’t being productive anymore so…”
“It’s so good to see you again.” Jackie shook her head.
“How was your morning?” She moved closer to the counter.
Jackie pointed at the chair next to her and Jan sat there.
“All of my classes are during the mornings; that’s how I get to work here after I’m done with them.” She explained while changing the copy machine’s toner. “On Tuesdays, I have this one class with a professor that absolutely despises everything I say because –and listen to this- «I try to push a gender agenda» on his classes.” She scoffed. “Only because they don’t mention women in art centuries ago it doesn’t mean that they weren’t there… it’s ridiculous.”
Jan listened to Jackie ranting for ten minutes about the class, the girl was fuming but there was something entertaining about seeing her mad and the way she gestured as if it was a Ted talk… not to mention she did it all while doing the maintenance work of the printers.
“I’m sorry, I really went off with it…”
“No! It’s okay. I don’t know much about art and listening to you is like actually taking a class… but more engaging because you’re pissed and it shows.”
“Yeah… I have to tone it down in class or that… professor… is going to fail me.” Jackie let a big sigh out of her chest. “Anyway, I’m sure Nicky told you about last night’s dinner…”
“Yes! I wanna eat Thai food so badly now… Nicky is great by the way, she’s very nice and helped me a lot with the dorm things. Thank you so much for introducing me to her and Jaida.”
“No worries. They all liked you the moment they met you anyway.”
Jan beamed and blushed a little.
“So, you met your roommate…”
“Oh, right! My roommate, Rosé, is great… we got along like, instantly and she’s a theatre major so now I’m sharing the dorm with a Broadway fangirl. It’s going to be fun.”
“Wait, isn’t that the girl with the pink hair? I’ve seen her a couple of times I think.”
“Yeah, she thought you were very serious.”
“Don’t tell anyone I’m nice, I have a reputation to keep.”
Jan giggled. “But you are nice! I can’t believe people think otherwise.” She snapped her fingers. “You know what, I’m having lunch with her right now. I have a class at one so I was going to head to the cafeteria, why don’t you come with me?”
“I’d love to but I have to stay a little longer before taking my lunch break. If you have a class at one you better hurry before it gets too crowded there.”
“Oh, that’s too bad… I’ll get going there but… text me later?”
“Sure.” Jackie smiled at her.
“Okay, have a nice day! See you later!” The younger waved on her way out.
“Bye, Jan.”
At lunch, Jackie sat with her friends and while she tried to finish reading a museum review of a new exhibition, she got a text message from Jan telling her how boring the class was. Jackie shook her head and replied back to her shortly after.
Widow was next to her chatting with Heidi, Jaida was sitting across the table typing on her phone until Nicky arrived so the quick smile that appeared on her face went unnoticed –thank goodness.
“Bonjour, mon rayon de soleil.” Nicky kissed her on the cheek.
“I’ll pretend I understood every word… hi, baby.” She kissed her back.
The blonde sat next to her and they shared a lovey-dovey look.
“I want what they have,” Heidi whispered while looking at their friends. “What does take to get a girlfriend here? I’m in the art department, it should be easier.”
Widow cackled.
“I thought you had retired from the dating world when Janelle Monáe blocked you on Instagram.”
“Okay, listen… I was nothing but respectful to Miss Monáe, I still don’t understand the reason behind that blocking but yeah…”
“Heidi you don’t want to date, you’re just horny.”
The girl gasped. “How dare you?”
“Because… you can’t keep your interest on one person for more than a week.” Jackie pointed.
“I think you’re better off single.” Widow agreed.
“Excuse me… I came here to have lunch and a lovely chat not to be attacked like this.” Heidi crossed her arms on her chest. “Unbelievable.”
They didn’t say a word.
“You may be right though…” She finally admitted.
“Oh! You know who should get a girlfriend…” Jaida glanced at the brunette in front of her.
Jackie sighed. “We’ve been through this yesterday… I already told you she’s out of the conversation.”
“I didn’t give any names though,” Jaida smirked. “You did that to yourself.”
Jackie blushed. “Whatever… I’m too busy to date anyway.”
“But you’d make an exception for a special someone, wouldn’t you?” Nicky pushed.
“She’s straight.”
“So it’s pasta until it gets hot and wet.” Heidi pointed.
The table burst into laughter.
“Enough with that, I’m serious. The last thing I want is Jan to feel awkward, she already has a lot on her plate.”
“Right, all jokes aside… I met the guy she pines after this morning…” Nicky started gossiping. “and my goodness he’s even worse than what I pictured… a jerk with capital letters. I think he was trying to get my number through Jan.”
They all made a disgusted sound in response.
“No fucking way…” Heidi’s mouth dropped.
“She deserves better and I don’t even know her personally.” Widow stated.
They agreed, especially Jackie who had seen the guy the day before breaking Jan’s heart in just a matter of seconds.
“Maybe meeting new people will help her seeing beyond his… spell?” Jaida raised an eyebrow.
“He’s not that charming, trust me.” Her girlfriend assured, basing her opinion on the –hopefully- only encounter they had. “But anyway… Crystal has classes until four…” She looked at Jaida with bedroom eyes. “would you like to take a nap with me?”
Jaida caught the hint instantly. “See y’all later, bitches.” She stuck out her tongue and both left the table.
“Maybe I am just horny.” Heidi reflected before sipping her apple juice.
“Be honest with me, do you hang out with us because you like us, or is it part of your sociology thesis investigation?” Jackie asked Widow.
“Bitch, you’ll never know.” She chuckled.
A week had passed and with that, Jan had established a little routine: in the mornings she would go to the library –sometimes on her own, sometimes with her roommate or one of her classmates-, she had lunch at the cafeteria in rotating schedules –as if she was the loving child of a divorced couple- during the afternoons she was at the copy room whenever she had some spare time and when Jackie was there and afterward she’d have dinner with her and her friends or with Rosé. They all ended up having dinner together on Friday night so Jan was secretly hoping the group would merge into one big supergroup.
She had also become close with Jackie’s friends including Widow of whom she had heard a lot but was formally introduced to a few days later and with Crystal, Nicky’s roommate who shared the struggles of being a freshman like her. Plus, she met one of Rosé’s friends from her musical comedy class as well, a girl called Lagoona that adopted Jan immediately and kept teaching her Spanish words.
On the weekend she watched cartoons wearing pajamas with the girls from her dorm in the lounge room and then completed some assignments for her classes with Crystal at the same place.
On Monday, however, she was extra excited –more than usual- because it was the day she was going to play baseball again. She could almost smell the grass of the field, the rubber of her sneakers, and the leather material of the ball… She could picture herself running around scoring like no other.
And because she was so thrilled, time seemed to pass slower than ever.
“Jackie…” She cried while sitting on her –now- regular reserved spot behind the countertop. “I still have to wait another two hours…”
“Two hours are almost nothing, c’mon.” The brunette was in the middle of copying a Shakespeare play for a group of students from the Literature department. “Besides, it’s not like it’s been years since the last time you played.”
“It’s been like two months.” She pouted. “Two long never-ending months.” She dragged the words to make emphasis on her sadness.
“But you survived.” Jackie pointed out before reaching for the staple on the shelf.
That day, Jackie was wearing a pleated plaid skirt with a knitted long sweater and mid-heel loafers. She moved smoothly in the limited space; Jan had memorized her moves by the time; she knew exactly when she had to lean back for the brunette to pass through while she mumbled something about Yvie not taking proper care of the machines or when she was fighting with the printer that didn’t mind for the students’ urgencies at all. She had also discovered that Jackie always hummed to California Dreamin’ no matter how often it played on the radio, that she liked gourmet jelly beans and that she had a stock of candy hidden somewhere -only she hadn’t found her secret spot yet.
“Hi, Jackie.” A girl hummed with a melodic voice as she rested her elbows on the countertop while batting her lashes overly.
Jackie, who was on her back stapling a final set of copies, took a deep breath as she recognized the owner of the voice right away.
“Hello, Vanessa.” She spun on her heels and faced the girl. “What can I do for you?” Her tone was deadpan.
Vanessa, the girl in question, was gorgeous with her long black hair perfectly curled, flawless makeup, and clothing; she was wearing a cropped pullover with the word «Angel» stamped on it a and pair of high-waisted jeans. She was tiny but she wasn’t scared of wearing high high-heels.
She flashed a dazzling smile as soon as Jackie turned around.
“Are you finally going to accept going on a date with me?” She blurted out.
Jan’s eyes got wide. Her type of courage was worth admiring, she was certainly fearless.
“No,” Jackie replied, coldly. “I’ve told you before; I’m not going to date you.”
Jan gasped but Vanessa didn’t even flinch. She just waved her hair and readjusted her pose.
Oh, she was about to say something, wasn’t she? Jan looked, expectant.
“Please…” She pouted. “Pretty please? You can’t say no to a pretty please.”
Jackie rolled her eyes. “There we go.” She shook her head and sighed. “Look, I’m not going to repeat the whole speech but if you have something for me to print or copy, I’m all ears.”
This time, Jan couldn’t keep it to herself. “Jackie!” She shouted and jumped off the chair.
The brunette turned toward her. “What? It’s Vanessa.” She said as if that was a fair justification.
Vanessa waved. “And who are you?” She looked at Jackie, then at Jan, and then at Jackie again. “Is she your girlfriend?”
“No.” Jackie blushed a little. “This is my friend, Jan. Jan, this is Vanessa she’s a sophomore that testes my patience since she was a freshman.”
“I worked very hard for that title.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Jan!” She shook her hand.
“Vanessa has an on and off long-distance relationship and she likes to flirt when she’s on the «off» side,” Jackie explained.
The girl shrugged. “Can you blame a girl for asking? I gotta try once in a while at least.”
Jan chuckled.
“Anyway, can you copy the marked pages of this textbook? I need it for class, you’ll be glad to know I didn’t come here exclusively to ask you out. Although…”
“Give me the book.” The brunette extended her hand to grab the object, Vanessa held it tightly for an instant but Jackie pulled it. “I’ll be done in a couple of minutes.”
“Thank you!” She smiled showing all her teeth. Then she turned back to Jan. “So Jan, is it…?”
“Don’t even try it!” Jackie yelled from the distance.
Once her shift was over, Jackie closed the copy room and walked around for a little before deciding to take a look at Jan’s baseball practice. She told herself it was okay to drop by, after all, she had been hearing about it all afternoon, she was curious now. But being honest, she had to ask around to find where the baseball field was –she didn’t even know their university had a women’s team before she met Jan- so she wandered through the corridors before finding the door that led to where they were playing.
The lights were on since their practice was after sunset and most students had classes during the day. The perimeter was surrounded by a chain-link fence so she guessed that was how close she could get to the field; she finally found a bleachers section -and she was one-hundred percent sure people smoked weed behind them.
She sat holding her purse against her chest. It seemed she made it just in time; it was Jan’s turn to bat. Even in the distance, Jackie had never seen the younger so focused on something as she was at that moment, it was like watching a completely different person. She moved into position and prepared.
She had the number eleven on the left sleeve of her striped uniform, purple socks on and a pair of shoes –already- covered in dirt. She adjusted her high ponytail under her cap before grabbing the wood bat with determination. Jan’s eyes were sharp as she tried to read into the pitcher’s moves.
Jackie had a shiver.
The pitcher threw the ball and she missed it, it went directly to the catcher’s glove. The brunette mouthed some curse. She had never been this invested in some sport.
Second attempt, she would get it this time. Jackie crossed her fingers, her heart was beating faster.
The pitcher threw the ball again and this time, it impacted against Jan’s bat making a thunderous noise that echoed everywhere. Jackie gasped, her eyes followed the girl’s figure as she ran as fast as she could before one of the players grabbed the ball from the ground. Now she knew her heart was about to break her ribcage, she couldn’t get herself to calm down. Jan was running and running like a roadrunner cartoon and she was about to make it when the players started passing the ball, maybe someone was going to catch her before she made it. But she was so close, just one more base to go. She ran, encouraged by her teammates, and drifted creating a cloud of dirt around the base.
She made it.
Home run.
“Yes! Yes!” Jackie cheered and raised her hands in the air.
Apparently, loud enough for the whole team to hear it.
Jan, who was bent over her knees, still out of breath due to her incredible race, grinned and waved as soon as she recognized Jackie. The brunette smiled back and clapped discreetly, even when she had just displayed such enthusiastic behavior.
The team -mainly the batter- had gained a new fan and the season hadn’t even started.
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
Fratboy lucas😳👀 yes 🅱️lease oml
AN•I made it a bit angsty, a bit fluffy👼🏻☁️ also this is long ahha, Ik it’s not like, FRATBOY fratboy, but I actually quite like it! lemme know what u think! Also this means I get to make a wayv masterlist eye-
This party was sweltering hot and you were not having a good time. First off, your dorm mate -Elise- left you almost immediately to go talk to a boy from this frat named Johnny, and second, you knew literally nobody else here, as far as you could see.
It wasn’t your fault, though. I mean, sure, you barely left your room unless it was to go to the canteen, your classes, the library, or to the silent films they showed at the theatre every Friday night, along with your two friends Mark and Renjun (who were both from this very frat, yet you couldn’t find either). And yeah, maybe you didn’t talk to people unless you were apologizing for bumping into them, or texting them about a group project. And okay yes, it took Elise two weeks to hear more than three words out of your mouth at a time.
But, honestly, it wasn’t your fault.
You got into this school on a scholarship, and you’d be dammed if you lost it because you stopped focusing on your grades. Elise had to beg -and bribe- you to come to this NCT frat party with her, yet she leaves you five minutes in.
Fuck this, I’m going home. You thought to yourself as you hastily made your way to the door. You had texted your two friends to see where they were, yet neither answered; or even read them, for that matter. As you rounded into the hallway leading to the door, you halted with wide eyes. This seemed like an episode of wipeout to you. The floor was covered in an unknown, slippery substance, and the hallway definitely had way too many people in it for it to NOT be a health code violation. You tried mapping out the cleanest and fastest way to the door, but came up short - besides one.
Okay, you technically lied when you said you didn’t talk to anyone for fun.
Because how could you not talk to Wong Lucas when he was the most beautiful person you’ve ever met?
You remember the day you two met like it was yesterday, and not your freshman year, almost two years ago.
It was almost 12 am, and the library would be closing any second. You boringly walked up and down the aisles, dangling your workers card lanyard to the rhythm of your footsteps. You hated working the night shift at the library, but were just thankful that you had gotten a job right off then bat, anyway, so you barely complained (key word: barely).
The bookshelf hallways were - as usual for this time - empty. As you almost always did (because you were lazy), when you got to the very last shelf, you didn’t even bother to check it, just doing a small turn and continuing the way you came - until you heard the familiar sound of what sounded like a book falling on the floor. Working in a library, you were used to the sound of books being dropped on accident; so much to the point that you didn’t even flinch anymore. But this time, you were quite scared. You considered taking the trek up to the front desk where your much larger coworker, Jaehyun, would have been able to check whatever the sound was. However, you didn’t want to seem helpless, you’re an adult, for Pete’s sake.
So you took the closest weapon you saw - a book on the shelf next to you - and slowly walked where you heard the sound. Rounding the bookshelf, you expected to see a scary, old man with a black trench-coat and a hook hand (in a college library, sure).
What you saw, instead, was a TALL boy with honey colored hair and a purple hoodie standing against the bookshelf with his eyes closed and his head rested against the shelf. A deep sigh suddenly came from him, and when he opened his eyes and moved to reach and grab the book that he undoubtedly dropped, he almost yelled at your sheepish figure and wide eyes staring at him, near the corner.
With his eyes opened, and his head rested normal on his shoulders, you could get a good look at him, and saw that you knew exactly who he was. Wong Lucas; on the football team, if you’re not mistaken. A new member of the NCT frat, along with your new friend Renjun from your physics class, and his best friend, Mark. Extremely popular, especially for a freshman. You were for sure intimidated by him now; not because he was a bigger human than you, but because he was looking at you with a gaze of anger.
Wait what did I do?
“Listen, can you all stop? I just want to study, and I already have to come in at late times to be alone. There’s 100s of boys on this campus, leave me alone, please.” You didn’t really know what to say, but you were definitely annoyed, and also humored.
He really thought you were one of his stalkers.
“Um. I work here. Just coming by to say we’re closing in 5 minutes. If you could get what you needed and come check out, or get it tomorrow. Thank you!” You walked away, but you didn’t miss the rose color that slowly painted his face.
He came up to the register not even three minutes later, a poetry book called “The Worlds Wife” slipped between his fingers, a book you actually had your own copy of. You said nothing while checking him out, just smiled at him while handing the book to him. You expected him to leave right after, but he scratched his neck while staring at his feet, apologizing for what he said and asking if you wanted to stop by the 7-11, or have him walk you home - the rose color on his cheeks still prominent.
Your new roommates words repeated in your ears -“you need to get out”- like a mantra as you uncharacteristically accepted his offer (Jaehyun - who was standing to the side, finishing up closing the computer system - was so shocked he had his mouth open like a fish).
You agreed to get slushies from your local 7-11, and you both sat on the curb, laughing about anything and everything for what seemed like hours - and it was. You were pleasantly surprised to see that he was actually such a good person, with kind values and hilarious jokes. He walked you to your dorm, and kissed your cheek as a goodnight, after getting your number, and watched you walk into your dorm before leaving himself.
After that moment, it was midnight date adventures and movie nights (that usually turned into more), for the next year. He had asked you to be his girlfriend two dates after that first night, and kissed you two after that one. You loved him, and wanted to show everyone; wanted to hold his hand while walking across campus, go on coffee dates between classes, and tell everyone that Wong Lucas was yours.
Lucas did not.
He loved you, and did want to do those things with you, but he said it was because of who he was. He had girls asking him out 24/7, and they were easily jealous. If they caught wind that you two were dating, he feared that they would rip you to shreds. You loved that he cared for you, that he wanted to protect you, but it hurt that he kept you hidden from the people in his life. I mean, not even Renjun or Mark - who were in his frat - knew you two had been dating for a year.
When you had told him you were going to his frats party, he was immediately turned off to the idea. He didn’t want to worry about you, because he wouldn’t be able to be around you. You were so mad, so fed up, that it resulted in probably the worst fight of your relationship.
“Why?” You didn’t want to yell. You didn’t want your RA to come knocking and see Lucas, because god forbid anyone know you two even knew each other.
“You know why, y/n! No one knows we’re together!” You can tell he didn’t want to yell, either - most likely for the same reason. That assumption from you just made your blood boil even more.
“Yeah, why! Why can’t we tell anyone, xuxi? We’re almost juniors in college! We’re not kids anymore, this secret dating thing is bullshit!”
“Because I don’t want you getting hurt, y/n!”
“No, just admit what it’s really about. Admit that you don’t want to be seen with me, a nerd, a loser-“
“Yeah! Is that what you want to hear, y/n? Yes, it’s because you’re a loser, you’re lame, you only have two friends and don’t talk to anyone else. Why must I always be the social one? Why can’t you just go socialize with people, huh? Why couldn’t I have a girlfriend cooler than you, better, more like me?! Yes, I’m embarrassed by you! you satisfied, y/n?” He just about yelled, and you were waiting for the pounding from your RA, or a grouchy neighbor, that never came.
Lucas didn’t say anything, just stared at the ground. When you let out a mumbled, “you should go,” he didn’t hesitate to push past you and slam your door in his way out, making you flinch.
You feared you two might break up from this one, and it seemed he felt the same as he pulled the girl leaning on him - from his spot on the wall - closer, and whispered something in her ear that made her laugh.
He had a beer in his one hand, so you knew he was most likely drunk.
And you were right, he was drunk. By the time he got back to his frat house, he had finally calmed down enough from your fight to rationally think about it, and he immediately wanted to run to his car and drive straight back to you. He felt terrible for saying the things he did amidst his anger. Yet, when he was about to leave, he was roped into the party prep committee, and couldn’t leave. I mean, what could he say?
My girlfriend needs me? No, they wouldn’t believe he has a girlfriend - he didn’t come off as the type, and they would assume he just didn’t want to help. He should have told them, like you wanted so long ago.
So when he hadn’t been given an opportunity to text or call you, he figured that it might be for the best, and you needed time to cool off. And he definitely needed a drink after the lecture he got by his fellow brothers about how he never gets laid at parties, and nows’ the moment. When he was drunkenly shoved into the arms of Soojin - a member of a sorority on campus, and the girl who goes around constantly claiming that she will one day have Lucas (you hated her, she did not know you existed) - he just accepted it, because maybe it would get his brothers off his back, maybe it would get soojin off his back, and it’s not like you’d know. You weren’t there, right? You wouldn’t have come after that fight, right?
Wrong, definitely wrong. Wrong when he looked up from his gaze on Soojin, because he had smelt your delicious and amazing perfume that he loved so much. Wrong when he locked eyes with your own teary ones, trying to scoot past their bodies morphed together, while mumbling an almost incoherent “excuse me” that no one but someone looking would have seen. Wrong when you broke free from the tight space, and speed out of the house, and he didn’t even move, just stood there staring at your retreating figure while Soojin laughed about something that happened, not even knowing what just went down. Wrong when he never went after you, and never called or texted you for a week. Wrong, all wrong.
That week was hell for both you and Lucas.
No one new you too were even dating, so when Renjun and Mark came over because you hadn’t been answering their texts, only to find you burrito wrapped in a blanket with an absurd amount of mac-n-cheese, they assumed you failed a test or something and gave you WRONG words of encouragement (they tried). When Lucas was doing terribly at practice, and was acting completely out of it, nobody asked if he was having relationship troubles. They did ask if he was having girl problems, and when he was about to say yes, his teammates went into a ramble about how taxing a bad one night stand can be on a person. Lucas chose to stay quiet.
He felt like a wimp.
Was he really that much of a loser that he didn’t even try to get you back? Did he even deserve you at all?
However, one night - exactly a week later - Lucas grew a pair (fallopian tubes, of course. Men are whimps and women are TOUGH so from here on out when I say grow a pair, I mean grow a pair of Fallopian tubes) and mapped out the perfect plan to get you back.
Two days later, you were walking through the quad with your head down, on your way to the library, when you smelt a heavy aroma of flowers. When you looked up, you couldn’t believe what you saw.
The whole quad, almost every square inch, was filled with yellow and white daisies.
Yellow and white, your favorite colors. Daisies, your favorite flower.
When you looked around for some source, you locked eyes with a boy who was already looking right at you.
He was wearing a blue tux, and was standing in the center of the daisies with one single rose in his hand. When you slowly approached him and got close enough, he took your hand in his, gave you the rose to hold in your other.
“I know I’m just some lame frat boy. I know I’m a complete loser that thinks a good time is listening to trash music while getting drunk and high, and I don’t deserve someone as amazing as you. I mean, Look at you, and this is you on a regular day.” He was referring to what you were wearing. You had your hair softly curled, and was sporting a yellow, mid-thigh length dress with flowers on it and pure white vans with with yellow, banana socks. You thought you looked basic, but you had to agree that you fit in to the scenery. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said the things I did, and I shouldn’t have made you keep our relationship a secret. You’re a grown woman, and can handle yourself. I love you so much, and I don’t want to lose you. Please, forgive me.” After a few seconds of your silence, a familiar voice came from your left, and when you turned around, you saw a crowd of people had gathered, and Renjun and Mark stood at the front, with mark filming, and renjun shouting,
“KISS HIM!” You chuckled at your best friends words, and when you turned back to a hopeful looking Lucas, you wrapped your arms around his neck, and pulled him into a fairy tale kiss, standing in that daisy field.
The ending is out of character and weird, I know, but I was thinking of Bigfish when I wrote it 😳👉👈 anyway I hope you enjoyed it!👼🏻☁️
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