#yj cartoon
avisisisis · 9 months
I love it when Jaime interacts with Khaji in literally every TV show they appear in. Jaime must look insane to everybody else
That scene where he says "I'm strangely comfortable with that", then Khaji says something we can't hear (because it's from the others' POV), and he starts yelling "Yes I am. Yes I am! Yes. I. Am!" Idk I just think it's funny
Watching them argue is funny, especially if it's from an outsider's perspective
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gothamsglam · 1 year
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i am so normal about the blue beetle trailer
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bluefox4 · 1 year
Ok, so I'm just thinking about Young Justice (cartoon) and how season two would have been improved if there hadn't been the time skip. There is a lot about the time skip that lost people but the emotional impact that certain things could have had was just gone.
I re-watched it recently and there was a scene in the first episode that would have been so impactful if it had happen several seasons in with knowledge of these characters. It happens between Nightwing and Robin when Nightwing is assigning missions.
Nightwing: Tim, you'll be running Gamma. Robin: Me? Dick, I've never led a squad before. Nightwing: Making this a good opportunity to get your feet wet as a field leader. Robin: Because it's Gamma and you're not expecting trouble, or because we're stretched thin and you have no choice? Nightwing looks away before sighing and turning back to face Robin. Nightwing: Just don't die, ok? Robin's eyes widen as he stiffens slightly. Nightwing: And no unnecessary risks to the squad. That's an order. Robin nods.
The reason that this would have been impactful emotionally speaking is because of the death of Jason Todd. If this had happened a few seasons in we could have met Jason Todd, the second Robin. In Young Justice no one was sure if he had been a character until a hologram of him was shown in the grotto of fallen heroes.
As is, it just seems like Nightwing has been a bit protective of Tim. There's no reason for this scene to stand out. But on a re-watch my only thought was 'Oh this would have been impactful if I had actually known Jason. If there had been a arc of Tim trying to prove that he could watch out for himself and he didn't need Dick protecting him. Just don't die would have been really impactful if the death of the second Robin was known.' Which um, isn't what you want a person thinking when watching your show. It shouldn't be here is this missed chance. It should have been that emotional gut punch.
And I feel like that is part of the problem that parts of season 2 had. It expects that audience to come in with some knowledge already. I know of Jason Todd from cultural osmosis but that isn't enough to make me care about him in the context of the show that I watched. Batman the Animated Series didn't have him so he can be left out of Batman related material. My jump from 'Just don't die' isn't going to be 'oh Jason Todd must of died in this universe' its Nightwing seems a bit protective of Robin but that's probably because Robin doesn't have that much experience crime fighting either in general or in a group. Maybe he's been reckless? Maybe he's like Nightwing was when he was younger and isn't good at letting the group know the plan? But it isn't the second Robin died.
The fact that Robin doesn't really have many parts focused on him after that makes it feel like that should be a conclusion to an arc. A point where he steps out from being one of the focus characters and makes room for Blue Beetle to take over as one of the focus characters.
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shoot-i-messed-up · 1 year
kaldur should grow out his buzz cut to symbolize him maturing and growing away from his militant background send tweet
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nooowestayandgetcaught · 10 months
With The Patience Of An Atlantean
read on AO3
~1k, Kaldur & Roy & YJ Team, No Rating, Canon AU
Summary: Kaldur tries imitating Red Arrow's sense of humor. It makes Roy laugh.
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janestvalentine · 2 years
I'm calling it now;
The only worthwhile thing that ever came from the "Young Justice" cartoon was Bluepulse/Speedbuggy (and even then, it's a fanon-only thing...)
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Hot take: Why is the representation in Dead End Paranormal Park So much better than in Post Cancellation Young Justice?
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kittyplayz1 · 2 years
I will never not be upset that the Young Justice cartoon time skipped over Jason’s time as Robin directly to Tim having been established as Robin.
I wanted to see Dick awkwardly figuring out the transition from Robin to Nightwing.
I wanted to see him figure out how to be a big brother.
I wanted to see baby Jason get introduced to the Team goddammit.
I just want to see baby Jason ok
I’m tired of people acting like he was always dead
I want to see him be happy little bird boy who’s a massive fucking nerd and likes to read
Is that so much to ask???
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spacehimbos · 2 years
On one hand the young justice cartoon is a really easy way to get into dc because you get to know a bunch of different characters and their backstories in a more accessible way. On the other hand, its not young justice, it’s teen titans with mount justice as a backdrop with some weird interpretations of characters(Kon I’m so sorry).
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feelingtheaster99 · 13 days
I’m rewatching Young Justice again and in “Independence Day” I am just STRUCK by how well they introduce all four of the “sidekicks” and their respective mentors.
Like Robin is so at home fighting against villains. He cackles and he almost seems bored because he’s rather dismissive of Mr. Freeze and of the fight. He’s also fairly at ease with Batman, because I imagine not many other people, can tell Batman, “yeah, yeah” in that tone.
Speedy, on the other hand, is very serious. He’s the only one of the four who questions the villains’ motives and he is the one getting annoyed with Green Arrow for joking around.
Aqualad is also serious but in a much calm and less aggressive way. He absolutely oozes respect for Aquaman, even when his mentor teases him about being excited for the day ahead.
And Kid Flash? He’s going full-on impatient, excited puppy mode. He’s so impatient to get there that he allows himself to get slightly frozen in order to stop the fight as soon as possible. And his wide, excited grin is so telling of his generally positive personality
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gothamsglam · 1 year
ha get impulse'd!
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vinylfinn · 2 years
Seeing all of these recent posts about Young Justice makes me glad I no longer watch it.
I stopped watching after I read the Young Justice comics and they didn’t do them Justice which is ironic considering the name.
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ectonurites · 8 months
being a kon el fan is suffering. just saw that action comics leak. dont talk to me im in mourning
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shoot-i-messed-up · 1 year
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Not a yj 00s comics enjoyer or a yj cartoon enjoyer but a secret third thing (gay for certain characters)
My fave doodles:
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please ignore the screencap sketches in the corner, it only lives on in my dreams bc Artemis and punk Kon would have THE funniest and therefore best dynamic and u cannot convince me otherwise. We were robbed
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gotham-exclusive · 1 year
Black Canary: Kids, I hate to break it to you, but that’s called a traumatic event.
Black Canary, to Kid Flash: Not a ‘bruh moment’
Black Canary, to Artemis: Not a ‘major L’
Black Canary, to Miss Martian: Not a ‘spicy slay’
Black Canary, to Super Boy: Not an ‘oof lmao’
Black Canary, to Aqualad: Not a ‘yikes situation’
Black Canary, to Robin: And definitely not an ‘average tuesday’
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