#you might think its crazy but i follow him so im already halfway there
firefly-fez · 1 year
not that a certain coffee company intern has dared to re-enter tumblr’s atmosphere do you think we can become tumblr mutuals 🥺
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dollslayer · 3 years
Champagne Problems
Bartender!Bucky x Reader
Summary: When your ex-boyfriend makes a surprise appearance at your sister's wedding you find help from an unexpected source.
W/C: 4,642
Warnings: NO MINORS, Smut, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, swearing, alcohol consumption
A/N: Hey! I know it's been a minute (sorry), I wrote this for @saiyanprincessswanie's writing challenge using the bartender au! If you like this please reblog and comment and check out my other fics!! Cheers!
Main Masterlist
You sighed internally before slapping on a smile for yet another group picture. Your bridesmaid dress was itchy and you already regretted spending the entire night in it, as the reception was just starting. But it was your sister’s day and you decided that if what she really wanted was for you to wear this itchy monstrosity to honor her wedding then damn it, you’d do it. So you leaned in close with the rest of the wedding party and posed some more.
When the photographer had finished with his photos you were ushered to the family table and wedged between your mother and your aunt. You mentally cursed your sister for seating you with them because they were going to spend the entire night trying to set you up with someone while simultaneously lamenting that you’d dumped your boyfriend of 4 years just a month earlier. Your mother wanted grandchildren so badly, you didn’t know why she couldn’t just settle to get them from your sister.
“Sweetheart, you and Steve were so good together though! Remember when he surprised you at Christmas with that puppy? I don’t know how you let a man like that go…” Your mom chided.
You grabbed the attention of a passing server and grabbed the champagne off their tray. If you were going to have this conversation again you needed liquid courage to do so. You downed it in three sips and your mom scoffed at you.
“Mom, we've been over this. I didn’t ask him to do that, we agreed we weren’t ready for a dog. Ugh, oh my god, anyways, we just didn’t work together. Sometimes things don’t work out, Mom. You’ll still get grandkids, just not from me.” You patted her on the shoulder but she just pursed her lips and looked past you to your aunt.
You wanted nothing more than to get wasted but you couldn’t do that to your sister. You wouldn’t get blackout drunk, but you were definitely getting drunk tonight. The reception was being held in a hotel and the wedding party had a block of rooms reserved so it’s not like you had to drive. You just had one thing to do before you did that.
The moment you’d been dreading had finally arrived, the toast. You held your freshly topped-off glass of champagne and brought your fork to it to get everyone’s attention. Someone handed you the mic and you hesitated before taking it and nervously cleared your throat.
By what you assumed could only be the grace of God you managed to deliver the perfect toast about finding the right person and soulmates and anything else you might find in a hallmark card with only minor stumbles. Everyone clapped and your brother-in-law wiped a stray tear and everyone finally dug into dinner. You just hoped that would mean your mother would be quiet about Steve for the next 20 minutes and then you could escape to the open bar.
You almost made it through dinner scott-free and sat back to watch your sister’s first dance. Just when you thought you were in the clear it was your aunt that threw a wrench in your plans. She was three glasses of wine deep and had that glassy look in her eye when she grabbed your elbow and pulled you closer. She spoke to you in a low voice while trying not to fumble her words.
“Listen kiddo, I know your mom is hard on you about Stevie but she just wants what’s best for you. What you two had… it was so good even I liked him! I don’t like anybody y’know that. So.. so why don’t you jus’ give ‘im another chance, make your mom happy? Couldn’t be that bad, could it? Maybe he’ll even… surprise you”
You mentally blocked out her words halfway through her speech, hoping neither of you would remember it by the end of the night. Right now you just had to get her to stop so you could get away from the table. You didn’t think you could take one more second of being shamed for leaving Steve.
You smiled sweetly and nodded in understanding towards her words.
“I know, Aunt Linda. I know. Sometimes things happen, I love mom but I’ll find someone else.”
With that you patted her on the shoulder and took off in search of the bar.
There were two bars and you wanted to go to the less crowded one. Looking around you had spotted it just past the dancefloor and made a beeline. Weaving through the now open dance floor and escaping the invitations to join your family you finally made it and leaned heavily against the countertop with a sigh.
“Rough night?” Your eyes follow the gruff yet amused voice and find that it belongs to a very handsome man with a defined jaw, clear blue eyes, and long hair that was tied back.
You smiled and rolled your eyes.
“You don’t know that half of it. Nothing like a wedding to remind you how single you are” You joked.
“Ah. Yeah, that’ll do it. That’s rough. You look like you need a drink, what can I get you?”
“Dealer’s choice. Just no vodka.” You requested.
He smirked and nodded, perusing the lines of bottles that were in front of him. He bit his lip as he concentrated on what to make and you tried not to stare. You watched him get to work on your drink and couldn’t help but notice the way you could see his muscles move underneath his dress shirt.
He turned back around and proudly presented you with something fizzy in a highball glass.
“My own concoction, I even used the non-watered down liquor. Just for you” He says with a wink.
You try your best to hide your shy smile and accept the drink.
“Thank you, how sweet of you.” You tell him.
“It’s nothin’. So how’s a gal like you single? If you don’t mind my asking. Seems pretty impossible to me.”
You're caught somewhere between flattery and embarrassment and just hope it doesn't show on your face. You take a long sip of your drink and gear up to answer him.
“Well, I just got out of a 4 year relationship, actually. He’s really sweet but he always had a tendency to steamroll my needs and just do whatever he was going to do. Eventually that shit adds up.” You sigh.
“Like for example - last year we had talked about getting a dog and I said I wasn’t ready, we’re just both way too busy and then on Christmas day he shows up with this puppy! And then I’m the villain for telling him no! The puppy ended up going to a good home but he did stuff like that all the time. It just became too much. Anyways now my mom won’t get off my ass about leaving him.” You shook your head.
“A puppy? Wow, that’s… intense. That’s a lot, I’m sorry. You finish that drink and I’ll pour us both a shot” He laughed.
You nodded in agreement and downed the rest of the cocktail. He held up two shot glasses and extended one to you.
“A toast, to… wait. I don’t even know your name!”
His shoulders shook as he laughed and he answered you.
“I’m James but you can call me Bucky” You made a face at that.
“What kinda name is Bucky?” You asked before giving him your own name.
“Whatever, I’ve got two shots of tequila, you want one or not?” How could you say no?
“A toast,” You continued, “To you and your weird name, Bucky.”
He laughed and you clinked your glasses together, then against the counter before downing them in one go. You tried your best not to make a face and looked up at Bucky to find him extending you the lime chaser, which you took gratefully.
“Hoo… I could use like, 3 more of those to get through tonight. So, how’d you get into bartending?”
“I needed somethin’ to put me through school and I figured this beats stripping. Though, with some of the customers we get sometimes I’m not so sure”
You laughed at that and Bucky went on to tell you anecdotes of all the crazy people he’s had to serve, disastrous weddings, and the time he got a lapdance from the bride herself. You hadn’t even realized how much time had passed but you were enjoying talking to him, forgetting your mission to be drunk.
The two of you kept swapping stories and were getting to know each other a bit more. He let you vent about Steve and just listened, it was refreshing to talk to someone and not be told what it is that you should be wanting. When you pictured the night you didn’t picture yourself confiding in the bartender tonight but if you were honest you were enjoying yourself. It beat awkwardly dancing with your family and enduring more disappointed remarks from your family.
You had hoped you could hide out at the bar and spend the entire night unscathed when the double doors to the ballroom opened. Your heartbeat in your ears as time slowed down around you as a blond head of hair made its way through the archway. Your laughter died in your throat when Baby blue eyes found you across the room and you froze like a deer in headlights. No. Nononononono this isn’t happening.
Time has somehow come to a halt while simultaneously hurtling forward since you can’t get yourself unstuck from this moment yet fail to realize that Steve is now standing right in front of you. His hair is swept back perfectly and he flashes you that million dollar smile of his that shows off his dimples perfectly. You scold yourself for checking him out but damn did he always clean up nice.
“Hey, sweetheart” he says shyly, as if he’s not crashing your sister’s wedding to get with you.
“What…? What are you doing… here?” You ask quietly, trying to avoid a scene.
Before he can answer you your mom comes up behind Steve and squeezes his shoulders tight, all with a big, bright smile on her face. Of course. How did I not see this coming?
“You made it!” She exclaimed as she leaned up to kiss his cheek.
“Of course, sorry to have missed the ceremony but there’s still plenty to celebrate, right?” He asked with his signature boyish smirk.
Shock was still in full effect on your features as you stood stock still. But that shock was soon giving way to anger as you slowly pieced together everything that was happening. Your mom had brought back Steve to try and get you back together and Steve was steamrolling you again.
“I… I, can’t. I can’t-” You started
“Sweetheart, how many of those have you had? You need some water.” Steve motions to the drink in your hand and you feel the anger running through your veins about to take over. You have to move this out of the room. Now.
“Why don’t we move this to the hall?” You suggested quietly.
You didn’t give him a chance to respond before you started moving towards the exit but you did spare one last panicked glance towards Bucky. He looked confused and his brows were quirked in a way that made him look upset, almost. You sent him a pleading look before turning back around and preparing yourself to deal with this shitshow that had slowly unfolded before you.
Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Hold. You got this. Your hand begins to push the door open when Steve’s much larger one covers yours and gets the job done. An action that you once would’ve thought was sweet, one that you would’ve made you swoon, even, is currently pissing you off.
You two made your way to the hallway and you looked around before you started in on him.
“Okay, what the hell, Rogers? Crashing my sister’s wedding? Really?! I don’t give a shit if my mom put you up to this I-”
“Sweetheart, please. She thought you might be having second thoughts and maybe us seeing each other would… patch things up. We just want what’s best for you, sweetheart” Steve attempted to console you, reaching out to try and rub your arm but you pulled back.
“No! I am so sick of you running me over! You never listened to me or what I had to say and this is exactly why I broke up with you, Steve! You’re being so fucki-”
“Hey, babe, everything okay out here?” Bucky’s voice surprised you but not as much as his lips pressing a kiss into your hair and his arms wrapping around your waist.
You had to crane your neck to look back and up at him. It took all of two seconds for you to piece together what you’d hoped was the truth. Bucky raised his eyebrows at you as if to say “come on” and in all your desperation you went with it. You supposed that his formal uniform made him pass for a regular guest.
“I, ah, yeah, yes. Steve here was just leaving, right?” You asked him.
Steve raised his eyebrows in a stunned expression, mouth slightly open in disbelief. His hand reached out towards your shoulder but Bucky pulled you back gently.
“Doll, are you serious? Who even is this guy? Does your mom know about this?”
“No, she doesn’t. It’s… new…” You told him.
“Right,” Bucky cuts in, “It’s new so we weren’t telling anyone just yet but she figured I should at least be here for the reception”
“Seriously?” Steve scoffs, “Man bun? What does he have that I don’t? C’mon, you know what you and I have is real.”
“What you and I have is over, Steve. You never listened to me, always pushed me further than I was ready for. We’re done, it’s over. I’m sorry for whatever Mom told you”
Steve took a harsh breath inwards and you watched him try to decide whether he should walk away or blow up. Based off of the veins popping in his forehead, he was opting to blow up.
“Listen, I don’t know what you’re up to but-”
“She said it’s over, punk. Move along” Bucky cut in. He took a protective step in front of you and pushed his shoulders back, squaring up to Steve. Steve seethed quietly and you two exchanged very tense glances.
“I’m telling your mother about this. I doubt she’ll be happy to hear you brought some random person to your sister’s wedding.” Steve spat.
He walked past the two of you and bumped shoulders harshly with Bucky. Bucky’s jaw tensed and his grip on your waist tightened but he didn’t retaliate. Instead he took a step back to get a proper look at you.
“You okay?”
“Why did you do that? You didn’t have to.”
“I know, but you looked like you could really use the help.”
“Well… thank you. I appreciate it, more than you know. I don’t know what would’ve happened if you weren’t there.” You laughed to yourself a little and added, “We’re not even together 5 minutes and you already have all my emotional baggage”
Bucky laughed at that and shook his head.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it. I’ve got some crazy exes too. So what now? You going back in?”
You became a little flustered at that but moved past it with a sheepish grin.
“No,” You shook your head, “I think it’s best for everyone if I just go up to my room and avoid a whole scene.”
“Well at least let me walk you up. I wouldn’t put it past that creep to follow you.”
“What about the bar?”
“We’re overstaffed and the party’s winding down anyways. They’ll get on without me”
“Alright then” You accepted and started off towards the elevators.
You two were standing in the elevator waiting for the doors to close when you spotted the doors to the ballroom open. Your mother was looking around, her face a picture of anger. Lucky for you the doors closed before she could look in your direction and you let out a sigh of relief.
“You know as far as fake boyfriends go I’d say you’re pretty good”
“Just good? C’mon I had that guy on the ropes.”
“Yeah alright,” You relented with a grin.
You exited the elevator car and made your way down the hallway until finally you reached your door. You fished your keycard out of your wallet and turned to Bucky.
“Hey… do you wanna… maybe come in? Hang out? I know you’ve got work but if you’re overstaffed maybe…” You trailed off. There was a beat of silence and you felt regret instantly, thinking you’ve asked too much of him. “Y’know what nevermind, you don’t have to, I’m sorry I-”
“I’d love to hang out with you, if you’re okay with that. Plus it’s probably better I wait to get back until the wedding’s over. Can’t really show my face as your boyfriend and then get back behind the bar, can I?” He said with a soft smile.
“Suppose you’re right,” You swiped the card and cracked open the door.
You stepped inside and felt like you could finally breathe again. You kicked off your heels and went to turn on the lights. You reached back to get the zipper of your dress but couldn’t quite get there.
“Will you get my zipper?” You asked Bucky. He nodded and came closer to you.
You could feel his warmth radiating from him when he was this close. Your nostrils filled with the heady scent of his aftershave. He smells so good. He unzipped you halfway and left the rest for you.
You thanked him and grabbed your change of clothes and headed to the bathroom. Relieved to finally be free of the itchy monstrosity of a bridesmaids dress you sighed and put on a tank top and pair of shorts. You realized the tank top showed a little more of your cleavage than intended but you shrugged it off and exited the bathroom.
Bucky’s eyes landed on you and he took a sharp breath in but tried to play it cool. It half worked, you caught him staring a little bit and giggled to yourself. When you looked at him again he was undoing his tie and the first two buttons of his shirt. Wonder what he’d look like if he unbuttoned just a few more… You stopped yourself in that line of thinking and joined him on the couch.
“I think your phone’s gonna zap itself into an early grave with the way it’s been going off” Bucky said as he pointed to your phone on the table.
You picked it up to find you had several missed calls from your mother, one from Steve, and one very long text message from him that was already inducing a headache. You opened it, forgetting you had read receipts on. Oops. You weren’t going to read this now in front of Bucky, so you shut it off and put it aside.
“So how are you feelin’?” He asked.
“Better now that I’m out that damned dress. As for my family, they'll get over themselves. I don’t know why who I’m dating is such a big deal to them anyways.”
“You do look more comfy now that you’ve changed. If you don’t mind me sayin’ you’re just as gorgeous now as you were all dolled up”
You felt heat flood your cheeks instantly and eked out a thank you. You and Bucky talked for an hour more or so and in that time you’d found yourself nodding off with your head on his chest. On instinct he brought your whole body closer to him and put his arm around you. If you were less sleepy you’d be embarrassed but right now you didn’t care.
Bucky had moved slightly and inadvertently jolted you awake. You shot up and realized that you’d cuddled your way into Bucky’s side and now the embarrassment was catching up with you. You instantly scooted back to give him some space.
“Sorry, I uh, didn’t mean to cuddle you” You said while avoiding his gaze.
You felt a hand on your thigh and finally looked up to find him smirking at you.
“I didn’t mind it. It’s getting late though, I should get back.”
You were slightly disappointed but nodded your head. You rose and followed him to the door. He went for the handle but turned around when you grabbed his hand. He stepped away from the door and was in your personal space. You looked up at him with a shaky breath.
“Thank you, again, for what you did. It was really sweet of you.” He smiled down at you and brought one hand to your face. Oh God, I didn’t prepare for this. Your heart was beating just a little harder as you looked into his clear blue eyes.
“For you? Anytime. I had a really fun time with you tonight.”
“Me too.”
With that his other hand came up to cup your face and he kissed you sweetly. It wasn’t until you kissed him back that he pulled away.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to, I don’t wanna make you uncomf-”
You grabbed him by the shirt collar and brought him in for another kiss. This time more demanding but just as sweet. He let out a small moan and you swear you could’ve melted. His tongue explored your mouth while his hands moved their way down your body and brought you even closer to him. You could feel that he was hard and it only made you want him more.
Without breaking the kiss you started to move backwards towards the bed until finally you were just at the edge of it. You broke apart for air and searched his eyes only to find his pupils blown wide in lust. You cupped him through his pants and he groaned. He was big. Maybe even bigger than Steve.
“We don’t have to do anythin’ you don’t want to do,” He breathed out. You shook your head and kissed him again.
“I want you, I’m sure.” You panted out.
“I don’t have a condom”
“Doesn’ matter, I’m on the pill” You told him. With that his hands were up your tank top and you’d helped him to remove it. He worked on his shirt next and while he fumbled with the buttons you took off the rest of your clothing.
Bucky was every bit as devastating as you’d thought he’d be and you let out a genuine sigh. His toned muscles rippled throughout his arms and torso and you watched him remove his boxers and you’re not entirely sure your jaw hadn’t dropped. He noticed you gawking and chuckled as he leaned down to join you on the bed.
“See somethin’ you like?”
He didn’t give you the chance to answer though, he pushed you backwards onto the bed and kissed you again, this time trailing his kisses all the way down your body. He stopped and took his time to admire each of your breasts, licking and biting your nipples. You’d gasped in surprise and pleasure. He moved his way down finally to your pussy and looked up at you.
“Can I? You could only nod and let out a shaky breath as you sat up on your elbows and watched him get to work. He kissed and caressed your thighs until finally his fingers were prodding at your entrance. He groaned at how wet you were and pushed two fingers in. You let out an obscene moan and your hands went into his locks. His tongue lapped at your clit before he sucked on it, all the while pumping his fingers in and out of you in search of your G-spot.
You’d pulled his hair out of his bun and guided his tongue where he needed to be. Finally getting the right angle you were whimpering in pleasure, back arched almost to a point of pain. He’d finally found the spot he’d been looking for and your eyes shut closed in pleasure.
“Please,” you begged, “Please don’t stop I’m so close”
You pushed his head harder against you and his fingers sped up. It was only a matter of moments until your toes were curling in pleasure and you writhed on the bed in the aftershock of your orgasm. Bucky continued to lap away at you until you pushed him off. He came back up to eye level with you and had a wolfish grin.
“Who knew you’d make such noises? God it was so hot”
You pulled him in for another kiss and reached down to grab his cock. You pumped it a few times before you moved down to return the favor when he stopped you. You looked up at him with brows pinched in concern.
“Don’ worry about me, I just wanna feel you”
He moved you beneath him and you spread your legs apart for him. You were still sensitive in your post-high when his tip brushed your clit but you didn’t mind the bolt of pleasure. He aligned himself with your entrance and looked you in the eye as he pushed all the way inside of you slowly. You let out an involuntary moan, trying to accommodate his full length.
“You good?” He asked.
“I’m good, you’re just...big” He smirked at that.
“Can I move or do you need a second?”
“No, you can move, please move.”
One hand on your hip and the other on your breast he started thrusting in and out of you at a steady pace. You swore you could feel every bump and ridge of him with every inch he put into you. His pace picked up and he kissed the column of your neck, finding the one spot that drove you crazy. Your small mewls turned to full moans and he began fucking you harder.
“‘M not gonna last much longer” He told you. You didn’t say anything in response, just brought him in for another kiss and grabbed a handful of his ass to push him further inside you. He chuckled at that and took the hint.
He was going the hardest he had so far and you were holding on for dear life and loving every minute of it. His panting breaths were heavy in your ears and you reached down to toy with your clit so you’d cum together. His thrusts were getting a little sloppier and your hand moved faster, quickly approaching both your peaks. He let out an almost pornographic moan as he came, He fucked you through his orgasm and not a moment later you came for a second time. Your bodies melded together as you rode out the last waves of each other’s orgasms.
Finally Bucky stopped and held himself with one hand, trying to catch his breath. You were slightly dazed, trying to compute how your night had ended up like this. Bucky rolled over onto the bed and you felt the mess between your thighs. You looked over to him with a hazy smile.
“So, I know we’re doin’ things a little backwards here but, maybe I could take you out some time? If you want?”
Your smile grew even wider and your heart felt so light in this moment.
“I’d like that”
You didn’t know what tomorrow would hold or how to even begin cleaning up the mess with your family. You’d deal with it all in the morning, for now you’d just bask in the afterglow with your fake boyfriend and be grateful for chance meetings.
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monitorchakas · 3 years
You know I gotta ask abt ya boi for the character ask thing. Any version of him Chakas or Spark.
Send Me a Character
You might have made a mistake I can't shut up about my boi, but im still glad you asked!!!!
Im going to indicate a tl:dr version in blue for each section
And I will tell you my:
First impression
So surprisingly even before Spark's backstory/redemption ark, I liked him. I like robots, loved Hal 9000, obsessed with Portal 1 and 2. As much as I love his new story that gives him more depth and emotions I actually loved the simple minded protocol following boi we first met.
Child me actually had a dream shortly after playing the library that I found a broken little spark he was split in those two circle pieces. I swear this happened which is weird because any normal person just has flood nightmares.
I legit would wear a Spark necklace to class 90% of people thought it was Wheatley. I definitely stalked his halopedia page for new content
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Impression now
So lets start from Primordium. I already loved Chakas from Cryptum (I kept joking around with the line "Chakas when the walls fell" because was obsessed with tng at the time). I remember reading the preview first chapters while on vacation at my grandma's house because I couldn't wait for Jan 3 (which is 3 days before my bday btw). I remember being pissed that my boy was a monitor right at the beginning...
Halfway through the book I started suspecting Spark and Chakas had to be connected, specifically because Spark sounded a bit too much like Chakas when talking about the librarian in the halo cea terminals. I think its crazy well done how those two pieces of media are connected, and that halo 3 the ark cutscene "compartmentalization" connection to primordium is just very cool! Especially since bungie definitely never intended this, but because Spark's memories were compartmentalized for flood reasons, it works!
My obsession only has gotten worse with the more recent lore. I think Spark looks really cool! Especially in the newest book cover. I love who he's grown to become and I love the awesome new friends hes made despite of losing his past friends (him losing Riser(and vice versa)... must have hurt, those too were so close)
Favorite moment
Oh theres more than a few of these but Ill try to limit myself
This part made me laugh:
My favorite Chakas moments:
Riser Bornstellar and him together adventuring on Cryptum before all the horrors began.
Also his time with Vinnevra and Gamelpar, again before the horrors started....
My favorite Guilty Spark moments:
Sesa Refummees edification
Chief and Spark working together in Halo 3 especially in the Ark
My favorite Spark moments:
when they were on Myers Moon and Spark finally stopped brooding and sat on a rock trying to find the perfect moment to shoot the fish out of the water.
Spark training Little Bit 💕
Point of Lights ending scene 😭❤
Theres definitely more favorite parts...
Idea for a story
I think Spark and Motoko Kusanagi (ghost in the shell) should sit down and have a drink together, itd benefit Spark to meet a fellow ghost in the shell
Motoko: "oh you're a ghost too? Interesting body choice"
Spark: "not really my choice its the best I could find!!"
Motoko: "oh wow you lived as a human for quite a long time I was cyberized when I was 5"...
(Im not good at writing fan fiction, but yeah something like that)
Unpopular opinion
Spark/Chakas should be in Infinite
I know they removed him from the story but like why does known asshole Forthencho get a terminal and my boy Chakas doesn't? P l e a s e
Favorite relationship
Chakas and Vinnevra were very cute together shout out to both of them for blushing and denying when my boy Riser called them out
Speaking of which Chakas, Bornstellar, and Riser really were the three amigos
Guilty Spark's only relationship was his ring and thats ok!!
Im glad Spark became such good friends with the ace of spades crew. Specially with Rion.. When Rion and him held hands to confort each other
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Favorite headcanon
Spark totally has a halo ring floatie for Myer's Moon 🤭
Anyway... thanks for the ask @hotdoghowitzer 💕💕💕💕💕💕
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warmau · 4 years
☆ [nostalgic] summer romance!au taeyong  hbbd to our beloved leader! | find others here: johnny | haechan | taeil
mark is giving you a quizzical look from over the counter, fingers tapping against the register
“taeyong? no, i haven’t seen him. doesn’t he usually disappear during the summer?
mark is right
taeyong does tend to vanish just as the weather gets warmer and there isn’t an excuse of class or work for him to make his presence known
you heard rumors about how his parents send him abroad to some kind of family owned estate, vast and beautiful and far away from the mundane place you call home
everyone is always saying he’s hiding something. that something, everyone whispers is money 
he has to be rich, no one else has the kind of luxury of having a summer long holiday to the other side of the world
but you doubt it, if his family is so loaded, taeyong wouldn’t be spending the rest of the year sitting across from you in physics 
you’re sure wealthy kids can afford something better than public schools
you look up and mark takes of the uniform hat he’s supposed to wear for his job at the local burger joint, he scratches the top of his head and then snaps his fingers
“i did see him not too long ago, maybe - on monday? he was standing next to his bike in front of the trails.”
“as in the forest trails?”
mark nods, he looks like he wants to say something else but the voice of his manager makes him scurry to the back with a final a wave
you take the medium soda you ordered, the ice melted and the cup wet under your fingertips
whats taeyong doing going to the mountains all alone?
its getting dark by the time you make your way halfway through the trail, you know mark said he saw taeyong monday and its been three days since then
but you just wanted to make sure, even though you’re here and you haven’t seen one other person through the trees 
finally you think you should turn around and go back - but you look to the side and spot a bike leaned up against a mossy, large boulder
its off the trail - so its kind of creepy - but you inch just a bit closer, close enough to see taeyongs name scribbled on the middle bar, below the seat
the clouds are slowly and surely coming in over the light blue sky, so now its just going to get dark and rain
but you think just exploring for another five or so minutes cant hurt
you push past some bushes and wander until you finally pull back some branches from a sagging old willow and see the entrance to a small, but open meadow
in the middle of it - someone is splayed out and reaching up toward the sun
his hand drops and turns his head, the last droplets of sunlight flicker off his skin
he doesn’t say anything for a while and neither do you
until he sits up and asks you what you’re doing off the trail
you know you can ask him the same thing, but something stops you from stringing the sentence together
instead you feel the darker clouds grow heavy in the sky and soon enough you feel the drizzle
“i just got lost’
you lie and taeyong stands up from the meadow, pointing behind you
“we should go before the storm comes all the way in.”
taeyong leads the way back to the main path, grabbing his bike as you two make way back down to the opening of the forest
you sort of fall behind him, eyes on the broad of his back 
you want to make conversation - but you dont know what to say
once you reach the end, the rain has gotten stronger and you ask taeyong if he wants you to drive him back to his place
motioning shyly to your car
he smiles, and even through the darkening weather, it seems to make his face glow
“that’s alright, thanks.”
and then he hops on his bike, his figure smaller and smaller as he rides down the road
you watch it, getting drenched in the process, but something about seeing him makes the rain feel like nothing more than morning dew
you go back to the meadow the next day, earlier - closer to noon - and taeyong is there
at first you tell yourself: stop being weird, just turn around and leave him alone. you might have had classes with him but its not like you two were even friends! hes going to think you’re crazy for showing up here again!
but something inside you refuses to let you give up
you clear your throat and call out to him
taeyong doesn’t turn his head this time, in fact he doesn’t move from where he’s flat on his back in the middle of the grass and wild flowers
panic sets over you and you rush over, knees hitting the ground as you hover over him
his eyes are closed, but the corner of his mouth twitches a bit at the small sound that you make
he’s just sleeping.
you realize, tracing the godly lines that make up his almost impossibly handsome face
he manages to look magical even like this.
taeyong’s eyes are open now - lazily, amber browns staring up at you curiously
you jerk your head away and feel your shoulders stiffen
what do i say? what do i do? he must think im such a freak-
“are you lost again?”
his sits up, propping himself on his elbows and looking at you innocently
“n-no! i just - i um - since i know the way now. i mean i saw your bike again. i just - um-”
the words get tangled in your mouth and so you give up and taeyong doesn’t look as annoyed or as angry as you expect
he just smiles, the same smile he gave you when you two parted ways last night
“a-are you always here?”
you blurt out, trying to compensate for your lack of an answer to his original question
taeyong nods, “i am always here.”
“everyone thinks you go abroad during the summer, b-but you’re really here right?”
its weird that you pose it like a question, so you laugh it off in hopes he wont catch on
but taeyong turns his eyes back toward the sun and falls back against the pillow of flowers
“nope, i dont go abroad. im right here.”
you look up at the sky, nothing special about it, just bright and blinding like any summer days
you wonder how he doesnt get bored just ........... laying here and looking up at it 
“people in town like it though.”
he suddenly adds and you shift so instead of sitting back on your heels, you’re laying down beside him 
its the closest you’ve ever been to him and you have half a thought he might shift away uncomfortably when your elbows brush but ..... he doesnt
“like what?”
he pauses, a long pause and you almost think he isnt going to answer as your eyes trace the wings of a butterfly that pass by
“they like that i disappear. i think they like it better when im not around.”
you sit up, confused and look at taeyong
“but people are always talking about you-”
“right, but i dont think that means they like me.”
he follows the same butterfly you were just looking at and you try to think of a counterpoint to argue
but you cant
taeyong is the most talked about person in your town, from his statue like looks to the rumors circulating about his familys wealth
youve heard the jealousy-induced whispers too
you cant lie and say you havent
you carefully lay back down and take a second in the silence of the forest to think
“i like you.”
you hear taeyong turn his head but you’re nervous about saying it outloud and so you can’t bring yourself to read the expression he might be making
“i dont know much about you, but .......... i think i like you. we had one class together last semester, physics and you would always help me and other people. sometimes i wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me to go get lunch but i was-”
you’re rambling, your aware so you stop
but taeyong whispers,
“but you were?”
now you turn to look at him and you’re surprised to see the usual glassy far-off look in his eyes has turned serious
“i was sc-scared? i just thought you wouldnt care to ......... hang out with me?”
you think your palms are sweating and you hide them in your pockets, taeyong is looking at you - really looking at you - for the first time ever and it stirs a feeling youre not used to in the pit of your stomach
“i would have loved to.”
his voice is faint, but there’s no one else but you and him, so you hear him clearly
you giggle, a nervous habit, and then swallow it down
“well - now i know. ill invite you when- when the summer is over.”
he turns back and closes his eyes, the sun basks down on him like the grace of a goddess 
nothing else is said. when it starts to darken, and your hungry stomach makes a noise that keeps you embarrassed
you and taeyong walk back down the trail. you offer him a ride again, but he says now and rides off with a smile
you get into this habit now, you get to the meadow - earlier and earlier - hoping one day to beat taeyong to it
but he’s always there before you
you also start bringing lunch and when you first offer half of the sandwich you’ve made to taeyong he looks too shy to take it
but on the third try, he gives in
you also..................talk a lot more with him 
and realize you were right, taeyong is as kind as you had thought him to be
and his gentleness isnt lost on you from how he helps you up from the grassy meadow when its time to go - to how he talks in a small voice to forest creatures that scamper past you two
you never thought you’d end up spending your whole summer off the trail, laying around beside lee taeyong
but not a day of it feels wasted, even though you both do ultimately nothing
one evening, as you’re walking down the trail, you both come to a stop in front of the mossy rock that taeyong’s bike should be leaned up against
except that its gone
and for the first time - due to circumstance - taeyong accepts the ride back home
the car is quiet, as are the streets that you drive through to get to his house
suddenly, without any thought you ask taeyong;
“do you sometimes go up to the meadow because you want to disappear?”
you glance at him in the rearview mirror and see hes already looking at you
“not just because you think others want you too?”
his lips thin, but his eyes don’t flatter from yours
you nod, shoulders tightening a little as you focus your own gaze on the road
“a-are you ok with my company?”
you make a turn and are worried by the silence that follows. taeyong’s house is coming into view and you realize he could just get out without answering you
but when you come to a stop, neither of you moves a muscle
you let your hand drop from the wheel and just as it does, taeyong catches it
his fingers are warm and his palm is soft you let out a small gasp and turn to see he still has his eyes on you
“im fine with it.”
a dust of pink comes over the bridge of his nose and spreads down onto his cheeks
“im fine disappearing with you. no one said i had to do it alone.”
that feeling in the pit of your stomach that you get around him sometimes seems to bubble and burst into a flurry storm of wings and glitter inside you
your eyes move on their own, skimming down his face to his lips in an anxious line
holding his hand is different from all those times you’d lay elbow to elbow with him
and thinking about kissing him..................is a jump over a fence higher than just the thoughts youve had about getting to know him better
you think your shoulders shake and taeyong looks like he wants to lean in 
but the lights on his porch flicker on, and he says he’ll see you tomorrow
his warmth leaves your hand, but right as he steps out of the car, you scramble over to the passengers seat
one hand on the window and you look at him
“h-how will you get to the meadow, without your bike?”
he startles, but frowns
“right,i think i can walk ther-”
“i can pick you up.”
taeyong smiles, this smile - as soft and as sweet as the rest - is just a bit more......happy.
“ok - can you come by at around nine?”
“i promise to be here.”
he hesitates and you cant believe you’re about to say this, but you do
“want to seal it with a kiss?”
he looks over his shoulder, his front door hasnt opened yet
he leans down and its a little awkward and weird, but its cute and when you break away you wave goodnight to him 
and he trips over the sidewalk as he waves back
the next day, when you two are laying back in the flowers
you turn to him
“is it ok if we re-do our kiss?”
he laughs, “i wanted to ask too, kissing through a car window is a bit-”
you dont let him finish, rolling over to take his face in your own - you feel that smile of his on your lips
when summer comes to an end and taeyong shows back up in town, everyones gossip stirs back up
where’d he go this time, franc? italy? thailand? australia?
no, the only place he went - you want to tell them - is to the forest, and to that meadow, and to the center of your heart
you slip your hand into his when he comes to greet you outside one of the classroom 
and all of the gossip dies at the tip of peoples tongues
even now all these years later
when you and taeyong want to “disappear” for a little while
there’s a secret space, just for you two
let everyone else think you’re off in some other place - some other country - some other continent
disappearing together, is way better than disappearing alone. 
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fanficaficionado · 3 years
okay, i know i said i would be starting with things i knew and loved. hell, i even had a fic from the fandom im currently ass-deep in all lined up!! but then i procrastinated, and i lost motivation, got distracted by my scheduled post-holiday shutdown, and something else finally kicked my ass into gear. so this blog's first true introduction to the world will not, in fact, be a post where i worship the very ground my favorite fic writers walk upon.
no, today we are talking about Ascent into Madness by cesium_sheep
((spoilers, obviously))
Now im going to preface this by saying that this criticism is subjective and based in my opinion. I did genuinely enjoy this story, and i did not at any point feel the urge to launch myself into the sun with nothing but the pure force of my rage, causing the sun to explode and consume planet earth in a scorching hell-blast and decimating all life on our tiny little space rock, which even some of my favorites are guilty of because in some stories characters just love to waffle about ((especially in my preferred reading material which puts romance at a very significant focus)). This story just isn't for me.
I'm going to explain why, and believe me when i say i am being as gentle as i physically can with this story because it is not objectively offensive to my very being, It's a good read and setting aside the problems i have with it i enjoyed it.
I keep repeating that i don't hate this story because i do not want to be accused of baseless hate, not because of reputation or anything but because being accused of something i know i didn't do sets off the same sensation that i get from rubbing my fingernails on egg cartons, the one of the back of my brain being assaulted by the mayonnaise-coated fingers of satan himself. Damn i should really get to the criticism before this just becomes an in depth description of my very soul's adverse reaction to the cream in queen anne chocolate cherries.
The thing about this story is that, to me, it feels.. unfinished. Or at the very least like it wandered off its intended course. It leaves me with a feeling of mild dissatisfaction and the taste of confusion in my mouth. I think this problem is best summarized by the fact that, in the first chapter, it is set up that rose is in some sort of hospital, and that dave thinks she is in the grasp of some delusion, and the second chapter sets up the retroactive explanation for how it got to this point. See, what i expected was to be caught up to that point in the story, reach that point in time again, and then progress from there.
But that first chapter?? With the hospital, the delusions, the brick through the window with the radio attached?? Never brought up again, not even once. It is completely discarded and never even thought about. The story even stops trying to set up that scene after a certain point.
To put it in homestuck terms, because i'm a loser, a time player, and come on we're talking about a homestuck fic here you know i have to do this, it feels like we started a loop and then branched off the alpha timeline so completely we aren't even a part of the metaphorical timeline-tree anymore. It nags at my brain man, it's one of the main things that fuelled my motivation in writing this. It feels lost and wandering and it confuses me in a bone deep sorta way.
The second thing that gets to me is the complete lack of information presented about what, exactly, the fuck is going on. I have no idea how we got from point A to point B, not just because it completely disconnects from point A not even halfway through, but also because there's a lot of plot threads thrown in haphazardly and then never extended upon. There's a mention of jake and john's respective guardians knowing something about the story's big bad and all the mystical bullshit that follows along behind him, but that is never followed up on even a little. No one questions why they know, despite this information being so rare that literally only two families and a single group of aliens seem to have access to it. It just is a thing and then whoops, hand musta slipped because that bad boy is out the window and is facing the combined nonexistent mercy of gravity and this ten story drop.
The main plot has this same problem, in feeling like you get just enough info to keep it going forward. There's a sword in rose's umbrella basket or whatever the hell it's called, and it's implied a future dave put it there for his past self, but do we get confirmation that it was him?? Do we see that loop completed?? No, it is just used as a driving force for rose to try and push the fact that dave's got Timey powers. It feels like i'm being pulled by the hand through this story because it only gives just barely enough information to keep this crazy train rolling and then goes so far as to leave fucking time loops hanging there incomplete which okay i might be getting a little peeved about that but can you blame me?? Can you really blame me at all??
Maybe i am judging the plot too harshly, after all i was forewarned not to read for the plot in the summary because it's pretty slow and wandering. So let's get into something else then, yes?? Let's hop to the relationships.
The relationships, too, fall prey to this complete lack of any meaningful focus on any piece of information ever. I'd swear the writer was allergic if that didn't seem too harsh a description. It's a whole lot of telling without any showing, a cardinal sin in writing. We get a conversation with kanaya that doesn't suffer the disconnect from all things that the rest of the story seems haunted by. It's actually really a neat little conversation and i find it kind of wholesome how kanaya talks about rose and i personally think this interaction to be entirely too short. Then kanaya mentions karkat and apparently there's some of davekat's standard romantic tension happening off-screen because dave starts to get flustered and ponders what that means. And once again a plot thread is thrown to the winds because we never get another whiff of it.
Actually on the topic of davekat, dave just naturally gravitates to karkat and then they're stuck together like glue, so stuck in fact that dave dies for karkat because dave apparently forgets the golden rule of "If you have time to jump in front of someone then you have time to push them out of the way" and then ignores the added bit i spitefully wrote on the ancient stone tablet of Things That Make Sense in neon orange sharpie that says "Especially if you have time to have a discussion about your choices with an ambiguously-dead girl. Pull your thumb out of your ass, dave, nobody has to die here, magic option number three was not the one you picked."
Of course, this is a fanfiction, these are characters i already know. I know how these characters would interact, i know how their relationship develops in-canon and i know that given the chance these fuckers become goddamn inseparable. But that doesn't excuse the fact that it is all tell and no show, we dont see how it gets from "You're one of the only familiar faces in a group of strangers and i am not about to start interacting with new people unless i have to" to "Here let me die heroically for you and then be revived for no explainable reason besides Because The Wizard Of God Says So." I have no reason to be invested in this or even give a half-ounce shit despite it literally becoming something that the climax hinges on. And then rose and kanaya are just inexplicably,, together?? Right at the end?? And while i am happy that the lesbians get to be in love everything is off screen and nothing is ever explained, not even like one time, and god it's just so confusing. I am so confused.
But again, maybe i'm being unfair, once again the very tags of this fic are telling me that the relationships are not the focus and only really tagged so people can filter it out. I suppose i should judge the characters, then.
From what i remember there are sixteen characters, excluding ((who i believe to be, as it is once again not explained or explicitly stated to be)) caliborn at the end, with speaking roles. Five of those characters retain any narrative relevance for more than a nanosecond. A good chunk of the trolls arent even mentioned by name, with eridan and i think sollux being mentioned, and who i think to be sollux speaks when rose and dave are first brought to the trolls' apartment but again, the fog of uncertainty clouds all things and i don't have my handy dandy leafblower on me to airblast that shit out of my way. Of the five characters with any focus on them, two are relegated to the role of supporting character, with karkat joining that number more often than not. That leaves us with dave and rose, who are ultimately as a whole unaffected by their experiences. They do not learn anything, they do not grow or change. Sure rose freaks out about her perception of reality, but that falls flat because it's more tell and no show again. Dave freaks out, as he rightfully should in this situation, but there is no arc. There is no significant change in anything but moving toward the boss fight with the big baddie.
There aren't any particularly interesting interactions between these characters, either, i cannot recall one time in which i laughed, or felt much of anything really. They all fall into a state of Existing while also feeling like they aren't doing a whole lot. It's more noticeable in retrospect but these characters just Do Not feel alive, they seem incredibly flat at times and it's hard to notice while you're reading but looking back it stands out so painfully and it makes me very sad.
If i'm not supposed to read for the plot, and i'm not supposed to read for the relationships, and i can't read for the characters, then what is this story meant to be read for?? The only other thing i can think of is the mystery and sorry pal, but that's a plot, which we have already established doesn't really have a whole lot going for it because while your mystery sure is there it is currently stinking up that rug you shoved half the answers under because those mysteries aren't the ones you want to focus on.
Is it simply meant to pass the time?? Is there no deeper purpose besides keeping yourself entertained as the hours tick by?? Because if so, it at least accomplished that. Despite its faults, it kept my attention for the entire fifty one chapters, and it passed my time.
There are other nitpicks i have, but that's more based around the writing style on a more technical level. The chapters are too short for my personal taste, and there are far too many cliffhangers, these things i will not condemn as the writer gave a good reason for the latter and obviously no writer is obligated to churn out 2,500 words per chapter unless they damn well want to.
Ultimately, this story is neither good nor bad. It is straightforward in that it burns any other plot threads besides the main one on the sacrificial alter of The Writer Does What The Writer Wants, it's a bit too ambiguous and under-explained for my tastes, but there is nothing egregiously offensive in it. It is a story that exists. I wouldn't read it again, but i wouldn't not read it again, and i don't even come close to regretting the time i spent reading it ((outside of the fact that it is currently almost nine am and i haven't slept but that one is my own fault)).
I scrolled passed this story in its beginnings, assuming it would not be particularly mindblowing, and now that i've read it i know that i was entirely correct. Read it if you want, or don't, just don't go in expecting something life changing. I suggest picking out a spot on your schedule where you have nothing to do and will no doubt be bored out of your mind. I sincerely doubt you'll regret it.
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
Tumblr media
title: when you call my name
inspired by: When You call My Name by Paul Brandt
pairing: Jensen x reader
Kink 2020 sq: free space (voice kink)
Fluff 2020 sq: realized feelings
rating: pg
tags: fluffy romance, jensen singing, feelings coming out through song, lots and lots of flirtation…
summery: not telling!
word count (optional):
Kink 2020 Masterlist. Fluff 2020 masterlist
Love is a beautiful thing, very few ever truly embrace it. This is the story of how you went from being an assistant to one of the most eligible bachelor’s in the entire continental USA to being the love of his life.
twas a beautiful summer morning, this be the morn that you and Jensen were to go for your normal summer routines…  taking in every single day one at a time.. arriving at his hotel room, you knock twice before using the key card…
you entered, upon doing so you hear Jensen strumming his guitar…
YN: “that sounds different from your usual cheerful strumming…”
Jensen: “its just something new im working on, ready to go on that run?“
YN: “i have a better idea.. lowkey parkor in the park… its better than running our usual half a mile and it still gets us our exercise… then breakfast and normal routine…”
Jensen finished putting his guitar down and smiled as he grabbed his vest and duffle.. following you out the door… going down to valet parking to your car… getting in you drive to the park…
Ah the sweet sights of the park… the fave place to hang out go for runs or just walk… in your case you loved to come out here and do low key parkour off the small skate ramps.
Jensen: “what else do we have planned today?”
YN: “we have to be at the studio to do some scenes obvs.. then after that well it is wednesday and we usually go to song night but if you…”
Jensen: “are you kidding me i look forward to it every single week… now where is our parkour course…”
You stop at the edge of the small skate park… Jensen stops and looks…
Jensen: “how exactly are we supposed to do parkour off of this?”
You back flip off of the edge and land in several flips off of the next few ledges… Jensen was right behind you… Following you was one of his greatest adventures.
Unbeknown to you, Jensen was falling in love with you… You were completely un aware of it… He planned to tell you at song night through his latest song… after the course you stopped at the fountain, leaning over you take a long swig of water…
Jensen stays back catching his breath but also catching a secret look at you… he was so sure of his feelings, he knew that he would be the luckiest man in the world if you felt the same way…
Jensen approached you from behind…
Jensen: “wear something pretty tonight I have a good feeling about tonight…”
YN: “i have my outfit picked out already… i know you are gonna rock the house tonight you always do… what are you singing tonight?”
Jensen: “something new… dont worry you are gonna love it… now lets go back to the car and get to the studio im sure they will be missing us…”
it was true they were missing you because you guys were now 10 minutes late… neither of you had realized it, because you both had been starring into eachothers eyes for the past almost half hour…
YN: “we should go… but your eyes are so handsome!!!”
Jensen: “your eyes melt my heart your the reason why i have a fantastic career…”
YN: “i dont want to leave your eyes!”
Jensen: “you’ve always had them on you…”
you turn away as both of you begin to walk towards the car, the silence was nice cause both of you knew what had been said, what was said and what soon to be would be if timing was right…
driving to the studio you and Jensen stop at the trailer to change and get ready to face the people… stepping out of the trailer, you both run onto set… 
Kripke: “you both are very very late.. explain one of you…”
Jensen: “we left kinda late for our morning run… we had to make up the time that we missed… but we are here now lets get the filming done…”
kripke: “alright everyone places now that everyone is here lets film what is planned for today and we will call it a day…”
jensen went and did his thing, he as always had you sit in his chair that way he could catch glimpses of your beautiful face when he could.. cause if the script said “look backwards” you were the one thing he was looking at… 
the filming time lasted several hours, it was 430pm by the time you and Jensen got out of the studio… wrapping up the time there by getting in the car and going back to the hotel, you both go inside and up to the rooms… 
Jensen: “what time does it start?”
YN: “at 7pm but that will only give us time to get ready…”
Jensen: “plus i believe its my turn to cook tonight…”
you nod…
YN: “ill be back with my stuff and my appetite…”
Jensen: “just let yourself in when you arrive… ill be waiting…”
with those words you both were in your respective rooms… you went to pick an outfit… you had no idea what the hell even to wear… then you saw it… the brand new in the bag off the shoulder striped romper you had been saving for a special occasion…
you stuck that in your bag, and decided that you would take a shower before you had to be across the hall… you stuck on your playlist and went into the shower you washed, shaved and clensed your body… head to toe you now were very clean… 
you got out of the shower and smiled, you now had a really good feeling about tonight… you now were the one with which the good feelings and butterflies were rollin’…
Jensen however was picking out his outfit as well as throwing some pork chops in the oven then went to take a shower so he could be fresh for your arrival and outing tonight…
before he got in the shower he sent you a sweet flirty text sounded like something out of a romance novel… you blushed upon reading it… you knew what was through your mind…
YN (to self): “nah nah thats crazy he is a amazing friend he cant be in love with me…”
Jensen (to self): “she is amazing!!! i hope she understands what im saying through this song tonight…”
you gathered what you needed from your place before heading across the way, you used your key just letting yourself in like usual… you dont see Jensen but you hear the shower and you hear him singing…
you think of how amazing it is to hear Jensen singing… enjoying the song so much you now were putting on your outfit… about halfway into putting it on you heard the shower turn off… you knew Jensen had to dry off get dressed and such still so you hoped to still be somewhat decent…
that of course is when your zipper got stuck… Jensen who was just coming out of the bedroom having just put on his khakis and muscle shirt saw you struggling…
Jensen: “you need some help…”
YN: “i decided to get ready but i wasnt expecting my zipper to get stuck… can you help me?”
Jensen: “of course… now hold still…”
Jensen came up behind you, his hands on your back trying to fight with the zipper, after 5 minutes the zipper went up.. 
Jensen: “there all done… you look amazing…”
YN: “you said something pretty… this was sitting in my closet this is the first time im wearing it anywhere…”
Jensen: “well it looks smashing on you… dinner will be ready soon… we will be having pork chops as well as some instant potatoes… i didnt think you would mind..”
You shake your head…
YN: “nope i dont mind… im so excited for tonight… i cant wait to hear that new song you have been working on…”
Jensen finishes preparing dinner, you finish doing your hair putting in your hair band and then going over to sit in the kitchen…
jensen: “your thinking again… arent you?” 
 you nod as you continue to stare at Jensen who turns to face you… he notices the sparkle in your eye and he smiles… he then puts on a slow song.. he comes up to you and reaches for your hand…
 jensen: “when was the last time we danced…” 
 you take his hand and walk out in the middle of the living room with Jensen who is happily gliding across the floor with you… both of you are disturbed a few moments later by the dinner timer going off… 
You were in a blushing fluster when you guys stopped dancing. It felt like nothing was changing between the both of you. This felt completely normal. Jensen and you sat down to eat dinner, the giggling and harmless shameful flirting came now from both of you. 
Neither if you realizing it, neither of you acknowledge it, cause this felt absolutely one hundred percent normal… 
Jensen: “I am ready to own the night… How bout you mi'lady?" 
Yn: "yep and your guitar is still in the car so let’s go my good sir!" 
Walking to the car you both smiling like mindless love struck idiots, you let Jensen who insisted on driving open your door for you and smiled when he had his arm around your shoulder while he drove… 
parking the car he came round to help you bring everything out of the car… the way things were looking for tonight you might be happy by the end of things...
Of all the nights to break out a new outfit you are certainly glad you chose this one... It was once said your love would come out in the open when you least expected it... 
This is what you had been waiting for... Entering the lounge you put Jensen's name on the sheet of performers, Jensen orders you both drinks... sitting at a quaint little table near the stage you and Jensen prepare for the night of your lives. 
YN: “this is amazing evening so far... we are doing what we love and we are doing everything exactly how it should be...”
Jensen: “i can’t wait to sing this new song. you are gonna love it... or at least i hope you do...”
You place a hand on Jensen’s slightly tightening your grip...
Yn: “i know i’ll love it... if its anything like your other songs i know ill love it...”
Jensen’s eyes brought a small swoon from your lips, the only person who caught that swoon was Jensen and he just smiled... his only thoughts were of how good it would feel to wake up next to you every single damn day...
your only thoughts were of how good it would be to just plant a kiss to Jensen’s lips and to sleep next to him every single night for the rest of your lives... Jensen placed his hands on your shoulders, you weren’t startled but you instead had lots of happy feelings in you... 
Jensen: “im so excited to play up there tonight... but most importantly im just happy to be here once more with you...”
YN: “im happy to be here with you too... i propose a toast to you, may tonights performance bring about many many more nights exactly like this one and may tonight be ever in our favor...”
Jensen: “wise words from a sexy and beautiful woman!”
you look at him and smile deeply...
YN: “sexy eh... hmm how bout you let me help you put on your guitar strap tonight handsome?”
just as you finished saying that last word, yours and Jensen’s ears caught wind of the announcer that evening...
Announcer: “good evening and welcome to another performance night... tonight our first performer usually doing a duet with his special lady friend tonight performs by himself something brand new tonight give it up for Jensen Ackles...”
the crowd went wild as you finished helping Jensen do up his guitar strap... he walked up on stage and sat on the stool.
Jensen: “tonight i dedicate this song to a woman who has helped me day in and day out with my entire life & daily schedule... this is for you YN i wouldnt be who i am wthout you...”
he started strumming his guitar the room went silent and all you could hear was the sound of his guitar and then his voice...
Jensen (singing): “give me a moment to try to explain it and how it has changed the man that i am, life has a way when you try to arrange it of making a fool of the best laid plans. guess what i’m tryin to say, is that you took me by surprise. one word is all that it takes, and forever’s on my mind it happens every time...”
thats when you stood up you were beginning to realize what he was saying... but you locked eyes with him as he continued singing...
Jensen (singing): “i hear the sweetest sound, my world stops turnin round, like i’m on holy ground when you call my name. it sets the sky on fire, burnin with my desire, stronger deeper higher when you call my name..”
you made your way to the stairs to go up on stage... you knew if anything he had been expecting this... but he continued singing and now you were standing beside him and he just continued through the last bit of the second verse...
Jensen(singing): “when you call my name, angels start singing most beautiful sound that i ever heard. and it starts all over again, this feeling deep inside, a blessed chain of events, a heaven set design it happens every i Love you YN...”
you stood there now in shock as Jensen stood up moving his guitar from in front of him and pulling you close he kisses you the crowd erupts in a roar of applause... 
Jensen: “sorry guys about the song interruption, i guess hey now is as good a time as any to make the announcement... YN i love you, i have loved you forever... this is how i want to spend every single week, of every single month of every single year with you... for the past 5 years now you and i have made a solid team of assistant and celebrity but now i feel like its time to skip one step and dive straight into another...”
Jensen places his guitar on the stand and pulls a small box out of his back pocket and gets down on one knee he opens the box as he continues speaking...
Jensen: “YN will you take this ring and make me the luckiest man on the earth and marry me?”
the ring was a 14k rose gold petite twist vine diamond ring... you nodded your head and smiled...
YN: “yes Jensen Yes Yes Yes!!!!”
Jensen slid that ring on your finger and spun you around, kissing you as both of you walked off the stage and spent the rest of the night in peaceful, happy bliss...
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legion1993 · 4 years
When You Call My Name
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title: when you call my name
inspired by: When You call My Name by Paul Brandt
pairing: Jensen x reader
Kink 2020 sq: free space (voice kink)
Fluff 2020 sq: realized feelings
rating: pg
tags: fluffy romance, jensen singing, feelings coming out through song, lots and lots of flirtation…
summery: not telling!
word count (optional):
Kink 2020 Masterlist. Fluff 2020 masterlist
Love is a beautiful thing, very few ever truly embrace it. This is the story of how you went from being an assistant to one of the most eligible bachelor’s in the entire continental USA to being the love of his life.
twas a beautiful summer morning, this be the morn that you and Jensen were to go for your normal summer routines…  taking in every single day one at a time.. arriving at his hotel room, you knock twice before using the key card…
you entered, upon doing so you hear Jensen strumming his guitar…
YN: “that sounds different from your usual cheerful strumming…”
Jensen: “its just something new im working on, ready to go on that run?“
YN: “i have a better idea.. lowkey parkor in the park… its better than running our usual half a mile and it still gets us our exercise… then breakfast and normal routine…”
Jensen finished putting his guitar down and smiled as he grabbed his vest and duffle.. following you out the door… going down to valet parking to your car… getting in you drive to the park…
Ah the sweet sights of the park… the fave place to hang out go for runs or just walk… in your case you loved to come out here and do low key parkour off the small skate ramps.
Jensen: “what else do we have planned today?”
YN: “we have to be at the studio to do some scenes obvs.. then after that well it is wednesday and we usually go to song night but if you…”
Jensen: “are you kidding me i look forward to it every single week… now where is our parkour course…”
You stop at the edge of the small skate park… Jensen stops and looks…
Jensen: “how exactly are we supposed to do parkour off of this?”
You back flip off of the edge and land in several flips off of the next few ledges… Jensen was right behind you… Following you was one of his greatest adventures.
Unbeknown to you, Jensen was falling in love with you… You were completely un aware of it… He planned to tell you at song night through his latest song… after the course you stopped at the fountain, leaning over you take a long swig of water…
Jensen stays back catching his breath but also catching a secret look at you… he was so sure of his feelings, he knew that he would be the luckiest man in the world if you felt the same way…
Jensen approached you from behind…
Jensen: “wear something pretty tonight I have a good feeling about tonight…”
YN: “i have my outfit picked out already… i know you are gonna rock the house tonight you always do… what are you singing tonight?”
Jensen: “something new… dont worry you are gonna love it… now lets go back to the car and get to the studio im sure they will be missing us…”
it was true they were missing you because you guys were now 10 minutes late… neither of you had realized it, because you both had been starring into eachothers eyes for the past almost half hour…
YN: “we should go… but your eyes are so handsome!!!”
Jensen: “your eyes melt my heart your the reason why i have a fantastic career…”
YN: “i dont want to leave your eyes!”
Jensen: “you’ve always had them on you…”
you turn away as both of you begin to walk towards the car, the silence was nice cause both of you knew what had been said, what was said and what soon to be would be if timing was right…
driving to the studio you and Jensen stop at the trailer to change and get ready to face the people… stepping out of the trailer, you both run onto set… 
Kripke: “you both are very very late.. explain one of you…”
Jensen: “we left kinda late for our morning run… we had to make up the time that we missed… but we are here now lets get the filming done…”
kripke: “alright everyone places now that everyone is here lets film what is planned for today and we will call it a day…”
jensen went and did his thing, he as always had you sit in his chair that way he could catch glimpses of your beautiful face when he could.. cause if the script said “look backwards” you were the one thing he was looking at… 
the filming time lasted several hours, it was 430pm by the time you and Jensen got out of the studio… wrapping up the time there by getting in the car and going back to the hotel, you both go inside and up to the rooms… 
Jensen: “what time does it start?”
YN: “at 7pm but that will only give us time to get ready…”
Jensen: “plus i believe its my turn to cook tonight…”
you nod…
YN: “ill be back with my stuff and my appetite…”
Jensen: “just let yourself in when you arrive… ill be waiting…”
with those words you both were in your respective rooms… you went to pick an outfit… you had no idea what the hell even to wear… then you saw it… the brand new in the bag off the shoulder striped romper you had been saving for a special occasion…
you stuck that in your bag, and decided that you would take a shower before you had to be across the hall… you stuck on your playlist and went into the shower you washed, shaved and clensed your body… head to toe you now were very clean… 
you got out of the shower and smiled, you now had a really good feeling about tonight… you now were the one with which the good feelings and butterflies were rollin’…
Jensen however was picking out his outfit as well as throwing some pork chops in the oven then went to take a shower so he could be fresh for your arrival and outing tonight…
before he got in the shower he sent you a sweet flirty text sounded like something out of a romance novel… you blushed upon reading it… you knew what was through your mind…
YN (to self): “nah nah thats crazy he is a amazing friend he cant be in love with me…”
Jensen (to self): “she is amazing!!! i hope she understands what im saying through this song tonight…”
you gathered what you needed from your place before heading across the way, you used your key just letting yourself in like usual… you dont see Jensen but you hear the shower and you hear him singing…
you think of how amazing it is to hear Jensen singing… enjoying the song so much you now were putting on your outfit… about halfway into putting it on you heard the shower turn off… you knew Jensen had to dry off get dressed and such still so you hoped to still be somewhat decent…
that of course is when your zipper got stuck… Jensen who was just coming out of the bedroom having just put on his khakis and muscle shirt saw you struggling…
Jensen: “you need some help…”
YN: “i decided to get ready but i wasnt expecting my zipper to get stuck… can you help me?”
Jensen: “of course… now hold still…”
Jensen came up behind you, his hands on your back trying to fight with the zipper, after 5 minutes the zipper went up.. 
Jensen: “there all done… you look amazing…”
YN: “you said something pretty… this was sitting in my closet this is the first time im wearing it anywhere…”
Jensen: “well it looks smashing on you… dinner will be ready soon… we will be having pork chops as well as some instant potatoes… i didnt think you would mind..”
You shake your head…
YN: “nope i dont mind… im so excited for tonight… i cant wait to hear that new song you have been working on…”
Jensen finishes preparing dinner, you finish doing your hair putting in your hair band and then going over to sit in the kitchen…
jensen: “your thinking again… arent you?” 
 you nod as you continue to stare at Jensen who turns to face you… he notices the sparkle in your eye and he smiles… he then puts on a slow song.. he comes up to you and reaches for your hand…
 jensen: “when was the last time we danced…” 
 you take his hand and walk out in the middle of the living room with Jensen who is happily gliding across the floor with you… both of you are disturbed a few moments later by the dinner timer going off… 
You were in a blushing fluster when you guys stopped dancing. It felt like nothing was changing between the both of you. This felt completely normal. Jensen and you sat down to eat dinner, the giggling and harmless shameful flirting came now from both of you. 
Neither if you realizing it, neither of you acknowledge it, cause this felt absolutely one hundred percent normal… 
Jensen: “I am ready to own the night… How bout you mi'lady?" 
Yn: "yep and your guitar is still in the car so let’s go my good sir!" 
Walking to the car you both smiling like mindless love struck idiots, you let Jensen who insisted on driving open your door for you and smiled when he had his arm around your shoulder while he drove… 
parking the car he came round to help you bring everything out of the car… the way things were looking for tonight you might be happy by the end of things...
Of all the nights to break out a new outfit you are certainly glad you chose this one... It was once said your love would come out in the open when you least expected it... 
This is what you had been waiting for... Entering the lounge you put Jensen's name on the sheet of performers, Jensen orders you both drinks... sitting at a quaint little table near the stage you and Jensen prepare for the night of your lives. 
YN: “this is amazing evening so far... we are doing what we love and we are doing everything exactly how it should be...”
Jensen: “i can’t wait to sing this new song. you are gonna love it... or at least i hope you do...”
You place a hand on Jensen’s slightly tightening your grip...
Yn: “i know i’ll love it... if its anything like your other songs i know ill love it...”
Jensen’s eyes brought a small swoon from your lips, the only person who caught that swoon was Jensen and he just smiled... his only thoughts were of how good it would feel to wake up next to you every single damn day...
your only thoughts were of how good it would be to just plant a kiss to Jensen’s lips and to sleep next to him every single night for the rest of your lives... Jensen placed his hands on your shoulders, you weren’t startled but you instead had lots of happy feelings in you... 
Jensen: “im so excited to play up there tonight... but most importantly im just happy to be here once more with you...”
YN: “im happy to be here with you too... i propose a toast to you, may tonights performance bring about many many more nights exactly like this one and may tonight be ever in our favor...”
Jensen: “wise words from a sexy and beautiful woman!”
you look at him and smile deeply...
YN: “sexy eh... hmm how bout you let me help you put on your guitar strap tonight handsome?”
just as you finished saying that last word, yours and Jensen’s ears caught wind of the announcer that evening...
Announcer: “good evening and welcome to another performance night... tonight our first performer usually doing a duet with his special lady friend tonight performs by himself something brand new tonight give it up for Jensen Ackles...”
the crowd went wild as you finished helping Jensen do up his guitar strap... he walked up on stage and sat on the stool.
Jensen: “tonight i dedicate this song to a woman who has helped me day in and day out with my entire life & daily schedule... this is for you YN i wouldnt be who i am wthout you...”
he started strumming his guitar the room went silent and all you could hear was the sound of his guitar and then his voice...
Jensen (singing): “give me a moment to try to explain it and how it has changed the man that i am, life has a way when you try to arrange it of making a fool of the best laid plans. guess what i’m tryin to say, is that you took me by surprise. one word is all that it takes, and forever’s on my mind it happens every time...”
thats when you stood up you were beginning to realize what he was saying... but you locked eyes with him as he continued singing...
Jensen (singing): “i hear the sweetest sound, my world stops turnin round, like i’m on holy ground when you call my name. it sets the sky on fire, burnin with my desire, stronger deeper higher when you call my name..”
you made your way to the stairs to go up on stage... you knew if anything he had been expecting this... but he continued singing and now you were standing beside him and he just continued through the last bit of the second verse...
Jensen(singing): “when you call my name, angels start singing most beautiful sound that i ever heard. and it starts all over again, this feeling deep inside, a blessed chain of events, a heaven set design it happens every i Love you YN...”
you stood there now in shock as Jensen stood up moving his guitar from in front of him and pulling you close he kisses you the crowd erupts in a roar of applause... 
Jensen: “sorry guys about the song interruption, i guess hey now is as good a time as any to make the announcement... YN i love you, i have loved you forever... this is how i want to spend every single week, of every single month of every single year with you... for the past 5 years now you and i have made a solid team of assistant and celebrity but now i feel like its time to skip one step and dive straight into another...”
Jensen places his guitar on the stand and pulls a small box out of his back pocket and gets down on one knee he opens the box as he continues speaking...
Jensen: “YN will you take this ring and make me the luckiest man on the earth and marry me?”
the ring was a 14k rose gold petite twist vine diamond ring... you nodded your head and smiled...
YN: “yes Jensen Yes Yes Yes!!!!”
Jensen slid that ring on your finger and spun you around, kissing you as both of you walked off the stage and spent the rest of the night in peaceful, happy bliss...
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shels-kpop-main · 5 years
Moments, part 11
Word Count: 3146
Warnings: None. A little angst and fluff so soft
A/N: Please let me know what you guys think! Things will be heating up in the next chapter, but I had to get this last bit of fluff out of my system. If you’d like to be added to the taglist, send me an ask!
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You stayed in Roger’s room the rest of the night, leaving only to retrieve the plate of food from the living room table. Upon returning with it, you set it on the bed between yourself and Roger, and the two of you shared it. After eating, the two of you stayed up talking for several hours. When you finally reached for Roger’s wrist to check the time, it was almost one in the morning.
But you didn’t leave. You just wove your fingers through Roger’s, and laid over. He did the same, and you fell asleep there. Curled up and facing each other, with your hands meeting in the middle.
You woke up to bright sunlight coming in through the window. You were still laying above the covers, but a wool blanket had been thrown over you and tucked under your feet. Your hand, previously holding onto Roger’s, was now loosely curled around his collar, the backs of your fingers pressed to his chest. You inhaled deeply, still half-asleep, but awake enough to appreciate being surrounded by things that smelled like Roger. Including Roger, who was still sound asleep across from you.
He had an arm draped over your waist, and the other rested next to his face on the pillow. You slowly pulled your hand from his shirt and touched his cheek instead. His face was warm to the touch, and smooth. You brushed your thumb softly from side to side, and this was enough to stir Roger a little. He opened his eyes slowly, only about halfway. His hand pressed to your back a little more firmly as he smiled.
“Morning, love.” His voice was husky from sleep, but it was offset by the look in his eyes. You twirled a strand of his hair between your fingers, and scooted a little closer to him.
“Good morning.”
The two of you stayed there for a few minutes, before you got up to go change. You smiled at Roger’s groans of complaint when you rolled out of bed. When you emerged from his room, still wearing your clothes from the night before, you looked down the hallway before hurrying up the stairs. The house was quiet, and it seemed that everyone had gone downstairs for breakfast already.
Which was good; you didn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea. God forbid someone see you coming out of Roger’s room in your clothes from the previous day and think you’d slept with him. It wasn’t anyone’s business, but knowing the guys, they’d tease you both out of the county for getting caught on a walk of shame.
The following week passed in a blur of messily-written new songs, a fresh series of photo prints, and many, many stolen kisses from Roger. He’d often pull you aside after dinner to press a trail of kisses from your mouth to the collar of your shirt. If Roger ducked outside for a smoke break during recording sessions, you’d grab him by the chin and pull his mouth to yours.
You’d somehow managed to never be found during these moments aside, but the guys weren’t stupid. They noticed the light smear of lipstick on Roger’s mouth when he came back inside. They noticed the looks you two shared over the dinner table. But you didn’t care. Being around Roger was the closest thing you had ever experienced to happiness with another person.
And however much you didn’t care, Roger cared even less. He mentioned your photography to the guys frequently, telling them about a particularly good (“bloody brilliant, you guys!”) shot you’d taken during rehearsals. He asked Deacy for advice on how to formally ask you out, to which Deacy rolled his eyes but told Roger everything he had done successfully with Veronica.
So, five days after he first kissed you by the fence outside the farm, Roger came to your door with another bouquet of dahlias.
“These are beautiful, Roger. Thank you.”
You beamed at the pretty, pink blooms in Roger’s hand and leaned in to kiss him. He accepted the kiss gratefully, immediately leaning down to you. You fidgeted with his collar, reveling in the sweet and smoky taste that you’d come to associate with Roger. You pulled away to take the flowers to the vase atop your dresser, smiling to yourself.
Roger closed the door behind him while you fiddled with the flowers. When you turned back to him, he was running a hair through his hair nervously.
“Something on your mind?” You raised an eyebrow and walked back over to him. Roger let out a breath, and shoved his hands in his pockets. His body language was starting to make you nervous, and you folded your arms.
“Yes, actually. I, uh… Whew, sorry,” Roger chuckled nervously. You must have looked concerned, but Roger’s face softened, he quickly reached forward to rub your arms.
“Everything’s alright, love,” he assured you, hands settled at your elbows. You gave him a half-hearted smile, still afraid of what he might say next.
“I just haven’t done this in a while with someone I care about,” Roger explained. You were just confused at that point, and waited for him to finish. His hands fell back to his sides.
“I, uh… I wanted to know if you’d like to go to dinner with me?” Roger rushed through the last few words, and it took you a moment to process what he said. But then, when his words hit you, you burst out laughing out of sheer relief. Roger gave you a confused frown, his eyebrows slanting with concern. You placed a hand on your chest, as if to steady your rapidly-beating heart. But then you flung your arms around his neck and kissed him fully.
“Roger Taylor,” you laughed, pulling away, “you nearly gave me a heart attack!”
“What, what’d I do?” Roger smiled a little, putting his arms around your waist. You shook your head, grinning up at him.
“You got all serious, and scared me!” You answered, giving him a light shove to the chest. Roger laughed, and a light blush came to his cheeks.
“Well, I was nervous! Been a moment since I’ve properly asked a girl on a date!” Roger replied, pulling you closer. Your hands fell to his collar, as they often did when Roger was holding you close like that. It was cathartic, in a way, to play with the fabric while you talked to him. It was grounding for the both of you.
“Did you think I would say no?” You cocked an eyebrow at him. Roger shrugged, clasping his hands on the small of your back.
“Well, not necessarily,” he smirked. You shook your head at his cockiness, smiling coyly. But Roger became serious again, brows furrowing.
“So, is that a yes?”
You rolled your eyes, and moved your hands up to weave into his hair.
“Yes, Roger,” you kissed him, “I would love to go to dinner with you.”
So Roger took you into town the following night, insisting that you both dress up for your first date. It was incredibly endearing to watch his face light up when you came down the stairs in your only formal dress. It was a navy blue cocktail dress, and although it wasn’t your favorite look, it gave you great joy to see Roger’s mouth fall open. He fidgeted with his cuffs a little as you approached him, and the thought of this cool, arrogant rock star being nervous for a date made you smile.
Roger drove you to a swanky restaurant in town, telling you to wait while he jogged around the car to open your door for you. The meal went well, and the two of you stayed there, talking and drinking, until well after dark.
You were happy. You and Roger still hadn’t slept together, at his behest, but you hardly had time to be annoyed with him. The two of you spent your free time walking around the farm, arms around each other, talking about anything that came to mind. Late nights stretched into early mornings, with you and Roger usually falling asleep in your room.
At some point, Roger had brought his guitar up to your room, to play you a new song he was trying to write. You loved the song, but sleep overtook you as you lay sideways next to him while he played. Roger simply leaned his guitar against the chair your camera was sitting on, and laid down next to you, falling asleep shortly after.
But those idyllic days on the farm were numbered. And you both knew this. But still, you and Roger enjoyed the bucolic lifestyle that came with staying at the farm.
One day, as the completion of the album drew nearer, you were sitting in the studio box with your camera as the guys recorded in the live room. The phone next to the soundboard rang between takes, and the audio engineer reached over absentmindedly to pick up.
“H’llo? Uh-huh. Yeah, she’s right here.” And with that, the guy handed you the phone and returned to his work. You frowned, holding the receiver, unsure of who would be calling you. But when you pressed your ear to the phone, a familiar voice crackled across the line.
“Oh, thank God. Why haven’t you called me?” Your mom sounded fretful. You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Hi, Mom.”
“It’s been two weeks since you’ve called. I was worried sick!”
“I’m sorry, Mom, it’s been crazy here. I didn’t mean to worry you. Did Uncle Jim tell you about my photography?” You attempted to deflect, but your mother was worked up, and ignored your question.
“And when are you coming home? You’ve been there for two months.”
“I don’t know, Mom. Wasn’t the whole point of staying here, to get away from everything?”
Your mom huffed out a sigh. “Well, yes, for a brief escape. Not to just move to England forever!” You rolled your eyes, already finding the conversation overlong.
“I’m not gonna be here forever,” you replied, exasperated. “It’s just that I’m waiting to hear back from the record company. The band’s manager wants to use my photos to promote the album, and they’re going to call any day. To tell me which pictures they want to use,” you trailed off, hoping your mom would appreciate the good news. But she was determined to be upset.
“Have you taken any classes?”
“I—well, no.”
“Gotten a job?”
“Potentially, weren’t you listening?” You were starting to get annoyed.
“It just seems too good to be true. If they like your pictures, what then? You just stay there, with the rock stars? Living in a dream, like you’ve been doing?”
For some reason, that statement really bothered you. Maybe you were just irritable at being faced with reality. Maybe it was the tone she took, or the way she worded it.
But you found yourself more determined than ever to make something of this getaway. Because your time on the farm had become meaningful to you. It wasn’t just an escape. You weren’t just living in a dream.
You were recovering.
Recovering from the shock you’d undergone at the loss of your dad. Recovering from the shift in your worldview. Recovering from the guilt you’d piled on yourself since that day in the hospital room with the beige floors.
“You know what,” you began, through gritted teeth. “It is like living in a dream. I have friends here now. I have Uncle Jim. I have—”
You looked up at that moment, to see Roger in the live room. He was saying something to Brian, a wide smile across his face. The sight of him brought you out of the haze of anger, and you experienced a splitting moment of clarity. No matter what, being here was worth it.
“I have everything I need here,” you finished, in a gentler tone. Mom exhaled, and you heard it, miles away, across the Atlantic.
“You’re living in a bubble, Y/N. Please come home.”
The sincerity of her tone caused you to falter. Your eyelids fluttered as you pulled your gaze away from Roger. He was joking with Freddie, who was doing a ridiculous pose on the drum risers.
“I will, Mom. When I’m ready.”
“Okay. I love you,” she replied, sounding defeated.
“I love you, too,” you said flatly, and hung up.
You had forgotten you weren’t alone until the sound engineer gave you a concerned side eye. You folded your arms.
“Sorry, Todd. Don’t tell anyone?”
The sound engineer named Todd nodded as he fiddled with the switches on the board. For all his stoicism, you were certain he could keep a secret.
“Thanks.” You left the building with tears in your eyes. Roger looked up toward the control room just as you picked up your camera. He could tell, even at a distance, that something was wrong. He knew your face well enough to tell that you were trying not to cry. You avoided looking at the guys as you exited the control room and ducked through the door without a word.
You were tired of being a mess in front of everyone, so you resolved yourself to sobbing out your frustrations in your bedroom.
Roger was staring at the door the entire time he played, even as the band finished recording their song. He wanted to go after you, but wasn’t sure if you wanted time alone. The guys noticed the funny look on his face, but didn’t say anything. When the session was wrapping up, Brian finally spoke up.
“What happened with Y/N?”
“God knows,” Freddie said, not really paying attention. He was still sitting at the piano, scribbling something on a loose piece of paper. “Anyone up for drinks in town?”
Roger ignored Fred’s question, looking from Brian, to Deacy, to the door you’d exited. Deacy had enough of Roger’s cluelessness, and broke the silence. “Oh for God’s sakes—go after her, Roger,” he told Roger, exasperated, pointing at the door. “See if she needs anything.”
“Right,” Roger responded quickly, rushing to get around his drums. Deacy rolled his eyes, but his heart was warm. Roger’s intentions were good, even if he needed a little encouragement sometimes. He found you in the attic, trying to fix something on your camera that wasn’t broken. By the time you walked to your room, the lump in your throat had disappeared. But you were still uneasy.
“Hey, love,” Roger’s soft voice hummed through the wide room.
“Not now, Roger.”
“Yes, now,” he insisted stubbornly. You frowned at him, still holding your camera.
“What happened?”
“My mom called.”
You were met with confused silence from Roger.
“She said I’m living in a dream, that I can’t stay here forever,” you sighed. It seemed this sentiment had not occurred to Roger either, and his face fell. But after a moment of thought, his eyes sparked.
“Maybe not, but that’s not the end of things. We can make it work,” he told you, looking hopeful and a little excited. You frowned at the floor, then at the Nikon in your hands. Before you realized what you were doing, you pulled the camera to your face. It created a barrier, gave you some control.
But through the lens, you saw Roger sigh and step nearer to you. He reached out and gently pushed the camera down, away from your face. You frowned, refusing to make eye contact.
“Don’t hide. You were so certain before. What happened to that?” His voice was low, gentle. It made you want to cry again.
“My mom,” you answered bitterly, looking him in the eyes. But Roger was confused, and stayed silent.
“She’s got a point, Rog. We’re living in a bubble. Eventually, I’m gonna have to go home, and you’re gonna have to tour.”
“Well, she’s half-correct,” Roger admitted. You frowned, unsure of his meaning. “You’re gonna have to go home at some point. And I’ve got the band. But,” he continued, pulling your camera out of your hands slowly. He set it down on the chair next to his guitar, then returned to you.
“That doesn’t mean we’re living in a bubble right now. This is happening.” He took your hands in his, squeezing them gently. You stared at his fingers, lost for words.
“Hey,” he pulled one hand away, and used it to tilt your chin up. The feeling of his fingers on your face sent tingles down your spine. You stared hard at him, trying not to be emotional.
“Please don’t be sad,” he urged. When you said nothing, Roger released your hands and crossed the room to your dresser. There, he smiled at the most recent flowers he’d given you. They sat in a blue vase, next to your pictures. But between them, sat an old radio. It was a little dusty, having gone unused in a house full of live music.
But Roger turned it on, and tuned it to the first clear station he could find. The small speakers crackled to life, filling the attic with a slow, bluesy song.
I’ve found my thrill On Blueberry Hill When I found you
“Dance with me,” Roger told you, holding out a hand and doing a ridiculous bow. You rolled your eyes, but felt the sting of anxiety fading. So you took his hand, and put your other arm around his neck. Roger was a decent dancer when he wasn’t trying to act a fool, and he guided you in slow circles across the room.
The moon stood still On Blueberry Hill And lingered until My dream came true
The lyrics were sweet, comforting. The melody, coupled with Roger’s fingers drumming softly on your waist, turned your mouth up at the corners. And, without warning, Roger began to sing along, swaying you side to side a little.
“For you were my thrill,” he sang, to your giggling. “On Blueberry Hill…”
You were smiling wide and bright by the time the song ended. Roger finished the dance with a small flourish, lifting your hand and urging you to do a small twirl. Which you did, much to his delight.
Roger grinned at you as he released your hand. You rubbed your arms, and stepped back to him. The next song began, an upbeat swing bop.
“Feel better?” He asked, looking genuinely hopeful. You rested your forehead against his shoulder, prompting him to wrap his arms around you in one of his characteristically comforting hugs.
“Yes,” you mumbled into his shirt. Roger kissed the side of your head, still tapping the beat of the last song onto your waist.
“Thank you,” you pulled back to look at him. Roger answered with a peck to your lips, and a wide grin.
“Any time, love. Can’t have my girl worried.”
@ceruleanrainblues @pietrorunsforme @isabella-bby @todorokis-nipples @killerqueenbucky @mr-stank-i-dont-feel-so-dank @kenzie-belle @shewantstobreakfree @ishouldbedoingalright @fangirlpterodactylnoises @itssaje @aceslytherinpan @youmakeme-wonder @smilinghardy @dreamer821 @musicprincesslikestorock @fangirlcore @loveofmyloif @mydogisthebest @onevisionliz @benn-seguin-1491 @happy-at-home @rogerinaismyqueen @imamazzellhoe @strawberryfields-forever @letmelivetaylor @boozeleatherandstache
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ultsracha · 5 years
Friends to Lovers w/ Eric (tbz)
Request: Anon -  Ok uuuh I’ve never requested before so idk how to word all this but could you maybe write some Eric (the boyz) catching feelings for his best friend and him trying to ask her out ?? And maybe like the other 00 liners making fun of him for being all soft :( I’m sorry I’m trash at explaining stuff <3 Have a wonderful day A/N: Thank you for requesting! im sorry that this isnt the best but i tried !  Warnings: mild angst & swearing
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*He looks so teeny tiny in this gif ouchies my heart*
you and Eric had been friends for literally your whole lives 
all of your childhood memories had him in them 
running around the back yard? Eric was right behind you 
Learning how to ride a bike? This dude was the reason you had the courage to do it
So it was no surprise to everyone that all throughout school you stayed friends 
Joined at the hip every second you could be
In class you would sit together and help each other with the work
Of course you had your other friends, 11 of them who were all part of Eric’s band they called ‘The Boyz’ 
They accepted you into their group with open arms
Most nights after school were spent in the practice room with them 
Watching them dance and run around 
Eric always tried to get you involved but that’s a big, fat, nope 
But you literally had the best, best friend 
So, like every other day you’re sat at the lunch table waiting for Eric to get out of his class while you sat with Sunwoo and Hyunjoon 
“You coming stargazing with us tonight?” Sunwoo asks as he shoves a few grapes into his mouth
“Of course, I’ll bring some food if you guys want as well?” you replied
This wasn’t uncommon for you all, to go sit on Kevin’s roof with blankets and snacks and just look at the stars 
“Is Eric coming too?” You ask because let’s face it everything's more fun with him around 
“OoOOoooOOOOoooOOh ‘Is Eric coming too?’ oOOooOo” Hyunjoon teases, nudging your arm 
“Ah fuck off you know it’s not like that, we’ve been friends forever! I can’t go anywhere without him now” 
They both continued to tease and nudge you around until you saw Eric walking over 
As per the routine, you got up and met him halfway across the hall for a massive hug 
“Hey! What’s up? You’re bright red?” He asks after hugging you
“Ohhh nothing, just dumb and dumber trying to steal my last brain cell” you giggle as you both settle into your seats 
Eric draping his arm round your shoulders like he always does 
Sunwoo giving you a sly smirk like he a l w a y s does when you and Eric even look at each other
It wasn’t hard to understand why everyone gave you these looks
Most people assumed you were together
Even some of your family had suspicions because of how close you two were 
but you could only dream... 
This little crush you had started mid teens and had persisted ever since 
Now it was nearing the end of school and here you were, hopelessly in love 
Honestly it had just become a normal part of your life by now and that was okay, as long as you had him with you being your best friend. It was okay
“You’re coming to Kevins tonight yeah?” Eric mumbles into your ear 
Resisting the urge shiver you simply nod and turn away and continue to listen to the bickering of the boys 
After that the day goes on peacefully, Eric walks you to class and kisses your forehead before jogging to his own class 
The bus journey home you guys sit together and share earphones, taking it in turns to choose a song 
“I’ll see you later yeah?” You ask as you both get off the bus at your stop 
“Yeah I might be a bit late though, I’ve got some things to get done beforehand” he replies, throwing his bag over his shoulders 
“Alright, I’ll see you later then!” you start to wave goodbye and of course, as per usual he brings you in for a hug and to kiss your forehead 
and yet again your heart swells and you inwardly scream because why not your lips hm? 
Later that evening Sangyeon picks you up, with Sunwoo and Haknyeon already in the car
Sunwoo on the aux playing some random country music to annoy everyone 
It’s an amazing night to stargaze, you get to Kevins just at the end of sunset where the sky is mostly dark but a lilac hue still coats the edges of the sky
The stars already sparkling 
Kevins roof was your favourite place to be as he lived at the top of a hill, meaning the view of the city below could be seen 
As well as the roof itself having a large flat bit for everyone to cosy up together 
Most of the group are already there setting up blankets and pillows and the speaker
As expected Eric wasn’t there yet so you just dumped out all the snacks you gathered next to the speaker and went to speak to the host
“Did Eric tell you what he had to do tonight?” you ask, watching Kevin struggle to smooth out a massive blanket
“Yes but I’m not telling you, it’s a secret” he replies
“Why? What is it?” your heart starting to race
Did he have a girlfriend? Was he keeping her a secret? Was he bringing her tonight? 
Yes, that’s where your mind goes because, well every girl in the school would be lucky to have him 
“Y/N calm down he’s gone to get something for tonight, don’t worry he’s still your mans but not really your mans” he smirks, patting the top of your head and walking away
You just stand there blinking before realising what he even said, leading you to pursue him to where everyone was sat already 
“He’s not my ‘mans’ Kevin we all know he’s got every girl in the school whipped for him” you sigh, plopping yourself next to Jacob
who was munching on some chips 
“Y/N you’re kidding right?” Sunwoo smirks while Hyunjoon giggles lightly and nods 
“No I’m not, I’m honestly surprised he hasn't got a girlfriend already...” you mumble 
The sad truth being explained to your friends hurt but it wasn’t hard to see, he wasn’t in love with you 
“He has THE biggest crush on you Y/N how do you not see it?” 
You look up from your lap to see everyone nodding in agreement 
Who knew your friends would play such a prank on you
“This isn’t funny guys, you’re just teasing and it’s painful so please can we just change the subject?” 
lets be real it would always hurt knowing how everyone could see how in love you were but how obviously he wasn't 
“Seriously, everyday we see him he talks about how cute you look or how smart you are and how he can’t wait to show you this dance because he wants to impress you” Hyunjoon giggles while Changmin over dramatically nods 
“and how you smell nice all the time” Sunwoo adds rolling his eyes
“they boy’s whipped for you” Hyunjoon continues 
“It’s almost annoying how literally no one exists when you’re around because he’s so focused on you” 
Your heart has literally stopped 
Because ??? Eric???? liking you???? 
“Right let’s quit the teasing because we weren’t even meant to tell her so now you’re gonna have to explain to him about this” Sangyeon scolds the younger ones 
You just lay back into the pillows still not computing 
They have to be lying? He’s never shown any interest in you? 
You hear them still laughing about how your face looks when you’re shocked 
Jacob leans over to whisper “just ignore them, they’re rooting for you” 
You’re just lying on the roof, looking up to the sky with butterflies bursting your stomach and your heart beating like crazy in your chest when you hear Kevins bedroom window open 
“Hey guys, sorry I was late” Eric bursts through the window “I was just getting a few things” 
Everyone greets him but you stay silent, looking up at the sky because you were just TOO nervous to say anything
“You okay?” He asks you, laying down next to you and propping his head on his arm
“Yeah! Just looking at the stars” your voice betraying your panic
He just nods and rolls over to lie on his back next to you 
The night goes on as normal, everyone chatting, listening to music and enjoying the view 
You hop in the conversation every once in a while but the others seem to understand why you’re being more quiet 
Eric hardly speaks to you but never leaves your side, just lying next to you also in his in thoughts 
“What’s up?” You whisper to him after a while
“Just thinking about stuff” He whispers back shifting to lay on his side to look at you 
You look into his eyes and he looks,,, nervous?
“What you thinking about?” you ask, shifting to mirror his position 
“It’s nothing don’t worry Y/N” He replies shaking his head
“You know you can tell me anything Eric we’re best friends...” 
At this he sighs even more and stands up 
“What? What did I do?” You also stand 
He’s already climbing back through Kevins window 
Naturally you follow, heart beating out of your chest at the thought of Eric being upset with you
“Seriously whats wrong? Why can’t you tell me?” You follow him into the room
“Because if I tell you we can’t be friends and it’ll all go wrong so it’s better if I don’t say anything” 
“Why? We’re best friends we’ve always told each other everything whats changed?” 
“Will you please stop saying that?” He almost shouts and spins around to face you
You’ve never seen him this upset before 
Sunwoo and Hyunjoon were wrong, he doesn't love you he doesn't even want to be friends anymore
“Y-y-y-you don’t want to be friends with me anymore?” You splutter out,  tears already brimming in your eyes 
They were so wrong and they couldn't have said what they did at a worse time, giving you that small bubble of hope in your chest for it to be crushed an hour later 
“It’s not that I just....” he trails off, wringing his hands nervously 
“Then what Eric?” You burst into tears, heart almost breaking in that moment 
“Y/N I love you. Fuck. I’m sick of hiding it and being teased all the time for not having the courage to tell you. I fucking love you” 
The tears didn't stop when you rushed over and wrapped your arms around his neck 
Standing on your tiptoes to hug him you felt his arms wrap around your waist 
You both just stood there holding each other
His erratic breathing indicating he’s crying too
“I love you too Eric, so much, for so long” 
You just stayed put in his arms, him stroking the back of your head
“I didn’t believe them when they told me...” you giggle while pulling away to look at him
His eyes just go so wide 
“They did what?” He yelped
“Oh they told me all about how you talk about me all the time and how whipped you are” you giggle even more
The look on his face just makes you laugh harder 
“I’m going to kill them” he growls and charges back through the window
You just smile and follow him onto the roof where everyone was just laughing and nudging Eric around
“So he’s finally confessed!” Jacobs asks you grinning from ear to ear
“It’s about time, now we don’t have to spend every dance practice brainstorming ways to get him to do it” Sunwoo laughs, earning a slap from Eric
Once the teasing died down Eric joined your side leaning against the wall by Kevins window
“So does this mean you’ll be my girlfriend?” He asks 
And despite the dark you can tell his cheeks are dusted pink
“Of course I will, but what did you need to go get earlier than meant you were late?” 
“Oh,” he wriggled to grab a small packet from his pocket “I was going to confess to you tonight and I bought you this” 
Handing you the packet you open it to find a dainty necklace 
Silver with a small heart pendant on it 
“Eric this is so cute but you didn’t have to buy me something to confess to me” you blush, heart feeling so full it could burst 
“I know but I thought it would help” his smile is so bright and warm
He helps you put on the necklace and the night ends with you falling asleep cuddled into his arms admiring the view 
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skizmin · 6 years
haunted house!au with lee minho
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prompt: minho falls in love with the actor that jump scared him inside the haunted house at a carnival
genre: fluff???? would it be anything else???? in my happy angst-makes-me-cry household???? pfft.
for: im sorry this one is lightly gender specific for females!! but the only female not made is about dressing as wendy for a costume party which some of my male readers might be uncomfortable with!! (i didnt even think abt it when writing it bc me and one of my guy friends have respectively gone as peter and wendy to costume parties)
warnings: gore mention stuff but its haunted house costumes, swearing ofc but nothing extreme (no slurs).
yo anyway so minhos one of my three ults wowzas Can He Not?
alright lets get to it
You Are Broke.
your major subject at uni really does cost a lot of money. money you have to provide. it sucks basically
whenever you think abt money you have to hold back tears bc You Have None.
sorry anyway
one of your housemates is also broke and loves scouring the internet for quick and easy ways to get money, no matter how crazy they are
one night she comes back with an idea that peaks your interest, probably purely bc your card just got declined ordering a coffee at mcdonalds
“y/n you HAVE to do this one!!!!!”
you sigh like “if its selling my sub topic notes online again, im not doing it. i didnt even know someone could be so harsh about highlighter use???”
your housemate is all pfft im not putting you thru that again
“no!! basically, you get $80 to show up for 2 and 1/2 hours at the haunted house place at that carnival nearby!! dude we gotta, its just to scare the fuck outta people and we can like!! cover ourselves in blood!! n stuff!!”
at first your mind was like lmfao 2&1/2 hours at a haunted house?? no fuckin way
but then you remembered your job only paid you $14.78 an hour so you were doubling your pay in half the amount of time
“20 minutes, get out a creepy white dress or something that looks creepy that you can get dirty.”
you fricken ran to your room
you ended up getting a cheap nightgown that you bought to dress up as wendy from peter pan to a costume party, it cost like $2 you really werent sad to see it go
“y/n!! hurry up!! they have makeup there!!”
you bolted out the front door in your nightgown, runners and a big coat with nothing but your wallet phone and keys in your pocket
you were really broke and desperate, youd already accepted it
when you got to the carnival you were in awe, it had been a fair few years since your last one and the colours and lights and pounding music and laughter just
wow, carnivals are so pretty
the guy running the haunted house came in and let you guys in so you didnt pay admission and quickly sat you down at some tables and told you you could do the makeup yourself or got someone else to
you, feeling daring and thinking fuck it, im gonna make the haunted house goers shit their pants, decided to do your own makeup
to pair with your blue nightgown you simply gave yourself extremely dark and sullen eyes with the power of purple eyeshadow, you paled out your lips and gave yourself a lil nosebleed, and on top of that you painted a random creepy looking symbol on your forehead in blood, blackening it our a little with an eyeliner pen to make it seem like it was cut open.
you were lowkey proud of your work
okay now it was show time, you were briefed on where in the house you could stay and you were told how to act and basic rules (no touching, get help if theyre freaking out too much, etc)
so now, you were in the dimly lit narrow hallways of this makeshift house when you heard the tell tale screams of your housemate meaning theres a group coming and theyd just attempted to jump scare them
you hid behind a black sheet, disguised as a wall, before your victims came up through your hallway
you heard some talk of “felix you know its fake, calm down.” before you saw some shadows pass by
the group was big, maybe 10 people? you werent sure, but you went forward with your plan anyway
just after theyd passed your hiding place, you stepped out from behind them and stood idly and innocently in the centre of the corridor before you put your head down and started whistling a nursery rhyme
you heard a few gasps and a few squeaks before you looked up with an unreadable expression
you saw them looking at you and some of the guys ushered some of the others away though one guy stood there looking at you strangely
you just tilted your head at him before taking your OPERATION: SCARE mission a step farther
bringing your hands up to your ears you let out a ear piercing scream and squeezed your eyes shut before running through the group and turning the corner at the end of the small corridor
you heard a soft what the fuck was that and a less soft language! before you turned and waited for them to turn the corner
as they were walking up the corridor however (theyd resolved to moving with just shuffles of their feet) you heard a new voice speak up. it was somewhat playful and honeydew like, especially with the phrase “not gonna lie, they were really fucking pretty.” which was followed by a chorus of “miNHO”’s and “thIs iS NoT The TiME bUddY” and “i think felix is crying”
you were taken aback
did he mean that? was that the one looking at you earlier? what the frick?
you were still blanking out, completely flabbergasted even when the group turned the corner
of course, you were unprepared, you planned to scream a loud “GET OUT!” to them but all that left your mouth was a squeak as you met eyes with the stranger again, red flushing up your neck
you ran away quickly, ducking into one of the rooms dressed up to look like a metal asylum holding centre
“hyung wtf theyre the scariest one yet”
“you guys go ahead, ill be there in a second”
“let go jisungie, hyunjins looking at you like you disgust him right now”
a chorus of laughs echoed through the hall
why was honeydew voice not going ahead?
your cheeks were still kinda red as you waited, listening for the male to go away
you slowly inched towards the doorway of the small room you were in, the flashing light behind you somewhat hindering your senses as you peeked through the shredded and knotted white sheet hanging from the top of the doorway but you couldnt see anyo-
“BOO!” “HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK” you scReAmed and jumped backwards, only to hear some cakcling from behind the sheet where the boy from earlier had appeared
“heck knuckles?”
“hmm? really?” you looked up to see the boy smirking playfully at you. 
he looks like a cat
“aH yeAh??? you just scared the crap out of me!!!1!1!!!” you huffed, amused by him behaviour. you heartbeat still hadnt calmed down
“oh? you sure it wasnt just from looking at me?” he leaned in slightly, making the question seem innocent
“mmhm, youre that ugly that i flew halfway across a room.” though the comment was monotonous and you had a bored look in your eyes, it was purely for bantering
“nice try pumpkin, nice try. anyway, when do you finish with the whole im an ugly ghost coming to kill you thing? youre terrible at it by the way.”
your breath hitched and a blush came up your neck
“o-okay listen here, uh, boy! 1, i am Not a Pumpkin. 2, i dont know you. 3, im fucking amazing at this ask your friends and 4, i dont know you” you awkwardly coughed at the end
he furrowed his eyebrows at you “its minho, and the whole point is i want to get to know you.” he beamed at you after this
you felt lightheaded honestly, it was all happening very quickly under weird circumstances
but still, you muttered back to him a soft “i get off at 10:30″
he smiled wider, triumphantly, “10:30?”
you nodded and he took a couple of steps back, out of the room
“see you then i guess!” at this, he winked, before he jogged off to find his friends
you fell back against a wal
lwhat the frick frack paddy whack just happened?
you sighed, hearing the screeching and slam of a metal door, knowing you had to get back to scaring others
like,,, @ 10:33
you had all your stuff and you were walking out from behind the haunted house set up, waiting for your housemate
you honestly didnt think youd see minho. no guy is that persistent, right?
“h-hey!!! demon child person!!!” you looked up at this
who the fuck just called me demon child person 
you saw him and holy shit
the haunted house was dark with red lighting in some places and flashing blinding white lights in others, you saw minho and you saw what he looked like, but wow, he was so much clearer now
he was absolutely gorgeous
the carnival lights against his tan skin, his dark hair, his skinny black jeans and big parka coat? you were absolutely mesmerised
suddenly you realised you were staring and he was standing right in front of you
“o-oh, uh, hi?” you could already feel the red on your cheeks
“mm, hey, wanna hang out for a bit?” he smiled at you, you saw a tinge of red on his nose from the cold
“oh, actually i uh, i came with my housemate and-”
suddenly your housemate was next to you, throwing an arm over your shoulder and telling you to get home safely and asking you to not be too loud before shes nudging you closer to the attractive minho boy and speed walking off
“i gotta say, i like your housemate” minho looked to you with a wide smile. “should we get you some food first?”
you offered him a meek smile and shyly nodded. which he laughed at
“alright then, lets go!” he gripped you lightly by the elbow and led you through the crowd, passing some speedy and tall and colourful rides. you decided to speak up.
“sooo... after you get food, whatd you wanna do?” minho made a contemplating sound before simply saying “i dont mind, i just want to get to know you.”
“uh, okay then, well uh, what do you wanna know?” “to be honest, a name would be great.” minho laughed goodheartedly, you saw the apples of his cheeks rise up and his nose scrunching slightly
“oH! riGht! im uh, im y/n”
this time he turned to you “y/n?” you nodded. “thats a pretty name, it matches you.”
you turned away mumbling a thanks before you realised he’d called you pretty
“woAh wait whAt??? do you?? have no shame??”
this time he giggled
oh my god your heart practically stopped especially when he steered you to a table for the both of you to sit down
“y/n, i dont know if you noticed but i basically sorta asked you out like 2 hours ago while you were trying to scare me dressed as a demonic creepy child, a really fucking cute one at that, you need to teach me how to do that im in awe. but yeah and then now we’re here on a spontaneous first date which i have no clue what im doing for and i really dont know you at all apart from you act in a haunted house which is pretty interesting but you were just that pretty that i stayed behind in a haunted house to talk to you. now ask yourself again, does minho ever feel ashamed of his blatantly obvious attempts at flirting? the answer however is: when it comes to you? no, never.”
he was smiling proudly at his little monologue whilst you were catching flies in your open mouth
“you...are actually the cheesiest person ive ever fucking met.”
minho laughs once again.
“honestly, ill give you all the compliments in the world if it means youll give me your number or something, even the ones that arent true”
you leaned over the table and slapped his arm lightly, grumbling under your breath about fliritng getting you nowhere in life
he simply rested his elbow on the table and his cheek in his hand, gazing at you and asking you what food you wanted
you ended up being so strung in by his his gorgeous eyes and soft looking cheeks that he had to call your name 3 times and repeat the question
after eating some gross junk food and watching the midnight fireworks, minho bought you both fairyfloss and insisted on walking you home saying “its what anyone in their right mind would do” 
you walked along, him explaining his fear of heights and you explaining your situation of brokeness where you take almost any opportunity available
along the way he slinked his fingers through yours and placed them in the pocket of his big parka coat, smiling at you as you ducked your head to look at the ground, where youd started kicking your feet out extra to distract yourself from the affectionate gesture and calm the burning of your cheeks
when you arrived at your house, you fought over who should eat the leftover fairy floss.
you viciously shoved it into his hand, 
“you paid for it and you walked me home even though its late and cold, you keep it.”
minho looked like he was going to fight back for a minute before his eyes lit up
“ill take it on one condition, i get to feed a piece to you.” he beamed at you and you looked at him confused and skeptic
“uhhh, okay i guess?”
he picked a piece off of the stick and held it in front of you, you opened your mouth for it and he placed it in
before it could melt and you could smile at him however, you felt his hand on your cheek and a hand on your lower back tugging you forward to rest his lips on yours, moving his lips against them a total of three times before pulling back
“i know i shouldve asked, but id buy you fairy floss every day if i got to do that once.”
you were a stuttering mess, your mind was fuzzy, you missed the feeling of him so close to you already
“uh-i, i um. wow uh yeah. uhhh, yeah no its fine i um,,,, i didnt mind it actually. wait no, i uh, i really liked it?”
biggest smile of the century goes to lee minho, born in 1998
youre so red it isnt funny and he just moves the hand that was on your cheek to loosely grab at your fingers
“mm, okay then y/n, maybe if you wash the fake blood off of your face and text me ill kiss you again, for as long as you want.”
if your face was red before
oh god
oh god
you squeaked and nodded as he chuckled, lightly kissing your cheek before backing away
“get some sleep y/n, and message me tomorrow.” with that, he was walking away, leaving you to enter your house and be greeted by a squealing housemate who had witnessed the whole thing
(you took minho up on that offer, and he did kiss you, and it was longer, and it was great until his friend chris walked into minhos living room and saw you both and started screaming about keeping it PG because there were (17 yr old) kids around.)
finish! hope you like it!!
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The day that never happened.
"Grabbing action burger and going back to the house."
You said.
I looked up, you were talking to your friend on the phone. I walked with you, confused because the distance between us felt off.
Like if i put my hand in yours i'd be doing something wrong. You looked at me, "you okay?" I nodded and smiled.
There was no way, i was back here.
We walked inside the restaurant and ordered food. Waited around talking about the games in action burger.
If we'd been dating you would have already challenged me to one of these. But you didn't. We just stood there talking about it. I felt myself yearning to play something with you like i used too. Like I always wanted too.
You were staring at your phone and suddenly I felt myself panic.
Had I just imagined 3 years of my life with you?
Was this 2015? Was I back where I started?
We got our food and i watched you walk out. I was stunned. My heartbeat picking up pace, i reached into my pocket and pulled out...
My fucking slide phone? MY FUCKING SLIDE PHONE?!
I sighed heavily. And followed you out.
The first text messages were to my ex. Who i assumed now is still my boyfriend.
Maybe I should break up with him right now, i trailed behind you. Maybe I should text him that im picking up my shit from his house and tell you everything.
Everything I knew. Everything I felt. Maybe I should just speed up the process.
"I just think its shitty that she felt she couldn't tell me her actual plans. Go back with your ex? Fine, i mean fuck you, but fine. At least tell me."
You were talking about Zel. I quickly changed my thought pattern and agreed with you.
"She never holds herself accountable. Its my least favorite thing about her." I said. And then coughed out, "but she also doesn't realize whats happening. Thats a cage shes locked in, that island you know? And if she gets out, and sees the real world i am positive she'll fall in love with it here. I did. And your the perfect person to show her around."
I swallowed the lump in my throat
You coughed, "if she ever even comes out here."
I smiled against my breaking heart, "she will."
I have to go home to this fucking predator.
I closed my phone and put it back in my pocket.
"I dont want to go upstairs." I said, stopping halfway through the door of the building.
You looked at me "what? Why?" I backed out of the door. And sat on the steps in front of the apartments.
I imagine you stared at the audience for a moment before deciding to come and sit with me outside.
"Everything okay?" You asked and I looked at you. And your short hair and aloof eyes and confused eyebrows and i knew that i wanted to cry so badly but instead i laughed.
I laughed so hard and so full and so painfully bthat im sure your reaction was the same as id imagined itd be had i just started crying right there.
"What?" You asked and i laid my head on my knees and looked out at the street.
"Can we go to the park?"
"But...our food?"
I nodded. "We'll bring it with us. But please, will you go to the park with me?"
You were about to try to convince me otherwise and i sat up and turned towards you.
"I know, im not a person to you. Im just your friends girlfriend and the best friend of a girl you may be in love with. I know that and i respect that. But please, indulge me tonight because its going to be a looooong few years before anything makes sense again, for any of us."
You stared at me for so long and i saw in your face the idea that i might be crazy.
I sighed and stood up. I crinkled my nose and smiled before reaching my hand out to you, "just indulge me."
You sighed. And did not grab my hand. Instead you stood up and we began to walk.
Not a person. Right.
I swallowed the following three lumps in my throat and kept pace with you.
I wondered if you were thinking of ways to turn me down in case i came on to you. I wondered how uncomfortable you were.
I wondered how curious you were.
I wondered if anything i was about to do would make sense.
I wondered why god was so cruel to make me relive this.
"Piece of shit." I whispered.
You reacted but not for me to acknowledge. I was sure you were about to turn around and go home and leave me on that street. But then suddenly we were at the park.
We both stopped before touching the grass. Something about it felt wrong. We both knew what it was but i didnt care. I needed to get to the water to calm down.
I pointed at the rocks i wanted to sit on.
"My anxiety stops there." I said.
"Okay." You responded and began walking. I followed but caught up and kept pace so you wouldn't think i was planning to kill you.
I know how your brain works. Its similar to mine.
We made it to the rocks. I sat.
So did you.
I stared at the city across the water. I felt the breeze and kept trying to inhale.
I felt safe here.
"Ice. Whats up?"
I smiled and looked up, "the sky."
"I...what?" Your voice was confused but still trying to be friendly.
I looked at you again.
But my voice was caught in what to say next so i went back to staring out at the water.
So you spoke,
"I don't think you aren't a person. While yes you are my friends girlfriend and i respect that, i do NOT think your not a person, you're actually the only girl friend i like of his, and the only person who's really believed in who i am as a person."
I smiled. "There's that charm."
Then the tears began.
They just fell and I just stared out into the river.
"Do you want a hug?" You asked.
God i did.
But no.
"No. Im okay," i laughed, i just didn't think i could actually come back to this time."
"What do you mean?"
I looked at you, "you'll call me crazy if i explain."
You chuckled, "i've had my fairshare of crazy. Go ahead."
I sighed because i knew you, and i knew your crazy and who would i be if i dumped all of that on you this soon.
But i couldn't just not say anything. Not now.
I already brought us here.
I found a building to stare at while i made probably the wildest statement to the most logical man i knew.
"What would you say if i told you that 5 years from now we'd be in a global pandemic, and you and i would be quarantined together in a 2 almost 3 year relationship?"
I stared, as hard as i could at one window of that building.
You cleared your throat.
But i spoke, "i know it sounds insane. Like a conspiracy but what if i told you that you wont always be angry at everyone and you won't die on anyones couch because i refused to let you go, even when you were sure we werent good for each other."
You shifted but didnt say anything
"How would you react if i told you that because my current boyfriend is a piece of shit predator and YOU ALWAYS knew this but i dont actually find out until he cheats on me 2 years from now, you took me under your wing and we became more than just friends."
The tears were streaming and i was losing my breath. It was becoming hard to think.
How unfair is this world that im back where i began. When i finally found you." I said and that was it. I was silently crying into my knees wishing i'd never been born.
I felt you scoot next to me.
"I know i sound crazy. Im sorry." I said and laughed a bit at myself for even trying.
You were silent so i looked up from my knees and at you. I wiped my eyes and saw you staring out at the buildings too.
"I don't know how to answer that." You said.
I nodded, "i dont expect you too."
You looked at me and i wondered if you could see the need in my eyes.
"Was this a dream?"
You asked me that and i laughed, "it was more like a chaotic fairytail but it was you."
"Why me?" You asked and i couldnt help but get that familiar kanye esque feeling from you.
"BECAUSE KANYE," i emphasized, "we fell in love."
I closed my eyes to stop the next flow of tears. You noticed.
You touched my back and said "hey."
I looked at you.
"Then i'll see you in two years."
I smirked, i could tell you were only trying to make me feel better because i probably sounded insane to you. I nodded in agreement. A tear still falling, you removed your hand from my back and wiped it off my cheek.
I wondered if that meant you believed me.
But i could be strong for two years, for you.
" this conversation never happened." I said, pulling out my phone to figure out a way home.
"What conversation."
And then i woke up.
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2018 end of year banquet day and lead up to it
with two posts in a row like about sean and last one mentioning the end of year banquet I reminded myself of the 2018 end of year banquet which is quite possibly the best day of my life so far
its important to note that it was a very rainy summer and I only had one pair of sneakers and one pair of shower shoes
since it was so rainy and its a scout camp not a resort camp kinda thing there were huge puddles everywhere which the kids loved but I had to walk through several large puddles several times a day to get to the nature lodge and remember, I only have sneakers so I ended up getting trench foot (2018s thing, every year has a health thing) and me being me I didn't do anything about it except eventually start limping bc it hurt too much otherwise but my last work project the day before the end of year banquet day was my aunt (lake director at the time) and I carrying the fire stations (essentially 2x4 basket holding a rake, a shovel, and a bucket or two) from campsites to the trails and I got to the last one before I couldn't ignore it anymore so im 5′2″ barely 110lbs and the fire stations were pretty darn heavy so I couldn't limp for fear of breaking my ankle or smth so I walked normally but it hurt so much that when I set it down I cried and it took a bit for me to stop and explain what was happening so my aunt took me to the health officer and he told me what it was and what I had to do and I got to shower in the health lodge (which was amazing bc while the staff showers are clean enough they are nothing compared to the health lodge shower that also had hot and cold handles instead of the preset temp six second buttons that the staff showers and pool house showers have) but I had to keep my feet dry and clean so I had to stay in the dining hall all day the next day to set up for the banquet
banquet day which I did but I was getting a little stir-crazy stuck in dhall all day when camp is my only freedom and im so used to being outside and working there so my brain was a little confused like yo this is camp not school I shouldn't be stuck in one building for half my day so when we needed more lights from hart lodge I literally jumped at the opportunity to leave it was drizzling when I left the dining hall but hart lodge is like five minutes away and there was supposed to be a work crew there that could let me in but I took the road bc its shorter and flatter instead of the trail and the crew mustve taken the trail at the same time bc when I got there, no one was around and like I said I was going a little stir-crazy earlier and felt like I needed to do smth wild so I came to the conclusion to break into hart lodge to get the lights instead of walking five minutes to get someone with the keys to just let me in and no one was around so I was think aloud and the moment I decided to just break in, it started to pour and I mean that seems like a sign to not do it right well I was going to anyway and not too long after I started to try, my boss (the favorite adult) and another co-worker showed up bc they needed smth from hart lodge and they had the keys so they let me in and I returned to dhall soaking wet (in a white t-shirt and my boss told my aunt cause he was a little concerned with my attire as a young girl essentially wearing a see through shirt surrounded by a bunch of teen boys and she came to me about it saying he was concerned and I didn't even realize bc I didn't know what I looked like it hadn't occurred to me but im glad I don't get embarrassed easily) to string the lights and finish everything there and when all work projects were done, we had some free time before the banquet so I told sean, my bsf, that I wanted to break into hart lodge and seans down to do anything so we go to hart lodge to break in but we didn't plan ahead we just had whatever was on us which wasnt much at all (it was staff week so we didn't have to wear class b so I was in a t-shirt and exercise shorts with no pockets so the only thing I had on me was my spider knife clipped to the hem of my shorts) our first thought was to walk up the roof of the basement that conveniently started a few inches from the ground (its on a hill) and try to get into one of the windows from there but that didn't work now admin was going through some things and the interim camp director had done a cleansing of hart lodge which previously was just a big place for whatever needed storing and that cleansing brought out a lot of stuff to sit in front of the lodge until we got the big metal trash box the next day so I grabbed a plastic crate to put on top of a wooded chest I had rolled down earlier to a single floor outset room with a lower roof than the rest of the building that was three floors and it got me like three feet higher but before I could figure out how to actually get on the roof from there, sean made me get down see our relationship is that he’ll make me get down from the crate on top of the chest so I don't hurt myself and then two minutes later place me in a puddle when im getting over trench foot and eventually we gave up trying (though I don't think sean ever really tried to break in bc I fully believe he could with no trouble, I think he just came along bc I was excited about trying) and we sat in the west qm shed which is actually the wood shed and we talked for a while now you might've noticed I said banquet day but I haven't talked about the banquet don't worry, its coming faster than you think as it did for us because as we sat in the shed, we heard the drums for evening colors so evening colors is the daily ceremony where we lower the flags before dinner and colors is in class a and the banquet, a very important and quite formal event, is also in class a and the drums are camp band signifying the start of colors and if u remember, sean and I arent even in class b and we had no idea what time it was bc neither of us had a watch or our phones but colors is starting so we got up and bolted to the staff site to change and class a is supposed to be sneakers or boots with bsa socks, bsa shorts or pants, bsa belt, any scout shirt, and a specific bsa shirt buttoned over that with the shirts tucked in and everything neat (and most camp staff girls do smth nice with their hair) and neither of us had any of that on and the girls cabin is a quarter mile from the rest of camp so I kept a bag in seans shack with my shower stuff and class a and anything else I might need during to day so I don't waste time going back to korman so we speed changed (yes I am a girl, yes sean is a boy, yes we changed in front of each other, no we didn't stripe to do so, no were not dating, no we wont be, were just close friends who were rushed and comfortable enough with each other) (but that's really frowned upon so if bsa asks this was a piece of creative writing) (think for legal reasons, this is a joke) and we sprinted to the wall for colors and halfway there sean said he forgot his belt and turned around to get it, he did not end up on the wall for colors but I went out a stood at the end, next to my director (my boss, favorite adult) who questioned why I was late so its a good thing sean decided not to get on the wall next to me bc the majority of camp staff was already convinced we were fucking even though I was dating someone else who was also at camp (ha ha part of the reason I broke up with him was bc he was  jealous of sean though I only know him bc of sean and he was jealous of some of my other guy friends at camp though male staff outnumbered female staff that year like 6 to 1 so idk what he was expecting but anyway were close friends now so its chill) but we ended up sitting together at the banquet and I don't really remember what we ate but after eating, a co-worker put a Styrofoam bowl full of whipped cream onto my directors head (I feel like I cant call him my boss in this situation bc while he is my boss, his boss and his boss’s boss were also present) now my director was in the middle of a conversation with one of the important camp guests and while covered with whipped cream, he shook the other mans hand and said ‘it was nice talking to you, if youll excuse me...” and bolted after the co-worker who ran out the door now both of these men are like 6 foot 200 lbs and they don't often run so ofc all of staff followed and they tousled for a bit then kinda got over it and when we all walked back in, the spring had torn from the door so sean got up to get screws and a drill and fix it in the meantime, my director retaliated with two cans of whipped cream directly in the co-workers hair see when my director got hit, he easily wiped it off bc he shaves his head weekly but the co-worker has lots of bushy hair that whipped cream likes to stick to and by the time sean finished with the door, his seat was taken as well as all the other seats at our table so we shared a seat as he ate a bowlful of blocks of butter (much to my protests) and we watched the video of the year and the award giving portion of the banquet began now the co-worker who “pied” my director tried again but on the camp commissioner instead who was the sweetest, most adorable person but he failed as my director stepped seemingly out of nowhere and at the last second, slapped the whipped cream bowl into the co-workers face the rest of the banquet continued without interruption which wasnt hard as it ended soon after which brings us to the post-banquet staff swim its supposed to be a surprise to first years but someone usually forgets and they all find out anyway but it goes like this we take everything out of our pockets and some people take off their socks and shoes and all the staff climb up on the wall we stand on for colors (its like four inches at the lowest and four feet at the highest) and I love standing at the highest part because we get called by how many years weve been on staff and you jump off the wall and race across the parade field to the open gates of the pool and jump in, in class a and we all swim around for a bit playing I have your hat which is an imitation game where someone calls out “I have ___’s hat” and tosses it and whoever catches it, imitates that person theyre usually really funny but occasionally someone says smth that doesn't make sense but no ones mean and its really nice then we showered and hung out for a bit before going back to korman to sleep 
the end
ps I was going to write a post after this on the 2019 banquet but now its like 4:30am and that's a good time to go to sleep so I might write about it tmw 
pps I really said “if bsa asks this was a piece of creative writing” talking about changing in front of a friend when I spent 17 lines beforehand on breaking into a bsa building and didn't even think that that might be something that's also frowned upon, perhaps more
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