#you've made me so many wonderful gifts I had to do something for you <3 ily
upperranktwo · 2 years
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"I never once considered finding that notebook and gaining this power a misfortune. In fact, it's made me happier than I've ever been"
Gift for Mars ♡ @man4jiro​ 
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devilfic · 6 months
omg we need more of the honeymoon shot bruce and reader,, maybe a one bed trope if it’s not too much to ask no pressure obv!!<3
II. marriage bed.
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parts: previously / next plot: the in-laws are in town. pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x gn!reader. cw: arranged marriage, friends to enemies to (fake) lovers, implied history between reader and bruce, only one bed trope. words: 1.6k.
"I'm sorry" feels numb to say at this point. You still say it, standing at the foot of what should have been your marriage bed. It's been a long night and you'd wrung your hands of dish soap until your family practically barked at you to get to bed, to get back to your husband.
You can still hear them, cackling downstairs in the living room while your nieces and nephews tumble through the hallway. It must feel alien to have your childhood home, long devoid of familial joy, be suddenly bursting full of it. And have none of it mean anything to you.
Bruce stands shoulder to shoulder with you for a few more beats. Then he walks to the door, and you watch him twist the lock with a firm click. Your heart picks up a bit.
His steps are muted on the carpet and you take in his shoulders, the rolling hills of muscles in his back, and the pants that cling to the divots of his hip bones. The black cashmere is a gift from your mother, something preferable to his "ratty" sweats. He didn't like these very much.
Since you'd started living here, you caught glimpses of him like this. A heavy shadow of a man skulking in the darkness, waiting for you to leave for work before revealing himself. Rarely would you find yourselves crossing paths in the kitchen or catching eyes in the living room. And with each fleeting glance, he would escape elsewhere, receding into the tower the way a frightened cat might hide from strangers. Intruders. Funnily enough, you found avoiding eye contact helped that.
But now there was nowhere to run. Your family was here for the holidays and they were in every room. Eyes everywhere.
"Do you need to work tonight?" You'd started calling it that: "work". It made sense around the family (not so much your mother), and it didn't put him on edge when you skirted around the "B" word. "I can help you get downstairs."
He's half-turned to you, waiting on his side of the bed, so you can see the way his face scrunches up at a thought, "Gordon... told me to take time off. For family."
You snort, "You told him the in-laws were in town?"
You blink, "Oh."
Bruce had told you that between you and Alfred, no one else knew who Batman was. The lieutenant, trusted friend and ally as he were, had yet to join the ranks of your prestigious little club. It felt wrong to be in it when he wasn't; you'd forced yourself into it, and Bruce didn't even trust you.
You round the bed opposite to Bruce, and staring across it at him felt like staring across an ocean—he was so far away. You wondered how many people had shared this bed with him. How many he trusted as little as you.
You understand that the Bruce you remember was still a boy, grieving much differently than he is now, and had liked you just a little bit more.
You're the first to draw back the covers.
Bruce watches you settle in before following suit, reluctant, as if he were still wondering about the cons of sleeping in his car tonight. The weight of the bed dramatically shifts and you glide against the silk to his side when he lays down, your hand going for his upper arm to steady yourself. He jolts at the contact, staring you down like a deer in headlights.
Your second sorry of the night spills from your lips, and you squirm away from the warmth of his side and back to the edge of the bed.
You both lay like that for a while, side by side, neither of you particularly comfortable.
"Why didn't you say no?"
His question rocks the stillness in the air. You almost jolt. You turn your head and ask, as casually as you are able, "Say no to what?"
"The marriage."
Ah. "You've met my mother. It's hard to say no to her. Isn't that why you're in this situation in the first place?"
He remains looking up at the ceiling, but you see his jaw constrict, "The you I knew had a backbone."
He means it to hurt. Reminders of your youth together had not softened with time, it seemed, even if he treated you like a distant memory. You don't muster up the courage to bite back at him. Instead, you tuck your tail and keep the mist from gathering in your eyes, "...Yeah."
He doesn't seem to have expected that response. He finally turns his head to look at you, visibly confused. For a few moments, the two of you just stare at each other. Him, analyzing. You... mourning. "Is this what you wanted?"
It's becoming harder to hold back tears, "Not this. Not with her pulling all the strings. Regardless of what you think about me, or my mother, or my family, I didn't want any of this. I don't... want to be your enemy, Bruce."
You want so badly for him to believe you. You've never wanted anything more than for him to see you honestly, transparently, except perhaps to see him the same. To not have to fight.
He's about to say something when the doorknob wriggles, followed by a tentative knock. The two of you sit up and listen for who could be at the door, until a small voice calls your name through the wood, "My niece." You say, rigid. "She must be lost." You go to stand but to your surprise, Bruce is already at the door letting her in.
She stands at just about his knee, blanket clutched in her chubby arms and mouth hidden by the purple fleece. She has to turn her head all the way up to look him in the eyes, "Uncle Bruce," she says through a lisp, "where's the bathroom?"
You can't fully see Bruce's reaction from the bed. From the side, you watch his shoulders sag and his cheek rise in what you think is... a smile.
Very slowly, he comes to a crouch in front of her, "The bathroom?" He asks. She nods an affirmative. "Why didn't you ask Grandpa Alfred? He knows where everything is."
Her eyes dart to the side, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet, "...Grandpa Alfred is scary."
Bruce laughs, actually laughs. He hasn't laughed around you. Hasn't managed more than a smile today, and only to placate your mother. He's warmer too, more open. You watch him. Mesmerized. "He is a little scary, isn't he? But I promise, he's really nice if you get to know him." Your niece doesn't seem so convinced. A moment passes as Bruce thinks of what to say, "How about I come with you to go ask him?"
Her eyes light up, "Really?"
Bruce holds out his arms to her, and though she's reluctant, you watch her tumble into them with arms thrown around his neck. He hops back to his feet with her perched on his hip like she weighs nothing—and she probably does, to him—and asks her in a hushed voice if she's holding on tight.
Her little head turns to look at you over his shoulder and he follows, his smile weakening some.
You almost ask if she'd like you to come with, but think better of it. In the time it would take Bruce to complete this task, you could try to fall asleep. Maybe then it'd be easier on him to share the bed with you, "Go with Uncle Bruce. Maybe Grandpa Alfred will show you the fancy swords if you're brave enough to ask."
Your niece beams, urging Bruce to take her to him this instant, and they disappear out of sight.
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You're half conscious when Bruce returns and shuts the door, but there is no click of the lock to follow after.
With your back turned, all you have to tell you where he is in the room are his small sighs. He's on his side, closer than you expected him to be so quickly, and you curse the carpet that hides his footfalls. You keep your breaths measured, pretending you're fully asleep, and wait for him to climb in.
One knee presses into the mattress, then the other, and you quickly remember the problem with this bed.
He's just laid on his side when you go sliding backwards, feeling your body collide with his chest. You force your eyes to stay closed but you are chilled with mortification. Should you move? Give up the facade of sleep and scramble for the other side of the bed? Would he shove you away?
You wait for his heavy hand to fall on your back, but... nothing. Seconds crawl forward at a snail's pace. You can feel the heat of his hand hovering over your hip where your night shirt had ridden up, but he never touches you. You take slow, deep breaths. You wait for him to wake you, then, if he won't shove you.
But that also never comes. The tips of his fingers lightly brush the skin of your hip, and then disappear. You feel his arm wiggle between the both of you, feel him shift a bit on the mattress, but nothing more. He doesn't push you away. Doesn't call your name. Doesn't shake you until you're forced to crawl to the other side.
He gets comfortable. Stiff, but comfortable, and he doesn't move you. You wonder, as the heat of his chest makes you conscious of your heart beating quicker, if it's too late to crawl back on your own.
You wait for what feels like hours contemplating it. So long, it feels like he might've fallen asleep behind you. So long, that you melt into his side of the mattress. So long, that sleep comes and morning soon after before you could even make up your mind.
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jackhues · 6 months
you can miss it - mockingbird! au (platonic! hughes)
requested by: @rowdyhughesy
summary: in which y/n wonders what life could've been like if her parents were better
notes: continue sending in requests for the au! check out the request rules below! thanks for requesting <3, this takes place in may/june. 2024
likes are good, reblogs are better &lt;3
mockingbird! au request rules!|| mockingbird au! masterlist
gif not mine
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"how about your aunt from colarado?" you asked, going down the list of random hughes members you'd heard of.
"which aunt?" jack responded.
"the one that gifted ellen that green vase," you reminded him. "are we inviting her to the wedding?"
jack thought about it, "i mean, we can invite her. i don't think she'll come honestly. she's like my mom's something cousin, i can't remember."
"we'll at least invite her," you decided, jotting that down on the second list.
you and jack were sitting on the couch in the lake house, trying to get together the final guest list for your wedding. there were still a few months left, and most invites had even gone out. but with so few people coming from your side, there was still space for more of jack's relatives.
"do we have to invite her?" luke asked, sitting on the floor in front of the couch. "she's always complaining and telling me to cut my hair."
"it's her or aunt griselda," quinn told him, leafing through the invites. "take your pic."
luke made a face, "neither is better, but i'll take the green vase lady."
you and jack shivered, remembering 'aunt griselda'. she was just some random neighbour or something who called herself the boys 'aunt', and often pinched their ears. she was not fun.
"wait, do you guys even know the green vase lady's name?" you asked the boys.
luke looked at jack, who looked at quinn, who tilted his head in thought.
"honestly, i have no idea," he realized. "we've always just called her aunt, or that one from colorado."
"well, i guess we're not inviting her," jack took the list from your hands and crossed out 'colorado aunt'.
you sighed, wondering what it would be like to have so many relatives that you didn't even know their names.
after cutting contact with your dad, your mom decided she didn't want to talk to you either. you had a feeling your mom was left no choice by your dad, but sometimes you wished she'd pick you over him.
if you had a better relationship with either of them, then you'd have someone to walk you down the aisle.
you loved jack and his family, truly. they were everything you didn't have growing up. but sometimes, you just wished you could've had that feeling of love your whole life.
you wished that your dad cared about you, that your mom tried harder for you, that they both loved you and showed it.
you dreamed of them being present on this big day, with smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes. you dreamed of your dad warning your husband not to hurt you, but then hugging you both and saying he wouldn't trust anyone else with his daughter.
you dreamed to have an uncle who was going to drink more than he should and then flirt with his wife, you dreamed to have cousins who'd be dancing even after the music was off, you dreamed to have little kids who'd hide in your dress and ask you not to leave with your husband.
they were such small things, but it seemed to hit you that you weren't going to have these moments.
all because your parents failed you growing up.
jack nudged you softly, "what's on your mind?"
you looked up, snapping out of it. "nothing."
it wasn't anything. you'd chosen to give up contact, and they'd chosen to pretend you don't exist anymore. you'd accepted that, and you were okay with them not being in your life.
"y/n, you've been a part of this family for years now, and you're going to legally become a part of this one in only a few months," quinn looked up. "even if it's stupid, you can tell us what's on your mind. i assure you, jack and luke have stupider things on their mind at any given moment."
you smiled as luke threw a pillow at quinn, ducking quickly to avoid retaliation.
"i was just being emotional," you shrugged. "like, growing up, i always thought my mom and dad would be here, on my wedding day. i didn't expect much from them, but i imagined them being there and being happy for me. i guess i always dreamed of our relationship becoming better by that point. but now... it's not like i want all of the stress again. it wasn't healthy and i don't regret cutting them out. i just, sometimes i wish they were better parents."
your voice grew soft at the end, but you realized how much better you'd gotten at communicating. before meeting the hughes, you'd often bottled everything up. you never spoke your mind, and you were forced to keep your opinions to yourself.
but now, you were proud at how well you'd explained your rambly thought process to the boys. you wished you'd had the love of parents growing up, but you didn't want them back in your life right now.
quinn smiled a little, tapping your hand in comfort.
"just because they weren't good to you, doesn't mean you're not allowed to wish they had been," he said.
"you're allowed to miss them," jack assured you. "you can miss them, and not want them in your life because of everything they did. there's nothing wrong with that."
"we're always going to support you, y/n/n," luke promised. "whatever you want, whatever you feel. we're here."
you smiled, wiping the corners of your eyes. "you're all so sweet and mushy, you're making me cry. oh god, i'm going to end up ruining my makeup on my wedding day because of you three."
"there's still months until that," luke waved it off. "we'll be sure to be even more sweet and mushy and get all the tears out before the wedding day."
"god, i love you three idiots."
@svechnikovvv , @hockeyboysarehot , @mysticaldonkey , @lam-ila , @babydollmarauders , @starjoyyy , @moldenhauers , @hischierdevils , @jackhughesily , @equallyshaw , @power2myheart , @lynnismypseudonym , @beccaiscold , @akengii , @hischierhaze , @cinnamonpancakes , @luvmmarner , @lifeofpriya , @marshmallow-babe , @starsandhughes , @thatoneblog , @hughesmedicine , @qwanelledingele , @mindless-rock , @ireadthensuetheauthors , @huggy-hischier94 , @slaythehousedownboots , @diary-of-jj , @fandom-oneshots-etc , @ajbird18 , @cherrysodadevils , @cixrosie , @xcicix , @wbkz3gras , @cole-mcward48 , @idontlikelizards , @bitchy55 , @privatemythss , @shaysucksatlife , @dancerbailey3
join my taglist!
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lycheedr3ams · 10 months
UGH, the way Butcher!Konig made my heart go burrr! Could you do one where you've haven't been to work cause you caught the normal flu and thought you quit? Like, would he have been worried or go stalker and find out?
Kudos to you for meeting someone sweet and using it to fuel our obsessions~
omg you guys i did not expect my personal story to be so popular... don't stop i love the attention
TW: mentions of stalking
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you got sick for two weeks with the flu, but since butcher!konig didn't have your number at the time, his mind was left to wander about what happened to you. had you quit? been in an accident? he had no clue. unbeknownst to you, butcher!konig always memorized your schedule and knew whenever you'd be in. so when you didn't show up for 3 days in a row, he really began to worry.
he really tried to not be obsessive, but butcher!konig was just so worried about you. when the boss wasn't in her office, he went through her computer and found your address. you didn't know what his car looked like, so he would be able to just drive by unnoticed.
after his shift was over that day, butcher!konig decided to go for a little ride, and just happened to pass by your house. he saw your car parked at your house, but not many lights were on. he slowed down his car and looked for any sign of something out of the ordinary, but he couldn't find anything. so he just drove by and began to worry even more. if nothing was visibly wrong, then you must've quit, right?
butcher!konig eventually grew so worried after the first week that he resorted to asking your coworkers what was wrong with you. they told him that you had been super sick and couldn't even text anyone. the color drained from his face as his worry skyrocketed. he suddenly had an idea come to mind, and he wasn't backing down.
later that night, your roommate walked into your room with a bag of medicine, apple sauce, and other little things to make you feel better.
"you didn't have to get that for me," you muttered weakly.
your roommate shook her head. "i didn't. this was left on the porch. i just assumed it was for you since you were sick."
"it was on the porch? whose it from?"
your roommate shook her head. "no clue. there's no note or anything."
you accepted the gift, albeit a little suspiciously. but the things in there really did make you feel better. when you finally got back to work, butcher!konig smiled widely underneath his mask.
"i was worried about you. i heard from your coworkers that you had been sick."
you smiled. "yeah, i was pretty sick. but i'm much better now."
butcher!konig nodded and everything was back to normal. but you had a funny feeling in the back of your mind that maybe, just maybe, that little care package had been from him... but how had he found your address, you wondered?
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late-to-the-party-81 · 2 months
Answer the questions and tag five fanfiction authors you know!
Thank you @metalbvcky. NPT for @mrs-illyrian-baby @doasyoudesireandlive @km-ffluv @labella420
🍓 How did you get into writing fanfiction?
As a teen I was a voracious reader and tried to write my own stuff based on other books I'd read. I also loved ST:TNG and wanted dearly to be in an episode and had lots of the books. I wrote my own ST stories with OC's (gratuitous self inserts), but they never went anywhere. In my late teens I read some Xena fanfic on the internet. But that was it for a great number of years.
At the beginning of 2021 I sat and watched the entirety of the MCU films in chronological order (I'd seen most of them before and was mainly a Thor gal.) I fell down the Stucky rabbithole. Deep. I decided to look up fanfic. AO3 was now a thing! I wrote (a very poor) Stucky fic and here we are, almost 3 years later
🍇How many fandoms have you written in?
As my ST stuff never made it further than my parent's old PC in the days of dial-up, I won't count it.
I've written for MCU, various Chris Evans and Seb Stan Characters and one fic for RWRB. I've been toying with writing a one-off Criminal Minds fic as a gift for a friend.
🍈How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Three in July since I first published anything on AO3.
🍎Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I try to balance it out. If I have a period of hyperfocus writing I try to then go through a period of reading. I read on both Tumblr and AO3, so try to keep that even as well.
🍌What is one way you've improved as a writer?
Getting betas to pick me up on tense changes, overuse of words and rogue commas. Reading more. Practising. Writing outlines for longer stories so I don't go off-piste.
🍑Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
Getting bored half-way through a long fic, especially if the first few parts haven't had a lot of interaction. Which is why I try to write the whole thing before I start posting.
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Engineering courses at MIT and, for a separate fic, Violet wands, including the ways to use them and the differnt types of accessories you can use with them. I even watched a Youtube video.
🍉What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Any comment! Anything that gives me the validation I need!
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🍐What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I wrote a transformation into Tsum-tsum fic that was both cracky and smutty. That's pretty niche.
🥭What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Action scenes. I loathe them. I'm constantly wondering if they are long enough, and make sense.
🍏What is the easiest type?
Short things that are either PWP or fluffy slices of life.
🍑Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Mainly on my elderly laptop on G-Docs, and in every moment I can - normally afterwork before dinner and on Mondays when I don't have work.
🍋What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
There are a few characters and ships I haven't written that I'd like to. And I suppose I'd like to write a proper long, over 100k fic at some point.
🍇 what made you choose your username?
When I made my AO3 account I felt as though that at 40, and only really starting in Fandom in this way, I was late to the party, so that is who I became.
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skipper19 · 3 months
Imagine this..
You blew into your hands as you entered the coffee shop. The warm air did little to nothing to warm your chilled skin, and the cold rings lining each finger weren't helping any. The bell above the small coffee shop signaled your entry, and a woman's voice called out from somewhere in the back; "Be with you shortly." Your boots clicked against the floor as you slowly walked up to the counter.
You peered around the familiar scenery and smirked to yourself when you saw a mailbox labeled "Letters to Santa Clause." The shop was decorated in a beautiful manner, very fit to the Christmas season. You lazily leaned on the counter with your hip as the woman came scittering into the small preparation department. "Hey, how are you?" She asked with a warm smile. Her eyes glanced to your posture, leaning against the counter, but quickly flitted back to your lazy gaze. "Hey there.. I was hoping to get something cold, change it up a bit, ya know? With something caramel. So how about a caramel iced late?" You suggested with a quirked eyebrow. She nodded her head and smiled. "I can do that for you. Would you like that in a 25oz or a 30oz?" She questioned as she motioned to the two separate stacks of cups. You gazed at the two different sizes and hummed.
"I'll take the 30." You say with a small smile. You take your time to pull out the gift card you had been gifted as she rang up your order. "Your total will be $6.47." She said kindly before rushing off to make your order. You flipped the card over in your hand to inspect it before shrugging. You then swpied the card and put away it away when the screen approved. You left the woman a $3 tip and then walked away to wonder the shop. You let your gaze fall back onto the small mailbox, and you smirked. You glanced at the woman behind the counter, checking to see if she was watching, before grabbing one of the pencils and papers that was inside a stocking hanging off the box. You leaned on a table nearby and wrote a small little note on the paper. You then fold it and put it in through the top of the mailbox, like a piggy bank. You huffed when you noticed how many other papers were also stuffed into the box, making it difficult to put your own in.
You smirk at the joke somewhere to be made in the context before leaving your paper crammed in through the top and stepping away. The woman calls out your order, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes at the simple fact that no one else was in the building besides you two. You walk up to the counter and grab your drink and a straw from a cup nearby. You put the straw in and take your time to taste the beverage. You hummed in delight and smirked as you looked to the woman. "Could use a little more sugar."
And then your free hand raised, and she made eye contact with the barrel of your gun. She didn't have time to react before you pulled the trigger, and her blood splattered on the sign of drinks behind her. You sipped on the drink in your hand as you holstered your weapon. It was easy to put up your hood and ignore the thump of her limp body falling to the floor. Instead, you focused on the bell above the door as you exited the shop. You continued to drink on the beverage, thankful for something to snack on after a long morning of tiring meetings and so many lectures with both heroes and villains. It was hard being an assassin. But it was worth the pay. It was so worth it.
As you passed the wide alleyway some ways past the coffee shop, you heard a familiar chuckle that had you stopping in your tracks. "Didn't think you were going to use the gift card." He said gruffly. You shrugged and looked down at the beverage in your hold. "I was craving some caramel." Your eyes fixed back to the man as he huffed and shook his head in amusement. "Now you've got me craving something sweet." He suggested with a sly smirk as he exited the alleyway and walked towards you. In some ways, you and him were exactly alike. In this case, your lazy and chill attitudes toward life.
"Dabi, if you really want something, all you have to do is ask." Your voice was quiet and smooth, like it usually was, and Dabi ate it up. He wouldn't admit it, not to you or anyone else, but he was undoubtedly obsessed with you. He loved you more than he should for someone in his line of work. He couldn't care less, however, as he sauntered in your direction and stole a kiss from your caramel sweet lips. Afterward, he accompanied you as you continued your walk through town. One extra perk of being a spy was that you didn't have to worry about others knowing your face. It wasn't broadcast on the news as a villain wanted for murder. Now Dabi here, he didn't have that same advantage. Though, just like you, he couldn't give two shits as he walked behind his companion with his hands in his pockets, and his chin held high.
As you both approached an intersection for you to stop and cross, a civilian came up to you both. His brown eyes stared at you with hope as he held out a pecan pie for you, free donations to promote a business. You hummed and took a lazy sip of your drink as you shook your head. You only ever really talked on occasion, that occasion being when you were around your two idiots, or when you felt like it really. One of the main differences between you and Dabi, really, was your take in situations. As the brown eyed male looked to Dabi to ask that same question, he froze and trembled slightly as he changed his path and ran off in the opposite direction. Dabi seemed to have that effect on people.
He stayed behind you as you continued to walk all the way back to your shared apartment. He kept quiet, having a feeling it was one of those days and frankly didn't mind not talking with you. Especially since this knucklehead did it enough for all three of you. "Welcome home, my lovely friends!" Keigo called from the kitchen. You sighed and slipped off your shoes as you squinted from the bright decorative lights strung up in your home. You didn't mind decorating with Keigo, and it looked lovely, but your eyes needed a break from the bright festivities. Your quirk certainly didn't help, seeing as owls were nocturnal animals anyway. Although you only had owl wings (or rather used to), you still had some features of the animal, which you wouldn't admit to anyone other than Touya and Keigo. Just like Keigos bird features. You never mention it.
Touya noticed the lines deep in your brow ridge and the frown on your lips, so he let his finger lazily flip off the lights. You blinked and leaned against his shoulder, in a silent thanks for a moment before pushing yourself to venture into the kitchen, where Keigo was dwelling. You came up to him and laid your hand flat against his left pectoral. His wings slightly fluttered to move out of the way for you to join his side and then gently wrapp around your shoulder. It didn't take long for him to realize that your silence portrayed what kind of mood his friend was in. He moved out of the way and let you stir the noodles before he left a warm kiss against your neck and moved to chop the vegetables. Touya watched as he leaned against the doorframe, and he smirked to himself.
He couldn't comprehend how you never got tired of Keigos blabbing mouth. Even if you three were best friends (although you showered together daily and shared the bed every night), Touya felt like shooting himself in the head with how much Keigo talks sometimes. Yet you somehow always caught every word and kept them in your pocket with a smile on your face. Keigo was a hero, and you were no such thing, but you still treated him like he was your everything. Or rather, one half of the whole of your everything. Dabi, your Touya, was a villain. Through and through. And he was exactly what you needed to complete this friendship.
"-and then the little girl gave me a big hug. I swear she was the cutest thing I have ever seen!" Keigo continued to ramble on about some mission he had completed today. Apparently, he had saved a daycare from an aggressive man who was threatening to shoot up the building. But how would you know? You weren't hanging onto every word he uttered. You were merely listening in here and there. At least, that's what you tried to tell yourself.
You finished draining the noodles and put the pot back on the stove. You sighed and rubbed your sore eyes. Damn these lights. And despite how tired your limbs felt, your mind was wide awake. The only time you ever got to sleep was during the daytime, and that was rarely. A few hours in the morning a few days a week. Keigo and Touya were always worried about your sleeping schedule, but there's not a thing you could do about it. As you felt your temple throb in pain, you decided you needed to relax. At least a little bit before dinner.
Keigo paused when you kissed his cheek and retreated to the bedroom. Both men stay in silence, listening for you, when the shower water cuts on moments later. Touyas gaze shifted up to Keigo, and he sighed at the males expression. "Fix your face, or it might get stuck like that." He smirked. Keigo rolled his eyes and turned around to put the vegetables in the pot of noodles. "Dont act like you're not worried for her too, Touya." Keigo quipped back. Touyas eyes shifted to the ceiling. "I never said I wasn't worried." He said coldly. Neither man said much afterward. There wasn't anything to say.
An hour or so passed before either male saw or heard from you again, and they knew better than to come and disrupt your personal time before you were ready. Delicate nor fragile is a word anyone would sue to describe you, but Touya and Keigo were close to your heart, as you were theirs. They wanted to protect you. To hold you close and keep you safe for as long as they could, even if you can hold your own. After one point in life, it became natural to look out for one another, especially when you three were all you had left. Touya stretched back in his chair as he finished his meal, and Keigo took the initiative to throw a noodle at him. Touya grunted and glared at his friend, but the sound of footsteps creaked along the hallway. Keigos gaze immediately flitted towards the doorway to the kitchen, and he smiles when your tired form appears. Touya peers over his shoulder and smirks softly as he eyes your pajamas. "Hey there babe, wanna come over here and eat somethin'?" Touya coaxed. You glanced to him and nodded softly as you yawned. You dragged your feet to your own chair and sat down. You sighed deeply as you crossed your legs under yourself.
Keigo had taken this small moment to order his feathers to make your plate. He was sure to pick out the vegetables you had claimed were "yucky" even though Touya always insisted you eat them anyway. Keigos feather gracefully swooped in front of you, causing a small smile to form on your lips, and placed the plate of food down before you. You gently grabbed one of the feathers and held it to your chest as you used your other hand to eat. You took your time to savor the taste of noodles and rice. It seemed maybe Keigo used a different sauce this time. You hummed in satisfaction as you ate. "What did you do today?" Keigo mumbled softly, staring at the feather in your hand. His wings twitched with every caress your thumb made along the soft feather of his. You shrugged in response and finished chewing your food.
"I took out the shop owner, nothing special." You answered quietly. Keigo took no mind to how unimportant it seemed. He smiled brightly and nodded. "Hey, you've been meaning to do that for a week. I'm glad you finally got it done. Why did you kill her again?" Keigo asked as he tilted his head. Dabi rolled his eyes. "Because she was paid to. She doesn't ask questions. She takes the clients request, gets it over with, and gets paid." Dabi replies, successfully getting under Keigos skin. The bird in question scoffs. "That's not true! Our birdie here tells me that she does ask why sometimes, and it was the case here!" Keigo smirks triumphantly. You put down your fork and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand.
"You're both wrong." Both boys liked at you, confused. "I killed her because she was my client." You said simply. Keigo blinked a few times, but Touya spoke up before a dumb response left his friends lips. "And what exactly does that mean?" Touya asked with a raised brow. "It means she hired me to kill someone, but she never paid me. So I killed her." You explained. Keigo nodded his head. "How didn't she recognize you when you walked into her shop?" He mumbled. You smirked slightly and grabbed your dirty dishes before standing up. "No one sees my face unless I'm killing them, including my clients. I meet with them with my mask on to discuss the details of the job." You further explained. Keigo lets out a drawn-out "oh" and nods his head. "That makes sense."
Touya rolls his eyes and sighs. He grabs his drink and sauntered into the living room. He flops onto the couch with a grunt. Keigo forgets his own drink on the table and smirks as he jumps on the couch, throwing his arm over the back behind Touyas neck. He scoffs and shoves Keigo slightly, but the bird brain takes it as a challenge. Both men begin rough housing on the couch as you took your time washing your dishes. You listen to their banter and insults with a soft smile on your face. They acted like children sometimes. But you knew you wouldn't have it any other way.
As you finished up your dishes, they were put in their respectful places before you exited the kitchen. You passed by the living room and raised your eyebrow in question. Touya had Keigo in a sort of awkward headlock, the hero smirking as he tried to push Touya off of him with his wings. The eye roll you gave was done with fondness. Both boys immediately looked up to you as they heard your footsteps retreating towards Keigos bedroom. Keigo smirked and successfully pushed Touya off of him before jumping from the couch and chasing after his best friend/ unspoken lover. Touya scoffed and cut off the TV. He took it upon himself to make sure the doors and windows were locked, the lights were cut off, and the temperature was nice before finally following you two until Keigos bedroom.
Touya wasn't surprised that you didn't choose your own bed. You hardly ever sleep in your own room anymore, only when the boys are gone. And even then, sometimes you crave the size and comfort of Keigos sheets. Damn him and his seemingly endless money supply. It was easier to get a big, warm bed that way. Touya suppressed a smile at the sight that beheld him as he entered the cozy bedroom. You were laying on your stomach as your cheek squished into Touyas' pillow. Of course, he "accidentally" left it there again. Keigo was gently brushing his fingers up and down your back as you dozed off to sleep. Neither men said a word as they got themselves comfortable in bed with you.
There wouldn't be another chance like this to get you to sleep at a decent time. Touya relaxed into the matress on your other side. Keigo used his feathers to shut off the lights and double-check the bedroom window. Although Keigo knew for sure if someone did come into your shared home, they would be the ones in trouble. Keigo is what most people would call a worry wart. Though he's damn good at hiding the truth behind a smirk and a few jokes.
Touya rests his arm over your back as Keigo keeps his free hand caressing your scarred skin. They both knew nothing could disrupt a night like this, a bond like this. The relationship you three formed was through unspoken need and loneliness for such connections. You all understood one another and how the others functioned. You knew how to help one another and calm the others down. To patch each other up and talk each other off a ledge. The closeness you shared with your boys was more than unspoken intentions and love. It was the need to have someone to lean on. And you wouldn't want anyone else by your side.
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baker-coded · 10 months
Barbie and Ken {S.H.}
𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: Steve Harrington x reader
𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽: 870
𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂: Steve sees you for the first time in a while at the bookstore while getting a present from Robin.
𝓐/𝓝: I wrote this in an hour. Be nice. Also I'm back to writing again so woo fucking hoo. This is set up to be a series btw. And Barbie isn't reader's name but I really hate typing {Y/N} personally. It feels unnatural to me. Anyway. Enjoy <3
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Ah yes, Steve Harrington. He goes by many names. "Steve". "Steven". "The Hair". "King Steve". And, sometimes, simply "Harrington" by teammates and coaches... and rivals. Most notably Billy Hargrove.
But this story isn't about those two.
It's about you. And Steve.
You've gone by a few names yourself in your high school years and post-high school it's like no one bothered to learn your name.
"Queen Barbie" is what they called you. "Queen Barbie" was known as a sweet girl by most people and regarded as a bitch to others. But nothing played into your "Barbie" persona as much as your love for the color pink and the smile that constantly adorned your face.
Always smiling even while you worked. It was a job you loved in all fairness. A bookstore. Quiet. Not a lot of people passing through. And you loved it.
The bookstore was a nice change of pace from high school. It was small and family owned. Not by your family of course, you and your family had... issues to say the least. But that's a story for another time.
In school you wore hot pinks and baby pinks paired with white or gold. Working you went for more muted pinks. But pink is pink and nothing has made you less "Queen Barbie".
And nothing made Steve less "King Steve".
Especially when he came in to buy Robin a book for her birthday. If anything that made him better in your eyes. Steve was always kind to you but you never were into him like everyone expected you to be. He was sweet to you but you knew he was kind of an asshole to others.
He came up to the counter with a copy of Patience and Sarah. You saw the book before him and got excited about it.
"Oh this is a wonderful book. Good choice." You said happily as you took it. You turned the book on its back and put the price in the register as you spoke. "It's about a woman and her lover, who's another woman. One of the main characters is pretty masculine and she eventually 'transitions' to a man kinda. Then she goes by- You know what? I'm sorry. I'm rattling on. Uh... it's five nineteen."
Steve just smiled and nodded at you as he got out his wallet. "I didn't know you read that much Barbie."
Your head snapped up to see Steve, in all his glory. His hair was shorter than you remembered, maybe a bit flatter. He was definitely more muscular but you didn't really know what he's been doing to be so much stronger looking.
You hadn't realized how he had freckles in school. They looked good. And he had the prettiest eyes. And he also-
"Uh... receipt?" Your mouth stopped your thoughts. Auto pilot can really be a bitch sometimes.
Steve seemed to be in the same boat. He looked startled when you asked. "Oh, uh, yes please. It's a gift for a friend."
You smiled and handed him the receipt. "I think we have gift wrap in the back. I can wrap it for you!" You offered, totally not still thinking about his eyes and freckles.
Steve's eyes widened as he nodded. "Please. Their birthday is tomorrow."
"King Steve doing something last minute? I'm surprised!" You teased. "I'll go wrap it."
You took the book and went into the back room to wrap it. It wasn't official wrapping paper. It was just brown paper with book covers printed on it. You put a "To/from" sticker on it and came out with a sharpie.
Steve was standing awkwardly by the counter and his face lit up when he saw you with the now wrapped book. He went to grab it from you and you pulled the book back.
"I remember your handwriting." Was all you said to him. You set the book on the counter and took the lid from the sharpie. "Who's it for?"
"Robin Bobbin Buckley."
You blinked at him in confusion. "Is that their name or...?"
"It's more of an in joke."
You could have sworn Steve's cheeks turned pink slightly but you had no idea. You knew he didn't really blush so it was hard to decipher if it was blush or the summer heat was seeping into the store.
Steve rocked back and forth for a few moments as you wrote down what he told you. You had barely finished when he blurted out: "Barbie let's go on a date."
Steve stumbled for a second before finally getting out a coherent phrase. "Date. Me. Please?"
You smiled and handed him the book. "How about in two days yeah? Your friends birthday is tomorrow."
Steve smiled and took the book from you. "I can do that. That works. Movies?"
"Just like school."
"Exactly Barbie." He chuckled. "I know how much you love drive-ins and milkshakes."
"It's fun!"
"I agree! That's why Saturday at 8 is going to be the perfect time."
"I can't wait Steve."
Steve left the store as casually as he could before absolutely freaking out in his car. He couldn't believe he got you. And he was gonna do his damnedest to keep you.
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masterwords · 6 months
blue christmas
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Summary: Spencer finds the perfect opportunity to show Luke that he'd like to kick their relationship up a notch.
Pairing: Luke Alvez/Spencer Reid
Words: 1.4k
Warnings: references to Spencer's time in prison, PTSD mention, reference to Spencer's mother's illness, loneliness and Christmas...that being said, this is a happy love filled romantic comfort story.
Read on AO3: blue christmas
Author's Notes: This is my discord Secret Santa gift for @merpancake! It took me out of my comfort zone and I hope I did them justice. You asked for Spencer being the one to make a gesture and boy did he ever! Thank you for challenging me, and thank you for being you. I know you've had a rough year and I hope that this brings at least a small smile to your face. Much love to you my friend! <3 Merry Happy Winter Holidays!
It was Penelope’s idea. He kept telling himself that as he stood surveying his apartment, the vintage garland strung up over his prized bookshelves and a small, somewhat bare tree lit up in the corner where his favorite chair should have been. Spencer didn’t like change, and the tree had caused some considerable change but it was the only place he could put it. A lit tree needed to be near a window, on display, and he had to admit that it did look very pretty from the street. Inviting. Warm. Festive. Things that didn’t usually describe his apartment this time of year.
“You don’t have to decorate,” Penelope had said with a smile. “It’s just...you have room, your place is bigger than mine. And we always do this stuff at Rossi’s.”
“Because he has a mansion,” Spencer pointed out with a smirk. She nodded.
“Sure, and that’s fun...but sometimes it’s nice to be a little more cozy.”
What she really meant, he realized, was that his apartment was quiet and sad and more of a place for him to close himself off than anything else. It had always been that way, perhaps, but it was definitely worse since he’d been in prison. She wasn’t wrong.
So, it was Penelope’s idea, and she planned the food and drinks and the Secret Santa exchange...all he had to do was open his door and let everyone in. The decorations came from a box he’d had stashed in his coat closet, way up high, gathering dust. Decorations from when he was a child, things he thought might be lauded as containing poison nowadays but brought back good memories. His mother would put them up even after his father left, she would deck their halls to make him feel something good for the season. And she managed it during the good times and the bad times, it was always something she insisted on. Even if she had never been a fan of the holiday herself, and even if it was the wrong time of year when she did it. More than once he’d woken to Christmas garlands and a full stocking in the middle of July, that was just how it was. And it was okay by him, he’d learned to accept that time didn’t move the same for his mother as it did for everyone else.
And now he was following in her footsteps, throwing decorations over his belongings for the benefit of other people. The garland was shedding all over his floor, scraps of silvery tinsel on hard wood.
Surprisingly, once the apartment was full of twinkling lights and silver garland, it made him smile too. Even the mess was festive.
“Oh, Boy Wonder, you did so good!” Penelope gushed when she walked in, her arms full of bags.
That was how it started, with her oohing and aahing over all of his vintage decorations, over how much space he had, over how many books he had. She’d only been here once or twice before and every time she managed to forget how lovely his place was. Not that she was surprised in the least. It suited him in every single way. “People will be here soon! Are you excited?”
“I uh…” he started, eyes darting over all of the once empty surfaces she’d covered with punch bowls and food trays almost instantly. His apartment looked like a party now. “Yes. Actually. I am.” He was a little surprised to admit that, a little surprised that it wasn’t a lie.
By the time his apartment was full of people, he was regretting it. Just a little. After spending nearly a year locked up, he didn’t do crowds well. They set his nerves on fire and he found himself looking over his shoulder anxiously whether it was warranted or not. In this case, it wasn’t, not even a little...these people were his family...but every movement out of his periphery made his heart jump. He was wishing the party was over and it had barely even begun.
“Secret Santa time!” Penelope exclaimed, waving her arms in the air to get everyone’s attention. “Everyone go find your gift on the table and open them.”
Spencer watched the crush of bodies headed for the little table and waited patiently until it cleared before going and grabbing his, the only one left. He held it close to his chest , unopened, while watching everyone else tear into theirs. Luke in particular.
He’d manipulated his way into being Luke’s Secret Santa, and while that wasn’t strictly against any rules Penelope had laid out he had felt at least a little guilty for ruining the sanctity of random. It was just...they’d been seeing each other casually for a few months, and he’d found himself more than a little bored by it. Not in a way that meant he wanted to stop, but in a way he hadn’t ever really felt before...he was ready to kick it up a notch. Luke looked into the box full of dog toys, little stuffed elves and reindeer and coffee cups and smiled that bright, intoxicating smile that said Spencer had done well. Very well. When their eyes met he mouthed thank you and Spencer could feel the butterflies in his stomach, a warmth that spread from his chest down into his pants. If they were alone right now that smile would be enough to make him drag Luke into the bedroom, it held that much power over him. Instead, Spencer inclined his head briefly, nodding for Luke to meet him in the kitchen.
There, he presented Luke with another gift, one not intended to be opened in front of a crowd. Just a small box he’d been holding in his pocket. An unmarked little white thing with a bright red bow wrapped around it, simple and elegant. “You proposing to me, Agent Reid?” Luke asked with a smirk and a wink. Spencer flushed. That didn’t help that growing warmth in his belly.
“Just open it before I regret it.”
“You never asked my ring size…”
“You know what? I’m taking it back.” Spencer reached out for the box and Luke playfully batted him away.
“Mine,” Luke huffed, delicately untying the bow and popping the lid open. Inside, nestled in a cloudy bed of cotton, was a gleaming silver key. Brand new, freshly cut. Luke grinned. “I’ve always wanted a key,” he said, always the jokester. Spencer reached into his pocket and procured his own keychain, holding up one that matched the key in the box. A little worse for the wear, a little worn down, but a perfect match.
“I’m not sure we’re ready to move in together,” Spencer started, the flush rising from his neck into his cheeks. His skin prickled beneath his wool sweater. “But I thought maybe you’d like to have a key to my place. It’s closer to work, so if you leave late and need a place to crash...or you know...you can just come in. Anytime.”
“Spencer Reid…” Luke said, stepping closer. “Are you sure?” He knew how Spencer felt about his privacy, and how he’d struggled against the PTSD prison left him with. Sharing his apartment in this way felt...well...huge. Unbelievably huge. Luke almost couldn’t believe it.
“I um, yeah. I’m sure. Come here…” he said, grabbing Luke by the hand and dragging him out into the hallway and toward his bedroom. Everyone was so occupied by their gifts and the music that they didn’t seem to notice the two of them had gone missing. “I got you a toothbrush to keep here...and…” he opened a drawer on his dresser, empty where it hadn’t been the day before. “And your own drawer. If you want it.”
“If I want it?” Luke asked, cocking his head to the side. “Spencer…” But he didn’t know the words to adequately sum up how he felt, so he just reached up and hooked Spencer by the back of the neck before pulling him in for a kiss. Spencer tasted like candy canes, his lips sticky from the candy he’d been nervously eating since the party started. Luke had been watching him with the candy cane in his mouth since he’d come in, it was driving him absolutely insane with want. “I love it.”
“You do?” Spencer asked cautiously. “Really?”
“I do. Merry Christmas Spencer,” Luke whispered into another peppermint sugar kiss, this time deeper, hungrier. He was craving candy canes now too.
“Merry Christmas Luke.”
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merakiui · 4 months
AAAA YES YES. >:D very yummy fic choices!!!! Thank youuuuu!!! 💖 putting under the cut because it is a little long. orz
(ask game)
For tmdg:
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There's no explaining the sheer chokehold tmdg had on me for the entirety of the ten months I spent working on it. It sounds mad, but every waking second was tmdg. When I was listening to music, I thought of songs that would suit tmdg and its vibes. When I was working, I was thinking of Jade and his banter with reader. When I was going to classes and doing coursework, tmdg. It became such a staple in my diet LOL. T_T Jade truly did possess me to write that story because omg. And it started as such a silly idea: Jade impersonates Floyd because you want to date Floyd and Jade wants to date you. I didn't think my silly concept would grow into 48k words....... ;;;; I had only intended for it to be short (under 15k words at most).
I did SO MUCH fact-checking and research for tmdg. I had fun working various moray eel facts into the story. <3 truthfully, I had no idea what mer to make reader. The grouper idea was something I happened upon while searching mutualistic relationships for moray eels and the relationship between the eel and grouper appeared!!! Immediately, I knew I had to add it in. :D the amount of times I ruined my sleep schedule to write more tmdg even though I was exhausted from my studies. orz not the best course of action, but it was worth it to happily type away!!
As for 11:11:
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I wrote most of 11:11 while on my breaks at work (not technically instead of homework or housework hehe). A nosy coworker of mine almost caught a glimpse of it while I was writing. I'll never forget the sheer panic I felt because I was writing the scene where Rook murders reader. I lied through my teeth and said it was a research paper. ^^;;;;
Even though it wasn't exactly written as a gift or request, it was the result of a poll!! I wanted to write something scary, but there were too many characters in my mind. Rook won and 11:11 is the result! I think it's very fascinating to explore psychological horror with Rook. He's already terrifying on his own. >_< in case you are curious, these were the ideas for the others from that poll (as you can see, pet play with Jade was still ever-present in my head LOL):
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As for fan art~~ it was you!!!!!! o(≧∀≦)o hehe I love it so much. orz orz orz your art is always so amazing and scrumptious. I can't thank you enough for finding inspiration from 11:11 and drawing such a beautiful picture!!! T^T <3 I hope to return the favor someday for all of the wonderful arts you've made!!!! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ੈ♡‧₊˚
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20 questions for writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
81 at the time of answering this. I'm constantly adding new ficlets though, and actively working on two unpublished wips that I'm very excited about. 
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Steddie. My hobby is just Steddie. 
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
🐉 Hic sunt dracones
🦇 Possession 
🔥 Whatever you want it to be 
(WTF, that only finished posting earlier this month, are you all insane???)
👨‍👩‍👧 Someone who cares
🧜‍♂️ Just add water
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always! (Well, except the outright rude ones, but I can count those on one hand.) You took time out of your day to tell me what you thought of my fic, and that is so incredibly motivating and means so much to me! 🥰
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I yet have to write an actual long fic with an unhappy ending, but i once made Steve come back wrong and killed everyone but Eddie and him for a ficlet, does that count? 😅
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of my long fics have happy endings, but Hic sunt dracones probably has the happiest to me. They're mated and disgustingly in love and it's flower crowns and apple pie and hot, hot monsterfucking forever after. 🐉🔥❤️
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've been called racist and ableist and British, among other things, but 99.9% of all reactions I get are lovely! 💖
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've … been known to write smut, yeah. 🤣 
I love exploring all sorts of different vibes and dynamics, but I think porn with feelings is what I do best.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nope, just wild AUs. 🐉🧜🏻😈
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I co-wrote an original work with a school friend some 20 years ago. And by co-wrote I mean we took turns with the document and key-smashed what we thought should happen next where the other had left off. 🤣
The King’s Gift will be a very close collaboration between @house-of-the-moving-image and I bc we've developed the idea and the entirety of the plot together and are bringing it alive through our respective mediums. It's heaps of fun! ✨️
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
(drumroll) (expectant silence)
It's Steddie, people. Not only because they've quite literally eroded my brain, but also because of the wonderful people I've found and the beautiful experiences I've made and continue to make in this fandom. I've never been active in any fandom before, but I'm so, so glad I've taken the leap. 
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I try to finish all my WIPs and am very much committed to finishing the two I have ongoing rn. 
That being said, there's a bunch of microfics and drabbles I'd love to expand on if I ever find the time (lake monster and ballerina Steve, I see you). 😅
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've repeatedly been told that I create very vivid images with my writing, and that's something I find really lovely. And I love world building. ✨️🥰
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Wordy bitch disease. I ramble, I spiral, I spin completely out of control. The amount of fics that ended up being much longer than I initially thought is embarrassing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’ve never actually done that. I’d definitely enlist the help of someone who is proficient enough in the language in question to ensure I don’t make an utter ass of myself. 😅
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The wizard who must not be named. I must’ve been fourteen or something? It was probably so bad, and sometimes I think I'd like to re-read it again, but it’s now lost on some hard drive in a junkyard somewhere, hopefully never to be seen again. 🪦
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I love all of my fics, each for its own reasons, but Hic sunt dracones will forever hold a special place in my heart. It is everything I ever dreamed of when I fantasized about writing and publishing my own fics but was too shy to do so. I’ve met and befriended amazing people over it. It has fanart. Even close to one year after I finished it, people are still telling me how much they loved it, and it feels so wonderful to know my writing resonated so much with somebody out there. I can never talk about it without getting all up in my feels. 🐉🥲💕
Some zero-pressure tags: @eyesofshinigami @vecnuthy @sidekick-hero @penny00dreadful 💕
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jahnavisurenda-21 · 29 days
Haikiyuy[Oikawa TooruX Reader]Long Distance.
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This factor is the most challenging one because so many people fail it, that's why fictional men.
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1. He's in a sense of shock, and is a little flabbergasted he was ready to cut the ties at any given moment maybe, in a selfish way of self preservation.
2. It had been three years, he was sure there was a limit to how much you could accept him being an Volleyball addict it was a driving force, an obsession he needed to thrive, win championships, play again and again on the court. But, all you would say to him was,
"Don't forget to eat your meals, drink water, and sleep well." It was something even his mother would say, his coach would repeat and his teammates followed religiously.
3. Then why does he seem to play that on repeat like a broken record it's almost like he could hear your concerned voice in his head.
4. He had plans to go to Argentina in his last months of school, yet, despite so many things with the disbanding of Aoba Johsai his previous team, his decisions like a gentle breeze in the spring he met you.
5. He refused take it seriously at the beginning, this happens all the time, people date, they find problems, you realize it was a mistake, it couldn't work, and you deal with heartbreak because sometimes it doesn't work.
6. But, this morning when he saw your beautiful face at the airport, his doubts seemed to be disappearing like it never was there, your eyes looked like hope itself like a present promising all wonderful things, like a possible bright future, but ofcourse the present had not been opened yet.
7. If he ever thought of breaking up with you, to avoid his fears he wished it could be postponed, yes, he imagined if you both could go to Argentina, then everything would be convenient and his heart wouldn't be aching and longing by now. He could've reached to take your hand in his, promising to never let go.
8. When his arms found your frame against his chest, pressed so warmly, he wanted to keep you in this embrace forever, take you on more dates, enjoy going to the cafes to get milk bread, and Boba tea, see you at the stands cheering for his team, see your excited smile whenever he got you gifts, the three years which he had spent with you were truly like an amazing dream, which he didn't want to wake up from.
9. His carrer seemed far from over, his teammates, his school, and you, everything seemed to fit in one plate.
10. "Y/n, let me just ask this one thing do you think it's going to be better if we b-break up and avoid any problems?" The words came out before he could stop them, what an idiotic move like Iwaizumi said to him so many times he might actually believe them.
11. Your silence for a few moments felt like an eternity for him, you closed your eyes enjoying his arms around you for some more time, before you gathered up the energy to look him in the eyes, "No. I don't believe in breaking up with you. Call me delusional or unrealistic, but somehow you've made me believe... believe in us. But... if you want to break up with me, I won't hold that against you." You replied,
12. Oikawa suddenly chuckled out of the blue, "Then Iwa-Chan will probably hunt me down, and who knows the chances of my survival then."
Oikawa pressed his trembling lips to your forehead and let it stay there for a few seconds, never letting go of your frame. "You really are ready to do the work right Sweetheart, cause afterwards if you say your not I might become to obsessed with you to let you go." He whispered in your ear, "That was hot!" You whispered back.
13. The announcement for Tooru's flight departing was announced and Oikawa simply tightened his arms around you, "Call me every week, and if I'm being an idiot just tell Iwaizumi, and if I ever hurt you just kill me and--"
"Idiot." You mumbled, "Take care of yourself, and don't and I mean don't act like an insane obsessive freak." You warned.
14. Oikawa finally pulled away gazing at your eyes which tried to conceal some fresh tears,Oikawa cupped your cheeks, "Okay now, I don't like seeing you cry because you'll make me cry as well."
15. You laughed making Oikawa smile, "Bye sweetheart."
16. "I love you." He confessed finally after three years, before wishing you farewell.
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sawyerconfort · 10 months
hi! saw that ur reqs r open and ur gonna write for mallory! so yay for that!! but i would like to req a fic with misty from your prompts 1 & 3 (bcuz i feel like those r something she would say) thank u! have a good day!<3
YAY! Thank you anon!
Oh my, the cuteness of this request!
Misty deserves all the love!
Let's do it then!
Requests open (for any fandom i write for)!
1. “you smell really nice." 3. “i think i’m falling for you.”
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(look at her she's literally a baby ugh)
For days, you waited to speak with her. For weeks. For months. For years. Misty would never come back from the nightmare of losing herself in her personal hell and that was one of the worst things you could ever witness in your entire life.
Then came that boy. That tall, intimidating, powerful blond boy. And he brought her back like magic, like it was nothing. He did something you've been looking to do for many years, and would have done, if you had enough magic and knowledge to find the right way.
As much as you wanted to hug her, touch her, kiss her, you had a high amount of common sense that still spoke louder in your brain, and it made you want to wait for the moment when she was feeling better to approach.
Misty hadn't even returned twenty-four hours from her personal hell when Cordelia appeared at your bedroom door, after a catastrophic episode in which she nearly died, and her eyes looked more loving than ever when they looked into your face.
"(Y\N)?", she called you, affectionately. "Misty wants to talk to you."
"Me?" you frowned, getting up. Cordelia shrugged, and as her expression was calm and light, you thought with relief that it couldn't be anything serious. Cordelia walked you to her room, which is where Misty was, and then stopped in the doorway, waiting for you to come in to leave you alone.
And she was there, sitting, still, with her back to you. When she heard your footsteps, Misty turned her head and smiled, her eyes closed, giving you room on the bed. You smiled back and felt her whole body light up with joy and gratitude for that moment.
"I missed ya", was the first thing she said to you. The thing that looked like it came out of a dream. The thing that made your heart lose control and race wildly.
"Me… me too…", you whispered, still catching your breath. "You can't even imagine how much."
"I think I can figure it out…", she laughed, and then her arms pulled you into a hug so hot and so sweet you never wanted to break, not even in an emergency. "Ya smell really nice, (Y\N)", she said, again, making your heartbeat drop.
"You… you too…", you whispered, laughing, trying not to stutter.
She smiled and seemed not to mind your nervousness. Misty just wanted to be able to, honestly, be with you again. That was definitely the most important part for her. Misty didn't break the embrace, and only made it last longer, smelling you pleasantly for a while longer.
"I don't say just because of the perfume, because… I acquired a new gift of being able to smell people… their soul. And ya soul is good, (Y\N), there's nothing bad inside from ya…"
You laughed, you missed her daydreams, and honestly, you didn't even care about their veracity. Just knowing that Misty was still your Misty was comforting enough.
"But there's one thing… One thing I need to tell ya, and I planned to tell ya before, before the Seven Wonders happened and all that…", she whispered, breaking away from the hug and looking into your eyes. "There's something that haunts and intrigues me, and I think ya need to know…"
"You can tell me anything, whatever it is. You know that, Misty…"
"The thing is, (Y\N)… I think I'm falling for ya."
You were too impressed to say anything, and your heart, which had already calmed down, raced again. You looked at her and frowned in disbelief, but not upset or scared.
"Oh, I mean, uh…" Misty stammered for the first time, feeling like she has messed up with everything. "(Y\N), I…"
"Me too."
It was the only thing you said before kissing Misty with all your love and feeling for her, whether it was on impulse or not. And having her reciprocate was a surprise that warmed your heart. When you pulled away from her, Misty's little eyes were opening and twinkling, and she looked up at you with a warm little smile.
"Ya were saying?" she whispered playfully as you smiled.
"I was just saying that I'm falling for you too," you replied in the same tone, still smiling. "And that… maybe, just maybe, I'd like to kiss you again…"
Misty cupped your face in both hands and nodded.
"I really hope this is my personal heaven," you could hear her whispering to herself as she kissed you again, as the world collapsed around you, too busy to even pay attention.
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2smolbeans · 7 months
Additional Context For an Ask:
You are in the midst of asking out Marco, since he was just so loveable and so chipper! It didn't help that everyone in the workplace loved him for his extroverted personality. Plus, you've known him ever since college, his job as the security guard at the company, and now his new and rightful position as the COO of your workplace. He was your best friend, someone you could trust. He told you everything. The two of you have been through so much shit together. You were confident that you could successfully get your feelings out and give it a shot! Even if he didn't return the same feelings for you, what could go wrong?
Meanwhile, April was in the midst of trying to make amends with Hyun ever since they had that 'incident' during their university years. It's been what? 3 years ever since they stopped talking. Even though what happened that day was wrong.. Even though Hyun had hurt and terrified him beyond comprehension, he still wants to give it a try. He can't just drop and dip the person he's known ever since his teen years. Truth to be told,he just really missed his old friend. And when he's just there, working at the office every day as the goddamn CEO, why not take the open opportunity by hand?
So things are going well for the both of you, exciting even! Well- except for April, he's kind of dying on the inside. Everything is fine. Each day, you're trying to make your move on Marco. You try flirting, and he seems to respond back in the same tone. Okay! So it's official, right? No. Righttt?
You have your doubts, but still, no matter out, Marco never fails to make your heart flutter. You were going through that typical crush craze - wondering if he likes you back or not and having a mini heart attack whenever he shows any signs of returning the same feelings. Eventually, after a few months of will, they won't they in the air - Marco finally breaks the tension and confesses to you.
Now it's official. The two of you are dating. Things are fine, but it's given a lot of insight about Marco as a person..He was always clingy towards you, so dependent on how you reacted towards him, you never realised how..Unhealthy it was until now.
Marco began messing with your salary, giving you promotions you never deserved or asked for. He even fired people you mentioned while gossiping to him of how annoying you thought they were - even if you were clearly just yapping. Spoiling you in gifts, always having his hands around your waist in public, demanding that you drop everything and stick by his side. He even began to welcome himself inside your apartment without your permission, always snooping around your things.
It became overbearing, and it was too extreme. You needed space. This wasn't right..
His sweet coaxing words would always brush the worries away from you, making you run back to him. It was a cycle. He would do something. You'd realise the severity of it. He'd apologise or somehow turn it around with that puppy like attitude of his, and you'd run back to him all smitten.
But the final straw was when you and April began to talk more, hang out more.. You remember the day when you decided to go out after he had invited you out to go to his favorite arcade area. You forgot to tell Marco. It just slipped out of your mind! It's not like the two of you made plans anyway. You went back home, expecting to just lay down and scroll through random videos on your phone.
But to your surprise, there was your boyfriend standing up with his arms crossed - clearly pissed with a worried scowl on his face.
"Why didn't you tell me that? Why would you do that? Do you know how many times I've tried calling you? How could you do that to me?"
"Wait..There's someone else isn't there? Who is it bumble bee? Please honey, is someone bothering you?"
No god- why is that everytime something goes wrong he needs someone to blame?! Also, why is he even at here?
"Please, just don't do that. Don't fucking do that okay honey..I'll kill that fucking bastard..Fuck..But I'm glad your here"
You're trembling. You don't want to upset him. He's stepping closer. He's gripping onto you too tight for comfort. Smiling while letting out a small series of laughs.
"You wouldn't want me locking you up all to myself right? I could do that y'know? Cause that's what your asking for by ignoring me like that. You really piss me off, but I know you don't mean to.. Right?"
"Seriously. Sometimes you can be a bit of a brat. God I'm almost so tempted to just chop off your limbs so that you could just stay put."
That grip..His eyes..That god awful love strucken expression. He wasn't joking. That was it, your final straw.
You were no longer comfortable with Marco. You became aware of his bad habits. How he would always check your phone, putting a GPS tracker in it. The way he would purposely move most of your belongings in his house - saying how it was "bound to happen anyway." How he would monitor the people you hung out with..How that one time he purposely locked you in his house for the day.. Laughing about how you drank, too much, and deserved the break from work. The way you discovered the people he's killed from the fingers you found..Oh god. Oh fuck. Fuck. FUCK.
Now you wanted out. Things were spirialing for you. All of your friends had either wanted to avoid you, and no one at work even stood near you anymore. Everyday your losing your mind as Marco slowly gets a hold of your life.
You go to the only person you could think of. April. Shockingly enough, he's the only one that doesn't avoid you- infact he's the one that drags you to a private area and talks to you about what has been happening. The two of you have a heart to heart and realize how fucked the two of you are. April is going through his own shennigans like yourself- though he refuses to explain why...
The only thing he told you really was that his former best friend Hyun- wasn't the same person he knew from the past.
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inkabelledesigns · 9 months
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼
(No pressure if you don't want to though!)
Star, thank you so much for sending me this! Delighted to be included and honored to be asked! While I don’t have a ton of fics out there (and some of my favorite parts of them aren’t even public yet) I think we can pick out five I really love. And I’ll encourage all of you to share works that you love from your own libraries! Please share, I wanna see what brings you joy!
Raindrops and References
If you thought I wasn’t gonna include this one, you had another thing coming Star. XD One, thank you for letting me explore your world through my own lens, and two, thank you for your kind words. I wrote this fic when I was just getting back into writing, and it was an early step in learning to write for my own enjoyment after having been expected to create for others for years. It was satisfying and fun for me, and I’m glad it’s been that for you and so many others as well. I still get emails of people leaving a Kudos on this from time to time, it’s wild. X’’’D Sometimes you give a gift and get an unexpected one in return. I’m still glad I wrote this, it made a positive difference.
Trapped in His Web
I don’t know if this one is still canon to Step Right Up, but regardless, I’m still honored to be a part of @bertrumstrousers wonderful circus world. Thanks for letting me write for Jacob and the make-up and costume department Giandark, it’s a treat and I love them so much. It was such a good time getting into Jacob’s head and Bertrum’s, and the horror and transformation elements of this story brought me so much joy. 
The Kraken’s Labyrinth
One day I will pick this up again, now that I have a clearer idea of what to do with it (thanks Audrey). XD It was inevitable that I was gonna put Bendy and merfolk together, with a little sprinkling of Samsie, but I didn’t expect how much joy this was gonna bring to the table. Still love this world a lot.
Searching the Depths - The Heart of the Studio
Ah yes, my “magnum opus” fic. Of course I have this as a favorite. XD I have a lot of fun working with the entire Bendy cast and my silly little OCs. I’m letting myself learn to just let go and have fun, and this fic continues to teach me everyday what I want in a story. It means so much that you guys have loved Bella and co, thank you. <3
Richard the Keeper - The Studies of 214
My most recent fic and a surprisingly strong source of brainrot as of late. If you like witty banter, unethical science, and Bendy levels of shenanigans, highly recommend this one! It’s got three chapters now with a focus on Richard, a keeper, running experiments to unlock the secrets of how the ink works, with the help of Bella, his prisoner and one of our cyclebreaker protagonists. Richard and Bella have such a fun dynamic, Sammy has been a delight to write in this one, and Wilson? Oh he’s horrible, I love writing him too. XD Please get me to talk about this one more, I’m having a blast with it. 
Honorable Mention: 
The Role I Was Made For
Not so much a fic as it is an audio skit! This started out as a dialogue test to see if I could voice Audrey and a cartoon Bendy (I blame Erin Lehn for putting the question out to the community of what Baby Benders might sound like, that’s what sparked this). It turned into a much deeper script about what makes a Bendy, and how Bendy and Audrey feel about who they are. It needs some heavy editing, but it’s one of the best scripts I’ve written in a long time. I’d say I like it just as much as Break Time, and another collaborative skit that hasn’t come out yet. Stay tuned, your girl got to co-write something awesome and perform as a very animated Susie Campbell, I look forward to when that’s ready to be heard. XD
Here’s sending you all the good vibes! Go take some time to reflect on what you love about your work, it’s very rewarding.
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paleparearchive · 1 month
Proud of My Hometown
El Greco's 1st initial 3★ story (2/2) ( 1 - 2 )
Location: kitchen (evening) ; dormitory hallway (morning) | Characters: El Greco, Rembrandt, Munch, Van Dyck
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El Greco: What do you want to know about my hometown?
Rembrandt: Well, first of aaaall, what kind of place is this island surrounded by fog? What is its name?
El Greco: The truth dwells only in my heart.
Munch: He can't go into detail.
Van Dyck: Why? Why don't you at least say its name?
El Greco: Let's just say it is a place where proud people who respect the island's customs live.
Van Dyck: What's that... I mean, what are the island's customs?
El Greco: On their birthday, children receive gifts from everyone on the island.
Munch: Wooow, that's a very nice custom! Sounds fun!
Rembrandt: El Greco-kun, what else is there?
El Greco: We always make sure to get a haircut on Tuesday.
Van Dyck: Huh? What if you want to get your hair done on another day of the week?
El Greco: I don't. I don't want to get a haircut except on Tuesdays.
Van Dyck: I-Is that so…
Rembrandt: It's a biiig world, isn't it? It's fun to hear about all these customs that are new to me. I'll have to try not to forget them.
Van Dyck: … Is it something to take notes of? To absolutely get a haircut on Tuesdays…?
Rembrandt: Yeah, it's not often you get to hear stories like this. I'll have to remember it.
Munch: I want to go to Niko-chan's place someday too~ My friends also want to meet the islanders!
Van Dyck: But he said earlier that the location was a secret… But it sure makes me curious. Do all the people on the island dress like you?
El Greco: Yes. It is one of the customs to pay attention to the attire.
Rembrandt: Everyone must be sooo fashionable~
Van Dyck: I might like to visit such a place. It's fun to see fashionable people.
El Greco: I'm very happy to hear your compliments about my hometown. The spirits of my homeland would be happy to be honored in a faraway land. Besides, your sleeves are always spotless too.
Van Dyck: Huh?
Munch: He said Vanny always looks beautiful!
Van Dyck: ! W-Well, of course! I always try to be beautiful.
Fufu. I thought you were brusque, but you're a pretty talkative guy, aren't you? Hey, next time you go shopping in town, take me with you. It'll be fun to pick out clothes with you.
El Greco: Of course.
Rembrandt: And a new friendship has bloomeed~ That's a veeery nice thing!~
Munch: Good for you, Niko-chan! You've made another friend!
El Greco: It feels like someone made me a meal when I was sick.
Van Dyck: … Are you saying you're happy?
Munch: Yes yes, now you understand him too, Vanny!
Van Dyck: Well, now that's something.
El Greco: Then, is it okay if we go shopping this Saturday?
Van Dyck: Fine for me. This is also one of your customs, right?
El Greco: No, I had an open schedule, so…
Munch: Vanny, you're a know-it-all! That's what my friends say!
Van Dyck: S-Shut up! Saturday, right? My schedule is empty!
El Greco: I see. I'm looking forward to it.
Rembrandt: What's for lunch todaaay?~
Van Dyck: It's not beautiful when your stomach growls. We have to eat soon.
Munch: Heeey, Rembraa, Vanny!
Van Dyck: Munch? Ah, El Greco as well. I mean, what's with the basket? Are you taking it to the kitchen?
El Greco: I stocked up on shellfish from my hometown. It's a testament to the new friendship that was forged yesterday. I'll serve them to you.
Munch: He says it's a taste of his hometown!
Rembrandt: Thank you! I wonder, what kind of shells does your hometown have, El Greco-kuuun?~
Van Dyck: Indeed, I can't imagine that at all.
Munch: You'll understand when you see them! Here!
Van Dyck: !? S… Snails!?
Rembrandt: Woooow~ I've never eaten them before~ There are soooo many!
Munch: They look deliciouuus!~ I wonder how they taste!
Van Dyck: NO WAAAAY! That's disgusting! I like you and your hometown's fashion, but not that one!
El Greco: You will love them. Don't hesitate to try them.
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Hello dear!
I'm gonna be super weird, narcissistic and cheesey-as a therapist friend suggested, I'm going around announcing that May 7 is my birthday 🎂 and demand for gift words🤪😂 not to have a lonely birthday Again. Surviving the last turning around the sun wasn't easy for me and being away from all family and friends for last 10 years makes my virtual friends my only ones. I don't know How but I wish to celebrate it with you fandom buddies. And since nobody is following me I send it here 😅
Love you!
P.s. I've already got a Sherlock lock screen from a fanartist hehe🥰
Hey Nonny *HUGS*
Well, let me be the first to wish you a happy birthday, and I hope it goes well! I'm sorry you've had a shit few birthdays (I've have plenty in my 40+ years), so I do get feeling alone and feeling that you should get to feel special. I haven't really spent birthdays with people in YEARS (I'm talking 15 or so), but I know when you're young you want to feel important.
That said, we also can't go around demanding gifts either (kind of defeats the purpose of a gift, at least where I'm from); it honestly comes off as unpleasant and entitled. Sorry, but your friend is right, it is a bit narcissistic and really... tasteless (not the word I'm looking for but it's escaping me). I dunno. Kind of the whole "choosing beggars" analogy, if you will. I get it though, I really, REALLY do; as I said above, I don't have many family who still even remember my birthday (until Facebook notifies them, anyway), and my only immediate family I talk to is my sister who lives 8 hours away. Occasionally I'll see an aunt who remembered it was my birthday, but yeah, when you get to my age... birthdays just... become another day, my Lovely. I use it nowadays as an excuse to get a week off work, LOL. That's honestly the best hahah. I use it to go to get a whole-assed cheesecake and buy myself something fun, guilt-free, like a Funko Pop or a video game. Seriously, birthdays when you get to be my age are great.
Now, I WILL give you the benefit of the doubt and guess maybe English isn't your first language, so you may not know that the word "demand" comes off as entitled and harsh to native English speakers. It's bad form to "demand" things from people one doesn't really know. Maybe "hope for" or "wish" is the word you're looking for instead? Either way, being on anon is counter-productive to your end goal, lol.
I am happy that you have made it through another year, Lovely, I truly am, and I really do hope you have a wonderful May 7 💜🖤 I sadly have to work :P May all the most beautiful of rainbows shine on your birthday! <3
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