#young!remus lupin x y/n
sunflowerabyss · 5 months
bestie i think pirate!remus would genuinely end me in the best way possible. like maybe a reader is disguised as a dude and is working on his ship OR they take the reader captive and remus is like love at first sight type thing?
up to you i love ur writing!!!
Seas of Redemption
Pairings: Pirate!Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader
A/N: Oh em gee! I had so much fun writing this! Thank you so much for this awesome prompt! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Honestly I would be so down to write more pirate!Remus. (Anyway, this can be read as either older or younger Remus Lupin
Warnings: mentions of death, angst, fluff
The salty breeze carried the scent of the sea as you sailed back to your coastal home, the ship cutting through the waves with a rhythmic dance. Weeks away had been spent gathering supplies for the impending winter, and anticipation filled your chest like the billowing sails above. The distant sight of your humble abode on the shoreline brought a surge of warmth to your heart, eager to reunite with your family after the long and arduous journey.
However, the moment you stepped over the threshold of your home, the air grew heavy with an unspoken darkness. What should have been a joyous homecoming transformed into a nightmare as your eyes fell upon the gruesome scene before you. The familiar rooms, once filled with the laughter and love of your family, were now stained with tragedy. Your entire family lay slaughtered, lifeless bodies scattered like discarded memories—a devastating tableau that crushed your heart with a grief beyond words.
"Mother? Father?" you called out, your voice trembling with a mixture of disbelief and anguish. The silence that greeted you in response was haunting, each step through the home echoing with the weight of loss. Sobbing, you navigated through the rooms, discovering each lifeless form with a growing sense of horror. The vibrant tapestry of your family had been torn apart, leaving behind a desolate canvas of despair.
Stumbling out of your home, the salty sea breeze that had once felt invigorating now carried the bitter taste of sorrow. Seeking comfort and possibly an explanation, you found yourself at the doorsteps of your neighbor, Peter Pettigrew. Despite his oddities, he had always been kind, a familiar presence in the close-knit community. As you stood on his doorstep, tears streaming down your face, he met your gaze with a somber expression.
"I saw them, lass. Captain Remus and his crew," Peter confessed, the weight of the revelation evident in his tired eyes. "Said your father owed them money, and he never paid up." The words hit you like a cannonball, an explosion of anger and betrayal surging through your veins. The truth of the matter unfolded before you, and amidst the grief, a flame of vengeance ignited.
"You're telling me they killed my family over money?" you exclaimed, tears streaming down your face. Peter said nothing, eyes casting down to the floorboards of his home.
"Thank you, Peter," you whispered, your voice choked with both gratitude and determination. With a heavy heart, you turned away. Peter, however, called your name. You turned to look at him.
"I would lay low for a while. Remus he--he always comes back." You nodded once, walking out of his home.
Heedful of Peter's caution, you moved swiftly, a sense of urgency propelling each step. The weight of grief and the looming threat of Captain Remus's return hung heavy over your shoulders. Gathering the essentials became a solemn task, and gratitude filled your heart for your past self's foresight in stashing away money earned from odd jobs. It was a providential reserve that now fueled your escape, a lifeline in the unpredictable sea of danger that awaited.
As you entered your older brother's room, a solemn reverence enveloped you. The clothes you shed were not just garments; they were a symbolic shedding of the past, a poignant farewell to the life you once knew. Donning your brother's attire and severing your long locks with a decisive cut, you emerged transformed. An alias was born—Sterling. The reflection in the mirror seemed a stranger, a persona crafted out of necessity, veiling the woman beneath with the guise of a man.
Months unfolded like a blur as you navigated towns, existing on the fringe of society, always on the lookout for the shadow of Captain Remus and his relentless pursuit. The edges of existence became your refuge, and the nights were spent in silent contemplation beneath the canopy of stars. Each step taken with caution, each interaction tinged with the awareness of the danger that lurked in the shadows.
The coastal breeze whispered through the narrow alleyways of the town as you cautiously moved through the shadows, avoiding any unwanted attention. The flickering lanterns cast elongated shadows, creating a blanket of darkness and light in the quiet streets. Each step felt like an echo of your past life, now obscured by the cloak of Sterling.
In a dimly lit inn, you overheard snippets of conversation—rumors of Captain Remus's relentless pursuit and the escalating tensions among his crew. The news of his impending return spurred you into swift action, gathering your belongings and slipping away under the cover of night.
Fate, unpredictable as the sea, guided you through various towns, living on the fringes of society. The alias Sterling became your shield, a persona that allowed you to fade into the background. Each day brought a blend of anonymity and fear, and each night, the stars bore witness to your silent struggles and determination.
Months later, as you traversed a bustling town square, the collision with Captain Remus was both unexpected and inevitable. The impact sent a jolt through your disguised frame, and you steadied yourself before meeting his gaze. Taking a good look at the man who had wrought havoc upon your life, you couldn't help but despise the handsome features that masked the darkness within. Scars etched on his face told tales of battles, and his bright eyes, oblivious to the pain he had caused, glistened in the sunlight. Remus, his eyes sharp and piercing, regarded you with an air of indifference.
"Watch where you're going, lad," Remus chided, though his eyes lingered on you with curiosity. In your best "manly" voice, you grumbled an apology, attempting to divert attention from the woman beneath the façade of Sterling.
"What's your name?" he asked, nonchalantly.
"Sterling," you replied, your voice gruff, feigning indifference. Remus, seemingly unfazed, observed you for a moment before making an unexpected proposition.
"Say, Sterling, I'm looking for some help on my ship. I'll compensate. Won't be much, but you'll also have a place to stay and three meals a day."
The offer hung in the air, a precarious bridge leading into the heart of the storm. In that moment, the seed of your plan sprouted—a plan to gain trust, manipulate alliances, and exact revenge. "I could use the work," you grunted, accepting the proposition. Little did Remus know, beneath the guise of Sterling, a storm of vengeance brewed—a storm that would either consume you or reshape the destiny of those on the ship.
Accepting Remus's offer, you found yourself aboard his ship, an inconspicuous addition to the crew as Sterling. The wooden planks beneath your feet groaned in protest as the ship sliced through the moonlit waves, leaving a trail of phosphorescent ripples in its wake. The scent of salt and sea permeated the air, a constant reminder of the unpredictable journey that lay ahead.
Guided by Remus, you were shown to a drabby little room nestled at the bottom of the ship. Despite its humble appearance, he assured you of some privacy. "It's not much, I'm afraid, but it'll serve you well," he remarked before leaving you to settle in. As the door closed behind him, the dim light revealed a cramped space adorned with a simple bunk and a small porthole, offering a glimpse of the vast expanse beyond.
Alone in the confines of your quarters, you took a moment to breathe, your thoughts shrouded in the darkness of your hidden purpose. It was time to set the plan in motion, to weave the threads of manipulation and revenge that would ultimately lead to justice for your slaughtered family.
In the ensuing months on the ship, you observed Remus's multifaceted nature. His generosity extended not only to his crew but also to those they encountered on their seafaring exploits. Yet, beneath the veneer of kindness lurked a vengeful edge—a side of him that demanded retribution for debts owed and promises unkept. He was a complex and formidable man, earning the respect and fear of those who sailed under his flag.
However, in the disarray of piracy, a stark contrast emerged. While Remus ensured he received his due payment through various means, you noticed a peculiar absence—an absence of bloodshed in settling scores. Despite the ruthlessness attributed to pirates, you had yet to witness Remus taking a life, especially someone who owed him something. The dissonance between Peter's words and the reality unfolding before you sowed seeds of doubt, and questions began to fester in the recesses of your mind.
As the ship sailed through uncharted waters and treacherous tides, you grappled with the enigma that was Captain Remus Lupin. The dichotomy of his actions left you torn between the loyalty you had sworn to your family and the complexities of the man whose trust you sought to gain. The journey ahead, like the rolling waves beneath the ship, remained unpredictable, each passing day unveiling layers of truth and deception in the heart of piracy.
Despite your hesitance, you found yourself carrying out your plan. The moon hung high in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the ship's deck. The gentle creaking of the ship and the distant sound of waves provided a haunting backdrop as James Potter stood alone, lost in contemplation. You approached him, your footsteps muffled by the rhythm of the ocean.
With a sly smile playing on your lips, you interrupted the solitude that enveloped him. "James," you called softly, drawing his attention away from the vast expanse of the sea. His hazel eyes met yours, and you could see the glimmer of uncertainty within.
"Ever notice how Remus seems to lean towards Sirius in critical decisions?" you ventured, your tone a conspiratorial whisper that hung in the night air. "It's almost as if he trusts him more, values his judgment over yours."
James furrowed his brows, a subtle crease forming on his forehead. The words lingered in the air, planting a seed of doubt in his mind. "You think so?" he responded, his voice carrying a touch of uncertainty. It was a vulnerability that you seized upon, recognizing the opportunity to sow discontent.
Leaning closer, you continued, your words carefully chosen to accentuate James's growing feelings of inadequacy. "Remember the last mission? When Sirius suggested that risky maneuver, and Remus went along with it without questioning? It's like he has blind faith in Sirius's decisions, doesn't he?"
James's eyes darted away for a moment, memories of that particular mission playing in his mind. Doubt crept into his expression, a shadow of insecurity casting itself over his features. "I never really thought about it that way," he admitted, his voice laced with a hint of concern. With a gentle pat on his shoulder, you left James standing there, his thoughts swirling like the restless waves beneath the ship.
As the sun started to rise above the horizon, it casted a warm glow across the ship's deck, you found yourself stealing glances at Captain Remus. The way his attire clung to his every contour, the play of shadows on the weathered fabric—it was impossible not to appreciate the rugged allure he exuded. The ship's gentle sway seemed to accentuate the lines of his physique, and the golden hues of the fading sunlight danced in his tousled hair.
Unconsciously, your gaze lingered on the details—the intricate stitching on his well-worn coat, the glimpse of the compass tattoo peeking through the open neckline of his linen shirt. The sheathed cutlass at his side seemed like a part of him, a silent companion in his many adventures. A sense of admiration welled up within you, an involuntary response to the charisma that surrounded the Captain.
It was then that a sudden realization struck, jolting you out of your unintentional reverie. You weren't supposed to be captivated by Remus's rugged charm; you were Sterling, the alias you had crafted to infiltrate his crew and seek revenge. Reminding yourself of the bigger picture, of the vendetta that fueled your every move, became a struggle against the distracting pull of Remus's magnetic presence.
The longer you spent on the ship, the more challenging it became to maintain focus on your plan. The difficulty of reconciling your hidden identity with the growing fascination made every step of your strategic plan a battle against the tides of distraction. The very essence of the pirate's life, with its allure of freedom and daring exploits, became a potent force that tested the resolve of your carefully laid out intentions.
Yet, beneath the surface, the awareness of your true purpose persisted—a flame of determination that refused to be extinguished. The intricate dance of admiration and deception played out against the backdrop of the open sea, where every stolen glance and lingering thought carried the weight of a secret agenda. In the delicate balance between vulnerability and resolve, you navigated the uncharted waters of contradictory emotions, determined to stay the course of vengeance despite the enticing distractions that lay ahead.
A couple of weeks passed before you were able to get Sirius alone. You had instantly noticed James giving him the cold shoulder almost immediately.
The ship groaned and pitched as it battled against the tempestuous waves. Rain lashed against the wooden deck, and the air crackled with the energy of the storm. Peering up towards the deck, you spotted Sirius Black at the helm, his figure barely discernible against the deafening sea.
Approaching him with a concerned expression, you navigated the slippery deck as the ship swayed beneath your feet. "Sirius," you called out above the roaring winds, drawing his attention. His eyes met yours, reflecting the turbulent night that surrounded you both.
"Need a hand?" you shouted, offering assistance as the ship bucked beneath the force of the waves. Sirius, soaked and determined, nodded appreciatively. The salted spray stung your face as you joined him, hands gripping the wheel together in a shared effort to keep the ship on course.
In the midst of the storm, you seized the opportune moment to subtly introduce doubt. "James was just saying," you confided, your words carried away by the wind, "how he doubts your navigation skills. Thinks Remus made a mistake relying on you." The revelation hung in the air like a charged current, mingling with the thunderous sounds of the storm.
Sirius's grip on the wheel tightened, and his eyes, once focused on the turbulent waters, clouded with uncertainty. Raindrops mingled with the beads of seawater on his furrowed brow. Doubt crept into his expression like a stealthy intruder, casting shadows over the loyalty he held for Remus.
"He said that?" Sirius muttered, jaw clenched against the gusts of wind. The weight of perceived betrayal bore down on him, the discord between friends brewing in the tempest. The ship rocked violently, mirroring the tumult within Sirius's mind.
As you continued to struggle against the storm, the atmosphere between you and Sirius remained charged with unspoken tension. The foundation of trust between Remus and Sirius, once unshakable, now trembled under the strain of doubt. The storm raged on, both outside and within, setting the stage for the discord that would continue to unfold among the crew.
Below deck, the atmosphere was suffocating, the air thick with the smell of salt, damp wood, and a sense of confinement. The cramped quarters provided a clandestine setting for the disquiet that had taken root among the crew. As you navigated through the narrow passageways, you couldn't help but catch snippets of hushed conversations, the discontent of the crew simmering beneath the surface.
Seizing the opportunity to exploit the unrest, you strategically approached small groups, subtly weaving tales of Remus's past decisions that had allegedly led to hardships for some. The dim light flickered overhead, casting eerie shadows on the faces of the crew as you spoke of sacrifices made and opportunities missed under Remus's leadership. The discontent grew like a smoldering ember, and soon, murmurs of dissatisfaction began to fill the air.
James, ever vigilant and loyal, overheard the discontented whispers. His brow furrowed, and a frown etched itself onto his face as he absorbed the implications of the crew's grievances. Concern etched across his features, he sought out Sirius, finding him in a secluded corner of the below-deck quarters.
"Sirius," James began, his voice low but laden with intensity. "Have you heard what they're saying about Remus? They think he might not have our best interests at heart." The gravity of the situation hung between them, and James's unwavering loyalty to Remus wavered in the face of the crew's growing dissent.
Sirius, already grappling with doubts of his own, looked at James with a mixture of uncertainty and contemplation. The camaraderie that had bound them through countless adventures now seemed strained under the weight of suspicion. The confined space below deck seemed to amplify the tension as the two friends confronted the unsettling notion that Remus might not be the unwavering leader they had always believed him to be.
Amidst the rising tensions on the ship, you sought out Captain Remus Lupin, the weight of feigned concern apparent in your expression. The wooden planks creaked beneath your footsteps as you approached him, the air thick with the palpable unease that had settled over the vessel like an impending storm.
With a practiced facade of innocence, you addressed Remus, "Captain, I couldn't help but notice that James and Sirius have been arguing more than usual. It's becoming quite noticeable, and I'm afraid it might be affecting the crew's morale." Your words, delivered with a touch of fabricated sympathy, painted a picture of disarray among his trusted allies.
Remus's brow furrowed in genuine concern. The bond between James and Sirius, once unbreakable, now showed visible strains. Troubled by the potential discord among his closest allies, Remus ran a hand through his disheveled hair, a sign of the internal turmoil brewing within him.
"Arguing?" Remus questioned, his voice reflecting a mix of confusion and worry. The idea of a divide among his crew, particularly between James and Sirius, struck a nerve. His gaze shifted between the crew members on the deck, searching for signs of discontent that had eluded him until now.
As you continued to feign concern, subtly stoking the flames of doubt, Remus's thoughts spiraled into introspection. The once clear path of unity and camaraderie now seemed clouded with uncertainty. The shadows of doubt cast upon his leadership lingered, leaving him questioning the very fabric that held his crew together.
The ship, once a bastion of unity, now teetered on the brink of disintegration. Internal conflicts had transformed the crew's dynamic into a powder keg of resentment and mistrust. Captain Remus was growing restless, sensing an insidious force at play, suspected betrayal from within. The air crackled with tension as suspicions reached a boiling point.
Remus's boots thumped against the floor as he hurried to your cabin. The wooden door of your cabin splintered open under the force of Remus's urgency. The dim light within flickered as your body, in the midst of changing attire, became an unintended tableau for the captain's intrusion. Shocked by the unexpected sight, Remus's gaze widened, capturing an unintended glimpse of vulnerability.
You gasped, hastily attempting to cover yourself, but it was too late. Remus, momentarily caught off guard, now stood witness to the revelation of your true identity. The realization echoed through the cabin, your "manly" facade unraveling like a threadbare cloth. A palpable sense of embarrassment and vulnerability hung in the air.
In that moment, Remus observed the subtle details—your hair, once concealed beneath the guise of Sterling, now flowing freely. A silent recognition passed through his mind, though he dismissed it as many men within the crew sported long locks.
A subtle recognition flickered in Remus's observant eyes. His gaze traced the contours of your face, now more revealing without the disguise that had obscured your womanly features. The delicate curve of your jaw, the softness in the arch of your brows, and the expressive depths of your eyes—the intricate details unveiled in the absence of the masculine facade.
Seeing you naked wasn't something he expected, and it took him a second to process this before stepping back into the small hall, slamming the door shut. It opened seconds later, your hair still down, but fully clothed. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. However, his attention went from wanting to have his hands all over you to the glinting metal in your hands.
"Why did you kill my family while sparing others who owed you money?" you demanded, your voice laced with the pain of betrayal, as you pushed him up against the wall, knife to his neck. Remus, taken aback by the revelation, questioned the authenticity of your claim.
"Your family? Kill? You have no idea the accusations you're throwing out," he replied, growing irritated. You say nothing, bringing the knife closer to his throat.
"You killed them out of spite just because my father owed you something."
"Who is your father?"
"Albus. Albus Dumbledore."
"I've never met an Albus Dumbledore before in my life," Remus said, incredulously. "Who told you that?"
"My neighbor. Peter--Peter Pettigrew. Said he saw the lot of you murder my family." When you disclosed Peter Pettigrew's name, Remus's face paled with realization.
"Your father didn't owe me a thing. Peter, on the other hand, owed me lots of money," Remus confessed, dispelling the fog of deception that had clouded your vendetta. He explained that he had spared Peter once before, only to catch him squandering the money in a pub. The truth, a beacon in the darkness, hung heavy in the air.
"I never wanted innocent blood on my hands. I've killed before, yes, but never over something as petty as money," he admitted.
The revelation of truth hung in the air, bitter and unforgiving, like a medicine applied to wounds that had festered in the shadows for far too long. The realization that your vendetta had been fueled by misinformation, that the blood staining your hands belonged to innocents, weighed heavily on your conscience.
Faltering under the weight of the truth, you lowered the knife, its metallic echo resonating through the dimly lit cabin. It was a sound that seemed to encapsulate the finality of the moment, a symbolic relinquishing of the weapon that had sought to mete out justice.
Knees giving way beneath you, you collapsed, the wooden planks of the ship bearing witness to the vulnerability that spilled forth. A strangled sob escaped your lips, a raw admission of the mistakes made in the relentless pursuit of revenge. The tears that flowed were not just for your family but for the misguided path you had trodden in the name of justice.
In this moment of despair, large, rough hands enveloped you, offering an unexpected sanctuary. Remus, recognizing the weight of your actions and the pain you carried, pulled you up into a tight hug. It was a surprising turn of events, a gesture of solace from the very man you had sought to bring to justice.
As you rested against Remus's chest, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat offered a reassurance that transcended words. In the midst of the turmoil, he acknowledged the complexity of your motives. There, in the embrace of the captain whose ship you had sought to dismantle, a strange camaraderie emerged—one born out of shared pain, deception, and the quest for redemption.
Remus's voice, a low murmur in the cavernous cabin, expressed admiration for your cunning ability to sow discord within the crew. It was an unexpected twist, an acknowledgment of the strategic mind that had manipulated the threads of loyalty.
Weeks drifted by like waves rolling across the open sea, each passing day carrying the weight of revelations and transformations. In the aftermath of the confrontation, a peculiar bond had formed between you and Remus. The once hostile tension had softened into shared understanding, born out of the crucible of truth and forgiveness.
Navigating the complexities of the ship's dynamics, you found comfort in Remus's company. Late-night conversations beneath the starlit sky became a ritual, the creaking of the ship and the distant sound of waves forming the backdrop to shared confidences.
The crew, initially shocked by the revelation of your true identity as a woman, gradually came to terms with the unexpected twist. Assumptions shattered like glass as they witnessed the strength and resilience that Sterling, now revealed as a woman named Y/N, brought to the crew. Remus, in a display of unwavering leadership, ensured that the crew embraced the newfound truth.
Confronting the crew with your identity was a daunting task, but the revelation unfolded with surprising acceptance. The once-divided ship, now united in understanding, sailed through the challenges of piracy with a newfound camaraderie. Laughter echoed on the deck, and the bonds of loyalty were reforged amidst shared stories and shared burdens.
Amidst the salty breeze and the sound of the sea, a sense of peace settled over the ship. The crew, once torn by internal strife, now stood as a testament to the resilience of human connection. James, Sirius, and the others, initially taken aback, extended their acceptance and support, sealing the wounds of mistrust with gestures of togetherness.
The lingering presence of Peter Pettigrew, the catalyst for the tumultuous events that had unfolded, remained like a shadow on the horizon. In a twist of poetic justice, the crew, fueled by a shared desire for retribution, concocted a plan to bring Peter to justice. The tables turned as the once-manipulator found himself at the mercy of the very crew he had deceived.
The confrontation with Peter unfolded with a satisfying sense of closure, his machinations exposed and his fate left to the mercy of the sea. The crew, now bound by a newfound unity, watched as the tides of justice ebbed and flowed, carrying away the remnants of a past tainted by betrayal.
As the ship sailed through the moonlit waves, Remus guided you to the quiet corner of the deck where the sea breeze carried the scent of salt and adventure. The night sky stretched above, a canopy of stars reflecting in both your eyes. In the tranquil embrace of the open sea, the unspoken connection between you and Remus unfolded like a delicate dance.
Remus's gaze, soft and searching, met yours as he cupped your cheek with a rough yet gentle hand. The rhythmic sound of the waves provided a backdrop to the moment, the ship swaying beneath you in a dance with the ocean. A shared understanding passed between you, a recognition of the trials overcome and the promise of a new beginning.
In that quiet space, beneath the celestial tapestry, Remus leaned in. His lips, warm and tender, met yours in a kiss that spoke of forgiveness, redemption, and the uncharted journey that lay ahead. The world faded away, leaving only the sensation of his touch and the heartbeat that resonated between you.
Time seemed to stand still as the kiss lingered, a silent promise sealed in the gentle meeting of lips. It was a moment of connection, a bridge between the turbulent past and the uncertain future. The sea, bearing witness to the blossoming love, whispered its approval in the rustle of the sails and the lull of the waves.
As you pulled away, the moonlight reflected in Remus's eyes mirrored the shared emotions that hung in the air. The ship sailed on, carrying with it the resonance of a kiss that marked the beginning of a new chapter—a chapter written on the vast canvas of the open sea, where love and adventure intertwined in the flow of the tide.
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monserelates · 2 months
fanfics hit different when the author is 12 years old, english isnt their first language, they last updated the fanfic four years ago and the last chapter was named ‘A/N’ then its just them saying they got run over by a bus or something
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rosabeetroot · 9 months
James potter
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James trying to impress regulus
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sp1rit-realm · 17 days
༻¨*:· 𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄 ·:*¨༺
༻¨*:· summary ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 remus is used to the same day, and then you come into his life.
༻¨*:· notes ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 please give me some grace. i havent written a full on fic in... a hot second 𖦹 record shop owner!remus x fem!reader (she/her prns) 𖦹 sirius uses he/they prns 𖦹 also. reader moves to england so she doesnt have british accent. yeah. 𖦹 lily evans being the best 𖦹 FLUFF (everyone cheered!) 𖦹 [brief] ANGST (everyone cried!) 𖦹 not proofread
༻¨*:· words ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 2.7k
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Routine—a very familiar word to Remus. His days were the same. Wake up, go to work, go home, shower, then sleep. He ate the same thing for breakfast and the same thing for lunch. Dinner was the only thing he frequently changed—maybe one day, he would have pasta, and the next, he would have chicken. He hung out with friends on Saturday, and they went to the same pub every time. The topics were usually the same. Sirius met someone new, someone they claimed to be "The One," only for that person to leave their life. James usually talked about training, Lily, and updates on her pregnancy. Since school ended, things had become... predictable.
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You walked into the rickety old record shop, intent on finding your favorite album. It broke on the move to the UK, and you needed it desperately. 
Upon hearing the bell ring, Remus looked up. It was part of his routine—to see who had entered his shop—and there you stood, tote bag in hand with messy, windblown hair.
After searching through the Rock section for ages, you practically squeal when you see the album.
Remus looks up as you walk to the counter, "Hi." 
"Hi," You smile. Your accent throws Remus off, and he smiles. 
He looks at the record, then puts it down, "We have this in a white vinyl," He says, "I— I didn't mark it as colored, so you probably didn't see it. I can go grab it for you?"
You eagerly nod, "That would be fantastic!"
He stands, and you realize how tall he is—it's like he's towering over you.
A moment later, he returns with the other record, "They're hard to come by," He scrawls something on the record sheet, then rings up the album.
You thank him and pay, leaving him to wonder if you'll be back.
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The next time you see him, he's with a pretty girl. She's got bleached blonde hair and a cute button nose. She's beautiful. Of course, you recognize the tall man—how could you not? He and the girl make their way to the counter; they both order.
"For Remus," A woman calls out. 
Remus—that's his name.
Remus steals glances at you the entire time he's at the coffee shop.
"Who's that?" Marlene asks with a coy smirk.
"I don't know. Came into the shop a couple of weeks ago."
"Oh, so you have a little crush." Marlene is full-on smirking now.
Remus goes red, "What? No." He shakes his head, "No," He repeats, trying to reassure himself that he doesn't have feelings for you.
"Sure," Marlene mutters, taking a sip of her drink.
Remus rolls his eyes.
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About a month passes by until you see one another again. You walk into the shop. Remus looks up when the bell rings, and he smiles.
Sirius is there today, and they go up to you.
"What're you looking for?" 
You answer, and he leads you to the section as if you don't know the alphabet. He doesn't mean it that way, you know that. 
Still, you tease them about it, and their face goes stark red, "Sorry. I just— Sometimes record shops can be confusing in how they order things. Like, when it goes from 'C' to 'D,' does the 'D' section continue on the other side, or does it continue straight across? You know?" 
"I'm kidding around," You smile, "I've been here before. Granted, it was just once, but I know how it works. Thank you, though."
"But of course," Sirius curtsies, "Anything for you..."
"Y/n," You introduce yourself.
"I'm Sirius. Like the star," He clarifies, "Like, that's my name. S-i-r-i-u-s," They spell out.
You giggle, "Nice to meet you, Sirius."
"Nice to meet you. I love your silly accent, by the way."
"You're the one with the silly accent," You shoot back.
"Not when my accent is outnumbering yours."
You tilt your head and hum, "Strangely, I understand what you mean."
"It'd be concerning if you didn't."
"Do you frequent this shop a lot?" You ask, flipping through albums.
"My friend is the owner." Sirius shrugs.
You perk up, "Remus?"
Sirius quirks their brow, "You know him?"
You get hot, "No."
He narrows his eyes, "So, how do you know his name is Remus?"
"Well," You whisper, "I came in a while ago. He was really nice when I checked out. Then, a couple of weeks later, I saw him at a coffee shop, and they said his name when his drink was ready."
"You're a creep," Sirius raises his eyebrows.
"No!" You argue.
"Such a creep." Sirius begins walking away; you rush to follow him, "I'm telling him." He says.
You begin to panic, "Wait! No!" 
Sirius keeps walking to the front.
"Sirius," You whine, "Stop!"
You silently will him to stop.
"Remus!" Sirius calls again.
"Lovely lady over here has something to tell you," He smirks.
If looks could kill, Sirius would be six feet under.
"I just– um–" You sputter out, "I just wanted to thank you for helping me with the record last time I was here."
You swear he blushes, but you don't want to look to find out.
"It was no problem," He smiles, "Maybe I could give you a call if any of their other records come in?"
Sirius smirks from the sidelines.
"Um..." It takes a moment to process, "Sure." You nod assertively, "Yeah. I would love that!"
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Remus's world has turned upside down—you keep him on his toes. He stays up because, maybe, you'll call tonight. You eat lunch with him sometimes, and gone are the days when he eats the same thing every day. Gone are the days when he closes up shop at 7:00. Gone is routine.
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"Do you want to have dinner tonight?" You ask, wrapping the cord around your finger.
"I'm actually going out," Remus responds. You frown, and your imagination runs wild. What if he's going on a date?
"Hello?" He asks, and you realize you've blocked him out.
"Huh? Sorry?"
"I asked if you wanted to come with me. You can meet my mates. If you want." He spits out. Saying it once is nerve-wracking enough; saying it twice is terrifying because what if you say no? What if you don't want to meet his friends? What if–
"I'd love to!" You cut his frantic thoughts off, and his heart swells.
"Really?" He asks.
"Of course!"
So, now, you're standing in front of a random pub, wondering if he's pranking you. It's been about five minutes, and you know that's not a long time to wait, but your anxiety is getting the better of you. 
Then, five turns to fifteen, and you're wondering how pathetic you look.
Your head whips to the door, "Sirius? When'd you get here?"
Sirius checks their wrist like they're checking a watch, "'Bout half an hour ago. Did the dimwit not tell you to meet us inside?"
You shake your head, "He said to meet him at the bar. So, I guess he didn't quite specify." You shrug.
"Well, come on in," He holds the door open for you.
You thank Sirius and look around for Remus. He's not hard to spot, and Sirius jogs over to their booth before whispering something into Remus's ear. He looks up and smiles brightly.
"You're here!" He exclaims.
"You're here." You say, tone almost scolding him. 
Sirius whispers something else to him.
His face drops, "Oh... sorry for not telling you to meet us inside." His mouth quirks to one side in a guilty expression.
You smile, "It's okay. I forgive you." You sit next to him.
"Oh, thank god," He rests his hand on his chest, "A pretty girl being mad at me would've been my death."
Heat blossoms in your chest.
"So..." James begins, "Now that flirt time is over, can I say hello?"
"Ha!" Sirius barks out, "Flirt time!"
Remus gets warm, "This is James, another one of my school friends. James, this is y/n."
All James says is: "You're his lock screen, y'know?"
Remus kicks him under the table.
"I mean–" James smiles, "Hello, it's nice to meet you. I have never seen your face before."
"Smooth," Sirius whispers to James.
You smile at Remus's red face.
"Ignore him, please?" He begs.
You nod.
Sirius and James tell you embarrassing stories about Remus for the rest of the night, and the boy starts to regret introducing you to them as a pair.
 At the end of the night, he drops you off. 
Rubbing his face, he sighs, "I hope they weren't too much."
You smile brightly, and Remus feels like he could fall to his knees, "I had an amazing time. They're really fun, Remus."
You leave him with a kiss on the cheek—he puts his hand up to the spot and smiles the whole way home.
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"I've missed you," You say into the phone.
"I've missed you, too. You should just let me come over." Remus begs for the umpteenth time.
"I don't want to get you sick," You frown, "That would be horrible."
"It wouldn't be the end of the world. We could quarantine together," He smirks, "I could make you soup, and we could cuddle together on the couch and watch some ridiculous rom-com."
"Take a girl out on a date first!" You joke.
"I would if you weren't so busy being poorly." Remus groans.
"So you're asking me out on a date?" You smile and do a little happy dance.
"I guess I am."
He's smug, and you can tell.
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A week later, you sit in a fancy restaurant—the kind where the prices aren't even on the menu. Remus is fidgety. He's wearing his nicest button-down, and you think it looks funny on him. He gets red at your comment and looks down at the table with pursed lips.
"I just meant that I'm so used to you wearing those comfy sweaters. You look good, though." You earnestly smile at him.
"You look nice tonight, yourself."
"Well, I'm going on a date with this charming boy. I wanted to impress him."
"I hear he's very impressed."
You insist on paying, but he won't let you. As soon as you pull out your wallet, he snatches it from you.
He kisses you before leaving you at your car, and you don't want it to stop. It's soft and tender, and it's everything you hoped it would be. 
One date turns to two, which turns to five, and now you're anxiously pacing in your flat. You're dating Remus; you have been for a few months, and you're not sure when it's an appropriate time to ask the question, but you'll ask tonight. Except Remus doesn't come. He doesn't call, either. 
After an hour of worrying, you call Sirius.
"Hello?" He answers—it's obvious he's high.
"Hi. Do you know where Remus is?"
Sirius laughs, "Right here."
"Can I talk to him?"
You hear rustling as Sirius passes the phone.
"Remus," You whine.
"Hey there. What's going on?" He's calm—too calm. He's also high.
"You were supposed to come over tonight." You frown—it's a fruitless effort. He can't see you.
"Shit. 'M sorry, baby," He frowns, too. You can hear it.
"'S okay. I was just really looking forward to seeing you." You dramatically slide down your wall into a crouching position.
"I'd come over, but, y'know," He wanders off.
"You're so high you can barely walk?" You offer.
He takes it, "Yes."
"It's alright," You sigh, and Remus feels terrible, "Promise you'll come over tomorrow?"
"Promise," He answers.
But then tomorrow comes, and Remus has yet to show up. So you dial his number, but he doesn't pick up. An hour passes until your phone rings, and you're anxious and giddy and hopeful as you pick it up.
"Sorry." Remus's voice is gruff, and you can hear the guilt in his tone.
"It's okay. You can still come over. It's not too late."
"No," He sighs, "I'm sorry, but I can't... I have to break up with you."
Your face drops with your stomach, "What?"
"I can't be with you. I'm— I'm sorry."
"No!" Tears blur your vision, "You can't just tell me we're over. Explain yourself!"
"I just can't do it anymore. It's too hard."
You choke out a sob, "What's too hard? Loving me?"
"No," He sighs, and he sounds tired, oh so tired, "I'm incapable of giving you what you need."
"And who gets to say what I need?"
"Y/n, for your sake, I'm ending this. I can't provide for you in the way you'll need me to."
"Remus," You sigh, "I don't understand. What do you mean you 'can't provide' for me?"
"I can't emotionally be there for you. I'm sorry." 
And as you hear the dial tone, you let your sobs out.
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You feel empty. Your only friends are Remus's; now you feel like you can't talk to them. 
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"You're daft," Sirius scolds, "Y/n was lovely, and you break up with her over the phone?!"
Remus hangs his head in shame, "Yeah, I did."
Then Remus looked up and was met with one of his worst fears. He'd been on Lily Evans's bad side more than once, but never like this. He'd only seen this stare a handful of times, but not once was it directed at him, until now.
She marches over to the booth, never breaking her stare, leans close to Remus, and slaps him, "You twat!" 
He doesn't know what to say, so he holds his cheek and waits for her to continue.
"You hurt an exceptionally lovely girl for what?! Because you're insecure? Because it was too scary to feel loved so deeply? That girl gave you her all, Remus! And this is how you treat her?" Lily's face is red at the end of her rant, and Sirius tries to hold in their snickers.
Lily narrows her eyes at Remus, "I can read you like a book, Remus Lupin. I know what's going on in that magnificently stupid head of yours! Go apologize to her!"
"I can't," He murmurs, "I've already ruined it."
She rolls her eyes, "You won't know unless you try, and not knowing will eat at you, and you will die confused, sad, and alone."
"She has a point," Sirius agrees, "I mean... we all know you'll just mope around until we push you to talk to her, but by then, it'll be too late. She will have found somebody, and they'll get married, and you'll just be that bloke from when she moved here. Go talk to her."
"What do I say?"
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It's almost midnight when a knocking at your door wakes you. Groaning, you get out of bed and make your way to the door.
You undo the bottom lock, keeping the chain in place.
"Yes?" You peek through the crack, surprised to see Remus holding flowers on the other side.
"I'm sorry."
He thinks he's surely blown it when you close the door, but he hears the chain clanking as you fully unlock it.
"What are you doing here?"
Remus wants to cry at the sight of you. Your eyes are bloodshot and puffy, with red tracing your waterline.
"I—" He has a whole script planned out but seems to have forgotten every word, "I have flowers," He settles on.
"For me?"
He nods.
"What are you doing here?" You ask again, taking the flowers.
"I'm here to apologize. I was a dick the other day."
You tilt your head, "You mean the other day when you broke up with me?"
Remus almost doesn't catch the sarcasm, "I'm sorry. I get so caught up in my head—"
You turn from him, "Come in," You mutter as you walk into your kitchen.
He closes the door behind him and toes his shoes off, "I get scared when I let somebody get too close."
"Yes, please."
He watches as you move around your kitchen, grabbing cups and boiling the water. He's missed you.
"Why let me get close at all, then?"
"Because I like you."
You turn and look at him, "Do you, now?"
Remus sighs, "Look, I fucked up, I know that. Do you think we can try again?"
You walk over to him, "You said you can't give me what I need. What does that mean, Remus?"
"I'm unfit to be with somebody."
"I don't think so. You were wonderful the past three months. So wonderful that I think, if you work on yourself, we can give this another go."
"Can I kiss you?" He asks, leaning in.
"I look terrible," You laugh.
"No," He rests his forehead against yours, "You're always beautiful."
"Kiss me." 
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hi guys sorry if this is bad😇😇
my lovely mutuals <33 @sepptember @violetteshoneybee @ay0nha @maroon-winestain @prongsio @imabee-oralizard @storyofaromance @queerpumpkinnn @doyouknowwhoyouare13 @zvdvdlvr @reysdriver @g1rld1ary @starsval @vampieteeth @maddipoof @bruisedboys @ell0ra-br3kk3r
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slayingqueenchal · 1 year
Got a thing for my sister, moony? | remus lupin x f!black!reader
Summary : sirius notices that when it's close to the full moon remus is an asshole but when it comes to y/n he's an absolute sweet heart
Warning : one year age gap (youre regulus's twin sis), Gryffindor reader (i hope that still makes u interested), pet names like 'love, sweet heart, darling', fluff
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It was... Sirius figured it out. When remus told him about his so called lopsided hair
"Padfoot, your hair looks lopsided today" Remus said, his left hand on his chin and his right hand pointing on sirius's hair.
When you heard that, you chocked on your drink. I mean it's true, you agreed with remus, his hair does look lopsided. "Mhm, top tier comedy isn't it sis? " Said sirius sarcastically.
The other boys laughed but, remus looked concerned. You were ready for his insults to you, cause full moons in a few day.
"You alright, darling? " Said remus. Suddenly it was sirius's time to chocke on his water. "What the hell did you call my sister".
"Darling, you have a problem with that, padfoot" Said remus confidently. "Geez, almost got me a concussion" Sirius said, taking another sip of water.
Or when sirius, James and Peter found you and remus together in the library.
"What does this all mean im gonna go insane" you said. Defense against the dark arts is your least favorite subjects.
"Hey, hey, it's alright sweetheart, we can take a break, you know, I brought snacks" Remus smiled brightly.
"Really, what snacks? " You asked. "You know, the toast that you call moony toast, that one" He put it on the table. "And you made two! " You smiled.
"Yes, one for me, and one for you, of course i can't forget to make you one" Remus grinned, taking one piece of his toast and ate it.
And when you five sneaked to the astronomy towers to plan some pranks
"What should we do, to snivellus house Slytherin" James walked around the astronomy tower. "Maybe we could put nifflers in the Slytherins common room? " You said.
The boys said it was a good idea but, Remus called you "love, y/n, come". " Yeah, what is it, rem? " You sat next to him, his hands on your back.
"Look at that, that's a shooting star, what are you gonna wish for? " He said, pointing at the moving star.
"Hm, I want us to be friends forever, you and me, always, forever" You looked at the stars, and Remus, then the stars.
"Well, love, I want more than that" Remus said.
That's when Sirius snapped out of it. He realized what remus ment was not oh 'I want more than that like money,or something else's but it was 'I want to be more than friend's.
That evening, Sirius walked to the hospital wing, to see Remus.
"Where's y/n? " Sirius asked. "Oh, she just left, I told her to, she looks tired" Remus said, the pain in his eyes were still visible even though it was hours after the full moon.
"I need to talk to you" Sirius grabbed a stool, sitting closely to remus. "I know you fancy my sister, it's obvious! The way you look at her, the way you're a complete gentleman towards her, bloody hell you like my sister"
Remus's face looks like the moon had come early, "n-no", " Oh dont deny it, moons, I'm fine with it! " Sirius smiled.
"Okay, Sirius, i- I don't just like your sister, I fell for her--the way she acts, her beautiful hair, her pretty face, her soothing voice, and she's everything to me! But you'll hate me for falling in love with her"
"Seriously Remus? Gosh it's obvious that you love her, I mean go for it, ask her out, or something" Sirius smiled.
"Really? " Remus smiled, and Sirius nodded.
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annabelinlove · 5 months
I am yours
Pairing: Poly!marauders x reader
Word Count: 2k
Summary: How your searching for love led you to the Marauders
Notes: English is not my first language, use of Y/n, James was dating Lily but then stared dating Wolfstar, just started writing so maybe shit lol
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Dating wasn’t easy, not when you were a student at Hogwarts where everyone was in each other business and you couldn’t do anything without it being the hot topic all around the school the next day. Also, being a Slytherin was view as being a snobbish bitch, which didn’t really help your dating life. And still, you wanted to be loved and love with your whole heart.
“I know you’re not studying, darling.”
Your thinking was disturbed by a calm voice that belong to no other than Remus Lupin. You had no idea, how your friendship with the marauders began. Maybe it was when you were 11 and James Potter helped you find your class, when you were wandering lost around the Castle. Maybe it was when you were 13 in a potion class and your hair was falling into your face and Sirius Black gave you his scrunchie so you won’t fuck up the potion because you couldn’t see. Or was it when Remus Lupin gave you his chocolate when he found you frustrated in the library over a stupid homework when you were 12? You really didn’t know, but the golden boys of Gryffindor were your best friends and you wouldn’t change a thing, even if you were secretly hoping, that you could be more.
“I am studying.” You tried to defend yourself, even if you were lost in your thoughts for the last 10 minutes. Remus gave you un unimpressed look as if trying to tell you that he knew you were lying.
“You were just staring at the page for Merlin knows how long, you can’t fool me, darling.” You were sure that the pet names, that each of the marauders gave you would be the end of you yet you would probably really die if they stopped with them.
“Maybe I’m just really interested in this page,” you tried once again, but you knew you were doomed. “Pff, even Moony doesn’t stare that long at a page when it’s interesting. What’s on your mind, hm?” James joined the conversation, ditching his homework.
“This Slytherin boy I’ve been seeing wants to take things to the next level,” you admitted, thinking about the conversation you had this morning. Sirius raised his head, that was comfortably in Remus’ lap, suddenly intrigued in the conversation as well. All 3 pairs of eyes were on you, all of them having a different emotion in them. You squirmed in the silence, hoping one of them would break the silence. After a few seconds Sirius was the first to speak.
“Who was it again? So I can break his face the next time I see him.” You blinked at him, surprised by his violent tendencies. You didn’t know what kind of reaction you expected, but it definitely wasn’t this. Not knowing what to say you just stared at him, but thankfully Remus came to your aid.
“Come on, Pads. Maybe Y/n wants to take things to the next level and I’m pretty sure broken bones would kind of ruin that.” He scolded the raven haired boy, but gave you a curious glance, wondering what was your answer.
“I told him I’d think about it, but I don’t really know what I should tell him. He’s nice and everything, but I feel absolutely nothing when I’m with him,” you answered the unsaid question of all three boys. “Good.” was the immediate answer from Sirius, but James jumped in before he could say anything else. “Is that what’s bothering you, sweets? If you don’t want to be with him, just say it.” He took you hand, when he notices you picking on your nails, a nasty habit you did whenever you were nervous.
It took you a second before answering, looking at yours and James’ joined hands.
“I guess I just expected more, ya know? When he first asked me out, I think I said yes just because I was so surprised anyone would find me attractive or interesting enough to want to go out with, especially someone I just met on hallways and saw in the common room, someone who didn’t know me and I was so eager to go with him because I was hoping I’d finally find someone I could be really happy with. Feel the butterflies and the love and all that shit but that didn’t happen. I don’t feel anything when I’m with him and I don’t know what to do now that I know it’s not what I hoped for.” You were quiet for a second, the boys not interrupting you. They knew you and knew you had more to say.
“But maybe I should be his girlfriend, take things to the next level. So what if it’s not like what I dreamed of, we can’t always have what we want and it’d nice to be someone’s girlfriend. Be with someone who cares about you is always nice, am I right? It could also help me stop feeling like a fourth wheel whenever we hang out and you’re acting all coupley while I’m just kind of there.” You spilled how you felt without being able to stop yourself. Was it the best choice? Maybe not, but you really needed to talk to someone about your feelings and you trusted them and knew they would never judge you.
“Surprised anyone would find you attractive enough? When was the last time you looked into a mirror, pet? Your are by far the most gorgeous girl in Hogwarts. But don’t be fooled, we don’t hang out with you for your looks, but because of how you make us feel. How you make us laugh when we’re sad, how you take care of us and do everything you think we might need, because of how amazing you and your personality is. Everybody would be proud to call you theirs. I’m actually surprised it took this long for someone to ask you out. I would have done it ages ago if I knew I’d stood a chance.” You lifted your head to look at Sirius, finding him looking at you in disbelief. You were definitely surprised by his words. You felt warmth spreading inside you body, thinking about his words. I would have done it ages ago if I knew I’d stood a chance, what did he mean by that? But before you could ask, Remus continued Sirius’ speech.
“Being with someone just to not be alone isn’t really a healthy thing, love. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be with this guy, do whatever you want, you are your own person and no one can tell you what do. I’m just saying that you shouldn’t waste your time dating someone you don’t feel any connection with. If you want butterflies, go find someone who makes you feel butterflies. You deserve so much more than to be with some bloke who doesn’t meet your expectations. Don’t lower your standards for anyone. And we never, ever wanted to make you feel like a fourth wheel, and we’re really sorry we did, love. If you’d feel more comfortable, we could stop acting all coupley, as you’ve put it, and be much less PDA with you. Whatever makes you happy and feeling the most comfortable with us.” Even tho he tried to mask it, you could see the hurt on his face and hear it in his voice. You didn’t think that your words would hurt them, that was the last thing you wanted.
“Listen to me and listen carefully, can you do that, sweetheart? I always thought that being with Lily would make me the happiest man in the world, that’s why I was trying so hard to get together with her. But when it finally happened I wasn’t happy. I tried so hard to love her, but I realized that I never did, I just loved the idea of her loving me. I wanted the same thing you want now. Everyday I saw how Pads and Moony are in love and I wanted that, just not with Lily, as I’ve come to realize. We were both unhappy so why should we stay together? Breaking up with her was the best thing ever, because it led her to be with Mary and I found my way to my boys. And let me tell you, being with them is the happiest I could ever be. And with you by our side. If you don’t feel happy, don’t waste your time with him. You may thing that it’s gonna be okay and you’ll find what you want, but it’s only gonna leave you miserable in the end,” James added.
You tried to wrap your head around everything what was said, but it left you confused. You knew you didn’t want to be with the Slytherin boy, you wanted to be part of the relationship these boys had, but you knew it wouldn’t be possible. But maybe they were right and being in a relationship just to be in one was stupid.
“I never want you to start acting differently or hide your relationship around me That’s the last thing I want and I’m sorry if it came out like I did. I love seeing you all in love, I really do. I feel the most comfortable when you are being yourselves, so please don’t ever change that,” you started to explain. You knew that if you didn’t say anything now, you never would. “I guess I’m just a little jealous that I could never be part of the love you share, you know? I think I want to be with someone so bad so I would stop feeling the need to be with you. Everyday I see how happy you are and I feel jealous because I know I’m not the reason you are happy. I stared something with this boy because I was hoping it would make these feeling stop, but if anything it has gotten worse. Every time he did something, the only thing I could think about was that you would do it differently,” you ended your speech, feeling nervous about what they would say. Would they reject you? Make fun of you? They would never do that told you the voice in you head and you knew it was right, you just didn’t know what to expect now.
“Then let us. Let us treat you like royalty, like you deserve. Let us love you like you deserve, let us be yours and let yourself be ours. Let us take you out and show you what love is supposed to feel like. Please, just let us, pet,” Sirius almost begged. You looked at him in surprise once again, and saw nothing but determination and love in his eyes. He really means it. You looked at the other two boys and found the exact same expression. You wanted to respond so bad but the only thing that you were able to say was just a soft what?
“We’ve talked about this quite a long time ago, we just didn’t know what to do,” James stared to explain. “We weren’t sure if you felt the same way and we didn’t want to ruin what we have now. But we’ve fallen, sweetheart. We fell so hard for you, you had us wrapped around your finger from the beginning and you didn’t even know it.” James gave you a small, almost shy smile.
“We knew that it could be weird, especially when we’re already in a relationship, but if you want us, love, we are yours and always have been. Be ours as well?” Remus finished for him. All of them waiting impatiently for your response. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You blinked a few times to wake up, but it wasn’t a dream. Actually, it was a dream comes true. You always wanted to hear them say they want you the same way you wanted them. A huge smile formed on your face
“I am yours, always will be.”
Your newfound relationship was the talk of the school for days to come, but the three Gryffindor golden boys didn’t seem to care. About the rumors, about you being a Slytherin, about anything really. If anything, they were proud that the whole school talked about them. Talked about you being with them. Everything was finally how it should be and none of you couldn’t be happier.
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remuslovebot · 11 months
remus and reader get into a fight and then he gets super clingy afterwards and it’s just fluffy <33🙏🙏🙏
omg this is perfect!!
I kinda get “Mine (Taylor’s Version)” vibes because the album just came out. thank you for requesting this
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𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐑.𝐋
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summary: you and Remus get into a fight about his lycanthropy.
warnings: angst to fluff, insecure remus. use of y/n and not proof read, because I’m lazy lol.
pairings: remus lupin x reader
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“This is not up for discussion,” Remus said, curtly.
You huffed, looking at him like he was crazy. The situation you were in was tough, but all you wanted to do was make sure he was okay. You had suggested that you help Remus with his full moons. Remus argued it was too dangerous for you and that he wanted to keep you safe. The lycanthrope though he was a monster and would hurt you if given the chance.
And Remus would not let the wolf get the chance.
“Why? Not? I want to be around. I want to help you,” you said. You knew it was stubborn — deep down. You weren’t an animagus like James, Sirius, and Peter. But you were training with Madame Pomphrey to become a nurse.
“You can’t be around at night. I could hurt you. I’m a monster!” He argued, just as stubborn as you.
“Remus, you are not a monster! What if you get badly hurt and I’m not there to help you in time?” You argued, tears coming to your eyes.
“It’s not your job to be there. You don’t need to be there! Maybe I don’t want you there, have you ever thought about that?!” Remus snapped.
Thunder crashed outside in the storm, as lighting stuck in the distance. A tear fell from your right eye and you quickly wiped it away. You needed to get out of your dorm. You needed to be away from him.
“You know, pushing me away is what is actually hurting me. What you just said, hurt me,” you replied, wiping away tears. You then stormed out of your dorm room and out of the Gryffindor common room.
And I remember that night 2:30 am, as everything was slipping right out of our hands.
I ran out crying, and you followed me out into the street.
Remus followed you immediately after you left. You ran out into the court yard and rain was pouring down upon you. You caught your breath, thinking this was the end. You felt that that Remus was going to push you away so much that you would lose him.
Braced myself for the goodbye, ‘cause it’s all I’ve ever know.
“Y/n wait!” Remus shouted. He caught up with you and you both were getting soaked from the rain.
You turned to him and looked into his eyes sadly. He continued to speak. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to push you away. I love you and I know you want to make sure I’m okay. But you’re safety is important to me,” Remus confessed.
And you took me by surprise. You said “I’ll never leave you alone”
“You are the best thing, that’s ever been mine,” Remus said, pulling you into his arms.
“I love you Remus. I don’t want you to feel insecure around me or feel like you don’t deserve love. You are not a monster and I will always be around to help you. In whatever way makes you the most comfortable,” you replied, catching his lips in a kiss.
Remus returned the kiss, passionately. The rain making the moment ever more romantic. There were undeniable sparks flying between the two of you.
He knew he never wanted to let you go again. Remus would never push you away after that night. He clung onto you as much as he could.
Once you were both dried off and snuggled in your bed, Remus had his arms protectively around your waist. Your head was snuggled into his chest.
“I never want to let you go,” he mumbled, kissing the top of your head and resting his chin on your forehead.
“Then don’t, because I’m never letting you go,” you replied, smelling his warm cotton knitted sweater. He smelled of chocolate and cigarettes. It was comforting and warm. The two of you eventually fell asleep in each others arms, waking up the next day in the same cuddled position.
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A/n- I loved writing this!!!! Remus is the loml. Please send me more requests, I enjoy receiving them <3
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starsval · 11 months
remus lupin x reader
summary: you and remus find wonderland, or, you fall in love, even if it's not perfect.
word count: 7,7k
warnings: remus has a mullet because i said so, kissing, mentions of s*x lol, like, it happened, reader is pureblood so the cruciatus curse ig, punching, remus being mean, reader gets called a b*tch, lower case intended, no use of y/n
a/n: this took forever and i don't even think i like it, but still, thanks to @myriadmoons and @aastonishment for helping me writing this, love u<3
btw idk why i called this wonderland, it was originally called dancing with our hands tied but i didn't end up writing someone that fit, and for some reason there were lyrics of wonderland on the top of the document since i've been writing it so yeah
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"how's my favourite girl doing?" sirius talks as he puts an arm over your shoulders, just as james takes the book out of your hands. 
"sirius black and james potter talking to me when we're not at a pureblood party? what's happening?"
"don't be mean, you know we love you" james replies, putting the book behind his back, so you wouldn't be able to get it even if sirius let you go. 
"we realised we rarely talk to you, which is sad because you're one of the only pureblood people we actually like" sirius then lets you go to play with your hair as he talks. 
"so, we wanted to invite you to the party we're throwing tonight, at the gryffindor common room" james says, but he quickly looks behind you and his friend. 
"you invite me to a party, so we can talk?" you ask, taking advantage of james' sudden distraction when regulus walks past to take your book back. 
"yes, we want to get to know you" sirius is the one who talks now, unaware of the reason his friend suddenly stopped talking
"okay, i'll see you there" you tell them, walking away. 
"what? really? was it that easy?" sirius asks, shocked. 
"yes, i'll see you there, bye" 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"they don't know that you always go to the parties?" lily asks as she puts on her earrings, looking on your mirror. 
"i tend to hide from them" you tell them from your bed. 
"why?" she questions, you shrug, unable to give her an answer.
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"so, what's your type?" sirius finds you while you were choosing something to drink. 
"what?" you ask him, accepting the drink he recommends you. 
"what kind of person do you like, men, women, tall, short?"
"tall skinny men with messy mullets, when it looks like they'll break if you breathe too hard on them?" sirius' eyes seem to light up with your answer. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"she's just like you, she likes books and stuff, i swear you'll like her" sirius insists, following remus through the hall, heading to the library. 
"books and stuff? that's all you know about me?"
"i'm telling you i found your soulmate and you care about that?"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you were in the library, focused on your book when three people sat on your table. you look up to find sirius, james and who you know is called remus, maybe your eyes focus on the last one for a bit when sirius talks. 
"we need help" he says, pulling out a book. 
"what?" you ask, uninterested in anything they have to say. 
"we need help, you're like the smartest person we know" this time james is the one who talks. 
"and why would i help you?" 
"because you're a good person?" you don't change your expression "and we'll buy you chocolate the next time we go to hogsmeade"
"help with what?" this time, the boy that caught your eye talks. 
"we need to learn how to do this charm" he points to the book, and maybe you look at his hand before reading the words he's pointing to. you also notice how sirius and james smile when remus talks. 
"why would you need to know how to turn someone's clothes pink, permanently?" you ask, they all look at each other before looking at you. you sigh "why would i know how to do this?" 
"i'd quite fall in love with you if you did" sirius talks. "but you're smart, you'll be able to learn it" you start packing your things. "is that a yes?"
"what do i win?" you ask, already standing. 
"chocolate" you start to walk away, leaving the book there. "we'll give you alcohol at the next pureblood party" you smile before grabbing the book. 
"i'll tell you as soon as i get it"
they all hear you say goodbye to peter before he sits. 
"why did she talk to you?" james asks. 
"we're friends?" peter explains, getting started with his homework. 
"soooo… do you like her?" sirius asks remus, who just rolls his eyes before getting up. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the next time he sees you, you're walking to him, who's reading at the library. you put the book with the charm before him, and quickly sit besides him. 
"i know how to do the charm… " you wait for him to introduce himself. 
"remus, remus lupin" he answers, putting his book aside. 
"remus, right" you talk, like you didn't know his name before. 
you explain how to do it, and after he gets the theory right, all there's left to do is practise it. 
"i'll do one of his socks and you'll do the other one" you point at snape, who has glared at you since you've been here. 
"i didn't expect you to be like this" remus says, smiling, before slowly pulling out his wand. 
"what did you expect?" 
"i don't know, sirius and james don't usually talk about you"
"i wonder why" you smile, before quietly charming one of snape's socks, turning it bright pink. "your turn"
remus copies your actions, successfully turning snape's left sock pink. you look at each other, quietly laughing, and quickly pack your things so you can walk out before he notices. 
you walk next to him in the hallway, though neither of you know where you're going. 
"what do you need the charm for?" you ask him. 
"we're pranking someone" he explains. 
"should i be scared?" you question and he chuckles. 
"no, your clothes will be safe"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the next time you talk, he's the one who approaches you. 
"can i sit here?" he points at the chair next to you "i want to study but they're being to loud" you nod, and you talk as he sits. 
"why don't you do a silent charm on them?" he chuckles. 
"they'll find a way to be even louder" 
and that's how it starts, neither of you know why, but since then, we you enter the library, you immediately look for each other. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"you're the one who did that research on werewolves aren't you? teachers don't stop talking about how good it is" some guy asks you as he stands in front of you, the table in between you two. 
"yes" he was one of those pureblood guys, who only cared about their status. 
"you didn't talk about them being bad people" you stare at him, trying to find out why he's telling you that. "i just thought you'd like someone to tell you about your mistake"
"it's not a mistake, they aren't bad people" you tell him. 
"well, then you're wrong, they're obviously bad" he rolls his eyes, like it's obvious that he's right. 
"did you just come here to talk shit about werewolves?" you focus on your homework, mentally aiming in case you have to throw something at him. 
"no, i came here to see if you were a respectable pureblood, but let me guess, you fight for elves' rights too?" he seems upset with you, but he doesn't leave, instead, he looks at you like a challenge. 
"what, you want me to join your cause too and fight for arseholes' rights? maybe we should put your face on the banner so they know how one looks" you smile sarcastically at him. 
"what is wrong with you? i just wanted to let you know that werewolves are bad and you're being a bitch" he seems actually upset, his superior grin gone now. 
"oh, so you were looking out for me? what would I do without people minding my business? now just shut up and maybe look into your prejudices instead of my life" you stop looking at him. 
"how can you think that they aren't bad? i thought you were smart" now he seems offended that you aren't like he imagined, but maybe he thinks that he can change you, because he smiles again. 
"sorry to disappoint you. and, something can be dangerous but good at the same time, just because they have claws doesn't mean they'd stab you, but maybe a girl who’s been bothered by you will" you say, as his eyes go to the pen on your hands.
“did you just threaten me?” he has the audacity to look offended as he talks.
“i don’t know, did i? a bitch like me wouldn’t know” you smile, faking innocence.
"you’re fucking crazy” he mutters as he turns around.
when he leaves -not before insulting you again-, neither of you notice a certain tall guy, with scars on his face and a knitted sweater standing around a bookcase, listening to all the conversation.
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you don’t know how, but james and sirius convinced you to hang out with the marauders, maybe the mention of some boy with honey eyes and a mullet, but still. you find yourself on the gryffindor common room, listening to them as they tell you about their best pranks.
and remus must’ve sensed that you’re cold, because the next thing you know is that hes handing you his sweater.
“what?” you ask him
"you're cold" he shrugs. 
"but, what about you?" you question, not taking the sweater. 
"i'm fine, just put in on love" you obey, thanking him before looking back at james and peter, acting as you're not noticing sirius' smile. 
when you finally get up to go back to your room, while peter, james and sirius are too distracted talking to frank, you take of the sweater and hand it to remus. 
"what?" he asks, frowning. 
"it's yours" 
"you can give it to me other day"
"but i won't need it"
"love, just let me have an excuse to talk to you" he tells you, and you stop for a moment before answering, not believing him. 
"you don't need an excuse to talk to me" he smiles. 
"keep it anyway" 
"if you insist" he kisses your cheek goodbye, and that night you're only thinking about him. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"please just this once" james asks, and it looks like he's actually going to beg you to help them. 
"i don't have time for pranks" you walk away, and the four marauders immediately follow you. 
"you just need to distract him" sirius talks, walking to stand in front of you. 
"and why would i do that?" you ask, going around him. 
"because you appreciate our friendship?" this time is peter who talks, and you actually think about it for a second. 
"i don't-" before you can finish, remus intervenes. 
"love, just this once, okay? then we won't bother you" and you know it's not true, that they will bother you. but every doubt you had disappeared as soon as he talked. so you nod. 
"where is he?" 
and that's how you find yourself talking to binns, asking him about his class, solving questions you never had. 
then you see remus walking towards you, looking so innocent, and you keep nodding at binns, like you're so interested in what he's saying. 
when he turns around due to the sound of an explosion that you definitely had no idea about, remus walks next to you, grabbing your hand, and suddenly you're running down the hallway next to him. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
remus’ face is so close to yours that your noses are practically touching as you giggle.
“why are we hiding?” you ask, a smile not leaving your face and his hand not letting go of yours.
“because, certain friends of ours are bothering me" he closes his eyes, his forehead on yours as he talks. 
"what if they're not bothering me?" you joke, sarcasm in your tone. 
"oh, so you're saying I dragged you into this cupboard?" he pulls away, his hand on your chest as he acts offended. 
"yes, i didn't expect this behaviour from you, lupin" he rolls his eyes at the mention of his last name, as you laugh. 
"then leave" he challenges, but his hand doesn't let go of yours. 
"ok" you say, but you don't move.
when you walk out of the cupboard, both of you hear people talking. 
"do you think they're dating?"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you're just peacefully lying on your bed, reading a book remus had lent you when someone opens your door. you assume it's one of your roommates when that someone approaches you, grabs the book from your hands, and turns you so you're on your back. just to lie on top of you. 
"hi" you say, not sure what to do when he puts his head on your chest and closes his eyes. 
"hi love" he replies. and after a while he lifts his head, grabs your hand and puts it on his hair. 
"what are you doing?" you question him. 
"touch my hair" he demands, and you don't, just to mess with him. 
"what if i don't want to?" you smile, and he groans. 
then, when he notices that you're being serious, he puts his head up once again, this time to glare at you. 
he repeats his actions and puts your hand on his hair, and closes his eyes again. 
"don't move"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"what did you do?" you ask remus as he sits in your bed. 
"they were talking shit" he says as you go to the bathroom to look for the first aid kit you keep in there. 
"you got into a fight because they were talking shit?" you stand in front of him, in between his legs. 
he doesn't answer, instead, he winces when you start cleaning his face. 
"remus?" you insist, waiting for an answer 
"yes?" he acts oblivious, though it doesn't last much, as you start cleaning his face again, you mutter a quiet sorry before talking again. 
"why the fuck did you get into a fight?"
"they were talking sh-" you glare at him. 
"last name basis?" he tries to smile at you, but you turn his face to the side so you can look at the bruise forming on his cheek. 
"yes, answer" he sighs before talking. 
"i told you, they were talking shit" you keep glaring at him until he talks again "they were talking shit about you"
you stop moving for a second, processing the information. 
"you got into a fight because they were talking shit about me?"
"yes" he stares at you, waiting for a reaction. 
"are you fucking stupid?"
"maybe that wasn't the reaction i expected" he mutters to himself. 
"you are actually stupid" you don't talk again, you just focus on cleaning his face, which means he has a lot of time to talk. 
"what did you want me to do? i just couldn't stand there as he was saying how you were a bitch and shit like that" he groans when you don't answer "i warned them, i said that if they didn't stop i'd punch them"
"oh, you warned them, how nice" you reply, sarcastically. 
"don't be mad at me, please" he wraps his arms around your legs, and puts his head on your stomach. 
"what do you want me to do?" you put your hand on his hair. 
"i don't care, just don't be mad at me"
"oh, so i should just congratulate you? thank you so much remus for defending me, should i kiss you to show my gratitude?" 
"you could kiss me, not because of that, but you could" you don't even acknowledge him as you walk to the bathroom to throw away everything you used to clean his face. 
when you come back, he's in front of you, touching your cheek as he talks. 
"you're not gonna say anything?" he asks, as you try your best to not look away from his eyes. 
"about what?" he chuckles, but doesn't move his hand away from your face. 
"about the fact that i said that you could kiss me" you fail your goal, because your eyes immediately go to his lips. and of course, he notices. 
"what do you want me to say?" you ask, rolling your eyes at his smirk. 
"i think the question is what i want you to do"
"you just got into a fight" you remind him. 
"just because you're mad doesn't mean you can't kiss me"
"i know"
and you really know, so you kiss him. and it starts as a sweet kiss, slow, just to prove that it's real. but then one of his hands goes to the back of your neck and the other cups your jaw. 
your hands go to the back of his neck, finding balance when he pulls you closer to him.
you pull away for a second, breathing heavily as you look at each other's eyes. 
"we shouldn't do this" you remind him. 
"i know" he says, slowly walking so you have to walk back. 
"i'm still mad at you" you tell him, sitting in your bed, looking up at him. 
"i got into a fight because of you and you say that?" he smirks, pushing you so you have no choice but to lie down. 
one of his knees rests in between your legs, his hands on both sides of your head. your hands go to the back of his neck again. 
"you wound me" he tells you, before kissing your neck. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you had plans today, it was friday and you had no classes after lunch, so you were gonna start getting ready and maybe drinking with the girls before going to the party the gryffindor were hosting. 
but those plans got a bit ruined when you got a letter from your family during lunch, which usually meant bad news. 
you don't really remember a lot from the letter, all you know is that you had two choices: marrying barty or getting disowned. 
after reading the letter, all you can do is put it in your pocket and try to stop the tears coming from your eyes. you don't even look at your friends or at the food that remus put on your plate. instead, you think about the words you just read. 
"i have to go" you suddenly get up, grab your things and walk away, not noticing the concerned looks on your friends faces, especially on remus'. 
they all stare at you as you walk out the great hall.
you find an empty hall and sit in one of the windows, finally letting out the tears. you don't long how long you stay like that, but suddenly someone walks next to you. 
"hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay" all you notice are the tears running down your face, and remus' arms around you. as he holds you and tells you that everything is fine. 
once you calm down, he waits a bit to ask
"what happened? do you wanna talk about it?" he asks, and you don't even look at him, not wanting to see the worry in his eyes. 
"no, it's okay" he seems disappointed with your answer, but doesn't stop rubbing your back "thank you" 
"it's nothing" he tries to find something to say, something to comfort you, but before he can even think of anything, you get up. 
"you're going to the party, right?" you look at him, drying your tears. 
"are you gonna go?" he asks, frowning. 
"yes" he seems a bit surprised, because now you're smiling. 
"then yes" you smile even more at his answer. 
"i'll see you there" you give him a quick peck on his cheek before walking away. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the next time remus sees you, you're dancing, lily and marlene next to you.
he stands away for a bit, not in the mood to dance, but when he sees you're gonna refill your cup for the fifth time since he has been there. he decides to approach you. 
"hi" he says, standing next to you.
"hi remus" you smile at him, drinking from your now full cup. 
"how many of those have you had?" he asks. 
"i don't know, seven, maybe eight? who cares" you tell him, holding his hand and dragging him to the dance floor, but he quickly redirects you to one of the sofas. 
"i do, you're gonna pass out if you keep drinking" he says as he tries to get the cup from your hand, but you quickly move your hand away and frown. 
"i'll be okay"
"no you won't"
"i'm not even that drunk"
"you saw sirius and called him reggie" you smile, remembering the horrified look in sirius' eyes. 
"they look alike" you shrug.
"you should stop drinking"
"i'll be okay" he tries to reply, tries to tell you that maybe you won't, but you get up, and before he can even stand up, you get lost among the people. 
the next time he sees you, you're on the couch, head in your hands as you try to stop the tears from your eyes. 
remus sits next to you. a hand on you back as he leans to see your face. 
"are you drunk?" you nod "do you want to go to sleep" you nod, so he gets up and holds your hand, making your way through the crowd. 
once you reach the hall, he doesn't let go of your hand. he notices that something's wrong, he notices that you haven't complained to sirius about being in a pureblood family, like you do each time you receive a letter from them. he notices that you're trying not to cry. he notices that you're barely holding his hand, maybe it's because you're drunk or you're too sad to. 
and he wants to say something, he wants to help. but he decides to wait until you're in your room. he helps you get your makeup off and change into your pjs. he's folding your clothes while you're sitting on the side of your bed when he hears smalls sobs. 
he immediately sits next to you, drying your tears. 
"it's okay, everything will be alright" he hugs you, mentally cursing when you shake your head. 
"you don't get it" you tell him, in between sobs. 
"then explain it to me" he says, wondering if it's the same thing as what happened at lunch. 
"i can't" you sigh, pulling away from him as you dry your tears. 
"yes you can, i want to help you" his hands go to your face, holding you. 
"you can't-" you insist, putting your hands over his. 
"please let me help"
"i don't care if it's hard, i want to help" he insists, staring at your eyes. 
"let's sleep" he knows better than to insist more, so he just lets you sleep. 
when you wake up, you don't talk, you just walk with him to breakfast, and when you're finished, you walk away, not letting him know where you're going. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"i don't know what's happening in between us, but-" you look away from his eyes "i can't do this"
"what?" he asks, praying that he's dreaming, or that it's a bad joke, praying that you're not breaking up with him, even if you're not together. 
"what did i do? what happened?" he tries to find your gaze. 
"you didn't do anything, i just can't" i have to marry someone else. 
"let me fix it, whatever i did, let me fix it, you can hate me but don't go away" 
"i'll probably leave school as soon as i can" you admit, you don't even know why, you just don't want to disappear without explanations. 
"what? no, you can't leave" he panics, he looks around trying to find someone laughing at him. he doesn't. 
"i'm sorry" you talk, unable to look at his eyes. 
"don't, please, don't apologise" he says, grabbing your hands, in case you want to run away. 
"i'm so sorry" you repeat. 
"you don't have to do that" he insists, because he doesn't want to lose you. 
"i don't want to hurt you" you tell him, thinking about the letter your parents just sent you, thinking about your future, which is already decided, not by the stars, but by your family. 
"then stay, stay here, with me" he pulls your hands, so your bodies are closer. 
"you know i can't" you lament, even though he doesn't know that much. 
"yes you can, you just have to try" he suddenly lets your hands go, taking a step away from you. and you try to get mad at him, but you can't, not when he's looking that hurt, hurt by you. 
"remus-" you try to get him to listen, maybe if he gives you a chance, you'll show the letter to him, you'll explain everything to him. how you have no choice but to listen to your parents. 
"are you even sorry? you don't seem to have tried to stay" you know he doesn't mean it, he knows he doesn't mean it. but it's better that way, it'll be easier if he's mad at you. so you don't answer. you just stare at him.
"you're not gonna answer?" he asks, tears on the corner of both of your eyes. "i thought you liked me" you swear you can feel your heart break as the words leave his mouth. 
"i do-" he cuts you off. 
"then why don't you stay? is it just a game to you? you wanted to play with me?" he keeps talking, he tries to stop, he wants to, but the hurt in his heart makes him keep going. 
"i didn't, remus, it's not that easy" you tell him, begging him to understand. 
"i never said i wanted things to be easy. especially not with you" he fights the urge to walk away, thinking that maybe there's a chance that you'll change your mind. 
"i don't want to hurt you" you repeat, maybe more to remind you than to him. 
"you're already hurting me" 
"you have to understand"
"when you defended werewolves from that guy you already knew i was one didn't you? maybe he was right and you're a bitch after all, did you tell him that just to shag me?" he doesn't even blink as he talks, pretending he's not mad at himself right now, even more than with you. 
"you don't mean that" you say as the tears fall from your eyes. 
"oh, i do" that's what it takes for him to finally walk away, letting the tears out of his eyes. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you couldn't focus, it was all too much. the pain from the unforgivable curse, the sadness from your own family doing that, the realisation that you could never go back to your house. 
all you could do is try to not pass out as you walk to the potter's mansion. 
once you reach their door, and ring it, you wait. you don't know if it was ten seconds, ten minutes or even ten hours. all you know is that when james opens the door, you practically throw yourself at him, who catches you as he calls for his parents. 
"i'm sorry" you whisper in between sobs. 
"it's okay, you'll be okay, everything's going to be fine" james tries to not show the concern on his voice, he really tries, but everyone must've sense it, because remus, sirius and peter quickly appear, staring at you as effie kneels down next to you. 
when you finally pass out, all you know is that it hurts, everything hurts. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you wake up with effie folding clothes next to you. 
"oh hi sweetie, how are you feeling?" she immediately sits next to you, touching your forehead to check your temperature. 
"good" you answer, quietly. 
"you have clothes here, you can take a shower and i'll make dinner" she walks to the door as you sit up. 
"effie, thank you so much, you don't have to do this, i'll be okay"
"we'll talk later" she doesn't give you room to talk, instead, she leaves after giving you a smile. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
effie and fleamont sit in front of you as you eat, staring at you and then at each other.
"we want you to stay here" fleamont is the first to talk as soon as you finish eating. 
"what? no, i can't, i'll find somewhere to stay"
"no, you'll stay here, we have your room ready" effie insists. 
"i can't" 
"sweetie, there's no way to stop this now, the faster you accept it the better" fleamont talks as effie gets up and tells you to follow her to show you your room. 
they leave you a moment to see your room before walking in. 
"thank you so much" you say before they hug you, drying your tears before they fall on your face. 
"it's okay honey, you'll be fine" they assure you before walking out of the room. "and, by the way, the boys are sleeping, we'll tell them to come here when they wake up, they're really worried"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
he thinks it's unfair, remus thinks that it's unfair that you're talking to peter like nothing happened, that you're playing quidditch with james and sirius like you weren't crying in his arms just a few weeks ago. he thinks it's unfair that you haven't even glanced at him. he thinks it's unfair that you look like nothing ever happened, he hates that you're acting like everything it's okay, like you're not hurt by your family, by his words.
he also thinks he's being selfish, by slightly hoping that you're as hurt as him. that you think of him as much as he thinks of you. he hopes that you also have the urge to go to his room in the middle of the night. he hopes that you're as jealous as he is when someone starts flirting with you at the party james organised at his house. 
but he also thinks that none of it it's possible, that you look way too happy to be thinking of him, that if you're planning on getting drunk, you definitely don't want his help. 
he doesn't know if it was between staring at you as you flirted back with that guy, or when he was searching for you while you were nowhere to be found. but he gets drunk.
and suddenly, all the doubts he had about you disappear, because you're next to him, rubbing his back and asking him if he's drunk. and you wouldn't help him if you hated him would you?. 
he just stares at you as you hold his hand and make your way through the crowd, not so kindly pushing people who didn't move. you help him through the barrier james magically applied on the stairs so no one but his friends could walk upstairs. 
when you reach his room, you help him walk to his bed, which is kinda difficult seeing his stumbling tall figure. once he is in the safety of his mattress, you walk to the door, but his voice stops you. 
"i can't sleep with my shirt on" when you turn around, he's smirking. 
"then take it off" you turn your back to him again. 
"i need help" when you turn around, not before rolling your eyes, he's giving you puppy eyes. 
remus lupin. is. giving. you. puppy eyes. 
"you aren't that drunk" you don't even move from the door. 
"yes i am. you're really gonna leave me here, drunk and defenceless?" he lies back on his bed. 
"are you trying to blackmail me?" you frown, leaning your back onto his closed door. 
"is it working?" he asks, hoping it does. 
"no" he sighs, before leaning on his elbows to look at you. 
"c'mon love, just help me take my shirt off" you don't answer, instead, you just get closer to him, and help him sit up, once he is, he doesn't move, he just looks up at you. 
"you're not gonna put your arms up?" you groan, frustrated, when he just smiles at you. 
after a few minutes of work, due to his boycott, you finally take his shirt off, throwing it aside before walking away. 
or that's what you try, because before you can even turn around, his arms are around you. and you don't know how he's so strong, or why you didn't try to fight back more, maybe it was the alcohol. but before you notice it. you're on the bed next to him, and he's hugging you so tight that you have no choice but to fall asleep. 
when you wake up he's still hugging you, luckily not as strong as last night, so you can get up and slowly walk to the door, quietly closing it and making the way to your room. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
remus is almost convinced that it was a dream, he thinks he imagined everything when he wakes up and you're not there, he thinks it was his mind tricking him when you sit next to marlene at breakfast. even though he purposely left the sit next to him free. 
he's basically drowning in his tea when marlene says something that makes him look at you. 
"where were you last night? you left soon" he stares at you, noticing the way your eyes linger at him for a moment before saying that you were tired. and it would be childish for him to admit that it made him happy, that he doesn't even notice the hangover now, that he's smiling so much that even effie asked him about it. 
and it would be even more childish to admit that he's been giving james the idea to throw another party just before holidays end, that he doesn't need to invite anyone, just the group of friends it's okay. and who is james to say no to a party?. 
he spends more time that he wants to admit staring at you. as you talk to lily and mary, as you almost make sirius drop his drink, as you hug james. and especially, as you ignore him. so he does what he knows will make you talk to him, getting drunk. 
it follows the same order as the other night. you approach him, lead him upstairs and help him get ready to bed. 
"why did you leave?" he asks, holding your wrist after you tried to walk to the door. he sees how you think about the answer. and to be honest, he didn't think he was ready to hear it. 
"because that's what a bitch would do" you break free from his grip and walk to the door. he just stays there as you go back downstairs. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the next morning, no one knows why remus looks so miserable, why he's being so grumpy to everyone, except you. why he's putting food on your plate, why he's making everyone put on the movie you want to see. 
they also don't know why you're ignoring him, why you offered the plate to james, why you changed your mind and told marlene to decide what movie to watch. 
but you knew, you knew because you've been listening to him apologise every other minute, you've been listening to him knocking on your door every night. you've been reading his apology letters. 
but that wasn't enough, because just two days before classes start again, he decides that he's had enough, and that he won't leave before giving you a proper apology. so he follows you to the kitchen when everyone is focused on the movie. and he stands on your way to the door so you have no choice but to listen. 
"i didn't mean it, and you know that, you know i'd never think that. and i know it's not an excuse, but it was days before a full moon, and i wanted to hate you, i wanted to hate you for making me love you and then leaving me. and i wanted you to hate me because i wouldn't be able to be around you. and i'm so sorry, i'll do anything to take it back, i need you to understand that i didn't mean it, and that i'm so sorry i ever made you feel bad. there's no day i haven't thought about you, about how much i miss you, about how i ruined everything. so please, give me a second chance, i'll apologise every minute if i have to, i'll do anything for you to forgive me. because i don't think i can stand the thought of what we could've had if i hadn't ruined everything." he takes a deep breath "i'm so so so sorry"
and you know that you shouldn’t, that he’s hurt you as much as you’ve hurt him. but you’re both teenagers, you both make mistakes, and you both miss each other. so you do what everyone would’ve done in this situation, and hug him, breathing him in.
“does that mean you forgive me?” he asks.
“yes, i’m sorry” you close your eyes, your head in his chest.
“you have nothing to apologise for, love”
“yes i do-” he cuts you off by pressing a quick kiss to your lips.
“let’s just go to sleep”
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you don’t know why james drags you from the kitchen, where you were talking with everyone, to your room, with the suitcase half done on the floor. you don’t know why he slams the door. or why he’s staring at you like you told him you forbade quidditch.
but then he talks.
“did you forgive him?”
and you remember the conversation you had with him after spending a few nights here.
“weren’t you two in love?” you’re on his bed, still not used to your new room, you’re both laying on your backs, him throwing his snitch and catching it.
“who?” you ask, staring at the ceiling.
“remus” he says it like it’s obvious, and it actually is.
“i don’t know” you shrug. 
“what happened?” he asks. 
“i ruined everything” you explain. 
“that’s not true” he frowns. 
“how do you know that?” you chuckle. 
“you wouldn’t ruin anything” he says, so sincere. 
“i was supposed to marry barty” the snitch falls and hits his face.
“what?!” he immediately sits up. 
“so i told him i couldn’t do whatever we were doing" 
"and he just accepted it?" he's frowning even more. 
"he was sad at first, then mad, but he stopped talking to me, so it worked" you shrug again, and he gets closer to you. 
"it's okay"
"i know how remus gets when he gets mad, did he say something to you?" he looks worried, already thinking about punching remus. 
"nothing to bad, the normal when the person you're in love with and it's in love with you dumps you for no reason" 
"what's the normal?" he questions. 
"james, it's okay"
and with that beautiful flashback, you come back to an angry james in front of you. 
"don't dare to move, i'll talk to you later, let me have a chat with remus first" he tries to get out of the room, but you stop him. 
"james wait" 
“stop trying to defend him, and don’t try to walk away, you won’t move until you tell me everything” he stands in front of you, arms crossed. 
"james let me explain" 
"you want to talk? talk, i'm not leaving until i know everything" he sounds determined, and you know that he won't stop until he knows everything. 
"there's nothing to know, just leave it" you insist. 
"what did he say to you?" he takes at step, so he's closer to you. 
"what did he say to you?"
"james, stop"
"now, i won't stop until you tell me what the fuck he told you, and why you're together with him after that"
"because it doesn't matter, it's already over"
"it doesn't matter?! you're saying it doesn't fucking matter? after weeks of seeing you miserable, and because of him?" he pinchs the bridge of his nose. "honestly, if you're not going to tell me what he told you, then don't even bother talking"
he tries to walk away, again, but you stand in front of the door. 
"what's the point? i already forgave him, so, what are you going to do, make me leave him?" you question him, praying that he doesn't actually say yes. 
"you don't know what i'm willing to do for you happiness" he tries to walk past you, but you don't move. 
"please don't be mad at me" 
"then tell me what he said to you" his eyes soften, looking at yours. 
"why? what are you going to do about it?" 
"it depends" he avoids your gaze. 
"maybe punch him" he looks away. 
"please tell me what he said" he asks, this time softer. 
and you don't know why, maybe it's the look on his eyes, or the fact that you know he wouldn't let it go until you did. but you say everything to him, from how you approached him, how you were both almost crying, how he walked away. 
and it takes him a moment to react, he's sitting in your bed, and you immediately get up to stand in front of him. 
"james…" he gets up. 
"i need to have a chat with remus" he tries to walk past you, but you don't let him. 
"please, just, stay here with me. you can help me pack" you give him your best puppy eyes until he agrees, sitting on the floor next to you, passing you clothes as you put them in your suitcase.
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
and it all looked perfect. it seemed like james had already forgotten everything by the time dinner is ready. and it seems like he's really happy when he suggests to watch a movie. 
but then something changes. maybe it was remus' hand on your tight, or the fight scene on the movie. but the next thing you know, is that there's a fist right in remus' face. and that fist belongs to james. 
"you said you wouldn't do anything!" you immediately get up, putting yourself in front of remus, while sirius and marlene pull james back. 
"i had to!" he says. 
"james!" you fight the urge to roll your eyes. 
"i'm sorry! but i couldn't help it! i had to do something about it!" he explains. 
"about what?" lily asks, and you stiffen, looking at james with wary eyes. 
"yes, about what?" james asks you, and you glare at him as mary and peter take care of remus' face. 
"about nothing" you immediately say, backing up as they all stare at you. 
and they're complaining about it as soon as you say it, but remus stops them. 
"about me hurting her" no one knows how to react, you just stare at him as he stretches his neck. 
"you fucking hurt her?" lily talks, walking towards him, and it seemed like she had the intention of repeating james' actions. so you step in front of her. 
"it's all forgotten, there's no reason to punch anyone" you stare at james "especially when you promised you wouldn't"
"i'm sorry-" he tries to apologise. 
"it's okay, i deserved it" remus talks. 
"no you didn't?" you tell him, but he just smiles at you. 
"i'm going to sleep"
you all stare at him as he walks upstairs, and when you turn around they're all staring at you. 
"if i forgave him, you can do it too" you say, especially looking at james. "so, i hope you apologise to him, because he deserves it"
when you get to remus' room, he's looking at himself in the mirror. 
"i'm sorry" you sneak in front of him, hugging him as you put your head in his chest. 
"why" he chuckles, hugging you back. 
"what do you mean why, are you stupid?" you questions him. 
"love, it's not your fault" he smiles as you narrow your eyes at him. "i deserved it" 
"shut up" you immediately pull away from him, storming out of the bathroom. 
he grabs your wrist before you can walk out of the room, and as soon as he gets it his arms are around you. 
"don't be mad at me" he pleads, and when you don't answer, his lips go to your cheek. "please" 
when you don't answer he just keeps kissing you. 
this time is your other cheek. 
"cmon love"
your forehead. 
"just talk to me"
your nose. 
your lips
your neck. 
and you know that he'll start going lower if you don't stop him. and you know that if he does you won't be mad anymore. so you pull away from him. 
"you're stupid, remus lupin" you glare at him "if you ever say that you deserve any hurt ever again i'll be the one punching you instead of james. and i'll also cry" 
"why would you cry?" he genuinely asks, putting one of his hands on your cheek. 
"because you don't deserve anything bad remus. you're literally an angel" 
"don't say that" you frown at him, and he looks away. 
"remus, i mean it"
"i know" he puts his forehead on yours "that's why i don't want you to say it"
"because it's gonna make me love you even more"
before you can answer, he's kissing you again, this time for real, when he pulls away, he stares at you. 
"i know everyone already says that we're dating, but can we make it official?" his hands are on your cheeks, and he thinks that he's never been more nervous in his life. 
"i'd love to" this time, you're the one who kisses him, and you stay like that for a while, in each other's arms. before someone knocks on the door. 
when you open, you find james on the other side, with regret in his eyes. 
"can i talk to remus?" you narrow your eyes at him as remus appears behind you. 
"it's alright love" 
you go to the living room with everyone, and before you know it, james and remus are walking in, talking and laughing. 
everyone stares at them as they get closer to the couch. 
"what?" they ask, staring back at you. 
"everything's… fine?" lily asks, and when they both smile and nod, everyone smiles and cheers, a bit exaggerated. 
remus sits next to you, putting and arm around you and kissing you. 
and if before they were dramatic, now it's like their favourite team won the quidditch world cup.
"what?" this time remus and you ask, staring at them. 
"you just kissed?" mary says, not believing it. 
"yeah?" you answer. 
"why" marlene asks, narrowing her eyes. 
"we're dating" remus says, and the night ends between cheers, screams and hugs. 
sirius and james even cry a bit, hugging each other while saying "finally!" "we did it!" 
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ltsokaylove · 5 months
A !young! Remus Lupin x reader
Summary: Your not feeling well, and Remus takes care of you ^^
Major fluff, no trigger warnings :))
Gender neutral reader :D
Its almost lunchtime and you still haven't left your bed, well except to run to the bathroom when you got nauseous. But other that that, you got no other exercise. Unfortunately, that means you also hadn't left your room, which left you absolutely starving.
You were just turning over in bed, trying to get comfy even in your restless state, when a worried Remus (gently) busted through the door.
His face immediately softened once his eyes rested on your pale, sickly looking state. "Oh honey, what happened?" he slowly sits on the edge of your bed, feeling your forehead with the back of his hand.
Most of the tension in your body dissipates as you feel the softness and gentle warmth of his skin on your forehead. "M' sick," was the only reply you could muster in your sweaty, hungry, pain filled state.
He chuckles softly, "I really couldn't tell," he hands you a thermos cup from the messenger bag at his side. "Hot tea, I figured you were sick when you weren't at breakfast, its waffle day, your favorite," he kisses your head gently before helping you sit up.
You slowly sip the tea praying it will help rid you of your blaring headache and incredibly sore throat. While you were slightly disappointed about waffle day, you knew you probably wouldn't be able to keep it down anyways.
"Thanks," you reply softly as you sip the tea. There's a perfect combination of the flowery taste of the tea itself and sweetness of the honey he no doubt mixed in.
He grins standing as he begins to take stuff out of his bag and set it on the wide nightstand sitting next to your bed. He sets cough drops, water, ibuprofen and your favorite chocolate on your nightstand.
You have to clamp your jaw shut so it doesn't fall open at the genuine kindness of your boyfriend. "Remmy..."
He smiles, "Want some chocolate? I absolutely know you haven't eaten all day and that's not good, especially when your sick and dehydrate," he adds emphasis on 'not good' and 'dehydrated', to show how much he's worried.
"Alright," you gingerly try to take it from his hands but he grins mischievously before breaking off a piece and lifting it up to your lips. You roll your eyes and try not to smile as you bite into the chocolate, the lovely flavor of it spreading across your tongue.
He takes everything back from your hands and returns it to the nightstand before flipping the light off and climbing into bed with you.
"Remus, you have classes," but your words are muffled as he pulls you into his chest.
"Shh you're sick, I could care less about classes. Plus I'll get the homework from James later".
You eventually sigh, and lovingly roll your eyes at his antics before leaning into him, your arms wrapping around his waist. You're genuinely surprised that the chocolate didn't make you sicker. But in his arms you feel completely content. Maybe you'll get some sleep after all?
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sumsumstrashbin · 9 months
𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ~ 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐥𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 𝟏.𝟑𝐤
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠? 𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝
𝐚/𝐧: 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲? 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
It was your seventh year at Hogwarts, and the New Years ball was rapidly approaching. There was now one week until the ball, and anyone that didn’t have a date already was frantically asking anyone they could find. You, on the other hand, had rejected every person that asked you, deciding not to spoil your night with a random classmate that would expect a new year’s kiss from you.
The Marauders had placed their bets on which one of them would get a date first, and of course it was easy for James to ask Lily right away. He took the crown, followed by Sirius, who asked Marlene McKinnon. Peter took a while, but options became scarce as the ball got closer and girls became less picky with their choices. Remus was still without a date, but he knew that the rest of them would never leave him alone if he told them, so he lied instead. It was already bad enough that he ended up in last place, and he didn’t want to go without a date at all.
So, he told them that he had asked you, and that you said yes. 
They didn't believe him, but he said that he was going to prove them wrong and that they’d just have to wait until the ball to see. That gave him enough time to actually muster up the courage to just ask you. Well, not really, but he didn’t have much of a choice. Besides, it would be less embarrassing for him to actually ask you than to admit to them that he lied about it.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
“Hey, L/n, wait up!” Sirius’ voice echoed out to you in the empty hallway. 
You were on your way to the library to work on a project with Remus. The two of you had known each other as acquaintances for quite some time, and you eventually became friends. You were paired together for a project so you occasionally spent time with him inside and outside of class. He was planning on bringing up the ball situation to you during your session at the library, but unfortunately for him, Sirius got to you first. 
Sirius jogged to catch up with you, slowing to a walk beside you. “Remus said he asked you to the New Year’s ball. Is that true?” 
You peered behind his shoulder, seeing Remus frantically speed-walking to the scene. Judging by the look on his face, you decided it would probably be best to just go along with whatever was going on at the moment. 
“Yes, he did.” You stated, hugging your books close to your chest.
“And you said yes?” He questioned.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well, you rejected the entire school, so forgive me for being shocked.”
“He asked me, and I said yes. Can I go now? I have a project to work on.” 
“It’s winter break. Why are you working on a project when you have time to relax?”
“It’s due shortly after the break is over. I’d rather do it gradually than cram it all into one night. Though I’m sure you’re the procrastinating type.”
“Yeah, yeah, go on then.” He crossed his arms, scowling.
You rolled your eyes, turning on your heel and continuing on your way to the library. Remus followed quickly behind, ignoring Sirius’ taunting as he passed by.
You entered the quiet library, finding a seat in your usual corner and setting your books down. Remus sat in front of you, cheeks pink from embarrassment.
“What was that all about?” You inquired, crossing your arms across your chest.
“Well, you see, uh…” Remus spoke, fiddling with the hem of his sweater. “We made a bet on who could get a date to the ball first, and I ended up losing, but I didn’t want them to know that I didn’t have a date at all, so I just lied. You were the first person that came to mind, considering that you’re the only person I spend time with other than them. I’m sorry, you don’t have to go with me, I’ll just have to come clean. Though I don’t know what's more embarrassing: having to lie about having a date or admitting that I lied about it.”
“I’ll go with you, Remus. I know you’ll never hear the end of it from them if you don’t go with me. Besides, you’re the only person that I wouldn’t mind going with.” You said, registering your own words a moment too late. “I just mean that you’re the only one that isn’t obnoxious, and I know you won’t ruin the night for me.”
“Right, of course. Well, if it’s really no trouble, then I’d love to go with you. And not just because they’d bully me if I didn’t.” Remus admitted, offering you a warm smile. 
You felt your cheeks heat up at his words. You knew that you didn’t just accept his invitation to save him from torment: honestly, you’d love to go with him. Your idea of a dreadful New Year’s kiss with a stranger was quickly turning into a wish that Remus would kiss you at midnight.
You nodded, offering him a smile. “Alright. I suppose we should get to work.”
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
It was New Year’s Eve, and it was time to make your way to the ball together. Remus waited outside of your common room, holding a bouquet of flowers and pacing back and forth nervously. You were feeling the same nervousness as him, butterflies swarming in your stomach as you gathered the courage to finally meet him in the hallway. 
As you stepped out of your common room, Remus’ face lit up at the sight of you. He cleared his throat, offering you the flowers. “You look beautiful, Y/n. Positively radiant.”
“Thank you.” You grinned, accepting the flowers and putting them in your bottomless bag. “You look great too. I don’t understand why Sirius gets all of the attention in your group, you’re just as handsome, if not even more.”
He chuckled bashfully, offering you his arm. “I appreciate that, but don’t let him hear it. He’ll resent you for the rest of his life.”
“Got it. Don’t tell Sirius. Shall we go?” You took his arm, beginning to walk with him to the Great Hall.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
You spent most of the night chatting about your lives and sharing punch with firewhiskey in it (courtesy of Sirius). 
“So you weren’t lying when you said you were taking Y/n L/n as your date.” James quipped. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“Why would I lie? Remus asked, shooting you a sly grin.
The clock was ticking close to midnight, and everyone gathered in the middle of the great hall awaiting the countdown.
“Are you ready, Y/n? It’s our last New Year’s ball at Hogwarts.” Remus asked, looking at you.
“Ready as I’ll ever be. I can’t believe we’re so close to graduation and I went all these years without a New Year’s kiss.”
Remus’ stomach fluttered at your words, though he hid it well. “We could always change that.”
Stunned at his words, you stared up at him, not even noticing the countdown beginning around you. You were snapped back to the present by the crowd roaring the last few numbers.
Fireworks erupted above you as the students cheered and yelled out “Happy New Year!”. Students waved their sparklers in the air while others embraced each other.
Remus, however, didn’t take his eyes off of you, and you were fixated on him too. He glanced at your lips, as if asking for permission, and you instinctively nodded. Without further hesitation, he brought his hand behind your head, pulling you in for a gentle kiss.
Time seemed to stop as he kissed you, and your hands settled on his back to hold him close. After a few moments, he pulled away, smiling down at you.
“Happy New Year, Y/n.”
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
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goblinpuppy35 · 26 days
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Paw Prints in Fresh Soil
(Previous Chapter) - Part 8
Professor Remus x Male Reader
Summary: While teaching at Hogwarts Professor Lupin tries his best to conceal his strong crush for the green fingered grounds keeper Y/N but soon a strong friendship blooms into something more.
CW: 18 YEAR OLDS + ONLY: Long chapter with A LOT of smut
Remus was unable to hide his flushed cheeks and gleeful smile throughout the rest of the teaching day. His students simply assumed he was in a particularly good mood that day. The Professor religiously checked the time after every class, assessing how long he had to wait before seeing Y/N again. He could still taste the wet fabric of Y/N's pre cum stained boxers on his lips. It made the wolf inside him feral. 
Once teaching concluded for the day Remus eagerly returned to his chambers. Despite lust filling his head Remus was suddenly overwhelmed by the concern of hosting and began to quickly clean scattered books and papers off the floor and table. Then in an attempt to set the mood the Professor brought out a number of candles, placing them around the room and lighting them accordingly. Afterwards Remus lit the fire and then looked around the room satisfied, the low amber glow around him vividly reminded him of taking care of Y/N's cold body during his recovery. 
Remus attempted to preoccupied himself as he waited for Y/N by laying on the sofa half heartedly flicking through one of his books. This distraction only worked temporarily as the thought of what if Y/N would be hungry on arrival entered Remus' mind. Panickily he hurried to his small kitchen. Similar to his poison skills, his cooking abilities were extremely limited and lacking. As Remus frantically tried to figure out why the eggs he was trying to scramble were producing storm clouds of smoke from the pan, he failed to notice the latch of his door quietly opening and Y/N entering the room.
Remus was completely oblivious to Y/N's presents until the groundskeepers fingers slipped passed Remus' to take hold of the frying pan. Remus' surprise was promtly replaced with relief and then embarrassment as he let Y/N save what was left of his scrambled eggs which took on more of the apprentice of scrambled charcoal. Sitting on the candle lit floor by the fire Y/N insisted on eating the least burnt parts of Remus' disastrous meal, insisting it wasn't that bad. Remus laughed and watched Y/N, his long arm stretch across the sofa that their backs were resting against. His hand on Y/N's shoulder Remus rubbed his thumb up and down the fabric of the groundskeepers shirt tentatively. The contact between them felt so natural. 
Although both men knew exactly what they had came here for, as the night progressed the pair stayed in each other's arms talking. Y/N told Remus about his transition and how he struggled connecting to his family because of it, "They never planned to have a Muggle child, let alone a queer son" Y/N said pensively, looking into the fire. He then turned back and smiled warmly at Remus, "It's okay though, I manage" his words were genuine but Remus could still see sadness behind Y/Ns handsome eyes. Remus squeezed Y/N shoulder lovingly and pulled him in closer. 
Midnight came and went as the men talked relentlessly, as Y/N continued to tell Remus about his life the weary Professor found himself equally opening up. He told Y/N about his affliction and the toll it put on his body every month. He talked about how he often felt a great deal of guilt and shame for the way he was. With each personal secret of their lives they shared with one another their emotional bond grew as well as thier physical proximity, by the time the last fire embers extinguished themselves Y/N was curled up in-between Remus' open legs. Their hands weaved around one another like ivy up and old stone wall. Gently Remus kisses Y/Ns ear and whispered "Shall we go to bed?", looking up towards the Professor, Y/N nodded. They walked to the bedroom hand in hand. Their eyes slowly adjusted to the dark as they watched one another start to remove their clothes. Deep conversations about everything and nothing flowed between the pair again once they were laying on their sides facing one another, just in their underwear. Y/N explained which parts of his body were still sensitive after surgery and in general how he preferred being treated in bed to not feel dysphoric. Additionally Remus told Y/N which parts of his own body where most fragile, showing which scars had healed poorly.
Both men were not sure when they'd drifted off to sleep but the comfort of being engulfed in each other's arms was too tranquil to resist. Early morning owl cries woke Y/N up from the deepest sleep he felt he'd had in a life time. The room was still completely dark. Y/N had rolled to his opposite side, with his back against Remus' front, the taller man's arms were cradling Y/N and he could feel Remus' hot exhaling breathes in the crook of his neck. Considering he was a light sleeper Y/N appreciated the fact Remus didn't snore. As Y/N wiggled his body to get my comfort he felt his back press further into Remus, who's peaceful breathing suddenly got lower. Y/N moved a little more and felt the small of his back push against Remus' crotch, he was noticeable hard and the sensation made Y/N blush. Remus' lower breathing grew into a deep growl, his body shifted and then his grip tightened around Y/N.
"I'm sorry.. did I wake you? Sorry" breathed Y/N unsuccessfully hiding how flustered and arose he was becoming, Remus pushed his body closer to his. "Don't be" Remus' voice rumbled through Y/Ns ear and made his body shake. Y/N's limbs suddenly felt limp and stupid as Remus' hand slowly pulled down Y/N's boxers and then his own. Even in the darkness Y/N could feel Remus' impressive length resting against his leg, a small wet patch at the end. Tenderly kissing Y/N's shoulder Remus positioned himself then carefully began to enter Y/N from behind. Hums passed through Y/N's pressed lips which turned to whimpers as he became overwhelmed with the sheer sensational volume his body was feeling. "Hold onto me pup" Remus' low sleep filled voice said softly, "It's alright, I've got you". These sincere words followed by blankets of kisses up his neck helped relax Y/N, his forearms gripping onto the strong arms wrapped around him, as he loosened his tense body he could feel Remus' whole cock fully inside him, it was enough to make Y/N's brain fully switch off. 
"That's my boy" Remus huffed rocking his body and guiding Y/N's to do the same "your doing so well... god You feel amazing". The room was silent except for the steady creaking of the wooden bed frame and both men's heated moans. The air was filled with privacy and intimate passion. "Y/N.. are you okay, dose it feels good for you?" Remus asked between pants feeling himself getting harder inside of the smaller man. Having seemingly lost the ability to talk Y/N took hold of one of Remus' hands and delicately pulled it down his own body, reaching his thighs he pulled apart to folds to reveal his throbbing cock tip to Remus. The Professor's breathing paused momentarily as he felt how large and stimulated Y/N's cock was. A new pleasure swept across Remus' body now he could tell how turned on Y/N was. "I ... I" Y/N was barely able to whisper while he showed Remus' fingers how to rub against his tip "I want you to make me cum AH" before Y/N finished his request Remus took to for filling it. Coating with thumb and forefinger with Y/N's precum he slowly started to rub Y/N's erection, taking note how even the slightest touch down there made Y/N's back arch . "With pleasure my love" Remus cooed before thrusting his hips harder behind Y/N.
Y/N very rarely let himself fully go in any situation, even when he was alone. Yet Remus was sending every fibre of skin he had alight. His throbbing cock ached spectacularly from Remus' meticulous touch, he knew he was going to cum soon. Remus' body was having the same reaction to Y/N and as the groundskeeper widened his leg span, giving Remus more space, his pleasure tipped over the edge. "Fuck Y/N I'm" was all Remus could announce before overflowing feelings of ecstasy escaped his body. Y/N was getting drunk feeling all of Remus' inside him. Extending his high Remus continued to pump Y/N slower but with harder thrusts, his own body starting to buck. These sharp movements were too much for Y/N "Oh Christ Remus .. I'm ..I'm. Fuck. I'm going to scream. Please stop me". Swiftly Remus lifted up his free hand and clasped it fully over Y/N's trembling mouth, pulling his head back slightly. Remus' other hand stayed on Y/N's cock as he synchronized his hip thrusts to his wrist jerk. The hand gag seemed to have the opposite affect on Y/N for each muffled moan came quicker after the others and became more desperate. Even though his own high was fading Remus was loving this display and pure lust and with each moan from Y/N he tighter his grip over his mouth and tilted his head back further. Suddenly Y/N's body stopped squirming, become unbelievably still and tense as he let out a muffled moan which sounded as if he was crying. His body arched and then rubbed against Remus' fingers enthusiastically, at which point Remus felt warm cum over his fingers. He waited until Y/N had finished rocking and then withdraw his fingers to his open mouth, licking around his knuckles he devoured Y/N's taste. "You taste beautiful" Remus whispered causing Y/N to shake and twitch now Remus had pulled out. Y/N shock so hard he made the mattress quiver so Remus sitting up, scoped Y/N in between his legs and pulled the blankets up to wrapped around both their shoulders. Shushing and petting the younger man's Y/H/C hair Remus kissed his warm cheeks "You were perfect Y/N". 
"Some .. Sometimes I get .. I .. very non verbal after.. af" Y/N jittered through his wobbling lip. Caressing Y/Ns hand Remus kissed it gently, "That's okay" He reassured, "as long as you are okay?". Y/N smiled and nodded, snuggling into Remus cosy embrace. After a moment of peaceful recovery Remus asked "Shall we both get cleaned up and then go back to bed?". Y/N nodded again and was about to gingerly make his way off the bed but gasped in surprise as his weight lifted off the sheets. Supported by Remus' arms the Professor carried Y/N to the bathroom, switching the light on with his elbow. Both men couldn't stop bashfully smiling at each other. 
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sunflowerabyss · 5 months
can you write reader confessing her admiration towards lupin and being rejected and as a result, she focuses on other boys and it enrages remus?
The Art of Understanding
A/N: Okay so I didn't know if you wanted a young!Remus Lupin or an Older!Remus Lupin, so I wrote them both! (They'll be on separate posts) I love this prompt and how angsty it can get. Thank you for the request!
Find the Older!Remus Lupin story here: Jealousy
Pairings: Young!Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, unrequited love (not really), fluff
The halls of Hogwarts were quiet as the seventh years prepared for their upcoming exams. In the middle of academic chaos, Remus Lupin found himself in the library, surrounded by towering shelves of books and the hushed whispers of students engrossed in their studies. He had been helping Y/N with Transfiguration for weeks, patiently explaining complex spells and theories, and he couldn't deny that he found a sense of peace in her company.
Y/N, with her determined eyes and infectious laughter, had grown fond of Remus over the weeks. She found comfort in his presence and couldn't help but notice the subtle ways he made her feel special – a lingering touch on her hand, a genuine smile that reached his tired eyes. She believed there was something more between them, something that transcended the realm of friendship.
As they closed their Transfiguration books one evening, Y/N gathered her courage and decided it was time to share her feelings. The library was quiet, the air thick with anticipation. Clutching a book to her chest, nervously watching Remus as he flipped through the pages of another worn tome. The dim light cast a warm glow, emphasizing the shadows playing on Remus's face. She took a deep breath.
"Hey, Remus," she began, her voice a touch uncertain but determined.
Remus looked up, offering a small smile. "Yes, Y/N? What's on your mind?"
"Well," she hesitated, her cheeks flushing slightly, "there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."
Remus closed the book in his hands, giving her his full attention. "Go on."
She took another deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "I've enjoyed our time together, studying and all. You've been such a great help, and I really appreciate it. But... it's more than that for me."
Remus furrowed his brow, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "More than that?"
"Yeah," she admitted, her gaze meeting his. "Remus, I really like you. Not just as a study partner, but, you know, in a different way."
Remus's expression shifted from curiosity to surprise. "Oh."
Y/N nervously fiddled with the edge of her book. "I wanted to be honest with you, and I thought you should know. I've been trying to give you hints, but I guess I'm not very good at it. A-and as cocky as it might sound, I thought that maybe we could go to H-Hogsmeade this weekend?"
Remus, however, looked pained as he gently declined, expressing his apologies. "I'm sorry," he said, "I just don't feel the same way."
Y/N felt the crushing weight of disappointment settle in her chest, but she put on a brave face. "It's okay," she replied, managing a small smile. "I understand."
As soon as she left the library, however, her composure crumbled. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks, and the pain of rejection cut deeper than she expected. Unbeknownst to her, Remus, with his heightened senses just days before the full moon, felt a pang of regret. He wanted to explain, to tell her the truth, but he couldn't bear to burden her with the knowledge of his lycanthropy.
The days that followed Y/N's confession were filled with a peculiar tension. Remus couldn't shake the image of her revelation – her candid admission that she liked him despite the challenges he faced. Yet, as much as he appreciated her honesty, the shadow of his own insecurities lingered.
Meanwhile, Y/N navigated the awkwardness with a newfound determination. A month had passed since her confession and heartbreak and she still avoided Remus at all costs. She chose to spend her time with other boys, not out of spite but as a way to cope with the lingering disappointment from the rejection. Remus, however, couldn't help but notice her newfound companions, and the bitterness within him began to fester.
The Great Hall became a silent battleground of unspoken emotions. Remus watched from afar as Y/N sat with different boys, sharing laughter and engaging in conversations that felt like needles piercing through his already wounded heart. Each friendly interaction felt like a dagger, stirring a mix of jealousy, regret, and an inexplicable rage within him.
The days leading up to this confrontation had not been easy for Remus. James, Sirius, and Peter had noticed his increasingly moody demeanor. They cornered him one evening in the Gryffindor common room.
"Moony, mate, what's got you so broody?" Sirius asked with a mischievous grin, attempting to lighten the atmosphere.
Remus sighed, his eyes flickering towards the direction where Y/N was sitting with a couple of boys, laughing. "It's nothing. Just tired from all the studying."
James raised an eyebrow, exchanging a knowing glance with Sirius. "Come on, Remus. We know you better than that. Spill."
Remus hesitated, glancing back at Y/N. "It's personal. Let's leave it at that."
Sirius nudged him playfully. "Come on, Remus, we're your mates. You can talk to us about anything."
But Remus remained tight-lipped, keeping the true reason for his turmoil locked away. As they left him to his thoughts, he couldn't help but feel a sense of isolation, knowing that his friends were unaware of the storm raging within him.
The next day at dinner, Remus found it particularly difficult to concentrate on his food. His eyes kept drifting toward Y/N, who was engaged in animated conversation with a couple of boys from their year. The laughter that echoed in the Great Hall felt like a sharp contrast to the heaviness he carried. Remus's fingers tightened around his fork, and he couldn't bring himself to eat.
James leaned in, nudging Remus with a smirk. "Jealous, are we, Moody Moony?"
Remus shot him a glare. "I'm not jealous. Just preoccupied."
But the Marauders weren't convinced. They exchanged glances, whispering among themselves about Remus's strange behavior.
The sight of Y/N with different boys became a recurring theme. Remus couldn't escape the nagging feeling that he was losing her--not to someone else but to the walls he had built around himself.
One night, fueled by a mix of frustration and desperation, Remus caught up with Y/N in the hallway. His steps quickened until he cornered her, and his words spilled out like a torrent.
"What's going on, Y/N?" he demanded, his voice laced with frustration and a tinge of hurt.
She met his gaze, her eyes flashing with a mix of anger and hurt. "What are you on about?"
Remus couldn't contain himself any longer. "I can't stand seeing you with those other guys. It's driving me mad."
"Why?" she snapped, her tone sharp. "You made it clear you're not interested."
"There's a reason I said no," Remus admitted, his guard slowly breaking down.
"Is it because you're a werewolf?" she blurted out, the words hanging in the air.
Remus was taken aback but nodded reluctantly. "How did you know?" he asked softly.
Y/N scoffed. "I might be complete and utter arse at Transfiguration, but I'm not a daft git. You would go missing once a month and came back looking like you went off to war."
Remus stayed silent, letting her words digest.
"Is that all?" she fired back, surprising him. "Remus, I wouldn't care about that! I care about you."
Remus couldn't believe what he was hearing. Y/N's blunt response left him speechless. He searched her eyes for any sign of deception, but all he found was a genuine concern and care that he hadn't expected.
"You really mean that?" he asked, his voice a mixture of surprise and hope.
She nodded, her expression softening. "Yes, Remus. I mean it. I care about you."
A weight lifted from Remus's shoulders, replaced by an overwhelming sense of relief. "I never thought… I didn't want to burden you. I thought it was better if you didn't get involved."
Y/N stepped closer, her eyes locked onto his. "Remus, let me decide what's better for me. Don't shut me out because of assumptions."
He took a deep breath, the truth hanging heavy in the air. "I appreciate your honesty, Y/N. I've been a fool."
She smiled gently. "We all make mistakes. The important thing is learning from them."
Remus nodded, gratitude filling his eyes. "I promise, I'll be more open with you. No more hiding."
She reached out, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. "That's all I ask, Remus. I want to get to know all of you."
He chuckled softly, a warmth spreading through him. "And I want to get to know all of you too, Y/N. I've been a sorry sod for pushing you away."
The tension that had gripped them began to dissolve, replaced by a newfound understanding. Remus's gaze softened as he looked at her, a mixture of regret and gratitude in his eyes.
Y/N smiled, breaking the silence. "So, are you free this weekend? How about we go to Hogsmeade together?"
Remus's eyes lit up with surprise and delight. "I'd like that, Y/N. Let's start over, shall we?"
She nodded, a playful glint in her eyes. "Fresh start it is, Remus. And this time, no more assumptions."
They walked down the corridor together, the weight of the past lifting off their shoulders. The prospect of a new beginning, filled with honesty and understanding, stretched out before them. Remus couldn't help but feel grateful for Y/N's straightforwardness, and he silently promised himself to make it up to her. Until then, squeezing her hand in his would have to do.
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georgie-weasley · 6 months
Grinch Young R.L. x GN!Reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of depression, mentions of poverty, and just disliking Christmas
Word Count: 2.8k
Pairing: Young!Remus Lupin x Gender Neutral Gryffindor!Reader
Summary: Christmas was quickly approaching and everyone was excited but you. As the residential Grinch you were not looking forward to the holiday but turns out Remus Lupin is a Grinch as well.
A/N: Hello all! This is my first fic back after a break and I'm really glad to be back. Thank you to everyone who is still reading my stories and I love you all. Also this was inspired by my disliking of Christmas so I projected on the reader and Remus a smidge.
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Christmas had exploded around Hogwarts. Pine trees were set up in just about every corner in every single room in the castle. Trees were taller than most of the students and covered in brightly colored baubles and tinsel and magic balls of light that changed color every minute. Garlands and wreaths covered the stone walls and the smell of gingerbread followed the students everywhere they went. The suits of armor broke out into Christmas songs and danced anytime someone passed by. The Great Hall was by far the most decorated part of Hogwarts with festive table runners, stockings hung on the fireplace, large real snowflakes on every surface enchanted to never melt, and the magical ceiling was snowing. It was horrible.
You had never been one to get into the Christmas spirit. The songs were annoying and wormed their way into your brain and never left. The decorations were everywhere and followed you around, literally while at Hogwarts. People were just insanely obsessed with Christmas and overly happy. They were happy to the point of it being creepy and fake and weird.
Possibly the worst was just how excited all of your friends seemed to be. James Potter, sunshine incarnate and your best friend, loved Christmas. He loved everything you hated about it. In fact, James had been talking about Christmas since the beginning of November and he never let you escape it.
“Happy 10th day of Christmas Y/N!” James’s bright and cheerful smile popped up between you and your book. The sudden appearance of his face made you jump, smacking him a little with your book.
“James! You absolute asshole! I’m trying to read.” You huffed and shoved him away as you tried to turn back to your book. The common room was quiet and the perfect place to read until now.
James only rolled his eyes and wedged himself into the miniscule space between you and the arm of the couch. “You know there is an entire couch open? Actually the whole common room is open but you had to sit practically on my lap?”
“Well yeah,” James chuckled as he tore the book out of your grasp and fully moved himself onto your lap. “I have to tell you what I want for Christmas! This year I want Lily Evans to date me.”
“Fat chance buddy. You’ve been wishing for that since you were 13. Give it a rest.” With one hard push, James fell off of your lap and onto the rug with a loud thud. “Besides, don’t you know you don’t get your Christmas wish if you tell it to the Grinch.”
James just looked at you with a wild smirk. “Then I suppose I’ll have to sing a song to reverse the curse!” He then burst into song, singing the Twelve Days of Christmas at the top of his lungs. You clamped your hands over your ears but nothing managed to block out the horrible sounds coming from James until the portrait opened and a figure sped by and body slammed James.
Sirius pulled James into a headlock while Peter quickly sprinted over and sat on James’s chest. “Please Prongs, we’ve talked about this. You can’t sing. Don’t ever try to do it again.” While James struggled to break free from Sirius and Peter, the fourth marauder sat in the open space next to you, his eyes already on his book.
You knew Sirius, Peter, and Remus but not like you knew James. Yes they were friends with your best friend but you never spoke to them unless it was for class or James made you. There was nothing wrong with the three of them. Actually, quite the opposite. You loved them and loved hearing stories about them but you never ran in the same circles. In fact, you didn’t see James as much as you used to either. You had grown up next door to him and as kids you two were always together. It’s not that you two aren’t friends anymore because clearly you are, you just don’t see him around as much.
James found Sirius, Remus, and Peter and never left them. You found your own friends and spent more time on your studies than James ever could. Sirius was fine and you waved to him in the halls. Peter would wave if he was with James or Sirius but not on his own. Remus never really acknowledged you. However, that never stopped you from looking at him. Since James had become friends with Remus Lupin, you were drawn to him. He was quiet just about all of the time but that didn’t mean he wasn’t sassy. You heard the way he would call out James and it was cutthroat. He was tall and handsome and rather mysterious in a way. Not to mention he was smart and was always seen with a book.
“Hey Grinch!” James's voice came from somewhere on the floor.
“What?” You and Remus both said. At the same time, you looked away from Remus as he looked away from his book to find James. Hearing Remus, you then looked at him while he looked at you.
For only a second, no one moved or spoke until James broke the silence. “Right, sorry. Forgot there’s two of ya. Moony?” Remus slowly tore his gaze away from yours to look at his friend who had continued speaking but you could hear none of it.
That was an interesting development. You had assumed James was talking to you since not only does he know about your distaste for Christmas but you called yourself Grinch not very long ago. But Remus also responded so Remus must also not be the biggest fan of Christmas. Otherwise, there would have been no reason for James to call him that or for him to respond.
The night slowly grew darker and while more and more students arrived in the common room, Remus never left the spot next to you. James, Sirius, and Peter eventually left to find some poor soul to bother but Remus remained, his nose still in his book. Honestly, it was making you a little nervous at this point. The man has hardly ever spoken to you since you were introduced back in third year. It's been three years since then and it wasn’t like you were much closer than before.
“You don’t like Christmas?” Remus mumbled, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. He sounded almost disinterested.
“Yeah, I think it’s quite dumb to be honest.” You expected him to respond, like people usually do when having a conversation but he didn’t. He just hummed a little and went back to his book. “You don’t like it either?” If he wasn’t going to continue then maybe you would just have to make him. It brought almost a sense of hope thinking about the fact that maybe someone else wasn’t enjoying the season. You didn’t want someone to wallow around with but to have someone that wasn’t going to complain about your less than thrilled outlook would be really nice.
“I don’t. Never have.” Remus didn’t even bother taking his eyes off of his book as he answered. It could have been just your imagination but you thought you could just hardly see him smile. He suddenly closed his book and stood, his arm brushing yours in the process. Remus made it to the base of the stairs before he turned back around to look at you. “Hey Grinch.” As soon as you turned and he could see your face, he smiled. “See you later.”
At the Gryffindor table later that week, you had once again been minding your own business when James interrupted you. He sat across from you and smirked, reaching over to poke your arm. “Happy 14th day of Christmas, Grinch Number Two.”
“How come I’m the second?” You said with a roll of your eyes before you continued eating your breakfast.
“Because Remus is number one.” He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Well, I disagree. I knew you first.”
James hummed and shrugged. “I’ll take that into consideration. Did you talk to him after we all left?”
“Did you set that up James?” You asked with narrow eyes.
“No, I just simply called him the nickname I always give him this time of year which just so happens to be the same as yours and I assumed he would mention something about it to you after. Did he?” He leaned forward, eagerly awaiting your answer.
“Yes.” James let out a cheer at your answer, getting him some weird looks from the whole room since he was so loud. Before you could chastise him for being so loud and obnoxious, Remus sat next to you. Which was very odd since before last night, he’s never sat next to you.
Immediately, James got up and moved further down the table to bother Lily. “Are you going home for Christmas?” Remus asked as soon as James was out of earshot. “The final day to sign up to stay here is Saturday.”
“Will you be staying?” You asked.
Remus nodded. “I stay every year.” He opened his mouth and closed it a few times before he evidently decided he didn’t want to say anything and kept it shut.
You could have gone home and while it would have been nice to be with family, you never actually stayed at the castle for Christmas. Now might be a good chance to do it. “I think I’ll stay. I go home every year; my family can survive without me for one year.”
He smiled and started adding food to his plate. “I’m glad you’ll be staying.” You were too busy trying to hide the blush on your cheeks to notice the blush on his.
As the holiday neared closer and closer, everyone got happier and happier. Well, everyone but you and Remus. While James and Sirius, who were also staying at Hogwarts, were planning a Christmas party and singing songs, you and Remus bonded over the opposite.
His least favorite song was We Wish You a Merry Christmas, he thought Santa was beyond creepy, and he found the smell of pine to be overpowering. You sat together at meals and laughed at people who were wearing festive outfits. He made you smile as he made faces behind peoples’ backs as they gushed over holiday traditions. On more than one occasion, he shoved James into a pile of snow when he was being too cheery. Remus Lupin was bringing you a lot of joy this season and you were not the only one to notice it.
James made it a point to tell you that this was the happiest he had ever seen both of you around this time of year. In fact, it almost looked like you were enjoying Christmas. You had scoffed at that and then proceeded to shove him into some snow but he did have a point. Remus was making you really happy and it's hard to be a grinch when you’re happy.
But it was nice being happy around the holiday and it was even nicer that Remus was the one making you so happy. You always found him attractive and you knew he was smart and funny but now you got to know just how sweet he was. Yes, he was poking fun at other people but he was doing it purely for your entertainment. He admitted one night after you two had made fun of a particularly ugly Christmas sweater that he never does this; he just liked hearing you laugh. Which made your insides turn into jelly and you couldn’t stop smiling. You also learned that he liked the same books as you and he was so passionate about reading.
He was extremely loyal to his friends and would do anything for them. He wasn’t great at expressing his feelings but he tried his best to let the people close to him know they were loved. He was brutally honest especially when it came to James and Sirius; he was always telling them how stupid they looked or when they were acting like idiots. You felt like a cliche Christmas romance movie but you were falling in love.
It was Christmas Eve and James had insisted all seven of the Gryffindors who had stayed needed to sleep in the common room. It was a tradition you two used to have as kids. The night before Christmas you two would sleep on the floor in the living room in front of the tree; you kept up with that tradition until you went to Hogwarts.
Of course before that, there was a party. It was nothing insane like the parties Sirius and James threw after winning a Quidditch game but it was still a party. There were snacks, drinks, games, and Christmas music, much to yours and Remus’s disappointment. You mingled for a while, which is more than Remus could say. He sat on one of the loveseats and only moved to grab more snacks. James tried to get him to play pin the nose on Rudolph but it was easy to guess how that went. While you also didn’t join in on the festive games, you stayed to watch. Sirius managed to get the nose perfectly on Rudolph which made James accuse him of cheating to which Sirius tackled him for ‘insulting his honor’. He confessed to cheating ten minutes later.
Many more games went on like that and after the fifth one, you found Remus still on the loveseat. As you approached, he moved so there would be more space for you. You sat in silence for a while before he spoke up. “Why do you hate Christmas, really?”
You had told him once you didn’t like the music and yes that’s true but it's not the only reason. “I guess I just don’t like how happy people pretend to be. There’s real genuine happiness like James but so many people aren’t happy. Life is horrible and nothing is going right but as soon as it's December, they pretend. It's ok to be unhappy during the holidays; you don’t have to pretend life is perfect just because it's Christmas.” You looked at Remus only to find him watching you. “Can I ask why you don’t like Christmas?”
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I never really had a good Christmas. My mom really struggled to be happy around this time of year, especially after…”
“After you became a werewolf?” His eyes grew wide and he started to shake. “No one told me,” you whispered and put a hand on his arm to calm him. “You just were always missing on the full moon and sometimes the day after. I figured it out. I don’t think of you differently.”
Remus took a minute to process the fact that you knew his deepest secret before he continued his story. “Yes, after I was bitten my mother was horribly depressed around Christmas. I think it made her remember everything and she couldn’t be happy. It also was harder for my parents to get money after since no one really wanted to be around us. I saw my parents struggle all month to save money to get me a gift. My mother especially would go without dinner just to waste money on some stupid toy. After seeing that, well it makes it hard to like Christmas.”
Your hand found his and you intertwined your fingers with his. “I’m sorry Remus.”
He shrugged a little and watched your hand as his thumb stroked yours. “It isn’t your fault. Actually, you’ve made this the best Christmas I’ve ever had.” He smiled and looked up at you, his cheeks a dusty rose.
“You’ve made this my best Christmas as well.” It was then something bumped your head, causing you to look up. Behind the loveseat was James who had tied some mistletoe to a stick and was holding it over your head. Remus followed your gaze and sighed, rolling his eyes. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“Do you want to?” Remus whispered. You knew James could hear every word you were saying despite him pretending not to listen but you didn’t really care.
“Yes.” You hardly finished the word before Remus leaned down and brought his lips to yours. Immediately your arms wrapped around his neck and brought him closer if it was even possible. His hands found your waist, lips moving against yours in perfect sync. Unfortunately, the kiss had to end so you could breathe.
Remus nudged your nose with his. “Now it’s the best Christmas ever.”
@100gaysnails @weasleybuns @s1aaaaayyyyyyyt @steelthistle @jsjcue @Andy200700 @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @daisydark @creepybloodykitty2 @avatheveela @themarauderswife7 @mintyme101
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rosabeetroot · 9 months
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You can tell a lot about a person from there marauders kinnie
who do you Kin
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sp1rit-realm · 6 months
༻¨*:· 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐓 ·:*¨༺
༻¨*:· summary ·:*¨༺ you hate remus lupin, and he hates you. what happens when you get stuck in a lift together?
༻¨*:· notes ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 WEDDING!!!!! 𖦹 enemies to ?? 𖦹 fem!reader 𖦹 oh. em. gee. 𖦹 i did not proofread this bc i'm lazy ⎝(ˊᗜˋ)⎠
༻¨*:· word count ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 1.7k
prologue / IOU << pt. 11 -- wedding >> epilogue
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༻¨*:· 𝐖𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 ·:*¨༺
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Your hands are flittering around, messing with your hair for the fifth time in the past three minutes, and you sigh. It just won't look nice, you decide. Then, there's a knock on your door, and you frantically grab everything you need and stuff it into your purse. You open the door to see Remus in a suit. He looks beautiful, and you watch him blush as you tell him.��
"Well, I think you look positively lovely today." He says, now watching as you get flustered.
"What are you? A proper lad?" You deflect.
"Your hair looks nice."
"Really? I've been fussing with it this whole morning," You huff, "I feel like whenever I need it to behave, it never does."
"It looks beautiful."
"Thank you," You gleam.
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
Harry is the ring bearer. He doesn't understand what's happening as he walks down the aisle playing with the ring, but he's happy when everybody claps for him—giggling and hiding his face in his hands.
Marlene and Dorcas say their vows, and you feel like crying. 
"They're so in love," You whisper to Remus, who looks at you and smiles. 
"It's beautiful, isn't it?"
You nod.
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
You get a little tipsy at the reception, laughing so much that you snort at Remus's bad jokes.
Amongst your laughing, he becomes quiet, staring at you with adoration.
"Would you like to dance with me?"
His hands are holding onto your waist, and your feet are stumbling and tripping all over his.
"You're bad at this," Remus mumbles.
"I'm drunk," You mumble back.
"I'm positive you'd be just as bad sober."
You laugh for the umpteenth time that night.
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
You can't quite recall what Remus has said as you stumble into the lift, but you giggle like it's the funniest thing you've ever heard.
"Y'know," You mumble, hiding your face in his arm, "I don't think I'd mind getting stuck with you in this lift again."
His face flushes a bright red, "Yeah?"
"I like you lots, Remus."
"I like you lots, too." He whispers.
You wobble as you walk to your door, and your dreams come true when Remus steadies you—holding you around your waist—pulling you closer to him.
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
"Remus!" You whine, looking at him with those sad eyes—bottom lip jutted out.
"Yes, m'love?" He murmurs.
"Can't take my shoes off," You look down at your strappy heels, then back to him, "Will you do it?"
He gets down on one knee, and your mind flashes through hundreds of different scenarios, all ending with you in his arms.
You shake your head, hoping that will rid the thoughts. He just looks up at you and smiles—it doesn't help.
"C'mon, love," He whispers, guiding you to the bathroom.
"Where are we going?" You slur.
"Bathroom, to take your makeup off."
"You're so sweet," You give him a dopey smile with tired eyes.
"Anything for my favorite girl."
You hum.
Favorite girl. The words ring in your ears over and over until Remus calls your name.
He lets out a breathy laugh, "I asked where your makeup remover is."
You instruct him on how to remove your makeup, eyes flickering down to his lips every now and then—his are doing the same.
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
"What clothes do you wear to bed?" He asks in the bedroom.
"Bed clothes, duh." You smile, all giddy and lovely, and Remus can't take it.
"Yeah? And which clothes would that be?"
"Y'know," You put your arms around his neck, mimicking the dancing from earlier in the night, "The ones I sleep in," You bite your bottom lip, trying to hide your smile. It doesn't work.
He holds your waist, "M'love," His forehead touches yours, "You need to tell me which clothes you wear to bed."
You ignore his pleading, "You have nice lips," You mumble.
"Yeah? So do you."
You hide your face in his shoulder—cheeks getting warmer by the second.
"C'mon, pretty girl," He whispers, "Look at me."
You shake your head, ruffling your hair in the process.
"Why not, baby?"
Your whole body goes hot, "Why should I?"
"Can I kiss you?" His voice is soft and low and needy.
You look at him, "Please."
"You're so pretty," He mumbles so closely that you can feel his breath on your lips.
"You're prettier," You whisper back.
"Not possible." And then his lips are on yours, and it's dizzying and electrifying; it's everything you've ever wanted.
You feel him smile, and you smile back—teeth hitting teeth, and you laugh, pulling away from him. 
"I like you so much, Remus." You whisper.
"I like you so much, too." He whispers back, "Now, which clothes are your bed clothes?"
You laugh, "I'll get them."
"Don't fall on your way there."
"Ha! I won't," But you almost trip on the pile of clothes in front of your dresser, and you can hear Remus let out a breathy laugh from the doorway.
"Shut up!"
"I literally said nothing."
"You laughed at me," You whine, making your way to the bathroom to change.
"I did no such thing," He denies.
"Sure." You emphasize the 'u' as you stumble around, trying to put your bottoms on.
"Be careful in there!" He calls with a smile on his face.
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
"Stay?" You ask Remus as he leaves.
He laughs a little, "Love, the couch is too small for me." 
"You can," You slightly shrug, "Stay in my bed with me. If you want."
"I don't have any clothes to wear," He frowns.
"Just sleep like this." You answer like the solution is right in front of him.
"Baby, I'm wearing slacks."
"Then take them off," You shrug, "Easy peasy."
"I'd just be in my boxers. Plus, I have this shirt on."
"It seems like you're looking for plenty of reasons to leave. You don't have to stay." The remark comes off as soft and wounded rather than snarky, like you intended. 
"No, I can stay, pretty girl."
"You keep calling me that," You whisper, "Do you really think I'm pretty?"
"I wouldn't lie about something like that, my lovely girl."
He's drunk on the smile you give him, and he can't help but kiss you again.
As he strips, you can't help but watch how the silver cast of the moon reflects on his scars. They gleam, and you find it twisted that he has them—that the moon causes them but makes them so beautiful.
He stands up, now only in his boxers, "Take a picture. It'll last longer." 
Your face gets warm, "Sorry."
"I was only joking. No need to feel bad, m'love."
"You're just so pretty."
"Did I ever tell you flattery works on me?" He smiles, leaning down to kiss you once again.
"No, but I just had a feeling," You smile like a little kid on Christmas day. All giddy and full of excitement.
You roll onto the bed in a fit of giggles. Remus watches in amusement; he's never seen you so joyful.
After you're done rolling over to your side of your bed, you're tangled up in your blanket—neither of you are quite sure how it happened. Helping you unravel yourself, Remus tucks you in before laying on the other side of the bed.
You snuggle into his chest, "G'night, Remus." You mutter.
"Goodnight, my love. Sweet dreams," He whispers back.
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
When you wake up, you and Remus are entangled in one another. Your legs are sandwiched together. His hand has slid up your arm—his other is going numb as it lies under your weight. One of your hands is wrapped around his torso, and your second one has found the nape of his head—fingers interlaced in his hair.
"Remus," You whisper against his neck, "Remus, wake up."
His response is a soft snore; you can't help but think this is domestic bliss. You and your lover waking up on a lazy Sunday morning, and you would kiss up his neck, lips finding his jaw. 
"Remus," You try a little louder this time.
"Mmm," He mumbles, "Y/n?"
His eyes slowly open, sandman dust clinging to his lovely lashes.
"'Tis me," You whisper.
"We should get up."
"I don't want to," You whine.
"C'mon, love. Let's get up." He begins to detangle himself from you, and you immediately miss his warmth.
Remus leans down and kisses the pout right off your lips, "'Cos," He mutters, "It's time for breakfast."
"Breakfast?" You gleam.
"Mhm," He smiles.
"That diner you like."
You gasp, "Tina's diner?"
"That one." He smiles.
You walk to the lift, hand in hand with Remus.
He kisses you once you enter, and you can't help but smile.
You get shy, looking at the ground, "Will you... be my boyfriend?" You shrug a little like the question's a casual one. And in some ways, it is. His heart has been yours since the start, and he's no longer scared to admit it.
"Yes. I will."
You and Remus decide not to tell anybody right now. Marlene and Dorcas have just been hitched, after all. It wouldn't be right to take away their spotlight.
You walk into the diner with him, and it's not suspicious for the two of you to be arriving together—you live in the same building. So the group has grown accustomed to you walking in with Remus, smiles on both of your faces as you reminisce about something stupid one of you has said on the way over.
But this time, there's something different. Everyone can sense the shift in the atmosphere. You're a little too close to Remus, and you're glowing. There's no stupid laughter to accompany a stupid joke that Remus never ends up telling.
Marlene smiles, leaning back in her chair, "How's the happy couple?"
You stop dead in your tracks, "Hm?"
"My lovely wife asked how the happy couple was," Dorcas speaks up.
"Shouldn't we be asking you that?" Remus asks with a quirked brow as he helps you into your seat.
"You two are dating!" Sirius yells—he couldn't hold it in any longer. 
"Dating!" James sings, "You two are dating!"
Lily can't help but participate in the childish fun as she sings, "Remus and y/n sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G."
Remus is stark red, but you're laughing, and you look so carefree that Remus can't help but laugh.
"We're dating!" You confirm.
"We're dating." You repeat, softer.
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masivechaos · 1 year
sirius black x fem! reader
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Request: yes / no
Synopsis: Sirius likes to tease you by speaking french but maybe he’s more easily flustered than you are.
Warning/content: kissing and that's it i think, no proofreading and my bad English
a.n.: 1.1k words - it is very funny but cringe to write as a french person and it's not my best fic but here you go.
masterlist/ marauders masterlist / navigation / taglist 
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
There were pros and cons to dating Sirius Black. A lot of pros actually, he was distracting, pointed stars at you at night, showered you with compliments every day and so on and so forth. And, at first, you thought that the fact that he knew how to speak french was a good thing.
It’s true, it sounded good and it made you fall in love with him again every time he spoke. But right now, you just wanted him to stop. Because one of the cons to dating Sirius Black was that he loved to tease you. He loved to see you look down, avoid any visual contact with him with wide eyes.
And one way to get you was to speak french to you over and over again with words you couldn’t understand. By the tone of his voice you knew they were compliments but it still made you feel weird.
“Stop,” you said but your laugh betrayed you.
“Why would I stop?” Sirius was maybe a dog in his animagus form but as a human he also knew how to master the puppy face “Tu es si belle.” He was hovering over you, his hand stroking your cheek.
You felt heat rushing to your face. “W-what does it mean?” you stuttered. Sirius let out a chuckle, finding you more than adorable like this.
He let his forehead rest against yours “You don’t need to know. Just trust me, okay?” you nodded, unsure if you could believe him or not. Sirius leaned in and pulled you into a small kiss “Do you like it when I speak french?” you nodded again, too shy to admit it out loud. “That’s great because I like it too.”
Your smile widened when he buried his head in the crook of his neck. For a few minutes, both of you didn’t talk before Sirius broke the silence again “You are so pretty”
“What?” you said confused.
“That’s what Tu es si belle means,” he said, changing his previous teasing smirk for a genuine smile that matched his now pink cheeks.
“O-oh” why so little was enough to make you flustered?
Sirius laughed “Why are you acting like I never said it before?” he reached for your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. “If you need to hear it again, tu es belle. Je pense que tu es la personne la plus magnifique du monde” 
You gave up on trying to understand what he meant and just enjoyed how the language tasted on his tongue, letting his words calm your ears. “Thank you,” you whispered, shutting your eyes, feeling sleep starting to get you.
“You don’t know what I said,” he laughed. Sirius moved both of you so you were the one on top, wrapping his arms around your waist as you settled on his chest, your head rising and falling with his breathing.
You hummed, “I know. But I bet it’s nice so thank you.” you smiled, drawing your hand to his hair, slowly brushing your fingers through it. Sirius let out a content sigh, he had to admit that talking to you in french was a way to spare his pride. Everybody knew he wasn’t the best to express his feelings so having a one-sided conversation weirdly made him feel safe. He could say everything he wanted, getting everything off his chest, making his heart lighter without having to face the consequences. It was selfish he knew it, but he couldn’t help it.
“Je t’aime tellement,” he said barely more audible than a whisper.
Suddenly you lifted your head, surprising Sirius in the process “You love me?” Sirius didn’t tell you the three words yet, and you couldn’t blame him, you weren’t together for a long time and he grew up not knowing what love and affection were. Accepting he was loved was already hard enough so accepting that he was feeling this way was more than difficult.
Blood won Sirius’ cheeks, turning them red “H-how do you know?”
“I know je t’aime means I love you. It’s a pretty common thing to know.” You watched his expression fall, almost as if he was disappointed. “Hey,” you held his face between your hands “I love you too okay? Je t’aime” you said in a hideous french accent that resulted in making him laugh.
“Don’t make fun of me!” you said with a laugh, happy to see him happy again “I was trying to be romantic!”
“You can be romantic in English, chérie”
“Pff while you, you are flexing your french.” you rolled your eyes playfully.
He laughed at your fake pout “C’mon, don’t sulk” he pressed his lips to your cheek “I just think it sounds pretty. Tu es l’amour de ma vie, I have to sound pretty to you”
“First, what does it mean? And second, even if you sounded like a dying horse I would love you so much.” You grinned when Sirius flushed a bit.
He hid his red cheeks, moving his face to the side against the blanket, his hand covering the other side of his face.
“Why are you hiding?” you whispered, the teasing tone of the conversation changing for a calmer one, ready to listen to each other’s feelings. “Sirius?” you turned his head to you.
“I-I don’t want to tell you what it means,” he stutters.
You offered him a reassuring smile “Okay, take your time, love”
He was so grateful to have you and he knew you deserved to know but he didn’t seem to be brave enough. He let himself a few minutes, gathering all his courage to tell you. He felt like it was too early in the relationship to tell you this but fuck it. He loves you so much.
“Um,” he swallowed hard, “I said… I said you’re the love of my life” Sirius wished he could dig a grave right now and just bury himself alive. Your silence was so scary to him.
“Y-you said I’m the love of your life?” you were beaming, not quite possibly believing what he just told you.
“I- er- yeah”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, keeping him close to you as much as possible “You’re the love of my life too, Sirius”
And there, right on a picnic blanket next to the Black Lake, Sirius melt. His feelings for you burned him, making him weak in a way he couldn’t deny he loved. But he couldn’t help it, he wasn’t going to change in one day, too many confessions were revealed in an hour. He had to protect himself, and humour was his best weapon.
“But would you still love me if I were a worm?” he said, pulling on his best puppy face.
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
⋆ ★ sirius back taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @sw34terw34ther @cauliflowertree @madison-rebel @moonlitmeeks @loveeharrington @mad-elia @elenatries2write @juneberrie  @f4iry-blush @gilmore-angel @heartfucks @sparklenarniawizard @moondemon123 @mystic-writings @siriusblackstwin @natashxromanovf @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @garfieldsladybird @starconfettii @kidcuisinesvcks @percy-the-hufflepuff @fairydxll @spookydarkwitch @duxpuella @innerloverpainter @nyxxxxxxxx @venussflytraps @diorgirl444 @oncasette @locke-writes
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