#young jack
spotinthespiral · 7 months
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I meant to post this like 6 hours ago but the file goofed 👀
Anyways, here's roughs of Captain Ironside and Young Jack! (As always, ramble below the cut!)
Like I said, these are rough designs for them! Ryan's only on lvl like, 36, and Young Jack is literally an npc I hyperfixated on because his plot is ridiculous. Ryan (Silent Ryan Ironside) is on the right, Young Jack on the left 👍
Refs and wip sketch:
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So, lore ramble as I warned about:
Ryan has the Grizzleheim origin, and her parents were killed in a Mutiny. She's a Swashbuckler, and her First mate is consistently Subodai (horse Warrior). Ryan became a Mute after her parents were killed, and communicates with her crew solely through a complex system of tapping patterns, or simple hand signals. She's slow to trust, and is very loose with dropping people at the first sign of disloyalty, but she picks up her crew like they're each a stray sopping wet kitten. She's still a teen, so when they all joined her, they basically pulled "It takes a village to raise a kid" and the entire Crew works to boost her up as well as keep her safe.
Young Jack recap (w/o bias I hope) I'd that he's the nephew of a guy on the docks of Flotsam who went missing. You find him near the broken lighthouse, he's cursed, you hunt down the dude who made the curse and kill him. Give the head to Young Jack to keep him from getting zombified. Young Jack swears off pirating, and that's the last time he's seen.
Personal Explanation for the art above:
Ryan took the quest would really planning to follow through. She stumbled across Young Jack's trail by chance and found him injured and surrounded by undead. His old crew. She sympathized, and helped him back to his uncle, but Old Scratch and everyone else of Flotsam agreed that the boy was doomed to die of his curse by sundown. Only way was to kill this old immortal famous pirate, so Ryan did just that. She felt like she couldn't just stand down, and she killed the guy and presented it to Young Jack just before sundown.
Jack swore off pirating and retreated with his uncle back home, but I like to think Ryan kept in contact. Jack started work in the tavern, and Ryan made Flotsam her crew's go-to stop just to check in on Jack. They were friends, Ryan's first real friend, and got along swimmingly. Ryan taught him the codes and translations for her taps, and they bonded. (Currently they're still courting. Jack thinks she's just the coolest girl he's ever met, and she thinks Jack is reckless, but sweet.)
One time, I like to think just after Monquista, Ryan went to the tavern, only to get news that Jack had been kidnapped, by pirates, then the Armada. Ryan has a paralyzing fear of the Armada, but snuck away from her crew. She was trading her surrender for Jack's safe return. Ryan managed to send Jack back safe, giving herself up to Deacon in the process.
Jack, in my headcanon, has a giant slash scar across his face because of this incident. When he got back and tried to tell Ryan's crew what had happened, Subodai was furious. Subodai is basically Ryan's mentor and adoptive father, so when he heard what had happened his was in such great distress he didn't even think. He drew his sword and slashed Jack across the face without a second thought, before the crew could stop him.
Everyone ended up bannmding together to vet Ryan back in one piece, but that incident is what I think drove Jack to join Ryan's crew. If he remained away from her, he'd only be a dangerous outlier for enemies to use against her. Staying close let both of them be safer, and happier, despite how he swore off pirating not long ago.
Obviously Jack doesn't fight, he's not an npc I can pick up and take with me, so I like to think he's just kinda the housewife here. He keeps the ship and crew in order when Ryan's going onto land for extended periods of time. He also probably keeps track of Ryan's debts, favors owed, and things of that nature. Besides that though, they're just really close, and it's good that Ryan bonded with someone outside her crew for once, even if he ended up in the Crew in the end.
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koimurasaki · 1 year
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the-glacian · 1 year
I don't care if the Crows spin-off is just the six of them acting it out in Freddy's living room while Freddy's wife films it on a phone, I'm willing to pay real money for the footage.
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maybemacdc · 5 months
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insert they have chemistry pun here
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drelldreams · 1 year
i just wanted to share this beautiful, unique jack fanart i found 🖤
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reggieslocket · 1 year
you just don't get him like i do (a traumatized fictional character with a horrible past who has murdered people)
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snaileer · 1 month
You Don’t Know Me
“We’re so glad you’re showing an interest in our work here, Mr. Wayne!”
“Of course! It’s just all so new!” Bruce said through a hollow laugh, “It’s almost unbelievable!”
“Believing in ghosts is the first step to finally getting rid of them!”
Bruce fought to keep his face flat as the director enthusiastically continued his tour of their facility.
Their ghost hunting facility.
Where they had funded and government sanctioned labs purely for the persecution of an entire inter-dimensional species.
“-Truly, the Drs.Fenton were an inspiration to the entire field of ectobiology! We wouldn’t know half the things we know about ghosts if it wasn’t for their early research!”
Bruce forced a thin smile, “Oh? Will I get to meet them? Or can I at least see some of their work?”
The man faltered almost imperceptibly, “Ah well.. that might be a bit, Fentons can be a bit.. overzealous and-“
“I’m sure it would go a long way to understanding the need for such a large facility. If it’s worth it even, perhaps I could fund an expansion…” Bruce let his voice trail off.
The man’s eyes sharpened at the mention of his financials- of course, what more could you expect from a shark who’d joined an operation like this- and the man quickly smiled.
“But of course Mr. Wayne!” He turned around, leading them towards an elevator, “Our labs are just downstairs, easy access you know, and well.. with any new specimens it’s always best to start right away!”
Bruce’s eyes narrowed. They already had subjects? Their reports, their research had indicated they weren’t there yet, but if they were, this could quickly turn into a rescue mis-
“-It’s an absolute honor that we even have one of the Fenton’s themselves working with us!” Bruce sharpened his senses, one of them was here? The people who had laid every base for a hateful crusade against another dimension, all for their own ambition?
“Our labs are right through here,” the director said as he pushed open a door, “Dr. Fenton is working with our prize specimen right now, I’m sure!”
Bruce quickly scanned and analyzed the entire room. Testing tubes, jars filled with green, centrifuges, a sample fridge, glassware, plenty of counter space, all taken up by various tools and materials. And standing in front it was the reason for it all, dressed in a white lab coat over garish latex.
He turned around as they entered, “You know me too well, Director,” the young man spoke, ignoring the green splattered over his gloves, “My work with him isn’t finished yet.”
“Mr.Wayne, meet our frontier scientist, Dr. Daniel Fenton.”
Bruce Wayne scanned the young man, no older than 26, with a height similar to his own and shoulders only halfway less.
A scientist. An unknown. A threat.
Fenton smiled at him, “Tell me Mr.Wayne,” Daniel said, and his smile went sharp, “Do you believe in ghosts?”
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enlightenedrobot · 6 months
Scott Pilgrim Taxonomy
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thekingofkawai · 1 year
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SHADOW AND BONE (2021-) - live Kaz reaction
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cantcatchmeee · 2 years
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Heroes & Villains features pt. 1
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thatdelusionalnerd · 7 months
fuck off you’re telling me we won’t ever get to see these beautiful people together again?
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Literally fuck off Netflix you deserve to burn to the ground
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koimurasaki · 1 year
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georgies-ftts · 1 year
Jesper being scared when Kaz told him he knows that he’s a fabrikator and only fabrikating the key to get himself out of the shackles so they could escape to then proudly fabrikating wylan a key infront of him so they can live together i’m sobbing don’t-
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shadowandbone · 1 year
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Shadow and Bone’s Crows Answer Their Characters’ Most Searched Questions
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jazzkrebber · 1 year
one of the funniest things about show!wesper is that at first, Wylan is this poor, dirty kid from the barrel, but Jesper doesn't care because he loves him. then Jesper eventually finds out that his boyfriend is actually stupid rich and he accidentally found a sugar daddy
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familiar-anonymous · 1 year
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✨boom boom!✨
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