talledschick · 2 years
Hello! May I request headcanons for Akai Shuichi x reader who has chronic/frequent headaches? Thank you in advance!
Of course 😊
My Navigation is here.
Warnings: headaches
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Don't let the teasing fool you, he doesn't mind taking care of you
Whatever you need, he'll get it
Cuddling in a dark room, some peace and quiet, medicine
He's got you
If he knows you can handle the condition yourself, he doesn't worry much when you are away/alone
However, if you call him, obviously distressed, he is quite literally racing his car to get to you as fast as possible
Often lays your head on his lap, covering your eyes if the light is painful for you, or else he is running his fingers though your hair
He is very independent, but I think he doesn't mind taking care of you at all. Might actually like it a lot
(Even if he teases you about it sometimes 😒)
He will get you whatever you need, even in the middle of the night
And whether he'll need to walk or drive, he'll be back in like 5 minutes
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talledschick · 2 years
I can't take Benadryl either!!! I always feel silly when I say it cause most people take it for their allergies, haha. It makes me have seizures. I'm not necessarily /allergic/ but I definitely cannot take it.
I really feel this. Its crazy that more people don't understand you can be allergic to literally anything and the more allergies you have the harder it is. especially when its something common like a drug you use to help Allergies!!! 
I avoid the Benadryl active ingredient like the plague and it’s hiding in a lot of cold medicine. 
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talledschick · 2 years
Does anyone else with a neck fusion/neck/skull instability have trouble making out?
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talledschick · 2 years
I missed Spoonie Tumblr
I missed having this space to just be me. to rant and rave and grow and create in a space free of family and the normies of my daily life like facebook or instagram. 
As a spoonie sometimes i wanna reach out to the world of other spoonies and just give everyone a virtual hug and say it will be alright even if its just for moment. this moment will pass too and tumblr was that for me for a very long time. 
I am growing up really now. I am 29. this year I’ll be 30. I’ve been through a lot personally globally.  We all have and are all new people in some way because of our shared traumas, being the pandemic, chronic illness, surgeries, diagnosis, tumblr communities what have you. we have changed and i love that tumblr is still here to hold this space for our evolution 
I love how creative you can be on tumblr, how vocal, how you can connect, and learn and laugh and love all on one fairly anonymous platform. but it can bring so many together. 
Chronic Illness and Disability are such difficult things to adjust to and adjust your life to and thanks to the internet and creators for giving us a better way to learn and connect. 
I first discovered i had EDS because of this site. I will hold Tumblr near and dear to my heart. all the waves its gone through but its still here. still holding whats important. I have a lot of love for tumblr. for my spoonie family. 
Im excited to be back and I am hoping this time around i can stick to my guns. 
I have all sorts of projects in the works and tumblr... was the first place i thought to share these projects like the podcast because this community of spoonies are where I got my start and I hope your still out there and we can begin to greet eachother again as the people we have become now. 
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talledschick · 2 years
First Episode Posted now. 
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talledschick · 2 years
After a decade and all the changes tumblr and the world has bren through. Coming and going and lock downs and quarentines... its really nice to know that when you come back to tumblr there is still your community here waiting for you to pick right back up where you belog
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talledschick · 2 years
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ask me
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talledschick · 2 years
Listen & Follow the Devious & Disabled Podcast on Spotify
Devious & Disabled: A Podcast Diary of a Disabled Dominatrix
Check it out on Spotify & Sticher. The first episode just launched. Short starter Episode Just a little about me and what I hope to create. As well as a story about my beginings as a Domme. Many more stories to come.
But I wanna talk to you! If your disabled and a kinkster or would like to talk and connect even not on air id love to talk with you about sex, disability, kink, mental illness and chronic pain. I want to hear about the accomidations you make, accessibility in your local communities and how kink has helped you in your day to day exsitence.
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talledschick · 3 years
Let's talk About Spinal instability and fluctuating sex drives or non existent.
I can be an extremely hypersexual person. But when my neck is pinched and out in even a subtle way it immediately shuts down my sex drive. I go from daily cravings and fulfillment to keeping everyone away and not even masterbuating cause it'll take too much effort.
But also the pounding when I get my blood pumping specifically where my neck is pinched is terrifying and can cause more problems if I try to be sexual. Cause as I've said before pleasure beats pain.. but sometimes. Pain shuts down my pleasure.
Does anyone else experiamce this kind of a phenomenon.
I believe it's nerves on the fritz and shutting down the not necessary to function parts of my system. I notice that when I have my prolo and PRP my sex drive usually comes back for a bit before my neck and back worsen again. So I believe there's a direct connection between sex drive and spinal instability.
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talledschick · 3 years
Making out and having sex POST FUSION
I still have neck instability. For the last 6 years I've been trying to have sex in a traditional way more sparingly.. its how I discovered my own kinks and new ways to enjoy pleasure without fucking my neck up worse. And it's worked.
I still crave the closeness and intimacy of a long drawn out passionate make out session. Especially one that won't fuck up my neck.. and im not sure it's possible. So I protect myself by doing just small kisses. And pecks and mini makeouts.. but it's not enough. Especially without a consistent compasionate partner.
Sex the way missionary effects my neck is treacherous and definatly nor worth it 90% of the time.
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talledschick · 3 years
Lets Talk about Spoonies, Sex & Kink
Hello everyone who fucks or wants to fuck, 
I havn’t been online in years. and maybe there isnt’ an audience anymore on here. But I wanted to take a moment to address a spoonie audience about sex and kink. I started this blog and using tumblr when I was a single virgin. I grew up on this app in many ways and was introduced to a LOT on here that helped me explore what my desires may be before I ever eve knew it. and certainly before the world changed and everything became so censored. 
I am now 29 years old. I spent 2.5 years in my first relationship and during that time I was going through some deeply painful and terrifying times in my life renegading my physical state. It was broadcast all over the internet my need for Cranial Cervical and Atlanto Axial Fusions as well as detethering proceedures. 
I made a lot of sexual choices during that time because I truely was afraid i would die on the table during these operations and I did not want to die a virgin and once I began having sex with my partner I learned very quickly it was the best way to BEAT MY PAIN... but the actions where strenuous on my body.. 
Now 7 years later. I left that relationship however sweet and good he was to me. there was something missing and more I needed to do for myself and my health and I have spent the last 5 years as focused as I can be on getting to be the most stable version of myself. 
In that time I also dove into the KINK world and learned even more ways to enjoy intimacy, sex and relationships, and I want to find a platform to talk about these things. Learning how to use my mind and body and skills in ways to satisfy myself and my partners in a way that will protect my body and decrease my pain. 
Id love to connect with other chronically ill kinksters and discuss more. 
I am also working on a podcast diving into these topics. 
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talledschick · 3 years
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talledschick · 4 years
Life is weird.
The world is fucked.
The planets are practically all in retrograde.
Like Wtf.
Update on me:
Pipe burst. Dryer died. Laptop died. Landlords want The whole house painted. Oh and my stomach shut down again. Thank you gastroparesis. So theres that. Life was going pretty well but yeah then it was like never mind I'm gonna throw all the shit at you all at once. Have fun with that. All On top of corona isolation and nationwide unrest.
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talledschick · 4 years
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talledschick · 4 years
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Rich people showers
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talledschick · 4 years
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Just imagine a world full of beautiful stained glass windows which also generate electricity…
[Oxford Photovoltaics]
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talledschick · 4 years
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