tanyasingh6 · 3 days
I found him
It feels surreal. So surreal, it can’t be put in words enough, or be expressed fairly. But here it goes. It’s worth a try, because he’s worth it. You know one day, your entire life revolves around whether you’re ever going to meet your soulmate, someone you’d want to spend your entire life with, someone you’d trust blindly, someone whose presence would fill your heart so beautifully, someone…
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tanyasingh6 · 1 year
The infamous irony.
Everything, almost everything these days is so ironical in my life. And I don’t seem to understand why. And how exactly does any of this make sense. Let me explain. There are days when you’re loaded with work and responsibilities, and you can’t find time to do anything for yourself. You crave that time, when you can go do that one thing (or list of things) that you’ve been waiting to do. (This…
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tanyasingh6 · 1 year
How does it feel when you finally start to live freely? Majority of us haven’t experienced it yet, and that’s a little alarming. Right? We were brought into this world to live as per our choice, to make our own decisions and eventually learn to live the life we’ve always wanted. But are we living really? Or are we bounded by responsibilities, drama and work stress? Have we really forgotten what…
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tanyasingh6 · 2 years
You're good.
You’re good.
It’s tough to explain where I am in my life right now. Not physically. Not professionally. But emotionally. I’ve always believed in having a pure heart towards things, situations and most importantly, people. People I love, people I know, people I meet, people around, people. I’ve always believed in being honest. With my thoughts, with my words, with my feelings, with my morals and most…
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tanyasingh6 · 3 years
Too human to care.
Too human to care.
Somewhere, and at some point in our life, we’ve all probably been slammed down knowingly unknowingly for caring too much, for/by someone who truly matters/mattered. Is that wrong though?To care?Because your heart tells you to? Ask yourself. It’s quite often said that one must always use his/her head while taking decisions in life. And then maybe consider listening to the heart to check overall…
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tanyasingh6 · 3 years
Make time to make time.
There are days when you feel over burdened and overwhelmed with everything, whether it’s work, ongoing situations, world news, family feuds, failed plans, unfortunate endings, etc. And then there are days when none of this matters. You just sit with yourself and focus on the little things and end up smiling.Right now, I’m feeling a lot of gratitude. I’ve been stressed, but right now? I feel…
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tanyasingh6 · 5 years
Breathe, it'll be fine :)
Breathe, it’ll be fine :)
Sometimes, you struggle for answers and you just don’t get them. No matter how much you try, how badly you want to know why certain things are happening, why you’re feeling a particular way, why everything around seems so still, and why you find yourself crying when all you’ve been is a really good loving person, to not just others, but also to yourself. Sometimes life puts you in situations, you…
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tanyasingh6 · 5 years
Heaven-on-earth alert đź’›
Probably the 10 best days of my life till date, and trust me, it just keeps getting better and better.
No words can describe my exact feelings, hence I chose to build this little video for you all, to express my emotions, and feelings and thoughts in the most beautiful sweet manner possible.
The song in the background is Kadam by Prateek Kuhad, and I’m putting down the lyrics for you all, so…
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tanyasingh6 · 6 years
Keep going, Keep growing.
Keep going, Keep growing.
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In the last few months, I’ve come across some really great people, made some extremely beautiful memories, lost some people who were once the most special, learned a lot of lessons here and there, landed myself a well-paid job, and well, a Masters degree. Besides all the filtration, there still seems to be a question that just wouldn’t stop popping into my head. And that is, “What is the purpose…
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tanyasingh6 · 7 years
Let your light shine.
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I often wonder if the life we’re living and the things we see are really true. Are the things we hear, actually what we wish to hear, are the things we say actually heard the way they’re supposed to be heard? And I have my doubts on the things we feel. Are our feelings even real towards things, moments and most importantly, people? I’m not quite sure, because everything around feels temporary.…
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tanyasingh6 · 7 years
Learn to let go.
Learn to let go.
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As you grow up, you realize that sometimes it’s just better to let go. Let go of certain people, some said words that bother you, and situations that make you feel unwanted or just simply sad. With time, I’ve realized that it’s always better to just pass a smile and move on, rather than choosing to react at that moment, and make things worse. Sometimes, it’s just advisable to tell yourself to…
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tanyasingh6 · 8 years
There's some sort of magic in the Unexpected.
There’s some sort of magic in the Unexpected.
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Have you ever been happy about something one day, and felt its complete opposite the next? No? Okay, because I do. And it’s surprisingly the most unexpected feeling. I never knew I’d be writing here about it, but here I am, sort of regretting, but also convincing myself that it’s for the better. Well, I’m serving my notice period currently, and it’s my last day tomorrow, and honestly I’ve been…
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tanyasingh6 · 8 years
Mission To Thrive
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This post is for all those who have stopped believing in themselves. This post is for all those who have lost their way, and are trying to get back on track. This post is for all those who once loved themselves with all their heart, but gave up because life happened. This post is for all those who are just living their lives out of monotony and boredom. I have one question to ask. Do you want to…
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tanyasingh6 · 8 years
The unexpected moment is always sweeter!
The unexpected moment is always sweeter!
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I think there’s a part in each one of us that wants the impossible to happen, and that’s what surprises are. There are times when we start telling ourselves we aren’t meant for the best things in the world, maybe because of our experience in the past. Those “best” things cross our minds as “temporary” and “unstable” because we start questioning its authenticity unknowingly. It’s not like we are…
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tanyasingh6 · 8 years
Let life surprise you...
Let life surprise you…
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I think there’s a part in each one of us that wants the impossible to happen, and that’s what surprises are. There are times when we start telling ourselves we aren’t meant for the best things in the world, maybe because of our experience in the past. Those “best” things cross our minds as “temporary” and “unstable” because we start questioning its authenticity unknowingly. It’s not like we are…
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tanyasingh6 · 9 years
Every little effort has a reward.
Every little effort has a reward.
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“If you put in little effort and expect big returns, you will be deeply disappointed. You don’t get apples by planting lemon seeds.” I think most of us invest majority of our time in making efforts for the people who mean something to us, but at the same time, we also expect them to make similar efforts for us too. And honestly speaking, there’s nothing wrong with that. Everyone has certain kind…
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tanyasingh6 · 9 years
Great things never came from comfort zones!
Great things never came from comfort zones!
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Stepping into a new world, a new city, and a new life. It carries with it, a bag full of adventures, stories, people, experiences, ups and downs! Your life is what you make for yourself, you’re the creator and you’re yourself the destroyer. There are a lot of setbacks. Yet, you do what you want to do. You take your own decisions and you try your best to do justice to all that you’ve planned for…
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