teescottyblr · 3 years
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You walk out of your room and through to the dining area to which everyone stopped talking immediately. Tony clears his throat, “What in the hell are you wearing Y/N?” You glance down at your outfit; a cute brown jumpsuit with a homemade headband with ears attached, as well as your dirty white sneakers with one sock on. “It’s Halloween, I am going to a party.”
Loki rolls his eyes, “You humans with your ridiculous traditions, it is honestly pathetic.” Thor nudges his brother hard and lets out a nervous laugh, “He does not mean that, you look great. Have a good time.” You grab your bag and move to the elevator, stepping inside and watch the doors close. 
You hold your breath as Loki squeezes himself into the elevator before the doors close. He presses a button as he sighs, “Why are you going as Dobby? I’m sure there are plenty of costumes that would be more appealing.” You adjust your bag, “Last minute costume. I’m certainly surprised you know the character.”
A small chuckle falls from his mouth, “Oh I know the reference. And I also know that Dobby is a free elf because he got a sock.” Loki moves quickly to make you look at him. He glances down to your sock and back to your eyes as a smirk grows on the corner of his face. “If you were mine, I’d yank that sock off your leg because I am your master.”  
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teescottyblr · 3 years
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Grabbing an axe from the pile, you move and take a seat next to the fire. You begin sharpening the blade until you hear a mumble of your name. Your eyes peer upwards to see Ivar grinning at you, “You really shouldn’t have.” You retort strongly, “I didn’t.” 
Ivar glances from his sides before sitting as you continue to sharpen. He chuckles, “What are you going to need that for hmm?” You glance at him quickly as he rolls his eyes and deepens his tone, “No.” Your hands throw the axe in front of you towards him as you mutter, “Why because I am a woman? You know that I am more than capable Ivar.” He nods slightly and murmurs softly, “I know you are Y/N. I just cannot lose you.” 
“I am not yours to lose Ivar,” you say as you stand abruptly. Grabbing the axe, you begin to retreat, “If you want me, do something about it.”
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teescottyblr · 3 years
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You run with haste in the direction of Daphne’s scream, moving behind the estate to see her flustered and overwhelmed. “Daph,” you say as you approach her and comfort her side. Your eyes glance briefly to the gentleman who is staring back at you before returning to Daphne, “I heard your scream, are you alright?” She nods and points, “I’m fine but Mister Berbrooke.” 
Your eyes follow her fingers to see Mister Berbrooke lying flat onto the grass, twitching slightly as his eyes closed. Lord Bassett moves and crouches down to observe Nigel as he glances back up to Daphne, “I dare say that you, Miss Bridgerton, have knocked this man off his feet.” He stands and refrains from approaching, “Where would a lady of your caliber learn something like that?” 
Daphne tries to hide her smile as she slightly nudges you when replying, “I’ve got a great teacher.” Lord Bassett jaw drops, “You? You box?” Daphne wraps her arm into yours as you nod, “As shocking as it may appear Your Grace, we best to get back before your brother causes a scene.” 
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teescottyblr · 3 years
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“You sure they are going to be here?” Bucky groans as another person bumps into him to spills alcohol onto his jacket. Sam nudges him slightly, “I’m sure. Shouldn’t be too much longer now.” 
Bucky glances around the room; seeing mountains of bodies dancing in close proximity to each other to the pounding music as they laugh and sip on their drinks. “Check behind me Buck, tall guy leaning against the bar.” 
His body moves before his head does, eyes darting behind him to look towards the bar. Bucky briefly looks at the guy before something twinkled in the light to catch his eye. His gaze registers you and watches you walk to the bar, memorized by the light shining off your silver dress and off your bright smile.
GIF Credit: https://sheisraging.tumblr.com/post/637174641907138560/anthony-mackie-and-sebastian-stan-in-the-falcon
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teescottyblr · 4 years
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“Don’t touch my horse,” you hear as you turn to see a man walking quickly towards you. “He does not like it.” Your eyes glance at him for a moment before moving to his steed, stroking his mane as you tut, “Name?” 
The man scoffs lightly as he spoke, “Geralt.” You roll your eyes and catch his stare and point to your side, “Not you, him.” Geralt then looks away from you as he laughs lightly and mumbles, “This is Roach.” 
“Well Roach,” you say you as pat his side. “Geralt here says you don’t like to be touched but I think he is wrong. But I’ll leave you alone, goodbye.” You pull your hand away from Roach and walk back through town.  Geralt turns his head slightly and curiously watches you walk away. His horse nudges his chest hard and his gaze moves to him, “Alright Roach that was unnecessary.” 
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teescottyblr · 4 years
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‘So, you tried to find out who I am, huh?  I’m intrigued and impressed by the measures you took when leaving the notebook but you aren’t playing fair.  See the rules of the game must be obeyed however, I’ll let it slide this time.  This holiday is supposed to be full of joy and gift giving which leads me to your next dare. What is the one thing in this entire world that you desire?’ 
Dash reads through your words, smirking at your tone as he leans forward from the couch to grab the pen. He places the notebook onto his lap and begins to write. Apologising at first and then scribbling to write an answer just so he could get a response from you. 
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teescottyblr · 4 years
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People begin to fill the throne room as someone cheers, “Here’s to the true heir of the throne, the Prince of Hell!” Caliban smiles and walks into the middle of the room as they begin to clap at his achievements. His smile remains on his face as he chuffs, “The quest was nothing really. And my competition, well she clearly could never defeat me.” 
Your short laugh echoes the room as everyone turns to see you standing at the door. Wiping blood out of your eyes, you take a step forward and grin, “Surprised to see me Clay-boy?” His eyes grow wide as he looks you up and down to see red covering your clothes. Taking another step forward, you tut, “Oh, don’t worry. It’s not all mine.” 
Caliban finally looks back up at you as a small smirk grows on the side of his lips, slightly impressed and relieved to see you again.
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teescottyblr · 4 years
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Julie opens her bedroom door wide as you walk inside and smile, “Wow, your room is amazing!” She shuts the door, turning to see the boys suddenly appear and roll her eyes towards them, “Thanks. It is usually not this tidy.” Julie moves around Reggie to shut her window as you blurt, “Oh, I have something for you!” 
You place your bag on the corner of her bed as Luke curiously moves to lie down on the bed and tries to look in your bag, “What do you reckon it is boys?” Reggie sighs, “Something girly probably.” Alex nudges him and adds, “I think it’s something cool. She seems like a girl who is cool.” 
You pull out the CD and smile, “Thanks for letting me borrow this Julie.” She smiles back at you, “Anytime! Did you like it?” You nod and place the Sunset Curve CD on her nightstand, “I really did. It’s such a shame that they don’t have more songs because their harmonies are beautiful.” You place your bag down and add, “There is one part of the song that just stuck with me. To the point where I replayed it so many times to have that feeling again. You know what I mean?” 
Luke nods slightly as he continues to stare at you. Seeing the way the music made you feel brings a bright smile to his face, making him feel giddy and hoped you would keep talking about them longer. 
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teescottyblr · 4 years
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“Best be on your way Mister Holmes,” you say as you move around the tree to see Sherlock turn his head towards you. “Your sister is not here.” He curiously stares before standing from the grass and wipes dirt off his pants, “And you know this how? I apologize for being hesitant on taking the word of someone unfamiliar, you are?” 
A short laugh falls out of your mouth as you scoff, “For a man who is highly intelligent in many fields, I’d dare say you are quite clueless Sherlock.” A small smirk falls on his face as you add “Y/N, I’ve lived next door for several years.” Sherlock’s eyes grow wide as he looks you up and down, “Y/N, yes. How could I forget? Wow, you’ve grown into a beautiful woman.” 
A sly smile forms on the side of your lips as you take a step away from him, “Don’t let my sudden beauty distract you now Holmes.” You turn to walk back towards the house, yelling from behind, “She’s set afoot to London, find her before Mycroft does.” 
GIF Credit: https://dailyflicks.tumblr.com/
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teescottyblr · 4 years
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“What are they doing?” Alex asks as he peers into the window and stares. Reggie tuts, “Looks like they are practicing to me. I wonder who she is, Julie hasn’t mentioned her before.”  Luke watches you walk away from Julie at the piano to pick up the guitar against the wall and adjust it in your grip. His eyes grow wide as he scoffs, “Why is she touching my guitar? Why the hell is she touching my guitar?! I need to stop her.” Luke goes to move through the door until Alex grabs him, “Wait, look!” 
Luke turns to the window and watches as your fingers lightly strum the strings, creating a rhythm to which Julie begins to play the piano. You look at each other and smile as Flynn laughs, “That sounds great guys! But if we don’t leave now, we are going to be late for school.” You laugh as you set the guitar down, “You’re right, let’s go.” 
The boys watch as the three of you walk to the doors and panic, looking away from the window and pretend that they haven’t been staring for far too long.
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teescottyblr · 4 years
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“Elle why do we need to ask him? He is going to say no,” you say as Elle drags you away from your table and storms towards Marco. Elle huffs as she continues to pull you forward, “It doesn’t hurt to ask.” She yanks you one more time before stopping as Marco leans off the pool table. He looks you both up and down as Elle smiles, “Hi! Sorry to interrupt your game but we wanted to ask you if you’d like to be in the Kissing Booth this year?” 
Marco grabs the pool cue from his friend and moves to the other side of the pool table, “No.” You roll your eyes and wrap your arm into Elle’s, “See?! I told you he wouldn’t do it.” He passes the pool cue to his friend and tuts, “Why do you think I said no?” A small laugh bubbles in your throat as you mutter, “You aren’t game enough to do something so bold.” Pulling Elle back with you, you see Marco holding back a laugh as he smiles at you before turning away. 
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teescottyblr · 4 years
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“I’m coming!” you yell as someone bangs loudly on your front door. You open the door wide to see Stiles looking up at you as water drips down from his hair to his face. “What are you doing here?” you ask as you cross your arms in front of your chest and lean against the door frame. 
Stiles looks down quickly and then back at you, “I need you to come with me now, you are in danger.” You scoff and grab the keys from your side before shutting the door and locking it quickly, “So now you care about me?” Turning, you see Stiles look away as hurt fills his face, making you move down the stairs and into the pouring rain.
GIF Credit: https://dylsexual.tumblr.com/post/622364381326475264
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teescottyblr · 4 years
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“Ugh,” you groan as you roll onto your back and slowly open your eyes, adjusting to the light beaming throughout the room. Your hand comes to your temple as a dull ache pulses, as faint footsteps echo into the room. Massimo mumbles something under his breath as he moves to the side of the bed and sits immediately, placing his hand on your leg, looks down at you with concern and asks, “Are you okay babygirl?”
You yank his hand off your leg and slide up the bed frantically as you scream, “You drugged me! What the hell is wrong with you?” Massimo’s chest muscles tense as he places his hands in the air, “No, no. I would never do that to you.” Remaining at the top of the bed, you hold onto your arms as you whisper, “Well if you didn’t, why would someone do that to me?”  Massimo stands from the bed, turning away from you and sighs, “Because of me. They wanted to get to me and they did it through you.” He turns and looks at you briefly, “I apologise Y/N.” 
Your muscles relax for a moment as you watch him pace up and down the room. Pulling away the sheets from your body, you get out of the bed and stand as you clear your throat, “Well if the offer is still valid.” Massimo stops pacing and turns to meet your gaze. A small smile comes to the corner of your mouth, “I would love to have dinner with you. Firstly because I need an understanding of what happened and secondly, because I am starving.”  A laugh escapes Massimo’s lips as he looks away slightly and then back to you with a playful smirk, “As you wish.”
Thank you all for your amazing love and support of this series! Definitely will continue to make more like this in the future :)  - T x
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teescottyblr · 4 years
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Walking out of the cool water, you sleek your wet hair behind your back and approach the beach chair that had your belongings next to it. Pulling your towel out of your bag, you place it onto the beach chair and lie down. You move to your bag again and grab your sunglasses and book before lying back down on the chair. You peer at the water once more before opening your book and notice a man submerging from the water. The water droplets glistening on his muscular body, carving out his god-like appearance. Your eyes move to his face and you pull your book up to cover your face, “Oh shit.”
Pulling the book closer to your face, you hope to god that he won’t notice you. You flipped one of the pages as a server comes to the side of your chair, “Mi scusi signora.” You turn slightly and see a man holding a serving dish with one drink on it. He smiles, “A complimentary drink for you.” He places it in your hand as you pull your book away, “Oh are you sure? I’m happy to pay.” The server shakes his head and steps back as you see Massimo turn around and look at you. “Y/N,” he says as you slightly roll your eyes. You walk him approach the chair and add, “I can place that voice from anywhere.” 
You sigh and stand from the chair, “Massimo, always a pleasure.” He crosses his arms in front of him as you ask, “Beach day for you too, such a funny coincidence.” A small smile reaches the side of his face as he tuts, “Isn’t that strange.” Massimo laughs for a moment and uncrosses his arms, “I was hoping to see you. I wanted to ask if you would like to have dinner with me tonight?” 
A smirk grows on your face as you retort, “Really?” Massimo nods, making you blush and turn away to grab your towel and bag. Placing your bag strap around your shoulder, you bring the drink to your mouth and skull it quickly. You sigh and place the glass into his hand, “I’ve got plans tonight sorry but thank you for the drink.” You step around him and walk up the beach as Massimo mutters to himself confused. Before he could understand what happened, you started to feel ill and your eyes were heavy, shutting slowly as you dropped your towel. Your bag falls off your shoulder as you turn slightly, seeing Massimo run to you before everything goes black. 
As requested, here’s PART 4!
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teescottyblr · 4 years
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You walk out of your hotel, adjusting your beach dress as you pull out a map from your bag, opening it carefully. Walking to the end of the street, you turn right and walk towards the visible markets. Entering the market square, you glance down at your map to navigate your bearings and bump into someone strong. 
���I am so sorry,” you begin to blurt as you look away from your map and glance at the back of a suit. “I apologize, I was not watching on where I was going.” You watch the person turn and see those strong pair of eyes look you up and down before smirking. You sigh, “Oh you again.” 
His smirk grows, “Buongiorno babygirl. We haven't been formally introduced.” He extends his hand and nods his head towards you, “I’m Massimo.” You take his strong hand and shake it gently, “Y/N.” 
You take your hand out of his grasp and brush some hair out of your face, “Well I’m sorry for bumping into you, it won’t happen again.” He gives you a certain look which made a shiver run down your spine, “Anyways, I’ve got to go.” You step around him as he adds, “Are you lost Y/N? I can accompany you on where you need to go.” You shake your head, “No thankyou.” Turning around completely, you place your hand in the air and wave, “Ciao Massimo.”
As requested, here’s PART 3!
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teescottyblr · 4 years
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You finish off the remaining of your drink as a bartender approaches you with another on her serving dish. “Here you are Miss,” she says as she takes your empty glass and hands you the drink. You take it nervously, “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t order this.” She nods and smiles, “I know. The guy sitting at the bar did. The one that has been staring at you all night.”
She walks off as you turn slightly, scanning the bar to see a strong pair of eyes of a handsome Italian looking at you before looking away to his friend. You take in a breath and walk over to the men, standing only metres apart from them, “Excuse me?” 
They both stop talking and turn to look at you, as you smile, “I’m sorry but do I know you?” The man who bought you the drink looks at his friend before looking at you with mischief glistening in his eyes, “No you don’t. But trust me, you will babygirl.” You are taken aback for a moment and a small laugh slips out of your lips, “Well this babygirl can buy her own drinks.” You shove the drink into his hand and exit from the bar without turning back. 
As requested, here’s PART 2!
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teescottyblr · 4 years
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“Your serve, let’s go,” you say as you pick up the paddle and stare at your friend on the other side of the table. She bounces the ball and hits it, sinking straight into the net and you watch as it rolls back towards her. She grabs it and holds onto it as her phone begins to ring. Placing the ball under the paddle, she looks at her phone and straight to you, “I’m sorry! I’ve got to take this.” She answers it immediately and walks out of the room for some privacy. 
You turn and sit slightly on the edge of the table, glancing at the photographs hanging unevenly on the wall and sigh. Your eyes move to the door and back at your hands as you twirl the paddle in between them. You stop as soon as you hear someone clear their throat. 
Spinning around frantically, you look at see a boy staring back at you. “Uh hey,” he says as a small smile fills his face. “Hey,” you say and place the paddle onto the table. “I’m sorry, please use the table.” You step back and grab your bag from the chair as he pipes up, “Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to play a game?” 
His eyes search for yours and glisten as you place your bag back onto the chair, “Sure.” A smile matches his as you walk back to the end of the table and pick up the paddle. You watch as he picks up the paddle and ball, bouncing it slightly and hitting it lightly to you. Softly, you hit it back over the net and see his expression brighten, “I’m Paul.” You nervously let out a small laugh, “I know.” The rally continues on for a moment and you add, “I’m Y/N.” Paul chuckles as his smile grows wider, “I know.” 
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