#the kissing booth netflix
k-wame · 7 months
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The Kissing Booth Press
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iconsfinder · 8 months
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mysharona1987 · 9 months
tbh, part of the reason netflix don’t want to release their streaming numbers is because The Kissing Booth 3 did better numbers than The Irishman.
You gave Martin Scorsese, Joe Pesci, and Robert Deniro $200 million. Let them do what they what. Attempt to win all the awards.
Oscars. What else do you have?
And the high school movie about silly high school teenagers being in love still did better.
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
So Different - Noah Flynn
Noah x Fem!reader
Warnings: insecure?
Word count: 894
Requested: Hi, first off I want to say that I love your writing and second can you do a Noah Flynn x insecure reader pls. - @anon
Authors Note: Thank You for requesting!
Kissing Booth Masterlist
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Noah Flynn was what every girl wanted and there were some girls that didn’t care that he was in a relationship. And at a party like tonight where Y/n had to watch girls fawn all over him. It hurt her on the inside more than she’d like to admit. She trusted Noah completely but when she saw all those girls around him it made her think how he should be with one of them. Not her.
“Hey.” Noah said as he came over to her having noticed how she was just keeping to herself tonight. Which was unlike her. “You okay?”
“Hmmmhmm.” Y/n nodded, she couldn’t tell him what was really wrong. What if he agreed?
“You sure?” he could tell something was up but he didn’t want to push her to hard.
“Yeah. Hey, look I’m gonna head home okay?” Y/n nodded before she grabbed her jacket and put it on.
“You sure? Hey just let me tell the guy’s and I’ll drive you.” Noah offered, he just had a gut feeling to not leave her alone right now.
“No, no. you can stay. Don’t let me ruin the fun okay? I’ll see you tomorrow.” Y/n gave him a tight smile before walking away and exiting the house.
“O-kay.” Noah watched her confused and concerned. Why would leaving with her ruin his fun? He’d rather be with her. After Y/n left Noah didn’t stay long his mind and heart weren’t into it now that she left.
^ ^ ^
It had been days since the party and Noah was now getting really worried.Y/n was close to Elle, the two were best friends maybe she could help.
“Elle.” Noah knocked on the open door to his brother’s room. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
Elle nodded getting up to talk to Noah in the hallway. “What’s up?”
Noah sighed. “Your a girl and I need advice about one.”
Elle smirked amused as she crossed her arms. “About Y/n.”
“Yes, about Y/n.” Noah nodded
“Go on.” Elle nodded back
“Ever since that party a couple of weeks ago she keeps blowing off plans, says she can’t do anything she’s busy and she’s barely answering my calls or texts and when she does it’s vague.” Noah explained to his brother's best friend, hoping she could tell him what's wrong or at least what to do.
“Okay. You said since the party right?” Elle asked
“Yeah.” he confirmed
Elle thought for a few moments before it clicked. “You had a lot of girls around you that night.”
“So?” Noah asked confused
“No girl likes to admit it but every girl gets insecure at some point. Those girls around you looked like tall, skinny, beautiful, picture perfect models.” Elle explained to the taller Flynn. Hoping he’d understand. “Y/n’s not super skinny, not that tall, and she doesn’t believe that she had the beauty that she does have.”
“She doesn’t think she’s good enough for me?” Noah asked Elle after putting it together.
“Bingo.” Elle nodded with a tight lipped smile across her lips.
“Thanks Elle.” Noah smiled at her but it didn’t reach his eyes. The truth was he was ashamed of himself for ever letting Y/n think that she wasn’t enough for him.
Noah headed straight to Y/n’s house after Elle helped him. Once he got there he could see her mom through the kitchen window. She pointed upstairs and mouthed ‘in her room’, giving him a smile. Noah nodded in thanks before rounding to the side of the house. Y/n’s mom hoped Noah could fix whatever happened because seeing her daughter so sad was really hard to watch, it hurt alot.
Noah scaled the brick wall and climbed onto the roof. Noticing her window open he decided to just climb through it, which ended up knocking over some stuff.
Y/n turned around in shock holding her chest as she faced her window where the sound came from. Tilting her head in confusion upon who she saw. “Noah?”
“Hey” he smiled up at her from the floor of her room.
“What are you doing here?” she asked moving to help him up.
“We need to talk.” Noah stated as he got to his feet.
“About?” Y/n questioned not looking him in the eyes.
“You.” he answered simply.
“What about me?” she squinted her eyes at him.
‘Why do you think you aren’t good enough for me?” Noah asked her cutting to the chase with his eyes full of concern.
“Please. Just tell me why?” he pleaded not knowing what else to do. He needed to know why so he could fix it.
Y/n shook her head looking away from him. “I’m nothing like what you should be with.”
“In your opinion.” Noah countered shaking his head. Noah stepped forward and pulled her into his chest and lifting her head so she’d look him in the eyes. “To me your exactly what I want.”
Looking in her eyes Noah could tell he was getting through at least a little but. That gave him the confidence that he could fix this, that he could get her to see herself how he sees her. “I don’t want someone who thinks they're perfect. I just want you. Cause your perfect to me and for me.”
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ride-a-cow-boy · 2 years
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Jacob Elordi as NOAH FLYNN in The Kissing Booth trilogy.
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devdas5z · 10 months
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Joey King The Kissing Booth Promo Pt 6
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trashmouththeorist · 6 months
the kissing booth is abusive and terrible; an angry rant
Okay. So basically, Noah is first introduced to us as this character like three times the size of Elle, and this character that his brother (Elle's best friend, Lee) thinks should not date Elle, raising a red flag. Lee wants what's best for Elle. And it's clear that Noah isn't that. But if we put that aside and we fast-forward to school, Tuppen sexually assaults her because she is wearing a skirt that is deemed too short in the eyes of the school. Then Lee tries and fails to protect her, and Noah goes psycho, beating Tuppen to a pulp. And of course, like always, the victim gets detention, so when Noah and Elle are waiting outside, he victim blames her, by saying, "Wearing a skirt like that is asking for it." I already didn't like Noah, but now I hate him. Telling somebody who was sexually assaulted that it was their fault because they were 'asking for it' by wearing clothes they were? That's a new level of low, and we're only about twenty minutes in! If that. Anyway, Elle goes on a date with Tuppen, and Noah is jealous. He stands her up (predictable) then explains that Noah has been meddling in her social life, and is the reason she has no prior dating experience, so she doesn't know what a healthy relationship is: the only people she's engaged in an even slightly romantic act with is a sexual assaulter and abusive, toxic man. But if we put all that aside, Elle is angry. So she calls Noah, and these are the words exchanged during the call:
Elle: You do realize that you're not my dad, right?
Noah: Look, you still got a lot to learn, kiddo.
Elle: Kiddo? Oh, my God. Oh, if you were here, I would beat you with my shoe.
Noah: Tuppen is a player.
Elle: So are you
Noah: And that's why I know he's wrong for you. You're gonna thank me one day.
Elle: Okay. Well, today is not that day. It is not your job to monitor my dating life. Do you understand me? The days of you controlling my life are over!
Noah: We'll see about that.
So Noah, creepy as he is, insists on continuing to manipulate and meddle with her life. He is trying to control her life. At that point, even he is warning her. Tuppen was a sexual assaulter, aka a piece of scum. And Noah? He compares himself to Tuppen. That should say something. Numerous red flags are up, but Elle is closing her eyes. Although that's not on her. She's the victim here, in this situation. I may not like Elle, but this stuff should not be happening. Anyway, let's put all that aside, yeah, and move on.
Elle and Lee suggest their idea for the fundraiser, a Kissing Booth (shocker) and of course, they need all the 'hot guys.' Convenient, because Love Interest Number 1 is a 'hot guy' when he's a toxic, abusive douchebag. Okay. I actually don't understand this point - are girls the main aim for this booth? (majority of people are straight in this world, but of course we have the gay tokens for diversity who have zero affect on the plot in the second movie) Because they aren't preoccupied with hot girls. Also, why are the girls presented as the objects to be kissed? No boys there? Doesn't matter, I guess. It's just an abusive relationship, in a plot that barely took two seconds to think out where like every character is an asshole. But I'm not judging that. After school, Noah tries to get Elle to come home with him on his motorbike. Of course, Elle refuses, yet he persists when she says no, because of course, Noah's reputation as a player. And I'm not surprised, you go Elle. He drops every girl. But, I mean, Elle is 'not like other girls.' Elle runs home, and she asks people to do the booth. Surprise, surprise, they say no to kinda selling themselves...and not getting anything from it except maybe herpes.�� 
Okay. So, after that party I don't feel like talking about, because you know they used the same scene for every high school romcom, and the OMG's, aka the rip off mean girls, invite her over to get her intoxicated, and Elle is totally drunk. Elle asks Noah for the booth, girls he's making out with is mad, Elle gets rejected. There are a few partying scenes, and then Elle strips her clothes off leaving her underwear and dances. Lee, for some reason just watches her (see what I meant about assholes) and then Noah with all his chivalry takes her up into her room, dresses her in his clothes and then she wakes up presumably thinking they slept together, which of course, they didn't - but I wouldn't be surprised with Noah taking advantage of her intoxicated state and r*ping her, because when you're drunk, you can never consent. But the fact she suspected he might have r*ped her means she knows some degree of his toxicity, yet she is somehow still blind to it. Anyways, they had an 'accidental groping' session, and Elle is out and about again. Anyway, Elle lies about Noah liking one of the OMG's so they'll do the booth, and now she's got to convince Noah to do it, because the OMG'S (which he most definitely does not like) are waiting for him at the booth, and he's the main attraction for whoever's at the booth. Noah tries to order Elle around again, and she asks him about the booth again. (Clearly, neither of them can take a hint) and he refuses. 
It's time for the booth now. I'm going to skip out on the beginning, but the OMG's push Elle out onto the stage and Noah comes up and kisses her, and thats something else I don't like: no matter who it was, if it was her boyfriend of a year of someone in her Physics Class, it was clearly not consensual. But the kiss happened, and since it was Noah, Elle enjoyed it, but Noah let her down, telling her it was 'just a kiss' manipulating her feelings, and now she's in this great dilemma, because Lee had been warning her all along with that friendship rule he insisted on. But let's skip a few minutes, after she tells Lee repeating what Noah said, where we're at the bit where Noah confesses his love with the classic fanfiction response, (I mean, this is WattPad, so...) 'You aren't like other girls, you didn't "fall at my feet" I love you you're so sweet!' Etc, etc.  
So, to show his love for her, he takes her to a hookup spot where he takes all of his conquests. Perfect. That fanfiction thing is probably something he tells every girl, because Elle is clearly like the rest of the girls he's engaged in activities with.
Beach party. Warren tries to get a drunk Elle to skinny dip, and Noah jumps in, after an insult, punches Warren in the face and Elle runs off. When Elle is walking home, Noah screams and yells at her to "Just get in the car, Elle. Just get in the car, Elle. GET IN THE CAR, ELLE!" And with much violence, he punches his car in anger and frustration and toxicity and abuse (more controlling, great) Elle is scared (because it was clear that directed to her, Noah was yelling at her and he wanted to hit her) and she gets in. They go to the Hollywood sign (which they cannot go to, because I'm pretty sure you need to pay to go, like, as a tourist, but they filmed it in Africa so I'm sure they know jack shit about how the US works) and etc etc. 
They start a relationship made up of sex and hiding. Sex and hiding includes a lot of these things, and not what a relationship should contain. What I don't like is that they think it's this huge secret that needs to be kept, it's not like they'll be discriminated against. 
Lee is their only worry.
When Elle gets hurt and Noah is there, Lee immediately assumes he hit her. Why? Because he's lived with his brother...his whole life. He knows Noah like she back of his hand. He knows Noah is abusive. So when Elle's hurt, the only logical thing is to assume Noah did it. And what does that tell us if Noah's own brother assumes he abused her? And Noah's only response to being accused of violence is to...get violent. (Thank you, Cynical Reviews! You should watch him on YouTube. He's great. Especially his review of The Kissing Booth.) 
After this, Lee finds out about their relationship, blah blah blah who cares. Except for the fact Lee is still angry: at Noah, not because Elle lied, but because he is sure how this is going to go, because he's experienced it from the sidelines - random girls he's barely known getting abused and having their hearts broken. And he doesn't want the next casualty to be Elle. Of course, like, no one supports them, because they know what happens every time Noah brings a girl home - or something of the sort.
Elle tells Lee to support them, she gets back with Noah and Noah...leaves.
A set up for a sequel which whenever I have time, will be analysed, because it is seriously abusive and toxic. None of these things were done out of 'love.' Love is a word used too carelessly in film. This, at the closest, is lust. And it is unhealthy, controlling, toxic and abusive.
So there's my argument!
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depressedpanda69 · 10 months
The Positive:
Taylor and Nicholas were wonderful, both individually and together.
[I am glad to be proven wrong, as I was one of those that were not exactly happy when the cast was first announced, and had only warmed up slightly with the trailer, etc.]
The Negative:
It felt so condensed/rushed, even though they left out so much from the books.
It is horrible enough they left out June, Raphael Luna,… completely, but even Nora, Pez, and Bea felt like they weren’t really there either.
I missed the bigger role the presidential re-election campaign played, the more intricate plot to the leaked emails outing them, etc.
This should have been a limited series (8 hour long episodes), to not only include most/all of the book, but expand on it.
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pbandjklmnop · 2 years
A friend of mine is making a YouTube video about past versus present romance books, TV shows and movies. They'll be discussing tropes, casting, writing trends, etc. They asked if I could share their survey!
It should only take about 10 to 15 minutes, and no names or emails will be revealed. Only thing that will be shared is the results! If you complete it, please re-blog and let me know! Thank you in advance 💖
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ikeasupremacy · 1 year
adding another show to the pile today
rest in peace lockwood and co
let me know if anyone thinks of anything we can still do
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The Kissing Booth (2018, Vince Marcello)
The Kissing Booth is a 2018 film directed by Vince Marcello, based on the novel of the same name by Beth Reekles. The film stars actors Joey King, Jacob Elordi, Joel Courtney and Molly Ringwald.
The Kissing Booth was released on Netflix on May 11, 2018. Despite receiving largely negative reviews from critics, who considered the plot and themes to be stereotypical and misogynistic, the film was called a commercial success by Netflix thanks to the great spectator consumption.
In June 2014, Vince Marcello was hired to write the film adaptation of Beth Reekles' young adult novel, The Kissing Booth, originally published on Wattpad. In November 2016, Netflix's purchase of the rights to the film was announced, with Marcello directing the script. In January 2017, Joey King and Molly Ringwald signed to star in the film.
Filming took place in Los Angeles, California and Cape Town, South Africa between January and April 2017.
The film was released on May 11, 2018 on Netflix. Calling the film a huge success for the service, CCO Ted Sarandos called the film "one of the most watched films in the country and perhaps the world."
On the website Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 18% based on 11 reviews, an average rating of 4.12/10, and a critic consensus that reads "The Kissing Booth uses every rom-com cliché in its book with little care to achieve real feeling."
IndieWire's Kate Erland gave the film a grade of "D", adding that "Unfortunately, the high school rom-com is a sexist, regressive look at relationships that highlights the genre's worst impulses." Ani Bundel of NBCNews criticized the film's "problematic stereotyping of masculinity and relationships" and lack of original ideas.
Ted Sarandos, CCO of Netflix affirmed the film's success as a "very popular original film" for the streaming service. Factors that have been cited as reasons for The Kissing Booth's success among audiences include the popularity of the original novel on Wattpad, the relative lack of original romantic comedies on the platform, and the publicity of actors King and Elordi's off-screen relationship during the production of the film.
There is a quote from the film The Sound of Music (1965) and from Braveheart (1995).
The protagonist gets drunk at a party for teenagers and starts dancing suggestively on a table like in the film 10 Things I Hate About You (1999).
The declaration of love speech at the ball is an homage to the film Notting Hill (1999).
The film Black Swan (2010) is also mentioned.
In the prom scene, during "Memory Lane", the song Don't You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds is heard in the background. The song was written for the film Breakfast Club (1985) and appears in both the beginning and the end. Furthermore, among the protagonists of Breakfast Club appears Molly Ringwald who in the 1985 film plays Claire Standish, while in the 2018 film she plays Sara Flynn, Noah and Lee's mother.
The sequel, titled The Kissing Booth 2, was released on July 24, 2020 on Netflix.
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taylorvaughnsaidso · 7 months
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This should be the response;
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He also goes in on 'turning down' Superman because those movies "I get restless watching those movies" to which I say -
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David Corenswet > Jacob Elordi
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iconsfinder · 9 months
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List of shows I like:
Girl Meets World
Lab Rats
Lab Rats: Elite Force
Mighty Med
Power Rangers
Grey's Anatomy (not after S14)
Andi Mack
Legend of Korra
The Last Airbender
My Hero Academia
Bob's Burgers
Gravity Falls
Liv and Maddie
Austin & Ally
Every Witch Way
The Lodge
Kickin' it
The Thundermans
Big Time Rush
Rick and Morty
Ever After High
H2O: Just Add Water
Zoey 101
Criminal Minds (haven't the last season or Evolution)
Hawaii Five-0
Demon Slayer
The Promised Neverland
911: Lone Star
Movies I like:
The Kissing Booth (only the first one, have not seen the sequels)
The Boy Who Cried Werewolf
The Perfection
Zombies 3
Descendants 3
High School Musical (all three movies, but the last one is my favorite)
Cloud 9
Girl vs. Monster
Now You See it
Another Cinderella Story
Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure
Lemonade Mouth
Avalon High
Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam
He's All That
A Cinderella Story: Christmas Wish
Books I like:
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Lockwood and Co
Other things I like:
Sabrina Carpenter
Ariana Grande
Little Mix
Romantic Dramas
Romantic Comedies
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themthistles · 1 year
in my seasonal depressive spiral and i just watched 4 shows in a row which all turned out to be cancelled. idk if it's a cosmic joke of coincidence or the state of media is just that depressing at the moment
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coffeeteaitsallfine · 10 months
rwrb is really the little engine that could 🤧 romcoms are back baby
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