wordgoods · 10 days
verboten | fərˈbōtn, vər- | 
forbidden, especially by an authority: bank fishing is verboten on Strathbeg | the list of verboten films.
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wordgoods · 13 days
exigency | ˈeksəjənsē |
a sudden, urgent crisis that requires immediate action.
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wordgoods · 13 days
inexorable | ˌinˈeksərəb(ə)l |
impossible to stop or prevent: the seemingly inexorable march of new technology.; inexorable romance 
• (of a person) impossible to persuade by request or entreaty: the doctors were inexorable, and there was nothing to be done.
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wordgoods · 17 days
Bhante is a respectful title used to address Buddhist monks, nuns, and superiors, especially in the Theravada tradition. It is often translated as "Venerable" in English.
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wordgoods · 1 month
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Jaggery is a non-centrifugal cane sugar sweetener that's popular in Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Indian subcontinent. It's made from the juices of palm trees or sugarcane, and is often sold in granulated, liquid, or block form. Jaggery is less refined than other types of sugar, so it still contains a significant amount of molasses, which makes it more nutritious than refined sugar.
My Indian friend recommended this to me.
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wordgoods · 1 month
"like steel sharpening steel"
The phrase "like steel sharpening steel" is often used metaphorically to describe a situation where two individuals or entities, typically of similar strength or capability, interact or compete with each other in a way that leads to mutual improvement or refinement.
Just as steel can be sharpened by rubbing it against another piece of steel, the metaphor suggests that through challenge, competition, or collaboration, each participant pushes the other to grow, learn, or excel.
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wordgoods · 1 month
Weltschmerz | ˈveltˌSHmerts  [German: the pain of the world]
pronunciation: click here
Weltschmerz arises from feeling the existential weight that our ideals and expectations of how the world "should" be don’t line up with reality.
One of the lesser-discussed effects of moral injury is this type of disillusionment.
Disillusionment is shock and sadness mixed with a sense of betrayal.
Weltschmerz is different from other familiar foreign expressions like angst and ennui. Angst is more inward-looking, describing a type of brooding anxiety or inner turmoil that results from sensing disharmony in life and our place in it. Ennui is more about lethargic disappointment or listless resignation that sets in when a person comes to believe that trying to change the world’s harsh realities is a futile effort. With weltschmerz there is a greater sense of yearning than with either angst or ennui—it is a deeply emotional, suffering-saturated cry that in our disillusionment about the workings of the world, we also see that things could and should be better.
Read more at Psychology Today
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wordgoods · 3 months
Maine Coon
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The Maine Coon is a large domesticated cat breed. It is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America. The breed originated in the U.S. state of Maine, where it is the official state cat.
Other names: Coon Cat; Maine Cat; Maine Shag; American Longhair; American Coon Cat; American Forest Cat
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wordgoods · 4 months
Retrogressive Restoration of the Persona [Jungian Psychology]
According to Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung, the retrogressive restoration of the persona is when someone tries to "re-become" the person they were in the past, typically when they were at their peak. This can include re-identifying with a former position, role, or ideology because it offers security, predictability, and a script. The retrogressive restoration of the persona can happen to both individuals and institutions.
According to a paper in Volume 7: Two Essays on Analytical Psychology, retrogressive restoration of the persona is an unsatisfactory attempt by the patient to extricate himself from the collective psyche. The contact of the unconscious psyche and the collective psyche results in a collapse of the conscious persona, a traumatic event for the patient.
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wordgoods · 4 months
paradigm | ˈperəˌdīm |
noun 1 a typical example or pattern of something; a model: there is a new paradigm for public art in this country.  • a worldview underlying the theories and methodology of a particular scientific subject: the discovery of universal gravitation became the paradigm of successful science.
Thomas Kuhn coined the term "paradigm shift."
He argued that science does not evolve gradually toward truth.
Science has a paradigm that remains constant before going through a paradigm shift when current theories can’t explain some phenomenon, and someone proposes a new theory.
A scientific revolution occurs when: (i) the new paradigm better explains the observations and offers a model that is closer to the objective, external reality; and (ii) the new paradigm is incommensurate with the old.
For example, Lamarckian evolution was replaced with Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection.
Paradigm Shift
Thomas Kuhn attacks “development-by-accumulation” views of science which hold that science progress linearly by accumulating theory-independent facts.  Kuhn looked at the history of science and argued that science does not simply progress by stages based upon neutral observations (e.g., Positivism ).
For Kuhn, the history of science is characterized by revolutions in scientific outlook. Scientists have a worldview or “paradigm.”  A paradigm is a universally recognizable scientific achievement that, for a time, provides model problems and solutions to a community of practitioners.
A paradigm is a basic framework of assumptions, principals and methods from which the members of the community work.
It is a set of norms that tell scientists how to think and behave and although in science, there are rival schools of thought, there is still a single paradigm that all scientists accept uncritically.
Scientists accept the dominant paradigm until anomalies are thrown up.  Scientists then begin to question the basis of the paradigm itself, new theories emerge which challenge the dominant paradigm. Eventually, one of these new theories becomes accepted as the new paradigm.
During different periods of science, certain perspectives held sway over the thinking of researchers.  A particular work may “define the legitimate problems and methods of a research field for succeeding generations of practitioners.”
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wordgoods · 4 months
vritti (Yogic philosophy)
In Yogic philosophy, vritti refers to thoughts that surface in the mind, often described as a whirlpool.
The Sanskrit word vritti literally means a turning or revolution and refers to the mind's ever-spinning state of disturbance.
According to Yogapedia, the five types of vrittis are:
Correct knowledge (pramana)
Incorrect knowledge (viparyaya)
Imagination or fantasy (vikalpa)
Sleep (nidra)
Memory (smrti)
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wordgoods · 4 months
Funny Euphemisms for Sex
The bedroom rodeo
The mattress mambo
The horizontal hula
Making the beast with two backs
Bonus: "He's polishing his knob" [masturbating]
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wordgoods · 4 months
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Origin and meaning
The Unalome is both a Buddhist and a Hindu symbol. It represents the path to freedom. Or slightly more down-to-earth, your life's path. The sign consists of three parts: the spiral, the swirl, and the dots at the end. You read the Unalome from bottom to top.
The spiral
The spiral represents the direction. Is your life going up or down? Your thoughts don’t have an off button. With bumps, potholes, detours, and unexpected encounters you become more and more aware. The spiral represents the state before you spiritually awaken.
The swirl
After the spiral comes the swirl, which gets smaller and smaller and turns into a straight line. When you are aware of your thoughts, you can become introverted. You have more focus and clarity; the road is less winding.
The straight line
When you get out of the swirl, you suddenly see everything very clearly. Like a straight line. The road is pure, that’s where you are free and reach enlightenment. Your end goal. So there you are, a beautiful doodle with an even more beautiful meaning. 
Practicing with the Unalome
In our lookbook you’ll find an Unalome. Print it, place a paper on top of it and trace the line. Repeat that movement. Practice until it comes naturally. Meanwhile, reflect on your life, without trying to change anything. Write down all the insights that come to mind in a storybook. You can also draw the Unalome in a sketchbook. Are you with a friend? Draw one on each other’s backs at heart level. 
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wordgoods · 5 months
expository | ikˈspäziˌtôrē
intended to explain or describe something: formal expository prose.
It can also mean to define, inform, or clarify. 
Expository writing, also known as exposition, provides a balanced view of a subject matter without trying to prove a point. For example, an expository essay might explain a topic, process, or set of ideas.
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wordgoods · 5 months
derecho | dāˈrāˌCHō
noun (plural derechos) 
US a line of intense, widespread, and fast-moving windstorms and sometimes thunderstorms that moves across a great distance and is characterized by damaging winds.
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wordgoods · 6 months
acerbic | əˈsərbik
adjective (especially of a comment or style of speaking) sharp and forthright. i.e. "her acerbic wit."
Expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a clever way
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wordgoods · 7 months
propitious | prəˈpiSHəs 
giving or indicating a good chance of success; favorable: 
i.e. I made the sales call at the most propitious time.
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