writingmylove · 4 years
Check your emails -
Spencer Reid x Reader
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Between full time work, a postgraduate course and a pandemic I have managed to write a small thing for you.
Our favourite genius is in for a surprise when a special someone pays him an unexpected visit to the BAU.
No warnings.
Her mind was still reeling. She couldn’t believe it.
Covering up a small sob with her hand she paused, leaning her body against the nearest wall as she thought about the words she'd just been listening to. She let out a deep breath and tried to compose herself. This was better said than done however.
Okay, first thing first, she had to tell Spencer. A second thought then crossed her mind and she froze.
Oh god, how would she tell Spencer?!
She pondered for a moment, biting at her bottom lip and debating her options before deciding she needed to go home first. There was something she needed to get.
Upon reaching home she quickly made her way inside, dumping her coat and immediately rummaging through the drawers of the wooden sideboard unit. She pulled out the small card with a small 'yes' and scribbled in it hurriedly before shoving it in her bag and rushing out once again. Her mind focused on reaching only one place.
Y/n rushed into the Quantico building, adrenaline coursing through her bones as she hurriedly signed in and stated who she was there to meet. Ignoring the concerned look from the receptionist, the young woman then sped walked down the corridor and took the necessary left and right turns before she halted in front of a set of glass double doors. She squinted as she peered through, her eyes tracking the bodies in the hope she might see her husband before she went in, that would makes things easier.
She sighed when she noted she couldn’t see him. The one time he actually chooses to leave his desk, it had to be now. Pausing, she debated whether or not to tell him now. No, she told herself. She couldn’t not tell him. She steeled herself, gave her body a little shake and tried to wipe some of the tears from her cheeks before pushing her way into the room.
Once inside her eyes scanned over the area once again, just incase she had missed him when looking through the glass. As she looked she slowly stepped further into the room, her eyes confirming her genius was not there. At the sound of shuffling footsteps, Morgan looked up from where he was perched on Emily’s desk a few feet away. Recognising the hair and shoe choice he grinned as he say his team mate's wife walking absently towards them.
“Well hey there Firecracker, what are you..” He called out, trailing off once he was able to really look at her. Her face was blotchy and her eyes wet with recent tears. His concern grew and he stood slowly, angling his body more towards her, his actions taking on a protective aura. “Whoa, are you okay?”
Y/n nodded frantically as she turned to look at him, doing this even more so when Emily looked over at her worriedly from around Morgan as she heard him speak. “Where’s Spencer?”
Morgan watched her carefully, the profiler in him assessing his friend as she sniffled. “He just went to the copier, he should be back any moment. Why don’t you come sit down?” He gestured at the desk next to him and Emily, the one currently unoccupied. Y/n moved towards it but her mind was clearly far away. She didn’t really want to sit down, her body far to jittery to stay motionless. She just wanted Spencer.
It was then, by some stroke of luck that out of the corner of her eye she noticed her tall husband walk back towards his desk, his head bent over paper. That wasn’t unusual of course, this was often how she found him.
“Spence!” She called and turned directions, moving swiftly towards him. The young man looked up at his name being called, a smile automatically appearing on his face as he recognised his wife’s voice.
Spencer looked up at his wife, her hair slightly wild from the weather outside but still looking beautiful. However, his smiled faded from his face and he sped quickly towards her, dumping the papers on a nearby desk. Panic set in as he noted the tear tracks on her cheeks and her red eyes.
“What is it? What happened? Are you okay?” Spencer asked worriedly as he frantically looked her over. God forbid some one had hurt her. He quickly banished the thought, not wanting to think about such a thing. He reached out towards her, gently placing his hands on her arms as he looked over her face.
It was then that she beamed at him.
Y/n laughed at the bewildered look on his face. “Yes, yes I’m fine.” She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. She watched him for a moment, her eyes tracing his handsome face before she remembered why she was actually there. Twisting her body and reaching into the bag on her shoulder, she pulled out a small envelope and passing it to him.
Spencer looked down at the envelope addressed to him and then back at his wife. “Um, what is this?” Holy hell, he was so adorable when he was confused. Y/n stifled a giggle.
“Just open it.” She encouraged.
Spencer opened it up and pulled out the little card. It was plain white with a large yellow smiley face on the front. Opening up the card he read it over quickly. And then he read it over again. He was once again confused. In y/n’s curly hand writing were only three words.
‘Check your emails’
“What?” He muttered softly. With his eyebrows furrowed he looked back up. Y/n stood there with a small smile and her phone out in her hands.
Following the instructions on the note he moved over to his desk, near to where JJ was just hanging up the phone and was now watching the pair. The blonde woman greeted y/n as she got closer and the other woman smiled back. Morgan and Emily, having listened into the couple, boldly followed behind them, knowing if it was a problem y/n would tell them to stop, but wanting to know what the hell was going on.
Spencer sat at his desk and opened up the email window on the desktop. There was one new one, from his wife and with no subject but another smiley face and an unnamed attachment. Which, with slight prompting, he clicked on. He waited impatiently as the attachment opened and loaded.
There were a few beats of silence from the team.
“Oh my god.”
Y/n could not contain her smile at Emily’s breathy words as she saw what the other three agents, now crowding behind the young doctor, were also seeing on the computer.
There, on the screen in front of Spencer, was a video clip of an ultra sound, the soft heartbeat playing through the speakers.
Jumping up, and making Morgan and JJ subsequently jump and move back quickly, the tall agent turned towards his wife who once again had tears in her eyes.
“Is this real?” He questioned, eyes wide and his voice shaking as he gestured to the ultra sound.
Y/n nodded. “Yeah Spence, I went to the doctor this morning who confirmed it and I had to come straight here to tell you,” She moved to where her husband was stood frozen and staring at her, placing a soft hand on his cheek. “I’m pregnant.”
Spencer let out a small cry of joy at her words, before scooping her up and pulling her tightly to his chest. Pulling back slightly he looked into her eyes as he whispered “I’m going to be a dad.” Before hugging her closely again.
Morgan let out a loud whoop as the pair pulled apart and pulled his friend into a hug, the two female agents crowding around y/n. “Congrats man!” He spoke before looking up to the walkway to Hotch and Rossi who had just come out of Hotch’s office and were watching the scene below with questioning eyes, and glancing over at Penelope who was stood with her mouth agape, clearly having just witnessed the revelation.
“The Reid’s are having a baby!” He yelled out across the room. With a loud squeal Garcia raced over, as if Morgan’s words had unstuck her feet, and pushed Emily and JJ out the way to pull both y/n and the young doctor into a hug. Hotch and Rossi made their way over to the rest of the team joining in with the happy bubble around them and each gave their congratulations to the couple, Hotch giving their youngest member a strong hug and a wide smile at his news and telling him to take the rest of the afternoon off.
After thanking their friends for their kind words the soon to be parents shortly (and thankfully) found themselves back at home and wrapped tightly in each other’s arms on the sofa.
Speaking softly as he stroked his wife’s hair, Spencer muttered about what kind of profiler was he if he couldn’t even tell his wife was pregnant. Y/n laughed at his words, but said she was glad he hadn’t noticed, or the announcement today would never have worked quite so well.
The genius looked down at his wife, her eyes glowing with happiness in the warm light of their lamp, and felt, in that moment so overwhelmed with love. Tilting his head he kissed her deeply, pouring all his feelings into it just as he had done on their wedding day. He pulled back from her slowly, savouring the moment, and rested his forehead against hers. He placed a, slightly shaky, hand on her (still flat) stomach in awe and he whispered to them both.
“I love you.”
To which she responded.
“We love you too.
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writingmylove · 5 years
Disney Prince
I went to Disneyland and got all the feels and go figure had to write about it so here's a fluffy, cheesy and cliche Bucky piece for you all to enjoy
You lounged on the sofa in the main room of the latest Avengers facility. You were undeniably bored as you waited with the other Avengers, all of you here for Tony’s newest announcement. You weren’t the only one looking about ready to leave, Nat and Wanda were each sprawled individually on the two armchairs both supporting looks of utter impatience and Steve, I was pretty sure, had read the same page of his book for the past 10 minutes. Bruce was still in the labs, unlikely to actually come up to join the rest of us and Thor was currently trying to work the coffee machine in the adjoined kitchen.
Bucky, the main light of your life, was sat with your head in his lap as he absentmindedly ran his fingers through your hair. His metal hand was nothing worrisome to you, although you had spent considerable time in the early stages of your relationship making sure his metal hand was held, used to touch you and encouraging its proximity to you. It was rare now that it was an issue between you, granted he had his moments of panic, but you were quick to rectify them and comfort him.
Just as you were about to get up and go find him, Tony strolled into the room seemingly in no rush and with a coy expression detailing his face. You let out a loud groan as you saw him.
“About time!” You cried. “Next time you call a meeting please do try to attend on time yourself.”
Tony just shot you a look of contempt as you felt Bucky’s chest vibrate from his chuckles and your ears caught Nat’s sniggers from across the room.
“Tony, what is this about?” Steve questioned his friend, a blonde eyebrow raised quizzically, and his book long forgotten.
“As you all know, Pepper has been working very hard on the PR for the Avengers and that includes merchandising and the like.”
The group of us nodded and warily exchanged glances around the room wondering where this could possibly be going.
“I thought you might all want to know that the rights to provide the merchandise for our motley crew have been agreed to be held by The Walt Disney Company. They will be providing clothing, costumes, toys. You name it they’ll make it.”
There were murmurs of acceptance and agreement at Tony’s words. You weren’t too surprised. Disney did of course have a large fanbase and would provide a family friendly feel to a group of superheroes who had caused a few near disasters.
“Does this mean Steve will be a Disney prince now?” You piped up from your place on the sofa, eyes glinting as Steve turned his incredibly unimpressed look on you.
Wanda let out a large laugh at your words and was quickly joined by the rest of us. Steve rolled his eyes good naturedly before pointing a finger at you mockingly.
“You most definitely will not be a Disney princess y/n. That I do know”
You held a hand to your chest in fake pain. Bucky laughed at your theatrics and leaned down towards your ear.
“You’ll be a princess to me, doll.”
Shifting your position, you glanced up at him, his blue eyes meeting yours and your heart jumped lightly.
“This makes you a Disney prince too, Buck.”
Bucky shook his head slightly, a soft smile on his face as he stared down at you.
“I’m not really prince material.”
He removed his gaze, lifting it to look back up at Tony and the others who had continued their own conversations. You frowned at his comment. Your heart ached for him and the pain his past continuously put him through. While the programming Hydra had forced into his mind had been removed, the memories of his time with them remained and left its mark.
“y/n,” Your head turned towards your name to see Tony glancing at you. “Were you listening to a word I said?” You grinned sheepishly at his words and shook your head.
He let out an exasperated sigh before handing his Stark pad to you. Taking the device in your hands and sitting up properly you looked intensely at the screen.
“Disney request that some of you attend their park in Orlando as part of the new working relationship between the themselves and us. A bit of promotion if you will.”
“Yes!” You jumped up as you yelled out fist in the air and a large grin across your face.
The sound of your yell caused a few of those around you to jump at the sudden noise. You felt your cheeks heat up slightly and you lowered yourself back down into your seat thoroughly embarrassed.
“I mean, yeah sure. I’ll go.”
Steve was smiling widely at you from his seat. You were like a sister to him and to see you act like a child in that very moment was rather endearing to him.
“Count me in too.” The blonde raised his hand and verified his words of acceptance to the offer.
Wanda and Nat also agreed, albeit the latter rather reluctantly. It was a rather public thing for her to be doing and the spy in her was uncomfortable at the prospect, despite her identity having been common knowledge for a few years now.
Bucky remained silent throughout the exchange, watching you as his thoughts ran a mile a minute.
“Bucky,” Noticing his silence and guessing his thought process, you turned to him and took his hands in yours. “Please come with us. I really want you to come with me.”
The true delight at the prospect of him coming with you shone on your face, your h/c hair framed your face and your eyes were wide with excitement. You looked so beautiful and he knew in that moment he could not say no to you. Returning your smile, he nodded his agreement to attend Disney World with the rest of you.
A few weeks later the five of you had boarded Tony’s jet and arrived at Disney World, Orlando. You were bouncing on the balls of your feet in excitement. You loved Disney. It didn’t matter how old you were, you would always be happy here.
Wanda stood next to you, equally as excited having not been before but enjoyed many of the films she had seen and she was very determined to meet Mickey. Steve and Nat stood to one side, heads together as they spoke. It was likely about a mission, but you could honestly care less right at this moment.
You linked your arm with your boyfriends. His body was tense, and he was glancing all around looking a little bit like a deer in headlights upon seeing all the people and families arriving.
You ran your hand up and down his arm in an effort of comfort and leaned up, pressing a kiss to his scruffy cheek. The five of you were surprised to find out that you were simply allowed to visit the park. There was no parade of you all, or big announcement. You were to enjoy your day out, speak with the public, explain why you were there and take any pictures requested but overall you were free to roam the park as you all pleased.
Un-hooking you arm you grabbed Bucky’s hand in your own and made your way towards the park’s entrance, tugging the large male behind you.
“C’mon Buck, I wanna go see Cinderella’s castle!”
Grinning at your words, Bucky couldn’t help but chuckle as you pulled him along behind you, a pair of Mickey Mouse ears adorning your head and you looked adorable. He was rather content with being pulled around by you today, perfectly happy watching you.
“Doll, the park has only just opened, and we have fast pass tickets. I think we have time.”
You rolled you eyes at him and called to Steve.
“Prince Rogers, hurry that ass up! We do not have all day.”
Steve met Nat’s glance before jogging over to you. Pulling you from Bucky’s grasp he threw you over his shoulder as he continued to run towards the entrance. Your laugh echoed behind you both and Wanda shrugged at Bucky and Nat before following you both at a fast pace.
“Hey, y/n promised to be my tour guide. Not yours.” And, knowing you were supposed to make yourselves a little bit obvious to the public, used her powers to remove you from Steve’s grasp and place you on the ground next to her. At the red magic swirling through the air many heads from members of the public turned towards you all. The whispers began and you knew it wouldn’t be long before they all began to approach.
With a smug grin plastered on her face, you and her ran through the gates and onto Main Street.
Wanda’s awe was just the reaction you had hoped for and you squealed in happiness and you pulled her into a large side hug as you both looked at the castle. She pulled out her phone and snapped a couple of pictures before shoving it back into her coat pocket.
You both waited patiently for the others to make their way to you and then the real fun could begin.
You all spent the day moving around the park, splitting up at different intervals to go on different rides or simply because a member of the public had stopped one of you.
Bucky stayed close to your side the whole time, his vice grip on your hand as he watched the public approach the group. Steve had to stop the most to sign things and take pictures and Bucky could almost picture him doing the same thing back in the 1940’s after his shows and he held to hold back a smirk at his friend.
You had been stopped several times also. While being a fairly new Avenger your ability to manipulate the earth was rather impressive. You adored the children who approached you timidly, being encouraged by their parents. Crouching down to their level you would hold your palm to the ground and produce little shapes out of the stones and pass them to the child in front of you. The little cries of joy made your heart squeeze and you happily returned every hug you got in return.
Watching you with the children was a lovely sight for Bucky. You glowed with happiness as you turned to smile at him every single time it happened.
“Bucky!” The sound of your call had him immediately looking for you, his instinct to protect you kicking in and his heart racing. Seeing you stood a few meters away with a small boy next to you had him breathing a sigh of relief and he made his way over to you at your gesture.
“Buck, this here is William. Say hi to Bucky, Will.”
William could not have been older than 6 and he glanced up at Bucky with wide green eyes.
“William was just telling me that his favourite Avenger was the Winter Solider.” Your smile reached your eyes as you took in your burly boyfriend looking so shocked.
With your eyes gestured for Bucky to crouch down next to William. Slowly, he did so and faced the small boy.
“Is that true?” The words tumbled out of Bucky’s mouth before he could stop them.
In utter awe that Bucky was talking to him, William nodded his head enthusiastically and found his voice.
“Yeah! He’s the coolest.” William glanced at Bucky. “He has a metal arm.”
The boy’s parents were stood closely to you three. His dad looked towards Bucky.
“William has a prosthetic leg, he lost it in a car crash a few years ago.” The pain in the words hit Bucky in the chest and he turned back towards the boy, moving his left arm into view.
Upon realising who he was stood with, William did not hesitate to throw his arms around the larger man. Returning the hug hesitantly he glanced up at you to see small tears welling in your eyes.
You were so happy to watch the scene in front of you. Sure, Bucky had been approached by a few people but not nearly as much as the rest of the group in attendance and you saw how it affected him that people were still weary. This little boy held no fear towards him.
You both spoke with William and his parent’s a little longer before bidding them goodbye and moving to meet the rest of the group at the front of the castle in time for the illuminations show.
“He was a sweet boy.” You casually commented.
Bucky glanced down at you. “He was wasn’t he. I never thought of myself as being a role model to children like him. He made me wonder if there were more like him.”
You nodded at his words.
“I think I might visit the children’s hospital. See if I can help any children like him.”
Your head lifted sharply at his words. A large grin covered your face and you pulled him into a deep kiss there and then. Placing his arms around your waist Bucky happily returned the gesture.
Pulling apart and slightly out of breath you whispered up at him. “I think that is a great idea Buck. You are more loved by them than you think.”
A small kiss was placed on your forehead as you approached the others.
Wanda darted forward towards you and pulled you away to speak with her prattling on about how her, Steve and Nat went in to the studios park and met Stormtroopers. Bucky moved to stand by Steve and the two watched as the three women chatted away and discussed their day.
A loud announcement over the speakers signifying that it was 5 minutes until the show had Bucky pulling away from his conversation with Steve and stepping towards you, pulling your body to his chest and you all turned to face the castle.
You were nearly in tears as you watched the illuminations show. It was so wonderfully done and so beautiful to watch with the combination of the projection, fireworks and music. Plus being in the arms of your boyfriend did make things even better.
You turned to shoot Bucky a quick smile before returning to watch the show.
Bucky glanced down at you. The fireworks were lighting up your face and Can you feel the love tonight echoed around the park. Bucky felt his breath leave him as a single thought crossed his mind as he watched you.
He loved you.
That was it. He loved you. You never made him feel different, you encouraged him to be himself and accept the support of those around him. You helped him to see things he didn’t think were there and you made him so undeniably happy. He couldn’t imagine life without you.
“I love you.”
The words fell from his lips like water, brushing against your ear as he leant forward towards you. You jolted in his arms and spun to face him. Your eyes were wide and your hair a slight mess from the wind but in that moment with your cheeks flushed you were perfect.
“What did you say?”
Placing his hands on either side of your face he pulled you towards him.
“I said, I love you.”
Your lips parted in shock. Your heart was racing like a jackhammer as the words registered in your mind before you threw yourself into his arms, burying your head into his shoulder very briefly. Pulling away you paused at his ear and whispered right back.
“I love you too.”
Bucky felt like he could fly hearing you say you loved him back and he kissed you just as a large display of fireworks set off behind you. Neither of you noticed the large grins adorning your friends faces as they witnessed the display of love between you both.
Pulling away, you giggled lightly and pressed one more kiss to Bucky’s lips before turning to watch the rest of the show.
As the show ended and people turned to leave you pulled away from Bucky to move with Nat and Wanda who immediately began light teasing at your very public display.
Steve clapped his old friend on the back.
“Congrats, pal.” Bucky’s returning grin was infectious and he pulled Steve into a quick hug before they followed you three out of the park.
Piling in to a black car that was parked waiting for them you snuggled up to Bucky’s side, the adrenaline from the day leaving your body and you quickly began to feel sleepy.
“Hey, Buck?”
“Yeah, doll?”
“Can I go meet a Stormtrooper tomorrow?” Your sleepy mumbled request made him smile and he agreed that you could go and meet a Stormtrooper.
Nodding and half asleep you managed a final few muffled words before you let sleep overtake you.
“You’re my Disney prince, Buck.”
Bucky pressed a kiss to your hair.
“You’re my princess, y/n.”
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writingmylove · 6 years
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writingmylove · 6 years
It's you
A/N yay my first Seb one shot!!! I wrote this because I know how often I feel like I wouldn't be good enough and know others must too so I wanted to write something for all of you girls who get insecure and I want you to know you are beautiful and you deserve the best and don't settle for less, okay?!
Hope you enjoy xx
It was just your luck that the weather app on your phone had told you it would be slightly warm and sunny today. You had put on a lovely light blouse and your most comfortable work trousers for your meeting. Except, the app had gotten it wrong. It was a horrible day and now here you were, trudging down the wet London street with your top half see through and hanging off you at a funny angle and your trousers sticking to you in bizarre places causing you to feel twice as big as you normally did.
It might have been okay if the training and conference you'd attended had actually been worth the 2 hour trip but no, that had also been a waste of your Saturday. You grumbled to yourself as you sped down the street with your head ducked, trying to avoid the rain ruining your make up like it had your hair.
I just want to get on the train and get home. Maybe put on a crappy movie and drink some goddamn wine.
The thought of a hot shower, pjs and wine was enough to put a small smile on your face, you were a girl of comfort after all. You could never understand people who didn't immediately change into comfy clothes as soon as they go into their homes. One of life's many unanswerable questions you supposed.
You jostled the books in your arms slightly only to have your bag strap slip down your arm and clunk against your sodden legs. Taking all the books into said arm you attempted to use your opposite arm to hoist the bag back up onto your shoulders. Following the steps of Murphy’s law, whereby what can go wrong will, you were so lost in your attempts to rectify the bag you failed to notice the, also somewhat distracted, young man who was coming straight towards you.
Therefore, the next thing you knew you were landing, rather heavily you might add, on your butt on the wet concrete. Your book's and bag landing around you due to your reflexes letting them go to brace yourself from the impact.
You squeezed your eyes shut. Don't cry y/n. Don't do it. Not even bothering to glance up at your 'assailant' whom you assumed would likely have just carried on their merry way, you turned to gather your things.
You were taken by surprise however, when a hand came into your vision, handing you your bag.
"Oh thank you," You spoke as you raised your head to express your gratitude to the man. "Most people wouldn't even bother.." You froze, y/e/c widening.
Sebastian was frustrated that he'd knocked the poor girl down. It was the last thing he needed but his parent's hadn't raised him to walk away and he bent down to help her. He quickly grabbed the pen he had seen roll away from them both as she began to thank him for helping, standing himself.
He watched slightly uncomfortable as her face froze when she looked at him.
"You're Sebastian Stan." Her voice was soft and disbelieving and Sebastian took the moment to look at her properly. Her y/h/c hair was wet and dishevelled from the weather and her mascara had begun to run slightly but he was still taken aback. She was quite beautiful really, despite her bedraggled appearance.
You felt amazed. You could not believe it. "You're Sebastian Stan."
He nodded stiffly, glancing at you wearily.
"I am." He noticed your face paling slightly. "Are you okay?"
You composed yourself, at least enough to form a sensible answer and maybe be brave enough to ask for a picture.
"Yeah. I'm just a big Marvel fan." Sebastian smiled at that, he did enjoy meeting fans. He hoped she was happy enough that it was him and not one of the bigger cast members. It was nice to be accepted as part of the huge franchise.
"I never thought I'd ever meet anyone from Marvel. I don't even know how to.."
There was a loud shriek and a rush of body's. Sebastian had been spotted by other fans. You were shoved to the side by an incredibly pretty blonde who oozed confidence and spoke to Sebastian as if she had known him for years and he just as animatedly spoke back. As he had said, he loved meeting the fans.
It was then that you noticed your appearance in a nearby shop window and your stomach dropped.
"Um, I'm just gunna.." Sebastian started as he watched her face quickly pale and she turned on her heel, speedily walking in the direction he had come from. He frowned a bit. It was not every day a fan had that sort of reaction to meeting him. He then noticed her glance at her reflection a few shops down and noticed the way her figure slumped afterwards. He wanted to call after her but his attention was, of course, quickly brought back to the fans around him and he placed a grin on his face and signed and chatted away with them all before making his leave.
Upon continuing his journey, Sebastian noticed he was still clutching something in his hand and looked down only to see the pen he had picked up for the girl from earlier with a name written across it.
You stifled back the sobs as you pushed open your front door. You had met one of your favourite Marvel actors and had looked, quite possibly, like you belonged in a homeless shelter. What must he have thought? As an actor he was surrounded by beautiful women both famous and as fans the kind that were tall and slim with long hair and glowing tans, he must have been disgusted at the sight of you.
Stripping your clothes off you stared at your reflection in the bathroom. You were not tall, that was plain as day. You weren't overweight by any means but you could see where the fat sat on your tummy and upper back, you weren’t tall nor were you particularly confident around men. With a heavy sigh you turned to shower and subsequently bury yourself in blankets before you had to think about your Sunday chores and preparing for work the following day.
Sebastian stared at the doorway in front of him. Was he actually going to do this? The nerves in his stomach were growing each passing second. Taking the plunge he pushed through into the reception area, immediately going to the desk to speak with the woman sat there.
"Hi. I'm looking for a y/n l/n? I think she might work here." He shifted uncomfortably as he spoke. He felt like a major stalker right now, what had he been thinking?
"Of course sir, may I ask your name?" The older woman smiled kindly at him and it was clear she had no idea who he was and he breathed a sigh of relief.
"Sebastian. Sebastian Stan." The woman nodded and turned to pick up the phone next to her.
"Penny," The receptionist glanced at him, smiling reassuringly. "Is y/n not at her desk?"
The woman nodded at something Penny must have said.
"There's a Sebastian Stan here to see her." A pause. "Okay, thank you Penny."
The woman turned back to him, putting the phone down. "You can go on up Mr Stan. Second floor, door on the right."
He turned to walk up the stairs. What are you doing Stan! Turn around now this is ridiculous!
He shook his head to be rid of the thoughts and continued his way up.
"y/n!" You turned your head from where you stood by the supply cupboard to look at your colleague.
"Apparently there is a Mr Sebastian Stan downstairs for you." Penny sent a grin in her friends direction. Penny had been informed about your debacle in London the other day and you shook your head at her words.
"That isn't even the slightest bit funny, Pen. Sod off." You turned your back to her again, hearing her murmur something to which you paid no mind as you grabbed more staples and sat back down at your desk, pushing your glasses back up from where they had slipped down your nose.
Sebastian was entranced. You had yet to notice him lingering in the doorway and it gave him an opportunity to look at you properly as you sat at your desk hidden in the corner of the room. Unlike the other day, you were bone dry. Your hair was a lovely y/h/c and shined underneath the lights above you. He could see the way your nose was scrunched up as you studied your computer screen and thought it was adorable. He took his chance and knocked against the door frame.
Your head snapped up as you heard a knock by the door. No one who worked here ever knocked.
"Hi, I'm Sebastian Stan. I'm looking for y/n l/n, I was told it was okay to come up?" His voice shook slightly as he addressed the room, his eyes lingering on your shocked face.
"What the hell is going on? How did you find me here?" The utter disbelief in your voice was prominent to all present and Sebastian cleared his throat before speaking.
"Your pen. It has your name and the company on it. I picked it up when we were in London." He moved slightly towards you and your eyes narrowed.
"Why have you come all the way here to give me back my pen?"
"I had to see you again."
You froze, once again. You had misheard that surely? The question must have been clear on your face because Sebastian continued after a beat.
"I saw how you looked at your reflection after the other fans came over and you walked off." You glanced at the floor, face reddening in mortification and you shifted uncomfortably.
"I had to come and tell you that I thought you were beautiful, even completely soaked from the rain," He hesitated as he took in the watery glance you shot him at his words.
"You can't think I'm beautiful, not when there are other girls out there like from London." Your voice betrayed you and cracked as you spoke.
Sebastian smiled then, stepping up to be stood in front of you he took your hand in his.
"Yet here I am. I came to find you, not them."
You looked at your hand intertwined with his and you felt calm. A soft look graced your features and you smiled up at him.
"What do you say, love? Go on a date with me?"
And you nodded.
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writingmylove · 6 years
I have Sebastian Standards.
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writingmylove · 7 years
New blog, who dis?
my writing blog is up yay!
Will post links and snippets of pieces I write and the first shall be an intro to my currently active peaky blinders fic sooo please like if you are interested in reading and if enough interest is shown I will post it!
Lots of love to you all
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