Writing advice from my uni teachers:
If your dialog feels flat, rewrite the scene pretending the characters cannot at any cost say exactly what they mean. No one says “I’m mad” but they can say it in 100 other ways.
Wrote a chapter but you dislike it? Rewrite it again from memory. That way you’re only remembering the main parts and can fill in extra details. My teacher who was a playwright literally writes every single script twice because of this.
Don’t overuse metaphors, or they lose their potency. Limit yourself.
Before you write your novel, write a page of anything from your characters POV so you can get their voice right. Do this for every main character introduced.
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Free Day/ Fun Facts!!
We are finally done! Yay!
This was a fun challenge. Thought I admit, it did distract me from writing about my other projects...so woops-
Anyway, to close this off, I wanted to give you guys some random fun facts about Taurn. Because I think it would be neat.
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Past Developments
His original story was about him going to an East Asian inspired country, meeting the locals, and stopping his dad from colonizing it. His arc was centered around controlling his anger to not hurt his loved ones. Also, his dad... wasn't even an emperor OR abusive. He was just... a dick ig.
Actually, in some iterations, he was cowardly? For some reason??
"Taurn" used to be the name of the country he was from. His original name? Taur. Yep...just the same name without the N.
He used to have a peace loving younger sister who dies in the story to help him learn to control his rage.
Other Details
Since it's pride month, ig I should say that Taurn is bi! I dont actually currently ship him with any male main characters, but uhh... yeah!
Taurn is based on Hector (Fire Emblem 7), Diamant and Alfred(Fire Emblem 17), Isabeau (In Stars and Time),Akihiko, and Kazushi (Persona 3), as well as a few other characters, maybe.
He's a bit too easy to fluster when it comes to receiving affection. He gets really red in the face. It's because he's not really used to it.
He’s really warm. Both his hands and body are warm to the touch.
His pockets are usually filled with snacks for his friends.
Paladin/House Emblem is the head of the bull with the sun in the middle of their horns.
In the Persona AU version of him, he would be named Taiyou. His persona would be Samson,Heracles, and/or Atlas.
In DND/Pathfinder, he would be a Paladin/Champion.
Welp. Thats the end. Thanks for looking at my stuff! Feel free to check out my other stuff too!
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I uhh...don't have much. To be honest, judging by the worst day of his life, on day two of this challenge, you can probably guess it wasn't great.
So I also decided to throw in stuff about his culture and stuff! Why not?
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Taurn's childhood was primarily spent being trained and educated in the ways of war and tactics by his father's word. While his mother and sister were often very kind and affectionate towards him no matter what, he failed to gain the warmth of his father unless he excelled. And when he failed, he met his wrath.
Taurn dedicated his life to becoming strong enough to do what he believed an emperor ought to do: protect and serve the people and defend them from anyone who dared to threaten them. The only problem is that he also felt he needed to do all of this himself.
Culture and Homeland
In addition to trying to conquer its neighbors in the past, it's also been seen using slaves or underpaid workers in order to mine a powerful metal they've dubbed "blacksteel" which makes up a majority of their weapons. This process is incredibly dangerous and cruel, and yet the nobles done often care. After all, it allows them to be stronger.
Taurn's country of Bovent is one in the rugged, warm mountains. It's entire culture is built around being strong, skilled, or knowledgeable enough to support the empire and fight in their honor. In a perfect world, anyone would be given the tools they needed to be able to achieve these goals, but...that's not the case. The strong hold most of the power, and they use that power to push down the weak. Fun times.
Taurn was surprisingly ignorant of how unfair the country was. He firmly believed the propaganda that everyone in life has the chance to show their might and be able to make their own path just like the people have been telling him.
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Writeblr Intro
I had no idea this was a thing, so hey, let's say hi to people!
My name is Xortberg (or Xort, if you're into brevity, or Nicholas if you're into real names, or Nick if you're into real names and brevity). 30 years old, he/him.
I'm a semi-professional writer, with most of my published stuff being TTRPG content, though one of them is a short story set in the Pathfinder setting.
As a big TTRPG fan who really loves the way rule systems can create fun emergent storytelling, and as someone who discovered Royal Road and LitRPG this year, I decided to buckle down and try to get my writing career off the ground with a TTRPG-inspired LitRPG story!
For writing, it's
Urban fantasy
Upright heroes and despicable villains—I keep the morally gray stuff to a minimum
Knight/Paladin-type characters. I just freaking love them.
Other interests include
Anime (especially magical girl anime, except for Sailor Moon)
Reading (Currently reading A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and hot damn is it funny)
Boxing (for fitness. I'm never getting into the ring so someone can punch me in the face)
And a bunch of other stuff, but those are the big ones right now.
I want moneeeey.
I mean, that's true of course, but also
Make some friends
Scream into the voidShare my thoughts on writing
Just have people read what I write. I've had stories in my head for so long, I'm really looking forward to putting more out there for people to see.
Feel free to interact! Message, comment, whatever you feel like!
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Weapons and Powers
So... I really like designing combat systems. Specifically, systems for RPGS and SRPGS. Building systems and mechanics, even if I don't plan on fully using them, is one of my favorite parts of designing these types of games.
Dalgari: Thrones of Legend is an SRPG. It's combat system is based heavily on Genealogy of the Holy War and Three Houses. It's fun to design builds and combat.
I went on this tangent to explain why most of the things you'll see/read here are just me explaining his "gameplay", so to speak...
Probably not necessary but WOO COMBAT WOO-
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Taurn is a strong physical unit focusing on dealing high amounts of burst damage to the enemies around him, and increasing the damage output of his allies
His skills revolve around doing high damage, getting critical hits, sustaining himself on the front lines, and buffing the strength and critical hit rate of his allies. He is an excellent frontline unit who can serve as a sort of off-tank if necessary.
His major weaknesses are his low magical resistance, his mediocre speed, and the weakness to arrows and wind magic he gains when he promotes, as he becomes a flying unit.
Descendant Powers
As a descendant of the great Warmaster, Hjördis, Taurn's physical strength and skill with swords is boosted. At any time they feel is right, a descendant will be able to boost the power of their strikes by invoking the power of their ancestors.
The power and amount of times one can use this power is determined by a brand; a sort of birthmark that appears on the body of those who have the blood of a champion in their veins.
The brand also allows them to wield a special weapon.
Weapons and Fighting Style
Taurn primarily uses swords and axes in battle, and his fighting style ranges from refined and powerful to brutal and aggressive. He could best be described as...a rushdown character in a fighting game... but in an SRPG.
His signature weapon is Moralltach,Sacred Brand of The Warmaster. It's a powerful, blessed longsword that was used to fend off demons and evil, cleaving through them with a divine flame.
When the wielder is wounded or low on health, their attacks pierce through the defenses of a foe. It is a symbol of status for the royal family of Bovent.
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If I had a nickel for every relationship I've written that involves:
A man who wants to help his wife grow more confident and self sufficient, but often feels guilty about putting her in situations where she isn't/has less control that she'd ought to.
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And a wife who would do anything to feel stronger and more confident, but often puts her needs aside for others' sake, often seeming more content with her situation than she really is.
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And had a constant worry that I would mess up their relationship and make it seem misogynistic(a man has to tell a woman to fight for her rights)
I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot bit it's mildly concerning that it's happened twice....woops.
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OK OK. So, considering the fact that Taurn is from an empire that favors war, strength, and conquest, and his whole character revolves around strength and improvement, you'd think he'd be into exercise and training.
You'd be right. He likes training, exercise, and sparring with others, possibly to an unhealthy degree.
Moving on.
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Taurn's other big hobby is cooking. He's like to cook ever since he was around 10-11. His father, Atlas, disapproved because he's kind of high-key sexist and believes that things like cooking and cleaning are for women, blah blah blah. Taurn doesn't care. This is the one thing that he will not budge on. He likes to cook and doesn't care if his father is mad at him for it.
Good food does more than taste good. It can connect people, bring them joy, and help heal the souls of the wounded and scarred. It's one of the many ways that he can forge bonds and make friends with everyone he meets and unwind when things get stressful.
Also some foods are very healthy and good for improving your strength. That's neat.
Once he promotes/ gets a wyvern, Basalt, he also gains an interest in animals. He cares for his wyvern a lot, and does his best to make sure he stays healthy by learning everything he possibly can about taking care of mounts.
So...yeah! Next time is his combat! Which I am looking forward to!
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OC Week Day 3
Hey! Time for relationships! Yay
Taurn has a lot of relationships with many people, as do many characters in DToL. Let's talk about his most important ones!
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The People
The Gilded Guardians are a group of people from all over the world dedicated to bringing peace and prosperity to all the continents of the realm, bringing together to people from all countries, classes,backgrounds and races.
Taurn is a prince from a foreign country known for its strength and its feats of conquest. Many people see him and all people from his country of Bovent as powerful, honorable warriors. Though many others see them as power-hungry fiends who take the lives of many people around them.
Taurn sort of fits both of these descriptions. He is a powerful man who uses his strength to protect the weak. But his obsession with getting stronger is often seen as a fault, rightfully so. And he holds his father in high regard. Despite the everything about him.
Taurn's passion for protecting and helping his friends is a prominent part of his character, and he often is willing to push past his limits and sacrifice his health to do so. He is a reliable ally to his friends. Just like he wants to be.
His Family
Taurn has three family members. His Father Emperor Atlas, his mother, Empress Theresa, and his younger Princess Scarlett.
He deeply admires his mother and sister. His sister may not be as strong or battle-hungry as him, but she is just as dedicated to defending her country as much as he is, and is more skilled when it comes to tactics and politics.
His mother has always been there to care for the two of them and has held many people's lives together with her kindness and intelligence. Taurn does wish that she would dote and care for him less. Like any of his relationships, he tries his hardest to be the leader and the one who cares for others.
The one he had a more complicated relationship with is his father. He deeply admires and respects him but also fears him. In the beginning, he is liable to go against his own morals if his father demands it, holding him up as a gold standard for moral judgment because of his might (and the trauma that Taurn experienced)
But as the game goes on, and he's surrounded by those who help him dismantle these views, he learns to defy his father's expectations and be his own man.
Anyway, I'm later for this. So...WOOPS!! THATS THE END OF DAY 3-
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Best and Worst Days
Forgot about this. Woops!
So uhh...I'm gonna use Taurn Cymbeline Lyndwerth for this!
For those of you who don't know who this guy is, here's a link to his bio.
But if you don't wanna read that, here's a summary:
Taurn is a major character from a story I'm working on known as Dalgari: Thrones of Legend, a story about descendants of divine warriors who are also heirs to countries taking charge and leading the world to prosperity.
He's a headstrong, proud, caring young man who has trained endlessly in the ways of war and wishes to be a strong pillar of strength for his allies and his people, and because of his status as a descendant and prince of an empire, he is a powerful asset.
With that being said, let's get into it.
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Also no I can't draw.
Best Day
Taurn has a lot of these. But it he had to pick, it's probably be the day he met his best friend and confidant, Prince Leon Alrone. During his time at an officers academy, he trained and studied the ways of war. The academy would often hold mock battles to test the might of the students. And in every mock battle, Taurn and Leon were put against each other.
They fought like crazy and formed a bit of a rivalry. In all honesty, they probably hated each other at first.
But then they were put on the same team for once. After putting aside their differences, they fought together. And they kicked serious ass.
After that, they became the best of friends (and briefly lovers before deciding to break up), and they were always at each other's side, training together. He was the first person who he felt like he could trust to have his back if, for whatever reason, he couldn't measure up.
Worst Day
One day, when he was 16, Taurn was entered into a tournament. His father, Emperor Atlas, saw this as his chance to prove how strong his heir was, and Taurn saw this as his chance to be praised by his family and his people.
In the beginning, he was doing well despite being young compared to the competitors. But as the battles grew harder, and the pressure built, his heart seemed to be as pained as his body and soul were starting to be.
Near the end, he suddenly stopped, feeling a searing pain in his heart, and his breathing got heavy. He collapsed and was unable to continue the tournament.
He failed.
Emporer Atlas, was furious. Atlas had spent years training him and his sister for greatness, and had taken a special interest in Taurn do to hia major connection to his ancestors. And ij his first outing, his first chance to show off the might of the royal family he lost in such a pathetic manner. He could not have that.
Taurn remembered little of what Atlas actually said. But he remembered him shouting at him when they got home. He remembered his father shaking him. He remembered tears, he remembered being struck to the ground. He remembers feeling like a disgrace and promising to the world that he would never let that happen again.
It turned out that Taurn had developed a heart condition. When he was under too much physical stress, his heart and body would start to ache, and he would have a reaction similar to what happened at the tournament. It took him time, but he eventually was able to continue his training, with the added caveat that he now couldn't train as hard or for as long as he did before. Doctor's orders.
The whole thing made him hate feeling vulnerable. He hated being treated like a burden by his father, or being doted on by his mother and sister. He hated how they worried for him. That was his job.
He swore never to let an incident like that happen ever again. Never again would he ever be weak. He'd be strong. He had to be. Or else.
So... yeah, that's how he got his complex of needing to be the pillar or rock in most relationships. Also, that's why he's so reckless and headstrong.
And that's all for today! Yay!!!
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wyvernwriterarchive · 11 days
The updated demo will soon be released, bringing in some updates to combat, previous levels, and some new chapters too!
Sorry for vanishing for a bit. With school being...well, school, and my computer being kind of awful, updates were a bit slow. Plus, I may have lost a bit of motivation to work on the game for a little while. But I'm back now, with a lot more free time!!! Expect a new demo within a month or two.
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wyvernwriterarchive · 23 days
Major Characters in my W.I.Ps as Tarot Cards P2!!
Tathylia Chronicles
Explanation of their arc and why I picked the card. May include mine or spoilers.
Chris: Justice
When faced with a world filled with xenophobia, classism, and racism, Chris openly fights against it or, in other ways, hates it. He grows more willing to do it as his journey goes on, and he gets stronger, becoming a common hero of justice.
After learning and losing so much, April almost fell deep into despair. But she realized that she must stand strong in order to reclaim and reshape her country.
Rowan:The Sun
Despite the dangers ge faces as a dyreblod in a world that is often cruel to them, he wants to heal old wounds and bridge the gap between the races, and he truly believes he can do it with his positive attitude and smile.
Zachery:The Star
Zachery is in a very powerful, divine position that he believes he isn't worthy of being in. After learning about his countries crimes, he is even more unsure. But he is hopeful that he can use his position to bring an age of peace and wisdom to his homeland.
May: The Moon
May is motivated by fear above all else, and desperately wants to return to her normal, peaceful life...or so she thinks. To find out what she really needs, she must face her fears and fight to survive.
Azul:The Heirophant
Azul is Chris' father and cares for his mercenary company like their family. He often teaches Chris about the past war and helps him grow more confident in his abilities as a leader.
Unable to let go or forgive humans for the crimes of their past, she is scornful of them whenever possible, often being met with the same treatment. But she does seem to be getting close to letting go of the trauma thanks to her son.
Aurelia:The Chariot
Her country is at war. Her soldiers are scared, her father won't do anything, and the nobles are trying to take power wherever they can. In this harsh time, Aurelia inspires many to move forward even in the face of uncertainty and danger, and is convinced to fight for a brighter, more just future for Vanar's citizens or Vanarian nobility.
Juvensly:The Devil
Motivated by a desire for power for his father, Emperor Cadmus,he constantly leads his soldiers to fight and die in a war that doesn't need to happen. He is ruled both by his wicked desire for conquest and his dream of being loved by his father.
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wyvernwriterarchive · 25 days
Tumblr...do your thing and connect me with other writers ❤️
(Please reblog if you're an active writing blog)
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wyvernwriterarchive · 26 days
As someone who has kind of done this trope...twice. uhh
I mean, in my defense, the person fighting for change lives at the end, and society does end up changing with his help, plus the main character agrees with his sentiment, and wants to help him in a less violent way.
And the message both of them learned wasn't supposed to be "your worse than your oppressors, so you deserve to die" it was "you are/were right to fight, but you need to focus your fury on those in power, and not those without it."
Both of them were also just me looking at history and realizing that while revolution does work, it is often extremely chaotic and violent. But still. I should probably work on making sure I avoid this trope as much as possible because it does such. Severely.
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can we stop doing this trope
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wyvernwriterarchive · 1 month
Class Types
⚔️Infantry: A simple foot soldier. Nothing positive or negative about them, but they make up a large majority of any good army and typically specialize in physical weapons.
☘️Covert: Lighter infantry like archers and thieves who can quickly traverse terrain and weaken enemies with their attacks. They are slightly weaker but have better evasion and utility.
🐎Cavalry: Fighters who ride a mount on the ground, like cavaliers or rangers. High mobility, but usually crippled by rough terrain. To make up for their incredible maneuverability, they often have lower stats.
🛡️Armored: Units within heavy, powerful armor like knights. Lower speed and mobility are usually bad at taking magic attacks usually. But they are incredibly durable walls and have great strength and defense. Plus, they defend allies around them.
🦅Flying: An airborne soldier who takes to the skies.High mobility and ignores terrain penalties, but usually low defense. They also can not gain the benefits of most terrain bonuses.
🔮Spellcaster: A unit that can cast spells with ease, melting through enemies with lower resistance. They suffer in the defensive department, though.
🦁Shifter: A unit that can shift into a beast periodically. They are weaker in their human form, but in their beast form, they are incredibly powerful.In DToL, shifters are split into Beasts(physical) and Monsters(magical)
Mercenary ⚔️
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A sellsword who handles tough jobs for coins with their raw power and skill with a sword. Balanced and powerful physical stats, with especially good strength and skill.
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A nimble myrmidon of the blade. With a dash of flair and charm, they are known for swiftly parrying and retaliating against those who stand against them. High speed and skill, but lower defenses.
Thief 🍀
Swift pickpockets who would rather take your gold and items than your life. They are fast and have great utility, such as being able to take valuables, but their lower physical stats will prove to be somewhat of an issue.
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An armored fighter with a sturdy spear, making up the bulk of any good army. Fierce and loyal to a cause, they face off against enemies with steady, precise strikes, and well rounded combat. They specialized in durability and accuracy.
Heavily armored warriors who sacrifice mobility for power and protection. Rather slow, but incredibly strong and tough
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Militia ⚔️
A budding commoner who has taken up the fight to defend themselves. Has great potential written all over them, even if they start out rather underwhelming.
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Strong and vigorous combatants who wield the humble, yet mighty axe. They rend through enemy defenses with balanced strength, skill, and vitality, but lower defenses.
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Rugged and rampant scoundrels who choose a wild fighting style in order to survive in the harsh outlands, spreading fear as they go. They boast power but lower accuracy.
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With a song of freedom and an odd yet brutal fighting style, these seafarers often spread horror on the coastal areas of the world. Great speed and luck, but low defenses.
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wyvernwriterarchive · 1 month
Do this
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Good stuff.
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wyvernwriterarchive · 1 month
Do this
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Good stuff.
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wyvernwriterarchive · 1 month
Send in a title and I'll draw an OC/Character that I associate to it
The Child/Son/Daughter
The Parent/Father/Mother
The Gardener
The Farmer
The Cook
The Artist
The Musician
The Architect
The Scientist
The Healer
The Guardian
The Watcher
The Keeper
The Lover
The Fighter
The Thief
The Femme Fatale
The Fool
The Jester
The Magician
The Prince/Princess
The Lord/Lady
The King/Queen
The Quiet
The Lost
The Forgotten
The Dead
The Undead
The Ghost
The Phantom
The Shadow
The Monster
The Sun
The Moon
The Star/s
The Earth
The Sea
The Flower
The Fae
The Mirror
The Oracle
The Prophet
The Creator
The Angel
The Devil
The Damned
The Vengeful
The Righteous
The Wise
The Chosen One
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